> Dream Girls > by Scout Charger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > of School Trips and Games of Chance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a rather uneventful summer, especially by the standards of Canterlot High. No threats to civilization. No magical beings trying to take over the world. The only thing CHS students had to worry about were the finals, the true bane of every student in all dimensions and universes. But there was still a silver lining at the horizon. Before the finals came about, there was still a school trip to be had. It may have been a short lived relief, but it allowed the students to forget the impending doom nevertheless. This year however there was something special going in the works. Vice-principal Luna had declared that, after the fiasco of the Friendship Games, the fun needed to be doubled. Nobody knew how, but she convinced Principal Celestia that a trip to Las Pegasus was actually a good idea. Many students crafted theories about how this happened. The more reasonable ones included dark magic, blackmailing, sexual favors between sisters and the replacement of the principal with an alien or interdimensional counterpart. The silly ones thought that it could be an attempt to supplement the school’s finances. To their credit, the budget to fix damaged school property got stressed quite a bit over the last year. But in the end, all that mattered was that there was going to be a trip to Las Pegasus. How Celestia and Luna got around the legal issues of taking dozens of teenagers to Las Pegasus remained unknown to the student body. Even though, nobody was surprised that they pulled it off. When it comes to things like this, one has to remember that these two managed to cover up several incursions of magical beings. That they made up a nearly perfect fake identity for Sunset Shimmer. And managed to hide an entire motocross racetrack from hundreds of students for weeks before the friendship games started. Nevertheless, the students might have learned the reasons if they had actually cared, or just asked. But as soon as they were informed of the destination, the how and why became rather unimportant to them. The trip itself was a glorious success. One week of fun, sightseeing and breathtaking shows to behold. But our story isn’t about the trip itself, it actually start’s at the last night before the trip back to Canterlot, in a casino called Zebricana. Scout stood next to the roulette table and watched the wheel spin. The metal ball lost speed and slowly dropped towards it. After a few seconds it dropped too far, hit one of the obstructions and made a dive towards the wheel’s colored compartments. After the ball had settled and the wheel came to a halt the croupier nodded and announced. “Fourteen, red.” He received his chips and a small smile creeped onto Scout’s lips. Without much thought he placed his next round of bets. Like the seventeen times before he placed five bucks on each number, except three. This time he didn’t bet on seven, fifteen and zero, which gave him a thirty-five in thirty-eight chance of winning. A few moments later the wheel began to spin again and the croupier threw in the ball. After the third round he calmly stated. “No more bets.” When the ball dropped and number thirty-one was hit, Scout grinned and claimed his eighteenth win in a row. Just as he was about to place new bets he felt somebody nudge his shoulder. He turned his head and saw Applejack standing behind him, taking a peek over his shoulder. “Whatcha doin’ there Scout? Never took ya for th’ gamblin’ type o’ guy.” Scout shrugged. “I’m not really fond of games of chance, but here I can at least minimize the risk.” Applejack cocked her head and looked at his stack of chips. “Did ya’ win anythin’?” With a proud nod Scout crossed his arms in front of his chest. “I came with two hundred bucks and won another ninety.” When the blond girl gave him a skeptical look, he shrugged. “I know, it doesn’t sound much, but at least I didn’t lose anything.” He pointed at the roulette table. “Do you know the rules?” Applejack looked at the table with all the black and red numbers and the fields for the different bets to place. “Ah’ll have to admit, Ah only know that ya’ bet on a number, spin th’ wheel and hope for th’ best.” Scout cleared his throat and smiled at Applejack. “Well, that’s basically right, but there is more to it. For once every bet has a different value. The smaller your chance of winning is, the bigger the winnings become. If you actually win that is. For example, if you bet on a number and win you get thirty six times your bet back. If you bet on a color you only get double your bet.” Applejack took a moment to watch at the table before she snorted and crossed her arms. “So the less risk ya’ take, th’ less win ya’ get. And ah reckon that th’ house always wins in the end?” He nodded. “At some point you always lose, but the greedier you get the more likely you are to lose. I for my part bet on thirty-five numbers at once. Like this I have a relatively high chance of winning. If I do bet five bucks on thirty-five numbers it makes a total of 175 dollar. But if one of my bets wins I get 180 back, five dollar net win.” With a heavy sigh Applejack shook her head. “That seems a mighty little gain for that much money on the line.” Scout nodded. “True, but like this I can minimize the risk. How about you? Did you try your luck at anything?” “Nah, ah’d rather keep mah money and get a new pair of work pants.” She pointed at her legs. “Rarity nearly threw a hissy fit when ah told ‘er ah would come here in the stuff ah got on me.” For the first Time since she arrived, Scout actually took the time to examine Applejack’s attire. She wore essentially the same thing he always did at school, a white and green blouse, her jeans-skirt, the belt with the apple shaped buckle and all that completed by her boots and hat. “She’s a cowgirl through and through” he thought. Scout shook his head and took a look around before focusing on Applejack again. “Speaking of Rarity, I don’t see your friends anywhere. Are you on your own?” Applejack shook her head and chuckled. “Nah, Ah’ wouldn’t have come ‘ere without th’ others. Rarity is watchin the entrance for new ideas for her dresses. Rainbow got bored because this ‘ere casino has no race track an’ nothin. She went to get hammered at th’ bar and Fluttershy tries to talk her out of it, Ah’ think. Twilight and Sunset drive th’ blackjack dealer mad ‘cause they win for two hours straight. And Pinkie is determined to taste any snack this casino offers.” She stated in an amused manner. Scout gave the roulette table a look and shrugged. “I’m at this table since about one and a half hours and have 290 dollars in chips. Wanna get hammered too?” Sudden laughter startled half of the people around the table enough so they almost forget to continue their games. When Applejack finally calmed down she wiped a small tear off her face and nodded. “Sure thing sugar cube, but let’s stay away from Rainbow.” She leaned in and whispered. “As tough as she may act normally. She gets really mushy and emotional when she’s drunk.” This time Scout was the one who got all the stares for his sudden laughter. With a small glare from the croupier the two students grabbed his stack of chips and left the table for good. Half an hour later, Applejack and Scout were sitting at a table in a rather old fashioned bar. Like everything else in Las Pegasus it wasn’t what it looked like, it was only made to seem like the real deal. But at least the drinks were good. Applejack slammed her cider mug on the table and sighed in content. “Ah’ wouldn’t have thought that Las Pegasus had this mighty fine of a cider. Not quite what Ah’ would serve ya’all at home, but Ah’ had worse.” “They have imported germane beer! I’m not complaining about this place anytime soon.” Scout stated as he put his mug down and pointed at a sign hanging over the bar. Suddenly Applejack scrunched up her nose. The muffled tone of a bell could be heard and she started to fumble under the table. “Is anything wrong?” Asked Scout with a raised eyebrow and a slightly concerned look. With a big smile and a triumphant “ah ha” Applejack pulled her phone from her pocket and held it above her head like a prize. She looked at the screen, brushed across it a few times until she finally managed to accept the call and put the phone to her ear. “Yeah? … No, we’ve already left. … Ya’all remember Scout? … Yeah that’s th’ one Ah mean. … We’re at this ‘country corner’ bar near the hotel. … Ok, we’ll wait.” Scout looked from Applejack to her phone and back. “Ahm, would you mind telling me what exactly is going on here?” He asked with a curious look on his face. The girl made a throwing gesture and put her phone away. “That was just Sunset and th’ others. The girls had ta’ bring Rainbow back to the hotel. She took a mighty fine puke all over the barkeeper after twelve tequilas and a few hard ciders. Oh and Pinkie is in a food coma or somethin.” “I don’t really get what are we waiting for then. Shouldn’t we help them somehow?” The boy stated with a shrug. Applejack giggled and pointed at the liquor on display behinds the bar. “They’re fine an’ all. Sunset said she and Twi want to come over for a drink too. They just have to drop off Pinkie and Rainbow. Fluttershy and Rares will stay with ‘em to make sure they’re alrigh’.” “So, to sum that call up. We are waiting for Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle to get here and then get hammered together?” Scout asked with a raised eyebrow. “Yep.” Applejack grinned and took another swig of her cider. Encouraged by his companion Scout too took another swig from his. “I’d never thought I’d see Twilight drink anything stronger than punch or something.” He mumbled. Fifteen minutes later, two girls entered the bar and plopped down at Applejack’s and Scout’s table. Twilight was wearing a long blue dress with stars along the hemline, as well as light blue shoes and gloves. Her hair was pinned up to a bun and careful applied make up made her cheeks seem to have the slightest of blushes to them. Sunset on the other hand wasn’t nearly as dressed up. She wore her normal black boots, a blue jeans and a short turquois dress. She also wore her new black leather jacket on top of all that to hold off the cold. Overall she looked rather normal, but all pieces seemed to be a bit shinier than usual, like they were covered in diamond dust or something. Her hair wasn’t tied back in any way. It was smooth but somehow wild, giving off an aura of strength and authority. Twilight’s attire embodied the cliché of a wallflower, beautiful yet all too easy to overlook. Sunset however was all but easy to overlook. All about her commanded attention. From her style and movements down to her confident smirk, she dominated the room with her very presence. Scenes like this made all too clear why she could rule CHS for three years without opposition. She was the bee’s knees and she knew it. Sunset signaled the barkeeper and ordered a whisky, while Twilight settled for a martini. “AJ, how often did you have to deal with a drunken Rainbow when your family made cider?” The fiery haired girl asked as she leaned back. It took a good minute of mumbling and calculating before Applejack sighed. “On average sixteen times per season, a few give or take. Why?” “Well, she can be really obnoxious when she’s drunk. She wanted to start a fight with everybody who as much as looked our way funny. By the way, her definition of somebody ‘looking funny’ does also include ‘not looking at all’ and stuff. But when we asked her to calm down she immediately switched to pansy mode and thought we wouldn’t want to be her friends anymore.” Sunset explained with barely covered anger. Twilight cleared her throat and pushed up her glasses. “Well, as far as I understand it, her most prominent character trait is her loyalty. If we consider the fact that alcohol tends to intensify emotions and lowers personal restraints it’s to be expected from her to be more protective of her friends and concerned about losing said friends when intoxicated.” Sunset Shimmer gave the human counterpart of princess Twilight a glare. “We are awake for about sixteen hours by now. We had a few drinks in the casino and we had a two and a half hour brain workout at the blackjack table.” Her head slammed on the table. “And you are still able to give a spontaneous lecture on basic human psychology.” A strange mixture of admiration and accusation could be heard in her voice. Though it nobody could say which of those was the primary intention. Even though she could have tried to defend herself, Twilight knew Sunset good enough already to know that she wasn’t in the mood for something like that. Instead she focused on the barkeeper who brought her martini and busied herself with that. Together with Twilight’s martini arrived the whisky Sunset had ordered. She thanked the man with a gentle smile, took the glass and allowed herself a few moments to enjoy the scent. A nod of approval and a small sip later she gave off a contented sigh, relaxing visibly. “That’s what I needed. It’s been some time since I had a really good whisky.” Three pairs of eyes were suddenly fixed on Sunset, all bearing the same question. “How did you pick up the habit of drinking whisky? I tried to get my hands on some stuff back in Canterlot, but all the good places don’t sell to students.” Scout asked with a puzzled expression. A chuckle escaped Sunset’s lips, which bore a striking similarity to that of an adult listening to a toddler. “By now you all know that I’m not from this world, right?” All three heads nodded. “Now let me do a quick summary of my life. I was nine when I entered Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns. I became the princess’s personal student around eleven. Then I had another seven years until I graduated. I continued to study under the princess and found the mirror three years after that. The first opening of the mirror portal was roughly half a year after I discovered it. That was when I came here for the first time. The time between two openings of the mirror is thirty moons, roughly two and a half years. The second connection to Equestria happened around the Fall Formal, when princess Twilight first entered this world. So, now you can do the math and can take an educated guess of how old I am in Equestria.” Since Applejack and Scout were a little too drunk to solve the problem in their head, they started to count on their fingers. Twilight however gasped immediately after Sunset had finished and gave the other girl a baffled look. “You are twenty five years old?” “Roughly, yes.” Sunset confirmed and took another swig of her drink. “It’s not entirely accurate since this world hasn’t the same precise seasonal cycle that Equestria has, but I don’t think it’s more than one month off.” Scout gave her a scrutinizing gaze and scratched his chin. “That still doesn’t explain how you get your hands on whisky. You need an ID or something.” He stated matter-of-factly. Sunset grinned and blushed a bit. “Well, before Luna and Celestia handled the paperwork that concerns my very existence in this world, I sort of maybe had a fake ID.” Before any further questions could be asked, Applejack grabbed her cider, downed the entire mug in one go and slammed it back on the table. “Hey, Twi, how did ya’ blackjack games go?” Easily distracted by the question and the alcohol in her system, Twilight smiled and lifted her purse. “We got thrown out because we won too much.” “They thought we cheated somehow. But after a ten minute explanation from Twilight, on how to calculate the probabilities of certain cards coming up based on the cards that were already dealt, they gave up and encouraged us to leave.” Sunset clarified. Scout and Applejack exchanged an uncertain glance before the farm girl turned to her friends. “Say, how much did ya’ actually win?” Her voice came down to a whisper. “I think we were at fifteen-thousand dollar when they threw us out. A few hundred give or take.” Sunset stated nonchalantly, with Twilight nodding a little embarrassed. “Ok Sunset ah knew ya’ smart an’ all, but this is ridiculous. Ya’ aren’t tellin me ya’ can do that kind of fancy mathematics of the top of your head?” Applejack asked with a look somewhere between confused and angry. Sunset shook her head and giggled. “I’m not.” She pointed her finger at Twilight. “But she is. And her body language is as easy to read as it gets.” Within minutes the focus shifted from gambling to a debate over who was good at what and why. It was mainly banter between friends though, mostly snarky remarks accompanied by joyous laughter. All of which fueled by unnecessary amounts of alcohol and the unhealthiest food available on the menu. > Warming Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Around three in the morning even Applejack started having difficulties directing her mug to her mouth. The group took this as the best sign to call it a night and hit the hay. Twilight had already passed out after her fifth margarita and a commendable impression of a James Bond villain. In which Spike had to serve as substitute for a cat. Applejack had the unconscious girl slung over her shoulders and carried her home like it was nothing. Photos of Twilight drooling in her sleep were made, but all agreed to only use their powers for good … or to get Twilight to let them copy her homework. Once they arrived at the hotel Scout and Sunset opened the doors so Applejack could get Twilight in without smashing her against any solid objects. They managed to get the drunken girl into her room and her bed without even coming close to waking her up. When the group reached Scout’s room he attempted to bow before the girls, only to almost fall over. Sunset had reacted way faster than anybody should be able to with her blood alcohol levels. She quickly grabbed his arm, slung it over her shoulder and supported him to the best of her abilities. “Sorry, I may have had a teensy bit too much to drink.” He stated the obvious. Sunset rolled her eyes, but smiled and nodded towards the door. “Come on big boy, time to get you tucked in.” With a little help to keep his balance, Scout managed to open the door. As they walked into the room, AJ turned on the lights and shut the door behind them. Suddenly Scout watched Sunset with the expression of a child on Christmas Eve. “Are you alright?” She asked with an uncertain tone, not knowing what to make of his expression. Especially with his face less than twenty centimeters from hers. “I like the color of your eyes.” He stated with a surprisingly serious tone. Sunset snorted and laughed. “Oh shit … you scared Tartarus out of me for a moment. But you know what? He said that too.” The look on the Scout’s face was one used by many people across the ages. It said that the individual words made sense, but the sentence they formed was incomprehensible. “Which he are you talking about?” Without a warning something warm and slightly wet hit his cheek and his vision was obscured by a curtain of red and gold. A second later Sunset withdrew her lips and whispered into his ear. “I met the Scout Charger from Equestria when I spend my last vacation there. He told me some really interesting things.” She gently bit down on his earlobe. “That you might have some sort of crush on me and AJ for example.” Within a timespan too short to measure for even the most advanced scientific laboratories all alcohol seemed to evaporate from Scout’s body. All the while, his brain was only able to whisper a silent “oh shit” into his consciousness. Before he could do anything a hand grabbed his shoulder, pulled him backwards into a strong, and surprisingly passionate, kiss. When their lips parted AJ smirked. “Sunset told me ‘bout that maybe crush of yours. An’, to be honest with ya’, Ah’ always wanted ta’ give it a shot since then. Never worked up th’ courage to do so, but that’s what that mighty fine liquid courage is for, right?” As Applejack let go of him Scout tumbled backwards and gave the two girls a pleading look. “W … What is going on here? This … this isn’t some kind of … stupid trashy porn!” Sunset had sneaked up behind him and started to gently kiss his neck. “Well, I’m Equestrian. I’ve never been introduced to all this strange biases and social taboos you humans have. I like what and whom I like, end of story.” Her hands weaved around his chest and started to open his shirt. “You’re a nice guy. You aren’t stupid. Besides, the pony you and the human you are both quite the eye candy. I think we’re going to be fine.” She whispered into his ear before she started nibbling it again. While his attention was directed towards Sunset, Applejack approached Scout from the front. She grabbed his belt with a devilish smirk and pulled herself close to him. “And if ya’ ask me. Ya’ help out on the farm for months, have proven that ya’ strong, dependable and know your way around farm work. Ma’ family seems to like ya’…” Applejacks hot breathe hit Scout’s other ear. “…and Ah’ think Ah’ waited long enough for you to make a move. Tonight Ah’m sick of waitin.” With that, Applejack slammed her lips onto Scout’s once again, while Sunset continued to nibble his ear and gently bit his neck. Time blurred and the onslaught of sensations left him with little more than a vague impression of the unfolding events. The next thing Scout knew was that he got pushed back and stumbled onto the bed. His shirt was wide open, his pants, as well as his underpants, were gone and his erect penis was on full display. With a mischievous smile, Sunset turned towards Applejack. “So, you have made up your mind?!” Her voice carried a somewhat sinister undertone. The blond farm girl nodded and gave her friend a stern look. “Ah’m goin ta’ see this through, but Ah’ve got one condition.” She pointed from Sunset to herself and back. “I’m not into girls. I can deal with ya bein here an all, but there will be no touchin me or anythin … got it? Ma’ body is a temple and shit, ya’ know?” Sunset shrugged and nodded. “Well, I think you’re a really sexy girl. But I will respect your wishes and not touch that nice, firm, round…” A warning gaze from Applejack made Sunset giggle a bit. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop teasing you. We have a deal.” The pact was sealed with a handshake and Scout was left with the feeling being livestock on the way to the slaughter house. The girls exchanged a nod and smiled. Both of them turned towards him with predatory eyes and cooed. “Only one thing left to do.” Sunset started to open her jacket, slowly pulling the zipper down and letting it fall off her shoulders in one smooth motion. She slowly turned around and bent over to show off her firm butt. As she rose back to her full height her hands caressed her legs and pulled her dress over her head, throwing it aside. The skin on her back was perfectly smooth, promising pleasure from the very touch of it. When Sunset turned back she brushed her fingertips across her stomach, moaning slightly in the process. She stopped when she reached her black bra. Gripping and massaging her breasts to show their size and how soft they were. Instead of opening her bra however she reached for her belt, unbuckling it and opening the zipper of her pants. She raised her arms over her head and gently started swaying her hips. With every move she made, her pants slid further and further down. Tight black panties, perfectly matching her bra, hid her privates from view. As her pants finally hit the ground, Sunset stepped out of them, her hips still swaying. The long, slender body of Sunset moved with an unearthly grace. Every move of her hips, every twitch of her stomach and every look of her eyes was gorgeous. She knew very well how beautiful she actually was and how to use it to maximum effect. Her amber skin seemed to gleam, lights swirling across her body while she moved. And she seemed to constantly be in motion. Every moment brought a slight change to her posture. She twisted and turned, flexed and swayed all the time, like a dancer from an exotic and far away land. She promised pleasures unheard of in this corner of the world. Applejack however, was not idle while Sunset started her show. She pulled her Stetson over her eyes and started to unbutton her blouse. When the last button was open, she slowly leaned back, careful to keep her eyes hidden under her hat. The white and green fabric slid down her arms, slowly revealing her shoulders and chest. She wore a green bra and under her skin danced muscles that where formed by years of work. At first glance, her stomach was flat, but when the light hit her just right, well-defined abs could be admired. She slowly bent back forward and, while showing off her beautiful cleavage, untied her boots. As Applejack rose her smirk seemed to have grown a bit wider and with two kicks her boots flew into the corner of the room. She took the time to flex her legs and feet, obviously enjoying their newfound freedom of movement. A closer look revealed that, as her upper body before, her legs were in perfect shape and had just the right amount of muscle to them. She turned around, raising her arms above her head to show her smooth back. If Applejack knew one thing about her body it was this, it was strong, durable and natural all over. So she made sure to show that off perfectly. Everything about her physique made clear that she could take whatever was thrown her way. And that she could take it all night long. She pulled her arms back down, reached for a button on her skirt and opened it with a flick of her fingers. Then she slowly bent over and, inch by inch, her skirt was pulled down, revealing her phenomenal round cheeks. Blue panties caressed her butt and the more she bent the rounder and more perfect it became. Finally, when she stepped out of her skirt, she kicked it off and turned around again. All this time, her eyes were still hidden under the brim of her hat, but her smile and the hand on her hips were full of confidence. The girls were done at the same time with their striptease and stood in front of Scout. Both of them now wore nothing but their underwear and predatory smiles. He had crawled a little further backwards, now sitting at the top end of the bed. His gaze switched between the two beautiful girls with a mixture of admiration, lust and fear. Sunset reached behind her back and opened the clip of her bra. The straps slipped down her shoulders. But faster than the eye could see, her hands shot forward, cupped her breasts and prevented a too quick reveal. She smiled mischievously as she massaged them a few moments before finally pulling her bra down. They were almost the perfect size, slightly bigger than what Sunset could hold in her hands but not so large that they seemed out of place. Gravity seemed to be of no concern to these two perky, beautiful mounds. They stood proud for all to see, crowned by two small, already hard, nipples. This time, Applejack had waited for Sunset to finish before she started. She grabbed Scout’s attention with a light whistle and a snap of her fingers. When his eyes were on her and she had his undivided attention, she slowly turned around. Other than Sunset’s, her bra had no hooks. Instead it was held by ribbons at the front. With her back towards her audience, Applejack slowly undid the tie, making sure to show off what she was doing without actually showing her chest. As her bra opened, she gently brushed the straps off her shoulders and let it fall to the ground. Then she turned around, proudly presenting two slightly bigger and bouncier breasts, also with already hard nipples showing her excitement. What happened next was a slight surprise to all three of them. Applejack started to gleam. Her orange skin became more vibrant with each passing moment and only after a second or two, Sunset registered that she gleamed too. “What tha…?” With a sudden pulse of light, Applejack and Sunset got enveloped by the light. When the strange light receded, they still stood in the middle of the room, their mouths agape. The only notable difference was that they both now had pony ears, a long pony tail and Sunset suddenly had a long amber horn peeking out from her hair. Sunset looked at her friend and ignored the fact that they both were essentially naked. “AJ? Why did you pony up?” With her hands raised in defense the other girl shook her head. “Don’t look at me like that, Ah’ didn’t do that on purpose! Didn’t you say we pony up when we show off that … What did ya’ call it, truest part of ourselves or somethin?” Sunset groaned and face palmed. “Makes sense, actually. You’re putting your honest feelings on display here. And since you represent honesty … well, yeah, you pony up doing so. And because my power is sort of linked to yours it’s only natural that I pony up alongside you.” Both girls examined their forms and noted a few oddities. “Hmm, Seems like our tails are no longer sprouting from our hair but now are actual extensions at the end of the spine.” Sunset pointed out as she looked at her rear. Applejack swished around her tail and looked a quite confused. “Ah’ can move mine, seems like it’s not jus’ some sort of hair extension anymore.” Sunset touched the tip of her horn with wonder. “This one seems also to be quite real. I’m pretty sure I can actually feel the magic flow around us now. And it feels quite a lot stronger than last time.” With a thoughtful expression she turned towards Applejack. “Looks like these forms are getting closer to actual ponies of Equestria the stronger we become.” Applejack fidgeted and rubbed her thighs against each other. “As interesting as that might be … Ah’ am damn horny to be honest.” Sunset giggled and brushed a hand across her chest. “Sorry, I get easily distracted by magic phenomena like this.” She touched one of her hard nipples with two fingers and twisted it gently. “But I have to admit, I feel really hot too.” The girls looked at Scout, who was more confused than anything else. They turned towards each other and shrugged. “You want to ignore it?” “Sure as sugar Ah’ wanna ignore it!” Applejack and Sunset turned towards Scout, who still looked mildly confused. “Does it bother you?” They asked in unison. Surprisingly enough, Scout actually gave that question some thought. His eyes swept across the room. He watched Sunsets breasts, Applejacks hips, both their ears and tails and slowly shook his head. “No?” He said with a bit of uncertainty in his voice. The girls smiled, nodded approvingly and continued as if nothing happened. Sunset looked at her panties and smiled. With a few tucks at the waistband, she slowly started wiggling her hips out of it. Her eyes were locked onto Scout’s as she bent forward, pulling her panties down ever so slowly. She stepped out of the small black piece of cloth after a few seconds, rose to her full height again and held it up like a trophy. Her eyes half closed, she started to sway her hips and tail as she spun the black fabric in one hand. With a flick of her wrist she tossed it behind herself and slowly licked her lips. She put one hand on her belly as she spread her legs slightly. It was enough to show the lack of pubic hair and grant the slightest glimpse at her folds. But not enough to show everything there was to explore just yet. Applejack for her part turned around once again. She pulled down her panties just a bit to reveal what was rightfully considered the best booty of CHS. Her butt was round, firm and definitely a sight to behold. The panties slowly slid down her legs while she stood completely still, allowing her rear to be examined and admired. Between her gently wiggling cheeks appeared her glistening folds. Small drops of her juices were flowing out of her pussy, slightly moistening her lower lips and inner thighs. As her panties hit the floor she stepped out of them and turned slowly. What happened next was almost mythical. Over the course of her entire strip Applejack had kept her Stetson pulled over her eyes. Now she slowly reached up, grabbed it and lifted it off her head. She placed it on a nearby nightstand and finally made eye contact with Scout. Her emerald green eyes seemed to shine from the inside, possibly being the most beautiful thing about her at that moment. Scout couldn’t help but to take a moment to assess his situation. He was sitting on a bed in Las Pegasus. He had quite possibly the largest boner of his life. Two beautiful, at the moment anthropomorphic, girls stood in front of him, naked. And both of them now started to crawl onto the bed. He felt his mouth drying up and gulped. “Is this really happening or am I dreaming?” He asked nobody in particular. Sunset crawled up to him, put a hand on his chest and smiled. “Would it really matter if this was a dream?” He looked into her eyes and slightly shook his head. She continued to smile, laid herself down next to him and put her chin on his shoulder. “Now, there is only one thing left to do.” Applejack sat down on the bed, gently brushing her hand across Scout’s. “We wanna ask if ya’ ok with this an’ all.” He furrowed his brow as he registered her question. “Look Scout. As fun as it is to tease you, neither Applejack nor I would do this if you don’t want to. You have a choice and whatever you choose it won’t leave this room. No rumors. No whispers. None of that, we promise.” Sunset took a deep breath before she continued with a serious expression. “Do you want to do this?” Scout’s heartbeat suddenly became calm. He looked into Sunset’s eyes, deep turquoise orbs, bare of the deception and cruelty that once lingered in them. He turned his head towards Applejack, also searching to look into her eyes. Green emeralds met his gaze. They were like beacons of hope shining in the darkness. He took a deep breath, leaned over to Sunset and kissed her gently on the lips. Before any word could be said however, he pulled Applejack in for a kiss as well. He looked at both girls, both of them the girl of his dreams in their own way. “You both have beautiful eyes. And whatever this is a dream come true or not…” His smile turned diabolical as each of his hands started massaging the girls’ breasts. “Let’s make this the best school trip ever.” Both girls moaned slightly as they felt his grip and smiled. “This is going to be fun.” They declared at the same time. > Dreams Come True > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scout looked curiously at the girls as they freed their breasts from his grip. Applejack licked her lips and started to kiss his neck, working her way downwards. She gently nibbled at his throat, letting her teeth scrape over his skin with every third or fourth kiss. From there she worked her way further down his shoulders and licked his collar bone. All the while Scout had started to caress her hair and rub her pony ears, drawing slight moans from the farm girl. Sunset for her part had taken his hand in hers and slowly guided it to her mouth. She started with his index finger, gently kissing the tip a few times before she took it between her lips. Her tongue worked circles around the digit, taking full advantage of its sensitivity to touch. After getting the appendage properly wet she let it slip deeper into her mouth and started sucking it. All the while Applejack made her way further south and her kisses reached Scout’s crotch. She examined the length and width of his cock with a wicked smile. “Let’s see what Ah’ can buck off of that mighty fine tree.” She mumbled as she wrapped her hand in a firm grip around his shaft. The sudden sensation made Scout gasp and he involuntarily looked to where it came from. His eyes met Applejack’s. She just continued to smile, winked and began to massage his member. Now that Applejack was busy else, Sunset had enough room to work properly on Scouts upper half. She twirled her tongue around his finger, gave it a last nibble and then pulled it from her mouth. She put her hands to cheeks and directed his gaze towards her own. As he looked at her, she leaned in slowly, licked her lips in anticipation and kissed him. All kisses Scout had before were nothing in comparison to this one. Sunset worked his lips feverishly, sucking, nibbling and licking them in an ever changing dance of passion. At one point, purely on instinct, he opened his lips and within an instant Sunset took her chance. She pushed her tongue into his mouth, longing to feel his on hers. When the two met they started to twist and turn around one another, constantly trying to wrap the other in their warm, slippery embrace. Both searched for just the right angle, just the right twist, just the right amount of strength. And even though they continued their quest for ever more pleasure, it felt like the perfect kiss all the time. Out of the corner of her eye Applejack saw that Sunset and Scout seemed like they really got into it. Even though she didn’t even know if Sunset had any interest in that sort of thing, she still thought of this night as a contest for the Scout’s affection. Still, she refused to lose to anybody and kick it up a notch. She brought her head closer Scout’s cock and kissed it once. For her next kiss she opened her lips slightly and took the head into her mouth. She wrapped her wet lips around it and let it slip out again, sucking gently. The third kiss however was the special one. She took the tip of Scout’s cock into her mouth again, massaged it with her wet lips and started to twirl her tongue around it like she was licking a lollipop. As he felt the sudden warmth and wetness surrounding the head of his cock Scout couldn’t help but moan. Applejacks ears flicked at the sound and, with a pleased smile, she sped up her tongue. Sunset broke their kiss as Scout moaned, turned her head to watch Applejack and smiled. “You’re stepping up your game?” Instead of an answer, all she received was a wink as the blond girl took a little more of the length in her mouth. Sunset smirked as she turned back to Scout, who watched intently as Applejack took more and more of his cock in her mouth. She placed her hands on his shoulders and placed herself on his stomach, breaking the eye contact between him and AJ. What was now plain in Scout’s field of view however was at least as exciting as what he could admire seconds before. Sunset Shimmer sat, legs spread wide, on his stomach. She leaned back slightly while holding onto his shoulders granting him a perfect view of her privates. The lips of her pussy were glistening wet and had taken on a little darker color than the rest of her. Her hips rocked back and forth, pressing her folds against him. A deep, passionate moan drew his gaze away from her lower lips. She had her eyes closed and her ears folded back, obviously enjoying the warm skin against her wet pussy. After he took a few moments to admire the beauty that was sitting on his abdomen, Scout flicked his tongue across his lips and smiled. His hands moved closer to Sunset’s knees. When she pressed her hips against him once more, he brushed across her legs and reached for her ass. He grabbed the smooth skin with both hands, kneading her luscious cheeks while watching her mouth twitch. Sunset gasped as he pulled her hips tight against his body and pressed her dripping folds hard against his skin. While she took a deep breath he let go of her butt and, in one smooth motion, reached for her breasts. He grabbed the two perfectly sized mounds with and squeezed them hard. Sunset threw her head back and moaned louder. She closed her eyes and sighed as the rough squeeze turned into a gentle massage. When he brushed over her nipples and pinched them slightly, she gave him a sultry gaze and bit her lower lip. “More!” She whispered. In the meantime Applejack had picked up her pace and was now trying her best to get the entire length of Scout’s cock into her mouth. Though she had to admit, with what little experience she had with blowjobs it wasn’t that easy of a task to suppress her gag reflex. After her third failed attempt she decided to alter her strategy. She took Scout’s balls into one hand, wrapped the other around his shaft and held only the tip of his dick in her mouth. It took her a moment to adjust to her new position, but when she was comfortable she let loose. She started with massaging and rubbing his balls, quickly followed by sucking the head of his dick as hard as she could and completed by her hand rubbing his shaft in a ferocious hand job. Scout’s and Sunset’s moans intermingled as they both felt burning heat and pleasant wetness caressing their most sensitive parts. After a presumed eternity of pleasure he couldn’t take it any longer, he wanted more. Without a warning, Scout grabbed Sunset’s hips, lifted her off of himself and pulled his cock from Applejack’s grasp. He slid down the bed’s length until he was flat on his back. Then he took AJ’s head, rubbed one of her ears and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. “Okay, now you can go on.” As their lips broke contact he gave her a smile and a playful slap on her round ass. Next he turned his head towards Sunset and winked. “Come here!” He said while pointing at his chest. A knowing smile appeared on her lips as she threw her leg once more over him, this time sitting down right below his neck. His arms wrapped around her body, grabbed her breasts and continued to massage them. Sunset closed her eyes and flicked her tail in anticipation while he pushed her hips closer to his head. Her pussy was gorgeous. Dark wet lips framed her small slit and gave of a smell that was intoxicating to say the least. Hidden between her glistening folds was a small knob, barely noticeable and yet probably the most important thing in the world right now. He leaned forward, pressed his lips on her clit and gave it a passionate kiss. Sunset screamed. The taste of Scout’s pre-cum told Applejack she was doing something really right. It was a bit salty and even though it didn’t taste that good, it made her juices flow like nothing before. At this point her pussy was literally dripping with excitement and her juices soaked not only her folds, but also her thighs and the bedsheets. With her raising arousal she also sucked his cock harder and increased the speed of her hands at his shaft and balls. She wanted it all, she didn’t know why but it didn’t matter right now anyway. Just when she wanted to go deeper again Applejack felt something touching her butt. She turned her eyes and saw that Scout had taken one hand off of Sunset and was reaching for her. With more than just a little satisfaction she shifted her rear and presented herself to him. He brushed over her tail and gave it a slight tuck. To Applejack’s surprise it was a strange, yet very pleasurable, experience. From her tail his hand slid down, caressing her backside for before it reached her slit. She had slowed down her blowjob since she had recognized Scout’s hand, but when his fingers finally brushed across her lower lips and started to massage her folds she stopped completely. His cock plopped out of her mouth and her passionate moans mixed with Sunset’s. She rocked her hips back purely on instinct and was rewarded with his middle finger sinking deep inside her. Applejack’s pussy clamped down tight and she purred happily as she felt him start to move. Sunset’s brain had simply stopped working when Scout had kissed her clitoris. All that was left was a dangled mess of passion, pleasure and desire. She couldn’t form a coherent thought and do little besides moaning and begging for more. At some point he broke the kiss and slid his tongue across her lower lips, gently brushing over the sensitive flesh. He took her folds into his mouth and started nibbling at them, sending jolt after jolt of pleasure through Sunset. Scout himself felt like he was addicted to her juices. His mind begged and screamed for more. Like a madman he tried to suck up every drop his tongue and lips could reach. And the taste of each drop Sunset gave him was divine. Incredibly sweet, slightly salty and a bit sour at the same time and yet it was still completely unknown. Scout’s tongue parted Sunset’s lips as he licked across her slit. As if to tease her he stopped just before he reached her clit, instead running his tongue run back down. Sunset could feel the tip of his tongue along her entrance and the feeling of it almost entering her drove her crazy. After a few more licks across her slit he circled around her tight hole and made her quiver in ecstasy. Just when Sunset hoped for Scout to enter her, he withdrew and went after her clit once more. His lips closed around the small knob hidden between her folds, the pressure alone being almost enough to drive her over the edge. When he then started to suck gently on it she moaned and pressed her pussy harder against his lips, demanding more. Scout happily obliged. He opened his mouth, spreading her pussy just wide enough to allow his tongue unfettered access and started to draw circles around Sunset’s clitoris. She drew a gasping breath and her eyes grew wide as this new sensation hit her … then she could only scream. “OH SWEET CELESTIA!” Sunset grabbed Scout’s head with both hands and pressed him against her pussy with all her might. Her body convulsed and jerked under the onslaught of her orgasm. Like a bursting dam her pussy showered Scout with loads and loads of her sweet honey and, still craving more of her taste, he swallowed all he could. It felt like an eternity end a moment at the same time for Sunset before her body began to calm down. She was still shivering as the last waves of pleasure rolled over her. She looked down to her pussy and saw that Scout still carefully licked her, cautious as to not ruin her afterglow. While Sunset got eaten out, Applejack had to do her best to accommodate to Scout’s finger thrusting into her. It felt so good that she couldn’t help herself and continued to rock her hips every time he pushed in. All the while her hands were still massaging his balls and pumping up and down his shaft. Applejack didn’t knew how long it took, but she finally managed to clear her head long enough to get Scout’s cock back into her mouth. She released her hands and instead used them to support herself as she bent forward. She took a deep breath to prepare herself and then started to bob her head furiously, determined to take as much of his hard cock into her mouth as she could. With her blowjob getting more intense, Applejack’s pussy received ever harder and deeper thrust. Without any warning Scout pressed a second finger against her wet entrance and pushed it in. Applejack felt her pussy adjusting to the new intruder and a pleased sigh left her mouth. She was about to start to suck harder, when she was all of a sudden hit with another new, but very welcome sensation. Scout had begun to spread his fingers inside her, letting them scrape along her inner walls while stretching them at the same time. By sheer force of will, Applejack didn’t give in to the jolts than ran up and down her spine. Each of which was turning into fireworks of pleasure in her head and pussy. She increased the speed and ferocity with which she worked Scout’s cock in her mouth, drawing a few suppressed moans from him in the process. His hand twisted inside her, his thumb starting to rub her clit while his fingers kept thrusting. Just when the pleasure was about to overwhelm her, Applejack felt something twitch in her mouth. Scout’s balls tightened in front Applejack’s eyes and she knew instantly what was about to happen. She let his cock slide from her mouth, until only the tip remained and gave up any attempt to resist her own orgasm. Her pussy clamped down around Scout’s fingers, her hips rocked back and forth in frantic motions and contented moans escaped her throat. Applejack came, Scout’s fingers still buried deep inside her. Scout’s own orgasm was about to explode too. Resisting it felt like trying to stop a train with bare hands. He grunted, his lips still working Sunset’s pussy, as he shot his first load into Applejack’s warm mouth. The release was divine. All of the pressure and tension that had built up left him in an instant. His hot load shot into Applejacks mouth one strand after another and he could feel her gulp every time a spurt left his cock. After she drank even the last drop of his cum, Applejack let out a pleasured moan and let his cock slide out of her mouth. Sunset opened her eyes and slowly turned around to look at her friend’s blissful face. “That good?” She asked with a small smirk. “Even … better.” Applejack answered panting heavily, but with a wide smile and a few drops of cum dripping from her mouth. Sunset slowly slid down Scout’s chest until she was face to face with him. “Do you need a break or do you have another round in you?” A mischievous smirk flashed across his face as he grabbed her tail and slightly tucked it. “Funny thing is…” He started to kiss her neck between words. “… If you don’t let him go soft … I can perform all night. … Once he is soft however, I need a break.” With a curious glance Sunset looked back to see if he was still hard. What she saw made her smirk. His cock was still hard and stood at the ready. “Well, would be a shame to let it go to waste then.” Applejack rolled onto her back and took a deep breath. “Ya’ can have him for now. Ah’ am in need of a break.” She looked at Scout and winked. “But Ah’ll test if ya’ ready to perform all night after Sunny is done.” Sunset stood up, allowing Scout a few more seconds to admire her pussy before she dropped onto the bed next to him and turned on her back. She spread her arms in an inviting gesture and licked her lips. “Come over here! I’ve heard this is the favorite mating position for humans.” Scout nodded, rolled over and crawled between Sunset’s legs. “It has its merits.” He stated as he bent down and started to kiss her throat. Sunset felt his cock pressing against her folds, rubbing against them to tease her and make her beg for it. She couldn’t suppress slight moans and small bucks of her hips when she felt his hard shaft against her pussy. She bit her lips, looked from him to his cock and back. The gleam in her eyes was an invitation Scout couldn’t refuse. He lined his cock up against her entrance, his wet tip easily parting her lips as he pushed inside her. Sunset yelped as sudden pain shot through her entire body. She gritted her teeth and dug her fingernails deep into Scout’s arms. She trembled slightly, her eyes as wide as dinner plates and her breath held in to suppress a whimper. Scout didn’t know what happened but his instincts told him to pull back immediately. Before he had properly started his retreat however, Sunset wrapped her legs around his hips. “DON’T!” She exhaled slowly and blinked a single tear away. “Don’t pull out! It’s getting better already.” She took a few more deep breaths to calm down. “But be a bit more careful, that really hurt.” Gently Scout brushed away the tear that had rolled down Sunset’s cheek and gave her concerned look. “Sorry, are you ok?” Applejack was at Sunset’s side immediately when she had realized she was in pain. She threw a sideward glance to where the two were connected and was more than just slightly confused. “Ahm, Sunset? Are ya’ a virgin?” The other girl lifted her head and raised an eyebrow. “Course not. I had sex a couple of times back in Equestria.” “Ever had sex in this world sugar cube?” Applejack continued. Sunset rolled her eyes and flattened her ears against her head. “No … I kept myself busy with plans for world domination and revenge. Those take a lot more time than most people realize. Why?” The blond haired girl pointed to Scout’s cock and Sunset’s pussy. A thin trail of blood could be seen, some of it already leaving a small stain on the sheets. “That body of ya’ seems ta’ still be virgin. Or rather, was a virgin.” A gentle smile appeared on Applejack’s lips. “But Ah’ think ya’ fine now, worst part should be over.” The kinds words and another deep breath was all Sunset needed to calm down. She blinked, smiled and looked at Scout. “Well, so this is how it feels for a human female to lose her virginity. Quite unpleasant if you ask me.” She brushed over his arms, where her nails left small, bloody marks. “Sorry for those.” Her smile turned into smirk as she grabbed his head with both hands. “But now you better take responsibility and rut me like no mare was rutted before.” She pulled Scout into a passionate kiss, quickly opening her lips and starting to nibble on his. With the passion already at the rise she spread her legs and he slowly started to move, though only a few inches in and out at first. When Sunset started to coo in rhythm to his movements Scout knew he could give her more. He pushed his shaft slowly deeper into her, giving her pussy time to adjust to his member. As he pulled back he felt her inner walls wrap around him and delighted moans from Sunset filled the room. Every time he entered her pussy he went in a little deeper and every time he was rewarded with a soft moan and an expression of pure bliss. Desire taking over her Mind, Sunset let her hands wander across Scout’s back and pulled him closer whenever he pressed his cock inside her. She simply loved this feeling. His slow movements allowed her to experience each moment of bliss to its fullest. Her whole body felt warm. Where her skin brushed against his she felt a heat as if she was on fire. Sunset could feel each of Scout’s movements deep inside her tight pussy. She felt his cock rubbing against her inner walls and showering her with bliss over and over. Her back arched and she let out a small whinny as he gave her a few particularly deep thrusts. Sunset’s hand dug into the sheets and she bit her bottom lip when the ecstasy threatened to overwhelm her. Her body screamed for relief, it wanted her to let loose and go feral. As much as both species denied it ponies and humans both were animals, especially when it sex was involved. And even if they never admitted it, they liked it. Scout picked up that Sunset seemed to hold something back. He stretched his neck, brought his head next to her ear and whispered. “You don’t have to hold back.” Sunset’s ear flicked, the tickling of his hot breath sending shivers down her spine. Scout gave her a few quicker and harder thrusts, bringing forth more moans and whinnies from her. “Come on, let loose. Bite me, scratch me, do whatever you want.” His voice came down to a whisper. “Believe me, I like it.” With a diabolical smirk, Sunset put her hands on his back and nodded. In an instant, Scout stepped up his game and started to thrust faster and deeper into Sunset’s pussy. Overwhelmed by the sudden change she let out a scream of surprise and dragged her fingers across his back, leaving thin red streaks behind. As promised, this seemed to boost Scout’s enthusiasm instead of making him wince in pain. His thrusting became more frantic and his silent moans turned into deep grunts. The long drawn out feelings of pleasure the slow thrusts gave Sunset were replaced by a constant bombardment of passion and the feeling of wet skin against wet skin. She felt Scout how grabbed her legs, lifted her rear a bit and started to hammer into her like a wild beast. Sunset wanted to scream in bliss. She wanted the world to know that she was having the best sex she ever had. When Scout leaned into her and his shoulder came into view, her instincts took over. She pulled him as close as she could, pressed her face into the crook of his neck and screamed at the top of her lungs. While her teeth only barely touched his skin at first, her screams quickly became more and more frantic until she finally, without realizing it, bit down on his shoulder. Scout’s breathing grew heavier and his thrusts became a bit slower. Wet sounds filled the air whenever their hips connected, accompanied by his deep groans and Sunset’s delighted screams. When she felt his dick twitch inside her pussy she threw her head back and wrapped her legs around his waist. With a deep thrust he rammed his cock as far into her as he could and shot his load into her. Sunset rocked her hips with every shot of Scout’s cum spurting against her inner walls, moaning happily. After a few strands he pulled back, almost sliding out of her. But instead of pulling out he shoved his cock into her one final time, pushing his load so deep inside her that her whole belly felt warm. Her eyes closed and the second orgasm of the night rolled over Sunset, this one much gentler than the first. Both breathed heavily and blissful smiles played over their faces. Before Sunset could say anything however Scout grabbed her hips and pulled out. White sticky cum dripped from her pussy onto the bed. He flipped her onto her stomach, spread her legs and grabbed her tail. “What are you…?” She was interrupted by his still hard cock pressing against her pussy. “You didn’t cum, right?” Scout asked with a hoarse voice. Sunset couldn’t tell him that she actually had one before he lifted her tail and pushed his cock into her. He thrust her rapidly, always moving and giving her no chance to get used to it. With her pussy still sensitive from her climax Scout’s thrusting felt to Sunset like the cruelest torture and the most heavenly bliss at the same time. Each time he shoved his cock into her pussy a small portion of the pleasure turned into pain, keeping her from completely loosing herself in the sensation. Scout used Sunset’s tail to pull her towards his thrusts and to keep her exactly where he wanted her. Each time he pushed into her pussy he became faster and his balls slapped against her pussy every time their hips connected. She didn’t know how long he could keep up that speed and ferocity, but she knew very well that she wouldn’t last long like this. The pain that had started out as he continued to fuck her after her orgasm began so subside. Instead an intense heat seemed to gather, rapidly spreading from her pussy to her belly and her thighs. With every moment the heat seemed to spread further through Sunset’s body and when it finally reached her neck something snapped. She screamed at the top of her lungs. Her body twitched uncontrollably and her pussy clamped down tight on Scout’s cock. Scout only managed another two or three thrust as Sunset came. Her pussy had suddenly become extremely tight, almost painfully so. Every move he made felt incredibly intense and before he knew what happened he came. Sunset only moaned in time with each shot of Scout’s cum flooding her pussy. When their screams and moans died down minutes of them enjoying their afterglow passed by before they moved again. Scout finally leaned forward, brushed across Sunset’s ear and leaned in for a kiss. She smiled, but didn’t attempt to move. “Is it always this intense for humans?” She panted slightly. “Not always, it normally needs a little trust and effort to be this good.” Scout stated with a smile and kissed her cheek. He pulled out, making Sunset moan again before she turned on her back. She took heavy breaths and her body glistened all over with sweat. “I’m done for tonight.” Before Scout could think of what came next, two strong hands grabbed his shoulders. He was pulled back and found himself pinned him to be bed with Applejack sitting on his stomach. Before he knew what was going on she was leaning down with a predatory gleam to her eyes. “That was a mighty impressive show.” She pressed her chest against his and purred. “But god may help ya’ if ya’ haven’t anythin left for me.” Applejack reached behind her back, grabbing Scout’s cock and pulling her fingers across its length. Cum was smeared all over her hand as she brought it back to her face. With a smirk and a wink she started to lick it off with slow, deliberate twirls of her tongue, cooing and moaning in the process. Her hips started to grind against him as she cleaned her hand. When Scout tried to reach for Applejack’s bouncing breasts she grabbed his wrists and pinned his hands to the bed. “Oh no ya’ don’t!” She let go of him and brushed across her chest. “After ya’ gave me a nice long ride ya’ can touch maybe ‘em.” With her eyes fixed to his Applejack lifted her hips, reached for Scout’s cock and pressed the tip against her wet pussy. She ground her wet lower lips back and forth against his still hard member. She felt his cock slightly pulse in time with his heartbeat. When Applejack thought she had teased Scout almost enough she touched his cock against her wet entrance. She let him just feel enough to know exactly where his member was aimed at. After a little more teasing and letting her juices drip all over his cock, she smiled, bent down and whispered. “Say it!” Without a moment’s hesitation Scout answered. “I want you to ride me AJ, stop teasing and let’s go for it.” The longing in his voice was impossible to miss. Applejack straightened herself and gave him a smirk. “YEEHA” She slammed her hips down and shoved his cock deep into her pussy in one swift move. Her hips became a blur of motion, grinding back and forth, up and down or in circles, whichever way she wanted. Scout could feel her strong legs shifting endlessly, never losing balance whatever she did. She was wild and fast, wet noises filling the room when she slammed down to take his cock in as deep as she could. As Applejack slowed down a bit and was content with only grinding her hips back and forth she reached for Scout’s hands. She placed them on her butt, pressing his fingers against her soft flesh. “How do ya’ like that apple?” With a smirk Scout started to massage it. His finger dug into applejacks ass with as much strength as he could. But he didn’t fell the bubbly butt her wide hips could be mistaken for. Instead he felt smooth skin and a soft layer just think enough to hide the muscles underneath from sight. In Scout’s hands was the real deal, Applejack’s butt. It was subject of rumors and legends amongst the boys of CHS. And yet the reality did put every rumor to shame. He felt her nice round cheeks, the smooth skin with just the perfect layer of fat underneath. But under the smoothness rippled strong muscles, firm to the touch and promising pleasure beyond scale. Scout’s hands began to rub Applejack’s butt cheeks, pulling at their soft flesh and making her moan in delight. Her hips were still grinding and his cock still moving inside her every which way she desired. Scout couldn’t resist the temptation. He let go and slapped Applejack’s buns with both hands. She let out a sudden yelp and for a moment her muscles squeezed down on his cock with all their strength. As Applejack loosened up again she gave him a playful smirk. She lifted her hips as high as she could without him slipping out and slammed down hard. “Harder!” She screamed. Like any man in his situation Scout did exactly what the lady currently riding his cock asked for. He slapped her ass as hard as he could. Once again he was rewarded with her hips slamming down and his cock getting buried deep inside her tight pussy. With every slap Applejack’s riding got more and more frantic. When she couldn’t take it anymore she pinned Scout’s shoulders to the bed, leaned into him and kissed him passionately. Her hips got faster and faster, her tail flicked from left to right and her moans became more and more audible. Every few seconds a slap and a yelp sounded across the room and the moaning grew even louder. Applejacks cheeks had slowly taken on a deep red color instead of their natural orange one and she rose to an upright position. Once again towering over Scout she moaned in pleasure and picked up her pace considerably. It took only moments before Applejack began to toss her head around wildly. Her long hair got flung around and her hips began to grind greedily against Scout’s. She grabbed her breasts massaged them roughly as her scream tore through the night. For the most part Applejack’s body didn’t twitch while she came. Instead she went completely stiff and was unable to move. While her orgasm paralyzed Applejack, Scout grabbed her, rolled over and now pinned her to the bed. “Whoa?” Came a surprised cry from the farm girl when she was suddenly lying on her back with Scout on top of her. Before Applejack fully realized what was going on Scout started to pound her and she couldn’t help but scream in pleasure. The feeling was almost too much to bear. He thrust his cock into her pussy as hard and as deep as he could, while she was still riding her afterglow. It felt like she blacked out every few seconds. Only to be dragged back form the edge of unconsciousness by a particularly hard and deep thrust. As her orgasm started to subside and Applejack could feel things beside her throbbing pussy again. The first thing she felt was warm cum flooding her womb. Scout’s thrusts became slower, synchronizing with every shot he pumped into her. When Scout’s orgasm also died down Applejack smiled, pulled him closer and kissed him. “Did ya’ enjoy this?” She asked as they parted lips. He nodded “Quite a lot in fact.” Instead of pulling out, Scout reached his hands under Applejack and grabbed her butt. He leaned back, lifted her up and stepped off the bed. She flung her arms around his neck and looked at him in confusion. “What in tarnation is this s’posed to be?” Two steps later Applejack’s back crashed against the wall and Scout looked at her with a mad glimmer in his eyes. “Well, you wanted to see if I can perform all night and all that teasing you did made me hungry for more.” He nibbled at her throat and grabbed her butt more firmly. “Now let’s see how much pounding those hips can take.” He thrust into her once and smiled. Applejack snorted, but gave Scout a confident smile in return and clenched her pussy tight around his cock. “Ah’ love it when ya’ don’t know when ta’ quit.” His lips pressed hard against Applejack’s Scout started to pound her against the wall. She wrapped her legs around his hips and held as tight as she could. Each thrust was accompanied by feral grunts and moans. Sweat ran down their bodies and each thrust let a bit of Applejack’s juices drip to the floor. Only the heavy thumping of a body against the wall filled the room and the hallway when the two of them shared a long kiss that silenced their moans. After a few especially hard thrusts Scout looked back to the bed. He smiled at Applejack and when she nodded he spun around. He let go of her butt the same moment her legs let loose. With a high pitched scream of joy Applejack hit the bed, bouncing slightly. Scout grabbed her legs with a deep growl, pulled her towards the edge and turned her on her stomach. He grabbed her waist, pulled her rear up and rubbed his cock against her dripping slit. Applejack straightened her legs and presented her rear in all its glory. Scout grabbed her tail, pulled her back and rammed his cock as deep into her pussy as he could. Pleasured screams echoed through the room as each slow and powerful thrust shoved Scout’s cock deep into Applejack. Her eyes rolled back into her head and her tongue lolled out when he started to pick up his pace. Silent whimpers and heavy breaths took the place of the screams and moans from before. He bent forward, reached for her hair and yanked her head back. Applejack’s body firmly held in place, Scout started to alter between quick and slow thrusts. With a gurgling scream of pleasure Applejack’s legs quivered and finally gave in. Her pussy clenched down on Scout’s cock as he collapsed onto her. Within seconds, the strong twitches of her inner walls were too much for him to take and he came. Long, drawn out moans could be heard from both of them whenever and he shot a new strand of semen deep into her pussy. Silence started to fill the room as their orgasms came to an end and Scout pulled out. Cum dripped from Applejack’s pussy onto the bed, but after her last orgasm, all that could be seen on her face was content. Scout dropped onto the bed, his breath heavy and slow. Sunset and Applejack both crawled next to him and cuddled up against his chest. Sweat, as well as various other body fluids, covered them all. But all three smiled and sighed. Sunset lifted her head and gave Scout a gentle kiss on the lips. “Thanks.” He stroked her hair and smiled. “I think I’m the one who needs to thank you.” He pulled both girls a little closer. “You two decided to make a move, not I.” He gave Sunset a passionate kiss in return while Applejack already started snoring gently. “So, yeah, thank you for tonight.” Sunset wrapped her arms around Scout’s chest and snuggled up as close as possible. Not even a minute later the soft snoring of teenagers filled the room. Not even the bright light as both girls turned back to normal humans could disturb their slumber. > Damage Control > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scout woke up when somebody knocked on his door. He rolled out of his bed, slowly dragged himself towards the entrance and moaned like one of the undead. After a few seconds of fumbling with the key he opened the door and looked at the startled face of Sunset Shimmer. She quickly regained her composure and gave him a scrutinizing gaze, pointing at his lower half. “You could at least put on something more than underpants when you open the door.” It took the better part of a minute for Scout’s brain to get a basic understanding of the situation. First he looked down towards his legs and found that he in fact was only wearing shorts. The second enlightenment of the day was that the girl who should be lying in his bed stood in front of his door, looking at him with amusement. “What are you doing out there?” He managed to groan. Sunset chuckled. “Well, its 11:15 and principle Celestia sent out some of us to gather up all who like to sleep in. The bus is about to leave in an hour, you know?” Scout shook his head. “Not that. I mean, why are you and AJ not in my bed?” As soon as the question had left his mouth a sudden adrenaline rush flushed all fatigue out of his brain. “Ahm, Scout? Why should we be IN your bed in the first place?” Sunset asked with a raised eyebrow. The events of the night rushed back in all their terrifying clarity and Scout gulped. “Sorry. I just … had a strange dream.” He stuttered with a tinge of panic in his voice. Sunset shrugged and sighed. “Well, anyway. Bus, one hour, dressed and showered.” She wrinkled up her nose. “Especially showered, you smell like you ran a marathon or something.” With a nod Scout closed the door, tried to ignore the voices in his head, which had a heated debate about the last night being real or not, and walked into the bathroom. When she returned to her room Sunset found Applejack still walking in circles in an attempt to fight down another panic attack. “That can’t be happenin. What would Granny think o’ me? And if Mac ever finds out he’ll skin the both of us.” The pace of her speech was rapidly approaching a level reserved for Pinkie Pie on a sugar rush. Naturally her voice cracked and stopped working, a normal self-protection mechanism. Unable to further talk herself into further panicking, Applejack tried a breathing exercise princess Twilight had shown her once. She took deep breaths, pushing air in and out of her lungs and moving her arms accordingly. Sunset put a hand on her shoulder and smiled at her friend. “Calm down AJ. Everything is fine, I handled him. He thinks it was a dream and is too embarrassed to talk about it. He didn’t mention even a single word to me and I was a part of the whole thing. I don’t think he will talk about it to anyone.” Applejack took one final breath and looked at Sunset with begging eyes. “Ya’ sure? He can’t trace anythin back like in that one movie with th’ Rubik’s Cube an’ all that?” She whispered in a hoarse voice. With a smile so soothing it could have been smiled by princess Celestia herself, Sunset took her friend’s hands and nodded. “You can calm down. We cleaned up, changed the sheets, opened the windows to aerate the room and put his shorts back on. For Celestia’s sake, we even locked the door and left over the balcony. I promise you that he will believe it to be nothing but a wet dream.” She winked. “An extremely realistic and particularly wet dream, but a dream nevertheless.” With her heart rate slowing down and the panic subsiding, Applejack nodded and heaved a heavy sigh. “Ya’ right Sunset. Ah’ mean it was great an’ all, but Ah’ wouldn’t wan’ rumors of that going ‘round school.” Her face took on a pleading expression. “But could ya’ stop using the name of our principle like the name of the lord? It feels strange.” Sunset hugged Applejack and giggled a bit. “Trust me! I was an evil overlord once. I know how to manipulate people.” She took a step back and winked at her friend. “What could possibly go wrong?” Scout was just about to enter the shower when he registered something on his cheek. He stepped closer to the mirror and rubbed his eyes to get them to work correctly. There surely was something on his cheek, he just didn’t recognize what. In a desperate attempt to get a clearer view he switched on each and every light in the bathroom. The bright white one over the mirror finally did the trick. It was faint, almost invisible in poor lighting, but there definitely was something red. He squinted and tried to get his eyes to focus on the stain by sheer force of will. “Is that…?” Something warm and wet is pressed to his cheek. His vision is obscured by a curtain of red and gold. Somebody whispers to his ears. Deep turquoise eyes ask for acceptance. He shook his head to chase away the memories. “…Lipstick!”