> Cam Girl > by SweetCelestiaWhy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Camera, action > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset yawned as she rubbed her eyes, trying to ignore the exhaustion creeping up on her. She blinked and stared with glazed eyes as the math teacher droned on about the algebraic value of x if the value of y was something other than something else. The teacher turned around, looking at the class expectantly with her thick rimmed glasses and much too tight cravat. Sunset nodded lazily as the class murmured some response and the teacher returned to the whiteboard, allowing Sunset to close her eyes for a brief second. Her head fell forward and she jumped, glancing around the room to see the other students nodding off as well. "Ms. Shimmer!" came the harsh screech of the teacher. Sunset's head snapped up and she kicked forward, pushing the desk in front of her. She stared forward with wide open eyes as the other students snickered around her. "Y-Yes?" she said. The teacher tapped her foot on the tile and crossed her arms, staring expectantly at Sunset over the top of her glasses. "Now that you're awake, perhaps you'd like to show the class how to find the solution for--" Her sentence was mercifully drowned out by the sound of the bell ringing across the school, signaling the end of the day. Sunset released the breath she was holding in a long sigh as the teacher rolled her eyes and looked back at the board. "Fine," she said over the noise of the students packing up. "But don't think I'm going to let you off so easily. In addition to chapter thirteen's problems, you all are to do the challenge questions at the end of the exercise. Have a pleasant weekend." Groans rang out among her classmates as Sunset covered her eyes and joined them. Of course she would give them extra homework because she just so happened to nod off once. Sighing, she grabbed her backpack and trudged out of the classroom where she joined the throng of other students headed for the exit. The dull murmur of the crowd vanished once she pulled out her phone and thumbed through the few notifications that popped up. A few new statuses were posted to Clipbook and the group chat with her and her friends was them saying they would see each other later. Knowing her friends, Applejack was probably on her way home to start her chores and Fluttershy was over at the animal shelter, volunteering again. She smirked when she looked over Rainbow Dash's text, remembering her bragging about the soccer team at lunch. With the upcoming game against Crystal Prep, she would be at practice along with Pinkie, the new co-captain of the cheerleading squad. While all of her friends were doing their normal thing, though, Rarity had somehow landed herself an internship at the fashion boutique near the city. Sunset's cheeks warmed as she thought of Rarity and the day she forgot her phone at her house, remembering some of the more vivid pictures that were on it. As she swiped through the texts and notifications from Clipbook, her thumb paused over the black box app with a bright silver S emblazoned on it. A small red number three sat on the top right corner and Sunset raised her eyebrows. She glanced around, noting no one was around as she strolled through the park near her house. Thankfully, no one was around except for the squirrels and birds with the faint sound of cars in the air. Sighing, she gingerly tapped the app and watched as it opened up to the menu. Her finger immediately hit the lock button once the first few images loaded and placed the phone back into her pocket. She scratched her nose and walked faster, trying to ignore the urge to pull the phone back out. Given what she had found on the app last time, a public park was not the ideal place to browse Scissr. Once she was home, she kicked off her boots and collapsed on her bed, holding her phone in the air. She glanced over to her door, noting it was slightly open. Scowling, Sunset rose from her bed and shut the door completely before returning to her phone and unlocking it. The screen remained black for a few seconds before the pictures loaded in of Rarity with her favorite toys. Sunset blushed as she eyed the photos, tracing every curve of her perfectly proportioned body and firm shape of the toys in the pictures. Her favorite by far was the one of Rarity's ass sticking straight out at the camera with her turning to smirk back at her. The picture had been stuck in Sunset's mind ever since she braved Rarity's phone and uncovered the app, and despite her knowing deep in the pits of her stomach that she had invaded Rarity's privacy, she couldn't help but admire how sexy Rarity looked in the picture. The red thong was a perfect compliment to her gorgeous body and likely something she wore more often than she would ever admit. Sunset's free hand began to trace down her chest around her belly as she stared at the intoxicating image of her best friend, tempting her to move a little further down when her eyes caught something along the bottom of the screen. The usual options of Browse, Favorites, Profile and Upgrade were there, but the small red number three was hovering over a new option. Sunset squinted as she moved the phone closer to her face. "Tagged?" she said aloud. Her head tilted and she stared at the option. The app had recently been updated, but she hadn't bothered reading the notes in the app store when it asked for her permission yesterday. Instinctively, her thumb touched the screen and a white box covered her favorite picture. Sunset rolled her eyes, expecting an ad to appear when the box darkened and the Scissr logo drew itself in the center. 'Welcome to Scissr 2.0' the text scrolled underneath the logo. 'We've added a fun new feature for you to enjoy. The Tagged option allows you to check out what other fun things your favorites may be up to. ;)' She blinked as the box disappeared, replaced with a line that read 'Rarity' and an arrow. Her curiosity made her thumb tingle as she neared the arrow, but part of her hesitated, still stuck processing what she had just read. If someone had said Rarity was in their pictures, then perhaps she was going to go a little too far down the rabbit hole on this app. She had seen some creepy photos while browsing others, most of them almost stalker-like shots of girls at the mall or jogging in the park. Perhaps there were pictures of her friend on here that maybe she didn't necessarily want anyone else to see? Then again, she had seen the contents of Rarity's private selfie folder. Sunset's thumb pressed on the arrow at that, clearing the screen and pulling up three boxes from the bottom. A small circle drew itself in the center of them all as the pictures loaded, but after about five seconds, Sunset raised an eyebrow. She tapped the screen on the empty space, revealing the icons at the top of her phone and squinted again. Her Wi-Fi signal was full, so the pictures shouldn't take that long to load. Another tap hid the icons and brought the three boxes back up, this time with some color. One of the boxes had filled itself in with a blurry picture and, oddly, a play button in the middle of it. "There's videos on here?" she said to no one. Her thumb moved at lightning speed and the play button disappeared, replaced by the loading icon from before when her entire screen went black. A split second later, the screen glowed with the bright shine of a piece of paper with some writing on it. Sunset leaned back onto her pillow, but felt odd as she read the scrawl. 'Slumber Party with Diamond91 and OwO_PartyGurl' it said in writing that looked strikingly familiar. The paper whipped away from the screen and Sunset nearly screamed when she saw who was behind it. "Hi, all my fans and friends on Scissr!" came Pinkie Pie's bubbly voice, followed by her wide smile. "This is your favorite friend, PartyGurl, and today I got something really special for you all to see!" Sunset's hand shook as she watched Pinkie stand up, revealing she was wearing nothing but a blue pushup bra with pink bows, somehow making her boobs look nearly twice as large as Sunset remembered. She turned and skipped over to a bed, threw herself on it and bounced twice, rolling over to show off her pink panties with her signature three balloons on her butt. "You can come out now!" she shouted. The camera shook and went blurry as it moved, blocking out everything but the ceiling of what Sunset realized was Pinkie's bedroom. Her thumb violently jabbed the phone screen, pausing the video as the image was swinging back down to focus on Pinkie. The air around her turned nearly freezing as she trembled, trying to somehow process what she had seen. While she still remembered the shock of seeing Rarity's selfies the first time, seeing Pinkie in her underwear on the same app made her stomach twist. How could she be such good friends with them and not have a clue they were posting stuff like this? What else could they could be hiding? Her mind exploded with question after question, each unanswered one giving rise to even more. Cautiously, she looked back at the screen and Pinkie's blurry smile as if she expected her to move. Her thumb scrolled down a bit, revealing the small blurb written underneath. Hi again, my lovey dovey besties! >w< This video was done curtesy of my <3 BFF, Diamond91. She's got her own sexy stash of pictures for you to see, but you won't want to miss this. ^^ Sunset blinked as she read the blurb again. Something was nagging her about the name in the text, so much that she felt she should know it. Her eyes shrunk again one she remembered that name, Diamond91, was Rarity's username on the app. Panic flooded her chest as she sat upright and furiously jabbed at the video, watching the loading icon spin again. Pinkie and Rarity couldn't possibly have done something like this, right? Her heart skipped a beat as the video resumed play, shifting from Pinkie to the unmistakable sultry smile of Rarity laying on the bed next to her. A similar lack of clothes afflicted her, since she was wearing nothing but a simple black bra and panties. She was holding the camera with one arm while she leaned her chin on the other. Pinkie slid into the video next to her, her giddy smile replaced with one made Sunset's spine tingle. "She's gorgeous, isn't she?" Pinkie asked, her voice still retaining some of her natural playfulness. Rarity rolled her eyes and chuckled. "You're too kind, Party Girl." The camera shook as Pinkie disappeared, pulling back to reveal all of Rarity. Along with her black underwear, she had on a pair of black stockings that hugged her legs, stopping partway up her thighs. The video panned her whole body as Rarity rolled onto her belly, her shapely butt pointing directly at the viewer. She glanced back, batting her perfectly manicured eyelashes as Pinkie clambered over top of her, staring the camera at her back. "You're so pretty, Diamond," Pinkie said as she ran a hand along Rarity's back. "And your skin is so soft. It makes me so jealous of you." Rarity chuckled again. "Your hands are just as soft, Party Girl. I could rub them all over me." "Oh, trust me. You will," Pinkie said with a slight purr in her voice. Her fingers traced up Rarity's spine before hooking underneath the clasp for her bra, toying with the strap. Sunset's eyes were glued to the video, part of her itching to tell Pinkie to stop playing with it. "I'm sure everybody watching would just love for me to pull this apart." "I know I want you to," Rarity said. "But isn't is bad manners for a host to make her guest go first?" Pinkie said, pulling her hand back with a small giggle. Rarity raised an eyebrow as she turned her head to look at Pinkie, a knowing smile on her face. "I suppose this is your video, so we'll do what you want." "You'll need to turn over first," Pinkie said, her playful edge returning. Rarity's smile grew as she shifted her body around underneath Pinkie, making sure to keep her brastraps on her shoulders. Once she was on her back, the camera shifted hands from Pinkie to Rarity, showing Pinkie straddling her. She ran her hands through her pink curls, lifting them up just enough to make her boobs seem even bigger, before cupping her hands underneath them. She jiggled them slightly as she smiled her seductive grin at the camera. "My fans just love to see my girls." "Mmm, so do I," Rarity replied. "I know you do, especially when you play with them," Pinkie said, causing Sunset to jump. "Your hands are always so soft." "Care to let me show your fans how I play with them?" Rarity asked. Pinkie just smiled as her hands rubbed the bra around her breasts, pulling gently at the top of the cups. She stared into the camera, her half lidded blue eyes sparkling like gems, as her hands snaked their way around her. A small click rang out as the cups shifted and the back of the bra spread itself out from around her. Pinkie flicked one of her shoulders, letting the bra strap slip from it and hang down, just barely still covering her breast. Her smile grew wider when her other shoulder moved, loosening the last strap and letting her bra fall forward. Sunset's stomach clenched as she stared at Pinkie's boobs, her entire body frozen. They were just as perky as she was, round and plump but her nipples nearly pointed straight up. Rarity cooed as her hand lifted and gently pulled away the bra, showing them off in full. Without any obstruction, Sunset was able to see that Pinkie's rack was much bigger than she gave her credit for, almost rivaling Rarity's. They were also just as perfectly shaped like hers with a beautiful circular design. "Absolutely divine, darling," Rarity cooed as her fingers caressed the side of Pinkie's breast. Pinkie's hand wrapped around hers and pressed it into her boob, spreading her fingers to give her the best grip. Rarity's hand grabbed on and gently massaged it, eliciting a squeal of delight. "Come to mama." The camera shook as Rarity leaned forward, closing the distance between herself and Pinkie. After a moment, it looked down as Rarity continued to play with Pinkie's breast before back to Pinkie's face. She still was wearing her sultry smile, but there seemed to be something different. The camera shifted again as it backed away, eventually showing both Pinkie and Rarity as they smiled at it. "Think we should reward my fans for being so patient?" Pinkie asked. "Oh, I do, Party Girl. I do," Rarity said as she turned to Pinkie. Once Pinkie looked back at her, Rarity leaned in and locked her lips to Pinkie's. A long and low moan escaped one of them as their lips danced around each others, causing Sunset's toes to curl. Two halves of her mind were screaming at each other while Pinkie and Rarity made out. The predominantly loud part of her brain was shouting about how disturbing it was to see her best friends kiss like this, especially since there had never been any hint of interest she had ever seen between them. They hardly had any of the same hobbies, interests or even classes together! Still, the other part of her was shivering with excitement. After browsing through mere still images of Rarity having fun, watching her not only wear next to nothing, but kiss someone cute like Pinkie, was almost a wish come true. It wasn't as if she hadn't thought about if Rarity may have had some interest in her or any other girl, especially given her fondness of making clothes strictly for her and her friends. Sunset's body felt strange and tingled, as if it wanted to be in the video alongside them. Her free hand gradually began to trace circles around her chest above her own boobs, causing her to squirm as Rarity and Pinkie parted. "You taste divine, darling," Rarity said, slowly licking her lips. "Hope you all enjoyed that," Pinkie said with a cute giggle. "Because that was my first kiss with another girl." A small blush broke out on Pinkie's face as Sunset's eyes widened. Without missing a beat, Rarity brushed away a lock of her curls and said, "And that's not the only first for today either." She gave Pinkie a small push and she fell backwards on the bed, her breasts jiggling freely as the bed shook. The camera went blurry as it flew down to Pinkie's chest, only to flash as it refocused on Rarity. Her smile almost had a hunger to it as she unhooked her own bra and pulled it off with practiced ease, revealing her own beautiful bosom that Sunset knew all too well. She tossed her bra aside and crouched over Pinkie, kissing her yet again. Their heavy breathing filled the room as the camera shook and slumped away from them, but thankfully they broke the kiss and it snapped back to them, this time with something blue in Rarity's hand. "Never played with a balloon before," she snickered. "But you do all the time. Care to show me how to use one, Party Girl?" "You bet, Diamond," Pinkie said. She leaned forward as the camera dropped, but the image froze and Sunset blinked. 'Replay?' the screen asked as a rewind icon appeared over the image. Sunset blinked twice, her mind blank, before she realized what had happened. "What? They can't just end it like that!" she shouted as she shook her phone. A strange mix of anger and arousal tore through her as she pressed her phone to her forehead, squeezing it as hard as she could before she held it back up. She gave a defeated sigh as she scrolled down to the winks again, passing them by to see a little star. She tapped it and the star turned yellow, followed by a wink. Her body still tingled as she kept scrolling through a few small images of other videos that Pinkie had uploaded here, her curiosity pushing her a little further when an idea struck her. If she found Pinkie on here through Rarity, would she find anyone else through Pinkie? Her eyes darted to the 'Tagged' option and her thumb shivered in place. Perhaps it was best to not go digging any further. She had already found Pinkie through an accident, but what if she kept prying and found something or someone else? Still, despite her mind's protests, her thumb touched it and 'OwO_PartyGurl' filled in the search line. Almost immediately, another four videos and a still image popped up, causing Sunset to lean forward and squint at the name on the image. "B... BullriderBeauty?" she said aloud.