> Applejacked > by Hopeful_Ink_Hoof > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Experimental Misstep > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was late in the afternoon when Applejack reached the front of Twilight's Friendship Castle. It was a warm and humid day, and she had been walking around Ponyville for hours making her deliveries. As a result, her white undershirt was thoroughly soaked in sweat, clinging tightly to her muscular furry form. If not for the fact that it would pretty much expose her breasts to any and all who saw her, she would have taken off her flannel shirt. Although, she was tempted to do it anyways, and the hay with anypony who had a problem with it. Stopping at the door, Applejack set the boxes down and took her hat off. She wiped at her brow before fanning herself. She was almost done for the day. Just had to drop off the pies at the castle, then she could go home. Then she could take a nice, long, cold shower to cool off, wash the grime and sweat, and just relax. She could even sleep naked. Just had to remember to lock the door when she went to bed so nopony accidentally walked in on her again. The castle was very well air-conditioned. As soon as she stepped inside, the cold air caused the sweat of her shirt to turn freezing, sending a chill through her body. It also caused her nipples to perk up, poking the fabric of her shirt more. For a moment, Applejack was actually expecting to see her breath. "Hello?" she called out as she kicked the door shut behind her. "Twilight? Spike? Starlight? Any of y'all here?" Getting no immediate answer, she continued walking. Having visited this place numerous times, she knew enough of the lay out. Not all of it, but enough. She could easily get to the throne room, or the kitchen, which is where she was intending to head this time. Although she would prefer to let Spike or Twilight know that she was here and had made the delivery, any of them would know as soon as they saw the boxes. As she made her way along the hallway, Applejack found that one of the doors was open. Inside was Twilight Sparkle, and it became quite clear why she had not responded when Applejack called out her name. The room was a laboratory of some sort, and Twilight was dressed in a lab coat, bent over something at one of the tables. Next to her was a notebook and a pen held in her magic that was currently writing away. "So there you are," Applejack said as she stepped into the lab. Heading toward one of the tables, she moved to set the pies down. As she did, her hand smacked a loose vial, sending it rolling and leaving a trail of powder behind. Powder that Applejack's arm brushed through and that she set her boxes down on top of. She made her way over to Twilight, who still had not noticed her. "Twi?" Applejack said as she made her way over to her friend. "Twilight?" Stopping beside Twilight, she still got no response as her friend stared through a microscope. After wiping her hand off against her stomach, she flicked one of Twilight's ears. A yelp of surprise escaped Twilight Sparkle as she jumped in her seat, turning to face Applejack. Twilight's eyes were wide behind her glasses, and her wings tried to flare out behind her, slamming against the chair's armrests instead and causing a wince of pain. As the initial shock passed, Twilight focused on the mare now in front of her. "Oh, hi, Applejack," she said with a small smile. "I didn't hear you come in." "Figured as much," Applejack said with a roll of her eyes. "I swear girl, when you get caught up in somethin', Pinkie Pie could lead a marching band of yaks right past ya, and you wouldn't even notice." Twilight's ears pulled back as she gave a small smile. "I wouldn't say yaks," she replied. "I mean: ponies, maybe; Breezies, definitely; parasprites, possibly; but yaks? I'm pretty sure that nothing would keep me from noticing that." The response got a laugh out of Applejack, and helped her relax about Twilight Sparkle a little. She -- and all of them really -- had seen how obsessive Twilight Sparkle could get when she got interested in something. The mare would skip meals and go without sleep. Rarity even speculated that Twilight did not even use "the facilities" as she put it, but simply used her magic to teleport the "waste" somewhere. When Twilight got into one of those states, she would become extremely irritable, getting huffy over any interruptions and snapping at the slightest provocation. If she was able to make jokes, especially ones at her own expense, then it meant that Twilight was at least rested and fed enough to function normally. "So, what're ya working on anyways?" Applejack asked, moving to lean against one of the tables. "Careful where you park your plot," Twilight said. "I'm working with a mix of Poison Joke and Heart's Desire, and there are several vials of the stuff spread out." "Poison Joke?" Applejack cried out, standing up and wiping at the seat of her pants. "Why in the name of Celestia would you mess with somethin' like that, sugar cube? Don't think what it did to us that one time is somethin' you'd forget." "Of course I haven't," Twilight replied. "It altered all of us, including making you approximately one-eighth of your size --" The memory of that caused Applejack to shift, blushing slightly. "-- and basically reversing Rainbow Dash's wings." She held up a finger, pointing in Applejack's direction. "It also altered Fluttershy's voice, which -- more importantly -- Zecora was able to reproduce. Which means that either its reactions will be consistent as it was what happened to her before, or it can actually be altered into have a specific result. "That's where the Heart's Desire comes in," Twilight continued with a grin. "It's supposed to be able to give a pony what is they want most in the world. So I was thinking that maybe by combining the two, I could create something beneficial to ponykind. A mixture that could possibly help regenerate lost limbs, or allow physically incapacitated ponies mobility again. Maybe even allow older ponies to live longer and be more active." The last one especially sounded nice. Applejack loved Granny Smith, and she was well aware that the old mare was getting up there in age. Some days it seemed that it was just stubbornness alone that kept the old earth pony going. The memory of how happy and active Granny was while using the magic elixir -- even if it turned to be a scam -- were still pretty vivid. Having lost their parents already, she and her siblings would love to keep Granny around for as long as possible. A desire the old mare shared since she "ain't going nowhere 'til well after I get to meet Apple Bloom's babies." "So, how's it goin'?" A deep sigh escaped from Twilight as she leaned back in her chair. Taking off her glasses, she rubbed at her eyes. "So far, it's not," she answered. "I'm still in the earliest stages of testing." she glanced at a microscope. "For instance, right now I'm studying one of Spike's scales that had been exposed to the powder, but am seeing no changes to it." One of her hands lifted up and waved at it. "Either the mixture doesn't work, or it can't affect it. It could be due to the fact it's a dragon scale, which is extremely resistant to magic and makes it less likely to be altered, or the mixture isn't working because the scale on its own is inanimate, having no desires, wants, flaws, or points of pride about itself for the material to base its affects on. "I need at least some sort of reaction so I can figure out of the antidote for Poison Joke on its own will work, or if I need to look into creating a new one. After that, I can continue research and testing until reaching the point where I can safely try it on volunteers." Applejack saw something familiar in her friend. Something she had seen both in herself and in her family members. It was something that meant that if Twilight did not start to pace herself now, she was going to run herself ragged pretty fast. Fortunately, Applejack had just the thing to get her to take a break. "Well, I have some pies here," she said, motioning toward the boxes. "Granny Smith made a bunch of them and I thought I'd drop a few off here and there." Moving closer she patted one. "Got 'bout three here. Figured one for each of y'all." She grinned. "Assuming you want to share 'em." Twilight blushed this time as she was reminded of how she tended to gorge on Sweet Apple Acres pie. "So, how 'bout you take a little break," Applejack continued, "and dig into one of these. Maybe a rest and full stomach'll help clear your head a bit. Fresh eyes and all." Watching, Applejack could see the conflict in Twilight over the decision. The desire to keep working until she got an answer fighting against the desire to dig into the flaky crust and tender filling. Fortunately, being friends with Twilight and a business mare, Applejack knew exactly how to persuade her friend. Taking the top-most box, she pulled it open to show off the fresh, home-made, apple pie inside. Twilight Sparkle stared at it and licked her lips. "Okay," she finally said. "That sounds great." Getting up, Twilight grabbed the box that Applejack held and carried it with her. Her horn lit up as she grabbed the second box, carrying it with her and leaving the last for Applejack. A small chuckle escaped Applejack as she grabbed the last box and started to follow Twilight to the kitchen, stopping to rub at one of her eyes as it itched for a second. > A Morning Tree > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once certain that Twilight was thoroughly on her way to enjoying some pie and relaxing, Applejack left the castle and made her way back home. As soon as she stepped out of the castle, she missed the air conditioning. The day was still hot and humid, and it was like a physical slap as soon as Applejack stepped out into the sunlight. The walk back to Sweet Apple Acres was long and hot. By the time she reached the gate, she was once again thoroughly soaked in sweat, her shirt clinging to her. After a tasty supper where Applejack found herself eating a lot more than usual (had no idea I was so hungry), Applejack headed upstairs to take a nice long shower. First, nice and hot to help ease the tension from her muscles and wash the days grime and sweat from her coat, then cold to the point of almost freezing to cool off and feel better. Once thoroughly clean and dry, Applejack made her way to her room, locked the door, and let her towel drop to the floor. Completely naked, she made her way to bed and stretched out on top of the sheets. ***** Applejack stood on hill, looking over Sweet Apple Acres. One of her hands rested on her widened hip as the other stroked through her mane, the once golden blond now streaked with lines of silver. Similar silvering also marked the edges of her muzzle as she gave a small smile at her home. Trees that had once been worked by two -- her and her brother -- were now being taken care of by nearly a dozen ponies now. "Hey, Ma!" a voice called out. Turning to the voice, Applejack saw a young earth stallion walking up the toward him. He had a red coat -- although not of the same intensity as Big Macintosh -- and carried an old guitar across his back. The sight of him brought a big grin across Applejack's face. "Bardsey," she called out, moving to hug the young stallion. "How are you, sugar cube? What brings ya back to the ol' homestead?" Smiling, Bardsey hugged his mother, leaning forward to avoid her distended stomach. "A bit of time off between tours," he answered. "So a'course I had to come by and see my family." Pulling back, he looked down at her stomach. "'specially since there always seem to be more of them when I get back." "Yep," Applejack admitted as she brought her hands to her stomach. "This one'll give us a baker's dozen. That is, assumin' it ain't multiples again." "Hm," the stallion grunted. "Well, Cherry and Strawberry want you back at the house. Seems they ain't takin' their nap 'less the mama tells them the story 'bout how she helped beat Nightmare Moon." With a chuckle, she gave a shake of her head. Those two loved the stories about Applejack and her friends fighting evil and saving the day. She was pretty sure that when they grow up, those fillies would try to become adventurers, or heroes of some kind in their own right. Or maybe one of them would become a writer similar to A.K. Yearling. Although preferably not with the real life basis that Daring Do actually had to it. Granted, Applejack did not have much room to talk, but she did not want her children putting themselves in danger in like that. "Tell ya what," Applejack said as she started to waddle for the house, "how 'bout you come with me? You can play a bit of mood music while I tell the story, then once they're nappin', you can tell me all about what's been going on with ya on the open road." The two of them made their way to the house, which had been expanded multiple times in order to fit the entire large and still growing family. ***** A small groan escaped Applejack as she woke up. Rolling onto her back, her legs fell over the edge of the bed, hooves touching the floor. A yawn escaped her as she stretched out her body. As her lower stomach and thighs tensed, she felt a strange twitching sensation between her legs. Smacking her lips, she reached down to scratch at her stomach, pushing her erection out of the way. Applejack's eyes snapped open as she shot up into a sitting position. Her brain, still slow from sleep, was trying to process what was going on. She blinked rapidly, partly to get the last of the sleep of them, and partly to make sure that what she was looking at was not some sort of post dream hallucination. It was not. She was awake, and it was not fading away. Right there, between her legs, was a very real, big, black, throbbing, rock-hard, horse cock. The thing was attached to her body, and there was a big, black sac to go with it resting between her thighs. This was the strangest thing that had ever happened to Applejack, and considering all that had occurred in her life -- especially since meeting Twilight -- that was really saying something. She had gone to bed like everything was normal, had a strange dream, and then woke up with a massive boner. A big, beautiful, beefy, black cock. Reaching out, Applejack placed her hand on her cock. Her fingers were not even close to being able to touch each other. The length was so warm, hard, and smooth. She licked her lips as she stared at it, eyes wide. Slowly, her hand slid down along it, feeling the smooth, rock-hard flesh against her palm and fingertips. As she stroked past the medial ring, a bolt of pleasure shot through her body, making her gasp out. The length throbbed and twitched, releasing a spurt of pre-cum from the top of the head. After getting a better grip on her newly appeared erection, she pulled it closer, pressing it against her body. The thing came all the way up to her chest, nearly able to nestle between her breasts. Applejack's eyes closed as she brought her head closer to the head of the cock, nose twitching as she inhaled the aroma of her own pre. It was her scent: a mixture of fresh earth, apples, and a musk that seemed to be all her own. Except it was a little more pungent. Plus, there was also something else to it. Something masculine and extremely alluring. It was something overwhelming. Something the drew her to it. Something that she wanted to taste. Sticking her tongue out, she ran it across the broad, flat head to collect the droplet. The length flared and twitched at her touch, releasing a spurt of the thick fluid directly against her tongue. It was slightly sweet, slightly bitter, and tasted kind of like the odor she would build up when she had been working hard all day. The taste was not something she would have imagined, and a part of her was a little grossed out by it, but most of her wanted more. Applejack moved her hands to get a better grip on the massive shaft, and begin to stroke along the length. Eyes closed, she pressed her mouth against the head of the shaft more, trying to fit it. She pressed until her jaw ached, but it just would not fit. So instead, she pressed her tongue against the opening more, stroking along it and sometimes even pushing the tip inside. The stroke of her hands along the shaft and the touch of her fur against one side sent thrills of pleasure through Applejack. She could finally understand why her brother had been constantly playing with himself when he was younger. It felt so good. Especially when she stroked over the medial ring or just under the head of the shaft. So that was where she started to focus her attention. One hand gripped at the medial ring, pumping up and down quickly to stroke over the sensitive ring repeatedly. The other reached up to the base of the head, rubbing along the underside while giving quick jerks. With each motion, her tongue continued to run along the top, collecting fluid every time it emerged. A sensation began to build in her testicles. Applejack needed more arms. At least two so that she could rub and stroke her sac, massaging the balls inside. Instead, she focused on the hands she did have, her grip tightening as she worked faster. Her hips shifted, thighs pressing against the sides of her sac. One leg moved up and down, rubbing at the sensitive skin and teasing the contents inside. Finally, she reached her limit. The massive sac pulled tight against her as the length swelled and twitched. With each throb, massive globs of cum pumped along the length, large enough for Applejack to feel. The thick white fluid shot out from the tip, hitting the mare in the face. She kept her mouth open wide, trying to catch as much of it as she could, to taste and swallow it. While she did catch some, taste some, she could not get all of it, or even most. The stuff covered her hair, her face, coated her eyelids, filled her nostrils to give her even more of the pungent aroma. It covered her chin and throat, and even managed to run down over her breasts. When the orgasm finally came to an end, Applejack collapsed onto the bed again. The softening shaft fell against her, the last of the semen dripping out from the tip onto her coat. It had been different from her normal female orgasms. Not as strong, but more intense. Like the pleasure was all focused in one part of her more than spreading throughout her entire body. In a way, it was also the opposite of her regular orgasms, which caused a tightening and pulling sensation, not a swelling and pushing. It had been a lot of fun playing with her cock. ...her cock... Her eyes open again and she shot back up, looking down between her legs. Mother of Celestia! I have a fuckin' huge cock! A scream tore itself from her throat. As she laid there, panting (or maybe hyperventilating) and staring at her cock, something else started to get her attention. She was bigger. Her bed no longer fit her as well as it did. The fact her feet were still over the edge to the point of her knees was proof of that. Wiping the cum from her face, she moved to stand up. As she did, there was a moment of disorientation. Part of it was a blood rush from standing up so quickly, and part of it was because of how far away the floor suddenly seemed. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and slowly let it out. You're okay, Applejack, she told herself. You've been through weird stuff like this before, and you made it through just fine. Panicking ain't gonna help. Just keep focused and you'll get through this too. No longer wanting to run screaming to who knows where, Applejack opened her eyes and made her way to the mirror. She needed to crouch down some, but she was able to get a look at herself, still covered in massive amounts of her own cum. Still can't believe I did that. What in Tartarus got into me? Pushing the thought aside, she took a good look at herself. She was definitely taller, at least seven feet, but could not figure out the exact height. It was not just height either. Her shoulders were wider than they had been, more so than if she had kept to the same proportions. They had been broad for a woman to begin with, but now had become even more so. She was also much more muscular: more noticeable biceps and thicker thighs. Except her stomach was proportionally smaller. It had always been a little thick and slightly fat due to her body being made from hard work and hardy meals, but now it looked lean and flat. Pressing her hand against her abdomen revealed a rock hard six-pack hidden beneath her soft fur. Even her breasts were larger. Not only had they grown with her, but had nearly doubled in comparative size. Put her in a skin tight body suit, and she would look just like one of those warrior queens from Apple Bloom's comic books. Well... except for the fact that if she were to wear such a thing, Applejack would have a noticeable extra bulge in the front of it. Admittedly, she did find herself kind of hot looking. Not that she wanted to stay like this. A knock at the door caused Applejack to jerk, turning toward it with wide-eyes. "You okay in there?" Big Macintosh's voice asked from the other side. "Thought I heard screamin'." "I'm..." Applejack started, only to stop. She was what? She was not exactly hurt or in pain in anyway, just a massive, muscular mare that suddenly had a massive dick (which hung nearly down to her knee in its limp state) and balls. Saying "I'm fine" would not exactly be true, but there was also nothing that her family could do to help. Really, there was only one pony Applejack could think of that would be able to help fix her situation. "AJ?" Macintosh asked. "I'm not hurt or anything," she finally called out. "But... well somethin' peculiar happened. It... it ain't exactly somethin' I wanna talk about, to say nothin' of lettin' any of y'all see." There was a moment of silence. Stepping away from the mirror, Applejack looked at the door. She had not heard her brother walk away from it yet, and she was listening now that she knew he was there. "Anything I can do to help?" Macintosh called out. Applejack's first instinct was to answer no. After all, this was not something they could fix. It would take Twilight's skill and talent to figure out how this... Twilight. Closing her eyes, Applejack smacked herself. That must have been how it happened. Which made it all the more important for her to get to Twilight Sparkle for help. If she was right and that powder Twilight was working on was responsible for what happened, it was all the more reason to get to the castle as soon as possible. Hopefully Twilight will be able to come up with an antidote, lickety-split. Her gaze drifted from the door to her closet. Going to Twilight's would mean having to walk there. "Actually," Applejack finally called back, "could I borrow some of your clothes?" > A Carousel Ride > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using the towel from last night, Applejack worked to wipe off as much of the gunk as she could from her face and chest. When her brother next came to the door and knocked, she opened it only enough to reach through and grab the clothes, calling out a quick "thanks" as she did before shutting it again. Getting dressed -- even with her brother's clothes -- wound up being a bit of a challenge. The flannel shirt Macintosh had given her fit... sort of. She was able to pull it on and do a few of the buttons, but that had been tough. The result had her ample breasts pressing against the fabric, stretching it tight across her chest. She could easily see the tips of her nipples poking through the fabric. Fabric which made it all the more difficult as the soft material rubbed against the sensitive nubs with even the slightest movement, provoking them into a perky state and sending small tingles of pleasure through her body. The main part of it was so strained that she was pretty certain it would tear if she breathed too deeply. The sleeves, however, were less fortunate, tearing apart in several places when she moved her arms. The pants, however, were useless. Applejack could not even get them up over her thighs, much less even try to fit her ass into them. Especially after one hard yank where they tore along the inner seams. Instead, she went back through her own closet, looking for something that would cover at least part of her lower half. It took using (what had been in her original size) a floor length skirt, some scissors, and a couple of belts, but she was able to create at least a passable skirt for herself. It was a bit on the short side, not even reaching her knees, and parts of her sac and dick could be seen poking out from the bottom of it, but did cover it up for the most part. Hopefully as long as she was careful, it would be enough to keep her new equipment from being noticed by every pony she came across. Too bad she could not do something about the boost in height and muscle, but at least this way she would not have to be arrested for indecent exposure. Apple Bloom had stayed the night with her friends, so there was no need to try and explain to a twelve year old what was going on, especially one that could be extremely curious and kind of stubborn. Granny Smith was either in the kitchen working on breakfast, or in bed and still asleep. Either way, it meant that Applejack could get out without having to explain to her what had happened. Big Macintosh, however, had been in the living room when Applejack came down and caught sight of her. The stallion's eyes went wide as he took in his sister, his gaze going from her chest, up to her face, then down along her entire body. Macintosh's gaze came back to Applejack's waist, staring at the skirt and -- it was probably safe to assume -- what was sticking out from underneath it. A massive warmth spread across Applejack's face, making it feel like it was on fire. Her first urge was to grab the front of her skirt and pull it down to cover what was still sticking out. That seemed like a bad idea though. Considering what she did to get the skirt on and what happened with the jeans, one good yank would probably rip the whole thing to shreds. She would just have to keep calm, get past her brother and hurry to Twilight's castle. Oh, Celestia! Applejack thought as her own gaze noticed the massive swell in the front of her brother's jeans. She could not believe that she was seeing him like that because of her. Why? What could possibly turn him on about this? With a shake of her head, she pushed the thoughts aside. Moving as quick as she comfortably could, Applejack pushed her way past her brother and headed out the door. She had more important matters than the fact her brother was secretly a pervert. Still being early in the morning, the day was nice and cool. There was even a slight breeze, which felt nice against Applejack's bare fur. It especially felt nice against the underside of her skirt. Normally, Applejack wore jeans, saving the skirts and dresses for formal events or when Rarity practically insisted on something more "dressy." Additionally, barring when she chose to sleep naked, Applejack wore underwear. Specifically, plain panties, although she had added colors other than white to it at her friend's insistence ("Well it's a start," Rarity said). She had never gone out in a (relatively in this case) short skirt and no panties. It was actually kind of enjoyable. She would have to try it again once she was back to her normal self. What would it be like to feel the breeze across her vaginal lips? The whole thing would also be kind of naughty. Walking around, seeming like normal, but a part of her easily exposed for the world to see if she jumped, bent over, or got caught in a strong breeze, or some pervert pony could sneak a peak at her pussy and ass. The whole idea was kind of arousing. A twitch from between her legs brought her mind back to the present. Looking down, Applejack found the front of her skirt rising up as the shaft beneath it began to grow hard and erect. "No, no, no!" she cried out. "Not that! Not now!" Grabbing the front of her skirt, she pulled it down to try and cover the growing erection she was now getting. The fabric pressed down against the shaft before tearing, coming loose in Applejack's hand and leaving a gap in the front for her erection to be seen easily with. "No, no, no. I can't walk through Ponyville like this." There had to be something she could do. Something to get rid of it. Maybe I don't need to do anything, she thought. Maybe If I ignore it, the thing will just go away on its own. I'll just keep going, ignore it, and it should be soft again by the time I get to Ponyville. Then I can just turn the skirt so the tear's on the side, and everything'll be fine and dandy. Doing her best to follow her own advice, Applejack took a deep breath, slowly let it out, and then walked along like everything was perfectly normal. The cock, however, seemed to have other plans. It stood out hard in front of her, bobbing and wobbling with each step. The length pulsed and throbbed, sometimes leaking a little bit of pre from the tip. No matter how much Applejack tried to ignore it, it just would not go away. If she did not know better, she would think the thing was being willfully defiant, refusing to do what she wanted and trying to get her attention. By the time she had gotten close enough to see Ponyville's buildings, it was pretty clear to Applejack that her erection was not going to disappear soon. She could not make it to the castle without being noticed, especially with that sticking out in front of her. There would definitely be ponies up and about before she got there, and there was no way they would miss a seven foot plus tall Applejack in an overstuffed shirt and torn skirt sporting a massive rock hard penis in front of her. Rarity. Carousel Boutique was closer than Twilight's castle, and this early Rarity would be up but not opening yet, so there would be fewer ponies along the way. Plus, Applejack knew some of the back roads and alleyways that lead to the boutique. That would help keep her from being seen until she got there. She just had to hope that she could get there without drawing too much attention. Rarity was a clothes designer and friend. She could come up with an outfit that would hide the problem. Maybe even let Applejack use the bathroom to take a cold shower, see if that actually does anything about it. Getting closer to Ponyville, Applejack stepped off the road and started to move toward the back of the buildings. Once at the wall, she pressed tight against it. Slowly, she moved to look around, making sure that nopony was around to see her. Certain that she was safe from view, she sprinted to the next house. There, she repeated the process. As she did at the next, and the next, and the next. Several times, she even found cover to hide behind. A few times there were ponies nearby, but she managed to get past them unnoticed. Until, finally, she reached one of the neighbors to Carousel Boutique. Okay, Applejack though, just need to run for the door as fast as I can and hope it's unlocked already. And that no ponies suddenly show up. Taking a deep breath, she pushed away from the building and ran for the door as fast her as her legs could carry her. The sound of fabric tearing reached her ears, but did not exactly register. Her shaft swayed back and forth with her movement, and her sac smacked against the inside of her thighs. Reaching the door, she grabbed the knob and gave it a twist. Locked. Of fucking course it is, Applejack thought with a growl. Well, there's only one thing to do now. Raising a fist, she started pounding on the door as fast and hard as she could. It shook and rattled in its frame, but held, and it the pounding could probably be heard through the entire boutique and house. "RARITY!" shouted Applejack. "Open up! It's an emergency! A..." she swallowed. "... A fashion emergency!" As she pounded on the door again, it popped open, causing Applejack to stumble forward and smacking her face against the framework. Quick as she could, she crouched down and darted inside, slamming the door behind her. Safe inside the boutique, she let out a sigh of relief, her body relaxing. As she looked down, it dawned on Applejack that her shirt had torn open and her breasts were now exposed as well. Good thing I came here, then, she thought as she tugged at the tatters of fabric. "Applejack?" Rarity's voice called out from upstairs. "Whatever is matter, darling? You never come visit so early, and I don't recall you ever using the term 'fash...." Reaching the entrance to the main room, Rarity stopped. Her mouth fell open as she stared at Applejack, eyes wide. She let her gaze drift up her friend's body to her face, then down along her body. "Oh, my," Rarity gasped out, taking a step back. "What did you do to your skirt?!" She then stepped forward. "And what is... Oh..." Turning away, the white fur of Rarity's face took on a deep pink. "Eyup," Applejack sighed out, moving away from the door. "Need to get to Twilight's so she can fix this, but can't exactly walk through town like this. So if you could whip somethin' up quick as you can, I'd really appreciate it." Rarity looked at Applejack again, hands on her hips as her eyes narrowed. "I do not simply 'whip something up,'" she stated. "I put a lot of thought and effort into my work, as you are well aware." Her anger faded and features softened. "However, I can see the need for urgency in such a matter. I should be able to create something basic for you to wear in a few minutes." Turning around, Rarity left the room once again. "Come along," she called out. "I need you to take off those rags and get some new measurements if I am to make something for your current... attributes." Applejack followed after the other mare, leaving the main room and heading into the boutique's workshop. It was much more crowded than the front, in a disarray that Applejack would call "cluttered" and Rarity referred to as "organized chaos." There were more bolts of various cloths and colors than Applejack could even count or name. Against one wall was a drawing desk covered in multiple sketches, with more surrounding the floor below. Dressing dummies stood near a sewing machine, several wearing outfits in various states of creation. Rarity moved toward the desk, horn glowing with the pale blue of her magic. Her energy took a hold of a measuring tape from beside the sewing machine while she grabbed a notepad and pencil from beside the drawing desk. She also grabbed her glasses and put them on before returning to Applejack. "Well, what are you waiting for?" Rarity asked, raising one of her eyebrows. "I told you to take those off. They are not exactly providing you with any sort of modesty as it is." "Right," Applejack said as she worked to undress. Since it was pretty much torn apart, she went ahead and just ripped off the rest of Macintosh's shirt. Surprisingly, the buttons were still attached, it had been the seam right next to them which had torn for some reason. Then she undid the buckle that held the two belts around her waist together, letting them fall to the floor as well. The remnants of her skirt fell from her hips, catching on her tail and erection. With a growl of frustration, Applejack tore the skirt in half, letting it fall away. With Applejack now standing there completely naked, Rarity started measuring her. As the large farm mare stood there, she took in the details of her friend from the new angle. At the moment, Rarity came up to Applejack's breasts, about eye level with her nipples. The smaller mare was dressed in a rather basic outfit, a white blouse and black skirt. It was an outfit that Rarity wore pretty regularly, especially when her plan for the day was primarily to work at the boutique. Except this time, Applejack noticed something more than she before about her friend's outfit. Her cleavage. From what Applejack understood, Rarity was very close to the unicorn ideal of feminine beauty. She had breasts on the large side of medium, wide hips, a "heart-shaped" butt, and toned thighs. She also had a little bit of fat to her, enough to give her curves and a smooth stomach instead of a plush build like Fluttershy, or extremely lean and muscular like Rainbow Dash. It was something that Applejack had kind of known about her friend, but had never really paid much attention to it. Now, however, she could not help but notice. As she stood there, her gaze was primarily on that soft looking, ample, white cleavage. It looked so inviting. So warm and soft. Perfect for groping, kneading, suckling, or planting her-- "Applejack," Rarity whined out, "can't you do something about your... thing? It's making things rather hard... er... difficult for me." Brought back to the present by the request, Applejack looked at Rarity who seemed to be looking at her erection. The thing was sticking out, fully hard and proud. There was even a glistening wet spot on the head, starting at the slit, and running down to the edge. The length gave a twitch, causing a gasp from Rarity. "Sorry," Applejack said, shifting her weight. "Can't really seem to control it. Swear that if I didn't know better, the thing had a mind of its own. or something." "Hm," Rarity replied. "A common complaint I recall hearing from many a young stallion." She reached out, placing a hand against the underside. "Still, I suppose that I should take some measurements. For your outfit, I mean." Her grip tightened against the underside of the cock and stroked up toward the head. The motion caused Applejack to moan out in pleasure, her length twitching as more pre-cum formed on the tip. Rarity's other hand then gripped the shaft at the medial ring, pressing gently and lifting the length. The measuring tape held in her magic moved to the shaft, running along the upper side of the length. It then moved to the underside, Rarity's hands moving out of the way to let her get an accurate measurement from sac to head. "Oh, my," Rarity purred out as she looked at the number, writing it down. "Uh, Rarity?" Applejack asked, shifting as she felt the small hands running along her length. "Sshh," Rarity hissed out, taking a step forward. "I need to concentrate on your --" she licked her lips "-- measurements." The measuring tape floated to the base of the shaft, wrapping around it to give an indication of the circumference. It then moved up along the length, stopping to repeat at the medial ring. The tape then moved up to just behind the head, and finally around the crown itself. Each measurement gave a squeeze around the shaft, and the tape stroked the length as it moved, eliciting a moan from Applejack. "Darling, really," Rarity huffed out. "I can't take accurate measurements if you keep throbbing and twitching like that." Applejack tried to apologize, but could only moan out as magic engulfed her scrotum, running across the surface and teasing the sensitive balls inside. It was then joined by the measuring tape. Applejack could only stand there as her sac was stroked, squeezed, rubbed, and massaged by Rarity, letting out small whimpers of pleasure. Each touch, gentle or rough, caused the length to twitch, more and more pre leaking from the tip and now dripping onto the floor. Every drop made a larger and larger puddle on the floor, and filled the air with the aroma of Applejack's musk. Finally, she was released from Rarity's grasp, causing her to let out a sigh of relief. "Now that we have that taken care of," Rarity said as she took off her glasses, "we should see if we can get it into something more... manageable." Bringing her hands up to her blouse, she began to undo the buttons. "Uh...Rarity?" Applejack asked. "What are you doing?" "I don't want to get my blouse messy," Rarity answered as she took her shirt off and folded it up. Her magic took hold to set it down while she reached back to undo the clasp of her white bra with pink lace. The sight of her friends bare breasts left Applejack speechless. She stood there, staring at the soft white mounds and erect pink nipples. She wanted to touch them. To lick them. To watch them as they bounced back and forth as Rarity moaned with pleasure while riding-- No, Applejack thought with a shake of her head. No. This ain't right. I should stop this. I should do something. I should... Her thoughts grew fuzzy as her shaft was gripped and stroked again. "Such a big, beautiful cock you have here, Applejack," Rarity purred out as she got onto her knees. "It would be quite a shame if you did not get at least some pleasure from it before it was gone." Leaning forward, she pressed her nose against the underside and took a deep breath, a moan escaping her. "What a lovely aroma. So masculine. So virile." Closing her eyes, her dainty tongue slipped out from her mouth. The tip pressed against the shaft, rubbing the medial ring before slowly sliding up along the length. At the same time, her hands gripped the side, slowly stroking down toward the base. One hand stopped at the base, squeezing gently, while the other stroked down over the sac, feeling one of the balls inside. As she reached the tip, Rarity licked up some of the escaped pre before leaning in to give a kiss on the slip. Strings of the clear fluid ran from the head to her lips as she pulled away. Opening her mouth wide, she moved forward again. her lips pressing against the top and underside of the cock. Slowly, she moved up, running her mouth over the head to the top before pulling away. "I can't fit it in my mouth," Rarity declared with a slight pout. "Such a shame." Her tongue slipped out to clean the fluid from her lips. "A cock as magnificent as this deserves to be properly pleasured." Okay, this is getting weird, Applejack thought. Well, weirder. Rarity ain't usually like this... although I've never seen her with a stallion in a situation like this. Crawling closer, Rarity pressed her chest against the massive dick, pressing her breasts against the underside. She gripped at the upper side of it with her hands, pulling it against her. Slowly, Rarity raised and lowered her hips, moving her entire body up and down. Her hands squeezed and stroked along the medial ring as her chest and breast ran along the length, warm body and soft fur teasing along the sensitive flesh. Each time she got as low as she could, Rarity would press her tongue out, running it along the head and slit as she slid up before pulling it away again. The sensation was incredible for Applejack. This entire thing was still new to her, so she had felt nothing like this before. Yes, she had done something similar to herself earlier, but for whatever reason, that had been nowhere near as good as what Rarity was doing to her now. Every stroke, every lick, every squeeze, sent pulses of pleasure through her body, especially the teasing of her cock head. She could now understand why stallions seemed to like it so much. It disappointing when it suddenly ended, Rarity's body pulling away. "I just can't resist it any more," Rarity declared as she stood up and took a step back. "I simply need that thing inside me." Her hands slid down her body to her hips, then stroked along the waistband of her skirt, moving toward the back. Her back arched as she undid the button and zipper, her breasts pushing out in the process. The skirt fell away to reveal her white and pink lace panties, wide, curved hips, and toned legs. The front of her underwear were soaked to the point that they were practically see through, and clung to her vaginal lips. "Mmm," purred Rarity, "like what you see, do you?" Her grin grew wider as she slipped her thumbs down into the waistband. Slowly she pushed the panties down, the fabric peeling away from her stomach and hips as it rolled down her thighs. Slowly, they revealed her purple pubic hair trimmed into the shape of a diamond and her swollen vaginal lips before joining the skirt on the floor. Magic lit up from Rarity's horn, her aura engulfing Applejack. It lifted the larger mare up off her hooves and set her down on her back. "Uh, Rarity?" Applejack asked as she found herself being laid down on the floor. "Just lie back and relax, darling," Rarity said. "I assure you that we both shall enjoy this." Hips swaying back and forth with each step, Rarity made her way toward the now prone Applejack. Her tongue slipped out to like her lips as she looked down at the other mare. Standing above Applejack, Rarity crouched down, the muscles in her thighs flexing and the movement spreading her nether lips apart enough for Applejack get a flash of her inner pinkness. One hand reached out to press against Applejack's stomach, feeling the muscles and helping Rarity steady herself. The tender nether lips touched the underside of the large, erect shaft. A moan escaped Rarity as she pressed down against Applejack. Leaning forward, she pressed both hands onto Applejack's stomach, bracing herself. Rarity then shifted and rocked her hips, stroking the sensitive opening along the warm underside. Each movement left streaks of her warm fluids along the length. Applejack closed her eyes and threw her head back. The feel of Rarity grinding against her felt wonderful. She could feel the warmth, the wetness, the softness. Each stroke made her shaft throb, pre spurting out of the tip and onto the chest. It was especially intense when Rarity slid over her medial ring and the crown. "Are you ready?" Rarity asked. Lifting up off the shaft, her horn started to glow again. Her hands gripped onto Applejack tighter as Rarity lifted her hips up. The magic gripped the length, raising it and lining it up with her opening. Taking a deep breath, Rarity pushed back, pressing herself against the top of the cock, shifting and wiggling to work it in. Moans of pleasure escaped both of them as the head slid in with a wet pop. It was like nothing Applejack had ever felt before. The feel of Rarity's vagina gripping the head of her cock was so tight it was almost painful. At the same time, it also felt incredibly wonderful. A part of her did not want it to end. Another part of her wanted to push up hard, to force as much of her shaft into Rarity as Applejack could get. To pump and thrust, listening to the mare moan and feel her squirm until pumping her full of thick, fertile seed. The image of Rarity's stomach swollen with foals -- with her foals -- caused Applejack's shaft to throb, spurting a glob of pre-cum into Rarity's depths. A slight gasp escaped Rarity as she shifted, twisting against the head and sending new pulses of pleasure. As she pulled forward, the walls tugged at the trapped part of the length, seeming to hold onto it so it would not get away. Just as it felt like it was about to slip free, Rarity pushed back hard, sinking more of the shaft into her. Before Applejack could get used to the sensation, Rarity pulled up and thrust down, taking more. Slowly, the smaller mare continued her work, lifting her hips before pushing them back again. With each backward thrust, she took more and more of the length into her depths, working her way down. Small squeaks of pleasure escaped Rarity each time she pushed down, forcing more of the thickness into her. Another gasp escaped the two of them as Rarity's nether lips touched the top of Applejack's medial ring. "Oh, my," Rarity said as she shifted to rub against it. "This might be a bit of a challenge, but I do believe I'm up for it." She pulled up and pushed down hard, grinding her hips and pressing her lips against the bulge of flesh. "Al...most..." There was a wet pop as the ring forced its way into the warm wet depths. As it did, the head of the shaft struck something, causing Rarity to grunt out. "Well," she panted out, "it seems that we have managed to reach bottom." She looked down. "Shame really. I was hoping to take more." She then grinned at Applejack. "Still, at least I was able to take half of it. "Now the real fun can begin." Before Applejack could ask what she meant, Rarity's walls clenched, squeezing down hard on the part of the shaft she had and causing Applejack to moan out in pleasure. The length pulsed in reaction, spurting directly against Rarity's cervix. Slowly, Rarity lifted herself up. Her walls gripped and squeezed the ring, tugging at it before letting go with another wet pop. Thick lines of feminine fluid slid down the shaft as she moved her way up, her inner muscles squeezing and stroking as she went. Halfway up from where she had been, the muscles relaxed as she pushed her way down again. The return trip was easier, letting her sink down to the ring easily until pressing down on the ring and taking it in once more. Leaning up, Applejack grabbed at Rarity's hips, her fingers squeezing to dig into the soft flesh of shapely white ass. Her own hips tensed and lifted as Rarity's raised up, pulling the shaft from her depths. Applejack did not want Rarity to pull up, she did not want to slip out. She wanted to grab Rarity tight and pull her down, to thrust and pump until finally reaching her limit. She wanted to fuck the hot little mare and breed her. Instead, she gripped the base of Rarity's tail with one hand, stroking at it, while the other stroked along the crack of that shapely ass, teasing the skin and sensitive little pucker in between the cheeks. Her own hips stopped as Rarity pushed down again, letting the mare take as much as she could once more. Applejack then started moving in rhythm to her partner, pulling back as Rarity lifted, and thrusting up as she came back down. She also gave a little extra push with each thrust, pressing hard against the cervix. The action would get a squeak from Rarity and cause her inner muscles to squeeze down and make the hard shaft throb with desire. Neither of them heard the door open and close, nor did either of them notice a yellow pegasus poke her head in and letting out a small squeak before leaving the boutique again. As the movement became easier, Rarity picked up her pace. Her legs flexed and shifted as she raised and lowered herself, meeting each of Applejack's thrusts. With each downward movement, she pushed her butt back against the large hands gripping them, rubbing the soft flesh and teasing herself. Rarity's breasts bounced and swayed with each movement, the motions hypnotic, tempting. It made Applejack want to grab them, squeeze them, suck and lick on them. A sensation began to build up in Applejack's balls that she had felt earlier that morning. Most of her was too caught up in what was happening to notice, but a small part of her was aware of it and conflicted. She did not want this to end yet, but wanted to keep going, to keep enjoying this for as long as possible. At the same time, she wanted to climax into Rarity. To fill the fertile mare to the brim with plenty of potent seed. To breed her and have her filled with future foals. The decision was made when Rarity reached her own limit. Pushing down hard one last time, she threw her head back and cried out as she hit her orgasm. Her entire body tensed as vaginal walls clamped down hard and the massive shaft inside her, stroking and milking the length for everything it was worth. Having Rarity orgasm around her cock sent Applejack over the edge. Grabbing Rarity's hips, Applejack pulled her down hard as she pushed up, sinking as deep into the other mare as she could. The shaft swelled and pulsed, and for a moment, Applejack could swear that she could see the bulge of the shaft through Rarity's abdomen. Before she could be certain, however, her full orgasm overtook her. Applejack's eyes shut as she gave one last upward thrust, pressing the massive shaft as deep into the unicorn as she could and directly against the cervix. The crown swelled up, plugging the depths as thick white ropes of fertile cum pumped out from the tip. With every spurt, there was a moment of pressure that would suddenly fade as Rarity cried out. As the climax came to an end, Applejack collapsed against the floor, panting heavily. The orgasm had been intense. A lot more intense than when she had sucked herself off that morning. It also felt like it lasted longer. She must have released something like a gallon or so. "Oh, my," Rarity said, drawing Applejack's attention. The smaller mare was still straddling the larger one, shaft still inside her. Her eyes were wide and hands were resting on her stomach, which was sticking out. It was large and round, looking like Rarity was halfway through a pregnancy (or early on with multiple foals). The thought and sight caused Applejack's softening cock to give one last twitch, making Rarity jump slightly. "This was certainly unexpected," Rarity stated as she continued to look at her stomach, stroking across it. She then blinked and looked up at Applejack. A blush started to form across her face. Slowly, she pulled away and stood up, the softening shaft slipping free of her with a wet sucking sound and a pop. "I... I'm sorry, Applejack." Closing her eyes, Rarity rubbed at her head. "I don't know what came over me. I'm normally not as promiscuous, unprofessional, or aggressive as that. It's just." She sighed. "I'm not entirely sure. I just saw it, or smelled it, and all of a sudden, I felt a desire for it. I needed it. More than I needed anything like that before. I didn't mean--" "Hey," Applejack cut in as she moved to stand up. "It's alright. I enjoyed it myself." "Well that's a relief," Rarity said, as she shifted, horn lighting up to get her bra and panties. "Still, I feel rather guilty about it." She looked at her stomach again. "And how in Equestria am I going to explain this thing?" > Side Clop: Fluttering Desire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy laid in her bed, eyes closed and head back. The front of her pants were open and one hand was pushed down into her panties. One finger pressed at her hood, teasing the sensitive nub beneath it, while another was stroking along her vaginal lips. She bit her lip as she stroke and rubbed, working toward her third orgasm. She still could not believe what she had seen. As much as she loved her brother, and as happy as she was that he was getting his life together, it was still a little frustrating being around him at times, and yesterday was especially so for some reason. So much so, that she had decided to go to the spa today and have a nice time relaxing there. To that end, once she had finished feeding all the animals under her care breakfast, Fluttershy left her little cottage and made her way to Carousel Boutique, planning to invite Rarity to go along with her. At the boutique, the air had a strange musky aroma to it, but she did not really think much about it. Then she reached the backroom and saw it. Rarity, her normally prim and proper friend, was completely naked and having sex. Right on the floor in the middle of the boutique's work room. Although she did not get a good look at either, Fluttershy was certain that both the penis and the stallion it was attached to were the biggest she had ever seen. As soon as she had seen it, Fluttershy fled Carousal Boutique and made her way back home. The entire time she walked, the image -- and the smell -- kept coming back to her mind. She could not stop thinking about it. By the time she had made it home, she was extremely horny and thoroughly soaked. Heading straight for her bedroom, she started masturbating to the thought, the memory. Now she was working her way toward a fifth orgasm. It was the most she had masturbated in years -- maybe ever -- and annoyingly, it just did not seem to satisfy her. For once, her fingers were not enough. She should have taken up Rainbow Dash's offer to take her to an adult shop and even buy Fluttershy her first sex toy. She needed something more. Something to get inside her. A way to scratch that deep itch no finger could ever get. A thought entered Fluttershy's mind that she really had before: she needed to get fucked. After reaching her tenth orgasm, Fluttershy let out a sigh and gave up. It was not helping and her arm was starting to get tired. Instead she laid there for a moment, staring at the ceiling and licking her juices from one of her fingers. "Fluttershy?" a masculine voice called out, causing the mare to squeak out, wings snapping open and thighs slamming shut. "Are you home?" Rolling out of bed, Fluttershy pulled her pants back into place and buttoned them up. Rushing toward her door (which she had stupidly left open), she made her way down the stairs. Standing by the front door was the familiar mismatched form of Discord. His yellow and red eyes focused on Fluttershy as she came toward him. His nostrils flared as she got closer. Could he smell... no. No. It was just Fluttershy's imagination. "Hi, Discord," Fluttershy said with a smile as she gave him a hug. "What are you doing here, though? Is everything okay?" "Oh, fine, fine," Discord replied as he pulled away. "On my end at least." The last part caused Fluttershy to tense, eyes going wide as she felt all the blood drain from her face. He knew. He knew what she had seen, what she had been doing upstairs. Of course he did. Discord was a being of chaos and thousands of years old. He probably knew all sorts of things. Like how to please a mare, some part of her thought. Maybe him knowing was not so bad. He might even be able to help with her problem. "Wha-wha-what do you mean?" she asked. "Well, you mentioned you were doing the whole 'family' thing," Discord explained, "and I remember how frustrating it was with Sil... I mean Zephyr Breeze, the last time you saw him. So since nothing was going on, I thought I would come by and see if you needed to vent a little. Maybe have some tea while you get some of your frustration out." Several emotions ran through Fluttershy: relief that Discord did not know about what happened; disappointment that he was not flirting with her, offering to "help" with her "problem;" happiness that he was showing he cared a little; and the continued arousal and frustration from earlier. Just do it, a little voice in her head cried out. "Thank you for the offer," Fluttershy said. "I don't really need to talk about that but..." she felt her face heat up "...there is something you could help me out with." Her ears pulled back as she shifted, looking away with her pink hair falling over her face. "It would mean we need to go upstairs to my room though. That is... if you want to." Oh, Celestia, Fluttershy thought as she stared at the floor. I can't believe I just said that. What in Tartarus is wrong with me? Now... now he's going to think I'm some sort of... of pervert... and... Discord's eagle talon touched Fluttershy's chin, causing her to look up at toward him as he pushed the hair from her face. One eye was narrowed as the eyebrow was raised about the other. "Are you asking me what I think you're asking me?" "I'm... I'm asking you to come upstairs to my room and... and have... s-se-... sex with me," answered Fluttershy. "But... I understand if you don't want to." "Woah now," Discord said. "I'm not saying no, Fluttershy. I'm just making sure that this is something you actually want." As she looked into his eyes, Fluttershy felt her resolve in her strengthen. Straightening up, she looked at him fully. "Yes, it is," she declared. "I..." she stopped, shifting. "I don't know how to explain it. It's just... I need to be with someone. To have sex. Really bad." Reaching out, she placed a hand on his arm. "And I trust you, Discord. I don't know what all will happen, but I know you will be kind, and that you will never go around bragging about it. I want this, Discord. More than almost anything else in my life." The two looked at each other for a moment. Fluttershy could feel her heart racing, pounding in her chest. The normally shy pegasus had just announced she wanted to have sex. Her stomach quivered with nerves, and a lower part of her quivered in excitement. Shock at what she had said, and what she wanted, warred with pride at the fact that she had been able to express her feelings, her desires. Taking her hand from his arm, Discord brought up to his mouth and kissed the back of it. The side of his exposed fang stroked across the fur and skin as he did. "Well then," he said with a small smile, "lead the way, dear Fluttershy." A small smile pulled at her lips at that. Gripping his lion's paw gently, Fluttershy led Discord up the stairs and into her bedroom. Discord shut the door as she let go of his hand. Moving toward the bed, she took a hold of her shirt and pulled it up off her head and letting it fall to the floor. "Forgive me for asking, Fluttershy, but if you don't mind, what happened there?" The question made Fluttershy stop, turning to look at Discord. "Where?" Moving to her, Discord placed his claw on her shoulder as his paw stroked a faint line that went around her waist and down toward her hip. "There," Discord stated. "Oh, that." She smiled. "It's from when I first met Harry. He was really sick and kind of out of it. Didn't know I was there until I touched him. Caused him to panic and lash out. Not his fault or anything." "Uh-huh," Discord said. "And here?" He poked at a set of circles on her shoulder where the fur was white instead of her normal yellow color. "That was where I got bit by a timber wolf. It was chasing a family of bunnies, and I just had to save them. It only bit me the one time, and we were able to get away from it without any of the bunnies getting hurt. It was how I met Angel actually. He was the smallest and cutest among them." "I see." Shifting, Discord narrowed his eyes. "And do all of your scars have similar stories to them?" "Uhm... pretty much," Fluttershy answered as she moved to slip out of pants, leaving her in her bra and panties. As she straightened up, one of her fingers rubbed at her wrist, feeling the remnants of a scar that was pretty much invisible, and had a very different story to it. Only three others knew about that one, and two of them had been the doctors who had helped her. "Allow me," Discord said as he reached for the strap of her bra. His body pressed against one wing, teasing the feathers as he undid the clasp. "Thank you," Fluttershy said as she worked to slip the bra off. As she did, she noticed that Discord was still fully dressed. "Uhm... shouldn't you... you know... be getting undressed as well?" The question got a chuckle from the male. "You forget, my dear, that I am a very magical creature. I can get naked with the snap of my fingers." Doing just that, all of Discord's clothes vanished. He now stood there, completely naked for Fluttershy to take in. She had known that he was tall and thin, but now she could see how much. Discord's shoulders were narrow and his stomach was flat, almost giving him a long, snake-like look. There was no defined muscles that she could see, even where his brown fur was thinnest. A small gasp escaped Fluttershy as she caught sight of his penis, her wings flaring out from her back. While nowhere near the size of the mystery stallion Fluttershy had seen with Rarity, Discord was definitely big, both in length and girth. Also, like the draconequus himself, it was an amalgamation of different animals put together. The head of it was somewhat spear shaped, with feline barbs encompassing the crown. Halfway along the shaft was was a bulge that looked just like a stallion's medial ring. Finally, at the base was another bulge, one shaped more like the knot of a dog. While she recognized individual pieces, she had never seen anything like it when all put together. The thought of having such a unique cock buried inside her sent a new thrill of excitement and arousal through Fluttershy. A predatory grin spread across Discord's face as he stood naked in front of Fluttershy. His cock twitched and shifted, the movement almost hypnotic. Moving closer, he took a hold of Fluttershy's waist. His thumbs pressed against her stomach, tracing along it as he stroked his ways down toward her hips. A rumbling noise emanated from Discord's chest as he reached the waist of her underwear. "A rabbit's head," he said with a grin. "Very cute. And just like you." The comment on her panties brought a flesh wave of embarrassment to Fluttershy. Most of her panties had some sort of cute little animal thing or other on them, and more than half of those were bunny related. It was just hard for her to resist buying something so cute when she was clothes shopping, especially when they were pretty well made and durable. There was a slight tickling of her thighs as Discord started pulling her panties down. The material stuck to the wetness of Fluttershy's vaginal lips before pulling away. Biting her lip, she clenched her hands tight to her side to keep from covering herself up. It had been a while since any pony other than the girls had seen her naked, and even longer since it had been a situation like this. "Sorry if I'm not very attractive," she blurted out. The statement caused Discord to tense, turning to look at her. His gaze was wide with surprise before narrowing with concern. "Not attractive?" he said. "What in Equestria would make you think you're not attractive?" Although she did not answer aloud, memories came flooding back to the mare: an awkward filly at the start of puberty, simultaneously being made fun of for being too fat and too skinny; the same pegasus slightly older and starting to fill out -- more so up top than the rest -- allowing various colts to have their way with her in the hopes of friendship and kindness; those same stallions causing a reputation for her around school; an act that may have been foolish in retrospect, but seemed like the only to stop the emotional pain at the time; laying in a hospital bed, being yelled at by a teary-eyed Rainbow Dash. Even after therapy, getting her GED, and moving to Ponyville, those memories had left their emotional scars just as her "incident" had left a physical one. Because of them, Fluttershy had never really been proud of her body like Rarity or Pinkie Pie, and with the exception of some experimentation with Rainbow Dash, she had not been physically intimate with another since then. A gentle caress on her cheek brought Fluttershy back to the present. "Believe me when I say you are the most beautiful mare I have ever known." Fluttershy did not actually believe Discord's statement, but it was extremely flattering and touching. It was the nicest thing he had ever said to her... which probably made it the nicest thing he has said ever. Taking a step forward, she pressed her body against his, bringing her mouth to his and kissing him fully. Her body shifted against his, the soft fur of his chest teasing his nipples, and she could feel his erect shaft rubbing against her stomach. She could feel Discord relaxing against her, melting into the kiss. His arms wrapped around her, pressing against her back and pulling her closer to him. The fur of his arms teased the sensitive feathers of her wings as his grip slid down to her butt. His thumbs stroked at the base of her tail as he squeezed and stroked the soft cheeks. The kiss broke as Fluttershy let out a moan of pleasure. Her wings spread open as her tail lifted, trying to give Discord better access to her body. She could feel her nipples hardening as they rubbed against Discord's chest. It was nice. Better than what she had gone through with any of the young stallions before. Discord's touch was gentle, teasing, caressing, and massaging instead of just grabbing and squeezing. He was especially careful with his eagle claws. They stroked through the hairs and grazed along the skin very gently, just enough to send small tingles of pleasure through her. Fluttershy did not want it to end, but at the same time, she wanted to move forward. She did not simply want to be touched by Discord. She wanted to be intimate with him. To feel him inside her. "So," she said softly as she pulled back, "how... how would you prefer to... do... this?" "Just get comfortable and relax," answered Discord. "I'll make certain that you enjoy yourself." With a nod, Fluttershy slowly pulled away, feeling the fingers stroke over her butt and hips again. As she turned away from him and walked around to the side of the bed, she tried to put some extra sway in her hips, to move them back and forth more than she usually it. The movement did not feel very natural to her though. In fact, it felt extremely awkward, but hopefully gave Discord a nice show. She then crawled onto the bed and rolled over onto her back, stretching her body and trying to push her chest out further. Moving toward her, Discord slipped his long snaked-like tongue out of his mouth to lick his lips. He took a hold of Fluttershy's hooves, stroking up her ankles and along her legs. His strokes continued up along her calves, her thighs, and up toward her hips. As he did, his body moved low along the bed, head less than an inch above the sheet and moving between Fluttershy's legs. There was a noticeable flare to his nostrils as he came close to her vaginal lips. "Smells to me like you're quite excited," he said as he moved closer. His tongue then flicked out, tracing up over her sex. The sensation sent tingles of pleasure up through Fluttershy, making her gasp out in pleasure. Her legs tensed at the sensation, wanting to clamp shut around Discord's head and hold him in place. The serpent tongue slipped out again, this time sliding up to stroke directly against her sensitive clitoris, sending stronger shocks through her than before. It circled around the edges of the sensitive nub, teasing it, before pulling away and slipping inside her. It felt so different from a pony tongue. Longer, thinner, and a lot more flexible. It seemed to be able to touch places that no pony had ever managed to touch before with any organ. Either Fluttershy was more worked up than she had realized, or Discord's tongue was magical -- either figuratively or literally -- because the second time he licked her clitoris, she had an orgasm. A squeak escaped the mare as pleasure pulsed through her body starting at the nub and spreading through her stomach before reaching her limbs. This time her legs did clamp shut, pressing against the side of Discord's head, holding him in place as her hips pushed forward, trying to grind against his mouth. As the climax came to an end, Fluttershy's body went limp as she laid there, panting slightly. She was feeling a little better now. By no means did she feel satisfied, but that orgasm had been more satisfying than all the others she had experienced that day. It was the second best that any lover had given her, albeit a close second. Pulling his head away from between Fluttershy's legs, Discord let his tongue slide along her lips one more time. Moving his way up her body, he placed a gentle kiss on her vaginal hood, then another in the patch of her pubic fur. He then moved up further, placing kiss after kiss on her stomach as he made his way up toward her chest. There, he made his way along the inside of her left breast, working his way to her nipple. The tip of his fang touched the outer edge of her areola, tracing around it. His mouth moved to the tip of the nipple, giving it a gentle kiss before taking it between her lips and suckling gently. Another moan of pleasure escaped from Fluttershy as she felt Discord nursing on her. One hand reached for him, slipping between his horn and antler to grip the back of his head and pull him against her nipple more. The other pressed against Discord's stomach and slid down along it, moving to his crotch. As her hand touched his erect shaft, she wrapped her fingers around it, stroking gently down to the base of the knot and up to the narrow tip. It felt so warm and firm in her grip, and she could feel it throb in a steady rhythm that must have been his heartbeat. Each time she stroked up to the tip, she could feel the warm, sticky pre leaking from the tip and onto her fingers. She could also feel the barbs around the crown, tugging at her fingers and palm to send never before felt tingles of pleasure up her arm, making her inner walls twitch. Fluttershy's grip on Discord's head tightened, pulling him away from her nipple. "Please," she cried out. "I want it. I need it. Please give it to me, Discord." The request got Discord to look at her a moment, one eyebrow raised. It was understandable since it was something she would not normally say, but it was true. She wanted it, want him, so badly. She wanted him to be against her, to be inside her. To fill her. Fill her with his cum, his potent seed, his offspring. Fluttershy wanted Discord to breed her. The shaft slipped free of Fluttershy's grip as Discord moved up above her. Lowering himself, his body pressed against her, shaft against her crotch. His hips then moved back, tracing the shaft along her as it moved to line up with her vaginal opening. The movement teased her sensitive skin and sent thrills through her as the head slid along her drenched opening. It then twitched against her. "Are you certain about this?" Discord asked. Was he nervous? Worried about her? "I'm sure," Fluttershy answered. "This is something I absolutely want." The response got a nod from Discord. Moving closer, he slipped his muzzle under hers, kissing gently at her throat. His hips gave one last shift before pushing forward, working the shaft into Fluttershy. The tip slipped in easily, spreading the nether lips and sinking into the warm, wet depths. Slowly, steadily, more and more of the unique shaft worked its way into the mare, stretching her walls slightly as it filled her up. The movement stopped as the top of the medial ring touched against Fluttershy. When Discord pulled back, the barbs around the crown grabbed at Fluttershy's walls, causing her to gasp out and clench down as new thrills of pleasure shot through her. Before it had even passed, Discord pushed forward, sinking his ring into her with a small, wet pop. It was too much for Fluttershy, sending her over the edge. Grabbing onto Discord, she held him tight, her fingers digging into the base of his wings. Her thighs snapped shut, grabbing a hold of his hips and squeezing him. One leg twitched as whimpers of pleasure escaped the mare. Her hips shifted and rocked, grinding against the shaft as her walls squeezed and stroke the captured length, futilely trying to milk it of its seed. As the orgasm passed, Fluttershy kept her grip on Discord as her head fell back. Her chest heaved as she panted, the nipples extra sensitive as they rubbed against him with each breath. "Fluttershy?" Discord asked, looking down at her. "Don't stop," she cried out. "Please. Don't stop." "Are you--" Whatever else he was going to say was cut off as Fluttershy pushed up, pressing her mouth against his. Her tongue slipped out of her mouth and into his, tasting it and playing against his tongue. That must have been enough for Discord, because he started to move again. His hips pulled back, causing Fluttershy to break the kiss, crying out in pleasure. The backwards movement caused the barbs around the crown to flare out grab at her walls, plucking at the sensitive flesh and sending thrills of pleasure through her body like she had never felt before. Combined with the sensation of the ring tugging at her lips without pulling free, and she was on the edge of another orgasm already. Discord started pushing forward again, working his way deeper into her. It stretched her as it went, working its way further into her body. It felt like it was touching parts of her no one else ever had. The top of the knot touched the nether lips, teasing them with the possibility of being stretched wide again. Wrapping her legs around Discord's hips, Fluttershy locked her ankles together, her hooves digging into the small of his back. Her hips twisted and rocked, grinding against the knot and feeling the shaft shift and move inside her. "Mmmmmy my," Discord purred out. "Seems that somepony is a very eager mare." "Uh-huh," Fluttershy whimpered out. "At this rated, I'm not going to last very long myself." "I don't mind." "Perhaps," said Discord, "but let's at least try to make this last a while." With that, he started pulling back. The ring stroked along the walls as the barbs once again tugged and teased them. When the back of the medial ring tugged against the lips again, Discord shifted and pressed forward again. He pushed his length back into Fluttershy, making his way in until the knot pressed against her. Discord gave an extra push, pressing the knot against the lips and grinding. Another orgasm tore through Fluttershy. Once again she dug her fingers into his back as her body tensed and twitched in pleasure. Her legs dug into Discord's back, trying to pull him forward as she rocked against the knot, orgasmic juices coating the bulge. The inner walls clamped and squeeze, tugging at the length. There was a wet pop as the knot sank into Fluttershy, causing both of them to cry out in pleasure. Discord pushed forward extra hard, sinking the knot as deep into the warm, wet, squeezing depths as the bulge inflated, creating the final seal and locking him in place. A chest rumbling grown emanated from Discord as his length pulsed and swelled, pumping shot after shot of cum into Fluttershy. Each spurt was greedily sucked up by the mare's body, pulling it into her fertile and waiting womb. Oh Celestia, Fluttershy managed to think through the haze of pleasure. It feels so good. As her orgasm came to an end, she held on tight, panting as she started to go limp. Above her, she could still feel Discord's body tense, and inside her, she could still feel him twitching and pumping. He was still climaxing? None of the males she had been with before had ever done so for so long. Normally it was only a spurt of two, and then finished. How much was he pumping into her? Was it actually possible for him to unleash nearly a thousand years of pent up semen? How big would she get if such a thing happened? An image formed in Fluttershy's mind. In it, her stomach stuck out and was curved, filled with life. Multiple lives in fact. Her breasts were also swollen, milk leaking from her nipples. Discord was cuddling her, his lion's paw stroking along the pregnant stomach and feeling the movement of their children inside. The idea sent Fluttershy into an orgasm, her fourteenth of the day (not that she had kept count, but if she had, it would be a record for her), and fourth with Discord. Throwing her head back, she screamed out in pleasure her mind and body became overwhelmed with pleasure. Her depths tensed until they almost ached, squeezing and stroking to milk the male of every drop of fertile seed and pull it as deep into her as it could, to maximize her chance of getting pregnant. Finally, their climaxes coming to an end, the two of them collapsed, panting heavily. Discord moved to grip Fluttershy, pulling her with him as he rolled off her and the two of them onto their sides. The action got a tired grunt of surprise and pleasure from the mare as she felt the movement shift everything inside her. "Better get comfortable," Discord panted. "Going to be stuck here a while." "I don't mind," replied Fluttershy, moving closer to nuzzle against Discord's chest. > Starlight Stroking > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What d'ya mean she ain't here?" Applejack cried out, staring with wide eyes as the light lavender unicorn mare standing in front of her. "She and Rainbow Dash were called by the map for a friendship mission last night," the unicorn -- Starlight Glimmer -- answered. "You know how Twilight can get about those, so they left right away. They're probably halfway to Las Pegasus by now." "That's just great!" Applejack shouted, throwing up her arms. "The one pony that might be able to fix this thing, and she ain't even here! What the hay am I supposed to do now? I can't walk around like this 'til Celestia knows when." After Applejack and Rarity had recovered from their little... whatever it was, Rarity had worked as quick as she could to make Applejack an outfit that would let her get to Twilight's castle. The main outfit was a pretty basic dress. For the most part, Rarity had taken a large swathe of red fabric, sewed up the ends, wrapped it around Applejack, and had it held in place by a belt and a broach. However, the real work was under the dress, holding Applejack's cock against the inside of her thigh. Now, she was at Twilight's castle, Twilight was gone, and Starlight was staring at Applejack in a weird way (and drooling slightly). Something about it caused the trapped shaft to throb against Applejack's leg, a small amount of fluid dripping from the tip and onto the floor. "Maybe I can help," said Starlight. Stepping forward, she reached out to grab Applejack's arm, and then froze. Her hand slid up slowly, stroking along the bicep. Reaching the thickest part, Starlight squeezed, her small fingers pressing through the fur and barely even making a dent in the muscle underneath. Applejack could hear Starlight's breathing, almost panting. "Uh... Star?" The sound of her name made Starlight give a start. Looking up at Applejack, she blinked a moment before giving a shake of her head and pulling away, letting go of the muscular arm. "Sorry," Starlight said. "Anyway, as I was saying: maybe I can help. Just come with me to Twilight's lab, tell me what happened, and I'll see what I can do." Applejack was skeptical, both of Starlight being able to help and for that being her intent. Although, admittedly she had no better idea. While not as smart as Twilight, Starlight was very intelligent, especially when it came to using magic. Maybe she could come up with something. And if it turned out that Starlight Glimmer was more interested in something else, well... at least a part of Applejack was happy to oblige. As the two of them made their way through the castle, Applejack told Starlight Glimmer part of what happened: Twilight working with Poison Joke and Heart's Desire, Applejack waking up with her new body, her heading for the castle, and being forced to stop by Rarity's for fitting clothes. Her morning experience and what happened with Rarity went unmentioned, it was rather embarrassing, definitely private, and not exactly relevant. "Okay," Starlight said as they entered what looked like an empty room, "take off your clothes." "Uh... beg your pardon?" "I need to get a good idea of how much the mixture changed you," explained Starlight. "That means I need to study how you are now, both in a physical and magical sense. The easiest way to start is by letting me get a full visual of your body, which means I need to see your whole body uncovered. So, take off your clothes so I can get a look at you." Applejack found it hard to believe. She already had her doubts about Starlight Glimmer being able to help her at all in the first place, and now they were alone and Starlight was asking her to get naked. Add in what happened with Rarity and the way Starlight had been acting since Applejack arrived, and it seemed more like an excuse than anything else. Just a way for Starlight to get her naked. At the same time, it did kind of make sense. During a check-up, the doctors would do the same thing prior to a more in depth physical examination. Plus, they had all seen each other naked before, Starlight Glimmer included. Although, really, it would hardly matter considering how obvious the changes were. With a sigh, Applejack decided to go along with it. Undoing the broach and belt, she let the dress unwrap from around her body and drop to the floor. She now stood there, practically naked. The only thing left was the sleeve that Rarity had created holding Applejack's cock against the inside of her thigh. "Oh, my," Starlight gasped out, eyes going wide. "I noticed you were more muscular, but I had no idea." "Uhm...yeah," Applejack replied, shifting to rub at the back of her head. She felt extremely awkward and uncomfortable standing naked in front of a pony... again. Moving forward, Starlight reached out and placed one of her hands on Applejack's hip. Her fingers tightened to feel the firm muscles under the soft fur, and started to slowly stroke up toward the ribs. Reaching up with her other hand, Starlight placed them on Applejack's abs. As she stroked the massive mare, her eyes went wide as she started to breathe heavily, a bit of drool dripping from her mouth. "You're so...hard," Starlight said, "and big. It's like you're carved from marble." Starlight's finger dug into Applejack's muscles, sending a thrill of pleasure and causing her shaft to throb. Really? Applejack thought as she felt the sleeve growing tighter around her length. Again? What's it take to stop this thing? The hand on Applejack's stomach moved to her hip and down, running over her thick thigh. It gave another squeeze, sending another pulse of pleasure and arousal toward the larger mare's shaft. Letting go, Starlight moved behind Applejack and placed both hands on the small of her back. "Can you raise and flex your arms for me?" Starlight asked. "I don't see how this'll help you figure out how to fix this," Applejack grumbled, but did as she asked. Raising both arms, she flexed her biceps and held it. Instead of answering, Starlight ran her hands up along the muscles in Applejack's back, tracing around the edges of the shoulder blades. Her thumbs pushed in hard, digging into the muscles beneath the blades. "Okay, you can lower them." With a sigh, Applejack stopped flexing and lowered her arms. As she did, she could feel Starlight's thumbs still digging in her back, the shoulder blades moving beneath them. The hands then moved down again, this time stopping at her butt and giving a squeeze. It was an unexpected action that made Applejack jump and tense. The sleeve around her cock and thigh tightened before suddenly getting looser as stitches popped. "Oh, Celestia," Starlight cried out. "I just wanna..." With a grunt, she gave it another squeeze. Letting go, she moved around to stand in front of Applejack again. "Hold your arm out." What is she up to now? Applejack wondered. Instead of asking, she held her arm straight out in front of her. "Lower," Starlight stated. Applejack rolled her eyes, but complied, lowering her arm to about eye level for Starlight. Moving closer, Starlight wrapped both of her own arms around the offered one, holding herself close against it. "Now lift." Being curious about it herself, Applejack tensed her arm and lifted it, pulling the small unicorn up with it. It was surprisingly easy, even if Starlight was a dainty mare. Applejack could feel her pulling on the arm, but did not have any difficulty lifting her up. The effort was not straining her in the slightest. "Wow," Starlight gasped out as her horn lit up. "You're incredibly strong. I bet that you could do whatever you want with me -- like impaling me on your massive cock -- and I couldn't do anything about it. Just flop around like a ragdoll as you use me for your pleasure." From beneath Starlight's skirt, her panties appeared, glowing in the magic of her aura as they slid down her legs. Sliding them off all the way, she held them in front of Applejack's face, letting her see the big wet spot before dropping them to the floor. Then Starlight lifted her skirt, showing her now uncovered and wet pussy to Applejack. There was a ripping sound as Applejack's cock tore free of its sleeve, rapidly hardening to a full erection. It quickly reached its full height, getting a gaping stare from Starlight Glimmer. Taking advantage of her distraction, Applejack lifted Starlight higher and brought her other hand to Starlight's crotch. Cupping it, she pushed one of her large fingers into it, getting a groan of pleasure of the dangling mare. She was soaking wet and her walls started squeezing down as soon as Applejack pushed in. It was easy to push in to the knuckle, twisting to stroke and tease the walls. Also, while it took the finger easily, it felt pretty tight. How in Equestria would Starlight be able to take any of Applejack's dick? There was only one way to know for sure: to try. Pulling the finger from Starlight's depths, Applejack stroked up over her clit before moving to her hip. Getting a firm grip, fingers digging to feel the soft flesh hidden beneath the clothes, Applejack moved Starlight, pulling her from the arm and grabbing the other hip. With that, The larger mare was able to easily lift Starlight up. Pulling the smaller mare close, Applejack stroked her up along the shaft. The soft fabric of Starlight's clothes teased the sensitive flesh, causing it to twitch and release pre all over the mare's shirt. The stroking continued, leaving a sticky trail down to Starlight's pussy. As soon as the nether lips came in touch with the thick cock head, her hips started to shift, stroking her slit against the massive hard rod. "Ya really want this?" Applejack asked, noticing how much wider the shaft was compared to Starlight's pussy lips. "Uh-huh," Starlight whimpered, continued to work her hips. "A'right then." Adjusting her grip, Applejack pulled Starlight down, pushing her own hips up at the same time. The thick tip pressed against the sensitive lips, pushing them in before finally spreading them wide. The penetration caused the unicorn to scream out, her walls clamping down hard on the tip, locking it in place. Applejack's jaw clenched at the sensation, her own hips still jerking slightly to try and sink more of her length into the painfully tight depths. Starlight went limp in Applejack's grip, the hold on her the only thing keeping her from falling to the floor. Her mouth hung wide as she panted, eyes still rolled back in her head. Getting Starlight back up, Applejack adjusted her hold to keep her upright. The larger mare then continued pulling the smaller one down while pushing her own hips up again. The depths squeezed down and clenched, keeping Applejack from pushing deeper. Somehow it suddenly relaxed or something, allowing the length to surge forward several inches and causing Starlight to cry out again. "You okay?" Applejack asked, holding still to let Starlight get used to the new penetration. "Yeah," Starlight gasped out. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to..." Horn lighting up again, she pulled off her shirt and bra, letting them fall to the floor. She then undid her skirt and let it drop. It slid down along the shaft, reaching the base and hanging there. The material rubbed at her balls a little, sending small tingles of pleasure through them. With the clothes out of the way, Applejack could see Starlight's entire body, including a noticeable bulge at the lower stomach and crotch that outlined the part of the cock inside. Curious as the sight, Applejack tensed her body, making her shaft swell and throb. As she did, the bulge in Starlight's body swelled, causing the impaled mare to moan out in pleasure. One of Starlight's own hands moved to press at the top of the bulge, sending a new thrill of pleasure through the massive mare. Taking it as a sign that Starlight wanted more, Applejack pulled the smaller mare down while pushing her hips again. Same as before, there was resistance before the length suddenly surged forward, forcing its way deeper and causing the impaled mare to cry out. This time, the thrust stopped as Applejack hit the cervix. She could not go any deeper, which was a little disappointing since it did not even reach the medial ring. Although seeing the massive swell of Starlight's stomach was a bit of a turn on. After adjusting her hold on Starlight Glimmer, Applejack pulled her up, stroking the shaft as it slipped free. A small whimper of "no" escaped the smaller mare as her walls squeezed down, trying to keep the thickness inside her. Surprising to Applejack that she could tell since she did not think the mare could feel any tighter around her. Stopping just short of the head, Applejack then pulled Starlight down as she thrust up again, shoving her way back in again. As soon as she felt the impact against the cervix -- causing Starlight to grunt out -- Applejack started lifting her up again. This time she did not pull as far back before thrusting in again. Picking up the pace more, she gave short hard yanks of the small mare, moving her up and down on the head of the cock buried inside. "Oh, fuck yes!" Starlight cried out. "Use me. Fuck me. Masturbate with me. Treat me like your little fuck toy until you get off. Let me be your cock sleeve and cum dumpster." The requests seemed kind of odd to Applejack, and made her a little uncomfortable. Especially since some part of her liked the idea. Just taking the little unicorn and using her body for pleasure. Turning her into a sex toy, a pet, something to fuck and cum into, to breed, when Applejack wanted, and how Applejack wanted. Just pump Starlight full of seed until Applejack was satisfied, and leaving the mare laying on the floor in bliss while the sperm did its work. In reality, Starlight Glimmer was not willing to be a passive partner, letting Applejack simply pull her up and down on the part of the cock that could fit inside her. One hand reached out to grab Applejack, holding onto a thick arm and feeling every shift and flex as she was raised and lowered. The other slipped down between her legs, feeling her obscenely stretched vaginal lips while pressing and stroking her clit. Her magic lit up around her horn, the pale blue-green of her energy encircling the medial ring and engulfing the sac. The magic pulsed and rippled, pumping the ring and massaging the sensitive testicles. The additional stimulation and pleasure sent new thrills and urgency through Applejack. Her grip tightened on Starlight as she continued to raise and lower the mare. Applejack's pace picked up, barely lifting and lowering Starlight as her own hips rocked up and down. All of the pleasure from Starlight's pussy seemed to focus on the crown of her cock, teasing the sensitive head with each movement. The magic suddenly vanished as Starlight grabbed onto Applejack and threw her head back. Her tongue hung out of her mouth as she let out cries with each short, hard, yank down onto the massive cock. Her breasts bounced with each movement. The already tight walls tried to squeeze down more as she reached her climax, unleashing a massive spray of feminine fluid and poured all over Applejack's cock, as well as parts of her stomach, thighs, and nuts before dripping onto the floor. Applejack had heard of mares being able to squirt, but had never thought she would see one herself. Although she never thought of being in a situation like this to begin with. Still, it was incredible, and pushed her closer to the edge. She could feel the now familiar sensation of her orgasm starting to build up. Tightening her hold on Starlight Glimmer, Applejack pulled her up until just the very tip remained inside, and held her there. "Wh-wh-what?" Starlight whimpered out as her orgasm came to an end. She shifted and squirmed in Applejack's grip, trying to push down on the shaft. "What's going on? Why did you stop?" "Because I want you to beg," Applejack said, surprising both of them. "I want you to tell me how much you want my cum." "Yes," Starlight cried out. "I want your cum. Need it. Please, Mistress. Fill my horny and fertile womb with your seed. Make me swollen with your foals until I can't walk. Please, Mistress. Please put your little cum slut to her proper use." With a grin, Applejack started lifting and lowering Starlight again and pumping her hips. Before long, she gave one last thrust, pushing her shaft as deep as she could and holding it there. Her eyes squeezed tight and body tensed as she orgasmed, unleashing torrents of her seed. A scream tore from Starlight as she was filled with pump after pump by Applejack. Her head was tossed back as she rocked and ground her hips, pushing against the pulsating shaft. Inner muscles squeezed and clamped down, stroking the length and pulling all of that thick warm cum deep into her body. "Uh-uh-uh," she grunted out. "S-so-so much. Can't... must... want... all. Fill me. Fill me. More. More. Yes..." Finally, she went completely limp, passing out. As her own orgasm passed, Applejack's legs gave out, causing her to drop to the floor, panting. Her cock slipped from Starlight Glimmer easily, strings of cum running from the stretched opening to the shrinking tip. As she tried to recover, she looked at the now unconscious unicorn, noticing how swollen her stomach was. Starlight's stomach looked to have swollen to twice that of Rarity. A fact that did not entirely make sense. As far as Applejack knew, the orgasm should have produced less since it was the third of the day and second with a mare. Was she somehow producing more cum faster than an actual stallion, or had something Starlight said appealed to Applejack enough to make her have a bigger orgasm? The idea of leaving the mares with foals did appeal to her. Unfortunately, with Starlight passed out, she could not help Applejack figure out how to cure the problem. Although considering what happened, it was doubtful that she would have been much help even if she was awake. Applejack would have to come up with something to try herself until Twilight got back. Picking up Starlight Glimmer, Applejack stood up and carried the unconscious mare through the castle. She made her way to what she guessed was Starlight's room and stepped inside. Making her way to the bed, she set Starlight down. As soon as she did, the sleeping mare rolled over onto her side, curling up around her bloated stomach. It was kind of cute. "Sweet dreams, you little cum slut," Applejack said softly, giving Starlight Glimmer a gentle pat on the butt. She then left the room, letting the mare sleep peacefully while she headed down to get dressed and figure out what to do next. > Massage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After getting dressed again, Applejack came up with two possible ideas. One was to go to Zecora. Not only was Zecora familiar with both plants since she lived in The Everfree Forest where they grew and sometimes used them in potions, but the zebra had also created antidotes for both of the plants side-effects separately. Plus, she had created the potion from Poison Joke that gave Fluttershy a deep voice again, which meant she knew how to work with them. The other idea was to got to Ponyville's spa. After what happened to Applejack and the others when they were first exposed to Poison Joke, the ingredients for the cure had been used at the spa to get them back to normal. While it had not been used for that purpose since, the mixture was now one of their treatment options. It was at least possible that using the treatment for one of the plants responsible for Applejack's situation would fix it. Leaving the castle, Applejack made her way to the spa first. It was closer, and being the afternoon now, it was possible that the place would be closed by the she got back to Ponyville if Zecora's did not work out. She wanted to try as many possibilities as she could to deal with the problem. Unfortunately, between the time of day and the location of the spa, getting there unnoticed was not a possibility. A lot of ponies noticed the muscular, seven-foot plus mare walking through town. Some of them, mares and stallions, stared at her as she went, and more than a few with what Applejack now recognized as lust. None dared to actually approach her, however. At the spa, Applejack found the waiting area empty. Aloe and Lotus sat at the desk, Lotus working on a clipboard while Aloe scribbled at a pile of papers in front of her. Lotus looked up first as Applejack approached, her pink mane sweeping back as her gaze focused on the large pony. Blue eyes going wide, she reached out to poke her sister, getting a glare of frustration which quickly vanished as she too saw the newly arrived customer. "Miss Applejack," Aloe said as she stood up from her chair. "Is there something we can help you with? If you forgive my saying, you do not precisely look to be yourself at the moment." "I'm well aware," Applejack stated, ears pulled back. "Anyway, I need a private tub and the Poison Joke treatment." "Ah, Poison Joke," Lotus Blossom said. "Of course." She stood up. "None of our regular single tubs would be sufficient to fit your current size. However, I do believe one of our group tubs is free at this time. If you will follow me, I'll show you to the room while Aloe collects the necessary ingredients for you." With a nod, Applejack followed Lotus through the building toward the tub area. Having been to the spa numerous times, often with Rarity, she had memorized the layout of the place pretty well. Not enough to walk around the place blindfolded and find her way without trouble, but enough that she did not actually have to pay much attention to where she was going. As such, it was easy to let her mind -- and eyes -- wander, which kept going to Lotus Blossom. More specifically, her backside. Applejack kept watching the spa worker as she walked, noticing how tight her little white uniform was. The white pants clung to the toned little butt, shifting with each step Lotus made. Applejack even thought she could make out the blue of Lotus's coat through the material. And the way the tail silky pink swayed, swishing back and forth with each movement of those hips. "Here we are," Lotus called out, snapping Applejack out of her distracted state. She pushed the door open. "Make yourself comfortable, Miss Applejack, and we will be back with the ingredients and some towels shortly." "Thank ya kindly," Applejack said as she made her way into the room. As she walked passed Lotus Blossom, her gaze flicked down to catch a glimpse of the blue cleavage poking out of the top of the shirt. Once alone with the door shut, Applejack gave a shake of her head as she started to undress. What was wrong with her? Yes, she had checked out other ponies before, but mostly stallions, and never to such a degree. A brief glimpse here or there, not outright ogling them. She also did not think about sex so much. Maybe a little fantasizing and masturbation before bed if it had been a slow day, but not all throughout the day every time she saw another pony. Why in Equestria was she finding so many mares sexy? Why did she want to have her way with them so badly? Why did she want to bury herself in them until they were bloated and pregnant? And why in the name of Tartarus was her damned cock starting to get hard again? She had orgasmed three times already and it was only the afternoon. It also felt like it was getting easier to become aroused. Should it not have been getting more difficult? From what Applejack understood, it should be taking more stimulation to get a reaction, if any. Yet here she was, already getting firm at the sight of Lotus Blossom's tight pants and cleavage, even though it had been less than an hour since she had pumped a massive load into Starlight Glimmer. Well it hardly mattered right now, anyways. She was alone, and -- hopefully -- once the cure was added to the water, she would be back to her normal self. Then she could just relax and forget about the whole thing. Although she would miss some of the extra height and muscle. She kind of liked being tall and strong. Plus, it would make working around the farm a lot easier. Climbing into the tub, Applejack sat down, stretched out, and relaxed. Her eyes closed as she leaned her head back against the side, letting the warmth of the water sink into her muscles. A tension in her back she had not even noticed before began to fade away. As she laid there, an image of Lotus and Aloe formed in her mind. The two mares were standing naked in the spa, making out with each other. Each had one hand on the others' backside, squeezing and stroking the firm little ass enough to dimple the flesh. The other hands were on the opposite's stomach, stroking along the swollen and stretched out surface as the life inside shifted. Milk leaked from nipples, dribbling down and across the upper curve of the stomach. The two broke away, saliva connecting their tongues as they panted and turned to look at Applejack with desiring eyes. A knock drew Applejack from the rapidly developing fantasy before it could get any further. Opening her eyes, she turned to look at the door... and realized that once again, she was sporting a full erection. There was even a small amount of pre dripping from the tip. At least, she thought it was since it clung to the tip instead of running down it like the water. "Miss Applejack," one of the spa mares -- they sounded too much alike for her to tell them apart -- called out as the door opened. Fuck! Applejack thought. With a loud slosh of water, she threw herself against the closer wall of the tub, leaning against it to cover her nipples with it and hide her erection under the water. She could feel her face burning as she felt like she had nearly been caught doing something obscene. The two spa mares came into the room, Aloe leading the way with a tray full of bottles and bowls, while Lotus Blossom followed close behind with towels. "We have the necessary ingredients, Miss Applejack," Aloe stated. "Also, brought you some towels for when you are finished. As well as a robe which should fit once back to your normal size." The two of them suddenly stopped, tilting their heads back and nostrils flaring. The sight caused Applejack to tense. Was it possible? Could they smell her masculine arousal? If so, did the two of them recognize it? Aloe shook her head first, continuing forward. She stopped by the edge of the tub and set the tray down. "Just sit back and relax, Miss Applejack. We shall add these ingredients, and you will be back to your old self in a few minutes." "Th-that's okay," Applejack stumbled out as she looked up at the strained front of the mare's shirt. "Y'all can go back to work. I can just dump the stuff in myself. I mean, it's all pre-measured, ain't it?" "Nonsense," Lotus declared as she set the towels down and moved to the side. "You are one of our best customers, and have helped us before." She leaned over the tub, resting on the side. "We would be rather disappointed in ourselves if we were not to help you to the fullest of our capabilities in a time like this." Something in the way Lotus said that caused Applejack's shaft to throb. She looked at the two mares now standing in front of her, and could not help but notice how tight their white shirts were around their breasts. She should say something. Tell them to leave. Not give them any exact details, but make it clear that she wanted to be alone. Just have them go while she added the stuff, instead of laying there with her cock hard and twitching in the water, her gaze looking at the curves of their chests, hips, and thighs. Her eyes drifted down between their legs. The two of them looked the same except for the switched hair and coat colors. Was it possible...? "Miss Applejack?" Aloe said, causing Applejack to blink. "Right, sorry," she said. "Just... promise neither of y'all will say anything to anypony." "Of course," Aloe assured her. "We are professionals," Lotus added, "and our customers comfort and satisfaction are very important to us." With a nod, Applejack pushed away from the edge of the tub and moved to lean back. As she did, her breasts pulled out of the water, nipples hard as droplets fell from her. Then the top of her cock poked out, the shaft sticking up hard and proud as it did. The air was felt slightly cold against the exposed wet length, causing it to twitch again. Both of the mares gasped out at the sight. "Oh my," Lotus said. "That is impressive," Aloe added. "I don't think I've ever seen one so large." "Look at her balls. They are so big as well." "She must cum like a firehose." "Ladies!" Applejack called out, suddenly regretting that she had let them see it (but also thrilled at how interested they were in it). "Oh my goodness," Aloe gasped out, bringing a hand to her mouth. "That was most inappropriate, was it not?" "Indeed," Lotus agreed. "And very unprofessional of us. My apologies for our behavior, Miss Applejack." "Just..." Applejack sighed and rolled her eyes, finding it hard to keep mad considering what had happened so far today. "Please hurry up. Sooner that I can get rid of this thing, the better." "Of course, Miss Applejack," both Aloe and Lotus said at the same time. Lotus wrapped one of her dainty blue hands around a bottle, pulling the stopper and pouring the contents into the tub. Aloe picked up a bowl and tilted it, shaking to sprinkle some sort of aromatic plant into the water as well. When one of the mares finished with the container she had, she would pick up the next and add it as well. The two of them alternated, picking up liquid and dry mixtures and pouring them into the tub. Finally, the last bowl of plants was dumped into the water. "And there we go," Lotus declared. "You should be feeling the effects shortly." Leaning forward, Aloe closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting out a small sigh of happiness. "In the mean time," she said, "perhaps we should join in." "What?" Applejack said. "Indeed," Lotus said, turning to look at Aloe. "What do you mean?" Moving closer, Aloe placed a hand on the other mare's shoulder. "Since we have gotten this recipe, we have never had an opportunity to try it ourselves." She let her gaze drift to Applejack. "There is more than enough room in the tub for us to join Miss Applejack." Her gaze drifted down to between Applejack's legs and she licked her lips. "Plus, as you said, my dear Lotus: Applejack is a very valued you customer of ours." She motioned toward the massive mare. "To that end, it would be rather unprofessional -- and rude -- of us if we were to leave her with such an uncomfortable situation Lotus Blossom let her own gaze move down to the shaft, looking at it as it stuck out from the water like a tree in the middle of a pond. Applejack caught the mare pressing her legs together, shifting her hips, as her tongue slipped out of her mouth to lick her lips. "I can see your... point," she finally said. "And you are right, of course. It would be very inappropriate for us to leave our customer in such a condition. We should stay and assist until the matter is remedied." With that, the two of them stood up, and started undressing. Applejack laid in the tub, watching as the pair of mares stripped. Lifting their shirts, they revealed smooth stomachs, with belly buttons that had been pierced and had charms of their matching cutie marks dangling from it. The shirts went further up, revealing breasts that were little more than a handful for the average stallion, and large nipples that were poking out firmly. Next was the pants. Lotus Blossom turned around, her back to Applejack, while Aloe moved to face her fully. Their hands slipped down to their pants, undoing the fly. Aloe smirked as she pulled the front of her pants open, revealing that she was not wearing any underwear. At the same time, Lotus Blossom traced her thumbs along her waistband, her fingers tracing along the curve of her rump cheeks as she looked over her shoulder at her audience. The two then pushed down, letting Applejack get a perfect view of Aloe's crotch and Lotus's butt. When Lotus Blossom turned around to face Applejack, she noticed another piercing. Lotus had a ring dangling from her clitoris, an accessory that Aloe did not mirror. The two mares stepped forward, slipping into the water of the tub and moving toward Applejack. One moved to each side of the large mare and sat down, joining her. Aloe reached out and took a hold of Applejack's arm, her long pink fingers wrapping around the wrist as best they could as she pulled it away from the erect and leaking shaft. The last part was actually a surprise to Applejack, as she had not even realized that she had started stroking herself. "Just lie back and relax, Miss Applejack," Aloe said. "Allow us to take care of that for you," Lotus added. The pair moved to each side of the shaft and leaned forward. Their breasts touched the water before pressing against the exposed portion of the thick shaft. The warm softness of the mounds engulfed the length, the thickness too much for the breasts to press against each other. Grabbing a hold of each others' shoulders, the two mirrors slid up, stroking their chests along the shaft. As they reached the top, the length throbbed, releasing a massive spurt of pre all over their faces. Aloe leaned forward, tongue sticking out. Placing it against Lotus's cheek, she ran it across the fur covered skin to collect some of the masculine fluid. At the same time, Lotus leaned forward, pressing her own tongue against the slit and tracing along it to collect any of the pre that still remained. The two then kissed, pressing their mouths against each other. Their lips parted as their heads tilted, a small moan escaping from one of them. Tongues moved from one to the other, running across each other as they wrestled and explored the depths of their partner's mouth. There was a gasp as the two broke apart, saliva connecting their mouths as they looked at each, panting. Leaning up, Applejack slipped her hands under the water and against the pair's stomachs. Stroking down, she traced her way along their abs and to their crotches stopping as she reached their sexes. One hand pressed down on Aloe's vaginal hood and rubbed, teasing the sensitive nub underneath. The other stroked over Lotus Blossom's piercing, shifting it back and forth. The teasing caused the two to close their eyes, moaning out in pleasure and shifting their hips against Applejack's grip. They pressed against the fingers more, grinding themselves against the firm touch. At the same time, the two of them lowered their upper bodies, stroking their chests down along the exposed length as far as they could. Lotus slid back up, pressing her tongue against the underside of the crown and giving it a lick. Meanwhile, Aloe moved further down. Tilting her head, she opened her mouth wide and pressed it against the medial ring. The dual sensations of their teasing caused Applejack to tense and stretch, growling out in pleasure as her massive cock twitched. Adjusting her grip, she pushed her fingers into the pair, sinking into them to the knuckle and causing them to squeal out. The walls gripped the fingers hard, squeezing and stroking them as the two rocked against Applejack's hands, grinding themselves against her palms. Lotus pulled away and threw her head back, crying out. Her depths grew tighter around the intruding digit, stroking it and trying to pull it deeper into her depths. "Ah, that is not fair," Aloe said with a pout. "You reached an orgasm before me." "I could not help it," Lotus replied, panting slightly. "The rubbing and fingering felt so good." Her eyes narrowed. "Plus, I have told you before you should get your love button pierced. It makes such things so much more stimulating and pleasurable." Instead of answering, Aloe shifted. Letting go of Lotus, she moved one hand to Applejack's thigh, and the other to the sac under the water. A small gasp escaped her as she gave a gentle squeeze. "Lotus, you must feel these. The are so full and... ripe." Shifting, Lotus moved to reach down as well. Her own hand pressed against the wet flesh of the scrotum and slid down feeling the contents inside. "Oh my," she breathed out. "I think I can feel them churning with seed." She licked her lips and leaned closer. "It must be quite uncomfortable for you Miss Applejack." "Indeed," Aloe agreed. "We really should help her by relieving the pressure." "And I know the perfect way," Lotus declared. "Neither of us are capable of taking a magnificent stallionhood such as this, but I bet that pinned between us, we can give it more than enough pleasure to help release some its content." The pair of mares leaned forward to give the shaft one last lick before standing up and walking toward the edge of the tub. Water ran down and dripped from their bodies as walked, the wet fur clinging to their bodies to better show off the toned muscles underneath. Their tails were held high and flagged to the side, showing off the bare clefts of their backsides. With each step, the muscles of the rump and thighs could be seen flexing and tensing. Hips and tails swayed back and forth with each movement. The motion had Applejack's full attention, her eyes focused between those shapely thighs to catch any possible glimpse of inviting pink flesh. At the side of the tub, Aloe slipped out and sat on the side. She then slowly leaned back, her legs dangling over the inside edge. Lotus Blossom then climbed up as well, moving to straddle Aloe and lower herself on top of the other mare. Both then spread their legs as wide as they could, allowing Applejack to see their nearly matching pussies, glistening with wetness. "Well, Miss Applejack," Aloe called out, "would you care to join us? To place that grand shaft between us and have us masturbate you until you coat us both with your ample semen?" She grabbed Lotus's butt, giving it a squeeze before spreading the cheeks, and getting a moan from the other mare. The sight of the dual pussies -- one of which was pierced -- and the blue cheeks spread wide to show a tight little asshole, sent a new throb of arousal through Applejack. Pre poured from the tip as she stood up, dripping from the opening at the tip into the water below. As she walked, Applejack noticed how musky the air was with arousal, especially her own. Also, was it her imagination, or was the water thicker than usual? That would be impossible though, right? She could not have possible released so much pre-cum that the consistency would have changed, much less do so without her even noticing. Could she? Reaching the presenting mares, Applejack reached out and grabbed a hold of Lotus Blossom's ass. She gave the cheeks a squeeze, feeling the firm flesh in her grip and getting a moan from the groped mare. Applejack's grip tightened as she moved forward,pressing the base of her shaft between the spread cheeks and grinding her hips. Those cheeks felt so soft, so warm. It made her cock throb with excitement, releasing a spurt of pre onto Lotus's back. As she pulled back, stroking the length along the toned ass, she founded herself tempted for a moment. That asshole was right there. It was so inviting. Small, yes, but that it would make it feel all the tighter, all the more pleasurable. Except that was not the plan. Not the one Aloe and Lotus came up with, and that Applejack sort of agreed with. Plus, as much fun as it would be, the chances of getting a mare pregnant through anal sex was almost non-existent (the slight chance being if some of the cum dripped down and managed to get into the vagina). At least by doing what they suggested, Applejack could pull back when she reached orgasm, and possibly spray into one of them, giving her some chance of getting them pregnant. When the tip lined up with the cute little asshole, Applejack did give a little push against it, getting a squeak from the mare. She then slid down further, stroking along the vaginal lips and giving another poke before slipping between the two mares. After giving one last squeeze, Applejack let go of Lotus Blossom's ass. Her hands moved up to the mare's hips as she leaned down slightly, then pushed forward. A moan escaped her as the length slid between the two mares, sliding along their crotches, stomachs, and up between their breasts. When her stomach pressed firmly against Lotus's backside and she could feel her sac against Aloe, Applejack stopped. Her hips rocked gently, grinding her abs against the soft cheeks as she rubbed the shaft between the two mares. The two must have been excited as well. Lotus pushed up and back, grinding against Applejack. Small moans escaped her as her feminine fluids dripped down onto the shaft below her. Aloe wrapped her legs around Applejack's, muscles tensing a she squeezed those muscular thighs. Her own hips lifted and pushed, rocking to rub where the base of the shaft met the hefty male sac. "Heh," Applejack huffed out with a smirk. "The two of ya are really worked up, ain't ya? Like a a pair o' cats in heat." She gave an extra hard push, getting pleasure whimper from the two. "Y'all must really want it, huh?" The two of them could only moan out as they shifted, rubbing against each other and the shaft between them, and grinding against the large, muscular mare. Taking it as a sign of agreement and encouragement, Applejack leaned forward, pressing her chest against Lotus Blossom's back. Her legs spread wider to adjust her stance as she pulled back, stroking her length along the pairs of stomach and breasts. Her hips pulled back until the medial ring stroked over the lips, then thrusts forward hard. There was an audible smack as her rock hard stomach slapped one shapely ass, and her swollen sac another. As Applejack started to set a steady pace, she found the feeling pleasurable. Not as good as actual sex, but better than masturbating herself. Their bodies were warm and soft, stroking along her length with each movement. The fur tickled along her length each time she pushed forward. The feel of their breasts around her crown and the slap of her body against theirs -- causing the pair of spa ponies to cry out -- really turned her on. Shifting again, Applejack stood up straight. One hand grabbed the base of Lotus Blossom's tail, tugging it as her thumb slid down. After stroking along the sensitive cleft of the mare's ass, she pressed the digit against the tight hole, getting another moan as it slowly sank inside. Her jaw clenched as her body tensed. Giving the tail a yank, rubbing the thumb against the inside of the tight walls, Applejack sped up her movements. Her hips thrusts forward hard, a grunt escaping her as she slammed forward pretty hard, creating a massive slapping noise. There was more moaning as the Lotus and Aloe shifted against each other and the massive shaft. Both reached down between them, one hand gripping and stroking the shaft as the other reached around it to rub the other's pussy, slipping fingers into the wet depths and stroking over the hood. Aloe lifted her head up and pressed her mouth against Lotus's, opening her mouth enough to let her tongue slip out. There was a moan from the pair as their tongues wrestled against each other. The sight of the two making out and masturbating each other turned Applejack on further. She picked up her pace more, closing her eyes as she stroked herself back and forth along the mares, feeling their warmth, their softness, their desire. With each forward thrust, she rocked hard, grinding her length against their breasts before pulling back again. A cry of pleasure escaped Aloe. Her legs tightened around Applejack's thighs, pulling her closer. Feminine fluid squirted out from her vaginal lips, spraying all over Applejack's sac. The sensation sent Applejack over the edge. Yanking back hard, she slipped her shaft out from between the two. Her thumb slipped free of Lotus Blossom's backside as she grabbed the length in both hands. She pulled it up to line up with Lotus's vaginal lips as she stroked, crying out as she started to climax. Thick globs sprayed against the open pussy, some of it managing to pour inside while the rest dripped down onto Aloe's crotch. Both mares stopped masturbating the other. Lotus Blossom spread her lips wider as she rubbed her clit, pushing some of the cum deeper into her sex. Aloe caught the seed that dripped onto her, pushing it down to her sex then up into her as well. Their mouths continued to work each others as they kept stuffing the spurts of potent seed into their burning depths. With a huff, Applejack fell back into the water, creating a splash. Her shaft continue to throb and pulse, the last of its seed leaking from the tip and running down the length. As the world came back into focus, she noticed that both mares had their crotches and butts thoroughly covered in thick ropes of semen, and that the water around her was now a milky white in color. Dear Celestia, she thought. How much of that stuff am I making? Lotus moved to get off of Aloe, panting heavily as she moved to sit on the edge of the tub. As she did, Aloe moved to sit up as well, still scooping and stuffing sperm into her body. "Well, that was quite pleasurable," Aloe declared. "And it seems we were able to help you relieve quite a bit of tension, Miss Applejack." "Eyup," Applejack said with a sigh, not sound very happy. "'though it don't look like the cure worked any. Still got this thing and all." "We are sorry that the antidote did not work," Lotus said. "However, if you wish us to assist you further, please let us know." She then stood up. "In the meantime, we really should return to our duties. I fear that we have left them unattended for too long." "Plus, we really need to clean up," Aloe added. "As nice as this stuff feels on our fur and skin, it would be inappropriate for us to walk around covered in it." She wiped up a little more, this time bringing it to her mouth. A small moan escaped her lips as she licked it up. "Y'all go ahead," Applejack said. "I'm going to stay a bit and soak just in case it needs more time." She let out a sigh. "Plus, I could use a bit of a break and a little time to recover after that." "Of course, Miss Applejack," Aloe said as she stood up as well. "Take all the time you like. If you need anything else, just let us know and we shall see to it immediately." Aloe and Lotus climbed out of the tub and made their way to where their clothes were. As they went, Applejack watched, her eyes on their shapely and cum covered asses. She licked her lips as she watched them move, a part of her wanting to lick the cum off them, and another part already wanting to add more to it: preferably on the inside of their bodies rather than the outsides. As soon as they were gone, Applejack shook her head and leaned back. Well this didn't work, she thought with a sigh. Guess I'll have to try Zecora's next. ...I'm sitting in a tub filled with my own cum! That thought suddenly occurring to her, she jumped out of the tub as quick as she could. > Zebra Booty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the spa, Applejack found herself absolutely famished. Thinking back on it, she was surprised that she had not actually been feeling hungry sooner. While she did technically eat something after waking up, it was not exactly what she would consider a proper breakfast. Also, while she has not been doing her regular daily work, Applejack had been walking around a lot. Add in all the sex that she wound up having -- plus all the semen she had released -- and she must have burned a lot of energy. Now that she noticed it, she was starving. She could probably eat Pinkie Pie under the table. Or she could eat Pinkie Pie under the table. Or have Pinkie Pie under the table eating her. With a shake of her head, Applejack pushed aside the desires of an appetite she had been sating most of the day to focus on the one that needed more immediate attention. She needed food. A lot of it. At a small pizzeria near the edge of town, Applejack found a nice seat outside. There, she enjoyed the feel of the warm afternoon sun as she ate: a garden salad meant to serve four; three extra large, super-deluxe pizzas; four pasta filled bread bowls; and a large pizza-sized chocolate chip cookie sandwich. All of which was washed down with gallons of sweet tea. Once finished, Applejack no longer felt hungry, but she did not actually feel full either. She was pretty sure that she could eat a whole lot more than she already had. Her gaze drifted down to her stomach as she reached down to poke at it. She could still feel the rock hard muscles through the fabric and fur covering it. How much would it take to actually feel full? Or to distend that otherwise flat and firm surface? It hardly mattered. Now that she was no longer hungry, she could continue on her way to Zecora's. Besides, the meal had already caused her to use up the last of her bits she had on her. The fact she had any to begin with was practically a miracle considering how her day started. Walking through The Everfree Forest and following the path to Zecora's, the place seemed different to Applejack. Smaller. Less of an immediate danger. At the same time, it also made Applejack feel something she never had before: a sense of claustrophobia. The trees were all around her, growing close together and with plenty of branches at chest and head level. At times, she would swear that they were not only moving, but doing so in an attempt to intentionally snag at her. Like they wanted her to not make it to Zecora's for some reason. At one point, Applejack's path crossed with a lone timber wolf. At the sight of the creature, she felt a sense of curiosity. There had been times in the past when she had been frightened of the creatures, and times when she had faced them head on and managed to come out on top. Now, she was tall enough to look one face to face instead of up at them, and was strong enough to pick up a full grown mare with a single hand. With that, what could she do to one of them? It was not something she would think about under other circumstances, or go out of her way to try, but now that she was facing a timber wolf, it was too good a chance to pass up. While keeping eye contact with the creature, Applejack spread her legs apart, digging her hooves into the ground and bracing herself. Her shoulders tensed as she flexed her hands, clenching and unclenching. C'mon, you son of a bitch, she thought as she stared at the creature. Come and get me. For whatever reason it might have, the timber wolf decided not to attack. With a lupine grunt, it turned and walked away, heading off the path and further into the forest. As she watched it go, Applejack felt a mix of relief and disappointment. What in Equestria had gotten into her? While she was never one to back down from a fight, she had never really been spoiling for one either. If somepony came at her, she had no problem giving them what for and making them remember it, but she did not go around trying to start one, and she sure as shootin' did not feel excited at the possibility at one. She would rather have things settled in some sort of fun and friendly way, like she often did with Rainbow Dash... after the whole Running of the Leaves brouhaha, anyways. Fighting was not supposed to be the first thing she intended to do in a situation. Zecora's hut came into view. Please be home, she thought. And have a way to cure this. I don't know if I can put up with another day like this. Reaching up, she knocked on the door. After a moment, it opened to reveal the zebra mare. A small gasp escaped her as she took a step back, blue eyes wide. "Am what I seeing before me true?" she said. "My dear friend Applejack, is that you?" "Yeah, it's me," Applejack replied. "Mind if I come in?" "Most certainly," Zecora replied as she moved aside to let the large mare in. "Is this altered condition why you have come to see me?" "'fraid so." Moving further inside, Applejack let out a sigh as she tried to get comfortable. "Last night, Twilight was working with Poison Joke and Heart's Desire, and I must'a gotten some of it on me. Woke up and I was like this." She motioned at herself. "Tried goin' to Twilight, but it turns out she was called away on a friendship mission." Walking over to where Applejack was, Zecora stood in front of her and put her hands on her wide hips. She tilted her head and raised an eye brow. "Judging from your clothes and the time of day, I assume you did not come see me right away." The statement and look made Applejack shift, her face heating up. "Well... the outfit was kinda necessary," she finally said. "Couldn't go 'round town naked, after all." Shifting her weight from one leg to the other, she reached up to rub her neck. "And...it... was kinda hard to get anywhere. Other ponies kept... uhm... distracting me?" She let out a chuckle, suddenly unable to look the zebra woman in the eye. "I... uh... may have also tried the spa... you know, since they had the stuff for Poison Joke available already." The sound of chuckling drew Applejack's attention. Looking up, she found Zecora looking at her with a wide grin, shoulders raising and lowering with each laugh. It also made the barely contained breasts jiggle with each movement. "My friend, do be at ease," Zecora said, still smiling. "I was simply asking... and perhaps lightly tease." Moving closer, she gave the large mare a gentle pat an the arm. "I shall help you, if am able, however, I will need you to give me the full details. To begin, let me ask, was the only change to height and muscle mass?" The question should not have been a surprise, but it was. Of course Zecora would want to know the full extent of the changes that Applejack had gone through. She would need to know as much as possible in order to figure out what all happened to reverse it. That would also include changes that may not have been obvious, or in this case, covered up. "Ah...no..." Applejack said. "It... It also gave me..." She cleared her throat. "It gave me quite a large stallionhood. And...uh... a pretty active sex drive as well." "How large of a masculinity did the effect give you, precisely?" "Two feet?" Applejack guess. "Maybe three?" She looked down at her front, lifting one hand to above her chest. "It comes up between my breasts at this height, so however high up that would be." "I see," Zecora said with a nod, "and what of your virility?" That was a bit harder to answer. How could Applejack explain what she knew about that without giving out too much information? "Well... I... have orgasmed four times since I woke up," Applejack said, "three of 'em were with other ponies, and two of them... uhm...." She brought her hands down to her stomach, making a convex motion in the air in front of it. "Their stomachs sorta stuck out more afterwards. Like they were months pregnant or somethin'." "Hmmm." Zecora shifted rubbing at her chin. "Interesting." She moved to get more comfortable. "Tell me, do you recall, any dreams you had at all?" "Dreams?" Applejack repeated, turning to look at the zebra curiously. "That is correct, any you had before waking with a malehood standing erect?" "Actually..." Applejack said slowly. "Now that you mention it, yeah. I did have one that I recall. 'though I don't see how it matters." "Perhaps," Zecora agreed, "but tell me all the same, what events in this dream came." With a slow sigh, Applejack leaned back and looked up at the ceiling. She looked at the bare wood above her for a long moment as she let her mind drift back, picking through the memories to pick up as much as she could of the dream from the night before. "I was older than I am now," Applejack explained. "At least twenty years, I think. Old enough to have streaks of white in my mane, bit of gray 'round the muzzle, and to have a kid or two all grown up." She smiled as her hands came to her stomach, remembering the swell of it. "That's mostly what it was about, I suppose. I had foals, and lots of them. Twelve already born, with another on the way." A small chuckle escaped her throat. "Don't think I was plannin' on stoppin' there either." "Is a large family something that you desire?" Zecora asked. "Yeah," Applejack replied, still looking up at the ceiling. "I mean it ain't something I've put much active thought in for a while now, but it was something I had thought about a lot when I was younger. I was gonna meet a nice stallion, have a bunch'a foals, and work the farm together. Ain't the only one either. Family is a might important thing to the Apples." "In that case, things could be most dire." The tone got Applejack's attention. Turning away from the ceiling, she looked at the zebra mare beside her. "What do you mean? Somethin' wrong?" Now it was Zecora's turn to look nervous. One of her ears twitched as she turned to look at the pot. Her tongue slipped out to lick at her lips, and one hand rubbed at her thick thigh, fingers dimpling the flesh. "The mixture of the two could give a skewed version of what you desire in your heart," she said. "In your case, my friend, I think it may have been the family you wished to start. However, as the joke played with this desire, instead of being the mother, I believe that you are the sire." It took a moment for Applejack to pick apart what was said, figuring out what it meant. It then took her a while longer to process it as she did not entirely want to believe it. "Are... are you saying... I got those mares... pregnant?" "Correct." "But..." Applejack stood up, and started to pace around the hut. Pregnant? Could she actually have gotten Rarity and Starlight pregnant? Yes, she might have thought about it -- and liked it -- when she was with them, but that had just been a fantasy. To have that actually happen was a different matter. "But I couldn't have," she finally blurted out. "I mean it ain't even breeding season, so they shouldn't be able." "Under ordinary circumstances, that would be true," Zecora said. "However, recall that it was magic which did this to you. The power that gave you virile masculinity could also induce female fertility." The idea had never occurred to Applejack, but it made so much sense. Her legs shook before her knees gave out, causing her to fall to the floor with an audible thump. The impact sent a small shock of pain through the large mare's backside as it hit the hard wood. It barely registered as she sat there, staring down at the floor. Her heart pounded in her chest, slamming against the inside of her ribs, and her stomach dropped out of her, leaving her feeling empty. She opened her mouth wide, finding it hard to catch her breath. "Is... is there a way to prevent it?" Applejack asked. "I am sorry, my friend," Zecora replied. "For the mares, there is nothing I can do." Moving closer, she crouched to look Applejack in the eye. "However, I do believe I can reverse the changes made to you. To do so, first I shall need, to collect a sample of your seed." "My seed?" Applejack said. "Are... are you sayin' you need to collect my semen?" "Yes. If you wish me to change you back to who you were, then I shall need your sperm as part of the cure." With a groan, Applejack rubbed at her face. Why? Why did this have to happen to her? Why was this necessary? Yes, she kind of understood -- being friends with Twilight meant picking up some information here or there when it came to magic and the like -- but it was still extremely uncomfortable. And why was all of this happening to her? Granted, strange things happened to all her friends, but it did not mean she had to be okay with it. "Fine," she huffed as she stood up and started to undress. Her ears stayed pull back as she did, grumbling under her breath the whole time. It was starting to seem pointless to get the damned outfit in the first place. She was spending more time putting it on and taking it off than actually wearing it. Maybe she should have gone naked and let everypony in Ponyville see her bare body, big dick and all. Anypony that had a problem with it could go to Tartarus, and any mare that wanted it could be fucked until they were so bloated they could not walk. Maybe then she would feel some sense of satisfaction and the cursed thing would stop bothering her. Just a string of cum-bloated mares marking where she had been as she made her way around town. That idea was actually a little appealing to her, considering the idea made her cock throb and start to swell. Applejack dropped the dress, revealing her naked body. The sight of it got a gasp from Zecora, as well as her saying something that Applejack did not understand. "Yeah," Applejack said, suddenly feeling very self-conscious about herself. "There it is." She had the urge to place her hands over her crotch, although it would do no good considering. "I believe to get the reaction desired, my assistance will be required." With that, Zecora moved toward Applejack. Her hands reached up to the strap of her top, undoing the knot. The top fell away, releasing large, round breasts and thick nipples that had gold rings dangling from them. A smirk appeared on the zebra's face as she cupped her ample breasts, stroking along the outer edges of them. She then stroked down over her stomach and around her wide, foal-bearing hips. Thumbs slipping into the waistband, she gave a tug, easily undoing the knots that had held the loincloth in place. The sight of Zecora now naked, sent a new thrill of arousal through Applejack, causing the shaft to thicken more. As the zebra approached, the farm mare let her gaze focus on the thick thighs, as well as what was between them. Applejack had been been aware that Zecora was rather bottom-heavy in build, but had never really paid much attention to it. Now, seeing those wide hips and thick thighs, she found herself drawn to them. Slipping her tongue out, she licked her lips. One of the zebra's hand reached down, gripping the base of the shaft and stroking up along the length. The palm and fingers were rough and calloused, sending fresh tingles of pleasure through the sensitive flesh. It gripped the underside as it slid up, working toward the top. The length gave a twitch, releasing a small spurt of pre. Leaning forward, Zecora's nostrils flared as she sniffed at the fluid. "The musk it gives off is quite strong," she said, her eyes narrowing. "I believe it helps convince the mares to go along." Before Applejack could ask what she meant, Zecora leaned in more and gave the tip a lick. Slowly, she pulled away, the strings of pre running from her tongue to the slit. Looking up at Applejack, Zecora opened her mouth and swirled her tongue, catching the strands and pulling them in. She then moved closer, lifting herself as she slipped the massive length between her breasts. The rough and strong hands reached down, cupping and stroking Applejack's sac as Zecora's arms pressed her cleavage around the shaft more. "Forgive me if I enjoy being a lover, but it has been a while since I have been intimate with another." Slowly, Zecora raised herself up, her breasts stroking along the length. As she slid up, her hands moved up the sac and along the base of the shaft. Reaching the top, she gave her breasts a squeeze to press around the crown, while her thumbs pressed into the underside, digging into the flesh and sending a tingle that Applejack had never felt before through her body. The grip eased as Zecora eased her way down again, lowering herself until reaching the medial ring. Closing her eyes, she gave the underside a kiss before moving up again. Not wanting to be entirely passive -- and being somewhat curious -- Applejack reached out to grab Zecora's breasts. She gave them a squeeze, feeling the flesh squish in her grip, the slight coldness of the piercings, and the firmness of the large, dark, nipples. A moan escaped the smaller mare, moving to press her against the grip. Applejack relaxed her grip as she slid her hands up and back down, slipping the tip of a finger into each of the rings and gave a gentle tug. At the pull, Zecora let out a cry of pleasure. The sound made the shaft twitch against the zebra, more pre leaking from the tip. Encouraged by this and becoming more aroused, Applejack moved her hips. She moved opposite of Zecora, pulling back as she rose, and thrusting up as she dropped. The grip on the ample bust alternated between squeezing the soft mounds, and tugging on the rings, listening to the whimpers and moans caused by it. It was a little disappointing as Zecora pulled away, the breasts slipping from Applejack's grasp, and rings slipping off her fingers. Standing up, Zecora turned around and walked toward the cauldron. It allowed Applejack to get a good look at the large butt, which swayed and jiggled with each step. She had never noticed it before. Wide, foal-bearing hips connecting to thick thighs by way of a shapely butt. Each cheek was so wide that, at her normal size, Applejack could have easily fit both hands on one with room to spare. They were so round and thick, it made Applejack think of a juicy apple. And Celestia help her, she wanted to take a bite. At the cauldron, Zecora bent over and rested her arms on the edge. Her legs spread apart, showing off a hint of pink between dark colored lips. Turning her head, she looked over her shoulder at Applejack. One hand reached back. "Now that you are fully erect, perhaps you would like to enjoy my greatest asset." Gripping one cheek, she pulled it to separate the two. It was like Applejack was being pulled toward the ample zebra ass by her cock, whether she liked it or not. Like the cock was leading her toward it, the tip throbbing and pulsing with need as it got closer. Like Zecora's ass had its own gravity, and Applejack's cock had been caught in it. Applejack had never wanted anything more, and she was pretty sure she had not been more turned on at any point of her day. Guess that if I were a stallion, I'd be an ass stallion, some part of her thought as she continued to approach the presenting Zecora. As soon as she was close enough, she reached out and grabbed a cheek in each hand, giving them a squeeze. They were surprising firm for being so big, more muscle than fat, and a lot more toned. It kind of reminded Applejack of her own, before her transformation. Applejack's hands slid over the cheeks and up to Zecora's hips. She gripped them as best she could as she moved forward, bringing her shaft against the presenting zebra. As soon as it touched the cheeks, the shaft throbbed, letting out a spurt of pre that fell onto Zecora's back. Pushing back, Zecora grabbed her cheeks and squeezed pressing them against the shaft more. The feel of those cheeks around her was wonderful. Not as good as actual sex, but better than stroking against a mare's boobs. Better than when she was pinned between Aloe and Lotus. Although that made her wish that there was a second one so that the two could sandwich her as they had. Two big, shapely butts, one pressed on each side of her shaft, slowly stroking up and down. The thought made more pre spurt from the tip and onto Zecora's back. Eyes closed and legs wide, Applejack pulled her hips back. A small moan escaped her as she felt her length stroking along the cleft. The warm, soft flesh gripped at the shaft, tugging the skin as it slid back. More of the lubricating fluid poured from the tip, dripping down from the head and along the shaft before disappearing between the thick cheeks. It felt especially good when her medial ring was caught in the warm softness. Applejack wanted to keep pulling back until the head of her cock got nestled between those cheeks, leaking pre directly against Zecora's flesh and fur. Unfortunately, the length was too long to do that easily. And if she was going to pull back that far, it was not going to be simply for some hotdogging fun. No, it would be to aim for something warm, wet, and fertile. Not just yet, though. Instead, she pushed forward again, stroking the length up. There was a slap as her hips smacked against the soft cheeks, and a second as her sac struck against Zecora, causing the zebra to grunt out in pleasure. Applejack could also feel something warm and wet dripping onto her testicles. Wow, Applejack thought. She must be pretty excited if she's dripping wet like that. Again, Applejack pulled back until the medial ring was stroked, but this time did not move as far before thrusting forward again. The forward momentum did not end in a slap this time. Instead she ground her toned hips against the soft flesh, feeling the movement against her. Her motions became shorter, but steadier, pulling back and pushing forward to stroke the medial ring in and out of the warm, soft flesh of Zecora's glorious ass. The slipping in and out especially felt nice. With each backwards pull, more pre leaked from the head, dripping along the shaft and onto Zecora's back. An image of Zecora covered in cum and panting heavily popped into Applejack's head. Thick ropes of it on her back, running down along her spine to collect on and between her cheeks. Strands of it covering her face, dripping down to the floor. The mare's eyes glassed over in pleasure as her mouth hung open, tongue out to try and catch some of the thick, musky seed. One hand was buried between her legs, rapidly rubbing her clit as she fingered herself. While it was an attractive image, it was not one that Applejack was interested in actually seeing this time. Instead she pulled back, letting go of Zecora's hips. One hand took a hold of a thick cheek, giving it a squeeze, while the other reached down to press on her shaft, pushing it down to line up with the dark, wet, vaginal lips. "What are you--" The rest of Zecora's question was lost in a cry of pleasure as she was penetrated, followed by a series of words in her native language. Her legs shifted, spreading wider. Gripping the edge of the cauldron tighter, she pushed her hips back, working to take more of the massive shaft into her. A growl of pleasure escaped Applejack as she continued to push forward. Maybe it was her imagination, but Zecora's pussy felt different than Rarity's and Starlight Glimmer's. It was softer, more inviting. Still tight, but like it was gripping the shaft and pulling it deeper into the warm wetness. It seemed like the depths were more able to accommodate the thickness. There was a moment of resistance as the top of the medial ring touched the lips. Rocking her hips, Applejack stroked the ring along the lips before pulling back. That same softness that tried to pull her in now held onto the length, trying to keep it inside, to pull it back in. Given the length of her shaft and her unwillingness to release her grip on those wonderful cheeks, Applejack could not pull back as far as she would have liked. The part that did slide out glistened with the feminine fluids now coating it. After adjusting her stance, she pushed forward again. The lubricated shaft slipped back in with ease, sliding back into the aroused zebra until the ring pressed against the opening again. This time, Applejack gave an extra push. The ring slipped past the stretched the lips, sinking in with a loud, wet noise. A scream of pleasure tore itself from Zecora, followed by more of her crying our in her own language as she hit her climax. Her hips pushed back, rocking to take more of the thick shaft into her depths. The walls gripped around the length, stroking it and sending fresh flares of pleasure to the large mare attached to it. Feminine fluid escaped from the overstretched lips, running down along the underside of the shaft before dripping to the floor. For her part, Applejack held still, enjoying the feel of the climaxing walls engulfing part of her length. She could feel ever flex, ever twitch, every squeeze and stroke. The length swelled and twitched throughout, urging the large mare to continue, to push forward, to bury as much of it into the wanting depths of the zebra as she could. Instead, Applejack waited until Zecora's orgasm passed. Once it had, she pulled back slight before pushing forward again. Although, it turned out not to be for very long before she reached Zecora's cervix, blocking her from going any further. Looking down, Applejack found that a quarter of her shaft was still sticking out between her and those nether lips. Oh, how she wished she could bury her entire length into a mare at least once. Unfortunately, with such a length, that was probably not going to happen. Especially if Zecora's antidote worked and she was turned back to normal. A part of Applejack was actually going to miss this. Returning her attention to the present and the matter in front of her, Applejack adjusted her grip. Again she pulled back, watching the length as it tugged its way free of the tight wetness. Her jaw clenched and grip tightened as the ring reached the opening, sending a shock through her as it pulled free with a wet pop. As soon as it came out, Applejack pushed forward to sink it back in again. This time, she watched as the vaginal lips folded inward before returning to their original -- if stretched -- position. Once Applejack was again buried as deep as she could, Zecora turned to look at her, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. "Faster," she whimpered out. A predatory grin spread across Applejack's face as her eyes narrowed. Her body tensed as she gripped that plump rump tighter, fingers digging into the thick, soft flesh. Pulling back quickly, she tugged out until the ring pulled free, then gave a hard thrust forward, sinking back in. As soon as she felt the tip smack against the barrier to Zecora's womb, she pulled back again. Each movement now caused the zebra to cry out. Her hips pumped as well, moving opposite of Applejack. Each backward thrust caused the part of the thick ass not being gripped to bounce and jiggle. The sight of it aroused Applejack further, but also frustrated her. She did not just want to watch it, she actually wanted to feel it. To push herself so deeply into Zecora, that she could feel that thick, jiggly, round ass against her hips. She wanted to rock and grind against it, feeling the ample flesh against her. With a growl of frustration, the large mare let go of the soft ass and grabbed the tail with one hoof, pulling it up. She give it a yank as she thrusts forward again, slamming as deep as she could. Her eyes closed as she pumped, pulling back on the tail as she pushed forward with her hips. The sensation of getting close was starting to build up in her. Slipping the other hand under them, Applejack found Zecora's clit and pressed against it. The touch sent Zecora off into another orgasm. She threw her head back as she cried in a mixture of Equestrian and Zebrican, none of which Applejack understood even if she was listening. The walls gripped the thick shaft tight, stroking it as it tried to pull it deeper, pressing the slit directly against her wanting cervix. The sensation was the last bit Applejack needed to reach her own release. With a grunt, she pushed forward one last time, holding still as the buried length throbbed and twitched. Thick spurts of fertile semen pumped from the tip, pouring directly into the waiting womb. A sudden squeezing sensation at the base of her shaft caused Applejack to cry out. The hold was surprisingly tight. Painfully so as it prevented the semen from pouring out. With surprising strength, Zecora managed to pull the thick, throbbing shaft from her pussy. Moving aside, she pointed the tip at the cauldron, and relaxed her grip while stroking the length. A sigh escaped the large earth pony as the pressure was released, allowing her seed to flow again. "Forgive me for pulling your shaft from my slot," Zecora panted out, "but recall that for you antidote, I need your seed in my actual pot." Her hand held the underside of he thick shaft, stroking quickly as she worked to milk as much of the seed as she could. Applejack stood there, panting as she was stroked and watching as each spurt shot from the tip of her twitching cock and landing in the cauldron. It seemed to just go on and on, spurt after spurt, shot after shot. When it finally came to an end, a panting Applejack looked at the cauldron, and found nearly filled to the tip with her white spunk. Zecora stood up and turned around, her hand falling away from the softening shaft. Her stomach was noticeably swollen further, sticking out more than it had been earlier, although not as much as the others. How much of the stuff am I making? Applejack wondered. She had produced not only enough to fill a pot large enough to fit a pony, but had also pumped enough into Zecora to make her look noticeably pregnant, if only in the early stages. "There seems much more than we need to make the antidote from your seed," Zecora stated. "... yeah..." Applejack said slowly. "Um... is there anything I can do to help?" "While appreciated, it is not required," Zecora answered. "I believe I have the ingredients for the results desired." She gave a grin. "Your previous form I should restore, but I shall let you know if I require... more." She gave a wink before turning back to the cauldron. Even softening and just sated, the statement made Applejack's shaft twitch as she stared at the glorious ass. > Side Clop: Spa Sister Bonding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the end of their business day, The Ponyville Spa was closed and cleaned up. Although the did not actually need to do it themselves, considering what had happened in it earlier, Aloe and Lotus Blossom chose to clean up the tub they and Applejack had used earlier. This allowed greater discretion as they did not need to explain the milky cloudiness of the water nor the pungent muskiness filling the air. Fortunately, it was slow enough that they were able to keep the tub closed for the rest of their business day. When everything was finished for the evening, the pair headed home. There they had dinner, opened some wine, and sat talking about what happened. As they did, Aloe -- who normally had just one or two glasses -- wound up drinking pretty much an entire bottle on her own. It was not intentional. It was just that as they talked, Aloe kept feeling her mouth get dry and stomach flutter, so she would take a drink to calm herself. Due to her limited experience with alcohol, Aloe had a rather low tolerance for the stuff. As a result, she was feeling pretty warm, and had quite a little buzz going. "You know," she said, her pink cheeks redder than usual, "that's the first time I have seen an actual stallionhood in the flesh." "I suppose, technically, you still haven't," Lotus replied with a giggle. "After all, while it was most certainly a highly masculine trait, it was still attached to Miss Applejack." With a sigh, she turned and looked out one of the windows. "It is a shame it was such a large one," she said. "I do not think I could fit it inside myself, so having such an endowment be the first experience would be rather intimidating, and most likely on the highly painful side." Licking her lips and taking sip, Aloe finished her latest glass of wine. After setting the glass down on the coffee table, she moved closer to Lotus, pressing into her side. "I do not mind missing out," Aloe said. "I have never really been much interested in being with a stallion. I much prefer the touch of another mare." "I know," Lotus said, wrapping an arm around the other mare and rubbing her shoulder. "It is just that, you are missing out on some rather fun and pleasurable matters. The feel of a stallion -- especially a confident and experienced one -- inside you, their hands caressing your body, their warm breath against your neck, the feel of their muscles flexing and shifting beneath their fur, them making an actual effort to pleasure you." Her eyes glassed over. "And the feel of them twitching inside you as the reach their orgasm, the warm seed shooting deep into your depths. It is such a wonderful thing that you should experience at least once." Aloe moved closer, slipping into the crook of Lotus's arm and resting her head on her shoulder. "That is something I have always admired about you," Aloe said softly. "You have always been the braver of us. The first to date, the first to have sex, the idea of the spa to begin with." "Aloe," Lotus said softly. "It was something that we both wished for. I was simply the one that was willing to take the large step and get the loan. A loan that I would like to remind you we were able to pay off early and make the spa profitable because of you and your business savvy." "Perhaps," Aloe conceded, shifting, "but it has always been you who has been the courageous one. To make the first move if we both do something, or be the one to do something I would never dare. Like when you pierced your genitals." She chuckled. "Remember the story mother told us of when we were born?" That question got a laugh from Lotus, one hand reaching down to smack her sister playfully on the shoulder. "I remember it well," Lotus said still grinning. "According to her, I was more than ready to be born." "And the doctor had to practically reach in and pull me out," Aloe added. She pushed a little closer and lifted herself up. "Even here and now, look at us. We have this lovely place, and you and I share it because I am frightened of living alone." Lotus turned toward Aloe more, blue furred arms reaching out to wrap around the other mare and pull her into a hug. "A situation that I do not mind," she stated. "For you are my little sister, and I love you. I am more than happy to share a home with you for as long as you like." "Perhaps," sighed Aloe. "But... perhaps it is time that I did something courageous myself." "What do you mean?" Turning herself, Aloe faced Lotus Blossom directly. She reached up with one hand, stroking it through the pink mane that so matched her own coat. As her hand reached the back of her sister's head, she tightened her grip and pulled Lotus forward. Leaning in, Aloe brought her mouth to her sister's kissing her fully. She could feel the other mare tensing as their lips met, and could imagine that Lotus was staring with wide eyes. As the kiss continued, Aloe felt her sister relax, pushing into it more. One hand gripped the back of her head, fingers coiling into the mane, while the other slid down to hold the base of her tail. Taking that a sign of encouragement, Aloe pulled her sister closer, and opened her mouth wide. Her tongue slipped out, sliding across the other mare's soft, sweet lips before slipping between them. The other mouth opened slightly, a moan escaping as it allowed the exploring tongue entrance. As soon as it did, the Lotus's own tongue moved to run across and wrestle with it. Finally, reluctantly, Aloe broke the kiss and pulled away. She looked at Lotus, who was looking back at her. Both of them were wide eyed and panting, strands of saliva still attaching their mouths. "That," Lotus panted out, "was rather unexpected of you." She wiped at her mouth, breaking the strings and removing the saliva from her lips. "You seemed to enjoy it very much," Aloe pointed out with a smile. "I did, but I am still rather curious as to what brought this on suddenly." The question suddenly made Aloe's throat go dry, her tongue sticking to the roof of her mouth. Breaking the hug, she pulled away from her sister and stood up, walking toward the kitchen. "Aloe?" "Just give me one second, please." Heading to the rack, Aloe took a hold of another bottle of wine and pulled it free. Normally they only had a single bottle during the night, with Lotus finishing it as she felt that an opened bottle did not store well and would go to waste. Now, here was Aloe -- the "good twin" according to some of the ponies that knew them -- pulling out a third bottle while trying to seduce her sister. "Would you care for another glass," she asked as she approached, pulling the cork from the bottle. "I believe I shall," Lotus responded, picking up her glass and holding it out. Aloe quickly filled it before refilling her own. She took a long, slow sip, letting the wine dance across her tongue. The dryness of it did not much help with the feeling of her throat and mouth, but the acidic bitter sweetness gave her a slight distraction, and the thought of having a little more alcohol in her system helped her relax more. That made it easier to confess to her sister what she wanted. "In truth, I have always been a little envious of you," she admitted. "It is as I said before: you were always the braver one, the more confident, the one who did things first." She took another sip and a pause, trying to collect her thoughts. "I am not exactly sure when it became a..." she moved a finger as her mind tried to come up with the right word "... sexual attraction? More romantic interest? I do not entirely know exactly how to describe it. Regardless, it was certainly some time after going through puberty. I think after you declared yourself... uhm... what was the term?" "Pansexual," Lotus stated. "Yes. As I was saying, I think it was some time after that, when I was realizing that I was attracted to mares. As I tried to find a marefriend, I found that I would often compare them to you. You were... uhm... what is term?... you were the... stool line?" This got a giggle from Lotus Blossom. "I do not think that is the correct term," she said with a grin. "However, I do believe I understand what you mean." Aloe gave a nod and downed the rest of her glass. Setting it down, she leaned back. "Regardless of term," she continued, "it was you that I compared any potential mare to before dating. Then, one day -- I... think... it was when we were going to beauty school? -- I was with a marefriend, but..." She felt her face heating up (whether it was the alcohol or the pending confession, she was no longer sure), "...I found myself fantasizing about you. No matter whom I was with, it was you that were doing certain things to me, or me doing certain things to you." She let out a chuckle. "I even called out your name once during orgasm, which made for a very awkward conversation and break-up." Reaching forward, she grabbed the bottle and began to pour herself another glass. "So that was when I realized that I was in love with you. Lusting for you. You were the mare that I wanted to be with the rest of my life, that I wanted to share a bed with. However, such a thing could not happen. We are sisters after all. As such, I attempted to forget such a thing. To have relationships with others and not think about you in that manner." Shifting, Aloe looked down at her glass. Her fingers shifted, slowly spinning it back and forth. "That is, until what happened with Miss Applejack today. While most of my attention and fascination was on that impressive stallionhood, there was another part of me that was focused on you. When our lips met, when I licked the fluid off your face --" she let out a sigh "-- it was one of the most exciting moments of my life. Then when you pressed your body on top of mine..." The rest of the statement as Aloe was lost in the memory. She closed her eyes as a shiver ran down her spine. Her thighs pressed against each other, rubbing them together as she could feel her panties getting wetter. She squeezed her free hand tightly, resisting the urge to rub herself. "It was the second most arousing moment of my life," she finally said. "Second?" Lotus Blossom asked. "Care to tell me what the first was?" Aloe giggled before answering, "the day you came home and showed me your vaginal piercing. I found it so erotic, that I masturbated myself repeatedly until I was exhausted." "Did you taste yourself?" "...not then, no." Aloe felt Lotus Blossom's hand on her face. Turning toward the other mare -- toward her sister -- Aloe looked her in the eyes. A small smile spread across Lotus's mouth as her eyes narrowed. "Would you like to go back to my room and taste me?" Lotus asked. For a moment, Aloe stared at the other mare, speechless. It was hard for her to believe that this was real, that this was happening. It must have been some sort of dream. A dream that was one of her biggest fantasies, far more vivid than it usually was. She would go with Lotus to her room, Lotus would start to undress, and just before the panties went down to reveal that beautiful, blue, pierced vagina, Aloe would wake up and masturbate herself to orgasm before having to get ready for work. Except it was not a dream. It was really happening. Her sister was actually asking her to go to bed. "Yes," she gasped out. With a smirk, Lotus Blossom finished her glass of wine and set it down. Standing up, she took a hold of Aloe's hand and pulled her up, leading her to the bedroom. As excited as she was about what was happening, a part of Aloe could not help but wonder why. Reactions that she had expected ranged from outright disgust to gentle rejection. Something like this actually happening was mostly just kept to her late night fantasies. She wanted to ask, but was also afraid. What if the very act of asking about it broke whatever magic it was that was making this happen? What if she made Lotus reconsider, deciding not to go through with it? Biting her lip, she chose to stay quiet on the matter. As much as she wanted to know, she would just let tonight happen, and maybe ask about it in the morning... if at all. Living together in the same house, the two of them had seen each others rooms plenty of times. For the most part, they were the same: same beds, same dressers, and the same frames with most of the same pictures in them. There were some differences, though. For instance, the sheets and blankets on the Lotus's bed were the opposite colors of Aloe's, similar to how their fur, manes, and tails were opposites. The biggest difference was a shelf Lotus had that Aloe did not. It was a little trophy shelf, showing all the things that the mare had accomplished. Not trophies from sports or school activities, but more unique and entertaining accomplishments. One frame containing a picture of her vaginal piercing and the receipt for it. Another having the remains of the paid off business loan for the spa. There were even a couple of pieces of jewelry that had been given by various lovers, including one that was from some high noble in Canterlot that Lotus would not even tell Aloe the name of for some reason ("It is more a reminder of a mistake more than anything of value," was all she would say on the matter). As she looked at the shelf, Aloe felt the presence of her sister behind her. Soft, blue arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her back. She felt hips against her butt, breasts against her back, and a warm breath against the back of her neck. Hands slid down then up, slipping under her shirt and stroking up along her stomach. A kiss was placed on her nape, followed by a nip that caused her to moan out. Reaching behind her, Aloe grabbed a hold of Lotus Blossom's butt and gave a squeeze. The action caused a grunt from the other mare, sending vibrations through Aloe's held skin. The biting suddenly stopped. "First thing is first," Lotus whispered. "We need to get you out of this shirt." Her tongue then traced along one of the ears. She kept sliding her hands further up, stroking over the stomach and chest before reaching Aloe's breasts. Gently, Lotus cupped them, running her fingers along the underside. The fingertips traced up along the sensitive flesh, teasing the mare before reaching the nipples. One finger each pressed down on the hardening tip of the nipples, while another stroked along the lower edges of the areolas. The teasing and touching caused Aloe's breath to catch in her throat. It was not simply what was being done -- although she was certain that none of her other lovers had caressed her nipples in quite that way -- but who was doing it. Her sister, a mare whom she had know since before they were born and that she had been lusting after for years, was playing with her nipples. The thought a lone was enough to get her excited. Combined with the actual touching and caressing, and it sent shocks of pleasure through her body. When the fingers pulled away from her nipples and the warm body from hers, it sent a pang of disappointment through her. She did not want it to end. Fortunately, the disappointment quickly faded as Lotus took a hold of Aloe's shirt and pulled it up, taking it off her and leaving her topless. "Now it is your turn," Lotus declared, placing her hands on Aloe's hips and turning her around. Barely able to contain her excitement, Aloe turned around and took a hold of her sister's shirt. Slipping her thumbs under the waist, she lifted it up, letting her hands run along the sides of the body she had been dreaming about. As soon as Lotus's breasts were exposed, Aloe stopped lifting. Instead she leaned forward, bringing her mouth to one of the nipples, and slipped her tongue out. Closing her eyes, she traced along the edge before flicking it across the tip. The moan in response encouraged her. As she resumed pulling the shirt up and off, she pressed her muzzle forward, taking the nipple in her mouth. Knowing that Lotus was a little tougher than her, and enjoyed it a little rough, Aloe bit down gently on the teat. She lifted it slightly, flicking over the very tip of it again. Her eyes closed as she let the shirt fall away, suckling on the captive nipple and imagining the taste of her sister's milk running across her tongue. Another moan escaped Lotus as she gripped the back of Aloe's head. Gripping the soft hair tightly, she pulled Aloe away. The two looked at each other, both of them panting, with strings of saliva running to the released nipple. As soon as the nipple was free, Lotus let go of Aloe's head and reached down to her waist. There was a quick stroking of the hips before fingers deftly slipped into the waist band and quickly undid the fly. Not wanting to fall too far behind, Aloe slipped her own hands down to Lotus's pants, working to undo the front and help push them down. The two of them stood there, both completely naked. "Now, my little sister," Lotus Blossom said as she turned to point, "onto the bed with you." A small smirk tugged at Aloe's lips as her eyes narrowed, feeling the need to tease a little. "And if I do not?" she asked. Instead of answering with words, Lotus Blossom took a hold of Aloe. With ease, she picked the other mare up -- getting a squeak of surprise -- and tossed her onto the bed. Aloe hit the mattress with a soft thump, bouncing up off it. Before she landed the second time, her sister lunged at her, landing on top and pinning her down. Grinning, Lotus leaned down and pressed her lips to Aloe's. This time, it was Lotus who opened her mouth, slipping her tongue into her sister's and exploring it. As the felt her sister's tongue exploring her mouth, Aloe's eyes rolled into the back of her head. Pushing up hard, she pressed her breasts against the Lotus's, grinding their nipples together. Shifting her hips, grinding their pubic mounds together in the process, she pushed one leg up between them, rubbing her ankle along her sister's calf and stroking their thighs against each other. When the piercing touched her leg, she pushed to stroke against it more. She wanted more, to do more. Aloe wanted to grab her sister and pull her closer, wrap her arms around Lotus. She wanted to stroke her back, squeeze her ass, finger her and eat her until she was screaming, and get eaten in turn. Except her body was pinned down and arms stuck. She was prone and helpless, unable to do anything but what her sister wanted. Not that she was complaining about it. The idea of Lotus dominating her was thrilling and arousing in its own way. The kiss broke as Lotus pulled away, panting slightly with flecks of saliva around her mouth. "Do not move," Lotus ordered as she pulled up, letting Aloe's arms go. Aloe gave a nod and obeyed, staying where she was with her arms up by her side. She watched as her sister moved off her and turned around. Lotus looked over her shoulder with a small grin as she turned her back. A smile spread across Aloe's own face as she let her gaze drift down to along the back, stopping as it came to that shapely little blue butt. That same butt suddenly moved at Aloe, pressing against her snout. The soft cheeks spread around her nose as her lips felt a very different pair, that was dripping wetness against her chin. Closing her eyes, she pushed up, stroking her snout against the soft cleft. Her tongue slipped out, pushing up as it explored until finding the warm wetness. Tracing along it, she found the metal of the piercing, and pushed, grinding against it. There was a squeal from above Aloe, and she could feel more thick fluid pouring over her face. She took a deep breath, letting the smell of Lotus Blossom's fluids fill her nostrils. Wrapping her arms around Lotus's thighs, Aloe pulled the butt closer, pressing her face into it more. After giving the piercing one last lick -- flicking the ring in the process -- she traced along the warm, wet, nether lips. She then thrust her tongue in as deep into the vaginal depths as she could reach, feeling the wet walls squeeze around her. Her tongue strained to push deeper still, rolling to slide along the walls and collect as much of the feminine fluid as she could get. While Aloe was caught up in eating out her sister, one of Lotus Blossom's hands was pressing on Aloe's stomach. Sliding down along the abs, it moved through the pubic mound before reaching the vaginal lips. One finger pressed down against the vaginal hood, grinding to tease the sensitive nub underneath it, while the other stroked down along the sensitive folds. Slipping down and up slightly, Lotus slipped the tip under the hood, stroking around the sensitive nub directly. Meanwhile, the other digit pressed more firmly as it traced up and down, slowly parting the lips and sinking into the warm, wet, depths. It probed deeper and deeper, working its way in to the knuckle. The sensation of being teased and penetrated caused Aloe to cry out more. Her legs shifted as she pressed her hips up, pushing into the touch more. She tightened her grip more, fingers digging into her sister's flesh as she tried to pull Lotus closer. Slipping her tongue from the depths, she traced along the lips. Back at the clit, she wrapped her lips around, running her tongue across the piercing and over the sensitive nub. A cry of pleasure escaped Lotus as she pressed against Aloe more. "Yes," Lotus groaned out. "There. Keep that up please. I-I'm-I'M-" The words were lost as she cried out in orgasm. Pushing down hard and grinding her hips, she rubbed herself against Aloe's face while caught up in climatic bliss. Thick, feminine fluid poured out from Lotus Blossom's sex, spraying all over Aloe's face. The musky liquid flooded the pinned mare's nose, filling it the smell pungent aroma but also making let the ring go as she started coughing. Lotus Blossom rolled off of Aloe, pulling away. Turning to face her sister, she reached out to grab Aloe's shoulders. "Are you alright?" Lotus asked. "I am fine," Aloe replied, wiping at her snout. "Although, were I not, it would be a preferable way for my life to end." The two of them giggled at that. Leaning forward, Lotus Blossom reached up to wipe some of her fluid from her sister's face, and bring it to her mouth. She gave a lick, tasting herself. "So, do you like how I taste, little sister?" Lotus asked with a smirk. "Yes," Aloe answered, still licking her own face clean. "It is rather delicious." "I am glad you enjoyed it," Lotus said. Her eyes narrowed as her smirk widened. "Now --" She gave Aloe a shove, getting a yelp in response. Lotus's hands wrapped around Aloe's calves, yanking them up and pulling them wide. She then reached down to grip the thighs, holding them tight and pulling her further up until Aloe's shoulder blades and head rested on the bed, but the rest of her lifted up off of it. Aloe tried to ask what Lotus was doing, but the question was lost in a cry of pleasure as a mouth was pressed hard against her slit, tongue probing deep into her depths. Legs tensing, she gripped her sister's head between her thighs, holding it in place. The position made it hard for her to move around much, basically leaving her under the control of her sister. Which was probably the point? A point that was demonstrated by how easily Lotus was able to pull Aloe's legs open, freeing her head from their grip. Lotus shifted her mouth, pressing it around the vaginal lips and sucking hard. She then pulled up, an exaggerated wet slurp escaping her as she did. With a predatory grin, she then leaned back down, giving one of the lips a gentle nip and tug. No mare had ever done that to her before. It was... kind of confusing, actually. The sensation was pleasurable, but also a little painful and kind of odd. It was difficult partially like skin being pulled, partially like having hairs plucked, and partially like she was being eaten, which she sort of was. When Lotus did it to her a second time, Aloe decided that she enjoyed it. As the ministrations -- and tugging -- continued, Lotus Blossom's hands reached down, grabbing a hold of Aloe. One moved to the stomach, rubbing around the belly button and teasing the piercing on it. The other moved further, taking a hold of a perky pink breast. Two fingers pinched around the nipple, giving it a tug. For some reason, that was enough to send Aloe over the edge. Throwing her head back, she screamed out and pushed herself off the mattress as she was caught up her climax. White hot pleasure shot through her abdomen, tingles of it shooting through her stomach and chest. Every muscle in her body tensed in response to the thrill of it. It was not the most intense orgasm she had ever felt, but it was certainly one of the more satisfying. Her bottom half still held up by her sister, Aloe went completely limp, panting and staring at the ceiling as she laid on the bed, glowing in the orgasmic aftermath. "Do not fall asleep on me yet," Lotus said with a grin. "We are not finished with tonight." Aloe tried to ask what she meant, but was still too caught up in the orgasmic bliss to respond coherently. Two fingers pushed into Aloe's vaginal depths, causing her to squeak out. Her walls were still sensitive, clenching and stroking to try and pull the digits deeper. They felt huge. Aloe was not entire sure, but she thought that liquid actually spurted out each time the digits were thrust inside. Was that actually possible? Could she have climaxed so much, that her canal was now flooded? "That seems like sufficient lubrication," Lotus declared. "Wh..what?...f-f..." Aloe tried to ask. The attempt to speak was lost as she was suddenly turned over onto her stomach. Her face was buried into the pillow, the scent of her sister filling her nose again. She let out a muffled noise, trying to say something, but not entirely certain herself what it was. Her legs were held firmly in place as her cheeks were spread apart. "Lotu-Uuuuuuuhhhhh..." The rest of it was lost in a moan of pleasure as one of Lotus Blossom's well-lubricated fingers pressed against the pucker of Aloe's tailhole. The digit probed the backside easily, spreading the ring as it went in. Each time, it stopped at a joint, twisting and pressing to tease the sensitive muscles and stretch it a little more before going deeper. Each stop caused a muffled whimper from Aloe, trying to lift her rump up push toward the probing digit. Finally it sank in to the knuckle, grinding against the depths and teasing the ring. "Very tight," Lotus observed as she wiggled her finger. "Have your lovers not played with your backside before?" She then pulled it out to the top joint, then shoved in hard again. "N...fi...re..." Aloe said. "I am going with the assumption that you were replying 'no,'" Lotus stated. "A shame really. As you can tell, it is really quite sensitive... for us at least." She slid the finger out and in again, grinding her hand against the ring and cheeks. One of Aloe's arms flailed and shifted. She wanted to... do something. Spread her cheeks wider? Take more fingers? Maybe squeeze the cheeks together to increase the friction and pleasure? "M...mu..." she grunted out, feeling drool running from her mouth. "What is that?" Lotus asked. "Is my little sister trying to say she wants more?" "Uh...uh..." Unable to verbally answer, Aloe tried to nod instead. It came out less of a nod, and more of a limp rolling of her head. Adjusting her grip on her sister, Lotus Blossom slowly pulled her finger out to the very tip. Another finger then joined it, pushing against the tight ring. As Lotus pushed down, Aloe's ring resisted the penetration, causing her to whimper out. Lotus continued to press, the pressure building and building until the little ring gave in, opening wider and letting the fingers sink in. "There we go," Lotus cooed out. "Such a good girl." She turned the fingers, sliding them along the interior of Aloe's backside. Crooking them slightly, she then gave a small push. With that, Aloe experienced something she never had before. A cry of pleasure escaped her as she experienced another orgasm, and the first ever from having her backside played with. The sensation was indescribable, even if she were able to speak -- or even think -- coherently. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as everything around her turned white, pleasure shooting through her so intensely, it bordered on painful. Stuck in her current position, she could not really move as her muscles tensed and twitched, her body wanting to writhe in new ecstasy. Feminine fluid sprayed from her sex, coating Lotus Blossom's neck and chest, the fluid dripping down her cleavage and off her nipples. As the climax came to an end, Aloe felt the fingers being pulled from her backside. She was suddenly released, flopping onto the bed limply. "Nn..." she whimpered out. "Pl...mo..." Her limbs refused to respond as she tried to move, to lift her arm. "I do not think you can take any more tonight," Lotus stated. Moving closer, she gave Aloe a kiss on the cheek. "You get some rest. I am going to clean up a little. You have made me rather messy." A gurgle escaped Aloe as she tried to respond. Her mind, like her body, was pretty much jelly. All she could do was watch her sister leave the room before exhaustion overtook her, causing her to fall asleep. > Pinkie-possible > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack looked down at the cauldron. The once white contents had now become a glowing indigo color, bubbles slowly rising to the surface before popping and disappearing. It now smelled of cooked sugar and flowers. As she watched, Zecora slipped a ladle into it, giving it one last stir before lifting it out. "The potion is ready for you to consume," she said as she poured the contents into a mug, "and your normal life you will resume." She held out the mug. "Drink this up, and some time it will take, but you will be cured in the morning when you wake." "Really?" Applejack asked, taking the mug. "You're saying I just drink this, and back to normal by tomorrow? Just like that?" Zecora placed her arms under her bare breasts, shifting her weight as she looked at Applejack. "Do keep in mind that this experiment is relatively new. There is a possibility some changes may linger in you. If such happens, and you decide you cannot live with it in the end, then come back and we can try again. Also, should no change occur as I did not get it right, then you can still seek help from Princess Twilight." That was true enough. Besides, Applejack really did not have much to lose at this point. Actually, in a way, she had a lot to lose. Her gaze drifted down to the shaft currently hanging limply between her legs. Was it possible to hate something, but still want it around? Because that is what it felt like to her at the moment. She had found the thing a major annoyance since she woke up. It just seemed intent on not letting her have a normal day. At the same time, she had kind of enjoyed what she had done with it. It had been kind of nice being on the other side for a while. There was no need to take Zecora's cure right away. Applejack could simply wait until Twilight was back, and deal with it then. In the mean time, she could try out what it would be like working the farm with her new muscles. She could probably even get a few more mares to be with her, trying out a couple things she had not yet, and leaving some more mothers to be. Hay, she might even be able to impregnate her other friends. Like Twilight Sparkle, or Rainbow Dash. Maybe even the Crusa-- The image of having sex with Apple Bloom, her own sister, and her underage friends caused Applejack's stomach to drop. Even putting aside the fact that one of them was a sibling, one that she had actually played a major role in raising, they were twelve years old. They had just gotten their cutie marks, and were barely old enough to be getting pregnant. To say nothing of how furious Rarity and Rainbow Dash would be. With that making the decision for her, Applejack closed her eyes and downed the entire contents of the mug in one gulp. The mixture tasted like charcoal and perfume. It left a feeling of dirt on her tongue, and burned as it poured down her throat. As soon as the concoction hit her stomach, it felt like she had swallowed a ball of molten copper. It sat like a massive weight, eating away at her gut. "Oh, Celestia," Applejack groaned, dropping the mug as she held her stomach. "It freaking burns like Tartarus." She was uncertain how long she laid there in pain, although it was certainly not very long. Next thing she knew, Zecora was helping to pull her up into a sitting position and handing her a mug of what looked like some kind of tea. "This should help your comfort correct," the zebra stated. "My apologies, for such pain I did not expect." Slowly, Applejack took a sip of the tea. It had a sweet minty flavor that washed away the taste of the potion. It soothed her throat as it went down, and seemed to ease the fire in her stomach. It did not settle completely, but it was more of a mild discomfort than anything. It was noticeable, but she coul-- A massive belch tore itself from Applejack's throat, causing the entire hut to shake. Once it passed, she noticed her stomach felt a lot better. "Heh," she chuckled out, blushing. "'scuse me." After getting dressed and promising to come back tomorrow so that Zecora could make sure everything had worked, Applejack left the hut and made her way back to Ponyville. At this point, she was ready to just head home and be done with the whole thing. If not for the fact she was suddenly feeling famished, she would probably just head up to her room and lay in bed until she fell asleep. Even hungry, it was a little tempting to do it anyways. Sooner she went to bed, sooner she could wake up and (hopefully) everything would be back to normal. As she exited the forest and entered the edge of Ponyville, a strange -- but somehow familiar -- noise reached her ears. It sounded like a high pitched squeal from-- "Applejack! CATCH ME!" Turning toward the sound, Applejack braced her legs and threw out her arms, and just in time. A mostly pink form landed against her, causing her to wrap her arms around it. The impact was surprisingly gentle, although all things considered, it should have been no surprise. Even if it had all happened too fast for her to recognize the mare, she knew exactly who it was that she had caught. "Pinkie Pie, what are you doing?" Pinkie Pie looked up at Applejack with a grin. "Finding you, silly," she answered. "I heard a bunch of ponies talking about something having happened to you, so I wanted to see if you were okay. I went to Rarity's boutique, and kind of guessed what happened, with her filling some of it as well. After that, I went to the castle to see if you were there, but Twilight was out and Starlight was asleep. So I thought of where else you might be, and here you are." Letting Pinkie Pie go, Applejack took a step back. "Uhm... how much do you know, exactly?" Turning, Pinkie Pie looked around. As she did, Applejack studied her a little. At just over the five foot mark, Pinkie had always been short, second only to Rainbow Dash. At her regular five foot eleven, Applejack had towered over the other mare. Now at over seven feet, she simply dwarfed the pink earth pony. It was probably a result of growing up on a rock farm. Having most meals consist of broth made from boiling rocks probably did not have a lot of nutrients for a growing filly. Although, Applejack was well aware that the work had left The Pies with quite a bit of muscle, even if most of it had softened and become hidden by a layer of chubbiness in Pinkie's case. Returning her attention to Applejack, Pinkie made a come closer motion with her hand. Applejack leaned down, tilting her head as Pinkie tried to raise herself up as much as possible. "You got exposed to Poison Joke and Heart's Desire," Pinkie said, "which made you all tall and muscular like you are now." She then leaned in more and whispered, "Plus, it gave you a big penis that releases a lot of cum." The fact that Pinkie Pie knew that made Applejack swallow with nervous energy. "You're... uh... not going to throw an 'Applejack has a cock party' or anything, are ya?" "No," Pinkie said with a giggle, only to suddenly stop and suck her lip as her face turned serious. "Although..." her eyes narrowed, "...that could be a lot of fun. We could have it be for adults only. And there could be games. Like one where's it like pin the tail on the pony, but it's a stallion, and instead of a tail, you try to attach his penis to the front." She then started to giggle. "Plus, I could serve cream filled long johns. Just imagine somepony biting into one, only to have it squirt all over another's face. Just... splat!" This sent her into a bigger fit of giggles, ending in a loud snort. "But no," Pinkie said as her. "I'm here to make sure you're okay." She moved closer, pressing herself against Applejack. "Aaaaand... to offer my help." "Help?" Applejack asked, tilting her head and raising an eyebrow. "Yeah. Like if you need somepony to..." she looked around before leaning up and whispering "have sex with." The statement sent a small throb through Applejack's shaft. Pinkie Pie had coming looking for her, intentionally for the possibility of sex? In truth, it was hard for her to imagine Pinkie Pie knowing anything about sex in the first place. The pink mare always seemed to have a child-like innocence to her. Less like she was a full grown mare, and more like an over-sized filly. Her life was about sweets, and parties, and making others happy. Concepts like sex and death just seemed like things that she would not really understand. "Pinkie," Applejack said slowly, "do you know what sex is?" With a huff, Pinkie Pie rolled her eyes. "Why do ponies keep asking me that?" She raised her head as high as she could, looking up at the other mare. "Yes, I know what sex is. I've even had it a couple times." Applejack found herself stunned silent at that statement, trying to process it. "In this case, since you have a penis, it would mostly be like having sex with a stallion. Which means it would possibly include masturbation, oral sex, and vaginal penetration. Do you want me to explain how vaginal sex works, too?" "No, no," Applejack said with a shake of her head. "You made your point. Just... kinda odd thinkin' of ya like that." "Well the way I see it, sex between two or more consenting ponies is a way for them to get pleasure and relax, both of which make ponies happy. As long as all involved are agreed and enjoy themselves, then it's no big deal." That did sort of make sense for Pinkie. "Okay," Applejack sighed out. "Now, I ain't saying that something is gonna happen between us, but if -- if -- it does, there are two things you should know first." "Right," Pinkie said, standing at attention. "I'm listening." "First of all, I'm big. I mean like... probably the size of your arm and fist big." Eyes wide, Pinkie looked down at her arm. She raised it up, clenching her hand into a fist. A small "oooh" escaped her as she did. "Second," Applejack continued, getting Pinkie's attention again, "you should know that if something happens, you almost definitely will end up getting pregnant." "Really?" "If Zecora's right, yeah." Applejack's eyes narrowed. "You're okay with that?" The look on Pinkie's face got surprisingly serious as she looked down at herself. Lifting her shirt to expose her chubby stomach, she took a hold of it in both hands, giving it a squeeze. She then just stood there, hands on her bare belly, unmoving. For a pony that seemed to always be moving to suddenly be so still was disconcerting. Even after only three seconds, it made Applejack start to feel uncomfortable. "Uh.. Pinkie?" "I've thought about becoming a mother before," Pinkie said, almost whispering as she continued to stare at her belly. "Especially after helping Mr. and Mrs. Cake take care of twins." One hand slid across the surface, gently caressing it. "I think I'd be a good mom." She smiled. "I would do everything that I could to make sure my baby was happy and know how loved they were." The smile faded. "Although it would probably be hard for me too. Trying to tell them no, making them do homework, having to resist puppy dog eyes and pouting lips." She then turned to Applejack. "You'd be there, thought, right? Help take care of the foal and everything?" "Course I would," Applejack answered automatically. "Shoot, even if it weren't mine, I still would be there to help ya, sugar cube. All of us would." "That's good," Pinkie replied. "I'm sure that will make Rarity and Starlight feel better about being pregnant too." The names caused Applejack to freeze, eyes going wide. "Oh, road apples!" she huffed. "I'm gonna have to tell them that they might be pregnant." Before she could go off and do that, Pinkie Pie grabbed her. "Maybe you should wait until tomorrow," she suggested. "Let them rest after what happened today. Plus, if you get too worked up --" her gaze shifted down "-- you may wind having another round with them. You don't want to make them double pregnant, do you?" "Pinkie... a mare can't get double pregnant." "Just like a mare can't wake up and suddenly be seven feet tall with a two foot dick?" Pinkie asked, raising an eyebrow. That was a fair point on the matter, making it a little difficult to argue. It also made it more difficult to argue with the smaller mare about waiting until tomorrow. Considering the subject, Applejack felt the need to tell the Rarity and Starlight right away. She should probably tell the spa twins as well, just in case since they had stuffed her semen in their vaginas. At the same time, Pinkie Pie was right about them resting. It was pretty late, practically supper time, and it would be kind of rude to drop that on the mares while they were eating. Especially if Rarity was eating with her sister or parents. Even if she did tell Rarity and Starlight tonight, Lotus and Aloe would still have to wait until tomorrow since she did not know where they lived. Plus, while Applejack doubted Pinkie's idea of getting them "double pregnant," it was possible it would end up with sex again if the pheromones still worked and the anger at the situation turned to lust ("hate fuckin'," Granny Smith would call it). But if Zecora's antidote worked, she would be back to normal tomorrow, and there would be no risk of more sex or greater chance of pregnancy. With that decided, Applejack turned her attention back to Pinkie Pie. Applejack should tell her "no," to reject her offer of sex. Because having Pinkie actually there would turn the possibility of sex into a definite. When they got back to Sweet Apple Acres and went to bed, they would be sharing the same one. The two of them, sleeping side by side. Doubtful they would both sleep fully clothed. Probably in their underwear or completely naked. They would be sharing the bed, their bodies pressed against each other. Maybe Pinkie would sleep with her back to Applejack, that thick butt of her pressing against the big mare's crotch, teasing it. Or maybe she would sleep facing Applejack, one leg thrown over hers, and those soft breasts and stomach rubbing against her side. A giggle from Pinkie Pie got Applejack's attention. "Looks like somepony is getting excited," Pinkie said, pointing at the front of the dress that was starting to bulge out. Dag blasted thing, Applejack grumbled as she shifted her hips to hide the bulge. At least it was just in the early stages and not at full size yet. It was partially her own fault. She did let herself get distracted with fantasies of sleeping next to a naked Pinkie Pie. It seemed like the thought of sex would get the cursed shaft to start stiffening. How the hay did Macintosh put up with this thing? "Never mind that," she huffed out. "C'mon." She started walking. "It's getting late and I don't wanna miss supper." With a giggle, Pinkie skipped after her. Despite more than two feet of difference in height and the distance of stride that came with it, the smaller mare was able to keep up with the larger one easily. If anything, Pinkie was actually waiting on Applejack to avoid getting to Sweet Apple Acres too far ahead. The two of them managed to arrive just in time to join the others to eat. In doing so, Applejack could no longer hide all the changes that she had gone through (although -- thank Celestia -- one had relaxed enough to remain hidden under her dress once more). She and Pinkie sat down to eat, and she told them an abbreviated version of what happened, omitting certain facts about it since so as not to have to explain it to Apple Bloom (even if she already understood the basics of sex), or have Granny Smith go off into a tangent that none of them wanted to hear about (Applejack still shuddered at the memory of Granny's home made dildo story). With supper finished and the dishes cleaned, Applejack led Pinkie Pie for the stairs, only to be blocked by Granny Smith. "I may not know the specifics," Granny said, her eyes narrowed as she looked at them with razor sharp clarity, "but I dern well know what the pair o' ya are plannin'. All I'm gonna say is to keep it down. I don't want to be woken up in the middle of the night 'cause one of y'all is screamin' like a timber wolf is gnawin' on your leg. Understand me?" "Yes, ma'am," Pinkie said, giving a salute. "I got it," Applejack said, doing her best not to roll her eyes. In truth, the warning was kind of pointless. Not because there was no danger of getting loud -- between her earlier experience and Pinkie's natural... enthusiasm, that was a strong possibility -- but because there was no chance that they would wake up Granny. Once the old mare was out, almost nothing could wake her up. Not even when Apple Bloom used a chainsaw in her room to cut "a secret passageway" through the floor to the kitchen Speaking of, Granny had a tendency to snore something fierce. Fortunately, with the help of Rarity and Twilight, the family was able to sound-proof the old mare's room so the snoring did not keep everypony else up. And sound-proofing worked both ways. So just as they were not able to hear her, she would not hear them. Although that still left Macintosh and Apple Bloom... A hand suddenly grabbed Applejack's wrist, and she was yanked from her thoughts just as she was yanked off her hooves and dragged (was it being dragged if she was not touching the ground?) upstairs to her room by Pinkie Pie. The chubby little mare was able to pull her along without any problem, just moving up the steps with... however much Applejack currently weighed behind her. Once upstairs and in the bedroom, Pinkie launched Applejack to the bed before shutting and locking the door. As she hit the bed, Applejack remembered how much bigger than it she was now. If she were to lay down with her head just below the headboard, her legs would not only be hanging off, but she would have her hooves touching the floor. Moving to do just that, she moved to sit up, looking at Pinkie Pie. "Sorry," Pinkie said with a laugh. "Guess I'm a little excited." She then shifted, narrowing her eyes. "So, do you want to go first, or should I?" "First?" Applejack asked, leaning forward. "First for what?" "To get naked, of course. Having sex with clothes on or in some place you could get caught is fun, but sometimes it's nice to just be completely naked and somewhere safe so you can take your time and enjoy yourself." Pinkie took a step forward. "So, do you want to get naked first, or do you want to sit there and watch me get naked?" Standing back up, Applejack undid the broach and belt, letting them drop to the floor. The dress came undone, falling open before dropping to the floor as well. "Wow," Pinkie Pie said with wide eyes as she moved closer. "I knew you were all muscly, but I had no idea." Her gaze then drifted down to between Applejack's legs, and she let out a gasp. "Woah. I bet that thing is bigger than my arm when you get all excited. It must take a lot of blood to get hard. Do you get all dizzy and light-headed when your get a boner?" "No," Applejack answered, looking down. "Although sometimes I swear it seems like the thing..." Closing her eyes she gave a shake of her head. "Never mind that. It don't matter." She returned her attention to the other mare. "Pinkie, are you--" "Ssshhh," Pinkie hissed out, reaching up to place her hand on Applejack's lips. "Don't worry about whatever it is. Just sit back, relax, and watch ol' Pinkie Pie strut her stuff." Next thing she knew, Applejack was sitting on the bed, watching Pinkie Pie. The short, pink mare turned her back to the bed and moved toward the door again. As she walked, she gave her hips an extra shake. Not the gentle, teasing sway of hips that Rarity used in her walks, especially when aware that a stallion was watching, but more of an excited, rhythmic motion like she was dancing to something only she could hear. The paint streaked cargo pants clung to her butt as she did, moving with each back and forth motion. During one particularly hard thrust of her hips, a small bit of confetti escaped from one of the many overstuffed pockets. Spinning around on one leg, Pinkie faced Applejack long enough to let it be seen she was grabbing the front of her button up shirt. Her back to the mare again, Pinkie looked back, her eyes narrowing as she smirked. Slowly, the over-shirt slid down to reveal the shoulder of her tee. With a wink, she rolled her shoulder a few times, then slowly pulled the shirt lower before letting it drop away. Leaning back to look at the ceiling, Applejack gave a shake of her head. She understood what Pinkie Pie was trying to do, but it was hard to take seriously. The moves were a little too exaggerated, too energetic, to be sexy. It was less like a mare who knew how to dance seductively, and more like a filly that was trying to act all grown up. Or maybe it was just the way that Applejack felt about Pinkie coloring her view. Returning her attention to the mare, she watched as Pinkie Pie faced her and leaned forward. One finger took a hold of the shirt collar, pulling down to reveal a flash of cleavage and bra. Straightening up, Pinkie let the collar slip from her grasp and snap back into place, before sliding her hand down along her front. At the waist, she gripped the garment and started to lift it up, slowly exposing her stomach. Pinkie Pie was a chubby mare, a fact that she was perfectly fine with. While it gave her thick thighs and big butt (bigger than Fluttershy's, but not as impressive as Zecora's), most of the extra weight was in her stomach. It was the same stomach that she was now showing off, hanging out over the waist of her pants. The sight of that belly combined with what Pinkie had said earlier to send a thrill of arousal through Applejack. The thought of it swollen and stretched even further. A new life growing inside it. Both of them stroking it, some times even singing to it. Pinkie eating all sorts of treats, and Applejack spoiling her with them. Maybe not just one either. Applejack was supposedly hyper fertile like this, and Pinkie Pie herself was a twin. As such, there could be multiple foals as well. A pair of foals, having the impressive natural strength of the Pie rock farmers combined with the diets and work of the Apples. Filly or colt, those would be some mighty strong kids. "Are you picturing it?" Pinkie asked as she raised her shirt higher, then placed her free hand on her stomach. "Little bitty Pinkie Pie all swollen up with a big, pregnant belly. A cute little Apple Pie baking in the oven." The choice of words was a bit of a mood killer as Applejack burst into laughter. While it may have been an accurate description of the offspring for an Apple and a Pie, the joke was just too silly. Pinkie Pie had to be the only actual pony that would say something like that. The only other place something like that would exist was a bad romance novel... or poorly written smut. "While I'm glad you're in a good mood," Pinkie said, now standing directly in front of Applejack without a shirt, "that wasn't the reaction I was hoping for." "Sorry," Applejack said, still chuckling. "I love ya, Pinkie Pie, and I know you're trying to be sexy and all, but the Apple Pie line was just a bit too much for me." As she looked up at Pinkie Pie's face, Applejack caught sight of a look she could not place. She also did not get long to see them and figure out since the look quickly disappeared behind a large smile. Pinkie then climbed onto her lap, legs spread to straddle Applejack's thighs and press the crotch of her pants against the half-erect shaft. "Well, I know one thing you'll like that won't be silly," Pinkie said, lifting herself up so her breasts were as close to Applejack's face as she could get them. Reaching behind her, she undid the clasp of her bra, slowly letting it fall down off her shoulders. One hand held it in place, pulling away just enough to let the nipple peak out, while she moved to pull the other arm free of the straps. The bra fell away, revealing the plump breasts. Pinkie cupped one of them, lifting it up. "Supposedly, my family is very over-productive when it comes to lactation," she said, giving the breasts a squeeze. "Not only do we produce more than any foal -- even me -- could ever need or want, but it takes months or even years to stop lactating." Her eyes narrowed. "That is... if we ever do." Moving closer to Applejack's face, she offered a nipple. "Just think," Pinkie purred out, "these boobs filled with milk, leaking out with the slightest squeeze or suckle. Enough that you could drink as much as you want, and still more than enough for our foals. And they would be so sensitive. Imagine it, making me moan, and whimper, and squirm with each lick, kiss, and suckle. My sweet milk filling your mouth, running across your tongue and down your throat. Do you l--" The rest of her question was lost in a squeak as she jumped slightly. During her teasing, Applejack's shaft had resumed becoming erect. As Pinkie was leaning forward, the massive shaft twitched, smacking the smaller mare on the backside. The thick black length throbbed, pre running down the shaft and soaking the back of her cargo pants. "Wow," Pinkie said. "Looks like you really do like that idea." Lifting her butt up, she thumped it against the shaft, watching as it bobbed back and forth with each impact. "It's like one a big, fleshy bop bag." She then did it again. Then again, and again. Each time, she gave a snicker as she watched the length wobble away from her then come back. "Pinkie Pie, please stop bouncing my dick like that." There was a statement that Applejack would never have imagined herself saying in her entire life. Then again, pretty much a third of her life since Nightmare Moon's return had been things she never imagined doing. Things like working the farm, spending time with her friends, and sometimes visiting family or participating in a rodeo, those were all pretty normal. Saving kingdoms, trying to prevent invasions, and facing ancient evils bent on domination or destruction, those were things she never pictured herself doing. Well... not since she was a filly and kind of bored, trying to figure out what she wanted from life. With a smile, Pinkie Pie moved to press her chubby rump against the erect shaft more. She then continued to push back, slipping off Applejack's lap and stroking along the length as she moved away. At the tip, Pinkie stopped, straddling the head with her thighs. She gave a squeeze and shifted her hips, rubbing the sensitive crown with her cotton covered thighs before pulling free. Released from Pinkie's grip, the massive shaft popped up again, a glob of pre-cum shooting from the tip to smack Applejack in the face. Moving further away from the large earth mare, Pinkie Pie lifted her stomach and took a hold of the waist of her pants. Her fingers gripped the fly as she undid the button, making a small popping noise with her mouth. Pulling the zipper down, she spread the front of the pants wide, exposing the black panties covered in pictures of cupcakes. She then turned around as she continued to pull her pants down, exposing her fat panty covered ass and thick thighs. The cargo pants dropped to the floor, Pinkie Pie stepping out of them. Only the panties now remaining, Pinkie looked over her shoulder, eyes narrowing as she gave a sultry smile. Her hands pressing onto her hips, she then slipped them around and down, caressing the cotton of her panties while stroking down the thick cheeks. Two fingers grabbed at the leg holes, pulling up to expose the bottom parts of the cheeks before letting go. The pink mare then stroked back up, making her way to the waist band before finally pulling them down. Slowly, teasingly, she moved them lower, exposing more and more of her bare bottom to the farm mare. Finally, they were released, falling to the floor and leaving Pinkie completely naked. "Ta-da!" Pinkie shouted as she turned around to face Applejack, spreading her arms wide. "One naked Pinkie Pie." After standing there and repeatedly posing to show off her chubby body, Pinkie walked toward the larger mare. As she approached, she reached out, placing one hand on the underside of the shaft and stroking up toward the head. Her smile grew wider as she stroked down, lowering her entire body until she was on her knees. Her hands continued further, stroking down until she was cupping Applejack's testicles. As she lifted one, she leaned in closer, giving them a kiss. It was then followed by another, and another, and another. Applejack sat there, leaning back and watching best she could as the smaller mare kissed on her testicles. As the kisses continued, they seemed to send tingles of pleasure through the big mare's sac. Pushing closer to the the edge of the bed and those wonderful lips, she closed her eyes. Her hands clenched as she felt the lips moving up toward -- and then along -- the shaft. It felt so nice, so soft, so teasing. Each touch caused the length to twitch, and a whimper escaped Applejack as the medial ring was teased. It was agonizingly slow, seeming to take forever until the lips were just below the flair. "Hey, Applejack," Pinkie called out as she pulled away. "Open your eyes. I bet you'll want to see this." "Oh?" Applejack asked, opening her eyes. Pinkie's head lifted a little higher as she held the shaft in her hands. Keeping a firm grip on it, she backed up, tugging it gently to point at her more instead of straight up. Her tongue slipped out to lick her lips as she pointed the tip directly at her face. Closing her eyes, she leaned forward, her lips opening wide. The tip of the shaft disappeared into Pinkie Pie's mouth. Something no pony had managed to do throughout the day. An impressive feat, even if a little less so as this was a mare capable of swallowing a four-tiered cake whole. Applejack, however, was in no condition to comment on the matter. As she felt the warm wetness of Pinkie's mouth around the head of her shaft, all she could do was let out a groan. The roof of the mouth, the soft cheeks, the tongue -- oh Celestia, the tongue -- it all felt so incredible. So new. Like nothing she had ever felt before. It did not step there either. Keeping a hold on the massive horse cock, Pinkie continued to push forward. It was a slow, steady motion. More and more of the shaft disappeared, the head making its way down the pink mare's throat. She then swallowed, her throat squeezing and stroking the length. "Ugh... guh..." Applejack groaned out in pleasure. One of her legs twitched at the sensation. The shaft throbbed in response to the sensation, spurting pre directly into the other mare's stomach. Just before reaching the medial ring, Pinkie Pie stopped. Her big blue eyes looked up at the larger mare as she held the length half-buried in her throat. Again she swallowed, squeezing the length she had deep inside her. Somehow, her tongue managed to slip out of her overstretched mouth, pressing against the underside as she began to pull her head back. Applejack could only watch as the shaft slid out of the mare's mouth like some sort of perverted magic trick. The freshly revealed length glistened wetly with saliva as it slid free of the mare's mouth and throat. It kept coming and coming until only the head remained. With a chuckle, Applejack shook her head. "That's mighty impress--ugh--" The rest of her statement was lost as Pinkie suddenly pushed forward, taking the length all the way to the ring again. Pinkie's tongue slipped out, running against the underside of the ring with a small noise of pleasure. After pulling back slightly, she then thrust forward hard, taking the ring into her mouth and down into her throat as well. Applejack could only moan out as more than half of her cock was now being swallowed by the little pink mare. Pulling her hands away from the shaft, Pinkie gripped Applejack's thighs, bracing herself. Her ears pulled back as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath through her nose. Pinkie continued moving forward, swallowing more and more of the length as she worked her way further and further down. Meanwhile, Applejack sat there with her head back and eyes rolled into the back in pleasure. The feel of that throat squeezing her was incredible. Even more so when Pinkie Pie would swallow, causing her throat to squeeze down and pull the length deeper. Something suddenly pressed against her crotch, pulling her out of her mindless state of pleasure. Looking down, Applejack found that her friend had taken the massive cock all the way to the base. Pinkie was currently looking up at Applejack, lips pressed against the stomach and a look of pride in her eyes. After swallowing again, causing Applejack to groan and the shaft to throb, Pinkie Pie finally pulled back. Applejack groaned out as the shaft slipped free, her hips pushing forward to try and stay encompassed by the warm wetness. Despite the effort, Pinkie continued to pull away, finally letting go of the length with a wet "pop" as the tip slipped out of her mouth. "As much fun as it would be," Pinkie panted as she moved to stand up, "I don't think my tummy and throat is where you want to put your ooey-gooey cum." She wiped her lips and hopped past Applejack, landing on the bed with an audible thump from the mattress. As she bounced up from the impact, Pinkie moved onto her elbows and knees. Lifting her tail high, she moved her hips back and forth, waving her butt in front of the larger mare. "Come on," Pinkie called out as she continued to wiggle her backside. "Show me what you got." "Uhm... you sure about that, sugar cube?" Applejack asked, looking at her friend's dripping wet nether lips. "I mean, you being able to swallow the whole thing was neat and all, but... that's... kind of a different thing." "Don't worry," Pinkie replied. "Just go slow and we'll see how much I can handle." Her eyes narrowed as she smirked. "Although I bet I can take all of it." Slipping one hand between her legs, she pressed her fingers to her nether lips and spread them open. "C'mon AJ, don't you wanna find out?" Yes. Yes she did. At the moment, Applejack wanted it more than anything. She wanted to bury herself to the hilt in the mare presenting before her. To fill the female -- the willing female -- with seed, with new foals. To listen to her cries of pleasure and feel her thrash until Applejack reached climax, pouring new life deep into the waiting and wanting depths. "Alright," Applejack said as she moved closer. "Get ready then." Climbing onto the bed, she crawled over to where her friend was still waiting, nether lips spread wide (although not as wide as they will be). As she got closer, one hand moved to grip at the shaft, holding it to line up with the inviting depths in front of her. "Ready, Pinkie?" "Ready." Bracing herself and taking a deep breath, Applejack pushed her hips forward. She watched as the head of her shaft pressed against the feminine opening. There was resistance as the thick head pressed against the narrow opening, Pinkie's flesh squishing as it was pushed forward. After adjusting herself, Applejack continued on, working to try and sink in. However, Pinkie's sex seemed just too small and resistant to the crown. "I don't--" Whatever Applejack was about to say was lost as Pinkie's body suddenly gave in. The lips spread wide as the soft flesh pushed outward. the head of the shaft was suddenly engulfed by the warm, wet, vaginal depths, causing both of them to moan out in pleasure. Once the initial shock of pleasure passed, the two of them continued, with Applejack pushing forward and Pinkie Pie pushing back. Slowly, more and more of the saliva covered length sank into the well lubricated depths of the pink mare. With the initial resistance passed, the two moved toward each other with ease. Before long, the top of the medial ring was touching the lips. A groan of pleasure escaped Applejack as she pushed forward, grinding the sensitive bulge along the opening, and getting a groan in return from her partner. She then started to pull back. The feminine walls gripped at the shaft, trying to hold it, to pull it back in. Pinkie pushed back with it, trying to keep it in as long as possible. Between the length and Pinkie's movement, Applejack could not pull back very far. Once pulling back as much as she could, Applejack gave a hard thrust. There was a squeak from the mare below her as she sank back in to the ring, pushing Pinkie forward. Giving a push, she rocked against the mare before pulling back again. She then gave another thrust, not as hard, but quicker. The ring pressed against the lips more before pulling back, and then thrusting in again. With each forward thrust, the lips gave way a little more, letting more of the ring sink into Pinkie Pie. It also brought a squeak of pleasure from the penetrated mare, pushing back against the motion. Finally, the medial ring sank in with a pop, causing Pinkie Pie to scream out as she reached orgasm. Her walls clamped down tight on the shaft, squeezing the length and stroking it as tried to pull it deeper, to milk it of the fertile fluid waiting for release. Closing her eyes and baring her teeth, Applejack held still. Her thighs flexed as her hips tried to push forward, sink more into the wanting and sucking depths. But she was able to resist, holding herself still while the other mare continued to climax around her. "Okay," Pinkie panted out, "you can keep going now." Not saying anything, Applejack adjusted her grip and pushed forward. Slowly, she worked her way deeper an deeper, enjoying the feel of the warm flesh engulfing her, and waiting to reach the limits of the mare's vaginal depths. More and more of the thick length slipped into Pinkie, until Applejack's hips were suddenly pressing against the chubby rump, the shaft buried all the way to the base. As she felt the first touch of those soft cheeks against her rock hard abs, Applejack could not believe it. Her entire length was buried in the other mare. Leaning up, she placed a hand on Pinkie's back and stroked up along it, trying to figure out how far it would go. As near as she could figure out, the head would have to be somewhere in the chest. Not only should she have reached the cervix, but should have been touching the smaller mare's heart by now. "Pinkie? You okay?" "Yeah," Pinkie answered, turning to look over her shoulder at Applejack. "Why wouldn't I be?" "Well it's just... uh..." Applejack shifted, pulling her shaft back slightly and pushing forward again. This got a giggle from the pink party mare. "What?" Pinkie asked as she pulled forward. "You've seen how stretchy I can be. Did you think it only worked one way?" "I've never really thought about it," answered Applejack. Although it would be more accurate to say that she tried not to think about it. While it did not driver her as insane as Twilight, trying to understand how Pinkie Pie was even capable of half of what she did gave Applejack a massive headache. This time, however, she did not really mind. Having her entire cock, from tip to based, engulfed in the warm wetness of a mare felt absolutely wonderful. "Well, if you're sure then." Getting a nod from Pinkie, Applejack started to pull back and push forward. Slowly at first, and just barely. It was enough to let her thrust forward again, sinking back in and pressing against the plush rump once again. "You can be a little rougher than that," Pinkie said, moving her hips to shift around the thick cock inside her. Her walls then clenched down, squeezing hard on the length. The action got a grunt from Applejack, but also got the reaction that Pinkie wanted. Applejack pulled back hard, her length sliding out until the ring threatened to slip free. She then gave a fast and hard thrust, sinking her way back in. The impact created an audible slap as hard hips and abs against plump, fleshy rump. It also pushed Pinkie forward and elicited a squeak from the stuffed mare. Taking this as encouragement, Applejack started to pick up her pace. Moving, Applejack pressed her body against Pinkie's, pinning the smaller mare down. The larger form covered the other completely, chest pressing against the top of the head. Holding Pinkie in place with her size and weight, Applejack started to pump her hips as fast as she could. A quick, short yank back, then a hard thrust forward. Each pump would get an audible slap as hard muscle struck soft, fatty, flesh. Each thrust also elicited a grunt of pleasure from Pinkie Pie, her hips trying to push back to meet the rapid pumping. It all felt so wonderful the larger mare. She had a soft, sexy, feminine body beneath her. Moans of pleasure filled her ears with each movement of her hips. Best of all, she got to experience what it was like to have her entire erect penis buried inside a mare. It felt absolutely wonderful. The best experience she had the entire day. Just knowing that pushed her closer to the edge. Pinkie Pie shifted under her, changing the angle and sending a new thrill through the larger mare. One hand reached down, pressing against Pinkie's stomach, and Applejack could swear that she felt it against the underside of her shaft. The other hand moved further, taking a hold of the massive sac, and stroking gently. "Applejack," Pinkie moaned out. "I'm so close." An idea came to Applejack. Something that should have been obvious, especially with her being a mare herself. Reaching down with one of her own hands, she slipped it between Pinkie's arm and stomach. Finding the hood, she slipped a finger tip under it, and stroked the sensitive nub. The touch was enough to send Pinkie Pie over the edge. She let out a scream as she pushed back hard, trying to take Applejack even further into her depths. The walls clamped down hard, squeezing the massive shaft like a vice, and pumping it for everything it was worth. That sent Applejack off into her own orgasm. Give one last push, she buried herself as deeply as she could. The length swelled and throb, sac pulling tight against her body. Massive shots of the thick fluid pulsed through the shaft, firing from the tip and pouring deep into Pinkie Pie. It was the longest orgasm that Applejack had experienced today. It seemed to go on for an eternity. Throb after throb. Pulse after pulse. Some small part of her that was not lost to orgasmic bliss -- remembering Zecora and the cauldron -- wondered just how much she was releasing. Also... where was it going? Some time during the climax, the two of them rolled onto their sides. As her orgasm came to an end, Applejack pulled out of Pinkie Pie, a wet slurping sound coming from their sexes as they separated. Laying on her back, Applejack was able to glance to the other mare and notice that her stomach was massive. It must have been nearly as tall as Pinkie Pie herself. That's one big belly, Applejack thought before falling asleep. > A New Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack had to pee. Badly. Her bladder was so full, it was aching. Enough to wake her up from a sound sleep. Rolling out of bed, she made her way through the house and to the bathroom. One hand rubbed at her eyes, trying to wipe away enough of the sleepiness to be able to see again. Not that it mattered, she knew the house well enough that she could walk through it blindfolded. Once reaching the bathroom, Applejack sat down and let herself go. It was such a relief. She felt like she had not peed in days. Except it had not been days. It had been an actual, full, day. More than that, actually. She did not go once yesterday. The realization caused Applejack to wake up the rest of the way. Eyes wide, she looked down and spread her legs. There between her them was the bright, blond pubic fur, and familiar, dark brown vaginal lips. She had to resist the urge to jump up and shout with joy then and there. Pissing all over herself and the floor would be embarrassing, especially if her shouting woke everypony up and brought them running to see what happened. Finished, she rushed back to her room and checked herself out. Finding the room empty, she shut the door and turned on the light. Heading over to the mirror, Applejack got a good look at herself. From what she could tell, the reversion had not been absolute. Although no longer breaking the seven foot mark, she was still above her five foot eleven inch regular height. Not by a mere inch either. She must have been around six and a half feet. Similarly, her breasts were proportionally bigger than they had been. Again, not as much as when she had been a towering mare, but definitely two or three cup sizes. However, when it came to her build, that seemed to remain proportionally the same as it had with her larger size. Her waist was lean and narrow, and she could feel a rock hard six pack beneath the fur of her stomach. Lifting her arms and flexing, she could make out sizable bulges from her bicep muscles. As nice as she looked, there was a little disappointment in how narrow her hips still were. It would have been nice to get her foal-bearing hips back. A knock at the door drew her attention. Before she could call out, the door opened and Pinkie popped her head in. "Good morning," she sang out with a grin. "Breakfast is ready if you're hungry. See you downstairs." "Hold on," Applejack called out. "Pinkie, can you come in here a minute?" "Sure," Pinkie answered as she pushed the door open and stepped inside. "What do you want?" As Pinkie Pie stood there, Applejack looked her over. Pinkie looked... exactly the way she had last night. She was wearing the same clothes she had when they had come to the farm, and they fit her just as they had before her silly little striptease. There was no noticeable extra bulge or anything. "Pinkie?" Applejack said slowly. "We did have sex last night, didn't we?" "Yeah. It was really fun too." "Okay. Now, did I imagine it, or were you..." "Cumflated?" Pinkie Pie asked. She then grinned widely as she gave a nod. "Yep. By the time you were done, I was all swelled up like a balloon. Bet I looked like I was a year and a half pregnant with a dozen foals or something." At that, Applejack's mind drifted to picture it. Pinkie Pie, swollen to near bursting with foals. Her stomach stretched out beyond anything that any other mare could take. Breasts swollen with milk rested atop said stomach, the fluid sometimes leaking out. Then there were the hormones, leaving the pink mare almost perpetually... With a shake of her head, Applejack forced herself back to the present. "So, how come you ain't still all swelled up like?" "I don't know," Pinkie answered with a shrug. "I've never been inflated like that before." She looked down at her tummy and gave it a poke. "I guess it's the same way I can eat a whole giant cake and not be stuck for hours." She then looked back up and grinned at Applejack. "Speaking of eating, like I said, 'breakfast is ready.' Don't want the pancakes to get cold." She then turned around and walked off. Applejack watched her go, and felt... longing? Her gaze shifted toward the empty bed, remembering last night. While something like that was no longer possible, she found herself wanting to crawl back in. Not alone either. No, she wanted to be in bed with Pinkie Pie. To cuddle up next to her, snuggle her. To feel that soft, plush body pressed close. Was... was she in love with Pinkie Pie? With another shake of her head, Applejack put the thought aside. Whether or not that was the case, it could wait for later. Right now, that same mare was downstairs, probably with the rest Applejack's family, and breakfast was waiting. A groan escaped Applejack as she remembered: after breakfast, she was going to have to tell Rarity and Starlight that they might be pregnant. Probably Aloe and Lotus too, just to be sure. Should probably see Rarity first, she thought as she left the room. Get the biggest bit of drama over and done with. Now with sour expectations of how her day would be going, Applejack made her way down to breakfast. As she stepped into the kitchen, all eyes turned to her, then started staring. "Dagnabit, Applejack!" Granny Smith shouted. "You get back upstairs and put some clothes on, young lady!" Blushing furiously as she realized what she did, Applejack shut the door and ran back upstairs to get dressed.