> One Change at a time > by Brony Of Dust > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ironic Changes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: Ironic changes. Um, hi everyone the name is Hodari, blame my older sister for the name means strong or powerful, and I am well I was human before. I’m still trying to gather my thoughts ya know, not everyone gets tossed into a new body and a new world, or maybe they do not an expert on the subject myself… *Sigh* OK, so you’re probably wondering just what the hell I'm talking about here right? Well let’s go back to when this all started some time ago. ---------Some Time Ago-------- “Urg oh man my head.” Waking up with a hangover is never fun, I think we can all agree to that, but I won that bet with Tyler! We may be one of their colonies but my pride as a Bermudian wouldn't let me loose to an English guy in a drinking contest after all, especially not at our own regiment’s base! Now if only we hadn't have chosen rumswizzels to drink maybe I wouldn't feel like crap….worth it though. I shook my head as I walked down the stairs, going to the kitchen for the good old water I’d need for my water/tylenol combo. Or at least I was until I heard a strange scratching sound as I got to the bottom, my younger sister’s cat probably. More accurately my sister’s cat that I take care of, I checked the door and sure enough a smooth black cat by the name of Angel waltzed in like it owned my house rubbing my leg as she passed me and I closed the door. Kicking open the fridge and grabbing a bottle before making my way back upstairs to the bathroom for my pills. Yawning a bit I grabbed the pills and popped them open with one hand, taking a swig of my water with the other, glancing at the bathroom mirror. Turning as I swished the water in my mouth and took out two pills I looked closer. Dreadlocks? Check. Chocolate skin? Check. Bags under eyes from not getting enough sleep last night? Check. Scar above left eye covered by dreadlocks...check. (I feel kinda responsible for that one, when we were in highschool people used to pick on me for being a brony, I was super skinny at the time and sin always put them in their place, one day an american kid brought a knife though and...yeah well Sinboto got his first ever permanent scar, I think this is also what caused him to learn how to use knives himself and join the local regiment. He always covers it with his hair too….urg thinking too much) Scoffing I let my hair fall back into place to cover it, rolling my eyes as I popped the pills into my mouth tiredly. Cracking my neck as I placed the pills on the sink not bothered to put them back for now. And there it was again, that scratching sound, I looked back into the hallway to see the cat sitting there. Yet the sound kept going, great there’s someone in my house. No longer tired I made my way to my bedroom quickly, wishing I had my rifle I had to leave back at the regiment base. Damn rules, I instead pulled out a combat knife that I may not be allowed to have and walked back downstairs as quietly as a six foot guy could be. I listened in following the sound to the kitchen where I found...my fridge? I laughed, it wasn't that funny, but I laughed hard. I can see it in the royal gazette’s news paper now ‘Big Bad Regiment Soldier Scared By Fridge!’. I looked out the window, out past the palm trees to Bermuda’s crystal-like blue waters still chuckling. I tossed my blade on the counter coughing from laughing too hard, well may as well see what’s wrong with the damn fridge before someone sees me acting like a bimpert. (That’s a Bermudian slang word ‘bimpert’ the best explanation I can think of is ‘a person who is or does incredibly stupid things’ closest comparison would be the english ‘cunt’ or american ‘dumbass’ that said don’t tell your mother) I opened the fridge, not seeing anything out of place, I did grab the tuna sandwich though. Sue me I'm hungry. Humming as I closed the fridge I listened closer while munching on tuna goodness, it’s coming from here so...maybe the back of the fridge? Destroying what was left of the sandwich I gripped the sides of the large machine, sliding it out of it’s place, behind it I could see something green. I don’t think it’s moss, too smooth to be any moss I’ve ever seen here, looks almost like a light. I squeeze past the fridge and place my hand to the green light and...holy shit my hand just went into my wall. I tried to jerk it back but my arm was stuck up to the wrist, no it was like something was holding it there? I pulled harder managing to get my hand out to about mid palm before it tugged me in to my elbow! My arm is burning, and I’m in full panic mode now. I placed my feet on either side of the light and pulled, not having much success with the fridge behind me and what felt like multiple hands pulling me in. My arm on fire the pain started to weaken my footing on the left side, slipping and finally being dragged into the light. -------hello from the other side----- It burns, my whole body burns like I’m on fire, I can feel it everywhere. I can hear cracking, my bones shifting. Someone is speaking, is it to me? I don’t know, I can’t hear what they are saying over the screaming, it’s me screaming. I can only hear my own screaming and the cracking of my bones, it’s hot, it burns, I feel hands on me again placing me on something soft. It burns! -------------After-------- How long has it been, I don’t know, my everything hurts. Not as much as before thou...what the hell is that! I jumped up quick from the admittedly soft lap of the black and green...thing I had been lying on. It stood to it’s full height wings a flutter, it has WINGS big dragonfly looking wings, I...I think it’s a woman. I mean it’s not human that’s for damn sure. I looked around quickly as she stood up, just now noticing the very numerous armored versions of her surrounding us, well surrounding me. Growing tense while keeping my eyes on her I went to my waist for a blade or a gun, neither of which was actually there to my vast dismay. “What are you?” I demanded hotly, for all the trouble it’s brought me in my life sometimes having a deep voice comes in handy, my voice echoing. “Don’t you mean what are we, drone?” She spoke in a tone of someone who had won, her voice layered like velvet. I lifted a finger to point at her, noticing the change right away, my hand was completely black. Not normal chocolate colored black guy black like it normally was but a deep void black with a claw on the end. Oh no. I brought up both hands without speaking, palms facing me, I let out a sharp breath I didn't know I was holding. “What have you done to me?” I hissed venomously, my voice I noticed wasn't echoing through the walls, it was literally echoing every time I spoke. “I've made you one of us.” She said softly as the soldiers stepped closer. I glared at the one directly behind her growling. “Send me back now, I have a home, I have family, friends.” I breathed deeply my sisters, my nieces, I had to get back. My heart dropped when she shakes her head with a frown. “We can’t do that, even if we didn't need you here, it would take 50 years to do so.” She admits. 50 years, 50 years. “You lie, that, that can’t be true.” The look on her face said otherwise. I Can’t believe it, I’d be into my 70s by then my parents, they’d be…. “Why, why, why.” My shock is finally catching up to me, I've been pulled from my homeland, my loved ones, I..I was gonna serve more time in the regiment like my older sister, become a sergeant, serve alongside my fellow Bermudians overseas again. This is, no, no, no, no, no. I glared hard at the woman in front of me, as I heard her step closer, her footfalls measured and trained. Her face set in a sympathetic look I didn’t buy for a second. Considering all the manpower, or womenpower around us. “Please, I know what we have done to you has changed your life, but we wouldn't have done it unless we absolutely had to.” Her glowing eyes are close now, wait were they always glowing? I can’t reme... ------At a later time----- I bolted upright far too quickly and suffered for it with a headache, grasping at the covers on my legs just to have something to hold onto, a loud gasp had me looking at a woman clothed in a white nurse uniform who obviously was surprised I was awake. My wings, fuck me I have wings, fluttered in nervousness as we stared each other down. I raised a hand, and she flinched, so I lowered it again. Well I mean I guess start with small talk? Try to get answers. “Uh, hi.” Great start me, way to break the ice. Anddd, she’s running away...I am not that ugly am I? Grunting I looked down at my new arm, something looking like a IV tube sticking out. I didn't pull it out for obvious reasons, oh she’s back, I guess I'm not that ugly. The nurse from before had come back with the woman I had first ‘met’ the one I assume is in charge around here, just seeing her pissed me off royally. Especially with that smile on her face like she’s not just ruined my life. “Yes I can imagine you’re not to happy to see me drone, I wouldn't be too amused either.” She just, read my mind, she had to I didn't even say anything! “Why yes you are one of my changelings and connected to the hive mind dear.” She giggled like she had told the worlds funniest joke, I wasn't laughing. “What are you?” I feel sick I know full well looking at her I look, well not exactly like her, but in the same vein. She just laughed again. “I just told you dear you are a changeling and I am your queen, I realize you may want to see yourself?” I felt a tingling in the back of my skull, like an itch, and the nurse bowed and disappeared again, only to come back with a large hand mirror. To be honest I'm not sure if I want to see, the queen is laughing at me again, screw you. I lift it with my eyes nearly closed, forcing them open to take in myself. My Skin has darkened, becoming jet black, my eyes are slitted like a snakes and a dark blue. My Dreadlocks are gone now, which kinda makes me sad considering how long it took to grow them, replaced with straight blue locks.Er well I think they’re locks they look and feel like some kind of super soft fabric. I smiled slightly when I spotted the scar above my left eye, the only thing that hadn't changed. I’ll miss you dreads it took so long to get them like that…. I opened my mouth to see nothing but canines, well not true those two big fangs are there too, oh and it seems I can retract those. I hum and put the mirror down looking down at my chest which was covered in some kind of flexible dark blue material, looks like that armor old time knights used to have, it’s on my legs, back, ribs, and the outsides of my upper arms too from what I can tell…..wait a second. “Can, can you two leave for a second I er want to check something.” There’s no way right? THAT couldn't have changed too right? I can tell the queen knows what I'm thinking from her smile growing into a smirk, and the nurse too if that green blush is anything to go by. “Go ahead, nothing the two of us haven't seen.” She cooed at me teasingly. The nurse nodding with a blush. My face went completely blank as I could feel her amusement through the bond, I tore off my covers also removing the needles from the IV by mistake which the nurse didn't seem happy about but I don’t care right now. I looked down at my package, and screamed really, really loud. ------Outside the room----- “Buck me are they torturing him in there?” One of the guards shivered at the bloodcurdling scream that came from the room at her back. “I don’t know and I'm not connecting to the hive mind to find out.” Her squadmate shuddered with her. Getting nods from the other two guards. -----Back inside the room------ *Skip this if you don’t like wieners!* “Change me back immediately!” I roared, oh hell no, no way is this flying. “I already told you that’s not possible dear.” The queen’s lips are twitching, I don’t think this is funny in the slightest. “Screw you my dick is blue!” I was on my feet now, about the queen’s height which was a good head and shoulders over the nurse who was about six foot. So I’m taller than I was before. “It also has a sheath, tapered tip, and a knot.” The nurse noted rubbing her chin while looking down interested. *What am I doing with my life?* …….. “Ok, so ignoring the pervert.”-That got her to look away-”If you can’t change me back I at least require pants.” I rubbed the bridge of my nose, stepping away when the nurses’ hand got just slightly too close. The itching feeling was back and I heard what was probably one of those guards moving away. I took the time To study them both, the perverted nurse was...a perverted nurse. She was shorter than me, my old height of six foot, and had light green hair coming down about chin length. Her eyes were the same light green but unlike mine they were a solid green, no whites to be found. Her outfit looked to be standard issue for any hospital, but seemed a size too small for the poor girl, oh….no she’s puffing her chest out towards me that’s why. Perverted nurse. Well they are pretty nice, your perky C cups. Stop looking at those Hodari she’s doing it on purpose to distract you! What was in that IV bag? I wrenched my eyes back up to hers in time for a sassy little wink, how the hell did she pass medical school? I turned my attention to the softly smiling queen, garbed in a flowing black dress that seemed made to cover everything and yet give enough away. She was my new height, I’d guess around 6’10 to 7 foot, she had long green tresses and slitted green eyes, she’s and a curvy woman to boot. With wide hips, massive F cups, and a full bottom I noticed as she did a little twirl….. Fuck me sideways, they can read my mind can’t they? Yup, she’s smirking again. Did something dumb. I groaned as the guard on clothing duty came in with a large case, putting it down next to me and saluting her queen she was gone, why can’t the perverted nurse be more like her? I didn't even bother asking them to leave since I know what the answer is going to be already. I turned and opened the case, pretending not to notice the pinch on my ass as I spoke. “Names?” I grumbled, jerking my head towards them as I fiddled with the lock. “Can’t keep calling you queen and perverted nurse, even in my head.” I grunted. “My subjects know me as Queen Chrysalis.” She curtsied too, real regal looking. “My name is Mint, nice to meet you Mr.Hodari!” The newly named Mint beamed, wait how did...right the mind reading. Finally getting the clothes out I was greeted with an all black outfit, but honestly as long as I had clothes on I didn’t care much at this point. Quickly putting on the clothing, black jeans, with dark brown combat boots and a black T shirt. Did I mention how emo I feel right now? There’s even black gloves and a trench coat in here, left those though. Sighing at the feeling of being clothed again I turned to see Mint and Chrysalis judging me, well Chrysalis is, Mint is just pouting for reasons I’d have a damn good guess at. “Well?” I said flexing, manly pride and all that. Getting a laugh and clap out of Mint at least, she seems much more agreeable now that I have clothes on, and that ever present smile from the queen. “Don’t think for even a second I'm not still angry by the way.” I narrowed my eyes realizing I may have been getting too chummy with the woman that brought me here to begin with. Getting a slight nod, but that smile stayed in place. I sighed, being pissed off at her forever wouldn't do me any good, I already know the way back will take years, and yes I know you’re reading my mind stop smirking. “Well Mr.Hodari we gotta teach you all about being a changeling, I get off now, I can teach you how to fly, how to use magic, how to feed on love.” She rapid fired before I covered her mouth. “Wait a second what were those last two?” Looks like she wasn't supposed to say those last two if the look on the queen’s face is anything to go by. Before I could get my answers though my stomach let loose a thunderous roar that made Mint jump away from me and Chrysalis to cover her fangs with a hand. And I feel, extremely hungry. I'm serious I feel like I haven’t eaten in days, and I know what that feels like. Chrysalis seems to notice my discomfort the tingling in the back of my head was back and another guard steps in with what looked like a flask and what I think is bacon, I hope so… I sat down on the hospital bed after the guard popping the bacon into my mouth humming happily as I chewed it before a thought came to my mind. “What was in those IV bags anyway?” I questioned Mint curious as I glanced at them. “Well one was blood and the other was an aphrodisiac.” She answered sweetly. I'm not sure why I even asked, I should have known with her. “And this?” I asked taking a swig of the liquid, it’s absolutely delicious, like the richest tangiest fruit punch that you've ever had that also makes you full. “Well it’s bacon and liquid love.” She smiled, wait a second.. I choked on the drink as what she just said caught up with my brain. She just made me drink what now? “Not that kind of liquid love you naughty drone…” She teased giggling at me as I glared at her. Great trolled by my own nurse, lovely, now I feel like a real huge bimpert. Rolling my eyes I continued drinking the...liquid love. Man I hope this isn't what I think it is. Watching the two women as they had a whispered conversation as I destroyed the rest of the bacon. Because it doesn't matter what you've been doing or what you've eaten, you can always destroy bacon. Gulping down the last of the candy meat I looked directly at Chrysalis, tilting my head as I looked at her face. I’ll admit I'm somewhat curious about them, the changelings I mean. Also if they can teach me to block off my mind that would be great. “I’ll teach you everything you need to know Mr.Hodari.” Mint promised grinning sharp pearly whites. “Well then.” I said standing. “Let’s get this done.” I need to stretch my legs anyway, who knows how long I had been laying there. “Eager now are we drone?” Chrysalis mused pleased that things had gone her way I bet, in fact that’s how she’s looked since I met her. “Moaning like an emo prick the whole time isn't gonna get anything done, would you rather I do the whole ‘woe is me’ thing for the next few weeks?” I rose an eyebrow at her in question, smiling slightly when she giggled again. Shrugging I walked out the door, legs a bit shakier than I’d like, queen and pervert in toe. Mint waved at the guards as we passed I nodded at the one who had brought me the clothes. Getting a nod in return. Well, looks like I'm stuck here, may as well make the most of it for now…