> Rainbow Dash's "Mommy" > by Wandering Pigeon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > One Heck of a Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow yawned as she slowly walked through the halls of Canterlot Castle. Her wings ached from the stress she put them through earlier; they'd been through a lot today, and she couldn't really blame them for being tired. Next to her, Rarity matched her pace, looking equally tired, even though most of her exhaustion came from her mental workout of clearing Dash's name. Still, all that detective work had to have been tiring. Due to their mutual tiredness, neither were really talking as they trudged back to their respective rooms. Though, the silence was starting to feel a little... awkward. Dash felt the need to say something, but what? Thank Rarity again for saving her career and reputation? Nah, she'd already said that a bunch of times. Small talk? Probably not the best idea either. Rarity didn't seem up for anything trivial and pointless right now. Truth be told, neither was Rainbow. It seemed they were doomed to silence then. Thankfully, she didn't have to stay doomed for long. "Quite the performance today, Rainbow," Rarity said through a yawn of her own. "Thanks, but it was nothing special," she admitted. Sure she loved praise and all, but after flying a hundred miles or so just to find Spitfire, she hadn't exactly left herself with enough energy for an amazingly amazing performance. Not her worst, but not her best. "Well, Stormy Flare didn't seem to think so," Rarity mentioned off handedly. "Stormy Flare?" Dash raised an eyebrow, the name ringing a bell for some reason. "Spitfire's mother," Rarity reminded her. "We sat together during the show. She could hardly take her eyes off you." "Really?" That made a little pride well up in Rainbow. If the mother of the captain of the 'Bolts thought she was good today, then maybe her performance had been something special. "That's pretty cool." "Yes well..." Rarity paused as a yawn overtook her. "It appears we've reached my room." They both stopped at one of the many doors along the hall, Rarity reaching out and grabbing the knob. "Good night, Rainbow." "Night." Rainbow gave a small wave as her friend disappeared behind her bedroom before turning her attention back to the hall. "Now... uh, where's my room?" She hadn't really been paying attention when Princess Celestia told them they could spend the night. She'd been a little tired at the time. Like now. And it's not like exhaustion was her only problem. Dash pinched her hind legs together, feeling a pressure growing in her bladder. After all the day's excitement, she'd completely forgotten to use the bathroom. No big deal though, there should be a bathroom in her room. Once she found it that is. She guessed that it had to be nearby, so Rainbow started walking again, trying to ignore the pressure in her bladder. It wasn't to terribly hard, she realized, when she focused on... other things. Things that also involved her nether region. Things that were... lewd in nature... "Aw, screw the pretenses. I'm horny," Dash whispered to herself. Not uncommon for her, but squeezing into a spandex Wonderbolt uniform that tended to rub her crotch with each twitch of movement earlier had only made her libido something she needed to deal with tonight. Taking a page out of Twilight's book, Dash quickly came up with a mental checklist for what she'd do when she found her room. Piss, rub one in, sleep. Not exactly her most elegant checklist, but Dash wasn't one for elegance. She rounded the corner, facing a new hall, new row of doors, and new... figure? Dash squinted, looking ahead to see a yellow and orange pony standing back-turned further down the hall. Between the hoof tapping and the way her head darted around, Dash could tell she was waiting for somepony. Whoever she was... As she neared the pony, Dash tried to deduce who it could be. Spitfire maybe? Nah. The captain doesn't wear purple sweaters and pearl earrings. So... Stormy Flare? At this point, Rainbow was close enough to ask, so she cleared her throat. Ear flicking, the mystery pony turned around, her face brightening as she saw Rainbow. The bright expression then quickly shifted to bedroom eyes and a sultry grin. "Pleased to meet you, Rainbow Dash. I'm Stormy Flare, Spitfire's mother." She leaned in, her breath caressing Dash's face as she hotly whispered. "But if you'd like, you can call me 'Mommy' too." Rainbow's wings flared as her faced heated up with a blush. "Uh... Buh... What?" Stormy Flare leaned back, giggling. "Sorry, was that a little to much for our first meeting? I just wanted to make a good first impression, not put you off." "But you... what?" Dash glanced around, checking to see if Stormy had maybe been talking to somepony else. "Sorry, let me start again." Stormy fluttered her eyelids ever so invitingly. "Would you like to have sex tonight?" She'd passed out. Rainbow had definitely passed out on the way to her room. And now she was dreaming of pervy thoughts about Spitfire's freakin' mother! Or... no. She wasn't dreaming. This was the first time she'd ever met Stormy; there was no way she could dream about her. "Uh..." Rainbow still couldn't use words correctly yet. Stormy huffed, seemingly impatient. "Let me be perfectly clear: when I saw you flying during that performance, I knew I couldn't let the opportunity slip through my hooves. I intend to make you mine, Rainbow." Well... damn. I mean, I knew I was good and all, but this... "S-Sorry... still trying to wrap my head around this." Rainbow chuckled nervously at the mare who was propositioning her for sex. "I understand." Stormy turned, making sure to give Dash a very good look at her hindquarters before her tail delicately brushed across Dash's lips. "If you need time to think about it--" "N-Now hold on a sec." Dash cleared her throat. "Uh... I mean... I..." Holy crap, what am I doing. Dash stopped dead in her tracks. I wasn't just about to say yes... was I? I mean... I wouldn't mind a partner for the night. I was going to just masturbate anyway. But this is Spitfire's mother for Celestia's sake. I mean, she's probably old enough to have been able to change my diapers. Not to mention Spitfire would kill me if she knew I did it with her mom. Rainbow looked over the pony before her, ready to say no. Then, she took a long, good look at Stormy Flare. Those curvy hips... her slender form. Her face... I mean... she doesn't look that old. Aside from a few lines, Stormy didn't look half bad. In fact, she was practically a bombshell, now that Rainbow really looked at her. "Let's do it." Dash said, decision made and consequences accepted. A grin tugged at Stormy's mouth. "Excellent." She patted her saddlebags. On an unrelated note, Dash was able to tear herself away from Stormy's face long enough to realize the mare had saddlebags. "I'd been hoping these wouldn't go to waste. I brought them all the way to Canterlot for a reason." Dash raised both eyebrows. This mare had brought some toys too? Kinky... The back of Rainbow's mind had some inhibitions about that. She'd never done anything outside of regular sex, and that had been some years ago when she and Gilda had been going through that weird phase... The point was: Dash didn't know if she'd be ready for this. "I know that look." Stormy Flare brought up a hoof, holding Dash' by the cheek. "Don't worry, Dashie. You'll love what I have planned." The way she said that nickname... it made Dash's spine shiver. It was a dominant, but caring tone. "K-Kay..." "Wonderful." Stormy smiled and opened the door before them, revealing a guest bedroom on the other side. Huh... so this is where my room was. Dash was impressed Stormy had found this place, but then again, she'd practically been waiting here for her. Stormy sauntered in, beckoning Rainbow to follow. The cyan pegasus happily followed, stopping only to turn and shut the door. As it clicked, the pressure in her bladder made itself known again, rather urgently. Better take care of this now. "Hey, before we start--" That was all Dash got out. As she turned, Stormy ambushed her, placing a hot, steamy kiss directly on her lips. Rainbow's eyes widened in surprise, then lowered in enjoyment. She moaned, forgetting her pressing bathroom need, grabbing Stormy, and leaning into the kiss. Stormy pushed her up against the door, pulling back to pepper Dash's cheeks and the corner of her mouth with kisses. "Oh... ah..." Rainbow could feel her marehood heating up already. Stormy worked downward, and started nibbling on Dash's neck, causing her wings to rocket out further and stiffen. Celestia, this mare was good! Stormy pulled back, slipping off her saddlebags and letting them hit the ground with a thud. Her hooves maneuvered up, slowly unbuttoning her sweater. "Dashie, I need you to do something for me." "Yeah, Stormy, what?" Dash whispered, almost whining for another kiss. Stormy Flare giggled. "First of all, I already told you. Call me 'mommy." She was serious about that? Dash thought, recalling the first thing this mare had said to her. Well, either way, Dash couldn't really complain. Stormy was already proving herself to be very generous. Dash had to give back somehow. "Okay... Mommy." She said it so softly it was barely a whisper, but Stormy sighed with delight, her wings rising to stiffness for the first time since they'd met. "Excellent." She kissed the corner of Dash's mouth, and Dash nipped back, brushing against Stormy's lips and making the mare giggle. "Okay Dashie, can you do something for Mommy?" she asked. "Uh huh," Dash bobbed her head up and down. She felt... ready to go along with whatever Stormy wanted. "Go sit down on the bed and close your eyes," Stormy requested, though Dash could tell it wasn't really a request. She saw Stormy reach up and start to undue one of her earrings. It was clear the mare needed a little more time to get ready. Full bladder aside, Dash could wait. "Yeah, sure." Stormy raised an eyebrow. "Oh right!" Dash tried again, adding a little submission to her voice. "Yes... uh, Mommy." Stormy smiled. "Good girl." She kissed Dash's nose and nudged her to the bed. Rainbow made it to the bed easy, sat down, and closed her eyes. With an inky blackness now all that she could tell of the room, Rainbow relied on her ears to fill her in on what was going on. She heard hoofsteps, and a small clink as Stormy set her earrings on the nightstand. Then the click of opening saddlebags. That made her wings quiver. Stormy was going for the bags already? What was in there? Dash wanted to know, but kept her eyes shut. Her bladder cried out in anguish, but she crossed her legs to shut it up. "Okay, Dashie?" Stormy's voice was in her ear, hot and breathy. "Ready to really begin?" Rainbow nodded. "Yes... Mommy." It had seemed weird at first, but Dash couldn't deny that it was growing on her. Oddly enough. Stormy's hooves met Dash's, and gently pushed them behind her back. Then there was a click, and Dash could feel something metal against her coat, on both forelegs. Hoofcuffs, she realized. That set her loins on fire. The thought of being trapped now, completely at the mercy of whatever this sexy cougar wanted from her, really riled Dash up. She shifted, trying to relief the tension of being turned on while having a need to pee. "Now, now, don't move unless I say so, Dashie. And no peeking either." "Yes, Mommy." Dash stopped, earning a gentle caress of the ear from Stormy. "Good girl. Who's Mommy's good little girl?" "Uh... I am?" Dash guessed. Her lips suddenly felt the blissful presence of Stormy's, and Dash knew she guessed correctly. "That's right. Just a few more things, now, okay?" "Okay, Mommy." She could practically hear Stormy smile. Or maybe that was just the clinking of the next metal toy. "Good girl. Now, spread your legs for Mommy." Rainbow did as she was told, despite protests from her bladder. She felt two quick clasps from a new metal object hooking onto her legs. Tried as she might to move them, she found that she couldn't and whined slightly in confusion. "Aw, does baby not like her spreader bar?" Stormy caressed her inner thigh and Dash breathed heavily out of her nose. "I love it, Mommy," she said immediately, hardly taking note of the changing nicknames. Dashie or Baby, she didn't really care what this mare called her. Her marehood was on fire; she just wanted to fuck and fuck soon. Stormy patted her cheek. "Good girl. Now, open wide." Dash complied, but hesitated. Hoof cuffs, a spreader bars, and now, apparently, a ball gag. She'd be immobile and mute for the rest of their session, but still really needed to go. Maybe taking some precautions wouldn't hurt. "Hey, can we set up a safe word or someth--Mmmphr!?" She found herself cut off by something small and rubbery. Not quite the ball gag she was expecting. As Stormy stretched a rubber strap over the back of her head, Dash gave the foreign object in her mouth an experimental suckle. Oh come on... "A pafifer?" she whined, opening her eyes to see the pink guard of, yes indeed, a pacifier. "Oh Dashie, you weren't supposed to look yet." Stormy pouted, but Rainbow didn't really care. "Wha wiff dis?" she demanded, hints of anger mixed in with her voice. She could tell Stormy liked to take a motherly role in bed or something, but this was a little far. She regretted not having asked about a safe word sooner. "Sh sh shhhh." Stormy pressed her hoof against the guard of the pacifier. "We're not done yet, baby." Dash narrowed her eyes. Yes, between the bondage and the dominating mare before her she was still aroused, but she didn't want a pacifier in her mouth while that was happening! Stormy kissed her forehead and lifted up her saddle bag, withdrawing something large, fluffy, and white. "A diapee?" Rainbow grunted at the childish pronunciation. Stupid pacifier. Stormy winked seductively, but Dash found very little about her current situation seductive. Save the bondage... and the hot older mare... and her lack of control. Dammit, was she liking this? Stormy's hoof found her chest and pushed Dash down to lie on her back. It was awkward with her hooves being pinned back there as well, and Dash tried to kick her legs, but found the effort useless. Stormy held up her legs, exposing her rear quite openly. Despite Dash's grunts and whines, the diaper slid underneath and soon her butt was plopped down on it. The padding was... soft. Dash had to admit she hadn't been preparing for it, so when her bottom sunk slightly in to the fluffy diaper, it came as a bit of a surprise. She almost lost control of her bladder in that one moment, only barely catching it before release. Stormy just hummed to herself as she folded the diaper over Dash's waist, securing it snuggly with the tapes. Rainbow chewed her pacifier as her hindlegs lowered, blushing all the while. This was humiliating! And the worst part was, her marehood was now trapped in an adorable, fluffy prison. How were they supposed to have sex now? "Thatta girl, Dashie," Stormy kissed her cheek. "So well behaved for your diaper change." Rainbow chewed her pacifier and grumbled. "Stowmee, I no wanna--" "Ah ah ah," Stormy tapped her nose. "That's 'Mommy' to you, wittle Dashie." Rainbow knitted her brows together with worry. It seemed Stormy wasn't going to listen to her, which was very, very bad. She was at this mare's mercy now. Or more accurately, she was at the mercy of this mare's diaper fetish! Stormy leaned in and started kissing Dash's neck again. Despite her situation, Rainbow's horniness won out. She moaned as the older mare nibbled up and down her neck. She even started suckling on her pacifier, as if involuntarily trying to kiss back. Her legs tried to kick the air, but Stormy pressed them down as she push her body closer to Dash's. Feeling the heat radiating off the other mare, Rainbow squirmed. She was trying to enjoy herself, but her forelegs were uncomfortable, and it was getting harder and harder to hold her bladder. Eventually, Stormy pulled back. She grinned wickedly, and Dash raised her eyebrow, trying to figure out what the older mare was thinking. Then, Stormy's hoof snaked down to her crotch. Dash's eyes widened, but couldn't muster up a protest before Stormy pushed her hoof into the diaper. The explosion of padding that Dash's marehood felt was unlike any sensation she'd ever known. It started quiver immediately, the fluffiness invading her folds and tickling her in all the right ways, all at once. Her pelvis thrusted, she moaned, she suckled harder on her pacifier. Grunting and exhaling heavily through her nose, Dash moaned as Stormy kneaded the diaper, pressing more and more padding onto Dash's nethers. She tilted her head back and squeezed her eyes shut. The pleasure she was experiencing was on a whole other level, but she was still desperate to hold it in. "Come on." Stormy was suddenly muzzle to ear with Dash, still rubbing away. "I know that face, Dashie. Let it out." She wants me to... "Buh... Stowmee..." "Mommy," she corrected, pressing harder onto Dash's marehood. "Mommie~" Dash murmured, losing control. A trickle escaped her, only to be greedily soaked up by the padding. Unable to hold back anymore, Rainbow released her bladder with a sigh. The trickle rapidly became a stream, and her diaper was quick to absorb it all like a sponge. It went from dry to damp in a few seconds, and damp to soaked not long after that. All the while, Stormy kept rubbing Dash's diaper, eliciting several aroused grunts and moans from the padded pony. "Good girl, Dashie." Stormy gave her a peck on the cheek when she was sure Rainbow was finished. "But I know you're not done yet." "Mmm?" Dash asked through the bliss of her near orgasm. Stormy withdrew her hoof, causing Dash to whimper. She leaned in and heatedly said. "Poop yourself." "Mrrph?" Rainbow swallowed, uncomfortable. That wasn't something she wanted to do. Sure, wetting her diaper had ended up being nicer than she thought. And wearing a diaper had been nicer than she thought. But just because Stormy was two for two didn't mean Dash wanted to go that far. She suddenly found herself rolling over. Stormy was quick to tilt her head and place it on a pillow, one ear pointed upward. Stormy positioned Dash's rear up was well, so she was standing on her two, bound legs. Stormy climbed on top of Rainbow, lining up her pelvis with Dash's butt as she bent down and whispered. "You heard me, baby. Go poopoo for Mommy." Dash's face was as red as a tomato. If the rest of her night hadn't already solidified it, then this was officially the most humiliated she'd ever been. Biting her pacifier, she squirmed, but couldn't break free. Her libido was screaming at her, desperate for its final release, but Dash was powerless to give it that. Only Stormy could, and she probably wouldn't unless Dash... She whimpered into her pacifier, knowing that her pride was no match for her sex drive right now. Pure desperation fueled her as she began grunting. And pushing. It was slow going, but Stormy nibbling on her ear really got the ball rolling. Dash chewed her pacifier, shaking her squishy diaper as her bowels contracted. Finally, after a few solid minutes of effort, Rainbow pushed out a steaming load into her diaper. "Good girl," Stormy whispered over Dash's exhale. Before the lump could even settle in the diaper, Stormy thrusted. Her diaper squished the poop against her rear and jostled her squishy pamps against her pelvis. "MMMPH!" Rainbow moaned, pleasure overriding her sense of disgust. Even though the only thing she could smell was her own, nasty mess, she felt nothing but arousal. "Oh Dashie~" Stormy moaned. "Tell Mommy what you did." "Me poopie," Rainbow cried through the euphoria. "Me poopie in diapee!" "That's a good girl, Dashie." Stormy thrusted some more, humping Rainbow to the point of release. "Who do you love?" "I wuv my Mommy!" Harder. Faster. The bed squeaked in protest as Stormy humped ferociously against Rainbow's diaper. Both of them felt the utter delight of having the warm, mushy padding slam over and over again against their marehoods, each to a different, but powerfully entrancing extent. "Who do you love, Dashie?" The grinding was more than Rainbow could take. The sensation of her diaper being pushed repeatedly against her. Her mess slathered across her butt and inner thighs. She was so close to climaxing. "I wuv my Mommy!" Rainbow cried again. Stormy gripped a hoofful of Rainbow's hair and pulled, reaching her peak. "DASHIE!" Rainbow orgasmed, waves of pleasure ripping through her body. "MOMMIE~!" Later, when she was alone, Rainbow Dash would deny how much she enjoyed it. She'd never admit to herself that she had the best 'sex' of her life tonight. She always deny thinking of diapers and Stormy whenever she masturbated from now on. She'd refuse to accept her new fetish for a long, long time. But deep down... she'd love it more than anything. The two of them grunted in harmony as their orgasms ended. Rainbow's eyes struggled to stay open. Having fufilled two of her three desire's already, now she only wished to sleep. Stormy relaxed into Rainbow's body, sighing with pure bliss. "Good girl. Good job, Dashie." She stroked Rainbow's mane as the cyan pegasus drifted closer to slumber. "S-Stowmee..." The pegasus murmured through the afterglow. "M-Mommy..." "Shh..." Stormy whispered in her ear. She kissed Rainbow's cheek as the pegasus' eyelids grew heavier and heavier. Some part of Rainbow was shocked at all of this. The fact that it had taken so little effort to get her to enjoy this... the still warm mush that sagged her diaper and spread across her inner legs, the damp padding that pressed against her crotch to kindle the flames of passion, the soft rubber bulb that sat so comfortably in her mouth... She liked all of these things, and more. Submitting to Stormy Flare, the mare who had taken very little time to utterly dominate her, was probably at the top of that list. And it was baffling! Was she just too tired to really complain, or even notice how disgusting this was? Or deep down, had she secretly wanted this, or at least, something like it? No, don't be stupid! This is gross! This is lame! Get out of here! A part of her cried out. But it was so... quiet. So distant. So unimportant. Rainbow blinked slowly, her muscles limp with exhaustion, her brain overloaded by sensation to the point where thinking was too hard. Her vision was filled with the haze that came before sleep, and right now she just wanted to embrace that. "You were such a good little filly," Stormy whispered in her ear lustfully. Her hoof snaked around, grabbing Dash's thigh lovingly and stroking it up and down. It worked it's way up, before hitting the saggy rear of her diaper. Rainbow moaned into her pacifier weakly, feeling her mess spread even further as Stormy Flare began rubbing deeply into her diaper. Dash's cheek nuzzled the pillow, sparks of energy flying back to her now that her libido was being shaken awake. With her hooves still bound, the best she could do was squirm, moan, and hope that Stormy would be merciful enough to satisfy her once again. "I have a feeling you want to go again," Stormy whispered as Rainbow clung to the last vestiges of wakefulness. "Mmm~ Mmhmm~" Rainbow moaned. The circular rubs of her diaper slowed, becoming more deliberate and forceful as Stormy reached down and pressed her hoof into Rainbow's padded marehood. What little energy Rainbow had left went to getting even more turned on, as she desperately whimpered, hoping for another orgasm before she turned in for the night. "Perhaps after you wake up," Stormy whispered. "Far be it from a mother to deny her precious foal a nap, especially when she's earned it." "Mmm..." Rainbow murmured. Stormy was right; she was exhausted. Even with her limbs all bound up as they were, she was oddly comfortable. It wouldn't be hard to just... doze... off... And like that, Rainbow Dash was out like a light. Stormy smiled, chuckling to herself at the adorable sight of her snoozing filly. "I'll be honest Rainbow, dearie," Stormy whispered to the snoozing, bound pony. "That was far easier than I could've ever hoped for. Deep down you must've really wanted this, huh? That or my looks haven't faded with age." She giggled, but silently hoped that both were true. She quickly stripped off her clothes and cuddled up next to her new lover, whispering into the unconscious mare's ear all the wonderful things they would do to each other in the morning. It was a long list too, so long that Stormy fell asleep before she could even finish it, sharing Rainbow's smile as they curled up together.