The Mane 6 & The Tropical Shores

by Squiggly Cup

First published

Newly wed Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash decide to take a vacation, and for some reason they think it's a good idea to bring their trouble causing friends along. Though this tropical get-away isn't what it appears the girls soon find out.

Newly wed Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash decide to take a vacation, and for some reason they think it's a good idea to bring their trouble causing friends along with the motivation of Pinkie.. Though this tropical get-away isn't what it appears the girls soon find out. When they arrive at this totally not creepy island, they also discover a stowaway in Rarity's luggage.

(Features Twidash obviously, and canon wise takes place sometime after my last story The Mane 6 Go To A Wonderbolts Show)

Ch 1 - What Lies Ahead

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"Now get off my train!" a gruff voiced stallion yelled. With that Pinkie Pie was comically tossed out of the train onto her face. Everypony else followed after her nervously as the stallion scowled at them. The train door slammed in their faces making them all cringe, and everypony went to check on Pinkie who hadn't even moved.

"Uh.. are y'all alright Pinkie?" Applejack asked, the pink pony just laid motionless for a bit until suddenly she seemed to come to life. Like something from a cartoon Pinkie started to try and get up but her face was stuck to the concrete and was stretching with her each time she pulled back.

"I don't even know how this happening, but let's just help her out girls" Twilight said with a sigh. Applejack and Rainbow grabbed her on both ends, and Twilight wrapped her magic around Pinkie's tail. With a loud pop Pinkie's face came right off the pavement, her face being totally flat. Everypony just stared at her shocked, until Pinkie shook her head a few times and made it return back to normal. Everypony just awkwardly watched as their friend yet again defied physics, Twilight's mouth was wide open at the display.

"I don't know why grumpy pants over there got so mad!" Pinkie said, scowling at the stallion in the train, who gladly scowled back at her.

"Well you did kinda try to start a party on the train, which did cause it rock back and forth, which did maybe threaten to tip the whole thing over..." Rainbow deadpanned. Pinkie just crossed her arms grumpily.

"Pinkie not to sort of ruin the mood, but seriously You have to be on your best behavior, the only reason you girls are here is because you insisted" Twilight explained, but then turned to her friends sheepishly as they looked at her. "Not that we don't love to have you heh heh.."

"You owed it to us, you and Rainbow went alone on some trip without taking us last time"

"Yeah Pinkie, that's called a honeymoon. That's kinda the whole point and plus we only got to enjoy one of our three days there because you called us back for an emergency" Rainbow said.

"It was an emergency!" Pinkie pouted.

"You missing us isn't an emergency" Rainbow countered.

"Well I don't like it" Pinkie whined.

"Well I don't care.." Rainbow replied.

"Alright girls, that's enough. Once again thank you Twilight for the trip darling, the rest of us didn't find it necessary, but regardless thank you" Rarity intervened, Twilight was thankful for that.

Twilight smiled towards Rarity "it was no problem Rarity, but keep in mind that this does act as our replacement honeymoon. So me and Rainbow would like a little privacy"

"We understand Twilight" Fluttershy said, a parrot sitting on her back.

"Well it looks like ya' already made yer' self some new animal friends here" Applejack grinned toward her. Fluttershy smiled at her and then at the parrot.

"Oh yes, he's lovely. I really want to see what other types of animals they have" Fluttershy was practically beaming from excitement.

"Well you can get right to it, but we actually have to get out to the island first" Twilight said.

All six ponies found themselves fresh off the train on the western edge of Equestria by the sea, each carrying their own saddlebags. It was a sunny and grass covered area where they were dropped off and just next to them was a beach. There was a large wooden building on the sand that had some lit tiki poles by the entrance. Everypony headed over, just as excited as the next to begin their vacation.

As everypony entered inside, they immediately took notice of all the tropical themed objects in the room. Fluttershy shrunk away as she looked at all the scary tiki masks adorning the walls, practically staring into the shy ponies soul. Fluttershy backed up and bumped into Applejack who just raised an eyebrow at her, Fluttershy sheepishly smiled in return.

"Well hello there everypony, what can I do for you" a brown pegasus stallion called out from behind a counter. Everypony had only just noticed him. Twilight walked up to him with a smile.

"Oh wow, I definitely didn't wake up today expecting to see a princess" he laughed. He was an average sized stallion, with a brown colt and an even darker brown mane. His mane was a little long and he had black shades on as well as an unbuttoned green Hawaiian shirt.

"It's an honor" he said, attempting to bow down, but Twilight stopped him.

"No please, it's fine. I actually prefer it when i'm treated like any other pony, just call me Twilight" she said, motioning to herself as she said her name.

"Oh okay cool, it's not everyday that you hear of somepony so royal being so modest. My names Surf Shore, so what exactly can I do for you girls?" he grinned at them.

"We have a booked vacation at the island" Twilight said reaching into her saddlebag. She then pulled out six slim pieces of paper, their passes. As she put them down onto the counter she leaned over to read the top of them, "at I believe.... Tropical Shores" Twilight stated with a smile. Rainbow seemed to have a lightbulb go off above her head, and she stepped up to the counter.

"Wait a second your last names Shore, do you own island or something or just coincidence" Rainbow asked, Surf laughed a little.

"Heh, no I don't own the island, but my sister does. Her names Tidal Shore, but you can just call her Tide she won't mind, but yeah she gave me a job here when I was out of one which was really nice of her" Surf explained, Twilight just nodded in understanding.

"Anyways though, yeah we should be good to take you out to the island, The waves really aren't bad right now" Surf said as he turned around to reach into a cabinet behind the counter.

He turned back with a set of keys and trotted out from behind the counter and headed outside with a "just follow me"

Everypony followed out through the entrance and he lead them around back where there was a wooden dock with a few boats tied alongside it. Two of the boats were newer sharper motor boats with sleek colorful blue and orange designs, and there was third boat which was just a simple rusted looking row boat that definitely couldn't fit all of them. Everypony followed as he walked down the dock passing the first boat, then passing the second boat, and then nervously as he stopped in-front of the row boat.

Everyone looked at each other anxiously as he climbed in. Surf bent over and started reaching around on the little boat in a small case. Then he pulled out three orange life preservers and turned to face them. He laughed as he noticed the looks they were giving him

"Did you think we were taking this old thing? Nah I just had to grab some extra vests, assuming that you want some it's not mandatory or anything" Surf said as he stepped back onto the dock. Twilight used her magic to levitate them out of his hooves and hold them up above their heads.

"Thank you Surf, so does anypony want one then?" Twilight asked. Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack raised their hands. Rainbow leaned over to Aj with a grin.

"What you afraid of a little water Aj?" she asked, Applejack scowled at her. "The only place ah like ma' hooves are firmly planted on the earth, thank ya' very much" Applejack replied as Twilight levitated her a vest.

"Hey so does it matter if I just fly there, like alongside the boat?" Rainbow asked, flapping her wings a few times for emphasis. Surf just looked at her curiously.

"Uh, I guess. Noponys really asked before but hey it won't rock my boat... literally.. you know since you'll be flying... cause you're a pegasus... so it- you know what whatever it wasn't funny let's just go" he muttered as he stepped past the girls onto the newer blue painted motor boat. Everypony chuckled a little, and Rainbow happily took to hovering up in the air. One after the other everyone clambered onto the boat to find themselves a seat Twilight just behind Surf. He stuck the keys in the ignition and started up the boat and revved it a couple times.

"You sure that friend of yours can keep up?" Surf asked, leaning over to Twilight who was giggling.

"Trust me she'll be fine"

"Alright..." Surf said before nodding towards Rainbow who nodded back. After the acknowledgement the boat instantly took off gaining speed fast. Applejack had to hold her hat down just to keep it from flying away. As the boat glided across the water Rainbow was almost instantly on them again flying above the boat.

"She's barely breaking a sweat.." Surf mumbled as he watched her flap her wings casually. The island wasn't far it was just quick little ride out to the island in which Rainbow enjoyed, doing flips and spins along the way. Twilight couldn't but stare as Rainbow's mane blew in the wind, she was absolutely stunning. Rarity waved her hoof in-front of Twilight to break her out of her stare.

"Darling, you might want to stop ogling Rainbow, we're here" Rarity said, pointing towards the approaching island. The boat slowly careened alongside a dock as they docked. As everypony stepped off the boat they took it all in.

It was a pretty generic tropical island, but in the best way possible. Beautiful sandy beaches, plenty of jungle filling out the island in the distance, and there was a large volcano in the distance which seemed to be the center of the island.

"We should probably keep Pinkie away from that.. Twilight thought as they began heading down the dock.

Fluttershy was quick to take notice of the fish swimming a few feet out in the water, all different vibrant colors. She stopped for a minute just to watch. Her eyes were practically shimmering, sort of like a colt waking up for his presents on hearths warming eve.

"She looks so cute when she's excited like that" Twilight remarked.


Twilight turned to face an annoyed Rainbow.

"Why don't you ever call me cute like that?"

"Because when you make that face, it's usually because you found leftover cider in the fridge" Twilight deadpanned, a few of the girls laughed.

At that point they found themselves heading towards a very big welcoming. There were roughly twenty ponies, all wearing white collared shirts, presumably employees. They all stood in rows, similar to an army ready to march. Standing in-front of them was a unicorn mare. She had a baby blue coat and a dark blue mane long like Fluttershy's. She had pink eyes similar to Rainbow, who came landing down beside the other girls.

"Hello and welcome everypony to Tropical Shores!" she declared, and as the words left her mouth the ponies behind her all started clapping. Everypony awkwardly just smiled as they received a huge welcoming. Twilight took note of the ponies clapping, they somehow managed to hold Pinkie Pie level smiles the whole time, you'd think their jaws would snap off. It definitely felt forced.

As they walked forward Twilight approached ahead. "Um hello, um.. my names Twil-"

"I know who you are, you're the princess" the unicorn said. "My name is Tidal Shore, and i'm the owner of the resort and essentially the island" she explained.

"Hi, um these are my friends. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie" Twilight said, motioning to said pony with each name.

"Hello, it's good to meet you all!" she said excitedly. Twilight looked at her oddly, "she's certainly got a lot of pep, she's like her own Pinkie Pie Twilight thought.

"Do you do this kinda welcoming for all of your guests, Tide?" Rarity asked. Tidal Shore peered over Twilight's shoulder at her.

"Of course, we like to make sure everypony feels welcome!" she replied excitedly, her smile was a little unnerving.

"Oh well that's nice..." Rarity said awkwardly, nopony really felt comfortable. Even though the girls all acted as the ideal representation of friendship, they had already gotten their fill of friendship within minutes of being here.

"Do you uh.. think you can show us to where we'll be staying?" Twilight asked.

"Sure, did you want a tour or were you hoping to explore on your own?" Tidal asked in return.

"Uh we'll just find our own way around"


Nopony was sure what it was, but the island was definitely unsettling. Though everyone started to ease up upon seeing some of the other guests. The other ponies on vacation seemed perfectly normal at-least, but the employees just seemed to cheerful. The girls had gotten rooms to stay in that were all connected by doors in-between them. All of them were gathered in the center room though.

"What the hay is with these ponies, I haven't seen a single pony working here not smiling" Rainbow said.

"I think it's nice.." Fluttershy quietly added.

"Yeah it's like everyones happy about everything!" Pinkie said.

"Yes but it just doesn't seem natural, maybe it's just policy. Like the costumed characters at amusement parks who hate their jobs but are forced to smile" Rarity said.

"I'm sure that's it. We're probably just looking to far into things, which is understandable given the adventures we've found ourselves in" Twilight said.

"Yeah ah doubt its anythang, let's just relax and enjoy a vacation. I think we've all earned it" Applejack finished, and everypony else nodded in agreement.

"Well I REALLY want to go see the animals!" Fluttershy called out excitedly, all eyes turned on her, surprised at her sudden enthusiasm. Fluttershy shrunk from their gazes, "um if that's okay with you girls..." she mumbled.

"That actually doesn't sound that bad, ah'll come with ya' Fluttershy" Applejack said, Fluttershy squeaked in excitement and quickly fluttered straight out the door. Applejack just chuckled as she went to follow her, "we'll meet y'all later back in tha' room for dinner"

"Well I was hoping to get my tan on down by the beach, would anypony like to join me?" Rarity offered to the room. Twilight and Rainbow nodded no, and Pinkie bounced up towards her.

"Ooooh yeah! I can build sandcastles!" Pinkie stated, Rarity smiled towards her as she levitated over a beach towel.

"Well then, let's get going" Rarity said as the two left the room.

"A tan, she knows she's got a snow white coat right?" Rainbow asked, Twilight chuckled.

"So... Twilight... it's just you and me...." Rainbow purred.

"Rainbow we just got here, and just because it's our honeymoon doesn't mean we have to just have sex in our bedroom"

"Ooohhh.... so sex on the beach" Rainbow winked at her.

"What!? No!" Twilight complained, Rainbow walked over to her. She slowly wrapped her arms around Twilight and leaned in.

"Rainbow don't yo- mmph!" Twilight was cut off by Rainbow pressing her lips against hers. Twilight tried to step back but Rainbow stepped with her. After a few steps Twilight's hooves hit the bed and she fell back onto the mattress, Rainbow going with her.

"Rainbow I'm serious ju- mmph!" Rainbow kissed her again, harder. Twilight pulled back and glared at Rainbow.

"Rainbow no!" but her glare was only met by one of the cutest puppy dog faces she had ever seen. Rainbow put her lip out in the best pouty face possible.

"Oh alright fine!" Twilight relented, grabbing Rainbow's head and forcefully pulling her back down for some make out time. No more than five minutes into their smooching did a luggage case fall over in the room. Rainbow leaned up to look around, Twilight wrapped a hoof around her neck.

"What was that?"

"I'm sure it was nothing" Twilight said, pulling Rainbow back in. Seconds later more noises were heard. Rainbow pulled back again and got up from the bed, Twilight just sighed dramatically. The noise was easy to make out and Rainbow quickly found the source, a thumping noise from inside of Rarity's luxurious luggage case. Rainbow leaned over the case and looked over her shoulder at Twilight who was sitting up on the bed watching cautiously. She silently nodded for Rainbow to open it.

Rainbow slowly took the zipper and then quickly ripped back the zipper like a bandaid revealing a cute white little pony face inside.

"Sweetie Belle!?" Rainbow shouted, confusion and irritation filling her tone.

Ch 2 - Strangers

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"So were you and Rainbow making out?" Sweetie Belle asked with a tilt of her head.

"Wha? no! I.. why are you here!?" Twilight was flustered. At that moment Rainbow had just walked back into the room, Rarity on her tail.

"I still don't see why you stopped me from going to the-.... Sweetie Belle!? What the hay are you doing here!?" Rarity shouted, making Rainbow cover her eyes.

"Geez Rarity! That wasn't really lady-like..." Rainbow grumbled, Rarity simply ignored her and stomped over to her troublesome little sister.

"Explain yourself Sweetie... now" Rarity demanded, sending a wave of shivers along Sweetie Belle's spine.

"Um.. well Apple Bloom had to work all week at the farm, and Scootaloo was gonna be out of town for something... and then you were going to go on on vacation and leave me at mom and dads.."

"Yes, and?"

"and I didn't wanna go... It's SO boring over there and you always get to go places and do cool stuff and you never take me!" Sweetie Belle whined, everypony else frowned, especially Rarity.

"So I decided not to stay at home all week and come with you. I climbed into your luggage, which was hard to do, I had to toss some of your dresses out to make room-" Rarity scowled at her.

"Then I had to stay cramped in there for hours and then I had to watch them make out" Sweetie explained, pointing towards a blushing Rainbow and Twilight. Rarity glared at them

"You let my sister watch you two kissing!?"

"We didn't even know she was there!" Rainbow argued, causing Rarity to turn around with a "humph!" she glared at Sweetie Belle who shrunk under her gaze.

"I.. i'm sorry" she muttered, Rarity's scowl was quick to fade away. She quickly wrapped her in a hug as Sweetie startled to sniffle.

"I'm sorry Sweetie, I didn't know you felt so left out. As furious as I am... I.... I'll let you stay" Rarity relented, Sweetie Belle pushed her back slightly to look her sister in the eyes.

"Y-you mean it?"

"Yes I mean it" Rarity sighed, "but you are going to be on your best behavior! okay?" Rarity added. Sweetie Belle eagerly nodded with a smile from ear to ear which helped to confirm this as the best decision for Rarity.

"Alright then... I suppose if you'd like you can join me and Pinkie on the beach. She's building sand castles" Rarity said, and with that Sweetie Belle bolted to the door telling her sister to get her flank moving. Rarity stared daggers at her and at the winged ponies laughing.

"If you two ever plan on adopting... think twice" Rarity muttered as she left Twilight and Rainbow alone with their giggling. As Rarity's steps faded away silence filled the room, Rainbow and Twilight both awkwardly looking at each other.

"So... you wanna make out again?" Rainbow was immediately slapped upside the head by an irritated Twilight.

"No, what was I saying before. Let's actually go look around, I wouldn't mind stopping by the gift shop" Twilight said as her and Rainbow began trotting out of the room.

"A gift shop? It's a resort why do they have a gift shop?" Rainbow asked, motioning around them. They were all staying in a large wooden cabin that was connected to a bunch of other cabins by wood bridges. They're were wooden pillars sticking out of the ground which essentially held a whole wooden "ground" that was just above water and was what all the cabins stayed on alongside the beach.

[An example picture can be seen here] here

"Well it is tropical, so they'll probably sell tiki mugs and stuff" Twilight guessed.

"Yeah I guess"

Meanwhile Fluttershy and Applejack had found themselves on a winding dirt path that led through a small section of the jungle. It looped around back to the entrance though to keep ponies from getting lost since most of the jungle on the island was uninhabited by ponies. Applejack was feeling pretty good, it was a nice day out and they were going for a nice walk. Fluttershy on the other hand was Pinkie level hyper, she was zipping back and forth on the path looking at the parrots on trees and colorful frogs hopping along the side. Every new animal she found only made become more ecstatic.

Each time she'd find a new animal her eyes would practically light up and she'd let out a cute little *squeee* noise, which Applejack couldn't help but smile at even though it was starting to get old now, there were a lot of different animals. Applejack took notice of one of her interests, trees.

"Ah wonder what kinda stuff they can grow out here?" Applejack pondered as she looked up at the dauntingly tall jungle trees. As she was distracted, she was caught off guard by a snake being shoved in her face.

"Ahhh! What in the!? Fluttershy!" Applejack reeled back as Fluttershy held the enormous python up to her.

"Oh.. sorry. I just wanted to show him to you, look at how big they can grow out here" Fluttershy said, admiring the scaley creature. Applejack merely eyed it with digust, "oh yeah, ah see it alright...". As Fluttershy casually started to pet the deadly creature, Applejack's eyes caught something off in the jungle. It looked... orange... but she could only see part of it sticking out from behind a tree before it quickly moved away into some brush.

"Fluttershy did ya see that! Look!" Applejack called out. Fluttershy, initally surprised, turned to look. She didn't see anything where Applejack pointed, but she caught sight of something off to the side to her right. Something pink-ish that had quickly escaped out of sight too.

"What the hay, are those ponies?"

"I-I don't know.." Fluttershy mumbled, growing nervous at the thought of ponies watching them.

"Yer the expert Fluttershy, ya ever see a pony sized animal that was orange or bright pink?" Applejack asked, not expecting a yes.

Before Fluttershy could answer, Applejack caught sight of something over her shoulder, it made her blood run cold. Clear as day there were a set of eyes peeking out of a bush staring directly at them, Fluttershy picked up on this and wheeled around to look. The python quickly wriggled out of her hooves onto the ground and lifted its head up tall. It violently hissed towards the bush, causing the eyes to disappear into the bush and run off.

Applejack was quick though, immeditately running after it. She couldn't see it through all the plants but she saw leaves and bushes rusting as it snuck through them, but it was fast. Whatever it was seemed to be an expert at maneuvering through a forest, something Applejack certainly wasn't. It didn't take but a few steps until Applejack stopped and watched it escape in the distance.

"Ah swear to Celestia that there was somepony watchin' us" Applejack said as she started trotting back to Fluttershy who still had the snake by her side protectively.

"If we didn't have yer' friend here somethin' coulda' happened. Ah don't think we need to blow this outta' proportion but we should be cautious" Applejack nervously said, glancing around them.

"We should probably go back now" Fluttershy mumbled, her excitement had died down considerably at the new chilling vibes.

"Sounds good ta' me, y'all might wanna keep that snake of yours until we've gotten out though"


Later as the sun died down and everypony wrapped up their own days at the beach, everyone had started to regroup at the cabin, including Sweetie Belle.

"I really like your beanie, Rainbow" Fluttershy said much to the chagrin of Rainbow.

Rainbow's Beanie Example

"Uh.. Thanks.. Yeah Twilight said it's cute and all but that's not really my thing, I wanted something more awesome" Rainbow replied making Applejack chuckle.

"If it's not yer' style then why are ya' wearin in?" Applejack said, Rainbow glared daggers at her.

"Probably because her sweetheart thinks she looks cute in it" Rarity gushed, making Rainbow Dash blush from all the teasing. Everypony in the room laughed, especially Sweetie Belle.

Not long after Twilight and Pinkie, who were out, entered into the cabin with news.

"Okay, so I told them what you told me about the jungle, but they just told us not to worry about it and that it's probably just some whacky guests" Twilight said, skepticism littering her voice.

"Yeah well o'course they're gonna say that. Ahm not saying it is somethin' but we should just keep it in mind" Applejack replied and everypony else seemed to agree.

The girls decided to switch topics after that and just talk about some of the better parts of their day. Pinkie impressed some of the ponies at the beach with her sandcastle which was big enough to fit Sweetie Belle. Fluttershy rambled on about all the different animals, Twilight being the most interested for research purposes.

As time went on Rarity decided to tuck Sweetie Belle in for bed, and as night grew closer everypony else eventually caved in to sleep as well. They had one of the largest of the cabins and each room had two beds except for the honeymoon room Twilight and Rainbow were graced with.

It didn't take long for anypony to get to sleep, especially Rainbow Dash who always felt best when she was cuddling with Twilight. The alicorn on the other hand couldn't find sleep, even with her marefriends hooves wrapped around her. Something really didn't feel right about any of this. Something was definitely going on with this island. As Twilight pondered on their situation she heard a noise from outside the room.

Driven by curiosity, Twilight slowly untangled herself from Rainbow's hooves and stepped out of the room. She slowly closed the door behind her and turned to face a dark hallway with a light at the end. One step after the other Twilight made her way down the hall, as she approached the light she prepped a magic bolt spell incase it was an intruder. Goosebumps drove down Twilight's spine as she heard rustling noises to the left. Rainbow gritted her teeth and lit her horn, ready for the intruder.

Like lightning, Twilight whipped around the corner with her horn pointed forwards... at Pinkie Pie. The party pony in question awkwardly stared back at her with a plate full of sugary treats and a large treat currently shoved in her mouth. The fridge door hung open behind her, casting the light across the room that Twilight had seen earlier. Both ponies stared wide eyed at each other silently, drool slowly dripping from Pinkie's open mouth that was wrapped around a jelly donut. After a few more seconds of silent staring Pinkie slowly started to chew the donut... nice and slow.. and then...

"Pinkie!" Twilight exclaimed, but in a harsh whisper as to not wake their friends..

"What are you doing out here this late?" Twilight asked, Pinkie slowly chewed on her donut, her eyes drifting towards the fully stacked plate in her hoof.

"I know it's you Pinkie but you're probably gonna get sick if you eat all those snacks" Twilight scolded her, Pinkie's expression still had not changed from being shocked. When there was no answer, Pinkie just kept awkwardly munching on her donut causing Twilight to facehoof.

"Alright whatever, i'm going back to bed"


It was morning now and everypony was awake. Everyone was in the living room going about their normal morning rituals, except Applejack who was taking the first shower. Getting up early for farm workeveryday gave her the edge in getting in the shower first over everypony else. Rarity and Sweetie Belle decided to entertain themselves with a board game. Twilight was busy reading a book having to do with spells and Rainbow was sitting in a recliner, bored out of her mind. Close by her was Pinkie Pie on the couch who just laid there rubbing her belly, moaning about eating too many snacks.

Suddenly a knock sounded from the door and Rainbow, who was eager to do something, hopped up to go get it. As she opened up the door a mare suddenly came pushing her way in with a food cart, taking Rainbow by surprise.

"Your breakfast delivery is here!" she declared. The mare looked pretty much like every other employee, white collared shirt with a smile that looked painful to make. She had a purple coat with a bouncy pink mane and was an earth pony.

"Oh uh.. thanks.." Rainbow muttered as she stepped over to the mare, everypony else coming to check it out as well. The cart was loaded with eggs, pancakes, waffles, pie, orange juice, and some coffee. As everyone stood around gawking at the delicious food infront of them, Twilight levitated plates out for everyone from the cabinets. Pinkie Pie declined, still rubbing her belly.

Nopony hesitated to dig in and grab what they wanted, Sweetie Belle even called dibs on one of the pancakes. As soon as all the plates were filled the mare started to take the cart but not before pulling out a small white box.

"Oh and these are a uh... box of chocolates... every guest gets them.. there uh.. great..." the mare said, her tone had become a lot more anxious and her smile had fallen.

"Oh cool!" Rainow exclaimed as she snatched the box out of her hooves.

"I wouldn't!" the mare called out, everypony's attention suddenly turned to her. The mare's eyes were looking all around the room, like someone was watching her... The mare obviously had conflicting ideas bouncing around in her head but after a moment they settled.

"Uh.. I mean.. why wouldn't you want them they're great!" she said, her tone picking right back up and the forceful smile reappearing. The strangeness of it wasn't lost on anypony, but before anything more could be said the mare rapidly grabbed the cart and left.

Everyone looked to each other with raised eyebrows.

"That was odd..." Twilight said as she mentally tried to recap what had happened.

"Nah she was just being weird like every other employee on this island" Rainbow said as she opened up the box. It was filled with little balls of chocolate.

"Twilight you want one?"

"No" she still felt that all of this was strange.


As tantalizing as they were, Rarity had to decline. A lady had to keep her figure somehow.

"Sweetie Belle?"

"Yep!" she said chippily, quickly taking one and popping it in her mouth. Twilight watched but nothing happened except for Sweetie Belle licking her lips afterwards.


"Oh I don't know..."

"Come on Flutters just one?"

"Um.... o-okay.." Fluttershy took one and nibbled on it. After three miniature nibbles she just shoved it in her mouth, obviously she was a fan.

"Pinkie you obviously want one right?" Rainbow called out to the pink pony on the couch.

"uuugggghhh!" she moaned, Rainbow simply shrugged as she popped one in her own mouth.

"Maybe Applejack will want one later I don't know" Everypony then decided to dig into their breakfast, as Twilight watched them wearily.

After breakfast everypony began trying to set out for their day. Sweetie Belle decided to stay home, her tummy apparently hurt.

"It's probably because you stuffed your face, i've never seen somepony pack down a pancake like that!" Rainbow said, causing Twilight to hit her on the shoulder.

"Are you sure you'd rather stay here today?" Rarity asked, Sweetie Belle only nodded as she rubbed her belly.

Fluttershy had opted to stay home with Sweetie Belle, everypony was confused since Fluttershy would most likely want to see more animals. She didn't want to tell anypony because she hated to be a burden, but her stomach actually didn't feel great either, so she made up an excuse about having plenty of more days to play with animals.

Applejack and Pinkie Pie, who was starting to feel better, decided to go to the beach and try their hooves at volleyball. Rarity had opted to go with them to get her tan on some more.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash went to the opposite side of the island to the other shore where they were having Scuba Diving. There was a little building there where the people hosting it were, and it's where they would get you all setup with the right gear. As they were brought into the back room, Rainbow swore she could feel a little bit of stomach pain setting in, she assumed it was a cramp.