> What A Life: Sweetie Belle > by Dustchu > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > *Grunting Noises* > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "This bites." "Oh come on, it's not that bad Dai." "Lemme rephrase, Applebloom... this really bites." The young colt grumbled to himself as he sat in the back of the crudely made catapult the crusaders made. He was squished in between Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom as Scootaloo was in between his legs, it was very uncomfortable to him but he dealt with it. The three crusaders had gotten the idea in their heads to try out one of their old catapults, something about getting their cutie marks in Catapulting of all things. He had told them that that was a stupid idea, but they insisted. "Maybe you can get your cutie mark in catapulting!" Bloom told him with a smile, and he just facehoofed. "I highly doubt my special talent has anything to do with this monsterosity you three built in Applejack's barn." He replied, narrowing his eyes at the filly who gave him a sheepish smile. "I've told you before, if anything my talent has to do with my previous occupation." "What was that again?" Sweetie Belle asked, sitting uncharistically close to the colt who seemed obilivious to the contact. "I was a sharpshooter with the Navy Seals." He told her as Apple Bloom continued to crank the catapult back with a grin. "Also, Apple Bloom, I'm pretty sur-" "Ooh phooy, ain't nothin' bad gonna happen! I'm positive!" Apple Bloom told him, patting him on the back as Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo nodded their heads. Dai just sucked in his cheek, as he heard a click. Bugger. "Here we go!" Apple Bloom announced, before pulling back the lever to launch them all. Dai just instinctively gripped onto Scootaloo as they were sent flying through the air. A faint whistling noise could be heard as they flew, almost comically through the air past Applejac's barn and her house. "Ahhhhhhhh fuck!" Dai cursed loudly, holding onto his furry companion in front of him with a death grip as the soared through the Ponyville skies. "Woohoo!" Scootaloo cried, spreading her wings a little as they flew. After a bit of flying... Sweetie asked. "Uhm... how do we land?" This naturally caused Dai to go wide eyed. "Wait... what?" "Uhhhhhh." Apple Bloom hummed, rubbing her chin. "I dunno..." "Oh great." Dai groaned. "HOW DID YOU THINK THIS WAS GOING TO END?" "AHHHHHHH!" Sweetie screamed, along with the other three as they closed in on a tree before smashing into it. All four young ponies smashed into the branches, with Dai letting of of Scootaloo as they fell through the branches... hard. Each one snapping as their weight proved to be too much for the tree to handle, they even hit a bird... Fucking Steve. "Ow damn it!" Dai cursed as he slammed head first into a branch, with the three fillies hitting him from above and causing it to snap, sending them falling down into even more branchs, sticks, twigs, and other hard objects that a tree has on them. Such as bark! After hitting about fifteen more branches, and another bird, they were all groaning in pain on another branch high above the ground. Dai just glared at the ground, blue eyes narrowed in pain as the fillies above him all complained and moaned in pain. "Why did I let you talk me into this..." He wondered, as the branch snapped and they fell to the ground. This was the life of Dai, former Navy Seal turned into a ten year old thestral colt in the land of Equestria. All was normal for him until he found himself in this land, in the body of a child that everyone insisted on babying and not taking him at his word that he was a very experianced killer in his own world. Instead, they thought him a colt who ran from home and was telling an elaborate tale to escape a punishment or some such childish nonsense. The aggravation was exruciatingly painful for him... especially when he wished to get very laid, and yet... nothing. Sure he found ponies to be adorable in some sense, and his curiosity had caused him to glance at a few mares and their privates, but he wasn't sure if he could bring himself to bang one. Then again he was a child so the odds of him nailing a mare were slim, thus, he was left to make best friends with good ol righty, which was proving to be a lackluster companion compared to the warmth of a woman... or mare. Yeah he was willing to bang a mare now. As Dai lay on the ground, he sighed heavily as Sweetie said, "Oh yeah!" She stood up, standing over Dai with her legs on either side of his body as he just laid there. "You said you were like... a snapshooter or whatever." "Sharpshooter, Sweetie, sharpshooter." Dai corrected her, groaning as he tried to stand up. "Right! So you still believe you were a hoomange?" Sweetie questioned him, helping him up. "I thought you were over that whole brainwashing thing?" A sigh from the colt, who brushed off his dirty pelt and replied with an even toned, "I was never brainwashed, I know exactly what I was before coming to this place, I was a human, a Navy Seal that was close to getting a promotion. I have over 300 confirmed kills in at least four different theaters, and I am very dangerous if I wanna be." He told her, and they all just blinked at him. "So... brainwashing?" Scootaloo tilted her head. "Ugh, I'm out." Turning around, he started to walk away down the road, away from the tree while spitting out leaves and twigs. His body hurt, his mind hurt, his everything hurt as he walked, leaving behind the three crusaders... well, two... Sweetie followed him, as always. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo just ventured back to their clubhouse, planning out their next crusade. Sweetie just followed Dai, and after a while she spoke. "So Dai." After another hock and spit, he replied, "What?" "So... a-are you free t-this afternoon?" She asked him sweetly, trotting by his side with a smile as she looked the thestral colt up and down. He was a nicely built colt, a bit larger then she was with a black coat of fur, big leathery blue wings with black swirling markings on them, a mop of silver hair on his head with a long matching tail, and a pair of baby blues that were constantly bored or aggravated. Raising an eyebrow, Dai turned to the young alabaster filly. "Free? I guess... why?" "J-just wondering... if you wanted to... I dunno," She rubbed the back of her head. "Hang out? Or something...?" She asked with a wide smile that made him question what she was up to. Dai shrugged his shoulders, wings shifting at his side as he turned back to the path in front of them. "I guess we could, I ain't got nothing else to do." "Great!" Sweetie suddenly squeaked a bit loudly, before blushing and covering her mouth. "Hehehe," she giggled before looking away. She's a weird one. He noted as they continued to walk before heading into Ponyville itself. As they did, they passed Twilight, who suddenly turned and galloped over. "Oh hello there," Twilight greeted, and Dai just frowned. "Did you hang out with the CMC today?" "... if by hang out you mean getting shot out of a shitty catapult, then yes, I hung out with them." He told her as some eyes from the passerby went wide at his use of language. Twilight chiuckled sheepishly at some ponies before uttering quietly through clenched teeth. "Dai, haven't we talked about using your language?" "Yes, but do I look like I truly give a damn?" He asked in return with an upraised eyebrow. "I told you before, I'm almost thirty years old, granted I'm a child now but I've been using, and I quote, language since I was five." He told her, using air quotes for language as he sat down with Sweetie sitting close to him. "So no... I will not stop, you cannot make me stop, any kind of punishment you give me is laughable at best." Twilight just sighed heavily. "I thought we were over this entire human thing." "And I thought we were over this bullshit you're trying to spew about me being some runaway." He replied snappily before standing up and trotting away. "I know what I was, I know what I am, so bugger off." Dai told her, as Sweetie followed him closely. Twilight just gave a sad look his way before trotting away herself, head hung low. The streets of Ponyville were quite empty, leaving just Dai and Sweetie Belle out to walk along them. He wasn't sure why she kept following him, but she was welcome company, he didn't dislike the other two... but Sweetie Belle, if he had to admit, was a favorite of his to hang around. She had her funny moments, her voice squeaks were incredibly hilarious, and she proved to be very smart in certain situations. The rainbow haired one was also one he didn't mind, after all, she thought he was cool looking. And while she tended to be egotistical, she was alright in his book as possible friend material. After awhile, Dai was standing outside the treehouse and said, "Whelp... after today, I think I'm going to go nap or something." He told Sweetie, who looked sad for a few seconds before perking up once he looked at her. "So I'll see you this afternoon I guess." He shrugged, before going inside. "Okay! Have a nice nap~" She cooed before cantering away with a smile, leaving Dai to flop onto the couch and snooze. ----- Hours Later ----- "Aww, he's so cute when he's asleep~" "Yeah, and not cursing up a storm I dare say." "I just wanna squeeze his cheeks!" "... And I just wanna hold you under the water till the bubbles stop." Dai muttered before covering his head with a pillow, earning some disgruntled noises from the mares surrounding him. "Don't you all have something better to do then crowd around me, I'm not cute." Rarity, the white one, begged to differ. "I beg to differ darling, you certainly are quite adorable~" She cooed, causing Dai to groan again in discomfort. "Yeah and you're a supermodel." He replied, making her fan herself and stutter. Taking off the pillow, he narrowed his eyes at her, "I was being sarcastic." "... Oh, well then." With a huff she turned around trotted towards Twilight who looked down at some papers with a dejected expression. Dai just snickered before sitting up and stretching, with a yawn he looked around, noticing Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie staring at him, along with Rainbow Dash. "Why're you staring at me?" "No reason~" Pinkie giggled as Fluttershy hid behind her mane before trotting away, as Rainbow looked to the left and right before flying upwards to the second floor bookcase. Dai just grumbled to himself as he stood up, wings flapping at his sides as he suddenly felt himself growing anxious. WIth a snort he walked towards the door before going outside, he needed some alone time. ----- A Brisk Walk Later ----- Heartrate increasing, Dai soon found himself alone in the woods, a nice little area he had taken to calling his little hidey hole. A place where he could be by himself, to think, plan and try to get his thoughts in order for the coming storms... or just to jack off, which was what he was currently trying to do now. The colt was sitting with his back to a tree, his body covered in a bit of sweat as he worked his solid black shaft. It was incredibly different from his human member, it was bigger, thicker and longer, the same was with his balls which were significantly larger. He wondered if it was because he was a pony, or a thestral, after a bit of research he knew that he was a lot bigger then most colts in his class... by a lot. Obviously that caused his pride to swell considerably. Anyway... over the past couple of years of living in this land, he had become... sexually frustrated to the pont he'd snap at people. Of course he tried to keep himself in order, but it was hard when your were basically a teenager again and going through the hormonal rage every teen goes through. And sometimes a hoof just wasn't enough to get that release he oh so desired. While it was strange to jack off as an adolescent thestral, he needed this at times... but now, he was getting nothing. "Fuck." He cursed, letting go of his member as it throbbed between his legs. He breathed heavily from the constant pumping, face red from frustration and lack of release. Bullshit... any other day I could just call up my girlfriend and we could... He shook his head, removing the red headed girl from his mind as he failed to notice the sounds of crunching leaves behind him. Ridiculous... "D-Dai?" He heard, making his eyes go wide as his head whipped around and spotted Sweetie Belle there to the side... but her eyes were not looking at him, instead... they were looking at his member. Goddamn it! He cursed, before flopping onto his belly and hiding said member. He coughed violently, before saying, "I'm busy, Sweetie Belle." He told her firmly, snorting as he turned away from her, face redder. Great... first time I've been caught waxing the pink... well... black, porpose. The young filly stared at Dai, her own face red from what she had just seen. "I j-just wanted t-to see if you w-wanted to hang o-out... s-sorry." She stuttered out, and he just grunted in reply. She didn't move however, her own burning curiosity driving her to question him, "W-what were you doing?" Sigh... Dai rolled his eyes slightly, before turing his head ever so slightly to look at her, despite his face being red. "If you must know... I'm trying to..." He waved a hoof around in a vague circle. "Relieve myself of some tension, and failing horrible." He told her with a dismissive look. "R-relieve?" She asked, biting her lip cutely and causing Dai to get some thoughts. "Y-yes." Dai muttered, turning away again. "Basically, and I highly doubt I should even be telling someone as young as you this, but I kinda need to blow off some steam and that usually comes with sex." Dai informed the filly as he pushed the thoughts out of his head. No way. "And well, I can't exactly have sex because I'm too young~" He said in a mocking sing song voice. Fucking Twilight... After a few tense seconds, he didn't hear her leave... at all, in fact... he thought he heard her step closer to him. When he turned to look, careful not to let his boner (which refused to go away) escape, he saw her looking at him with a thoughtful look. "W-w-" She stuttered, before biting her tongue and clearing her throat. "W-what if w-we h-have sex?" She asked him, causing his eyes to bug out slightly. "C-could I help you do that?" Did... did she seriously just offer to have sex with me? He asked his mind, which tried to rationalize what his young friend just told him, the eight year old filly in his eyes was incredibly adorable, and he didn't need to think hard to know that once she was older she'd be a knockout. Granted he's never really looked at ponies sexually... that much... often... but... "S-Sweetie..." "L-let's do that." She offered again, moving over to him and causing him to get up only to back away slightly. "I-it wouldn't hurt... would it?" She asked him, having no clue about what she was offering entirely. She remembered Sex-Ed class in school, how those parts worked but... she didn't have experience with it herself... obviously. Dai gulped, his throbbing member below him reminding him that it needed attention and probably wouldn't go away anytime soon. He wasn't sure about this, he hasn't gotten laid in well over five years, two in the human world and three in this one, and here... his best friend in this strange world was basically offering herself up to him. She only cemented it when she suddenly turned around for him, her tail swishing from side to side before she hiked it up, bending down slightly and showing her tiny pink slit to him, causing his heartbeat to speed up. "I w-wanna help, Dai..." She told him, giving her rump a little involuntary shake, causing the colt's member to throb needily as the forest air suddenly felt hot. "That's what friends do, right?" Gulping, Dai stared at her. "S-Sweetie, I dunno." He said quickly as the anxiousness grew and his mind told him, Go for it, no one would know... she's kept secrets, including several of yours for awhile. He thought about it as her young virgin clit winked at him. Goddamn it she's cute... With another gulp, he asked, "Are you sure about this? Because..." "I-I'm sure..." She told him, turning her head to look at him as she gave him a nod, tail swishing to the other side as both smelled her sudden anticipation. "I w-wanna help D-Dai." She told him in that oh so adorably alluring voice of hers. After a bit of thought... Dai slowly and hesitantly went over to her, his throbbing member below him beginning to grow harder as he wondered how exactly he would go about doing this. Well... I g-guess I mount her...? That's generally how its done... He bit the bullet, Fuck it. And reared up, before putting his body on top of hers, and both felt his cock's tip touch her entrance, causing her to give a small whimper that broke his heart. "S-shit, Sweetie, I-" "No!" She said, her eyes looking up at him as he looked down at her, she had a pleading look in her eyes that told him, surprisingly, she wanted this as much as he needed it. "Please." She whispered quietly in the heat of the forest, their combined body heat causing sweat to build up on them. With a hesitant nod from him, he slowly but surely kissed the top of her head, making her coo before wrapping his arms under her barrel and around her furry chest. He moved his hind legs slightly, tail flicking back and forth as he began to push inside her tight little cunt. Sweetie hissed, another whimper escaping her as her hips started to push back into his own, her legs spreading apart for him as she bent down further out of instinct to allow him further entry. The filly had never felt anything like this before, and it caused her heart to beat faster in her chest. D-Dai. She thought of him, his name, who he was, letting him fill her mind as his member seemed to fill a void she never knew she had inside of her. She had always liked him, this mysterious colt from a land far away that fell into her town seemingly out of nowhere. He was always there to help her and her friends out, sure he was vulgar at times... but he was also very sweet in her eyes, how he would tell her fantastical tales of heroics and bravery that always kept her on the edge of her seat. It was obvious she had a crush on him, she liked him, and doing this with the colt she thought about all the time felt... so right to her. "Mmm~" She cooed as he pushed into her still, then he hit something that caused pain to shoot through her. "Ahh!" "S-shit..." She heard him curse, stopping his advance. "S-Sweetie... w-we can stop if you want... cause this will hurt a lot." She whimpered again, mostly from what he said. We can stop. The thing is... she didn't want to stop, she wanted to keep going, her heart fluttered from this and she felt so many things she never felt before, and they were all good. "N-no, k-keep going, p-please." She felt him nuzzle her, causing her to angle her neck so she could halfway wrap around him. His mane fell in front of her face, and she inhaled his scent which smelled like pine trees. Dai nodded slowly, before pulling out just a tiny bit as her walls gave a few pitiful squeezes to keep him in. It wasn't long before she felt him thrust back inside her, breaking through her barrier as her eyes bugged out from the intense pain shooting through her, she tried to cry out but she felt Dai wrap his hoof around her muzzle. She still cried out though, the sound muffled as hot tears escaped her eyes and down her furry cheeks. "Mmm! Mmm!" She cried softly, her body twitching from the pain as he shushed her gently. She felt his member throb inside her most sacred area, the pain from his thrust slowly ceasing as she cried still. "Shh, I'm sorry Sweetie, I'm sorry." She heard Dai whisper to her, who let go of her muzzle as she gasped out, breathing heavily before slowly laying Sweetie down on her back, turning her so she could lay and let him to the work... if she still wanted to of course. Her arms wrapped around him as her muzzle found its way into the nape of his neck, her eyes were wrenched closed as her legs squeezed around him, tail hanging limp as they both began to sweat from the heat. Shaky breaths left Sweetie's lungs as she felt Dai's heartbeat, which had strted to beat in sync with her own. "I-is it g-gonna hurt more?" She asked with a sniffle. Hugging the filly, Dai kissed her cheek and said, "Maybe just a little bit, but it'll go away, I promise." He told her in the most honest tone he could muster. "It won't hurt ever again, not like that." He promised. Sweetie took a moment to adjust herself before nodding, and then he started to pull out before sliding back in again. Like he said, it stung but it wasn't enough to cause her to cry out in pain again, but the more he moved, the less it hurt... and the more pelasurable it became. "Mmgh." She grunted, the tears in her eyes long gone as her tunnel squeezed his length, sending tingles down her spine which began to build and build up inside her belly. "Ah!" She gasped, as the pain was practically gone, replaced with the warmest of feelings that filled her chest and belly. Dai held onto Sweetie Belle, head beside hers as he kept his eyes closed. His arms were on either side of the filly as her legs were spread wide, and he started to speed up just a bit, moving into an old tried and tested method of his that was slowly turning the filly into putty. He felt her twitch and writh beneath her, tiny quiet moans escaping her that grew louder with each movement he made. He couldn't help but grin, as he slowly moved his hoof down her soft belly to her small virgin clit, before pressing down on it. "Ahh! Ahh!" Sweetie cried out suddenly, and he kissed her on the cheek again, before moving to kiss her on the lips gently, his baby blue eyes locked on her emerald green ones. She tried to return it, but he could see her eyes were hazy and glazed over from what he was doing to her. Even in pony world, I'm still the king. He noted with no small amount of satisfaction, pressing down on her little button against as he pulled away to kiss the nape of her neck, causing her to coo once more in approval. She moaned again, shivering from his touch as she moaned out once more. "D-Dai~" She cooed into his ear, her sensual sounding voice, while so young sounding, was so very pleased and lustful to his ears as he kept thrusting into her. "Ahhh! Mmm~" The forest air around them grew musty and hot, smelling of lust and filled with the grunts of a young colt, the sensual moans and cries of a young filly, and the lewd squishing of their sex. Their hearts pounded in their chests, their thoughts running wild as they embraced one another, kissing each other and locking eyes as their climax began to build stronger and stronger. The filly had never felt something so amazing in her entire life, the way he moved inside her, how it sent waves of pleasurable ecstasy throughout her body and made her see stars. She didn't know how she went without this, but she knew she wanted to do this more often, maybe even with her friends if they were up for it. Suddenly, Sweetie felt something build up inside her. A growing pressure in her belly and loins, that grew the more this went on. it felt as if something was about to erupt from within her, but only in the best possible way. "D-Dai, m-my stomach f-feels funny." She told him desperately, body writhing as her pussy clamped onto his cock hungrily. "Ahh, ahh! Dai!" Sweetie felt him nip at her neck, causing her to whimper, but she liked it. "Just let it go," He whispered to her, his very voice causing the pressure inside her belly to grow stronger. It continued to build and build, and try as she might she couldn't keep it back. "Dai!" She cried out, gripping onto him one last time before the dam broke. "AHHHH!" The filly moaned, as her sweet filly juices gushed out from her cunt and onto Dai's legs. Her body quivered and shook before she felt him give one last thrust into her, and she felt something warm fill her, causing her to, "Oooo~" She moaned sweetly, a smile breaking out on her face as she felt her first release, which felt so warm and pleasent to her. "Mmhg," Dai grunted, panting as he held onto the filly. "Ahh, Sweetie." He moaned into her ear, kissing her cheek as he filled her with his ecsense. Ropes of his hot seed filled Sweetie's tunnel, each one causing her to give a soft coo before he couldn't stand any longer, and fell atop her. "Ahh... fuck." He groaned, as she held onto him still. Sweetie nuzzled the colt on top of her lovingly, kissing him gently below his ear as his thestral wings remained erect at his sides, the blue wings shading her as her belly felt warm and her body felt complete. The void she felt having been filled by Dai, as his throbbing member stayed inside of her, making her heart flutter once more as they breathed heavily, sweat sticking to their bodies. They stayed like that for some time, both young foals hugging one another as the birds nearby chirped their songs. Dai moved slightly, making Sweetie groan slightly as his member shifted inside of her. "T-thanks... Sweetie for... for helping me." He told her, in the most sincere tone she's ever heard. Then she felt his lips on hers one more time, a simple gentle kiss that told her he appreciated what she did... deeply. She returned it, her eyes tiredly locked on his own before they parted with a heavy breath. "D-Dai?" "Yeah?" He asked in reply, brushing aside some of her mane. "C-can we do this again... sometime?" She questioned timidly, hooves on her chest as she looked up at him cutely. "I-I'd like to..." She saw him give her a look... and then she saw something that made her heart beat faster... He smiled. "Sure... I'd love to." Sweetie just smiled back at him, before hugging him tightly. Eventually the two had snuck off to clean themselves up in a nearby river, drying off from the wind and sun before walking back into Ponyville... but what everyone missed, was the two holding hooves and trotting side by side, as the sun began to set in the distance... Fin.