> Let Me Break You > by KillerChainsaw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > It Won't Take Much > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deadlines were sometimes hard to make, this was never normally much of a problem for the skilled seamstress named Rarity. She always made sure to be on time for finishing all of her outfits for all her customers, however tonight she was given an order that she hadn't had much time to work on and as such she was a little late on getting it all done and ready to be picked up. The outfit was finished and ready to be worn, the only problem was she needed a pony to help her with the fitting. It was late and there probably wouldn't be any ponies around to help her out, Celestia's sun had not long started to set, as the day was coming to a quick close. Rarity needed this outfit all done and ready for tomorrow morning, and there was also the fact that this particular oufit would need a certain type of pony, a pony who had a certain build to them, they had to be slim, but not have much muscle mass, they had to have a well exercised posture, and they had to have a nicely tonned, broad chest, they also had to be a relatively young pegasus. With all that in mind Rarity believed she knew just the pony to help her out, they would fit the body type perfectly, and luckily for her their workshift had ended a good while ago, which meant they would probably be free right now, and tomorrow was their day off. And that is how the fast pegasus known as Rainbow Dash was dragged into a suit fitting late in the evening at 'The Carousel Boutique'. Rainbow didn't mind helping out Rarity every once in a while, and she figured she wouldn't be there for very long, after all it was just meant to be a simple fitting, however she had been at the boutique for almost two hours now, and it wouldn't be long before it would start getting really late. The sky was already starting to turn into a dark blue, and Rainbow wanted to be back at her own home before any stars started to appear. There were quite a few things that the cyan pegasus could put up with when it came to helping her friend like this, however standing around, expected to stay completely still for almost two hours straight wasn't one of them, at least not with some protests that is. Rarity was trying to see if there was anything she had to touch up on the outfit, but unfortunately her 'model' kept moving, causing her to start becoming annoyed now at the fact that the pegasus just wouldn't stay still for a few minutes. The unicorn tolerated a lot of the moving around from the pegasus, but eventually it was beginning to really irritate her. "Rainbow Dash, could you please try and keep still?" Rarity asked as she frowned a little, while stepping back slightly. "That's all I have been doing for hours now, how much longer are you going to keep me here anyway? You said this wouldn't take anymore than a few minutes," Rainbow asked as she squirmed around in the tight-fitting outfit, hating the uncomfortable feeling it made against her body "Well it was going to be only a few minutes, but with you keep moving like that, I can't get a proper look to see if I need to fix anything," Rarity answered as she felt annoyed at how long this had taken as well. "Why did you even ask me to do this?" "Because you fit the criteria that I need for this particular outfit," Rarity stated as she took another step back and smiled slightly when she saw how well this formal suit fitted the pegasus, even though it wasn't orginally being made for her. "What do you mean by that, this doesn't feel like it fits me at all, it's tight, and it looks like it was for..." Rainbow paused as she looked over the outfit, guessing that this was the kind of thing that most mares wouldn't fit into, yet she did somehow. "For what?" Rarity asked as her smile grew a little wider. "Well for a teenage colt," Rarity looked to the pegasus for a moment, before she just chuckled slightly, "Maybe that's because that's exactly who it is for," "Are you calling me a colt?" Rainbow asked with a raised eyebrow, not looking the least bit amused. "No, I'm just saying that you have a build like one, or at least a relatively young one," Rairty stated as she walked closer to her 'model', before stepping back and nodding in satisfaction. "Wow thanks," Rainbow rolled her eyes in reply. "Okay, I can take that off of you now, thank you for helping me with this," Rarity stated as she used her magic to slowly take off the black overcoat, and placed it back on one of her mannequins, undoing all the buttons on the undershirt a second later. "No problem I guess, but if this is for a colt, couldn't you just get a stallion to model it for you instead?" Rainbow asked as she stretched happily when she felt Rairty's magic remove the tight-fitting formal shirt off her body, feeling free as her chest didn't feel like it was being crushed anymore, whipping her long rainbow mane back, while she walked over to stand next to the unicorn. "Of course not, it would be incredibly difficult to find a stallion who has the kind of build that I needed, however you seem to fit the bill almost perfectly," Rarity smiled as she finished dressing her mannequin in the suit that she had just taken off the pegasus. "Doesn't Applejack have quite the masculine build as well though, why couldn't you ask her for help?" Rainbow asked as she looked to the outfit, regretting asking her question as she caught sight of Rarity's smile. "Because Applejack isn't a pegasus, where as the colt that I'm making this for is," Rarity stated as she looked back to the suit, noticing something about it, while she tlited her head to the side slightly, before she fixed the collar on the shirt and nodded to herself with a smile. Rainbow just rolled her eyes again, feeling a little ashamed of herself, for not realizing that the suit was made for a pegasus, to be honest the suit did have holes for her wings, but she had a feeling they were made for a pegasus with smaller wings, so maybe that made it feel like the outfit wasn't one for her kind. "Who is this for anyway?" Rainbow asked changing the subject, while she watched Rarity look over the outfit, before she would use her magic to fix something about it. "Nopony you would know. There's a loyal customer who I often make event dresses for, she's from Canterlot and has a teenage son, he's going to a friend's wedding soon, so his mother had me make this for him. Only I wish she would have told me about it eariler, that way I would have had more time to spend on it," Rarity explained, while it seemed like she was just talking to herself when she spoke out that last part. Rainbow just nodded in reply, smiling slightly while she heard the unicorn sigh heavily, guessing that she was no doubt tired after rushing to get this suit all finished on time, before she would have it ready to be picked up tomorrow morning. While Rainbow watched her friend continue with fixing the suit here and there, she stood not making a sound, thinking about the fact that she had never really watched the unicorn when she was hard at work like this, looking to her instensely concentrated expression that she wore right now. "You know Rainbow you did look quite dashing while you were wearing this, would you like me to make you one in a bigger size maybe?" Rarity asked as she smiled, while glancing to Dash slightly, her magic still being used to fix parts of the outfit that seemed like it didn't need anything more done to it, but still the unicorn kept tweaking at it here and there. "Yeah right, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but formal clothing isn't really my thing, plus when would I wear something like this?" Rainbow asked not seeing where Rarity was coming from since she didn't think a suit like that would fit her personality very well. "Nonsense, I think you would fit wearing formal attire like this very well, besides you certainly have the body type for it," "Quit saying that, just because I'm the athletic type, doesn't mean I have the body of a colt," Rainbow said as it seemed like she was starting to get annoyed now. "Of course it doesn't," Rarity replied with a nod and a smile, before she looked over the suit again, and still didn't seem all that pleased with how it looked. Rainbow thought it looked fine to her, but clearly Rarity saw certain things that still needed fixing. Rarity wasn't being mean to Rainbow by saying these things, she was just pushing her buttons a little, and although it was getting to the pegasus a little, she figured the unicorn was only doing it to get back at her for the fact she had done nothing but complain while she came her to help her friend out, plus she hadn't been very cooperative so that caused the making of this oufit to be a much longer process then it needed to be. "Hey is there anything else you need me here for? Because if there's not than I can just head off home, right?" Rainbow asked, wondering when she could finally leave and go back home to her nice, warm bed. Rarity's eyes widened as she looked back to Rainbow for a moment, thinking to herself before she answered, "Sorry Rainbow, but do you think you could stay just a little bit longer, just in case I need your help again?" she asked with a slightly nervous smile to the pegasus, feeling sorry for keeping her here, but then again she didn't want to risk having her leave when she might still need her for something afterwards. "What else could you need me for? To be honest I'm not sure why you keep fixing that suit, it looks fine to me," Rainbow stated as she felt annoyed at the unicorn denying her request to go back to her own home for the night. "That's just it though, while it may look fine to you and me, it may not be the same story for a pony who lives in Canterlot," Rarity explained as she looked back to the outfit, still thinking that she could improve it in some ways, while Rainbow just looked to her with a bit of a confused expression, not getting why the unicorn was being such a perfectionist about this one outfit, and getting herself a little worked up over it in the process. "You worry about things too much, and while you may not be as bad, you are starting to sound a little like Twilight right now," Rainbow commented as the unicorn worried over if her outfit would be good enough for the colt that it was being made for. "It's not like you would understand anything about it Rainbow, so could you please just sit there and be quiet? I need to stay focused on this, and you're distracting me." Rarity stated as she shook her head, and sighed, before she went back to constanly looking over the suit, and then fixing some small thing that didn't even look like it needed to be fixed at all. Rainbow Dash felt like answering back, but felt like it would only cause her friend more stress, after all arguing with her probably wasn't the best idea right now, so instead she just mumbled something under her breath and sat down in silence, while she watched the unicorn work, getting the feeling that she wouldn't be leaving for a good while yet. And so minutes passed by as Rainbow Dash sat on the floor in silence, watching Rarity work on the suit, while the pegasus would preen the cyan feathers on her wings every now and again to keep herself occupied, wishing that she could just go home already, it was starting to get really late now, and she was feeling quite tired, wanting to go home and curl up in her bed once she was allowed to leave, but it didn't seem like that would be happening anytime soon unfortunately. After a while Rainbow became bored with just sitting around and doing nothing, but every time she tried to start up a conversation with Rarity, she would either shut her down with a quick one word reply, or she wouldn't say anything at all, acting like she didn't hear the pegasus, while she looked like she was truly engrossed with her work, even though she wasn't really doing much, that's what it looked like at least. Within a few more minutes, Rainbow couldn't take it anymore, and started calling out to her friend, getting louder each time she didn't repsond. It was clear that Rarity could hear her fine, yet she continued to ignore her, thinking that if she didn't reply, the pegasus would eventually give up. But that didn't happen, the annoying reapeating call of her name, just kept getting louder and louder, slowly driving the unicorn to thinking about throwing her friend out in order to get some peace. Yet she refained from doing so since she wasn't sure if she would still need the pegasus around to help her out with finishing off this suit. Seeing as how simply calling to the unicorn wasn't getting her attention at all, Rainbow decided to stand up and walk over to her friend, getting close to her as she tried poking the working unicorn with a hoof, wondering if that would work better. But still Raity refused to reply or even glance back to the pegasus, wanting to yell at Rainbow to just leave her alone alreadly, but deciding against it. Rainbow stood back for a moment, wondering what she could do to try and get the attention of her friend, giving Rarity a short time of quiet so she could get on with her work happily, however that peace was short-lived it seemed, as Rainbow smiled when she got an idea that might just work. Rainbow slowly moved closer to Rarity, the unicorn not noticing how close she actually was until she could feel her warm breath on her fur. Dash smiled as she blew air into Rarity's ear, whispering her name a second later, causing the unicorn to shiver slightly, but she still didn't even look to the pegasus, determined to stay focused on her work. Dash's smile grew wider, as she noticed how the pure white mare would shiver slightly, everytime she felt the pegasus's warm breath against her fur, her ears twitching in respose to the small whispers that left Rainbow's lips, 'Wow her ears are so sensitive, simply breathing on them causes her to shiver all over, this is kinda fun,' Dash thought as she carried on her assult on her friend's ear, having to hide her slight chuckles every time she caused the uncorn to shiver. Although Rainbow was now getting some sort of reaction from the unicorn, she still wasn't getting any kind of reply, so she decided to go a little further, wondering how much it would take for the other mare to finally give in and respond or at least look back to her. Rainbow leaned forward ever so slightly, as she whispered the other mare's name in her ear, while she used a single wing to brush over the unicorn's back and rump, causing her to tremble all over in surprise. Rarity let a small gasp of surprise escape her lips, while she could feel each one of the cyan pegasus's soft feathers brushing lightly against her pure white fur, causing her to shiver all over, while cold chills run down her spine, this wasn't good, despite all of Rarity's best efforts, she was quickly being broken down, by the simplest of actions. Rarity couldn't believe it all Rainbow Dash was doing was whispering in her ear, and simply brushing her wing over her back, so how was this causing her to shiver and...start to pant? She had done similar things with other ponies, but none of them had made her act like this, just what was going on with her right now. Rainbow couldn't help but let her small chuckles escape her lips, as she heard that gasp of surprise, 'That was a cute sound,' she thought as she continued on. However even though she could tell that she was breaking the unicorn down slowly, she hadn't yet been able to completely get her attention, so she thought she would push it just that little bit further, thinking that she would no doubt get a response from the other mare. Rarity suddenly froze as she felt Rainbow get even closer to her ear, biting her bottom lip, before she felt the pegasus's rough, warm tongue lightly brush against her fur, giving her ear a long, slow lick, causing her to shake all over and gasp slightly. That was all that she could take, she could deal with what the annoying pegasus had done prior, however now she had gone too far. "Rainbow Dash, will you please cut that out alr..." Rarity quickily stopped working and turned her head round, ready to give the pegasus a good scolding, only to pause as she hadn't realized just how close her face was to Rainbow's, gasping in surprise as her muzzle touched Rainbow's lightly, while their lips brushed against each other ever so slightly. Both of the mares' eyes went wide, as they both froze for a moment, neither one knowing what to do next, as they just stood completely still, waiting for the other to pull away and separate them. However it didn't look like either one was going to do that, so instead Rainbow Dash decided to go further, she had been enjoying this, and when she saw a slight blush creep on to Rarity's cheeks, while her sapphire eyes began to well up with slight tears, she felt something spark inside of her. Dash just shurgged her shoulders as she smiled and leant forward, causing Rarity to gasp again as she felt the pegasus's lips press against her's, her blush now deepening and spreading all the way up to her ears, while she felt like she couldn't move anymore as Rainbow deepened the kiss slightly and advanced, pinning the unicorn down on to her back, as Rarity lay on the floor, finding her stength a second later, as she broke the kiss, and immediately glared to the cyan pegasus who was now standing over her. "Rainbow Dash! Just what do you think you are doing?" Rarity raised her voice as her tone sounded disgusted, while her blushing expression told a different story. "What's it look like?" Rainbow smirked as she leaned down to Rarity and lightly pecked her lips, 'She's blushing, I didn't know she could have this cute side to her,' she thought as she felt like she had started to uncover a hidden side to the unicorn that she had never seen before, making her want to see more of it. "G-Get off me!" Rarity cursed herself for stuttering a little there, wanting to push the pegasus off of her, only to reailze that she had lost all her strength again, feeling like she couldn't move her body at all. "You're cute, Rares," Rainbow smiled as she leaned down and licked the other mare's ear again, causing the unicorn to shiver and bite her bottom lip. "Stop that!" Rarity protested as she used the little strength that she had to squirm under the dominating pegasus, not fazing Dash in the slightest. "Your ears are really senseitive huh?" Rainbow asked, while she licked Rarity's ear lightly, nipping at it slightly every now and again. "No, stop...don't bite," Rarity panted out as she gasped in reply to Rainbow biting down on her ear a little harder, being sure to leave her mark there. 'How...how is she doing this?' Rarity wondered as she felt Rainbow's hot tongue licking the very tip of her ear, causing her to tremble all over and bite her lip, feeling like she would end up moaning if the pegasus kept this up. Suddenly her eyes went wide as she felt the soft brushes of Dash's wing starting to run over her body. Running over her soft chest, descending down to caress her slim stomach and abdomen, tickling her fur slightly, and causing her to shiver and squirm more. Her bones began to tingle, as she could now hear herself panting slightly, in all her life with every mare or stallion she had allowed to come home with her, she had never let them get further than a simply goodbye kiss at the end of the night, so how? How was somepony like Rainbow Dash breaking down her wall so easily now? Wait they were friends, they shouldn't be doing something like this, it was wrong on so many levels, 'But if this is wrong... then why does it feel so...good?' Rarity questioned as she felt like she was quickly beginning to lose herself. Rainbow looked down to Rarity, as she watched her pant heavily, while she would tremble every time she felt the pegasus's feathers lightly brush against her fur. Dash pushed on further as she moved her wing to lightly brush against the unicorn's thighs, smiling as her eyes widened at the sound of a different noise escaping Rarity's lips. "Mmmm...Rainbow..." Rarity unconsciously let out a small, but very clear moan, as she clenched her teeth together, and her blushed deepened even more "Was that a moan I just heard?" Rainbow raised an eyebrow, as she smirked down to the mare laying beneath her, and leaned down a moment later, licking and kissing Rarity's neck lightly, while she heard more moans escape the unicorn's lips in reply. "R-Rainbow Dash...s-stop...mmm..." Rarity cursed herself for allowing those small moans to escape her lips, her mind now starting to go completely blank, while her protests began to get quieter as this went on. "You're really liking this, aren't you?" Rainbow whispered as she bit down on Rarity's neck slightly, leaving one or two marks there, while her feathers brushed over the unicorn's fur, causing her to squirm and moan in return. Rainbow stopped her advances for a moment, as she stared down to Rarity, letting her catch her breath, while she pressed her forehead against the unicorn's, gazing deep into those bright sapphire eyes of her's. "Can I go even further?" the pegasus asked as her smirk formed into a expression of longing, clearly wanting to continue, but not without the other mare's consent it would seem. 'I'm panting heavily, and sweating all over, my body trembles at every small touch, or kiss, or lick, or even breath of her's, this has never happened to me before, I've never let things get this far, and yet...why do I want to carry on? Oh Rainbow...why do I feel so helpless against you right now?' Rarity thought as she gazed back into Rainbow's magenta eyes, feeling her heart racing in her chest, while she saw the pegasus leaning in, and she allowed herself to do the same. The two mare's getting closer and closer until they closed their eyes slowly, and their lips met in a tender kiss. This time Rarity didn't want to pull away, or protest, she just wanted this to last. She was kissing Rainbow Dash, and she still saw it as something that was wrong, but even so, she couldn't deny how much she was actually enjoying this, her high wall that she had always made sure to keep up, in order to never let anypony see what really lay hidden underneath, was now quickly crumbling down, and she didn't even care anymore, she just wanted to indulge in this moment more. Letting Rainbow deepen their tender kiss, gasping slightly when she felt the pegasus's tongue licking her bottom lip, asking politly for an entrance, which Rarity gave to her quite happily, as she parted her lips slightly, and allowed Dash's tongue to dart into her mouth, exploring her walls, causing her to moan into the deep kiss, while she opened her eyes a little, sighing slightly as their lips parted and Rainbow smiled down to her. 'Rainbow Dash is one of my friends, we shouldn't be doing something like this, it's wrong...but at the same time...it feels so right,' Rarity thought as she gazed back to Rainbow, catching her breath, while she was very close to losing herself right now, all she needed was that small push to drive her over the edge. And it seemed like Rainbow knew a way to do exactly that, as she now started to move her wing again, having held it still while it was brushing over Rarity's thighs lightly. Rarity's eyes went wide, as she had felt one or two of the pegasus's soft feathers, lightly brush against her inner thigh, now dangerously coming into contact with the unicorn's most precious place. Rarity froze for a moment as she realized just how far Rainbow was willing to go right now, and to be honest she didn't feel the need to stop her. Rarity bit her bottom lip and moaned quietly as she could feel the very delicate touch of a few of Dash's cyan feather's caressing the outside of her aroused entrance, she knew that all of this had been turing her on, but she had no idea that it was this bad, as she only now just realized the very noticeable moist sensation she felt between her legs, causing her whole body to slowly start to heat up. Even though it was something so small, it was clearly enough to push Rarity over the edge, as she let herself relax underneath the pegasus, before she sighed deeply, and smiled, while Rainbow leaned down slightly and nuzzled her neck. "Rainbow," "Hmm?" Rainbow lifted her head up as she looked to the mare she was standing over, answering to her call, while she wondered if the unicorn would actually agree to this or not, she had been protesting quite a bit so far, so maybe this was where she would draw the line and thrown the pegasus off of her, telling her to leave, and then causing things to be uncomfortably awkward between the two. However that did not happed instead Rarity just slowly linked her forlegs around Rainbow's neck, pulling her close, while she seemed to be much more relaxed now, her guard now broken down to reveal the longing desire that lay beneath it. "Stop stalling already, and just take me," Rarity panted out, as she looked to Rainbow with pleading eyes, she didn't care anymore, her wall had finally collapsed, unveiling the hidden pony who wanted nothing more than to have her body ravaged by the other mare standing above her. Rainbow gazed down to Rarity for a moment, waiting for her to take back what she had just said, and when she didn't, Dash just smiled as she leaned down to the other's mare's ear and licked it slightly, "That's a good mare," Rainbow whispered, while Rarity shivered and moaned quietly, as she noticed the seductive tone the pegasus now had in her voice, obviously showing that she was more than willing to fulfill her request. The two then shared another short, but still very passionate deep kiss, before Rainbow went back to attacking Rarity's sensitive ears again, causing her to tremble all over and moan in reply, her body beginning to shake slightly, while her blush had now deepened to the shade of a dark crimson red. "Rainbow...mmm..." Dash smiled everytime she heard those, quiet and cute moans leave Rarity's lips, as they urdged her on to be a little rougher, while she moved on to the unicorn's horn, nudging the tip of it lightly with her muzzle, getting the other mare's attention before she did anything more. "Wait Rainbow, j-just what are you planning to do?" Rarity asked, having never had sompony get this far before, and as such, she wasn't too sure what the pegasus may do next, after all she did seem to be much more experienced with this kind of thing. Rainbow didn't answer her as she just stuck out her tongue, and gave the unicorn's horn a long, slow lick, starting from the base, and ending right at the very tip, causing Rarity to freeze and tense up, shuting her eyes and moaning a little louder, while she could feel Dash's rough tongue running up her horn slowly, as her hot saliva streamed down the unicorn's horn, beginning to thoroughly wet it. Rarity bit her lips, surprised by the intense shockwaves that were being sent through her body now, as she continued to moan and tremble with excitement, panting heavily, while she kept a tight hold on the pegasus standing over her, allowing her to pleasure her in any way that she pleased. 'I've never had my horn licked or anything before, I mean I guess I have heard that it feels good...but the word 'good' is really an understatement. This feels like nothing I have ever felt before, I can't hold back my voice, my head feels dizzy...I...I...I feel like I could pass out from how unbelievably breathtaking this feels,' Rarity thought as she could never have imagined how something like this could feel so good to her, and seeing as how skilled Rainbow was at it, Rarity guessed that she probably wasn't the first unicorn she had done this to. "Ahh...Rainbow Dash...don't....leave my horn alone," Rarity said inbetween heavy pants, while Rainbow continued to lick and kiss her horn lightly, smiling as she lay one final light kiss just on the tip, and pulled away, looking back to the unicorn's eyes now. "Don't leave your horn alone?" Rainbow raised an eyebrow, as she smirked down to Rarity. Rarity just glared to Rainbow slightly, showing the pegasus that she wasn't in the mood for joking around right now, causing Dash to just smile in return, "Sorry, too intense?" Rainbow asked as she guessed going for the unicorn's horn may have been a bit too much for her to handle with at the moment. Rarity sighed as she nodded in reply, while Rainbow leaned down to her neck again, laying light kisses on her smooth fur, as Rarity tilted her head back a little giving the pegasus more of an easy access. Rarity hadn't noticed at first, but soon it started to come clear to her that the pegasus's wing was still brushing against her, causing the cyan feathers to softly caress her intimate area. Her moans were starting to get much louder now, as she tried to hold her voice back, while Rainbow continued to drive her wild with her slight touches, not giving her the relief she obviously needed right now. "R-Rainbow Dash...s-stop teasing me," Rarity struggled to speak as her body was begging for much more attention then she was getting at the moment. Rainbow just smiled as she stopped for a minute, and looked to Rarity, winking to her, while she carried on brushing her wing against her crotch, causing the unicorn to tremble and squrim against her, while she bit back loud moans and could feel tears welling up in her eyes, threatening to spill over her eyelids and stream down her cheeks. "AH! Rainbow...you want me to beg for it, don't you?" Rarity asked with a sigh, as she could easily guess what the answer to her question would be, while she looked up to Rainbow, not understanding how this pegasus could dominate her this easily, she had never been like this with any other pony before, so why was this one different, in the sense that she could break down her walls, and turn her into the submissive and shy type? "You bet I do," Rainbow nodded with a smirk, as she continued to tease Rarity's soaked entrance, coating a few of her feathers in the other mare's arousal, while she waited for Rarity to tell her what she really wanted her to do to her. Rarity hesitated for a few moments, blushing deeply while Rainbow's feathers were still stirring her up, causing her body to constandly shake and twitch every now and again in return. She knew this was wrong, but she didn't care about that right now, after all there was no way she could deny how she felt at the moment. She wanted the pegasus. "Rainbow...please...lick me," Rarity finally panted her answer out in a low voice, while she looked to Rainbow with a pleading expression, wanting her to just drive her crazy already. Rainbow smiled as she looked down to that blushing expression the other mare wore, while she felt Rarity's forelegs leave her neck, as they rested back on to the floor. Dash licked her lips as she slowly crouched at Rarity's thighs, positioning herself so that her head was inbetween the other mare's legs, chuckling slightly at the clear sweet scent of intense arousal she could smell, while she looked to Rarity's dripping folds, her expression changing as she noticed something she didn't expect to see. "Hey Rairty, are you still a virgin?" Rainbow asked as she looked to Rarity, surprised to see that her hymen was still intact. Rarity was a little nervous to answer, but did so anyway, as she nodded slowly and looked away from Rainbow for a moment, "To be honest you're the only one I've ever gone this far with," she admitted, as she glanced back to the pegasus and let out a small whimper. She didn't mind Rainbow being her first, she just wanted to have the release that her body was graving for right now. "So that means, I'll be your first right?" Rarity just nodded in return as she thought that maybe Rainbow would stop and have second thoughts, now that she knew she would be taking her friend's first time. Rarity wasn't surprised about the fact that this probably wasn't Rainbow's first time, after all she was so skilled at it, it was really no wonder as to why she had fallen victim to her so easily. But instead of stopping, Rainbow simply smiled again, and sighed, Although Rarity was a close friend, and this had started out as just wanting to see more of the cute side to the normally very strait-laced unicorn, now it had turned into something much more serious and she could see how badly the other mare wanted this, as her eyes were begging her for a release. The pegasus just shrugged her shoulders, and decided since she had already come this far, it was only fair of her to continue until the end, after all it's not like Rarity would be the first mare to have her virginity taken by Rainbow Dash. "Then I'll make it a first time that you won't soon be forgetting," Rainbow replied with another wink to Rarity, while the unicorn looked back to her, still blushing a deep red, and biting her bottom lip, as she prepared herself for what was to come. Although in truth she could have never prepared herself for what happened next, as she was soon sent into a frenzy of extreme pleasure, her loud moans quickly turning into screams, while she could feel Rainbow's hot tongue licking and sucking on her sex, causing her head to spin and her mind to go completely blank, as the intense feeling of ecstasy coursed through her body. "You're really drenched down here," Rainbow commented with a smirk as she lapped up all of the sweet juices that were overflowing Rarity's entrance, stopping to suck on her sallowen clit every so often, causing Rarity to scream louder as the unicorn drapped her hoof over her eyes, while she could already feel the heavy pressure of something building up in her lower abdomen. "R-Rainbow...ah...that feels...good...AHHH!" Rarity managed, inbetween heavy gasps for air, while her loud screams of pleasure filled the room, as Dash was bringing her closer and closer to a much awaited climax. "Rainbow...I'm close...HYAHH!" Rarity felt like she could bearly breath, as her heart pounded loudly in her chest, and her sapphire eyes shut tight, feeling her pleasure reaching its highest peck, while Rainbow thrusted her tongue deep inside of her, the pegasus looked to the screaming unicorn with half open eyes, 'She sure is loud' she thought, before she doubled her efforts, causing Rarity to buck her hips hard against her advances. She couldn't take this any longer, her body felt like it was on fire, she felt like she couldn't breathe anymore, as she suddenly arched her back up off the floor, and let out a loud scream of release, shaking uncontrollably, while she rolled her hips into Rainbow's hard thrusts, causing her to ride out her overwhelming orgasm, as Dash happily lapped up all her juices being sure to not miss a single drop. Although Rarity had never had sex up until this point, she had pleasured herself before, and so she knew what an orgasm felt like, but this wasn't like that at all, this felt so unbelievably amazing that she felt she just might die from the feeling of sheer bliss that rippled through her entire body. And then it all stopped, giving Rarity the chance to get her breath back, as she panted heavily, while she squrimed slightly at the feeling of Rainbow licking her clean, before the cyan pegasus sat up and swallowed, smiling as she looked back to the other mare, and stood over her again, waiting for her breathing to go back to normal. "Did it feel good?" Dash asked when she started to see signs of the exhausted unicorn beginning to calm down, while she lay panting in her afterglow. "It felt...incredible, Rainbow Dash," Rarity sighed deeply once she was able to get her breath back, as she now removed her hoof from resting over her eyes, to reveal that slight tears had escaped and were now running down her cheeks, smiling back up to Rainbow Dash, before the pegasus leaned down and kissed away her tears, nuzzling into her neck a moment later, while Rarity nuzzled her back. ... ... A couple of Hours had passed as Rarity and Rainbow Dash now were laying on the unicorn's bed in her bedroom, Rarity having asked Dash if she wanted to stay the night, and the pegasus happily agreeing to do so, after all she didn't exactly want to go back to her home after what had just happened between them. "Are you sure you don't mind me staying over for the night Rares?" Rainbow asked as she lay comfortably on Rairty's bed, smiling when the unicorn came and snuggled up close to her. "Of course not Rainbow dear, besides I'm really not one for 'one night stands'," Rarity stated as she smiled happily, and relaxed, while she nuzzled into Rainbow's neck. "No, but you sure are a screamer, I was actually a little scared that I was hurting you," Rainbow stated as she smirked slightly with a raised eyebrow to Rarity, causing her to turn away, while she blushed deeply. "Well it was my first time after all," Rarity stated as she pulled away from Rainbow slightly, but didn't leave her side. "Yeah that's ture, though I was a little surprised to see that you could have such an adorable side to you," Rainbow smiled as she could see that Rarity was back to her normal-self now, but that high wall she had built up, was no longer there anymore. "Well I was also surprised to see how aggressive and dominating you could be, I just felt so helpless against you," Rarity sighed as she still couldn't quite believe that her and Rainbow Dash had actually ended up doing something like that, but she didn't regret it in the slightest, somepony had finally broken down that wall that she had always kept built up high, determined to never let anypony see what lay hidden behind it, and that pony had made her realize that letting down her guard wasn't such a terrible thing after all. Rainbow just chuckled in reply to that comment, Rarity not being the first mare to say those kinds of things to her, she knew she was a aggressive lover, and she always did like being the one that was in control, never feeling ashamed for who she really was. "Plus I was surprised to hear that this was your first time, I mean you flirt with a lot of stallions, and you could probably get with pretty much anypony that you wanted, so it was a bit of a shock to see that you had never done it before," Dash pointed out as she changed the subject slightly, thinking about how she felt when she found out that the unicorn laying next had been a virgin before tonight. "Well I didn't mind going on dates, and maybe letting them kiss me goodbye all that much, but I was afraid that if I let them get too close to me, it would only cause me pain, plus they would find out what I'm really like, and might lose interest in me. So in a strange way I guess I'm glad that it was you who was able to break down my walls, and see that hidden side to me, which I had always felt so ashamed of," Rarity explained as she was actually happy that this had happened with somepony she knew well as a friend, rather then somepony she had only known for a few days, or weeks. "It's nothing to be ashamed of you know," Rainbow stated as she didn't see anything wrong with the hidden side to the high class unicorn. "I know that now, and I have you to thank for showing me that Rainbow Dash," Rarity smiled as she looked to Rainbow, and pecked her cheek lightly, causing the pegasus to look a little surprised, before she came back to her senses and nodded back to the other mare. "Hey it was nothing," the pegasus smiled nervously as Rarity could have sworn she saw a slight blush creeping on to Dash's cheeks then. The two lay in silence for a moment, as they cuddled up beside each other, with Rarity's head resting on Rainbow's forelegs, while Dash's chin rested on top of Rarity's head, her cyan wing laying over her back, softly brushing against her fur in a comforting way. "Hey, Rainbow," Rarity broke the silence as her voice took a nervous tone to it. "Hmm?" "I don't really want things to end here," Rarity stated as she wished that this night would last forever, although she knew that it would be ending soon, and morning would arise. "Neither do I," Rainbow smiled, before Rarity pulled out of their close embrace and seemed awfully worried all of a sudden. "Then what are we going to do, I mean we shouldn't be doing this we're friends after all, what will the others all think of us? I mean Pinkie and Fluttershy may not mind it too much, but what about Applejack and Twilight- Rainbow cut Rarity's rambling off as she kissed her tenderly on the lips, causing for her to be surprised at first before she kissed Rainbow back and moaned pleasantly into the kiss. Their lips parted soon afterwards, as Rainbow smiled to Rarity. "You really need to stop worrying so much Rares," she chuckled as she rested her forehead against the other mare's, causing her to blush slightly, while she gazed into the pegasus's bright, bewitching eyes. "For now, we can keep it as our secret, alright?" Rainbow said as she kissed Rarity's forehead lightly. Rarity just nodded in reply, before she smiled back to Rainbow, and brought her into another kiss, while she rested her hoof over Dash's as the two mares stayed like that until their lips parted and they both fell to sleep, while they were wrapped in each other's warm and loving embrace, cuddled up close to one another until the morning came. > What They Don't Know > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today had been a busy and tiring day that just seemed to have dragged on forever. The talented seamstress Rarity, had spent all day working on and finishing off all the new desgins that would be sold at her boutique in Canterlot, she may have been cutting it a bit too close, but by the end of the afternoon, once she asked her friends if they could chip in to help her a little, she was able to get all the outfits finished and packed into boxes, ready to be shipped off to 'Canterlot Carousel'. And so now, she sighed happily, feeling exhausted, but glad that everything was now done, looking to her friends as they were all helping to pile the boxes up together so that they would be ready for when the mail pony came for them tomorrow. Rarity couldn't be more greatful for having close friends that would all help her out whenever she needed it, she didn't know if she would have been able to finish it all on time without them. "Well that's the last box," Twilight stated as she stepped back, looking over the neat pile of boxes, and nodded her head in satifaction, before she turned away from the pyramid of carboard boxes, and walked over to stand beside Rarity, while the unicorn smiled to her. "Phew glad that's all done," Applejack sighed with relief, as she came and stood beside Rarity, while she fanned herself with her hat, feeling a little warm, and worn out, just like most of the group did right now. "Umm Pinkie Pie, what are you doing?" Fluttershy asked as she looked over to the pink earth pony, causing for Twilight, Rarity and Applejack to do the same. "What's it look like, we're building a tower of course," Pinkie answered as she glanced to Fluttershy, before she looked back to the high tower of spare boxes her and Rainbow Dash had been building, "Put one more box on Dashie," "Pinkie if she puts on one more box, it's going to fall," Starlight stated, as she looked anxiously at the way the tall pillar of brown boxes was swaying slightly, looking like it could topple over at any moment. "Aww come on Starlight just one more box won't cause it to fall," Rainbow stated as she happily lifted up one more box in her hooves, and flew up to the top of the tower, ready to balance the one she was holding on the peck of the wobbling pillar. "Then try it by all means," Starlight simply said as she shook her head slightly, and turned away from the cyan pegasus, knowing that she would regret going along with this idea of Pinkie's once all those boxes came crashing down. "Gladly," Rainbow smirked as she gently placed the box she was holding on to the top of the tower, keeping a tight hold of it at first, before she let go of it slowly, smiling when all the tower did was sway a little more. Dash was going to proudly point out that she had been right, but just before she could the tall, wobbling stack of boxes began to tip, before it quickly collapsed. "Uh oh.TIMBER!" Pinkie shouted loudly, as she ducked, while everypony else gasped, before they all went to try and catch the boxes that would soon be falling to the floor. However luckily there was nothing to worry about, as Starlight caught all of the falling boxes in her magic before they came close to the ground, holding them all as she smiled to Rainbow Dash with a raised eyebrow, while the others all sighed in relief. "Told you it would fall," the poweful unicorn stated, before she gently lay all the boxes down on the floor, piling them up into a nice neat pile just like the other ones near to the door of the boutique. "Yeah, yeah, I got it," Rainbow replied as she looked back to Starlight with an annoyed expression, mumbling something under her breath, while she flew to stand beside Twilight, and kept her head turned away from the lylic unicorn. Stralight just smirked to the cyan pegasus, while she rolled her eyes slightly in return, and turned away from Dash. "That was fun, let's build another one!" Pinike jumped up excitedly, her voice sounding full of joy, while the others couldn't understand how the party pony still had so much energy in her, when she had also been helping out all day, having never really stopped for a break until now. "Umm Pinkie, it's getting late now, don't you think we should all be heading home?" Fluttershy suggested kindly to Pinkie, knowing that building another tower could only end up in another close call or a potential mess that would take a while to clean up. Pinike's happy expression seemed to turn into a frown slightly as she looked to Fluttershy, "But when the tower falls down you have to build it back up again," she stated, like it was an obvious rule that the yellow pegasus should know about. "Hey we can build another one tomorrow," Starlight suggested as she came and stood beside Pinkie. "Really?" Pinkie asked as she looked to Starlight with hopefilled eyes. Starlight nodded in reply with a kind smile, "Yep, and maybe if we build it outside, we can build it even higher, because it won't matter if it falls down or anything then," she explained, hoping that this would make the pony agree to leaving and them all going back to their own homes for the night. Pinkie cheered with delight as a bright smile spread across her face, and she was back to being her normal happy-go-lucky self again, while the others just all smiled to her with slight chuckles, thinking about how the pink earth pony really did seem like a big foal sometimes. Twilight smiled proudly as she was glad to see how much her friends had connected with her student over this short amount time that she had been part of their little group. "Right I think it's safe to say, that we all should be leaving now, after all I can't leave Spike looking after the castle on his own all night," Twilight stated as everypony else agreed that it was time to head off back to their homes for the night, leaving Rarity to get some much needed rest, so that she could be up early for tomorrow. "Thank you all for helping me out today, I don't think I could have got everything finished without you all," Rarity stated as she smiled to all her friends, feeling lucky to have them around whenever she may need them to lend her a helping hoof. "You're welcome Rarity," Twilight nodded with a smile. "Anytime Sugarcube," Applejack said as she put her hat back on top of her head, and smiled to Rarity as well. "Yeah it was actually quite fun," Rainbow Dash added, while Fluttershy, Pinkie and Starlight all nodded in agreement, before they all started to head for the door together. Rarity was about to say goodbye to them all, when she suddenly thought about something, looking down to the floor for a moment, before she stopped the others in their tracks and caught their attention, as they all turned round to look at her. "Ah wait, Rainbow Dash, could you stay for a little longer? I need to ask you about something," Rarity asked as she smiled to Dash slightly, giving her a look that only the cyan pegasus knew the meaning behind, as she looked to the unicorn for a moment, before she smiled in return. "Sure," Rainbow replied without a second thought. "What do you need to ask her about?" Pinkie Pie asked, as she and the others were wondering why Rarity had asked for just Rainbow to stay behind. "It's nothing to be concerned about, something has just been bothering me lately, and I would like to talk to her about it, that's all," Rarity explained, as she looked to Pinkie with a smile, but glanced back to Rainbow a second later. And with hearing that the group all said their 'Goobyes/Goodnights' to Rarity and Rainbow Dash, as they all left out the door, and started going their separate ways, "What do you think that was all about?" Twilight asked Starlight as they had started making their way back to the castle togther. "What do you mean?" Starlight asked, looking a bit unsure as to what Twilight was talking about. "Why do you think Rarity asked just Rainbow Dash to stay with her for a little longer?" "How should I know? it's probably just something about reminding Rainbow to stop flying through her windows or whatever," Starlight stated as she wondered why the other mare was so interested in the topic of Rarity simply talking to Rainbow Dash about something or other. "Yeah, I guess you're right," Twilight nodded, before she stopped walking and looked back to Rarity's home for a minute, as she seemed a little supicious about two of her friends. "Twilight?" Starlight called back to the Princess, as she realized that she had stopped for some reason. "Yeah, sorry I'm coming now," Twilight replied as she gave the boutique one last look, glancing to the window, seeing that all the curtains were closed, but could tell that the lights were still on in some of the rooms. Twilight turned back as she picked up speed to catch up with Starlight, still feeling a little spectacle about this situation, but decided to not let it play on her mind too much, after all it's not like it would be anything to be worried about right? ... ... Late evening was now beginning to set in, as Celestia's sun had not long gone from the sky, and most of the residents of Ponyville had gone back to their nice warm homes, with only a short amount left outside in the open still. Rarity was laying on her back, resting on her bed, while her breath came out in heavy, spaced out pants, biting her bottom lip as she sighed slightly. Rainbow Dash stood over her, looking to her with a smile, as she leaned down and licked her sensitive ear, causing the unicorn to shiver and moan a little. This was how most of these nights went for the two, Rarity would ask Rainbow to stay over, and Rainbow would happily agree to it without any hesitation in her voice, then from there the two mares would engage in passionate love making, until they eventually got tired and decided to call it a night, cuddling up close to each other, before falling asleep together. This hadn't been going on for very long, maybe only a little over a month or so give or take. They didn't spend every night together, but mostly they would end up doing these things once, or twice, or sometimes even three times a week, depending on how busy the two of them would have been throughout the day. Only this time Rarity had been busy pretty much all the time, so they hadn't gotten the chance to spend any time alone together until tonight. "Rainbow...don't go too far tonight, I'm still a little tired from today," Rarity spoke inbetween slight pants, while her body shook a little as a reaction to the pegasus attacking her ear. "If you're tired then why did you ask me to stay round?" Rainbow asked, as she gave Rarity's ear a long, slow lick, causing her to cry out in reply. By now Dash had learnt what Rarity wanted whenever she asked her to stay round at her's, after all she would always give her that look of hidden desire, that nopony else saw, only Rainbow Dash knew what it meant, it meant that she most certainly wouldn't be going back to her own home that night. Rarity didn't answer right away, instead she just lay panting slightly, and looked away from the pegasus, a deep blush covering her cheeks, while Dash just smiled to her, waiting to hear her answer, always chuckling a little inside when she saw that embarrassed and cute side to the unicon, which only she knew about. "Well...it's just that we hadn't done it in a while," Rarity nervously spoke as her voice came out in a shy whisper for a moment, not wanting to admit that she been missing these nights, and had constanly been lusting after the cyan pegasus for a good while now. "Ah so you've been graving my touch, right?" Rainbow smirked as she left Rarity's sensitive ears alone, and instead moved on to her horn now, kissing its tip lightly, while the unicorn's slight moans were like music to her ears. "Yeah right, in your dreams maybe," Rarity shot back as she smiled, and breathed through the intense pleasure she was feeling right now, 'My ears are still very sensitive it would seem, but at least I can bare with her playing with my horn better now. When she first did this to me I found it to be a bit too much for me to handle at the time, however now I find that her licks and light kisses against my horn are very stimulating. I think Rainbow just likes doing it to make me get off faster to be honest,' Rarity thought as she gritted her teeth a little, when she felt her dominating lover licking the base of her horn, before the pegasus took the whole horn into her mouth and sucked on it lightly, causing Rarity to cry out quite loudly, as she shut her eyes tight, and felt all her muscles tensing up a little. 'Well I'm fine, until she decides to do that,' Rarity sighed deeply, opening her eyes again, while she tried to calm her breathing down a little, her heart beating wildly in her chest, as Rainbow sucked down harder on her horn, before she trailed her tongue up to the very tip, giving it one final tender kiss, then leaving the horn coated with her warm saliva. "Hey Rares," "Hmm?" Rarity whimpered slightly as she looked to her lover, and could guess where things were going to be going from here, just by seeing that seductive look that Rainbow had in her bright magenta eyes right now. Dash smirked as she moved one of her hind legs so that her hoof was positioned between Rarity thighs, nudging the unicorn's legs at first so that she would realize just where the pegasus was touching her right now. Rarity gasped in return as she almost instandly knew just where Rainbow's hind hoof was touching her, trembling stlightly when she felt the limb caressing her fur, and noticed just how close the appendage was to her soaked entrance. She didn't refuse or tell Dash to 'wait', instead she just lay there, her body shaking slightly, while she clenched her teeth together tightly, biting back a couple of loud moans, gasping again as she felt Rainbow's hoof move forward slightly, and start to gently rub against her crotch, teasing her lover with these very light touches. "You sure are drenched, how long have you been like this?" Rainbow asked as she made her momovents almost as slow as they could be, making sure to thoroughly stir up the panting mare laying below her. Rarity moaned and squirmed in reply, her sapphire eyes welling up with tears, while it never seemed to surprise her anymore at how easily Rainbow Dash could make her feel like screaming, and being close to begging the pegasus to just make her cum already. "Please Rainbow...quit teasing me..." Rarity pleaded, as she gazed up to Dash with longing eyes, her cheeks turning to a deep crimson red, while she could feel the pegasus's cyan fur brushing ever so softely against her moist folds, causing it to be much more noticeable of just how aroused she really was down there. "Okay, I won't make you beg for it this time," Rainbow stated as she leaned down, and pecked Rarity lightly on her cheek, knowing that she was tired from today, and probably didn't want to beg for the release that she so desperately needed, and no doubt definitely deserved. And so within a few more seconds Rainbow positioned herself just below Rarity's lower abdomen, and smiled as she never got tired of seeing the unicorn's soaked sex twitching in anticipation, while it overflowed with her juices, begging for the pegasus's attention. Dash didn't waste anytime it seemed as she quickly started getting to work, licking, kissing, and sucking on her lover's vulva, being sure to give her already swollen clit plenty of her attention as well. 'This feels good...way too good,' Rarity thought as her loud moans soon turned into even louder screams, her mind now gone completely blank and her heart pounding in her chest, she had already been stirred up enough, and as that very familiar sesation of an excessive amount of pressure building up in her stomach, she knew she was close. Rainbow continued, not giving Rarity a single second of a break, as she started to thrust her tongue deeply inside of the unicorn, wanting to push her over the edge rather quickly. With her climax quickly approaching, Rarity couldn't hold back her loud voice, the room fillled with her screams, while she threw her head back in a feeling of absolute ecstasy, it was almost like she was about to brust. "OH RAINBOW DASH! AAAHHHHHH!" Rarity moaned out loudly, before she screamed out a loud cry of release, shuting her eyes tight, as tears of sheer bliss streamed down her cheeks, arching her back up off of her bed, while she felt wave after wave of extreme pleasure rippling through her entire body, causing her to shake violently all over, and buck her hips up, rolling them into Dash's fast and deep thrusts. Rainbow happily lapped up all of Rarity's sweet juices, swallowing all that she could, while she made her lover ride out her overwhelming orgasm, not stopping until she saw the unicorn collapse on her bed, gasping for air, as her lungs begged for oxygen. Rainbow smiled as she stood over Rarity again, watching her pant heavily, while she kissed her tears away, and waited for her to come down from her high. Finally after a good few minutes, Rarity was able to breathe normally again, sighing deeply as she lay her head back on her pillow and relaxed, basking in her afterglow, while she gazed up to Rainbow Dash with a smile. "That was quick," Rainbow commented with a wink as she kissed Rarity's forehead lightly. "Well what do you expect when you're that aggressive, not to mention the fact that you kept going for my weak spot," Rarity glared to the pegasus standing above her, blushing deeply, while she nervously turned away from Dash, however was brought back to face her as Rainbow kissed her deeply. 'I don't mind letting Rainbow see that shy side of me, she's the only pony that knows about it after all, and although I may not like it when she calls me cute or teases me, I sure do love it when she takes complete control, and dominates me like nopony has before,' Rarity thought as she melted into the tender kiss, giving out a pleasant moan, before their lips parted. "Hey Rainbow?" "Yeah?" "When are we going to tell the others about us?" Rarity asked as she remembered how Pinkie Pie had asked her eariler what she wanted to talk to Rainbow Dash about, and she wasn't exactly being truthful when she answered her. "I thought we agreed that it would just be our secret," Rainbow raised an eyebrow as she looked a little confused as to why the other mare was worrying about this now. "I know, it's just...I hate having to lie to them," Rarity sighed slightly, as she looked to her bedsheets nervously. "We're not lying to them, we're just not telling them the whole story," Rainbow smiled, causing Rarity to give her a slightly annoyed look. "Besides what would we even tell them? It's not like we're a couple or anything," Rainbow pointed out as it was true that neither one of them wanted to say that they were dating, since most of their relationship was mainly all physical with hardly any deep feelings behind it, after all the only reason why they carried on this was to give each other a relief from their stress, fulfiling their hidden desires, while not having to worry about showing who they really were. "No, but we are lovers," Rarity said as she knew there wasn't really anything between the two, besides these nights they had together, whether that was the way it would always be, she had no idea. "The way we're going about it, it seems more like we're just 'Sex Buddies' really," Rainbow smirked as she didn't think the word 'love' had much to do with how they felt about each other. "Rainbow," Rarity glared to the pegasus again slightly, while she just smiled back to her. "But what if they don't approve of us? Or what about if they get mad at us for keeping them in the dark about what has been going on between was?" Rainbow asked, basically just repeating what Rarity had been worried about on the night that they started this...'unusual arrangement'. "I guess you have a point there," Rarity agreed as she was still worried about their friends getting mad at them for not telling them about what was going on. "Besides, I kinda like the idea of this just staying as our 'dirty little secret'," Rainbow smiled as she leaned down to Rarity and gave her ear a quick lick, causing the other mare to shiver and moan a little in return. Rarity blushed deeply as she couldn't hide the fact that she kind of wanted things to stay the way they were now as well, wrapping her forelegs around Rainbow's neck, and holding her close, loving how gentle the noramlly very forceful pegasus could be at times. "I would just like for us to be the ones to tell them, before they figure it out for themsevles, say by catching us in the act or something like that," Rarity explained wondering if any of their friends had become suspicious about them yet, they had been very carefully, but there was always that possibility. Rainbow Dash nodded as she agreed that it would be better to tell their friends about what was going on, rather them finding out some other way, "Fine," she stated with a slight sigh, "If it will stop you worrying about it, we'll tell them the truth," "Really?" Rarity asked, glad that Rainbow was agreeing to this, she knew that there would no doubt be some troubles once they did come clean about everything, but they didn't have to tell them right away. Rainbow Dash just nodded with a smile, before Rarity brought her into a tight hug, smiling as the pegasus hugged her back, "Thank you Rainbow," "No problem, Rares," Rainbow chuckled slightly as she felt Rarity nuzzling into her neck, wondering how their friends would react when they found out about this awfully cute side to the normally very prissy unicorn. The two stayed hugging each other like that for a while, enjoying the comforting feeling of the other's warmth in the loving embrace they shared. Rarity pulled out of the embrace slightly, as she brought Rainbow into a deep kiss for a moment, biting her bottom lip once their lips had parted, obviously she wasn't as tired as she first thought she was. "But you know, we don't have to tell them straight away," Rarity pointed out as she gave Dash a very alluring look, smiling when Rainbow seemed to catch on to the message she was hinting at her. "Well in that case, do you want to go for another round, before we call it a night?" Rainbow asked as she smiled back to Rarity, and leaned down to her, laying a few light kisses on her neck, while Rarity tilted her head back to give her lover more of an easy access. "Sure, but go slow this time okay?" Rarity asked as she didn't want Rainbow to make her cum as fast as she had a little while ago. "As you wish," Rainbow agreed, before she started to attack her lover's senstive ears again, causing her to moan and tremble in return. 'We'll tell them about us eventually, but for now it can just stay between Rainbow Dash and me, after all there's nothing wrong with keeping them in the dark about it for a little longer, right?'