> A Hot Summer Night's Dream. > by Lunasservant1985 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Her Stars My Destination. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Night came to Canterlot fast and as the day was finally winding down,The night air, how invigorating its always been to you. It's always been your element; the night, but somehow you feel close to it here...on Equestria. Closer to its rough endless folds. Awake, refreshed and vibrant...So unlike so many sleepers below you. You stand atop the highest tower of Canterlot Castle. Below you; in the city, Canterlot sleeps but she also cries out like a sultry siren to others. From the hordes of prostitutes too wired on Celestia knows what to sleep, to the other members of Luna's bat-pony guard. Not that you're a bat pony, you are a human, and damned well proud of it to. Part of you wants to just take a flying leap into the night and find some poor sod out so late and ask what they are doing. Be they Trick Turner the prostitute you gave a big tip to, even though you never once...slept with her. You aren't holier than anypony else or nothing, nor are you a prude. It's just...pretty ponies, pretty fillies, and pretty pretty girls. All as fair as China dolls or tired eyed and long gone. You just want to give them a new hope, a new reason to live. A new reason to see the daylight when it breaks in a few hours. You've often asked our matron...THE matron why she allows such things to "corrupt" her beautiful night, to fester and slink in the darkness and taint the beauty she weaves every evening like an artist to their canvas. She's often said it isn't like that. Though her sister wouldn't approve, she's currently checking up on said "mares of the night." She watches over them all, makes sure they aren't treated like garbage for the profession they follow, and she is more than ready to break out the guise of her old self, that...Nightmare Moon, To make anyone who dares hurt her mares, her bat ponies, or anyone who takes to the night. You love her when she gets...protective. Even though your moral stance can not agree with the mare's choices in how they earn their keeps. You aren't one to judge. You don't exactly have a clean nose yourself, and you aren't in any position to be judgmental or prudent to anyone with a less than agreeable one. That matters not now, what does matter is the return of your matron. You look out over the night sky and scan the starry night for her. The wind whipping against your face as you do. Your mistress was kind enough to supply you with a dark purple cloak and a velvet cap, but the harsh night winds still chill you to the bone. You gaze across rooftops, then the sky itself for her. You feel...empty, almost lonely without her. You hope she's okay. Finally, a dark shape makes its way out of the few clouds left out in the shadows of the night sky. Your eyes adjust as you try to tell what it is over the horizon of darkness. It starts as a mist, ethereal and shapeless, then it takes shape. The swirling mass of smoky clouds and stars forms a vaguely equine shape, but something seems off. The form the mist takes is...off. It's too stocky to be your mistress. No not stocky...different. While you've always found Luna to a very beautiful breed of allicorn, and often felt attracted to such a beautiful being like her, The mist as it gets closer is not her...then why do you still find it beautiful? The build of mare getting closer has longer legs than Luna, and a more streamlined body. As it gets closer, you soon see that deep into the night herself, where the darkest parts and the sky fills the world, the moon held her oh so elegant glow. From the shadows of the lands, the blue mist of a goddess crept ever so closer. Moving like a fog with purpose, the blue mist passed through buildings and around structures to meet its destination, The very tower you stood on. With ease, the mist passes all the shapeless forms that would block a lesser man or pony. Once through, the mist began to swirl around until it began to take form in front of you. "Princess Luna? Is that you?" You ask the mist as it forms, a cloud of bats take shape around it, they chatter and squeak as they circle and flutter around what ever it is has come to the castle this night. Your soon realize that it's not your princess waiting in that dark cloud of squeaking, shrieking little night fiends. Soon, its form is fully shaped, the mist dissipates and the bats scatter. Soon there's only one being left in place, Nightmare Moon stood in place. She gave you a grin that would put the most harshest criminals; and the fiercest of warriors, into fetal positions. Her body radiates an icy coldness, bringing a chill to the rooftop tower. Her cold, evil eyes scan the environment, then you. Checking for any sign of worthy prey. What she sees makes her a bit surprised. No doubt given that you are quite alien and unknown to her. "Hmmm, you...you aren't some pony fool that seeks to harm me." She says with a unusual coolness to her voice, it's like every word she says is ice, but you find it...strangely inciting. "You!" You shout at the wretched, being even though it will do you no good. Nightmare Moon stands before you, her body tightly sealed in the ancient armor that had been corrupted by the shadows of darkness when the pretty and kind Luna was corrupted by it. She chuckles softly and walks over to your, her silver armored boots clatter and tap on the hard cobblestones as she approaches you. Her long flowing black mane is like the cold of a starless night, with only the moon to provide something remotely close to light. "Shhhh, it's not vengeance that brings me here little one." She says; though her voice is still icy in nature, intention wise, she's seductive. "Mhhhh beautiful isn't it? The night...the lack of admiration for it is what lead...to my old desire to make it...last." She says as she places a finger on your lips, you kiss it and gently lick the nail. The polish leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, but you like the ways she's toying with you. "What you doing..." You can't find the right word; back? Returned? "Alive?" She finishes as she inches her muzzle to your face, her dark eyes shine as they lock with yours. "I...am as eternal as Luna herself, but I'm not ALWAYS...evil." She says as her long tongue licks your face a bit. Unlike a normal pony, Nightmare's tongue is slightly pointed and almost...snakelike as it laps at your cheeks. Then she plunges it into your mouth, her forceful kiss catches you off guard, but you accept it. Her tongue prods and pokes into the depths of your mouth, finally she breaks off allowing you to breathe and speak. "Can I remove your helmet?" You ask her as your hands press onto the icy blue metal. She scoffs and recoils a bit. "We...I don't like to remove the helm of the stars, Anon. For I feel so... vulnerable; so helpless, and naked. Without it" You raise an eyebrow, partly in questioning, but also partly in amusement. "Uh...Nightmare? Pardon my asking a being such as yourself but...Who do you think you're making yourself vulnerable to? You're an all powerful deity of darkness, and few in Equestria still believe you exist as Nightmare anymore." You tell her and nom on her soft ear, the fur unusually fluffy for a mare so...abrasive. "You don't exactly have any enemy list to worry about...not these day at least." She gives you an annoyed snort, and sends you a condescending look. "Celestia, and even my..other half...Is just so well-loved by their subjects, and I am not. So please...if you could...come with me?" She flutters her large bat like wings and takes you by the hand, guiding you back into the depths of the castle. She lays down on the bed. Resting your cheek in hand, you watch her as she removes her helm, then a click as her armored chest piece hit the floor. Shes uses her magic to snap the two halves of her metal boots open. "Yup, definitely. You know, you're so...so pretty...beautiful even, when you're not giving some death glare or an evil-looking smile the way you always do." She give you a funny look at this remark. "Don't cover yourself up and hide under that anger and resentment. come here, come to me Nightmare." She lowers the arms covering her breasts and they sway and jiggle as she makes them hang low over your face. The both of you are lost in the lust of having the once evil goddess of dankness naked and spooning you, those breasts caressing you face as she hold you in an embrace. You don't notice the soft breeze followed by the all to familiar voice in the room. "SUBJECT?!...WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" It's Luna! She's back from fulfilling her duties! To find you spooning her alter ego. "And you...for shame...I thought we talked about this last time." She says, to your surprise she isn't angry, but rather...disappointed. Nightmare Moon lifts the inky black and fluffy softness of her bare chest from off you and looks up to lighter more purple Princess Luna. She's wearing regalia similar to Nightmare's only more ceremonial than battle ready. She wears it over a dark purple skirt, and with silver colored shoes on her feet. "I'm sorry...mistress." Nightmare says. You look up to see Luna gently stroke Nightmare's mane tenderly, and Nightmare...yes THE Nightmare Moon...blushes softly and giggles as Luna plants a tender kiss on the other mare's mouth. You wonder if what she does is..."incest?" "Selfcest?" Then you remember that Nightmare and Luna are not the same anymore. Also...Two mares making out and one of them is naked. Why question a good thing? "You need to be punished for what you did...WE need to be punished don't we?" She says as her magic makes a few...implements float from her oak wardrobe, a wooden ash paddle; a black riding crop, a red ball gag, a red collar, so many naughty toys to choose from. You watch as the usually preserved and almost prudent princess holds the collar and ball gag in her hands. "Yes Mistress Luna...I...I need to be punished." Princess Luna giggles as she snaps the collar around Nightmare's neck then the ball gag into her muzzle. Nightmare gags and coughs as her mouth clamps down on the gag. Luna pushes nightmare down over the bed and Nightmare raises her big, juicy plot int the air. The dark black and silver cheeks glisten with sweat as she shakes her luscious and juicy rump side to side. Luna levitates a few choice toys in front of you and laughs a hearty laugh as she says. "Come now subject, wouldn't want to have all the fun myself would I? Nightmare groans as she realizes what's coming, but then she moans and shakes her fine ass practically begging to be spanked. She removes her gag for her to speak. “Oh, you vicious brute!” she squealed theatrically, and laughed as Luna dumped her on the bed again and started to undress herself. She unsnaps the clasps holding her armor on. Like with Nightmare's armor, it clatters and rattles onto the floor, her dress is next, not once does she use magic to undress herself. Oh she puts up a bit of a fight, but not much; she loves it and you both dearly, and they both enjoy this game a lot. She finally manages to get her dress off her and stripped off her underwear, growling at her as She picked rubber cake spatula while you got the ping pong paddle, “Get your hands behind your back, wench. Tis time to put you back in your place.” Luna sees to want to play tyrant tonight, will she ever cease to surprise you? Nightmare reluctantly obeyed, looking back at you both with...oddly pleading eyes as she whipped a length of cord from under the mattress and started to tie her wrists together tight. Nightmare hauled herself up to her knees and placed a pillow under her head, her ass raised submissively presenting to you both. “Now, are you going to tell us what we want to know knave?” She asks in a threatening tone, her slender and delicate hands running over her ass and occasionally tickling the fur around her sex and even her anus a bit. The latter makes Nightmare shudder and squeal. "Ohhh Have a found a weak spot in you slut? The great and terrible Nightmare Moon is weakened by a little finger work on her delicious little asshole?" She says as she rubs more fingers over the tight little pink star of her anus. Luna giggled as she magicked up more paraphernalia Luna began tying Nightmare's wrists together. The binding was then attached to a rope that dangles down from the ceiling, her arms pulled up and over her head. A bit of cord magically snakes around her and was slipped around her tail, and that was attached to the rope binding her wrists across her back. Luna then placed a polished wooden bar with stout faux leather straps at each end was strapped to her ankles, spreading her legs wide apart. Nightmare started crying convincing tears as Luna bound her. "The stocks to you Nightmare moon, now...for the rest of your sentence." Luna says as she giggled, rubbing her head. “No, I will not tell.” Nightmare started to protest as she tried to turn her head the other way when there was a loud smack and she yelped, jumping slightly. You took the table tennis paddle in your hand and struck her with it. Luna took a free hand under her, finding her sex already moist and her folds growing swollen. She pinched her clit hard and rubbed it. Nightmare whined into the pillow. “Come now,” she said, “be a good girl and tell me.” She says as she fingers her pussy slowly but deep. “No, I refuse I– OW!” Nightmare’s back arches as your paddle strikes her again, and her cry modulated into a moan as Luna sank her fingers with one slow, sure thrust. She then started pumping and fingering Nightmare hard. She stroked her fingers into her. You keeping time by swatting her ass with the paddle. By the twentieth stroke Nightmare is close to orgasm and shaking from the mixture of pleasure and pain that centered on her loins. Luna uses her rubber spatula on the other ass cheek. Nightmare's eyes glaze over and roll into the back of her head from the fingering and a double spanking. “Please,” she whined. “M-my father will pay you ... ” "You have no father Nightmare Moon, you're my bitch forever." Luna says to the dark parody of her self. "I am you and you are me." She says as Nightmare shivers and tries to struggle but she's off-balance from the awkward spread of her legs and the tension on her wrists. You chuckle and bring a candelabrum closer. The flames from the four candles in the gilded gold dance as you hold them over...Luna's back? "Subject...What are you doing?" She asks you somewhat breaking character. You chuckle and tip the candles over, the hot wax spatters onto her dark purple back. You start to chuckle deviously, as your free hand strokes Luna's right breast, your strong fingers squeezing the base of the fleshy globe, then pulling outward, the flesh sliding through your fingers until you nails and fingers pinched her nipple. You release her tit as she cries out, only to repeat it, again and again. "Just didn't want...her to have ALL the fun your Majesty." You say as you move the candles over to Nightmare's big, round and juicy ass and pour some of the white fat globs of wax onto her ass. She shrieks loudly as you plaster her bubbly flanks as you did with Luna's back. The two sexy mares moan and shudder lustfully. Luna leans down and starts to gently lap at Nightmare's Pussy, the shadow mare sighs happily and pops her wings open as he light dark self gently sucks on the puffy lips. You place a hand on Nightmare's left breast as your mouth softly wraps around the right nipple. You moan as you softly suckle on her dark nipple, while your hand squeezes the breast. "Mhhh....oh yes, this is what truly means to rule the night." Nightmare moon says sighing contently as her pussy shoots a few streams of sweetness into Luna's muzzle. Luna drinks the offering her half/dark...sister gives her, and she smiles licking her lips clean when she finishes. "Enjoying yourself are you Nightmare?" Luna asks her other half sweetly as you lick, lap and suck on Nightmare's nipples. Nightmare nods as Luna gets snugly beside her and the two mares share a warm and tender kiss. Luna then magics a large, purple strap on dildo in her aura. Luna fastens it around her waist while working half the toy inside her. She gets on her knees by the head board and guides Nightmare Moon's muzzle to tip of the toy. Not wanting to be left out, you take her feet in your hands and line your hardened prick up the soaking wet folds of Nightmare's pussy. "Are you ready mischievous mare in the moon?" You ask Nightmare. She nods as she starts bobbing her muzzle along the hunk of rubber in her muzzle. Luna thrusts her hips and you see Nightmare's eyes go wide in surprise as Luna forces the thick hard toy into her mouth. Luna bites her own lips as the toy works on her pussy as well. You spit roast the ebony temptress with your manhood plunging into her pussy with a single thrust. Nightmare moon is so juicy and wet, that there's little resistance to your intrusion into her mare hood. "Fuck! You're so fucking tight Nightmare!" You compliment as you force more of your throbbing slab of man meat into her. You look up at Luna. Luna is giving the former goddess of darkness a hard pounding in the mouth with the strap on. Nightmare is choking and gagging on the dildo as her poor throat is savagely fucked harder and harder with Luna's every thrust. You and Luna make eye contact and she holds a hand out to you. You clap the palm of your hand to hers as the broken, lust driven slut below you takes the two phallus into her pussy and mouth. You give Nightmare Moon a few sharp slaps on the cutie marks, surprisingly she still has them. That seems to arouse her even further. You feel her wings flare open and flap hard, the black leathery bat pony wings now black feathers. The flap harder with every firm slap you land on her ass. Again and again the flesh of your palm strikes her, turning her ebony coat red with palm marks. You then grab her by the mane and tug on it like a pair of reigns hard. "I'm gonna fucking cum!" You cry out as Luna pulls her toy from the exhausted mare's muzzle. She unstraps it and tosses it aside, a finger sliding into her slit fingers her and works her clit as she watches her other self get fucked hard. "Cum inside that night whore my subject. Fill that bitch up good!" Luna says as her finger pumps and her other hand assaults her clit. Rubbing and circling the nub like she's playing a quick time event with a C stick. You obey your princesses order and with one last thrust, shove your cock into Nightmare Moon's pussy. You feel the veins throbbing hard as your manhood shoots stream after warm sticky stream into Nightmare's needy snatch. Your pump her full of cum, to where you can practically feel her womb expanding as she takes the semen into her hot crucible. You pant and sweat hard as you pull out and of off Nightmare with a soft pop. You tap a few drops of semen onto her taut ass cheeks draining it out and humiliating her even further. You lay back on the bed and Luna cuddles on your right as Nightmare snuggles cooing softly onto you on the left. "My sister will be raising the sun soon, we'd best get some sleep in subject, as should you Nightmare. She says reaching over you and stroking Nightmare's mane softly. Nightmare elicits a soft coo as she cuddles you as does Luna, the two cute princess mares kiss you in turn. They feel so warm as they cover you in their soft wings. Luna and Nightmare drift off to a deep and peaceful sleep. You manage to stay awake just long enough to watch Celestia raise the sun, when you awake the two lovely princesses will be waiting to go again...and again...and again.