Home Sweet Shy

by AppleCiderJack

First published

Fluttershy, in her attempt to help Seabreeze get home, discovers it ain't easy being a flock of breezies' own living, mobile house!

Flitter has just sprained her wing, and as a result, getting the Breezies home looks even less easy than it did before.

It's only when Seabreeze reveals the existence of his waiting family, that Fluttershy pledges herself to taking the Breezies home personally. The small stallion tells her that there is a tradition of bigger ponies helping lost flocks of breezies back home, a tradition that's known as 'The Role of the Gastheer'. A role that the yellow pegasus readily accepts.

However, she's soon to be in for a shock, as she discovers why the role is called by that name. As 'Gastheer', when translated into normal Equestrian, means a single word and job.

That, of being the 'Host', to a flock of over thirty Breezies...

((Futa, Endosoma, Breast/Belly/Balls Expansion, Breast/Belly/Balls Inhabitation, and Impregnation.))
Cover art by Lamia!

Home Sweet Shy

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By AppleCiderJack

In the wide cosmic yarnball that is the Multiverse, lies long worlds that differ from each other, one variable at a time. Starting out from a singular world known only as Equestria, inhabited by intelligent quadrupedal equines, it takes only a few steps to the left to find the same world again. Only that its inhabitants and world have taken on a slightly more anthropomorphic structure, walking on two hooved legs, but manipulating the world with fine dexterous hands and fingers. Not to mention other more humanoid anatomy, upon which this story focuses on...


On this day in the year 988 ANM, an explosion occurred in the Wind Production Wing of the Weather Factory in Cloudsdale, taking with it the lives of three brave weatherponies, who fought with the breach in order to keep it from spreading to the rest of the cloudcrete city. Experts report that the aftereffects of this disaster will be felt throughout Equestria, for years to come.

This paper honors the heroic sacrifice of the three pegasi who gave their lives today. Cinnamon Streusel, who is survived by her grandparents. Firefly Strike, who is survived by her husband and daughter. And Cumulus Shy, who is survived by his wife, daughter, and infant son. Our prayers are with these families, as they mourn and honor their lost loved ones, and we wish them swift recovery, for the days that lie ahead will be tumultus indeed, as already rogue wind currents have been reported around the nation...


"O-oh my goodness, oh my goodness!"

Fluttershy was beside herself. Not in a literal sense, but it was very close. The Breezies had taken over her home, and even though she had been doing her best to take care of them, time was starting to run short.

And none of them were as painfully aware of this fact as Seabreeze. She glanced again over at the window, where he was peering outside wistfully, fidgeting in place. She half-expected for him to leap out the window any moment now, to try and finish the journey by himself.

The Breezies... delicate and small faerie-like ponies, who were slim of build and truly small in stature. A single one standing up straight came to about 4 to 5 inches tall, and could be held in her hand. Possessing of long curled antennae, and large transparent wings, they were only capable of sustained flight when in the embrace of the gentlest of breezes, hence the name.

And here she had like... 30, 40? There were so many of them she was having trouble keeping count. They swarmed her woodland home, and were looking as if they might settle in for good. An event that could only be prevented, if they could calm the winds down enough for them to take flight again.

And the sudden noise of a crash outside her home did not set her any more at her ease.

The Breezies all inside her home jumped at the sound. From the window, Seabreeze let out a particularly potent string of syllables, taking to his wings and turning to their host. "Thee mare o' breeze calmin', she be eatin' the dirt!"

"Oh dear," Shy gasped. "Flitter!"

Quickly she made her way to the door, dodging about the obstacle course comprised of faeries. She felt one alighting on her shoulder, and with a glance, confirmed that it was Seabreeze. Together, they stepped out onto her front porch.

A couple yards away, right outside her house, a pony was indeed planted face-first, butt-up, in the ground. Dashing over to her, she helped the poor mare up. "Oh my goodness, Flitter, are you okay?"

"Nngh... I've been better." the petite pegasus replied in her twangy voice, face caked with sod. "I'm shorry Fluttershy. The breeze jusht isn't wantin' to cooperate. A right big gusht just popped up, an' blew me all the way over here!"

The faerie stallion let out a despairing groan. Fidgeting in place, Shy helped the mare to her feet. "I'd thought the random gusts were almost gone by now... a-are you sure you're going to be able to get it calmed down in time?"

"Well, I'm willing to keep tryin'." Flitter replied, wiping her face and then looking up, spreading her wings... and then letting out a cry of pain as her left wing froze halfway.

Again the yellow pony was at her side, holding her arm and supporting her. Her face was screwed tight as the wing jerked back and forth, before finally folding back up again. "Augh... I think I've shprained it. Ah, goddessh, it hurtsh..."

Shy's eyes widened. Flitter was their soft wind expert, the only pony in town who could tame the winds to the levels needed for the Breezies to migrate. And if she couldn't fly...

The blue pony shook her head and stepped away from Shy, face full of determination. "Lemmee try again." she stated resolutely, before leaping into the air and spreading her wings once more... and again, giving a yelp as that wing seized up uselessly in the air. Falling back, Fluttershy barely had enough wits to catch her, the back of the smaller pegasus' head pillowing into the softness of her bosom.

"Ahhhhowowowow... I'm shorry, Fluttershy." The bowed pony looked up at her upside down. "It hurtsh too much. I... I can't fly like thish..."

"Oh no..." was what she said, but the words in of themselves felt insufficient to convey the level of despair that had fallen on her. "Oh... oh dear. What will we do now?"

Seabreeze voiced his opinion, but only in his native tongue. His words did not make her feel any better. In addition to that, a rustle of feathers in the distance spoke of more ponies arriving. That pony turned out to be Flitter's teammate, Thunderclap, breathing heavily as he alighted in front of them. "There you are! Flitter, you okay? When the gust blew you off, it then tried to send me flying too, but I-..." he paused and trailed off as he spied the slightly compromising position the two mares were in.

The both of them blushing brightly, Flitter quickly sat back up. "I-I'm okay! Jusht... shprained my wing ish all. I-I, uhm-"

"She can't fly." the yellow one finished. "She tried to, just now."

"Oh... oh cripes, bummer." the stallion rubbed the back of his head. "That's gonna put a kink in things, majorly. Well... I won't lie, I'm not as good at this as you are, Flits. I mean... I'll keep on trying. Maybe you can give me some pointers?"

The periwinkle pony gave a sigh, but nodded and got back to her feet. Turning, she then addressed both Shy and Seabreeze. "We'll shee what we can do. Fluttershy. Don't give up hope jusht yet!"

All she got in turn was a muted nod. The pair got up to turn and leave, Thunderclap making his way down the hill, as Flitter followed after, calling over her shoulder. "If we don't come back in like, say shunset, then you'll know we're toast. But till then, jusht wait a little longer, 'kay? Oh, and I'll tell CiCi you said hi!" This was said with a wink, before the mare finally took off to catch up with her friend on hoof.

Shy blushed deeply at that, speechless as the two departed. At length, the yellow one rose to her feet as well, and began a slow, dispirited walk back to her doorstep.

"... So, is that eet? Noot only th' weeklings be goofin' off, but ye also short one pegasus t' slow th' weend doon?" The little blue figure on her shoulder was not taking the news well. "At thees rate, we'll nevar geet back home in time!"

She was already imagining the worst case scenario in her head, staring straight ahead. "I'll have to arrange more land... I'll have to request a sanctuary license... I'll have to help over thirty breezies establish a new home, start a new life..."

Seabreeze stared at her with an expression of horror, before narrowing his eyebrows and hardening his resolve. With a single beat of his wings, he leapt off of her shoulder and begin flying away. "Noh! Ah can't be acceptin' of this fate! Ah'll go by maselve if I have to!"

She yelped, and spun in place, her own wings spreading wide. "W-wait! It's too dangerous for you to be out by yourself!"

"Ah doon't care!" he yelled back, climbing higher. "Ah doon't care if th' pollen never gets there, ah doon't care if none o' those breezies ever want to leave! I've got to go! I've got a-"

His monologue was interrupted by another sudden gust of wind, which sent him tumbling head over hooves. Now practiced at this, Fluttershy took to her wings, and positioned herself right into his trajectory. Once again, she caught the breezie, within the voluminous softness of her bust.

The small stallion looked none the worse for wear, but held a resentful expression upon his face as she closed her arms around him. "Ees not fair... ees just not fair!" he wailed, tears at last springing to the corners of his eyes. "Wee'll be too late! I'll never get to see them again! My Seacoral! My poor little Seastar... she'll grow up without evah knowin' her papa... without evah..."

He paused again, as he sighted the shocked expression that had appeared on Shy's face. Very very quietly, she leaned her head forward and asked him. "You... y-you have a family?"

His ears pinned back, and he looked away, obviously uncomfortable with sharing this information. But at length, he nodded quietly.

The pegasus was still for only a few seconds more, before looking around herself. "We... we really need to get inside, with the weather acting up again. I'll make us both something hot. And then... please, Seabreeze, I need to know. Tell me everything."


"Eet wasn't like eet was an accident... wee've been wanting a foal for a veery long time." Seabreeze was now perched cross-legged on a bedpost in Shy's bedroom, sipping a thimble of hot tea. "Breezies don't reproduce often, but when we do, we usually have lots of cheeldren... but for some reason, Seacoral and I just simply could naught conceive... though we tried one last time, beefore I left to gatheer the pollen with my comrades."

Fluttershy was seated in a desk chair, sipping her own mug of tea. "And that time, you succeeded?"

"Yees. I was already halfway to the fields when I got word, that my dear love was finally pregnant, albeet with a single foal. We decided to name her Seastar..." He turned to look wistfully out the window, before wiping his eye. "I've meesed her entire pregnancy... eet doesn't take long, for a breezie... and now, I 'ave a daughter, that I've never even met..."

The pegasus's expression turned serious. "And won't ever meet, unless we get you home on-time... is that it?"

He nodded miserably. The miniature stallion was the very picture of hopelessness, almost completely resigned to his fate. He stared long and hard into his cup, expression haggard, shoulders dipping, as he murmured to himself. "Ah want t' see her face... just once, ah swear... I don't want eer t' grow up, wonderin'..."


"Where's daddy?" a gangly yellow filly asked her distraught mother, her expression sad. She didn't understand the letter in her hand, only that it had made her mother cry, like her baby brother. And her father had been gone for days. She knew he could fix this, if he would only show up. Which lead to her fearful question.

"Why did he leave? Does... does he not love us, anymore...?"


Her fingers clenched the handle of her tea mug, the memory gone as soon as it came, the pain still raw and remaining. A tear sprang unbidden to her eye, and she reached up to wipe it away. "That's not the way a foal should grow up... nopony else should have to deal with that doubt... I... I-I can't let that happen!"

Seabreeze looked up, a fair bit surprised at the mare's sudden outburst. "But theere's noothing else that can be done."

"No... no, there's got to be a way. Another way. Somehow!" She lifted herself out of her chair, setting her mug down, with a look of resolution upon her face. "Seabreeze, I can't let you miss out on seeing your daughter. I... I'll do anything, to help you make it! To help the others make it! W-why, I'll even even carry you all there myself!"

This made him sit upright, his antennae sticking up straight in the air, eyes wide. "... Fluttershy, don't guu tryin' t' do things ye can't handle..." His tone was warning, but his expression was curious.

"I'm serious." she declared, stepping forward towards him. "Seabreeze, I... I know how difficult it can be, when families are torn apart. And with Celestia as my witness, I swear to you, I won't see your family separated like that! I'll do anything that it takes! I'll devote my body, and my soul to it!"

Seabreeze stood very, very still as she said those words, his eyes now looking her over... looking her over in a way that he'd never done before, as if considering her in a completely new light. Even as determination burned in her, she began feeling herself rather self-conscious under his gaze.

She was what many, many ponies would describe as 'Beautiful', 'bountiful', and 'A smoking hot babe'. She was a few inches taller than her friends, but beyond that, she was cursed, or blessed, with amazing curves. Her body type was one many would have labeled as 'motherly', despite having never had a foal before.

Her hips were thick and wide, 'birthing hips' as many had called them. And though she was a pegasus, her lifestyle allowed for a slight amount of padding to have built up about her belly. Ask any pony in Ponyville though, and the one thing that was most memorable about Fluttershy, they all would agree, were her breasts.

Massive, jutting, and heavy, she was an M-cup through and through, the enormous globes each easily bigger than her head. They got in the way constantly, even when bound up in multiples layers of clothing. There was no dressing them down. Even now. her green sweater clung tight to every inch of their plush surfaces, her only other visible clothing being a knee-length lime green skirt.

At length, she began to fidget under his gaze. She hesitantly opened her mouth to ask him what he was doing, but he chose that exact moment to finally speak. "Fluttershy... When you say that, devotin' yoor body t' seeing us home... duu you reely mean that?"

She blinked and stared for a second, before opening her arms emphatically. "Yes!"

The Breezie was still for a few more seconds... before resolutely getting to his feet. "If yer sure, Fluttershy... there ees a way. We hardly eva use eet anymore, cause it's such a strain on a beegjob..." He took to his wings, still grasping the thimble in both hands. "But yuu, yuu look like yuu could doo it. If yuu're sure aboot this... if yer serious aboot carryin' us all th' way from here to home-"

"I'll do it." She cut him off, arms folding beneath her bust. "Whatever it is, I'll do it, no objections."

"... I'll be wantin' that in writing later. But first." He tossed his head back and emptied the rest of his drink down his gullet, before wiping his lips on a sleeve. "I need tuu talk to th' rest of the Breezies."

Shy nodded, and led him out of the bedroom, down the stairs. Downstairs itself was quickly turning into a minefield of chaos, groups of breezies here and there joined into impromptu parties and dancing of various kinds. The music created a din loud enough that she had work to make herself heard. "Uhm, excuse me? Er, if you can-... wait just-... excuse me? Hello? Everypony can I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE?!"

The chaos stopped, and over 30 heads rotated to look over at Shy. She blushed minutely, before clearing her throat. "Eh-hem... Seabreeze has something important that he wants to say."

Many breezies rolled their eyes, and made mouthing motions with their hands, while yet others sat up and listened attentively. In either case, nobreezie there missed the next words that rolled out of his mouth, in their own tongue.

"Eikee Breezie! We hab ben nu een gargarandeede many-er gain teroog nair hois..." He then motioned to Fluttershy herself, arms open in her direction, as if presenting her. "...Oom dat Miss Fluttershy heer, heeft ingestem'd, toot onzee Gastheer!"

Every breezie there gasped, and then suddenly went into a chitter at those words, excitedly talking among themselves. Whereas they had been simply content to stay in place before, now they were suddenly excited at the prospect of moving out again. Fluttershy had to shake her head at the phenomenon.

She also pondered about Seabreeze's choice of words... especially in the description of her role. Whereas she thought she'd be transporting the breezies in some secure and padded punctured box, the word that he had used... 'Gastheer'...

If she remembered her Northlandic dialect correctly, that word was synonymous with 'Host'.


The Breezies did not waste any time. They had gathered their belongings, and were packing them into a spare purse of Fluttershy's. In one other box, each breezie was delicately taking off their saddle-baskets full of pollen, and gingerly setting them inside.

Seabreeze was working with another breezie, the cap-wearing mare that had identified herself as 'Toadstool', to write up a document, the both of them grasping and manipulating an ink pen that was way too large for any one faerie. Even as occupied as he was, he still looked over and watched the others like a hawk, every now and then pausing to point and call out orders. In her head, Fluttershy translated his words, and could tell who was in trouble. "Fleecetail! Do not shed your cares so wantonly, we will still need every ounce of pollen we have!"

Fluttershy herself, was in the process of gathering her traveling items together. A coat, hat, a coinpurse full of bits, and a bird call were all nestled into a suitcase alongside various changes of clothes, and at least 5 sandwiches and apples, for herself and her breezie friends.

Seabreeze had given the best directions he could, and they had both agreed that the area would be best reached via train. It would be an overnight trip, and then after that, a walk in the woods to their final destination. If she were to be honest with herself, this was actually shaping up to be quite an exciting adventure!

A gleam of gold from her chest of drawers caught her eye, and she looked over. A small device, like a pocketwatch, sat there. She remembered Twilight having given it to her, saying to her only use it if she were in trouble. She didn't expect to find trouble during this trip... "But it wouldn't hurt to be prepared." she mused to herself, reaching over and picking up the device, and then slipping it into her suitcase as well, closing the luggage afterwards with a petite 'click'.

A cheer from the group of pixies prompted her to turn around, seeing that they had sealed the box full of pollen, and were now loading that into the purse. From the table, the blue stallion waved her over, signalling her needed attention.

"Fluttershy." he stated, as she stepped up to the desk. "Wee have wreeten up thees paper for yuu. If'n yuu are serious aboot this steel, then all yuu need t' do is sign on th' dotted lyne."

The pegasus nodded, as she leaned forward, bust looming over the two as she did so. Pulling the paper closer, she took her time as she read it over.

You who agreed to see us home, do you pledge
your body and self, to keep us safe within your being, and
to follow our direction, till we are returned to our distant
land? If so, sign your name below, and know that once signed,
you cannot refuse the duty that you have accepted.

"Well, it looks in order." she replied, a hand reaching and picking up the pen. "Why though? I already gave you my word that I would help you all in whatever way I can."

"Yuu'd be s'purised how often beegjobs back out of beein' the Gastheer." Seabreeze replied, arms crossed. "I'm nuut doubtin' you Fluttershy, but dees ees important. Ye have t' do as we ask, or else there is beein' nuu point."

That word again. Well, she'd been playing host to a whole gaggle of the fairy ponies already. She didn't know what else could be worse than that.

And so with confidence, she placed the pen tip to the paper, and scribbled her name in her soft cursive in the empty field. Fluttershy.

A second cheer went up from the breezies surrounding her. They were now bunching up around her, some hovering, others perching on their friend's heads, getting close, all eyes on her. The chittering among themselves was excited, hyped. Almost as if they were going to be getting on an amusement park ride or something.

She found their enthusiasm strange, but nevertheless, she offered them a smile, as she stood up straight again. "There. I'm committed, and ready. Now. are we all packed up?"

There was a chorus of affirmatives. "Excellent! Then all we need to do is get something to carry you all in. Th-they might not be the most comfortable, but I have some carriers in the back-"

The noise that rose from the assembled group was lackluster, disappointed, even disbelieving. Seabreeze himself waved a hand at them to calm down, before flying up to her face, the document now rolled up and secure under an arm.

"Mees Fluttershy, nou that yuu've signed th' agreement, you are honor-bound tuu follow our directions. Ah knuu you're only theenkin' the best for us, but we Breezies knoo what werks. An' it's nuu set of animal cages."

The faeries gathered behind him buzzed their agreement. The pegasus, at something of a loss, opened her hands to them. "Well... okay then. If not pet carriers, then what? What do you need me to do?"

He took a breath, before speaking. "Th' first thing we be needin' ye to do, Fluttershy... is strip."

Silence reigned for a few seconds. At length, she finally found the nerve to speak. "I-I'm sorry, I... I must have heard you wrong. You didn't actually just... ask me to strip, did you?"

"Aye." the blue one replied, arms crossed. "We be needin' yuu t' strip."

Her eyes widened as her cheeks flushed red. "Y-You... y-you can't be expecting me to make the trip naked, are you?"

"What? Nuu nuu nuu, yuu'll need yer clothes fer that, we knoo. No, we just need yuu to strip, right here, right nou."

The throng of breezies were of one mind on this, their heads nodding, staring at her expectantly. Startled, she took a half-step back. "B-but... I-I don't understand. H-how can this possibly help you get back home?!"

Seabreeze groaned, and shook his head. "Jus' lyke a beegjob. Fluttershy, leesten." He hovered forward again and alighted upon her shelf of a bosom, looking her in the eye. "Yuu promised tuu keep us safe. Thees, ees the best way of keepin' th' Breezies safe. Eet's part an' parcel o' bein' the Gastheer!"

"Y-you keep using that word..." Fluttershy replied, becoming acutely aware of the swarm of breezies now gathering around her feet, some hovering closer, many too close for comfort. "I-In Equestrian, it means 'Host'... haven't I been playing the host for you in my house? What exactly do you mean?"

"The 'Host', as you say..." he began, taking to his wings again, getting minute-nose to regular-nose with her. "... is th' one who has devoted their body tuu keepin' a flock of Breezies safe within theer own being, teel the day they return them back to theer homelands. Long ago, Breezies found out, that th' best way of being protected by a beegjob, was to make themselves as if the beegjob had to protect theer very own body..."

A very minute picture had begun to form in the yellow mare's head. Her eyes shrunk, as she began feeling the gentle grasping of tiny hands upon her hooves, a few breezies proceeding to climb up her legs, while a dozen more hovered behind Seabreeze, their eyes fixated... upon her immense bust.

"You said it yoorself, Fluttershy. That yuu would geeve yoor very body, to helpin' th' Breezies make their way home. That ees exactly what wee're askin' of yuu now. The safest way to carry us back home, as the tradition of the Host dictates, is for you to carry all of us, within your body. Inside YOU!"

That seemed to be a signal, as the pegasus had to shriek as suddenly, twelve pairs of small hands snatched up the bottom hem of her sweater, and with a single coordinated motion, pulled the garment up and off, revealing her massive breasts to the open air, supported by a white lacy garment that was obviously straining. She barely had time to catch her balance again, before another set of hands grasped at that way-too-tight bra, pulling it down and away. She let out a gasp, as her thick, darkened nipples were exposed for everyone to see.

Breezies clambered up her legs, and over her skirt, in the process of tearing it down and away from her hips. Assaulted by a cacophony of senses, Shy could only try and maintain her balance, as well as her mind, as numerous small hands now proceeded to dance and caress the exposed surfaces of her giant globes. The breezies who weren't flying, had folded their wings up, retracting them somewhat, to better clamber over her skin. She raised an arm to swat feebly at them, but Seabreeze himself wrapped his limbs around her hand, and veered it away.

"W-what..." she gasped. "W-what are you doing?! Couldn't we have talked about this?!"

"Wee deed talk aboot it already!" was his reply. "Especially when yuu pledged yoor body to us! We have yer wreetten consent, Fluttershy! Yuu can't refuse us!"

She opened her mouth to argue further, but it froze into the shape of a silent scream, as she felt those tiny hands concentrate around her nipples. On her left breast, she could feel one of those soft, pin-sized digits find a pore in the center of the teat. That finger pushed in deeper, widening the opening, stretching it out. The finger quickly becoming a hand, which then quickly became an arm, which then soon became a Breezie's head... all of it pushing deeper and deeper, tunneling downwards into the duct, into her breast.

"Divide yourselves up!" Seabreeze was now speaking to his comrades again, in his own native tongue. "She looks like she can hold ten easily in each one. The rest, will have to take shelter in her womb. Help her to the bed!"

"W-wait!" she pleaded. "Th-there's something that-"

She was cut off again, as a second digging sensation issued from the other breast. Looking down, she could barely keep a shriek from tearing out of her throat, as she spied the lower legs of a pair of breezies each sticking out of her nipples.

The breezies grouped around her legs shoved gently, forcing her to step backwards and to the left, guiding her towards her bed. Preoccupied with the sight of fairies forcing their way inside her mammaries, Shy was unprepared for the event, yelping as the backs of her legs pressed up against the mattress. As one, the breezies tending to her immense chest shoved at them, the combined efforts forcing her to topple over, laying backwards onto her bedspread with another cry.

And with the motion, the miniature equines proceeded to climb in under her skirt. Toadstool herself in the lead, groping about in the darkness. It wasn't long before Fluttershy let out yet another yelp, cheeks flushing red as those hands touched upon her one big worry. From within, Toadstool let out an exclamation of her own. "Meegan Ferdinand!!"

The outburst was enough to make the swarm stop in their tracks. Curious, a pair of the pixies finally found the clasp to the skirt, and quickly undid it, pulling the garment away finally to reveal just what the capped breezie had found.

A pair of white frilly panties, bulging obscenely around a bulky package that belonged more on a stallion than a mare.

Seabreeze threw his hands up. "Okay so apparently, she's a hermaphrodite now. Fluttershy, why didn't you say something earlier?"

"I-I usually don't... d-don't tell ponies on a regular basis." she replied, her face red as a tomato. "I'm a mare, really. J-just because I was born with something extra, d-doesn't mean that I-... A-Ah!"

This was in response to Toadstool having grasped the hem of those panties, and pulling them down to fully unveil the monster within. Freed of their confines, a darkened, limp member, as thick as a soda can, fell forward into the open air, resting softly upon a sac, stretched tightly over a pair of testes the size of grapefruits. The petite mare could not help but stare, wide-eyed, at that enormous stallionhood, almost hypnotized. The head of that thick cock was even bigger than the cap upon her noggin, the opening to the urethra just wide enough...

Shy got up onto her elbows and looked down herself, past her bust and the breezies still worming their way into her nipples. Doing so, she spied the small blue mare staring at her stallionhood with an apparent dazed smile. "T-Toadstool! Pl-please, no, you... you d-don't want to-..."

But Toadstool did want to. Looking up at Fluttershy's face just briefly, she then looked back to that gaping opening... and then, took her mushroom cap off, inspected it, and tossed it behind her. It flew and landed with almost pinpoint-accuracy inside the carrying purse. Not that she had seen it do so though. she was too busy getting to her knees and then stuffing her arms down into the urethra of that immense cock, her head plunging in not long afterward, causing the yellow pony to cry out yet again.

Feet finally disappeared down into her nipples, but yet more sprites were lining up atop her globes, themselves also shoving their hands into her darkened teats and pushing deeper inside. A number of breezies gathered around her member, lining up to travel down its length, the sensations of beings crawling down yet-untouched tunnels wreaking havoc upon her mind...

And that was before she finally felt the tiny hands touch upon those puffy folds hidden beneath her immense jewels. At long last finding the passage to her womb, the remainder of the Breezies clustered around her, and she found herself letting out a ragged moan, as one pressed on through to climb up and into her vagina proper, quickly being followed by another, and another. A train of pixies climbing in and through some of her most sensitive areas, at last meeting with her cervix. Even in there, she could feel tiny fingers exploring the resistant wall, prying and then finding that minute opening, a hand breaching through and entering her womb proper...

Breezies burrowing into her nipples. Breezies crawling down her cock. Breezies climbing into her vagina, one by one, a neverending stream of feathery, minute, active and alien sensations...

It was all too much. With a last scream as her womb was fully entered, she passed out.



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"'Ey! Yuu jest aboot done yet?"

It was to these words that Fluttershy finally stirred. She ached in places she had no idea could ache. And what had she been doing previously? It was all... something of a blur. She had... she was going somewhere, right? To the Breezie's home. That was it, she was taking the Breezies home. So why was she laying on her bed, clothing discarded and her panties down about her ankles?

It was... it was something to do with the Breezies again. She had agreed to something she hadn't been expecting to be... their Gastheer. To be their... Host.


Faint memories stirred. She rubbed her eyes, and looked down at herself... and then proceeded to choke upon the heart leaping up in her throat.

Her breasts, which had been enormous to begin with, now almost towered over her. They had become much bigger, much fuller than they were previously. But it was less the size, and more the movement that had caused her the shock. For she could see minute shapes and lumps rising and falling beneath the skin of her mounds, coupled with the movement she could feel from the inside, of many, many tiny bodies shifting about within them.

She shot upright... or at least she tried to, suddenly finding her midsection curiously bloated. A mass of wriggling broke out from her belly at the sudden movement, and she didn't even need to see that her stomach had now taken on a slightly rounded look, more minute bulges traveling underneath the surface.

Now in a state of numb shock, she very gently guided herself to the edge of the bed, and attempted to stand... even doing that made her give another gasp, as her balls pulled at her crotch, having suddenly become heavier, not to mention bigger. A very gentle sensation of movement from within those jewels caused her face to light aglow, realizing what was occupying them.

She could barely bring herself to take a step forward. But step she did, one hoof at a time, unsteady, uncoordinated. She felt so heavy. It wasn't until she passed a full-length mirror at the foot of her bed, that she finally got a good look at herself. At her body, her tall, curvaceous yellow-hued self. At her immense, squirming tits, each one now twice the size of her head. At her rounded, bouncing belly, giving her the appearance of being five months pregnant. Even the balls hanging slung from her crotch had become bigger, nearing that of coconuts. They would sway back and forth of their own volition, every now and then bumping gently against her thighs.

It finally all caught up to her. Wrapping her arms around her bust, very timidly cradling and lifting it in both limbs, she stared down at the activity right below her nose... the activity of dozens of tiny bodies within her breasts, within her belly, within her immense gonads...

Her pupils became pinpricks, her cheeks flushed dark with shock, as she let out a long squeak of horror. "They're inhabiting meeeee!!"

"That's right!" came Seabreeze's voice. He was perched again on the bedpost, watching her critically. Shy snapped her head around to look at him, but even that motion was enough to upset her balance, and she waved her arms about to regain it. The small stallion continued on blithely. "The Host will always look out for what's best and safe for their oown selves... an' soo long as th' Breezies stay inside theem, they'll bee safe from th' winds an' oother dangers o' the outside world, as th' Host will be protectin' them, just like she protects her own self!"

"You... Y-You could have told me!" she cried out, stepping towards him, still adjusting to her new weight and proportions. "You could have explained what being a Host really meant! There was absolutely no need to... t-to force yourselves upon me!"

The expression upon his face shifted a little, though the emotion displayed was not one of guilt as she expected, but confusion. "T'were noo forcin' involved. Yuu had agreed t' offer yer body up. An' aye asked yuu multiple times, after all. An' aye feegured eet was safe tuu take yuu up on thee offer. It made for a loot better ooption than that tried an' truu methods o' pure knockin' a beegjob oot an' them climbin' aboard."

She opened her mouth to argue further, but stopped mid-breath, as the implications of those words registered upon her mind. "... so I-I'm really not the first 'Host' then?"

"Oh nuu, noot by a long shot. An' they doon't always take to it soo weell either. Soore they say they be wantin' t' heelp, but when it comes to geeving their all, hah, soo long.

"Theere's been lots o' em oveer the yeers. Theere are stoories all aboot them. Every Breezie knoows 'em. They say that th' veery first one was th' one who suggesteed it, and carried Breezies willingly within herself. Eet was thee best way t' keep our kind safe, going from one point to another whenever th' winds decided to go rogue. Th' Beeg Wind, our leeder, told mee we were allowed to' seek out a Gaastheer, if worst came t' worst. An' wheen yuu made that offer... well..." he gave a shrug. "Noot every breezie band thinks tuu get an agreement in writing. Aye deed, an aye have it heer." He held out the paper, now folded several times into a bundle that could be tucked away in his tunic. "Yee can't back out noo Fluttershy. If yee duu, then rest assured the rest o' Breeziekind will heer aboot it."

Fluttershy rested her hands upon her swollen belly, feeling the writhing of forms within it. "You could have still asked, though... no, I didn't know that this was what you had in mind. I was wanting to help you out, so that you could see your daughter again, Seabreeze. That's what I was wanting to devote my body towards..."

"B-but yuu said..." The miniature stallion started, before pausing and then giving a sigh, his expression now a picture of contriteness as he got to his feet. "Okay... okay. Wee've a mieesunderstanding heer, aye get that. But t'put yoor mind at ease Fluttershy, knoo that you'll still be dooin' that. An' aye wouldn't 'ave asked t' make sure, if aye didn't think yuu could take oon th' job."

Slightly mollified, the mare gave a sigh, before looking back at him. "Well... I appreciate the vote of confidence. You..." she looked down at her inhabited body once more. "You're sure that this is the only way?"

"Ees th' way we Breezies resort to in our most deesperate times. Th' Tradition of the Host ees an honorable one in oour kind, an' if yuu carry through, aye promise yuu'll be hailed a heero."

She blushed again at the thought, a shy smile surfacing upon her face for a brief moment. It disappeared as the Breezie took to his wings and flew towards her to perch on her shoulder. "A hero through a great deal of mixup. Are you sure you wouldn't be better off in a carrying case? Would be a lot dryer, than... w-well."

"We're positeeve. We woon't get as shaken' up heer, as wee would inna box." he replied, before looking down at the expansive, writhing landscape that was the pegasus's bosom. "They're good an' settled now anyhoo, an' won't bee ready tuu come out teel we reach home. Theere were thirty-eight oof us, teen of which are in each of yoour mammaries. Th' plan was foor th' last eighteen tuu inhabit yoour womb, but wheen yuu turned out tuu be dual-sexed, that changed. Eight deecided they wanted t' bee in yer gonads, four in each, which leeft th' last teen t' take tuu yoour belly."

"I'm a living mobile house." Shy repeated to herself, blushing furiously as her balls rocked back and forth again of their own accord. "And I'm stuck with them, until I can get your back home... w-what's going to happen next?"

"Whaat happeens next, ees what we allready planned. Geet yoourseelf dressed an' reeady. Goo take th' train, overnight treep tuu Highweend Lake. Wheen we geet there, follow our direections, and wee'll see you past th' Wall een nuu time."

"With everybreezie riding inside me the whole time?"

"Thaat's eet. Nuu need t' tell anypony else what's guuin' on. If they ask, tell 'em yuu're expectin'. Less they guess right, which's preetty likey. Wee'll try t' keep things doon either way." He took to his wings again, fluttering over to hover above her left breast. "Shoulda said too, right noo, thees breast has oonly nine Breezies in eet."

She blinked. "O-Only nine? W-why's that?"

"Why do yuu theenk?" He lowered himself to the nipple, and then pressed a hand into it, eliciting a gasp from the pegasus as that abused pore was shoved open again. "Eef yuu need me, jus' say my name. Wee can heer yuu just fine from een here. Aye'll be oout een a flash. Een thee meantime, good luck! Wee're all countin' on yuu, Gastheer!"

And with that, his wings retracted, and he proceeded to dive fully into the flesh of her nipple, whose owner had to bite her lip as it was stretched around his body. After only a few seconds of squirming, his blue hooves disappeared into the teat, and she had to blush furiously, as his movements were then added to the countless motions of those already inhabiting the massive mammary.

She took another look at herself in the mirror, at her occupied breasts, belly, and balls. Was 'inhabiting' the right word to use? Would 'infestation' have fit better? In either case, there was no way around the fact that she now was holding a population's worth of Breezies inside of her body. And the only way to fix that... was to carry through on her word.

Did he really think that I already knew? I don't remember reading anything about 'gastheers' in the few books on Breezies that I have... but apparently, both he, and the rest of the Breezies, fully expected me to already know what was about to happen. And what did he mean, that it was likely that others would guess right?...

She shook her head, clearing the question away for later. Haltingly, she began to move about her bedroom, gathering up her discarded items. With a bit of difficulty, she managed to pull her panties back on, though her testes now threatened to spill completely out of it. Just a simple press of her bra against her encumbered bust was enough to tell her that there was no getting back into that. She gulped, as she realized that meant she'd have to go braless.

She went for heavy clothing. The sweater from before had trouble going over her bosom, but she managed it, only getting a brief flurry of activity from the occupants within them for her trouble. As a further reminder of her now-increased mass, the sweater refused to go down all the way. No matter how much she tugged on it, the hem remained a few inches short of her navel, revealing her pregnant-like belly to the world.

She retrieved her skirt, finding to her relief that it wasn't damaged that much, and proceeded to snap it on, opting to close the gap with her belly by connecting it at the sweater's hem. It draped over her distended stomach, giving her a true impression of pregnancy, and as she turned to study herself, she saw only one complication. The skirt no longer went to her knees, instead halting exactly in-between said knees and hips. Any higher, and she was certain, the undersides of her enormous nuts would have been visible.

Sweet Celestia what am I doing.

Am I actually going to follow through with this?

... Do I want Seabreeze to see his filly or not?

... Well...


The day outside was rather nice, all things considered. Random wind gusts notwithstanding. Ponies were out and about shopping, carrying on with their daily lives. Seated at an outside cafe table, Twilight Sparkle and Applejack sipped at their drinks, the former missing out on the beautiful day around her by having her nose buried in a book.

"I wonder." The princess started. "If we had more breezies with us, would the sheer number be enough to calm the winds by themselves?"

"Ah reckon so." AJ replied, resting her elbows on the table. "Could really use it, since Flit's outta commission. Celestia knows ah'd pitch in if ah had wings."

"Rainbow Dash told me she plans on giving it a try, even if it's way outside her range of expertise." She lifted her head and pointed at a passage in the book. "We might not need that though, if we're lucky. This book has got a spell that might could help us out of this predicament."

"Well let's hear it sugarcube."

"It's a copy-morph spell, that copies a creature's phenotype, and then temporarily 'overwrites' another creature's with it. Like, I could use this to turn an Earth pony into a unicorn, or even a dragon into a pegasus... or a whole herd of ponies, into a flock of Breezies. What I'm thinking is, if I turned us girls into Breezies, maybe then we could join our wingpower in with that of Seabreeze's flock. Together, we might could tone the wind down enough to offer them safe passage!"

"That's... that's pretty big thinkin'." The farmpony stroked her chin. "Ah'd be up fer it though, and ah can't imagine th' other girls wouldn't either. Would just need t' ask Fluttershy an' Seabreeze."

"Exactly. Oh!" the bookworm finally looked away from the book, her eye caught by an approaching pony. "There's Fluttershy right now! She's-... woah."

Fluttershy was indeed approaching. She was also dressed in a traveling coat, and was wearing a longer skirt than normal, in addition to a wide-brimmed hat covering her head. She was clutching her purse in front of her belly, and seemed to be making oddly wide steps. But she was making her way towards their table, a resolute expression upon her face.

They waved, and watched as she drew closer. Once within earshot, it was Applejack who spoke first. "Howdy, Shy. What's with th' getup? You look like yer 'bout t' make a trip."

The pegasus breathed a sigh, before nodding. "I am. Seabreeze and the others have made a decision. We're going to be taking the train to Highwind Lake, and then hiking to the Breezie's home from there."

This made the both of them stand to attention. "Th-they're not going to stick to the breeze?" Twilight stammered. "B-but what about the migration?"

"And th' pollen?" the orange mare added. "Ah thought they needed th' breeze t' use magic, an' used their magic t' keep it contained?"

She shook her head. "Time is of the essence. It's important that they get back there soon. Whether it's by breeze, or train. We were there when Flitter sprained her wing, so I can tell you the choice wasn't made lightly." She fidgeted a little, before patting her purse. "The pollen is safe in here. I'm going with them, to make sure and see them through to their homelands. Plus..." she leaned in towards the two, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Seabreeze is a father. His filly's waiting for him."

"Oooooohhhhh..." both mares replied, sharing knowing looks between them. Sitting back in their seats, the alicorn heaved a sigh of her own, before asking. "How long?"

"It'll be an overnight trip there, then maybe another couple days to hike. I should be back in a week or so."

"Do y' have t' go by yerself?" AJ tilted her head. "Ah reckon ah could take off from th' farm fer a bit. Or you could ring up Rarity, ah know she'd jump fer a chance at travelin'."

Shy bowed her head. "That's very kind of you. But this is something I have to see through myself. Seabreeze asked me specifically, to... to be their protector, on their journey."

Twi now perked her ears, as she started looking around. "Where are the Breezies, anyway?"

Widened eyes, and then a flat poker face. "They're safe."

AJ raised an eyebrow. "Safe where, sugarcube?"

The yellow pony closed her eyes. The farmer wasn't certain if her eyes were playing tricks on her or not, but for some reason, it looked as if the pegasus's enormous bust was shifting inside the confines of that straining jacket. "They're... at the train station waiting for me. I thought I should come find you girls and tell you what was going on, before we left."

The orange mare remained silent, as the purple one nodded. "Well, if you're sure you don't need somepony to accompany you..."

"I'm sure."

"In that case, we wish both you, Seabreeze, and the rest of the Breezies good luck. I hope you can make it in time. But remember, if you need us..."

She nodded again, before shifting herself to step away from the table. "I've got it with me, Twilght. I'll be sure to call if it's serious."

"Very well then. See you, Fluttershy! Have a safe trip!"

More waves were exchanged, as Fluttershy left the table, making a beeline for the train station, in that same odd gait. As soon as she was out of earshot, Applejack finally spoke up again.

"There's somethin' up, Twi. She didn't tell us everythin'."

Her friend blinked in surprise. "What? A-are you sure?"

"Positive. Ah ain't Honesty fer nothin'. Oh she's takin' th' Breezies on a trip alright, but she didn't say how she was carryin' them."

They both looked in the distance, watching the silhouette of their friend disappear around a corner. "Do you think it's serious?" Twilight asked, her expression worried.

"... she probably don't think it is. Or probably just doesn't want t' bother us with it. If she's got your doohickey though, then ah'm sure she'll ring us up if it turns out t'be more than she can handle."

They sat in silence a bit more, before the princess sighed again and nodded. "I hope you're right. What is it with ponies and secrets anyways? That thing with her and Rarity couple years back. This going on now. And you." She made a pointed look at the farmpony, first looking at her face, and then looking down at her hefty bust. "You still haven't told the girls?"

"Not all of 'em. Rares an' Pinkie figured it out themselves. Dash still ain't any th' wiser."

"Well you need to figure out how to tell her someday. No telling what she'll do come next Cider season."

Applejack simply grunted, even as from the utterance of the word, her bosom swelled up a few extra inches.



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"All AboooooAAAAARD!!"

Fluttershy gripped a seat as the train proceeded to jerk into motion, building up speed as it departed Ponyville Station. By some miracle she managed to remain on her hooves, as she made her way towards her assigned seat. Quietly, she reflected back on the good fortune that came out of carrying a flock of Breezies inside her body. She only had to pay for a single ticket.

Finding her seat, and then sitting down into it, were two separate tasks that each presented its own challenges. Maneuvering and handling her increased weight in the aisles had been quite awkward. And now as she settled in she could feel her increased masses all pressing into each other, fighting for room. It didn't help that immediately in response, her passengers proceeded to break out into squirming fits, causing the pegasus to screw her eyes shut as her breasts, belly, and balls all undulated and writhed within the confines of her clothing.

"I can't help it, I'm so big now." she whispered, addressing the dozens of fairies inside her. "It's not going to get any less tight for now. Please, calm down. Be patient."

It took them a few minutes, but at length, the writhing began to settle down. She placed a hand on her belly, and stroked it soothingly, reassuringly. The train's gentle bumping along the rails began to blend together, as they picked up speed.

Thus far the trip was free of any complications. Scoring this as a minor victory, the yellow mare leaned back in her seat, and retrieved a book from her purse. She dropped her voice again as she spoke. "I'm going to do a bit of reading. Can... can you all actually hear me, in there?"

She felt it as a wave of gentle vibration across her bust, in her womb, and in her panties. She bit her lip, before nodding. "Well then... how about I read to us some? It's going to be a long trip anyways. It's a mystery story, called 'The Catamount of the Houndervilles'..."

Thus the trip began, as she began reading out loud, seemingly to herself. The world outside became a blur of greens and blues, as the train sped out of Ponyville 's town borders, and into the wider countryside. For two hours, she read in peace, keeping the herd within her entertained with tales of mysteries and suspense...

At least, up until a hawker's voice started sounding out at the back of her car. "Snacks, drinks, apples for the foals? Right here, get your snacks, rock candy and Wendigo snocones!"

Fluttershy was all but helpless as her breasts more or less levitated in front of her, her belly following close behind. Her occupants had heard the stallion, and it occurred to her that they probably hadn't eaten in a few hours, since crawling aboard her. She hurriedly wrapped her arms tight around her bust, holding it in place as she furiously whispered into her own cleavage. "Keep it down! You're going to give us away!"

The squirming subsided, but not by much. Her cheeks flushed red, the pegasus's head turned to look down the aisle, at the vendor pony with his cart of refreshments. Turning back to her bosom, she whispered again. "If I got us a snack, would you all promise to stay still?"

She got another body-wide vibration again, this time the motion all but fading entirely as they adopted their best behaviors. Letting out a sigh, Shy released her hold on her breasts, before lifting an arm to wave down the vendor stallion.

It didn't take long for him to reach her seat. The stallion, a slate grey specimen with a silvered mane, tipped his hat to her. "G'afternoon miss, what can I getcha?"

"Uhm... a hot tea, would be nice. A-and, uhm, what all fruit do you have, again?"

"Well, let's see." He leaned to look deeper into his cart. "I've got grapes, pears, apples, bananas, papaya, kiwis, strawberries, cherries-"

At the word 'cherries', activity in her body began again, the squirming rocking her belly back and forth. She closed her eyes and bit her lip, waiting for the motion to pass, before opening to look at the colt again...

... and seeing the shocked look upon his face. Fearing the worst, her eyes widened, cheeks flushed incredibly red, not daring to breathe a word, lest she say something to further incriminate herself.

At length, his expression relaxed, a hand going up to grasp at his cap, as he watched the subtle squirming of her belly. "Well now. Eating for two then, I take it?" he spoke, a knowing smile surfacing upon his mustached lips.

... he just thinks I'm pregnant. O-oh goodness. she thought to herself. Well... no reason to make him think otherwise...

"...Y-yeah, you could say that." she finally replied, allowing a hand to rest upon said belly, rubbing it gently. "Much more than just two, in fact."

"I don't doubt it." he nodded, turning back to his cart. "I take it they want the cherries then, if my guess isn't too far off."

More squirming from within. "Y-yes, they do." she breathed, voice catching in her throat. "They definitely want the cherries."

He smiled, and lifted out a couple of bags of the dark red fruits, sitting them on the seat next to her, alongside a steaming cup of tea. She made a motion to reach for her purse, but to her surprise, the stallion shook his head. "Not gonna ask anything from young mothers. You just let me know if there's anything else that I can do for you, and I'll see what I can do."

Touched by the colt's words, she gave him a blushing smile and a nod, before a thought bubbled to the forefront of her mind. "Oh! Uhm... how many cars down are the bathrooms?"

He leaned over to her and pointed to the front of the car. "You're in luck. This car's got its own set, just right up there, next to the join tunnel door. The next set's three cars down towards the back, if that one's ever occupied."

Fluttershy smiled again, and thanked the colt profusely, earning her another tip of the hat and assurance to keep an eye out for her, before he departed to continue his rounds. She saw as he turned, that he had a pair of wings upon his back. From behind, with his aged mane and strong build, a chord of familiarity struck her mind. Have I met him before?...

As soon as he left the car, she scooped up the bags of cherries and placed them in her purse, leaving her tea to cool in her seat's cupholder, as she then proceeded to lift her not-inconsiderable frame out into the aisle, making her way towards the pointed restrooms.

I'll ask him later, next time I see him. Right now, I've got Breezies to feed... and it's not going to be as simple as feeding myself, I just know it.


A sliding of the bolt, and a flick of the switch. Safely ensconced in the privacy of the restroom, the pegasus took the bag of cherries and opened them up, before setting them on the sink... and then reaching down to unbutton her coat, followed by grasping the hem of her sweater, and pulling up.

Her enormous mounds spilled out, dark puffy nipples bared and erect. From the motion, their occupants began to move again, those rounded shapes undulating from the activity within them, her belly reacting likewise in turn. She bit her lip, steeling herself against the sensations, before finally speaking. "Seabreeze... how exactly is this going to work? How do I feed you all, inside me?"

She felt a little more motion within her left breast, and her cheeks grew hot and flushed as she realized that it was squirming its way towards her nipple. Biting her lip, almost afraid to watch, she nonetheless kept her eyes glued to her own teat. Before long, it pulsed, and flexed... and then finally, a pair of tiny blue arms extended out of its center pore, before grasping the darkened areola to haul out the head and upper torso of Seabreeze.

"Sweet meercifuul heevans." he swore to himself, before looking around and then craning his neck to look up at his Host's face. "Ees naught rocket scieence. Hand 'em t' me an aye'll carry'em inside. Ach, Fleecetail, haagen velt roighten f'taghn, naa?"

In response to his words, Fluttershy felt new activity in her right breast, followed by her right nipple erupting an orange breezie of its own. Staring down at these miniature ponies lodged inside her breasts, she found herself beginning to hyperventilate. "I-I don't have to tell you how extremely disconcerting I'm finding this, do I?"

"Then geet goin' with th' cherries, lass." Seabreeze replied, stretching his arms out. "Queeker th' deed, th' queeker it's over wit. Aye feegure weel only be needin' five per globe, y'ken?"

"Ech bin wodan bligen!" Fleecetail suddenly chirped.

"Ach, right. That goes for th' ones een yer womb as well."

Her pupils shrunk at the realization, but she eventually nodded, before reaching forward to the bag, and scooping out a hand-full of red fruits. Taking one between her fingers, she lowered it down to the small blue stallion, who took it in both hands, turning it about in inspection. "Pitted. Guud call." he remarked, and then proceeded to pull himself back inside.

She screwed her eyes shut as she felt the cherry pressing against her nipple, feeling her tender flesh strain... and then letting out a gasp as with a 'pop', it was pulled inside her breast. She could feel it being ferried deeper inside her flesh, another new sensation on top of the others she had been subjected to, in such a short period of time. A gentle jiggle from her right nipple reminded her of the Breezie still waiting there, and with a little hesitation, she handed them a cherry as well, once again wincing as it was pulled inside with a second 'pop'.

This continued for a good minute, the breezies popping out, and her handing them another cherry to pull inside of her, to distribute among the rest of the breezies inhabiting her breasts. At some point, she was struck with the impression that she was feeding her breasts themselves, directly, as if they were individual entities that just happened to be attached to her body. It was yet another disconcerting notion, on top of everything else that had happened.

At length, the yellow mare felt another breezie crawling their way past her cervix, and she stiffened, before taking yet another cherry, and leaning forwards, a hand pulling down her skirt and panties, giving her massive jewels some air. Her fingers darted in between her sac and inner thigh, and pressed the cherry against the folds hidden beneath her male equipment. It didn't take long before she felt another pair of arms part those lower lips, grasping the cherry, and then pulling it through, ferrying up inside.

She closed her eyes for a second, before looking down at her left breast, and Seabreeze peering out of it. "Should I be worried about you all staying... clean, inside of me?"

"Th' Host takes care o' us. We duu our best t' take care of th' Host in turn." he replied. "Remeember, ees not th' first tyme wee Breezies 'ave doone this. Eef yuu're worried 'boot infectin's, doon't be. Wee'll take care o' eet, easy."

Fluttershy wished she felt as assured as he was. She was going through an awful lot of trouble here after all. As she pulled her hand back to pick another fruit, her balls jostled a bit from the passage, which in turn caused their occupants to start squirming. Thusly reminded, she asked, a tint of fear in her voice. "Don't I... have to feed the ones in my testicles, too?"

The midget stallion waved a dismissive hand. "Ach, theey'll be fine. Yuu've kinda been... 'feedin' them all along, y'ken?"

It took her a bit to realize what he meant. And when it finally registered, her face went completely beet red.


She returned to her seat not long after, and soon busied herself with feeding one last mouth; her own. A sandwich and half an apple later, and she was soon back to her book, reading out-loud at a whisper to her occupants.

The train trip continued to be uneventful for the most part. Once or twice, the click-clack of rails would be interrupted by one rough set of tracks, the cars passing over it jostling heavily, causing their occupants to rouse and look about. During these, Fluttershy would raise her head and scan the car, realizing that at least a couple of the other passengers were looking at her out of the corner of their eye. Looking at her, and at her increased curvaceous figure.

She would blush, and hide her face immediately afterwards behind her book.

The Breezies for their part, remained model passengers themselves as she read to them, not shifting or causing a disturbance. Once or twice she caught herself rubbing her own belly, idly taking in the feeling of being 'full' there. I've always wondered what it'd be like, to be pregnant...

It would be some hours later, when a glint out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. Looking up revealed to the pegasus that in the whirring scenery outside, the sun had begun to settle on the horizon.

"O-oh dear... that late already?" she muttered more to herself than to her occupants. This was followed by a growl from her stomach, reminding her that it had indeed, been a fair amount of time since her sandwich.

She looked at her purse, and the four remaining sandwiches inside, thinking. ".... we're going to be walking out in the wild later, so... it might be better to save these for then. Maybe I ought to try the dining car?"

She got a wave of writhing from within her bust, telling her that the fairies inside agreed with her thinking. Blushing, the pegasus looked down at the shelf of mammaries jutting from her ribcage. "But then, how am I gonna feed you all? Can you all wait till a bit later, when we're in private again?"

A more muted sensation returned to her in reply from her belly. It felt as if the Breezies inside were all looking at each other and shrugging their shoulders in indecision. She gave a sigh and closed the book, putting it away before she gripped the seat railing and steeled herself. "Well... here we go, one way or another."

Hefting her sizable mass from her seat was even more of a challenge than earlier, given that she had been sitting in one spot for hours. In particular, it felt like her balls had become even heavier, as if more Breezies had appeared in there. Knowing this to be an impossibility though, she shunted it to the back of her mind as very carefully, she maneuvered herself out into the aisle.

She was just about to stand up straight, when the car hit yet another jostling rail.

The interior seemed to leap into the air for a brief second. It was enough to make her yelp, as she lost her footing and fell over backwards. To both her relief, and embarrassment, she felt her fall broken as she landed up against the form of another pony.

"Wo-hoah there!" came the voice. "Are you okay, miss? That was a rough one." Strong hands hefted her back upright, holding her steady. She recognized the voice, as that of the concession stallion who had been through earlier.

"O-oh! Uhm, hello." she replied, her face a beet red. "I-I'm so sorry, just... lost my grip there. Th-thank you, for... a-ah!"

The Breezies did not take kindly to being jostled at all. Her face burned a few degrees hotter as she felt all her inhabited parts break out into squirming. Her balls rattled, her immense bust writhed, and beneath the hands of the stallion keeping her steady, her belly undulated, bumps rising and falling beneath its rounded surface.

The grey pegasus hesitated, his mustache twitching, momentarily amazed by what he was feeling. A split second later, he removed his hand and blushed a fair bit himself, rubbing the back of his head. "A-ah, sorry 'bout that. You've... got quite an active bunch of foals there!"

"T-that's putting it lightly..." she replied, allowing herself to be steadied by the pony as she placed both her hands on her belly, stroking the sides. "Calm down everyone, please?"

It took a few seconds for the activity to die down to a dull vibration, as she soothed them. "I was just getting up to go to the dining car. Er, which way is it?"

"About three cars behind us, ma'am. If you need, I can help carry your things." He motioned to her purse and suitcase, before pausing for a moment. "I've been talking with the rest of the crew... They said your ticket's for Highwind Lake?"

"U-uhm, yes, that's correct."

"That's kind of an overnight trip, you're aware, ma'am?"

She nodded, arms still holding her belly. "I am. I only had enough bits for the seat though, so-"

"Well, that's what we've been talkin' about." He stood up a little taller and adjusted his cap. "We had a passenger who'd reserved an overnight cabin room, cancel at the last second. It's currently still unoccupied."

This picked at Shy's ears. She turned to look at him in curiosity. "Oh?"

"The stewards all told me the same thing you did. A mare in your condition though..." his eyes swept her gravid form briefly. "Well, I talked it over with the crew, and we all agreed. You should go ahead and take that cabin for tonight. No extra charge."

Her eyes widened in considerable surprise. "That's... th-that's very, very kind of you, sir."

He shook his head. "It's no problem at all, ma'am. Come on, I'll lead you to it. And then, I'll see about having dinner delivered to you once you're settled in. There'll be a menu in the door."

He took the lead, holding her hand, which she quite readily allowed. She wasn't sure anymore just how balanced she was on her feet. Not after having thirty-plus Breezies deciding to climb inside her. For a brief moment it came to her to confess to the dear stallion who was going out of his way to help what he saw as a pregnant mare, that her cargo wasn't exactly what he thought it was...

But it is precious, isn't it? So it's not technically a lie...

They progressed down a number of cars, before one door opened to allow the aromas of cooked vegetables to flood her nose. Her stomach rumbled once again, which earned a small embarrassed blush, and a smile from the gentlecolt. Past the tables, they finally entered a car with a small hallway, with doors on the side. It was the first of these doors that the stallion opened, and bowed to usher her inside.

Fluttershy looked in, her expression beaming. She had slept in overnight trains before, especially in bunk-cars that she shared with all of her friends. This however, was a nice cozy space, meant for only one pony. A single window still allowed her to see the passing countryside, but she also had her own wash-room, bunk, and various shelves which to store things in.

"Hope it's to your liking, ma'am." the stallion replied, setting her baggage upon the cot. "These are usually pretty full up, but like I said, this pony decided to cancel last-minute. Lucky that he did, huh?"

She nodded, gently setting herself down in the window seat. "It's perfect. Thank you, sir. And tell everypony else I said thanks too, will you?"

"Will do, ma'am. Again, menu's in the door. If you need anything else, just call me!" He grinned and tipped his hat again. It was only then that Shy thought to ask the colt for his name, but by the time she'd opened her mouth, the door had slid and clicked shut.

She leaned back, and breathed an immense sigh of relief... which was soon followed by an unrestrained groan, as her occupants made their presence known once more, wriggling and writhing transpiring beneath her skin.

Stroking her belly, the pegasus spoke more plainly, now that there was no fear of anyone overhearing. "We're okay, everypony. We have our own room now. A bit more privacy, if, uhm, anyone wants to come out?" Her tone had been hopeful, inviting her passengers to vacate her body. The bit of wiggling she got in response however, told her that they were all nice and comfortable right where they were.

Heaving another sigh, she looked over, and found the aforementioned menu. Standing up, she pulled it out and looked it over, a hand absentmindedly digging into her remaining bag of cherries. "Dinner... I suppose everypony's ready for something besides cherries, right?"

She got a shimmy from her belly and breasts, that she'd come to interpret as 'yes'. Popping a cherry into her mouth, she munched it, before continuing. "Well, we've got our options. Broccoli almondine, roasted brussel sprouts, quinoa salad... o-oh goodness, they even have a bean-loaf on here."

More undulating from her body. Signals were mixed this time, some obviously liked the sound of certain dishes more than others. She bit down a giggle, before popping another cherry into her mouth. "Well, we're going to have to make up our minds somehow. Unless you'd all like to come out and help me look over this-"

She attempted to swallow the cherry. Something proceeded to go down the wrong pipe.

Fluttershy gagged, before coughing, dropping the menu in the process. Hands flying to her throat, she hacked and wheezed, trying to heave the foreign object out of her windpipe, to no avail. To make matters worse, the breezies within her had all suddenly begun to writhe, sensing their host's distress. She had to lean against the wall as the rounded masses attached to her squirmed and moved and-

She stopped coughing long enough to drop her mouth open in a gasp. The wriggling in her right breast intensified, before she silently screamed as a breezie's hand pushed its way out of her nipple. The sweater and coat covering it bulged as the minuscule form dragged itself out, then proceeded to clamber up the mountain that was her breast.

Crawling free of the neckline, a lemon-yellow breezie with a wavy blue mane emerged, her expression one of worry and panic. Her wings extended and she took to the air, hovering in front of Fluttershy's face. The pegasus couldn't exactly speak, but she pointed a finger to her mouth, gesturing at her throat. The pixie mare then nodded at her...

... and then Shy's eyes widened further, as the faerie proceeded to launch herself into her mouth. She kept very, very still as she felt small hooves and hands clamber over her teeth and across her tongue, antennae brushing the roof of her mouth. She felt a hand grasp one of her rear molars, and she had the mental image of the breezie leaning over her esophagus, peering down and searching...

The irritant in her windpipe suddenly vanished.

She took a breath, and then coughed one last time, ejecting the breezie from her mouth in the same moment. Her helper tumbled in the air for a few seconds, before righting herself and fluttering back up to the pegasus's face, with the offending object in hand. A single cherry pit.

The breezie glared at it, and rattled off something in her Northlandic tongue. Staring in turn, Shy could only manage a sheepish smile and shrug. "Y-yeah, it looks like they missed one... there's usually always one, isn't there?"

There was a nod, before it was chucked over her shoulder, into a nearby wastebasket. Fluttershy opened her mouth again to thank the breezie, but was interrupted as the spritely pony flew right up to her, grasped her muzzle in both hands, and then pressed a kiss to her snout. The tiny gesture made her heart flutter, as a smile overtook her face. A tingling remained on her snout where the kiss had taken place, making her feel a little light.

The tiny mare flashed her own smile at her, before ducking down and landing upon the pegasus's shelf of a bust, wings retracting as she crawled down into that cleavage to return to her nipple. Absentmindedly, Shy pulled the fabric surrounding that teat out and away to give the breezie room, feeling those minute fingers grasping and finding it, then digging in, and pushing it wide to take shelter in her breast once again.

She waited till the wriggling subsided, staring down at her own bust in a sort of shell-shocked awe. Looking to the wastebin, and then back again, she then very tenderly cupped her enormous, inhabited mounds, and lifted them up, speaking to the occupants within them. "You... You all really do care about me, don't you?"

That movement from before, the one that she knew to mean 'yes', blossomed fully within her breasts, within her womb, and within her jewels. Her skin all but rippled from the enthusiasm of their answer, and despite everything, she actually felt another smile coming to her lips, drinking in the confirmation that yes, each and every body that was inside her, cared for her, as she had cared for them.

"... and care for all of you, I'll keep doing." she replied, with much more conviction than she had before, since they had boarded her. Leaning down, she picked up the menu once more, and returned to reading it out, a new expression of happiness lighting up her features. "Now... who wants the bean loaf, and who wants the broccoli almondine?"



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Dinner was muted, and only a touch bit awkward. Shy herself had settled on a plate of carrots and penne in a light sauce, but the Breezies all had their separate tastes. She had ordered four different plates of food, then locked the door, and then finally, stripped herself fully naked, laying back and telling them with a bit of a firm voice. "We have privacy now. And I'm not pushing broccoli into my nipples. Please, come on out and eat."

And out they finally came. Bit by bit, breezes began emerging from her teats, and from between her folds, the mare's eyes closing as she felt them moving about and leaving her body. Bit by bit, the rounded surfaces that were her breasts and her belly, began to shrink down as they were vacated, causing the mare to breathe a private sigh of relief.

She was never completely 'emptied' however. She could feel one or two stragglers still remaining in her bust and womb, and it was only once some had finished eating, and decided to wiggle their way back inside her, that these lagging pixies would leave in turn to eat. The breezies inhabiting her balls had made no move to leave at all, but considering what Seabreeze had told her earlier, she didn't doubt that they were comfortable where they were.

Speaking of, Seabreeze himself had also come out, obtained a spear of broccoli, and then retreated to perch on her shoulder again as he ate, eyes watching the rest of his flock like a hawk. It wasn't until a few minutes had passed that he paused in his munching to turn and look upon the pegasus. "Yuu doin' alright, Gastheer?"

Fluttershy had her mouth full, so she took a second to swallow before responding. "S-so far. I think I'm getting used to it... I still think you should have sat down and told me what being a Host involved, before having me sign."

Seabreeze rubbed his forehead. "Ah knoo, ah knoo, ah made th' ropes an' noo they be makin' 'emselves a noose t' hang mee from." He gave a sigh as he leaned back on her shoulder. "It steel surprises mee doe. Did y' knoo, they actually gave me a booklet, on recruitin' Gastheers? Had all theese things on how t' convince one t' goo along, or how t' pick a good'un from a baddie, or how t' knock one oot withoot hurtin' 'em. Th' library's full o' Gastheer topics, like how t' caare for a sick one, how t' heelp 'em in relationships, an' of course th' stories, /toons/ stories, some of th' worst ones t' let a flock down, an' some 'bout th' greatest gastheers who eva leeved, carried breezies for years, protectin' th' Beeg Wind 'emself, pullin' oof th' moost amazin' mooves with a flock o' breezies inside 'em th' whole time-..."

A suspicion that had been lurking in the back of her mind began to blossom in full as she listened to Seabreeze continue on and on about Hosts. When there was a pause, she finally found it in her to ask. "Every breezie knows about Gastheers, don't they? It's part of your culture."

He nodded exuberantly. "Yah, eet's pretty beeg in our world. Aye reemember takin' mah feerst heestory lesson in theerd grade on th' five moost famoose Gastheers in all of Breeziekind. Eets a rare breezie that doon't knoo what a Gastheer even is."

She nodded in turn, before she asked her next question. "... how surprised were you, when I told you the first time, that I had no idea what being a Gastheer involved?"

The pixie cocked his head, and opened his mouth to answer, before pausing. A light very slowly began to dawn in his eyes. "... I-I... W-weel, like I said, I thought you knuu, at th' time. I thought every beegjob knew that..."

Shy slowly shook her head. "In all my reading and watching about breezies, I've never seen or heard a word about Gastheers. I honestly had no idea, and I don't think very many other ponies in Equestria know about it either."

He slumped on the spot as he took in that information. "Meegan Ferdinand... I-If that's... th-that's a leetle hard t' take. I-It's just soo common amoong th' Breezies, that eet's..."

"It's a cultural thing. It really was a misunderstanding." she said, understanding it now herself. "It was so common among the Breezies that you just assumed that naturally, everyone else outside your world also knew about it. That's why you didn't see it as 'forcing', and it's why you thought we had talked about it already. We had our wires crossed the entire time."

Seabreeze drew his arms and legs together, his hand going into his tunic to retrieve a particular folded bundle of paper. "Eef that's th' case... thees paper yuu signed, was a trap." An actual expression of guilt overtook his features. "Aye made yee sign this, thinkin' yuu'd at least heard a bit aboot th' role... but if yuu nevar deed in th' first place... a-ah shoold prob'ly rip thees up. What aye deed waasn't right, an' if wee'd just-"

To his surprise, a massive yellow hand reached up, and pressed at the piece of parchment with a finger, holding it to his chest. "A misunderstanding, Seabreeze. But I understand it a bit more now... even if it was a bit late." She offered him a smile, before withdrawing her hand. "If you want to make it up to me... then how about answering some of my questions, about the role of the Host?"

He stared at her, before nodding mutely, and putting the contract back into his outfit. "W-what would yuu like to knoo?"

"Tell me about the first Gastheer. You said that it was actually their suggestion?"

"That's right. Meeny centuries agoo, there was a mother breezie, knoon as 'Th' Queen', who was pregnant, what became seperated from her flock. Shee was found by a mare, whoo wee known oonly as 'Honey'. As frageele as Th' Queen was, Honey waas afraid tuu even touch'er, and had nuu idea hoow to get th' Queen back to her flock, before she started havin' her babies.

"An' then, shee had th' thought, for those babies t' go from one womb, to another. Shee invited Th' Queen to take sheelter inside her own belly, while shee looked for th' flock. Eet was accepted, and th' bonnie kelda climbed aboard her, just in time tuu. Even while Honey looked for th' rest of the Breezies, Th' Queen went into labor, and began givin' birth, inside her host's womb."

"N-new lives, beginning inside her!" Fluttershy spoke with a touch of awe in her voice. "Did it take them very long, to find the flock?"

"Weell, th' flock was on th' last leg o' eets journey tuu bring pollen back tuu Highweend Lake. Honey found their trail, but could nevar catch up. It took her three weeks t' finally reach th' lake itself, and th' Hole in th' Wall. By theen, she had a happy bouncin' family o' Breezies, all in her belly."

"They... they weren't full-grown already, were they?" Shy rubbed a cheek in thought.

"Oh nuu, wee may gestate fast, but wee duun grow up in a single week." He shook his head, a smile upon his face. "They took 'em out an' eentoo th' village, and th' Queen mayde sure t' promise, that wee wuuld nevar forget th' service an sacrifice of Honey, for offering her body up for safety, and becoming th' first Gastheer."

"Wow..." she replied, sitting back in her seat as she took the tale in. "So... originally, it was just the womb? None of, you know, this?" She gestured at her bust, the presence of a couple breezies still lurking within them never far from her mind.

"Ootheer parts came aboot layteer. Wee've had both stallions an' mares be gastheers, as time went on. Some weere willin'. Some had backed oot last minute, like aye said b'fore. Otheers were... weel, thoose were desperate times, an' they're noot luuked on kindly by th' rest o' Breeziekind. Eeven doe wee were told eet's steel a tried an' truu method."

"Knocking a pony out, and then climbing inside them?"

"That's thee one. An' yuu... well, yuu had fainted, soo it mayde things easier, gettin' settled in..." the guilty look had resurfaced on his face, as he rubbed the back of his head. "Guess wee're noo better than those oother flocks, were wee?"

She didn't respond to that immediately, instead lifting her tea and taking a moment to sip from it. At length, she spoke up. "You were desperate... and in such desperate times, creatures do rash things... I've seen it way too often, you know. Starving mothers, hurting manticores, lost birds... But that doesn't automatically make them bad, or evil." She turned her head to the side to gaze at him again. "And fathers who leap at what his culture says, is the correct option, for a chance to reunite with his family... well... I think I can learn to forgive them." This was punctuated with a soft smile.

Seabreeze let out a sigh of relief, before looking over to his comrades, still milling around the plates of food. "A beet too late fur animal cages... but eef you'd rather wee didn't-..."

Fluttershy shook her head. "Supposing we'd sat down and had it explained to me beforehand... I think I would have been okay with it. So, no, don't worry about that. You can all keep... keep living inside me, for the time being. It's only till we get to Highwind Lake, after all. And I think I can hold on for that long."

He nodded once, before climbing onto his hooves. "Weell, weeth this room, wee've definitely got a loot more privacy than befoore. Maybe wee wouldn't have t' stay cooped up inside all thee time-"

No sooner had he said that, than the train went over another rough set of rails. The plates in the floor jumped, and food and breezies went flying everywhere, a yelp of surprise rising from many throats. At the sudden upset, many faeries immediately hovered over to Fluttershy, clinging to her body, some even positioning themselves to climb back inside.

"O-oh my goodness." she breathed, as the flock gravitated back towards her. "N-Now now everypony, let's calm down. You're going to get bumps like these on train rides. There's nothing for you to worry about, really-"

*knock knock*

Her head shot up to the door. From behind it, the voice of that grey stallion sounded. "You okay, ma'am? Coulda sworn this track wasn't this rough last time we were through here. Everything alright?"

"O-oh yes, I'm... a-ah!" were the only words she managed to get out of her mouth, as the breezies were all now in a panic to get back inside her. She found herself falling back in her seat, as the tiny bodies clustered around her nipples and groin, feeling the minute limbs pressing in and climbing into her flesh, sometimes two of the little ponies trying to squeeze through at once!

"Oh gosh, that didn't sound good. Are you sure you're alright?" came the voice again, rather worried this time. "I-I have a key, if you need any help-"

"No! No, I-I'm perfectly fine!" she called back, trying to keep her tone level despite the dozens of faeries cramming themselves into her every orifice. Below her nose, she watched as her breasts bit by bit, expanded and stretched with every Breezie that entered her nipples. And her hands on her belly, felt the gentle swelling of her stomach, as a rushed parade of feathery sensations hurried up her vagina and through her cervix, her womb stretching to make room. She gave another light gasp as one breezie opted for the closest entrance to them, and dove down into her flaccid cock.

"Ma'am? Really, it's no problem for me to-"

"I'm in the shower!!"

There was a pause of quiet from the other side of the door, which Fluttershy used to motion to Seabreeze. The small stallion nodded, and then flew down to her breast, before sliding a hand down into her teat, diving into the safety of her titflesh. As he was the last breezie to enter her, the pegasus decided it safe to attempt to stand up, and grope for her skirt. "I-I'd just slipped, is all... I didn't fall, thankfully, just, getting steady's a bit of c-challenge..."

"... well all right, if you say so, ma'am." came the gentlecolt's voice again, a befuddled tone to his words. "But if you need anything at all, don't hesitate to tell me. Okay?"

"A-alright, sir!" she called out again, steadying herself against the wall. "T-thank you for checking on me, though!"

"No problem at all, Miss Shy. I'll be close by!"

The padding of footsteps sounded from behind the door, and faded into the distance, before Fluttershy finally breathed a sigh of relief. Letting go of the wall, she balanced herself with her increased mass once again. For being a bunch of featherweight pixies, they were all so heavy once inside of her. "He's gone. You can all relax now."

She felt and saw the gentle pulses and bumps rising and falling beneath her skin in response, her hands coming up to rub the side of one breast and the top of her belly in calming, soothing motions. A single stirring in the base of her cock caused her to bite her lip, as she felt that one wayward breezie climb back up and out of her urethra. She couldn't see over the immense shelf that was her bosom, but she could hear and feel the little one take wing, and fly up to her face, revealing themselves to be a lavender pixie, with a white mane. She got the distinct feeling that they were a colt.

"Min fargen." he apologized, blushing brightly, before gathering himself and attempting to speak Equestrian. "Waaz ze roong plays foo meegan."

She couldn't find it in her to even be annoyed. "It's okay. I understand that you were all scared. But, I'd really appreciate it, if you would all do that calmly and orderly, in the future? That, uhm..." She reached up to rub a nipple. "That kinda hurt."

The small pony covered his mouth in surprise. Within her body, she felt motions of similar shock or embarrassment transpire. He floated down to her nipple, but instead of attempting to enter it like she expected, he instead took the nub of flesh in both hands, and leaned forward to kiss it instead. Once again, that bright, tingling sensation that she had experienced on her nose, blossomed from the spot, her nipple stiffening up in response.

She closed her eyes for a brief second. So I WASN'T imagining things. she mused to herself, before looking at the colt again. "T-thank you, little... uhm..."

"Flaffi Muus." he offered.

"Flaffi Muus. Thank you, very much." Her hand now moved under him to scoop and hold him, her eyes taking in both him, and the fading light outside the window, the sun having dipped well below the horizon. She also eyed the state of the room, spying the bits of food still littering the floor. "Oh dear. Well... some of it is still on the plates. I-if anyone else is still hungry...?"

Flaffi shook his head, while numerous movements within her bust and belly echoed the same sentiment. "O-okay. Well... I need to clean this up then, before we go to bed."

"I heelp!" the little colt piped up, fluttering down to the floor and picking up an errant pea. "I kleen. Weel duu heelpin min Gastheer!"

Once again she found herself touched. That wasn't the end of it either, as wriggling broke out within her breasts. She leaned back and watched with surprise as two more breezies from her left, and a single breezie from her right, emerged from her nipples, wings extending as they joined the purple pixie in the floor, the lot of them joining their voices to a chorus of "Alles om heelpin min Gastheer!"

She stood there in shock for only a second, before moving forward as well, getting onto her knees to pick up a plate and piling upon on while she thought. They may be flighty and reckless, but they really don't mean any harm. To think that they would willingly come out to help me with things, wherever I am... she blushed a little. Beyond them living inside of me... a pony could get used to this.

Together with her assistants, it didn't take long for the floor to be cleaned. Once that was done though, all four sprites converged upon her again, alighting on her exposed bust. "Thank you, so very much." she spoke to them. "If everyone's ready, I really think it's high time we went to bed...?"

She had been hoping, again, that the remaining breezies inside would climb out to be tucked in. But this appeared not to be the case, as the four breezies chittered to each other, before pressing their antenna to the surface of her mammaries, and chittering some more. Inside them, she could feel minute vibrations that felt as if others were speaking as well, voices vibrating through her flesh.

Blushing brightly, the pegasus looked down at them. "Y-you... you use your antenna to talk to each other... while inside me?"

"Yah!" Flaffi Muus chirped, before turning to his comrades, chittering in his native tongue, Fluttershy translating in her head. "We've an imbalance since the scramble, only seven in her left. Got to keep the Host even!"

She found herself leaning against the wall again, as once more, their wings retracted as fingers stretched the pores on her nipples wide, climbing inside her tits once again. The purple pony was the last one in, entering feet first as he climbed inside, pausing long enough to squeak at her "Goeden nacht, min Gastheer!", and plant another kiss upon the flesh of her nipple, before pulling his head fully inside.

She let out a sigh, the squirming in her breasts coupling with the glow from that latest kiss to briefly wash over her mind. Gathering herself again, she looked down at her full and occupied body, before smiling again. "I guess I'm the bed too then, huh?" A gentle vibration was all she got in answer.

The rest of her waking time was spent making use of the small washroom attached to the compartment, before brushing her teeth, and then finally tossing back the covers. Brief memories arose of the one time Dash had caught her sleeping in the nude, and a blush arose to her cheeks again. That was how she usually bedded though. And she did so again, slipping into the sheets in the buff, a hand going up to turn out the cabin light as she got good and settled.

"Goodnight, Seabreeze... Flaffi... everypony." she whispered, her hands roaming her increased curves beneath the covers one last time, feeling a fluttering like butterflies in answer. "Goodnight. Sleep tight, and sweet dreams~"


It was a warm summer day, and Fluttershy was dressed to enjoy it, a long sheer sundress draped around her form. She was feeling adventurous, and was expressing that with the fact that her dress had a long, sloped neckline, displaying well over a foot of her own cavernous cleavage.

There were other reasons she was risking such a display. She was standing at the sidelines of a road with many other ponies. There was a tied-wing pegasus race going on, where the fliers showed there was more to them than their wings. A bunch of pegusai were running down it now, coming towards her.

She was not surprised to see that Rainbow Dash was in the lead. Dear Rainbow Dash, whom she had known since they were fillies, a pony who was almost like a second sibling to her now. Behind her jogged Thunderlane, followed by Flitter, Bulk, and a number of other pegasi. Even dear Derpy was in the running, her crosseyed face bearing a look of determination.

And then she saw that Dash was actually neck at neck with another pony for the lead. And her heart jumped as she saw who it was.

Lithe and toned, electric blue mane flying wild, Cloudchaser was putting in every ounce of effort to outmatch the rainbow pegasus. Muscles strained, tendons stretched, sweat dripped from her jaw. And around her hips, her shorts were unbuckled at the very top. There was no way they could be buckled, stretched as they were around a monstrous bulge that was twice the size of Fluttershy's own. Despite this unwieldy organ, the mare was keeping pace with Dash, straining to get ahead, even if it was just by a nose...

A still frame, of Cloudchaser breaking the finish line just ahead of Dash.

A wreath around her neck, and a big, golden trophy were in her hands a split second later, her face beaming with pride. She saw both her hero and Dash joking for a short bit, before she finally stepped forward, a bouquet of roses in her hands. When the weathermare finally caught sight of her, a flutter passed through her body, a shy smile and blush upon her cheeks as she presented Cici with a prize of her own... herself.

Next thing she knew the athlete's strong arms were around her, the aroma of her clean sweat filling her senses. Shy could not help but giggle as she pressed herself into the other mare, feeling those hands explore her backside, that enormous bulge pressing against her own stallionhood, feeling that wonderful pony's muzzle diving down to explore her exposed cleavage...

The crowd was gone, and they were no longer outside in the sun, but inside, naked, on her bed. Cloudchaser now took her immense breasts fully into her hands, and the yellow mare could not help but sigh in happiness as she felt those masses being fondled, adored, worshiped. A tingle overtook them as those digits dug in, as lips danced over them to nip and kiss and suck, her mammaries shivering with pleasure from all the attention.

And downstairs, she paid her own cock no mind, as the monster that was Cici's own rubbed up against it and over her belly, fully erect and throbbing. Shy was not a herm. She was a mare. More than that, she wanted to be Cloudchaser's mare. She wanted that cock inside her, filling her, and giving her many, many foals, enough so that she would unmistakably become a mother, now and forever. To be full of life.

The periwinkle pegasus had her eyes shut, as she rubbed her toned body along Fluttershy's much softer curves, her cock sandwiched between the both of them. Her motions were picking up speed, becoming more frenzied as heat built up between them. She could feel butterflies erupting in her belly, in her beasts, even in her own balls as they neared release, simply from grinding against each other. If this felt this good, how would the actual sex be like?

She caught her lover's eyes, and the both of them leaned their heads forward as they readied for a kiss, even as the jostling began to grow stronger, and stronger...

... and that was when her eyes flew open, suddenly confused, as she realized that even though Cloudchaser was now gone, the jostling was still going on.

Sleep clinging to the corners of her vision, she groped around for the lightswitch. There was something going on with her body, and even though she wished to return to her rather pleasant dream, all this... movement...

Th-the Breezies! What's going on?!

She found the switch, and flicked it on. Tossing the covers back in a panic, she then let out a gasp.

Her breasts were writhing, their surfaces a flurry of activity as they jostled back and forth upon her ribcage, standing up and swaying to and fro of their own accord. Beneath them, she could feel her belly undergoing similar motions, rocking back and forth.

Inside of them... she could feel it, the Breezies were doing anything but resting. There were whirling sensations, rhythmic sensations, pounding sensations, going on inside both her breasts and her womb.

"Oh goddess... o-oh my goddess!" she cried out, as her massive mammaries seemingly levitated off of her ribcage, and hung in the air and undulated, the vibrant actions of so many breezies at motion within her soft, sensitive titflesh crashing over the bulwark of her sanity once again. "Seabreeze! Seabreeze, what's going on?! What's happening?!"

She couldn't tell if he was responding, any motion lost amongst the sea of activity that was her bust. But at length, she felt her nipple twitch, before a blue hand stuck itself out. The rest of this was followed closely behind by the rest of Seabreeze's tiny upper torso. An upper torso that was conspicuously unclothed.

"Aye'm heer!" he announced. "Bye th' beeg weend they doon know when t' quit!"

"What's going on?!" Fluttershy demanded, panic obvious in her voice. "What are the Breezies doing?! They're not... fighting inside me, are they?!" She looked down at her body again, now witnessing the motions dying down some, probably due to their realizing their Host was awake now.

"O-oh... oh, that, uhm. Scared ye, deed it?" The small stallion sounded breathless, and embarrassed. "N-noo, there was nuu fightin' gooing on. Fluttershy. Just, uhm... d-deed wee wake you?"

"I should say so!" Her eyes were wide as she sat herself up on her elbows. "I thought everyone was going to sleep! Whatever's happening, it was enough to wake me up in a panic! And I was having a really good dream too!"

"E-eheh... y-yeah." He rubbed the back of his head. "W-wee could teel that much."

The way he said those words struck a different kind of alarm in her head. She was very still as she asked. "Y-you breezies can't... see inside my dreams, can you?"

"Oh nuu, our magic ieesn't aneewhere neer that strong. But afteer a while, wee are sensiteeve, tuu th' moods o' th' Gastheer... a-and wheen our Host starts feelin' one way... eet doon't take long for th' flock t' feel th' same way as weel..." He pressed his fingers together, a blush of his own beginning to build upon his face.

The pegasus's brain was having trouble processing this. She didn't even know if she did want to process it. She forged ahead however, her voice keeping its same tone, even as an expression of dread crept upon her face. "Seabreeze... what is everybreezie doing?"

The pixie bit his lip, before taking a breath. "Weel... wee knoo yuu was havin' a guud dreeam, cause yoor body was reeactin' tuu it. An' when th' other breezies started peekin' up on eet... an eetsy-beetsy, teeny-weeny leetle orgy might've brokeen out?" He finished this with an apologetic grin.

She stared at him for a long second, before turning her head to look back down at the breasts that were currently bigger than her head. At the breasts that currently housed twenty breezies, who were in the process of moving around. With motions that were shaking, swaying, pulsing, pumping, pounding-

Her face flooded red as her eyes shrunk into pinpricks, turning to stare at Seabreeze again as she spoke, her voice now a high-pitched squeal. "They're having sex inside of me!!?"

"Wee can't heelp eet!" he exclaimed. "Yuu started eet! Yuu were horny, eet made th' reest o' us horny too!"

"I was asleep!!" she retorted, before giving a gasp as the activity within her body began to pick up again, motions that she could now register in her mind, as that of Breezies relentlessly fucking each other or masturbating furiously, all while still buried deep within her flesh.

Her arms went up to try and corral her bouncing boobs and the orgies going on inside them. "O-oh goddess please, that's so wrong! D-don't, please... m-my womb!" she suddenly yelped, hands now flying down to the distended and squirming orb that was her belly. "Please, everypony, stop! You're going to get me pregnant!!"

Miraculously, the piston-like motions began to slow down, at least within her stomach. Seabreeze cocked an eyebrow at her belly, before turning around, still waist-deep in her nipple, to look at her again. "Geeting th' Gastheer pregnant? Aye doon't theenk that's eeven possible. Aye meen wee're verry guud at keeping cleean-"

"I don't care if it's possible or not, I don't want to risk it!" Shy enthused, her face still a beet red. "You're all mating, inside of me! Being naughty and filthy! Even you!" Her eyes was looking at his shirtless torso up and down. "Don't think I didn't notice! I thought you were a family colt?!"

"Aye ahm, beleeve me! Aye've nevah meesed Seacoral more than noo! Aye've-!" he cut himself off, hands going up to his temples as he closed his eyes, bringing himself back from the edge of a tantrum. "Okay... Luuk, aye'm sorree thees is happeneeng, but what can I duu? Aye can't teel them t' stop, they've all got a guud head 'o steem beelt up nuu, an' they won't calm doon teel they geet it out oof their syeestems!"

"That doesn't mean I have to like it." the pegasus replied, hands rubbing her belly breifly, before reaching one further down. "You had all been on your best behavior up until now! I'm surprised that the only ones who haven't been naughty, are the ones inside my ba-"

Her hand made contact with her equipment, and she had to pause. To her chargin, she found that her stallionhood was at half-mast, a leftover from the earlier dream she was having, the dark organ tenting the sheets with at least ten inches of semi-erect flesh. But that wasn't the most odd thing, both hands now going down even lower to investigate what she had just found.

Her testes had somehow become bigger. Whereas she had boarded the train with ones the size of coconuts, these nuts had now become cantelopes, stretching out the skin of her sac tightly around them. Her fingers running over their surfaces, she could also feel that they were bulging in rather unusual ways too, ways that she couldn't even begin to describe. Haltingly, she voiced the first question in her mind. "Did anybreezie... relocate, down into my balls, while I was asleep?"

If her occupants responded, it was lost over the actions of them making merry inside of her. Seabreeze for his part donned a look of confusion. "Aye doon't theenk so... Why duu yuu ask?"

"They feel... bigger. Fuller. Like more breezies are inside them now than there were before." She cupped them in her palms, cradling them gently. "Heavier too. Actually now that I think about it, they were feeling heavy, earlier today... S-Seabreeze, d-do you mind, if... uhm... I-if you can s-see if..."

He nodded, bracing his hands against her teat. "Aye'll luuk een on them an' see what's gooin' on." he stated, proceeding to pull himself out the rest of the way.

Fluttershy was not prepared for the sight of a naked cock exiting her own nipple. As he stood up straight atop the curvature of her breast before taking wing, she couldn't help but allow her eyes to roam over his bare form for the first time. That dark blue member was an inch and a half in length, which when compared to his six-inch-tall form, seemed fairly large on him. Without his tunic, she could see slight definitions of muscle upon his arms and legs. And upon his torso, was the barest shade of a six-pack... each one the size of a pinhead, but the effect was still the same, as the yellow mare felt a new wave of heat coming over her face and body at the combined sight.

Seabreeze paid no mind to this attention as his wings extended, and took to the air, waiting while she pulled the sheet the rest of the way off to expose her cock. He descended and alighted upon it, pulled in his wings, and then proceeded to slip down feet-first into her urethra.

She did her best not to dwell upon the fact that his own member was now inside hers, as she felt the bottom of her shaft bulge around his form, traveling down, down into the base. She felt one tunnel down there stretching wide, and then the sensation of something pressing into her left testicle, causing her to bite her lip, fingers grasping the fabric of her blanket, not even the sensation of the other breezies still banging each other inside her enough distraction. A gentle vibration issued from her sac, one that she registered as speech. They were talking.

The pressure eased up, but then reemerged in her right teste. That was Seabreeze looking in on them, she knew now. The vibrations were rather strong, she wasn't able to recognize words like this, but she could tell that there was something going on there, of voices being raised.

Many seconds passed, before she felt the base of her cock bulge, the small stallion now working his way out. Again she braced herself, sitting herself up straighter to watch the opening on the head of her penis pulse, before Seabreeze's head emerged from it, arms and body and legs not far behind. He sat perched upon the tip, wiping his forehead, a long face upon his features as he muttered in his own tongue "May the goddess of the sun have mercy upon our souls."

She didn't like the sound of that. "W-well...?"

He took a breath, before facing her. "Soo... aye have guud nuws, and bad nuws. Th' guud nuws ees, noo breezies have mooved aboot anywheere."

She nodded, hand still clutching the covers. "A-and the bad news?..."

"... eeach an' every breezie that took up in yoor testes, wuz a mare. All eight o' them. An' bye nou, they've been sittin' in seemen fur almoost tweenty hours..."

A pit opened up in the bottom of Fluttershy's stomach. She sat up completely, craning her neck over to actually look at her own balls, seeing how big they'd become, how full they'd become, with...

"Oh goddess, no... d-don't tell me that..."

"... they're preegnant, Fluttershy. An' yoo're th' father. So, uhm... congratulations?"

"...Oh no. Oh goddess, no!" she cried out, staring disbelievingly down at her swollen jewels, a hand running over their surfaces again. The strange lumpiness to them, she now recognized as the outlines of swollen bellies pressing against their walls, four to a testicle. Bellies filled with breezie foals. Her foals.

She was a father.

Tears sprang unbidden to her eyes, as the full weight of what had happened came crashing down upon her. "My babies... they're carrying my babies! E-even Toadstool?"

He nodded. "Aye toold yuu b'fore, it dooesn't take loong, for a Breezie. An' them, they're bonnie keldas nou. They're goonna be havin' a lot of 'em."

"Th-they're gonna get even b-bigger?!"

"Aye, yoo can count on that."

She traced the outlines gingerly, both to avoid the tenderness of her balls, and to avoid harming the new mothers and their own cargo within them. "Oh goddess... I-I had no idea this could happen... did you? Did anyone?"

"Nuu, wee deedn't." the small stallion replied, taking wing again to fly up and perch upon her shoulder, his antennae twitching as he sensed her distress, the guilty expression on his face not going anywhere soon. "Aye doon't theenk anyone waas expectin' eet... but it doon't change th' fact that it deed happen..." he cocked his head, worried. "Questeen ees, are yuu gonna bee alright, Gastheer?"

"... First, you all having sex inside me... and now, I'm a father. I'm a /father/." she replied, mostly to herself, her hand never leaving her balls as she leaned back into her bed, a hollow tone to her voice. "Eight breezie mares, all of them impregnated, by me, with my own foals... so many foals... and I'm taking you all home. When you'll leave. And those foals will never see their father, ever again...

"I don't know, Seabreeze. I don't know what to do."



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The young yellow pony sat on her bed, skirt pulled away from her belly as she looked at herself down there, remembering the words of her phys ed instructor, after the event where that appendage had fallen out in the middle of the girl's locker room.

A gentle knock upon her bedroom door, and she let the skirt snap back in place, straightening up. "Y-yes?"

The door opened, and the mustachioed face of her father peeked in. "Hey, princess. Are you doing okay?"

She nodded gently, though she brought her knees up to her chin, wrapping her arms around her legs. "I-I think so... I'm just, uhm... w-well..."

"Confused?" offered the voice of her mother, who was right behind the stallion. The door opened wider so the both of them could enter, her father taking a seat upon her bed. "We heard from the school. You... had a slip, didn't you?"

The filly nodded as she blushed, eyes cast downward. "Miss Deltoid, she said that... that I wasn't a pure girl, s'long as I have... h-have, uhm..." her eyes narrowed, cheeks becoming rosier as she steeled herself to ask. "... is it true, that only girls have vaginas, and only boys have penises?"

Her parents looked at each other, before her father finally nodded. "For the most part... yes, it's true. Your mother, a mare, has one, and I, a stallion, have the other. But you, Fluttershy... you have both at the same time."

"You come by it honestly though." her mother added. "From my side of the family. My grandmother, she was born with both at once too. It didn't slow her down any."

The little pony looked up at her. "Did... d-did she ever get called names, or screamed at?"

"That happened?!" The green stallion placed a hand on her shoulder, massaging it a bit. "That wasn't very nice of them!"

She could only shake her head, before a small smile emerged at the corner of her mouth. "Rainbow Dash stood up for me though. Told Miss Deltoid that if they didn't want a scene, they shouldn't have put my locker right in the middle of the room."

The older pegasi gave each other knowing glances, before turning to her again. "I-if the school's not a friendly place for you... we could pull you out, and homeschool you instead."

Fluttershy considered that, before shaking her head. "It's not that bad. Especially while Rainbow is there. I've... been thinking a lot though."

"What about?" her mother asked, now coming over to sit on the opposite side of her bed.

"Well... if colts and fillies have two different things, but I've got both... A-am I actually a filly? I mean... you both," she gestured to each of them "always called me a filly. Is that... really what I am?"

Her father bit his lip, before heaving a breath and facing her. "Okay, bit of a story time... When you were born, you had both colt, and filly parts. The doctors offered to... make you either one, or the other, but that would have made it really hard to feed everypony right after. They also told us that your body might... absorb your colt parts, when you got older. They told us a lot of different things. In the end though, your mother and I both decided to raise you, as our dear daughter."

"And you are dear to us." her mother chimed in, reaching a hand over to rest it on the filly's knee. "Boy or girl, it doesn't matter to us. You're our foal, Fluttershy, and we love you no matter what."

She blushed again, but there was a smile that accompanied it this time. "Th-thank you, Momma, Poppa... I-is that everything that happened, though? I-I mean, what... what do colt and filly parts do anyway?"

"Well..." The stallion looked helplessly at his wife, before getting a nod from her. "I suppose this was going to happen eventually anyway... they're what allow ponies to have foals in the first place. A vagina, allows you to become a mother... much like your mother, in fact! While a penis, means that you become a father, who can make a mare into a mother, planting a foal inside them. You remember when your mother was pregnant, right?"

She nodded again, looking over at her mother. "Zephyr grew in your tummy, didn't he?"

"He sure did. And... w-well, there are other details about how it works, and those can be... sordid. But the point is, yes, it was your father, who helped put him in there in the first place."

Young Fluttershy only had the barest clue of what her mother was insinuating at, but that was minor, compared to the burning question that had suddenly surfaced in her own mind. "When I grow up... which should I be? A Momma, or a Poppa?"

This was met with silence right at first... before her father finally answered. "Fluttershy... that choice is entirely up to you. We raised you as our daughter, our little filly... but if some day you decide you're a colt instead, well, we won't stop you. You'll be our son then, and Zephyr will have a brother, instead of a sister. We'll call you 'him', or 'her', whichever you prefer. Maybe some other gender we can't even imagine. It won't matter, because we love you, hon, and nothing will ever, ever change that."

Her eyes were wide, as the words of that speech echoed in her ears. "... promise?"



An odd thrill overtook her then. Looking over her strong and gentle father. She really could decide to be a colt. She could put away her dresses, wear long pants, cut her mane short. And then maybe some day in the far-off future, find a beautiful mare to take for a wife, and put foals inside her, having many, many children...

... and then she looked over at her mother, her soft and loving momma. She remembered her pregnancy, at how her mother's belly swelled bigger and bigger, her baby brother inside, till one day they came home from the hospital with the most adorable baby colt she'd ever seen, her new favorite baby brother. Carrying that new life inside of her tummy, for nine months...

At length, the yellow foal uncurled, allowing her legs to dangle as she leaned back a little, and placed a hand on her own tummy, rubbing it a little. At length, she looked back up at her folks. "... I think... someday, I wanna be... a Momma. So... I think, for now, I'm gonna keep being a filly."

The two pegasi came together to hug her between themselves, two kisses planted upon her forehead. "If that's what you want, Fluttershy, then that's what you'll be." her mother affirmed, softly stroking a hand over her pink mane.

"And I'm sure, you're gonna make a great momma someday." her father added, squeezing her shoulder. "You'll always be our foal, princess. And we'll always love you, no matter what. Now, and forever."

"You promise?"

"I promise."


Those words rang in Fluttershy's mind that next morning, as she leaned against the cramped confines of the train cabin's little shower. They were some of the last words she had ever heard her father speak, before that fateful tragedy at the weather factory where he worked.

She was still laden with her passengers, their activity nearly nil, as they had apparently used up all their energy late last night. Her balls hung heavily from her crotch, their weight seeming to have become even greater. Maybe they had grown just a little more, after she finally passed out the night before.

I'm a father.

This was what she was dwelling on at the moment. After stating her goal of becoming a mother, after having decided she was a mare for the rest of her life... fate had conspired against her, to saddle her with something she had never sought at all.

I'm in the same lot as Seabreeze, now. Eight mares, each one pregnant with my own foals. I'm responsible for them. I'm duty-bound to take Seabreeze, and the rest of the Breezies home, to reunite with their families. But at the same time... when those eight mothers leave me to rejoin the rest... will their foals grow up, without ever knowing me? Will they ever wonder, if their father abandoned them? That they were n-never...

There was a gentle jiggle from her left breast. She looked down at it lazily, staring. The jiggling happened again after a few minutes, and it was then that she realized she's been sitting motionless in the shower for at least twenty minutes.

"I'm not moving."

This provoked a reaction. She felt more jiggling from both breasts now, and from within her belly too. She withstood it for close to thirty seconds, before she spoke again, firmly.

"I am not moving until every breezie, and I mean each and every breezie, has come out and had a shower. You all woke me up last night. You all mated inside me last night. In my body. It's my body, and I won't tolerate that kind of behavior inside it. I refuse to go one step further, until the entire lot of you have come out and washed the filth off of yourselves."

Her inhabited parts were motionless for a long minute. Then slowly, sluggishly, she began to feel their forms rallying, migrating towards her nipples and cervix. She remained in place, and kept her breathing calm as her teats began to part way for one breezie or another to poke their head through, climb out, and then flutter down to the shower floor. She reached a hand over and turned the water on at last, allowing a fine drizzle to fall upon the growing flock.

She kept count too. The last one to emerge at number thirty was Seabreeze, who still appeared to be naked. He took one look at her humorless face, and then grimaced guiltily, before descending to join his fellows.

A bit of activity in her balls told her that the mares down there were attempting to comply, but their newly baby-filled bellies were giving them trouble. She allowed her expression to soften just a little, before reaching a hand down their to gently cup her jewels as a whole. "You girls were on your best behavior last night. You're exempt from showering. But... there is a lot that needs to be talked about later on... a whole lot."

Beyond her testes, the rest of her body was finally completely empty. She gathered her breasts into her hands, and massaged them, kneading them a bit more roughly than she had while they were occupied, lathering them up in the shower's spray. They were back to simply being the size of her head, and after having them so stretched and full for so long, the attention given to them felt good.

Opposite her bust was her belly, which was now simply soft again. She rested a hand atop it, and this time felt a tad bit melancholy at feeling how empty it was. Briefly she wondered if it was possible to relocate all the Breezies into her womb instead... but she quickly pushed the thought away, instead focusing on the fact that she finally had the majority of her own body to herself again.

And on the dilemma of what to do next. I'm on a train in the middle of its trip, Breezies have had sex inside of me, and on top of it all, I've impregnated eight Breezie mares. I thought I had it all in hand... but this is quickly getting out of control. I don't know what to do next...

... Twilight might know. she remembered, her mind picturing the gold pocketwatch device, still nestled away in her suitcase. I could use it, and call her. Give her the whole story, and ask for her advice. Ask what she would do, in this situation...

The faeries were being unusually quiet, no doubt sensing the mood of their Host. Still, they did as they were asked, and showered themselves in the falling drops, washing themselves clean. Out of the corner of her eyes, the pegasus could see that some breezies had begun pairing up even, clinging closely to each other. One particular pair being the lavender colt known as Flaffi, sticking close to that lemon yellow mare who had fetched the cherry pit from her throat. From here, it appears that he was helping wash her down... paying particular attention to her belly...

... is she pregnant too? Is he the father? Did that happen last night, inside me? I wonder if any of the other Breezies are as well...

She bit her lip, before turning back away and closing her eyes, focusing again on cleaning herself. Several minutes were spent in silence in this way, the uneasy peace at last broken by a single voice, asking. "Fluttershy?"

She opened her eyes, and looked. Seabreeze was perched on the soap dish mounted on the shower wall, looking contrite like he never had before. "How... a-are yee feeling?"

Fluttershy chose her words carefully. "I'm feeling betrayed, Seabreeze. The first incident was a misunderstanding, and I know that. But the whole lot of you, doing that nasty business inside me, after you saying you'd keep me clean... I feel violated, pure and simple. That's how I'm feeling."

Seabreeze's antennae drooped, and she found a small measure of satisfaction to see that the rest of the Breezies sagged at those words as well. She allowed the moment of guilt to stretch for a good ten seconds, before heaving another sigh. "You said you were reacting to my body, while I was dreaming. Is that really true?"

She got a fair few nods from that. "Eevree tyme yuu got all flooshed, yer bluud gettin' hot... wee Breezies starteed feelin' eet th' same way." Seabreeze explained. "Some o' us jeest... coouldn't hoold back. Wee acted withoot theenkin'. Fer that... wee're sorry, Fluttershy."

A likewise muttering rose from the assembled flock in the floor, their heads all bowed. She took a moment to look them over, noting that yes, some of them were holding their bellies. If they're pregnant too... they're going to be even more fragile than before...

The blue stallion lifted his head. "Ees there anee way wee can mayke it up too yuu?"

Shy was quiet for a few seconds more before looking at him again. "I don't feel clean, after that... taking a shower only takes care of my skin and mane. You said that you would keep me clean, inside... I want you to make good on that. You, and a few others. Clean me, on the inside, now."

He opened his mouth as if to protest, before closing it, and giving a single nod. Looking back at the rest of his flock below, he jabbed his finger a few times, singling out Breezies to assist him. They took to their wings with no complaint, and soon, Fluttershy had six breezies alighting on her skin, before pressing their way into her. She closed her eyes as two entered each breast, and another two entered her vagina.

What happened next was an interesting experience. Due to there being only two in each area, she could actually concentrate and feel them, as they moved around in her flesh. They never stood still, and though they were only faeries, they weren't exactly gentle, their activity driven with real purpose. Her hands grasped the shower railing as she felt them push their way through each and every duct in her mammaries, the inner surface of her womb being rubbed down vigorously. They were doing exactly as she'd asked, cleaning the areas where they'd been living in her, for almost a full day now.

I just had no idea that it'd be this... intense. she mused to herself, biting her lip again as she felt a breezie exit her cervix, and begin scrubbing down her vaginal walls.

She withstood the motions of the hard-working pixies for a solid minute, before they began migrating back to her openings. She kept her eyes shut as she felt her nipples stretch around their exiting forms, lower lips parting to allow the last two out. When she finally opened them, it was to the sight of six panting breezies, making a beeline for the shower's spray once more. There were bits of cloth in their hands, and for a brief second, she wondered if any of them had to sacrifice a scarf or two, to complete their task.

They washed themselves once more as she stood back up, cupping her hefty bosom with an arm, her free hand going down to rub her belly. They felt tender... but that tenderness was accompanied with a sensation of... well, she wasn't certain if 'cleanliness' as a term could actually be applied, but she undoubtedly felt a lot better now, than she had earlier that morning.

She turned to face the flock again, and caught Seabreeze's eyes. Finally, she allowed a smile to surface her face. "Thank you... I feel much, much better now."

They all breathed a sigh of relief. "Wee're glaad tuu heear eet."

The pegasus nodded, before her face turned serious again. "If this happens again... If I start having a... a good dream, like last night... I want you all to climb out of me, before doing anything. Otherwise, I'm going to want you to wash and clean me out again in the morning. Do you all understand?"

Every breezie nodded and hummed their agreement. The small stallion himself gave a salute. "Wee heear, Gastheer. Anytheeng you yuu say goos. Wee weel endeevor naught too duu eet ageen."

I'm sure you wouldn't mean to do it again, at least. came the words in her head. She left them un-aired though, as she finally nodded one last time. "I'm going to hold you to that... and if you hold up your end, then I'll hold up mine."

A chorus of agreement sounded from the assembled pixies. With that now over with, Fluttershy gave a sigh, putting her earlier thoughts about contacting Twilight out of her mind, before bracing herself. "Okay then... well, if we're all clean now... go ahead, and climb back on board." She very gently arched her back, presenting her bust and belly once more to the flock. "Our stop should be coming up very soon."


Freshly bathed, and full of breezies, Fluttershy opened the door to her cabin and stepped out, once again fully clad in her traveling wear, the clothing straining once again to keep her inhabited curves from being exposed. She had her purse and suitcase in-tow, with it fully in her mind to join the dining car for breakfast for herself. The Breezies within her had feasted on the last of the cherries before she had gotten dressed, and so she planned on indulging just a little.

The scenery outside was still whipping by at speed, though she could tell that the area they were passing through now had become more wooded, tall spruces zooming by on the track. Highwind Lake has a forest on one side, and a gully on the other, Seabreeze said. And then he also mentioned a wall... I wonder what the area is really like?

She had made it halfway down the narrow hallway, when the door in front of her opened, revealing a young couple stepping out, obviously on their way back to their own rooms. They were laughing, in the middle of some conversation, the mare asking her friend "So, how many of them are there anyway?"

"Four, if the buzz is to be believed." the stallion replied. "One in the Smokey Woods, of course, another somewhere up around Rainbow Falls, a third hidden in the moors around Trottingham, and if rumor is to be believed, the fourth somewhere in far-off Foenum."

"All the way over there? Do you know if they all know about each other, or-"

The pair of ponies both finally caught sight of Fluttershy, and her rather bountiful form, pausing in the doorway. "O-oh! Sorry, we were just heading back."

She nodded. "N-no problem, let me just..." she turned so her back pressed up against the wall. But even then, as narrow as the passageway was, there was no helping that her bust jutted out halfway into the middle of the space.

The stallion bit his lip, before pressing his own back to the opposite wall, and shuffling on past her. His partner did the same, though a blush leapt to both mare's faces, as their respective bosoms pressed into one another, squeezing up against each other from the lack of space, the pegasus's own monsterous mamms dwarfing the other mare's own. In the back of her mind, she prayed that her occupants would keep still.

Thankfully they passed each other without further incident, both ponies letting out a breath as they stood back up. Before turning to go, the mare turned to her and asked, tone curious. "When are you due?"

"Ah!... uhm, sooner than later, hopefully." Shy smiled back, hands again going to her belly.

The young couple smiled back, and then waved their farewells, before turning to continue on "So, yeah, do these faerie-pony colonies actually talk to each other?..."

The last words made the pegasus pause in her steps, as she turned to look at the door they had just left through. It was only then that she began feeling the shifting of the faeries within her breasts. Stroking the side of her bust with one hand, she whispered. "Is everyone okay?"

She got a positive vibration in turn. Nodding, she recomposed herself, before looking to the door again. Were they just... talking about Breezies?

A thought came to mind for her to catch up to them. Tell them her own interest in the subject. Maybe even reveal the truth about her precious cargo. A brief thrill ran though her body at the idea... Her stomach had other ideas though, as it protested at her, reminding her that even though her passengers were fed, she had yet to treat herself.

The yellow pony gave a sigh, and then picked up her bags again, finally heading into the dining car proper, the scene and the thought that accompanied it put completely behind her.


Breakfast itself passed without much fuss. The dining car was indeed as nice a setup as it had seemed when she'd first passed through it. For a few moments, Fluttershy was able to completely forget her troubles. It's hard to keep any worries close when a stack of Belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream is calling your name.

As good as it was, she nearly missed it, her head down and savoring the last bite, when a conductor stuck his head inside the car, and called out "NEXT STOP, HIGHWIND LAKE. PLEASE HAVE YOUR TICKETS AND LUGGAGE READY!"

It took a second for the words to sink in, before her passengers began to jump up and down inside her. Not even pausing to calm them, she stood up, gulped down the rest of her tea, snagged both bags, and tore down the aisle as fast as a laden pegasus could, feeling the momentum of the train beginning to slow beneath her hooves.

By the time she reached the car her original seat was in, there were a fair number of ponies all on their feet, getting into line for the nearest exit. The train was becoming increasingly slower, and she could see out the windows, the sight of an old wooden-plank building, serving as a train station.

With a final shudder and CLANK, the train came to a complete halt. Everyone on their feet swayed, many grabbing for purchase in the process. Fluttershy herself thought that she was steady, but once again, her sense of balance betrayed her, and she found herself jostled back and forth, feeling herself falling backwards-...

... and again, feeling her back and wings pressing up into the strong chest of another pony behind her. "Whoosh! Steady there, Miss. We've really got to stop meeting like this!" came the grey stallion's voice once more, his hands grasping her shoulders as he helped her stand back up.

A blush colored her face, but a smile was upon her lips as she turned and looked up at him. "Y-yeah, we really should. Thank you again. I'm sorry that I've been such a burden on this trip."

He tut-tutted, and shook his head. "No apologies necessary, Miss Shy. It's all part and parcel to the job, and a pleasure besides. Can I help you with your bags?" He gestured to the suitcase in her hands.

She nodded and handed it to him, and the two of them waited in line, as ponies slowly streamed out of the car. When it finally came their turn, they were the last ones off, the stallion getting the luggage on the platform as Fluttershy took the opportunity to open her wings and stretch them wide after so long in cramped confines.

"Highwind Lake, at long last." she breathed, looking around her. There was a footpath that left the station, meandering into the woods, where she assumed the actual town that shared the lake's name laid hidden. Beyond that, there were nothing but towering pines for miles around, the forest indeed becoming lost for all the trees.

"You gonna be okay from this point, miss?" he asked, looking around himself. "I could probably call a coach for you, to take you into town."

She shook her head as she turned to smile at him. "I'm fine, really. I need to hoof it from here. But thank you for the offer." Looking the grey pegasus up and down, she then reached and took his hand in both of hers, beaming at him. "Thank you, so very, very much, for everything you've done. I-If I may ask... what's your name?"

His expression shifted just a bit, before he grinned at her again. "I'm nopony of importance, ma'am, just another colt who lives on the currents of life, where ever they take me. I've got my own path. And I think you've got yours, don't you?"

She nodded, letting go of his hand and picking her bags up. "I do. But I hope that our paths cross once again!"

He seemed to pause, and then opened his mouth, only to be interrupted by the train's whistle, and the cry of the conductor "ALL ABOOOOOAAAARD!!"

"That's my cue." he said hastily, dancing back towards the car door. He tipped his hat to her one last time, leaping up on the steps of the door as she waved her farewell to him, turning away to work her way off the platform-...

"Please, stay safe, princess."

She froze in her steps, the words sinking in, before whirling around. But the car door had already slid shut, a click from its latch the only thing left in the air, as the mighty engine at the front of the stack howled once more. With chug, chug, chug, the train began to move, gliding down the rails and picking up speed as it left the station behind.

Left Fluttershy behind, her eyes wide like she'd just seen a ghost, as she suddenly realized just why that grey stallion had seemed so familiar, so friendly, so warm... realized it just a second too late.

"... P-Poppa...?"



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"I'm telling you, Seabreeze, that stallion... he reminded me of my father."

"Your Fatheer?" Seabreeze asked, out and fully clothed once again, hands clinging tight to her coat's shoulder as they hiked through the trees. "Yuu deeden't saay hee woorked oon th' train."

"He doesn't." the pegasus replied, her face downcast. "He... well, he used to work in Cloudsdale, at the Weather Factory, before... b-before..."

A silence stretched out for a few seconds. The blue breezie's antennae bent backwards, before he asked. "Yuu... deed say yuu knew what eet was lyke wheen... I-If eet's noot tuu much foor mee tuu ask... what happeened?"

Fluttershy heaved a sigh, before raising her head to look ahead. "... it happened when I was six years old. They told me that one of the water renderer machines at the factory had undergone some... catastrophic meltdown. There was a spill, that dissolved all cloudcrete that it touched, and was about to break free of the factory, and get into Cloudsdale itself. It never did though... thanks to my poppa and his friends..."

"Theey stoopped eet?"

"They did... He'd been working there for years." A small smile surfaced to her lips. "He collected clouds from there. A tiny whisp from the first run of production from every year he'd been there..." the smile faded away. "His experience helped save the city... at the cost of his own life."

The tiny stallion was very quiet, digesting that news. "... A-Aye'm sorree. A-Aye doon't knoo what tuu say..."

She heaved a sigh, and shook her head. "My family was among the last to know. I was just a little filly... I thought he'd abandoned us, that he... didn't love me, my mother, or my little brother anymore. It took a long time for me to finally accept that it was all an accident... but even still, it..."

He tilted his head, his voice soft. "Eet steel hurts, dooesn't eet?"

She bit her lip and nodded, before turning her head to the side and looking at him. "And that... is why I pledged myself to helping you, Seabreeze. I have to get you and the other Breezies back home. I don't want your little filly to grow up the same way that I did... wondering if her father ever loved her. If I can help it at all, I'll not see a family torn apart, the way that mine was."

He held a hand to his chest, touched by the statement. A thankful smile broke out over his face, before nodding. "Thaank yuu, Fluttershy... Aye'm sorree foor all dee trouble wee've caused yuu soo faar..."

She shook her head again. "Things are going to happen, and I'm still new to this 'Host' business besides..." She idly caressed the side of her hefty bust, the cargo inside ever-present in her mind, but currently being well-mannered and still. "But as long as we have an understanding... so long as we work together, I think we can make it. We're just going to have to keep trying. We're not out of the woods yet..." she then proceeded to lift her head and look about herself and the foliage surrounding her. "Both figuratively and literally. Uhm... which way is Highwind Lake again?"

Seabreeze lifted his head to look around as well. "Weel... eet's a beet hard to teel from heere... aye doon't usuallee goo thruu thees areea. Tuu manee trees foor a Breezie t' get loost in."

She raised an eyebrow. "You've never been in these woods before?"

"Yees, but noo? Ees a beet complicateed. Th' breeze uused in th' migration usuallee bloows inna straight lyne, one way at th' staart, and th' otheer way at th' eend. Eet takes us tuu th' fields at th' beeginnin', and theen it takes us hoome afteer. Anee deetours froom th' breeze, eeither reejoins eet later, oor resuults in a Gastheer."

A thought tugged at her. "When was the last time the Breezies had a Gastheer? Did it turn out okay?"

"Th' laast tyme waas... five yeears agoo, aye theenk. Aye waas steel een school, buut theey steel had a beeg to-duu aboot eet an' let th' claass oot thaat day . She was a mare, a beet older thaan yuu, whoo... theenkin' baack, reeally had nuu great attachment too th' role. Aye theenk th' flock thaat yeear haad maneeged too talk 'er intuu eet, buut shee just wanteed eet all oveer an' doone weeth. Deedn't eeven staay foor th' party."

The pegasus couldn't help but smile wryly. "I guess it takes a certain kind of pony, doesn't it?" she mused. "Well... while I can't say I'm not in a hurry to get you all home, I'm willing to go the extra mile to make sure you all arrive safely."

She got a vibration of gratitude from within her inhabited parts, Seabreeze himself smiling again. Looking up at the trees towering above her, she then sat her bags down as she made a decision. "I'm going to fly up above the tree line, try and get our bearings. Everybreezie hold on tight."

She spread her wings and braced her legs, before leaping up with a downward stroke... and then suddenly finding herself having to flap harder than usual, as she realized a bit late that she was hauling more weight with her than she was accustomed to. She managed to hang in the air for a few seconds, wings beating furiously, before they tired and she allowed herself to drop to the ground again.

"Hah... hah... h-hoh goodness." she breathed, face flushed with embarrassment. "I-Im sorry... I knew I was heavier with everybreezie on-board, but I didn't think..."

The small stallion had a thoughtful look on his face. "Aye knuu wee woould add weight, buut eeven aye waas soore wee woouldn't bee that heavee..."

"Well, then again, I'm not exactly the best flyer ever." the mare confided. "Even Flitter's got more practice than I do. And there was one time I even forgot I could fly, when her sister... u-uhm..." she paused, the memory causing her to blush for multiple reasons. "W-well, anyway. I'm amazed you breezies are so weighty. I could have sworn there were a few times yesterday, where you made my breasts levitate."

He looked up, a light going on in his eyes. "Yuu meean when wee uused ouur weend magic?"

A silence fell for a few seconds. "... you... can use your wind magic... while inside me?"

"Aye, that wee caan, thoough eet's noot all that muuch. Eet's part oo' whaat maykes us weeghtless, wheen wee're flyin'." He took wing off her shoulder, and turned around to face her, the long transparant membranes barely fluttering. "Wheen theere's moore o' us, thaat's wheen th' magic coomes stroong eenough foor us tuu tame th' breeze. Aas eet ees, eef wee uuse it inside yuu, eet'll at leest, mayke yuu weightness. Oor at leest, parts oof yuu weightless."

This was some new information. She placed both hands on her belly as she thought about it. "It'll put a strain on you all if you use it inside me though, won't it?"

"Noot as muuch as yuu theenk. Wee canna hoold eet forever, but wee can goo loong eenough too say, luuk aroound over th' trees?" His face had a smile as he said this, suggestion clear in his voice.

Fluttershy smiled back, before taking a breath, and nodding. "O-okay, let's do it then. Uhm... will y-you need to...?"

"Nuu need." he replied, fluttering down to her bust, and then making contact with her bared skin using his antennae. His speech reverted back to Northslandic as he started chirping instructions to the Breezies within her breasts, then fluttered lower to do the same to her belly. Then even lower, ducking under her skirt, to talk to the ones in her gonads, the yellow pony's face flushed at that final action.

At last, he flittered back to her shoulder, and seated himself, gripping her jacket's collar. "An' nou, aye suggeest yuu hold oon tight~"

She opened her mouth to ask what he meant, but got her answer almost immediately. Within her, she felt her charges beginning to shift around, a gentle hum now beginning to overtake all her inhabited body parts... and then, it happened.

Right below her nose, she watched as her breasts began to defy gravity, lifting themselves up so that they stuck straight out of her ribcage, her back suddenly relieved of the strain of supporting their weight. Her belly too seemed to lift, becoming a perfect sphere that made her feel as if she was floating in water. And finally, her balls, which had been pulling at her crotch for a while now, began to float and hover between her thighs, seemingly looking to escape the panties they were trapped inside.

"O-oh, oh, m-my goodness..." she stammered, her eyes growing wide as she watched her own body suddenly reacting like it was filled with helium. They didn't stop either, the pegasus treated to the sight of her own cleavage rising up to meet her, the massive mounds beginning to lift further and further up, soon overshadowing her head even as she lifted an arm to try and corral them, a hand on her belly attempting to do the same. "M-my goodness... I-I've... I-I've never... a-ah!"

That gasp was a reaction to feeling her hooves suddenly leaving the ground. Gaping, she felt her body orient itself on her back as she proceeded to rise up into the air without a single flap of her wings, buoyed aloft by her own breasts, belly, and balls. Drawing her legs up to herself, her arms were busy rubbing her humming surfaces, eyes wide with amazement as she continued to rise even higher.

"Heh." Seabreeze couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. "Hoow's that foor givin' yuu a ride, huh?"

"It's amazing..." she breathed, her heart pounding, but completely awestruck by what was transpiring. "It's like I'm one of Pinkie's party balloons... I'm floating in the air. No wings needed." She looked behind her to see the forest floor steadily falling away, her body in no great hurry to go anywhere. "No need to find a cloud to rest, or to make sure you don't make a mistake with your wing position... though, I wonder..."

After a few seconds of ascending, she spread her wings and flapped them, righting and steadying herself. Then, despite being as full of wind drag as she was, she proceeded to perform a very tight loop-de-loop, followed immediately after with an immelman turn. Righting herself again, she couldn't help but giggle. "I think Rainbow Dash would have been proud of me for that."

"Waarn mee beefore yuu doo that ageen?" the small stallion wheezed, all limbs clinging to her shoulder. "Besydes, doon't wee 'ave otheer theengs what needs doin'?"

She grinned sheepishly, before looking up again, at the trees still arcing above her. She gave another flap, and proceeded to fly upwards, this time with no issues at all. It didn't take long for her to clear the peaks of the many spruces and pines, the landscape that was the forest stretching on for many miles below her hooves, far-off mountains and hills decorating the horizon.

"Okay then..." she turned to her diminutive friend. "Can you recognize anything from up here?"

"Weel..." He stood up taller, a hand shading his eyes as he took in the surroundings. "Eef aye doon't mees my guess, thoose ones ovah theer shoould bee th' Smokee Mountains..."

She listened to him peek out the landmarks, looking along with him, but as he continued she found herself folding her wings, which resulted in her body once again gently reorienting itself, so that she was 'lying' on her back, still held aloft by the orbs attached to her chest, her torso, and her groin. She still found herself oddly giddy about this arrangement, after having spent a day carrying them, they were now carrying her. This won't be forever... but a mare really could get used to this! she found herself musing, a blush coloring her cheeks.

She looked again behind her, at the trees drifting lazily beneath her. Being a pegasus, one tended to be comfortable with heights. Like she was comfortable now, as she peered past the trees to the forest floor below, delighting at seeing bits of wildlife here and there. A small group of deer, a single bear trudging along. An adorable family of squirrels. A pair of young foals staring at her with wide eyes. The-

A pair of young-

"Seabreeze!" she suddenly exclaimed. "We need to get down now, somepony's seen us!"

The breezie sputtered, glanced around, and spotted the same two young ponies who were watching them from a distance. Hurriedly, he pressed his antennae against her bust and began rattling off words in his native tongue. Whatever it was he said did the job, as the humming sensation from within all her parts began to lessen. Flaring her wings wide, she then proceeded to glide back down into the woods, hopefully in the opposite direction of the prying eyes.

Finding a small clearing, she descended, her weight beginning to reassert itself as her passengers dialed back their wind magic. Once she was on solid ground again, she pulled her collar away, and motioned for the blue pixie to get inside. Said pixie did not dawdle and dived in, the pegasus pulling her coat away from her nipple to allow him to fully take shelter.

After she felt the last of him disappearing inside her breast, she looked around. That had all been in a rush, and he hadn't been able to tell her in which direction the lake was in before it had happened. Biting her lip, she stepped towards the bushes exiting the clearing, resigning herself to trying that again, once they were further away from any-

A filly's upper torso suddenly erupted from the bush nearest to her, waving about arms in a sweater with way-too-long sleeves. "FNARGLEBARGLE!!"

"AHHH!!" was Fluttershy's completely rational reply to the surprise.

"For goodness sakes don't do that." came a colt's voice directly after, soon joined by the colt in question as he poked his head out, beaming a withering glare at the filly. "You just about scared the poor mare half to death!"

"Correction." the filly replied, holding up a finger. "I scared her half to life. It all depends on how you look at it! Sometimes the glass is half-empty, sometimes it's half-full-..."

"Yeah yeah, and sometimes it's chocolate milk and thus makes the point moot." he finished for her, climbing out and standing up before the pegasus, revealing himself to be touting a vest, a cap, and a backpack. With a worried expression, he asked "Are you okay, ma'am? Ponies don't usually show up this far out in the woods."

"Unless they're mysteeerious." the filly spoke again, fingers wiggling about as she stretched the syllable. "Are you a mysterious pony, ma'am? Come here to sneak away our Nightmare Summer candy, or do dastardly dances in the dark, o-or deliver the midnight mail?"

A hand covered her mouth. "You'll have to excuse my sister." the colt replied wearily. "She's got a bit of an imagination."

"Anth thyu don'th?" came her retort through his fingers.

Watching the back-and-forth between the two siblings, Shy found herself calming down, even lifting a hand to hide a smile from watching their antics. She finally cleared her throat. "N-no, I'm just a traveler from Ponyville. Uhm, I need to get to Highwind Lake. You two wouldn't happen to know where it is, do you?"

They both lifted a hand, before she hastily clarified. "The actual lake, not the town."

"Oooooooh... That way!" they both proclaimed in unison, pointing off towards the northwest.

"It's a fair ways away from town. Two days on hoof at least." the colt added, looking up at the pegasus with a raised eyebrow. "You sure that's where you wanna go? You said you're from Ponyville, right? The Smokey Woods aren't like the Everfree, but they aren't exactly a cakewalk either, you know."

"Well... my special talent is dealing with animals, so I don't think I'll have any problems... though." She clutched her jacket hem. "There aren't any monsters living out here, are there? Timberwolves or anything?"

"Timberwolves? Psh lady, you're gonna wish you only had Timberwolves to deal with!" the filly grinned, showing off braces. "Just last week, we had rumors that there was a Shambling Mound, shambling about the place!"

"Rumors so far." her brother added, reaching into his backpack and withdrawing a book. "My sister and I've been keeping an eye out for it. If you run into it, my advice would be to run, as far away, as quick as you can." He flipped the book open, thumbing through its pages. "And even if you don't, you'll still have to contend with Highwind Lake itself."

"O-oh? How so?"

"They don't call it 'High-wind' Lake for nothin'." the sister replied. "You wanna talk about choppy water? This is like, chop-suey water! No boats, no rafts, no floaties, nothin' gettin' on that lake. Not in one piece anyway!"

"And it's all localized, over the waters of the lake itself. Nopony knows why it's like that." He placed a thumb on top of a page, and turned the book to Fluttershy, showing her a sketch of a huge, oblong body of water with a jutting crescent of rocks along one side, the remaining space on the paper covered with writing in black and red ink. "Nopony's ever gotten to the opposite shore, and nopony can explain why that is. But there are theories, like it being an ancient monument built by the first pegasi..."

"A failed experiment to build the most raddest amusement park ride ever..."

"Or a guard wall." The young stallion closed the book. "That blocks off an entrance to another dimension, possibly of the Breezies. There's been an awful lot of rumors about Breezies just by themselves around here."

Fluttershy's ears perked. Did you know about this, Seabreeze? she pondered. I'll have to ask you once we're alone. Drawing in a breath, she then nodded to the pair. "I see... that doesn't change the fact that I need to get there, as soon as I can."

The colt narrowed an eye at her. "How come, if I may ask?"

She fought down the urge to stammer. "I-I'm afraid those reasons are my own."

He didn't seem satisfied with this answer, but he was prevented from pressing further when the filly gave him a playful shove. "Aww c'mon, don't be like that, brother. A girl's gotta keep her secrets, y'know." This was followed by a quick wink and a grin.

Returning the smile, Shy made as if to grab her bags... before realizing she'd left them behind. "O-oh dear, I left my bags further in the forest-"

"You mean these?" The pair proceeded to pull her purse and suitcase out from the bushes behind them, handing them off to the pegasus. "Found them a little ways back, after we saw you up in the air. That was you, wasn't it?"

She blushed a bit, but heaved a sigh, caving in. "Th-thank you... Yes, it was. I was just trying to get a better view of the area. Seeing you two caught me by surprise."

"Well what can I say? We are very surprising!" the filly put her hands on her hips and laughed, going slightly crosseyed, while her brother simply shook his head.

Fluttershy couldn't help but be reminded of Pinkie and Twilight, looking at this pair. A quick glance at the sky showed the sun rapidly approaching the high noon point however, and she picked up her bags once more. "If it is two days walk, then I'd better start hoofing it. Thank you for your help!"

"No problem!" the sister chirped, waving a sleeve.

"When you come back, stop by town, wouldja?" the brother asked. "We live at the big tacky-looking souvenir shack. Can't miss it. Would like to know that you made it back alright!"

"I will." she promised, as she proceeded to turn northwest, taking to her hooves. "Thank you again!"

They waved their farewells, and as their voices receded in the distance, she could hear the colt musing "I dunno, maybe we should follow her."

"And I think maybe you ought to give the conspiracies a rest. She fessed up to her being up there, what more do you want?"

"I'm telling you, she was floating in the air like a balloon, not flapping like a pegasus. Mark my words, there's something strange going on in these woods..."


The hiking was pleasant enough, if she was to be honest. Out here in the woods, she didn't really need to disguise herself all that much. As the day wore on, she found herself shedding her coat, which allowed her better access to what breeze there was, not to mention more breathing room.

It also allowed the Breezies within her more room to move about. Several times already during her walk, she felt them shifting around, causing the sweater stretched over her breasts and belly to bulge and undulate from their actions. Now free of prying eyes, she found herself often lifting a hand to gently rub these surfaces, calming down the passengers within them, speaking to them in soft tones.

Several times she'd thought to call Seabreeze back out, but after having gotten the directions from those foals, she had no trouble keeping to a straight line. When the sun starts setting, I'll stop to make camp, and we can have another peek over the treeline to make sure we're on the right track. she decided. She still had a few hours left before that at least.

In the meantime, she was a stranger in a strange forest. Which suited Fluttershy just fine, her eyes and ears constantly open for the sights and sounds the woods had to offer. More than once, she had seen a family of rabbits pop up to watch her pass by, and the curious birds kept her constant company. She would whistle to them every now and then, trying to be friendly, but had gotten muted responses so far. At one point, she swore she even saw a giant sloth!

Now this is my kind of adventure! she found herself grinning, her inhabited condition momentarily fleeing her mind.

She saw a heavy fallen branch in her path, and spread her wings again to flap over and clear it. As she landed, she then suddenly yelped, as she felt her panties bunch up. In particular, they had bunched into a cord that strung itself directly between her immense testes, the pinched sac between them twinging something awful. On top of that, the occupants inside those jewels were now a bit panicked, jostling for attention.

She stopped long enough to bend over and reach under her skirt, and pull her panties down. Doing so brought her hands in contact with her balls, and she had to stop and cup them to confirm her suspicions. They had been feeling heavier as the walk went on, but she wasn't certain if it was just the strain of carrying them that was getting to her.

She had her proof now. They had indeed grown since last night, filling her hands completely. Beneath their surfaces, she could feel the rounded forms of pregnant bellies, becoming increasingly more and more gravid as time passed. At this rate, I'm not going to be able to even move, if I don't get them home in time!

Trying her best to stretch the slimmest portion of her undergarments so that they could best support her slowly-swelling sac, she finally got them re-seated, standing back up, and taking a few experimental steps.

Crisp and crackle, her hooves crunched through the fallen leaves of the underbrush, the noises joining the chorus of...

... they were singing just a moment ago...

In the space of time it had taken for her to fix her clothing, the forest had grown quiet. Eerily so. Looking up and around, she spotted a flock of birds on the wing, flying in a single line at speed, high over her head. Another skittering of brush, caused her to turn to the side to see an armadillo, galloping and giving the impression of a living football, while along side it a pack of squirrels dashed for the nearest tree.

They were all fleeing from the same direction, from something further up the path.

There was another sound. Something like a thrumph, echoing among the woods. Slow and steady, like footsteps. And they were coming closer.

The pegasus found herself taking shelter behind the biggest tree in the area, setting her bags down and peeking around its trunk to peer into the gloom. The shadows of the pines that offered respite from the noonday sun, now cast a pall across the ground, the distance fading into a darkness of brush and leaves. Slowly those steps came closer, bit by bit, one thrumph after another. And then from out of the shadows...

Fluttershy bit her tongue as she fought down her urge to scream. The form that emerged from the shade was huge, bigger than the largest grizzly she'd ever seen. It was low-slung to the ground, the surface of the mass entirely covered in molded leaves and vines, with desiccated corpses and bones of small creatures found here and there among its sick foliage. The thing walked slowly but purposefully, carrying itself along on five limbs, every footstep leaving behind a barren patch of earth as it absorbed any life that was caught unawares underfoot.

At the head of the mass rose a single eyeless lump, otherwise featureless save for the wide maw of crooked wooden teeth. Sickly green tendrils emerged from this lump and undulated in the air, like catfish whiskers. As it drew closer, she could hear it wheezing with every step, vines probing the air on the search for something, anything that it could get its roots on...

The Shambling Mound that the foals were talking about!

She kept her eyes on it, even as it drew nearer. On its current course, it would pass within spitting distance of the tree she was hiding behind. Some sorts of monsters, she was comfortable with dealing with, having helped Manticores and others in the past. This creature, was not one she was familiar with. Plant creatures in general had never been her forte... And even though it possessed no eyes, she still got the impression that it would know she was there, the instant it passed by.

She didn't have much time.

Her occupants had begun to squirm, apparently having sensed her fear. She bit her lip, before reaching a hand up to grab at the sweater fabric around her left nipple, pulling it away. "Seabreeze!" she whispered, eyes not straying far from the approaching bulk. "I need you out here right now. We're in danger!"

She felt what could only be described as a scramble in that breast, before she felt a Breezie hauling itself out of her teat with no pause for care. She kept the garment lifted till she felt them climbing up her cleavage, pink mane and blue hide revealing the breezie she'd called for.

"What's gooin' on Fluttershy-...!!" were the first words out of his mouth, before he spied the hulking form in the forest and slapped his yap shut.

"It's a Shambling Mound." she explained breathlessly. "I've never dealt with them before, but even I know they're bad news."

"Aye..." his own voice was pitched quietly to match hers, clinging tight to her shoulder as he watched the monstrosity. "Theey've naught a mind but tuu absorb every leevin' theeng they can geet their bloody roots oon. An' as beeg as that oone ees... eet musta been at eet for moonths allreadee."

"It's coming this way. What do we do?"

He furrowed his brow in thought, looking at the approaching Shambler, and then over to Fluttershy herself, and then at her bust and belly. At length, his expression hardened. "Weel... Oone theeng's for suure, we canna leeve that theeng free tuu waander aboot an' choke th' woods tuu death."

Her face paled. "You can't be serious. There's no way we can fight that thing! We're only thirty breezies and one frightened living house of a pegasus!"

"Noot bye anee oone oourselves, noo. But wee might steel haave a chaance..." He looked up into her scared eyes, determination smouldering in his own. "Aye have a plann. Buut eet's gonna need yoor help. An' theeirs..." He bit his own lip, before reaching an antennae down to touch one of her breasts, speaking out again. "I know we've had a rough journey so far... but we're almost there. The Gastheer needs you... I need you. And I know that you can all do it. Are you with me?"

The mare's eyes widened a bit as, little by little, ripples of what she knew were 'yes' overtook her breasts. The tiny stallion nodded, before looking up at her again. "What aboot yuu, Fluttershy? Yuu said eet yoourseelf, wee need tuu woork togetheer. Caan yuu help us, help yuu?"

She still thought that this was crazy. But with every second that she waited, the thrumph of those heavy footsteps came closer. At length she finally found herself sighing, before giving a nod. "Okay, Seabreeze... I'll trust you. But what do we do?"

He looked around for a quick second, before letting go of her and taking to the air. "Naught a breeze t' bee fouund. Aye need t' find a spoot. Bee right back!"

He then suddenly took off from the opposite side of the tree, before the pegasus could say or do anything, leaving her gaping. She made as if to grab her bags, but the instant she lifted her purse, she heard the wheeze of the Shambler reverberate in her ears. It was right on the other side of the tree.

Willing herself to stay quiet, she pressed her back against the trunk, attempting to become motionless. A big heavy THRUMPH sounded as a foot planted itself mere feet from her position, accompanied by a sickly slurping noise as grass and bushes were uprooted into its form. Another foot landed, and then another. Its head began to clear the tree, the vines surrounding its maw waving in the air, searching, sensing...

Fluttershy watched, eyes wide, as the beast proceeded to carry on, past her hiding spot. Maybe she was safe? It didn't have eyes after all. Still, she felt better if she kept something between herself and that monstrosity. Eyes still locked upon that form, she lifted a single hoof in order to scoot herself around to the other side of the tree.

As luck would have it, there was a single dry twig in the spot she placed her hoof. It went snap.

The mountain of vegetation paused, the vine tendrils freezing, before waving about in new ways... and then to her horror, the Shambler turned its massive head in her direction. It saw her now.

The pegasus was rooted to the spot by terror, her charges shivering alongside her as it turned itself around to face her. It ambled, leisurely but inevitibly, towards her, the jagged plates of wood lining its maw parting as it towered over her, the stink of rotting vegetation on its breath washing over her. Closer it got, its head raised high, vines waving as it prepared to eat her in a single bite-...


For such a small pony, Seabreeze had quite the set of lungs on him. The Shambling Mound paused again, and turned its head in the direction of the thrown insult. An action that gave Fluttershy enough time to take off like a shot through the woods.

Wings flapping frantically to add as much speed as possible to her swollen frame, the mare didn't look back, even as she heard a massive crash and sudden thundering of the creature now in pursuit behind her. Despite its tremendous bulk, it was apparantly quite capable of sprinting whenever it needed to, matching her own pace.

Seabreeze rejoined her swiftly, beating his wings frantically to pull ahead of her. "Aye've foound a cleering! Folloow mee!"

With that he streaked off back into the woods, Shy desperately on his trail. Now that she had a rhythm going, she was able to feel that the Breezies within her were assisting, that hum from her floating episode earlier returning to lighten her load, if only a little. She began gaining speed, and soon the crashing sounds of their pursuer began fading in the distance.

Up until both ponies burst out of the bushes into yet another clearing, this one easily big enough to hold both them and the monster. And through the strands of her mane, she could feel it. The whisper of a breeze filtering through the air...

"Noot much tyme 'fore eet catches up!" the small stallion called out, glancing behind them as the steady thuds of the creature began to get louder once more. "Fluttershy! Wheen aye geeve th' woord, leeft yoour top ooff!"

For a breif second she was scandalized, at the thought of essentially flashing her tits to this unnatural mass of animated moss. But then the next second, she could feel a stirring inside of her breasts, of her inhabitants organizing themselves. Of a hum that was still going through them, lifting her mammaries a bit higher, at the ready. She bit her lip as she realized that this was part of Seabreeze's plan. He was going to need the rest of the Breezies. And they were going to need to be able to get out, very, very fast.

"Fluttershy! Oon my woord! You understaand?"

Cheeks flushed, she nodded, her hands going down to grip the hem of her sweater. "I-I understand... I'm ready, Seabreeze."

The steady thrumph Thrumph THRUMPH of the Shambler's footfalls drew even closer, interrupting any further conversation. With a breath's pause, the Mound suddenly smashed through the shrubbery, into the clearing. The instant it landed, the vines upon its head wreathed once, locating them immediately and swiveling to pounce-


Fluttershy tore the front of her top upwards, and her heavy, enormous bust bounced once, before the humming within them intensified. Staring, she watched as each globe lifted themselves up until they were like torpedoes, sticking straight out of her ribcage...

And then, she bit back a shreik, as Breezies proceeded to launch themselves out of her darkened nipples, one right after another squeezing through those sensitive teats in rapid fire, wings immediately deploying as they sailed into the air to take up position behind Seabreeze, a rallying cry now echoing through the air. "Bescherm de gastheer!!"

It wasn't the entire flock, she knew, as twenty of the fairies took to the air and flew towards the creature. But getting the rest of the Breezies out of herself to help would have taken too long. The ones that lived in her breasts, had the easiest access in and out of her body. First-responders. That was the term.

And as she watched, she could see, and feel, the breeze shifting as their magic was brought forth, the zephyr now following along the small flock as they began to harass the beast, diving in close only to narrowly escape an enraged swipe.

"It's so big! What a monster!" she heard one breezie cry in their native tongue. It sounded like Flaafi. "What can we do against it?!"

"Maybe we can reach the core root inside?" another replied, their tone not very hopeful. "If we're not eaten by its vines first!"

"I have an idea, but we need to work together to pull it off!" Seabreeze responded, looking back at his flightmates. "That thing isn't alive as we know it. But..." he allowed a grin to blossom upon his face. "Even plants, especially walking weeds, need to breathe!"

This energized the squadron, the lot of them chattering as they grasped what he meant, and they began to change formation, wings touching tip to tip. The breeze following behind them began to widen, and at length, strengthen. Soon it was a gust, which then became a full wind, still dancing at the Breezie's beck and call. And as they flew, they continued circling around the monster, the thing turning its head back and forth as a wall of wind began to materialize around it.

It's just like the water cyclone for Cloudsdale. Fluttershy realized with a shock. They're flying in circles to suck all of the water up and out of the center. But instead of water here, it's air that they're sucking out. And with no air for the Shambling Mound to breathe...

The creature's wheezing began deepening, becoming ragged and more pronounced. Feebly, it lashed out at the wind wall with both foot and vine, only to have these attempts rebuffed by the sheer force of the air. By now, the pixies themselves had turned into blurs, lost amongst the ripples of the cyclone.

It paced in place, turning around in circles, its movements becoming slower and slower, vines becoming sluggish, its horrid maw gaping wider and wider as it gasped for air. At length it stopped moving, all five feet rooted in place, seemingly readying itself to leap...

...and then, it began to come apart, whatever life force that was holding it together fleeing its form, as the branches and vines and moss that made up its body became undone, debris getting caught up in the wind. Bit by bit it crumbled, as the last of it finally dissolved into mere twigs and leaves, the remains of its victims finally freed.

Fluttershy could barely believe her eyes, as the Breezies began to wind back down, their wind magic switching off as the cone of air began to dissipate. "You did it... I can't believe it, you did it!"

"Wee deed eet!" Flaffi cheered, breaking formation to hug Seabreeze around the waist, catching the small stallion off-guard. "Wee deed eet, Seabreeze! Yuu leed us tuu veectoree!"

"Oi, nuut soo haard!" he complained, though it was said with a grin. This didn't stop the rest of his flock from pouncing on him as well, as all around them, twigs and bark began to descend from the sky. The pegasus found herself bouncing out there to scoop up the entire flock into her arms, giving them her own extra-soft hug and a very quiet "Yay!" of celebration.

"Thaank yuu for beeleeving in mee." Seabreeze continued, becoming a bit misty-eyed at his flockmates celebrating him. "Aye waasn't soore yuu all reeallee cared..."

"Yuu deedn't seem tuu beleeve in uus first." the lemon-coated breezie mare from before spoke up, hovering beside the both of them. "Yuu nevar toold uus aboot yer mare and fillee. Eef wee'd had knoown sooner, wee woouldn't 'aave dillydallied lyke wee deed."

The blue stallion froze up at the words. Looking back and forth at the gathered flock, he then rubbed the side of his head sheepishly. "Deed aye noot? Aye coulda swoorn that aye deed... or deed aye..."

His pondering was interrupted by a sharp whistle from across the clearing. Some of the breezies had not been idle, and had been sifting through the Shambler's remains, in search of something. That thing had now been found, as Fleecetail whistled again at them, pointing down to the ground.

Fluttershy and her group hurried over to the spot. There, among the leaves and twigs, sat a single tuber-like root, with a leaf-studded vine sticking out of it. The vine twitched sporadically, like a dying animal.

"Thee coore root." Flaffi breathed, hovering just a bit lower. "Theese ees hoow a Shambleer staart oout. A root weeth veery baad voodoo."

"I-is it dead?" Shy found herself asking, leaning over to inspect its writhing form. "It's certainly not looking good."

"Eet's trying tuu plaay deead." Seabreeze replied, treating it with a glare. "Thees haas happeened beefore. Ponies theenk eets deead, go away, eet waits aand then buiilds eetself baack up, stroonger thaan beefore."

"Fortuunatelee," he looked back up at her, hands on his hips. "Wee knoo juust how tuu handle thaat~"



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The fire crackled with a bit of extra flare, as the remains of the Shambler's core fueled the light that bathed their camp in a warm glow.

The sun had finally begun to settle, and so they had dug themselves in. Progress had been made towards their final destination, and once more, Shy had enlisted the help of her charges to scout above the tree line at their surroundings. Seabreeze confirmed that yes, they were indeed going in the right direction.

Now, there was the subject of dinner. Alone in the woods, the pegasus had no need to fear of prying eyes as she laid out her sleeping bag, and then stripped herself bare. Digging into her bags, she found her apples and sandwiches, and invited the breezies within her to come on out and dine once more.

The scene currently had half a dozen of the faeries milling about on her sleeping bag, apple slices in-hand, some of them even splitting and sharing between them. Around them, Fluttershy had extended her wings to form a sort of wind guard for them, the wall of feathers setting the spritely ponies further at their ease.

Once again, Seabreeze was seated at his usual spot on the pegasus's shoulder. Joining them was Flaffi, and the yellow breezie whom had finally introduced herself as Lemon Frost.

"So tell me..." Fluttershy was saying. "About this wall of wind, at Highwind Lake."

The blue pixie pinned his antennae back. "Weell... eet's what keeps th' Breezies safe froom thee rest of thee world. And ees alsoo whaat keeps uus sepeerateed froom eet."

"Beeg weend, coveers whooooole lake." Flaffi chimed in. "Nuu Breezie een, nuu breezie oot. Highweend Lake, eiken Breezie's eentyre woorld."

"Eenside th' shoore, lies our whoole woorld." Lemon clarified. "Eenside, air ees safe, and theere's loots an' loots o' room. Oour entyre ceevilization leeves theere een peeace."

The pegasus made a face. "But if there's no way in or out, how do you leave to get the pollen?"

"Th' Gate." was the flock leader's reply to that. "Theere ees an enchaanteed hole een th' rock, that oopens oop once a yeear. Eet's been theere soo loong that wee've nuu heestory oof whoo mayde eet."

"Deettoh foor th' weend waall." the yellow pixie added. "Maanee geeneratioons aave paassed seence. Noo, wee juust try tuu woork aroound eet all."

Fluttershy hummed. "So, a magic hole in the rock... and a huge wall of wind..." she sat there in thought, before her eyes widened. "... which way do you have gastheers go for?"

"Ooh th' Gate, foor soore." Seabreeze replied. "Eef wee geet there in tyme, aye meean. Wheech shoouldn't bee a proobleem."

"W-what if it is a problem?"

"Weell..." He tilted his head, an unsure expression on his face. "Een th' paast, wheenever a Gastheer meessed th' Gate... een oorder tuu fulfeel their duuty, theey woould braave th' weends oof Higheend Lake eetself."

She paled. That was exactly what she was afraid of. A pony like her who barely glided even on a good day, having to brave what was sounding like, a stationary hurricane? "I-I don't know if I could do that." she confided to them. "A-at least, do it and stay in one piece..."

"Theen leet's hoope eet's steel oopen theen." the blue pixie responded, patting her shoulder reassuringly. "Nuu need t' goo stressin' yoourseelf aneemoore than yuu need tuu."

She hrmmed at that, looking down at herself and at the rest of the Breezies clambering over her body and blanket. A few were perched on her legs in groups, calmly chatting as they ate, while increasingly, she spotted more and more of them breaking off into pairs to whisper to each other. Like before, some who had finished eating, were now retreating back into her body, triggering others to leave the safety of her flesh for their own turn at dinner.

A chance bit of movement to her left caught her eye, and she looked to see Flaffi trading words with Lemon, the mare now resting a hand on her tum. The pegasus wasn't certain, but she thought she saw a slight curve in the yellow fairy's belly...

The thought directed her back down towards her balls, which were resting solidly on the sleeping bag, heavy and dense. A few Breezies were in fact clustered around them, and she felt herself blushing yet again as they pressed their antennae to the stretched skin of her sac, trading conversation with the many mothers that were inside.

Her brows furrowed, before she turned to Seabreeze again. "You said that there had been male Gastheers in the past, right?"

He jumped at first, but then recomposed himself. "Y-yees, thaat's right."

"But you said that this..." she motioned at her overly-full testes with a hand. "Had never happened before? I mean, I'm assuming that's where male hosts usually carry their breezies. But if that's so, then surely, having mares becoming mothers while in their host's testicles must have happened before?"

Seabreeze sighed, running a hand down his face in an obviously display of frustration. "I doon't knoo. Maybee eet's becauuse yuu're a hermaphroodyte? Aye mean, aye reaad a loot aboot th' eens an' oots oof Gastheers, but aye doon't reemember reaading aneething oon a breezie beeing mayde a motheer by oone, oor thee otheer waay aroound. Eef eet haas happeened beefoore, maybee eet waas graades beesydes bonnie keldas-"

Shy held up a hand to interrupt him. "That's the third time I've heard that term. What is a 'Bonnie Kelda'?"

"Eet meeans 'Great Motheer'." Lemon Frost replied, leaning forward. "Ees anotheer theeng aboot Breezies. Sometymes a motheer weel onlee haave twoo or three foals at a tyme. An' other tymes, shee caan have aas manee as ten, or eeven tweentee."

She found her breath catching in her throat. "Twenty foals, all at once? Oh my goddess..." A hand stretched down to gently stroke the top of her sac, feeling the swell of pregnant bellies within. She even thought she could feel the motion of tiny, tiny movement pressing from within those bellies, through her own skin, as tightly packed as they were. "So if a breezie carrying that many is a 'bonnie kelda', and all the ones in my testicles are keldas... th-that's..." she found herself gulping. "Th-that's a lot of babies..."

"Ees common doe baack hoome." Flaffi piped up. "Allmoost always one bonnie kelda somewheere. Caa't moove good wheen almoost due doe. Smalleer kiinds steel happeen."

Fluttershy found herself looking back up at the pair, before finally deciding to say it. "And do you know which kind you are, Lemon, Flaffi?"

Both breezie's faces lit up in blushes, their antennae going straight. Seabreeze leveled a look at them from the opposite shoulder, expectantly. With stares from both their flock leader and their host, the two pixies eventually drooped their heads, the purple stallion wrapping an arm around the yellow mare protectively. "W-wee... wee theenk three." he stammered, his accent thick on his tongue. "E-eet happeened... w-weel..."

"Eef aye waas a Kelda, aye'd bee bloowin' up lyke a balloon." Lemon spoke up, rescuing her floundering mate. Now she leaned back, fully presenting the curve of her belly. "Wee alreadee mayde plaans, Seabreeze. Flaffi an' aye weel bee heetching oop oonce wee geet back hoome. Wee need a meenisteer afteer all."

The blue stallion crossed his arms. "Aye'm th' flock leeader. Whoo's too saay aye can't marree yoo twoo ryght heere an' noo?"

The couple giggled, before rubbing the backs of their heads, obviously with things in their minds to say. Seabreeze sighed and shook his head, a weary smile on his face. "Mayde plaans, aye knoo. Riings an' whyte lace an' th' woorks, theere's sometheeng too be saaid foor those~" He ended that with a singsong note to his voice.

Fluttershy was entranced by the miniature drama happening right in front of her. A drama that could have happened inside her. Holding back a giggle of her own, she looked over at the pair again, this time giving them a warm smile. "Congratulations, you two."

They beamed at her in turn, snuggling up against each other. "Thaank yuu Fluttershy."

"We're going to have to find a nice place for us all." Flaffi lapsed back into his native tongue as he turned to his mate. "With just five of us, it shouldn't be too hard."

"Good thing I'm not a bonnie kelda, huh?" Lemon replied in kind. "If I was, well..." she paused, before leaning down to pat Fluttershy's shoulder. "I couldn't think of any better house than this one right here~"

The pegasus was speechless. They... would want to live inside me?! An entire family of breezies, and me as their home sweet home... she tried to picture it, of the yellow faerie coming to term, and then giving birth inside her body. Of baby breezies playing inside and outside of herself, the entire family snuggled up tightly in her warm flesh at night. Of the foals growing up, moving to call other parts of her body their own. Maybe finding their own mates and starting even more families within her...


She blinked, realizing that she had zoned out. Ears burning, she turned her head to the one who'd been calling her attention, that being Seabreeze. "Y-yes?"

"Fluttershy, eet's geetin' late. An' aye theenk everybreezie's feenished."

A quick glance at the flock about her legs confirmed his words. Some of the small ponies appeared to be dozing off upon her legs, and she realized with a start that one was in the process of clambering inside her right nipple. She had become so used to the sensation of being entered by now that she hadn't even noticed.

What she did notice however, was that her wings were getting stiff. Clearing her throat, she proceeded to address the group at large. "Y-yeah, I think you're right. If everypony's done, then I think we should start getting ready for bed."

This time she remained still and relaxed as the flock of pixies moved to enter her body once more. They filed inside, calmly and orderly, prompting the mare to give a sigh of contentment, even as she watched her curves increase bit by bit once again, taking in a very quiet thrill at the sight of her belly swelling up and out, filling up with passengers. It also touched her to see a pair of breezies gathering up emptied wrappers and baggies, cleaning up and depositing them in her purse before they too retreated inside of her.

Flaffi stood and helped Lemon up, the pair strolling over the yellow expanse that was her breast, before thanking her and wishing her goodnight, each one slipping into the stretched duct in her teat. Seabreeze being the last one, lingered behind a bit, his face a study of worry. At length he looked up at his host, and asked the question on his mind.

"Whaat eef eet happeens ageen?"

She bit her lip. "I can't exactly control my dreams... all I can say is, if it does happen again, I'll want to be cleaned out again. You understand?"

He gave a sigh, before nodding. "Aye doo. Aye juust weesh wee deedn't mayke suuch a beeg mess oof eet th' first tyme."

"Well..." Shy found herself tilting her head. "It wasn't all bad. Flaffi and Lemon wouldn't be starting a family otherwise."

"Mmm, thaat's truue." he replied, before taking wing and hovering back down to her left nipple again. "Eet's onlee foor oone moore day at leeast. Thees tyme tomorrroow, yuu'll bee doone weeth us, an' wee should all bee saafe an' snug back hoome."

She smiled. "I'll get you there, Seabreeze. I promise."

He returned the smile, before it was interrupted rudely by an expansive yawn. Rubbing his eyes, he grinned sheepishly, before alighting upon her nipple, gently pressing a hand inside. "Goodniight Fluttershy. See yuu een dee morniing."

"Goodnight, Seabreeze. Sleep tight, and sweet dreams~"

With that, he fully dived in, wriggling just a little before his motions disappeared into the rest of the activity within her mammaries. She breathed another sigh before folding up her wings, and tidying up the campsite for the night. When she finally folded herself into her sleeping bag, the motions of all her occupants had more or less ceased, a minute vibration here and there giving her the impression that one breezie or another was snoring rather loudly.

I'm a living house. she reminded herself as she got snug, a hand going down to idly trace the curvature of her belly and bosom, feeling the dozens of tiny lives within them. There's been lots of surprises, but... they're not bad ponies. If this were to happen again in the future... if Seabreeze or some other flock gets stranded again near Ponyville... I would be up for doing this again. Now that I know what I'm doing, at least.

There was still the matter of the young mothers still within her jewels, but for that, she needed to be able to talk with them. And that was hard to do, as of present. She would have to wait until they had reached their destination.

Until then, she tried to put that matter out ofher mind. There was still what Lemon had said earlier, about houses. Herself, as a family home...

Sleep tugging on her eyes, her mind couldn't help but ponder as she drifted away into dreamland. Have there been Gastheers... who have kept their breezies?...


High above the world, among the clouds she floated, like a majestic ship at sea.

Fluttershy leaned her head back in the breeze, a warm smile upon her face. The air was alive. She was alive. Her body, bared and naked, was alive. So alive...

Beneath her chin, her breasts jutted way out in front of her, bigger than ever before, like a pair of beanbags. Below them, her belly was an enormous ovoid balloon that supported them, her belly button beyond the reach of her arms. And hanging between her legs, her jewels hung, heaving and huge, dipping below her knees.

And across the surfaces of all these spheres, was the flurry of activity, her body playing host to well over a hundred breezies. She could feel them deep inside, the humming of those that kept her afloat, the play of those enjoying life inside her, the warmth and glow of families gathering together, even the flurry of some running place to place, not just trading among themselves, but tending to her on the inside, taking care of her, just as she took care of them.

Faeries entered and left her body almost constantly, and the air shimmered with the wings of her charges. Her own wings gently flapped, moving them all along upon the currents of the cloud layer, her expanded form and the denizens within her hidden from the eyes of the world. She wasn't just a mobile house. She was a living, breathing city.

And that thought, to her surprise, brought a glow to her mind and soul.

A Breezie flew up to her face. She couldn't focus on the pixie's features, but she still felt them lean down to deliver a kiss to her lips. The resulting tingling caused her to smile even wider, before returning the smooch to the little pony. And then, she opened her mouth wide, allowing them to climb inside. Her smile remained, even as her throat bulged, as they traveled down her esophagus, deeper inside her. She didn't know how she knew, but she had a feeling, that no harm would come to them.

In the clouds surrounding them, the breeze billowed. Far off in the distance, emerging from a shallow bank of vapor, came a shape. As she drifted closer, it slowly resolved, revealing itself to be very round.

It was another pegasus mare like herself. She was pink, with long, flowing locks of gold streaming from her mane and tail. And she too, seemed to possess an enormous bust, coupled with a heaving, overly-gravid belly. Even at this distance, she could see something else... a telltale shimmering in the air surrounding the stranger...

The shimmering of breezie wings.

Her heart leapt in her throat. Another like her! Another Gastheer!

Her wings kicked into gear, and the flying city-ship that was her body began cruising towards the newcomer, her fellow host, excitement running through her being, and through the population of breezies within her. Closer she drew to them, seeing that the pink pony had seen her as well, and was moving to meet them halfway...

And then, mere yards away from each other, Shy had to pause, as she felt a flurry of activity within her... and then, she arched her back, tossing her head back as hundreds of breezies proceeded to pour out of her body, from her nipples, her cock, her vagina, a spray of shimmering life taking to the air.

And as she managed to glance, she spied that the other pegasus, her own head rolled back, was experiencing a similar outpour of faeries herself, the two flocks proceeding to collide in the air.

In the mass of color and silver, breezies met, friendships were made, romance blossomed, two different cities of breezies, meeting and mixing and making merry with one another. And it was oh so wonderful, feeling the joy and excitement of her flock, like if her own breezies were an extension of herself, even as they were outside of her.

And then, before she knew it, she was side-by-side with the other Gastheer. She couldn't focus on her face, but they were at once, new, and familiar. They both reached out a hand, and their fingers grazed past each other, the touch of someone who knew what joy they shared...

Like ships in the night...

And then she was gone, the pink form vanished, and the cloud of breezies now retreating to enter her body again. This time, all the breezies fled inside her, and as they entered, she suddenly became aware of a difference, in her flock.

Her population had changed. Some of her breezies, had left with the other Gastheer. But in turn, some of that Gastheer's breezies, had stayed behind, now taking up residence within her.

An influx of fresh blood, within herself, her city...

The air empty now, she stared down at herself, before she began feeling it. That pumping, pulsing, rhythmic sensation of newfound couples consummating their love, deep within her flesh, her curves writhing and undulating with passion... and then...

She let out a groan, as her breasts began to swell. Bigger and bigger they stretched, as below them her belly reacted in kind, jutting upwards and outwards as it expanded more and more. Within her, breezies were born, experienced childhood, made friends, reached adulthood, fell in love, became pregnant, birthed even more breezies... all within the blink of an eye...

Generation after generation of faeries were being born inside her, her population booming, her hundreds becoming thousands, becoming ten thousands. Her belly, her breasts, even her balls expanded bigger and bigger, her skin stretching to make room, to hold all of her inhabitants, even as their numbers continued climbing, doubling...

So much life

Fluttershy was awash with bliss, all from the overwhelming amounts of activity within her being, the stretching of her surfaces, and from the knowledge that she wasn't just a city anymore. Her writhing breasts and belly were now jutting out yards in front of her, her form becoming increasingly dirigible-like among the clouds. And they were still increasing in size, ever larger and larger.

She was a metropolis now. A living, breathing metropolis of Breezies, more bustling with life than Manehattan, even more than Canterlot. Even more than that... with every passing second, more lives were created inside her, her population numbers skyrocketing. She could have been a living county.

A living state.

Her body, herself, an entire living, breathing nation...


She awoke with a gasp, her face flushed red, as she suddenly realized several things at once.

One, it was still quite late in night, the fire having died down to a dull glow, casting a gentle light upon the entire campsite.

Two, she was sporting a very firm erection, feeling the appendage tenting her sleeping bag like a water tower. Shifting around made her realize that it was currently rather coated in something moist.

And third, she realized that her breasts and belly were all very, very active.

Hurridly, Fluttershy unzipped the bag, before throwing the covers off. Once again, the skin of her massive mounds was dancing and writhing, as inside she felt that now-familiar sensation of pumping and pounding, of her charges having been stimulated by her body. Her charges that were now working off that stimulation in the only way they knew how.

By having sex, while still inside her body.

She let out a groan as she felt her tits stand themselves up, swaying to and forth of their own volition upon her ribcage. Her hands flew to her belly, where she felt the roiling mass of activity causing her stomach to undulate, dozens of bumps rising and falling through her skin. Then the mass of life as a whole bunched up, and pushed her belly upward and outward, elicting a more pointed and alarmed gasp from their host.

"O-oh goddess! P-please, not so rough everypony!"

As soon as the words left her mouth, all activity in her body appeared to freeze. They'd woken their host up again, and it now felt like they were waiting for her to unleash a tongue-lashing upon them.

The pegasus however, used the quiet to catch her breath and reorient herself. The dream that she had just had was still fresh in her mind, the sensations of having been so full of life. Like she was now. Looking down at herself, past her bust and her belly, she could see the end of her cock standing at full mast, proudly arching up and over the sphere of her midsection, the tip dripping a steady flow of pre.

They're having sex inside me again.

... more babies are being made tonight...

The next few words that left her mouth was "... how many of you are pregnant? I want to know... All the mothers, please, tell me..."

She waited in silence for a few seconds. And then, she felt a glow, from within her left breast. A Breezie's kiss, upon her inner flesh. This was followed by a second glow, from her right breast, and then a pair of glows from her belly, another in her right, two more from her left...

By the time they stopped, Fluttershy felt like she was a Hearthswarming tree. No less than nine beacons had answered her from within her body, and she knew one of them to be Lemon Frost. And then as if delayed on purpose, she felt eight more glows, from within her testes. She was hosting seventeen pregnant breezies, within herself. Seventeen potential families...

It struck her. There were more breezies inside her now than there had been when she started.

She groaned again as her cock throbbed, bringing an even larger helping of pre up her shaft, the fluid spilling to coat the entire head. Her face flushed brightly, though she was unable to hold herself back. The thought had actually aroused her.

Slowly, hesitantly, cautiously, the thumping and pulsing motions began to resume in the depths of her flesh, dozens of pent-up pixies still with unfinished buisness to complete. The pegasus didn't panic this time, her eyes instead closing as she felt the heat of arousal work its way through her body again, stirring her occupants back into an orgy. Even in her balls, she could feel a gentle shifting, as the mothers down there were not immune to the influx of hormones coursing through her.

Her mind returned to the contents of her dream. The activity of a population inside her. The consummation of passions. Meeting another host like herself. All high in the sky above the world, floating without a care on the breeze...

"I want to float." she suddenly found herself saying, voice more than a little heated. "I need to float. I need it. Please."

The breezies within her seemed more than willing to accomodate. Barely a second passed before she began to feel that familiar hum within herself, amongst all the other rhythmic vibrations. Gently, her breasts, her belly, and her balls all began to lift upwards, their surfaces pulling at the rest of her body, the force ramping up slowly, increasing...

Shy let out yet another groan, as she finally felt herself being lifted off the surface of her sleeping bag, wings draping beneath her as she was lifted up into the night air, the locks of her mane and tail swaying in the breeze. Unable to resist any longer, she reached down to grasp her cock in both hands, fingers wrapping around the stiff shaft, proceeding to rub the length in self-admittedly familiar ways. She still considered herself a mare. But she couldn't deny pleasuring her stallionhood felt rather good.

"This was my dream." she spoke again, to the population within her. "Floating, with all of you, more of you, inside me. I wasn't just a mobile house..." her grip tightened upon her member. "I'm not just a mobile house anymore... you're all making me into a living village!"

Another wave of heat overtook her, bringing with it another spurt of pre, and the motions of her inhabitants working up into a frenzy. Her breasts were a mass of activity, a wall of flexing, restless flesh right below her muzzle, the faeries within humming and pounding and maturbating and pleasuring each other, all underneath her own skin. Amongst all the activity, the yellow mare imagined she could see them expanding as well, filling up with even more of their kind. In her mind's eye, the bellies of breezie mothers swelled, pushing against her own flesh, stretching her wider as the motions of life within them further stimulated her senses...

"M-more..." she whispered, her head dropping backwards as she ascended higher into the air, now a good couple of yards off the ground. A hand left her cock to caress her massive and bustling bust, arm coming up to wrap around as much of them as possible, feeling their motions more directly. As their movements became more frenzied, so did her own pumping, her shaft trembling under her touch, the shifting in her balls joined now with a slight fizzing sensation. She was close.

"I'm a village... I'm a village... a colony. A Gastheer." she repeated to herself, her mind fully fixed upon her body's fullness and the passionate activity within. "Oh goddess, everypony... I love you all!!"

And then suddenly, in response to her words, her body lit up like a chandilier, as she felt the bright, tingling kisses of Breezies all within her, dozens upon dozens of bright spots all across her body, as they fully returned her sentiment in the best way they knew how. The sensation of so much light within her, coursing through her flesh, becoming whole and coherent...

Her hand flew back to her cock, and squeezed hard, before the underside of that dark appendage began bulging, traveling up the length of her shaft. With a strangled cry, Fluttershy came, a streamer of white leaping free of her flared tip to fly in the air breifly, before raining back down upon her body and the campsite below her. Again and again, her cock erupted, showering herself and the immediate area around her with the flecks of her seed, the activity within her jewels doubtlessly helping to drive her orgasm along.

When the waves of ectasy finally receeded from her brain, she not only found herself speckled with her own cum, but also the activity of horny breezies rapidly dropping off. The breif thought that they had all come alongside her floated across her mind, causing a self-satisfied smile to break out upon her face.

The humming of wind magic was beginning to die down too, and she felt her body slowly descending to the earth once again, slow and soft like a feather. She let out a sigh as she alighted onto her sleeping bag once more, allowing a hand to roam across the landscape of her body's curvature, and of the shapes and forms of tired but satisfied breezies all curled up within her. After this... there's going to be even more breezies inside me. she mused sleepily, and then bit her lip as her cock, despite now having become flacid, twitched a little at the thought.

Gently and softly, she raised her arms up to cradle her inhabited breasts, lifting them up so she could press her cheeks against the sides of her own cleavage, feeling the snoozing forms cuddled within them. With tender affection, she pressed a kiss to each mammary, before leaning her head back, allowing a hand to now rub the swell of her belly in circles, her eyes falling closed again as the afterglow mixed with the kissing glow of her charges.

"... that wasn't so bad..."

Combined with the exaustion from that little joy-ride, it didn't take long for Fluttershy to fall back into a heavy, and contented slumber.
