The Adventures of Bluebelle

by Genderswapped

First published

Bluebelle has to go on a long adventure with one of her most hated Prince. Dusk Shine is the new Prince in town is adjusting to his new surroundings along as trying to make a new in Bluebelle. Will they retrieve the lost object. Who Knows? If you hav

Princess Bluebelle a young mare with Dusk Shine a fresh new prince. Will they be able to team up to stop a out of control killing machine built for the great war. There is only one problem Bluebelle is not one to play well with others especially Dusk shine.
WARNING!!!! Rule 63 is in effect on this world.
Bluebelle=Prince Blueblood
Dusk Shine=Twilight Sparkle
Gleaming Shield=Shining Armor
Tempo=Princess Cadance

Princess Bluebelle: Adventures with Dusk

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Princess Bluebelle: Adventures with Dusk

It was a wonderful day in the city of canterlot. Oh wait it’s not. As usual we find Princess Bluebelle with her papers and taxes. “You would think a princess wouldn’t have to do taxes” the young mare thought to herself.

Princess Bluebelle was the niece of the Legendary prince that was Lord Solaris. She was a small mare. Even for a mare she barely came to her uncle’s knees. Her mane was blond. Which clashed perfectly with her white coat. She was a unicorn after all one of the rarest species next to alicorn’s of course.

“Of course there wouldn’t have been any paperwork right now if Gleaming Shield didn’t marry the Prince of Love,” she thought intensively, “Now her smaller Brother is the Prince of Magic and I’m here cleaning up the small fortune of taxes that need to pay for the damages. I guess it’s better than doing nothing I suppose.”

Dusk Shine was walking through the halls when he heard moaning from the other room. He decided that it was in his best interest to check out what was all the trouble about. So he walked towards the groans. He decided that he was a prince now and seeing as it isn’t a bathroom this time, he just walked in. The mare was startled by the opening of the door and she quickly figured out who it was.

“Good afternoon Bluebelle.” said the young prince.

“Uggghhh. Hello Dusk” she said sarcastically as she moaned.

“What are you working on there?” the prince asked.

“Well you know your first flying lesson” said Bluebelle.

“Yes. But first I did not mean to I was just practicing and then I lost control and there was just a house in the way.” the young prince said embarrassingly.

“Well you know we have to pay for that so the couple remains a happy citizen. Also why would you fly when you can teleport. Final--.” Bluebelle immediately fell into a bow as her uncle Artemis walked through the door.

“G-Good Afternoon Uncle what brings you here I wasn’t expecting you today.” said Bluebelle.

“Prince Solaris sent me to alert you about your journeys tomorrow to the Everfree Forest. He says you will need more than just you because of the incident last time.” Artemis said.

“Oh, yes I still have nightmares about it.” Bluebelle said as she shivered.

“But all the guards are at Ponyville defending against Eris’s army.” Bluebelle replied.

Artemis responds with, “Why don’t you take Dusk.”

“Excuse me. Dusk can you please leave real quick while I talk to my uncle.” said Bluebelle.
Dusk says, “Sure.” and leaves them alone.
“Uncle out of all ponies you should know that I do not like him or his friends why on all of equestria would I take him.”
Artemis sighed and said, “I know. But he’s all we’ve got right now so please bear with me on this one. Who knows you just might make a friend.”

“Sigh. Fine but you owe me one for this.” said Bluebelle unreluctantly. ”Dusk Shine you are to a company to find a powerful artifact called the Vault Horror.”

“Welcome to the Everfree Forest” a bard yelled as they approached the dark forest.

“You’ve gotta be joking,” Bluebelle said in a shaky voice, “why can’t we go any where with having to see an evil sight.”

“Well you did offer to take the mission didn’t you.” Dusk Shine answered in a joking tone.

“Yeah. I did Bu-,” she said as she was interrupted by a growl. The two had turn to see a dragon. Not like any they had ever seen.

The dragon was some sort of cross between robotics and science. It appeared soulless but at the same time felt like it had a magic going through it. Like how most living things do.

“This is the work of the vault.” Princess Bluebelle stated. Her horn began to glow and began to terminate the dragon until it was nothing more than parts.

“I’ve seen this before,” she said in saddened voice, “it happen to my last soldiers who went with me. We were undergoing the search for it and when we found it they all turned into one of those.” as she pointed at the bolts and spare parts in from of them where the dragon once was.

“I only came because I am the only one capable of removing the magics effect that vault does to ponies and any other living thing.” she said staring at Bluebelle.

Dusk Shine at the moment was at a lost for words. On one hoof he was excited to see the magic and the other he was torn apart by who could make such a thing.

“Who would make this?” questioned Dusk Shine.

“ I did and I feel the pain as much as you do.” said Bluebelle.

“Why on all of Equestria would you make this!?” asked Dusk Shine.
“It was suppose to be used to enhance Lord Solaris soldiers to give them a fighting chance against Lord Artemis’s army, he asked me to make a spell powerful enough to fuse metal and magic into a ruthless fighter with a soul he also wanted me to make a counter to the spell just incase anything went wro-.” she began to say as they were then under attack by more of the scientific abominations.

She immediately tried to counter the spell within most of them but there were too many. They were captured by them and they were being led somewhere the question to them was where. The real question on their minds was who.

A meched out dragon sat in a robotic throne made out of the dead robot parts laughing. “Soon Princess, oh so very soon.” it said conivingly.

This menace name is Project 16 and it was one of kind in several ways all of which more deadly than the last. The question was who was going to stop it.

A Project Gone Wrong

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“Care to explain why the hell you didn’t break? For I don’t know.. FUCKED SITUATIONS like this one.” Dusk asked sarcastically as he glared at Bluebelle. Bluebelle just winced.

“We can’t.” said Bluebelle as they were directed into a cave.

“There’s always away.” Dusk said.

“You can’t. I can.” Bluebelle said.

“WHY HAVEN’T YOU THEN!!?” asked Dusk as his gaze burned it's way further into Bluebelle soul.

“I will not,” Bluebelle sighed, “It's the last thing that I need.”

“Why?” asked Dusk.

“Well artifacts like that need one more component to work,” sighed Bluebelle, “They need an exchange. The exchange was...” They were being led to a part in the cave where the vault lit there way to the entrance.

As they entered they noticed that there were a lot more than they anticipated. The biggest by far was sitting in the middle of the cave. That’s when they noticed the artifact in the middle of the monster. The monster was serpent like. It was probably the size of a two story home. It's were all black except for a white iris. Its mouth was laced with venom. The scales were hexagonal shaped. It was a faded gold color. It's teeth were black as the darkest shadow. It's underbelly was a faded silver. Whatever it is it had been here a long time.
“Welcome Bluebelle.” the voice echoed through the cave. It was the most unsettling thing they had ever heard. “We’ve been waiting for you for fucking ever.” it said with a evil grin.

“Project 16?” Bluebelle asked with a scared look on her face.

“The one and only,” Project 16 said, “Like the upgrade. It's better than what I was when you dismantled me the last time we met.”

“How could this be?” Bluebelle said, “I fucking ripped you to shreds.”

“You couldn’t kill me... Sister.” said the monstrosity. “You know I was bound to the Vault.”

“Wait did that thing just call you sister?” asked Dusk.

“Oh yes cause you see I was built by her and fueled by her,” said Project 16, “Along time ago I was built at the tipping part in the great war to control this newly forged vault. 15 failures and I was the success, thanks to Bluebelle over there. I can’t execute her for what she did to me because I would die and I guess she would too, but there are worse fates than death. I was excellent at my job. Which was killing. Once the great war was over, I changed. Nothing left to kill I was a machine with no purpose. I was known for the slaughter in Manehattan. After that I turned my sights towards my creator’s home. I was interrupted by my creator. She used her magic to rip me to shreds. She took the vault and hid it from the rest of the world. She was late though. She may have suppressed me, but I got 500 souls on her conscience.”

“Dusk we need to leave, Now.” Bluebelle said.

“How? We’re surrounded.” asked Dusk

“I can hold the spell long enough for us to escape.” she admitted.

“You have the worst timing don’t you.” said Dusk.

“No I had to locate the vault. So on three. One. Two. Three.” Bluebelle announced.

“Get them.” Project 16 said. They made a break for it. They ran fast. The abominations that were close disintegrated if they gotten to close. Once outside, Dusk casted a teleportation spell, and they were out of there.

“FUCK!!” Project 16 yelled, “They know of my existence. We need to mobilize for war now, Equestria welcome to hell.”

Solaris Castle...


Solaris was sitting on his throne when he was startled by the sudden appearance of Dusk and Bluebelle.

“So how was the mission? Did you locate the vault?” asked Solaris.

“Uncle we found it.” Bluebelle said shakily. “We also came across some bad news.”

“What is niece?” asked Solaris in almost annoyed tone.

“We were attacked by... Project 16.” said Bluebelle shivering.

“How? You destroyed its body didn’t you?” asked Solaris.

“Apparently the vault manifested a new body for its entity.” said Dusk.

“In other words it's back, and it has an army.” said Bluebelle still shivering.

Noticing the discomfort his niece must be experiencing “Dusk. Bluebelle. Good work we will handle this from here now. Go on with your days.” said Solaris in a soft tone. As they walked out they were greeted by Spines.

“Oh, hi Spines.” said Dusk. Bluebelle didn’t answer still shivering that her abomination still lives.

“What’s wrong with her?” Spines asked Dusk looking at Bluebelle.

“ I don’t know actually. Hey Bluebelle snap out of it please.” said Dusk. Bluebelle shook her head as she looked around for any signs of her “sibling”.

“I have a question what was it that you exchanged to that artifact?” asked Dusk.

“M-My life’s-s Ess-ence.” Bluebelle said shakily.

“Why?” asked Spines.

“It's the single most strongest thing in all of equestria. Stronger than magic and love combine so to make the vault strong I sacrificed it for the greater good.” said Bluebelle as she left them.

“Where are you going?” asked Dusk.

“To do my job.” said Bluebelle coldly.

“We aren’t suppose to do anything.” said Dusk.

“Fuck that shit. I’m helping. My creation. My responsibility.” she said turning the corner.

“That mare is going to kill herself trying to help.” said Dusk. Spines had a twisted smile on her face.”What?” asked Dusk.

“Why are you so worried about her?” asked Spines.

“Ohh fuck off I’m not in love with her.” Dusk said.

“Then why are you so sweaty. Before you say it is because you ran. It has been enough time to cool down, and b you’re not afraid of that thing. Hmmm” she said annoyingly.

“Fine you caught me. So what happens now.” said Dusk.

“Knew it. Anyways go help her out. That’s a start.” said Spines.

“Ugh. Fine but what about our evening together.” said Dusk.

“I’ll be fine I’ll go hang out with Tempo and Gleaming Shield, they won’t mind.”said Spines as she left. As Dusk nodded his head he ran after Bluebelle.