> After Hours Relaxation > by Wandering Pigeon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Surprise Guests > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spitfire opened the last of the barracks, giving each row a look down. When she saw no snoring lumps in the beds, she smiled and shut the door. It was rare for the compound to be this empty, but not unheard of. The Wonderbolts had been getting the third Sunday of every May off for several generations, on account of some founder’s birthday or something. Spitfire honestly didn’t know; all the info she’d learned for the entry exam had left her brain once she passed. What Spitfire did know is that she had the whole compound to herself for the night. Everypony had gone home, or gone out, or gone somewhere, just not here. Technically Spitfire had to leave too. It was part of the protocol for her to lock up once everypony else had left, and it wasn’t like she could stay here all night. ...But she could stick around for a little while. With a smile on her face and an eager spring in her step, Spitfire began trotting through the empty hallway. Rounding a few corners, she soon saw her office door on the horizon, and her pace quickened. When she finally reached it, she threw open the door to her office and sighed with happiness. As the door shut behind her, Spitfire was already halfway through getting her uniform off. As she peeled the sweaty spandex from her coat, the smell really hit her. “Oof,” Spitfire grunted. She dropped the uniform on the floor and kicked it away. “Gonna have to wash that.” Later. Now, Spitfire had something else she wanted to do. Something that she almost never had time for anymore. She trotted over to her desk and plopped down on her seat. The chair swiveled a little from her flop, turning her head to see a stray pair of flight goggles resting on her desk. Spitfire paused upon seeing them, confused. They definitely weren’t hers; she had the distinct memory of leaving them in her locker. So who… “Fleetfoot,” Spitfire realized. She’d had the blue pegasus in her office earlier that day to chew her out for being late to training. Apparently in her rush to leave for the day off tomorrow, Fleet had left her flight goggles behind. “Whelp, too late to get them to her.” Spitfire opened a drawer and sweeped the googles in. She’d return them when Fleetfoot came back, probably with a lecture about keeping an eye one’s personal belongings. Closing that drawer, Spitfire’s attention turned back to the thing she actually wanted to do tonight. The bottom of her desk had a larger, heavier drawer that she kept more personal items than lost goggles. Pulling it open, Spitfire smiled to see her stash of adult foal supplies. A package of diapers, a pacifier, some folded up foalish clothes, and a few toys were all packed inside; the brunt of Spitfire’s supplies she kept at work. Just the sight of them made her shiver with delight. For as long as Spitfire could remember, she'd been really attracted to the idea of wearing diapers. They were just... so comfortable; it was like wearing a security blanket. They made her happy. Embarrassed, but happy. At home, where it was much safer to keep these, she had a lot more supplies, but she was rarely there anymore thanks to all the work the Wonderbolt’s needed lately. At first, she’d been very, very hesitant to keep any foal stuff at her office, but as time had gone on and the workload gotten worse she realized she needed an easy way to relax. So, diapers at work it was. For the first week or so she’d been really nervous about them, coming up with dozens of potential excuses in case anypony ever stumbled upon them. But she was lucky to have a reputation as ‘the mare who’s stuff you don’t want to touch”, and nopony ever stumbled upon them. Same went for the mini-fridge she had resting on the other side of the room; it was filled with a few jars of foal food and some bottles of milk and had never even been touched by one of the other ‘Bolts. Now she had grown far less concerned about anypony ever finding out about her secret hobby. Grabbing one diaper off the top, Spitfire smiled at the feeling of her hoof sinking into the padding. She only ever bought the thickest diapers to use; they were the best as far as she was concerned. She moved from her chair to the floor, hoping to get a little leverage as she tried to put the foalish garment on. Unfolding it and sliding it underneath her rump, Spitfire held it close to her waist. She fumbled with the tapes, grunting in annoyance. It was so difficult to put these on by herself, but she could manage. Pushing down on the tapes, Spitfire threaded her tail through the hole in the back of the diaper and took a little time to inspect her work. With a wiggle of her hips she found her diaper was just a tad loose, but she simply shrugged. It wasn’t like there was anything she could do to fix it without help. Sitting up, Spitfire softly giggled as her butt sank into the plush diaper. She reached back into the open drawer and grabbed a pink pacifier with a string attached to it. Spitfire wrapped the string around her like a necklace and popped the pacifier into her mouth. She’d done this so often before that her reflexes took over almost immediately and she began suckling. As her paci bobbed up and down in her mouth, Spitfire lowered her eyelids a little. The gentle rhythm of the suckling was so relaxing. She climbed back onto the chair, shifting into a reclining position. Her diaper crinkles loudly as it was pressed between the seat and her bottom. Shutting her eyes all the way, Spitfire sighed as she suckled. This was bliss. She rocked back and forth in her chair, her rear sinking deeper into her diaper. Spitfire shifted, her forelegs trying to find a comfortable spot. If she had a stuffed animal or something like it to cuddle with, that would be amazing right now. Unfortunately her drawer wasn’t big enough to hold one with all of her other stuff, so she would have to make do. For a while longer, Spitfire just stayed seated and suckling. Her wing ached from the long flight practice of the day and it felt relieving to stay off of them for so long. After some time had passed, a low rumbling cut into the silence of Spitfire’s office. Her eyes opened just as her stomach stopped making noise. Spitfire sat back up, patting her tummy, realizing just how hungry she was. Well, that’s what the bottles are for. Spitfire hopped back up and started across the room. “Hang on a sec, let me check the Captain’s office.” Spitfire froze, suddenly transforming into a deer facing oncoming headlights. The one thing she hadn’t expected to hear tonight was somepony’s voice outside her door. The sound of hoofsteps suddenly started hitting her ears, and Spitfire scrambled, realizing she was standing out in the open dressed as a foal. Hopefully she would have enough time to-- Her door swung open. “My goggles are probably… in… here…” Fleetfoot blinked in shock, seeing her boss standing before her diapered and pacified. "Uh…” Fleetfoot snickered, putting her hoof to her mouth. “Captain?” “Fwee-foo! Ish nawt--” Spitfire bit down, cringed, and spat out her pacifier, the necklace catching it in midair and dangling it at her chest. “This is not what it look like!” She yelled. “You, uh… You sure about that, Captain?” Fleetfoot snickered again as her eyes fell on the diaper once more. “Cause it looks like--” “I know what it looks like!” Spitfire snapped, her face erupting in a blush. “Hey, what’s going on in here?” Surprise appeared in the doorway behind Fleetfoot. Oh Celestia no. Spitfire cringed as yet another fellow teammate saw her in diapers. Surprise’s eyes widened in, well, surprise at the sight before her. She covered her mouth just as a squeal escaped her mouth. “Captain, you look adorable!” Her blush deepened. For some reason, that response was so much worse than Fleetfoot’s giggling. Surprise bounded into the room gleefully, with Fleetfoot not too far behind. She practically pounced on Spitfire and circled her, squeeing all the while. “Surprise, seriously, cut it out.” Spitfire tried not to let her embarrassment creep into her tone. To be fair, she was almost successful. “D’aww, aren’t you just a big cutie! I’ve got to take a mental snapshot of this!” Surprise backed up and mimed holding a camera. “No, don’t--” “Click!” Surprise giddly put her pretend camera away and patted her head. “There we go; no way I’ll ever forget this now.” “Fantastic,” Spitfire groaned as Fleetfoot giggled in the background. “Look, Surprise, I--” “Oh my gosh!” Surprise leaped so close they’re snouts were practically touching. Spitfire tried to lean back, but something caused her neck to jerk to a stop. She looked down to see Surprise holding… “Oh no.” “You have a pacifier too?” Surprise looked like she was going to explode. “I have to see you with this!” “No you d-- Mmph!” Spitfire was cut off by the rubber nipple being shoved in her mouth. “Holy cow!” Surprise grabbed Spitfire’s cheeks and smushed them together. “Eeeee! I’m going to die of adorableness!” Spitfire sighed. Of all her teammates who could’ve found out about this, why did the most hyperactive of the bunch have to? Surprise squealed again. “Golly, you must love dressing like a foal.” Pushing the blonde pegasus back and spitting out her pacifier, Spitfire grunted. “N-No!” She lied. “I assure you there is a totally-not-embarrassing reason for this!” “Do you have a totally-not-embarrassing reason for the rest of your diapers, too?” Fleetfoot suddenly asked. Spitfire whirled around and her pupils shrunk. Fleetfoot had snuck around her and found her private drawer. Her blush deepened to the point of looking like sunburn. “Aww, you do like dressing like a foal.” Surprise booped her nose, not helping with the blush. “Hey, check it out, she’s got a few toys in here too.” Fleetfoot pulled out a colorful rattle and gave it a shake. “Really! Captain, you like to play with foal toys? Can you show me?” Surprise’s eyes widened as she took a begging stance that made her look more dog than pony. “Yeah, show us!” Fleetfoot encouraged from behind her. Spitfire's blush was reaching critical mass at this point. She decided she had to end this now before it went any further. “No! Enough! I am your CO--” “Our looks-super-adorables-in-diapers CO!” Surprise interrupted. Spitfire’s face was basically a tomato at this point. “E-Either way, you have to listen to me--” “Well, not really,” Fleetfoot cut her off as she walked back into view. “Our leave started a couple hours ago. You aren’t in charge of us right now.” Spitfire paled, realizing she was right. Right now, she was completely powerless to stop them from doing anything with her secret, including blazoning it to everypony on the team! If they wanted to, they could make her life miserable. “Oh that’s right, our vay-cay!” Surprise smiled. “Spitfire, do you want to hang out with us?” “I dunno, Surprise, we’d probably need a stroller for her if we go anywhere,” Fleetfoot grinned, earning a dirty look from Spitfire. Surprise inhaled sharply. “Oh, you’re right! Spitty, do you have a stroller we could put you in?” Spitfire’s face darted back to a blush in an instant, from both the suggestion and the cutesy nickname she’d just been stuck with. “N-No…” This was bad. She was losing control of the situation fast. If Surprise and Fleetfoot left, who knows who they’d tell about this! She had to find a way to make them keep quiet. “Well then, we better hit the road. See ya… Spitty.” Fleetfoot brought around a wing to cover her laugh. “C’mon, Surprise, let’s go.” Spitfire’s heart raced. Nononononono! “Awww, but I was hoping to play with her a little more!” Surprise complained. Just then, Spitfire's stomach growled again. Surprise was quick to dash to her side. “See, she’s hungry! At least let me feed her.” Fleetfoot raised her eyebrow at the idea. No doubt she’d been having quite a bit of fun with her embarrassed boss, who's tirades she was often on the receiving end of. Spitfire found the idea much less appealing, but what other choice did she have? If she endured a little more humiliation--as much as that made her shudder--she might be able to convince these two blabbermouths to keep quiet about this. “U-uh… Yeah.” Spitfire tried really, really hard not to cringe. “I wouldn’t mind something to eat.” Hopefully after some dinner she could convince them not to spill the beans on her… hobby. Surprise beamed, and shoved Spitfires pacifier back into her mouth. “Hooray! You just wait right here, Spitty. Mama Surprise will find you a yummy treat to soothe your cranky tummy!” She bounded off. Spitfire bit down on her paci. It was a little uncomfortable how easily Surprise slipped into the caretaker role, yet strangely… she kind of liked being talked down to? She frowned and gave her pacifier a suckle, flinching when she realized Fleetfoot was still in front of her. The blue pegasus just had a big grin on her face like she was trying not to laugh. “Wha?” Spitfire asked heatedly. “You’re totally enjoying this,” Fleetfoot said. Spitfire chewed her pacifier, blushing. “N-No I nawt.” Fleetfoot just shook her head and snickered. Spitfire suckled again, trying to calm down but only making it worse. “Oh my gosh! You have formula!” Spitfire whirled around, groaning at the realization that Surprise had found her stash in the mini-fridge. Honestly, she should have expected that. “And foal food!” Surprise brought her head out of the fridge, revealing all the jars she’s grabbed out of it, as well as a bottle and a spoon. Surprise darted back over to Spitfire, setting all the supplies on the ground. “I couldn’t decide which I wanted to feed you the most, So I just brought one of each!” Spitfire surveyed the dozen jars of foal food on the ground. Surely Surprise didn’t expect her to eat all of these. Right? Before getting an answer, Spitfire found herself flopping down. Surprise had grabbed her and brought her down, quickly setting her in her lap. Her diaper crinkle as it settled onto its new home. As Surprise started unscrewing the first jar, Spitfire found herself blushing again. It was surprisingly comfortable on Surprise’s lap, not that she planned on admitting that. She shifted, ending up with her cheek in the tuft of Surprise’s chest. Unconsciously, Spitfire nestled that spot as she suckled on her pacifier, earning one of Surprises hooves around ber back to hold her close. Sh, ignored the quiet snicker from Fleetfoot. Soon after, Surprise pulled out her pacifier and held a spoonful of mush close to her lips. “All right Spitty, open-wide for the hot air balloon!” She can’t be serious. Spitfire waited a moment, confirming by the look in Surprise’s eye that she was indeed serious. Hesitantly, Spitfire opened her mouth up. “Woooooosh, Fwomp!” Surprise landed the spoon with great fanfare. Spitfire closed her mouth, noting the tart taste of the foal food. As the spoon left her mouth and went back into the jar, Spitfire rolled the mush around in her mouth, trying to determine the flavor. Definitely fruity. Maybe granny smith apple? “Open wide,” Surprise sang, another spoonful staring her down. Not having swallowed her first mouthful, Spitfire shook her head “Wai-- Mmph!” Surprise shoved the spoon in her open mouth. “No need to be fussy, Spitty. It’s good for you!” Her cheeks bulging, Spitfire finally swallowed her very generous helping of food. She exhaled, needing a second to catch breath. Unfortunately, she just got more foal food shoveled into her mouth. Surprise was fast! Spitfire was forced to keep up, swallowing her food almost the exact instant it left the spoon. Even then, she had to race to catch her breath in between bites. The fast feeding also led to a lot of spillage. Most of the time the quick entry left some mush on her face, but occasionally it found it’s way to landing on her chest and sticking to her fur. Luckily, she caught a break when Surprise finished off the first jar and started to open the second. Spitfire took a deep breath, trying to get over how exhausting the feeding was. She smacked her lips together and ran her tongue along the roof of her mouth, chasing down the last of the foal food. “Oh no, you’re all messy.” Surprise looked at the massive globs of foal food coating Spitfire’s orange coat. “I gotcha.” Fleetfoot produced some paper towels, one’s she’d probably grabbed upon noticing the mess. “Thanks Fleet!” Surprise grabbed a hoofful of towels, dabbed them against her tongue, and wiped off Spitfire’s lips and cheeks. The blush returned with a vengeance. Surprise then turned her attention to Spitfire’s chest and she wiped away the remaining food. “Boy, I should probably feed you a little slower next time, huh?” Spitfire nodded quickly. “This’ll probably help.” Fleetfoot revealed a white bib with a pink trim and the words ‘Lil’ Sissy’ written on them with a girly font. Spitfire blushed, realizing Fleetfoot had raided her private drawer to get that. Surprise just clapped with delight. “Great idea, Fleet!” They tied the bib around her in just a few seconds, Surprise taking a little extra time to straighten in out before booping Spitfire on the nose again and reaching for the foal food. “Okay, here we go!” Surprise dipped the spoon in the next jar, this one pear flavored and held it out for Spitfire. Wary, she opened her mouth only slightly and was pleased to find the entry this time was a lot smoother than before. As the sweet glop of pears entered her mouth and the spoon slowly withdraw, she found herself grateful that Surprise wasn’t just completely ignoring her on this. She ate the rest of the contents of the jar with no complaint, and was even hungry enough to eat a third. However, by the time she made it halfway through the fourth she had a distinct feeling of being full. “Su’p’ise,” she mumbled as another spoonful of banana foal food entered her mouth. She tried to say the rest of her sentence, but the foal food was sticking to her tongue, making her say nothing but gibberish. “What’s that, Spitty? Are you thirsty?” Surprise set down the jar of foal food and grabbed the baby bottle. “Actually I--” Spitfire was cut off as the amber nipple glided into her mouth. She bit down at first, but did have to admit she was pretty thirsty. Slowly, she wrapped her lips along the amber nipple and began suckling. After a bit of effort, the creamy, cold milk within began filling up her mouth. Sighing with delight at the taste, Spitfire swallowed and greedily went back for more, ignoring her stomach cries of having reached satisfaction. Before too long the bottle was done and she was just suckling on the nipple. Surprise gently pulled the bottle out and smiled at her. Then Spitfire was placed over her shoulder and found her back was being gingerly patted. Confused, Spitfire soon understood what she was doing. Does she really think she’s going to burp m-- “Urp!” Spitfire blinked, confused at what had just happened. A tiny burp had escaped her mouth, but surely that wasn’t related to what Surprise was doing. Her caretaker just giggled and continued patting her. Before Spitfire even knew it she burped again. And again, louder this time. Surprise brought her from her shoulder and booped her nose for the third time that night. Spitfire blushed at the action, but had to admit she felt much less bloated. Surprise went for the foal food again, and while Spitfire was about to protest, she found she did actually have a little bit more room now. As the next spoonful sailed her way, she caught a glimpse of Fleetfoot sitting on her desk, kicking her legs back and forth and wearing that same smile as before. Her cheeks heated up in embarrassment yet again. She hated appearing so vulnerable in front of her teammates, but hopefully she could convince them to never breathe a word of this to anyone. It seemed like Surprise might be willing with how friendly she’d been up to this point, but Fleetfoot’s teasing was cause for concern. It seemed like she might enjoy sending more humiliation Spitfire’s way, even though she knew she’d be flying extra laps till the day she died if she did. Three more jars of foal food found their way into Spitfire’s stomach before the feeling of fullness came back. Surprise was about to unscrew and eighth and Spitfire knew she had to stop her. “Mmm mmm,” she groaned, swallowing the last of the mush in her mouth. “No more. I’m full.” Surprise stopped, looking a little disappointed. “Okay. Are you thirsty again?” “I…” Spitfire smacked her lips together. “Yeah…” Surprise ruffled her hair before looking over to Fleetfoot. “Can you grab Spitty another ba-ba?” “Sure thing.” Fleetfoot hopped off the desk as Spitfire blushed at the terminology Surprise chose. “Y-You know I’m not actually a foal, right?” she asked. “What?” Surprise giggled. “What a silly question. Of course I do, Spitty.” She patted her commanding officer’s back with a motherly touch. “But I can tell you like acting like one.” Spitfire didn’t have a response to that. “Got it.” Fleetfoot returned, holding out a new bottle to Surprise, who smiled. “Thanks.” She was about to reach for it, but paused. “Actually, do you want to feed her?” “What?” Fleetfoot asked. “What?!” Spitfire practically yelled. Fleetfoot already was never going to let her live this down; she didn’t need to add on anything else to the humiliation. What was Surprise thinking? “Uh…” Fleetfoot looked uncertain, but one look at Spitfire’s worried face and she just smirked. “Sure.” “No!” Spitfire shook her head defiantly as the blue pegasus sat down opposite of Surprise.. “Spitty, be nice. Fleetfoot just wants to feed you.” “But--” “No buts.” Surprise shut her down so easily; her tone even carried enough weight to make Spitfire snap her mouth shut. In a quick exchange, Spitfire soon found herself nestled in Fleetfoot’s lap. Coincidentally, she was also suddenly very uncomfortable. She squirmed, her diaper making infuriatingly adorable crinkles as she tried to escape her fate. “Spitty…” Surprise shook her head. “I got it.” Fleetfoot wrapped her arm around Spitfire’s head and brought her cheek to the center of her chest, effectively trapping her. “There you go.” The amber nipple of the bottle soon found its way into Spitfire’s mouth. Though reluctant, Spitfire’s thirst overcame her discomfort, and she suckled away. The milk from the bottle was just as good as the last, so she happily drank it down. “Aww…” Fleetfoot stroked Spitfire’s mane. “You really are pretty adorable… Spitty.” Spitfire’s blush could heat a hundred homes. Surprise giggle as the bottle left her mouth and poked Spitfire in the belly. “I don’t know if she likes being called adorable. Do ya, Spitty?” She poked her belly again and Spitfire involuntarily giggled. “Uh oh,” Fleetfoot had an evil grin again. “Looks like somepony’s ticklish.” Surprise’s face lit up. Spitfire’s did not. Oh no. Surprise practically dove into Spitfire’s belly, running her hooves along her naval and digging into her ribcage. Laughter erupted out of Spitfire not long after. The relentless tickling didn’t let up, so she tried to struggle away, but Fleetfoot held her down. “AHAHAHA--Stop!--HAHA HAHAHAA--!” Suddenly something small and rubbery found its way into her mouth. In the pandemonium on her tickling, Spitfire saw that it was Fleetfoot, shoving her pacifier back in her mouth. She bit down hard on it, unable to stop laughing as Surprise kept on the offense. Though, she had to admit that it wasn’t half bad. She’d never really been tickled before, but she couldn’t deny that it wasn’t fun. At least a little bit. It was then that Spitfire felt it: her bladder loosening. She quickly realized what would happen if the tickling kept up. She struggled again, this time much harder than before. Unfortunately, Fleetfoot had her legs pinned down at this point, exposing her vulnerable tummy and ribs to Surprise’s wraith. Her bib didn’t exactly do her any favors in protection either, so if she didn’t get them to cut it out soon… “Stahp! Pwease!--AHAHAha… Giwls, pwease, woo gotta stahp! I’m gonna--” Hisssss. Too late. Spitfire could feel her self-control slip away as a steady stream of urine leaked out of her. Her thick padding greedily grabbed up the warm liquid as quickly as it could, and her diaper was soon soggy, though she kept peeing. “Stahp. STAHP!” She finally screamed, her message getting across finally. Surprise froze, realizing the consequences of her action. Silence descended on the room, save the ever embarrassing hissing noise of Spitfire using her own diaper. Usually it was relieving, if not a fun experience for her. Using her diaper was always the ultimate combination of relaxing and letting go. But now, it represented nothing but the humiliation that she would never be able to wash off. No way was Fleetfoot or Surprise going to keep this secret. Wetting in front of them… it was just about the worst thing she could do. Using her diapers was the ultimate symbol that she had no control whatsoever. Her ‘bathroom break’ finally coming to a close, Spitfire couldn’t help but feel the embarrassment overflow. She sniffled. “Spitty…” Surprise reached in, trying to comfort her. Spitfire pulled away from her and shook free of Fleetfoot. She flopped down but quickly scrambled and sat up, ignoring the squish it caused her diaper to make. “Hey, Spitfire, we’re sorry.” Fleetfoot walked into her field of vision, not smirking in the least. “Definitely sorry.” Surprise popped into view as well. “I shouldn’t have tickled you so hard; I thought we were just having fun.” Spitfire just suckled her pacifier, trying to hold back tears. On top of everything else, she definitely didn’t want these two seeing her cry. “I’m so, so sorry.” Surprise wrapped her in a hug. “I didn’t know you didn’t like using your diaper.” “...I… I wike using my diapee,” Spitfire admitted. It wasn’t like there was much left for her to lose after all. “Really?” Fleetfoot blinked in shock. “Y-Yeah… I just…” She sniffled again, dropping her pacifier. “Please don’t tell anypony about this.” Hot tears streamed down her face. So much for not letting them see her cry. “Tell anypony…? No. No no no, Spitty, I wasn’t going to tell anypony.” Surprise squeezed her tightly. “I’m not an idiot; I know that this couldn’t have been easy for you. I could just tell you liked diapers and wanted to make you happy. You’re always so busy and stressed with one thing or another. You deserve to have a little fun.” Spitfire sniffled, not sure if she understood. She looked to Fleetfoot, who she was sure had some plan to expose her secret. “A-and you?” Fleetfoot shook her head. “I wasn’t going to tell anypony Captain. I’m sorry for laughing so much, I just… Geeze, it was a little funny to me is all. But I get that this is just a thing you like to do. I wouldn’t go telling everypony about it.” Well that certainly made Spitfire feel a little better. “B-But still… everything you’ve seen me do… I--” “I wasn’t really giving you a choice in the matter.” Surprise nuzzled her cheek. “I’m sorry, Spitty. I just you might like to have somepony to do this with. It must be awfully lonely with only you.” Well… Spitfire couldn’t deny that. There wasn’t much she could do with just her, a diaper, and a pacifier. “It… it was nice to have you take care of me…” “Aww, really?” Surprise nuzzled her again. “I’d love to do it more often if you want! We’ve got the day off tomorrow.” She shrank back slightly, ears folding down. “I-If you aren’t still upset with me that is…” Spitfire’s ears flicked, not sure if she heard correctly. Surprise wanted to baby her again, for a whole day? “Really?” Surprise grabbed the pacifier and slid it back in Spitfire’s mouth. “Really really, Spitty.” “Hey… maybe I could come too?” Fleetfoot asked, earning two pairs of eyes in her direction. “Look, I promise not to tease you or anything, okay? I just don’t really get why you like diapers is all. Maybe I could figure out why tomorrow?” Spitfire swallowed, and nodded. “Okay.” “Eeeee, we're gonna have so much fun!” Surprise reached up, grabbed Fleetfoot, and pulled her into the hug. “Heh… yeah, sure.” Fleetfoot smiled nervously. “Okay.” Spitfire shifted again, noticing her wet diaper. “U-uh… do you think you can change me?” “Sure!” Surprise paused. “Uh… actually, I don’t know how to change a diaper.” “I can show you,” Spitfire promised. “Guess I better learn too if I’m gonna help baby you.” Fleetfoot stood up, followed closely by Surprise and Spitfire. “You feeling better, Captain?” Spitfire nodded. “Yeah… and… you know you can call me Spitty.” They all smiled.