> Harem of the Queen > by QueenChrysalisForever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > An Idea Beckons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changeling Castle- Queen’s Chambers- Queen Chrysalis Time passes far too fast sometimes, especially when one isn’t who they used to be. Old memories fade as new ones replace them, and even though it had only been a few months, close to half a year now, there was much I couldn’t recall of my old life. I was the Queen Chrysalis now, and though much had come to pass since that fateful day I had been run over by that bus and dragged into Equestria, pulled into the body of my favorite changeling queen, I’d never regret what happened. For through it all, I had found love. Winter had seemed to come overnight to the badlands. Shiny and I had fallen asleep sometime late into the night, cuddled in each others hooves, after a rousing romp under the covers. But now, as I woke with the sound of a bird chirping somewhere outside my window, a chill breeze swirled into the room from the balcony. My body, covered in sex juices and dried sweat shivered, ears going down. I wrapped my forehooves around my chest and looked down at Shiny, who was still fast asleep next to me. He seemed just fine with the wind, curled up under the blankets with a big smile on his face. But then, he did have his fur coat to help keep him warm. I crawled out of bed slowly, so as not to wake him, and trotted toward the balcony. Outside, the balcony had been covered entirely in snow. Upon the railing it was at least a few inches thick, even deeper on the ground where snow had fallen off the railings. The gates along the perimeter of the castle could hardly be seen beneath all the snow, and the trees looked like frosted tree shaped cookies. A timberwolf howled, a chorus of replies answering it. I blinked my eyes slowly, then turned to face the curtain pulled to the side of the balcony, tied with a thick, dark teal rope to the wall. I groaned as I reached for my magic, and pulled on the rope, letting the curtain swish down and cover the entry to the balcony. “There, that should be better,” I said softly and stumbled back toward the bed. What was wrong with me? “It is the weather,” Chrys said, and I swear I could almost hear her yawn. “The body of a changeling is not made to handle the cold well. Looks like it is time to put most of the hive in hibernation.” “Hibernation? But what about the ponies who live here? Who will take care of them all while we sleep?” I asked, plopping down on the chair by my dresser instead of back into bed. “Well WE don’t actually hibernate. The hive needs their Queen after all to protect them if something goes wrong. And we’ll keep maybe fifty other changelings awake to take care of other things that need to be done. As for the ponies, those who hibernate will be fine without them, but those of us who stay awake will need them more than ever.” “Why so? Won’t eating more just make us sluggish or something?” Chrys laughed. “No more than we already are. It is their love that will help keep us warm during the cold winter. Oh, and we’ll want to probably start a… harem of sorts.” “What?!” I yelped, leaning back and toppling out of the chair. “Huh? Chryssy?” Shiny moaned, turning over in the bed to look down at me, eyes only half open. “Why are you on the floor?” He let out a yawn, ears twitching back and forth. “Er…. I fell.” I said and grinned sheepishly. “Talking to Chrys again?” He said and smiled softly. I nodded, stumbling back to my hooves. “What did she say that shocked you this time?” “Ah, he has come to know me so well already.” Chrys said and chuckled. “I’m actually glad you decided to tell him. Has made things so much more fun!” “Well, we need to put most of the hive in hibernation for the winter.” “And that came as a shock? I mean, no offense Chryssy, but you guys are kind of part bug? Hardly anypony sees bugs during the winter, so wouldn’t it be the same for changelings?” I nodded, and climbed back into the bed, throwing a hoof around him. “Yes, but that isn’t the part that shocked me. It was what she said after that.” “Go on, tell him. Let’s see what he thinks of the idea of sharing you,” Chrys said. “Well… she wants us to start a harem,” I whispered, cheeks turning green as I blushed. “Oh, is that all,” Shiny said and chuckled. A moment later he stiffened, and stared back over at me. “Wait, what? A harem? But why? Am I not providing you with enough love? If so just let me know and I’d gladly give more. No need to bring other ponies into what we have.” His ears drooped, and he hugged me tight against him, kissing my cheek. “I love you Chryssy, I don’t want to share you. I’ve never liked the whole harem or herd or whatever you want to call it kind of thing.” I smiled, and hugged him close as well, kissing the base of his horn. “I love you too Shiny, and I’d rather it just be us as well. But Chrys has her reasons I’m sure.” “Have you asked her yet?” “I don’t need to be asked, I tell when I am ready,” Chrys chuckled. “Winter is quite harsh here in the badlands, what we are experiencing now is nothing compared to what it will be in a few weeks. The passive love of the feeder ponies won’t cut it, not for a powerful Queen at least. We need other ponies that can love us, or that we can trick into loving us, to keep strong.” “Really? It was hard enough finding one pony who could love me!” I sighed and closed my eyes, then looked to Shiny. “So you need to find more ponies to love you?” He asked. “Pretty much yeah.” “And to make it fun, why don’t we stick with a theme?” Chrys said and I swear if she had control of our hooves she would have been rubbing them together gleefully. “A theme? Really?” I groaned. Great, what kind of silly theme was she going to come up with? “Yes, and I came across the perfect one. Shiny things.” I just stared open mouthed over at Shiny, and he turned his head to the side, blinking and watching me curiously. “Well, what theme does she want to go with?” I sighed and put a hoof to my forehead. “Shiny things.” Shiny bit his lip, eyes filling with mirth as he rolled back his head and burst into laughter. “So it’s true then, you two like shiny things?” He continued laughing, rolling over and letting out a little yelp as he fell off the bed. With a blush he stood and ran a hoof through his mane. “Heh so like, stallions with a shiny name or what? Can’t think of many with a name like that, besides me and Shining Armor of course. Something to just do with shiny things, like stallions with names of gems?” “I thought you didn’t want to share me?” I asked as he grinned. “I don’t. I really would rather you be mine alone, but I guess if it is for the good of the hive, maybe one or two other stallions would be okay. But I’d have to approve of them, and I’d be the uh… dominant mate?” He said, pushing his mane out of his eyes. “Oh of course, he is the one that truly loves us after all. That makes his love the most powerful. Now, make sure to dress extra warm. The stallion I have in mind as our first target lives in the Crystal Empire. Even disguised as a pony, it will be very cold there.” “Well then, let’s get cleaned up and ready to go,” I said. I had an idea of who Chrys was talking about, but would give her the benefit of the doubt. After all, Shining Armor was married now, and I don’t think Princess Cadence would appreciate us coltnapping him. “Race you to the bathtub?” Shiny asked, eyebrows raised, tail swishing back and forth. “You’re on,” I said and was off. Changeling Castle- Queens Chambers- Bathing Room- Shiny Whistle “I win,” I said as I slid to a stop next to the bathtub. It had been renovated since Chryssy and I became a couple. Still sunken deep into the ground, but it was much wider now, plenty of room for both of us to stretch out and relax if we so wished, or to continue with other activities best left in our private chambers. And now we might need to renovate it again, if more ponies were to join us. Chryssy chuckled. “Only by a mere moment.” She leaned over and ruffled a hoof through my mane. “I’ll beat you next time, when I’m not a half frozen buggy,” she said and grinned wryly. I twisted on the taps and watched as water streamed into the tub. Even though I had told Chryssy I was fine with the idea, I still wasn’t exactly sure. Would having more stallions around to have sex with make her change how she felt about me? Would she love one of them more? I didn’t want to lose her, not after all we had went through for me to win her heart. But then I didn’t want to lose her from a lack of love either. I gave her all I had, not wanting to ever make her want for love. Sometimes even too much at a time over our relationship. I had built up an immunity of sorts over time though. That tiny sip her daughter had taken of me all those months ago and left me tipsy from might have been the start, but now Chryssy could feed for a good ten or fifteen minutes before I felt any ill effects. “Well, you going to get in or brood there all morning?” I shook my head and blinked, looking down to see the tub was mostly full already, and that Chryssy had slipped into the water. Her crown rested on a small wooden table near the tub. Reaching over to the taps I turned the faucet off and nodded. “Of course, can’t I admire the beauty of my marefriend first though?” I winked, and beamed when she chuckled. “Oh just get in here my silly stallion. Help me warm up a little hmmm?” She purred and stretched out her forelegs along the outer edge of the tub, leaning back. Through the clear water, I could see her tail swishing back and forth coquettishly. A few steps forward and I reached the tub, stepping down into it and sighing as the hot water warmed me up. I sat down and leaned against the wall, closing my eyes. “We should do this more often,” I sighed, “so nice.” “It will be even nicer when the tub is full of hot stallion bodies,” Chryssy said and scooted closer to me, kissing me on the cheek. “But you will always be our favorite.” “Well I would hope so! Where would you be without my love?” I nuzzled her cheek, wrapping my forehooves around her. “Not where we are today, and for that I will always love you.” She rubbed a hoof up and down my back. I took a deep breath, my body shivering slightly at her touch. Chryssy chuckled, her eyes lowering to look below the water. “Aw, does my handsome stallion want a little fun alone time before we add to my harem?” The heat rose to my face, and my stallionhood pulsed between my legs, extending outward just at the thought. I couldn’t help it, she was just so cute and sexy, especially with her mane plastered against her chitin, a single strand hanging in front of her lovely muzzle. I breathed heavily out of my nostrils, taking in her lovely mouthwatering scent, filling the room even through the water covering her smooth flanks. I’d never get enough of that dark chocolate, cantaloupe and a hint of rose scent. “Aw, looks like someone is happy this morning,” Chryssy teased, pulling me closer to her and reaching one forehoof down into the water, running it lightly down my penis. I leaned my head back and moaned, closing my eyes at her touch. Now this I could never get enough of! Taking a deep breath, I leaned forward again and looked up at her, wrapping my forehooves around her neck and pulling her in for a kiss. It might have taken a little bit to get used to the feel of hard chitin instead of soft pony fuzz while kissing, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I loved her for who she was, not what she could pretend to be. Plus, the rougher feel of chitin against my stallionhood, just made to stimulate it even more. Though the sole of her hoof was soft, that wasn’t the part she usually used. Nor the part she was using now as we kissed. I moaned against her mouth as she rolled my penis around in her hoof, and it grew and grew with her attentions. Already my balls were bulging, and my entire eleven inches had slipped out of its sheath. I gasped, pulling away from our kiss as the toe of her hoof circled my medial ring. Oh how well she had learned to please me. A glance down at the water made my breathing come even faster, as I saw it was already becoming opaque from my pre cum and the mare juices leaking from Chryssy’s fine flanks. As much as I enjoyed her touch, the thought of touching her as well made me stick my tongue out and pant a little. Coming back in, I drew her into another kiss and lowered my hooves down her sides, resting them on either side of her tits. “Mmmm Shiny,” Chryssy said huskily, pausing her ministrations to my member. “Aren’t we supposed to be getting clean?” I chuckled, and ran a hoof against each of her tits, making her close her eyes and moan softly. “And miss out on one last chance alone with you? How could I pass up such a chance?” “Hmm you’re right,” she said and kissed me at the base of my horn. “Then dig in,” she grinned and shifting positions, lifted her soaking wet rump out of the water and swished her tail to the side. Water and mare juices dripped down into the tub, and her little star shaped hole winked at me rapidly. I took in the show for a few moments, putting my hooves up to it and rubbing them against it, grinning as she moaned in pleasure. I found her little nub with one hoof and rubbed against it. Chryssy leaned even farther back into my hoof, mare juices now leaking profusely all over it, and let out a loud moan. With a wide grin I lifted my hoof and brought it to my lips, licking off her juices. “You taste good,” I teased and wrapping my hooves around her croup pulled her even closer to me and buried my muzzle in the softer chitin around her winking clitoris and stuck out my tongue, licking up the dripping juices and stimulating all her most sensitive places. Besides actual penetration this had become my favorite part of our sexual acts, licking up those delicious mare juices, nice and tangy and tasting much how she smelled. Chryssy let out a loud moan, “don’t stop, oh keep it up!” She yelled, mashing herself further back against my muzzle. My tongue went in even deeper, and I could feel her tight muscles squeezing against it, trying to get all the sensation they could out of my ministrations. Moving one hoof from her croup and down to my penis I rubbed it up and down. It was still quite hard, my balls wiggling against my thighs as they grew larger and larger. My hard member trembled, pre leaking out quite profusely. The water in the tub anything but clean now, looking like watered down milk. Chryssy stepped forward and my tongue slipped from her behind, trailing a thick line of drool and mare juices between it and my lips. Both of us breathed out heavily, wet manes hanging in our faces. She looked down at me, a sly grin on her face, watching as I continued with one hoof to jerk off. “Is my handsome stallion ready to fill me with his seed?” She purred, leaning forward and nibbling on my left ear. She sure did like that ear. I dropped my penis and looked down, it was quite thick now, and my balls the size of oranges. Oh yes, I was more than ready. I could feel the need to release increasing with every pulse, if I didn’t do it soon I would just burst! “Always ready,” I growled playfully and watched as she presented herself to me again, flicking her tail against my face as she moved it out of the way. “Well then, give your queen what she needs handsome.” I took a deep breath and nodded, letting it all out at once. Rearing up, I rested my hooves upon her back, rubbing the joints where her wings entered her back to her pleasant moans. Stepping a little closer, my stiff penis slapped against her leg and I had to close my eyes as it sent a shiver through it. Okay, no more play, I was ready to give her the gift jiggling between us. With a loud grunt I stood up a little taller and rubbed my penis against her clitoris as she gave out another loud moan. Her slit winking rapidly at me, I plunged into her and listened to her scream of euphoria. The chitin around her winking slit was much softer than anywhere else on her body, almost more like just regular flesh. The plates of chitin that were there slid to the side to allow me entrance, though her walls were still quite tight. “Ooooh you are so tight today,” I moaned, slowly inching farther into her. “The better to stimulate you with my dear,” she said, gazing back at me. “Keep going!” I nodded and slipped another inch into her. We were close to halfway now, my medial ring mere centimeters from her slit. My balls jiggled between us, so full they were itching like crazy! With a grunt I pushed forward and my medial ring slid inside, causing us both to moan. I bit my lip, couldn’t stop now! With one last hard push I slid the rest of the way into her, my balls slapping against her smooth flanks as my penis hit up against her wall inside. Slowly pulling out until my medial ring appeared, I then thrust back into her, out and in and out and in again, going faster as her moans and screams grew louder. Her inner folds grew tighter and tighter around my penis, milking at it as I pushed in and back out. My balls were as big as grapefruits now and let out a wet slap each time they hit against her flanks. With one hoof wrapped around her stomach, I moved the other down to her nethers to find them soaked with mare juices and dripping water. With one last loud moan I felt her mare juices burst from her as she came, squeezing against my stallionhood even harder until finally I couldn’t hold it back any more, and my seed fountained out into her womb. Stream after stream of hot seed spewed into her, making her belly bulge as it grew full of me. My breath came in gasps as it continued to gush out, and Chryssy’s belly was now so full she looked almost pregnant –of course I would never tell her that though- and the white fluids began to leak out around my penis and into the water, removing any hope of us actually getting clean this time around. We both collapsed into the milky colored water a few moments later, my stallionhood still inside her as it slowly shrank. “Another amazing session, my handsome Shiny,” Chryssy purred, ears lowered to the side of her head as she gazed back at me with half lidded eyes. “A great way to celebrate our future harem. Now, why don’t we get cleaned up for real, and then head out to gather the others?” She chuckled, and nuzzled her muzzle against mine. > To Catch a Prince > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Above the Crystal Empire-Queen Chrysalis I shivered as we hovered above the Crystal Empire, Shiny and I accompanied by two of my changelings, Apatelodes and Danaus, who held him in the grips of the hooves of their disguises as two pegasus crystal ponies. The cold wind, filled with shards of snow and ice sharp enough at times to even pierce through the toughest protective clothing in less than an hour, leaving it full of more holes that a changeling’s legs, whistled around us. With my disguise as Princess Cadence, I had used my magic to shield us as well as I could, as we watched the castle down below. An informant had crept out from the protection of the crystal heart as we arrived, to give us news of Cadence’s plans to travel to Canterlot later that day. But with the protection of the crystal heart’s power, none of us could enter into the city. Well except Shiny, but he refused to leave us out here alone. Without their precious pink princess, the shield around the city would grow slightly weaker. Not by much, but enough that with us being nowhere near as threatening as Sombra had been, we could get in. “When will that pink abomination leave?” Apatelodes growled, tugging at one of the sleeves of his thick down coat that had rode up his leg from the wind. “Patience,” I said, perking my ears up as I heard the sound of a train whistle in the distance. “Ahh here it comes,” I grinned and flew down a little lower. Over the years since Sombra had been defeated a second time, a rail line had made its way actually into the city, so ponies wouldn’t have to brave the cold to ride it. The friendship train plowed through the snow gathered on the railings, throwing it high into the air. It passed though the invisible barrier around the city, a tingly feeling of magic filling the air as it did so. “Not much longer, let’s land near the castle, and wait for our opportunity.” I spread my wings and fighting against the wind made my way toward the castle, the others close behind me. “Goodbye honey!” I looked through the barrier to see our target, whom Chrys had confirmed while we flew was Shining Armor, standing outside the castle with Princess Cadence. He kissed the real Cadence and waved a hoof as she took to the air, flying towards the train. Seeing the look on Shining Armor’s face as he watched his wife made me bite my lip, worried about what we were about to do. Couldn’t we just got with any other stallion? Maybe one who was single? “Oh come on, don’t ruin our fun! Pretty Pink Princess will still have her stallion, even if he is just one of our changelings in disguise.” I looked over at Shiny and the others who had landed beside me. Danaus had volunteered for the dangerous job of taking Shining Armor’s place after we coltnapped him. Shiny was strangely silent, pulling on the hood of his own coat to wrap it closer around him. We all looked up a moment later when the train whistle blew again, and the train turned around, heading out of the bubble of protection made from the crystal heart and quickly picking up speed, rushing out into the storm. “Now’s our chance, let’s get inside,” I said. I put one hoof against the invisible barrier and pushed at it, grinning as this time it gave way and my hoof slipped right through, the tingle of magic running around it. Pushing through the rest of it, I came out near the palace gardens, hidden behind a large red crystal rose bush. I stood aside so the others could make their way in as well and stood there for a moment as the four of us caught our breath, quickly warming up in the warmer temperatures now surrounding us. The grounds were silent, even the crystal pony guards who stood by the castle doors made no sound, standing at attention and giving their prince a nod as he took the steps back inside. “You sure we should do this? What will Princess Cadence think when she returns?” Shiny asked, coming to stand beside me. “Shining Armor is one of the best ponies, still alive, for our task,” Chrys said and I grimaced slightly at her words. “He might truly love Cadence, but that love is strong enough for us to share, so to say. We’re only coltnapping him for the winter, unless,” she chuckled, “he wants to stay longer than that. That princess can do without her little stallion for a season. We’ll return him still in one piece.” I sighed and nodded, “yes,” I said, turning to Shiny. “Come on,” he followed beside me, Apatelodes and Danaus following behind. We shrugged off our heavy coats and stuffed them under a bench, then trotted toward the castle doors. “Princess!” One of the guards exclaimed, eyebrows raising as we trotted up. “Didn’t you just leave for Canterlot?” “Just breathe, we know Cadence better than we did last time I disguised as her. We should be fine fooling these pathetic guards.” I nodded slightly and raised my head, smiling at the guards. “Of course that was the plan, but then as I arrived at the station, an old friend stepped off the train.” I gestured over to Shiny, who grinned sheepishly beside me. “And I couldn’t very well leave when it has been so long.” “What about your business in Canterlot?” the other guard asked. “I’ll just let Twilight know I will be late,” I grinned and took a step toward the doors. The guards looked to each other, shrugged and stepped aside. “Thank you gentlestallions,” I said and led our little group inside. “Well that was rather easy,” Danaus said. “And here we thought they had good security.” “They probably think their precious barrier is enough to protect them,” Apatelodes said and rolled his eyes. “Cadence?” I turned to see Shining Armor exiting a door to our right. “Is everything okay? Why did you miss the train?” He cantered over to us, then paused a few feet away upon seeing Shiny and the others. “Shiny Whistle? What are you doing here? And sorry but I don’t recognize either of you two either.” Shining said, pointing at Apatelodes and Danaus. “They came to visit us of course dear,” I said and walked over beside him, wrapping a wing around him. “Isn’t it great?” “Oh… well yes,” he stuttered, then cleared his throat. “But what about Twilight? She’s expecting you.” “I’ll send her a letter shortly explaining we had some unexpected guests.” “Cadence?” Shining Armor said, pulling out from under my wing and looking at me. “What is my favorite comic book series?” “What? What does that have to do with our visitors?” I asked, smiling sweetly at him. “Horsefeathers, he is suspicious of us!” Chrys growled. “Everything,” he said frowning. “Answer the question.” I racked my brain, trying to remember some of the ones mentioned in the comics or show, but could only recall one. “Power Ponies?” “Wrong. You may have fooled me once, but not again, Chrysalis.” “Shinykins, how can you say such things?” I sniffed, lowering my ears and widening my eyes, sniffling as my eyes grew wet. Chrys chuckled. “Yes, bring on the waterworks! These stallions can’t stand such things.” “Why else would Shiny Whistle be here?” Shining sneered, bringing his muzzle close to mine, eyes narrowed. Guess the tears didn’t affect him. “What do you want this time? To take over our Empire?” He snorted. “You wouldn’t last a week here. Once the ponies find out who you are, the power of the crystal heart would waver, letting in the storms because of their fear. And you bugs can’t stand the cold, can you?” “Just tell him,” Shiny said, and trotted over to us. “Otherwise we’ll never get out of here in time.” Shining Armor turned to glare at Shiny. “In time for what?” “Why we are here.” “Which is?” “Well,” Shiny said and blushed, “to coltnap you?” “Way to give away the surprise Shiny,” I sighed, wiping away the fake tears and dropping my disguise. Might as well since he already figured things out. I gestured to Danaus and Apatelodes, and they trotted up behind Shining. We now had him surrounded. Shining Armor lit up his horn, the pink aura of his magic pulsing along it, spreading his legs as he took on a fighting stance. “I’m not going anywhere with you.” “Aw, it would just be for a little while,” I purred, putting a hoof under his chin. “You remember the fun times we had before the wedding don’t you?” I grinned. “Well, I need your services again.” ‘Wha-what? That is what this is all about?” Shining said, eyes scrunched in confusion. “But you have Shiny. Isn’t he enough for you?” “Not during the winter handsome,” I said and lowering my muzzle to his planted a big wet kiss on it. His magic dropped in surprise and he tried to back away, but I wrapped my own magic around him, holding him in place. “Don’t worry, you’re going to enjoy my attentions.” I chuckled as I pulled out of the kiss. “Shiny and I came up with some new fun things to try since we’ve been together. And now you’re going to be a part of them.” “Nice, way to take what we want!” Chrys said. “Now, up to the bedroom! We should have time for a little romp before Princess Cadence returns.” I nodded and lifted Shining Armor into the air. “Now, you going to tell me the way to your room?” I smiled, relishing in this feeling of power. Perhaps being ‘good’ wouldn’t exactly be my thing. Would have to decide after winter was over, for all I wanted right now, was hot stallion bodies surrounding me. “No,” Shining sneered, sticking up his nose at me. “I’ll have nothing to do with you in that context. Aren’t there plenty of other stallions for you to choose from?” “Not that fit my theme for this winter,” I chuckled. “But very well then, I suppose any bedroom would do. Just more likely somepony would walk in on us. Now, you wouldn’t want ponies hearing about you cheating on your wife in that way would you?” Shining bit his lip, trying to light up his magic again, but it just sputtered under my own. His shoulders dropped as he sighed and closed his eyes. “Third floor, last door on the right.” “There, isn’t that better?” I crooned and brought him close enough to pat on the cheek. “Let’s get going,” I said to the others and trotted toward the stairs. Shiny followed beside me, ears down and tail twitching. “Ah, much nicer than your rooms in Canterlot,” I said as I opened the doors to his bedchambers. “But I could do without all the pink. I guess we know who wears the pants in the family?” He blushed at that, still wrapped in my magic as the five of us entered, closing the door behind us. Their bed was even bigger than the one I had back at changeling castle, and instead of being rectangular was more oval, like a large egg. At least the dark pink blankets covering it were not frilly, but thick quilts with a patchwork pattern alternating from Shining Armors cutie mark and Cadence’s. Locking the door, I deposited him on the bed and released him from my magic. He immediately began to scramble up off of the bed, but Apatelodes stepped forward and pushed him back on. “It will go better for you if you just cooperate pony,” he growled. Shining glared at Apatelodes. “A changeling too, I presume?” “Wouldn’t you like to know,” Apatelodes smirked. I stepped forward. “We had some good times before, didn’t we? Just because I’m not really the ‘princess of love’ doesn’t mean I can’t give you a good time.” Shining just stared at me, breathing heavily. A thin sheet of sweat covered his form already, and I licked my lips, feeling my nether regions already becoming wet at the sight of him. “Chryssy, what are you doing? This isn’t like you.” Shiny said softly, hurrying in front of me. His ears drooped down against the side of his head, and eyes lowered in a concerned look. “You never said anything about forcing anypony. And we agreed I’d have to approve of them.” “Do you not approve of Shining Armor?” I asked. “Well he is a good pony,” Shiny said, and circled a hoof around the floor. “But if you plan on forcing him then no I don’t.” “Well, we certainly picked ourselves a good dominant mate,” Chrys said, “but he certainly is being irritating right now.” “Let her make her own decisions,” Apatelodes said, glaring at Shiny. “You know she needs this,” Danaus said quietly, “why deny it to her?” “What do you mean ‘needs it’?” Shining asked. “It’s a long story,” I said running a hoof down my face. “Basically, Queens need more love during the winter to keep us alive and warm.” “So you’d only want me for the winter?” “Must I repeat myself? Yes!” I grinned slyly, “unless you want to stay longer.” “You don’t have to Shining Armor,” Shiny said glancing back at him. “We can find somepony else.” “No. I wouldn’t want you coltnapping any other stallion from his friends and family. I’m supposed to protect them.” He took a deep breath and nodded. “I just hope Cadence will understand.” “Oh I’ll make sure to make it up to her. She’ll have Danaus here to keep her company while you are gone.” “Doesn’t he need more er… love too?” Shining asked. “Please, being with the Princess of Love? He’ll be fine.” Shiny sighed, and walked over to a vanity against the wall, plopping down on the plush pale pink seat cushion. Were we going too far? “Of course not. This is something he will have to learn to deal with if he plans on staying our coltfriend. It happens every winter after all. He says he loves us for who we are, and this is part of who we are. Let him sulk a little. It’s time to feed.” Chrys said. I licked my lips, and turned to look at Shining Armor, waiting for me on the bed. Well, Shiny might have been the only pony I had been with since arriving in this world, but I was ready to experiment with others. Climbing up onto the bed, I snuggled up against Shining, tucking my wings against my side. He was a little taller than Shiny, but still about a head shorter compared to my lithe queen’s body. Shining’s ears twitched nervously but stopped when I ran my long tongue over his right ear, nibbling on it as I wrapped my hooves around his torso and held him close. “If there is anything you would like us to do, let me know,” I purred into his ear, and then licked it again. Shining nodded, and I felt a shiver run through his body as I stuck his entire right ear in my mouth, covering it with drool as I sucked on it. While doing so, I ran a hoof down his side, coming to rest near his cutie mark, and massaged my hoof into the soft fur. Shining moaned softly, tail swishing as he bit his lip. “Come now, don’t be shy,” I said, pulling away from his ear which was covered in my drool. “I want to hear you moan, call out my name, enjoy yourself,” I chuckled. “I’m sorry Chrysalis, I just…” he started, and I leaned my neck forward, until we were almost muzzle to muzzle. “You just what dearie? Can’t stop thinking of your pretty pink princess? Well maybe I can help with that,” I said and let the flames cover me again, transforming once again into Cadence. “Is this better my dear Shining?” I said in my best Cadence voice, and licked a drop of my drool where it had fallen on his forehead. “Come now dear, pleasure your princess of love.” I pressed my lips to his and kissed him hard, my tongue pushing at his lips until they parted, then diving in, wrapping his tongue around mine. He jolted, eyes going wide, but then leaned into the kiss, pushing his own tongue into my mouth. The heavy scent of musk started to fill the air, strong enough that I knew it couldn’t be coming just from him. I opened my eyes as we continued to kiss and glanced over at the others. Shiny continued to face away from us, but I could see a round wetness on the pillow he sat on. Apatelodes and Danaus were shifting their hooves around, eyes flicking from the ceiling, to the window, to the floor, anywhere but at us. “Seems we got all the fine stallions in the room turned on,” Chrys said, and cackled softly. “Keep going. This might turn into even more fun than little Shining Armor expected.” “See, now we are getting somewhere,” I said, pulling out of the kiss. I glanced down, to see his penis had slipped out of its shaft a few inches. It was mostly a blue-white so far, tip an almost midnight blue. “Is that really all you have for me tonight? I remember you being much larger than that!” I crooned and shifting positions, lowered my head to his crotch and gave his penis a long, slow lick. Shining let out a loud moan, and his stallionhood continued to grow. Taking it in my forehooves, I rubbed it between them, turning my attentions especially to each new inch as it slipped out, until the entire thing stood out straight and stiff. “Hmmm very nice, a good thirteen inches, if I’m not mistaken? That is one massive stallionhood you got there.” I continued to stroke it, running one hoof around and around his medial ring as his hind legs bucked out. I paused, seeing a drop of pre trickle out of his tip, and lapped it up before it could drop to the bed covers. My own rump was soaked, my mare juices covering the blankets beneath me as I felt something surge within me. Shifting again, I put one hoof under Shining Armors chin and stared at him with my best bedroom eyes. He gulped, but stared back into my eyes with his own. His nostrils flared widely as he breathed hard, and his mane was soaked in sweat against his scalp. “I think it is time, my little stallion. I can see how much you want me, and your lust well, let’s just say it tastes delicious!” I licked my lips slowly and sensually and turned my rump to face him, a few drops of mare juices leaking out and plopping onto his chest. He went cross-eyed staring down at the drops as one of the larger ones dribbled down to his stomach. Shining let out a soft growl, and reached up, grasping my luscious pink behind in his hooves and pulling me down to him, buried his muzzle deep in my dripping nethers. I let out a loud moan of pleasure as he stuck out his tongue and ran it around inside me, closing my eyes, mouth parted as he explored my walls, licking up all the juices as they leaked out. “Mmm he has improved,” Chrys purred, “but then being the stallion of the princess of love, that’s not a surprise. And now, he shall be ours for the winter!” I opened my eyes wide as he took my clit between his lips and sucked on it, licking what was in his mouth with firm, rough strokes. Ooooh did that feel good! My heart pounded in my chest, and I let out a wordless scream as he gently bit down on it, the warm wetness of his drool and my mare juices leaking down his muzzle and creating a little pool against his fluffy belly. I turned my attention back to his penis, pre cum spewing from it between us as it grew harder. His balls easily the size of grapefruits already, and still growing as they lay against the soaked blankets. I leaned my head down between my front legs and kissed the tip of his penis, making it jump up against my lips. “Oh I’m about to cum!” He yelled, leaning back with a wet pop as he let go of my clit, drool and mare juices covering his muzzle and lower face. “Well don’t you dare waste it!” I growled, flicking my tail at him. “Cum inside me! Fill me up, feed thy lover.” He nodded and scrambling to his hooves stood, slipping a little in the already wet blankets as he breathed heavily, huskily, his fat penis slapping against my leg. I bit my lip, the pressure inside me building. I was close as well. Grabbing my wings in his forehooves, he teased his penis against my clitoris, sending me into another loud moan. Then he penetrated the first inch into me and I screamed. He was so big! Bigger than Shiny for sure, and my tight pussy clenched onto him, urging him even deeper. He slipped in very slowly, getting my walls used to his larger endowments, the heat of him inside of me making sweat drip down my forehead. “You’re so tight!” He said, rubbing his hooves up and down my wings, a smirk on his face as he did so. “I like it.” Shining took a deep breath and plunged in another few inches, but when I looked back I saw he wasn’t even close to halfway yet. But I felt so full already? I let out a little yelp as he slid in another inch, and licked my lips. My body shuddered in pleasure as he moved his hooves from my wings down to my nethers, rubbing his hooves in brisk strokes. My lower half bucked against him, urging him to go farther, clenching against him as he gained another inch. He pulled out until just the tip was left in me and I hissed at him in annoyance. Then gasped as he plunged back in, this time reaching halfway as his medial ring popped inside of me, making us both moan. “Don’t stop now!” I moaned. “I am so close!” He pulled out again, then with hard, rhythmic thrusts plunged in and out again, getting closer and closer to hilting until finally I felt his huge balls, easily cantaloupe sized now slapped hard against my legs, almost making me collapse if he hadn’t moved his forehooves to catch me and hold me up. He twisted inside me and with a scream I came, gushing all over the bed. The now almost sickly scent of rose coming from me sharply filled the air, and with a whinnying sound Shining came, his hot thick seed spurting right into my womb, over and over and over. My stomach bulging beneath me as he filled me, and even when I thought I couldn’t hold any more, I continued to grow with his load. Until finally with one more moan Shining collapsed to the bed, pulling me down with him as he rolled to the side, slipping out of me with a wet plop. The excess of his seed seeped out of me, dripping down my rump and legs and onto the already soaked blankets. As we both panted there for a moment, flat on our backs, I glanced over at him to see his member was still very erect, even after all that. “Now you see why I liked Shining so much,” Chrys said, “he is ready for a round two far quicker than most ponies. Even our precious Shiny.” “Er, my Queen.” I looked to my side, where Apatelodes and Danaus, still in their crystal pony pegasi disguises, had stepped up to the bed. Behind them, the thick plush carpet was covered in a thick, white pre cum. Apatelodes had been the one to speak, and his cheeks were red from blushing, as were Danaus’s cheeks. “Yes?” I said, breathing slowly as I rubbed my swollen stomach. “Danaus and I were wondering, well,” he paused and rubbed a hoof against the back of his neck, a hoof which I could see was sticky and white. “We can’t give you love like the ponies can but-“ “Apatelodes, are you trying to say you want to join in the fun?” I asked, a huge grin on my face. “Er well, yes, my Queen.” He said and bowed. “Even more hot stallions? Sure why not, even if it is just this once.” Chrys said with a cackle. “Let’s get Shiny in on the action too. Ever hear of gangbanging back on your world? With this many aroused stallions around us, we can go again and again and not have to wait for their puny selves to recuperate between rounds.” I nodded, and grinned at Apatelodes. “I believe there is a reason the bed is so big,” I said and chuckled. “So hop on up!” I looked to the other side of the room where Shiny had turned to look at us, and I could see between his legs his own member, halfcocked and pre cum leaking gently out. “You too Shiny. Let me make things up to you hmmm?” “You sure are super horny today,” he said softly, and looked at the other stallions scattered on the bed around me. “And I am probably going to be this way most of the winter, as long as I have all of you around me,” I chuckled and gestured a hoof for him to come to us. “Come on, plenty of room for all four of you and I on here.” Shiny nodded and gingerly climbed up, nostrils flaring as he took in the scent of my arousal. “You sure you can handle all of us after that performance with Shining?” He asked, and glared over at the stallion. “Darling, I am pretty much the changeling version of the princess of love. I can handle whatever you four poke my way,” I smirked, then let out a little giggle. “But I’m first, or well next,” Apatelodes said and stepped in front of Shiny. “You had your turn yesterday, and I’ve been wanting to do this for so long.” “Aw, I never knew you felt that way Apatelodes,” I crooned, and he blushed. “Well, things always came up when I planned to tell you, so I just stopped trying after a while.” “Well then, my plot awaits you,” I said and grinned, rolling over to place my dripping nethers in front of his face. I jolted as he plunged right in with his tongue, rolling it around with much more expertise than I would have expected, being he had mostly been by my side since I arrived, rather than out and about seducing ponies like most of my other changelings. He plunged his tongue even deeper into me, and I moaned as he licked my most sensitive parts, my walls squeezing against him as I pressed back against his muzzle, burying it deep into me as he moaned in delight himself, greedily lapping up my leaking juices. His wings sprang out full staff, stiff behind him in a wing boner, the tips twitching ever so slightly with each lick. Apatelodes reached one hoof below him and rubbed it against his engorged penis, pre cum dripping out already. His balls might not have been as big as Shining's or Shiny’s, but they were a good thick size of an orange, dangling low as they filled up with his seed. He pulled his tongue out of me and took a few deep breaths, then reared up and plunged his thick cock right into me, the two of us already so slick with sweat, pre cum and mare juices that he easily slipped his medial ring through my hole, getting almost all of his nine inches into me with the first thrust. Burying his face into the feathers of my wings he bounced against me, thrusting in and out rapidly until he hilted, and let out a rumbling growl of pleasure. With a sharp nip to my right wing he came, pouring his seed into my already very full belly as it spurted out hot and sticky. Much of it slipped out of me, leaking to the blankets. He released my wing and his hold on me at the same time, his penis slipped out of me as he collapsed onto the bed, his head landing on Shining’s stomach. “Ahh that was wonderful,” he sighed and closed his eyes, his penis still leaking just slightly. “My turn!” Danaus said, grinning sheepishly at Shiny as he raced past him and reared, going straight to inserting his enlarged penis into me and thrusting back and forth with little grunts. “A little eager are you?” I said, grinning as I felt another orgasm on its way. Danaus’s globe sized balls slapped wetly against me, and he nuzzled his muzzle into my fine pink fur, licking the fur imprinted with Cadence’s cutie mark, then nipping me gently at the base of my tail. We came at the same time, both of us collapsing to the blankets as his seed spilled into me, little of it staying in with how full I already was and spreading a thick white stream all over the blankets. I didn’t envy whichever staff member was in charge of cleaning these blankets, with all the stallion cum and mare juices all over it, it would not be easy to clean! With a happy little moan, Danaus slid out of me and curled up next to Apatelodes and Shining, utterly spent. I jumped in shock when Shiny tackled me a minute later, head next to mine, his body covering my own. He gave me a wet kiss on my cheek, then nuzzled it. “Now, I get to take back what is mine,” he growled. “Well well well, maybe we should do this more often! I think I like this change in Shiny,” Chrys chuckled. “So much more dominant than his usual little submissive self.” He kissed my neck, running his kisses down to my back and up to my wings, preening the wings with firm attention as I moaned, wiggling my backside in delight. He growled softly in my ear, then nipped the top of it, licking it. His stallionhood pulsed against my side as he ran his hooves down my neck, down my stomach and down to my tits, where he rubbed a circle around them, already tender with how engorged they had become. “Oh Shiny,” I moaned, closing my eyes as he rubbed a circle around them faster and faster, watching as they became firm and hard. Shifting slightly, he brought my left tit into his mouth and grasped it firmly between his lips, licking it vigorously as I bucked, tail twitching and whipping Apatelodes on his still erect cock, making him moan and open his eyes. Even through my moans I could hear him going at his own penis again, watching Shiny and I. Shiny moaned around my tit, and I could feel his huge grapefruit sized balls quivering against me around the base of my tail. “Mmmm I am so close,” he said huskily, letting go of my tit and giving it one last lick. “Then have fun,” I said, lifting my tail to expose my leaking hole to him. He nodded and sitting up, wrapped his front hooves around my croup as he shifted positions, his heavy, thick cock and balls dragging along the wet blankets as he snorted heavily through his nostrils and moved into position. “You are mine, all mine,” he growled and thrust his penis into me, making me close my eyes and moan softly. He didn’t take his time like usual but thrust hard into me, going in and out rapidly, breathing in and out in rhythm with his thrusts. With how wet I already was his medial ring popped into me with ease and moments later he hilted. His hot balls pulsed from one side of my slit to the other as he twisted inside me, bringing out a scream from me. He came less than a minute later, howling out as his seed gushed into me, a grin on his face as he steadied the two of us with a hoof to my shoulder. As his balls shrank again, having deposited all they could inside of me he slid back down next to me, nuzzling my neck. “There, now my seed is in you again my love.” “And I thank you for your love dear, ahhh I feel so nice and warm.” I looked back at the others, to see along with Apatelodes, Shining had also awoken and had been watching us, a hoof to his crotch, obviously enjoying what he had been seeing. Danaus though was still curled up, clearly exhausted. “I’m guessing you stallions are ready for a round two?” I said, and they nodded. “Well then, let’s have some fun.” > To Ponyville and Beyond! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over Everfree Forest- Shiny Whistle “You have another shiny stallion now. So we can return home and enjoy the rest of the winter right?” I asked, shifting a little in Apatelodes grip. Without Danaus to help him, I had become too heavy for him to lift in any normal pony form, so as we left the Crystal Empire he carried me in the grip of talons, having changed into a dark grey griffon with a brown head and tan colored beak and talons. Shining was in Chryssy’s grip, she also having changed into a griffon, only black with silver head and gold colored beak and talons. “No, there are other shiny ponies out there, and I must have them all,” she said chuckling. “No, I forbid it!” Shining said, holding up a hoof. “I let you have me to protect the other stallions.” Chryssy chuckled. “Who said this next one was a stallion?” My eyes bulged at the thought, eyes wide. So she was bi? Sure it made sense for a changeling, being what they were and how they usually got their love, but I thought maybe I had changed her ideas on that. Wait, did she say next? “Next? So there is more than one more you know of?” “With how many ponies there are in Equestria, there are probably ones I haven’t even heard of before. I know of one more for sure,” she said and grinned. “But that doesn’t mean she is the last one.” I sighed and closed my eyes. Usually I loved when winter arrived, the serenity of a snowfall, drinking cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows, sitting warm and cozy by a fire with a good book, but this year so far was different. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Chryssy, and enjoyed spending time with her. But with her wanting to get frisky with another mare? It just didn’t sit right with me. Who was this mare anyway? She’d better be something special, or I just wouldn’t approve. But would that stop her? “Ponyville approaches my Queen,” Apatelodes said. “Excellent, let’s find a place to land,” she said and we descended, landing in the outskirts of Ponyville among the Apple family’s apple trees. “If I remember right, she lives somewhat on the edge of the main town with her marefriend.” “Marefriend?” I asked, trotting over to stand next to her, Shining on her other side and Apatelodes bringing up the rear. “Who in the hay is this pony? How do you know them?” “Oh, we met when I was disguised as Cadence, preparing for the wedding. Her name is Twinkleshine.” “Wasn’t she one of Cadence’s original bridesmaids?” Chryssy nodded. “Yes, but I had to drop them when not only they, but Twilight started getting suspicious.” “And you think after all that happened she’ll just be willing to forgive and forget?” I asked, ears twitching. “Well, we shall see, either way she fits my theme, and so I want her this winter,” she chuckled. As we reached the edge of the apple trees, she and Apatelodes both transformed, she into the yellow with teal mane pegasus mare she called Soaring Song, and he into a rugged brown with white mane unicorn stallion he called Mountain Mist. “Can’t you just be satisfied with the two of us?” Shining sighed, trotting along as the four of us walked by the first house. “No, now enough on the topic.” She snorted, and hurried ahead of us. A few houses later, she came to a stop in front of a two story home with a straw thatched roof, red trimming with blue and yellow rose bushes hedging each window. “This is it, I think,” she said, pausing near the door. Her wings fidgeted as she just stared at the door. Was she having second thoughts? She took in a deep breath, then taking the last few steps lifted a hoof and knocked. “Just a minute!” A voice called from inside, and I could hear giggling nearing the door. The knob turned and the door was pulled open to reveal a pretty little unicorn mare, her coat ivory and her mane curly and pale pink. Upon taking the sight of the four of us in, her nostrils sniffed the air. She let out a gasp, her electric blue eyes widening and took a step back, slamming the door in our faces. “Well, that was quite rude!” Chryssy said, frowning at the door. It opened again a moment later to reveal a different unicorn mare, this one with a maya blue coat, periwinkle blue mane with a pigment blue streak through it. Her steel blue eyes were narrowed as she glared at Chryssy. “How dare you show your face here,” the mare growled. “What do you mean?” Chryssy asked. “What have I done to you?” “Don’t play us for a fool. We know who you really are, Chrysalis.” Chryssy jolted back, ears lowered to the side at the unicorn’s accusation. How did she know? “Me?” Chryssy said, putting a hoof to her chest. “You got it all wrong Colgate,” she said, puckering her lips in a frown. Colgate sighed. “For a changeling you really need to work on your acting, and on remembering to change your scent when you transform.” I let out a small grin but then wiped it away. Colgate did have her there. She’d always smelled the same since I had known her, even in disguise, while other changelings’ scents had changed with their new forms. I’d just never told her because well, her scent was just divine. “And how do you know so much about changelings hmm?” Chryssy asked her. “The only experience you have is from the wedding!” “Oh contraire,” Colgate grinned. “But I don’t give away anypony else’s secrets, so you’ll just be in the dark about that. Unless they want to tell you. Now, why are you here?” She stomped a hoof down in front of her. Chryssy rolled her eyes. “I’m here for Twinkleshine.” There was a loud ‘meeeping’ sound from inside and then a yelp as something crashed to the floor. Colgate turned to look inside. “You okay love?” “Yeah, the couch broke my fall, ugh.” With that Colgate turned back around to face us. “Well you can’t have her, she’s my marefriend!” “Oh come on, it will only be for a season,” Chryssy grinned, and explained to Colgate the situation. Colgate looked down at the ground for a moment, lost in thought, then held up a hoof. “Give us a moment,” she said and closed the door. “Ugh, we should just barge in and snatch her,” Apatelodes groaned, a hoof to his forehead. “Enough of all this waiting!” “No,” Shining said, turning to glare at him. “I might not agree with all that is going on, but I will only allow it to continue if she comes with us willingly.” “You and your morals,” Apatelodes said, rolling his eyes. I turned back to face the door as I heard the doorknob turn and the door open. Colgate was once again in front of the door, with Twinkleshine standing behind her. “You may all come in,” Colgate said and stepped to the side. “Thank you,” Chryssy said and led the way inside. I sighed as the heat from the home washed over me. A dark stone fireplace was against the outer wall, a large crackling fire inside it filling the room with a sharp pine scent from the burning wood. A golden yellow couch and three chairs placed around it. Twinkleshine, Colgate, and Chryssy sat down on the couch, leaving the chairs for us stallions. “So, you want to ‘borrow’ me for the winter so my love will keep you warm?” Twinkleshine asked, sitting on the opposite end of the couch from Chryssy. She shot a confused look at Colgate, who just shrugged. “Yes, that is the plan.” “How do I know you won’t go all insane like you did back at the wedding? Do you know how long it took the three of us to get out of those mines, when your mind control finally broke?” “No, and I’m… sorry for that.” Chryssy said, lowering her ears. “And it has been nearing three years since the wedding. A lot can change in that amount of time. I have changed, on the outside and in.” I had to hold back a laugh at that, snorting a little as Chryssy turned to look at me and winked. “She’s right,” I said, “shes become a much better ‘ling since then. And one that I love.” “So it’s true then, that you took on a pony lover,” Twinkleshine said softly, sniffing the air and licking her lips quickly. “You must really trust her,” she said looking to me, “to let her continue with an idea like this.” I nodded. “I do.” She and Colgate shared another look, then nodded to each other. “Well, if I do remember correctly, you are quite cute,” Twinkleshine said and grinned. “And as long as Cole can come visit, maybe even join in when she does,” she gave Colgate a very bedroomesque smile, making her giggle, “then I wouldn’t mind joining you for the winter. Though I’m not sure how much help I will actually be.” “You will be enough,” Chryssy said with a dismissive hoof. “Now, let’s get back to the castle.” “Hold on,” Colgate said and held up a hoof. “If you’re taking away my marefriend for the winter, then I must insist on something.” “Go on,” Chryssy said. “I need to make sure you will treat her well. So for your first sexy times, you will do them here. And don’t worry,” she grinned, “we have plenty of fun toys you two can use.” “Cole!” Twinkleshine said, and blushed. “What? It’s the truth! And is it bad that well… I want to watch?” Twinkleshine chuckled and shook her head, bringing her forehooves up to clasp Colgate’s own. She gave the mare an affectionate nuzzle against her cheek. “Not at all, in fact, I think it would be sexy letting you watch.” Chryssy grinned, eyes watching the two, probably tasting their love in the air, and nodded. “I’d be fine with that, after all I have all my fine young stallions here watching as well.” She turned to look at the three of us, and I could feel the heat in my cheeks as I blushed. “Lead the way to your room,” she told the two mares. Colgate nodded and stood, Twinkleshine beside her and trotted down a short hallway. Chryssy took the place behind them, with the rest of us trailing along behind her. Colgate and Twinkleshine’s Home- Queen Chrysalis We soon arrived in a modest little bedroom, not much in it except for the generic bed, dresser, nightstand, and a bookshelf in one corner stuffed with books on astrophysics, stars, dentistry and magic. A single picture of Twinkleshine and Colgate sat on the nightstand, with them sharing a milkshake, tails entwined in the air behind them. Even though generic, the bed was very nice. A queen size, three plush pillows gathered at the top in pastel blue pillowcases, and the blankets diagonally striped with white, pink, a light blue and a dark blue interchanging. The bed was so well made, you could have bounced a bit off of it and sent it flying to the other side of the room. Twinkleshine came closer to me, and hopped on the bed, her tail flicking me lightly in the face as she did so, giving me a large whiff of her scent. My ears perked up, and I scrunched my nose in confusion. Something about her smelled familiar, beyond what she had smelled like at the wedding. “I haven’t smelled a scent like that in years, decades even,” Chrys said. “Could it be? Is she? No, they went extinct years and years ago. Our hive is the only one left.” Wait, we weren’t the only hive? Why had she never told me this? “Twinkleshine,” I said and she turned to look at me. “Please, just call me Shine,” she said and winked. “Right, Shine,” I said and nodded. “May I ask you a question?” “Well you just did, but yes you may ask another.” “You’re a changeling, aren’t you?” Shine jolted at the question, ears going flat against her head. “Oh well don’t you know? I mean you are a changeling after all you should be able to tell other changelings.” “Not necessarily,” Chrys said softly. “Those from our own hive, oh yes absolutely. But from other hives? Sometimes hard to tell. Especially since it has been so long since I ran into one.” “You’re not from my hive, so no.” Shine sighed and leaned back in the bed, her ears twitching back and forth. “Er well…” she paused, biting her lip, then took a deep breath and nodded. “Have her transform for us then. I want to know what hive she is from.” Chrys said and I nodded. “Will you transform then so I may see?” That must have been what she meant when she said she didn’t know how useful she would be. As a changeling, I wouldn’t be able to feed on her nearly as well as regular ponies. With an encouraging hoof around her from Colgate, Shine nodded and let the green flames surround her. Before me now stood a changeling a little taller than Apatelodes, her eyes a shiny amber color, along with her carapace along her back. She looked up at me, a half frown on her face exposing one fang. “She’s from the Amber hive?” Chrys yelled. “HOW? They went extinct at least one hundred years ago, if not more!” I cringed slightly at her yelling, but then turned back to Shine. “So, you are of the Amber hive. Didn’t they go extinct?” “I wouldn’t know, I actually haven’t been back to the hive in a long time,” she admitted. “But I do know they originally went into hiding because of you.” “ME?” She nodded. “When they saw and felt you begin to go crazy, planning on taking a much less subtle approach on capturing ponies, they didn’t want to be a part of it, and so they faked their deaths so you would believe yours was the only hive left.” “And I let then fool me,” Chrys sighed. “Anyway, that doesn’t matter right now. She might be a changeling, but we can still have plenty of fun sex. So let’s get to it shall we?” I nodded, but had one last question to ask first. “What is your changeling name?” “Meep, at least in the Equestrian version of it. Is it okay if I turn back now?” “Very well then Meep,” I said nodding, and she sighed, returning to her pony disguise. I looked around the room at the others. Apatelodes was leaning against the wall by the door, looking bored, his forehooves crossed in front of him. Shiny and Shining had moved to the far side of the room and were sitting on the floor by the window, watching us. Colgate still stood near Meep, carressing a hoof against her cheek. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes, then let it out. Okay, I was ready for this. I might have no experience when it came to wooing or making love to a mare, but Chrys sure did, and obviously Meep, so everything should be fine, right? Staying in my pegasus form, I climbed up onto the other side of the bed, and wrapped my hooves around her. Colgate backed off, tossing a wink at Meep, and sat down near Shiny and Shining. “Ready to get started?” I asked, nuzzling her ear. She grinned, nodding. “No need to be nervous now,” Chrys said. “Only thing different is she doesn’t have the equipment our other shiny collection has between their legs.” She chuckled. “Now, go get her! Give her the pleasure a member of our harem deserves.” I reached a hoof under Meep’s chin, bringing her muzzle to muzzle with my own. Moving forward the remaining inch or so I pressed my lips to hers, much softer lips than any of my stallions. Meep wrapped her hooves around my neck, pushing deeper into our kiss, her tongue flicking against my lips as it sought entrance. I parted my lips and pushed my own tongue into her mouth as hers entered mine. Our tongues twisted and twined with each other, and we fell back onto the bed, my own body slightly overtop hers. I moved my hooves down her sides, making her moan into my mouth. Her body already so hot against my own, my hooves brushed against her plush breasts, and she pulled out of our kiss, a line of drool connecting our mouths as she let out a loud moan. I grinned, running the tip of a hoof around each of her already erect tits, every circle around them making them more and more rigid. Not to be outdone, she moved her hooves from my neck down to my wings, massaging the area where wing bone met spine, letting my primary’s ruffle through her hooves. Suddenly I felt my wings spring out wide behind me in a wing boner, making Meep chuckle. “I see your wings are having a good day,” she teased, pulling one down to nibble on the feathers. “Mmm and they taste just how you smell. But I bet your mare juices taste even better.” Just the thought of such sent my backside burning with heat and moisture. Colt was she a good flirt! We both moved our hooves down lower almost at the same time. She ran a hoof along my inner thigh, starting down near the end and slowly moving it up toward my nether regions, making me bite my lip and lean my head back as I moaned. But two could play at this game. I caressed a hoof farther up her inner thigh, stopping right at the curve where her leg met her torso to feel her body shivering under my touch. On a whim, I licked my lips and sat up a little straighter, placing my other hoof behind her neck and pulling her slightly upward, then licked her horn, making her eyes almost roll to the back of her head. With one last lick, I placed my mouth around her horn and began to suck on it, licking the rough grooves in it as I did so. She bucked against me a little, making my hoof on her inner thigh move the last few inches to rub against her dripping nethers. “Oh sweet Celestia!” she yelled, and brought her own hooves down to hold mine there. I came off of her horn, removing the last inch with a sloppy wet pop as I chuckled. “Liking that are you?” I said, and gave her a quick lick to her chin. “Well then, I shall continue.” With a wicked grin plastered on my face I rubbed my hoof against her dripping nethers, making her moans pop out of her even louder. I pressed my hoof a little harder against her, finding her entrance and poking the tip of my hoof in, which rapidly became covered in her juices. I reached my hoof up, mare juices dribbling down it and brought it to my lips, licking it. “Mmm you taste good as well my dear,” I chuckled. This was becoming more fun that I had thought it would be, and neither of us was even close to a climax yet! “That’s what my Cole tells me,” she said, chuckling. Then it was my turn again as she moved a hoof straight into my dripping nethers, having no problem it seemed finding my entrance as she roughly jerked her hoof around inside. A moan escaped my lips as her hoof explored my most sensitive areas and I became slick with sweat and mare juices. I breathed heavily as she removed her hoof and brought it up to her face, examining it, slick and wet from me. With a long sensual lick, she cleaned her hoof with her tongue, humming as she did so. “Yep, an even better taste than your wings,” she said and chuckled. “Well I’m glad you think so,” I purred and placing a forehoof to either side of her adjusted again to where I was entirely over her. “And you certainly know how to please a queen well.” “You might be my first queen to have sex with,” she giggled, “but I have had lots of practice. Shall I show you more?” I laughed, “well, that is what I am here for, isn’t it?” She nodded, and with her magic opened the bottom drawer of the nightstand and pulled out a dark-brown, lidded box. She settled it on the bed beside us and opened the lid to reveal it was full of sex toys. Big and small ones, thick and thin ones, even one massive dark purple one shaped like a stallions dick, which looked even thicker than Shiny or even Shining had managed to produce during our sexual acts. Though it was about as long as Shining’s, maybe fourteen inches compared to his thirteen. Meep grinned at me. “Hmmm checking out one of our largest one are you? I’m guessing you like it like that?” She reached up and took my ear in her mouth, nibbling on it. “One of? You mean you have even larger ones?” “Mmhmm,” she murmured, mouth still around my ear. She gave my ear one long lick then leaned back again. “The others were just too big to fit in this box. One of them is almost two feet long.” “Two feet!?” I yelled, ears going straight up and my eyes widening. How does one even fit one that long? Meep chuckled, giving me a sultry smile. “Yeah, Cole and I, we love to experiment with all sizes and shapes. We can use the two footer if you want?” I shook my head rapidly, “that’s a little beyond my comfort zone.” “Very well then, how about this beauty then?” she asked, pulling out the massive purple one I had noticed earlier. “It’s one of our favorites.” “You mean it’s your favorite,” Colgate said and chuckled. I turned, glancing over at the others. It was only then, taking a break from the heat of the moment, that I noticed the strong musk smell coming from my stallions, and even a faint smell of mare’s juices that didn’t come from either Meep or me. I grinned, then turned back to her. “Sure,” I said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Pleasure your queen.” “I’m not part of your hive silly, no blue eyes or back remember?” She grinned, then took the large purple dildo up in her magic, while taking the box with the rest of them and placing them on the nightstand. “But I’ll still give you a rutting that will rival those stallions of yours, if not beat them,” she said, grinning slyly. “Hah, I’d like to see that,” Apatelodes said and stood up a little straighter, though below him I could see his own penis was growing long and hard at the thought. “You were not there when she took Shining Armor. You going to rival the lover of the princess of love?” “I can sure try,” she replied. “Though you stallions might want to leave the room, this could get messy.” “I don’t mind it a little messy,” Shiny said, “Chryssy and I regularly get things pretty messy.” He looked down and his cheeks turned a bright red. “Ah, isn’t he cute,” Chrys chuckled. “But enough of that for now, let’s get back to why we are here.” It seemed Meep had the same idea as Chrys, as just then she tackled me back down to the bed, kissing me hard, running her kisses down my neck. The dildo hovered beside her wrapped in her magic, as she moved her kisses lower and her hooves even lower. I gasped when her forehooves pressed against my inner thighs, one of them pressing against my sensitive folds. “Mmm you are still so wet,” she crooned as she moved the hoof around, “very much ready for this.” She brought the purple dildo down in her magic and turned it on. A low humming filled the air as she brought it down and rubbed it against my dripping pussy. My hind legs bucked against it, a low moan coming from me as she caressed it around the edges. Even on its lowest setting, it felt so good! I could feel the juices dripping even more profusely from me now, the vibrations sending my body into thrills of ecstasy. “Ready for the next setting?” She asked and I numbly nodded as she turned it up another notch and brushed it against my clitoris as it winked rapidly from her ministrations. I moaned loudly, biting my lip as she pressed it against my winking hole and slid in the first inch. That simple amount of vibrating sent me over the edge, and I took in deep breaths as I reached my first orgasm, splashing a wave of mare juices all over the vibrating dildo, Meep’s hooves, and all over her thick furred fluffy belly, staining the sweat soaked fur with the yellow-white mess. “Hmm that was a good one,” she chuckled. “Let’s see how many more we can get out of you.” “What about you?” I asked, breathing deeply, my walls still throbbing against the dildo, pulling it in another inch. “No need to worry, you’ll get your chance to please me as well. After all, we changelings should stick together right?” she said, and licked a hoof sticky with my mare juices. I heard a snort from by the door, and turned to see Apatelodes smirking. My attentions were rapidly pulled away from him though as Meep slid the dildo in another inch. Oooooh it was so big, stretching my walls so far I almost thought they would tear. Was that even possible? With an audible click, she raised the setting on the dildo again. The humming became louder, the dildo slipping in another few inches until we were right at the medial ring. Yet I felt so full already! My entire body trembled as Meep pulled it out slowly until only the head was left inside of me, then rammed it back in, thrusting it in and out as I let out a scream of pleasure. Each time she pushed it back in, it went a little farther, scratching itches I didn’t even know I had as it reached my G-spot. “Mmmm Meeep,” I moaned, feeling another orgasm coming on as she continued to thrust it into me. As I finally hilted against the huge thing I came, splattering Meep even more with my juices. Could hardly even see the fur on her chest now, it was so covered in mare juices. She pulled the dildo out of me, the tip releasing with a loud pop. I let my body relax back against the bed, taking deep breaths. This had been awesome so far! Sure I was a little tired, but I wasn’t ready to stop yet, that’s for sure! “Flip over onto your belly,” Meep said, curling back until she was sitting on one of the pillows. “I’m not done with you yet!” I chuckled and complied, my belly fur quickly getting soaked in my own mare juices covering the bed. Lifting my tail to the side, I looked back to see what she planned to do when she grabbed my rear in her hooves and brought her muzzle directly into my drenched backside, licking up the juices with her tongue with strong, brisk strokes. A moment later, I let out a squeak as she took my clitoris between her teeth and began to lick it rapidly, her heavy breathing tickling it. She pulled back on it gently, sending more shivers down my spine, and moved her forehooves down to my nether regions again, massaging them as they dripped, rivulets of mare juices trickling down on my legs. Her tongue curved to touch everywhere she could reach in my tight pussy, leaving me gripping the covers in ecstasy, eyes closed as I continued to moan softly. With a moan of her own, Meep came behind me, her mare juices saturating my hind legs and hooves. But she kept right on licking, as if I was the most delicious lollipop, hooves going at my nethers with firmer, brisk strokes. With one last scream I came for a third time, mare juices pouring out over her face and muzzle, coating her hooves and all her other exposed fur. Meep removed her tongue with a wet pop, a thick line of drool and mare juices connecting her muzzle to my soaking wet rump and flanks. She collapsed onto the bed, breathing hard, but grinned slyly up at me. “Well? Was that better than what those stallions have given you or what?” She laughed softly, eyes turning in the direction of Shiny and Shining. Both stallions leaned against the wall now, back legs crossed as they tried to hide the massive erections they both had. Hard to do when the tips of each of their penises pulsed past the curve of their legs, the carpet wet with white, sticky cum. “I hate to admit it,” Shiny said, almost his entire head bright red as he blushed, “but that was HOT!” “And here I thought Cadence had taught me everything when it came to mare to mare love,” Shining said quietly. “I was so wrong.” “You colts haven’t seen anything yet!” Colgate said, giggling. “My Meep is amazing, she’ll make this winter very interesting for you all, won’t you love?” Meep nodded, “oh yes, especially with some of our other toys,” she said, and grinned a big old sexy grin, making me shiver in anticipation. “Eh, I’ve seen better Mare on Mare,” Apatelodes shrugged, then reached a hoof downward as his erect penis jolted, as if trying to prove him wrong., a faint tinge of green blush reaching his cheeks. “The liar,” Chrys said chuckling, “actually, I think this is some of the best we have had in a long, long time. But let’s make it even better, shall we? She proved herself to be more than capable of making us scream, now let us return the favor. Here, I’ll give you some pointers,” she said and rattled off what we should do next, bringing a blush to my cheeks. “It will be fine,” Chrys assured me, “this one is actually quite popular amongst changelings. We like our sex rougher than the average pony usually. If Meep here doesn’t have them I’d be surprised.” I looked over at Meep, who had sat back up now, having recovered her breath. I gave her my best bedroom smile. “So, now it is my turn,” I said, reaching over and kissing the base of her horn. “But the sexual toy I am imagining using on you isn’t in that little box.” “Mmm we might still have the one you are thinking of,” she said closing her eyes. “What toy you want?” “A spreader bar.” Meep laughed at that, eyes sparkling, “oh one of those! That one is very much one of Cole’s favorites. She likes having a little more power over me don’t you?” She purred, looking over at Colgate. “You know it my love!” she yelled, doing a hoof bump to the sky. “Sure you’re not mind controlling me? You seem to know all of our favorite things.” Meep teased as she opened a different drawer with her magic and pulled out a black rod, cuffs on either side with a smooth, dark blue, cottony layer inside each cuff to prevent chafing. Along with that was a strap that attached to the neck on one side by a collar, the dock of the tail on the other, so as to keep it out of the way and allow more time for play. I chuckled, eying the rod as she placed it between us. “Nope, no mind control today. Just lucky guesses I imagine?” I grabbed the bar up into my own magic. “Now turn around so I can attach them.” She nodded and did so. Starting with the bar, I attached each cuff to her rear legs, taking in a deep breath as the scent of her arousal grew with the click of each cuff. She swished her tail back and forth, revealing her wet pussy and winking clitoris with each pass of it. Next, with my magic I fastened the collar around her neck, pulling the strap back to gather up her tail in the other end and strapping it in, holding it above both of us and exposing her privates entirely now. “Hmmm been too long since we last did this,” she said softly, the sound of her breathing slowly quickening. “Been a long time for me as well,” Chrys said. “So let’s end this bondage fast and do her hard!” I nodded, taking a deep breath and licking my lips at her tantalizing scent as it filled the air. Looking down, I found the massive purple dildo lying on the blanket beside me. I picked it up in my right wing, still amazed even after all this time how wings could pretty much be used like a hand, and turned it on. Without even touching her with it yet, the quite whirr of it sent shivers down Meep’s body. “You ready for this?” I asked, and she nodded as well as the collar allowed her to do so. “Take me hard Chrysalis, make me cum again and again!” She yelled, tensing up slightly when I brought the dildo up to her winking clitoris, her little star shaped hole looking so inviting for a little attention. “Oh I’ll do that and more.” I rubbed the dildo in a circle around her vulva, putting a little extra pressure each time I came around to her clit. Meep let out a low moan, pressing her backside against the circling dildo, increasing the pressure against her most sensitive places. Mare juices trickled out of her now, filling the air with their strong almost spicy scent. I turned the dildo to the next setting, making her jerk back at the sudden increase. Then, with a smile at her I pressed the first few inches into her hole right as she winked, rolling it around in my wing to hit all her little spots inside. “Oh that feels great,” she yelled closing her eyes as she breathed heavily through her nose. “Harder, faster, deeper!” “But of course,” I said and turned up the setting again, pressing it in a few more inches until it was almost to the medial ring. Slowly, slowly I slipped the dildo out until all that was left in her was the tip, then copying what she had done to me, thrust it back in hard and fast, in and out and in and out listening to her screams and grunts of pleasure. Even before I got the dildo to hilt her she came, gushing out a river of mare juices and letting out a sigh of extreme pleasure, her forehooves collapsing in front of her, bringing her rear right up in front of my face. “Well, guess it is time for round two,” I chuckled and slipping the dildo from her, turned it off and set it to the side. Her whole backside shivered in anticipation, glistening in the faint light of the room. I licked my lips, then grabbing her by her croup, buried my muzzle in her dripping rear, drinking in her mare juices. With a soft groan, she pushed back against me, burying my face into her as well. Her clitoris winked against one of my nostrils, mare juices dripping into it a few drops at a time. I stuck out my tongue, and gave that winking clit a good, hard lick, feeling Meep jolt beneath me. My hooves held her close as I continued to lick, circling it before giving it a little poke with the tip of my tongue. “Oh Sweet Celestia, keep doing that. I think I am about to cum!” she gasped. I just chuckled and continued circling her clit with my tongue and then poking it, again and again. Then, with one last poke she let out a scream as she came, this time gushing out all over my face. Her hot, sticky mare juices splashed onto my eyes, ears and mane. Both of us were quite drenched in the stuff now, the bed not looking much better. “Ooooh you are amazing with that tongue!” “Thank you,” I said, smirking. “Shall we continue? I think I still owe you one more orgasm hmm?” “Oh yes!” she moaned, and wiggled her rump in delight. “I can easily go another round.” “Very well then,” I said and ran a hoof along her back, stopping at her mane and taking it in my hoof, bouncing it playfully. “Any toy you want to play with specifically?” She quivered at my touch, but nodded. Bringing out another box with her magic, she opened it and pulled out a slightly smaller dildo, this one pitch black with mottled white spots. There was no vibrating mechanism with this one though, but a thick strap was ran through the back, built to wrap comfortably around a mare’s bulkier hips. There was even a little bit on the opposite end for the wearer to stick in her vagina, after all, better for both mares to be satisfied. “Hmm this looks fun,” I said, using my wings to pull it on and strap it closed behind me. Adjusting it to fit comfortably in my vagina, I turned back to her. All that extra weight now between my legs felt awkward, especially since I had stuck to females in my transformations so far. But, I kind of liked it. “And here you were worried about transforming into stallions,” Chrys teased. “Maybe now you will see how fun it can be being the one with the penis.” I looked up as Meep passed me a bottle of lube. “With this one, we’ll probably need this. Even with how wet I already am,” she said, lowering her eyelids and giving me a sexy smile. Opening the bottle with my wings, I tipped a little onto my hooves and then brought it down to the dildo, rubbing it into the silicone base and around all the little grooves and edges, until it was as wet and shiny as any stallions’ penis I had seen. I gave a large smile back over at Meep, making her shiver in anticipation where she was still with her rump high in the air. Putting the bottle of lube on the nightstand I adjusted my position and stood up, the dildo wiggling beneath me as it swung slightly back and forth. “Round three, begin!” I purred and reared up, tickling her opening with it. She let out a gasp, her body pressing her against it. “Eager are we?” I teased, rubbing it back and forth against her winking clitoris. “Shall I let you have it?” “Yes! Yes push it in, slide it in, fill me up! Please,” she moaned, the tip of her tail twitching in its binds. Well I couldn’t deny such a pleasant request now could I? Taking a deep breath I slid in the first few inches, the lube and her already wet, quivering insides making it easy to begin. I raised my eyebrows in surprise when I could feel her walls clench against the faux penis, making the little bit stuck in me twitch and tickle my insides. Ooooh, I could see this easily giving both of us another orgasm. I pushed it in another few inches, eliciting another loud moan from Meep, both of us dripping mare juices profusely now. The end inside of me tickled against my walls with the jerky movements of Meep as she struggled to get more of it inside her. With another inch, the medial ring was in line with her opening. I could feel the pulse of both of us through the dildo as our heartbeats quickened, we were both close. Smirking, I pulled almost all of the way out, leaving just the tip inside of her, then, gripping onto her plush thighs I rammed right back in, the medial ring slipping through along with the rest of it, my thighs hitting against her own. Meep let out a scream and came with another flood of mare juices, her walls rapidly squeezing against the faux penis, making it wiggle inside of me. A moment later she collapsed down onto the bed, pulling me with her. “Ahh pain,” she groaned, looking at the spreader bar. “Oh right, let me get that,” I said, reaching down and removing the cuffs, pulling the bar away and placing it to the side of the bed. “Ahh better,” she said softly, her legs now collapsing underneath her, curling up. I reached over and removed the strap holding her tail up as well, followed by the collar, placing them by the spreader bar. Meep rolled over onto her back, cheeks a pinkish-red with afterglow. She smiled up at me, then perked her ears up. “You know, if you are having trouble finding any other ‘shiny’ mares or stallions, I might have a solution for you. Or well for one more at least.” “With all this wonderful love we have gathered, one more should be enough.” Chrys said. “Plus going to be crowded enough on the bed now with what we already have.” Hmm well that was convenient. I stood up eagerly, having to control myself from actually wagging my tail. I wasn't a dog after all! “One more should be plenty. Where can we find this other shiny pony?” Meep grinned. “In an alternate dimension!” “And how do you plan on us getting there?” “I’ve been working on a teleporter, with plans on it being able to send its user to any of a number of alternate dimensions, or universes. I’ve discovered eight so far, but only been able to connect to one of them.” “And what is different with this one?” “Basically, it is a world where everypony was born the opposite gender as they are here.” “So you’re saying, there is a world where I am a… mare?” Shiny asked, eyes going big and ears halfway down. Meep nodded, chuckling. "And your mare self if very good at sexy times," she said. I had to stifle a laugh as Shiny's pupils shrank to pinpricks, ears going flat down against his head, biting his lower lip, and his face turned almost white. With a groan, he put a hoof to his head and dead fainted. Apatelodes howled with laughter behind us, slapping his side. "All of you stallions are mares there, including you Apatelodes," she said, and Apatelodes took a deep breath at that, laughter turning into small chuckles. "As for Cole, Chrysalis and I we have counterparts that are stallions. Not only that, but different names, different destinies even in some ponies cases.” “Ooooh no.” I turned to look at Shining Armor as he stood, albeit slowly as he was sporting quite the erection. “I have an idea on who you have in mind, and the answer is no. We are not going after… him.” “Oh come on, don’t you want to meet him?” Meep asked, “after all, you are related.” Shining shook his head emphatically. “No, not if it means he’ll be subject to all this.” Chrys let out a laugh, “Oh! It must be that Twilight Sparkle’s stallion counterpart! It’s the only thing that would make sense. Oh this would be sweet revenge! We have to go!” I nodded, “Let’s do it!” “Excellent!” Meep grinned, ears perking up. “Why don’t we all get a little cleaned up, then meet in the basement. That is where all my equipment is.” “Sounds like a plan to me.” > Discovering More Than We Bargained For. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meep and Colgate’s Basement- Queen Chrysalis It took around an hour for us all to get cleaned up, sure was a good thing this house had two showers! A sheet was draped over an oddly shaped contraption in the back of the basement, the only light at the moment coming from a single bulb swinging back and forth slowly above our heads. Meep let out a wide grin, looking to each of us where she stood next to the sheet. “Now don’t laugh, I kind of got the design from a strange dream I had,” she said and grabbed one end of the sheet. With a slight tug, the sheet slithered to the floor. My eyes widened in surprise. Meep’s teleportation device looked very similar to the one two brothers made in a show I had liked back on earth. Though now the name of the show escaped me. Three iron steps led up to a hollow circle tall enough that I could even walk through it in my regular form if I wanted to, also built of iron. Strong steel screws held it all in place, running along the rim of the circle. A covered lightbulb was dead center on top of the circle, encased in dark green. Different from the show though, was the controls. They were placed next to the portal as a long stand, buttons of many different shapes, sizes, and colors covered it, along with a few levers. In the center of it was a monitor, calculations flashing by as the entire thing hummed. “Pretty impressive,” I said, and Meep beamed. “Thank you,” she said and walked over to the controls. “Now, it shouldn’t be hard getting you there, and maybe one or two others. But the teleporter is not strong enough yet for more, especially if you’ll be bringing another pony back through. I’ll stay here at the controls, keep an eye on things, and open the portal up again when you are ready to return.” She turned to look at Colgate, and sent her a sideways smile. “Plus, then Cole and I can have our sexy times once more before we part.” “I’m going,” Shiny said, stepping forward. His face was still a little pale from the remark Meep had made earlier, but besides that he looked like his old self again. “I’m just… curious to meet this other me…” “I’m going as well,” Shining said, stomping his hoof. “If you are going after my sister, or well brother in this case, then I’m going to make sure things go the way they should.” Apatelodes shrugged. “Fine with me, just means you two are also in charge of protecting my queen. Anything happens to her, you’ll answer to me!” Shiny glared at him. “And you think I would let any harm come to her?” Apatelodes shrugged. “You haven’t the experience I do in being a guard. Anything could happen.” “And so we have our team,” Meep said and turned back to the control panel. Adjusting a few buttons here and there, flicking a few on, she then grinned, reaching for a large lever. “Okay this is it. Oh, and before I forget,” she levitated a small round watch-like thing to me. Though it only had two buttons on it, one red the other green. “This alerts me to what is going on on the other side. When you are ready to return, and are near where you arrived, press the red button. I’ll open the portal and you can all return. Just make sure you are all together when pressing it as I won’t be able to open the portal again after these two times for a month at least. Still working on getting it more energy.” I nodded, transformed back into my normal form, and attached the thing right above one of the holes in my right forehoof, where it would hopefully not have a problem staying. Meep returned to the controls and pulled the lever. A low hum filled the room, coming from inside the circle. A crackle of electricity surged around the inner circle, bright blue as it circled. Then with a little pop, an image appeared, of another basement, this one painted pink. “The other portal is in the basement of Sugarcube Corner,” Meep said, “Pinkie, or Bubble Berry in this world, I thought would be the best one to protect it for me. So you might see him while you’re there.” I nodded, and stepped toward the portal. Chrys was literally squealing in our head she was so excited. “This brings so many future possibilities.” Chrys said, “just think, we could grab the changelings from this world and bring them to ours, then we would have twice the power to go up against Celestia!” She kept rattling on as I just grinned, and with Shiny and Shining on either side of me, we stepped through the portal. The first thing I heard as our hooves touched the pink floor, baskets and boxes and bags of baking ingredients stacked around us, were resounding booms coming from outside. The portal closed behind us with a little pop. “What in the hay is going on?” Shiny asked, cringing as another boom shook the building. “We better go check it out,” Shining said. “We need to get out of here anyway if we are to find my… brother.” “Right, why don’t you lead the way Shining, since you have your shield spell to use if need be,” I said, prodding him forward. Shining nodded and lighting up his horn, prepping the spell, he trotted toward the stairs. We came out into the kitchen, with not a pony in sight. The whole building itself was so quiet our hoofsteps echoed as we strode out into the main part of the store. Many of the tables and chairs were on their sides, two milkshakes spilled near one covering the floor with melted ice cream. A flash of purple light made me look to the windows, more beams of light followed it, all of them a lime green color. “Are we invading Ponyville in this world?” Chrys asked. “Let’s find out!” The three of us hurried to the door, flinging it open, then ducked as a beam of violet light shot at us, hitting the corner of the doorway. When the dust cleared, a heavily breathing purple stallion stood in front of us. He looked a lot like Twilight, though his mane was cropped short and messy, his tail even shorter, though it now was twitching back and forth as he glared at us. His face was a little plumper than Twilight’s, hips smaller, a five o’clock shadow of a beard covered his chin. Mmmm was he ever handsome! “Nice try Metamorphous, changing yourself into a mare isn’t going to disguise you,” he snarled. “Nor for your changelings. I have a sister, not a brother.” With that he reared and charged at us horn glowing brightly. “Woah, calm down,” Shining said, and wrapped Dusk in his magic. He struggled for a moment, then paused, eyes widening upon seeing the color of magic wrapped around him. “Wait, how is this possible? Changelings can’t change the color of their magic,” he said, ears twitching. “That’s because he really is your brother,” I said and stepped forward. “But I don’t have a brother,” he insisted again, “Gleaming Shield is a mare.” Shining sighed, “how to explain this? Well you are a smart pony sis, er bro, so this shouldn’t be hard to understand. We are from another dimension, where everyponies genders are reversed. “Wait, what?” He yelled. “You mean in another place, I am a mare!” I chuckled, nodding. “But you are the you we are looking for.” “Aw you mean you are not here for me?” A shiver ran down my spine at the voice, and turning to look I spotted a tall changeling leaning against the mailbox, and not just any changeling, not with those big green pupils he had. “Is that… us?” Chrys asked, as we watched him take a few steps closer until he was practically muzzle to muzzle with us. This changeling ‘king’ was a few inches taller than us, his mane was a long pixie cut with bangs, a few hairs almost hanging in his eyes. Like this gender swapped Twilight -Dusk Shine I think is what he was called- his body was thicker than mine, much more muscular. In his right ear hung two silver earrings, and his crown was almost a traditional king’s crown, only black of course, with little teal jewels atop every other point of it. “Hello, little mare me,” he said and chuckled. “You look exactly how I imagined.” “Wha?” I yelped out, taking a step back. “How… how did you even know about me? Not even bookhorse knew.” “Hey!” Dusk yelled. “I am more than just a bibliophile!” “Let’s just say I have my ways,” he said, grinning at me slyly. “It’s the main reason I attacked Ponyville today, so I could meet you. My name is Metamorphous, but you can call me Morphie,” he said, giving me a sultry smile. “Well… now you have met her so back off!” Shiny growled, jumping between us and glaring at him. “So this is the famous Shiny Whistle hmm?” Metamorphous said, and smiled down at him. “Well sorry to break your whistle pony, but she’s coming with me!” With that, he jumped around Shiny, wrapped his forehooves around my neck and teleported us away. Ponyville: R63 Universe-Shiny Whistle I plopped down to the ground, ears flat against my skull, breathing heavily as I looked to the spot where Chryssy had been standing just a moment ago. Shining dropped the magic he had around Dusk Shine, and the two of them joined me. “Did what I think just happened happen?” Shining asked, “Did Chrysalis’s stallion self just kidnap her mare self?” “It would appear so,” Dusk said, ducking as another shot of green light came at us. Chryssy’s, or well Metamorphous’s, changelings were still scattered across the town, fighting the other townsponies. But all I could think about was Chryssy in his clutches. What did he plan to do with her? Was he going to hurt her? Force her into something she didn’t want to do? Even from our brief meeting, he seemed a lot different from my own Chryssy. She wouldn’t have attacked Ponyville, not these days at least. “We have to go find them,” I said, standing up. “Why should we do that?” Dusk asked. “With the two of them gone, we should easily be able to defeat his changeling army. Who cares what he does to his other self?” “I do! I love her,” I said, lowering my ears. “You what?” Dusk’s eyes widened, “how can you love a changeling? All they do is steal our love and our loved ones. She doesn’t deserve your love.” “She’s different from your world’s ruler of the changelings. She’s changed,” I insisted. “Let the others take care of his changelings, and help me find her. Please?” “He’s right,” Shining said. “She might still have some things she needs to work on, but she is trying her best.” Dusk put a hoof to his forehead and shook it, then let out a sigh. “Fine, for you… brother, let’s find her. But you must explain to me why you are even here while we do so.” “Of course, thank you!” I said and we were off. Nopony, or ling, was going to steal my love from me. I might be fine with sharing her, but not this. If I had to I would do anything to get her back. That ball of slime was not going to get away with this. Outside of Ponyville-Queen Chrysalis I shoved Metamorphous off of me as we appeared in a little copse of apple trees. Not sure if it was trees from the Apple family farm, but all was still, not even any birds were around. The fighting had not reached here, or at least not yet. “What in the hay do you think you are doing?” I yelled, glaring at him. “Why, saving you from those other ponies of course,” he said, a smug grin plastered on his face. “I can’t let that Dusk Shine harm you now can I?” “Well I don’t know about him, but the others are here to protect me.” He laughed. “Protect you? They’re ponies! Why would they protect a changeling?” “They are my friends, and lovers.” I lowered my ears, Shiny was probably worried sick about me. “Let’s get rid of this moron and return to the others,” Chrys said with a low growl. “He might be the stallion version of us, but I’m not liking him. Even if he is handsome.” “You’re not going anywhere,” he said and gave a sly grin. “Wait, you heard that? How? It was in my head!” “Because we are connected, if you tried, you could probably hear your counterpart in my head as well,” he chuckled, then strode forward, grasping my chin firmly with one forehoof and looking into my eyes. “Aren’t you the least bit curious about how we would get along? All we could do together? And with both of us being changeling royalty, just think of how strong our progeny would be.” “What!?” I yelled, jerking away from his grip. “You know we are basically the same changeling right? Just gender swapped. And you want us to have kids together?” “He’s sure moving fast,” Chrys said quietly. “Oh, but we so do like the two of you,” another voice spoke, and my eyes widened, realizing I had heard the other ‘us’ in his head. “Nice to meet you, our fair Queens, I am Meta. I think we will all have a splendid time together without those meddlesome ponies!” This was getting so weird, and hearing two voices in my head now was giving me a headache. “Look, sorry to burst your bubble, but we are just not interested in having sex with ourselves,” I said poking them in the chest with a hoof. “One of your kinks might be selfcest, but not us.” “Oh but it could be, you’ve probably just never tried it,” Metamorphous purred. “But if you would be more comfortable at first with us being that little pony,” he spat, “then we would be willing to comply.” A flash of green fire later and before us stood Shiny Whistle, though he was a little taller than my Shiny. He stepped forward and wrapped a leg around my back, raised his muzzle and licked my cheek. “Just think,” he whispered into my ear, “all the things you have wanted your ‘little Shiny’ to be able to do with you, but were impossible with him being a pony, I can do.” I gulped, but shook my head. “No,” I said firmly, “I promised him I would only take those into my harem that he approved of. I highly doubt he would approve of you.” “Aw, what a sweet sentiment, but he’s not here now is he? By the time they find us we could already be done. We could pleasure you like you have never been pleasured before.” I turned and glared at him. “What happened to your dimensions Shiny Whistle?” He lowered his hoof and grinned at me, “Oh you mean Silvered Whistle? She’s back by Ponyville with a dozen of my strongest changelings watching over her.” “And she won’t protest about this?” “Who says she has to know? Besides, we’ve agreed that we can see other ponies or lings. She had this thing with that Meep changeling for a while from your dimension.” He said waving a hoof in the air. “Wait, so Meep wasn’t joking about that?” “Nope, they were actually together for about a week while she tried to find a way home. But enough of that,” he said and put a hoof around me again. “Let’s talk about us.” I bit my lip, lowering my ears. Seeing him disguised as Shiny did make him a little harder to resist. That stubborn strand of bangs hanging in front of his left eye, those big dark purple eyes gazing up at me, then he had to go and lower his ears and widen his eyes even more, giving me a sad puppy dog face. “Oooh he’s good,” Chrys said, “Don’t give in, don’t give in!” “Oh no, do give in. Come on, when will you have another chance like this hmm?” Meta crooned. “We could even almost call it an orgy, if you and I had our own bodies Chrys.” Chrys snorted. “Oh come on, you think we’re going to fall for something like that?” “Oh absolutely, we are very hard to resist as your little Shiny aren’t we?” I had to admit, it was becoming harder and harder to resist. We should run, yes that would be the best way out of this situation, or fly. At least flying I might be able to find the others easier. I backed out from under his hoof and spread my wings. “Sorry, but we’re not going to be doing any sexy times today.” With that I jumped into the air and took off. “Good thinking, now let’s find the others,” Chrys said. “Not so fast,” Metamorphous said as he flew up beside me, still in Shiny’s form, only having given him wings. “I’ve been trying to be nice, don’t make me become the bad guy,” he said, frowning. “You call kidnapping me nice? Trying to force me to have sex with you nice?” I yelled. “Believe me, I could make things much worse.” He growled softly. “Complying with my wishes will go better for you.” I groaned, closing my eyes and shaking my head. Here I had thought Chrys and I had an insatiable sex drive, but our male counterpart was at least twice as bad as we were! Maybe we should just give in. An hour or so with him wouldn’t be too bad would it? By then hopefully Shiny and the others would have found us, and we could all go home. Though Metamorphous would NOT be coming with us. Adding Dusk Shine would be enough for me. I was ready to return home anyway. My changelings needed me. I looked around us, but couldn’t see Ponyville, any sign of the battle, or Shiny and the others anywhere. All around us were just apple trees, going on for what looked like miles and miles. “We are deep in the far fields of the Apple family apple trees,” Metamorphous said. “Close to Ponyville still, but not close enough that those unicorns will find us anytime soon. If they head in the right direction.” He grinned. “Now come on, won’t you let me love you? If only for a little while? I promise we’ll be good.” “Okay, are we this bipolar?” Chrys asked, bewildered. “First he threatens us, now he is acting all sweet. What gives?” “Oh come now Chrys, you should know better.” Meta crooned, “We are trying to woo you!” “Well you are obviously not doing a good enough job are you?” “You’re still here aren’t you? I think we are making progress.” Chrys groaned. ”You know what? Fine. Let’s just do this. If it will get you off our backs.” “Happy to hear you say that Chrys,” Metamorphous said and put a hoof around us. “Shall we return to the ground then?” “Fine,” I said softly, and with him leaning against us, I took one last look around us, and seeing nopony followed him back down to the grassy little copse between the apple trees. Somewhere in the Apple Family apple Orchard- Shiny Whistle “Ugh! We’ve been searching for over an hour! It shouldn’t be this hard to find them.” I yelled, stomping a hoof into the ground. “I thought you were the best there is at magic Dusk.” “I am,” he said and groaned. “He just covered his magical tracks well. Obviously he didn’t want to be found.” Dusk rubbed a hoof against his horn. “The changelings might have only attacked once in your dimension, but he’s attacked multiple times here. He’s learned my style, my magic abilities, and has begun to use them against me.” “Well at least you are trying your best,” Shining said, and put a hoof around his brother. “That’s all we can realistically ask for.” Dusk jumped at the touch, then blushed, looking embarrassed. “But it’s not enough if we can’t find her!” I paced back and forth, passing by an apple tree heavily laden with a late harvest of apples. “If he’s hurt her, or touched her I’ll, I’ll,” I bucked my hind hooves against the apple tree, actually kicking it hard enough to take a chunk of the bark flying. “Hurting the trees isn’t going to help Shiny,” Dusk said softly. “We’ll find her.” “I just wish for once I was a pegasus instead of a unicorn,” I grumbled. “Searching for her would be so much easier from the sky.” Or even more so if this version of Twilight had ascended to be an alicorn like in our world. But no, her stallion self was still just a unicorn like the rest of us. What would I do if we couldn’t find her? For one, we wouldn’t be going home. She had the little gizmo Meep had given her that would signal Meep to open the portal. Sure we could go back and wait for Meep to open it without the signal. If we didn’t send it to her soon, she might just do so to make sure things were okay. But then Chryssy would be trapped her for at least a month. With HIM. I could not, would not, let that happen. “Let’s try this way,” Dusk said, pointing farther into the trees. “If anything, I would think he’d take her as far from Ponyville as possible with his teleportation spell. It’s strong, but can’t go more than a few miles at the most.” “Fine,” I said, and the three of us continued on. I perked up my ears when I heard voices ahead of us a few minutes later, and trotting in front of Dusk I raced toward them. I slid out from behind some bushes, horn aglow, to see a dozen changelings surrounding me. All of them held surprised looks on their faces, blue eyes open wide. Then looked behind me as Dusk and Shining caught up. “It’s that other Silvered Whistle,” one of the changelings hissed, “get him!” “Wait!” I turned as a mare pushed through the changelings and came to stand before us. My mouth dropped open, ears perked up and twitching as I took in who stood in front of me. It was… me! Or well, the mare me. She was probably an inch or two taller, lilac colored mane long and reaching almost to the ground, a slight curl to it. A long fringe of bangs covered half her face, and her tail was long enough the last few inches dragged on the ground. She was a little chubbier than me, but that didn’t make her any less cute. Oh sweet Celestia, I wasn’t crushing on myself was I? She took a few steps closer to me, smiled, and lifted a hoof to close my gaping mouth. “Hello, Shiny Whistle,” she said, and fluttered her eyelashes at me. Oh, were those lashes long and thick! No wonder Meep had crushed on her, I looked beautiful as a mare. I shook my head, no, no concentrate. We had to find Chryssy! “Hello, er, me?” I said, and blushed. She giggled. “They call me Silvered Whistle here,” she said. “Have you seen Metamorphous?” Dusk asked, stepping up beside me. Oh right, we were looking for him weren’t we? “Hmm? Oh no not since the attack began,” she said softly. “Why do you ask?” “Because he has kidnapped Queen Chrysalis.” Dusk continued, looking over at me with one ear slightly lowered. Right! I was supposed to be asking the questions! “Oh dear, I was afraid that would happen,” she said, then turned back to me. “She’s your marefriend, right?” I nodded. “Then I suppose I better take you to him.” “You know where he is?” I asked, ears perking up. “Mmmhmmm, most likely. He has this one little spot in the orchard where he loves to make love to me,” she sighed, eyes going all dreamy. “I would suppose he would go there.” “Then let’s go,” I said. “She’s not going anywhere,” one of the changelings growled. She had on thick blue armor over her chitin and carapace, protecting her sides and back, as well as a thick blue helmet that covered a good majority of her face. Though there was something familiar about her. “Apatelodes?” I asked, and she just snorted. “Of course not! Do I look like a male to you? I’m Phalène if you must know.” “She is his counterpart in this world though,” Silvered Whistle said, and grinned as Phalène scowled at her. “Now you’re really not going. Morphie wanted his privacy today.” “Well if he wants it so he can make love to himself, then I think that is a good enough excuse to interrupt,” Silvered snorted. Oh and was it a cute little snort. No, concentrate Shiny! “Don’t worry about her, she won’t risk Morphie’s wrath by trying to hurt me. Neither will the others. I am their Queen after all.” “So in your world, we get married?” I asked. She giggled, “Uh huh. Haven’t you two yet?” I shook my head. “Oh, well I’m sure she’ll pop the question soon! Maybe after you rescue her hmm?” I gulped, my mouth dry, and simply nodded. “Well then come on loverpony, let’s go get you that proposal!” She turned back to look at the changelings behind her. “Now, you may follow if you so wish, but please, let us save this stallion’s mare okay?” Phalène rolled her eyes, but nodded, the others following suit. “Whatever you say, my Queen,” she sneered. Wow! Would Chryssy’s changelings follow me like this one day? Silvered sure had a way with Metamorphoses changelings. “So er, why are you guys attacking Ponyville?” I asked as Silvered trotted off. “I mean, winter is here too,” I shivered as a brisk wind blew past us. “Shouldn’t you be all sluggish and needing to sleep?” “If you must know,” Phalène said, she and the others following Silvered, with me right behind Silvered and Shining and Dusk to my left. “Unlike your Chryssy, we have been preparing for the winter and storing up extra love. Might not taste as good as fresh, and Morphie does still need to form his own harem, but the rest of us can survive on it for a while.” “I help them a little as well,” Silvered said, grinning. “You know,” she said, stopping and turning to face us. “There is one other place he might have taken her, come to think of it.” Phalène nodded. “I know the place you mean. Should we check it out?” “Yes please, and take Shining and Dusk with you. Being closer to Ponyville you might need them.” “We shall head out at once. Come, ponies,” she growled, cuffing a hoof over Shining and Dusks ears and walking off, the other changelings following her. “No need for that,” Shining snorted, but he and Dusk followed Phalène anyway. “Some reason why you wanted me alone with you?” I asked, ears nervously moving up and down. “Is there something wrong with wanting to well, talk to myself?” she asked, and blushed. Oh Sweet Celestia was that cute! No! Ugh what was I doing? I sure didn’t know, but I could feel a weight between my legs as my penis poked out of its sheath. Traitor. I thought to it and tried to concentrate on what she was saying. What had been the last thing she said? Oh! Right. “No, unless you answer yourself, then it means you are crazy.” She chuckled. “Well then, I guess that makes both of us crazy huh?” she said, and playfully bumped against me. “But then we already knew that. Almost everypony thinks I am crazy for falling in love with Morphie.” “Most ponies think the same of me for falling for Chryssy,” I said, ducking under a branch. “Finally! Someone who understands my pain!” she sighed, putting a hoof to her forehead. “Yes, the hardships of a pony loving a changeling, especially a royal one!” I said leaning against a tree and letting out a sigh. Silvered giggled. “You’re funny,” she said, and mussed a hoof through my mane. “If you guys were to decide to stay here, I’d love to get to know you better.” “Don’t you mean get to know yourself better?” I smirked, and ran right into the next low hanging branch. Silvered fell over onto the ground as she laughed. I rubbed my forehead, cheeks turning red as she continued to laugh. “Oh Shiny,” she said, taking in a deep breath and letting it out. She stood back up, corner of her eyes tearing up from laughing. “Come on, we should stop teasing each other and find our ‘favorite’ changelings.” I nodded and we continued on our way. Deep in the Apple Family Apple Orchard- Queen Chrysalis “So now, which little fetish or kink should we begin with hmmm?” ‘Morphie’ said, running a hoof through my mane. He had changed back into a normal looking Shiny, losing the wings. “Just some normal vanilla to begin?” He leaned down, and pressed his lips gently to mine in a quick kiss. In our current position, he pretty much had total power over us, with his forehooves placed along either side of our head, his body over ours, and head lowered over our own. Our back flat against the cool grass, the grass dry, itchy, and brittle, head resting against the stump of one of the apple trees. It sure was a change from what we were used to, and I wasn’t sure if I liked it. He placed a hoof under our chin, and grinned. “So silent now are we? Did we scare you into submission so much that you lost your tongue?” “Of course not,” I growled. “We’re just still not sure if we want to do this.” “I’ll be as gentle as your little Shiny, if that is what you would prefer.” He closed his eyes and sighed. “At least at first. After all, we want to show you what we can really do don’t we?” He leaned forward and kissed us again. This time I leaned into it, kissing him back. We parted lips, and he smiled. “Ah that’s better. Now come on, shall we go farther?” ”Why is he being such a gentlecolt all of a sudden? Ugh, some stallions are just so confusing, even if he is technically us.” “Well we do want you to love us, is that such a bad thing to want?” No, he was right. It was important to love one’s self right? Even if that old saying hadn’t meant it quite this literally. But there was something I wanted to do first, before we went farther. I hadn’t met Shiny’s mare self yet, but I had a pretty good idea of what she probably looked like. I closed my eyes, and listened as the crackle of flames covered me. When they reached the end of my hooves I looked down. Yes, this would do. Morphie chuckled. “Nice, and very close to how she looks too. Only her bangs are longer, and her eyelashes as well.” I nodded and with little sparks of flame fixed them. “Now you look just like my Silvered. I’m guessing it was your idea to do our little selfcest as each others lovers?” “Yeah pretty much.” “Well, I’m always up for new things.” He leaned in close, and ran his tongue up my ear. “And this, is my kind of thing.” He pulled me back into another kiss, this one more forceful than the first, tongue exploring my lips as it tried to find entrance. I let my lips part and he rammed his tongue into my mouth, exploring it as he twisted it around inside. Pulling away, a long line of drool connected our lips, which he licked, breaking the strand. “Now for the real event, my lovely Queen, in more forms than one,” he chuckled and leaned down, shoving my legs to the side to reveal my damp nethers. “Aw, hardly turned on at all yet are we? I can fix that.” He licked his lips once more then dived his muzzle down, digging in deep to my vagina and sticking out his tongue, wiggling it around inside and tickling all my most sensitive places. With such care it didn’t take long for me to be dripping mare juices. I couldn’t help letting out a loud moan as his tongue found my g-spot, biting my lips as his tongue moved inside of me faster and faster. Just another minute and I would cum! “Morphie!” A slightly familiar voice yelled. I collapsed back against the tree as he removed his tongue, muzzle covered in my mare juices, which he licked away. Looking over where the voice had come from, I saw Morphie smile. “Ah my real Silvered Whistle! And the real Shiny Whistle. You found us.” “Not that hard, this is the place you usually take me,” she said, glaring at him. “What do you think you are doing? Why are the two of you disguised as us?” “And you better not have hurt her,” Shiny said, stomping a hoof on the ground. “Oh of course not Shiny,” he purred, licking another drop of my mare juice’s from his lips. “Haven’t even penetrated yet sadly, you two were much too fast for that,” he sighed. I watched as his eyes widened, nostril’s sniffing the air. Then an eerie grin formed on his face. “My my Shiny, does my mate, my Queen, turn you on that much?” I looked down between Shiny’s legs before he could cross them, to see him trying to hide an enormous erection. His entire face was flushed pink as he blushed. “No, nope I have eyes only for my Chryssy.” “Liar,” Morphie said. “But you know, that is okay.” “Wha, what?” Shiny gasped, looking even a little scared. “You want to rut my wife hard don’t you?” Silvered Whistle chuckled beside Shiny, and looked at me. “I guess both of our stallions are quite horny.” With a look back to Morphie, she nodded. “I think I know what you have in mind. An interesting fetish to try, my dear.” “And oh sooo worth it! You in Chryssy?” he winked at me, and I crawled to my hooves, wondering what in the hay he was talking about. A shiver ran through me, Morphie had brought me so close to my orgasm before we were interrupted, and my heart was still pounding. “In for what?” “For the fetish of a lifetime!” Meta yelled. “Four ponies, all the same, get the picture now?” “Well I certainly never thought of doing that before.” Chrys said. “But can Shiny handle it?” “I guess we'll find out.” Meta let out a chuckle, then Morphie transformed. His mane elongating, eyelashes growing, and rump filling out. Before long, three lithe, beautiful, and if the smell around me was any indication, very aroused mares stood in front of Shiny. All of us pretty much exactly alike, we were all disguised as Silvered Whistle after all. “Wait just a moment,” Shiny said, ears going down flat and holding up a hoof. “You… you want me to have sex with all of you?” “You’re the one who said it handsome,” Silvered Whistle said, winking at him. “To have sex. With my mare self.” Shiny continued, licking his lips. His member growing larger just at the thought, making it impossible for him to keep his legs together as it grew much too long and thick for the task. “That’s the idea,” Morphie said, and waggled her eyebrows. “All at once?” Shiny’s voice came out as just a squeak this time, and I couldn’t help chuckling. “Yes my love, think you can handle it?” I said and trotted forward, kissing him on the cheek. “I-I,” he stuttered, then taking a deep breath glared at ‘Morphie’. Something changed in his stature, and an odd glint came into his eyes. “Yes, I’ll do it.” Deep in the Apple Family Apple Orchard – Shiny Whistle I glared over at ‘Morphie’. He had touched MY Chryssy. Had even tried making love to her. Stuck that filthy tongue of his in her. This was my chance, my chance to get back at him. Sure I’d never done something like this before, but that didn’t matter. I’d give the real Silvered, and my beloved Chryssy, as good a time as possible. But for him, for Metamorphous, I was going to rut him so hard he’d bleed for a week! Make him see who really deserved Chryssy’s love! “Yes, I’ll do it,” I said and yelped as all three of them tackled me. “So who gets your lovely cock first?” Silvered purred, kissing my cheek and running a hoof down my side, where she snuggled against me. “I do of course,” Chryssy said, snuggled against my other side. “He’s MY stallion after all.” “Oh no, I do. I came up with the plan.” Morphie chuckled, running a hoof up and down my lower legs. Okay, maybe my plan would be a little harder than I had thought. I couldn’t let that stop me though. I wrapped one forehoof around Chryssie and one around Silvered, giving them each a kiss on the cheek in turn. Then jolted when I felt a tongue run up the length of my erect penis. When I looked down, I saw Morphie already going to work on me, her tongue running up and down my length, over and over. I tightened my hold on Chryssy and Silvered when I felt them each take one of my ears in their mouths, licking them and sucking on them. Ohhhh did it feel good! When they began bobbing their heads coming up and down over my ears I couldn’t help letting out a low moan. I let out a yelp as below me Morphie stopped her licking, and took my whole length into her mouth without a pause. With the addition of Morphie’s attentions, I could feel myself getting closer and closer to cumming. Morphie already hummed in what I could only assume was pleasure as she took in my precum as it spilled into her mouth from my flared tip. With one last up and down motion from each of them simultaneously, I came, my seed spilling hot and wet into Morphie’s eager mouth. I breathed heavily as they all let go of me, three resounding pops echoing as their mouths left my ears and dripping penis. “Hmm not bad,” Morphie purred, licking her lips. “Does he always come this quickly though?” She sighed, and looked over at Chryssy. Chryssy chuckled and shook her head. “No, but then he’s never had the attention of three beautiful mares at the same time before.” She turned back to me, running her tongue over my cheek in a sloppy wet lick. “But you know my handsome stallion, these things go all ways. You need to not just sit there taking it, but give to us as well. Here, let’s shift positions just a little to make that easier on you hmm?” With her magic, Chryssy brought me to my hooves. “There, now all of you is more exposed,” Chryssy said, grinning. She turned around and lifted her tail, revealing her gloriously dripping pussy to me. “You know what to do my Shiny stallion, we’ve done this plenty of times before.” I nodded and reached forward, grabbing her plush rump and buried my muzzle inside of her, licking up her juices with my tongue as I moved back and forth inside of her, listening to her moans of pleasure. My eyes widened as I felt another tongue lick against my still erect penis dangling below me, two hooves taking in my huge rippling balls and squeezing them between them. Another pair of hooves took my forehooves that were wrapped around Chryssy’s croup and placed them against a trembling, soaking wet vulva. All three mares moaning around me as I went to work on that mare, running a hoof up and down her dripping nethers, Then I plunged a hoof tip into her tight opening, making her gasp loudly as I ran it around and around her, finding her little g-spot and rubbing it. Of course through all this I hadn’t forgotten about Chryssy. I buried my muzzle even deeper into her, only coming up for a moment to take a breath then plunging right back in. “Oh Shiny!” She moaned and came, gushing more mare juices than ever before, covering my mane with the hot, wet mess. I let out a groan inside of her as the mare at my penis took the whole thing into her mouth, pulling down with firm consistent strokes, as if she were a foal and my cock was a giant teat, holding the most delicious milk she hungered for. My whole body shivered, even more so when the mare whom I had my forehooves in reared up and began running her forehooves along my back in smooth, slow strokes. “Hmmm your muscles,” she said letting out a little moan as my hoof found a more sensitive spot, “they are so tight, let me help you with that.” With that she moved her hooves in slow even circles, putting just enough pressure to make my back muscles roll. My back legs bucked out a little, making it harder to stand, but then I felt one of their magic’s envelop me, holding me up. “You’re not giving out on us yet,” the one at my penis said, pulling herself off of it with a wet plop, chuckling. “You are our stud colt, we your mares. And this is going to go on much, much longer than it already has. If you survive.” With another chuckle she grabbed onto my penis again with her mouth, her tongue going at it with firm, rough strokes. “If he survives?” I heard Chryssy growl in front of me, but she was panting as well. “Oh he’ll survive! My Shiny has quite the endurance don’t you love?” I nodded, muzzle still buried in her, tongue licking furiously. She moaned, pushing her rump against me as she bucked slightly. I felt a burning need in my cock, and knew I was close to coming again, and yet the mare going at my cock was even closer. I twitched my ears back and forth, hearing the sound of one of her forehooves going at herself while the other caressed my pulsing balls. With a loud moan she let go of my cock and came, the smell of her mare juices filling the air even with my muzzle buried in Chryssy’s tight pussy. “Quite a nice one,” the mare above me oooohed, sounding impressed in her fellow mare. “I think that shot out a full foot.” She turned her attentions back to my back, working at a knot of muscle under my right shoulder. I closed my eyes and with one last buck of my back legs I came again. The mare who had been going at my penis squealed in glee and latched onto it again, drinking in my hot seed. “Okay, switch!” Chryssy yelled a few minutes later and stepped forward, my muzzle and tongue leaving her with a wet plop. I shook my head, eyelids covered with her mare juices and sticking together, unable to open. The other two mares nodded, and I felt them pull away, the one going at my cock taking one last sip and then rolling to her feet, the clip-clop of her hooves crackling against the dead grass. “Hmmm look at him, he’s covered in us,” one of them said, giggling. The magic of one of them still held me upright, otherwise I would be collapsing to the ground I was sure. “Not entirely,” another said, “his back is still clean.” “Well then, shall we continue and make him entirely ours?” The other two giggled at the one’s words. “Oh yes, this is more fun that I have had in centuries! I think he still has some more in him.” I shivered as I felt them all come close again, each running a hoof over my back. “Just look at him, we are ever so handsome as a male,” one said, sighing. “You got that right.” “So. You mares are having a good time right?” I asked, feeling my ears lower. Ugh, this is so not how I had imagined this going. They were the ones entirely in control of it all. How was I to make Morphie pay when for one, I wasn’t even sure which one was him anymore, and two when I couldn’t even SEE to have a chance at guessing? “Of course we are my dear Shiny,” one said, rubbing a hoof against my shoulder and leaning forward, licking the mare juices from my eyelids. I fluttered my eyes open, to see the three of them beside me. I could easily tell which one had been going at my cock, for she was covered in my sticky white cum. The others were relatively clean, though their manes were mussed and hooves sticky from each other’s mare juices covering the grass. “Ready for another round?” The one covered in my cum said, a wide grin on her face. I gulped and nodded. What had I gotten myself into? Of course, as insane as it was, it had also been quite fun so far. We’d have to have more orgies during the winter, even if they weren’t all with different versions of me. This self orgy thing though? HOT! If we had to wait to do more after today, I knew I wouldn’t hesitate to be willing to do it again. Especially if the real Silvered was involved as well. “Okay, then let’s do this!” One of them said, a sly look in her eyes. Her horn was lit up with green magic, so I knew she was either Chryssy or Morphie, and lifted me off the ground, my hooves flailing against the air between them now. She raced below me, and raised her rump into the air, moving aside her tail. “This time you get to pleasure me with that meaty cock of yours, instead of us pleasuring it.” I looked down to see just the thought of such had brought me almost to a full erection again. But which one of them was she? This was the opportune moment to get my revenge, but what if it was Chryssy, not Morphie? I sure didn’t want to hurt her like that! “Er… which one are you?” I asked softly. “Nuh uh uh,” one of the others said, shaking a hoof at me. “It’s already kind of cheating, being two of us can’t make our magic the right color. Half the fun is not knowing which of us is which.” I groaned and facehoofed. Of course they would say that. “She’s right,” the other two said simultaneously, gleeful smiles on their faces. The first one lowered me down closer to her, until my back hooves almost reached the ground. But in her position in front of me, it was likely I might not touch ground at all this round. The one covered in my cum raced behind me and the other stepped forward delicately, looking me in the eyes. I descended a little lower, and I felt my erect cock brush just slightly against the winking pussy of the one below me. “Ooooh that feels good,” she moaned. “But we can do better than that.” She lowered me the last few inches, my hooves barely hovering off the ground, and flicked her tail at me. It brushed against my member, making me let out a low moan. “Now dive into me Shiny, make me all yours,” she purred, shifting her magic hold on me slightly to rub it against my flared, sensitive end. “But don’t leave us out of it,” the one in front of me trilled, drawing me into a kiss. “Or me,” the other one said and chuckled, diving her tongue into my tight anus. “Oooo you are so very VERY tight!” She yelled, taking it out for a moment, then dived back in. I bucked, being attacked on all ends making me moan against the lips of the one in front of me. I glanced down at the one below me. She was still going at it with that magic, rubbing along my entire length as it wiggled against her. Should I take the chance? Hoping she was Morphie? No, I would play along well until I knew for sure, if I ever found out for sure. With a deep breath I plunged into her, making her scream as her already soaking wet backside made her easy to slide into. My medial ring pulsed against her clit, and with my free forehooves I held on to her plush hips as I pulled out slightly, then slid back in, over and over. The mare behind me yelped in shock as I bounced around, her tongue slipping in and out of me with each bounce. She grabbed onto my croup with her forehooves and giggled as she bounced along with me. “Hey, this is fun,” she said and stuck her tongue back in, moving it to the beat of each of my thrusts into the other mare. “Mmm you said it!” The mare in front said, grinning as her lips parted from mine for a moment, a line of drool connecting us for just a moment before it broke from my movement. Then she wrapped her hooves around my neck, and kissed the base of my horn as she started to bounce along with us. How was I still moving with all these mares hanging onto me? I wondered as I continued to thrust into the one below me. That’s when I noticed a dark purple aura of magic around me as well, the two magic’s converging to form a wavering mass of green and purple. Ahh, so Silvered was helping as well. The mare in front of me kissed the base of my horn again, and I gazed up at her. Her horn was unlit, making my ears perk up in shock. So then, she wasn’t Silvered. But then did that mean? I saw her give a brief nod, and wink at me. Yes! It must be Chryssy! That meant the one I was currently hammering my penis into had to be Morphie. I grinned. Oh yes, payback time! I nodded to her, letting her know I understood, and then she lit up her horn as well. We would get this done together. I wrapped my forehooves around the stomach of Morphie, and with my next thrust rammed down harder than ever before, my medial ring tearing past her tight opening and hilting me into her in one fell move. She let out another high pitched scream as I continued, my cock thick and firm inside of her as I came, gushing out spew after spew of seed into her, Chryssy’s magic squeezing against my balls to help it come faster and harder. After another minute, I was utterly spent, having emptied my entire load into Morphie. Silvered behind me had backed up a few steps, releasing me from her magic, and Chryssy stood in front of me, grinning slyly up at me. I shivered as a cold wind slipped into the little copse of trees. Why had we decided to do this outside? In the winter? Morphie’s hold on me with her magic dissipated, and my hooves touched ground again. My penis slipped out of her, swooping back up into its sheath, leaving her leaking stallion cum and mare juices. “Who knew you liked it so rough,” she said, turning to look at me. “But ahhh, it does feel good to be filled with your seed. So nice, warm, and fuzzy. Maybe I should take you for my harem.” Wait. He had LIKED it? My mouth gaped open, hardly believing it. I mean, I think I even did accomplish what I had wanted to do, for I could see a small trickle of blood running down her cum and mare juices covered back leg. Groaning I just shook my head. Of course, how could I be so stupid? He was a changeling, would any type of sex scare him or phase him in a bad way? Kind of had to get used to most of them, to satisfy whatever meal they came across. That was it then. I might not get revenge on him in a sexual manner, but I still would find a way. And that meant, ugh, we’d probably have to bring him with us. “What in Celestia’s sun?” My ears perked up at the new voice, and I turned to look to see Shining, Dusk and the dozen changelings from before paused a few pony lengths away from us. Dusk and Shining looked quite bedraggled, with Dusk holding Shining up, one of his hooves around Dusk. Dusk and Shining stepped forward, looking from each of us and the mess of mare juices and stallion cum all over the dead grass. “Do I even want to know?” Dusk asked, closing his eyes and lowering his ears. “Only if you tell us what you two have been up to,” Chryssy said, and chuckled. > At Journey’s End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sugarcube Corner Basement: R63 Universe- Shiny Whistle It was almost eerily quiet as we gathered in the basement of Sugarcube Corner, and crowded. Shining, Dusk and I were pushed up next to the portal, while Chryssy stood near the stairs with Silvered and Morphie. I glared at him out of the corner of my eye, standing beside her as if he owned her or something. If only Meep would hurry up so we could go home. Morphie’s changelings had already made their way home, and the townsponies were working on repairs to the town. So we didn’t have to worry about anypony trying to chase away Chryssy. Wouldn’t mind if they chased away Morphie though. Chryssy had pressed the button almost ten minutes ago and nothing yet. I was at a loss for how to make Morphie pay for thinking he could have MY mare. The sex hadn’t worked. After he changed back into his own form the blood had disappeared, if it had ever really been there. Making him stay here would be something, as it was clear from how he looked at Chryssy that he didn’t want her to leave. “Good, you guys are still here!” I watched Morphie cringe at the perky voice that sounded from the top of the stairs. “Not him again,” Morphie groaned and pressed a hoof to his forehead. “Aw you know you missed me Morphie!” The pink stallion said, and clapped his front hooves together. “And I haven’t even had the chance to meet you all yet.” He said, looking to Chryssy, Shining, and I. “At least not in these genders. I’m Bubble Berry!” He beamed, his little curl of hair hanging over his face bouncing before him. He was so much like Pinkie Pie, so perky, even the same height, he jumped over our heads to a box of gumdrops. “Must you leave already? I haven’t thrown you a welcome to Ponyville party yet! Or a going away party for Dusky.” “Yes Bubble,” Chryssy said, “we’ve already signaled Meep so she should be opening the portal any time now.” “You can throw us a party next time Bubble, when we all return after winter wrap up,” Dusk said, smiling warmly at his friend. “But that’s so faaaaar away! You will write right? I want to know eeeeeeverything that happens!” “Well I don’t know Bubble, I’m not sure if a letter could get through the dimensions. We might be able to share letters with Sunset in the human world, but that is different,” Dusk said. “Well then you better tell all when you return!” “Of course.” At that, a hum filled the air. I could feel my mane and tail standing on end, Bubble giggling over on the gumdrop box as his did the same. The blue lightning crackled into life, turning in the circle rapidly, until with a flash, Meep and Colgate’s basement appeared again. Colgate waved to us from the other side, and I could barely see Apatelodes standing in the same corner of the room we had left him in. He watched us for a moment, then closed his eyes and smirked. “Come on, let’s go home,” Chryssy said, closing her eyes and sighing deeply. “Return again soon Shiny,” Silvered said softly, giving me a peck on the cheek. “So we can be crazy together some more.” I blushed and nodded. “We will,” I said and grinned at her. Sure was going to miss her. Colt was that a weird thought! I watched as Dusk and Shining stepped through the portal first. They stepped to the side once they were through and watched, waiting for Chryssy and me. “Goodbye Shiny,” Silvered called as I took a step toward the portal. I waved a hoof at her, and then stepped back into Meep’s basement, turning around to wait for Chryssy. “Don’t try to take over Equestria now, with Dusk Shine gone and all,” Chryssy said, poking Morphie in the chest with one hoof. I twitched my ears just slightly. Now she was teasing him? At least he wouldn’t be coming with us, which would be a small revenge, and not at all what I had hoped for, but something at least. “Oh don’t worry, we have bigger plans than taking Equestria,” Morphie said. “Right, well bye,” she said and took a deep breath, taking the first few steps into the portal. My eyes widened as Morphie turned to look at me, and winked. Oh no, what did he have planned? “Like this,” I heard Morphie hiss, and saw him race toward the portal. He plowed into Chryssy, both of them rolling down the steps in a heap. “Morphie!” Silvered yelled and galloped through the portal after them. The moment she stepped through there was a loud popping sound, and a resounding boom from the portal. Thick clouds of dark smoke poured from it, sending everypony and ling into coughing fits. Somepony opened a window, and I took a deep breath as fresh air rushed in. As the smoke dissipated, Meep stood up and raced to the controls. “No, nonononono,” she moaned, and slammed a hoof against the frame. “I told you it didn’t have the energy for too many more ponies.” She paced back and forth, breathing heavily. “I’m sorry Meep,” Chryssy said, glaring at Morphie and pushing him off her. “I didn’t plan on these two following us.” Oh good! She was finally showing some anger towards him! He took it entirely nonchalantly though, just waving smoke away from his muzzle. “Well now they are stuck here, at least until I can get this thing fixed.” “What? Nononono I can’t be stuck here,” Dusk Shine said, rubbing a hoof through his mane, cringing. “Do you know how many problems Ponyville has? Maybe not a major villain each time, but my friends and I have problems only we can fix happen almost every month, if not more often.” “Well they will just have to get along without you for now,” Meep said. “This could take all winter if not longer to fix.” “Well guess that means Chryssy is going to need another strong changeling to take your place in her harem,” Morphie said, putting a hoof around Chryssy. “Of course, my lovely Silvered Whistle will join us as well. Think your bed is big enough for all that?” “Get your filthy hoof off of her!” I growled. “Aw, is somepony jealous?” Morphie said, frowning. “Stop teasing him,” Chryssy said, pulling out from under his hoof and walking over to me. “You okay Shiny?” “No, I’m not okay,” I yelled, breathing heavily out of my nostrils. I closed my eyes, and felt a tear fall down my cheek. Ugh, now I would just look weak to Chryssy, and to that slime ball stallion version of herself. What had went wrong? We had been doing so well, growing so close, and then winter arrived, or more like attacked. I had been fine with a few stallions sharing her. Even if she had pretty much seduced Shining Armor into coming with us. The power of that changeling arousal was hard to resist though. And since he had agreed to come, there was not much I could do, no matter how wrong it had felt. At least it was only for the winter, not forever. But then HE appeared. Smug, full of himself, and constantly trying to steal away Chryssy. I guess I would know what Cadence felt like now, having her true love taken from her. Had she returned yet? Found Danaus waiting for her? Did she figure him out, or was he able to fool her? I looked back over at Chryssy. How did she expect me to feel? Fine with him all over her? He wasn’t even a ‘shiny thing’ like she had been looking for. And now he was stuck with us, WE were stuck with him and his arrogance and unhealthy sexual advances all winter. “Shiny, I… I don’t know what to say to make things better,” Chryssy said and put a hoof to his back. “There isn’t anything that can be said,” I snorted, wiping a tear from my eye. “Don’t worry Shiny, you’ll have plenty of time to get to know us better,” Morphie said, grinning. Okay, that was it, he and his smug little face was going down! I bared my teeth and let out a yell as I charged at him, only to find myself surrounded by a purple ray of magic. “You need to calm down,” Dusk Shine said firmly, stepping forward, horn aglow. I stared at him, mouth gaping open in shock. Even Dusk Shine was on his side now, and they were ENEMIES! Did nopony care how I felt? I took a deep breath and turned back to Dusk. “Let me go,” I said staring at him. “Are you going to attack Morphie again?” “No,” I said. At least not right now. I’d wait until we were alone. “Then I will,” he said, dropping the magic around me. My ears lowered as I noticed everypony staring at me. I guess I couldn’t blame them, not much usually got me this angry. I mean I had let the love of my life go around collecting other stallions and having sex with them, and a mare too! But Morphie was different. I couldn’t accept him liking her, or the possibility of her liking him. It just didn’t sit right with me. There was only one thing to do for now. If I wanted to avoid outright trying to kill him in front of everpony, I had to get away. I took a deep breath, and raced up the stairs. “Wait, Shiny!” I heard Chryssy yell but didn’t pause, bursting through the door and racing down the long hallway. I screeched to a halt in the living room, and paused in front of the fireplace. It crackled pleasantly, the strong scent of pine drifting in the air and calming my nerves a little. I trotted over to the couch, flopping down onto it. A ball of pressure sat in my throat, and I bit my lip, trying to hold it in. My eyes prickled, and I closed them tight, trying to avoid what I knew was coming. With a quiver going over my body, the tears started to fall. They were slow at first, but then came in great heaping bucketful’s. My body trembled with the sobs, my breathing coming heavily in short gasps. I grabbed a throw pillow in front of me on the couch, and hugged it to me, sobbing into it. The couch sagged a little near my back hooves, and I felt a hoof tenderly run up and down my back. I took a deep breath and sniffing, looked up to see Silvered sitting beside me. “What do you want?” I asked, rubbing away some tears. “Just to talk,” she said, and continued to run her hoof along my back. “You forget, I know a lot of what you are going through.” “What, your Morphie was coltnapped by another version of himself?” She smiled, chuckling for a moment, “okay, maybe not exactly the same thing. But when Morphie first started having interests in other mares, I didn’t know what to do. I felt like he didn’t love me anymore.” “So what did you do?” I asked, leaning against her. “I talked to him about it, and he assured me he did love me.” “How could he really love anypony, with the way he acts?” I mumbled and looked up surprised when Silvered stood. “I can’t believe it. I thought you, of all ponies, would understand. You call yourself a changeling lover, that you see them as good,” she snorted. “But all you are is a hypocrite.” “What? No I’m not! He’s a marefriend stealer! It’s one thing to take somepony who isn’t seeing another, but-“ “And what about your Chryssy hmm?” Silvered sneered, “all of the ponies she gathered for the yearly winter harem, except for Dusk Shine, have their own special someponies! How do you think Princess Cadence is feeling right now? Probably home and worrying about HER Shiny! Why do you think Morphie hasn’t captured any of his own yet for his winter harem? Because he is going for those who are alone.” “Really, is he now?” “Yes, you stubborn pony!” “Then why did he kidnap Chryssy?” “I-” she sighed and sat back down. “I think that was out of mere curiosity to start. I don’t know what it is now. Maybe he just likes to tease himself?” I snorted, “or something like that,” I mumbled. “I do feel guilty about us stealing Shining though. The others are more… open to multiple mates, but not him quite as much. Yet, even still I still want revenge on Morphie.” “Revenge? But he didn’t even really do anything. Well other than the kidnapping.” “He tried to force her to have sex with him!” “But we got there in time so they didn’t. Just a little foreplay,” she grinned. “Hmm how about this? I know a way you can get your revenge on him, and then you won’t have to cause any physical harm.” She scooted a little closer to me, and began to run her hoof up and down my back again. “What do you say hmm?” “Wha? But- but if they come up they are sure to kill us or something for doing that!” “No, I think we will be fine. They are changelings, they understand. Though yes, Morphie will get upset, but that is what you want isn’t it?” “Not if it causes him to try to kill me.” “Ugh you are hopeless!” she groaned, her ears down against her head. “You just can’t get over your feelings about him. I understand you are angry at him for trying to take Chryssy from you, but hating him? Can’t you try to like him? For me?” “I don’t think I can,” I said sighing, lowering my ears and looking back to the fire. “Well then,” she snorted, “stay up here and cry for all I care!” With that she raced back off down the hallway. I heard a door slam and knew she must have gone back to the others. Staring into the fire, I wondered what I should do. Meep and Colgate’s Basement -Queen Chrysalis I reached out a hoof as Shiny ran off, ears lowered and eyes prickling. What did we do? One moment he is his regular self, then the next he is trying to attack Morphie, then he runs away. “I’m sorry, I got to go make sure he is okay,” I said, heading toward the stairs. “Wait, I’ll go,” Silvered said, stepping forward and putting a hoof out to stop me. “He might need a bit of a break from you. That and well, I know what he is going through. I want to try and help.” I nodded. “Very well.” Silvered trotted up the stairs and I watched her go, ears moving up and down as I bit my lip. It was all our fault Shiny was so upset. If we had just been satisfied with any old stallion this never would have happened. But no, we had to have a theme, and capture ponies he knew, in one way or another, and change how he viewed them. “He is so high strung,” Morphie said, watching as the door closed behind Silvered. “I’m guessing this is your first big fight?” I nodded. “Well things will get easier.” He closed his eyes and grinned. “These ponies and their emotions, if we fed off of emotions in general, not just love and lust and the like, we’d never go hungry around them.” “I resent that, not all of us are that emotional,” Dusk snorted. “You’re one to talk,” Morphie snorted, “how often have you gone a little crazy when it came to your books? You sure didn’t take it well when I ruined that copy of a Daring Do book.” “It was a signed, first edition copy of Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone, the first book in the series, and you dropped it in the lake!” Dusk yelled, pointing a hoof at him, ears going down, then grinned sheepishly. “Okay, I see your point.” “Why don’t we stop arguing?” Shining said, “and perhaps get something done here?” “Good idea,” Dusk said and walked over to where Meep was going over the controls. “Would you like some help? Just tell me what needs done and perhaps I could help you fix it?” “Of course, come with me,” Meep said and the two of them were off, talking quietly among themselves as they got to work. “So you are the other world’s Chryssy,” Apatelodes said, walking over to us. He looked Morphie up and down, then nodded. “I like the look. You should get some earrings too my queen.” “No thanks, that’s Morphie’s thing,” I said, blushing. “And you must be this world’s Phalène,” Morphie said, grinning over at Apatelodes. “Hmmm we need to get you some better armor, or any armor for that matter.” “I have armor,” he snorted, “but we needed to travel fast for this trip so I left it at home.” “Anypony hungry? I have carrots in the fridge upstairs, and fresh daisies if anypony wants a daisy sandwich?” Colgate asked. I shook my head, as did Morphie and Apatelodes. “I’ll take a sandwich,” Shining said and Colgate nodded, trotting towards the stairs. But before she could take one step up them, the door slammed open and Silvered came running down the stairs. “That- that…. that stubborn mule!” she yelled and ran into Morphie’s waiting embrace. “Um you know calling him that is basically-” I put a hoof to Apatelodes mouth. “Not another word,” I hissed, and turned to watch as Morphie hugged her to him. Morphie nuzzled the top of her mane, wrapping his hooves tight around her. “There, there my dear. What did he do?” “He refuses to believe you can be good,” she sniffed, tears rolling down her cheeks. “I thought he understood,” she wept and buried her face into his chest as she cried. “Talk about being emotional,” Apatelodes muttered, and I turned to glare at him. “What?” He asked and I just rolled my eyes, shaking my head. Morphie ran a hoof down her mane and back, rubbing it gently as he kissed her cheek, holding her close to him, ears going partway down. ”Is this… the real him?” Chrys asked hesitatingly. “He seems so different, but from the taste coming from him, he isn’t fooling. He really and truly does love her.” “Of course we do!” Meta said. “She is our Queen, our wife, our true love, and your stupid pony has made her cry.” I cringed at that, and looked down to the floor. He had made an entire switch of personality it seemed. My eyes widened, when I realized the same could be said of me. When I had finally accepted that Shiny loved me, and that I loved him, so much had changed. Any plans of taking over had fled from my mind, replaced with wanting to be with him, comfort him, and make him happy. “Sometimes we can’t see the good in ourselves through the mirror, but only through the actions of another,” Chrys said. “We’ve got to set things right.” I nodded, it was our turn now. I trotted up the stairs, passing by Colgate and pushed open the door. It was much warmer up here than in the basement, but that isn’t what really mattered. As I stepped into the living room I saw Shiny curled up on the couch, a throw pillow grasped in his forehooves in a tight embrace as he stared into the crackling flames in the fireplace. His eyes were wet, but he seemed to have stopped crying. “Chryssy,” he said turning to me, a small smile forming on his face. Then he lowered his ears. “I am such a fool.” “No, you’re not a fool,” I said, coming to sit beside him on the couch and putting a hoof around him. “You are the pony I love.” “What about the others?” I sighed, “I thought you understood they were just for the winter? Sure I may like them, especially teasing Shining Armor, what with our past and all,” I grinned. “But you,” I poked a hoof into his side, “you are the one Chrys and I love. Not Shining, not Dusk, not Morphie, you. As long as I am living, it will always be you.” “What about Meep?” he asked, ears lifting slightly. “She’s fun, and great at sex, but she has her own special somepony. I’d never try to separate them permanently.” I leaned closer to him, and rested my head on top of his, kissing his horn. “Do you understand now Shinikins?” He nodded, leaning back against me. “Yes, I think so. Sorry about being such a stubborn mule.” “You heard that?” He nodded, grinning. “Silvered was yelling pretty loud.” “Well then,” I said and stood up, which made him lower his ears again. “I think it time you apologized.” “Apologized? For what? What did I do?” “You made Silvered cry, and are being unfair to Morphie.” “But he kidnapped you!” “Yes, he did. But he is still me, in a way. The things you hate about him, are qualities I possess too. I coltnapped Cadence’s husband, and made him go even farther than Morphie and I did.” I sighed. “If he is bad, evil, then so am I.” Shiny cringed, closing his eyes, then stared back into the fireplace. His ears twitched back and forth, as he looked lost in thought. Then with a deep sigh he tossed the throw pillow aside. “No, neither of you are evil. What did he do when she came down crying?” “Comforted her of course,” I said and rubbed a hoof through his mane. “I might not like him either, but I got to admit he is a lot like me.” “Well technically he is you, just in another body and gender,” Shiny said with a small grin. “True, and seeing that just makes me want to try to be better. Chrys and I should have prepared you better for our first winter. Of course, she could have prepared me better for it too.” I chuckled. “Sorry about that dearie, some things do still slip my mind.” “You are forgiven,” I said and Shiny nodded in agreement. “I forgive Chrys too. Though, would it be okay if I still hate Morphie?” “As long as you don’t try to kill him, and at least try to get along. After all, he’s going to be with us most if not all of winter. I don’t want any of those in my harem fighting with each other.” “Seriously I hope he doesn’t try to kill him. Who knows what would happen if another version of ourselves was killed. Would we die too? Not worth the risk.” Shiny nodded, “I won’t try anything like that again. Killing him might hurt you, and I could never do that.” He hopped off of the couch and stood next to me, nuzzling my neck. “I’ll apologize, to both of them.” “Good, then let’s go,” I said and led the way back downstairs. Meep and Colgate’s Basement -Shiny Whistle I paused at the end of the stairs as we reached the basement. Meep and Dusk were over in the corner working on the portal, Dusk wincing when part of its wiring sparked, and a small puff of smoke escaped into the air. He grinned sheepishly at Meep, and the two got back to work. “Um, I’ll go get you that sandwich now Shining,” Colgate said, heading toward the stairs. “I’ll come with you,” Shining said, following her up the stairs. I blushed slightly, ears going down and trying to avoid looking at Silvered and Morphie. “Go ahead,” Chryssy said, pushing me forward. Right, had to get this done. I looked up at Morphie and Silvered. Morphie had his hoof around her, glaring at me. Silvered looked away, trying to hide her puffy red eyes behind her hair. Oh colt, she had been crying worse than me! “I- I was a jerk,” I started, taking a small step forward. “You got that right,” Apatelodes snorted, and Chryssy glared at him. “What? I can’t agree with him for once?” “Anyway,” I said, continuing, “neither of you really deserved how I treated you. For that, I am… sorry.” “I forgive you Shiny,” Silvered spoke softly. “I don’t,” Morphie growled. “You hurt my Queen, and all you can say is ‘I’m sorry’? I could care less what you think of me, that won’t change anything, but you hurting Silvered, it is not acceptable.” “Well, I will do what I can to make it up to you this winter,” I said, heaving out a sigh. “You did say you’d want me in,” I gulped, “your harem. Since it seems you and Chryssy will be sharing one this year,” I closed my eyes, hardly believing what I was about to say. “Since you are sharing, you can have your way with me some of the winter? When Chryssy doesn’t need me.” Morphie raised his eyebrows, eyes going wide and ears twitching, making his earrings click together. Then he scrunched his face, seemingly deep in thought. Then he lifted a hoof, “you mean whatever kinky little thing I would want you to do, you would do?” I nodded. “I would try at least. I’m not as experienced as my Chryssy.” I could feel the others pause in what they were doing to watch, feeling my cheeks burning in a deep blush. What the hay was I thinking? I just hope he respected Chryssy, and his own Silvered, enough not to want to do anything too out there. “You sure you want to do that Shiny?” Silvered asked, a look of concern in her eyes. “There are other ways you could make it up to him.” I looked back at Chryssy, whose look was about as stunned as Morphie’s had been. Glancing between her and Morphie, I saw that unfocused look in both of their eyes that I had come to know as the look Chryssy got when talking to Chrys. Of course, would make sense Chrys would have a version of her in Morphie’s head as well. There was a quick nod between the two of them, and Morphie turned back to me. “It is settled then, I accept. Though we shall have to see how you continue to- perform, on if I forgive you or not.” “That is only to be expected,” I said and breathed a sigh of relief. “But just so you know, this won’t change my mind on hating you.” Morphie chuckled, “and like I said, how you feel about me doesn’t matter to me.” “Shall we all return to the castle then?” Chryssy asked. “Just give me a few more minutes,” Dusk said as he turned back to the portal. “Or maybe I could just stay here with Meep? Then we could get this thing fixed in one point twenty-four months sooner than if Meep worked on it alone.” Chryssy chuckled and wrapped Dusk in her magic, dragging him away from the portal. “You can have a day or two each week to come help, but we didn’t go through all the trouble of bringing you here for you just to do science things.” Chryssy winked at him, making him blush. “How we going to get us all there though? I mean most of us are unicorns, we have no wings, and the closest train stop to your castle is in Dodge Junction. Would take us days to walk there from Dodge. And I don’t fancy walking that far in the cold.” Dusk shivered at the thought. “I could help,” Meep said, standing up from her work on the portal. “With Morphie, Apatelodes, Chryssy and I, that would be enough for all of us to carry one unicorn. Though we’d have to leave Cole behind,” she sighed. “I’d be fine for a few days alone,” Colgate said as she and Shining stepped down the stairs. Shining had a plate wrapped in his magic, a thick daisy sandwich resting on it. “But when you returned, I would be ready for some good cuddling,” she grinned, and placed an arm around Meep. “Of course, by that time I would be needing more of your love.” “Then shall we head out?” Chryssy asked, and we all nodded. “Excellent, let’s grab your coats and fly.” Changeling Castle- Queen Chrysalis It took three days, with the four of us disguised as griffons and each carrying a pony on our backs, but we finally made it back to my castle. Things seemed as normal as ever, if much quieter. The majority of the hive had retired to the hibernation room downstairs, across from the incubation room. We had a few eggs waiting to hatch, Phengaris, my ‘hatchery mother’ watching over them closely. A single pony stayed with her, a strong light brown stallion earth pony with three blue horse shoes as his cutie mark. Heading into the hibernation room to check on things, a single changeling stood guard inside. He saluted me, and led me around to make sure everyling was settled in correctly. The room was filled floor to ceiling with slimy green cocoons, changelings nestled inside each in a deep slumber. I nodded to the guard changeling, and with a deep sigh headed toward my quarters where I had sent the others to wait for me. With a deep sigh I climbed the last few steps to my floor, and paused as I saw everypony and ling waiting for me. “He won’t let us in,” Apatelodes growled, pointing at Laothoe, one of my more ‘pretty’ changeling stallions. His frilly mane was longer than usual, and eyelashes almost as long as mine. “I told them they had to wait for you,” Laothoe said. “While you were gone, we renovated a bit to help fit your new harem. Though we didn’t expect you to bring so many other changelings back.” He eyed Morphie and Meep. “Oh I’m not staying for long,” Meep said, “so you should be fine.” “If you say so,” Laothoe said, and moved to the side. “You first, my queen.” “Thank you Laothoe,” I said and opened the door, stepping inside to a brand new room. A bed now took up pretty much the entire wall to my left, coming to a stop just a mere foot before the door. My old bookcase still stood against the far wall, the door to my bathing room next to it. My Dark wooden dresser was against the opposite wall of the bed, my mirror above it cleaned and sparkling. “I think that bed will be perfect,” Morphie said and chuckled. “This is going to be a fun winter. Shall we break it in?” “Indeed,” I said, “but Shiny and I will be first.” I looked over to Shiny, seeing him grin and nod. “After Shiny and I have some fun,” I said turning my gaze to Dusk who blushed deeply. “It will be Dusk’s turn to finally have a piece of me.” “Aw, what about me?” Morphie said, pursing his lips together and giving me a puppy dog face. “You can be next you goofy ling,” I said chuckling. “Then we shall all join in together. I hope the bed can handle that much weight.” “It should be able to my queen,” Laothoe said, “We piled a lot of changelings on it to test the weight, and it didn’t start groaning until we had twenty or so on it.” “And with changelings weighing on average two-thirds the weight of an average pony,” Dusk said, “and if our assumptions are correct the average Queen or King weighing three-fourths the weight of an alicorn, our combined weight should only take up about sixty percent of the bed’s capacity before it starts groaning.” I blinked owlishly at him, and he chuckled, blushing. “It really wasn’t a hard calculation, and well we want to make sure everything will be safe right?” I nodded, ruffling his mane. “Well now, let’s begin! The journey home may have been long, but I have more than enough energy for some sexy times.” Shiny hopped up onto the bed, that stubborn lock of hair falling into his face, the smell of his arousal already strong in the air. I crawled up beside him, and nuzzled his neck. “Thanks for letting me be the first,” he whispered, and kissed my cheek. “Well of course,” I whispered back, “you are my special somepony after all, it is only right that you are the one to break in the new bed with me.” With that, I kissed the base of his horn, then ran my tongue up and down it. Always such a nice taste, almost minty, with a mix of banana. I stretched out my full length on the bed, with more than enough room still above and below me. I would have to make sure Laothoe and the others got a good dose of love for their hard work. Shiny wrapped his hooves around me, his body spooning against mine. I could feel his erecting member against my lower back, it pulsed softly against me, sending a shiver through me. That hard flight back here had left us all without sex the last few nights, and if my dripping nethers was any indication, it had been far too long. I licked my lips, letting out a soft moan as Shiny’s hooves traveled down my side until they met my breasts, cupping each of them in a hoof as he squeezed them, moving to rubbing the tip of his hoof against my perked tits. I arched my back against him, moaning as he moved his hooves lower and hoofed around my vulva. He rubbed it gently, going in circles around it as he leaned forward and nibbled on my neck. Taking a few nibbles then long, leisurely strokes of his tongue up it, with more nibbles. His hot breath tickled my neck, while his stallionhood grew even harder against my back. My nethers were soaked now, as he pressed a hoof inside, pressing it as deep as it could go. My lips attached to it, not wanting him to let go as they flexed against his hoof. But I felt a need more urgent running through me, as my backside winked rapidly. I flicked my tail to the side, brushing up against Shiny’s hard thick penis and making him moan, revealing my winking pussy. “Take me Shiny!” I yelled, shifting my body upward so his penis was aligned. “I need you in me so much!” Shiny nodded, moving his hooves to grasp around my croup as he adjusted, his rock hard cock brushing against my clit. “You know I’d do anything for you,” he said huskily and plunged his cock into me, my walls taking in the first few inches with no problem. Oooooh how I needed this! Every day this winter, no more days would be missed. Either with Shiny, one of the others or all of them. My body craved it, needed it, and I wasn’t going to deny it of this heightened lust. Shiny slipped in a few more inches, his medial ring just short of entering my throbbing opening. I could feel its thick edges with every wink against my clitoris. Pulling out slowly until only his flared tip was left in me, Shiny plunged back in, thrusting against me with little grunts as his huge balls slapped wetly between his legs. With one last thrust he hilted in me and I let out a scream, feeling myself about to come. “I’m so close,” I moaned as he brought his mouth back to my neck. He bit it playfully, moving his bites down my shoulder as he pushed in harder. “I’m close as well,” he moaned and with one last thrust into me, the bounce of his balls against me sent me over the edge, mare juice’s splattering my side of the bed. Just a moment later, I felt Shiny come as well. He moaned a little as his hot seed squirted into me, spurt after spurt of it, all that wonderful seed that had been denied release these last few days, filling me up and making me feel so nice and full. Shiny panted as with one last squirt he slipped from me, then rolled back on the bed, eyes closed and a look of extreme satisfaction on his face. But ooooh I wasn’t done yet. My mind swirled as I licked my lips, drool falling from my fangs as I gazed lustfully over at Dusk who was standing next to the bed, going at his own cock. I lifted him up in my magic and pulled him onto the bed. Shiny moved to the side, eyes still closed as I continued to hold Dusk above me. “Now, here we go Dusky. Fill me with your seed! Satisfy me,” I yelled and dropped the magic. With a yelp Dusk landed on top of me, nostrils flaring as they took in the strong smell of my arousal. I grabbed his penis in my hooves, pulling him closer. Oooh was it a nice one too, could almost rival his brother’s in size. Around twelve and a half inches, it pulsed against my hooves. Its dark purple base striped with pale purple and pink veins, and the tip was almost a lavender. I leaned forward and gave the tip a good hard lick, making Dusk moan and practically collapse into my hooves. Chuckling, I held him up with my magic and continued to go at his penis, holding it up so I could lick under the base of it vigorously. His cantaloupe sized balls brushing against my muzzle as I did so, I breathed in his scent and felt as a drop of pre fell over one nostril. I licked up the long length of him, to catch the next drop of pre to drip out on the tip of my tongue, swallowing it and licking my lips. “Oooooh,” he moaned biting his lip, “I am so close.” “Then don’t let it go to waste!” I growled and taking his cock back in my magic, led it to my winking opening. He nodded, breathing heavily as he helped shove it in, easily slipping in up to his medial ring with how wet I was. I bucked up against him, driving him in further as we both let out moans. With a very girly scream he came, slipping in the rest of the way as he did so and spewing his hot seed into my already partially full stomach and womb. More and more came out of him, filling me so full, but more kept coming. My stomach looked distended, with the excess seed of two stallions filling me, making me feel overly pregnant. When Dusk fell to the side of the bed, a satisfied smile on his face as well, Morphie jumped onto the bed and stood over me. “My dear Chryssy, you have no idea how long I have been waiting for this,” he growled playfully and ran a hoof from my mane down to the small of my back. “And this time, we can actually go all the way.” I shook my head, lost in the lust brought on by the strong musky smell of so many aroused stallions in the room, the lighter scent but still as enticing scent of aroused mares lingered underneath it. My eyes wandered down to his member, not hard to do as it waggled at me, hanging above my quivering breasts. I took in a deep breath at the sight of it, here I thought Shining had had a large cock, but Morphie’s was much longer. Even in my current state, I could see it was clearly around eighteen inches long. Regularly the thought of something so large entering me would frighten me, but not now. My eyes widened and I licked my lips, watching that thick black cock with a neon green tip grow even larger, his balls jiggling as they grew to be the biggest ones I had seen so far. Bigger than cantaloupes, but still smaller than a watermelon, either way they were HUGE and dragging against my quivering stomach. “Like what you see?” he asked, cupping his own balls in his forehooves. “It’s all for you tonight,” he licked his lips and dropping his balls placed a hoof behind my head. He grinned at my slyly then brought my muzzle up to his, kissing me hard. I kissed him back, running my tongue over his lips until he opened his mouth, and we both plunged our tongues into each others mouths, He pulled away, drool dribbling between us. “Ah, now wasn’t that nice? But there is so much more we can do.” He leaned in next to my ear, and took it in his mouth, running his tongue around it as he sucked on it. I bit my lip, trying to not let out a moan as his licks turned to nibbles. Oooh was he ever good! But then he’d probably had as much practice as me if not more so, so it made sense. I took his penis in one of my forehooves, and used the other to rub up and down its length. How was this thing going to fit into me? I heard Morphie moan above me, and a few drops of pre drip out of the end of his penis. I licked them up, his penis jerking under my attentions and more drops spilling out, falling onto my chest and dribbling down. My eyes opened in surprise, for they tasted a lot like me, with the strong taste of cantaloupe and dark chocolate, only instead of a hint of rose, a more citrus flavor, maybe orange? Whatever it was, it tasted good! I grabbed on to his thick chitinous flanks and took the first two inches of his penis into my mouth, rolling it around and drinking up his pre as it came more quickly. He yelped, but then grinned down at me. “Mmm liking the taste of me are we?” He said, and rubbed a hoof through my mane. “Well then, take in more of me!” He pushed down, forcing more of his enlarged penis between my lips. I swallowed, feeling his flared tip hitting up against the back of my throat, and he wasn’t even halfway in! His hot pre cum flowed straight down my throat, making him moan in delight. I nibbled on the part of him in my mouth, moving my hooves up to squeeze his giant balls. “Ooooh Chryssy, I am so close!” He moaned. “But I shouldn’t waste all this good seed by placing it in your stomach now hmmm?” He grinned slyly and pulled his member out of my mouth with a wet plop, leaving me gasping for air. “Time to fill up that remaining space in you!” He said and reached down to my dripping lips, pulling them aside with his magic and plunging his cock inside of me. I let out a scream, he was just so big, panting heavily as my walls pressed against his penis, slowly pulling it in farther. “I-I don’t think I can take the whole thing!” I yelped as he thrust into me another inch. “If my Silvered can take it all, I have no doubt you can,” he said. “You must, for the good of the hive?” I chuckled, then winced as he gained another inch. “You’re crazy! But then so am I, so that works at least.” He nodded, and pulled me into a kiss as he pulled out, then rammed back into me, thrusting his hips in a bucking motion. I moaned against his lips, closing my eyes as I felt his medial ring slip in. We were getting closer! Morphie pulled out one last time, all but the flared tip, then with one large thrust he hilted. I looked down at my stomach, to see a bulge where his giant cock sat inside of me. Somehow he had done it. But it wasn’t over yet, he let out a loud moan against my mouth and with one last thrust he came. Hot sticky seed poured into what room was left in me, then leaking out from between us as I filled to the brim. Just seeing and smelling all that delicious cum sent me into my own orgasm, and I came strongly, shooting out all over his backhooves. “Nice, very nice,” he said, pulling out and rubbing his spent cock. Our combined juices covering it and now his hooves, what couldn’t stay in my body leaking out onto the bedsheets. He licked one sticky hoof. “Mmm we sure do taste similar.” “Well I wonder why,” I teased, “it couldn’t be because we are each other.” He chuckled, bringing me close for another kiss. “And now we know how wonderful it is, sex with one’s self,” he sighed. “This, for sure, will be a winter to remember.” “For more than one of us I imagine,” I said, looking around at the eager looking crowd around us. I gestured to them and they scrambled onto the bed, ready to begin the start of one sexy winter. > Bonus Chapter: Cadence Finds a New Kink > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crystal Empire-Crystal Castle-Princess Cadence “Shiny, I’m home!” I yelled, trotting in through the castle doors. Hovering in my magic beside me were multiple bags of loot I had bought at Humancon. A small convention had been happening this week over in Canterlot, and Twilight had invited me to go with her. I sighed, Twilight sure did love her research, but nowhere near as much as that Lyra Heartstrings friend of hers. Now there was a pony OBSESSED with these humans. She even won the cosplay contest this year, dressing as one of the characters from the show, My Little Human. I’d never seen a better Lauren Faust costume before! The castle was still, nopony around from what I could see. “Where is everypony?” I said softly as I took the stairs, heading toward our room. “Did I miss something?” Then again, it was pretty early still. Auntie Celestia had only raised the sun around an hour ago. But I didn’t like leaving my Shiny alone for too long, plus my heat cycle would arrive soon. I was already feeling super horny, and wanted to try out a new toy Twilight had helped me pick out. I grinned mischievously, Shiny and I were going to have so much fun with this one. “My handsome priiince, your princess of love has returned!” I sang out as I opened the doors to our bedroom. “And she has brought a fun new toy to experiment with! Though I will have to use that- gender swap spell…” I dropped my bags as I looked around the room, my M. A. Larson bobble head doll rolling ahead a few feet to come to a stop right before a sticky, white puddle on the floor. My eyes opened wide, mouth gaping, blinking rapidly as I took it all in. The whole room reeked of stallion cum and the sickly sweet scent of roses. Cold, sticky white puddles of the stuff were everywhere, sinking into the plush carpet underhoof, drizzling down the bed, and even all over the pillow on my vanity chair! The bed had received the worse of it, with a large puddle of the stuff pooling at the bottom of it, and the rest splashed with it. If it had been red, I could have sworn I was walking into a murder scene with how it was splattered over all. There was no way our bedding could be saved this time, not even with magic. Curled up on my pillow, a large red bow tied around its neck with a notecard attached, was a changeling. Its breath came slow and even as it slept, even letting out a little snort and wiggling its snout. It let out a yawn and blinked, opening its eyes, then yelped upon seeing me. “Please don’t hurt me!” It pled, bottom lip trembling as he- which I could now clearly see as he scrambled to practically plaster himself to the headboard, trembling, his cock out and hard in a morning wood. I strode over to him, and grasped him up in my magic, holding him up to my face. “What did you do with my husband bug?” I growled, ears going flat against my head. “I-I didn’t do anything to him,” he gulped and rubbed his forehooves together, biting his lip. It was then he seemed to notice the bow and note around his neck. “M-maybe it will say on here?” He pointed to the note. “Hmph,” I snorted, but tore the note from the bow and brought it closer to read. It was fairly nice horn writing, with little hearts above each lowercase ‘i’ in place of the dot. “Dear Princess Cadence, So sad we missed meeting with you on our little visit to the Crystal Empire. Would have been quite the treat. Anyway don’t worry about Shining Armor, he is in good hooves. You see, unlike you pony mares that get a break from your estrus cycle during the winter, that doesn’t entirely happen for us changelings. (I’m afraid it is partly thanks to the cold dearie. After all, like you ponies would say we are part bug hmmm?) Being such, the only way to keep us well, especially for a changeling Queen like myself, we need extra love during the winter. So, as you can see we coltnapped your little ‘Shiny’. But don’t worry, when winter wrap up arrives he will be returned to you in good health. As a token of my appreciation in letting me ‘borrow’ him so to say, I have left Danaus for you in his place. Perhaps the two of you could experiment on some things you never have been able to do with your little prince. After all, a ‘princess of love’ should know about any and all little kinks or fetishes her ponies might want to try, am I right? Well we are all cleaned up and ready to go, so I shall end this little note to you. Sorry about the mess, we would have cleaned it up but you know, it was cold. Anyway, have a good winter and keep Danaus warm and happy. ;) ~Queen Chrysalis “ “SHE COLTNAPPED HIM?” I yelled, and Danaus cringed as my magic squeezed against him. “Er yes? But it will be okay! Really. I can be anything you want, do anything you want. Just don’t hurt me.” He tucked his chin against his neck, eyes wide as he looked at me. I tossed him back on the bed and sighed, using the technique I had taught Twilight to calm down, one hoof to my chest as I took a deep breath, then releasing the breath as I moved my hoof in front of me. It took a few good deep breaths before I was able to calm down, ears perking back up. “Well there is no way I am going anywhere for a few days at least anyway. My last heat of the year is about to start and-“ “I can help you with that,” Danaus said, standing up on the bed, shaking cold cum that had splattered against him when I tossed him on the bed, from his chitin. “I have lots of experience in helping mares get through their heat.” I nodded, bringing a hoof to my chin as I thought. “Yes, you’ll have to do.” Then I grinned slyly. “Plus like Chrysalis said, you can help me with a few things my Shiny couldn’t.” “I do a great female Shining Armor?” Danaus said, and closed his eyes, those green flames covering him. When they dissipated, before me stood a tall, squishy, and massively hot looking mare with Shining’s colors and cutie mark. Her two-toned blue mane was a little longer than Shining’s, as was her tail which now reached her hooves, the last inch or so dragging on the bed. “Well, what do you think?” she asked, throwing me a seductive grin. I chuckled, and ruffled a hoof through her mane. “Well you certainly put a nice spin on it, but I have a spell that makes my Shining my Gleaming Shield already.” Her ears went down, “oh,” she said softly, and changed back. “But don’t you fret, we can do that too sometime. You are very attractive,” I purred. “But no, I have some other ideas in mind. Let’s clean up a bit first though shall we? I might like it messy, but it gets to a point where things are ‘too’ messy.” Danaus nodded and hopped off the bed, yelping as a forehoof landed in one of the cold pools of cum and he slipped, sliding all the way over to almost the door. He came to a stop nose to muzzle in front of my M. A. Larson bobble head. “Oh wow, how did you get one of these?” He yelled, holding it up in his magic as he got to his feet. “This one is so rare, they only made fifty of these! They are nearly impossible to get ahold of.” “I take it you are a My Little Human fan?” I said, grinning as I trotted over to him. “You kidding? How could I not be? It is epic.” “Well then,” I giggled, “I think we will get along just fine this winter then.” I wrapped my magic around my bags and placed them in the closet for now, bringing out some fresh sheets and blankets. “You mean you’re not going to go all ballistic and fight to regain your husband?” He asked, placing the bobble head carefully on the tabletop of my vanity. “That depends on how well you perform,” I said and winked at him, making him blush green. “Now, help me get the dirty sheets and blankets off the bed.” * * * I sighed, leaning back against the now clean bed. Danaus and I had taken the soiled bedclothes downstairs to be washed, but I was doubtful how well that would go. The quilt had been a gift from Shining’s mother too, which made it a little disappointing. The new, crisp sheets were as white as Shining, and the light blanket we had added for now was a two toned blue like his hair. I had managed to get most of the cold, drying cum out of the carpet with my magic, but it would need a deep cleaning later to get the rest. Why had I insisted on carpet in our room? Sure it kept our hooves warmer on cold nights when we got up for a trip to the bathroom, but we had to get it deep cleaned at least twice a month, it seemed, if not more so. “So er… what would you like me to do, or be?” Danaus asked, sitting at the end of the bed, back in his changeling form. “Just being yourself for the moment actually.” He jumped a little, big, blue buggy eyes wide in shock. “You want me as a changeling?” “Mmhmmm,” I said nodding. “There is this one newer kink so to say I have been wanting to try. I think they are calling it rigorphelia? Not something Shining could help me with, he’s much too soft,” I said and giggled. “Rigorphelia?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. I nodded, a sly grin forming on my face. “Something that you changelings can do well I hear. Basically, a pony’s hoof and other parts are soft and fuzzy. A changeling, on the other hand, has hard chitin covering most of you, which while it is slick and shiny, has a bit of a rough edge to it which is supposed to feel amazing!” I sighed, closing my eyes. “Really? Hmm only other pony I know of that has actually preferred sex with us as ourselves is Shiny.” “Wait, MY Shiny finally found a kink he likes?” I sat up straight in bed, and let out a laugh. “And here I thought he would always be one hundred percent for vanilla. Though there are a few things he knows I love and will do for me.” “Actually not sure on that one,” Danaus said, running a hoof against his burning green cheeks. “But he will have plenty of time to find out. No I was talking about my Queen’s Shiny.” “Ah, yes I forget that she has one too.” I murmur, then grin over at him. “Now come on over here and show me what you got!” I spread my legs wide, revealing to him my already damp nethers. His ears perked up at the sight, long thin tongue licking his lips and exposed fangs. “Mmm princess you are beautiful,” he said, crawling over to me without taking his eyes off me. “Please, just call me Cadence,” I said, flicking the tip of my tail back and forth. I jolted slightly as his cold hoof touched the scorching heat of me. I might not quite be in true heat yet, but was close enough that just a simple touch got me soaking his hoof in mare juices. “Good, now pleasure me my young stallion, I’m sure you know what to do?” Danaus nodded and moved his hoof down lower, its rough edge scraping a little as he did so along my sensitive folds. “Ooooh yes that does feel good. Keep it up!” He smirked, but complied, pressing his hoof a little further into me and rubbing harder, faster. I let out a loud moan, the little scritch scratch of his hoof as it moved up and down sending little shivers of pleasure down my spine. “Mmm yes this is just as amazing as I heard.” My nethers were soaked now, mare juices leaking all over. I looked down at Danaus, who while with the one hoof was pleasuring me, with the other was jerking off his own member. It was thick and hard, a drop or two of pre dripping out every few seconds. His own juices covered it, and it glistened in the light of the room. Licking my lips, I wondered if it was as rough as his hoof, or closer to that of a pony. “Time for us to get serious,” I said and moving aside his hoof, breathing deeply, shifted my position so my rump was in the air toward him. “I want to feel your penis inside of me,” I said and wiggled my dripping rump in his face, pulling my tail to the side to give him the full view. “Of course,” he said, rubbing his erection with both hooves now, making it harder and fatter. His globe sized balls jiggling with each rapid movement up and down. Pre dripped down freely now from his flared tip, creating a little puddle beneath him. I grinned seductively, watching him. “Whenever you are ready,” I purred, flicking my tail in his face. He paused, and looked up, giving me a fangy grin. With surprising speed he leaped forward, rubbing his stallionhood against my clitoris. Ooooooh yes, it was just as rough as his hooves, at least the tip was. On any normal pony it might have been a major turnoff, but with all my experience I had put Shining through? Something new and different as this was almost mind melting! He didn’t wait long to insert the tip inside my winking hole, and I moaned as he explored my outer edges with it. Wrapping his hooves around me he slid in a little deeper, and ooooh yes, it was entirely covered in that wonderful rough chitin! I giggled, excited about this wonderful new kink. We would so have to do it again and again while Danaus was here. Shining’s favorite may have been vanilla, but I was starting to think this would be my new favorite. He slipped in a few more inches, his medial ring perched at the edge of my winking hole. “Mmm this is wonderful Danaus!” I yelled out. “But take me harder now, make me cum, make us both cum!” “As you wish,” he said and sliding out until just his flared tip was left in me, he came bouncing back down, rutting me hard as he moved up and down and up and down. The rough edges of his penis scratching an itch inside I didn’t even realize I had as it bobbed in and out of me. Finally, he hilted, both his medial ring and last few inches plowing into me as his balls slapped wetly between the two of us. My inner walls squeezed tight against his penis, milking him as I rose closer to my climax. Cheeks flushed and sweat dripping down my forehead I moaned as he twisted inside of me. Little bits of his penis caught on my walls with the movement, making me gasp out. “I… I am so close!” He moaned, and leaned forward, nibbling on the edge of my left wing. My blood raced, and I could feel the juices running out of me as I came close to my own as well. With one last twist inside of me we both let out a scream as we came nearly at the same time. My mare juices gushed out, squirting all over the pillows, and he deposited in me spurt after spurt of thick, hot, stallion seed. Danaus collapsed to the wet blanket, breathing heavily. Curling up next to him I brushed a hoof through his frilled mane. “How you doing Danaus?” “Wha?” he said and popped his head up, big blue pupiless eyes looking up at me. “Er yes, yes I am good.” He took a deep breath and shifted into a more comfortable position, leaning against me. “Was it all you were looking for?” “It was.” I smirked and poked him in the side, making him yelp and jump up and hover a few inches above the air, wings buzzing as he hovered. “Seems I’ll have to get a few of you to live here permanently, as I think this rigorphelia shall become a favorite of mine.” Danaus came back down to land and sat down. “Does this mean you will let my queen have your Shining for a season?” “Well I’ll want to talk to him about it, but if he isn’t there because she has him under some mind control spell again, I just might be willing. As long as she lets me visit often and have some good sexy times with my stallion.” “She’ll be happy to hear that,” he sighed. “So, as you were coming in you said something about a new toy? A sex toy I imagine?” “Of course, I almost forgot!” I yelled and jumped from the bed and rushed into the closet where my bags still lay in a pile. “Twilight helped me pick it out.” I trotted out of the closet with a little dark green box wrapped in my magic. “Though, if we want to use it you will need to be a mare.” “Not a problem,” he said and transformed. Sitting in the middle of the bed now was the same massively hot Gleaming Shield he had turned into before. “Will this do?” “Oh yes, that will do nicely,” I said and licked my lips. “So what is this toy?” he asked, sitting forward eagerly, staring at the box. “Er well… you might find this a little weird now,” I said and opening the box, pulled a double dildo out that had each end shaped and formed like a changeling’s penis. Danaus chuckled. “So you were hoping Shining could help you experience how we are hmm?” “He might have been a little iffy about it at first, but I’m sure he would have agreed to help,” I said closing my eyes and grinning. “That is one special stallion you have then, if he would do so much for you.” “Mmmhmm, and that is why your queen better give him back when winter is over!” I poked him in the chest with a hoof. “I’ll make sure she does for you then. But until then,” he said and gripped the double dildo in his magic as well, “I’ve never made love to another changeling stallion, so let me experience this rigorphelia you are so entranced with.” “It would be my pleasure,” I crooned, rubbing a hoof through his long, luscious mane. Colt, I was sure going to have to improve on that gender swapping spell for my Shinikins. Sure he was hot as a mare with my current one, but making him look more like Danaus’s version? Ooooh I would just be melting in ‘her’ hooves. I moved the double dildo down between the two of us, holding it close with my magic as I wrapped my hooves around ‘Gleaming Shield’ and kissed her hard. She moaned against my lips, parting her own and allowing me to dart my tongue inside, exploring around as we both breathed deeply through our nostrils. She moved her own hooves down my body, coming to rest above my cutie mark, and stroked hard, rubbing in firm strokes, circling around it as she did so. “Mmm that feels good,” I groaned, leaning in closer to her. Sweat dripped down my forehead, gathering on the tip of my muzzle as it dripped down and landed on Gleaming. Moving my forehooves down, I brought one to each of our dripping nether regions, to find both of us were quite soaked already. “And it seems like it is time for the rest of the fun to begin,” I chuckled and scooting my rump closer to her own, inserted the tips of the double dildo into each of us. “Oh my!” she gasped , eyes popping open in shock. “So much different from a pony penis,” she gulped and moved her hooves back up my back, grabbing my wings in them. “But keep going!” I nodded, using my magic to draw us a little closer, and the double dildo a little farther into each of us. We let out a moan together, the rough feel of the changeling dildo making my walls clench against it and drag it in further. Oh colt was this exciting! I giggled and wiggled my rump even closer, pushing the dildo in farther in both of us. The medial ring on each side was just short of entering our passages. I pulled Gleaming’s head down to me, and kissed her deeply again, then moved my kisses down her neck and shoulders. “Oh Cadence,” she moaned and I could feel the heat rising from her body against me, sweat pouring down her back. She moved even closer, pushing the changeling dildo’s further into us, the medial rings popping inside, with the rest slipping in until we were hips to hips. Gleaming let out a cry as I wiggled a little, making the rough edges of the changeling dildo scrape against both of our insides. The pressure inside me was building, my breaths coming in raggedly, and with one last gasp I came, gushing mare juices all over the bed, Gleaming’s chest and her hooves. Gleaming came a minute later, only a small trickle escaping beyond the dildo inside of her, and we both collapsed back onto the soaking wet pillows, the dildo still buried inside of each of us. “Oh what have I been missing being a stallion?” Gleaming moaned softly. “That, was incredible!” I nodded, “though your stallionhood was more impressive than the toy.” I chuckled as she blushed. “Yes, I think this winter will go just fine. Visit your Queen a few times, talk to Shining, and have lots of sexy times with you.” Oh yes, this Danaus was quite experienced, and though I would miss Shining, he would do just right to satisfy my urges until Shining returned. “Ready to go again?” I asked and she nodded, the feeling of the dildo still in us sending a shiver down both of our backs. > Bonus Chapter: Two Worlds, Two Brothers, Twelve Changeling Mares, One Great Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Family Apple Farm Orchard: R63 Universe- Shining Armor Dusk Shine and I followed behind Phalène and the other changelings, though something told me Silvered had sent us away on a wild goose chase. I turned to the left, pricking my ears up as sounds of the fighting drew nearer. “This way,” Phalène said, turning to the right, leading us away from the chaos. The part of the apple orchard we were now in looked abandoned, as not only had the trees lost their leaves from the winter colds, but roots were upturned, sticking out of the ground haphazardly. Another tree we passed, once a tall, majestic apple tree, taller than any of the others around here, had been struck by lightning, hollowed out probably by some animal at one point for a den. Dusk let out a yelp and crashed into me, sending us both tumbling down toward the lighting struck tree. “Sorry,” he said, blushing. “Tripped over a root.” “Stop lollygagging back there or we’ll leave you behind,” Phalène growled, turning to look back at us. “It’s okay,” I said to Dusk and nodded at Phalène, “we’re coming.” Disentangling our legs, I stood up only to come crashing back down at a sharp pain in my back left hoof. “Shining!” Dusk yelled hurrying around to check out my hoof. I leaned my head back to look, to see it was already turning blue and purple. Dusk tapped a hoof to it gently, and I had to bite my lips to hold back a scream. “Not broken, I think, but a serious sprain. I can fix it, but will take a few minutes.” “Ugh, you clumsy oafs,” Phalène grumbled. “This part of the orchard is safe, far enough away from Everfree that the Timberwolves should leave you alone. But even still, we are heading on to the Morphie’s other makeout spot. You two… get in there and we’ll come back for you when we return,” she said, pointing at the hollowed out tree. “I’m so sorry,” Dusk said, helping me up with his magic. He looked back over to the changelings as they took to the air and flew off. Ears lowered as he wrapped his magic around me and led me slowly into the hollow tree. “It’s okay Dusk,” I said wincing as he let me go, landing softly in some dead leaves. “No, no it’s not okay. I’m not supposed to hurt my BSBFF, or well, I guess in this case BBBFF,” he said and blushed. “Hey,” I said and laid a forehoof across his back, making him shiver slightly as he turned to face me. “We all get a little clumsy at times, and today has been stressful for you already.” Dusk gulped and nodded, closing his eyes and looking down at the ground. “You’re right, every time that Morphie attacks, he gets better and better. Maybe not as close as at your wedding, but I fear with every attack he will find his way around us, and destroy everything we know and love.” I leaned closer to him, and hugged him tight, wincing a little at the pain from my back hoof but going on. I had to comfort my brother after all right? Dusk smiled up at me, and put a hoof to my chin. “Thanks for your comfort Shining. I kind of wish you could stay here with us longer. Gleaming is wonderful, don’t get me wrong, but I want to get to know my brother as well.” “Well you are coming back with us right? If so you’ll have all winter to get to know me better. Hay, we might even be able to arrange for you to meet my sister.” I gave him a wink. “You’d like to meet your mare self, right?” “Mmm, yes it would be quite the scientific experience to meet her. Maybe even put our minds together to create something amazing! I have been working on this one idea, something similar to your Meep friend. She’s just gotten a lot farther than me. Perhaps with Twilight’s help, and Meeps, we’d be able to make a portal that could literally take us to hundreds if not more destinations!” I widened my eyes in surprise, but then just chuckled. Yes, that was like my Twi, always focused on the sciences. “I don’t know, if you do that then next year Chrysalis might want to travel even farther afield to find her special winter harem,” I said, “and it will get so big, we’d have to have a bed the size of a bedroom to fit them all!” “Or even bigger,” Dusk chuckled, “she and her Shiny both seem to have a large sex drive. Maybe he’ll even make his own harem next year. Even if he’s not a changeling.” I chuckled and leaned closer to Dusk. “Perhaps, maybe he’d even join Spike and I for some Dungeons and Oubliettes.” “Oh! I want to play! Think Chrysalis will let Spike come down to the castle to play?” I lifted my head in shock, letting out a yelp when my sprained hoof brushed against the side of the tree. “Ahh, yeah maybe she would let us,” I said biting my lip. Colt did that hurt! “Oh! I totally forgot, I’m sorry!” He said and sprang back up, looking to my hoof. “Okay this might hurt a bit,” he said as his magic ran over it. The pain jolted though me for a moment, but then went away before I could do more than gasp. I turned to look at him, tongue out the side of his mouth as he concentrated, horn aglow and muzzle scrunched up. It sure looked cute. I shook my head, turning away. What was I thinking? He was my brother! Or well, sort of. I was a mare here, or at least the other me was, wherever she might be. So technically he was ‘her’ brother? But did that change anything? “Okay done!” Dusk Shine beamed and jumped over me, snuggling up next to my side. “Might not be able to walk on it too well for an hour or so, but as long as neither of us trip on anymore roots you should be good!” I gave him an uneasy smile, he sure wasn’t making these weird feelings coursing through me any easier! And- and I was married! What would Cadence think? I closed my eyes and sighed, actually, she might not mind. She kept trying and trying to find some fetish or kink I could like, so that she could pleasure me as well as I did her with her favorite ones. But nothing had struck me yet as well… something I would want to do regularly. I loved my Cady, and was willing to go through with what she wanted to do in our sexual play, but now. Had I found something I might like? What would Dusk even think of the idea? “So, what should we do now?” Dusk asked, flicking his tail back and forth, a grin beaming on his face. “Er well I,” no I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t ask him to do that! A light smell of musk entered the air, and I could feel my penis beginning to poke out. No, stop that! I thought to it, and scrunched up my shoulders as I stared at Dusk. “Hmm,” Dusk said, sniffing the air, then looking over at me. “You have something you want to share with me Shining?” “What? Share? Oh nonono nope, heh nothing to share!” I mumbled, and wrapped my tail around my barrel, hoping to hide it if my penis perked up enough for him to see. Dusk chuckled. “Shine? It’s okay. I’d actually be okay with it.” “With what?” “Us having sex,” Dusk said and chuckled as my cheeks burned red. “What… but how?” I stumbled out, breathing through my nose. “Well, I don’t know about your Twilight and what she likes,” Dusk said, and ran a hoof in a circle on the dirt floor. “But well, I’ve never been much for mares really. I did have that thing with Flare Warden for a while, and she was nice but she just didn’t have what I was looking for?” “Then what do you like?” I gulped, not sure if I liked where this was going. “Big, strong, brave stallions of course,” he said, and winked. “Which is why Rainbow Blitz and I hit it off so well.” “Wait, you got together with Rainbow?” I asked, mouth dropping. “Yeah, we did.” He said and blushed. “So you see, I wouldn’t mind us having a little fun together. Besides, like you said we are going to be together anyway for the winter, and Chrysalis can’t have all of us at once every time right?” “Right.” “Well then, we might as well get used to each other now. Then we can get to know the other stallions more… intimately once we get back to her castle.” He snuggled up against me again, and kissed my cheek. “Hmmm? What do you say BBBFF?” I felt my cock continue to grow below me, and put a hoof around him. “I think my stallionhood has already decided what we think,” I said, smiling when he chuckled. “Then roll over,” Dusk said, growling softly. I nodded, only a slight uncomfortable pressure coming from my sprained hoof now. My cock pulsed above me, already nearly at its full thirteen inches, springing up and poking me in the chest. “Mmmm what a handsome little cock.” Dusk licked his lips and dived down, taking a deep breath and then letting it out against me, making me buck. “And you smell delicious too,” he said softly. I jolted as he took each of my balls in his hooves, squeezing them gently. “Hmm I can see why Chrysalis would want you in her harem so much. You are quite loaded.” With both hooves still squeezing my balls, he stuck out his tongue and ran it up and down my hardening cock. And colt did he know how to lick it! I moaned, bucking again against his ministrations. I felt the first drop of pre drip out, and with the ease of expertise, he lapped it up quickly before it could hit against the ground. "Right," I mumbled out, and looked down at his own growing member. Wasn't as large as mine, maybe just half an inch shorter at twelve and a half inches, but was probably equally as thick. and growing thicker. It's tip tickled my leg, almost lavender in color and already dripping pre. I wrapped my hooves around his back, drawing him a little closer, almost wishing he did have wings like my sister, if only so I could run my hooves through them. He breathed heavily against me, taking a few more brisk licks, then opening his mouth wide he took nearly my entire penis down in one gulp. I could feel my flared end tickling against the back of his throat as he sucked on my cock, a little line of drool falling from his bottom lip to land against my back leg. A shudder ran through my body and I let out a moan from his ministrations. And here I thought my Cady was a good cock sucker, Dusk could sure give her a run for her bits with the way his tongue lapped at all my sensitive areas. The base of my cock throbbed with each stroke of that glorious tongue! Not wanting to be outdone, I reached for Dusk’s cock with my magic, rubbing it and pulling on it, his balls jiggling against it as they both grew bigger and bigger. He moaned around my cock, sending shivers through my entire body. It was close, my own balls hitting against his hooves as he massaged them, his head bobbing up and down on my cock. Both of us were leaking pre into puddles beneath us. My breath came in heavy gasps and my eyes unfocused a little. When they came back into focus, they eyed his horn in front of me. Sure it wasn't his cock, but I knew from experience how good it felt for the horn to get a little attention as well. I leaned forward and gave it a quick lick, making his backside jolt and pause in his licking for a moment. "Mmm don't stop," I moaned, then looked back to his horn as he continued. If a simple lick made him react so, what would sucking on it do? Continuing rubbing his penis and balls with my magic, I put a hoof behind his neck and licked his horn again, receiving a moan from Dusk in return. I grinned, then dropped my mouth around the entire thing, taking it in. Even with Cady we hadn't sucked horns too much, but with Dusk ohhhh did I like it. His horn was salty and sweet at the same time, and running my tongue over its curved grooves sent teeny sparks coming from it. Dusk came up off my cock, a long line of drool leading from my cock to his lips, taking deep breaths. “Oh I am so close,” he moaned, “keep going!” “You too-” I gasped, pulling up from his horn for just a moment, then diving back on. The pressure inside me was building, and with the increasing force of Dusk's bobbing, I was sure his was coming stronger too. He gave one last hard lick to my flared tip and with a loud moan I came, cum squirting all over his face and mane. My mouth popped off of his horn as he leaned his head back and opened his mouth, sticking out his tongue, letting my cum rain into it. He swallowed and licked his lips, then opened his mouth for more. I continued to pull and tug on his cock as cum spilled from me, and as the last little drops squirted out of me, he let out a large moan. His own cum came squirting out with the force of a hose, showering me in it. Spurt after spurt squirted out, hot, white and sticky, until he collapsed against me, spent. “Pretty good for a first timer,” he gasped and poked me in the belly. “Princess Candence would be… proud.” I heard a slow clopping of hooves coming from the entrance of the hollow tree, and pulling myself up enough to look, saw Phalène and the other changelings had returned. All twelve of them were grinning widely, some even licking their lips. Phalène was the one clopping her hooves though. “Well done stallions,” she said, and stepped down into the hollow tree. “That will keep us all fed for a few days I think, right girls?” The other changelings nodded. “What happened to that sprained hoof hmm? Or did you two just want an excuse to take a little roll?” “Dusk fixed it,” I said, lowering my ears. “Feels great now actually.” I looked down at my hoof, to see even through all the sticky cum covering me that the swelling had gone down, even the color looked better, more a light greyish-yellow now. “Good, then we can return to the others swiftly then. But no, wait,” she said stepping closer, sniffing the air. “What?” I asked, taking a step back as she drew closer. “Silvered wouldn’t be happy with us if we brought you back in your… current condition.” Phalène chuckled, and showed off her fangs. “Well… you can’t harm us either,” Dusk said, and took a fighting stance. “Chrysalis would not be happy if you do. Nor Metamorphous.” “Who said we were going to harm you? That’s not what I was talking about.” Phalène took another step closer, and gestured to the others behind her, who crawled inside the hollow as well. Some took to the ceiling, looking almost ridiculous as they hung there upside down, tails flopping against their backs. “We just want to make sure you are… presentable when you meet back up with the others,” one of the others said, leaning closer to me. I let out a grunt as I hit the back of the hollow tree trunk, Dusk beside me. “All right, we have them cornered,” Phalène said, ears perked up. “Time to clean up some ponies.” I grasped Dusk in my hooves and held him close, he holding me as well, both of us closing our eyes as the changelings laughed and crowded around us. I felt a tongue licking my shoulder, then another licking my ear, yet another licking one of my hooves. I opened my eyes to see them all around us, licking up the sticky cum covering us. Phalène herself ran her long tongue over my muzzle, and winked at me. “What, you seriously thought we were going to kill you or something?” She said, and laughed while taking another lick. “As if! You are much more tasty alive.” With that she and the others continued to lick me, six of them surrounding me and licking every inch they could reach, the other six concentrating on Dusk. “O-okay girls I think you have cleaned every inch of me,” I said a few minutes later then gasped when one went down below and began to lick clean my cock. “Ooookay so I was wrong!” The others laughed, one of them running a tongue one last time through my mane. I looked over to Dusk as he started laughing as well. His six changelings had finished cleaning him up first, and I couldn’t help but smile when seeing him. His short mane was sticking up almost like a messy Mohawk. “You should see your mane,” I said, and let out a chuckle. “You should see yours!” Dusk said, and continued to laugh. I glanced up as well as I could to see my mane sticking out in a spiky do, all covered in changeling spit and drool. Now all I needed was a hot mare beside me dressed in tight leather clothing. “You stallions ready to catch up with the others?” Phalène crooned, making me blush. “That would probably be good,” I said, nodding. “Think they are worried about us yet?” Dusk asked as we trotted toward the entrance. “Nah, they probably forgot all about us,” I said as I stepped up. I shivered as a brisk wind whipped through the trees, snapping a few branches. I almost couldn’t wait to get back to our universe now. There was no way Apatelodes was going to believe what his mare counterpart had done. Yet seeing the look on his face when I told him would be worth waiting for.