> A Displaced Xenomorph > by Grizzly Nation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Breaking out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awaken from my sleep, Sleep? Well, I wouldn’t call it sleep because after a while my brain just shuts off pretty much. Well, I guess that is sleep. It’s weird though, I do dream a lot more vividly and frequently ever since I got here. Either way, I’m getting off topic. I would say that it’s a warm day, but I’m just assuming it is since I can’t feel anything. I figured out over the past years that the stone is just an exterior, like a hard shell and those gems just weakened my body to the point where I can’t move. I’m just glad when they encased me in stone I kept my eyes open. But, it's so boring here, I’ve only been here with just my thoughts for years. The enclosure I’ve been put in is just never-ending peace. The green grass sways in the wind, the roses stay red, the bushes stay perfectly trimmed and green. This is hell. The only time things actually change are in fall, and then winter, but then I’m just staring at dead shit for a long time. I don’t even know if they know I can still see and hear. And, if they do then they don’t care. I want to know if there are others like me out there, well besides discord. Discord was the only thing that kept me sane. I know right, the lord of chaos and insanity kept me sane. When he was encased in stone, we talked a lot. But, after his reformation we don’t really talk, well he visits every now and then, but I’m still pissed that he didn’t let me out when he got loose. During our talks, he informed me about a lot of stuff, like the elements of harmony, and his tea parties. He literally had a tea party with me. Even though I couldn’t partake in the tea party, I was grateful for the company. He’s been visiting less and less now. And I’m so...lonely, no one can hear me, but him. They see me as a monster and an artifact, it’s not fair, no one deserves this, not even the worst of creatures, death is a better alternative than this. Ever since I’ve been in here I have forgotten many things for some reason. Like I can vaguely remember how I got here to Equestria. It’s almost like my memories of my old self-are trying to force themselves out, and the memories I have of here are becoming, even more, easier to remember. “And, this is an unknown creature the princesses turned into stone in one last effort to stop it. says, a dark light purple pony with a pink mane, she also has a cutiemark flowers with smiles. Oh, did I forget to mention I get these every now and then, classes take field trips here. Another class of children filled my sight, several different bright colors ruining my aura of peace. "Wooooah." the class say in awe. Well, I guess I could enjoy the company. "This is weird looking." one piped up. And like that, I already hate them. "It looks creepy." another one says. “That’s disgusting.” one says in disgust. Screw you, I don’t see me judging your creepy looking faces. Okay fine, your cute, adorable, and huggable faces. "Well, foals tales says it threatened the princess and in an effort to stop it the princess trapped it in stone." the teacher explained holding a smile. More like she attacked me and trapped me in stone. That Celestia is a royal bitch, Discord tried to get her to free me, but apparently, she said that “We, don’t understand who or what it is, and I don’t want to take a chance that could hurt my ponies.” I mean you took a chance letting out a God of chaos, who took over Equestria once, but sure you’re playing it safe. “But, why does it look so scared?” a yellowish colored, bright red-haired one said, looking closely at my petrified face. Well, I'm sure I was terrified when a rainbow of death came at me. Suddenly, I felt a surge of adrenaline, or well, LIFE, I felt life, after what was like a million years. I felt the power that could drive me to do anything, I felt Powerful, so strong. The power that hit me was like a punch to the gut, it was too much than I could handle. The power was...surging outward, trying to break free, and rid me of this stone curse. And then like that, a small crack starts to form on my face and the crack had a green glow to it. Cracks starting webbing out startling the foals, earning a few gasps and shrieks. Each crack spidering across my body sent...shivers up my whole body, wait...I CAN FEEL. I shattered out of the stone prison and instantly fell over, plopping on the ground. I guess years of being in one place can tire you out. Sunlight assaulted my exposed eyes. The sunlight burned my underdeveloped skin, but I welcomed it, I welcomed the sensation of pain, I could finally feel again. I look all around and then straight, to seeing the frightened class of foals, the teacher stood on her hind legs, putting herself between me and them. Several shrieks filled the air as panicked ponies run out of my enclosure. “W-a-aait” my voice came in deep crackles, it was more like a screech than speech. My throat suddenly was filled with sharp pains and I regretted testing out my voice. I rubbed my neck in an attempt at easing the pain. I felt dry like I had just woken up from a long nap. I periodically licked my lips as I got up, my adrenaline had faded and I had calmed down. I look up, staring at the clear blue sky. I smiled, despite the slight pain from moving my dry mouth. I took a long and well-deserved breath. I was finally free and now I could do what I want. I slowly got up, stretching out my legs and getting a feel for my recently freed body. Pushing through the rose bushes that surround me, scratching myself a bit. A lush beautiful green field with various flowers with bright colors takes over my sight. I look in awe at the beauty of this area before me. The back of the castle is to my right and has its stained glass windows depicting various moments in history. I look to my left and see a vast land and a small town that the castle overlooks. There’s a world out there, waiting for me, beckoning adventure. I walk over to the edge of the mountain and look down seeing a giant steep cliff. Suddenly, a squad of guards comes through the hole I made through the rose bushes. They file out into the field, getting in a line and point their spears at me. I stumble back, away from the spears. Looking back a small chunk of earth fell off the cliff. I look down realizing what was about to happen. “F-fuck,” I say before I plummet down the cliff. > The Journey > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turns out, falling down a cliff hurts. My back first hit the muddy cliff and I tumbled onto my chest, then I began to slide down the cliff. It was a steep cliff, mud-coated my once sleek body. The wind roared and was freezing as I accelerated down the cliff. The ground was unforgiving, I landed face first and slowly slid to a stop. I groggily got up and shook off some mud. Then, I flopped back down into the mud. Rolling around in joy, it felt so cold and so wet! I feel like a little kid, I feel so good. I am free and I can feel, smell, and taste. I got up and shook some mud off. I began running and made large splashes in big muddy puddles, splashing it everywhere getting myself even dirtier than I already was. I briskly skipped, sending globs of mud in several directions, until I reached a river. The clear blue river slightly sloshed around and the sounds of flowing water replaced my muddy splashing. I dove into the water, not caring about the how cold it was. The river was so refreshing, I submerged with a mouthful of water, spraying a light stream of it into the air. I didn’t feel dry at all anymore. I quickly dived down again, this time opening my mouth and drinking as much as I could. The water slid down my throat, clearing up any dryness down my throat. The water was so delicious, a lot more than I remember it being. I swam to the other side of the river and climbed onto the shore. I took in rapid breaths, before I spoke my first words in decades, “I...am...ALIVE!!!” my shout pierced the forest’s natural sounds, briefly silencing them before the chirps of birds and insects returned. I took another deep breath and stride into the forest. Birds chirped around me, in an almost harmonious tune. It was like nature had accepted me and welcomed me into her forest. The trees had a beautiful light brown bark, the leaves had a vivid bright healthy green to them. The trees are all healthy and spread out. Like each of them are minding their own space, and giving each other their own space. Unlike most forests, the trees aren’t competing and the animals don’t fight for food. They are sharing and helping each other out. Heck, I even saw a squirrel giving another squirrel an acorn, it was loving. I happily kept walking through the forest taking in everything. Suddenly, the grass shifted to a darker more depressing shade of green. I looked straight away and was startled by the sight. Like a border, the grass changed colors in an almost perfect line. Beyond the darker grass, was a forest, but this forest was eerie and so depressing. Trees cracked and dark, some fall on each other, etched with scary looking faces. A low hanging fog loomed across the surface of the forest to complete it. No sounds came from this forest. It was a deafening silence at this border. It was dead and desolate, almost as if nothing lived here. Yet, it seemed oddly familiar, like I’ve been here before. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I felt...at home over here. Like that other forest was a vacation, but this one was home. I take a step towards the forest, crunching the brittle darkened grass, under my foot. And, I took another and then another. The forest was like a siren hypnotizing me to walk in. And, it worked, I was lured into that forest. I snapped out of my trance and turned around to exit, but the opening was gone. It made no sense I had just walked through a gap in the treeline, but now all there’s only a wall of trees and twigs. I feel the wall of twigs and it was solid. So, I went the only way I could go, forward. I wasn’t skipping anymore, I felt on edge and alert, constantly stopping at every sound. It was almost like no life was here. I saw no leaves or lush green grass, just blackened mess. But, why did it feel like home here? It’s almost inhospitable, it sucks here, why would I ever want to live here? I sat down, leaning back on a tree, I groan, I needed to think this over for a little while. Ok, so I bought a tail at a con and then was sent here, by a merchant guy. Wait, wasn’t it a facehugger? Forget it! A merchant sends me here. And I live here for a while before getting turned to stone by a rainbow by Celestia. Now, i’m free and wandered into this forest and am here now. Wait, where did I live? It was shabby but was enough to suit my needs. But, I don’t remember anything else. Clearly, though, it is in this forest, I really can’t shake the feeling of familiarity here. What really sets it off is the lingering smell of dew, but was mostly blocked out by the strong smell of ash. Getting up, I take a breath and venture further into the forest. As I walk I glance around frequently, trying to spot anything different. But this forest was like a pattern, nothing new was showing up and I was getting very irritated. I hated this feeling of powerlessness, I hated that I had no control over my situation. I kept glancing around, until a faint stench caught my attention, just as I looked in the direction it came from, a gust of wind blew it away. Thank you wind, it really smelled. I brushed it off as a rotting plant or something and continued forward. The gust of wind continued, and it was a good change to the forest. I kept walking, passing even more trees with angry faces. I stopped suddenly, I felt like I was being watched. I looked around more periodically, before continuing to walk, more slowly this time. The gust was blowing even harder than before, only adding to my concern. The feeling of being watched hurt, it was so strong and, an urge to hold my ground was screaming at me, I could not ignore it. I completely stop and get on all fours and raise my tail ready for anything. The gust suddenly stops and nothing happens. I sigh in relief, I can’t believe I was that scared of nothing. I was about to get up, but the stench comes back, but much more thick. A green haze surrounds me, further adding to the eerie surroundings and it stinks really bad. Suddenly, a large dog jumps out of nowhere and bites my neck, hard. I was caught off guard, reeling back the dog let's go for some reason. Giving me a good look at it, and it was made of...wood, different twigs fit into place to look like a dog. Though, that thing looks so familiar. Its mouth was full of smoke and it was whimpering. When the smoke cleared, it’s maw no longer had teeth and it’s jaw looked melted. A hiss caught my attention as I looked directly down. A tiny patch of grass was hissing with steam. I felt my neck and looked at the green slimy substance on my fingers. Right I forgot, acid for blood. Another wooden dog exploded from the bushes directly behind, but this time I was ready and simply batted it away with my tail, rocketing it back into the forest. Still, on all fours, I glance around and back at the spot that another dog was at, but it was gone. Several seconds pass and I grew nervous, every sound and rustle gaining my attention. My senses were in overdrive and my adrenaline was at an all-time high. They wanted an opening and I wasn’t gonna give them one. The stench...lessons and the green haze slowly fades, before completely going away. I sigh in relief, “Oh, thank the lord, they left.” I say, a great pressure releasing itself from me. I wanted to lay down and let my adrenaline subside but no, I have used this energy to find a way out of here. I got up, standing on two legs again, and began a jogging pace forward once again, but I got a little too into it and began running. Trees, foliage, and twigs rushed past me in a blur. I was having fun again, even in this creepy forest. Gleefully running, I breakthrough a clearing. I stop, staring at the end of the clearing. “I-I know this place.” I say softly, trying to hold back my amazement, “It’s my old cave!” > Rememberance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The giant black rock cave loomed over me, a gentle breeze blew the surprisingly bright green grass. The cave beckoned me, it wanted me to come in. It was like a friend who I haven’t seen for years. And for once, I finally remember something, I lived in this cave, this forest, it was...home. The rainstorm roared on as I crashed through the forest, stumbling and wandering aimlessly. I just needed to get away from them! Using the trees as support I got through the treeline and into a clearing. A familiar dark giant cave carved into the mountain welcomed me. I run to my cave, tripping in mud, hissing from the pressure on my side. I quickly got up and sprinted into my cave. The wind felt like knives on my skin, but my torment was ended when I entered the pitch black cave. I felt around, clawing the glass like floor, crawling on the ground and finding a wall. I hug myself and do what any person would do in my situation. I cried, I whimpered and sobbed alone in my cave. A sharp pain in my head snaps me back to reality, gasping for air I lay up. Drenched in sweat, I recollected my thoughts. “What the hell was that!” I yell in surprise. Was that a memory from before? Or was it some kind of lucid dream? No, it can’t be a dream, I couldn’t have fallen asleep right in front of a cave with no memory of laying down! Noah, you need to calm down, clearly, I just took a nap and forgot I did, yeah that’s right. I collect myself and stand fully up. I didn’t believe myself, that cave had answers. I needed to know, because if this cave was truly mine then it might have some information from the past. With that confidently strode towards the cave. The ground shifting from bright green grass to dark glossy rock. The cave had no inch of light in it, even the entrance. The cave’s roof overhangs its entrance, and it had beauty to it. Walking into the cave, the smell is what hit me, the stench of sulfur flooded my senses. Though, there was a faint smell of ash in the air. I walk further into the cave, and its darkness swallows me whole. I didn’t feel scared, I felt warm, not like the thermal warm, but warm like a motherly hug. I felt at peace here, this place called to me. I couldn’t see, but I didn’t need to see, my senses were able to do that for me. I didn’t see where anything was, but I knew where it was. It was like I could feel where it was. I took more steps into the cave, curiously but confidently, feeling around. Little grooves adorned the wall. The floor was full of these grooves, really small ones all the way up to huge ones even bigger than me. Hitting the back of the cave, it had a whole new texture. It was rough, but it felt like someone was scraping it and the shavings stayed on. And segments of it were hanging on the wall but we almost detached, they clicked whenever they were pushed back against the wall. Feeling around these broken slabs, I reel back as a sharp pain rakes across my finger. I instantly start sucking my finger to stop any acid from dropping onto the floor. “Ow, these rocks are sharp.” my voice bounces off the walls showing a particularly interesting wall, but how did I cut myself on a rock? I decide to leave this part of the wall and put my attention to the left side of the room, Once again feeling around I slide my hands across the wall feeling for something other than small grooves. I keep feeling until I reach a particular one it felt..different. This was deeper like it was meant to be here. The groove extended up a bit, but then it spilt off in two other grooves at the center. I felt both grooves until they ended. Suddenly, I realized what it meant. K Sliding my hands across the wall to the right, I easily found the line I was searching for. I felt around the letter, and grip another deep groove. Tracing down the line it curved to the right, sloping straight down and then ending. h Sliding my hands to find the next letter, the only thing I felt was the smooth wall. No, there’s more, there has to be. I began searching frantically, moving left to right, up and d...down. The letter was lower than the others. Tracing the line it moved diagonally right, before slanting left and ending. I retraced and traced up and down to try to recognize this letter. I realize that it was actually two lines crossing and forming one diagonal line. y The next letter wasn’t too far. It circled around before cutting off to a straight line before completely ending. a Feeling the next letter, I only needed to feel the two lines crossing to know what it means. [b[x I felt around for the next letter and kept feeling. I went further right, but couldn’t find any other letter. I guess that’s all there is. So, K H Y A X. That’s all that there was, it feels familiar. “Ka-high-axe,” I say, trying to pronounce this word, but that doesn’t sound right. It sounds close, but not right. A loud crack of thunder breaks the heavy hitting of the rain. The storm roared and the cold wasn’t ceasing, it was like nature itself was against me. I get up leaning against the cold walls for support. I put a bloodied finger up and began etching my name into the wall with my own blood. Finishing the tedious and messy job, I smiled, “Kigh-axe” weakly falling down I finished my sentence. “Khyax Cave, sounds good.” with that statement I passed out. I jolt back in surprise, regaining my balance I calm my breathing. More of these flashbacks! How many am I going to have? Regaining my composure, I realized something, my name is Khyax. Not Noah anymore, Khyax, that’s me! It fits so perfectly! And this is my home, where I live! Khyax Cave, I’ll keep that name. I was practically rolling around in joy. Sure, it’s not great, but I’m free and I have a home and a name here. I was laughing, I don’t know if I am insane, but I am happy. I continued to laugh until I began coughing and wheezing. “What the hell?” the smell of ash intensified, blocking my smell. "Who goes there!" its voice rumbles and thunders, bouncing off the cave. > The Unwelcome Guest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The thing’s voice shook the cave, it almost paralyzed me in fear. Slowly turning around, two huge glowing reptilian eyes pierced the darkness. “Well? Who are you?!” the thing growls, blowing more ash into the air. “K-Khyax.” I squeak, I felt so powerless, so insignificant in its presence. All my confidence, determination oozed out of me. “Mm, well Khyax, what the hell are you doing in my cave?!” it questions. “Uh, well, it was technically my cave first…” I explain, my voice getting quieter with every word. “WHAT?! Are you challenging me?!” he shouts, “Because if you are, you’re gonna look more messed up than you already do!” he spat. Now that statement pissed me off. Who the hell does he think he is, he insulted my honor, my looks, and invaded my home. Then he has the audacity to threaten me, hell no! “What if I am challenging you.” I retort fully driven by rage. He pauses before cackling, his laugh thunders through the cave, visibly shaking everything. This irritated me, with every second his laugh thundered the more and more pissed I became. I finally snapped and said something I shouldn’t have said. “Well, if you really want this cave then you’ll have to fight me for it, bitch!” I challenge, not even thinking rationally anymore. This silences his laugh, his eyes train on me with malice, the intent to kill written in his stare. “You dare to challenge me, ME! Your insolence is what will end your life today.” he insulted. Why did I have to say that? I’m about to get killed because of how much of a dumbass I am! I can’t back out now, I just insulted him. “Whatever, but if we’re gonna fight then let's take this outside,” I say trying to be confident. I led the way, turning my back and striding out into the open. The sun’s bright rays replaced the darkness. It felt amazing on my skin and it boosted my confidence. Constant and loud thumps snaps me out of my trance. I turn around and freeze, coming out from the darkness was a large blood red dragon. His large head broke the darkness first, crimson scales shined in the sunlight. Then his torso passed through, large leathery wings stayed folded. The dragon had a confident look on its face, almost predatory. He fully crosses into the light, making use of the large opening in the forest. Splaying himself out on the grass he looks at me lazily, “Come on, come at me.” he says, showing no effort to retaliate. This was insulting, he wasn’t even going to try to fight. Getting on all fours, I release a loud hiss, my instinct fully driving me at this point. He seemed unfazed by these actions, It made me angry. I charge him and drive my tail into him, except it just bounces off. I jump onto him trying to make as many scratches as I can, but his shiny scales protected him easily. Nothing was working at all. I couldn’t harm him at all, but I had to try. I thrashed around his body using everything, literally fighting tooth and nail. “Give up yet?” he asks, I’ll give you a quick death,” he adds. He’s mocking me again. This made my blood boil, I involuntarily hiss and jump off of him. I close my mouth and begin filling it with a familiar slimy liquid. My cheeks bulge out, filled with the liquid. I spit out all the liquid at once, a large thick gob of green slime shoots out and coats a big portion of the dragon’s wing. The dragon growls in pain as the slime burns his wing. The slime hissed as he tries to fling it off him, but it’s already sunken into his leathery skin. He flaps and shakes his wing, desperately trying to get the green slime off. Still, he holds back his screams, trying to hide his pain. Finally, the hissing and steam stopped, and the dragon grunted. Laying his wing down limp, he glares at me, before checking out his damaged wing. It now had a big hole in it, with several smaller holes peppering the surface of his wing. His roar thundered and shook the forest. He was no longer playing, he gets up and scowls. Facing me he opens up his large maw and like a flame thrower, he unleashes a huge torrent of flames. I leap to the side narrowly dodging the flames. I braced for the heat to hit me, but it never did, it was replaced by a warm feeling on my side. Why didn’t it hurt, do flames even hurt me? I don’t really want to try to find out. My instincts were screaming at me to run. This was a complete 180 to what they were telling me earlier. Now, all it told me to do was run. I couldn’t listen to it, how am I supposed to outrun a dragon. The scorched grass burned as the dragon’s flames ceased, leaving a path of smoldered grass. “YOU WILL DIE!!!” he roars, swiping at me with his massive claw. I jump back to avoid the claw and quickly began filling my mouth with slime. His claw makes deep gashes on the ground where I was. Moving on all fours I charge towards him. He swipes again, and I dodge out of the way and, spitting a small stream of slime on his claw. He retracts his claw and shakes it in pain. While he does this I get a lot closer. When he notices me it’s already too late. I let loose the rest of slime all over his face. It covered his, snout, cheeks, and most of all, his eyes. The dragon freaks out from the slime in its eyes and thrashes around on the grass. “Please, please! Make it stop!” he pleads, “I yield! I give up! I forfeit the duel! Just make it stop!” he cries out. I felt bad for him, even though I am retaking my cave. I probably blinded him for life, and that made me feel bad. “Alright, just please leave and we’ll both go our own ways,” I say, trying to sound strong. His face stops hissing and the clouds of steam cease, he slowly lowers his arm down and glares at me. One piercing eye full of hatred practically burned my skull. His other eye was gone, melted in and his face was disfigured, covered in melted holes. It was disgusting. He quickly dashes into the forest and disappears, his loud and quick thumping fades away. Walking to my cave I feel...triumphant. I just made a monster that is many times bigger than I begs for mercy and run away. All pity vanishes as I smirk, I want to laugh my head off right now. Am I insane? Or am I going insane? Ah, who cares, as long as I'm happy I’m okay. Wow, I’ve just one my first turf war...well I think my first turf war. I wonder if I’ll have more? Anyways, it’s time for the victor to get his spoils. I’ve rightfully earned this cave, I fought for it, I almost died for it. Well, I don’t think that I was in danger. My instinct completely took over and provided my reflexes. I’m gonna have to actually train myself, instincts wear off. They may work now, but they might not in the future. So, I’m gonna have to get some practice. Lost in thought I was swallowed whole by the darkness of my cave, and promptly fell over. I was in pitch black darkness, I couldn’t feel anything. “Hello!” I cry out in desperation. My voice echoes throughout the darkness. “You are not who you once were.” a voice, no my voice resonates. “What?! Who are you? Where are you?!” I ask panicked. A light pierces the darkness, blinding me. The light replaces the dark and everything becomes white. A black silhouette in the distance catches my eye. It just...floats there, it doesn’t move at all. “H-Hello! Who are you?!” fear crept on me and I felt...dread, like something bad was about to happen. This feeling of powerlessness and unknown scared me. I hated feeling weak, feeling like there's nothing I can do. “Hello! Please answer me!” I beg I wanted to know who this is, I didn’t want to feel scared anymore. The figure did nothing, not even a response. “Goddammit! Answer me!” I demand. It got bigger like it grew in size. I don’t know how but it got bigger and it was still growing. It gets to the size of a person before I realize, it’s not getting bigger, it’s getting closer. I try to squirm to break whatever was holding me. But, my body wouldn’t respond, I couldn’t do anything as this thing gets closer and closer. I closed my eyes, I didn’t want to see what was about to end my life. I didn’t want to see my death, I didn’t want to know my death. A long moment passes and nothing happens. I peek out of one eye, and then both my eyes widen. How could this be possible? This makes no absolute sense at all. Because, the figure that was standing in front of me...was me. > Who I Really Am > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stare at myself as I wonder, how is this possible?! Clearly, I must be asleep, I remember collapsing, so this is all just a dream...right? How could I be looking at myself? “You have forgotten who you are,” he states, snapping me out of my thoughts. “W-Who are you?” I ask. I knew who it was, it was obvious I just didn’t believe myself. “I am you.” he says before continuing, “I am a younger you, actually a more mature you.” “What do you mean a more mature me?” I don’t get it, how would he be younger and more mature. “I know more about what we are and who we are.” his gaze hardens, “You are not Noah, you are Khyax, you must never forget this.” “What are you talking about?” I ask, “You just want me to forget who I am?” I always want to remember who I used to be, I can’t lose that part of me. “That’s exactly what I want.” he pauses for a moment and his gaze softens, “Who you used to be is holding you back, if you would just forget and give in to your true nature, then you could be so much better,” he explains. “I can’t just forget who I am- “Who you were” he interrupts. “Who I was..” I continue, “I want to remember whatever is left of who I am, I can’t ever forget who I truly am.” I can’t forget who I am, even if it doesn’t fit here at all. “Look, if I can’t get you to forget, then I’ll help you remember who you were in Equestria.” he looks disappointed like I failed a test. Suddenly, the area around us shifted into a grassy plain. The pressure vanishes and I fall onto the soft grass. I look up at my other self, he sits on the grass and waits quietly. Getting up on my knees I sit down in an awkward position. His expression shifts and he puts a hand on my shoulder, “Khyax, I’m sorry for asking you to forget who you are, but we’ve gone through a horrible past.” he put his hand down, “And the fact that you forgot that is simply unacceptable.” I flinch at that statement he hated who I am right now. “All our hardships, our accomplishments, happiness, and sorrow.” once again glaring he continues, “All of that gone and forgotten, that’s an insult to me.” he takes a deep breath and calms down. I must have gone through something really bad if I’m that angry at myself. For some reason, I feel disgusted with myself. Like I sinned for forgetting something this important. “Which is why I shall tell you about our past.” he pauses in thought, “We had a rough start, we were sent to Equestria in the middle of a war.” “A war? Which one?” I ask, trying to pry details. “The one with the two Celestial Sisters.” he glares at me, “Would you please not interrupt me.” his gaze hardens as he continues the story. “With no side to turn to we fled into the forest and found the cave that you currently reside in.” Is that what that first flashback was? “We were injured and hunted down.” he says angrily, “Equestrians were plagued with fear and ignorance. They called us a monster! A beast!” he shouts, startling me, “I hated Equestrians and still do.” I was awestruck, I knew Equestrians we afraid of things they don’t understand, but this is just cruel. He smiles a bit, “After that, things got better. I kept my distance from the ponies and lived happily with my children.” “Wait! Children?!” What the hell! I had a wife?! “Yes children, our species are xenomorphs and we are the Queen.” “I’m a girl?!” What is going on here?! “Yes, we are technically a girl.” he replies calmly, “We are an egg-laying queen who births extremely smart children.” “Wait wait, is there anything else I should know?” “Getting back to the story, things were looking up for us but then, our home became a battlefield for the war.” Many years ago Squads of Pegasi filled the skies, the marching of Earth ponies and Unicorns echoed through the forest. The clinking and clanking of metal plates hitting each other. Constant shouting and the sliding of metal rattled the forest. Magical beams pierced through the forest scorching trees and burning grass. Armies had and still clashed. War had found its way into my home. “Everyone get into position and wait for my signal!” I ordered. All my children exited the cave and dispersed throughout the forest. Eager to have their taste of blood. I quickly slid on my black breastplate polished from hardened spit into a shiny piece of armor, then I ran out of the cave. The darkness turned to light and I made a quick left turn. The forest welcomed me as I brushed past the treeline and deeper into the forest. The forest started to blacken as I rushed past each fallen tree and ran around each fire. I ignored the forest’s pain and pressed on. The shouts and clashing armor got louder as I ran closer to the battle. The smell of sweat and musk got stronger, I stopped just before I broke through the treeline and peered at the battle that was happening. Ponies in gold armor clashed against bat ponies in purple. It looked like a stalemate no one was gaining any ground. A smart place to fight, each side was surrounded by trees, so no one could give up any ground. Connected the hive I asked, “Is everyone ready?” after a series of yes’s and ready’s I begin the assault. ”Spitters go!” I ordered, dozens of gobs of acid rained down upon the clashing armies. Several screams erupted from both sides of the battle. Everyone stopped fighting and looked at the screaming soldiers. Panic erupted when the acid kept coming, many ponies from both sides were injured. The armies dispersed and fled into the forest, leaving the ones who got hit. I smirked, they weren’t getting away that easily. ”Hunt them down.” I quickly followed the soldiers, they were in our territory. Getting down all fours I quickly caught up to a group of Sun soldiers. I pounce on the first one, extending my inner mouth, cutting straight through the armor, killing him instantly. The next one raised his sword against me. I jab my tail forward and into his neck, hanging him there. With one flick of my tail I sent his corpse flying into a tree. The rest of them turn and gallop away. “Cowards!” I spat, who the hell runs in a battle of life and death. Spineless bitches like them get on my nerves. ”Khyax!” a voice comes bursting through my hivemind. ”What?!” I ask mildly surprised. ”Both armies have regrouped on both sides of the forest and are holding their ground.!” Damn, they’re launching a counterattack, ”Alright, everyone back off and continue to pick them off from a distance.” I order. Why does this have to be so hard? ”DC! I need you to go and lead the attack against the Sun Guard!” ”Yes Khyax, but what about the Moon Guard?” a gruff voice answered. ”Don’t worry about that, they’re all mine.” I replied, ”Hey where is the Moon Guard?!’ I yelled frustrated. ”To the south of you, Father” DC replied. ”And where the hell is south?” I asked irritated. ”To the left of you.” ”Thank you.” I replied before cutting the connection. I’m sorry but sometimes my children piss me off. Turning left I quickly rush in the direction. Pushing past branches and bushes I reach the end of the treeline. A xenomorph jumps down from the tree, “Khyax, they are just beyond the treeline and in a clearing.” How many clearings are in this forest? It doesn’t matter all I have to focus on is defeating my enemy, “Tell the rest to get down and prepare to charge.” I ordered before walking past the treeline. The sunlight shined upon the battalion shimmering off their dark blue circular shields. The crescent moon painted on glistened in the sun’s rays. Their formation was locked tight, clearly, they were the more disciplined army. As I stepped out all eyes were on me. Some were filled with anger, disgust, but most of all they were filled with fear. I smirked, I was ready for this battle, I was itching for a battle. I wanted the bloodshed to these ponies who disgraced me and shamed me for being what I didn’t want to be. I was getting revenge, “All of you have trespassed and destroyed my home, and you will be punished for it.” I said before smiling devilishly, “I heard you guys are better than the Sun Guard, I’m just here to test that.” after I said that, my children appeared behind me standing in line. Rows upon rows of them stood behind me clad in polished spit and ready to fight. > Battle of the Everfree > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stood there crossing my arms directly in front of a whole battalion. I’m smug and confident, at the peak of my life right now. I had the forces to fight and I relished in it. I wanted this, I needed this, I have no regrets for what happens next. “Alright, let’s show them how xenomorphs fight.” I said glancing at my army, “Everyone, get in battle positions!” getting on all fours I began the position as everyone else began getting on all fours. We have no weapons because we are a weapon. And we were definitely not weaker than these fools. There are more of them, but we have intelligence. I’m going to force them to come to me. “Rain on them and stay vigilant for my next order!” Xenomorphs crawled to the front. These ones were different, their head crest is serrated, and their hind feet are more like hooves than anything. Green glowing sacks dotted the sides of their head, filled to the brim with acid. Their back had two black almost sword-like protrusions, and their tail wasn’t like a spear, but a lot more like an axe, these were the Spitters. They began raining large quantities of acid on them. The Moon Guard raises their shields and their magical domes to try to block as much acid as possible. But, their shields were already deformed from the recent acid shots and were pretty much unreliable. The only thing keeping the acid out were the magic shields. Several screams of agony erupted once again, holes began burning into the multicolored dome. All I’d have to do is wait for them to get desperate and charge. “Alright, most of you hide in the forest and prepare for surprise attacks.” I didn’t need a response, I never did, no one ever questioned my actions, “The rest of you who are in sunlight stay with me and wait for my next order.” Things were getting kind of boring, but I had to look for signs of a charge. I took this time though to study the Moon guard. Several tattered flags on long wooden poles poked through their failing formation, their flags were just a full moon with the face of a pony on it. They stood on hind legs and used each other as balance. They appeared to clump up the most shields in one spot. I assumed this was to protect their general. They shielded each other, and dragged those who couldn’t stand into the clump of shields. “Oh, how chivalrous,” I said in disgust. My question is why are they still waiting, they can’t do anything in their current position. All of them are trapped, their earth ponies, unicorns and, pegas-SHIT! I jerked my head up to see a huge swarm of black pegasi, “Spitters retreat!” I shouted. They stopped spitting and began to retreat before a massive spear thrusts right into one of the spitters. He hisses and screeches in complete agony. The spear breaks inside of the spitter further increasing his pain. He finally laid limp and completely still. Spears peppered the ground around me and thrusting into xenomorphs close to me, “Retreat!” I shouted in terror, running back into the forest. Xenomorphs got pierced easily by the spears and they didn’t even die instantly they were forced to spend their last moments in pain. This time I didn’t hear screaming ponies, instead, I heard the screaming of my own kin. I tried calming myself ramming my head into a tree over and over and over until the screams stopped. I looked up from the tree, I have been looking at this from the wrong angle. Linking into the hivemind I notice many connections severed, ”Everyone! even those fighting the Sun Guard heed my words, stay hidden and strike when you are certain you can. And most of all stay safe my children.” I had no replies from that order, “Just hold them off until I can get there!” I sounded desperate and I hated that, I absolutely hated showing weakness especially in front of all my children. I took a deep breath, leaders shouldn’t be panicking I should be the last person to panic. I need to calm down and think of a plan. A series of shouts broke my concentration. The clinking of armor made itself apparent and thundering hooves hit the ground. I smirk as the realization kicked in, “They’re charging.” Perhaps, I could salvage from this mistake. I can’t deal with pegasi, but they can’t fly in this forest. The Moon Guard quickly closed the gap and crossed into the forest. Fools, they don’t know what they have gotten themselves into. ”My children, move to my position, but do not reveal yourselves.” I stood there crossing my arms as they spotted me, new found vigor and eagerness written all over their faces. My children were all close and I knew it, but wanted to wait until the time was right. One slip up and I could cause even more deaths. Like dogs, the Moon Guard raced to my location letting off an almost abnormal shout of war. An unorganized and undisciplined charge, those fools. As they got closer and closer I was filled with excitement. I was ready to kill and send a message, I would be acknowledged and feared by those who have wronged me. Just seconds before the first pony reached me several ponies were jerked up into the trees and disappeared, their screams couldn’t be heard. Their life had just disappeared in an instant. The first pony lunged at me, a knife in his mouth pointed right at my chest determined to kill me. He struck my breastplate and bounced off, getting on all fours I thrust my tail into his neck as he fell down. Instantly pulling it out I move on to the next pony. He raised his shield against me just barely keeping his own balance. Bashing my tail into his shield I test his balance. He stumbles but holds strong, clearly a sign of good discipline. Sweeping his legs with my tail I finish him quickly, jabbing him in the forehead. By this point, the rest of the battalion were focused on the trees. Xenomorphs were snatching ponies up left and right. Screams cut off as they disappear into the leaves and come back down with a hole in their head. Panic and fear now drove this once venerable army. Patches of them tried to escape but were easily killed and dragged into the leaves. I stood there watching them all die. They completely ignored me and only tried to focus on the trees. The leaves are very dense not a lot of sunlight can get through, so it was almost impossible to spot them in the trees. One pony with sense starting barking orders left and right, trying to group them and get some order in this army. He wore a more flashy outfit, I assumed him to be the general. I wasn’t going to let them do that, but I can’t fight them alone. I call on several nearby xenomorphs. Four xenomorphs jumped from the leaves and landed quietly on the soft grass, already on all fours prepared for battle. I look to the closest one of my children and affectionately rub his bulbous head. He leans in on my touch, enjoying the rare affection from me. I raise my hand and lower on all fours. I begin the charge, literally ramming the first pony in my way. I wasn’t stopping no matter what, I was headed straight for the general. I shoved past several guards and kept going forward, shrugging off the small slices and cuts I was getting. A small group provided one last defense to stop me from getting to the general, but like bowling pins, they were knocked out of the way. Just beyond those guards, the general stood, glaring at me fiercely. “Stop!” he shouted gaining everyone’s attention. His charcoal coat and purplish blue armor shined under one of the few beams of light, and his black mane blew in the wind, like something out of a movie. Skidding to a stop I wait for his next response. This one peaked my interest, I wanted to know what he wanted. “We surrender! All I ask is that you spare our lives.” he shamefully kneeled to the ground. He was bowing to me, this disgraceful fool! This is an insult to me, to your comrades, to your rulers! How dare you surrender, you disrespectful Cur! I kicked him on his back and pressed my foot on his chest. He made no move to try to stop me either, does he have any honor?! A guard nearby tried to charge me, but the stallion under my foot put a hoof and stopped him! The guard looked heartbroken and just stood there staring at his scum of a general. “You’re just going to surrender?!” he nodded, “That just pisses me off, why would you give up this battle? Instead of an honorable death alongside your comrades, you surrender. You choose to surrender shamefully.” I had everyone’s attention at this point, “And for what?! To save a few ponies, why, why would you so easily give up this battle?!” “Because, I need to set an example for everypony and show them that their lives are important too.” he smiled very wide, “And because, that’s what heroes do.” Raising my tail, I bash in his fucking teeth from that remark. He really pissed me off, I watched him sputter blood as he covered his mouth in pain. He writhed under my foot like a panicked dog. That fool, he keeps speaking fairy tales. There are no heroes, they’re all just illusions. Lowering myself, I get face to face with him and speak quietly, “Listen, despite how much you piss me off, I’m going to spare the rest of your disgraceful army.” he looked up to me with hopeful eyes, once again pissing me off, “But, you’re going to leave without any of your dead, I’ll take them.” “F-For what?” he asked sounding horrified. “I would say that you would find out, but you aren’t even worthy of being a host for one my children.” I got off of him before continuing, “Instead I’ll give you a fate worse than death. I’ll let you keep your cowardly life and you’ll live in regret for the rest of your life. And make sure you tell your precious moon princess to stay away from my forest or we’ll make an even bigger example.” I turn around before looking back at him, “Got it?” He stumbles to his hooves and gives me a salute, “Yes sir.” He saluted his enemy...he is so...irritable, “Now, get the fuck out of here.” He quickly gathers the remaining ponies and they run away, disappearing into the brush. “Someone follow them and make sure they actually leave.” I order not even bothering to check if they are doing the task, “And the rest of you prepare to help your brothers on the other side of the forest!” I yell dashing in the direction of the other side of the forest. Today’s gonna be a long day isn’t it? > Deceitful Escape > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Man, it sucks being in prison nothing to do.” I say. I look out of my cell to see a glowing flag with nothing on it. “Huh, that's strange, never saw that before.” I say while inching closer. “Imma touch it.” I say, reaching out, swiping for the flag but to no avail, then I decide to use his tail. I stab my tail into the flag, then a bright blinding purple light surrounds me and the flag. “Boo” A demonic voice says, behind Khyax. “Ah!” I yell slamming into the bars with his head. “Ow, I did not deserve that.” I say, rubbing the back of my head. “Heheh, don’t care.” It was an Alicorn mare, not much different from Twilight Sparkle. “Well, you look freaky, no offense.” I say. “Lots taken. I’m just a darkly colored Alicorn.” She said. “You’re one to talk, too.” “Ouch, anyway who are you and why are you here?” I ask. “My old name was Skylar Hope. Now I’m Brutalight Sparcake, At your service.” Brutalight says with a mock bow. “Well why are you here?” I ask again. “You touched one of the Tokens I’m linked to.” Brutalight said. “You’re a Displaced, correct?” “Uh, I think so.” I say. “You’re new to this, I understand. Is there anything you’d have me do?” Brutalight asks, placing a light purple top hat onto her head. “Well, first I want me and my child out of this castle.” I demanded. “As you command, my unholy service shall begin.” Brutalight says, before literally walking through the bars. “Guard! I, Princess Celestia’s student, want to speak to the beast alone!” She said in a normal voice. “You smart alicorn um...alicorn.” I say. “Demon.” Brutalight corrects, before waiting for a response from the guards. A lone unicorn guard came marching down the hall. “Are you sure Princess Twilight, he is dangerous.” the guard asks. “If I can pick up and pacify an Ursa Minor late at night, I think I can take care of a jailed creature.” Brutalight says calmly. “Yes your majesty, I’ll inform the guards to leave this sector.” the guard says, before bowing and marching off. Brutalight, then melted the bars of Khyax’s cell. “Follow me from a distance. Okay?” Brutalight’s coat shifted to look more like Twilight’s coat and dissolving the top hat. “Wait, let me call my child.” I say, before closing his eyes and going into the hivemind. “Slash are you there?” I ask mentally. “Yes, my Queen” Slash replys. “Come to the cell quickly.” I say before relising what he said. "Wait what did you call me?" "I called you my Queen" I groan in annoyance. "I'm a King, call me King." “Yes, my king.” Slash says. With that bumps of metal getting louder was heard to see a vent grate fall from Khyax’s cell. A xenomorph drone pops it's head out and climbs out and crawls to Khyax. “Well, we're all here.” I say, petting Slash. “As we go, I’ll explain what a Token is.” Brutalight says, trotting forward. “Alright explain.” “A Token is an item tied to a Displaced. A dimensionally misplaced person like us. How we interact across multiverses, however, is through these Tokens. A Displaced uses them to call our friends to us. Each Displaced has one. I don’t though. That flag is part of a faction I’m a part of called the Empire of Nightmares.” Brutalight explains. “Any questions?” “How does someone make this and transport it across the multiverses?” I ask. “Gimme what you want to use.” “Um, Slash make a square webbing for me.” Khyax said. Slash made some using his spit that quickly hardened into a black sloppy square. “Alright here.” Khyax says handing it to Brutalight. Brutalight cringed, but took it in her magic. She casted a spell on it, then magics it over. “Speak a phrase into it explaining your intentions. Good, bad, neutral, etc.” Khyax leans into the square and says “Anyone that has problems good or bad or needs a friend summon me to the battle, I am, Khyax, the king of xenomorphs.” I say confidently. Brutalight, then sent it into the void. “It’ll duplicate in the void.” Brutalight says, before continuing. Once they were outside of the dungeon, Brutalight looked around. “Wait, even if we get out how are two giant aliens going to slip past guards?” “I can cast sleep spells.” Brutalight stated, before trotting left. “I hope this world’s Canterlot Castle is the same as mine.” “Well I didn’t really have time to check around while I was unconscious.” Khyax says. “I’m talking to my-” Brutalight froze all of a sudden, then an evil smirk appeared on her face. She summoned a saddle bag and turned to Khyax. “Trust me.” “You don’t look all trustworthy.” I say warily. “I know, but you don’t look that part either, Trust me.” “Alright, i’ll trust you.” I say. Brutalight used a spell to shrink Khyax and Slash, before tossing them into her saddlebag. “You guys okay?” Brutalight asks, as she headed for what she hoped was the exit. “YOU BETRAYED ME!” I say in a squeaky voice. “No, this way you’ll be unseen. Once we’re out of Canterlot I’ll resize you.” Brutalight explains. She turns when she passed a guard. “Good day, sir.” “Good day your highness, I hope that beast didn’t give you a hard time.” the guard says. “Nah, it fell asleep when I started talking to it… It’s really insufferable when this kind of thing happens. I could go on and on about my friend Rainbow, but I’m kind of tired. Mind showing me to the entrance of the castle? If I don’t have anything to do, might as well check up on my family.” “Yes, this way, Princess Twilight.” he says as he lead the fake Twilight through the castle. “Just Twilight is fine.” Brutalight said, following the guard. The guard leads Twilight though twists and turns leading into the throne room and says “Just through that door across the throne room will get you outside.” the guard explains. “Thank you.” Brutalight replied, before going inside. As Brutalight was walking through the throne room she heard Celestia addressing her. “Twilight, what are you doing here?” Celestia asks. Brutalight froze, but quickly turned. “Oh, Princess Celestia! I didn’t see you there. I’m, uh, a guard said the exit is through here. I want to go see my family. I don’t visit them often enough.” Twilight says. “If you went to see your family, then why are you at the castle? In fact how did you get in here?” Celestia questions. “I teleported. What a mistake, I got a migraine.” Brutalight laughs in false embarrassment. “I wanted to see the creature. It fell asleep before I could study it.” Brutalight lies. The demonic Alicorn was a master liar and manipulator, able to keep sweat from openly showing her lies. “Well, next time come through the doors or tell me before hoof.” Celestia says. “Of course, It won’t happen again, I promise.” “Alright, goodbye then I must return to my work.” Celestia said. “Of course.” Brutalight teleports onto the other side of the door which she needed to go through. “That was close. See? Trust me.” “Ya, anyway can you get me out of here?!” I yell. “Not yet, We’re still in the castle.” Brutalight starts flying towards the front of the castle. “We should do this somewhere where no one goes like the everfree forest to not cause alert.” I suggest. “Okay…” Brutalight says. She finally got outside, before dive bombing into the Everfree Forest. She landed with a thump on her hooves, smiling proudly. “You’re welcome.” She then pulls Slash and me out of her saddle bag, before turning them back to their former heights. “Never do that again.” I say. “I won’t have to if you don’t get caught.” Brutalight explains. “So now what?” I ask. “Now I promote my organization. The Empire of Nightmares is a faction that specializes in helping questionable Displaced. If you join, you can have the tokens of all it’s members, and assist in our endeavors. Rewards vary. We’re currently fighting a group called the Alliance of Heroes, which is more for the heroic and moral steady types.” “Well, I guess I owe you one so i’ll join The Empire of Nightmares.” I say. “Cool, I’ll call you when we need ya, mate.” Brutalight states. “Cool, i’ll always be ready for you.” I say. “Thanks bro. Need anything else?” Brutalight asks. “Nah, i’m good i’ll be fine.” I say. “You ever need us, use this.” Brutalight tossed what looked like a tablet towards him with a symbol on the back. “Solar er.” The symbol was black with red spikes pointing inward. I caught it and looked at it, puzzled. “So it works like a tablet?” I ask. “Press on a name and it’ll show you information about them. Then there’s a summon option, and a call option.” Brutalight explains. “I suggest only contact those you meet personally. Later!” Brutalight says, before vanishing. “Okay bye.” I say after she left. “Well, Slash that was an experience." > New management > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Wait a minute, this is the dragon lord episode so, if I play my cards right I can do this, Slash stay put I gotta go do something.” I say, then spotting Spike sitting on a particular rock. I then walk up to him and say “Hey how’s it going hatchling.” “Hey my name is Spike uh sir.” Spike says, noticing my size. “My name is...Drake...Dammit me.” I say to myself and Spike. “Hey do you know why all of us dragons are gathered here?” I ask Spike. “I wish i’d know for myself but i’m as clueless as you.” “Hey Spike you got a weird rock there I don’t recall rocks having eyeballs.” “Well you see I...I stole this rock from a pony yep so it’s a different rock.” Spike said smiling nervously. “Spike, do I look like I was born yesterday I know there’s someone or somepony in there, but don’t worry this will be our little secret.” I say smirking. “Yeah our little secret.” Spike said quietly. “Well looks like your friends are coming i’ll see you later.” I say, spotting Garble walking over here. Then I start walking away. “Wait no!” Spike yells. I start to look to the dragon lord to wait for his announcement, he has a dark blue color, the inside of his wings are a fiery orange with two horns that curve down beneath his neck and one has a ring on it. He also has armor that is clipped with a golden clip and wears a red crystal crown. “DRAGONS OF EQUESTRIA HEAR ME!!!” the dragon lord yells. “I have been dragon lord for longer than many of you can remember and my reign has been extraordinarily… AGREE WITH ME!!!” he yells then all of dragons start cheering. “Unfortunately according to Dragon law it is time for me to step down, Sad I know...BE SAD!!!” just as he said that the dragons pretended to cry. “This is why I have summoned you to compete for the throne in the gauntlet of fire!” after he said that the dragons cheered. “Whomever has the strength and fortitude to retrieve this bloodstone scepter from the heart of the flame cano will be crowned, LORD OF THE DRAGONS!!!” he says, flicking the scepter into a cave that tilts over then bursting in flames and then a red explosion makes the dragons stop sparkling. “That looks dangerous.” I say. “The gauntlet is dangerous for I have designed it myself, Only dragons with my ferocity and strength and determination will be able to finish. We will gather at the cliff when the sun is at its peak!” the dragon lord says. “Where do you think your going little dragon.” he says, then everyone moves out of the of Spike pushing a rock. “Oh hiya i’m Spike and I was going home.” Spike says smiling. “No one goes home unless I say so.” he says. Then a small blue dragon comes out of nowhere. “Dad, look at him he’s just a runt besides he doesn’t want to even want to compete let him go.” she says. “Well he is rather tiny haha I could squish him with my pinky claw.” he says. “Haha yeah.” Spike says. “That wasn’t a joke that was a fact I could squish you easily.” he says seriously. “Alright you can leave.” he says then moving on to the cliff after talking to the blue dragon which I assume to be his daughter. Then, after everything was done we were off every dragon flew off towards the cave, I on the other hand had to swim my way. I jumped in the water waving my body like a fish and using my tail to turn, then I look back to Spike trying to swim, but he was just freaking out underwater. I move under him and push him above water for air. When he gets above water he gasps for air but I keep moving above water for him to breathe. He then looks down to spot me but can’t recognize me since most of me is underwater. “Thanks for saving me I would have been a goner if it weren’t for you.” he says. I just keep swimming reaching the almost at the cove then a another dragon in armor plunges into the water unconscious. “Oh great how many more are gonna fall.” I say mentally, then swim over to the dragon and Spike grabs her then puts her on my back. When we reach the cove I emerge out of the water Spike drags the unconscious dragon off my back and on the sand. Then takes off its helmet revealing that the dragon was a girl. “Huh where am I?” she asks. “Princess Ember?!” Spike yells. “Oh it's you.” Ember says. “We saw you fall in the water so we helped you anyways thank you mister YOU! IT WAS YOU!” He says seeing me. Yeah, you don’t have to thank me.” I say. “Anyways, I didn't need your help and dragons don’t do help.” Ember says. “Well this dragon does.” Spike says, then a rock tumbles down the mountain. “Don’t leave me here Spike!” someone yells. I flick my head to the side to see Garble stuck under a rock. Then Spike proceeds to lift the rock off of Garble. “Haha I knew you would do that your pony friends made you soft” Garble says standing up, then kicking sand on Spike. “A huh you're welcome.” Spike says. “For what I didn’t say thank you. Then he sniffs Spike “You even smell like ponies...or it is coming from over there. He says, sniffing and walking over to the seaweed bush with Eyes poking out. “It’s me I just robbed from some ponies on my way here.” Ember says. “Hm, I like your style in fact you look familiar.” He says to Ember, getting a lot closer. “Uh that’s just my cousin sandy uh rock beach.” Spike says. I stare at both dragons in disbelief that Spike had actually said that. “Stupid sling tails knocking me off.” Garble says. He fuckin bought it. “I’ve wasted enough time talking with- I'm sorry but I wanna win see you later.” I say, crawling up the cliff. The mountain was easy to climb, but I had to  dodge or sling rocks away with my tail. I kept doing this until I reached the entrance of the cave, when I went inside the cave the rocks crushed up and down like teeth in fact they were shaped like teeth. “How the hell am I supposed to get through that, oh yeah.” I say, remembering I have acid spit. I spit through each one leaving a hole big enough for me to fit I kept repeating this process until I reached the crystals, jeez they are enough to impale me I think dragons have thick scales so all it does is push them into the wall. This challenge would be easy enough I may be big, but I am quick and agile. I charge jumping the first horizontal spike, then sliding under the next spike then smashing right through one cause I can. I finally made it through to see pools of lava everywhere. “Oh, fuck me.” I say. So, I spent a while carefully stepping on the rims of the lava, when I got down it was even worst. It was a labyrinth if I go here I end up there up I went up I would probably end up down. I felt like I was in fucking Inception. I go through every door and hallway until I spot door with a faint purple glow in it and run into the door, I see Garble and Ember fighting while this is going on I latch onto the wall and start crawling towards the scepter when I just about reach the scepter, Garble notices and rams into me hard. I fall to the ground and hit the floor hard that takes the breath out of me. “Please, somebody anybody help.” I say losing consciousness. (1000 years ago) I’d love to go back to my world again and see my brother, I miss him but nope I just had to get sucked in equestria. I guess i’ll start from the beginning my name wasn’t Khyax it was Noah but I can’t use that name here it doesn’t fit anymore. It was a normal day I was going to con with my brother, Alex I think. He was dressed up as Zero he really liked Zero. I was a Queen xenomorph a smaller size though. We were walking through and I was happy it was my first con and it was the worst con. I was looking around for anything that would interest me I saw a booth that had ALIEN illustrated at the top I walk up to it to see a man in a cloak next to a xenomorph pushie it was cute, he only had one plushie on it and nothing else. It's like that booth drew me to it, like it was my destiny to buy something there. “Come, come are you interested in the pushie?” he asks, in a gruff voice. “Uh yeah so how much is it?” I ask him. “There is no need for money it’s on the house.” he says. “Cool thanks man.” I say grabbing the plushie I glance back to see him smiling I brush it off as him happy for giving it away. “I think i’ll name you, Slash.” I say walking away and cradling the plushie as if it were a child. Everything gets  Then suddenly as if fate wanted to ruin this moment I fall into a portal I see a blue haze then I see a bear and that bear smiles and a blinding white light happens. (Slash POV) I couldn’t listen to Khyax he’s too important, so I followed him made sure he was okay because I was worried then when I saw him hit the ground I had stop anyone who wanted Khyax’s scepter. When the tiny dragon climbed to grab the scepter I intervened stopping him from getting it I grabbed it with my tail then jumped on the wall rushing toward Khyax. Then the blue one started flying towards me, I start changing my tactics, I spit then jump. I continue this process until she starts catching up then I go into full drive crawling as fast as I can, then the dragon manages to catch up and she slams into me making me fall I made one last ditch effort to give Khyax the scepter by trying to throw it at him but throwing with my tail mid air is hard so I grab it with my hand. When I did the scepter sparked and a red pulse waves over everyone. (Khyax POV) “Uh, what’s with that feeling?” I ask. then when I push myself up I see Slash with the scepter with bat like wings flying. “Slash you can fly?” I ask. “What i’m not...oh.” Slash says noticing his hovering and wings “Well I guess I can.” “Slash, give me the scepter.” I say, mentally praying he doesn’t turn on me. “Yes my King.” Slash says flying over to me when he gets over to me he hands the scepter to me. When I get it he loses his wings with a flash and is back to normal. I on the other hand I feel a burst of energy like I just dunked my head in water. Then I feel like I had arms on my back stretched out I turn to see my wings black with white spikes at the edges I give them a flap and i’m astonished to feel each little air movement. I try out flying I flap my wings simultaneously and soon I lift off the ground then I flap as hard as I can flying above the cavern and above the red crystals that that used to hold the scepter. I land in front of the crystals all of the dragons were there and I say. “The dragons are under new management.” > New Arrivals > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Somewhere else) “Graux, what’s the info on this planet's creatures, please?” I ask one of my soldiers typing on a big computer with a blue keyboard made of light. “Okay, this planet seems to be dominated by horses,” he says showing a hologram of a small horse with big eyes and humanlike mouth. “WHAT!” I yell. “This is just...just pitiful we will send down ships immediately.” I say in disgust. “But sir, there are also flying lizards that breathe fire, they appear to be led by someone by the way they act.” he says distressed. “Who?” I ask. Perhaps this planet could offer a challenge. “By that.” he says, showing a hologram of a queen xenomorph sitting on a throne with a crystal scepter. “A xenomorph…we need to send the ships down and stop this xenomorph before he spreads and conquers the planet we don’t want another Xenomorph prime.” “Well, yes that was a tragedy.” he says sorrowly. “Well, what are you waiting for tell everybody to land the ships NOW!” I yell. “Yes sir, Lord Dark,” he says. “All ships land in the forest and set up a base for the conquering of this planet.” he commanded. With that said, dozens of small ships shaped like teeth start to land in different places of the everfree forest. Finally, a giant ship shaped like a metal disc lands, crushing trees and shrubbery, picking up leaves and twigs in the process. I wait for the door to open and grab my gauntlets, sliding them on my arms. Bits of net shook with every step I took on this planet, and bits of armor clinking here and there and my bony necklace bouncing around my neck. Then, I flick a wire on my mask making a hiss with steam coming out and flick another and then it makes the same response. I grab my mask and pull it off revealing my four mandibles and sharp teeth behind the mandibles. I take a deep breath, "This planet is fresh and...pure," I say to myself, "And weak!" I spat. “Enjoying the view sir?” Graux asks, stepping beside me. "I already hate this planet." I reply calmly. "Another weak one, I suppose?" “Yes and no, I just thinking how does a queen make it all the way over here?” I ask, not really expecting an answer. “I don’t know sir, but perhaps it was a forgotten hunt.” he replies, trying to figure out a good answer. “Yeah maybe.” I replied, looking into the distance. (Khyax POV) “Alright, it’s time to start project Canterlot.” I say, clapping my hands together, getting everyone's attention. “What do you mean?” Slash asks. “Yeah, what do you mean?” Yolouce says, he was a big dragon with orange scales and reddish-orange claws, he was my other personal assistant. “Well, when I was captured they captured my eggs I’m sure.” I say, smirking deviously. “Oh, so you plan to hatch them and destroy Canterlot from the inside out.” Slash replied, putting the pieces together. "See this is why you're my firstborn!" I replied happily, "You're smart." He really was my perfect heir to the throne, “Well, not exactly we need intel you know battle formations because that student of Celestia probably told her that I rule the dragons.” “Oh, so you're preparing for war.” Slash figured. “Precisely, now let's begin, do not let anybody in the throne room until I am done," I say sternly "Because I will need to concentrate.” I explained. “Yes sir.” Slash says, walking off. “Oh uh yes sir dragon lord sir.” “I swear you guys are like clones." I shook my head, "Alright let's begin.” I say to myself, closing my eyes. Going into the hivemind I notice a dim light. I float over to it, my excitement growing the closer I got. It quickly got brighter and brighter as I got closer. Soon, it got so bright that I couldn't keep my eyes open. And then...nothing. A voice pierced the absolute darkness and mute silence. “So, why are we doing this.” a male doctor sound voice says. “We need to study these eggs for a hope to understand these beasts.” an older sounding voice replies. “Alright vitals.” “Stable.” “Any sign of movement.” “None.” “Alright, begin egg extraction.” “Okay.” “Scalpel.” “Scalpel.” Both of the voice was so in sync. Then, a thin streak of light shaped like a plus above, shone on me hurting my skin. “Pliers.” “Pliers.” Then the plus sign light opens up blinding me. When my eyes adjust I see a blue stallion with a dark blue mane looking down at me. “Ew, this is disgusting.” the one that was looking at me says. “Let me see.” then the stallion moves his head for another one to look down at me he is white with a yellow mane. “I don’t think this is that same monster from before,” he says. I then go into the consciousness of one other facehugger to hatch it manually while they’re paying attention to me. “So, do you think it's dead?” the younger stallion asks, staring at the light brown “No, it probably needs to stretch its legs.” the older stallion says, before pausing, “Why are you so quiet all of sudden what afraid of the little alien...” a deafening silence follows as he watches his friend struggling to pull the facehugger off his face he screams seeing his friends face covered by a facehugger. “It's time,” I say, willing the facehugger to latch onto his face. I jump out skidding over to the other doctor, he scrambles for the door trying to escape, but I crawl up his body and squeeze my legs onto his face and wrapped my tail around his neck securing myself on him, muffling his screams. Then, I inject the eggs down his neck and into his stomach. Suddenly, I felt weak, so weak. My legs became loose and I fell and hit the floor fulfilling its one role in life. And then the starry night encompassed my vision. I search around the hivemind for the ejected eggs it's like the dim light, but a bit brighter. Finally, I find what im looking for and float toward it. Like before the light turns brighter and blinds me, covering my whole vision. “My queen, it is an honor for you to be in my mind.” the processing egg says. “I’m not a queen goddamnit, I AM A KING!” I yell infuriated. Why is it so hard for them to say it right? “My apologies, my king.” he replies, genuinly apologetic. “Good now, here is your mission, you are to collect intel and nothing else, you are to never fight unless necessary, got it?” I ask. “Yes my King, anything else?” he asks, eager to obey “Oh yeah, also you and your brother hide the evidence.” I command. “What evidence?” he asks oblivious. “The bodies you're about to burst out of.” I reply calmly. “But, how we don’t have anything to hide the blood with.” he says in protest. “Not my problem, goodbyeeeee.” I say, cutting my connection. Xenomorph POV I kept eating and biting to desperately break free. Ripping through the last layers of flesh, light pierced the darkness and I was free. I peer around rapidly at my new white environment and spot my brother covered in blood. “Wait blood.” I reminded myself, looking around to see blood everywhere on the walls the floor, just everywhere. My tail swished in annoyance splashing drops of blood in the process. “Goddamnit...whoever that is.” > Training part 1 (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was normal day no brawls or crimes in fact some teenage dragons were playing with a ball in mid air. I was admiring the architecture of this wonderful dragon city when a blue dragon with a hockey stick of ice on its back pulled me out of my thoughts. “Hey come on let's go,” the blue dragon says. “Who are you?” I ask. “I am Snapshot,” he says. “Oh I get it, because of the hockey stick on his back.” I say to myself. “Okay but where are we going?” “We are going to the training grounds.” “Why?” “To teach you how to fight of course.” “What rank are you?” I ask. “Dragon General, my lord.” he says confidently. “Alright let's go.” “Okay,” he says, leading me to the back of the castle. “The reason we are doing this is so you can become a good leader, despite having never led,” he explains. “First, comes basic combat. After that, you will learn how to use the magic in your scepter. And then after that, you will learn strategics like battle formation and how to lead your forces and dragon court etiquette when you meet other royals.” “Okay, how long will this take?” I ask. “About a year or two.” “What! A year or two? Man, being King is hard.” I exclaim. “Well, here we are,” he says, stopping. It looked like a flattened dirt pit with targets painted on scarecrows. “More of a glorified wrestling pit than a training ground, but it will do,” he says. When I look around I see other dragons wearing iron armor and training: Some in archery, some in air battles, and others in what looked like fist fights. “First, we will teach you basic swordplay. There are wooden swords in that chest over there. Take as many as you want.” I look in the chest, seeing the wooden swords or sticks with hilts, and pick two up before extending out my other two arms to be as long as my first two and pick up two more swords. “Oh, so you have four arms –cool– but that won’t help much against me,” he says, pointing his sword at me. I in return point the two swords that my inner arms held toward him and hold the other two to the ground. I’ll call it the defending sword –man, I feel like General Grievous. “Cute, now en garde!” he says, launching himself at me with his wings. He tries to use momentum to thrust his wooden sword into my chest. I use the the defending swords to trap his sword into the ground to by forming an X with my swords and thrusting both swords into the ground, momentarily trapping him. I use this chance to thrust my swords into his stomach, but he flies directly up, ditching his sword and just barely missing my sword. He dives at me from the sky, breathing out an icy fog that billowed out, completely blocking my vision of him. I can only make out a fast moving shape, but it faded in and out of sight. I drop one of my swords and grab my dragon scepter from its scabbard. When I grab it, wings flash on my back and I flap them to clear out the fog. When I can finally see, Snapshot was nowhere. I suddenly perk up when I feel a light prodding on my back. I turn to see him poking me with his wooden sword. “I win,” he says. “Yeah, well, I would have won if you hadn’t cheated,” I say angrily. “I didn’t cheat, I just used my natural ability to my advantage. And in battle there is no cheating.” he explains. “Whatever, now what are we doing?” I ask. “You will be trained by Tyalor,” he says, gesturing to a green dragon with a yellow belly. “Hello, my lord, I’m Tyalor, 3rd general in the dragon army,” he says, bowing. “He’s very formal,” Snapshot says. “I am here to teach you the basics of swordplay,” Tyalor says, finishing his bow. “Okay, why?” I ask. “If you are attacked without any of your royal guards, you would need to be able to defend yourself,” Tyalor explains. “Okay, when you put it like that, I really need teaching.” “Great, now let's start by picking your weapon. Follow me,” he says, leading me into a giant room made of marble speckled with black in a square with no inside kind of like a quilt.. It had several giant doors that I could see but I did not know what was inside. “Woah, this room is so cool,” I say in amazement. “Alright, judging by the way you use your swords, you use two for defense and two for offense, correct?” he asks. “Yes.” “Alright, for your defensive swords, I suggest this,” he says, showing me two double bladed black swords with a trident like structure near the handle. “Woah this is cool,” I say, admiring the blade. “And for your offense blades, you should use this,” he says, now showing me two double bladed black swords with gold carvings in certain places and grooves and sharp edges near the handle. Both of the swords came from an armory underground when he stepped on a certain plate. “This is legendary,” I remark, amazed by the craftsmanship of the sword. “After we're done, I want the person who made this blade to come to me immediately.” “Of course, my lord,” he says. “But first, for your training today you will be fighting one of our prototypes.” “What kind of prototype?” I ask. “Oh, you know, a simple one. It should be a walk in the park for you.” he says smirking. “Okay, send it out,” I say, picking up all of the four swords. “Very well,” he says, pressing a button on a remote he had behind his back. The walls open up where they seemed they never could. What comes out is a giant white mechanize crab that stands at least two or three feet taller than me. “WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!” I yell in fear and surprise. “That is our prototype,” Tyalor explains peacefully. “YOU SAID IT WAS A SIMPLE ONE!” I yell in anger. “It is, just find its weakness.” He gestures as though it was a simple task. “Fine,” I say, now annoyed. “Alright, it’s just a crab, yeah? So... claws in the front. Got too be careful of that. One grab and i’ll be gone in a f-AHHHHHHHH!” I say in my mind, barely dodging the crab’s claw. “He’s not going to wait for you finish thinking,” he calls out over the metal slamming the ground. “Okay, heavy metal shell means slow movements, and since it's a robot its joints must be its we-SHIT!” I think, narrowly avoiding the crab jumping on me. “Attacking the crab head on is suicide, so I should attack from the BACK!” Once again I am interrupted by the crab’s attacks. Finally done thinking, I act, swaying my body to stay on my feet, waiting for it to attack. When it does, it decides to smash me with its claw. As the claws come crashing down, I jump back, dodging it, and run forward up his claw and onto his back, sliding off its shell behind it. It turns around slowly, but I keep behind it, walking in circles around it so it can’t get me with his claws. Getting tired of this, I move to slash his leg. Nothing happens. With a sudden realization, I decide the sword is useless and get angry at myself for realising I didn’t need to get behind it in the first place. I had my own natural abilities. I take a few seconds to gather up my acid in my mouth and let loose a spray, moving around so I could cover all of his legs. His legs melt quickly, and so does the floor. As it all solidifies again, it was impossible to tell where the leg stopped and the floor began, rendering it immobile. “So how did I do?” I ask, patting myself off. “You did excellently, though I would have done it differently,” he says, releasing another robot crab. “Good job realizing you could use the acid, but you really didn’t need to at all,” he explains just before getting in front of the crab. “You should have attacked the eyes; an obvious and simple solution.” he flies directly at the crabs black, glassy eyes, then pulls out a sword of his own and smashing one of the eyes. He then forces his claw into the socket, ripping out cords and metal tubes before the crab just falls on its legs, shutting down. “There, done and done,” he says. “And why didn’t you show me any of this before hand?” I ask. “I believe in learning on the field of battle,” he replies. “Fuck you.” “I get that a lot.” > Battle plans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Tyalor's training he took my swords and said he was going to get them enchanted. The war room was where I had to be next, though I didn’t know my way around the castle yet, so an escort of guards led the way. While I was being escorted I looked around. I noticed the floor was made of marble and had a fiery red to it and the walls were red crystals with orange crystals here and there throughout. Also, there were paintings of dragons in armor; some were with mustaches, others with powdered wigs and beards, and some with both.   There were many doors along most of the hallways, but we didn’t enter any till we reached the end of a large hall. The guards led me into the throne room, along a wide red carpet leading up a few steps to the giant golden throne, then to a door behind it. As a guard opens it for me, I walk in to see all of the dragon generals around a large table, plus one I didn’t know. “Reporting for duty, Sir!” they all say in unison. “Who is that?” I ask, gesturing to the purple dragon with webbed feet and a tail that looked like a trident made of fins. Now that I really noticed the dragon, he had very thin wings that could not have been used for flying. “Avera, general of the Naval Dragons.” she says, saluting. “Wait, if she is the Naval general, what general are the both of you?” “General of Ground Forces,” Snapshot said. “General of Technical Advancement,” Tyalor says. “What about air?” I ask. “The general of the Air Force and Magic are very busy right now,” Tyalor replies. When I look around the war room, I see it is a good sized room with a big crystal clear table with chairs all around it. One big chair is set at the end of the table in front of a map of equestria that is on a board. “So what is our plan for equestria, Sir,” Snapshot asks. “Alright first, I will establish the plan for equestria’s takeover just in case.” “But why would we need invasion plans for equestria? They haven’t provoked anything,” Avera asks. “Because she trapped me in stone for over ten thousand year, by what I could count.” “What he is trying to say is that this is a contingency plan for if equestria were to declare war on us,” Snapshot explains. “Yes, that is what I meant to say.” “So what is your plan?” she asks. “Right, so what I was planning to do was to surround them.” “And how do you plan to do that?” Avera asks. “Who are we at war with?” “No one, but with the Griffins we are on a thin gray line,” Snapshot explains. “What’s that supposed to mean?” “We only have a non aggression treaty with them, but that does not stop them from stealing our eggs,” Tyalor says. “Alright, we will focus our attention to the Griffins as of right now,” I say, “Avera, in one week you will cross the ocean to the griffins and set yourself up unnoticed in their land until further notice, and you will be reinforced by the general of air and general of magic. Snapshot, you and your forces will stay here to defend the dragon lands with Tyalor.” “Yes sir,” they say in unison before leaving. “Wait, not you, Avera.” “Yes, my lord.” “I want you to take, Griffinstone, their crown jewel.” “But shouldn’t we start with the smaller towns?” “No, if we take Griffinstone, then that would cause a ripple affect across their lands, causing them to flee.” I tell her. “Also, take many war prisoners, but not the civilians unless they attack first.” “As you wish,” she says before leaving. “Welp that, takes care of that. Now what?” I ask myself out loud. “I’ll go build up an army,” I say before clearing my throat and yelling for my guards. Instantly two of them appear as if out of thin air. I look at them, shocked at their speed. “Yes, my lord?” “Round up all the prisoners and bring them to me,” I say. “Yes sir.” And like that they were off. I decide to lay two dozen eggs for preparation of what was going to happen next. When they came back they had brought three prisoners in shackles. “This is it?” “They were the lucky ones to be imprisoned. If any dragon caught someone lurking here they would be killed on the spot.” “Well fair point. What are their crimes?” “This one here was a spy from the griffins,” he says, gesturing to the griffin with a large scar across his eye; he was missing some feathers on his wings. “This one was caught trying to steal eggs,” he said, showing me a gray pegasus who was whimpering. “And this one he killed a full grown dragon before he got caught,” the guard says presenting me a minotaur with several burn and scratch marks. “Hm yes, they will do nicely,” I say, “Alright, any of you who want to get out of here I want to get to know you.” “Yeah right, you're probably going to just kill us,” the griffin says. “Alright, I’ll start with you,” I say, pointing to the gray pegasus. “Release him but keep his wings tied.” After I say that the, guards unshackle him except for the tight rope binding his wings. “So what is your name?” I ask him. “M-my name is C-Cloud Duster,” he stutters out. “Well, Cloud duster, why are you here?” “I-I tried to steal a dragon's eggs.” “And why would you want to do that?” “I heard that they c-cost a lot of bits.” “Why couldn’t you use your income to buy the things that you want?” “I don’t have a job. I just did it to help my f-family.” “Are your intentions true?” “Yes, I just want to go home.” “And how did you get here in the dragon lands if this island is far from equestrian borders?” “I boarded the train to Griffinstone and rode a cloud to the Dragon lands.” “Hm, if you didn’t have a job how did you board a train to Griffinstone?” “Well I kind of hijacked the train.” “So you boarded a train and entered Dragon borders without permission. You do realize you are putting your own country in danger by breaking the treaty of no ponies allowed in dragon lands.” “Y-yes, I hadn’t thought about it. I'm sorry.” “Hm, alright. What if I told you you could go back home just by doing one simple task for me.” “REALLY I COULD GO HOME! Wait, what task did you want me to do?” “Oh, I just need you to go to Canterlot and arrange a meeting with me and Celestia.” I tell him. “And also, I want you to relay the message back to me personally.”   “Okay, seems simple enough.” “Alright, so you're free to go. You will be supplied with bits and a ride to Canterlot, then after that, you're done.” I untie his wings and he stretches them out. I send one guard to lead him on his journey to Canterlot. He thanks me, then follows the guard to a boat that I gave permission to be used. “Alright, so that leaves you two,” I say, “So, griffin, since I am going to take over griffinstone in a week, and because i'm telling you this, you have to die.” With just my will, I coax an egg to hatch. When the egg opens up, an eager facehugger peers out and looks at me. I hold it up to the mortified griffin’s face and it immediately clasps on. He squirms on the floor, trying to get it off to no avail. After a short while, the facehugger falls off his face and scrunches up, dead. “Ha, was that it? Your torture is more gentle than the ponies’.” he taunts. “Just give it a minute.” “For what? You are honestly stupid for thinking that would k-AH!” he yells in pain as his stomach bulges outward. He continues to yells until the youngling bursts out. The griffin lies on the ground, blood trickling out of his beak and eyes rolled to the back of his head  When I see the chestburster drenched in blood, I notice it has a beak instead of normal pointy teeth. It slithers over to me, crawling onto my left shoulder. I look around at everyone’s shock, even the guards. “Alright, so what's your story big guy?” I ask before he spits in my face. “I see.” I will another facehugger to hatch and attack his face. When the chestburster breaks out, it is a lot bigger than its sibling and has black horns curving down on its head. It has teeth that show outside of his mouth, and the shade of black around its mouth a lot lighter than the rest of its body. “Aww, aren’t you a big guy,” I say before it scurries off into the unknown. I turn to look at my guards and see . “Well, why are you standing there? Get these corpses out of my palace,” I tell them before they unfreeze and drag the bodies out. “I should do that more often. Right, little –uh, what should I call you?” I ask before the doors burst open and Snapshot rushes through, yelling. “Sir, we have caught a spy!” “What, really? Bring him to me,” I tell before he steps out briefly and comes back in leading a griffin wearing armor. “So why are you here?” I ask. “…” “Hm, well I guess we'll have to torture him.” I say before I notice him bite down on something blow some kind of blue dust. I inhale it before I can think and cough, causing me to breathe it in again and sneeze. I felt very tired and the urge to sleep. I try to fight it, but exhaustion overcame me and I quickly fell into a deep sleep. > Journey through my head part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Khyax’s Dream) “Where am I?” I ask myself, looking around and seeing only darkness. “I can't see anything.” “You are in your mind,” a voice says. I look around to see a bear wearing a red cape. “Who are you?” “I go by many names: Displacer, Leader of the Council of Bears, but you can call me Grizzly, my champion.” “What do you mean by ‘champion’? And did you say Displacer?” “Yes, I am a displacer, and you are my champion.” “So what you mean is, I was displaced by you.” “Yes and no.” “What do you mean?” “I more of hijacked the merchant’s displacement spell and sent you to a better place in a normal Equestria.” “Where was he going to originally send me to?” “An anthro Equestria.” “That doesn’t sound too bad.” “But you need to know this: I have displaced many and all of them have died except for you and another individual.” “Really who?” “That’s not important right now, you need to get out of here.” “How?” “You need to go through your mind into the waking realm with this map.” he says before a map of my mind appears in my hands. There are labeled rooms like nightmares and fetishes, also anime –might go check that one out. “I have marked a path for you to follow.” I look at the map again to see a red line leading through the rooms. “WIll you be with me?” “Yes, but unfortunately I can’t help you fight. Dream magic isn’t my strong suit.” “Wait, i'm going to have to fight?” “Yes, but I have dispatched my best dream fighter.” “Who?” “Demi Hollow, but not the one from Bleach.” “Damn, I thought it was going to be the one from Bleach.” “Sorry, but he’s all you got in here, so start your journey” “Alright so we are in the void and we need to move into the hivemind.” I say, looking at the map. When we get to the hivemind it is a galaxy with only a few stars. I take a step forward to be met with a cold sensation. “You are not recognized here.” “What, why?” “You are in an astral form like these stars when you go through, but in your actual body you are just a intruder,” he explains. “So choose your steps wisely or else you will trigger an alarm, erasing you from here and killing you.” “Fuck.” I say, seeing the long journey from here to the memory room. I spend the next hours playing it like mine sweeper. I take a few steps and put down a flag that Grizzly conveniently gave me. I inch through the galaxy until I see a bigger light that I know wasn’t there when I last checked. I try to get to it but the entire hivemind flashes and the stars turn red. “Quickly, hide!” Grizzly shouts before the red stars charge me and I dive into the giant star. “Where am I?” I ask myself, looking around seeing a dark cave, water dripping from the ceiling. I hear the faint sound of a someone crying. I move down the cave following the cries as they got louder. Eventually I reach the end and I see a Queen Xenomorph in chains, sobbing. “What the fuck.” It glances up at me and gets startled and jumps up. “Who are you?” she asks. I knew it may have been a she because she had more of a slimmer chest and I had a broader chest. She also had cuts and bruises on her, particularly near her wrists where she was bound in chains. “I am Khyax,” I reply. “Who are you?” “My name?” “Yes, your name.” “I… don’t have one.” “Oh, well, that's unfortunate.” “Yes it is, are you my replacement?” “Replacement?” “Yes, my replacement as the new Queen.” “I”M NOT A FUCKING QUEEN, I AM A KING, NOW KNEEL BEFORE ME!” I yell before I instinctively will her to kneel. “Okay, just calm down.” she says, kneeling. “Why did you kneel?” I say, astonished about doing something I didn’t know I could do. “Because you ordered me to.” “So I can forcefully make people do stuff?” “Only your own kin or species.” “Why are you trapped here?” “I don’t know, I thought I died, but when I woke up I was here, chained.” “Hm, that's pretty strange.” I say, poking the chain for it to disappear in a flash of red light. “Woah, guess i'm stronger here than that bear guy thought.” I managed to say before I get brutally squeezed in whatever this woman calls a hug. “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!” she repeats while choking me. “Air, oxygen, ribs, everything hurts.” I barely managed to say before she lets go. “Sorry, I don’t know my own strength anymore.” “It's okay, just never do that ag-” I freeze from her giving me a quick kiss on the cheek and fall over, still as a statue. “Huh, I thought that was an appropriate action that humans do all the time to show affection,” she says to herself. It took me a couple of seconds to get control of my body again and to stand up. “Don’t ever do that again” “Okay, so where's the exit?” “That way.” I say, pointing to the hole of the ball of light. She decided to sprint the way out. I try to stop her but it's a short distance to the hole. When she reaches it with me behind her tracks she skids to a stop outside of the giant ball of light. I try to stop but was going too fast. I was about to land into the invisible alarms before I get pulled back. I turn to look at the original queen. “What the hell were you thinking running out there like that.” “I was excited.” “Well next time think ahead. I thought you were a queen not a fucking child!” I yell at her. “I’m sorry... wait, is this the hivemind?” “...Yes?” “How? We would have to be in your mind to be in… we’re in your mind aren't we?” “Yep.” “Not going to question this.” “Alright, can we stop this little squabble and focus on the task at hand? We need to get out of here,” Grizzly says. “Right, where were you?” “I was out here, I can’t enter the orb.” “I know how to get out of here,” The Queen says. “How? There are traps everywhere,” I ask. “Who do you think placed the traps.” “So you know how to get out of here.” “Yep.” “So show us.” “Alright, follow my path exactly,” she says before dashing off. I try my best to follow her and we make good headway. When we get to the end it is the inside of the castle halls, but much longer. The walls were filled with paintings that held memories. When I step inside I revert into my old teenage self. Black mohawk, dark skin, and red eyes unfortunately. I was wearing a plain black hoodie and jeans with black and white shoes.” “Who are you?” The Queen asked in surprise. “I am Noah Anderson, or Khyax. This is my actual body.” “You're a human?” she gasps. > Journey through my head part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We traveled deeper into my mind, going through countless memories. Some had static obscuring them, others the static completely covered. The snickering got really old for some of the embarrassing memories that I will not go into detail about. “Shut the hell up,” I say. “Oh come on, you got admit that it was a little funny,” the Queen says. “No it wasn’t and this is torture.” “Oh you have to find some sort of humor in it.” “No I don’t and I refuse to.” “Will you both shut the fuck up!” Grizzly yells. “What’s the matter with you?” I ask. “You both constantly squabble over and over. just shut the hell up!” he says, pulling out his metal claws and pointing a finger at me, the tip charging a small a green ball. “Okay we’ll stop, just don’t shoot,” I say before Grizzly puts back his metal claw. We continued our walk in complete silence. “So do you miss them?” the Queen asks. “Miss who?” “Your family.” “Yeah. There's not a day that goes by that I don’t think of him.” “Him?” “Yeah, my brother Alex. Our parents passed from old age a while ago.” “Oh, well I hope one day you will meet him again.” “Me too,” I say before we reached the end of my memories. What sat out before us was a void of nothing but darkness. “Uh Grizzly, where are we now?” “According to the map we are at the edge of your nightmares. This will be the most dangerous but final part of your journey here.” “Great. And when will your friend come help us?” “Soon… I hope.” “We are going to die aren't we?” “Maybe.” “We’ll survive. What can kill two giant xenomorph’s?” the Queen asks. “I can think of many things,” Grizzly replies. “Alright guys, we’re going to leg it,” I say, walking into the darkness. First contact with the wispy darkness feels very cold, like falling under a frozen lake, forcing my form back into a xenomorph. “Fuck it’s cold.” “Stop being a baby,” Grizzly says, creating a ball of white light that lit up a small area of the darkness, also providing warmth. “Thanks Grizzly,” I say. “So, which way?” the Queen asks. “According to the map, forward.” “Well, onwards; we don’t have all day,” Grizzly says. “Alright calm down, I’m going,” I say, walking forward before stopping seeing hundreds of yellow eyes staring at us. “Uh, what do we do now?” the Queen asks “Hey, Grizzly, can you make the light bigger?” I ask before the ball of light grows, revealing dark and skinny figures with yellow eyes and spikes for arms and legs. They were all taller than me by a foot. They seemed to be shying away from the light. I looked around to see Grizzly snickering with a paw to his mouth. “This is not funny,” I say in a hushed tone. As I said that, the light got a little brighter. “It is funny. Look around: you’re surrounded with slim chances of escaping.” “Look, can you just make the light bigger?” I ask. “Sorry, but I have already involved myself too much.” he says. “What, then how the fuck are we supposed to get out of this situation?” I ask angrily. “Well, this is your mind. Think of something to help you,” Grizzly says before suddenly I get an idea. Suddenly four red lightsabers appear in my hands. I look at them in awe, not believing what i'm seeing. “Whoa, you can do that?” the Queen asks in amazement. I twirl the lightsaber, hearing satisfying hum. I take an experimental slash at one of the creatures only for it to go through it leaving it unscathed. I realize I can’t hurt it. The creature takes a swing at me, but as his spike arm tries to hit me it dissipates in the light. It hisses in pain and pulls back its stub to regrow it in the darkness. Suddenly I have another idea. A silver blade with a cross going down the middle covered in a transparent golden light appears in my hands. I slash at the air for the blade to shoot out golden light from the sword in the shape of the slash I did. The golden light cut through the one line of darkness creatures, dissipating them. “This is the best day ever. I get to see weapons never made or used before,” the Queen says giddily. “Quite impressive,” remarks Grizzly. “Thanks, but how does the Queen know about weapons and how to speak english?” I ask. “She absorbed your basic memories and basic knowledge. I had to restore them, but some of your memories are fractured because some of the magic is beyond my power.” Grizzly explains. “Wait, what memories?” I ask. “How about i’ll tell you all about it if you can make it out of your nightmares without dying,” Grizzly says as I slash again and again at the creatures, but there are so many of them. I glance up at the ball of light Grizzly conjured before I get another idea. I stick my sword into the ball of light dispersing the light like a solar flare, killing all of the creatures. “Quick, run!” I yell as I break into a sprint. Soon, dark creatures were following quickly and gaining on us. Alright, this is my mind and these creatures are destroyed by light. So, if light this room up then they will all be gone. Suddenly I stop and try to light the room up. I close my eyes and think of light feelings, but I open my eyes and still see darkness and the creatures. “Why isn’t this working?” “Your thoughts here are tied to your emotions,” Grizzly explains. I start to try to feel pleasant things. I try and think of calming thoughts –things that cheer me up like puppies and kittens, but none of it was working. I try to think of people like Snapshot, Tyalor, Avera, and Yolouce. But then I think of Slash. He has been with me for awhile and is my first hatchling. He has brought me so much happiness he would do anything to just stay by my side, even defy my own word. I open my eyes to be greeted with the sight of light. The whole room looked like it was above clouds. The floor was a thick white carpet of mist and the room felt pleasant, no longer a void of darkness. There was a castle floating on the clouds in the distance. “I think the way out is through that castle.” “Okay, i’m going to say it now. No it isn't,” Grizzly says now on top of a flying nimbus before falling through it. “I forgot about the “pure of heart” thing.” he says, rubbing the back of his head. “What is going on?” I ask. “This isn’t your mind, this is actually where I live,” Grizzly explains. “Wait what?” “Yeah, I needed some positivity to clear out these nightmares that were just annoying.” “So, I came here for nothing?” “No, I will reward you,” he says placing his paw on my chest, causing a green orb to glow inside. “What are you doing?” “I have unlocked your magic for your staff and I have started to flow my power into you,” he says, before I start noticing a small constant stream of green light flowing into me, growing my orb. “Okay, what does that mean?” “I am increasing your magic supply and power,” The Queen watches in amazement. “But if you ever suddenly need a large surge of power, just say these words,” he says before grabbing my head while conjuring a metal claw. I feel a headache and I grab my head. “Ow, what did you do?” “That’s a side effect of transferring knowledge.” “Wait, if this is where you live, then who is she?” I ask pointing at the Queen. “Oh, she is very much from your mind.” “Wait, really?” she asks. “Yes,” Grizzly replies. “So, i'm not fake?” “No, you’re not fake, you are real.” “So, how did we get here if we were in my mind?” I ask. “There is a passage from your mind into my home.” “Oh, well what about her?” “She can live with me in my palace if she wants.” “Oh, really? Thank you!” she says, hugging Grizzly before he pushes her off using a green magic shield. “However, you must wear a french maid dress,” Grizzly says, smirking. “What is that?” she asks. “Oh, something embarrassing,” Grizzly explains, snapping his fingers and with a green flash a french maid’s dress appears on her. She looks down with a green blush appearing on her face. I try to hold in my laugh, resulting in snickers. “Alright, that’s enough fun. See ya. Oh, and also, when you get to the tree of harmony put this on it,” Grizzly says, handing me a green pin. “The tree of harmony is located in the everfree forest.” A portal opens beneath me before I can say anything, causing me to fall through it into a brief darkness. “Khyax you’re awake,” Slash says, hugging me. “What is with all of this hugging?” I ask. “You have been out for a week,” Snapshot says. “We interrogated the griffin and we figured out that he wa-” “Sorry, but can this wait until after I get to the battle?” I ask. “Wait, are you trying to go to the actual battle?” he asks. “Yes, that's not a problem is it?” “Oh no sir, this is perfectly fine.” “Good.” “I’ll prepare you a ride there,” he says walking away. I look around seeing that i'm in a bed with white sheets and a whole white marble room. I assume that it's a library. “Hey Slash.” “Yes?” “You know being in that coma has got me to thinking that I need an heir.” “Are you saying that you want-” “Yes, I want you to be that heir,” I say, putting the green pin on the bed and standing up. "Also get a chariot ready, im going to the battle." I say. > Something unexpected...and robotic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainborg’s Private Chambers, Rainborg paced back and forth, gritting her metallic teeth in concentration. Mechanics whirred in her legs, servos moving back and forth, acting as her muscles as she walked from one end of the room to the other. “Chaos Gods dammit. If I give them a set timer for activation, I'll be ripped apart as my teleportation device tries to teleport me to each beacon. And I can't just wait for someone to press the button on the current model, since I want to avoid being detected. I do not need a filly or some mare seeing me as I enter the universe. If I can just figure out a way to isolate certain beacons and activate them without activating any of the others…” she glanced back to her project board. After the amount of imprisoned enemies dwindled down to zero, and the cloning program began to produce more failures, Rainborg had petitioned the Warmaster for more subjects for experimentation. Unfortunately, the Warmaster had denied her request. Rainborg remembered what he had said, and grit her teeth again knowing that he was right. “Rainborg, I cannot allow you to take more of our people and soldiers for your experiments down in the Factory.” Ahriman sighed from behind his desk, a massive, ornate and masterfully crafted wooden desk, “The equine resources we have left are extremely low, and none of the other nations wish for us to allow experimentation on their people.” “But, my Lord, I-” Rainborg began, but was stopped when Ahriman held up a finger. “You did not let me finish,” The Warmaster said, “I cannot allow you to take equines or any of the other species for experimentation from this world, but if you can manage to acquire a new equine resource from, say, another universe, then I would allow it.” He flashed a knowing grin. “As the Head Engineer for the New Black Legion, I know you can create a new means of acquiring these subjects.” Rainborg growled, “It seemed so simple at first, but even getting the means to transport myself there and to acquire myself a specimen is much more difficult!” She looked around at her workshop, before laying her eyes upon her beacon. This had been her first Beacon, created as a means to find her way home. Constantly active, the beacon’s signal could only be picked up on a frequency that only Rainborg knew about. It allowed her to always find a way back to home after a successful transport. “Hmm…” she walked up to it, examining it. “Firefly, pull up the schematics and blueprints for the Home Beacon.” She ordered, the AI immediately getting to the task. Seconds later, the sight in her right eye was blocked, replaced with a schematic of the beacon she was looking at. “Let's see...if I reverse the polarity of the frequency here… add a broadcasting signal switch here, maybe a delayed timer before the switch automatically flips itself on, and then…..” she activated her hologram mode, pulling the blueprint up in front of her. She fiddled with the parts, swapping out certain pieces of the blueprint with different machines, before she finally smiled at her handiwork. “Firefly, send this blueprint to the Assembly Line, and have it begin producing about...five of these? I want to make five tests before I begin a mass production.” Her AI linked up to the Machine Spirit within the Assembly Line, transferring data with it, before disconnecting from the Machine. “All done, Rainborg. Now all we have to do is wait.” The AI spoke, nodding in satisfaction. 1 Hour Later After the machine had acquired the necessary resource for the construction of the new Beacons, labeled ‘TRANSDIMENSIONAL HOMING TELEPORTATION BEACON MK2’, with a better name soon to come, the factory had gone to work, assembling the five beacons within thirty minutes. Rainborg grabbed one, testing it’s weight. “Nice and light, and I can connect directly to it in order to activate it’s countdown. Each one has a security code that is instantly sent to my systems, and filed away into a new memory file. That way I am the only one who can actually activate these things, and once they arrive in the universe they are sent, they will take three days to reactivity and begin broadcasting a signal. Then, once I receive the signal, I can choose to teleport to its location, or, if I do not choose to teleport, it immediately begins it’s three day countdown cycle. If someone without the proper deactivation codes, or in other words, anyone but me, attempts to disassemble the Beacon, it will begin a self destruct sequence, with a minute countdown in order to, should I forget to put in the deactivation codes, reinput the deactivation codes and stop the countdown. That should be good.” She took the one in her hoof to her workshop, before activating it and tossing it into the air. It vanished into a small tear in the void, being immediately transferred to another universe. Rainborg sat back as the portal closed. “And now, we wait.” In a different universe… A small portal opened up in the blue sky, with a small metal rod falling out and landing on the ground some ten feet below. The cylindrical device lay dormant, before extending slightly, with a glowing Crystal in the center. A high pitch whine emitted from the crystal, unheard by any living being in that universe. Before long, another portal ripped its way into the world, and a dark cyan pegasus slowly trotted out. Gleaming metal reflected off the portal’s purple glow, intertwined with the pegasus’s fur. Robotic wings extended, metallic talons replacing the wing bones, with an odd fabric serving as the wings in between each ‘bone’. A glowing red eye replaced the pegasus’s left eye, with her ears being black and green metal rods, which shook slightly as they took in information. Her legs were fully replaced with metal ones, which hummed with servos ready to move. A metal imprint of a multicolored thunderbolt and cloud was engraved in her hind legs, where the Cutie Mark would be. Under that was an eight-pointed star, which seemed to almost glow. Her muzzle was also cybernetic, with false fur covering the metal like a coat. Metal teeth sat in her mouth, ready to break bone and steel. The cyberpegasus looked around, her tail flicking in the wind. “Atmospheric status: Similar to Equestria. Systems check: all weapons fully functional. All cloaking systems fully functional. Energy levels at 100%.” A voice stated from inside the cybernetic monstrosity. “Good work Firefly. Please do not use outer speakers to give me a status report, however. We don't want to draw any attention to ourselves. Activate Program ‘Theta’.” The cyberpegasus said in reply, before her body began to change. Metal slowly vanished, replaced with real flesh, bone, and fur. Her robotic eye returned to an organic magenta, while her fur color brightened, as did her mane and tail. Wings slowly became more like a pegasus, with fur intermingled with feathers and flesh. Rainborg glanced behind her at a tree, before flying up into the air. “Alright...now to verify my position…” She flew up into the air to do just that, switching to hover a good eighty feet in the air. The Griffin lands, once an honorable place now with their rebuilt castle. Beneath the castle was a bustling town full of life, unknown to the threat that awaits them. It had a solid defense: a giant wall encircled around the city, with a moat surrounding it with only two ways in. They had guards all over the walls, ready with arrows and if needed, citizens with baskets of rocks. “Hmm...looks like some form of Griffinstone.” Rainborg muttered, flying back to the ground. “I wonder if this world’s Rainbow is here…” she slowly made her way towards the city walls, taking note of every soldier’s position on the wall and the entrances. “Now, do I want to go in stealthily, or try to lure her out?” She debated to herself. After a few minutes of walking, she shrugged. “Well, I guess we could start with stealth.” She neared the gate. There were two guards stationed at the drawbridge that halted her. “Halt! State your name.” the griffin guard said, pulling out a notebook. “Rainbow Dash.” Rainborg stated, examining the two guards and their equipment. “Hm, it says here you entered about an hour ago.” he said. “Huh?” Rainborg asked, raising an eyebrow. “That's weird.” “Yeash, it says here you were visiting a friend. You had better not be flying out of the walls again.” He said. “Yes sir.” Rainborg nodded. “It won't happen again.” “Come on in, and don’t do it again or else I won't be able to let you off easy.” he told her. “Alright. Thank you!” Rainborg nodded, giving a smile. “Oh sorry. Lower the drawbridge!” he yelled and shortly after it lowered down creaking as it lowered. Rainborg walked across the drawbridge, entering the city. “Let's go find them.” She said once she was across the bridge, and began walking through the city, eyes scanning the sky and her surroundings. She went over to a nearby vendor and purchased a hooded cloak, wrapping it around her and pulling the hood over her head. That done, she continued her search of the city. After a while, she began to hear some familiar voices up ahead. Slowing down, she pretended to be a normal bystander as she drew closer. Rainbow dash was talking to Gilda as they were walking down the street. “Gilda, eh?” Rainborg muttered quietly. She wondered how the Gilda from her own universe was doing, but shoved those thoughts aside as she quietly tailed them. “Gilda, it has been so long since we've met like this before.” Rainbow dash said. “Yeah ever since we became more civilized, and learned to not hate each other, we became more open.” Gilda replied. “So where should we go?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Hm, we should go to the new bar that opened up called the iron dragon.” Gilda suggested. “I’m not much of a drinker.” Rainbow Dash replied. “They have apple cider.” Gilda told Rainbow. “Apple cider? Well, why didn’t you say so? Let's go!” She said, flying off before realizing she doesn’t know where it is as she flew back. “Hehe follow me.” Gilda chuckled, walking through the town to the Iron dragon. “Well here it is.” Gilda said, gesturing to a simple house with a hay roof and a wooden sign with an iron dragon on it. “Doesn’t seem like much.” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Oh trust me you haven’t seen the inside.” Gilda said, opening the door and revealing a marble floor with a red carpet leading to a fountain spraying out some alcohol. When Gilda looked at Rainbow Dash, her jaw was on the floor. “Told you.” Gilda said snidely. Come on, let's go take a seat.” Gilda said leading her to a red cushioned chair. “This is amazing!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Yeah its pretty good Griffins are pretty showy.” Gilda said. “Pretty showy? This is overboard.” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Yeah, anyways what do you want?” Gilda asked. “Apple cider. Lots and lots of apple cider.” “Bring me a apple cider and a martini!” Gilda yelled out, After a while a griffin waitress a brought their drinks on a platter and placed their drink on the table before walking away. “Well bottoms up.” Rainbow Dash said quickly drinking her mug of cider. Gilda then followed her lead and began drinking her martini. After they finished Gilda called for another round and another and another until they were too drunk to call another round. “You know *hic* you have always been my best friend *hic*.” Rainbow Dash said. “No *hic* you don’t mean that I've *hic* been such an asshole to you.” Gilda replied. “No no no, we *hic* forgive you” Rainbow Dash said. “You don’t need to lie to me I know yo-” Gilda started, but was cut off from falling unconscious. “Hey you can’t sleep while you-your talk-” Rainbow Dash said, before falling unconscious herself. Rainborg, having listened to the entire exchange from a nearby seat, slipped off her chair, walking over to the two. “I'll take them back to Gilda’s house.” She told a worried waitress, . “I'm their guard, so to speak.” She lied, flipping them both onto her back. She exited the bar, carrying the two back to Gilda’s house, barely remembering the way from her own Gilda. Once she entered the house, using a key she found on Gilda, she placed the Griffon on her bed, grabbing a sheet of paper from nearby. Plucking one of her feathers and dipping it in an ink bottle, she wrote a fake letter from Rainbow Dash to Gilda, saying she woke up before Gilda and headed back home, adding that she enjoyed her time here and would want to hang out again later. The letter complete and signed, Rainborg activated her teleport beacon, creating a vortex back home. Pushing the unconscious Rainbow back on her back, she walked through the portal, the teleport beacon she had arrived through being set to a manual setting, should Rainborg return. Rainborg placed the alternate version of herself in a stasis tube, keeping her asleep after having removed the alcohol in her system and extracting a pure DNA sample. Taking that sample, she inserted it into the cloning machine, generating over time a perfectly identical copy of the mare currently stored away. Rainborg then brought the new clone over to her personal operating room, sealing the door behind her and placing the clone on the operating table. Having already deactivated her organic form, she pulled out her operating tools. “All right then.” She chuckled, placing the restraints on the clone’s limbs and grabbing a bonesaw. “Let's see just how much we can put into one body before it isn't a body anymore.” Three Days later Rainbow Dash slowly regained consciousness, feeling her hooves and wings were restrained. Opening her eyes, she found herself in some sort of cross between a laboratory and a mechanic’s workshop. Medical tools sat on a table next to her, out of reach from her restrainments, while a box of odd devices, looking somewhat similar to mechanical limbs, sat in a corner of the room. The room itself was brightly lit, and Rainbow was able to see some blood stains on the floor. A door opened with the sound of machinery, and a Pegasus mare stepped in, augmented with machinery fused to the few organic parts left. One of the mare’s eyes was cybernetic, glowing with a red hue, while her magenta organic eye stared at her, a patronizing smile on her face as she walked in, her rainbow mane, similar to Rainbow’s own, waved gently as she walked over, the colors less bright as Rainbow’s. what was left of her biological body was covered in cyan fur, though, like the mane, the color was less vibrant. “Greetings, Rainbow. Bad night to go drinking, I must say. It was easy enough to fabricate a letter to Gilda explaining your disappearance. But that's all in the past now.” The cyborg Pegasus grinned, her mechanical wings stretching out like bat wings as she walked past the restrained cyan Pegasus. “I just got done with the final test subject, and I believe that I have a blueprint prototype model just for you! Before we begin though, mind telling me about any current events going on back where I found you?” The cyberpegasus asked, examining the medical tools. Rainbow Dash looked around the room, seeing various knives and saws. Fearing for her life, she answered. “Uh, I was just meeting up with Gilda, since she invited me to Griffinstone.” “I see. Anything else? I'm certain my teleport beacons generally go for a Displaced’s universe. Then again, it is a Multiverse out there, so perhaps there's always the chance of something else.” Rainborg noticed the fear in her eyes. “Ah, I almost forgot to introduce myself. I am Rainborg Cydash, Chief Technician and Second in Command of the New Black Legion. I'm not going to kill you, as I've already tested just how much augmentation you can take with some clones generated from your own genetic data.” The cyberpegasus looked at her captive, examining her every detail. “Hmm, I think I ought to start with the Reactor. I've managed to develop a prototype Dark Matter Nova Reactor for cybernetics, and I wonder just how well it will work.” She grabbed a small knife. “I might have to remove a few organs for everything to fit, but the heart and lungs will have to either be enhanced or replaced entirely. Oh well, let's get to work!” She chuckled, smacking her organic counterpart in the head, knocking her unconscious as she began to open up the mare’s chest with the knife. Two hours later “All right, that should do for the servos in the legs.” Rainborg said, admiring her work. Where once Rainbow had back hooves, Rainborg had amputated them up to her cutie marks, before integrating the machines into the flesh. Giving a small prayer to the Machine Spirit inside the legs, she checked the other systems built into the subject. “Let's see...the data storage implanted into the brain seems to have successfully linked with the brain itself. The wings seem to be working, though she will likely need to oil them every so often. I can upload the process into her new storage unit later.” Rainborg said to herself, looking at the data rolling by. “The bionic eye will be good to go when she wakes up. Thermal vision seems to be functioning, and the enhanced autolenses are a perfect fit. life signs are still within acceptable parameters. I'm guessing the heart enhancement systems are working as they should, and her breathing rate is still normal. Now then….” she turned to the forehooves, still organic. “Once I remove these, what weapons should I give her?” She pulled up a mental list of infantry weapons she had at her disposal. “Hmm...a Bolter. Definitely. I think I'll choose the Angelus Pattern. Then, for anti-armor purposes, maybe a Lascannon? Melee will have to be Power Hooves, and for melee air, a Power Sword. I'll give her a Sound Barrier shotgun as well. Other than that, I can't really think of any other weapons for this.” Rainborg sighed. “Might as well also put some of the Astartes Geneseed we collected. Maybe the Larraman’s Organ, and the Catalepsean Node.” She linked with the Factory build orders and added the limbs she needed built, while also fetching a servitor to retrieve the organs she requested. Five Days later “All right, all the organs are in place, all the cybernetics are properly linked, the recording systems are ready, and the schematics for building some defensive weapons have been uploaded. Let's take her back home!” Rainborg said smugly as she looked at the unconscious Rainbow. After cleaning up all of the blood, the new cyberpegasus’s metal limbs gleaming in the light of her laboratory. Sending the signal to the Teleport Beacon in her universe, Rainborg grabbed the now complete cyberpegasus, before a vortex appeared in front of her once again. Carefully pulling Rainbow onto her back, she slowly walked through the portal, back into the other universe. She sighed, putting Rainbow down as the portal closed behind them. “Now I should start up the activation protocols…” Rainborg said, linking up to the power core inside Rainbow’s chest. It hummed to life, though it would take a bit for the new Cyberpegasus to fully awaken. Rainborg shrugged, turning to look at the city once again. She then reactivated the portal, exiting the universe. 5 minutes later “Augh, my head.” Rainbow Dash groaned bringing a hoof to her head, feeling solid metal instead of fur. “What?!” she said in surprise, looking at her metal hoof. “What the hay happened to me?” she said, looking at herself. From her left, there were numbers, words, and images floating in her vision, giving her information she didn't really understand. “NBL MK1 Reconnaissance Combat Cyborg.” She read the words at the bottom right corner of her vision. In the upper right was a image of a Pegasus, each limb sectioned off, while beneath it was some sort of circle, with an occasional wave flowing from the center. She stretched her wings, finding them to be made out of a flexible, yet light metal. Her legs were now completely metal, and she even felt different on the inside. “This is weird, am I some sort of robot?” Rainbow dash asked herself, still looking at her metallic hoof. “This is trippy.” she said, seeing the data being displayed as she looked at her hoof. “Voice activated weapons systems. Bolter, Power Hooves, Power Sword, and Sound Barrier all ready for use.” A line of text read, filtering through other system checks. “Where am I?” she asked, looking around at her surroundings. “How did I get out here?” she noticed Griffinstone in the background, bombarded by hundreds of arrows. “WHAT!” she yelped, rocketing to the castle. “Let's see here…” Rainborg said, sitting in a swivel chair. Pressing a few buttons, the secret recording system built into Rainbow flickered on, showing Rainborg what the new Cyberpegasus was seeing. “Wow, things escalated quickly. Good enough time as any to test out the weapons module though.” Rainborg said, sitting back to watch. Khyax’s Pov 3 minutes before I had returned to fight and lead my army to battle. When I arrived at the camp, my forces were surprised to see me there. “Sir, what are you doing here?” Avera asked. “I am here to lead my army into victory with my strategy game skills.” I replied. “What?” she asked, confusion evident. “Nothing.” I replied. “Anyways,what do we have?” “About one legion of archers, six legions of speardragons, three legions of pikedragons, 7 legions of infantry, ten ballistas, and five catapults.” she explained. “Ok, I shall leave the air army to Yolouce.” I said to myself. “So what’s our move sir?” “For now, we avoid going into the castle until we open the gates from the inside.” I answered. “Okay but what do we do?” she asked again. “Ah yes we will fire are arrows, and I will duplicate them mid air.” I explained in a casual manner. “How?” “I have unleashed my magic in the staff with help from my displacer so just have the archer's aim at the rune rings I will create.” I told her, creating bright red giant rings in the sky. “Alright, Archers in position now just along the forest line! Now aim for the red rings in the sky! Ready! Aim! Fire!” she yelled before a stream of arrows flew into the rings, multiplying and killing many guards on the walls and at the front gate. “Yes keep up that fire don’t let up!” she yelled at the archers. “Uh Avera.” I began to speak. “What?” she asked. “What is that?” I asked, pointing at the cyberpegasus in the sky. “It appears to be a cybernetic pony.” she replied. “I see that, but how?” I asked. “How am I supposed to know?” she replied. “Fuck, this is going to ruin our plans.” I said. “Maybe it's on our side? Perhaps Tyalor created a robot pony.” she said. “And how are we supposed to find out?” I asked. “Go ask.” she shrugged. “I swear, if I die, I will kill you.” I told her, walking off. “That doesn’t even make sense, but good luck.” she said, waving to me. I walked out of the treeline getting a clear view of the cyberpegasus. “Uh, hey, um, are you friendly?” I asked, before it snapped its attention to me. “Ah, I see I have your attention so what are you doing here?” I asked it. “I am Rainbow Dash, NBL MK1 Reconnaissance Combat Cyborg. I will tell you once, and only once, leave or die. You have twenty seconds to comply.” she says, pointing her hoof at me. Said hoof split apart, reforming and extending until it was entirely replaced with a large barrel, with a box-like piece in the back. “You now have fifteen seconds to comply.” she said in a neutral tone of voice. “I can’t just give up this battle, what will my people think?” I tried to tell her. “You now have ten seconds to comply.” she said again. “You can’t do this, stopping everything I have started with just one threat.” I tried to tell her again. “You now have five seconds to comply, four, three, two, one, I am now authorised to use physical force.” she said, firing spiked pellets at me but I was quick to react, flying high into the sky to just avoid it. Her eyes were trained on me, before also flying high and opening fire on me. I quickly cast a thick barrier to block them, but they passed right through and hit my body but bounced off my head. I quickly teleported out of the way to avoid anymore blasts before closing the distance by teleporting in front of her and punch her in the side of the face. This resulted in a broken wrist and pain, a lot pain. “My turn.” she growled, hitting me in the side of the face, rocketing me to the ground. “Did anybody get the number on that cab?” I asked, dazed. I stumbled to get up before being pelted in the back. “Pay attention to who your opponent is.” she said, a smirk on her half-mechanical face. “That is it, no more mister nice xenomorph.” I said morphing my staff into a crystal blade and charging at her. Her other hoof began to change as well, a sword extending out. The sword began emitting a blue hue around it’s blade. “What?! That’s not fair! I call hacks.” I yelled, before getting back into combat. I slashed relentlessly, trying to find an opening, but she didn't have one. It was impossible, even though I can fight for a long period of time I still get exhausted, so she's winning this one. I might have had to use something incredibly stupid that might kill me. If nothing changes soon I will need to use it. Still continuing this battle, she went on the offensive, slashing at lightning speeds. I'm only able to keep up thanks to my rune spells. I had tried to slow her down with spells but they just didn’t work. I batted her sword away with enough force to cause me to spin. I used this momentum to change my blade into a scythe and placed the blade around her neck, not enough to pierce it though but enough to sling her into the ground. She got up, enraged. She then began flying at speeds unimaginable, performing a sonic rainboom. I teleported out of the way, watching her go up and out of sight. I try to find her, but she was too far up. I could make out something in the distance coming right at me, before I felt a painful burn in my wing. I turned to see a hole in my wingbone. I begin plummeting, unable to flap my other wing without hurting it. I fall on my feet luckily, but with me being so occupied with my wing, I failed to notice another one going right at my chest. Blasting right through, I cough up acid. Seeing more, I spit webbing at them, which caught the bullets sized missiles. I couldn’t block all of them, and I couldn't cast a barrier, so a lot of them went through my chest. I was left on my back, melting the ground from my profuse bleeding. “You are on the ground, wheezing and bleeding, while your army hides in the forest like cowards. Any last words?” she asked, landing and pointing a bulky gun at me. “Yeah, some come to mind, oh great displacer bring forth your power unto me and allow me to vanquish this enemy, no matter the consequences.” I said, before slowly rising from a green light, healing all of my wounds suddenly all at once I feel new power in me burning. My eyes had turned pure white from the the overload of power, I quickly flew up in the sky with Rainbow dash on my tail before creating a purple vortex to send her back to ponyville. She tried resisting the force of the vortex, but all she could do was keep herself from going into it. she couldn’t move from flying with so much force. “You know you should really conserve your ammo. Don't worry, I’ll give it back.” I said, using my magic to dislodge the bullets from the webbing, and fling them straight at her at fast speeds. She was blasted back into the vortex. I closed the portal before she could get back through and promptly fall unconscious bleeding from my nose. Rainborg’s universe “A Displacer is helping that thing?” Rainborg asked no one in particular, growling as she watched the screen displaying the events from the new Rainbow Dash. “Damn. Not much I can do about that kind of power, unless I had Ahriman to back me up.” She checked some of the results from the battle. “Let's see… flight efficiency compared to previous models has increased by 50%. Weapon failure has decreased to nearly zero. The new reactor was successful in it’s use, though there was a possibility of power overload, which would require a way to discharge the excess energy during or after battle. The bionic eye implant was successful in keeping opponents on their toes in hand to hoof combat, and the power weapons were used well. That is likely due to the artificial memories of using such a weapon effectively that were downloaded into her neural implants.” She read through the rest. “Overall, the prototype is a successful step in the direction I wanted. The new cyborg prototype has the same amount of technology place inside it, except with less bulk and the design looks more equine than machine. With future experiments, I am certain that creating a cyborg with no outside difference from a fully organic creature can be achieved.” She finished. “Firefly, record these results and the methods used. Also, sync her teleport beacon to the one I used to arrive in her universe. I'm not one for letting resources that I have made be removed so easily. Also, prepare an active communications link between myself and her once you locate her and link her to the teleport beacon.” The hologram of the AI assistant nodded, vanishing briefly. Rainborg sat in her chair, and waited to be patched through to her latest creation. “Rainborg, I have established a connection, but the prototype appears to be heavily damaged. My systems check has revealed several breaches in her mechanical parts, and a few areas where she is bleeding. The blood clotted already, showing that the Larraman’s Organ is working as hoped. However, she will still need some sort of repairs or medical treatment.” “Fine, sync up her teleport beacon to my operating room, and get me my tools.” Rainborg sighed, getting out of her seat to move off towards the specified room. Once there, the cyberpegasus she had created appeared in a flash of light, landing on the floor with a heavy thunk. Her armored side was cracked, with a small pool of oil grew from said cracks. Her augmented eye was cracked, the protective glass showing intense damage. As Firefly had said, the other wounds had clotted, and Rainborg gave a sigh of relief. “Well shit, looks like that vortex did a number on you.” Rainborg said, lifting her up onto the operating table carefully. “Let's see if I can fix you up. Can't have you dying just yet, prototype.” She looked at the cyberpegasus. “Firefly, I need to see internal damage and her vitals. Get it done.” Within moments, a series of images showing the different systems and their conditions. “Well shit. Looks like her front left hoof will need to be entirely replaced, while the Bionic Eye will also need to be replaced. Most of the internal machinery is fine, the reactor is, thankfully, still intact, and her wings are going to need to be removed.” Rainborg sighed. “Firefly, get me the replacements, but make sure they are of a better metal. Use some of the Astartes plating. In fact, I'll need to replace all of the armored metal with it.” Rainborg sighed, grabbing her equipment. A few hours later “Alright, activate her.” Rainborg said, and the reactor inside the Rainbow Dash began to activate. She slowly opened her eyes. “Greetings, Prototype! I have repaired the damage done to you by that creature you fought, and also replaced the armor with a ceramite-adamantium combination. I also developed an untested power discharge weapon and stuck it in you. When your energy reading gets too high during combat, you can activate this device to discharge the excess energy in a devestating blast of energy, which can help with removing potential threats. I also replaced your front left hoof and bionic eye, as they were damaged beyond repair. How are you feeling?” Rainborg asked. “Like I got hit by a dragon, which then proceeded to cook me and eat me. And I went through the digestive stages, but here I am now.” Rainbow Dash said. “Well that's a usual response to being forcefully thrown through a dimensional vortex. Anyways, I put you back together, and also downloaded some instructions on how to repair yourself, plus the blueprints on how to build some defensive weaponry, into your head.” Rainborg glanced at Rainbow. “Though, you seem to be all too accepting that you were forcefully turned into a cyborg. Why is that?” “I don’t know, either the vortex, or the fact I can protect and serve equestria better.” Rainbow Dash said in a mocking tone. “Well, that's definitely the opposite response of what Rainblade thought of it…” Rainborg muttered, shrugging. “So, I have also given you a way to contact me directly if need be, though I may not answer. There's also a teleport beacon back in your universe that will allow you to return there, should you somehow get thrown to a different universe. Right now, I can just have the teleporter inside you send you back right to where you were when it brought you here. If you are ready, just say the word.” “Wait one question why are you here?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Well, this is my personal operating room.” Rainborg replied. “But I get the feeling you are asking me why I randomly kidnapped you and made you into a cyborg. The answer to it is simple. Research, Experimentation, and Surveillance. In time, I want to create a cyborg that looks perfectly fine on the outside, the perfect stealth unit. You are my first test subject, Prototype 01. It's unlikely you will be the last. Though possibly from your universe, you will be the last.” She shrugged. “Unless I decide to intervene further in the events of your universe, which I'm certain some beings beyond divinity will be pissed about, I'll likely only visit for routine checkups, on both your physical and mental health.” “Okay, but if you have your own universe then why don’t you do it there?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Ran out of test subjects.” Rainborg said. “Originally they were mass produced for a war effort. Never really got the chance to improve upon the design until much later. And by then the number of test subjects was low. And my boss wouldn't let me acquire new ones from our universe. So I improvised.” “So who could possibly be your boss?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Ahriman, the Third Warmaster of Chaos, Warmaster of the entire planet’s military, and he’s a Void Dweller.” Rainborg replied, checking on a Power Sword nearby. “He's a good ruler most of the time, though he has an occasional tendency to love fighting.” She shrugged. “Then again, he was made for war. Can't really blame him. I wonder what Khârn is up to….” She sent a drone to investigate the whereabouts of the Khornate Champion. “Mhm okay I think I’m ready to go back home, but first can you teach me how to clone?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Hm?” Rainborg glanced at her, confused. “Why would you want to learn that?” “Lets just say before I was forced through a vortex I took a piece of him with me.” she said holding up a black spike covered in green acid. Rainborg raised a mechanical eyebrow. “So you want to create a clone of the thing that tried to kill you. And by making this clone, which could retain the memories of the original, quite possibly endangering yourself and whoever might be near you. Am I understanding this correctly?” “Yes, what’s the big deal? It will be in quarantine.” Rainbow Dash replied. “Do you know how to properly contain it? Have you, or anyone in your nation, ever encountered this creature before? It would be wise to learn how to properly contain a creature.” Rainborg said. “If it got out because you didn't know how to contain it, you and anypony near you will be killed. Granted, you yourself could likely survive, but no one else. Could you live with the guilt of causing the death of innocent ponies?” “Look, can you help me or not?” Rainbow Dash asked impatiently. Rainborg sighed. “Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you.” Rainborg pulled up a panel, uploading the blueprints of the cloning machine into the other cyberpegasus. “Yes, now the dragon army won't stand a chance!” Rainbow Dash said. “Welp, I shall keep in touch from time to time.” Rainborg replied, activating a portal back to Rainbow’s original universe. “When you get there, take the teleport beacon that is there to wherever you live. It will allow me to return on occasion. Don't want it destroyed.” “Anyways, before I go, I want to say thank you, even though my life will change forever.” Rainbow Dash said, leaving. “I'm gonna put some anti-magical Universe viewing thing later…” Rainborg shrugged, watching the portal close. Grizzly POV “Well it looks like a new foe has presented itself. Looks like i’ll have to do some extra work.” Grizzly said before tapping the crystal ball stopping him from seeing the other universe. > The Battle of GriffinStone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Avera POV   Khyax fell from the sky, acid dribbling from his nose as he fell. When he hit the ground it knocked me out of my daze and I quickly ran to Khyax’s body.   “Please be okay,” I say, putting my ear near his mouth. Feeling his soft breathing I call for medic to bring him back to our camp. After he is brought back I look up and realize we still have a castle to siege.   Alright, Yolouce’s army is on the other side blocking the other gate. He will only attack by the signal we will give him. So, from that fight that Khyax had with that… thing, they probably sent a message for help which means we have limited time.   I will fire catapults at their walls and signal Yolouce to fly over them. While they’re lost in the confusion of the assault, we will use our battering rams to break open the gate.     “Get ready to fire the catapults!” I yell before they start pushing the catapults out of the forest and closer to the walls. They load the giant boulders in the catapults and wait for my order. “Now signal Yolouce!” I say, before a flame is spit into the air and explodes. When that happened, I could see Yolouce and a bunch of other big dragons including the old dragon lord flying over the walls and breathing fire on its garrison.   They know what they're supposed to do. Kill everyone on the wall and when all of their attention was diverted at Yolouce, we charged with the battering ram and the rest of the army. The dragons in front fly and cut the ropes to the drawbridge. The battering ram was like a small house with a giant steel rod in it attached by ropes. We swing it back and forth using sheer strength and momentum to knock over the gate.   Finally, the gate was broken open and we assumed assault formation when we got into the city. Pikes in the front, speardragons behind them with speas pointed up to ward off arrows, and to switch places with pikedragons, then infantry and then archers. The infantry surrounded the archers and the sides of the pikedragons and speardragons.   It was a desolate city I assumed that they evacuated to the castle. We walked through the rocky streets expecting something, but nothing happened. The city was awash in trash and broken windows in shops. It was ghost town complete with an eerie quiet to it.   We move through the city, looking around and seeing no one as we made our way to the center where the castle is. When we got there, griffins were surrounding the castle.They had archers on the roofs of the castle, swordsdragons– er –griffins in the front guarding the castle in a tight formation.   “I’ll ask this once and only once: lay down your weapons and your deaths with be swift!” I yell, before one griffin with white feathers in golden armor comes to the front.   “Sure, if you can rip them from our cold dead claws!” he says, before moving back into the ranks of the swordsmen.   “Well I warned them,” I say, before the griffins in front faced their shields forward, creating a wall of metal, while the ranks behind them raised their shields to make a seamless roof. They had big rectangular steel shields that curved towards them and a leather underside. It had the symbol of a golden griffin on it.   Suddenly Yolouce and his army swoops upon the archers at the top, eating and biting them. With them gone both, of our armies can focus on the single army. I order my army to let the swordsmen in the front and the pikes and spears behind them just in case.   I tell them to charge as we are charging. As we got close to the griffins, they suddenly lifted up their shields in the front and massive spears came through, impaling the swordsdragons at the the front.   “Stop!” I yell, halting the charge and making us back up. Then it was Yolouce’s turn. He ordered his dragons to dive bomb on them but then they did the same thing they did with us. They stabbed several dragons, not fatally, but now they wouldn't go back in.   I look back at the griffins, seeing that they now closed their shields, leaving the spears forward though. So we can’t attack from above and we can’t really attack from the front. Fire won’t work because of the steel shields. As I was contemplating I saw that they were getting more spears from inside of the castle.     After I realized I couldn't really do anything I had decided on an idea. I explained to them that the swordsdragons would have to bat away the spears coming at them– a technique Khyax taught me –while the archers fire ont the castle every time they try to get more spears. When we actually got to the shields, we would blow fire in the cracks between them.     “Alright, any questions?” I ask. After receiving no response I proceed to the battle.   We charge in, but this time, I was second in line of the army. I myself was an archer. I had a wooden bow enchanted with runes. It had two sword-sized blades at the ends that retracted in and out of the bow with the press of a button. It also had steel along the edges engraved with a emblem of a dragon. I also had a golden trident with engravings of sea serpents and curly lines.   The spears lash out, but the black dragon with no wings in front of me managed to hit it away and charge forward, unlike some few who weren't fast enough and got impaled or badly injured. That spear was one of many. soon many others came in at quick speeds. Me and the black dragon were swiping at spears left and right. There seemed to be no end to them. At one point, I misstepped and a spear came rushing right at me.   I freeze and wait for the spear to impale me, but the black dragon moves in, placing his shield in front of the spear, effectively blocking it and breaking it on impact. He looks at me, his steel helmet covering most of his face, even his eyes too dark to see. It seemed like the world was going in slow motion before I realise we’re still in a battle. He blocks another spear, guiding it to the left and up before breaking it in half with his free claw and then unsheathing his sword.   He hit an oncoming spear so hard that it broke. I realized we were getting really close to the shield wall and I was just behind him waiting. Eventually when he got close to the shields, he grabs me with his tail and jumps on top of the shields, running across them to the castle. We make it without a struggle and we were behind them. He places me down and charges the griffins from the back, sword first.   He started in the middle, impaling a griffin and smashing forward with the griffin still on his sword. He pushed out all of the griffins in that line, getting them killed by spears or by our own dragons. Then he moved to the left, spitting out a bizarre green flame that melted them on impact. It seemed more liquid than flame, but it started a panic within their ranks. They started to drop their spears and run for the castle, their formation disintegrating literally. I pull an arrow from its quiver and start shooting the disorganized griffins. My army was cutting them down, easily killing them now. After a while, the center of the Griffin army was defeated. We moved to the flanks that were started to route. They didn’t get far with Yolouce’s army burning or eating them alive.   When they were all captured or killed, we prepared for a battle in the castle. We open the door to reveal all the civilians in the castle on their stomachs crying for mercy. I spotted the griffin in golden armor also on his stomach. I walk over to him and pull out my trident, putting it under his chin and making him look at me.   “Rise griffin,” I say, making him get up looking at me with hatred.   “I only ask this let my griffins free unharmed,” he says bowing so low that he could kiss the ground if he wanted to.   “Hm, fine, but only the citizens. The soldiers stay here,” I say, turning to the citizens. “You are all safe. No harm shall come to you unless you decide to fight back!” I yell before, someone speaks up.   “Well then, where are you taking us?” Someone asks.   “You will taken to Equestria by boat which you will pilot yourselves,” I yell, before realizing something. “Now will anyone tell me where is your King?”   “He’s over in Equestria with the rest of the Griffin Army.”   “So, that’s why only the garrison was here,” I say to myself. “Alright Dragons! Some of you give these Griffins boats to leave and contact Snapshot for backup. The rest of you prepare for naval battle.”   “Okay now where is that black dragon?” I ask myself.     (Black dragon POV)   After the battle was over I went to the forest where my King’s tent was. When I got there it was guarded by two dragons with spears. One was red and one was blue. They blocked the tent with their spears forming an X.   “Halt! You are not allowed to go in here,” the red one shouted.   “It's alright, I’m Slash, the King’s son,” I say, sliding off my helmet.   “Prince Slash, I’m sorry, come right in,” he says, putting his spear back up and letting me through.   “It’s alright, good job keeping him...safe” I say, seeing nothing in the tent but an empty bed and a big hole ripped in the back. Rage starts to bubble up in me. “Where is he,” I say, malice clear in my voice.   “Um, we have no idea,” he says, shrinking at my glare.   “If they ask where the King is, tell them that i’m taking care of him,” I say going through the hole preparing to track down the people who took him. > The Search for a Dragon King > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slash POV I started my journey to find my father by following his scent through the forest, but it quickly faded as I followed it through the brush and grass. I kept walking forward hoping to find something at all, but I wasn’t finding anything until I picked up a scent. It smelt like fish and...griffins. I knew I had to be careful. I followed the scent through the trees and pushed through the foliage to finally see the place I had sniffed out. It looked like a simple village: wooden buildings, cobblestone pathways, and a town square. I also noticed a monastery at the very edge of the town that towered over everything. Wait, monastery’s are religious places, and religious places have books, meaning there should be a map there. “Welp, if it’s the only way in.” I sighed. I take one step out of the tree line onto the thin green grass, my black armor glistening in the bright sun. I decided to keep my helmet off, letting it hang off my waist from a leather strap. I’ll have to act like a tourist, since Griffins are more open to people. I walk slowly to the town, trying to calm my nerves. I reach the stone path leading to a network throughout the town. I take a deep breath and step onto the path, slowly striding into the town. Walking near the outskirts of the town it was pretty desolate, but that all changed when I reached the town’s center. It was busy, crowded, and bustling with activity. Groups of different species littered the town square. Many different smells hit me at that moment. I glance around, taking in my surroundings. There are a bunch of red brick buildings tilted to form a circle around the town’s center with four symmetrical pathways through the buildings. The whole center was covered in cobblestone, and in the very center they had a huge fountain made of pale blue crystal. It lightly spewed extremely blue, clear water into the circular pool below it. “Hello there friend, are ya lookin at the sights?” a voice behind me asked. I turn around to see who asked me the question, a typical white and brown griffin. He looked like a typical adventurer. He wore a leather backpack and a brown belt with a scabbard attached to it and what looked like the hilt to a rapier. “Uh, yes,” I reply dumbly. “The name’s Gabriel, Gabriel Gull, but you can call me Gabe. Nice to meet ya,” the griffin said, holding his claw out for me to shake. “Uh, my name’s Slash,” I say nervously, taking his claw. It was a small shake, though he did have a firm grip. “You’re not from around here, are ya?” he asks, looking me up and down. “Uh no, I’m not from here,” I say, feeling nervous about him sizing me up. “I see that you have fine weapon, Slash.” He motions to my scabbard. “Yeah, it’s pretty cool.” “Do you mind if I take a look at it?” he asks, curiously. “No!” I shouted, gripping my sword’s handle before composing myself. “I mean, I never like to draw my sword whenever i’m not in a fight,” I lie. “...Ok, I can respect that,” he says, still surprised from my sudden outburst. “So, where you headed?” “I’m not sure, I was actually going to look for a map,” I say, “Ah, well why didn’t you say so? You could use my map,” he says, pulling off his backpack. “Uh, no that's fine, but thanks for the offer,” I decline, smiling. “Do you even know how to read a map?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “...” “Exactly, now you can see my map and better yet i’ll come with you,” he said, grabbing the map from his backpack, standing on his hind legs, and rolling the map out in his claws. The map looked nice and the paper wasn’t stained too much. “Alright come here,” he told me, motioning with his claw. I walk over behind his shoulder to get a better look at the map. “So, where are ya trying to go?” “What town are we in now?” I ask, looking around. “Griffinville,” he replied pointing it out on the map. “Um, I suppose that one,” I say, pointing to a castle that's closest. “Hm, Beak Barrow. Alright then, we should make it in about a day.” He packed up his map. “Welp, we better get a move on,” he said before marching in the direction of my destination. I quickly followed behind him. He’s weird: I’m a complete stranger, yet he goes and helps me. Heck, he even is leading me there. I...like him. Outskirts of Beak Barrow It was almost dawn. We had set up camp near a tall tree. Gabriel had set up a fire, so I wasn’t too cold. It was the end of Gabriel’s night watch as I woke up. I yawn as I groggily got up from my slumber. “Ah, I see you’re awake,” Gabriel said. I blink a few times to clearly see him and try to get the sleepiness out and notice he’s cooking something over the fire. “...What are you cooking?” I ask as I slowly sit up. “I caught a rabbit,” he said, slowly rotating the burned carcass. “Is it almost done?” I asked, scooting up to the fire and feeling its warm embrace shield me from the cold dawn. “Actually, it’s done now,” he said, placing his bag down and pulling out two metal plates and a dagger. He took the spit away from the fire and slid it onto his plate, then he cut it in half with his dagger and slid the piece onto my plate before handing it to me. I stare at the steaming charred meat in hungry anticipation. I take a whiff. it...smells...AMAZING! I’m taken aback by the alluring aroma. I lean in, preparing to eat it. “Now be careful, it's hot,” Gabriel warned. I ate it all in one bite. “...Seems like you have quite the...appetite,” he said, shocked at my display. “Well, finish yours up so we can go.” “Alright, just give me a second,” he said, annoyed, before he quickly gobbled it down and stood up. “Alright! Let's do this thing!” he yells, running down the hill to the town. “Wait up!” I yelled, chasing after him. Beak Barrow “So...what are we lookin’ for?” he asks. “...You ask now?” I say, “I’m… looking for my father.” “Well, you got any other information?” “...His name is Khyax, and he was imprisoned, I believe.” Gabriel scratches his beak for a little while. “Hm, I believe I can manage,” he says. “Alright, let's split up, but when it gets dark we meet back at that hill,” he said, pointing to the hill where we were camping. “Ok,” I reply. “See ya then,” he says, flying off in his own direction. “Now, let's get to that castle,” I say to myself as I walk along the concrete road towards the castle. When I made it to the castle the guards wouldn’t let me in, because of an “only authorized creatures allowed” policy or something. So I needed another way in. I slowly traced around the castle when I thought I found it. A balcony! I could probably climb in and sneak into the castle. I grip the wall, digging my claws into the giant bricks, and slowly summit the structure. “Ok, try not to kill...too much,” I say to myself, knowing there might be some blood. Climbing in through the balcony, I walk into an empty room –probably a guest room. The walls were red and etched with gold carvings and designs. Silently I stride to the wooden door of the room. I turn the yellow knob, cracking open the door and peeking through. I don’t spot anyone and only see an empty hallway. Stepping through the door, I walk onto a red carpet that extended down both ways of the hallway. “Mm, which way to go?” I asked myself, eyes darting from left to right. “Well...right is always right,” I say, cautiously going in the right direction of the hallway. But then I hear the shifting of armor echoing down the hallway. I quickly retreat back into the room, forgetting to close the door and looking for a place to hide. The sound of clinking metal getting closer urged me to find a place to hide. Looking all around the room I couldn’t find a place to hide. “Im screwed!” I nearly shriek, fearing my demise. Desperately looking around for a place to hide my eyes land on the ceiling. “Hello, anyone in there?” a voice just beside the open door say. I gasped for air as my stomach dropped at the sound of the voice. I quickly scrambled up the wall and latch myself on the ceiling. Trying to calm my ragged breaths, I wait for the Griffin. A few...long...agonizing seconds passed before the Griffin poked his metal covered head into the room. The Griffin’s head suddenly turned left and I flinched at the sudden action. That caused a small crack to form by my claw that began tearing its way through the ceiling in front of me. The web of cracks finally stopped a few feet in front of me, and a small piece of the ceiling broke off and fell to the floor shattering into even smaller pieces. His head jerked at the piece and he moved further into the room to inspect the debris. Okay his back is turned now all I have to do is kill him. Alright im gonna kill him now...ok NOW! ...Several more seconds passed while I was still frozen in shock. Come on this is just like the war. Just kill him, like what Slapshot said, kill him before he can kill me. He leaned down a little to see it. Come on! He is right there! Suddenly, he looked up, eyeing the ceiling and tracing the cracks, before his eyes landed on me. Everything felt...slow as his eyes slowly widened. He took a step back and got in a wobbly stance before drawing his sword. Hearing the sound of the metal sliding against the leathery sheathe, my instincts kicked in. In an instant I dropped off the ceiling and charged towards him. He swung the sword at me and it collided with my armor bouncing off. I hit him with all my force, knocking him over and onto his back. He lost grip of his sword as he fell over, hitting the floor with a thud, groaning loudly in pain. I stood over him drawing my sword, raising it in preparation. His time had come to an end. “Wait! Please don’t kill me!” he begged, covering his face with his arms. I broke out of my blood lust as I looked into his eyes. They were full of fear, welling up with tears. “Please! I have a family!” he babbled, “I have a brother that I need to feed and my mom to take care of,” he continued, “She is really sick and im trying to get enough to save he- “Silence!” I yelled, tears rolling down my face. “I don’t want to know about your life, your excuses, just shut up!” He stared at me in shock and confusion, glancing to the right. He suddenly jerks his body, reaching for his fallen sword. I react quickly, plunging my blade into his neck before he could even raise his sword. He gurgled up blood as he started squirming in pain trying to utter a scream, before he finally slowed and fell still. Another deafening silence wrapped around me before it was broken by my sobs. I threw myself to the floor crying and coughing. I ended a life. I just blinked him out of existence. This wasn’t like the war, this time I knew who I killed. In the war I didn’t give killing much thought at all. What will happen to his family, now with no one to take care of them or even help them! Slapshot’s words started coming back to me in this moment. ”Everyone has reasons to kill, you just need to find yours,” his voice echoed in my head. I know Slapshot, but what about his reasons to not die! ”Killing isn’t easy, I know, but you’re fighting to protect what you love. So was he! Im sorry, Im so sorry! Please forgive me, I didn’t want to! ”What’s the point in crying over another life? Everyone dies at some point.” Who am I to decide when someone dies?! What gives me the right to kill someone?! ”We all deal with death in our own ways, if you can’t accept death then go home and abandon everything and everyone.” I finally stop my constant sobbing and start to collect myself, wiping my tears. I start to realize my surroundings. I feel...wet and...warm, I glance down and reel back in horror. Blood, blood was all over me, I was covered in blood. His neck was oozing blood. I wanted to vomit. It was so disgusting, but why am I so disgusted i'm a xenomorph! First born of...Khyax...that’s right he’s the reason i'm here in the first place. He is my reason to fight, why I fight and kill. I know what I want to do. I stand up, blood dripping off of me. I take slow steps towards the griffin’s bloody corpse. I quickly pluck the blade from his neck and sheathe it. I waste no time in turning around and walking to the door and out into the hallway. Blood stained the carpets, wall, everything that I touched. The blood started to stain my armor and my body. I was feeling sticky with each step I took. I felt the need to vomit again and felt...dizzy. I felt so disgusting like the scum of the planet. I felt like dirt, no worse than dirt and I smelt horrible. I wanted to gag at the stench I was giving off. After a little while of stumbling through the hall there was a turn. Creeping up to the corner I hear the sound of clinking metal. Also, I smell a stronger scent coming this way. Quickly I climb to the ceiling and wait. A few seconds pass and two brown griffin guards pass below me and march past me. Once they turn the corner, my eyes widened as they stopped before running down the hall shouting. They must have seen the blood. I unlatch from the ceiling and make haste down the hall. Passing several doors and windows I stop to listen. I hear...clinking, heavy clinking...getting louder. Once again I try to climb the wall, but my claws couldn’t get a grip. I desperately tried to climb anyway but ended up just scratching at it helplessly. So I did the only thing I could do: I made a run for it. I was sprinting through the halls, everything a blur as I ran turning aimlessly through the never ending maze. I couldn’t seem to find end to it until the hall came to an end and I came bursting through a pair of double doors. I stopped in the my tracks as I analyzed the situation I was in. I had just barged in on some sort of meeting between nobles. “...Why me?!” were the only words I could get out, before several spears were pointed at me.