The Protector

by Freakxander

First published

An anonymous hero is saving ponies lives, it is up to The Elements Of Harmony to find out who this mysterious creature is.

Who is that? Well, more like what is that? I don't know, but whatever it is, it definitely has a good heart. Twilight and her friends set out on a adventure with the creature in question that seems to have a desire to save lives.

This story will be multi-chapter, but if it is strongly disliked then it will be cancelled. This story mainly is just something to let my imagination go wild. I hope you enjoy!

Gore and sex references will be involved in the story. Rated M for Mature.


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Twilight sat at her desk, writing a letter to her beloved teacher, Princess Celestia. Today's lesson is another thing involving how friendship will never end.

Twilight had her magic radio on as she wrote the letter to her teacher, and as it blasted some news she heard something interesting come on.

The radio host spoke loudly with a chipper tone "And today's main news involves a unfamiliar creature saving a pony from a robbery, I'll let my co-hostess here explain." There was pause before a feminine voice spoke up.

"Thanks, Bullet. Yes, today there was a report that said a pony was walking through Ponyville last night by their self. The pony claims a stallion appeared out of no where and attacked her, she said he tried taking all of her personal belongings until a unknown creature saved her, she claims it was taller than the Princess herself, and that it had a intimidating stance to it. The creature supposedly knew very well about fighting methods and fought off the stallion with very little effort. The mare made it very clear that the savior had no intents on hurting the innocent, because she claimed after it's heroic deeds, it walked towards the everfree forest very calmly." The hostess finished with a sigh.

The male host came back "Thanks, Star. This story is so intriguing, simply because we've had multiple reports of the creature saving lives, the ponies that were protected even created a club for the creature, they all have agreed on calling the creature, The Protector." He finished with what sounded like a deep breath of air.

Twilight stopped writing and sat there, very curious about the news. "That creature has been all over the news lately, it really has gotten a big following. I wonder why it keeps protecting ponies?" She went deep into thought. "Hmm... I wonder if I'll ever see it." She then shrugged it off and finished her letter. After she finished the letter, she called Spikes name, which resulted in the little dragon running down the stairs.

Spike ran up to her "What is it Twilight?" He said with his usual tone.

Twilight levitated the letter to him "I just need you to send this off to the Princess." She gave him a warm smile.

Spike grabbed the letter and sent the letter off to the Princess by spitting out a green flame. After he finished sending it he spoke "was there anything else you needed Twilight?" He asked curiously.

Twilight shook her head "No, that'll be it, thanks Spike!" She said as she turned around to her desk.

The little dragon walked back upstairs, more than likely to go back to sleep.

Twilight tuned into the radio again and heard the same news hosts as before.

The male host was currently speaking "The Protector has definitely made it clear that it only has good intentions, he's fought off many criminals that are probably highly skilled in robbery. Many ponies have made it clear that somepony should go out and find this creature, I'm sure it'll be hard, but I'm also sure it'd be worth it." He finished.

Twilight thought about the creature again, "Maybe me and the girls could solve this mystery, I'm sure it'd definitely be a interesting journey, it'd also answer a lot of questions too." She said before getting up "I'm gonna go and see how they feel about this idea" she said before walking out of the door to outside.

Twilight walked towards Applejacks cart that she had placed in the marketplace. As she neared her she called out "Hey, Applejack!" She stopped in front of her.

Applejack responded "Well, howdy there Twilight, what brings ya here today?" She asked with her thick country accent.

Twilight smiled kindly "Well, I'm actually wondering if you wanted to help me with something." She looked at her with a smile.

Applejack smiled "Why, of course I will! But what exactly is it?" She asked curiously.

Twilight smiled "Have you heard of The Protector?" She asked.

Applejack smiled "Yup, that nice creature that's savin all of them ponies?" She replied.

Twilight nodded "Yup, that's it. I've been getting really curious about what it is, so I figured that we could all get together and find out what it is?" She informed her.

Applejack smiled widely "I wondered that myself a few times. I'd happily help you search for it, just let me know when you're ready to go." She said while handing a customer some apples.

Twilight smiled "That's great! I'll go and ask the others, when I get done I'll let you know when we take leave." She said happily.

Applejack nodded "Alright sugar cube, I'll see ya then." She returned to managing her stand.

Twilight walked away from the stand and towards the carousel botique "Now let's see if Rarity's up for the challenge." She said with her usual chipper tone.

Twilight walked into the boutique to see Rarity putting on display some of her work. "Hey Rarity!" Twilight greeted the element of generosity.

Rarity turned around and smiled wide "Hello darling! What brings you here today?" She asked.

Twilight smiled and replied "I wanted to ask you of a favor?" She asked Rarity.

Rarity tilted her head and replied "Of course, but what is it that you need Twilight?" She asked, slightly confused.

Twilight looked around before speaking "you know about The Protector, right?" She asked Rarity.

Rarity nodded "Of course! I've heard a lot about it, I've even come to be a little bit of a fan of it myself." She admitted.

Twilight giggled and replied "Well, I've decided to try and find it. I've already got Applejack on board, now I want you to try and help me as well." She explained.

Rarity smiled "Of course darling! I'd love to go and find our mysterious hero! Just let me know when you want to set out on this little adventure!" She said while putting a dress onto one of her display figures.

Twilght smiled wide "Great! Thanks a lot Rarity!" She said before hugging her.

Rarity smiled at the action "Anything for you Twilight! I hope you have good luck with the others!" She said her goodbyes.

Twilight smiled "Alright, Rarity, I'll get you when we're ready." she said while exiting the boutique.

Twilight yelled up at a cloud that Rainbow Dash was sleeping on "Hey, Rainbow!" She said to get her attention.

Rainbow Dash looked down and saw Twilight "Oh, hey Twilight!" She said while floating down. She landed in front of her and spoke again "Wassup?" She asked.

Twilight smiled at Rainbow Dash "I've just come to see about getting your help. You've heard about The Protector, I'm guessing?" She asked her.

Rainbow nodded quickly "I sure have! I love how that dude kicks flank!" She expressed her feelings on the creature happily.

Twilight giggled "Well, I've developed quite a bit of interest in the creature as well, and now I'm gathering you girls to help find it." She explained her need of a favor.

Rainbow smiled wide "Heck yeah I will! I definitely wouldn't miss out on this adventure!" She exclaimed.

Twilight smiled "Wow! Thanks Rainbow! You're help means a lot!" She showed her gratitude for the help of a friend.

Rainbow smiled "Of course! Just let me know when we go and find this guy!" She said while hovering back up to her cloud.

Twilight smiled and walked towards sugar cube corner, she had pretty high confidence now with all of the good results she's been getting.

Twilight walked into sugar cube corner with a wide smile plastered onto her face. She looked around for Pinkie Pie, she soon turned around and saw Pinkie behind her.

Pinkie greeted her happily "Hi Twilight!" She said with her happy cheerful tone.

Twilight jumped in surprise but calmed down when she realized who it was "Hi Pinkie! I actually need your help." She cut to the point.

Pinkie nodded "Sure thing, Twilight! What is it that you need?" She asked while turning her head slightly.

Twilight brought up the protector "Everypony has heard of the protector recently, and I've gotten the sudden desire to find out what it is! I can't do it all by myself, so I'm rounding up the girls to go and search for it." She explained.

Pinkie smiled and nodded very fast "I'm up for it! I'll meet you when you're ready!" Pinkie said while happily bouncing off.

Twilight smiled and made her way out. "Okay, next up is Fluttershy." She said as she trotted towards Fluttershy's cottage.

Twilight knocked on Fluttershy's cottage door, which resulted in a few signs of movement from behind the door.

The cottage door opened and revealed Fluttershy, when she saw who it was she wore her usual tender smile "Oh, hey Twilight. What brings you here today?" She said with her usual soft timid voice.

Twilight smiled and explained herself "Me and the girls are going to search for the protector that everypony's talking about, and I wanted to see if you wanted to come along?" She asked the timid yellow pony.

Fluttershy perked up at her saying the name "The nice creature? Of course I want to help search for it! It's been helping everypony, but it keeps running off, it's probably scared and just needs some love." She opened up more.

Twilight smiled "That's great! Meet me at my library later and then we will set out to search for the creature." She said to the timid yellow horse.

Fluttershy nodded and replied "Okay, I'll see you then." She said before closing the door to her cottage very gently.

Twilight trotted with a wide smile on her face back to her library. "All of the girls are on board! I'm already getting excited, I'm sure this creature will be a great addition to the community! Especially with all of the good deeds it done" she continued trotting with happiness in her steps.

After a little bit of arranging, Twilight gathered all of the girls at her library to go over the plan.

Twilight pointed at directions with a ruler on her chalk board to show exactly what they're doing. "We know this creature is very intelligent, so we can already tell that it's probably built itself a home in the everfree, and the reports said it was tall, that means the protector has probably made some kind of structure that's visible." She hit the high points on the directions.

Rainbow Dash spoke up "So we need to look for its home, and if we find it then we need to try to be very calm and collected with it?" Rainbow asked just to clarify.

Twilight nodded "Correct. Are there anymore questions?" She asked while scanning the room for anypony that looked lost.

Nopony spoke up and all gave Twilight their approval.

Twilight smiled while putting her board away "Okay, let's go and find The Protector." She said while she grabbed her bag.

The others got up and gathered all of their things before walking out of the library.

Twilight stood in front of them and then turned to look in the direction of the everfree "Okay girls, let's do this!" She said while trotting towards the forest.

Chapter 1- First Encounter

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Twilight perked up after hearing her name called by one of her friends.

"Hey, Egghead! Does this prove useful?" Rainbow asked as she gave her a odd looking item.

Twilight pulled out a magnifying glass from her bag, she hovered over the object closely and noticed the features of it, it looked like silver circle, almost like as if a metal wristband had been shrunk down to a miniature size.

"Hmm, I'll hold onto this, it might prove useful" Twilght said to Rainbow as she put the thing into her bag.

They all sharply turned around after hearing a short lived screamed emitted by Rarity.

"No! It's going to take forever to get this mud out of my luxurious coat!" Rarity said while holding her hood up over the mud in disgust.

They all sighed before shaking their heads.

"Umm... I think I found something Twilight." Fluttershy said in her usual tender tone.

Twilight turned to her and smiled "Good, where is it?" She asked the yellow Pegasus.

Fluttershy walked to a bush before spreading the leaves and branches apart. "It looks like a wagon of some sort." She said while pointing at the structure.

Twilight walked through the bush and observed the structure.

The structure was a big gray looking thing that appeared to have four wheels and some kind of windows on it.

Twilight observed it closer before she moved a piece on the side of the wagon, a piece of the side moved, revealing the inside of the foreign object.

The inside had lots of buttons and pieces of it were sticking out towards what appeared to be the seat.

Twilight slowly climbed into the wagon and investigated the parts. Twilight eventually got the pattern and found out most of the things were able to open if you pressed the right buttons.

Twilight observed the wagon one last time before she got out of it, but she had soon noticed her friends avoided the wagon.

"I found some kind of door! I wonder if there's a surprise down there!" Pinkie said while tugging on a hidden door in the ground.

Twilight held Pinkie back with her magic "Hold on Pinkie! We need to check if it's safe." She said while putting her down beside the others.

Rainbow looked down the deep, dark, scary hole "So, uhh... W-what do you think is down there?" She said to Twilight.

Twilight swallowed hard and spoke "I-I'm not sure... How about we all go down there at the same time? It seems like the safest way to me." She explained to the others.

Twilight awkwardly placed herself on the ladder before stepping down it.

The others followed her lead before they safely got their hooves on the ground.

Twilight provided light by her horn before turning to the others "Are you girls ready?" She asked with a hint of fear in her voice.

They all hesitantly nodded.

Twilight swallowed hard again and turned around "A-alright, l-let's go." She said before walking slowly down the path.

They all walked down the underground trail with extreme caution.

The tunnel had been well built, there were support beams providing support for the dirt ceiling, it also looked fairly new since you could see loose dirt and roots hanging from the ceiling. There was no light naturally provided in the tunnel, everything had a horrifying atmosphere around it, even the wood in the cave looked scary.

Rainbow Dash squealed with terror.

They all turned to her to see she suddenly had a pale face.

"What's wrong, Rainbow?" Twilight asked with concern.

"I-I swear I felt something touch me!" Rainbow responded with fear in her voice.

"Are you sure it just wasn't one of the girls? One of us could've accidentally rubbed against you." Twilight tried to comfort her.

Rainbow sighed "I-I suppose so, Twi." She said while relaxing a little bit.

They all turned back around and continued forth.

The tunnel seemed to go on forever up until they saw a light coming from around a corner.

Twilight stopped "We need to be very careful." She whispered before walking again.

They all came to the corner and noticed around it was a nicely set up room, it had a bed, a desk with writing materials, there were some strange looking clothing scattered around the room.

Applejack went to the desk and looked at the notes, she then spoke up "I think this is The Protectors home, girls." She stated to the others.

They all got closer to the desk, observed the notes, and saw intelligent observation made on ponies written on the paper. The paper dated back to six months ago.

The door leading to the room slammed shut, resulting in the screams from the mares.

The door had a slot in it that revealed a small bit of the area from behind it.

Rainbow slammed into the door with force, but it didn't budge any.

Twilight went to the door "Let us out!" She yelled with hope and fear.

She soon jumped back when she saw a pair of blue eyes quickly appear into view.

"Why should I?" The voice asked with a deep soothing tone.

Rainbow jumped up "Because we want out! That's why!" She yelled with anger.

The expression in the eyes changed to a plain look "Thanks Captain obvious. If you want out then you better come up with something better than that." He stated with the same tone as before.

Twilight hopped up and brought her eyes to meet his "We are looking for something! We have suspicions it's living here and we want to welcome it to our community for its good deeds." She gave a better explanation.

The thing behind the door squinted its eyes "Is this thing a tall creature that stands on two legs?" He asked with curiosity.

Twilight nodded quickly "Yes, we want to befriend it, not harm it!" She answered his question.

He sighed "I don't like being called it." He said plainly.

Twilight looked at him with surprise "Y-you're the protector?" She asked with surprise in her voice.

He moved his eyes to see the others before putting them back on Twilight "If that's what you call me, but my real name is Aiden." He gave them his name.

Twilight looked at him and nodded "Okay, Aiden. Will you please let us out?" She asked with hope.

Aiden went into deep thought before slowly shaking his head "Nah, I don't want to risk anything." He said before while walking down the hall of dirt.

She went wide eyed "No! Please let us out!" She yelled with fear.

No response came to her.

Twilight sat down against the door "It looks like we're stuck...." She said with a sad tone.

The others all sat down with disappointment.

"What're we supposed to do?" Applejack asked with worry.

Twilight shook her head "I-I don't know." She said before looking down at the ground "I don't know." She repeated to herself.

They all sat there, stressing over their problem.

"There's only one thing we can do." Twilight spoke with a neutral tone.

Rarity looked at her "And what's that, darling?" She asked with hope.

"Wait." Twilight responded plainly. She then laid down, resting her eyes.

Rainbow hovered in the air "What do you mean wait?!? You're just gonna let this flank face do this?" She asked with irritation.

Twilight sighed "He's the protector, he won't leave us in here." She stated with no emotion.

They all looked at each other before relaxing. After everypony calmed down, they all eventually fell asleep.

Twilight sat up with a yawn and stretch before she looked at the door.

The door was wide open.

"Girls! Girls, wake up!" Twilight exclaimed.

The others slowly woke up and noticed what Twilight was going on about. They all happily ran out of the door with joy.

Eventually they made it to the ladder they came down through and climbed back up to the surface.

Twilight took a breath of fresh air "We need to get back to the library and write to the princess about this! The protector is real!" She said before sprinting towards Ponyville.

The others followed behind her.

Twilight sat at her desk, putting finishing touches on the letter she scribbled down to send to the Princess.

Spike sat beside her with a concern look on his face, she had told him what happened.

Twilight handed him the scroll to send off to the Princess.

Spike belched his usual green flame, sending the letter off to Celestia.

Twilight turned to her friends "This is definitely something more than just some animal, this being is actually extremely intelligent." She started the conversation.

Applejack nodded "And he doesn't want to be bothered either, which is why he locked us up for the night." She stated a highlight of last night.

Twilight nodded "He also somehow managed to hide in a one way tunnel, so he might have some kind of combat training." She pointed out another trait of the protector.

They were all blinded by a white light immediately.

Celestia appeared and skipped introductions "You saw it? You saw the creature?" She asked rather frantically.

Twilight was slightly disturbed by how her teacher was acting "Y-yeah, what's wrong Princess?" She asked with concern.

"What's wrong is that this creature is outsmarting us! It locked you in a room and then let you out without you even noticing! What's wrong is that this creature is a smarter fighter than one of my guards!" She said quickly, worry present in her voice.

Twilight realized what was wrong "I don't think he means any harm, Princess, he just doesn't want to be disturbed, but we need to find him to show we are friendly." She states to calm Celestia down.

Celestia perked up "He? You know his gender?" She asked curiously.

Twilight nodded "We also know his real name is Aiden" she said calmly.

Celestia nodded "Aiden... Good. We must find this pony, or thing immediately! We need to do some sort of planning and get materials for you girls to search for him." She said, already getting hyped for the reveal.

Twilight smiled "Of course! And I think the first place we need to go to is the castle, we need to make this announcement to the ponies, so that they know you've acknowledged them." She said happily.

Celestia smiled "Yes, my subjects should know, they should know I have heard their requests." She said before turning to the others.

"Come! We must hurry to the castle!" Celestia said while preparing her horn to teleport.

They all got close to her before she teleported them to the castle.

They were standing in the throne room, dazed by the sudden transfer from place to place.

Celestia stood up straight "We have some planning to do! Come with me to my planning room." She said as she walked through the main doors, the others following close behind her.

They all eventually walked into a room with a table that portrayed a 3D image of Equestria.

Celestia smiled "Now, let's find this thing."

Chapter 2- Meet Aiden

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Aiden sat at his desk, writing down notes about his recent encounter with the ponies.

"The ponies seem to want to be my friend." Aiden, looked away from the paper for a moment before sighing.

The room had been covered with mixed scents of the ponies from before that had entered his little home he created, the atmosphere seemed to change due to the smell.

"But, I think it's for the best we don't interact that often. I just help them with some issues, and I'll get to live peacefully in my little home I've made here." He said before continuing to write things down on the paper.

A stop watch beeped and notified its owner to switch to a different task.

"Okay, now it's time for exercise." Aiden said while getting up from the desk.

The human walked out of his bedroom door and walked down the dark hall. He got to the tunnel entrance and climbed up the ladder to the forest.

It was currently October in Equestria, so all of the leaves had covered the earths surface with orange and brown leaves. The fall air was a little chilly on this cloudy day. It was evening, so the sun was on its way to the other side of the planet.

Aiden lifted his insulated mouth cover over his mouth and unfolded his sleeves all the way down his arms. The man closed his eyes to build up some inspiration for his little exercise session, every time he exercised it's always good to motivate himself so he will keep pushing forward to be a better person.

Aiden opened his eyes and began to stretch his limbs, the last thing he wants is to tear a muscle, it would weaken his efforts in making the land a better place. He stretched his arms up and over his head and then stretched down below his waist, this way he could swing his arms in rythm with ease. His back arched out and then stretched down to make him face the ground, his legs then stretched out so he could loosen up his muscles for running and combat flexibility.

Aiden took a few deep breaths before slowly building up speed from a jog to a full on sprint, he passed the trees and even dodged a few, him sprinting helped with improving cardio, if he ever wishes to make a good impact then he would need to be the best in all aspects of fitness.

Aiden slowly came to a stop and took heavy breaths, he looked down at his watch and saw he ran only about a mile. He sighed and calmed his breathing, since it is a very important skill when it comes to endurance.

Aiden walked forward and looked for a tall healthy tree with a lot of branches, he needed to build some upper body strength, so climbing a tree with his arms would get the job done. The trees all seemed to either have not enough branches or they weren't healthy enough, up until he found a perfect one for the task at hand. "Perfect." He said while walking towards the tree.

Aiden reached up, grabbed a tree branch, and pulled himself up slowly so it would build the muscles in his arms better. He placed his feet onto the branches and grabbed onto a higher branch, he wasn't only just trying to make it to the top, he was also trying to find a good spot in the tree for upper body excercises.

Aiden kept climbing the tree until he started to near the upper middle part of the tree, which where he located a good position for his task at hand. Before he started excercising he took a moment to admire his surroundings. The tree was one of the tallest in the forest, and it gave him a good view of the forest and even a little bit of Ponyville, he saw a few Pegasus flying around the town moving a few clouds to certain positions in the town. The leaves would slowly fall off of the trees towards the ground after detaching from a tree branch, the fall breeze would blow against the trees, making them slightly bend if they weren't healthy enough, the air was switching from summer to winter, so the temperatures were just right for the time being.

Aiden smiled and put his attention back on his task. He grabbed two branches and pulled himself up enough to where his feet could dangle below him, looking at the far away ground below him. He began to do pull-ups on the branches and smiled to see that the branches were healthy enough to easily support his weight, he continued to do this exercise with ease until he made it around to forty or so pull-ups, he started to slow down due to the burning sensation in his arms, even his obliques were starting to hurt. He kept going, he needed to beat his amount from the day before, which was sixty-five, so he tried his best to ignore the burning in his arms.

Aiden counted out loud when he neared his goal "Fifty-four, fifty-five...." He he would occasionally take deep breaths of air in between the numbers he counted. Aiden smiled wide as he neared his goal "Sixty-four, sixty-five, sixty-six!" He kept going after he beat his goal, he needed to go for as long as he could.

Aiden placed his feet on the branches below him and took a few deep breaths of air "I think seventy-seven is pretty good." He said while looking up to the branches "Now I need to focus on my abdominal region." He said while pulling himself back up onto the branches, but this time he held himself up with arms fully extended and he extended his legs outwards.

Aiden raised and lowered his legs, he would swing them left or right to try and get the most out of the exercise. He did this about forty times before he decided he was done exercising for the day "I'm gonna call quits for today, I need to save some of my energy for tonight anyways." He said while climbing down the tree "I'm sure while I'm walking around town that I'll see someone that may need some help." He said with a smile on his face.

Aiden reached the bottom of the tree and let go to let his feet land safely on the earth beneath him. He observed his surroundings and smiled when he figured out where he was "I'm near that lake I fish at. It seems to be getting around dinner time, so maybe if I'm lucky I can catch a salmon, it would definitely be a good benefit for my heart since I just excercised." He then jogged toward the lake he spoke about.

Aiden kept on jogging until he saw the lake come into view, he slowed down to walking speed and approached a log. "Now, where's my fishing pole." He said while bending over and reaching into a hole in the ground "Gotcha!" He said while pulling the handmade fishing pole out of the ground.

Aiden walked to the lake and sat in front of it before he started to prep the fishing pole "Let's hope for the best" he said when he finished prepping the pole. He held the pole behind his head before casting the line out into the open lake waters.

Aiden sat there for a few moments, waiting for a fish to catch the hook into its skin. He sat back and relaxed while he waited, fishing was something he quite enjoyed, it always gave him time to think to himself. His mind eventually wandered off into his past.

'It all began with just wanting to eat a nice warm meal' He thought while leaning back with the fishing rod still in his hands.

Aiden then went deep into thought about his past 'I wonder why that guy shot me?' He thought while trying to remembering.

Aiden sat at his desk at home and played on his gaming laptop, he had been playing on the laptop for most of his time back from the, Navy. He was currently playing, GTA V with a few people on a online session.

The door to his bedroom creaked open and his mother walked in "There you are, I've been wondering if you were home all day." She stated with her sweet motherly tone. "Do you think you could take a break from your game and come to dinner with us?" She asked while holding her hands together.

Aiden had been staying at his parents house ever since he returned, he wasn't ashamed to still live with them, he would actually claim to be a happy soul since he never had to worry about bills. Besides, when you're in the military it's nice to have a worry free conscience when it concerns maintaining a life at home.

Aiden turned to his mother and smiled "Sure thing, mom. Just let me get ready real quick and then we can go." He said while shutting down his laptop. He got up and walked over to his closet and selected a outfit to wear.

His mother smiled and closed the door to his bedroom so he can have some privacy.

Aiden selected a black T-shirt and blue jeans, alongside a pair of orange and gray, Nike running shoes. He changed out from his pajamas to the new outfit relatively quick. After he did that he went to his dresser and got his cologne out, he sprayed himself a few times before smiling at the smell of, Polo cologne.

Aiden finished getting ready and left his room, he then walked out of the front door to the car where his family waited for him. The door to the car opened after he pulled on the handle, he sat down and gave his parents the confirmation they needed so they could leave.

Aiden got out of the car after they arrived at the restaurant. He noticed the restaurant was pretty fancy, but since he wasn't always optimistic, it appeared as a perfect place for a robbery or some form of shooting, especially with the fucked up stuff that's been happening.

Aiden walked inside of the restaurant and saw there was a decent sized wait for a booth to be available, he smiled and sat down "When a restaurant is busy then it's a good sign." He stated to himself out loud. His parents had sat down beside him while they waited, his dad sat closest to him.

"Son, I'm still shocked to see that you were brave enough to go into the military, every time I think of it, it makes me just think of how proud I am of you." Aiden's father said while patting him on the back.

Aiden smiled "Thanks, pop, it means a lot when you say that. Besides, I would've never gone if it weren't for you, you raised me to be a law abiding citizen so the Navy was a good place for me to go." He said while looking at his father.

He chuckled "I love you son." He said, looking at him with proud eyes.

"I love you too, dad." Aiden hugged his father before turning to look at the line ahead. "Looks like we're gonna be here for a while."

Aiden waited for a few moments before hearing a little bit of commotion, he heard people rambling loudly, so he stood up and walked over to see what was going on. When he arrived to what it was, he saw that a man was waving a gun around.

Aiden snapped his attention to his father, which who was getting closer to the man. His father started to talk to the man for a few moments, probably telling him a few words of wisdom.

The man yelled "Hell no, man! I'm not putting this gun down! The voices won't leave me alone until I do it!" He paused for a few moments before raising the gun to point at, Aiden's father "They want you dead." He said before squeezing the trigger.

Aiden's heart sunk, then his adrenaline kicked in, he blew through the crowd and tackled the man. He wrestled with him for a few moments before hearing the gun go off again, but that only pushed him to secure the weapon even more. Aiden got ahold of the mans arm before snapping it in half at the elbow. He grabbed the gun and stood up, he then pointed the gun at the man and pulled the trigger, the bullet shot him right in the head, it ended his life quickly. Aiden turned around to look at the crowd and heard a few people gasp and he wasn't sure what they were looking at until he looked down at his stomach, he had been shot, and it appeared the blood from the wound soaked his shirt red, he put his hand over it and applied pressure. He turned around to see his mother rushing to him, she had yelled a few words but he couldn't hear her anymore.

"Shit, this can't be happening, it all just happened so quickly." He said while stumbling forward. Aiden turned and looked to his left, he saw a big white pony standing there, he looked at it for a few moments before feeling a little cold and dizzy, he fell without even realizing it. He knew he was dying, so he spoke his last words while he still could "I love you, mom." He took a few deep breaths, his vision never faded or anything, he actually saw a flash of white before dying.

"And that's pretty much what happened. It's not a detailed explanation, but it's just a quick summary." Aiden talked to himself while holding the rod "After that, I woke up here, near someones car." He looked out into the lake "I guess that's what makes me want to save lives, so that no one has to see their father die, so that no one has to die." He sighed before remaining quiet.

Aiden perked up when he felt his rod jerk "Aha! It looks like I've got something!" He said while pulling back on the rod, he grabbed the fishing wire and pulled a salmon out of the water "Looks like I'm gonna be eating good tonight!" He said while unhooking the fish from the hook, he then jabbed a sharp stick through its head "Quick with no pain, the way something should die." He said while cutting it open and gutting it.

Aiden held the fish while walking back to his home, he admired his surroundings one last time while the forest stayed lit by the sunset, everything looked peaceful, it was all a mixture of orange and brown.

Aiden bent over and opened up his door located in the ground, he placed his feet on the ladder and then climbed down. He set his feet on the dirt beneath him and walked to his little secluded room located at the end of the earth filled hallway. He walked into the room and closed the door behind him, he then grabbed his small stash of fuel for his lantern, he had gotten it from a pony he helped. Aiden poured the fuel into the the fire pit he made for cooking, he lit a match and threw it into the pit, which resulted in the flames coming to life. He grabbed a metal grate and placed it over the fire. "Okay, now let's get dinner ready." He said while putting the salmon onto the the metal grate, he licked his lips when he heard the satisfying sound of sizzling meat.

Aiden went to his desk and sat down "Okay, journal entry number sixty-four." He flipped the page in the journal and began writing down what all he has done today. He wrote down his days so he would know what tasks he needed for tomorrow, like how he needs to have more reps of exercise tomorrow.

Aiden stopped writing when he heard the fish stop sizzling "Now it needs to be flipped" he got up and grabbed his sharp stick, he walked to the fish to flip it over. He looked at the fish for a few moments before stabbing it with the stick, the fish stuck to it and was carried over to his desk, he placed the fish on a piece of paper before sitting down "Now, this meal should be enjoyable, the last few have been pretty shitty." He tore the fish apart with his hands and picked it up piece by piece with his fingers. He chewed the meat with satisfaction, even though it wasn't as good as the meals in his past, but he still savored the juicy salmon, he loved how all of the flavors melted into his mouth.

Aiden finished the fish and turned back to his journal "Let's put the final touches on this entry." He thought out loud. He grabbed his quill and went over the paper to revise and edit. After he corrected a few pieces of missing punctuation he closed the book of entrys and then stood up, he looked at his watch and saw what the time was "I think I'm in the clear to go to, Ponyville." He said before turning around. He went to the door and opened it, noting that he needed to service the hinges due to them making a loud creaking noise. He walked down the hall and met the ladder once more, he climbed the ladder to the surface and opened the door to the outside world.

The forest was currently turning dark and there were the glowing eyes of the creatures lurking around in the forest, the animals never messed with Aiden due to the fact that he is tall and intimidating. The forest had less of a peaceful vibe and more of a creepy one, every peaceful tree now had a creepy atmosphere about it, almost like as if you were being watched.

Aiden put on his mouth cover and a hat, he wanted to keep his true identity hidden, even though he was the only human there. He walked forward with his bag he had grabbed on his way out, he had it always beside the ladder. The bag contained of a knife he took from a robber, a first aid kit he found, a compass he had found in the handle of the knife, a pair of binoculars, a few rags in case of extreme bleeding, and some stitches for any deep wounds.

Aiden neared the exit of the forest and observed the town with his binoculars, he saw that the town was almost dead "everyone must be in bed by now." He put the binoculars back in his bag and headed towards the town, most nights were peaceful, every now and then you'll have someone come to ruin your day. Aiden walked past some cottage that was near the forest, he was surprised that the individual that lived there never saw him, he would always walk right past it. He arrived onto the path that would take you to the center of Ponyville, he noticed it was a lot more quiet than usual, he just shrugged it off as being a silent night.

Aiden arrived to the center of town and found a bench to sit on, it was the usual place he would relax at, it gave him a great view of most of the town. He had a canteen filled with water, he took a swig of it and relaxed, everything seemed good in the town, so there was no need to be extremely cautious. Aiden rested his eyes and sighed "Maybe I've scared off most of the criminals, that's fine though, it just makes my job a lot easier." He said with a calm tone.

Aiden thought about a few things and realized something "Or maybe they're gonna start doing it in daytime, shit, that wouldn't be good. I mean that would ruin my identity! Everyone would know exactly what I look like." He then perked up "But is that such a bad thing? Do I really plan on living the rest of my life alone?" He paused for a few moments "I may need to take revealing myself into consideration, it might not be as bad as I think it is, those ponies I saw a few days ago didn't seem to mean harm, they just wanted to be my friend." He said with a slight smile on his face "They just wanted to be my friend." He repeated with the same expression.

Aiden rested his eyes again "Maybe I need to trust again, these ponies don't seem to be too violent, they just greet everyone with some kindness in their heart, but sure there are a few criminals, you'll always have a few assholes in your life, but there aren't as many here when you compare it to where I come from." He gave out content sigh after he finished speaking.

Aiden sat there for a few minutes before he heard a few steps behind him, the individual behind him seemed to be trying to stay quiet, so he stayed where he was, just to trick them if they meant any harm. He waited a few more moments before he heard a feminine voice speak.

"That's him, that's the protector." The voice whispered to herself.

Aiden smiled slightly at the shock present in their voice, she seemed to be acting like as if he were to be some sort of celebrity.

The individual tapped on his shoulder, to which he slowly turned to face them. Aiden spoke with a slight smile "Hello?" He spoke with a calm soothing voice.

The pony in front of him had a purple coat and she appeared to have a horn present on her forehead, she appeared to have a multi-colored mane, she also had a picture of a purple star on her flank. "U-umm... Are you, The Protector?" She asked with hesitation.

Aiden smiled "Yes I am. Who are you?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

She blinked quickly "I-I'm, Twilight Sparkle. W-we've met before, but it wasn't on pleasant terms." She said with a nervous tone.

Aiden smiled "You must've been one of those ponies that got trapped in my room, yeah I didn't really give a good impression by doing that." He held his hand out for her to shake it "You can call me Aiden." He said with a kind expression on his face.

Twilight smiled slightly and shook his hand "Y-you can just call me Twilight." She finished with less nervousness present in her voice.

Aiden kept his smile on his face "Well, Twilght I do need to apologize for my behavior earlier, it was very rude. After being alone for a long time I guess I got a little startled at seeing someone else." He spoke with a apologetic tone.

Twilight smiled "It's okay, I understand. I'm just glad you aren't a violent individual." She spoke with a calmer voice now, she must've relaxed after he showed no harm.

Aiden shook his head "Nah, I'm not violent, I'm just paranoid. You see, I'm not used to having ponies come to me asking to be friends, I'm used to waking up everyday to pretty much just exercise all day. My life isn't really filled with action twenty-four seven."

Twilight looked at him with a concerned look "That's no way to live. I think you might want to consider speaking to Princess Celestia I'm sure she would happily agree to letting you become a local resident. At least then you could make friends, everypony around here already admires you, you're kind of like a celebrity in a way." She explained with a kind smile on her face "And you seem to be into fighting for justice, so why not join the Royal Guard?"

Aiden looked at her for a few seconds before speaking "That actually sounds... Nice. That reminds me of home." He looked down at the ground for a few moments "To have a life worth living for, to have a life where you can have friends." He blinked away a few tears "A life where I could possibly have a family." He cleared his throat and regained his posture.

Twilight smiled "How about you come with me to my library? You can stay there for the night and I can take you to see Princess Celestia in the morning?" She asked with a little bit of hope in her voice.

Aiden thought for a moment 'So, I can either go back to my home alone, where I'll be probably never make any friends, where I will just wake up again to exercise, to just train for probably nothing, or I can go with this pony, sleep at her house for the night and wake up to talk their leader tomorrow. So, live a secluded life or live a life of adventure.' Aiden thought about the two options for a few moments before speaking "Where is your library?" He asked while raising his head to look at her.

Twilight smiled wide when she heard his response "It's this way! When we get there I'll write to Celestia. In the time that we wait for her response I can ask you a few questions, just so we can learn more about each other." She said while trotting towards her library.

Aiden got up and followed her, he hoped that he made the right decision. The decision should be right, because with his life goals he hoped to help the world become a better place, and it'd be a lot easier if he earned the trust of everyone around him. He looked at the street lights that lit up the empty streets, he walked with her for a little bit before seeing a large structure that looked like a tree.

Twilight turned to him and smiled "That's where I live, it's a pretty nice place for me to relax at." She said with a friendly tone.

Aiden stared at it with a surprised expression "You ponies must be really good at building things, I've never seen a tree be transformed into a permanent home." He said while looking down at her.

Twilight giggled "I love it, it's very roomy on the inside. It has thousands of books and I can sit in there all day absorbing information. It's just my little paradise." She said while walking up to the door.

Aiden sat beside Twilght before she opened the library door "Come on in, I'll write that letter and then we'll talk." She walked inside and left the door open for him.

Aiden took a deep breath "Well, here goes nothing." He said before walking into the library, closing the door behind him.

Chapter 3- Introductions

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"So, you're telling me that you died and came to, Equestria?" Twilight asked while writing things down in her notebook "And that you're species is called humans?" She looked up from the book to look at, Aiden.

Aiden nodded "Yup, pretty much. I've just been chilling here for a few months. I'm not sure how I got here, I'm not sure how I'm alive, but I am, that's all I know." He said with a calm tone. He averted his gaze to look around at the library 'She wasn't joking, there are thousands of books here.' He thought while admiring the library 'I certainly wouldn't mind spending a few nights here, I'd love to read up on some history.' He looked at the books with a slight smile creeping onto his face.

"Can you explain to as of why you have the desire to help save ponies lives? I would've thought you would come by as the violent type." She asked with her quill ready to write down his response.

Aiden looked at her and sighed "My father, he died that same night as me." He told her while looking at the floor.

Twilight looked up at him with a sorry expression "Oh, Aiden. I'm so sorry, that must've been horrible." She took a deep breath "We can stop if you want to." She got a response quicker than expected.

"No, no, it's fine. We can keep going." Aiden waited for her to ready her quill before speaking "My dad always encouraged me to always do the right thing, which is the main reason I joined the military. I was known in my home town as a law abiding citizen and I was friends with everyone. When I came to, Equestria I was lost, but I still had my personality. I wandered off into town on the same night I arrived, and I saw a pony being threatened, I don't know, I just... Helped, I did what I thought was right." Aided looked up at her and smiled "I did what I do best, protect and serve the ones in need of help." He finished with the same expression.

Twilight smiled kindly "That's so sweet of you. I'm sure your father would be proud of your heroic actions." She finished writing down what he said before looking up at him "I'm sure the princess is going to love meeting you. I'm sure she won't be as nervous as before since you're actually good hearted." She closed her notebook and placed it on her desk.

Aiden smiled "She doesn't have anything to worry about, I only wish to bring good to this world. Hopefully after she meets me then I'll get some sort of citizenship." He said with a small bit of hope in his voice.

Twilight looked at him and smiled "Don't worry, you and her will get along just fine." She sat back down in the chair placed in front of him "I'm just curious to as of how she will employ you, surely she would have to put you into some form of special forces like my brother." She said while getting comfy in her seat.

Aiden cleared his throat "surely I'm not that big of a deal. I'm not really sure about going back into some sort of military." He said while looking down at his watch.

Twilight noticed him looking at the watch, she looked at it with curiosity "What's that?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Aiden looked back up at her "This? It's just my watch, I'm just looking to see what time it is." He said before looking back down at it.

Twilight smiled "That's neat, it's nice to see our worlds have similar devices."

Aiden looked up from his watch and over to the books "Those books, exactly how much information do they contain about this place?"

Twilight perked up "They have lots of information about, Equestria! Maybe after you meet the princess you could learn more about the land."

Aiden nodded "Good, I'll certainly need to." He said with a interested tone.

Twilight yawned "I suppose I could show you to your room now. It's starting to get really late and tomorrow will be a busy day" she said while standing up.

Aiden nodded and stood up as well "Lead the way." He signaled for her to continue.

Twilight walked up the stairs and down the hall of the second floor, she came to a room beside the stairs that lead up to her loft. She turned to, Aiden "Here it is, if you need me then you can find me up in my loft. Goodnight, Aiden." She said while turning around.

"You too." Aiden turned to the door before opening it.

The room was revealed, it contained of a twin sized bed, a small closet, a nightstand sitting next to the bed, a desk on the farthest away wall, and a clock facing opposite of the bed. The walls were dark blue and it was lightly dimmed by a window hanging above the bed.

Aiden closed the door behind him before walking over to the bed, he sat down on it and smiled softly when he felt that it was much more comfortable than his bed back at his home. He took off his clothes and tossed them on the ground before sliding under the sheets, he smiled when he felt the chilled pillow press against his face when he laid his head down on it, everything felt much better than living in the forest.

Aiden blinked a few times before resting his eyes, he instantly fell asleep at the comfort of the bed.

Twilight walked into, Aiden's room "It's time to wake up." She said before looking to the bed where he should be resting. She widened her eyes to see Aiden not there, she panicked and ran downstairs to hopefully see he was there.

Twilight looked around the tree in hopes of finding, Aiden but he was no where to be found. She sat down on her couch and took a few deep breaths "Okay, Twilight no need to panick, we just need to find out where he went." She got up and walked back up the stairs to his room.

Twilight looked at his bed and saw his bag was still resting against one of the bed frames legs "Okay, he left some of his stuff behind, so that must mean h-" she was cut off by the mystery man in question.

"I'm still here? Yeah, no need to worry." Aiden said while walking past, Twilght to his bag.

"Where'd you go?!?" Twilight asked with worry.

Aiden pulled out his long sleeved shirt and a pair of blue jeans from the bag "Everyday at four in the morning I go and exercise." He stated while taking off his T-shirt and putting on the long sleeve.

Twilight watched him change "But it's eight in the morning." She said after he finished putting on his shirt.

Aiden looked at her for a moment "And?" He said with a raised eyebrow.

"You trained for four hours in the cold?" Twilight asked with a little bit of surprise present in her voice.

Aiden stared at her before he started to change into his blue jeans "Yeah, I don't see a problem with that." He stated after he slipped his belt into the loops on the jeans.

"That's kind of extreme, when it's still dark out it gets down to at least thirty degrees." Twilight stated with a bit of concern.

"I'm fine, I've been doing it for most of my time here in, Equestria. Switching to a different topic, when do I get to meet the princess." He asked while a walking towards the door.

Twilight followed behind him "That's the thing, she wrote back to me early this morning and said she wants to meet you as soon as possible."

Aiden walked down the steps with a smile "I'm ready to leave whenever you are." He said before his foot landed on the bottom step.

Twilight smiled "You can't go and see the, Princess looking like that." She stated while giggling.

Aiden turned to her with a confused expression "What do you mean?" He asked with curiosity.

"You need to take a shower and while you're in there I'll wash your clothes for you." Twilight stated with a smile.

Aiden realized that he hasn't had a shower ever since he's gotten here, so of course he must stink pretty bad. "Oh, yeah. You're right, I need to look more proper." He admitted while taking his shirt off.

Twilight looked at him "What are you doing?" She asked with a slight blush.

"Giving you my clothes." Aiden responded while dropping his shirt and starting to take off his pants.

"B-but, couldn't you just give them to me after you covered yourself up with a towel or something?" Twilight responded while staring at him taking all of his clothes off.

Aiden shrugged "Well, I don't really care if you see me or not." He said before dropping his boxers, revealing his private parts.

Twilight blushed profusely and swallowed hard.

"You can come and get me when you're done." Aiden said before walking up the stairs.

Twilight sat there with a dumbfounded look "Wow, he's definitely going to have to get used to how things work around here." She said before picking up his clothing. She sighed and walked to the door that leads down to her basement, she walked down the steps and levitated the clothes into her washing machine she has, she then turned it on with her magic before walking back upstairs.

Twilight walked over to her desk and started to write letters to her friends, because she wanted them to meet, Aiden as well. She wrote down that her friends need to meet her at the castle.

"Spike!" Twilight called out her assistants name.

Spike came slowly walking down the stairs, he appeared to have been disturbed from his slumber. "Yes, Twilight?" He asked when he arrived. He was greeted with five different scrolls and a order to send them all off to her friends. Spike groaned and belched a green flame that burned the scrolls up and sent them off to the others. "Anything else?" He asked, obviously wanting to return to a deep sleep.

Twilight shook her head "No, that'll be it, Spike. Thank you." She said with a thankful smile.

Spike nodded and walked back up the stairs to his bed.

Twilight grabbed her book she had been reading earlier and flipped back to the page she left off of, the book consisted of ancient equestrian species facts.

Aiden sat in the shower, letting the warm water his his back as he let his head dangle, making his view go towards the floor of the shower. The shower felt great against his skin, especially at first when it rinsed all of the dirt and loose filth off of his skin. He eventually grabbed the bar of soap and began to scrub himself down, he could feel the soap work into his pores and rid all of the bad hygiene from his body. He rinsed himself off and felt the grease and dirt fall off of his body, he then grabbed the shampoo and squirted the wash into his hand before working it into his hair, he slowly felt the oil slowly go away as the shampoo did its job.

After, Aiden cleaned his body he let the water hit his skin a few more times before turning the handle to cut it off. Aiden grabbed a towel and dryed himself off before wrapping it around his waist. He stepped out of the shower and walked over to the mirror, he wiped the moisture off of the mirror and looked at himself.

Aiden had a bushy blonde beard growing on his face, he also has long hair dangling in front of his eyes, but his face still had that masculine look to it. He looked over his body and noticed the time training paid off, the sun had tanned him everywhere on his body, he had a six pack that's able to be noticed easily, his biceps were bulkier and you could faintly see the bulge of the veins in his skin.

Aiden looked down to see there were various supplies on the sink, there was a razor, shaving cream, scissors, a toothbrush, hair gel, and other miscellaneous objects. He picked up the shaving cream and applied it to his skin, which proved a little difficult due to the hair. Aiden grabbed the razor and slowly worked it along his chin, slowly cutting the beard off of his face. After he got done doing that he grabbed the pair of scissors, he knew how to cut hair, his mother had taught him since she used to do it for a living.

Aiden slowly clipped the hair off of his head, just to the right specifications, he did it slowly since it proved to be quite difficult when doing it to yourself. He got done with front side and moved to the back, to which he had to awkwardly place his head and arms.

Aiden got done doing that and smiled to see how it turned out, he had given himself a Caesar styled haircut. He picked up the gel and spiked his hair in the front.

Aiden rubbed his chin and smiled before leaving the bathroom, he walked out into the hallway and got goosebumps due to the sudden temperature change. He shrugged it off and walked down the stairs, to which he was greeted with a familiar face deep in a book. He walked over and tapped the book, surprising the purple unicorn. "Are my clothes done?" He asked with a plain expression.

Twilight perked up and smiled "They should be" she then noticed his new look and stared in awe "You look a lot better! What'd you do?" She asked with curiosity in her voice.

Aiden chuckled "I took a shower and cut a lot of my hair off." He finished with a kind smile.

Twilight smiled "I like it. Let me go and get your clothes and then you can change." She said while placing the book down and getting up.

Aiden watched her as she walked down into the basement. He sighed and look down at the book, Twilight was reading before picking it up, he saw that she was reading about ancient species and nothing relevant to him appeared to be in the book, he put it down and turned around when he heard the basement door open back up.

"Here are your clothes." Twilight said as she levitated him the outfit "and please go to your room and change, I feel uncomfortable with you changing in front of me." She stated.

Aiden shrugged before taking the clothes "Will do." He said before walking up the stairs to his room to change.

Twilight sat back down on the couch and began to read again, highly interested in the facts it showed.

Moments later, Aiden walked back down the stairs with the same outfit on as before, except this time he didn't smell or look like a homeless man. He stood in front of, Twilght "Can we go now?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Twilight looked over him and smiled "Yup, I think we're good now." She said before getting up.

Aiden put on his shoes and looked at, Twilight "Lead the way." He said while gesturing for her to go ahead.

Twilight nodded and opened the door before leaving the library with, Aiden behind her. She walked towards the train station so they can buy the tickets and then head off to the castle.

Aiden walked beside, Twilght and noticed it was fairly still early, but there were still a good many ponies out and about. He recieved lots of looks and even a few looks that looked similar to someone that met a celebrity, he turned to, Twilight "I guess it's not hard to identify me?" He asked while bending down to be at level with her ear.

Twilight shook her head "Nope, you're pretty much the only one that matches the description." She stated with her eyes set on the train station.

Aiden sighed and walked with her 'Welp, this is gonna be fun.' he thought sarcastically.

Aiden sat beside, Twilght with a confused expression on his face, he found it kind of odd that, Twilght told them who he was and they instantly put him in first class seating for free. The ticket guy literally couldn't talk to, Aiden with a straight face or without studdering, is he really that big of a deal? 'Sure I saved a few lives, sure I'm a new creature, sure the princess wants to personally meet me, but really? Is that not normal here?' He thought to himself for a few moments.

Twilight turned to him and smiled "Whatcha thinking about?" She asked.

Aiden shrugged "I really don't see what makes me such a big deal, I'm just a guy doing the right thing." He stated while turning to her.

Twilight giggled "You've saved over a hundred ponies now, that's a pretty big accomplishment."

Aiden frowned slightly "Again, just a guy doing the right thing." He stated again.

"Not a lot of ponies do the right thing everyday." Twilight responded.

Aiden sighed "I guess so." He said before looking out the window. He saw that they were currently going through a tunnel, but after a few more moments he saw the train reveal a town that was marvelous.

"That's, Canterlot. The Royal city." Twilight spoke while, Aiden stared in awe.

Aiden saw the houses were beautifully constructed, it reminded him of living in a rich part of a city. He noticed most of the ponies that walked around had some form of clothing on, unlike the, Ponyville residents. He looked out further and saw the monstrous sized castle hanging over the city. "Damn." Was all he had to say.

Twilight giggled before feeling the train stop.

Aiden realized what was going on and stood up, he stretched his legs and arched his back, he smiled when he felt his back pop, releasing all of the stress that was built up in between the disks in his back. He turned to face, Twilight and noticed she was staring at him with a smile "That's just slightly creepy." Aiden told her.

Twilight raised an eyebrow "What'd I do?" She asked with innocence.

"You were just staring at me with a smile as I was popping a few bones." Aiden explained.

Twilight realized "Oh, sorry." She said before walking past him.

Aiden chuckled "Don't be sorry, just don't do it again." He said one of his few barely wise words.

Twilight giggled and exited the train cart with, Aiden following close behind her.

Aiden squinted his eyes when the bright sun shined over him, he let his eyes slowly adjust before seeing the train station. There were ponies everywhere, and it seemed like as if about every single one of them noticed, Aiden.

Twilight tugged on his pants leg and got him to follow her "we don't want to attract to much attention, so we need to hurry before a guard sees you." She stated while she picked up speed.

Aiden nodded in agreement and hurried up as well.

As they walked through the town, Aiden looked at the structures of the houses, he noticed they were built with professional grade materials, he saw that every house had a high budget of money put into them while they were being built. He looked to see that, Twilight was leading him to walk up to a hill that lead up to the castle.

Twilight turned to him while they walked "I hope you do good with inclines, because this is gonna be pretty steep." She warned him.

Aiden smiled before nodding "Don't worry, I'll be fine." He said as they started to walk up the hill.

After the hill started to get steep, Aiden picked up his pace and walked up the hill like as if it were to be flat ground. He turned and saw that, Twilight was starting to get exhausted and she needed to have a breather. He stopped for her to catch her breath and while doing so he got a little impatient, so he groaned and picked up, Twilight, making her jump in surprise. He ignored her commands of putting her down and walked up the hill with her in his arms.

"Put me down!"


"Put me down now!"


After a few seconds, Twilight sighed and put on her puppy dog eyes "Put me down, please?" She asked innocently.

"No." Aiden answered with no hesitation.

"What?!? That works on everypony!" She said before huffing and crossing her arms.

"...." Aiden didn't respond.

"So... You're just gonna carry me all the way up this hill?" Twilight asked.


"Do you honestly think you're gonna be able to do that?" She asked with a slight smirk.


Twilight laughed "Yeah, we'll see about that, not even Rainbow or Applejack can do that without getting exhausted, and that's without carrying a pony!" She smiled at the thought of seeing, Aiden out of breath.

A few moments later.

Aiden and Twilght stood next to each other while staring at the castle entrance.

"I can't comprehend how you just walked up the hill with no effort." Twilight said in defeat.

"Well, I trained, I ate foods that supported good cardio, I was in the military, I've bee-" he got cut off.

"Okay, okay! I get it." She accepted defeat.

Aiden smiled and followed Twilght after she started to walk.

Aiden took the time to look at the castle close up. Two words he thought 'It's huge.' He thought to himself when he found his train of thought after losing it to the ginormous piece of art.

Aiden got pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a masculine voice speak "Are you, Aiden?" A pony in armor said while, Twilght stood beside him.

Aiden nodded "Yeah, why?" He asked.

"You have the permission of the princess to enter the castle." The guard let the two pass through.

Aiden stared at him for a moment before entering. He got next to, Twilight "They look like dipshits while wearing that silly armor." He spoke his mind.

Twilight looked at him "I personally like it, especially now that my brother is the captain." She stated.

Aiden shook his head "It must be hot as hell in those things." He said while walking.

Twilight nodded "Mhm."

Aiden looked around the interior of the castle and saw the beautiful marble flooring and the heavenly white walls, everything was perfect. The halls they walked down were carpeted with red carpet, the walls had various paintings of ancient ponies.

Aiden snapped to, Twilight when she said his name "Aiden, we're at the throne room doors, and before we go in I want to remind you of what I told you when I explained how to behave in front of a Royal family member." She looked at him with a look that reminded him of a teacher.

Aiden smiled and nodded "Yup, bow and speak formally, finish your sentences with ma'am every time I speak."

Twilight nodded "Just be very respectful." She said before turning to the guards in front of the doors "We are here to discuss about, The Protector." She stated.

The guards eyes flinched a little before they instantly granted access "The princess has been expecting you." They opened the doors and revealed the throne.

Aiden stepped inside casually and looked around, he noticed the room had stained windows that had... Twilight and some other ponies? He scratched his head and put the pieces together 'It must be because of the Elements of Harmony.' He thought to himself.

"Twilight, me and your friends have been expecting you two." A formal feminine voice spoke.

Aiden slowly turned to face the source, he saw a big white pony sitting in a red throne chair, and five other ponies standing next to her. 'Wait... We've met before haven't we? But where at?' He pushed off the thought and corrected his posture.

Twilight walked up to the pony and hugged her, which made, Aiden squint his eyes.

"It's nice to see you again, Princess." Twilight said as she let go of the white pony.

"You too, Twilght Sparkle." She responded to her.

Twilight hugged and greeted the other five ponies before turning around to face, Aiden which who was in the middle of the room, which was kind of far with how big the room is.

"It is nice to see the mysterious creature in front of me." The white pony spoke with her still formal voice.

Aiden looked at her "My name's, Aiden." He told her plainly.

The princess nodded "Okay, Aiden. I am, Princess Celestia, and I need to ask you some questions about who you are." She stated.

Twilight gave, Aiden a stare that told him to be respectful.

Aiden swallowed "Okay" he paused and forced out "Ma'am."

Celestia smiled "Why are you saving ponies?" She asked.

"Because it's the right thing to do, because I want to honor my fathers whishes, because I don't want anyone to go through what I went through." He sighed "I don't want to be a failure." He forced out again "Ma'am."

Celestia was surprised at the response "That's... That was unexpected, but I respect that." She stated.

Aiden nodded "Thank you, ma'am." He kept his posture straight.

Celestia smiled "Do you feel like you could live with ponies? If yes then why?" She asked her next question.

Aiden nodded "Yes, I can live with ponies, because they have a lot of the same characteristics of my species, many ponies have a good heart and they accept anything with open arms, like how, Twilight accepted me with no hesitation. Ma'am." He stated.

Celestia smiled "It's nice to see how you feel." She said. "How would you describe yourself?" She asked.

"I'm out of the ordinary. I don't take anything personally, I usually give all that I can, and take as little as possible. I am here to protect and serve, not to harm and disrespect." He gave a few words that he feels that describe him.

Celestia nodded "Would you like to be one of my citizens?" She asked her final question.

Aiden cringed at the way she worded it "Yes, I want to be your citizen, ma'am." He forced out.

"I don't feel like I need to ask anymore questions. You seem to be a very kind and smart individual, Aiden. I just have to ask these questions for any immigrants in, Equestria. I appreciate you being formal but you can stop now, I'd like to talk to you more like as if you were to be a friend." She explained.

Aiden nodded and stopped being tense, he then walked closer to the throne.

Celestia smiled "What do you plan on doing in, Equestria, Aiden?" she asked curiously.

"I suppose I'll try my best to fit in but yet at the same time to try and protect as much as possible." Aiden answered honestly.

"That's good. I'll sign some paperwork and get you your citizenship after we get done here, and as far as careers go, what do you want to exactly do?" She asked curiously.

Aiden shrugged "I'm not sure to be honest." He told her.

Celestia smiled "Would you be interested in being apart of the guard?" She asked the main question.

Aiden thought for a few moments 'I was in the military before, but here I outsmarted them, would I really want to go to war with low level IQ ponies? Or would I rather work on my own and protect the citizens of, Equestria? Maybe even possibly get some help from the Elements?' He rubbed his chin before speaking "No, thank you, Princess." He gave his answer to her.

The princess smiled kindly "I see... Well, I hope you the best of luck finding a career." She said with a kind tone.

Aiden nodded "Thank you, Princess." He turned to, Twilight with a smile.

Twilight returned the smile "I guess you are a equestrian now?" She asked, waiting for the official answer.

"Yup, I'm gonna become a citizen" Aiden said proudly.

Twilight smiled wide "That's great! Now we can reveal you to everypony!" She said with happiness.

Aiden chuckled "I'll leave that up to, Celestia."

Twilight nodded and spoke to, Celestia "When are you gonna reveal, Aiden, Princess?" She asked.

Celestia smiled "I suppose today, I'll just have to call for a conference, surely the media will be all over that." She explained.

Twilight wore her smile wide and turned to, Aiden "Even though we just met yesterday, I can already tell you'll make a great addition to, Ponyville, and as one of my friends."

Aiden smiled and nodded "Good, it didn't seem to take a lot to gain my citizenship, just be nice and you'll have no problems."

Twilight nodded "I want to introduce you to my friends, they're the others that were locked in the room with me." She explained. She got the attention of the others and brought them closer to, Aiden.

A pink pony jumped up in, Aiden's face "HeymynameisPinkiePieandwe'vemetbeforebutiwaslockeinsideofyourrooman-" Aiden stopped listening about halfway through her greeting. After she finished talking, Aiden finally introduced himself.

"It's nice to meet you, Pinkie Pie. My name is, Aiden." Aiden introduced himself

Pinkie smiled wide "I heard you're gonna be staying in, Ponyville! So that means I need to get a party going after we leave here!" She still talked fast but nearly not as fast as before.

Aiden chuckled "If you really want to then I don't care. Whatever makes you happy." He said with a smile.

Pinkie nodded "Alright! I'll go and organize it right now!" She appeared to disappear in thin air, which made, Aiden go wide eyed.

"Don't ya worry about her, partner. Pinkie can be random sometimes." A orange pony said while walking up to him "My names, Applejack." She said while sticking her hoof out for a shake.

Aiden shook her hoof with a good grip "You can call me, Aiden." He stated, he looked down at her and noticed she was surprised by something.

Applejack looked at him "I haven't had a pony match my grip for some time now. I'm sure maybe someday I could use your help around the farm, judging by how big you are." She smiled nicely.

Aiden chuckled "I'll come by if I'm ever in need of some work." He stated.

Applejack smiled "It's nice to meet ya, Aiden." She said before turning back around.

A blue pony squinted at, Aiden before introducing herself "My names, Rainbow Dash." She said with a bit of hatred in her voice.

Aiden raised an eyebrow before shrugging "My name's, Aiden." He looked her with a smile.

Rainbow didn't speak anymore, she walked away back to the others.

Aiden shrugged and smiled when he saw a white unicorn walk up to him.

"Hello, darling. My name is, Rarity." Rarity said with a smile present on her face.

"Hello, Ms. Rarity. My name is, Aiden." Aiden said with a smile.

"Quite the gentleman I see, but you can just call me, Rarity. If you ever need any sort of clothes built for you then you can come and visit me, I'm always open for friends" Rarity showed her generosity.

Aiden smiled "Thank you, Rarity, I'll be sure to get some clothes made by you when I'm in the need of some new ones." He stated.

Rarity smiled and went to the others.

Aiden thought he was done until he saw a little timid looking pony hesitantly walk up.

Aiden kneeled down to meet the pink haired pony "Hello, my name's, Aiden." He said while looking at her.

"U-umm, m-my name's flutter-" the rest of the sentence was hard to hear.

"I'm sorry, but can you repeat that? I couldn't hear you." he asked her.

The pony took in a light breath "My name's, Fluttershy." She said, barely loud enough.

Aiden smiled "It's nice to meet you, Fluttershy. I'm gonna be staying in, Ponyville, so if you ever need help with something then don't hesitate to come and find me." He offered her his help anytime.

Fluttering seemed to lighten up a little "T-thank you, that's kind of you to say." She said timidly. "U-umm... I'm gonna go and talk to the others now... If that's okay?" She asked.

Aiden chuckled "You can do whatever you want." He said with a smile.

At hearing this she slowly walked over to the others.

Aiden stood up and looked at the group of ponies, he saw they were all talking about something, but, Aiden didn't interfere since it'd be rude of him to do. He shrugged and sat down on one of the steps that led up to the throne chair, he looked around and noticed, Celestia wasn't there anymore 'She must've went to do that paperwork for me.' He thought to himself.

Aiden sat there for a few moments before hearing someone sit down beside him, he turned to look and was greeted by, Twilght.

"What're you doing over here all by yourself? You should be enjoying the company of other ponies." Twilight said with a smile and a little bit of concern on her face.

Aiden shrugged "I don't know, I just wanted you guys to enjoy your time. By proven research, it shows that friends feel a little more awkward when there is a stranger involved in the activity." He gave a bit of knowledge.

Twilight sighed "But I want you to become a permanent friend, I don't want you to only be there a few times we hangout, I want you to be there all of the time we hangout." She said with a kind smile.

Aiden turned to her and smiled "Do you really want me to?" He asked.

Twilight nodded "Yes, I really want you to." She said before standing up "C'mon, I think you'll like what we're talking about."

Aiden smiled, got up, and walked over to the group of friends with, Twilight.

"And then I did saw, Spitfire fly past me super duper fast! It was awesome!" Rainbow finished her little story she was telling, she then saw the human joining in.

"Oh, that's cool." Aiden tried to fit in.

"You probably don't even know what I'm talking about." Rainbow stated.

Aiden shrugged "I'm just trying to fit in." He said with a chuckle.

"Nopony's laughing." Rainbow stated plainly.

Aiden's smile faltered "Oh, uhh... Sorry." He said silently.

Twilight got irritated "What's your deal, Rainbow? He's just trying to have fun and you ruin it!" She said with some anger in her voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry I don't like the guy that trapped me in a cage." She replied plainly.

"First off, it was a room, and second off, we invaded his home! Heck, he even apologized for doing that!" Twilight argued.

"Oh, so a 'I'm sorry' means he's a good pony?" Rainbow replied.

Twilight shook her head "No, him saving hundreds of ponies from possibly losing their lives makes him a good pony!" She shot back.

Rainbow tried to find the words but couldn't think of anything "Whatever, I'm out of here." She said before leaving the room.

Aiden rubbed his neck in awkwardness "Ya know, I would've rather of just left than have that happen." He said to, Twilight.

"No, you shouldn't have some ungrateful pony disrespect you after all of the things you've done for us. Just because she got embarrassed from not being able to be the awesome pony she claims to be doesn't mean you're a bad guy. Don't let anypony push you around." Twilight told him.

Aiden wore a concerned look "I'll do the right thing, Twilight, and the right thing in that situation was to let her build up her bad karma and let me build up my good karma. If I were you I'd be the bigger pers- pony and say I'm sorry, because that just means faith will be in your favor." He explained to her.

Twilight looked at him with sadness "But I defended you...." She stated.

Aiden smiled "And I will repay you for that, thank you for doing that. But please, go and say you're sorry, it will work out in your favor, I promise." He told her.

Twilight thought it over before smiling "Okay, I'll be the bigger pony." She said before running off to find her friend.

"Wow, you really do have a good heart." Applejack spoke.

"I try. It's sometimes best to just let someon-pony win, it'll work out in your favor." Aiden gave her his words of wisdom.

Applejack smiled "I'm gonna try that and see if it works."

"But I do agree with, Applejack, that was quite kind of you to do, have a pony be mean to you and take it, just to help a friendship, maybe you don't only just fight crime, maybe you are The Protector of everything." Rarity said.

Aiden smiled "I just want peo-ponies to be happy." He then looked to throne room door "I actually think I'm gonna go now, I really need to research more about this place." He told them.

"Ya might want to wait on, Twilight, sugar cube." Applejack stated.

Aiden shook his head "Nah, she needs to hangout with you guys without worrying about me." He said before leaving the room.

Aiden walked out into the hall way and passed by the same paintings as before, he heard, Twilight's voice talking to Rainbow nearby but he ignored it. Aiden eventually exited the castle and made his way down the hill.

Aiden got to the bottom of the hill and passed by the same buildings that he saw on his way in. Aiden stopped and realized that he didn't have any money, but he shrugged it off and settled on walking back to, Ponyville considering that it was only a few miles away.

Aiden reached the outskirts of the town, where the path to other towns began. He began to jog to his destination with very little worries.

Chapter 4- The Reveal

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"Look, I'm sorry I left the castle without letting you know." Aiden said while sitting on the couch in the library.

"You had me worried sick! What if somepony were to have seen you before your reveal?" Twilight said while looking at the at the human with a aggravated expression.

"Uh... Some ponies did see me. They didn't seem to surprised though."

"Are you kidding me?!"

"Uh, no."

Twilight groaned and rubbed her snout in aggravation.

Aiden looked at her with his usual plain expression, looking like as if he didn't do anything wrong.

Twilight looked back at him "Aiden, just please don't leave the library until the princess reveals you."

Aiden nodded "I promise I won't leave. But one question."


Aiden pointed at the baby dragon hiding behind a corner "What the fuck is that? It's been staring at me for like the past thirty minutes. It's starting to creep me out."

Twilight looked at, Spike and smiled "Oh! You two haven't met! That's, Spike my number one assistant."

Aiden looked at, Spike for a moment before speaking "Is he a lizard?"

"No! I'm a dragon!" Spike was offended by his question.

Aiden blinked a few times "Oh, I'm not surprised by that actually, considering with how much LSD worthy shit I've seen in the past twenty-four hours." He smiled and stuck his hand out to, Spike. "I'm, Aiden. It's nice to meet you, Spike."

Spike stood there for a moment before, Twilight nudged him "C'mon Spike, he's really nice!" She encouraged him to greet the human.

Spike groaned and stuck out his hand for a shake "I'm, Spike." He said with a unamused expression. "It's nice chatting and all, but I really feel like taking a nap."

Aiden looked at him with a raised eyebrow before shrugging "Alright, see ya later." He watched the dragon leave his sight while saying so.

Aiden turned his attention back on, Twilight and smiled.

"I'll get us some books, in the meantime just relax right where you are" Twilight said while pushing her ladder to a bookshelf.

Aiden sighed and rested his head on the couch arm.

A few minutes passed with no words spoken, in these few minutes, Aiden got his opportunity to catch his mentality up to date.

'Get accepted to, Equestria, check. Befriend a pony, check. Don't piss any of the ponies off...' He remembered the issue with, Rainbow. 'Eh, negative.' He sighed and looked up when he heard the purple unicorn speak.

"So, Aiden, you said the reason why you protect the ponies is because you want to make your father proud?" Twilight slowly traced her hoof along the titles before having to push the ladder further down.

"Yeah, pretty much." He spoke with no emotion.

"That's it?" She tried to shake some more information out of him.

Aiden sighed "Well, I guess the military gave me a better outlook on protecting."

"So, the military is another reason?"

Aiden nodded "Yup."

"Huh, that's weird. My brother is the captain of the royal guard and he doesn't go around at night time to see if ponies need help."

"Well, hopefully I get to meet your brother one day. I'd love to test him on his knowledge of combat" Aiden replied with a slight smile on his face.

"He doesn't really talk about his work that much, so I highly doubt he would."

"Does he not enjoy his career?" Aiden said while lifting his head up to look at, Twilight.

"He loves his job! It's just the fact that not many ponies in, Equestria witness the death of others." Twilight said while getting a book off of the shelf.

Aiden frowned "I've actually never killed anyone, I've just neutralized them."

Twilight turned to him "Why? Does it make a difference in war?"

"Well, when you don't kill a lot of people, or ponies then your record is better. I prefer to have a clean record on my part." Aiden looked at the windows to see that the curtains blocked the outside world "For a mass majority of my days in the, Navy I was mainly on the ship. I sometimes got to go to, Japan and and other countries, but not often. Hell, I technically didn't finish my term, I died while I got to visit family. I'm only twenty years old, I'm still pretty young."

Twilight looked at him with surprise "You're twenty?!? I'm nineteen and I'm not as mature as you! With your personality I figured you were in your thirties!"

Aiden chuckled "Well, young people can be mature too. Besides, you're pretty mature for a nineteen year old, being a element of harmony sounds like a pretty tough job."

"When you put it like that it makes me seem pretty mature, but I still have parties with my friends, I have sleepovers, I still enjoy the benefits of being young. But you, you always go out and train, help ponies, be a stallion! With the acts of bravery you've done you are probably a few colts role model!" Twilight exaggerated, Aiden's actions.

"I just do the right thing, Twi, just like you do."

"Twi?" She looked at him with her a raised eyebrow and a smirk "It's your second day and you've already given me a nickname?"

Aiden smiled "I'm a friendly guy. You can give me a nickname if you want too."

Twilight giggled "Your name is pretty short, I think I'll just stick to calling you, Aiden."

Aiden looked at her "It's fine if I call you, Twi?" He asked for her permission.

"It's fine, a few of my friends call me that too." She smiled and got down from the ladder with a few books in her magical grip.

"What are those books about?"

"Well, the first one is about proper, Equestrian grammar, and the others are about, Equestria's history." She said while setting the books down on the table located in front of the couch.

"Uh, Twi?"

She hummed "Hmm?"

"How long do you plan on having me study for?"

"For a few hours, why?" She asked with her head cocked to the side.

"Is the princess not revealing me today?"

Twilight wore a flat expression "If you had stayed at the castle then you would know that she's gonna do it later in the evening, she has to have everything setup. You would also know that she's gonna reveal it here, in, Ponyville."

"So... Should I expect some shit to go down or what?"

"No, no, no! I'm just saying that since it's nearby then you're going to it." She quickly told him "Instead of her just saying that you're a member, she's gonna actually physically reveal you, but I would be aware of the fan club made around you, they will more than likely be there." She explained to him.

Aiden nodded and leaned back "I'm just excited because I can hopefully get a real meal."

Twilight giggled "Are you paying?" She said with humor in her voice.

"Yeah." He replied plainly.

Twilight stopped and looked him "Wait, what?"

Aiden pulled his bag out from behind the couch "Yeah, once you save enough ponies they give you a few things. At first I didn't know what it was but now that I've been introduced to, Equestria I now know exactly what it is." He grabbed a handful of bits and set it on the table "But I'm not exactly sure how much I have."

"A lot."


"You have a lot of bits when you're considered unemployed, you could probably pay a months worth of rent." She said while looking at the gold.

"Oh, cool. You can have it if you want it." Aiden said with a smile.

Twilight slowly turned to him "It's yours, not mine. Besides, you're gonna need it." She looked at him with a smile.

"For what?"

Twilight giggled "You're living here! So if you ever want to get yourself something nice then you're gonna need it. Anyways, you're buying dinner."

Aiden shrugged "Alright, your loss." He stuffed the bits back into his bag.

Twilight opened the book about grammar "My job is to get you used to, Equestria, not take bits from you. Now, let's get you used to our grammar."

Aiden nodded "Alrighty, let's get down to it." He said before scooting closer to, Twilight and the book.

Twilight flipped the grammar book to the first page "Okay, first we will learn about the formal and unformal way of greeting ponies."

'This is Spanish class all over again.' Aiden thought to himself before being pulled into the book of grammar.

"See, it isn't that hard." Twilight said after closing book.

"You wouldn't know hard if it sat on your face." Aiden replied plainly.

"What? Aiden, it's not that bad."

"Well, I'm used to fuck off, not buck off. I really don't like how if you have a marefriend then you say they're your special somepony."

"What's wrong with that?"

Aiden looked at her with a flat look on his face "It's cheesy, Twilight."

"What?!? No it's not. If you don't like it then I guess I'll just have to just nickname you special somepony until you get used to it."

"Do you want to fuck me?"

Twilight reeled back "What?! No!"

"Then you won't fucking call me that!" Aiden replied while pointing his finger at her.

"Wow, for a creature that just got here you sure don't care what comes out of your mouth."

"It's called being a sarcastic asshole. I know, it's a awesome gift given to me by, God."

Twilight couldn't help but laugh a little at his statement "Okay, that was kind of funny."

Aiden smiled "Nice to see you can understand my humor, some find it offensive or just stupid."

Twilight smiled "I'm always open minded, even though I don't make many dirty minded jokes, I still admire the creative ones." She sighed and got up "Do you want anything to drink? Tea, maybe?"

Aiden smiled before nodding "Yes, please. Tea sounds nice." He said while he watching her disappear into the kitchen.

Aiden sighed and rested his eyes "I feel like there's some hope for me here, not everypony is dick, hell, most of them admire my work." He sighed and continued "I've been here long enough to tell if a mare is attractive or not, I always got to see ponies walk around the town from the alleyways on some days. Maybe one day after I've completed my goals I could settle down and have a wife, possibly kids, adoption is always an option, or maybe they could do something with that magic of theirs."

"I wonder if he misses me, my brother, I haven't seen him in forever, so it'd probably not a big loss for him. My mother, she could be loving at times, but she never really had anything to do with me. My father always tried to be there for me, he's the one that made me the man that I am today, I guess that's why I'm hurt by his death, because he's the only one that truly loved me as his son." Aiden said before being brought out of his head when he heard the sound of a cup being lifted.

"Why didn't your mother have much to do with you? She did love you, right?" Twilight spoke while levitating the cup to him.

Aiden sat up and held the cup "I'm not sure, actually. She could be a real bitch sometimes, but I still loved her. But her loving me? I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't."

"So... Your father was your closest family member?"


"Did you have any friends back on your world?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I only had one true friend, and his name was, Justin. Justin was the brother I never had, but he got married and had some kids, so he had to grow up and work full time as a pharmacist."

Twilight smiled "It's sweet that he would do that for his family. Did you two not speak after he had his family?"

"He raised his kids to call me, Uncle Aiden, so I suppose that's a sign that I was still close. As far as hanging out? It would have to be on the weekends, and even that was difficult since I was on a ship most of the time."

Twilight nodded "Being a soldier is a hard job, I guess that would explain why you declined, Celestia's offer?" She asked him about the career choice.

"It's one of the reasons, but I mainly didn't want to just because I feel like I could do better on my own. She has thousands of guards, so she would essentially make me a living statue by standing next to her all day long. When a individual has dedication like me to make a change, they usually get more done than some guard that's either in, Canterlot or on the base."

Twilight nodded "That's understandable, but what if some sort of war started, what would you do?"

Aiden smiled slightly "Then I'd fight alongside the soldiers."

"So you would only fight with the guards if there were to be something that benefits, Equestria?"

Aiden looked at her "Exactly. I don't hesitate to risk my life during battle, I have a goal that most individuals don't, protect and serve."

Twilight slowly nodded "So you feel like you could get more done than the guards?"

"Yup, ponies usually fight because they were forced to, but I fight with no regrets, I fight with honor in my soul." Aiden explained while looking through his bag.

"That's actually pretty amazing. Most stallions are drafted to war, but you? You want to eliminate all threats, and you will fight willingly. If that isn't bravery then I don't know what is." She summed up the major point.

"Yup, pretty much."

"Would you ever want to have a family one day? Wouldn't you want to settle down?"

"One day I will, but nopony has caught my heart yet, so it's gonna be a while before that period of time comes."

Twilight nodded "That sounds like my situation, ever since I moved here my parents have been curious to as of when will I have a family, but I just have to tell them that I haven't found any stallions I'm interested in."

"I'm sure you'll find a stallion one day." Aiden sighed and relaxed "After being alone for so long I forgot how good it is to have company."

Twilight smiled "I'm glad that you came here, I think you'll have lots of opportunities in the future." She looked at the clock and sighed "The reveal isn't to long from now, you should go and clean yourself, you got dirty again after walking those miles."

Aiden smelled himself and agreed "Yeah, I should, shouldn't I? Thanks for pointing that out." He stood up and walked towards the stairs "I'll be back down in a bit."

Twilight nodded and watched the human climb the stairs. After he made it upstairs, Twilight went over to her desk and flipped open her notebook. She grabbed her quill and started to write down notes.

'Aiden appears to be a very brave individual, he will fight willingly for the right thing. He is also a lot smarter than he looks, he was smart enough to learn the equestrian grammar within a hour. Aiden also has a few things hidden in his head, I would imagine they are things he wishes to not discuss, I can see it in his eyes, but he has a slight hint of regret in his soul. He has described to me what a average human looks like, and he has a few more things than the average human. Aiden is strong, I'm not sure how strong, but I know he's strong enough to knockout a fully grown stallion.' Twilight tapped her hoof on the desk before thinking of something else to write.

'Aiden is also a out of the box thinker, he can tell if a mare is attractive or not, which I would imagine most humans cannot, he even admitted that one day he would be willing to produce a family with a mare. He is not stupid, he knows if somepony is planning something, by time you've already introduced yourself he already knows your weakest links, how do I know this? I saw him observing, Rainbow Dash the whole time she bullied him, he masked himself with weakness so his targets would willingly come to him, he has creative tactics. To sum it all up, Aiden is a very kind individual, but don't take advantage of his kindness, because he is not afraid to take anypony down.' Twilight closed her notebook and sighed.

"That human sure is interesting, but what I'm really looking forward to is how he behaves in crowded places." She took a sip of her tea and smiled "But, I know he trusts me, or else he wouldn't be staying in my home, so if I ever need help in a violent situation then I know exactly who I can count on. Sure the others are gonna back me up, but... There's something different about him, he hasn't shown any aggression, even in a situation where he's being bullied, he's just... Calm, it's so odd to see a individual act so relaxed in a intense situation, it's almost unnatural." She sighed and took another sip "But he also hides his anger, it's there, but it's just hiding inside of him, more than likely waiting to be released, but he holds it back, which is something that's nearly impossible. How does he do it? What does he do in order to have this type of self control?" She shook her head "But I shouldn't worry about it, I just need to worry about getting him settled in."

Twilight looked over at the stairs when she heard one of the steps creak, Aiden came down and you could see he looked a lot less oily.

Aiden smiled at, Twilight when he reached the bottom step "I'm never gonna get used to a hot shower, it gives me chills every time."

Twilight smiled "You look a lot less oily. The reveal is gonna happen in about two hours, so we have a little more time to chat."

Aiden raised his right eyebrow "What else do you want to know? I'm pretty sure we covered everything."

Twilight shook her head "Not everything. We need to speak about your ability to hide emotions so well."

Aiden stared at her with confusion "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Back in, Canterlot you were as calm as can be when, Rainbow Dash was bullying you. How did you do that? Most ponies would get extremely upset if that happened to them."

Aiden shrugged "I'm always prepared to encounter some kind of asshole, since I'm prepared I usually don't take ponies seriously when I first talk to them, but once I know they're nice I take them seriously then."

"But how? How do you do that? Surely you were offended a little."

"No, not really. Ponies like her just aren't worth my time, so I just don't bother trying to become her friend." Aiden looked over at the pictures of, Twilight and her friends hanging up on the wall.

"I hope that she can accept you one day." Twilight turned to him and saw what he was looking at.

Twilight smiled "Most of those pictures were taken after a day of hardwork, they hold a lot of sentimental value."

Aiden nodded "I can tell. You all seem to be happy in the pictures."

"I'm sure if you help us with something then you'll have a place on that wall too."

Aiden smiled "You guys are the, Elements of Harmony, so I'm sure I'll be there to help out quite often."

"Just as long it isn't something really magical, you could probably be killed pretty easily."

Aiden looked at her "You have magic, I have a imagination."

Twilight cocked her head to the right "What do you mean?"

"Sure, your magic is good and all, and I'm sure you guys have some kind of imagination too, but me? I was alone for a while, which means I had literally all of the time in the world to train. After a few times I saved ponies I would go home with a few burns or even a crystal magic bolt stuck in my side. I've studied your magic in combat and I know exactly how to handle it. I may look like some buff dude that claims to be able to whoop ass, but no, that's not me, I'm some guy that wants to do the right thing. I've spent restless nights going over my notes, going over books that were given to me. Hell, I even managed to make medicine out of just natural things I found in the forest, I even managed to make some kind of drink that gave me a little bit of resistance to magic." He looked down at the ground "After I gained my knowledge about potions and medicine, I quickly learned imagination will always win in a battle."

Twilight smiled "So you don't only just train your muscles, you also train your mind?"

Aiden slowly nodded.

"Well, maybe once you're smart enough to do special potions then you could go into bigger battles, but I don't think you could really help us anytime soon."

Aiden chuckled "Don't judge a book by its cover, Twi."

"I'm not, I just want you to be safe." She quickly explained.

Aiden sighed "Well, I'm sure you'll see one day what I can do."

Twilight smiled "Hopefully one day."

Aiden rubbed the shaved hairs on his chin "How will the reveal go exactly?" He said, changing the topic.

"The princess will handle most of it, but you're gonna basically stand beside her, revealing your identity to everypony." She said while laying her head down on the couch arm.

Aiden nodded "And what will we do after that?"

"We'll get dinner and then we're gonna meet my friends here."

Aiden raised an eyebrow "Why are we meeting your friends here?"

Twilight smiled awkwardly at him.

"What are you and your friends doing?" He spoke with concern in his voice.

"W-well... We kinda wanted to have a sleepover to celebrate our victory in catching you." She wore the same smile as before.

Aiden shook his head and sighed "yeah, it sure was hard catching me. Ya know, meeting a guy on a bench and having him come to your library was so hard." He then imitated wiping sweat off of his forehead "Like holy shit, that was a near death experience."

Twilight giggled "Look, it was Rainbow's idea, she felt like we should do it just for fun. Besides, you can be involved in it too."

Aiden looked at her with a flat face "I'm good, Twi. I don't want to be with a bunch of girls on a sleep over, because the next thing you know you've been asked if you're a virgin or not. I don't do good in awkward situations, so I just avoid them."

Twilight opened her mouth to speak but closed it when she realized he was right. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But what're you gonna do?"

Aiden shrugged "I don't know, hangout with, Spike, go to sleep, there's a shit ton of books so there's a few options."

Twilight nodded "Okay, just don't be nervous to join in."

"Alright. Oh yeah, if I leave my bag downstairs or something, then don't fuck around with it, I have months of research in there."

"What if I wanted to read them?" She asked innocently.

"Then help yourself to them, but just don't let your friends near them, I have trust issues around peo-ponies that have no business messing with it." He explained.

Aiden turned to look at, Twilight and was met with her closer to him than before.

"Can I read them right now?" She said with some excitement.

Aiden stared into her eyes "I-If you want to." He swallowed with nervousness "Now can you get out of my face? It's starting to creep me out."

Twilight smiled and grabbed his bag, she opened and instantly found his journal that was very organized. She looked at him and smiled after realizing she had made him nervous "Wait, did I just make you nervous?" She then giggled "Don't worry, I won't mess these up, you won't even be able to tell the difference from before and now." She then instantly looked down and flipped it open to the first page.

Aiden scratched his head with confusion 'Yeah, why did she make me nervous? Probably because she put me in a awkward situation.' He then looked up at her when he heard her mumble a few facts to herself.

"Hmm... So what was that wagon doing in the forest?" She shoved her snout deep into the book.

Aiden shrugged and relaxed, he sighed contently and closed his eyes, soon drifting off into a sleeping state of mind.

"He looks so innocent while sleeps." Fluttershy's voice spoke with innocence.

"He does, doesn't he, Fluttershy?" Twilights voice said quietly.

"I guess he's a little cute. But he's still evil." Rainbow said while she floated in the air with her arms crossed.

"You wouldn't ever guess the fella was a crime fightin' genius." Applejack spoke while looking at the sleeping human.

"Yes, he is rather innocent looking, but he would look better with a new outfit." Rarity said.

"Hmm, should we draw on his face?" Pinkie pie asked.

Rainbow instantly had a marker "Just exactly what I was thinking." She said devilishly.

"No, Rainbow. Let him sleep until he has to wake up, he's probably exhausted from everything he's done today." Twilight said with aggravation.

"A little payback won't hurt." Rainbow said as she neared the humans face.

"Rainbow, no!" Twilight tried to get the marker away from her but something else beat her to it.

Aiden's hand instantly snatched onto the Pegasus's arm, making the pony jump with surprise, but she instantly found her on her stomach with her arm held painfully against her back.

"Let go of me!" Rainbow demanded.

"Oh, it's you." Aiden let her go and rested back onto the couch "Yeah, that wasn't a smart thing to do, especially around someone like me."

"Somepony" Twilight corrected him while giggling a little bit at the humans reaction to the marker.

"Yeah, somepony." Aiden said with a smile.

Rainbow rubbed her arm "But you didn't have to be rude about it, you could've just taken the marker away from me." She said with a embarrassed expression.

"I didn't know it was a marker, it could've been a knife or some other kind of weapon, I treat them all the same." Aiden shrugged "Besides, it's not like I broke your arm or anything."

Rainbow sighed and sat down "Yeah, whatever." She blew her mane out of her face "Are we gonna go to this thing or what?" She said while looking at, Twilght.

Twilight nodded "Yup," she turned to, Aiden "Your reveal is soon, so we need to get going." She said with a smile.

Aiden sighed and stood up "Alrighty, I just hope I don't get attacked or anything." He said while walking towards, Twilight.

Applejack looked up at him "I don't necessarily think anypony will have the guts to attack you, you're kinda scary at first, but after seeing you more up close you're actually kinda cute."

Twilight giggled "I agree, he is pretty cute for a unknown species." She winked at, Aiden, which who was looking at them with a awkward expression.

"Can we go now?" He said with some discomfort in his voice.

Twilight smiled and nodded "Mhm." She hummed before opening the library door.

Aiden saw a few ponies heading towards the town center, he immediately hung his head and walked with a more cautious stance.

"You don't have to be so tense, Aiden. Even your regular stance looks aggressive enough to let ponies know not to mess with you." Rainbow said, opening up a little to the human.

Aiden sighed and lightened up a little "Alright, Rainbow Dash." He spoke with a more relaxed voice.

Rainbow smiled "You can just call me, Rainbow." She sounded a little happier at hearing the human accept her request.

Aiden nodded "Okay, Rainbow it is then."

Rainbow floated a little closer to the human "So, um, Aiden. How did you learn all of those moves? All of the moves the ponies talk about at least."

Aiden looked at her and smiled "I was in the military, my worlds version of the royal guard, I also practiced fighting while I was living in the forest."

Rainbow seemed to perk up at hearing him say he was in the military "Did you go overseas a lot?"

Aiden nodded "I was always on the boat. I guess that's what I get for being a young, good soldier. I went to, Japan a few times, I went to, Taiwan once."

Rainbow translated those places into, Equestria's version "That sounds cool. How hard was it?"

"The military? It was hard at first, but once you got used to the schedule you eventually fit in with everypony else." He made sure to use the right grammar.

"Do you know anything about the Air Force? Did you see them on the ships?" She asked with some hope.

"Yeah, I'd watch them leave sometimes, but I was usually below deck helping repair malfunctions in the ship. I mean I became acquaintances with a few of them, ate lunch, talk about how they would get shot at or something." He spoke freely about his experiences.

"Did you know any types of stunt flyers?" She asked with excitement.

"Hmm... We had a version of what you guys call the wonderbolts, but they were called the, Blue Angels back on, Earth. I met them, and they were pretty cool, but I found it odd they were more excited to meet me then I was to meet them. They had read about something in the newspaper about how I took one of the boats out to setup some charges on a pirates boat and I had saved some hostages lives." He said, walking with a more relaxed stance.

Rainbow stared at him with awe "That sounds awesome! I wonder if the wonderbolt's will be excited to meet you! They said some good comments on you in one of their interviews." She pumped herself up.

"Well, if they're apart of the Air Force then they probably would be happy to meet me. I know if I was still a soldier and I met some guy that wanted to do some good, then I'd be pretty stoked too." He said with a smile.

"If you meet them then could you introduce me to them?!?" She asked, clearly still excited.

Aiden chuckled "Sure, I'll try my best, Rainbow." He watched her get pumped with amusement.

"Hold on, I've gotta tell, Aj, and Flutters about you being a soldier." She flew off to the two mares with excitement.

Aiden chuckled and walked alone now, giving him time to admire his surroundings.

The sun was starting to go down, indicating it was late in the evening, probably around time everypony got off of work, the sun gave the town that beautiful autumn look that every photographer loved to admire. The leaves would blow in wind, dancing around in circles before being dragged off to someplace else. The ponies that would would walk by had the autumn glow surround their body, giving them a more natural look.

Aiden was brought out of his daze by a pony bumping their flank on his leg, he looked down and saw, Twilight staring up at him with a smile.

"The town is pretty around this time of day isn't it?" She sparked up a conversation with the human.

Aiden nodded "Mhm." His voice hummed with his deep tone.

Twilight let her body rest onto his thigh, she sighed contently "I'm glad you're doing this, Aiden. We need somepony like you in, Equestria." She looked out at the houses with a relaxed expression.

Aiden smiled down at the unicorn "Me too. I finally get the opportunity to have a life, I get to make friends like you." He looked out towards the towns center "I'm just lucky I woke up in, Equestria. You ponies have only showed me love and acceptance, back on my planet a alien would instantly get rejected." He smiled when he felt, Twilight's chest move up and down calmly on his thigh.

"We would've been cautious if you had appeared out of no where, but you showed acts of kindness and bravery towards us, so how could we reject you? Everybody loves the protector, at least the good ones." Twilight sighed while she still looked at the houses.

Twilight giggled "I just thought about how you're bound to become a mares crush, you're a hero to many ponies and for a new creature, you're pretty attractive."

"Thanks for the compliment. Nice to know it's my second day and the student of the princess is already flirting with me." Aiden smirked down at, Twilight.

She laughed and looked up at him "I'm not flirting you narcissist. I'm just being honest with you." She playfully hit his leg with her hoof.

Aiden smiled "I guess I'll watch out for any crazy mares in the future."

"You better." She giggled before joking with him again "Celestia was awfully nice to you, I think she might be interested in you."

Aiden laughed and sighed happily "There you go, Twi. It's nice to finally see a pony who can match my humor."

Twilight giggled and stopped resting against him when they made it behind the town center.

Aiden walked up the steps with, Twilight before looking down at her "So, what do I do now?"

Twilight smiled "We're all gonna walk out together when the princess reveals your real name. We're gonna walk out together so everypony knows that you have the princesses and the elements of harmony support."

Aiden nodded before sitting down on the top step.

Twilight sat down beside him and made his journal appear before opening it up and reading it from where she last left off.

"You must like it." Aiden said while looking at her.

Twilight smiled at him "I love it. It's actually teaching me about what you did in those months of isolation. I like how you explain every detail of how you bettered yourself."

Aiden nodded "Have you made it to the part where I finally made the magic resistant potion?"

Twilight nodded "yeah, I never expected you to meet, Zecora. It's awesome how she taught you a few potions."

Aiden chuckled "You must of found it funny how I thought I had been drugged or something."

Twilight giggled "Yeah, I honestly think you could make this into a book."

Aiden watched her shove her snout back into the journal.

The group perked up when they heard, Celestia's voice speak into a microphone, she was greeting the ponies and thinking them for coming in such short notice.

Aiden turned back to see, Twilight kept on reading his notes. He sighed happily and looked out back towards the houses he saw earlier. He did this for a few more minutes before having, Twilight bring him back out of his daze.

"Oh, Aiden. I knew it was bound to happen." She said while looking at the book.

"For what to happen?" He looked at her with a puzzled look.

"You finally opened your mind up to joining the community in this journal entry." She said while looking at him.

"Oh, that part. Yeah, you'll probably find the next entry interesting, it's where I discovered how to make potions for magic resistance." He said while looking at her.

Twilight smiled "This should be interesting then." She said while flipping to the next page and putting her attention to the journal.

Aiden smiled and rested his head on his hands, while watching, Twilight's friends chat about random things.

'Today has been really good, a lot better than I was expecting. I got to become closer friends with these ponies, I got to learn some grammar skills, I even managed to get, Twilight to open up a little around me, she's starting to treat me like as if I'm not even a alien.' Aiden thought while resting his eyes.

Celestia's voice still boomed through the speakers, she was still building up the anticipation for his reveal. Aiden could tell that she would drop little hints to the crowd about how the community could easily accept him, the crowd would even respond with a "yes" when she would mention it.

Aiden let his mind drift off into deep space for a few minutes, just so he could mentally catch up with all that's happened today. He would occasionally feel, Twilight's eyes fall on him but it would soon go away, indicating that she was too interested in his notes to spark up another conversation with him.

Aiden was actually really happy, he was being accepted by the ponies with no complications, but he wouldn't question it just so he doesn't jinx himself.

Aiden was pulled out of his mental state by feeling, Twilight tug on his shirt.

"Celestia said your name! It's time for you to shine!" She said, showing a good attitude towards the moment.

Aiden nodded and stood up, he was surprised to see the others already heading towards the front of the town center.

He took in a breath and exhaled calmly "You ponies want to meet the protector? Then so be it." He walked beside, Twilight into the view of the community of, Ponyville, even a few ponies from other places, but most of the ponies in, Equestria were listening to the magic radio.

Aiden caught the attention of the ponies and was immediately greeted with the excited screams of several ponies, the clapping of hooves were given to him by the more formal ponies, and some ponies stared at him with awe.

Aiden felt his heart jump, he was caught off guard by the excitement the ponies gave him. He knew there were ponies that liked him, but he never realized they liked him that much.

Twilight was given the microphone and her voice was soon emitted by the speakers.

"Hello, everypony! As you can see the protector has come out from the shadows of the forest and into the light of, Princess Celestia! The Protector has a name and it is, Aiden." Twilight paused and looked at, Aiden before turning back to the crowd.

"Aiden surprised, Equestria when he saved a family from a robbery while they had been coming back from a late movie showing. He has been doing good for, Equestria for months, and he never asked for anything in return. Me and the rest of the elements of harmony actually tracked him down, we were the ones asking for him to be apart of, Equestria."

Twilight paused and looked down at some papers she had brought.

"In only the two days he has been here I have found numerous interesting facts about him. Aiden is very intelligent, he can speak, Equestrian, he can create potions, he can even hide his personality from enemies. He has told me his skills were developed during his time as a soldier back on his home planet." Twilight paused when she heard small cheers towards him being a soldier.

"Yes, he was a soldier. He fought in battles to protect his homeland, and he went through a few tragedies before ending up here. At first he claimed he was nervous when seeing ponies for the first time, but he eventually put the pieces together and found out we were very similar to his species. Aiden eventually decided to scope out our town at nighttime, and that's when he saw ponies in need of help, that was moment the protector was born." Twilight smiled and looked at, Aiden.

"I found him sitting on a bench late at night in the cold, I had just simply asked him to come back to my library, and I found it interesting that he barely showed resistance, it was like as if he already knew it was for the best. The today, Aiden spent most of his time today speaking to me about who he is." Twilight heard ponies clap after she stopped.

"And now, I want you all to meet, Aiden"

The crowd responded positive when they saw the mic levitated towards the human.

Aiden looked at, Twilight with a awkward expression before taking the mic.

Aiden looked out at the crowd before raising the mic to his mouth.

"Uh, hello." He said awkwardly.

The crowd responded to him speaking to him speaking by saying hello back.

Aiden turned to, Twilight and spoke without realizing the mic was still raised.

"What the hell am I doing again?" He said while looking at, Twilight.

"Just tell them a little bit about yourself." She responded like as if the crowd didn't even exist.

Aiden turned back to the crowd and saw a few ponies were laughing at his question.

"Uh... I'm, Aiden. You all know me as, The Protector." He said with discomfort.

Aiden looked out at the crowd and saw they were waiting for a response.

'C'mon, Aiden, you've put your fucking life on the line hundreds of times, but you're catching a case of stage fright? How do you expect to communicate to major leaders if you can't even talk to regular civilians.' Aiden's conscience told him.

Aiden took a calm breath before looking out to the crowd "I'm here to set an example, I want ponies to see what just a simple, magic free creature can do to change the world. Right now I've lowered the crime rates in, Ponyville, but just wait for the future, you're gonna private contacts join me in my efforts of changing the world, you'll see me get stronger, smarter, and more experienced. I've declined a offer of being apart of the guard because eventually there will be that one guy that will send some bits my way to help a pony in need." He paused and heard chatter come from the crowd.

"No, I'm not in it for the bits, I'm not here for recognition, I'm here for vengeance, for my father, for the one guy in my life that actually cared about me. My dad, he's dead, because some guy played mr. Criminal and murdered him. Why does that make me want to save ponies? Because doing the right thing will prevent this from ever happening again. What makes me so powerful is the fact that I have a life goal, my mindset is to protect and serve, I have will, I have intelligence." Aiden sighed and looked at the ponies with a serious expression.

"I want to protect you all, and I'll die doing so if I have too."

Aiden turned to, Twilight "Is that good enough?" He said while giving her the microphone.

Twilight looked at him with awe before nodding "Yeah, that was perfect." She took the mic and spoke.

"Wow, umm... That's hard to match...." She spoke with a smile.

A few ponies laughed before quieting down.

"That was a beautiful way to gain some trust and respect. He openly told you all about his goals and a few hardships he has faced during his time here, and he admitted he would risk his life for all of us, ponies he doesn't even really know, but yet he will do it so that we could live better lives. As you can see he's lying, because you can see his training has paid off, he's built like steel but yet I feel like he might be smarter than most, Canterlot University students. He's been here for two days and he's already impressed me, I can only guess what he will accomplish within his life in, Equestria." Twilight looked at, Aiden and smiled.

"He's been facing some demons but yet he has one of biggest hearts I've ever seen. Everything he does isn't for him, it's for us, he's just now being accepted into, Equestria but yet he has love for us, even if we are a completely foreign species to him, but he still sees that our lives matter as much as his species lives." She then gave the mic to, Celestia to of which was still recovering from, Aiden's words.

She smiled at, Twilight before taking the mic "It's wonderful to see that, Aiden means no harm to us, he appears to be a very respectful individual." Celestia decided that it was time to end the reveal.

"We thank you all for coming out to see, Aiden, and we hope you all have a blessed evening." She put the mic back on its stand before gesturing for the elements and the human to follow her.

Aiden followed behind, Twilight and started to walk off of the stage, he was instantly greeted with camera flashes and tons of voices asking him questions, he didn't stick around to answer them and just continued to follow, Twilight up until the crowd of ponies were held back by guards that were more than likely there to just protect, Celestia.

Celestia turned to face them "This is where I take my leave. It was a pleasure to have you all stand by me during this reveal."

Celestia started to get into her chariot but paused before turning to face, Aiden.

"Aiden, please do write to me when you finish getting settled in, I'd love to discuss future business opportunities with you." She entered the chariot and was carried off by her guards.

Twilight looked at, Aiden "I think you impressed her."

Aiden sighed "Good, I need a good reputation if I'm gonna make a change."

Twilight nodded "Yup, but let's worry about that later, right now I think we all could enjoy a nice meal."

Rainbow smiled "Yes! I'm starving!"

Twilight giggled at her "Alright, I think we should go out to daisy gardens." She suggested.

They all agreed to the choice and headed towards the direction of where the restaurant was located.

Aiden walked beside, Twilight towards the food joint.

Aiden didn't know why he trusted the lavender mare, she was one of the more innocent ponies, but, Aiden saw through that cover, he saw she is something more on the inside, she was powerful, so powerful where he admitted to himself, she's more powerful than him.

Aiden didn't know what the feeling was at first, but he soon realized that he kind of feared her, she genuinely scared him.

"Are you okay, Aiden? You look a little worried." Twilight brought him back into the real world.

Aiden looked down at her "Y-yeah, I'm fine." He masked his concern with a plain tone.

Twilight cocked an eyebrow but shrugged before approaching the food place.

Aiden sighed and looked at the restaurant.

'Daisy gardens, huh, sounds like a meal to die for. If that's what they want then whatever, I guess a salad will have to do.' Aiden thought while entering the place.

Aiden was hit in the face with the smell of cooked vegetables, he accepted the fact that all he was eating tonight was a salad.

The group was sat down at a table, on their way to the table they had eyes follow them the whole time.

Aiden sat down beside, Twilight in the large booth.

"So, Aiden, what's your secret? How do you keep moving forward?" Rainbow sparked up a conversation.

Aiden rubbed his chin for a few seconds before coming up with a good answer "If you had one opportunity to have everything you've ever wanted, would you capture it, or just let it slip." He remembered that quote from, Eminem.

They all looked at him for a moment, probably trying to convert his quote into a answer.

"So you've always wanted to help ponies?" Rainbow asked with confusion.

"I've always wanted to help the world become a better place. Now that I'm here in, Equestria then it's definitely possible to change the world." He responded while leaning back into the booths cushion.

"Didn't you say earlier a lot of your motivation comes from your father?" Twilight spoke up.

Aiden nodded "Yup, he has a lot to do with my motivation, but I also have a few other things pushing me forward." He said while putting his arms behind his head.

"Like what?" Twilight asked, trying to get info out of the human.

"That's classified. Maybe I'll tell you in the future, but not now." He replied plainly.

Twilight shrugged and looked at the waitress coming towards them.

The mare looked at, Aiden for a few seconds before asking the group what they wanted to drink.

The girls got water but, Aiden asked for something different.

"I'll take a glass of whiskey." Aiden told the waitress.

She nodded and went to retrieve the groups request of beverages.

"I didn't know you drank alcohol." Twilight said while looking at him with a confused expression.

"I do sometimes, it calms my nerves if my day was a bit hectic." Aiden sighed played with one of the napkins on the table.

"Was today a bit too hectic for you?" She said while watching him fold the napkin.

"Giving my little speech was a bit awkward. As I told you earlier, I don't do good in awkward situations." He began to form a swan with the napkin.

Twilight nodded and watched the napkin turn into artwork.

Applejack smiled and grabbed, Aiden's attention "So, Rainbow told me you were in the military, is it true?"

Aiden nodded "Yup, I went into the navy as soon as I turned eighteen."

"What made you want to go?" Applejack carried on the conversation.

"Well, in my world intelligence is rare, and it's usually not recognized unless if you do something good for the dumbasses living there. I went into the navy wanting to be a engineer so I could help everything stay running on the ship, which I did until I ended up here. What made me want to go to the military was the opportunities it presented for my future, while I was home I basically was recognized for the good deeds I did to protect my country. If I didn't go to the military then I would be sitting in a class at, Harvard University." He explained while giving, Twilight the swan he made.

"Is that a good school or something?" Applejack asked with a curious tone.

"Yup, if you go to, Harvard then you're basically set to be a millionaire."

Rainbow's eyes nearly popped out of her head "Why would you pass up that oppertunity?!?"

"Money means nothing to me. I'd rather be poor and happy instead of being rich and miserable." He said while watching, Twilight play with the wings on the napkin.

"Why wouldn't you be happy?" Applejack asked.

"Because I would forever live with the guilt of knowing I could've helped the world be a better place." He stated while having his glass of whiskey be placed in front of him.

They all stared at him for a few seconds before having the waitress ask them what they would like to eat.

The girls ordered some kind of daisy burger but, Aiden just asked for a salad.

"That's all you're eating? A salad?" Twilight asked.

Aiden nodded "Yup, I'm honestly not that hungry."

"Alrighty" she said before speaking to, Rarity about something.

Aiden picked up his glass and took a sip, he felt the slight burning sensation go down his throat as the beverage flowed through him. He looked around at the girls and saw they were keeping each other occupied, leaving him by himself.

'The day has been good so far, but now we need to see if tonight will go good as well. Just because I'm in, Equestria now doesn't mean I'm gonna take a break from helping ponies. I just hope the girls keep busy and not notice my absence, they don't need to see me if I find a criminal, I do tend to get some blood on my hands.' Aiden thought while resting his eyes.

"Aiden, darling. Tomorrow I do think it would be best if you stopped by my boutique for a few new outfits. Your clothes look... Well, quite old and worn out." Rarity said, grabbing the humans attention.

"How much will it cost?" Aiden asked while opening his eyes and looking at the mare.

"Nothing, darling! It is absolutely free for your first visit." She spoke with kindness.

Aiden smiled at her "Thanks, Rarity. Sure, I'll come by tomorrow morning."

"Morning? I never really see ponies wake up until mid-day."

Aiden smiled "I'll come around ten, but I usually wake up around four in the morning."

Aiden felt their eyes focus in on him.

"Four?!? Why in, Celestia would you be up that early?" Rainbow asked with shock.

"I train in the mornings, I'll usually train for about four hours and then I'll be at the library around eight to take a shower, after I do that I'll then run my errands for the day." Aiden explained his daily routines to them.

"When do you sleep? You usually roam the town at night but yet you wake up really early." Twilight asked.

"I go to sleep around midnight. Criminals usually go to bed before midnight but I just stay up for a extra hour." Aiden said while watching the waitress bring their food.

"So you only get four hours of sleep?" Twilight asked while having her food placed in front of her.

"Bingo. Four hours is the minimum amount of sleep a human needs each night to function properly." Aiden told the mares while digging into the salad.

"Damn, Aiden, that's some top notch dedication!" Rainbow gave her opinion.

Twilight stared at, Rainbow "Try to keep the vulgar words to a minimum, please."

"What? We're all adults here." She replied.

Twilight rubbed her neck "But the little fillies and colts might hear. Just try not to overdue the cussing."

Rainbow shrugged "Fine." She turned back to, Aiden and smiled when she got a idea "Ya know, you should come with me and, AJ to the gym sometime. Twilight could come along too, since she wants to study you so much."

Twilight smiled "That's actually a good idea, Rainbow. I'd love to see the strength the ponies talk about."

Aiden shrugged "Sure, just tell me when."

"Tomorrow afternoon, I'd say around three." Rainbow told him.

"Alright, just don't criticize me, I still have plenty of room to improve." Aiden said after swallowing his mouth full of salad.

Rainbow smirked "Sorry, I can't promise you that."

Aiden shrugged "Oh well. Whatever." He said before finishing his bowl of salad.

The waitress came by and took the plates out of their way before leaving the bill for the group.

Aiden grabbed the bill before anypony else could. He took out a small bag of bits before slipping a few of them into the fold where you leave the payment at.

"Where'd you get bits from?" Applejack asked while watching him give the bill back to the waitress.

"Ponies tend to pay you after you've helped them. Even though I prefer to not take bits, but some ponies force you to take the money." Aiden responded while putting the bag of bits away.

She nodded and turned when she saw the group get up and get ready to leave.

"Are you girls ready for the sleepover?" Twilight said with some enthusiasm in her voice.

"Buck yeah! It'll be a lot more interesting with our new guest!" Rainbow said with excitement.

"I'm not attending this sleepover." Aiden said plainly while they exited the restaurant.

Rainbow wore a flat face "What?"

"I'm sorry but, I have shit to deal with. Just because I've revealed myself doesn't mean I'm gonna take a break from protecting." Aiden explained to her.

"But just one night, that's it!" Rainbow tried to get the human to join them.

"This one night could also be a night where a family of four can be killed." Aiden stated.

Rainbow was gonna reply but was interrupted by, Twilight.

"As much as I would love to have, Aiden attend our sleepover, I'll admit, he's right. This is what he does with his time, and all we can do is respect his decision." Twilight told, Rainbow.

Rainbow sighed "Alright, I guess so." She then pointed her hoof at him "But you're gonna make up for at the gym tomorrow!" She told the human.

Aiden smiled "I'm sure I will."

They all came to the library and stepped inside once, Twilight had opened the door.

"So, I guess you're going up to your room for the night?" Twilight said to, Aiden while closing the door behind them.

"Yup, I'll be up there and then I'll probably be gone later." Aiden responded while walking towards the stairs.

The girls said goodnight to, Aiden before he went to his room.

Aiden closed his bedroom door behind him before walking to his bag he left beside his bed, he opened it up and pulled out a jacket and a hat.

Aiden put on his two new pieces of clothing before digging back into his bag. He pulled out a knife and a string of piano wire before shoving the objects into a pouch in his jacket, he then walked over to his window and opened it to have a better indication of when it turned darker outside.

Aiden went over to his bed and sat down before picking up a book he had brought upstairs with him.

"Let, Aiden go to sleep and let, The Protector wake up."

Chapter 5- Stronger Than You Know

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Aiden stepped into the library with a aggravated expression "Another uneventful night, this shit is starting to get boring." He said before sighing.

The girls looked at him with looks of curiosity, they had been doing a variety of activities throughout the night to keep their sleepover entertaining.

Twilight smiled and spoke up "At least everypony is safe. Maybe if you come and join us then you'll feel better!" She spoke with her usual happy tone.

Aiden took off his jacket and placed it on the couch before turning his attention to her "I don't know, I've never really been one to be entertaining." He said while rubbing his neck.

Twilight patted the spot next to her "Come on! It'll be fun." She said while making some room for him.

Aiden sighed "Fine, but I'll only be down here for at most an hour." He went over to her and sat down with his legs crossed.

Aiden looked at all of them "So, what are we playing?" He asked, lost on what they were doing.

Rainbow pointed at the board game they were setting up "We're playing some game about investments." She slid him a character to use on the board.

'I guess they're playing monopoly.' Aiden thought to himself as he placed his piece on the square that had go on it.

Twilight nudged Aiden "Don't be embarrassed if I beat you, I've always been strategic with my money." She joked with him.

Aiden smirked "I think you'll be surprised by my money spending skills Twilight." He watched as she made the first roll and landed on a property.

Twilight smiled and purchased the property "Here's my first investment!" She said as she gave Applejack the money for it, since Applejack was the banker for this game.

Rainbow rolled the dice "So... How are you liking Equestria, Aiden?" She asked while she moved her piece.

"I'm actually enjoying it. Everything just feels right here." Aiden responded with a hint of happiness in his voice.

Rainbow smiled at him "That's good. Hopefully we will eventually get used to seeing you around."

Aiden rolled the dice before moving his piece "I'm sure everything will work itself out. It'll just take some time."

Twilight watched as he purchased a property "Would you go back to your world if you could?" She asked while looking at him.

Aiden answered rather quickly "No, that place is fucked. There is no helping my planet."

Twilight wore a look of surprise "What makes you say that?"

Aiden sighed "There is way to much evil present in that world. Our corruption is way to high."

Twilight swallowed "That's... Kind of rough. I suppose you're lucky then."

"I would say it's a mix of luck and skill. People in my hometown knew not to mess with me. Besides, people respect you if you were in the military." He explained as he watched Rarity take her turn.

Twilight nodded before pulling out his notebook "I finished reading this but I wanted to know if I could try to make a few of the potions that you created, with your help of course." She said while staring at him with a smile.

Aiden smiled back at her "Sure, how about we go and do that now? I'm honestly not really interested in this game."

Twilight nodded "The sooner the better. Follow me down to my chemistry station." She said while standing up.

Rainbow looked at them "Can I come too?"

Aiden looked at Twilight to see her answer.

"Sure thing Rainbow, I'm sure you could learn something while we're down there." Twilight said with her usual friendly smile.

Aiden gestured for Twilght to lead the way.

Twilight walked to her basement door before opening it and walking down the stairs, she had Aiden and Rainbow following behind her as she made her way towards her chemistry lab.

"This is a nice setup you have here. It's definitely a lot more advanced than a cast iron pot." Aiden complimented her setup.

The lab consisted of test tubes that were very well organized, everything sat on top of a metal bench.

Rainbow noticed the chemistry lab was the only station with a metal surface, everything else had a wooden top "Why is this top the only one with metal?"

Aiden spoke before Twilight could "Wood absorbs chemicals more than metal does. You can release harmful chemicals and the last thing you want is to have contaminated wood. It's just a safety precaution."

Twilight smiled at Aiden "I didn't expect you to know that."

Aiden smiled "I've learned things the hard way." He said before flipping open the notebook to the potion page.

Twilight leaned over and looked at it "What will you show me first?"

Rainbow pointed at a potion before Aiden could speak "Do the magic resistant one! I want to know how to protect myself against unicorns!" She said with interest.

Aiden chuckled "We can do that one if you want but it takes a little while to build resistance to magic, you have to take a twelve milligram dose every four hours for at least a month before you start building resistance." He explained to the Pegasus.

Rainbow looked at him "How do you know that?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Aiden smiled "I've been taking it for most of my time here. I've actually made myself a higher dosage since my body has grown used to it."

Twilight cocked her head at him "Is this addictive?" She asked with concern.

Aiden sighed "it can be, yes. If you take it longer than three months then your body starts accepting it as a way of life. You can recover quite easlily, but if you continue to take a higher dosage like me then it starts to get complicated." He explained.

Twilight wore a look of concern "What are some side effect of the recession?" She asked him.

Aiden looked at her "With a regular dosage then some random sweat breakouts and possibly some itchiness." He explained.

"And your doseage?" She urged him to continue.

He sighed "Vomiting, fevers, cold sweat, possible increase in likeliness of getting pancreatitis, and then if you go to a even higher dose then if you want to get off then cardiac arrest will more than likely happen." Aiden explained to them.

Twilight gasped "Aiden! Stop taking it, it's harming you!"

Aiden shook his head "No, the recession will be the only thing to harm you, but if you continue to take it then you're body is actually benefitted."

Twilight sighed "So it's either take it and don't turn back or-"

Aiden finished her sentence "Or just don't take it, which I highly you not take it, as it won't exactly benefit you guys in the long run. Y'all have the magic of friendship anyways and that's not harmful to the body at all."

They both nodded before they perked when they saw him grab a test tube.

Aiden poured it half way with a purple liquid.

"Are you gonna make it now?" Twilight asked.

Aiden nodded "Mhm. Do you have any poison joke powder?"

Twilight nodded "Yes, is that a ingredient?"

Aiden looked at her "Yeah, this liquid subsides the side effects but does leave the ingredient that can boost change in your body."

Twilight thought about it before giving him the powder "I never thought of that. You're smarter than I thought!" She complimented him.

Aiden looked at the test tube "aren't we all smarter than we thought?" He mumbled quiet enough to keep himself unheard.

Pinkie air hoofed as she collected some money from Rarity "Yes! It's time to shine!" She said as she placed the fake money into her stash.

Rarity rolled her eyes "Better enjoy it while it lasts, because I will be the one celebrating soon after I win this game."

Applejack chuckled "Right, you're gonna be winning." She said sarcastically.

Fluttershy watched them all get into a competitive state against each other.

Applejack rolled the dice before having it land on six, she moved it and her piece landed safely on one of her own properties "So, what do y'all think about Aiden?" She sparked up some small talk.

Rarity sighed "He is quite nice, but he seems very... Masculine if I do say."

Pinkie smiled wide "Aiden is a big teddy bear! He has love for everypony!" She referred to his good deeds.

Applejack giggled "We'll see how masculine he is after I get him to work with me on the farm for a few days. I'd like to see how good two legs can keep up with four."

Fluttershy mumbled something very quietly.

Applejack looked at her "What was that, sugar cube?" She asked the yellow mare.

Fluttershy got a little louder "He appears to be very strong, he may surprise you." She informed Applejack.

Applejack chuckled "What makes ya say that?"

Fluttershy swallowed nervously "The look in his eyes... You may not see it at first but you can see many emotions, you can see the pain in his soul... You can see the anger."

Applejack waited for her to continue "And?"

Fluttershy looked at her "H-he has determination! He has the will to make a change, he has will that I have never seen before! I haven't seen that kind of determination inside neither yours or Rainbow's eyes!" She raised her voice.

Applejack sighed "He may have will but that does not mean he has a lot of strength."

Fluttershy sighed "You'll see what I mean one day...." She trailed off.

Aiden gave Rainbow a tube full of a chemical "Okay, now very carefully just pour that into the the jar." He informed her.

Rainbow looked at him plainly "I'm not stupid."

Aiden sighed "If you pour that onto me then you're gonna ruin my clothes."

Twilight nudged Rainbow "Just be careful." She said while watching the Pegasus move the tube towards the jar.

Rainbow carefully poured the fluid from the tube into the jar, the fluids mixed together and started to foam up "I-is it supposed to do that?" She asked nervously.

Aiden nodded "Yup, it'll settle down after a few minutes. It'll behave a lot like soda." He explained to the mare.

Rainbow sighed and released the tension in her body "How long until we're finished?"

Aiden smiled "it'll be a few more minutes, but it won't be fully completed until tomorrow due to it needing to be chilled over night."

Twilight sat down next to Aiden "That sounds about right. I'm really impressed with how much you've learned while being in a forest, but I suppose that just proves that if you want to learn more then you can." She said while smiling up at him.

Aiden nodded "Knowledge equals power. I was really wanting to learn since I had been injured more than a few times by magic, so I just invested some time in learning how to prevent any more injuries." He said this while mixing the chemicals with a spoon.

Twilight nodded "I would say it was a smart choice to make."

Aiden grabbed the jar and poured the now baby blue liquid onto a metal tray "I just now need to try and develop my strength, sure I'm strong, but I'm not strong enough for a world changing event."

Twilight watched the liquid even itself out onto the pan "Judging on the way your plans have been going, I would definitely say I trust you on that decision. I think you're planning and choice making skills have gotten you into a more respectable spot." She said while looking up at him.

Aiden nodded "That's what happens when you take your time to think about things."

Rainbow looked at him oddly "Uh... Have you even thought about income? Bits don't just come out of the air." She asked him.

Aiden turned to her "Yes, I have thought about that. Judging on how your business works in Equestria, then I would say that after a few moves on my part then I'll have some sponsors come my way."

Rainbow raised her eyebrow "So like a wonderbolt?"

Aiden shrugged "Essentially, yes." He said while walking to the sink to wash his hands.

Twilight nodded "Even though he isn't a athlete, he will be considered a celebrity of some sort due to his acts of kindness in the community. I'm more than sure that he'll recieve a decent amount of offers." She said while levitating a towel over to him to use.

Aiden grabbed the towel and dried off his hands "And after I gain a income from those offers I will have more than enough bits." He put down the towel before walking towards the stairs "It'll just be a process that you'll have to watch."

They both followed behind him and stopped in the main area.

Rarity looked at them and smiled "There they are! We were just about to tell you all that we are ready for bed." She informed them.

Twilight smiled at her "Good, It's time to go to sleep anyways." She then turned to Aiden "Will you be retiring to bed as well?"

Aiden nodded "Yup, I have to get up early. I better catch as many z's as possible." He said while turning around to go upstairs.

The mares all told him goodnight while he went upstairs.

Rainbow laid down onto her sleeping bag "He definitely has his priorities straight." She commented on the human.

Applejack nodded "Yeah, that fella has a strict schedule."

Twilight shrugged "He seems pretty normal to me. I usually get up early in the mornings as well to do my daily routines."

Rainbow deadpanned "You're not normal Twi, so of course a not normal pony will be normal to you."

Twilight shrugged before laying down onto her bag "Oh well, I'm going to sleep. I'll worry about everything else tomorrow."

The others followed and laid down to fall asleep into a deep slumber.

Twilight was startled awake as a hand was placed over her mouth to muffle her scream.

Aiden shushed her "Wake up. You told me you wanted to learn my routines, so now you have your opportunity." He said while removing his hand from her mouth.

Twilight sat up quickly "You scared me half to death Aiden!" She said in a hushed voice.

Aiden shrugged "Oh well, get your notebook and let's hit the road, I don't have all morning." He said while slowly walking towards the door.

Twilight looked at the clock and saw it read four-thirty in the morning "Dang, talk about early." She said while grabbing her notebook and pen.

Aiden quietly opened up the door and held it open for her before closing it back.

Twilight saw that the sun wasn't even close to raising yet "Where do we go?" She asked him.

"Well, I usually run about five miles that way" he responded while pointing to the forest "but today I'll run on the trail leading to Canterlot for about five miles." He said before walking forward.

Twilight walked beside him "But I'm not really awake enough for running." She said with concern.

"I already planned that. I'm just gonna carry you with me, extra weight will help build my back anyways." He explained to her.

Twilight stared at him for a few seconds "I can't tell if you're serious or not." She said plainly.

Aiden smiled "I'm being as serious as can be. C'mon, being carried isn't a bad thing!" He said to make her feel better.

Twilight sighed "Fine, but you're lucky everypony is still asleep." She accepted his plan.

Aiden unzipped his hoodie "You can take a few naps too, I'm gonna be running for a while. It's pretty cozy in this hoodie too."

Twilight shrugged before being picked up and placed into his hoodie "How come you can just pick ponies up effortlessly?"

Aiden zipped up the hoodie to her neck "It's something you develop after being able to throw a full grown stallion into the ground." He said before starting his jog.

Aiden stopped running to take a breath "Two miles down, two more to go." He looked down to check on Twilight but was greeted by a sleeping face.

Twilight snored silently in his hoodie with a soft smile on her muzzle.

Aiden smiled at her "I guess she doesn't usually wake up this early." He said before grabbing her notebook from her hooves. He flipped the page to where she left off before writing down some things with the quill that was left in the notebook. "I suppose I could help her out a little. Besides, who's gonna know more about me than me?" He said while writing down some of his athletic statistics.

Aiden had finished his morning routine when he approached the library. The town was still dead, and it was now five thirty, but that's what Aiden expected, as in his world many regular people didn't start waking up until six or seven in the morning.

Twilight opened her eyes before yawning "Why are we back here so soon?" She said while looking up at him.

Aiden smiled down at her "I'm done exercising, you just slept the whole time." He said with a chuckle.

Twilight widened her eyes "Did I get any notes?" She asked herself while opening her notebook.

"I did them for you Twi." He said with his smile still planted on his face.

Twilight saw he wrote down a few detailed pages of his routine "Wow, I've never really seen somepony put in this kind of detail except for me. Are you sure you never went to a university?" She asked before looking back up at him.

Aiden chuckled again "The university life wasn't for me, I really wanted to make a change in the world instead of the market."

Twilight nodded "That's right, you've told me that before." She said while remembering the conversation.

Aiden opened the door to the library and saw the lights were on "I guess someone is awake."

"Somepony" Twilght corrected him.

Aiden nodded before seeing that the sleeping bags were empty "Everypony is awake." He stated to her.

Twilight nodded "It's like a domino effect, once one is up, they all get up." She told him.

Aiden looked at her before shrugging "I suppose that makes sense." He walked towards the stairs before stopping to look back at Twilight "I'll be back down, I just need to check on something." He said before walking up the steps.

Aiden saw a figure dash into his room quickly when he reached the second floor. He walked quickly into his room to see all of the mares looking through his things.

Rainbow Dash noticed the human and greeted him with a question "Aiden, who is this?" She said while holding up a picture of him with a man that looked like a older version of him standing next to Aiden.

Aiden quickly snatched the photo from her and wore a more aggravated expression "I find it highly disrespectful of you all to go through my belongings. The least you could've done was ask for permission." He said while grabbing his bag from them.

Applejack looked at him with a raised eyebrow "You don't have anything to hide do ya?" She asked him.

Aiden flattened his expression "I have to many things to hide, at least emotionally. Physically, no not really." He said while stuffing everything back into his bag.

Applejack looked at him with the same expression "Then why would you be defensive of the bag?" She asked him.

Aiden sighed "Maybe because it's all I have left." He said before closing up the bag and walking out of the room.

Rainbow rubbed her neck "I think we hit a sensitive spot..." She said with some guilt present on her face.

Applejack raised her eyebrow "How would that be sensitive to him? He's always actin' tough anyways." She said with a confused tone.

Rarity sighed "He has lost his family darling, I highly doubt you could go through that without shedding a tear, but he has." She explained to her.

Applejack sighed "Well, when you put it that way then I could see how he's sensitive 'bout his belongings." She walked out of the room with a better understanding of things.

Aiden sat down next to Twilght on the couch before looking at her "We need to talk to Rarity and give her my measurements so she can make me a new set of clothes." He said, grabbing her attention from her notebook.

Twilight perked up with realization "Yes! I completely forgot about that Aiden!" She spoke with a smile on her face.

Rarity grabbed their attention as she reached the bottom step "Ah yes, we certainly need to do that as soon as possible. How about we head over to my boutique now to go ahead and get the order in." She said to them with her usual formal but kind tone.

Twilight nodded "That's a good idea, the sooner the better." She said while getting up from the couch.

Aiden sighed before standing up, he looked over and noticed Rainbow stare at him. "What is it?" He said to her.

Rainbow perked up "We're still down to go to the gym right?" She said while tilting her head.

Aiden smiled before nodding "Sure thing, me and Twi will meet you up there after we get done at the boutique." He informed her.

Rainbow smiled "Okay, how long do you think it'll take?" She asked him another question.

Aiden shrugged "I'd say no longer than 30 minutes. She's just getting my measurements for now." He told her.

Rainbow nodded "Gotcha, I'll see you guys then!" She said before walking out of the door of the library.

Aiden sighed "Well, we better go now. I'm ready to wear some new clothes." He stated.

Twilight nodded "Alrighty, let's go." She said goodbye to the others before walking out of the door with Aiden and Rarity.

Rarity walked up to beside Aiden "So Aiden, is Equestria treating you well?" She asked him.

Aiden nodded "So far it has, but I am expecting a few bumps in the future." He told her.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked with a confused tone.

Aiden sighed "I'm positive that I will deal with bigger issues. Sooner or later I'll find out who are the main enemies and I'll try my best to take them down." He explained.

Rarity giggled "Our biggest enemies have armys, it's best just to let our military deal with it." She told him.

Aiden smirked "I've already planned everything out, it's just the time now to revise and edit things." He said with a tone filled with confidence.

Rarity raised a eyebrow "Do you think you're capable of taking down a military?" She asked him.

Aiden shook his head "No, not just me. I expect my knowledge to get me far in this world. You guys probably don't even know how to build a gun." He explained a little bit more to her.

Twilight bumped into the coversation "What's a gun?" She asked Aiden.

Aiden smiled at her "It's something I'm highly skilled with. I can be two-hundred feet away and shoot you with a bullet right in between the eyes. It's a very dangerous weapon, but I do not ever plan on introducing you guys to it, seeing how misused it is in my old world." He explained.

Twilight nodded "I can respect that, it's probably for the best anyways." She said before walking up the to the boutique.

Rarity unlocked the door before letting them all into the boutique "Let's grab your measurements then I'll let you select a few styles that you like." She said whil grabbing a tape measurer off of the counter.

Aiden nodded "do I need to remove any clothes?" He asked her.

Rarity smiled "No, it's not necessary. Just lift up your shirt so I can get your waist size." She told him.

Aiden lifted up his shirt and revealed his lower belly.

Rarity was surprised to see the muscles he had hidden away "You're full of surprises. I never would've expected your kind to have a similar abdomen to stallions." She stated.

Aiden looked at with a confused expression "We don't." He said.

Twilight giggled at his reaction "They're not the exact same, but stallions do have the ability to reveal their four pack. You on the other hand has what appears to be a six pack, which I would guess means you're a very strong and healthy individual. I'm sure you would make a few stallions jealous." She informed him.

Aiden nodded "I've worked hard for where I'm at now, but by the end of my training I'll have my last set of abs revealed. A human has up to eight abs in total." He gave her some more info about humans.

Rarity got done measuring his torso length "Follow me, I'll show you a few fabric designs you can pick from." She said while walking to her room where all of her supplies are kept.

Aiden and Twilght walked into the room to see her grabbing a book full of designs.

Rarity opened the page to a more masculine and athletic section of fabric "Choose four different ones and I'll get started." She told Aiden.

Aiden looked and instantly knew what he wanted "I want this dark red, this light blue, this dark green, and this black" he said while pointing at the fabrics he wanted.

Rarity nodded "Good choice, I'll have these done by this evening, I'm sure you'll be at the gym with Rainbow until it's time to collect them." She told him.

Twilight smiled "Thank you Rarity, me and Aiden really appreciate this!" She thanked the white unicorn.

Rarity smiled "Anything for a friend Twilght. I'll see you two this evening." She said goodbye to them.

Aiden nodded "yup, bye Rarity." He said before walking out of the boutique with Twilight behind him.

Rainbow flew up into Aiden's face "Are you pumped?!? You better be! Or else you'll look like a wuss compared to the body builders in there!" She gave him some motivation while he registered for a membership.

Aiden chuckled "Some of them may be stronger than me, but I bet they don't have better endurance nor knowledge." He said while taking the membership card from the mare that worked the front desk of the gym.

Rainbow shook her head while laughing "You're funny Aiden, you're gonna have to hit the gym hard for a long time to even get near these guys skill." She said while walking through the door to the weight lifting room.

Twilight nudged Rainbow "Let him show us what he can do, then we can start doing comparisons." She told her.

Rainbow shrugged "If you say so." She then turned to see Aiden already doing push ups "We want to see you do weights, not push ups tough guy." She told the human.

Aiden looked up at her while pushing himself back up "I'm getting warmed up, I don't want to get muscle bound. Tearing a muscle wouldn't be fun either." He informed her.

A stallion walked past them and scoffed at the human before mumbling under his breath "Weak little creature thinks he can keep up" he walked over to his workout station.

Aiden heard him and just ignored it. He sighed and went over to the Dumbbells that they had lined up.

Rainbow smiled "My max is fifty pounds, let's see what yours is." She said with a smile.

Twilight pulled out her notebook and turned to a blank page "I'm ready, you can't start whenever you want." She said while readying her pen.

Aiden felt eyes of the other stallions on him, but he just smirked "Okay, let's see what my max is." He said before walking down the row and picking up the dumbbell that read seventy-five pounds on it.

Rainbow widened her eyes "That might be-" she was taken by surprise to see him curl it fairly easily.

Aiden shook his head "My arms are more built for lifting things unlike how ponies are built to run." He said before setting it down.

Rainbow blinked a few times "So that means I'm a lot stronger at squatting weights than you!" She said with a wide smile.

Aiden shrugged "I'm not too sure. I know you are capable of pulling more weight than me, but lifting it I'm not sure about." He told her.

Rainbow walked over to the squatting station "Let's find out!" She said before putting weights onto the bar.

Aiden saw how much weight was going onto it, he sighed when he saw her stop at four-hundred "Is that your max or average?" He asked her.

Rainbow stared at him "it's my max, why?" She raised an eyebrow.

Aiden shrugged "I was just wondering." He said while watching her get ready, it seemed awkward since the bar was lower down since she is a pony.

Rainbow lifted the bar with her back before squatting all four of her legs down she quickly put it back onto the holder before taking a deep breath of air "Your turn now hot shot." She said while sitting down.

Aiden sighed before grabbing more weights to increase the weight to six-hundred pounds.

Twilight wore a concerned expression "Aiden, your stepping into the extreme body building territory." She said with concern.

Aiden smiled "I'll be fine." He said before raising the bar to a higher position so he could position himself underneath it.

Rainbow laughed "I'm gonna laugh when those weights fall on you." She doubted the human.

Aiden place the bar on his back before lifting it off of the holder and squatting it down then lifting it back up with not a lot of effort.

Twilight stared at him with wide eyes before writing down the weight "I was not expecting that." She said while finishing writing.

Rainbow stared at him "Why are you strong but yet you don't appear to have all toned muscles." She asked him while squinting.

Aiden sighed "I'm very toned, just my clothes hide it. I'll show you." He said before lifting his shirt up to reveal a very toned human body.

Rainbow stared in awe, as long with a few other ponies in the gym.

Twilight blushed "U-umm, I-I think we get the point." She said while looking at him.

Aiden put his shirt back on "my body has to be toned, if it wasn't then I wouldn't have the endurance or fighting skills I need." He explained to them.

Rainbow shrugged "I don't know much about combat so I don't understand your exercise routine." She stated.

Aiden smiled "I do a lot of exercises that require flexibility since I have to stretch my limbs upwards, I really developed my routine off of the exercises my trainer had given me when I was in my teens, since my dad had enrolled me in some kickboxing courses." He explained to her.

Rainbow nodded "That makes more sense. I want to see your back strength, so follow me to the back station." She said while walking to the exercise machine.

Aiden saw that the machine was designed to have you actually pull weigh instead of lift it.

Rainbow smiled at him "My max on backs are two-hundred and fifty pounds, let's see what yours is." She said while adjusting the position for him.

Aiden smiled "That's pretty impressive, let's see how I do." He said while setting the weight to two-hundred and fifty pounds.

Aiden took a deep breath before locking his back and pulling the weight pretty quickly, he let go and increased his weight to two-hundred and ninety-five pounds.

Aiden grabbed the handle before pausing forward with more effort and got the weight out before letting go, he took a deep breath before turning to her.

Rainbow just stared at him with awe "A-are you on roids?" She asked him.

Aiden put on a more serious expression "I'm gonna be honest with you and Twilight. I did not come here to see how strong I am, because I already know my limits, I came here to prove something, I want to show you ponies that I am not a joke, I came here to show you that just because I stand on two legs does not mean I am automatically weaker than you guys. Ponies that have seen my strength put into action will tell you that I am not a fucking joke. I will be nice when I can, but do not mistake me to be a pure soul, because I am not too weak to kill." He spoke to them in a very serious tone.

Rainbow stared at him "U-umm... Okay. I guess I see where you're coming from." She said with a more nervous tone than before.

Twilight stared at him "You told me you never killed." She said with worry.

Aiden sighed "I haven't, not yet at least even though I'm fairly certain that will change." He said while walking towards the gym exit.

The two followed Aiden with more nervousness than before.

Rainbow spoke up while he walked out of the gym "Should we ever help you if like a criminal is in town?" She asked him.

Aiden looked at her "No, I will ask for help if I need it." He stated plainly. "You guys don't need to fear me as long as you don't do anything stupid and evil." He told them to losses them up some.

Twilight relaxed her shoulders "Have you really not found any criminals at night recently?" She asked him.

Aiden sighed "No, not in plain sight. I have been doing my research when I get to my room. I can tell you that in a few weeks you'll hear me on the news." He told her.

Twilight raised her eyebrow "W-why?" She asked with concern.

Aiden sighed "Somepony has been planning something pretty bad, and I plan on interfering with their plans in the middle of it happening." He explained.

Twilight swallowed "I see... I suppose if you feel like it's your responsibility then I say do what you feel is right." She said before stopping to say goodbye to Rainbow.

Rainbow hugged Twilight before speaking "Today has been fun Twi, I hope next time we should really have a girls night out soon." She told Twilight.

Twilight smiled "I'm sure we can do something soon, especially since Aiden has a lot of stuff to do within the next few weeks according to him." She said before telling her goodbye.

Aiden sighed "I actually need to get to work, I really need to setup a organizer." He told her. "Do you think you could do me a favor and get me those clothes from Rarity? While you're doing that I can go back to the library and get to work." He told her.

Twilight smiled "sure, that's sounds fine. I need to talk to Rarity anyways." She said before giving him a quick hug, she whispered into his ear while hugging him "I don't know what you're planning, but don't get yourself killed right after you just got here." She whispered before turning to walk to the boutique.

Aiden stared at her for a few seconds while she walked off, he sighed before turning the opposite direction "I can already guess these next few weeks will be uneventful, but soon... Soon I will finally start my major plans. I think I should go ahead and send a letter out to that Filthy Rich guy, I'm sure he'd love to work something out with me." He said while walking off towards the library, he pumped himself up some for what was to come soon.

Chapter 6- The Awakening

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Aiden laid on his bed while reading a book, he had the magic radio on while he read up on some of Equestria's history.

"It's November now, I was introduced to the world back in September. These months Just keep on flying by, I wonder when somethings are gonna happen, when will I finally get to have a purpose on this planet? Oh well, that doesn't really matter right now." Aiden said before hearing the music get cut off and a news broadcast was put on.

The news speaker was speaking "Today we are here to inform anypony of what is going. A creature of some sort has been... Killing innocent ponies, destroying buildings, creating havoc. A group of highly trained guards went out to find it... But they appear to have disappeared, they aren't responding to anything the princess sends them... Princess Celestia said she would have a meeting with the Elements Of Harmony as soon as possible."

Aiden put down the book and sat up "How am I just now hearing about this? This sounds pretty bad. I wonder if I can help in any way?" He said before hearing some voices talk downstairs.

He sat up before exiting his room and heading downstairs. He stood on one of the steps out of sight of everypony but it gave him a good look at what was happening.

Princess Celestia stood in front of the elements of harmony "Girls, we have a very serious problem on our hands. I'm sure you all already know since I'm here to gather all of you." She announced to them.

Twilight nodded "yes princess, I have heard the news. We are ready to ban whatever evil it is that you speak of." She told her.

Celestia smiled "Good, we must leave as soon as we can. I will give you girls an hour to pack anything you need. Once you are done packing then meet me back here and we shall leave." She told all of them.

Twilight perked up with realization "What about Aiden princess?" She asked her teacher.

Celestia sighed "He shall stay here in Ponyville. I know he wants to do good, but I think he can only handle a few robbers and that's it." She told her.

Twilight nodded "I understand. As much as I respect his heroic deeds, but I feel like him against pure evil will just ruin him." She agreed with her teacher.

Aiden looked down at the ground "I guess this must be pretty bad. They don't think I can help at all." He said before walking back up the stairs.

Aiden entered his room and sat down on his bed "What's going on exactly? I really want to find out." He said while rubbing his head.

There was a soft knock on his bedroom door before Twilight entered "Hey Aiden. I need to tell you about some things that's may concern and confuse you." She said while walking over and sitting down on his bed.

Aiden pretended like he didn't know anything "Okay... What's wrong?" He said before looking at her.

Twilight sighed "Equestria is pretty much being attacked by something evil. Me and the girls are gonna have to leave for a little while so we can defend Equestria." She told him.

Aiden sighed "I guess that means there's not anything I can do to help." He said with a fake disappointed tone.

Twilight nodded "I'm afraid there's not." She said with a sad expression.

Aiden put a hand on her shoulder and rubbed it "Twilight... Just please promise me you'll be safe. You're my best friend and I wouldn't know what to do without you." He said while looking into her eyes.

Twilight blushed "I-I promise I will Aiden. I'll miss you while I'm gone." She said before standing up.

Aiden stood up and looked down at her "I'll miss you too Twi." He said before kneeling down and hugging her.

Twilight hugged him back before letting go "I better get ready to leave. Take care of Spike while I'm gone, and try your best to keep the library running, okay?" She asked him.

Aiden smiled and nodded "I'll take care of it. Goodbye, Twilight." He said to her as she walked towards the door.

Twilight turned and looked at him "Goodbye, Aiden." She said before closing the door behind her.

Aiden sighed before rubbing the back of his head "I hope nothing happens to Ponyville, I'm sure we're pretty much fucked if they can't stop it." He said before getting up to leave his room.

Aiden stepped out into the hallway and heard Twilight filling Spike in on what was going on. Aiden sighed before walking down the steps and was greeted by Celestia's presence.

Celestia looked up at Aiden and smiled "Good evening, Aiden." She said kindly.

Aiden stared at her for a few seconds "Good evening." He said before continuing down the stairs.

Celestia sighed "I take it you have heard the news." She said before sitting down on the couch.

Aiden nodded "Yup, I also know the girls are gonna be gone for a little while." He said while grabbing one of the books on one of the bookshelves.

Celestia nodded "They have dealt with these kinds of things before. I'm sure they will have it sorted out in no time." She said while holding her smile.

Aiden turned and looked at her "What's your plan if they fail? What's your last resort?" He asked her with a more serious tone.

Celestia was quiet for a few moments "Well, I would be forced to have me and my sister deal with it ourselves." She told him.

Aiden sat down in a chair before opening up the book "Alrighty then." He said before reading the book.

Celestia stared at him with curiosity "What are you reading?" She asked the human.

Aiden looked up at her "I'm reading about modern weapon blueprints." He said before looking back down at the book.

Celestia smiled "Do you like building things?" She asked him.

Aiden kept his eyes on the book "I'll build things here and there. I usually do it if it benefits me in any way." He said while flipping a page.

Celestia nodded "I see... Have you ever built anything that's not in the book?" She asked him.

Aiden stopped reading before looking back up at her "I've built a few things that are not in this book." He told the princess.

Celestia stared with curiosity "Like?" She said while listening closely.

Aiden smiled "A sniper rifle and some hollow point rounds." He said before looking back down at the book.

Celestia was confused on what he was talking about but she wasn't able to ask him due to Twilight walking down the stairs.

Twilight hit the bottom step and smiled at the princess "The others should be here any minute now." She told her teacher.

Celestia nodded "Good, we must leave as soon as we can." She said before taking a glimpse at Aiden.

Twilight looked at Aiden and was confused as to why the princess was looking at him.

The princess pulled Twilight closer to whisper in her ear "How can he hear news like this and just be calm? He just came down like as if nothing happened and just started to read a book." She whispered to Twilight.

Twilight looked at her teacher and back at Aiden "I'm not sure." She whispered back.

Twilight sighed and walked over to Aiden "How do you feel Aiden?" She asked him while resting her head on the armrest of the chair

Aiden looked at her and smiled "I feel fine. Why do you ask?" He asked her.

Twilight stared at him "You just seem to be really calm right now. Ponies usually are on edge about these kind of things." She told him.

Aiden kept his smile "Why should I be worried if I can't do anything about it?" He asked her.

Twilight wore a confused expression "I-I don't know. What if something were to happen to you?" She asked him.

Aiden chuckled "That's a pretty easy question Twilight." He told her.

Twilight looked at Celestia who was just as confused as her.

Aiden sighed "I would simply just do something about it." He said before looking back down at his book.

Twilight blinked a few times before hearing her library door open up and seeing all of her friends walk in.

Celestia stood up and greeted them "Hello girls. Are you all ready to go?" She asked them all.

They all nodded with confidence on their faces.

Celestia smiled "very well, let's get into the chariot and take our leave." She said while walking out of the door.

The others followed behind her including Twilight.

They all entered the chariot and got seated.

Celestia smiled at the girls "We shall now take our leave." She said before being spooked by Aiden from outside of the chariot.

The girls snapped their heads toward him in surprise.

Aiden handed Twilght his notebook "Take this. You may find it useful." He told the mare.

Twilight was surprised by this "Y-you trust me with your months of research?" She asked him.

Aiden smiled "I think you'll find it useful." He said before turning around and walking back into the library.

Twilight smiled at the humans kind actions.

Celestia regained her composure "Let us go." As she said as the chariot lifted off of the ground.

Aiden woke up in the chair he had been reading in. He stretched before looking at the time.

"Damn, I must've fell asleep. It's six-thirty in the evening." He said before standing up.

Aiden walked into the kitchen and pulled out some cooking supplies "I better start cooking, I'm the only one here that can feed Spike." He said before pulling out some stuff to make pasta.

Aiden heard the small potter patter of Spike's feet as they got louder when approaching the kitchen.

Spike sniffed the air and smiled "Are we having some pasta tonight Aiden?" He asked the human.

"Yup, I'll put whatever kind of sauce you want into it." Aiden replied.

Spike rubbed his chin before smiling "Do we by chance have any Alfredo sauce?" He asked him.

Aiden nodded "Yup," he pulled some of the sauce out of one of the drawers "We've got plenty of it." He said to the baby dragon.

"Then I'd love to have some of that on the pasta." Spike told him.

Aiden opened the pack of Alfredo and poured it into a pot next to the pasta. The Alfredo got mixed into a pot of boiling water before it started forming into a thick sauce.

Spike watched him do this with some interest "It's kind of weird to see somepony in here cooking since Twilight doesn't really cook that often." He said to spark up a conversation.

Aiden sprinkled some salt into the Alfredo "Yeah, Twilight is a busy mare so she doesn't have time or interest in doing it. If you enjoy this meal then you can always ask me to cook more things." He said before putting the pasta into a strainer over the sink.

Spike smiled before getting plates and silverware to set down on the table. "Then I hope I enjoy this meal then." He said before sitting down at the kitchen table.

Aiden poured the Alfredo onto the pasta before stirring it up. After he did that he put the food into a pot and sat the pot down onto the table.

Spike grabbed his spoon and scooped the pasta onto his plate. He took a bite of it and chewed it with pleasure "This is great! You definitely need to cook more often!" He said before taking another bite.

Aiden smiled "I'm glad you like it." He said before getting some of the food himself.

Spike looked up at Aiden "Twilight told me she had to get rid of some evil with the Elements Of Harmony. I'm just confused to as of why they didn't take you." He sparked up a conversation.

Aiden shrugged "They don't really think I'm fit for this kind of stuff. They just think I'm a wanna be hero." He said before taking another bite.

Spike wore a look of shock "What?! Dude, you're so much smarter than a average pony, and you're so strong it's not even funny! Why would they just push you off as something that small?!" He said with a little anger.

"Don't worry Spike, I'll just remain here in Ponyville to protect all of y'all." He responded.

Spike relaxed "Yeah, I guess you being here just means we don't have anything to worry about." He said before continuing to eat.

Aiden smiled "I'm glad you have confidence in me. I promise if anything happens then I won't let you down." He said before taking another bite.

Spike smiled "Aiden... You have few tricks hidden up your sleeve don't you?" He asked him.

Aiden looked up at him and smiled "I have almost all of my tricks hidden up my sleeve." He told the baby dragon.

"Whatever your tricks are I'm sure they've gotta be pretty advanced." He said before finishing up the last of his Alfredo.

Aiden finished his as well, he took his and Spikes plates to put them into the sink. "They're certainly different." He responded to Spike.

Spike shrugged "I just hope everything will be fine," He said while standing up "and thanks for the meal Aiden. I'm gonna head upstairs to catch some z's." He said while leaving the kitchen.

Aiden watched the dragon leave his sight before sighing "What evil is so bad that it can keep me from doing anything?" He said before realizing something "My medicine... I never remembered to tell them I advanced it! My dosage has been increased so magic can barely even put a scratch on me." He said while pulling the bottle out of his pocket "I might as well go ahead and take another one before heading to bed." He said to himself before taking another pill.

The medicine was no longer blue, but it was now purple. He had advanced it to where it can reduce magic by a lot.

Aiden sighed before taking a swig of his water "Well, I guess I better go to bed. I'm sure I'll have a few errands to run." He said while leaving the kitchen and walking up the stairs.

Aiden came to his room and saw Spike had moved his minature bed into there.

Spike was already fast asleep and it appeared he was having a good dream.

Aiden smiled before heading to his closet and changing into a pair of pj's, he only wore the pants piece but never the shirt since it made him hot under the covers.

Aiden walked to his bed and laid down to finally catch some sleep.

Aiden stood in the middle of a pure white room with what appeared to be no existence at all.

"I'm pretty sure I was just sleeping happily in my bed." He said to himself.

"You were." A feminine voice said from behind him.

Aiden turned around to see the princess of the night "You're princess Luna aren't you?" He asked her.

Luna smiled "It is nice to know we don't have to introduce ourselves."

Aiden looked around "We?" He said with a confused look.

Luna sighed "Don't worry about that. I'm still just getting used to modern speaking." She said before straightening her posture. "I have watched you for quite some time now. You're good acts haven't gone unnoticed." She said with a smile.

Aiden blinked a few times "Alright, and what does that mean?" He asked her.

"I believe you are more than what others think you are. I believe you are the answer to the problem at hoof." She told him.

Aiden raised an eyebrow "You think the Elements Of Harmony can't solve this?" He asked her.

Luna smiled "This evil is already outsmarting them," she sighed and summoned up a image of the girls walking around in the woods at night "it has lead them here, but they don't realize it has just put them in a never ending forest." She said before bringing the image away.

Aiden frowned "How are they gonna get out?" He asked her.

"Well, they will get out eventually but it's just wasting their time." She informed him.

"What does this exactly have to do with me?" He asked her.

"You have built resistance to magic, you are the only one I know of to master every fighting style, you are also one who can actually engage in combat with pure evil without being driven insane immediately," She sighed "and you can do this all because you were raised in a world where evil thrives, but you have taken all of that evil to only turn it into a desire for a good cause." She told the human.

Aiden looked at her "So I'm guessing those guards went insane when they were sent out to deal with it." He asked her.

Luna nodded "It drives them insane and makes it one if its own soldiers." She said sadly.

Aiden sighed "I guess that's why you guys can't see what it looks like yet?" He asked her.

Luna smiled "That's actually another thing I wanted to say," she brought a image of the creature "It looks kind of similar to you. It is bipedal and it shares a lot of similar characteristics." She said while letting him look at the image.

Aiden observed the creature very closely.

The creature was pure black with red eyes, it looked like it was indeed pure evil, so black that it looks like your looking into a black hole. The red eyes were the only things that had color on it.

Aiden nodded "The more characteristics we share then the easier I can deal with it." He said to her.

Luna smiled "So... If it's soldiers were to come to Ponyville then you would be involved?" She asked him.

Aiden nodded "As soon as it messes with us then I'm definitely involved." He told her.

Luna smiled wide "I'm happy to hear that. I think you should wake up, I believe Spike is trying to wake you up." She told him.

Aiden snapped awake and saw Spike standing beside his bed.

Spike had a scared look "A-Aiden, t-there are ponies outside screaming, some guards are rounding them up for some reason. I thought they were here to help. C-can you do anything?" He said this with a few tears forming.

Aiden jumped up and looked out of the window to see one of the guards throwing a torch into a house and setting it on fire, resulting in screams from ponies.

Spike yelled "Aiden! Please help them!" He begged the human.

Aiden didn't bother putting on a new set of clothes but instead ran as fast as he could outside of the library with Spike following behind him.

Some guards saw Aiden and charged after him.

"Stay back Spike!" Aiden told the baby dragon. The guards were about to tackle him but instead got Aiden's heel to the side of the face, swinging both of them off of their hooves.

Aiden stood in a defensive stance as the guards stood back up.

One guard tried to jump on Aiden but he dodged the attack, he snatched the guard by the throat and broke his neck.

The other guard regained his balance and picked up his spear that he had dropped, he charged at Aiden with the spear but he was disarmed and had the spear rammed through the back of his head.

Aiden pulled the spear out of the guards head and turned to Spike. "You okay?" He asked the baby dragon.

Spike was shaking and nodding "Y-yeah... Let's go and save the ponies." He said before running towards the bundled together ponies that were being into a wagon.

Aiden sprinted towards the guards with the spear in his hand still.

The guards with horns shot a few bolts of magic but they didn't effect Aiden at all.

Aiden tricked one of the guards into thinking he was gonna stab him but instead kicked him in the Adam's apple. While the guard was choking Aiden swung the pole of the spear and knocked him out with one swift blow.

A group of guards charged at Aiden but three of them got their throats cut open after Aiden swung the spear at them.

The tip of Aiden's spear broke off into one of the guards and left him with his hands again. Two of the guards charged at the same time but Aiden dodged and tripped them with his leg, making them fall onto the ground. He jumped up and stomped on the back of the guards heads, making a crunching sound as they died.

The last guard swung his spear at Aiden and cut him across his back, but Aiden snatched the spear from him and stabbed him right in the eye.

The remaining guards retreated back to where they came from.

Aiden watched them leave "What?! You're just gonna run you fucking pussies?!?" He yelled after them.

Spike burned off the lock on one of the wagons and released the ponies from it "Come on you guys, Aiden saved us!" He announced to them.

Aiden walked over to one of the other wagons and broke off the lock by prying it open with the spear "Come on, you guys are safe now." He told them as they exited the wagon.

Spike had burned off the rest of the locks on the wagons and got the ponies out of the cart.

Aiden looked around and saw some of the homes and shops were on fire, there was also now a good many corpses on the ground.

Aiden saw Big Mac, Granny Smith, and Applebloom walk up to him.

Big Mac smiled at him "Thank ya so much Aiden, we were sure we were done for." He thanked the human.

Aiden smiled at them "It's my duty to protect you guys. It's just now that they've come to Ponyville I'm now involved this." He told them.

Big Mac nodded "I better get my family home, we need to get ready if another attack might happen." He said before walking off with his family.

Spike walked up to Aiden "Do you think they'll come back?" He asked Aiden.

Aiden looked around at the corpses "I think we just protected a piece of Equestria, I think they may go and round up some more troops before they come back, especially while I'm here. We should be safe for a while." He told Spike.

Aiden put his hand on his back and saw the wound was still bleeding "That fucker got me, but not as good as I got him." He said this before he was blinded by a bright white light.

Aiden saw Celestia and the girls run out of the light and were immediately shocked to see everything had been taken care of.

Twilight saw Aiden and Spike before running up to them "You guys are okay!" She said before hugging them both.

Spike smiled "Thanks to Aiden we're fine." He told her.

Twilight looked at Aiden "You did this?" She asked him with a look of surprise.

Aiden smiled at her "I told you that I'd do something about it if they messed with me." He told her.

"I-I never would've guessed you could do... Well, this." She said while looking at the corpses and the freed ponies.

Aiden smiled "I have some experience with these kinds of things." He told her.

Spike jumped up "Aiden was awesome, he was like one of the heroes from a book!" He said while trying to play out Aiden's moves.

Twilight giggled "Oh really?" She said before looking up at Aiden.

Aiden chuckled "I have a few tricks up my sleeve." He said with a smile.

Celestia and the others walked over and greeted them "Aiden... You did this?" Celestia asked him.

Aiden nodded "I had to do my duty as the protector. I believe I told all of Ponyville and you this." He reminded her.

Celestia sighed "Yes, I remember this. I just did not expect you to be... This good at it." She admitted.

"Perhaps now you know I'm not just some wanna be hero. I want to help, it's just the matter of if you'll let me." He told her.

Celestia stared at him for a few moments "I'll think about it. I must discuss it with my sister." She informed him.

Luna appeared behind Aiden "There is no need for that sister. Aiden is fit for this problem, we believe he is the answer to solving this." She told Celestia.

Celestia was shocked to see her sisters confidence in the human "Do you believe he is that powerful?" She asked Luna.

Luna smiled with confidence "I watched Aiden take out all of these guards with his hands and a spear, I believe his knowledge and strength will solve this problem quicker than any other solution." She told her sister.

Celestia sighed "Very well," she turned to face Aiden "Aiden, I will send a chariot to pick you up tomorrow morning. I hope by then you will have everything you need ready." She said before turning to leave "Girls, let us go back to the castle." She said before teleporting them.

Aiden turned to thank Luna but she was already gone. "That's a strange mare...." He said before turning to Spike.

Spike smiled wide "You're gonna help save Equestria! That's so cool, next thing you know there'll be a book about you!" He said with excitement.

Aiden smiled "Let's go back to the library Spike. I need to get a few things packed, I also need to tell you a few things." He said before walking towards the library with Spike following close behind.

Aiden entered the library and turned to face Spike "I'm gonna be gone for a little bit, but that doesn't mean I won't be able to help you guys here in Ponyville. If anything, and I mean anything looks suspicious then send a letter to Celestia to request my aid. As soon as I would receive the news I would be here as soon as possible." He informed the dragon.

Spike nodded "Gotcha, hopefully nothing else will happen to Ponyville while you're gone." He said with hope present in his voice.

Aiden smiled "They would have to go through me first before anything happened." He told Spike.

"Okay, good." Spike walked over to a closet and grabbed a suitcase for Aiden "We should get your things packed before heading back to bed." He told the human.

Aiden nodded "Right, let me go and grab my clothes and such." He said before walking up the stairs.

A few minutes later Aiden came back down with all of his clothes in his arms. He set them down on the couch before proceeding to fold them and stuff them into the suitcase.

Spike grabbed Aiden's boots and stuffed them into the side pocket of the case. Spike looked up at Aiden "I'm confused to as of why evil reached Ponyville so quickly. I mean, the girls had left literally yesterday afternoon." He asked Aiden.

Aiden sighed "The evil outsmarted them, it just can move really fast when there isn't anypony fighting it off." He told Spike.

Spike helped Aiden put the remaining things into the suitcase "That makes more sense. Hopefully it can't outsmart you." He said to the human.

Aiden zipped up the suitcase "Me too. I'm sure it's hoping I can't outsmart it." He said before picking up the suitcase.

Spike sighed "Well, I guess we better catch as much sleep as we can." He said before running up the stairs.

Aiden looked out of the window and saw the ponies putting out the fires "Hopefully we can fix this." He said before walking up the steps and to his room.

Chapter 7- Making A Plan

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Aiden and Spike stood in front of the library while waiting on the chariot to arrive

Aiden smiled down at Spike "I just went ahead and assumed you could come. They honestly can't expect you to stay here at home alone." He told the little dragon.

"Yeah, I'm sure they won't mind. They know I'm not a problem so they'll just have me organize some of Twilight's stuff." Spike said while looking up at the human.

Aiden nodded "That sounds about right." He said before seeing a figure approaching from the sky. "I'm guessing that's the chariot." He said to Spike.

Spike nodded "Yup... I guess it's time to leave home." He said while watching the chariot land.

One of the guards approached "Mr... Aiden?" He asked unsure of who he was.

Aiden nodded "Yes sir." He answered the guard.

The guard gestured for him to get on the chariot "Go ahead and get on. Celestia would love to have your help ASAP." He said before walking back to the straps that hold the chariot.

"Let's go Spike." Aiden said before stepping into the chariot.

Spike hopped in and sat down beside Aiden "It's been a little while since I've been in one of these." He said while putting his miniature suitcase beside him.

The chariot soon lifted off after the guards got properly secured.

Spike grabbed Aiden's attention "Look! The ponies are waving goodbye!" He said while waving down at them.

Aiden turned and saw the ponies that were watching were waving at them. He waved back at them with a smile on his face.

After the chariot left Ponyville they could no longer see any of the ponies waving. All they could see was Canterlot approaching off in the distance.

Spike pointed at the castle "That's gonna be our home until you guys get this mess sorted out." He said with some excitement.

"I more than likely won't be there for most of my stay." He admitted to the dragon.

Spike nodded "You'll probably be out kicking tail! Won't ya?" He asked Aiden.

Aiden chuckled "If that's what you want to call it then yeah." He smiled at the dragons enthusiasm.

The guards landed at the area of the castle where all of the chariots station at. "We are here sir. Do you need somepony to show you where to go?" One of the guards asked Aiden.

Aiden shook his head "No thank you. I've been here before." He told the guard.

The guard nodded "Very well, the best of luck to you then." He said before turning around and walking off.

Aiden and Spike got off of the chariot, then they proceeded to walk towards the castle entrance, where the guards instantly let them in.

Spike lead Aiden through the castle where they could find the guest bedrooms. Spike approached one of the rooms and knocked on the door to see if it was occupied. No answer came in return so Spike opened it and saw it was empty and ready to be slept in.

Aiden put his stuff down and unpacked his things into a dresser that was in there.

Spike unzipped his bag and pulled out his miniature bed that he had stuffed in there, he put the bed down in front of Aiden's new bed.

"I didn't even realize you guys were here yet!" A voice called from behind them.

Aiden and Spike turned around and saw Twilight standing at the doorway.

Aiden smiled at her "We got here not to long ago. We're just unpacking a few things." He said while putting down a pair of his boots.

Twilight smiled "When you get a chance then come to meeting room. We want to know what you think a good plan would be." She told him.

"What about me?" Spike asked her.

"We're gonna be talking about a few adult things Spike. You should just relax in here or do something around the castle." Twilight told Spike.

Spike sighed "Alright... I guess I can understand that." He said with disappointment.

Aiden looked down at Spike "I'll make it up to you later Spike." He told the dragon.

Spike nodded "Alright." He said before hopping into his little bed.

Twilight giggled "Follow me Aiden." She said before exting the room.

Aiden followed her out into the hallway and walked beside her.

Twilight turned and looked at him "What are you thinking about all of this?" She asked him.

"I need to find out how to get to it so I can kill it." He stated plainly.

"Why not just banish it?" She asked him.

Aiden sighed "This thing is pure evil, there is no way it's gonna become a better thing." He told her.

Twilight nodded "I suppose you're right... Do you have any ideas how we can avoid its evil magic?" She asked him.

Aiden smiled "You guys are harmed by its magic, it doesn't even effect me." He told her.

"How come?" She asked him.

"I'm not sure... Perhaps I'm just as evil it is." He theorized.

"But in a good way right?" She asked him.

"Of course." He said before looking at her.

"I'm just scared of the fact that it might get to us." She admitted.

Aiden smiled "Twilight... I can promise you that it will have to kill me before it even touched you." He promised.

Twilight smiled "Hopefully it won't ever have to come to that. It's nice to know how much you care about me." She said with a slight blush on her face.

They approached the doors to the meeting room "This is where we are going to make a plan. Try to think as hard as you can about how to approach this problem." She told him before opening the door.

Aiden nodded and followed behind her into the room.

The room had the rest of the elements and Celestia in there. There appeared to be generals sitting at the tables alongside the rest of them. The seats had names on them so you would know where to sit.

Twilight sat down beside a captain named Shining Armor.

Aiden sat down at the opposite end of Celestia.

Celestia spoke up "Now that we are all here, we may begin planning out a few things." She announced to them. She picked up a marker and began drawing some notes on the board.

Aiden observed what she was drawing very closely.

Celestia drew some ways they could approach the situation "We can go in loud and very powerful, or we could go in slow and sneaky. Our enemy isn't stupid, so it can most likely guess what we are going to do either way. We are here to make a plan that it can never guess." She told them.

Shining Armor spoke first "Well, slow and sneaky obviously." He told the princess.

Celestia smiled "How will we go in slow and sneaky in Manehatten? Our enemy took one of our best cities and one of the hardest cities to hide in. They hold the high grounds and the low ground." She told the captain.

While the two debated back and forth, Aiden had a idea pop into his head.

Twilight saw Aiden's expression and smiled "Princess, I think Aiden has an idea." She got Celestia's attention for him.

Aiden looked at the princess "They have the high grounds and the low grounds, what about the under grounds? The subways, the sewer systems. You can't forget about these things." He pointed out to her.

Celestia smiled at the human "good thinking, but how would we get close enough to access the entry points?" She asked him.

Aiden stood up and walked to the board before grabbing a marker "The guards there are insane, so they can't tell the difference between each other, so your guards just need to act normal around them." He said while drawing some arrows "And these subways have multiple service tunnels, according to some blueprints I read a while back, the service tunnels lead up to multiple service departments scattered throughout the city. Some service departments are towers, so there's an instant way to gain a high ground." He said before drawing a arrow leading to a word called sewer "The sewers lead to multiple hotels and homes, so we can gain high ground through there, but the main question is, where does the evil live? My guess would be the best hotel in the city, the mareiot, a hotel for only the richest. Now why does the exact location matter? Well, we need to bring this battle to the ground, so we should plant some thermite and explosions on the support beams of the hotel, to well... Literally bring this battle to the ground. And for fighting the evil? Leave that up to me, after it's on the ground you guys need to fall back, because it's gonna get ugly." Aiden said this while making a list of supplies needed to make this battle successful.

Celestia was shocked at how quickly the human solved the problems out "well, I can certainly say I'm impressed." She said while observing the board.

The others in the room just stared him with awe.

Celestia nodded "Everything looks correct, this plan definitely looks better than any of the other ones we've created." She said while turning to Aiden.

Aiden smiled "I do know we need a little bit of time to prepare, and I'm planning on adding to the plan some. I have a few things to improve on before making a move." He told the princess.

Celestia nodded "Yes, we do need to gather all of the supplies, and we can let you get prepared. Please feel free to use the training room at any time, you'll find every piece of equipment for training you could ever imagine in there." She informed him.

Aiden nodded before returning to his seat at the end of the table.

Celestia smiled at everypony else "We have created our base structure for having a successful battle thanks to Aiden, if any you have any questions then feel free to ask now." She asked them.

Shining Armor pointed his hoof at Aiden "How in the hell do you know all of this?! You haven't even been here that long and you already know the blueprints of a city?" He asked Aiden.

Aiden chuckled "As William Shakespeare had said in one of his stories 'Have more than you show, Speak less than you know.'" He told the stallion.

It took Shining a few seconds to process what he said before nodding "That's... Actually a really good quote to live by. I guess that was a good way to answer my question." He admitted.

Celestia giggled "Anypony else?" She asked them.

They all remained quiet so that answered her question "Very well, all of you are dismissed." She allowed all of them to leave.

Aiden exited the room and waited in the hallway for Twilight to exit.

Twilight exited the room and instantly hugged Aiden "You did such a good job! I'm so proud of you!" She said while hugging him.

Shining watched her with confusion "Uhh, you know this guy?" He asked Twilight.

Twilight hopped down and nodded "He's been staying with me ever since he was introduced to Equestria. Aiden, this is Shining Armor, my brother. Shining Armor, this is Aiden, my best friend." She introduced the two to each other.

Shining stuck out his hoof for a shake and resulted in Aiden shaking it with a good grip.

Aiden smiled "Nice to meet you." He told Shining.

Shining returned the smile "You too." He told Aiden.

They both stopped shaking and looked at Twilght.

Twilight smiled at them "I'm sure you two will get along just fine, especially since Aiden served in the military himself back on his home planet." She told Shining.

Shining looked up at Aiden "It's nice to know you're not just full of knowledge, but you're also full of battle experience too." He said to Aiden.

Aiden chuckled "I suppose my experience is what made me good for this position." He told the stallion.

Shining looked down at his watch "It was nice meeting you man, but I've gotta get home to the wife." He told Aiden.

Aiden waved goodbye to him as he walked off. He turned to face Twilight and saw she was still smiling.

Twilight looked up at him "I'm just still so happy how you proved yourself useful to all of them." She told him.

Aiden smiled "I'm just glad that most of them like me." He told her.

Twilight turned and walked towards her room with Aiden following behind "I can tell you I definitely like you." She said with with a grin and slight blush on her face.

Aiden chuckled "Well, of course you do! None of your friends can sit in a room and speak pure intelligence for over an hour straight." He said with a smirk.

Twilight giggled "And none of them can remain as fit as you are while doing it." She admitted.

Aiden raised an eyebrow "What do you mean?" He asked her.

"I feel like you're about as smart as me, and you're also one of the most physically fit guys I've ever met. That's pretty rare around here." She told him.

Aiden smiled "I guess that just means all of the mares want me then." He joked.

"You've got that right." She said to him.

"What?" He said confused.

"Nothing, nothing." She said before opening her room door.

Aiden sighed "I guess I'll see you later?" He asked her.

Twilight nodded "Of course! Do you want to go to dinner later?" She asked him.

Aiden smiled "Sure, as long as I get to pay." He told her.

Twilight giggled "Of course, you always pay for dinner anyways." She said to him.

Aiden nodded "And I always will. Do you just want to come down to my room when you're ready to go?" He asked her.

Twilight nodded "Sure thing. I'll see you then." She said to him before closing the door.

Aiden sighed and walked down to his room where he found Spike sleeping happily in his little bed. He smiled at the little dragon before walking towards the bathroom door to change out into a outfit more suited for exercise.

A few minutes later Aiden stepped out of bathroom in a pair of gym shorts and a white exercise long sleeve that gripped his body better than usual. He opened the little fridge that the room had and pulled out a bottle of water to take with him to training room.

Aiden left the room and entered the hallway where he saw almost nopony around. He shrugged and walked down the hallway, towards the training room.

Aiden walked the castle for a good ten minutes before finding the training room Celestia spoke of. He entered the room and saw nopony in there "Shit, I guess the ponies in the castle don't really feel the need to improve themselves, do they?" He said to himself.

Aiden performed several stretches to make sure he didn't pull any muscles during his exercise. After he did that he went to the punching power machine to see where he stands compared to the average stallion. Aiden took a breath before throwing a straight punch as hard as he could in the machine.

The machines numbers climbed very quickly to eventually land on one-thousand and three hundred pounds of punching force.

Aiden was slightly startled to hear a feminine voice speak from behind him.

"Very impressive, I never would expect those numbers to come from a bipedal creature." The voice said.

Aiden turned to see Celestia standing there with a gentle smile on her face "It all comes from years of hard training." He told her.

Celestia nodded "Yes, that is very true but that number surpassed all of my spec ops soldiers. Spec ops train hard for a majority of their life, but you... You seem just to surpass all of my expectations." She said while walking closer to him "I just want to ask you Aiden, are you who you say you are?" She asked him.

Aiden chuckled "Yes I am. My name is Aiden Northstar, I was a Navy soldier, I have one brother named Tyler Northstar, my father is dead, my mother is a bitch I wouldn't mind putting an end to. My whole life I've always had one goal, and that is to do what is right." He told the princess his information once more.

Celestia smiled "Do you think your brother is worried?" She asked him.

Aiden nodded quickly "Oh yeah, he's probably looking everywhere. He was a Navy Seal after all." He told her.

Celestia raised an eyebrow "Navy Seal? What's that?" She asked him.

"It's a part of my worlds military, but if you're a Navy Seal then you are highly skilled." He told her.

Celestia nodded "Okay... Do you possibly think your brother could get to Equestria?" She asked him.

Aiden instantly caught onto what she was doing "Princess, my brother is not that thing. That thing just so happened to have a similar form as me." He told her.

Celestia sighed "You are very quick on solving problems. I have one question that I hope you can answer," she told him "This thing has already placed its evil into other countries when it was literally discovered a few days ago. How can it do this? How are you gonna stop it?" She asked him.

Aiden sighed and blinked a few times "It's trying to take over the planet. No pony has slowed it down, no pony can slow it down... But someone can. This thing cannot hurt me as easily as it can hurt ponies, but I think this going to be a battle between good and evil." He told her.

"That doesn't explain how you are going to stop it." She told him.

"Look, I can't explain my years of experience and need for a good cause! I believe if you just trust me, carry faith for me, then I can promise you everything will be okay." He promised her.

Celestia sighed "Very well. Just know after you end it that you will not only save Equestria... You will save the world. Every country will respect you, and hopefully that can make us be on better terms with everypony else." She told him.

Aiden sat down on the floor before rubbing his head "Just... Just have faith in me." He told her.

Celestia sighed "Okay... I have faith in you. I hope you have a wonderful day Aiden Northstar." She said before exiting the training room.

Aiden sighed "Fuck...." He said before standing up to train.

Hours had passed while Aiden had been training, it was now approaching dinner time so Aiden was in his room getting ready to take Twilight out to nice meal.

Spike wore a smirk while watching Aiden getting dressed "So you and Twilight are going out on a date, huh?" He asked the human.

Aiden chuckled "Nah, I'm just going to hangout with her, that's all." He said while putting on cologne.

"Hmm... She likes you ya know?" Spike told the human.

Aiden turned and faced Spike "Twilght doesn't seem like a mare to fall in love with a alien that can kill somepony without feeling guilt." He said before turning back around to make sure his hair wasn't messy.

Spike shook his head "One, you're no longer an alien. Two, she actually does love the fact that you fight for what's right. Why do you think she blushes all of the time when you say something nice or cool. I figured a guy like you could pick up on the signs pretty quickly." He stated to Aiden.

Aiden sighed before looking at Spike "I've been here for a few months, she doesn't really know me... Well she does know, but she... I don't know, it's too early." He told the baby dragon.

Spike chuckled "Just know she has some kind of feelings for you. If she makes a move then do what feels right." He told him before laying down in his bed. "Oh yeah, can you bring me some food on your way back? I really don't want to deal with the chefs here." Spike asked the human.

Aiden smiled "Sure thing Spike. I'll bring you something back from the restaurant we go to." He said before leaving the room.

Aiden stepped out into the hallway and walked to Twilghts room that wasn't to far away. He sighed before knocking on the door to only have it instantly open, revealing a prettied up Twilight.

Twilight smiled at Aiden "Wow, you look really good!" She complimented him.

Aiden smiled "Thanks, you do too. Are you ready to go?" He asked her.

Twilight blushed a little "Umm, yeah. I know a really good restaurant we can go to." She said before walking ahead of Aiden down the hall.

Aiden walked behind her and followed her to wherever she was taking them.

They eventually made it out of the castle and into the city with very little sunlight remaining to light up the sky.

Aides walked beside her "So you said you used to live here?" He asked her.

Twilight looked up at him "Yeah, I grew up my whole life living in Canterlot being a student of Celestia. My parents still live here, even though their children aren't here anymore." She told him.

"Who are your parents?" He asked her.

"My mom is Twilight Velvet, she's a book writer that mainly stays at home. My dad is Nightlight, he is an engineer." She told him.

Aiden chuckled "That's funny. Harvard wanted me to go and get a engineering degree so I could do something medical. I guess that just means I'm smart." He told her.

"But you still chose to help ponies instead of making millions a year." She said with a smile.

Aiden nodded "I've always done what I felt was right. That's why I'm the man I am today." He said while looking down at her.

Twilight smiled "You're a good hearted stallion Aiden. I know you're gonna do great things, I'm sure you'll even be awarded with fame and fortune in the future." She told him.

Aiden smiles kindly at her "Thank you. I just hope this evil won't hurt Equestria horribly, I just want to stop it." He told her.

Twilight walked closer to him and leaned on him "You will, I can feel it." She told him.

Aiden smiled down at her before walking up to a big restaurant called 'Canterlots finest foods'.

"This is it." She said before walking into the restaurant with Aiden following behind.

The host recongnized Aiden and almost had his eyes pop out of his head "Mr. Protector! It's such an honer to meet you sir! Come right this way please!" He said with excitement and kindness.

Twilight and Aiden looked at each other before following the host.

The host set the menus down on the table of the booth "You two enjoy your meal. Keep up the good work Mr. Protector, it's takes guts doing what you do." He said before walking back to his station.

Aiden sat on the opposite side of the table from Twilight "I didn't realize I was famous everywhere." He told Twilight.

Twilight giggled "After defending Ponyville and keeping it a piece of Equestria everypony heard about it on the biggest news station in Equestria. Everypony in rooting for you now. Didn't Celestia tell you about all of the letters about citizens thanking her for bringing you into the war?" She asked him.

Aiden shook his head "No, I never heard about that. I didn't know ponies liked me that much." He admitted to her.

"Ponies love you! Look around, you can spot a few looking at you and talking about you." She said while pointing out a few ponies looking at him.

Aiden chuckled "That just motivates me to put an end to this." He said before looking around.

Their waitress walked up with huge smile on her face "What may I grab you two to drink tonight?" She asked them.

Aiden looked at Twilight before smiling "A bottle of your finest wine please." He asked the waitress.

The waitress nodded and smiled "I'll have it right out for you two." She said before walking off.

Twilight stared at Aiden with a smile "You are one sly dog. You know exactly how to make a mare happy." She said while resting her head on her hoof.

Aiden chuckled "If I'm gonna eat at a expensive restaurant then I might as well have a expensive meal." He told her.

Twilight giggled "I don't know how wine is back on your planet, but wine here has a good bit of alcohol on it." She informed him.

Aiden shrugged "Oh well, we need a damn break after what's happened within the past few days." He said to her.

Twilight nodded "I agree." She said before watching the waitress come back with two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine.

The waitress poured the wine into the glasses "What can I get you two to eat?" She asked them.

Twilight ordered her food first "I'll have a house salad with ranch and a order of the chips and cheese dip." She told the waitress.

The waitress turned to Aiden for his order.

"I'll have the same as her." Aiden told the waitress.

The waitress nodded "It'll be out shortly!" She said before walking off.

Aiden took a sip of his wine and noticed the good taste of alcohol in it "I've always been a fan of beverages with good alcohol in it." He told Twilight.

Twilight took a sip and noticed it was very strong "Wow, I'm gonna be wasted by the end of this bottle." She told him.

Aiden chuckled "Good, hopefully you won't worry about anything for the rest of the night." He told her.

Aiden helped Twilght to her room in the castle since she was stumbling all over the place. He was definitely drunk, but no where near as drunk as she was.

Twilight slurred out a few lines "Ya know, I've always wuved you Aiden." She told him.

Aiden laughed "Ya know, I love me too." He told her.

Aiden stopped in front of her room before opening the door, he helped Twilight to her bed and was surprised to have her pull him down with her onto the bed.

Twilight giggled "I really really love you Aiden." She said before pulling him in for a deep kiss.

Aiden's eyes got wide before kissing her back deeply.

Twilight broke the kiss and stared into his eyes deeply "I'm not actually as drunk as you think I may be. I've always just wanted to do that to you." She said before giving him another kiss.

Aiden kissed her back before grabbing her flank.

Twilight moaned before pulling his shirt off of him "Looking sexy as always!" She said before grabbing his groin "This is going to be mine for tonight." She said before bringing him into another kiss.

Aiden moaned into the kiss before finally getting down to the dirty business.

Chapter 8- Admitting love

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Aiden sighed as he leaned onto the railing. After finding out what happened he snuck out as quickly as he could to catch his thoughts. He was now outside on a random balcony that was near the guest bedrooms.

A masculine voice spoke from behind him "Tough morning?" A guard said while walking up next to him.

Aiden sighed "Yeah, I've figured out I've gotten myself into a pretty big problem." He said while observing the guard.

The guard wore a suit of golden armour that indicated he was a higher rank than the average soldier. "It must be pretty serious if you're calling it a big problem right after entering the war with us." The stallion said.

Aiden nodded "Yeah, I kinda had a one night stand with one of the elements...." He said with shame in his voice.

The guard smiled wide "On a regular day I would call that a major score, but since we are all working together in making the countries problem go away that is a pretty serious problem. I suppose you better start hoping that she's in love with you, or else she's gonna start making life pretty shitty." The guard said.

Aiden rubbed his neck "I would be in a relationship with her but I can't really have that kind of distraction right now, being in love is like a weakness of mine. If I'm in love then I'm not a good soldier, it car-" he was cut off.

"It carries your mind to different places? Yeah, that sounds about right." The soldier finished the sentence for him. The stallion stuck out a hoof "The names Gleaming Shield. You can just call me Gleam." He introduced himself to Aiden.

Aiden smiled "I'm The Protector. You can just call me Aiden." He said while shaking his hoof.

Gleam smiled "That mare you slept with, it was Twilight Sparkle wasn't it?" He asked Aiden.

Aiden stared at the stallion "How'd you know?" He asked with a confused expression.

Gleam chuckled "When you screw a mare you kind of catch their scent. You reek of lavender right now. If you take a good bath it'll wash off." He told the human.

Aiden smiled "Thanks for telling me. At least now I know how to prevent anypony else from finding out." He said while looking at the sunrise.

Gleam chuckled "After the war you and her should give it a shot. From what I've heard she's one of few ponies that can keep you with you as far as intelligence. I've also heard you're pretty much untouchable as far as athletic traits go." He told the human the rumors.

Aiden smiled "I wouldn't say untouchable. I believe if you apply yourself to everything then you'll get to where you want to be." He told the guard.

Gleam nodded "I agree one hundred percent. Dedication is the key to success." He said before sighing. "I'm the only stallion in my whole family that's trying to be successful, everypony else just wants to accept a free handout, but I've learned by their mistakes. It's awesome to be able to say I'm happy." He told Aiden.

Aiden nodded "My family was a mixed one. My father was perfect, my mother was a bitch, and my brother was there when I needed him, but he wasn't there to be my brother. I had a best friend named Justin that kind of moved on with his life to support his family. I have another friend that was in the military with me, his name was Johnathan but he told us just to call him John. That bastard was strong, about as strong as I am now. I wouldn't know what the hell to do if I had to fight him, but I know I never would have to. John always told me I'm like a brother to him, he will always be there for me, even after we got out of the military." He told the soldier.

Gleam smiled "He sounded like a good soldier. I hope he's doing well, sounds like he deserves it." He gave his opinion.

Aiden nodded "Me too... Well, since I can call you my friend then I suppose if you ever want to hangout, just catch a beer or something then I'm here." He told the stallion.

Gleam smiled wide "Nice, I kind of need a drinking buddy. I'll tell you if I'm ever free to hangout, but I've gotta get back to work." He said before patting the humans back. Gleam smiled at Aiden before leaving to go back to doing work.

Aiden stared at the sunrise before sighing "I guess I better go and get a shower. I don't want every official here to know I fucked Twilight." He said before turning to go to his room.

After a few minutes of walking through the hallway, Aiden eventually reached his room where he started to get ready to take a shower until he heard stirring in his bed.

Spike sat up on Aiden's bed that was vacant for most of the night "Where were you? And why do you smell exactly like Twi?" The baby dragon questioned him instantly.

Aiden smiled "I've been really busy Spike, especially with what's been going on. Me and Twi are working together on this, so it's no surprise I smell like her." He lied to the dragon.

Spike stared at him for a few seconds before nodding "Okay... You should relax some Aiden, you've been stressing yourself out over the war." He said to Aiden before laying back down.

Aiden sighed before entering the bathroom to get rid of the lavender scent that was attached to him.

Aiden eventually exited the shower and redressed into some new clothes, he fixed his hair and eventually left the room again. After closing the door behind him he was instantly greeted by the sun goddess.

"Good morning Aiden." She said with a gentle smile on her face.

Aiden smiled back at her "Good morning princess." He greeted back.

Celestia held her gentle smile "I was coming to get you so we can attend another meeting. This time we review our plans that you helped construct. Just follow me so we can be there early." She told the human.

Aiden nodded and followed behind her "Who's all attending?" He asked her.

Celestia looked at him "Everypony that was there last time will be there again. We only have one new pony attending this time, his name is Gleaming Shield." She informed him.

Aiden nodded "Alright, where shall I be sitting this time?" He asked her.

"You'll be next to Twilight I do believe. Since Gleaming is a higher rank he will be sitting at the end that you were at last time." She told him.

Aiden nodded slowly before approaching the meeting room with Celestia. The two entered the room to see only Twilight there right now.

Aiden cursed under his breath before slowly walking towards his seat next to her.

Twilight watched him with a loving smile on her face. She spoke first once he sat down next to her "I really enjoyed last night." She whispered to him.

Aiden swallowed "I did too." He responded with a gentle smile on his face.

Twilight smiled wider "Do you think we can... I don't know, have a relationship?" She asked him.

Aiden looked at her with a smile "We'll talk about it after the meeting, just so we can have more privacy." He told her.

Twilight nodded "Okay, that'd probably be the best thing to do when talking about these kind of things." She said before sitting up straight in her seat.

Celestia looked at Aiden "We actually found out something important about the creature we're dealing with." She told him.

Aiden looked up at her "What'd you guys find?" He asked her.

Celestia smiled "It's a he, and his name is John." She told him.

Aiden's heart sunk "Do you know his last name?" He asked her with worry.

Celestia nodded "His full name would be Johnathan Harris." She told him.

Aiden's face turned pale and his heart starting beating faster.

Celestia noticed his expression "He also said he knew you. He said the only life he would spare is yours, as long as you don't get in the way." She told him.

Aiden blinked rapidly "I guess he can't spare my life then, and I can't let him destroy Equestria. I also can't kill him Celestia." He told her.

Celestia nodded slowly "What will you do then?" She asked him.

Aiden thought for a few seconds "I'll do what I do best. I'll save him, I'll save him from the evil that has corrupted him. I'm gonna try my best... But if I fail, then you guys are gonna have to do what I can't." He told her.

Celestia nodded slowly "I see... I hope you can save him, because I don't want to kill, and I don't want to lose your help." She told him.

Aiden nodded before turning to see all of the others walk in all at once. He smiled at Gleaming shield which who returned the smile as he took his seat.

After everypony settled down Celestia spoke "Today we will discuss on a few new things we have discovered and we will make our plans official." She said before pausing "The creature is indeed as we expected, he is human. Aiden has confirmed that this human is similar to him." She chose her words carefully so she wouldn't reveal that the two humans had relations with one another.

Many of the ponies took a quick glance at Aiden before nodding.

"We've also discovered that their next target is Canterlot. We must attack before they do, we must prevent as many casualties as possible!" She told them all. Celestia looked at Aiden "Protector, do you have any advice on what we can do?" She asked him while calling him his crowd name.

Aiden rubbed his chin "Well, this guy seems to know what he's doing." He stayed quite for a few seconds "Stick to the plan, just try and protect Canterlot as best as you can until we get to Manehatten." He told her.

Celestial nodded "Will do." She said before turning to Twilight "You and the elements will need to assist Aiden, so you girls will go with him." She told her.

Twilight nodded "Of course, I'm always willing to assist Equestria." She responded to the princess

Aiden nodded "Right... How close are we to being set?" He asked her.

Celestia smiled "We're getting pretty close to being prepared, I'm honestly surprised at how fast they're working." She told him with a glad tone.

Aiden nodded "Good, I'd like to get to work as soon as possible." He told her.

Celestia nodded "We will be ready fairly soon." She told the human.

Aiden nodded before looking down at his hands while playing with them.

Celestia looked back up at everypony "Does anypony have any questions?" She asked them.

None of the ponies raised their hooves.

Celestia nodded to herself "Very well, resume your daily duties." She dismissed them.

Aiden stood up before hearing Celestia speak "I just don't get you Aiden...." She said to him.

Aiden stared at her with Twilight beside him "W-what do you mean?" He was surprised by the sudden statement.

Celestia sighed "You're skills, your intelligence, your courage, and your determination. I have never met a stallion in my lifetime with the traits that you have, it's almost like you were brought here for a reason." She said to him.

Aiden shrugged "Everything happens for a reason. I'm glad I'm here, this world isn't screwed like my old one." He told her.

Celestia nodded "I want to study you after we clean up this mess we're in. I need to know your ways." She told him.

Aiden smiled "I'm fine with that." He said to her before walking to the door with Twilight.

Aiden stepped outside the room with Twilight and was tugged on by her "Follow me, we need to discuss what I asked earlier." She told him before walking towards her room.

Aiden sighed before following her, while walking he realized something... He loves her, but he's just rejecting it so she won't get hurt. Aiden's a soldier, and if he dies then she'll get hurt, he needs to ask her a question before accepting her relationship offer.

They arrived at her room.

Twilight opened her bedroom door and let him in.

Aiden went to her bed and sat down, to which she sat down beside him.

Twilight sighed "I love you Aiden." She said to him.

Aiden cleared his throat before speaking "I love you too, that's why I did those things last night." He told her.

A smile was slowly rising on her lips "D-does that mean we can be together?" She asked him.

Aiden nodded "We can if you really want too. You just need to realize something first." He told her.

Twilight wore a expression of confusion "And that is?" She asked him.

Aiden sighed "I'm going to be fighting in a war, there is a risk of me dying. Before we are in a relationship you just need to know that I can be killed at any moment." He told her.

Twilight sighed "I still want you in my life. Ever since you've gotten here I've just had a sudden connection with you, I don't think I could live without you." She admitted to him.

Aiden smiled at her before suddenly pulling her into a deep kiss.

Twilight was shocked at first but she eventually kissed him back with passion.

They broke the kiss and Twilight was breathing heavy "Wow, t-that was amazing!" She said with a blush on her face.

Aiden smiled "You can expect more of that in the near future." He told her before standing up and walking towards the door.

Twilight stopped him "Wait! Does this mean we're together now?" She asked him.

Aiden chuckled "Of course! We love each other, so why not be together? I'll see you later Twi, I've got a few things that need to be taken of." He told her before exiting the room. As he closed the door he heard the lavender mare squeal with happiness on the other side of the door, to which he laughed silently to himself. He walked down the hallway towards the training room where he planned to perform his daily excercise routine. Aiden opened up the doors to the training room and saw that nopony was in there.

Aiden took off his shirt and began stretching to warm up his muscles. After doing that he walked over to the dumbbell set and picked up a forty pound weight to which he began curling it with a slight grunt of effort.

Aiden turned his head towards the door and saw two guards enter. He sighed and returned to curling the weights, before hearing hooves tapping along the tile approaching him. Aiden turned around and noticed the guards had a very blank look in their eyes, almost like the ones he had killed in Ponyville.

The two guards looked at each other before handing him a note. One of the guards spoke "Read this note once we leave this room. Our commander told us to never be in the same room as you for longer than one minute since usually you have everything figured out in that time span." The two guards then hurried out of the room before Aiden looked at the note.

Aiden wore a confused expression before reading the note.

The note said "Aiden, this is John. I want you to stand down, allow me to take over Canterlot. If you act as a ally then I will make you as powerful as I am, I want my best friend to join me in my efforts. If you get in the way then... Well I'll kill you and those precious ponies of yours."

Aiden looked back up from the note and noticed one of the guards were peaking through the door "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want you to tell your leader a message." He said to have the guards not fear him.

The two guards appeared back into the room with confused expressions on their faces.

Aiden cleared his throat "Tell him that I said that he can go and fuck himself. He better live happily while he can, because as soon as I see him he's done." He told the two guards.

The two guards looked nervous before running out of the room back to their leader.

Aiden sighed "He's not John anymore, he doesn't refer to me as his best friend, he calls me his brother." He said before putting his shirt back on and leaving the room.

Aiden entered his room after walking through the hallways once more. As he entered he saw Spike asleep as usual "Spike, I need to break some news to you." He said to the dragon that was just now waking up.

Spike stretched and yawned "What's up?" He asked Aiden.

Aiden sighed "I've got good news and bad news, which one do you want hear first?" He asked the dragon.

Spike tapped his chin "Good news!" He answered the human.

Aiden smiled "Well, me and Twilight are officially in a relationship, this means this room is all yours now since I'm moving into her room." He told the dragon.

Spike fist pumped "Sweet! Congrats on the relationship." He settled down "So what's the bad news?" He asked the human.

Aiden sighed "I'm gonna have to kill my old best friend." He said with a sad tone.

Spike stared at the human with surprise "W-what? Is your best friend the evil guy?" He asked Aiden.

Aiden slowly nodded.

Spike jumped up "C-can't you save him? Have him turn over a new leaf?" He asked him.

Aiden sighed "I can't, he's been in this state of mind for too long. He threatened to kill me, that's something he would never say, even if he was slightly evil. John isn't John anymore, he's something entirely different." He explained to Spike.

Spike rubbed the back of his head "Dang, that just... Sucks." He told Aiden.

Aiden nodded and sighed "Yeah, it does. It really and truly does." He said before standing up and walking over to his dresser. Aiden opened up the drawers and started to dump clothes into the bags, something black appeared in his drawer before Aiden quickly tucked it away in his bag.

Spike noticed the object "What was that?" He asked with suspicion.

Aiden shook his head "Nothing, it's something for adults." He answered.

Spike squinted his eyes "For Twilight?" He asked.

Aiden got a idea to avoid anymore questions "It's a sex toy." He said with a slight smirk.

Spike swallowed "O-oh..." He said before dropping the investigation.

Aiden sighed before zipping up his bag "Well, enjoy your new room Spike." He said before walking to the door.

Spike smiled "I will! Have fun with Twi!" He said goodbye to the human.

Aiden smiled at Spike before exiting the room. Aiden looked back into his bag and pulled out the black object, it was a pistol. Aiden checked to make sure it was unloaded before laying it back down inside his bag. He walked down the hall and entered Twilight's room, which had a unicorn reading a book on the bed.

Twilight looked up at Aiden "You're back!" She said happily.

Aiden smiled "Yup, I am." He walked over to one of her dressers and began unloading his clothes into them, but he kept his gun in the bag.

Twilight got onto her hind legs and hugged him from behind while he unloaded the clothes "I love you." She said lovingly.

Aiden looked back at her "I love you too." He said before giving her a quick peck on the lips.

Twilight giggled before hopping down "So we're gonna be sleeping together now?" She asked him.

Aiden looked at her "Yup, like a couple should." He said before closing the drawers that he filled with clothes.

Twilight smiled "Good, I need a big handsome sta- man to cuddle with at night." She said before getting back onto the bed.

Aiden smiled "Then it looks like you're in luck." He said before sitting down in the bed next to Twilight.

Twilight hugged the human once more "Did you discover anything while you were out and about?" She asked him.

Aiden slightly frowned "I'm gonna have to kill John." He informed her.

Twilight looked up at him with surprise "You don't think you can save him?" She asked.

Aiden sighed "John's gone, our enemy is a totally different person. Our enemy is just pure evil." He answered her.

Twilight frowned "I guess you can't protect your enemy." She said before laying down flat on her back.

Aiden laid down as well "hopefully we'll get to fight soon, I just want to get it over with." He admitted to her.

Twilight sighed before holding Aidens hand in her hoof "It'll all be okay." She comforted him.

Aiden smiled "Hopefully it will." He said to her.

Twilight's stomach began growling.

Aiden gave her a kiss "Wanna grab dinner?" He asked her.

Twilight nodded "Yup! Let's go!" She said before hopping out of the bed.

Aiden chuckled and followed behind her.

Chapter 9- This Is War

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Aiden awoke to the sound of a explosion outside of the castle, he listened to his instincts and grabbed his pistol he had beside him.

Twilight awoke with panic "Aiden! What was that?!?" She said, obviously frightened.

Aiden quickly slipped on his clothes and looked at her "I don't know... Follow me, and you need to stay close, you're safest with me." He told her before crouching and cracking open the door only slightly. He looked out into the halls and noticed all of the guards were no where in sight. Aiden wore a worried look before turning to Twilight "Follow me." He said before slowly proceeding into the hallway.

Twilight whispered "W-what about the others? What about Spike?" She said to him with concern.

Aiden cursed under his breath "Spike..." He inched towards Spike's room before opening it.

Spike threw a book at Aiden "Stay away!" He screamed with pure fear.

Aiden spoke out "It's me! Aiden!" He said, instantly calming the dragon down.

Spike was relieved "Thank Celestia... Are you gonna help?" He asked Aiden.

Aiden nodded "Yes... You and Twilight are gonna stay here." He informed the dragon.

Spike got worried again "H-how will that protect us?!? We're safe with you!" He told Aiden.

Aiden sighed before observing the room "I'm gonna put you two into the wall." He told them.

Twilight looked at him with confusion "How?" She asked him.

Aiden stretched his limbs "Like this," he said before tackling into the wall, making a huge hole into the wall.

The mare and the dragon stared at him with shock.

Aiden stood up before popping his neck "Get in, I'm gonna block you two in with a dresser." He told them.

Spike and Twilight looked at each other before entering the hole in the wall.

Aiden looked out the window and saw buildings burning "Shit!" He said out loud.

Twilight looked at him "What is it?" She asked with worry.

Aiden shook his head "Nothing, everything will be fine." He said before crouching down in front of them.

Twilight took nervous breaths "What are you going to do?" She asked him.

Aiden sighed "I'm gonna go and help." He rubbed his head "I love you." He said to her.

Twilight smiled gently "I love you too." She said with love.

Aiden kissed her deeply before standing up "I'll be back for you two. I promise I won't let anything happen to you guys." He said before positioning himself to push the dresser.

Twilight nodded "Be safe!" She said before being enclosed into the wall.

Aiden stood straight up before pulling out his gun and exiting the room. Aiden gasped when he noticed a few guards were laying on the floors dead, they were massacred, their blood had made it onto the floors and walls. Aiden crouched "How the hell did I not hear anything?" He said while making his way to the stairs. He quickly ran down the stairs before making it onto the bottom floor, he saw the princess standing their with a look of horror and shock "Celestia!" He called out to her.

Celestia slowly looked at him "He's immune... Aiden, he's immune to magic!" She paused for a second "But he can use it." She said with fear.

Aiden sighed "Where is he?" He asked her.

Celestia swallowed before pointing outside "Killing my little ponies." She said with tears reaching her eyes.

The look of sadness motivated and angered Aiden "Don't you worry Celestia, I'll do what my name says." He told her.

Celestia nodded and sniffled "Please, save them Aiden." She begged him.

Aiden nodded before bolting out of the main doors. Aiden was horrified to see the city in flames, it was filled with screams and cries of help, he also heard some ponies shouting the name everypony calls him.

Aiden was pushed to his limit as far as anger. He bolted down the streets and saw the guards of John messing with a few families. Aiden approached one group and raised his gun, this instantly grabbed the attention of the guards and the families. Aiden aimed and started firing off shots into the guards that charged at him, he landed every single shot, most of them being head shots. He noticed the families were giving him a short praise before running away from the battle. Aiden pulled out a knife that he kept on him at all times just so he could reserve some ammo. A few guards charged at him but they would meet with Aiden disarming them and getting stabbed in important areas of the body. Aiden got sliced on the back by a guard and he snapped with rage, he snatched the guard by the throat and lifted him off of the ground, he thrusted his knife into his stomach and disemboweled the guard, letting his internals spill out onto the ground.

The other guards watched with horror before running away with pure fear in them.

Aiden ran down the streets, hoping to find the man that was all behind this, John. Aiden paused when he saw a Royal guard get thrown through a wall, shortly after seeing John step out, about to finish killing the guard. Aiden called out "Hey! You fucking pussy! Fight me little bitch! Or am I just too much for you!" He said with anger.

John snapped towards Aiden, this slight pause let the guard run away. He revealed a red glow coming from his hand, he tried shooting Aiden with magic, but he then saw him absorb the magic. John was shocked "So you're tougher than the others..." He said out loud.

Aiden pulled out his gun "And more deadly, bitch." He said before aiming at him. He was about to pull the trigger before seeing a red mist fly out of John's mouth, leaving John to collapse on the ground. Aiden saw the mist become its own form, a creature that had yellow eyes and was dark red.

Aiden fired at it but saw it catch the bullets, he was slightly shocked but realized he needed to have hand to hand combat.

The creature charged at Aiden and was going to hit him, but it only got to have its arm restrained and its head smashed into a nearby brick wall by Aiden. It whirled around and threw the human a good thirty feet away.

Aiden flew through the air and hit the ground hard, he recovered in seconds before seeing the red creature charging at him again, he acted quickly and picked up the creature by the waist and slammed it onto the ground with power in every movement. He mounted the creature and started to hit it as hard as he could with punches to the face, he was eventually kicked off and hit a wall.

The creature moved as quick as a blink towards Aiden, it grabbed his knife and rammed it into his shoulder, Aiden yelled with rage before snatching the creature by its arms and ripping them off, having black blood spew out of the place where the limbs used to be.

The creature stared at him with what appeared to be confusion before turning back into a mist and flying off into the sky.

Aiden breathed heavily and looked down at his hands "H-how did I do that?" He asked himself. His attention was grabbed by the remaining guards of the creature sprinting out of the city. Aiden looked down at the arms he ripped off and saw they were still oozing out the black blood "What the fuck was that thing?" He said before noticing the knife in his shoulder, he sighed "it could've been worse." He said. Aiden walked over to Johns body and felt his pulse, his heart was still beating, he sighed with relief before picking up the human.

The two princesses flew down from the sky "You did it!" Celestia said.

Aiden raised a eyebrow "What'd I do?" He asked.

Luna stared at him "You scared them away! It must be because you got their leader!" She indicated John on his shoulder.

Aiden shook his head "We need to have a meeting ASAP, there are a lot of new things I've found out tonight." He said before walking past them with his friend on his shoulder.

The two princesses looked at each other with confusion before flying back to the castle.

Aiden pushed the dresser, freeing Twilight and Spike.

Twilight hugged him "Thank goodness your safe! I heard ponies yelling your name outside while sitting in there." She told him.

Aiden sighed "Yeah... I had to do few things that no pony should do." He told her.

Spike noticed the the bandages on his shoulder "What happened to you?" He asked him.

Aiden shook his head "Nothing much, just got cut up." He lied some.

Twilight kissed him "I'm just glad you're okay." She said before hugging him tight. She looked at him "How did you resolve it all so quickly? You were only gone for a few hours." She told him.

Aiden sighed "I went for their leader, it turns out after getting rid of their leader they turn around and run away." He told her.

Twilights ears flattened on her head "So you killed him..." She said with pity.

Aiden shook his head "No, I'll explain everything at the next meeting." Be told her.

Twilight was confused "What happened to John?" She asked.

Aiden sighed "I got him, he's recovering in a room near ours." He told her.

Twilight sat down "I'm so confused right now..." She said while thinking.

Aiden rubbed his head "I know, just come with me. We're holding the meeting now since it's a emergency." He told her before exiting the room.

Twilight followed behind him and observed him "You seem... Angry." She said.

Aiden looked down at her "I'm fucking furious." He told her with slight anger in his tone.

Twilight slowly nodded "How many died?" She asked him.

Aiden shook his head "I don't know, I just know that a lot of families have been lost tonight." He said to her.

Twilight flattened her ears "I see...." She said before entering the meeting room with Aiden.

All of the ponies from before were there, but many of the generals had injuries.

Celestia nodded to the two "Okay, everypony. Aiden has received valuable information." She said to have them all focus on Aiden.

Aiden sighed "John is innocent. Our enemy is something that I have never thought I would ever see... This creature awoke something inside of me, something powerful." He walked over to a cart in the corner of the room and pulled off the cover on it. Inside of the cart was the creatures arms that he ripped off. Aiden picked up both arms and showed them to everypony "I had the strength to tear the limbs off of this thing. This thing pissed me off to where I just lost it, all I wanted and still to do is kill every single one of those bastards." Aiden threw the arms onto the table, letting some of the left over black blood squirt out onto the table "If this makes you queasy then raise your hoof." He instructed them.

Rarity and Fluttershy raised their hoofs.

Aiden picked up one of the arms and walked over to the both of them to only stick it into their faces "You might not want to come with me, I'm gonna be doing things that'll make you question my sanity. I'd like to rip off their fucking heads if I could." He told them.

The two of them swallowed before nodding.

Rarity let out a nervous breath "I-I'll help you Aiden, just as long as you protect us." She told him.

Aiden pulled the arm away "Good, just don't throw up on me in battle." He said before walking back to the end of the table. Aiden looked at the arm, he thought more about the massacre and got more pissed off "I'll show you all only a small bit of what you'll see." He quickly grabbed a finger on the arm and ripped it right off of the hand.

All of the ponies watched in horror, a few of them almost throwing up at the sight.

Aiden wore a look of murder on his face "We leave in the morning." He told them all.

Celestia was pale "B-but we only have a limited amount of supplies!" She told him.

Aiden looked at her with anger "I'll make do with what I've got! I gave you time, and look at where it fucking got us! They wanted some attention, well now they fucking have it, except it's my attention!" He progressively got louder with every statement.

Celestia was about to speak but decided to only nod.

Aiden realized he was getting too pissed off "You all meet me at the entrance of the castle at five in the morning." He said before rushing out of the room.

Twilight got up "U-umm, sorry for his anger, but he really does care about you guys. Aiden just feels like he's failed us." She said before running after him.

Aiden walked down the hallway with anger in every step.

Twilight ran after him "What was that, Aiden!?!" She asked him with a annoyed tone.

Aiden stopped and looked at her "You need to know what you're gonna be seeing Twi! I honestly don't know if I want you guys going, but I need your help." He said before passing their room.

Twilight followed him "Are you going to be this mad the whole time?" She asked him.

Aiden sighed "I've never been this pissed in my whole life. All I need right now is for that thing to be dead, and I want its blood on my hands." He said before approaching the room that John was recovering in.

Twilight stopped him from opening the door to the room "You didn't fail protecting us Aiden, you stopped that thing. Some lives were lost tonight, but you did a good job on getting vengeance. All you need to worry about is ending this war, worry about what matters most. Protect the living Aiden." She told him.

Aiden stared at her for a few seconds before nodding "I will." He said before opening the door, leaving Twilight outside. Aiden stepped into the room and saw a nurse taking care of John, which was awake finally.

John saw Aiden "Oh. My. God." He said with a shocked expression.

Aiden laughed lightly "You've been gone for a while buddy." He said to John.

John sighed "I heard. You don't even have to ask." He told Aiden.

Aiden wore a confused expression "Ask for what?" He asked him.

John chuckled "I'm going to fight with you in this war." He told Aiden.

Aiden was surprised "Just like that? I suppose you want vengeance?" He asked John.

John nodded "You know it. That bitch isn't just gonna use my body and not be punished for it." He said.

Aiden smiled "I'm glad you're the same John I know." He said.

John smirked "Besides, I know these ponies only mean good. You oughta know that I'm gonna fight for the right thing." He said with courage.

The nurse looked at Aiden "He sounds just like you Protector." She said to him.

John looked at Aiden oddly "You're The Protector?" He asked him.

Aiden nodded "It's my duty to make sure the ponies of Equestria are safe." He told John.

John smiled "I guess death can't even take away your good heart." He said to Aiden.

Aiden smiled "You know it." He walked to the door "If you still want to still help in the morning then meet me at the entrance of the castle at five in the morning." He told John.

John nodded "Get a good rest Aiden, I can tell that you need it." He told his fellow human.

Aiden nodded "You too." He said before leaving the room.

Twilight had waited for him in the hallway the whole time "Is he okay?" She asked Aiden.

Aiden sighed "I think so, he said he's joining us in this war." He informed her.

Twilight perked her ears up "Really? So we'll have two humans with advance military training?" She asked him.

Aiden nodded "Yup, this will hopefully give us a better chance at winning." He told her.

Twilight smiled "If you're on our side then we're gonna win this war Aiden." She told him.

Aiden raised an eyebrow "What makes you say that?" He asked her.

Twilight smiled wide "You're The Protector, you're called that for a reason. You're a good leader too." She said to him.

"But you've never seen me lead." He told her.

Twilight giggled "You're more of a leader at the meetings than the princess is." She said before walking towards their room.

Aiden followed "So you have all of your faith in me?" He asked her.

Twilight looked back at him "You know it, you're my special somepony anyways." She said before opening the door to their room.

Aiden followed her into their room "Well, I promise you that I won't let you down." He said to her.

Twilight smiled "Good." She pushed him onto the bed "You better not let me down now either!" She said before kissing him deeply.

Aiden chuckled "You know that I never do!" He said before kissing her back with all of his love.

Chapter 10- Who Is It?

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"What's your name?" Asked a unknown source.

"The Protector." Aiden responded.

"Why are you called that? Do you always protect? Do you have the capacity of skill beyond of anything to ever live? Are you stronger than the goddesses themselves?" The source asked many questions that it thought would stump him.

"I go beyond a limit that was once set for me, I found that there is no limit. I have gone through hell to just get to you, my bones feel like they'll snap any moment, my muscles are swollen from the rips in them, I won't stop, and I will never stop protecting, even if it kills me. My skills are not to be messed with, I've learned to lie, I've learned to do more for others than to do for myself, that's something not even a goddess will do. Those goddesses live in a castle, I don't even own a home. Giving is all I know, my main gift to this world is a service that can never be beaten, I will protect these ponies for absolutely free. I am stronger than them, I have will, potential. I never give up, I always take risks so I can move forward. Do they do these things? Do you do these things? Or are you now starting to realize I'm not just some human, I'm The Protector." He told the unknown source.

"I see... Perhaps you're more than I thought."


Aiden waited at the main entrance of the castle, he was the only one there. He was looking at blueprints of the Manehattan that once belonged to Equestria. "Hmm... Something doesn't add up here. The bars, the restaurants, all of the decencies that once were there have been modified. These blueprints say they're luxurious, top of the line types of places, but these pictures the spies took... They're different, almost like as if they've turned it into a wasteland. It almost reminds me of Fallout." He sighed and put down the pictures "I guess I won't learn much from these blueprints if they've modified the place. I guess I'll have to depend on my common sense underground."

Aiden turned around when he heard footsteps behind him, he was happy to see John be the second one to be at the meetup spot "Good morning John." He said while patting the spot beside him to sit down on the couch.

John nodded before sitting "Mornin'" he said with his slight country accent.

Aiden chuckled "I'm surprised I never caught that accent, we lived in Georgia our whole lives." He said to John, reminiscing about the old times.

John nodded "Yup, we lived in Georgia but we didn't meet until that mission, when you and your squad saved our asses. I do suppose that's what's so special about Navy Seals, some of the toughest motherfuckers to exist. Do they know you were a Navy Seal?" He asked Aiden with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

Aiden sighed "I told them half. I said I was in the Navy, but not in the Navy Seals." He informed John.

John wore a confused expression "why wouldn't you tell them? You went out on recon missions and everything, that's how you know how to fight. Shit, you're the one that really taught me how to fight. You act like damn Bruce Lee in battle doing roundhouse kicks and submissions." He reminisced as well.

Aiden sighed "I don't really want to make me seem like a bigger deal than a really am. I protect, that's all they really need to know, but that Twilight girl... She knows a good bit about me, my knowledge, some of my history, only thing she doesn't really know is that I don't feel guilt when I kill."

John shook his head "You're fucking her aren't you?" He asked.

Aiden slowly looked at him "What type of shit are you thinking of?" He asked him with a hint of fake disgust in his voice.

John chuckled "I'm joking, sheesh. To be serious right now, you should tell that Twilight girl more about yourself, she'll trust you more if you tell her the truth. Just relax around these ponies, they respect you." He told Aiden his opinions.

Aiden was about to speak but was interrupted by the sounds of hooves clacking against the marble floor, he looked to source of the sound and spotted the six girls ready for action.

Twilight smiled gently at Aiden "Good morning early bird." She said before sitting beside him.

Aiden smiled "Good morning." He made sure to not show much love since everypony was present.

Applejack stared hard at John with curiosity and suspicion obvious in her eyes.

John stared back with a blankness in his eyes "Do I have a dick on my forehead?" He asked the intrusive pony.

Applejack was taken aback with surprise by the question "Huh?!?" She asked with heavy confusion in her voice.

John sighed before turning to Aiden "These ponies don't really understand vulgar humor do they?" He asked his human friend.

Aiden chuckled "Depends on who's saying it. They don't fully trust you yet, especially since that thing possessed you, once they get used to you then they'll understand your jokes, but you kind of had a rough start and I didn't. I saved ponies before they even met me, I had respect long before I was accepted into their society." He informed John.

John blinked a few times before fully processing what he said "Oh." He said plainly.

Rainbow bumped in "Do you remember anything? Like when you were possessed, like when it happened, when Aiden kicked your ass-"

"Rainbow!" Twilight stopped her.

"What? It's true?" She claimed.

John sighed "No, no I don't. I just remember feeling like a bag of shit when I woke up." He informed the rainbow colored pony.

Rainbow sighed "Sounds boring. Hopefully your fighting tactics aren't as bland as you are." She said to the plain acting human.

Aiden stood up when he saw a rather young looking guard run up to him.

The guard was out of breath "Am I late? Oh no I'm late!" He said before standing up straight and focusing on Aiden "White Light at your service sir!" He said while standing as straight as he could while saluting the human.

Aiden slowly pointed a finger at himself "At my service?" He said with a confused expression.

"Yes sir!" White Light said with a hint of nervousness.

Aiden cleared his throat "Well, I'm guessing Celestia put me in charge of you?" He asked the stallion.

"Yes sir!" He responded like a fresh military recruit.

Aiden sighed "How old are you?" He asked the young stallion.

"17, sir!" He informed Aiden.

Aiden was taken aback "You're still a kid?" He turned to Twilight "Is 17 the minimum to enter?" He asked her.

Twilight nodded "Yup, he's a young one. You're in charge of him which means he'll be by your side the whole war. Celestia probably knows you'll need a extra pair of hooves and also you can insure his safety." She told him.

Aiden nodded before turning back to the kid "I don't have many rules. First one, you don't have to act like you have a stick up your ass around me. Second one, stay behind me at all times. Third one, don't be stupid." He told the young guard.

White Light slowly relaxed his stance before nodding "Yes sir. One question though, sir. Won't I get in trouble if don't stick to protocol?" He asked Aiden.

Aiden shook his head "If I'm in charge then the only one that can chew your ass out is me. If someone or somepony tries to push you around then tell me, I will happily whoop their ass. Understand?" He asked the new recruit.

The recruit smiled gently "Yes sir!" He said before relaxing all of the way.

Aiden turned to the others "Hopefully we will get to go soon, we're getting to the time I originally planned and only one troop is here." He said with disappointment in his voice.

Aiden may of spoken too soon, because just as he finished saying that the chattering of voices and the clopping of hooves could be heard approaching fast. The group had turned to source of the noise and surely there were many guards in their uniforms, they all looked ready to go, some even looked excited to enter a war zone. The large group of guards straightened their pose and quit talking once they were in front of Aiden.

Shining Armour appeared out of the group of guards and smiled when he caught the sight of Aiden "Nice to know you're not late to the game." He said with a chipper tone.

Aiden smiled "I'm always ready. I figured I would see Celestia before I saw you." He mentioned the princess to the captain.

Shining perked up "Celestia? Nah, you won't be seeing her, she isn't coming with us." He informed the human.

Aiden squinted at him with curiosity "Why not?" He asked, obviously not amused.

Shining sighed "She has a country to run. Besides, she's grown fond of you, so fond that she allowed this guard be yours, I mean he did beg to be under your control. I suppose your name has spread positively across the country, but today we can see what you can do billy bad ass." He said with a slight smirk planted onto his face.

Aiden nodded slowly "I guess we will see. Who dies? Who survives? Today will be survival of the fittest." He told the captain of the guard.

Shining looked back at his guards before looking back at Aiden "So, are we ready to head out?" He asked Aiden.

Aiden looked at his small group before turning back to Shining "Yup, let's go." He said with confidence.

White Light ran up to beside Aiden "Can I ask you a question?" He asked him with nervousness present in his voice.

Aiden turned to the young stallion and smiled gently "Shoot." He said with a comforting tone.

The troop took a deep breath "Umm... W-why do you want to help ponies you barely know? A-and how are you experienced?" He said with his heart beating rapidly in his chest.

Aiden stared at him with confusion "A better question is, why would you not?" He told the guard.

The stallion pushed deeper with a response "Because you don't know them, they've done next to nothing for you. Perhap-" the troop was cut off by Aiden's hand going up to signal him to stop talking.

"One doesn't need a reason to be kind, but they do need a reason to not be." He informed White Light.

The stallion stared at him with a dumbfounded expression before rushing to get something out of his bag.

"What are you doing?" Aided asked the stallion.

The fresh troop yanked out a notebook before jotting something down "I'm writing that down, that was an amazing quote that I've never heard before." he informed his new leader.

Aiden sighed "Man, courage is rare now days." He spoke to himself before continuing on.

The troops including Aiden stood at a post that read Do Not Pass

Shining Armor looked at Aiden "You think they like us?" He asked with humor in his voice.

Aiden chuckled "Oh yeah, they'll have a fresh cup of napalm waiting for us." He responded with more humor.

One of the troops walked past the post and smiled "It's clear!" He said before taking one more step to only be exploded into just limbs.

Aiden stood and cursed under his breath "Dumbass..."

Everypony else dived and took cover "we're under attack!" Shining armor shouted.

Aiden groaned, then he pulled Twilight and White Light off of the ground "You two come with me." He said with a stern expression.

Twilight was in panic "But he just, just, just... Died!" She said with horror.

Aiden sighed "It was his fault, land mines tend to be the first cause of death. Just follow my orders if you two want to live." He told the two.

"But what about the girls?" Twilight asked him.

"They have a plan Twi, I gave them a route to follow. They're just supply getters." He said before yanking them towards the field.

White Light gulped and nodded "I-I'm with you sir." He said to his new leader.

Twilight regained some of her composure "Lead the way." She said with little to no emotion, but her face read complete and utter fear.

Aiden observed the ground under his feet "From this point on make sure to take ten steps straight, three steps right, fifty more steps straight, and then two steps left to arrive at the sewer entry nearest. I'm letting you know this in case if you fall behind somehow" he informed the two of them.

Twilight stared at him, obviously confused "How do you know the locations?" She asked her not official lover.

Aiden sighed "You won't ever see me fight in a place that I'm not familiar with." He told her.

"I'll just ask you again later."

Aiden cleared his throat before turning to Twilight "I love you." He said to her.

Twilight stared at him "I love you too, but you know not to say that out in public just yet." She said before giving White Light a quick glance.

Aiden smiled gently "I want to say that just in case if I never get to in the future." He said sweetly to his mare.

Twilight blushed but had worry on her face "Don't say that. I know you'll get to see me and you together." She said with confidence.

Aiden nodded before taking a breath "Okay, let's get moving." He said before taking a few steps forward with his companions behind him.

Aiden counted silently in his head as he walked in between the mines that could easily end his life. Aiden noticed how poorly they had placed the mines "Poor guy lost his life to stupidity on both ends." He said silently to himself. He took notice that his companions were talking behind him.

White Light talked to Twilight with a more relaxed tone "Does he make you nervous at all?" He asked Twi, obviously referring to Aiden.

Twilight giggled "Nope! He actually makes me intrigued about his story, he hasn't told me all of his story, but he hasn't lied about his past." She told the guard.

"Should I be nervous?" He asked with curiosity.

Twilight shook her head "No, he's here to help and protect you! He won't lay a hoo- err finger on you unless if you gave him a reason to." She comforted the stallion.

Aiden smiled in secret before arriving at the sewer hole he was looking for "Stop, we're here." He said before lifting the lid to the sewer up.

The young troop stared with awe "I heard those weigh a lot, but you just lifted one up easily!" He said with excitement, probably from experiencing the strength of The Protector for the first time.

Aiden shook his head "Now's not the time, just get in the hole." He said to the both of them.

Once the two ponies entered, Aiden took the lid and placed it back above them once he had climbed in as well.

White Light held his muzzle "It smells like shit in here!" He said with disgust.

Aiden sighed "I wonder why...." He said with slight disappointment in his voice.

Twilight turned to the young soldier "It's a sewer, I believe this is where Aiden wanted to go." She informed him.

Aiden waved for them to follow him "come on." He said before moving forth.

Aiden reached the point he was looking for after the group walked for some time in the disgusting area "here we are. Let's get out of this shit hole." He said before popping the lid off above them. Aiden lifted himself out of the sewer before assisting the others out.

White Light took in a deep breath of air "Oh, how I love clean air!" He said with joy.

Aiden reached into his bag he brought with him and pulled out the explosives he needed.

Twilight saw them and stared "Wait, are we that close?" She asked.

Aiden nodded "Yup, the sewer pretty much took us straight there." He said before looking up at the extremely large building in front of them "So, this is the beauty of Manehatten." He said before walking toward the outer wall of it.

Twilight stared at him "Don't we need to be on the inside?" She asked him.

Aiden shook his head "Nah, I have some explosives and also some thermite." He said before planting a charge.

Twilight swallowed "Don't you need to set off the charges manually?" She asked him.

Aiden nodded "Yup, that's why you two will enter the sewer before I set them off." He informed her.

Twilight had a nervous expression before following Aiden to the other point for the explosive.

Aiden stopped the two of them from going any further "shh, I hear voices." He said as two voices had a friendly chat around the corner.

White Light and Twilght wore scared expressions, fearing that they were screwed.

Aiden signaled for them to stay put before going around the corner "Hey, you two!" He shouted at the guards guarding the entrance.

The two guards took notice and ran towards him.

Aiden quickly pulled out the knife he had brought with him "Who's first?" He said as the two closed in on him quickly.

One guard charged Aiden with his spear but missed after Aiden did a roll out of the way, but while Aiden was close to the ground he cut the tendon to left leg, preventing him from standing. The other guard tried to attack but Aiden dodged and grabbed the weapon out of his hooves, the guard found himself meeting with the blunt end of the spear, causing him to be knocked off of his feet.

Aiden looked at the one guard crying from the pain of his leg, Aiden pushed him to the ground before proceeding to snap his neck with his foot. The other guard found his balance but before getting to attack he was pushed into the wall, Aiden grabbed his knife and stabbed through the guards temple as hard as he could, resulting in the guards gruesome death, his lifeless body was dangling from the knife that was now stuck in the wall.

Aiden wiped his hands on his shirt before removing the knife, creating a audible sound of a blade rubbing against a brain. He looked at his two companions that stared at him with pure fear. Aiden sighed before planting the rest of the bombs on the building "we need to hurry, it won't be long before the other guards are alerted." He said before planting the last charge.

Twilight and White Light remained quite as they went back into the sewer.

Aiden watched as they went "I wonder if they're scared of me?" He said to himself before setting the fuse and running into the hole.

They all ducked down low when they heard the incredibly loud explosion go on outside, they could also hear the thermite get to work before hearing the building collapse with a loud fall and a lot of screams outside.

Aiden waited for everything to settle before taking a peak outside. What he saw was basically a war zone, bodies were smushed from the impact, paper was scattered everywhere, pieces of concrete was on the ground with blood leaking out from underneath. It didn't appear anypony survived, which that brought dread to Aiden, that creature, the source of it all should come crawling out. If it wasn't there, then where was it? He slowly realized before running through the sewer "We have to go! I think the others are in trouble." He said while running insanely fast through the sewers, running fast enough to where the two ponies could hardly keep up.

"I know who it is." Aiden said with fear.

Chapter 11- It's Personal Now

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Aiden pulled himself out of the sewer with ease, not even bothering to help the others out. Aiden saw all of the troops and Shining Armour standing, staring out at the city, more than likely still processing the tall building that collapsed. Aiden grabbed their attention by speaking with a voice that had fear and anger in it "Where is he?" He said loud enough for everypony to hear.

Everypony stared at Aiden with confusion. Shining Armour eventually spoke "Where's who?" He asked, confused like everypony else.

Aiden pulled out his pistol that he carried for an emergency "John, the fucking human that's a lie to all of us, the human that isn't really a human, he's just a fucking illusion of my dead best fucking friend! The guy that thing made me forget about by using chaos! The friend I held in my arms as he died on the field in Iran, the only one that I know for a fact that would take a bullet for me...." He finished with a depressed tone.

Twilight stared at Aiden, still slightly scared of him from before "John's dead?" She asked with a confused expression.

Aiden looked at her "He died. He was never here, he was a illusion, so was that red thing. We were all tricked, we had some form of spell casted on us to make our eyes see things that weren't real, simply just a figment of your imagination. I know who it is, it's that fucker that escaped the stone, the thing you call Discord. I'm gonna kill him, he used me, he used my worst memories to fuck with all of us." He said with anger slowly making its way back to the surface.

Just as he was finishing, John appeared from behind the crowd of soldiers "What'd I miss?" He asked with curiosity.

Aiden's instantly locked his eyes onto him "You. You piece of shit." He said, his voice filled with rage.

John blinked a few times "Oh boy, did you figure it out that quickly?" He asked, already knowing the situation.

Aiden pulled out his gun before quickly shooting the fake human in the head "You... Fucking asshole!" He shouted angrily at the fake corpse of his friend "You piece of shit!" He quickly turned to Twilight "Where the fuck is that piece of shit Discord." He said in a tone that made nopony want to mess with him.

Twilight was taken aback by his attitude "U-umm, a-at the gardens? I think he's still stone...." She said, worried by what he'll do next.

Aiden took one last glance at the crowd "Y'all go the fuck home, I'm on my own now, this shit got personal." He said before walking off back towards Canterlot.

Everypony was shocked by what he said. Shining Armour broke the silence "He's a psycho, h-he just killed him with no regrets, whether or not John was fake but he was a replica of his friend, he still just... killed him. I thought he was a calm and cool guy, I guess I was wrong." He said before sitting down to gather his thoughts.

Twilight stared at the human that was now in the distance "I thought he was too." She said before watching him again.

Applejack walked up to Twilight "A-are you okay? You seem more stressed than everypony else." She asked in her usual country accent.

Twilight blinked away a few tears "I-I thought I knew him, he acted so well, he was so kind before, but now that something got to his feelings he's off the wall. I should've listened to him, he told me this is the life he lives in." She told her friend.

Applejack looked at her with curiosity "You're talkin' like ya loved him." She said with confusion.

Twilight sniffled "I did, now I'm not so sure." She admitted.

Applejack was surprised "I didn't expect him to be your type. Well, I think you should reconsider your options, he's a soldier after all. You should probably let him love somepony that lives a crazy life like his." She gave her some advice.

Twilight sighed "Perhaps so." She said before looking back in the distance, seeing the speck that was Aiden

Aiden walked through castle with a atmosphere of pure negativity "Where is it..." He spoke to himself softly. He eventually found his way into the castle garden, he was surprised to see the two sisters looking down at a large pedestal that looked like it used to hold something "Am I interrupting something?" He said while walking up to the sisters.

The two were startled by his presence. Celestia regained her composure quickly "Why are you the only one back? Are you the only one that knows out of all of them?" She asked him multiple questions, she was obviously worried.

Aiden sighed "Pretty much, I found out John was a distraction. Discord made a illusion that made things a little personal for me. I'm here to kill him." He informed them.

Celestia blinked a few times "You want to kill Discord?" She asked just to make sure she heard him right.

Aiden sighed "Yeah, the little shit messed with our heads, he made me forget about the friend that died in my arms. Like I said, things got personal." He told her.

The two sisters looked at each other before looking back at him. Celestia wore a worried expression "I don't ever remember there ever being a method to actually kill him, There's only one method to stop him without magic." She told him.

Aiden nodded "What's this method?" He asked her.

Celestia sighed "One must be completely resistant to magic, they must find a way to use his own powers on him, but the thing that makes this so hard is that... You must be as chaotic as the God of chaos himself." She told him.

Aiden sighed "what's this guys past? Did daddy not love him enough? Did his whole entire family get murdered or something?" He asked them.

Luna coughed "Uhh, Discord has been around as long as time itself according to the books. Though, it did say something about how he is the only one to really be said to be killed. Most immortals die from age, but Discord is set to be killed by some noble hero, but this is story talk." She informed him.

Aiden stared at them "What's this? The legend of Zelda? I just want to kill him, give me some books that are closest to what I want and I'm pretty sure I can find a way. I've got the magic resistant stuff down, I've got something for that, I just need some info on how to make him weak." He told them.

Celestia sighed "I would highly recommend having the elements along side you, but if you insist on doing this on your own then... Follow Luna, she'll guide you to our archives and fetch the books that you desire. Just, don't die Aiden, you're the biggest thing to happen since the elements. We need you, you're a hidden treasure that is scarce now, you have knowledge, courage, a good heart, not many ponies have that in todays society." She said before walking away.

Luna sighed "Well, follow us this way." She said before turning to go inside.

Luna stacked the last book into Aidens arm, she wore a look of worry while doing so "We hope you can resolve the issues you are having, as well as ours in Equestria." She told him.

Aiden looked at her "It'll be difficult for sure, but I believe that I can do it, I just need to think smart about this." He told her "I'll make sure to get Equestria back into proper working order." He added, hoping to relieve some of her nervousness.

Luna nodded "Thank you for doing this Aiden, most ponies would turn around and run, you on the other hoof, you keep your ground and strike fear into our enemies, we haven't seen that for quite some time now." She thanked the courageous human.

Aiden smiled "Your kind words inspire me to do my best, I'll make sure you never have a problem with Discord after this." He told her, his voice filled with confidence.

Luna smiled as well "Well, I'll leave you to it then. Make sure to return the books after you are finished, these are the only copies left on the planet." She told him before leaving the archives.

Aiden sighed "I can't let them down, not after all that I've been through, including my past back on Earth. I lost friends, I had to kill friends... I lost my father, the rest of my family never truly loved me, I was alone throughout life, and I was so close to taking my worthless life away, but then a fire just... Ignited, I became a fighter, a guy that knows your pain and knows exactly what the solution is. I suppose it's time to show the God of chaos what a human with a rough life can do to scar a few rough images into his brain." He said before setting down the books on a desk in the archives.

Aiden reached into his bag and pulled out his notebook, as well as a pencil. He reached over and grabbed a book before getting to work on jotting down notes about how to kill this chaotic God they call Discord.

The Elements and the troops finally returned back to the castle after a few hours of walking, Twilight hadn't seen Aiden yet, so she was a little worried about where he could be.

They all spotted Princess Luna returning to her bedroom to get some proper rest while the sun was still out.

Twilight ran up to her "Princess! We need your help, Aiden disappeared and we fear he's going to get himself killed trying to kill Discord!" She said quickly, obviously freaking out.

Luna smiled gently "Aiden is okay, he's going solve this problem for us, we did recommend him to have you girls with him but he is set on killing Discord on his own. We saw the determination, we saw the good in his eyes when he said this to us, I have no doubt that Aiden is going to resolve this, it will be hard but he will do it." She informed the lavender unicorn.

Twilight wore a look of confusion "How long has Aiden been here?" She asked Luna.

Luna kept her gentle smile "For quite some time, a few hours at least. Please don't disturb him, he's working very hard on how to solve this the proper way, that is why we believe he can do it, because he doesn't rush into battle, he always researches about how to do it. Now, I do need to receive some rest, today has been a very stressful day." She said before turning around and walking up the stairs to her chambers.

Twilight swallowed hard "I hope I can talk to him tonight." He said with worry in her voice.

All of her friends looked at each other before deciding to do something.

Rainbow Dash spoke first "Twi, are you okay?" She asked the stressed mare.

Twilight sighed "I don't know. I need to ask Aiden that." She answered Rainbow.

Rarity noticed her words "P-perhaps we can assist Aiden, we can make sure this whole thing doesn't get out of control, darling." She tried to cheer up the situation.

Twilight realized something "Aiden wasn't mad because of the illusion!" She shouted with a smile wide on her face.

The others were taken by surprise "Uhh, what?" Applejack said.

Twilight was beaming "He got scared, he thought John was going to hurt us, he thought he failed! That's why he killed it quickly." She was putting the pieces together "That's why he wants to kill Discord! Discord almost, ALMOST, got past Aiden, but now Aiden is after him! Discord knows about him, we haven't seen him once, simply because Aiden has always been around. Is Discord scared of Aiden?" She finally asked herself.

The others were shocked by her question "Woah, woah, woah, Discord? Discord gets scared? He wasn't scared of us, he wasn't scared of the princesses, but you think he's scared of Aiden?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight looked at her "Maybe because he knew we couldn't kill him, but maybe he knows Aiden can!" She said, feeling proud of her conclusion.

Aiden moved onto the second book he had received "I so far need to make a higher dose of that magic resistant medication, I also need to practice on my focus, I need to try and trap him inside of my head when he tries to intrude." He said before reading through some of the second book.

After reading a few pages Aiden rubbed his eyes "I need to make him weak, it says I can do that by showing some of my memories that would surely scar him. I need to mess with his emotions, I also need to be able to get a knife that I can put some of that medication into, once he's weak enough I must stab it into his heart. What is he, a vampire?" He said before reading a little more. "Wait." Aiden slowly started to notice something, he quickly grabbed the first book "There's hidden code here... It was written by... Star Swirl?" Aiden quickly jotted down the coded sentences before putting the pieces together.

Aiden quickly stood up from his chair "That's not possible, how the fuck did he know that." He quickly turned pale. "That's impossible, you'd have to see into the future to know that!" He swallowed hard. Aiden tried to calm himself down as best as possible "How did he know who I am? That clearly fucking says... A human named Aiden is who you're looking for Celestia." He leaned up against the wall. He slowly shook his head "That's impossible... There's no way, no fucking way they knew about me before I even existed." He rubbed his eyes before sitting back down "I guess this means I'm the only one that can do this." He said before picking the book back up.

Twilight entered her room in the castle to finally get some rest, today had been an eventful day. She sighed before entering her bed, it felt emptier, lonelier, without Aiden in it "he must be working hard." She said to herself before laying on her back, she stared at the ceiling, her eyes empty, she was lost in her thoughts. Twilight blinked a few times "I just hope he's okay, I know it must be a lot on his shoulders right, just having to deal with the fact that Equestria is counting on him, families are fans of him," she chuckled a little "There are probably a few ponies that are writing comic books about him, possibly a few are even writing a full story on what he's done so far, they just need to read the newspaper to see what the final conclusion is." She said before perking up at the sound of the door opening.

Aiden stepped in, he had no expression, he was pale, like as if he had seen a ghost "Twilight," he said before looking at her "Who was Celestia and Luna's dad?" He asked, no tone in his voice.

Twilight sat up "I don't know, Princess Celestia and Luna don't ever talk about it, I think it's something more personal." She responded, her voice filled with confusion.

Aiden swallowed "Yeah, I think it's personal too." He said while looking down at the floor.

Twilight stared at him "A-are you okay?" She asked, worried by his behavior.

Aiden ignored her question "Ya know, I've been wondering something... I came here when I was supposed to be dead, but here's the thing, where'd my dad go?" He asked her.

Twilight stared at him "I never really gave it any thought." She answered honestly.

Aiden nodded slowly before looking up at her "I think I know exactly where he went." He told her "And I think our princesses have a few things to answer for me." He said, his tone still absent.

Twilight blinked quickly "Aiden, you're scaring me." She told him.

Aiden clapped his hands before throwing on a fake smile "But this can wait, can't it? Right now I need some sleep, but I would like to say one last thing before I climb into our bed." He said, his expression worrying Twilght.

Twilight stared at him "And what's that?" She asked him.

Aiden smiled wide "I'm not the first human on this planet, I may be now, but there was one thousands of years ago." He informed her "He, like I have, protected Equestria, he was considered a God by the ponies here thousands of years ago, in Equestria he called himself King Arnett." He informed her.

Twilight looked at him closely "How do you if he was a human?" She asked him.

Aiden smiled wide "I have my ways, I tend to solve puzzles without even trying. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I know how to kill Discord now." He said before removing his clothes except for his underwear before entering the bed with Twilight.

Twilight wore a surprised expression before laying back down "Goodnight Aiden." She said with not much emotion.

Aiden responded "You too." Before letting sleep claim him.

Twilight sighed "King Arnett, I think that was their father." She before resting her eyes to fall into a deep slumber.

Chapter 12- A Battle Of Memories

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Aiden woke up earlier than usual, he wanted to prepare and get out of the castle before anypony else woke up, he intended to kill Discord today, as today was a day that he didn't mind dying. He put his clothes on and stuffed his bag full of his supplies he had prepared the night before, he had everything the books said to have. Aiden was thinking about asking Celestia if she knew his father.

Aiden quietly exited his room, he didn't feel like talking to anypony, he just wanted to fight, he wanted to finally end everything, whether it be his life or the chaotic god he planned to kill. Aiden sighed before turning around a corner to be met with a familiar face he dreaded seeing, Celestia.

Celestia smiled at the human "Why hello there Aiden! I was actually hoping to catch you today." She greeted him.

Aiden looked at her with suspicion "What for?" He asked, not knowing her reasons.

Celestia quickly pulled out a slim piece of paper "I know you didn't want this but I felt it was only fair. I want you to know I set you up a personal bank account where you can go and get bits from the bank when you get a check. I have written your first one for your heroic deeds so far." She floated the check to him with her magic.

Aiden grabbed it before looking at it, his eyes widened a little "You're giving me this much?" He asked her, not really believing the numbers written.

Celestia smiled "it's only fair. You have risked your life over and over again, you're soon about to be putting your life on the line by fighting Discord. We decided that you deserved a certain percentage of the amount we have received for our war recovery." She informed him.

Aiden smiled at her "Well, thank you princess. It means a lot to me, but I do need to inform you that I'm actually about to search for Discord, I'm more ready than I'll ever be right at this moment." He told her.

Celestia nodded "I see... Well, I hope you do what you're hoping for, just please don't die." She said to him.

Aiden nodded "I'll try my best, if I do die then please tell Twilight that I lo-" he was interrupted by the sound of a explosion in the castle.

Celestia snapped her head to the sound before looking back at him "Let's go! That may be him!" She said before teleporting quickly.

Aiden sighed "You could've at least taken me with you." He said before running towards the sound. He reached the sound quickly and was shocked to see a huge hole in the side of the castle, he locked his eyes on Celestia who was yelling at... Discord.

Aiden felt angrier by just seeing him, it felt like the anger was gonna make his eyes pop out of his head, he breathed before walking the rest of the distance to the two.

"And he will kill you! You should give up now!" Celestia shouted at the chaotic God.

Discord laughed "Sure, sure, right. We'll see I suppose." He took her advice as a joke.

Aiden looked at him, waiting for the God to take notice.

Discord finally snapped his eyes onto the human "Ah, The Protector, or should I say Aiden? Oh well, that doesn't really matter. Yes... You're more chaotic than any of the ponies, you've had some bad memories I see. I do suppose you're the best they've got, but that doesn't mean you are good enough. Perhaps you should show me who you are? What surprises do you hold in that small brain of yours?" He spoke down to the human.

Aiden sighed "Come and find out, I don't bite." He taunted Discord.

Discord smirked "Hmm... Perhaps I'll see, then I'll take control of you, perhaps make you one of my soldiers?" He asked himself "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea!" He said before turning into a green mist, quickly diving into the mind of the human.

Aiden took notice and quickly shut down his mind once Discord got inside, this resulted in him passing out.

Discord yelled "Dammit! He locked me in. Well, let's look at some of these memories, he looked around at the darkness that surrounded him, he only noticed one door out of all of the void. Discord walked through the door and had it disappear behind him when he closed it. He was greeted by a hall, it appeared to be some kind of house, the hall looked like it lead out to a main room. Discord walked down the hallway slowly, being slightly creeped out by the atmosphere, he eventually walked out to the main room and almost hurled by the sight of everything.

Blood, blood was everywhere. Limbs, limbs were scattered all over the room, you couldn't make out the skin color by how much blood there was. Two humans, it was two humans that were murdered, but there was a baby sitting in a puddle of blood, it was crying. Discord slowly walked towards the baby and realized who it was, it was Aiden, a blonde haired and blue eyed boy. It was his parents, his parents were murdered by someone. All of the sudden there was a blinding white light that changed the scenery all of the sudden.

Discord was now standing in a playground now, it appeared to be at some sort of orphanage. There were a group of kids kicking a boy, he was being beaten nearly to death. Discord walked closely to see it was Aiden once again, he was crying, he had blooding dripping everywhere. The kids kept on kicking him, not caring what happened to him.

The same light appeared, it now took him to what appeared to be in the middle of a wasteland, but there were humans dressed in some form of heavy armour, Discord recognized one of the humans as Aiden, he realized this was when he was in the military.

The unknown human spoke to Aiden "After this we can go back to base and have a good drink!" He said, not expecting what was coming.

Aiden smiled "Hell yeah, that should be soon since we're almost done here John." He said with happiness.

John chuckled "Shit, we're never gonna be done!" He said before hearing a shot go off, he instantly hit the ground by the impact of the bullet.

Aiden was caught off guard "Shit!" He instantly raised his sniper and saw the glare off of the enemy scope "You mother fucker!" He said before landing a shot right into the head of the enemy.

Aiden kneeled down to look at his friends injury "Fuck, fuck, no John, no!" He said with sorrow.

John gasped for air "I'm gonna die aren't I?" He asked his best friend.

Aiden let tears roll down his face "I think we both are." He said while noticing a few vehicles driving towards them.

John gasped for air "Run, run Aiden. Tell my wife that I loved her, tell my kids that daddy's in a better place. Now, run as fast as you can!" He said while gasping for his last breaths.

Aiden hanged his head "I'll tell them, I'll tell them!" He said before running as fast as he could away from the enemies.

Discord watched with shock as the human ran away with tears flying off of his face.

The light flashed once more before showing Aiden chained to a chair, he appeared to be tortured.

A unknown human took a blade and rubbed it along his cheek "So, you think you can kill my soldiers and get away with it?" He said with a heavy accent.

Aiden chuckled "they were piece of shits anyways." He said with a bloody smile.

The man smiled at Aiden before looking at one of the soldiers "Get me the big monkey wrench." He said with a serious tone.

Aiden laughed "You're too late." He said with his bloody smile wide.

The man looked at him "What do you mean?" He asked before being surprised by a explosion on the wall to the room.

A bunch of navy seals rushed the place and shot the enemies before grabbing Aiden and rushing out out of the place.

Discord watched with a pale face, he hadn't ever seen such things, not like this.

The light came back and put him in a restaurant, Aiden was standing beside his what looks like his adopted father with a bullet in his head. Aiden stood with a blood soaked shirt from a bullet wound in his gut, he all of the sudden fell and slowly turned pale, his adopted mother was running after him. Discord noticed a white figure, it was Celestia, Aiden was looking at her as well.

Celestia was smiling, she looked like as if she was accomplishing something.

Discord all of the sudden was brought back into the dark void from before, he was sitting in a chair in front of Aiden.

Aiden stared at him with a emotionless expression "You're the only one that knows the truth." He told Discord.

Discord looked at him with a horrified expression "K-know what?" He asked the human nervously.

"I'm adopted, my real parents were brutally murdered by a serial killer, I was put into a orphanage and I was bullied every single day, I was adopted at the age of eight, my adopted mom didn't love me because I wasn't her real son, my brother didn't talk to me for the same reason. My adopted father was the only one that actually loved me, he was killed, or at least I think he was. When I turned eighteen I joined the navy and I was soon allowed to join the seals because of my skills. My best friend was shot and died in my arms, I ran but I was eventually caught. I got tortured for killing a lot of their soldiers, I was eventually rescued and I got discharged for my injuries, I even got a medal for risking my life and getting tortured. When I got back I didn't tell my parents I was in the seals, I had been back for a few months before I was trying to enjoy a meal with my family, but that was when I got shot, so did my father. I think Celestia brought me here, I think she brought me here for reasons that I still need to find out." Aiden looked down at his hands "I've killed a lot of people Discord, I've killed ponies as well, just no one has found out." He said with no emotion.

Discord was horrified of him "I-I'm so sorry. I never knew a pony could go through that, I never even knew things like that existed. I have never heard of a pony experiencing that much in one lifetime." He said with nervousness "I do suppose that's why you fight enemies, you don't want ponies to experience your life! You don't want others to see their life just be a hill of horrors." He said before swallowing.

Aiden sighed "You're correct. Do you want to live my life? Have you lived my life?" He asked Discord.

Discord quickly shook his head "I-I've been chaotic since I've been alive, I-I don't have a reason for it! I don't really harm ponies, I just make them hallucinate things, like when the city was burning, or when you saw that red thing! Also when John was here, it wasn't real!" He informed Aiden.

Aiden stared at him "What about Manehatten? What about the building I took down? What about the ponies that lost their lives because of you!" He accused Discord.

Discord had fear slowly build up inside of him "I took it over, yes. All of that actually happened! I plead guilty to those things! But I didn't expect you to be involved, that's why I never showed myself to you because I knew you would react violently. Please, please forgive me!" He pleaded.

Aiden wore a look of anger before making him get out of his head.

The two appeared back in the castle, Discord regained his senses quickly before having a needle driven into his neck by Aiden "What the?!? What was that!!!" He asked Aiden with fear.

Aiden heaved "Can't you tell? Your magic is no more. I just put a over dose of my magic resistant medicine into your blood. You better hope it doesn't kill you." He told the Chaotic God.

Discord tried to use magic but was shocked to see nothing, he couldn't even float anymore. "P-please Aiden! F-forgive me!" He begged the human.

Aiden rammed his fist into the face of Discord, knocking him onto the ground.

Discord fell, but he stood up quickly and was shocked by the power of his punch, he found it hard to believe that Aiden didn't have magic by his strength. He noticed his mouth felt fractured.

Aiden raised his fists back up "Fucking fight me!" He shouted at him.

Discord was horrified "P-please! I'm nothing without my magic!" He told the human.

Aiden kicked Discord in the chest, knocking the breath out of him "Fight like a man! Fight like I did for my friends! Try to kill me!!!" He shouted once more.

Discord shook his head while catching his breath "You're gifted Aiden! You figured out how to destroy me in a short amount of time! You mastered your mind better than I have, you're stronger than me, you're just like your father!" He told the human.

Aiden kneed the God in the face "You didn't know my father!" He said before striking him multiple times with punches to the face.

Everypony had been watching, everypony that was in castle had crowded around the two that were fighting, this included the Elements Of Harmony, which who were shocked to see Discord to be begging for his life.

Aiden snatched Discord by his throat and lifted him off of the ground, he pulled out his knife and raised it to deliver the final blow, something stopped him.

Discord looked at him with horror in his eyes, he had let tears roll off of his face, he managed to let out "P-please!" To hopefully stop Aiden.

Aiden slowly had the anger disappear from his body, it was slowly being replaced with guilt. He forced himself to let go of Discord. Aiden let out a yell "AHH!!!" He quickly turned to Discord "You... You have one more fucking chance! You fucking help pay for this mess! You start to do good deeds! If I don't see a fucking effort made by you then I will make you wish you were killed just now!!!" He yelled at the chaotic God.

Discord stared at him with shock, he slowly smiled "I'm in debt to you! T-thank you!" He said to the human.

Aiden threw Discord a different needle "That'll cure you." He told him.

Discord looked at him in disbelief "Y-you're gonna help me now?" He asked with surprise.

Aiden looked at him "That's what I do. Now, run away before I change my mind." He said before kneeling down.

Discord looked at him "Huh?" He asked, confused by his statement.

Aiden stood up quickly "Fucking run!!!" He shouted at the confused God.

Discord quickly stood up and ran away as fast as he could.

Aiden took a seat on the ground, exhausted from how much energy it took to lock Discord in his mind "And y'all said it was hard, that wasn't hard at all, I guess I'm just some asshole with a lot of bad memories that'll scar anybody." He said to everypony surrounding him.

Celestia and Luna looked at each other before looking back at him. Celestia approached him.

Celestia cleared her throat "I didn't think you were that powerful, no pony has that kind of mind power, you made Discord horrified of you." She said with disbelief.

Aiden held back tears "I remembered a lot of things today. I tried to forget, I tried to move on." His voice was shaky "My father was the only one that ever knew who I was, he was the only one that truly loved me. That's why I miss him, he taught me right from wrong, he was the strongest man I ever knew, you should've met him. That man loved life, he loved the ones that were in his." He kept his composure "And I loved him too." He finished with a sigh.

Celestia looked at her sister "I understand your pain Aiden. Perhaps you could talk to us later? We would love to help you ease your hurt heart." She told him.

Aiden slowly looked up at her "Ya know, I've been wondering something." He said to her.

Celestia looked at him "What's that Aiden?" She asked him.

Aiden slowly stood up "I was brought here after death, but what happened to my dad?" He asked her.

Celestia stared at him, she had slight shock in her eyes but she hid it well "I'm not sure, maybe we could discuss that later." She said to him.

Aiden nodded "Of course we will. I'll find out one way or another, perhaps I've already found out? I suppose we could of course discuss it later. Ya know, after I deal with cashing in my check, after I've talked to all of the fucking reporters outside, so yeah, let's discuss a past that I'm not aware of later!" He said before turning around and walking outside, pushing through the crowd that surrounded him.

Celestia was surprised to see him respond in a foul way "We have way too much to do." She said before turning to Twilight "Could you possibly calm him down? I think there's a lot of things he's thinking about right now." She told the lavender mare.

Twilight nodded "Of course! I'll go to him now." She said before running after the human.

Aiden walked through the crowds outside of the castle, ignoring lots of the reporters that were trying to ask him questions, he didn't care right now, he just wanted to forget again. He walked up to the local bank and cashed in the the check, in return he received a large bag of bits. He had received eighty-seven thousand bits, he was surprised the bank carried that much. Well, it was a bank near the castle.

Aiden turned around and was greeted by the sight of Twilight "Dammit, Twilight" he grabbed her hoof and lead her to somewhere more secluded "You were there, you know shit hit the fan, why are you here?" He asked her.

Twilight smiled gently "I'm worried about you. You know that I still love you right? I know I've been pushing you away but I was just scared, now I know how good you really are. You defeated Discord but you let him live, you felt pity for him. I now know you're not crazy, you're honestly just doing your best to protect us, even if it means that it's gonna ruin your life." She said kindly to him.

Aiden looked around to make sure nopony was watching "I love you too, I'm just... Frustrated. Celestia and Luna are keeping something from me, it also doesn't help that all of these memories that I tried to forget are now imprinted on the back of my eye lids. Thank you for being concerned, but right now I'm my worst enemy." He told her.

Twilight stood on her hind legs and rested her hooves on his shoulders "Let me help you, that's what I'm supposed to do as your mare friend, I'm sure the memories were horrible, but be who you were two days ago, somepony that didn't worry about the past, he knew that what's done is done, but you need to look at the future and how you can make the world a better place. You just reformed Discord instead of killing him, it took you a few hours but you did it. You are a powerful being, you can take down a god, what else can you do? This is a question you should ask yourself. I'm sure the princesses will discuss about your father later, but just worry about what's going on right now." She gave him advice.

Aiden took a second to take in what she said "Okay, what should I do right now?" He asked her.

Twilight smiled "How about me and you go out there, let's tell the ponies that you solved the problem! Let them know The Protector just protected them!" She said with joy.

Aiden nodded "Okay, let's do it." He said before following her outside.

They were both bombarded by cameras and questions like "Did you end the crisis Protector?" Or "Has Discord died? Did you kill him?"

Twilight was cramped and had her brain wrapped up, Aiden took notice of this and decided to jump up onto a table that was outside.

Everypony took pictures of him and listened to him.

Aiden shouted to the crowd "Discord has been defeated!" He held out his hands "He was defeated by these hands!" Everypony erupted with joy "He isn't dead! He is reformed instead, I promised you all safety, and I made sure to deliver that promise! From here on out just know that I'll die before Equestria falls underneath somepony else's rule!" He announced to the crowd.

Everypony cheered and took pictures of him, more than likely getting a good picture of him for a magazine or some kind of newspaper.

Aiden stepped down from the table and was bombarded by hoof shakes and pats on his back, he made sure to not lose Twilight. He made his way through the crowd and made his way up the stairs to the castle, he looked at the hole in the side of the castle. "He made that much damage but not even a single scratch on me. What in the hell am I?" He asked himself.

Twilight heard him and giggled "You're The Protector!" She said with pride.

Aiden looked down at her and smiled "And you're his lover!" He said before winking at her.

Twilight smiled "Yup! And I'm a darn good one too!" She said with a chipper tone.

Aiden sighed "Now, I need to have a nice conversation with Celestia and Luna. I want you there by the way." He said while looking down at Twilight.

Twilight was shocked to hear him say that "You want me to be there to hear something this personal?" She asked him.

Aiden smiled "You have a tendency of making me calm, I feel like I can erupt any moment when talking about my father." He admitted to her.

Twilight smiled "I'll be there the whole time, but for you, not for anything else." She let him know.

Aiden smiled "Alright, let's find them." He said before entering the castle.

Twilight, Aiden, Princess Luna, and Princess Celestia sat in the private studies awkwardly, they were seated on two couches facing each other.

Celestia cleared her throat "Well, I suppose we have a few things to talk about." She broke the silence.

Aiden nodded "Yup, quite a few things." He responded.

Luna looked at Aiden "I suppose you have some suspicions about your father, about where he went?" She asked.

Aiden nodded "Yup, I have a feeling I know where he went, and I also have a feeling I know what he did there. I just want a few confirmations on my theories." He told them.

Twilight held his hand to keep him calm.

Celestia sighed "First, I think I already know, but what is your last name?" She asked him.

Aiden sighed "For most of my life it's been Arnett." He informed them.

Celestia nodded "I suppose you discovered a few secrets in the books?" She asked Aiden.

Aiden nodded "Yup, I'm kind of curious about how Star Swirl knew who I am." He told them.

Twilight looked at him with shock but she kept her mouth closed.

Luna sighed "Our father was King Arnett, your father was Danny Arnett, our fathers original name was...." She took a moment "Danny Arnett, yes your suspicions are correct, we have the same father." She told him.

Aiden closed his eyes for a moment before speaking "Explain how this is possible." He ordered them.

Celestia took a breath "You're father came here first, thousands of years ago, he was only thirty-five, his quest was to find you. Father looked so hard for you, but then he met our mother, the first alicorn to ever exist. Our mother assisted your father because she didn't know where you were either, until they found Star Swirl as a young boy, he was in his teens at the time, he told them that you were stuck in time itself. Your father was disappointed but he was happy that you were alive. During this time he fell in love with mother, he decide to start a new life, that's when they had us. We didn't know about you until father and Star Swirl wrote books together, they put hidden text in there that only a Arnett could see. Aiden, you are our brother, you're royalty." She told him.

Aiden stood up suddenly "No, I'm not your brother." He told them.

They were taken by surprise "I know it's a lot to take in but just calm down." Luna told him.

Aiden held a finger to signal for them to be quiet "No, let me fill in a few missing pieces. I wasn't his real son, I was adopted. He loved me, he called me his son and I called him my father, he wasn't my real dad though. My real parents... They were brutally murdered by a serial killer when I was one. They said they found me basically taking a bath in their blood. I love our father because he raised me like his own, he looked for me probably because he sees me as his son, but in reality I'm not actually his kid. You're blood brother is probably dead, he probably died from old age. If you want to call me bro then that's fine, but just know that I'm not royalty. I just wanted to know because... I wanted to know if he died happy?" He revealed to them.

They all stared at him with shock, Celestia smiled with a tear in her eye "He died very happy, he told us about your personality, about how you were the sweetest and most honest boy he ever met. I see that now, most ponies would take advantage of being royalty, but you told us the truth. He told us great things would happen once you arrived, he was right, amazing things are happening, you reformed Discord, you filled in the last piece of the puzzle me and Luna were trying solve, you've made Twilight the happiest mare. We would normally tell you you're the new king, but he told us not to bother, he said you would make a title for yourself. We want to add you to the list of celebrations, The Protector Festival. Father said that a festival would be more than enough for your accomplishments." She told him.

Aiden smiled "when would this festival be?" He asked out of curiosity.

Luna perked up "How about next week! This new holiday would allow all of the ponies to dress up as a hero and pretend to be like you!" She said, obviously excited by the thought of it.

Aiden backed up "that's for you two to decide, I'm just The Protector." He said with a smirk.

They all laughed at his statement "Perhaps you get some rest while we get things cleaned up? Today's been a rough day on you." Celestia said with a smile.

Aiden nodded "Now that sounds like a awesome idea!" He said before getting Twilight and leaving.

Twilight walked with Aiden back to their room "We got a lot done today!" She said with joy "You ended the battle, you discovered the truth behind your father, you even made time to get your bits and answer stuff for reporters!" She said, proud of the human.

Aiden smiled "Yup, do you think that means I've earned a reward for my efforts?" He asked Twilight, referring to more private things.

Twilight looked back at him "Oh, you already know I'll reward you." She said seductively.

Aiden smirked "well, let's not waste anymore time!" He said before rushing to their bedroom.

Chapter 13- Saying Goodbye

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Aiden sat up before stretching, resulting in a few pops emitted by his bones. He looked over at his mare still sleeping beside him "She never seems to disappoint me." He said before getting out of the bed.

Aiden exited the room after getting ready for the day ahead of him, he hoped it would be a good one since everything was resolved. He walked down the halls and down to the main area, he saw workers patching the hole made by Discord "Well, I should help. That's what I'm here to do after all." He said before approaching the workers "Good morning fellas!" He greeted happily.

The workers turned and looked at him, they instantly smiled wide. One worker approached Aiden quickly "Holy crap! I knew you were here but I didn't think I'd get to meet you! Could I possibly get a autograph? My boy is a huge fan of yours, he's been a reading the new comics non stop!" He said with excitement.

Aiden smiled "Of course! Let me get my pen out real quick." He said before reaching into the bag he always carried with him "Is there anything specific you want me to sign?" He asked the worker.

The worker nodded "Yes sir! I got the little colt a new comic this morning." He said before reaching into his tool bag and getting out the book.

Aiden opened up the front page and signed his signature onto the blank page "Here you go, I hope your boy enjoys it." He told the worker.

The worker nodded "Oh, he's gonna flip! Do you mind if I can get a picture with you as well?" He asked Aiden.

Aiden chuckled "You sure can!" He said before watching the worker give a camera to one of the other workers.

The worker stood beside Aiden with a wide smile while Aiden gave a kind smile to the camera before seeing the flash of the light go off "Thank you so much Protector!" He said before getting the camera back from his friend.

Aiden smiled "No problem! You guys wouldn't mind if I helped out some would y'all?" He asked the workers.

The workers beamed "Come on in, we'd love to have your help!" The crew manager spoke to Aiden.

Aiden walked over and helped hold some boards up for them, he was taller and more flexible than the ponies so doing this actually did help.

After about an hour of helping the repair crew, Aiden was pulled away by a familiar face.

Celestia watched Aiden with a smile "Aiden, could I speak to you for a moment?" She asked the useful human.

Aiden nodded "Sure thing!" He said before walking to her with a content smile on his face.

Celestia held her smile since she saw him in a better than average good mood "I wanted to inform you that you have a official title in Equestria. Your status as far as employment goes is The Protector, I know you don't want money but you must understand that it is wrong not to give your fair share. Checks will be delivered to you weekly, since being The Protector is considered almost a royalty position, that means your yearly wage is gonna be a average of five-hundred thousand to six-hundred thousand bits a year. Don't resist the money, it's going to you whether you like it or not." She informed him fairly quick.

Aiden blinked a few times "Didn't you just pay me, like yesterday?" He asked her.

Celestia smiled "That was a war check, you get a huge bonus if you go into war for us." She informed him some more.

Aiden sighed "Well, I guess I get to do what I love then. Thanks Celestia, I'm more than positive that I'll get to live comfy." He thanked her.

Celestia laughed lightly "That's what I hope for, you'll get a certificate and a new card of citizenship that basically states you are very important to the country. Also, we arranged a day of your festival, we're actually making it into a new holiday, we have named it protection day, this day will be about helping others, caring less about yourself and caring more about the ones around us. You've grown into something very big in a short amount of time, and that's a accomplishment if I've ever seen one. I figured I would inform you of this since today you will be returning to Ponyville, we hope you may be able to relax a bit when you return home, maybe you should start worrying about the progression of your life, it doesn't hurt to think about yourself a little." She advised him.

Aiden processed what she said before nodding "Yes princess, I'll see what life holds for me next." He accepted her advice.

Celestia smiled "Good, we do suppose you should start packing and say goodbye to the ponies you won't have with you in Ponyville." She turned to walk away but turned back around before remembering something "Oh, if you felt like saying goodbye to father before leaving then you can find his grave in the royal graveyard, the guards will let you through due to your status." She said before walking back to her studies.

Aiden watched her as she left, he then turned his head to look out the large window in the main room, you could see the royal graveyard through it "One last official goodbye won't hurt." He said before walking towards it.

Aiden placed his hand on the side of the large tombstone "ya know, we had some good times. You were an inspiration to me, you truly did teach me to be a man. I really wish I was here to see the amazing things that you did, but at least I get to see what you left behind. I'm proud of you, this is a beautiful place that you made, hopefully I can make you proud, maybe I could continue your legacy." He sighed before patting the tombstone "But it's time for me to move on, I need to start protecting more and more, I suppose I'll do what you did." He said his last words before standing up to leave the grave.

Aiden closed his eyes and took a deep breath before leaving the grave without looking back at it. He walked back into the castle, feeling a bit relieved, he walked back up the stairs before bumping into a familiar face.

"Oh hey Aiden!" Shining Armour greeted him.

Aiden smiled "What's up Shining?" He asked the captain.

"Nothing much, I was actually hoping to talk to you before you left." Shining told the human.

Aiden nodded "Okay, what do you want to talk about?" He asked the stallion.

Shining sighed "I haven't met any guys like you, you're a guy with brains and strength, I just want to know what are you gonna do when you get back?" He asked the man.

Aiden thought for a moment "I'll do what I do best." He answered the stallion.

Shining looked at him before chuckling "I suppose that is to protect?" He assumed.

Aiden nodded "Yup." He confirmed his assumption.

Shining nodded "Well, would it be okay if I sent any work your way?" He asked.

Aiden took a second to think about it "Sure, I'll help when you need it." He said before patting the stallion on the shoulder, he then walked up the stairs all of the way.

Twilight threw a few more things into her luggage "We finally get to go home! I'm so excited to get back to the library." She said happily to her lover.

Aiden sighed before picking her things up and neatly arranging them in her luggage "I'm actually surprised we're leaving." He admitted to her.

Twilight looked at him, she wore a puzzled expression "Why's that?" She asked him with curiosity.

Aiden looked at her "This was a war, they typically last a long time. This was what, nearly a month? Wars lasted years upon years where I originated from. I'm happy, but damn was that quick!" He said before zipping up her suitcase.

Twilight nodded "I see... Thankfully it doesn't work that way here." She said before levitating her luggage to the door.

Aiden packed his things in a very specific order in his suitcase, Twilight took notice of this.

"Why do you do that?" She asked him, unaware of this tick.

Aiden looked at her, obviously lost "Do what?" He asked her with a raised eyebrow.

Twilight nodded her head at his suitcase "Why do you keep everything perfectly organized?" She explained her question in more detail.

Aiden realized "Oh, it's just a tick of mine. I don't like seeing things out place, it's like a puzzle to me, there's a specific placement for everything." He explained to her.

Twilight nodded "Oh, okay then." She watched him for a moment before thinking of another question "Do you have any form of income now?" She asked out of curiosity.

Aiden looked at her "Actually, yeah. I'm making pretty good money now." He let her know small details.

Twilight perked up "Really? How much are we talking?" She asked him.

Aiden sighed "I'll have one-hundred thousand in my account in a few weeks from now." He informed her.

Twilight went wide eyed "You're making that much?! What's your yearly wage?" She pushed further about his new income.

Aiden zipped up his bag "It varies, I'd guess I'm gonna make six-hundred thousand this year." He told her what he knew

Twilight stared at him "You're making more than average!" She informed him.

Aiden raised an eyebrow "What's the average?" He asked, unaware of the fact.

Twilight sighed "In Canterlot the average is two-hundred thousand, but in Ponyville it isn't much at all, around fifty thousand a year. Aiden, you're making serious money!" She informed him.

Aiden nodded slowly "Good, then that's one less problem to worry about." He said before carrying his luggage to the door.

Twilight shook off her surprise and walked to him "Are you ready to leave?" She asked him, hoping he would say yes.

Aiden looked down at her "Yeah, I suppose so." He responded to her question.

Twilight nodded "Well, you go and hang out by the chariots while I gather the others." She instructed him.

Aiden nodded "Alright, I'll go and do that." He said before taking off in a different direction from her.

Aiden sat on the outer edge of the docking stations for the chariots, he was staring out at the few different cities he could make out in the distance "What's next?" He sat in silence for a few seconds "Surely something that easy couldn't gain me the respect I have now, there's gotta be something else." He talked to himself out loud.

"Maybe it's your story." A familiar voice said from behind him.

Aiden looked back to see White Light standing there "Oh, it's you. How's it going kid?" He asked the young troop.

White Light smiled "Recently it's been good. I get to go home today thanks to you, I honestly don't think I'll ever come back to the military." He admitted to Aiden.

Aiden chuckled "Not cut out for it? To much drama for you to handle?" He asked the youngster.

White Light smiled before shaking his head "Nah, nah. It's about you actually, you inspired me to not go back, you're doing all of these things outside of the military. You're a example of what really counts about making the world a better place, just do what's right. That quote you made, it was really meaningful!" He explained to the veteran.

Aiden stared at him for a few moments "What quote was it again?" He asked, not certain of what he was speaking of.

"You don't need a reason to be kind, but you do to not be. That quote was amazing, it told me you weren't doing this for fame, you're doing it to do the right thing, it taught me I should do the same." He told Aiden, pride in his voice.

Aiden smiled "You're a good kid. Here, let me give you a bit of advice to be successful." He waved for him to get closer.

White Light closed the gap and listened to the wise human.

Aiden cleared his throat before saying quietly "If you want to be like me then follow in my foot steps, or hoof in your case, set goals for yourself, push yourself beyond your mental state. Your body, improve it, get muscles and be flexible. Boost your knowledge, know how to fight and even learn how to survive a impossible challenge. Most of all, be dedicated, make your life about others, work hard to make your surroundings a good place. Talent doesn't mean shit now days, it's all about hard work, if you work hard every single day to improve you to make others strive then you'll go places. If you're willing to do those things then tell me now, because I'll take you along for the ride." He revealed his success to him.

White Light sighed and thought about it for a minute "Ya know what, I'm willing to do that. My family lives in Ponyville actually so it's not hard to access you. If you'll teach me a few tricks then I'm down for the ride." He responded to the good man.

Aiden smiled "Good choice, when you get home send a letter to the library located there, after that I'll be in touch." He said before standing up and walking away from the young stallion.

Twilight had collected her friends and met up with Aiden "I believe we're ready to leave, let's head home!" She said before getting into a chariot.

Aiden looked back at White Light one more time before getting into the chariot "Yeah, let's go home." He said before taking a seat beside her, the other mares took different chariots due to the small amount of room.

Twilight placed a hoof on Aiden's thigh "It's all over now, hopefully now we can have some peace." She said, obviously trying to comfort the veteran.

Aiden nodded "Yeah, hopefully." He said before he placed his hand on her hoof.

Twilight laid her head on his shoulder and rested her eyes, she was comfortable with him alone.

Aiden sighed and looked at the scenery of the land that passed below them "I've been thinking Twilight." He admitted to her.

Twilight looked up at him "About what?" She asked with a gentle smile on her lips.

Aiden looked down at her "What does our future hold for us, like us together. I guess I'm trying to ask if you want more than just a relationship, I'm asking if you want a family together?" He asked with hope in his eyes.

Twilight smiled wide "Absolutely! I hope one we could get married, I'm hoping we could have foals together! I love you you Aiden, you are the only stallion that has been pure hearted and himself around me, so I'm considering myself lucky to have you." She finished with a blush on her cheeks.

Aiden smiled before he caressed her cheek "And I'm lucky to have you." He said before he kissed her deeply.

Twilight kissed him back with passion and love, it was like no other kiss they had shared before, she felt so many emotions for the human, she was kind of hoping he would propose soon.

Aiden broke the kiss and smiled at her "I think you'll be in for one hell of treat when we get back home." He said with a loving smile. He had a few things to collect at home but he felt like it was time to finally pull the trigger on a few things.

Aiden set the bags down in the main area of the library "I never thought I'd see this place again." He said before inspecting a few shelves with a collection of dust.

Twilight adjusted the lighting in the library "Yeah, I think it's been like a month since we've been here. I'm just happy we did make it back here the same as we left." She said with a positive aurora surrounding her.

Aiden watched her while she moved around "Do you think the others know? I mean about us." He asked Twilight.

Twilight looked at him before smiling "I'm sure they have their suspicions, I'm not gonna tell them until something big happens between us." She said while rearranging some books.

Aiden pulled something out of a hidden spot in a book shelf "What do you mean by big?" He asked the mare with the answer already known.

Twilight blushed before looking back at the books "well... Something that involves two ponies loving each other a lot." She said before looking at him. She took notice that he had something hidden behind his back "Whatcha got there?" She asked, oblivious to as of what it was.

Aiden smiled lovingly at her "It has something to do with that conversation we had earlier. I in fact bought it right before we left Canaterlot. I think this would be enough to make us official." He said, still hiding the object behind his back.

Twilight widened her eyes "Please tell me you're doing what I think you're doing." She said with excitement growing inside of her.

Aiden closed the gap between them "Twilight," he said before getting on one knee.

Twilight began to tear up "This can't be happening!" She said with tears of joy starting to flow.

Aiden revealed a golden horn ring with diamonds from behind his back "Will you marry me?" He asked the lavender mare.

Twilight hugged him tightly "Yes! Yes, I'll marry you!" She said before kissing him.

Aiden put the ring on her horn "I couldn't wait any longer Twi, and I figured since we're alone, now would be a good time." He told her with happiness plastered on his face.

Twilight kept on hugging him "I love you so much Aiden, I would say yes no matter what! I don't care that we just got done with a war, I don't care that we've only been in a relationship for two months, I love you more than anything!" She said before kissing him again.

Aiden broke the kiss before picking her up "Also, no more protection." He told her.

Twilight looked at him with confusion "For what?" She asked.

Aiden smiled "No more protection for sex." He said before carrying her upstairs.

Twilight smiled wide "You don't have to tell me that twice!" She excitedly prepared for the evening to get better.

Aiden threw her on the bed before looking back at the door "Oh, uhh... Sorry, this is kind of private." He said before closing the door on the viewers.

"Who are you talking to?" Twilight's voice echoed through the door.

"Don't worry about it" Aiden responded.

Chapter 14- Family Man

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Four Months Later...

"Remember, it's all about momentum." Aiden told White Light, instructing him on how to do a roundhouse kick.

"I'm a pony, my body works differently." White Light responded with a improper excuse.

"You fight while standing on two legs, the concept is the same. A Protector doesn't excuse himself from anything, he approaches the problem with no doubt. Now, try it again." The mentor instructed his student on what to do once more.

White Light stared at Aiden, like as if he wanted to say something.

Aiden sighed "Is there something you want to tell me?" He asked as he put a hand on the stallions shoulder.

White Light exhaled before looking up at Aiden "I want to help the world, but when I was a colt I always imagined myself going to college and learning a lot of things. I want to be a protector but I also want to live that college experience that all of my friends tell me about." He admitted to Aiden.

Aiden nodded slowly "Then do it. There's nothing holding you back and honestly I think college could help you mature a little more, you can be a protector when you have free time." He told White.

White sighed "I can't afford it though. I didn't tell you this but my parents kicked me out because I quit the guard and all of my funds are going towards my apartment. I just don't know what to do, I'm lost. I guess I'm asking for your advice." He informed his mentor.

Aiden took a minute to process everything and think about it "Would you live in a dorm?" He asked White.

White looked at him before nodding "Yeah, why?" He tilted his head to show he was confused on the question.

Aiden ignored his curiosity "Where do you want to attend?" He piled on another question onto the young stallion.

White thought about it for a moment "Canterlot Unviersity. Why are you asking me these things?" He attempted to get a answer to his question.

Aiden patted his students shoulder "If you keep having these lessons with me then I'll put you through college, deal?" He offered White.

White was taken aback "That's thousands upon thousands of bits! How would you afford it?" He asked his mentor.

Aiden chuckled "You don't worry about that. Now, do we have a deal?" He asked White.

White nodded "Heck yeah we have a deal!" He said before giving Aiden a quick hug.

In the recent months Aiden had been training White Light to be a protector, during this time together they had grown a bond together, almost like a father would have with his son. Aiden also had been doing secret jobs for the Royal family, most of these jobs were assigned by Shining Armor, they paid well, hence why Aiden could afford more luxurious things without having to worry.

"Forester, tell me where they are." The intimidating human demanded with a rather calm voice.

"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about!" The cream colored pony said with tears of fear strolling down his face.

Shining sighed from the chair he was sitting in "Get a tooth." He told Aiden with a plain tone.

Aiden smiled at Forester "Oh boy, my favorite." He said before snatching one of the pliers and shoving it into the mouth of the stallion that was tied up. The human grunted before yanking out a blood covered tooth "You wanna talk yet, or are you just gonna sit there until you can't?" He asked Forester.

Forester cried while blood drooled out of his mouth "T-the Archaic's-" he said before shutting himself up.

Shining shook his head "I think Mr. Forester here needs some motivation to finish that sentence, don't you?" He asked The Protector.

Aiden nodded "I do think so as well. Here, let's get you hydrated Forester." He said before flipping the chair and putting a rag over the stallions face, he then proceeded to dump water onto his face, drowning him. He eventually took the rag off, resulting in the cream colored pony to suck in as much oxygen as possible.

"The Archaic Wolves! The Archaic Wolves you fucking psycho! What kind of protector are you?!?" Forester yelled out before breaking down into tears.

Aiden sighed while setting the chair up right "Now, was that so hard? If you had just done that in the first place then I wouldn't be here." He said before pushing the cart of torture methods off to the side.

Shining got up and went to the tortured pony "You've been a very bad colt Mr. Forester, now you've suffered the wrath of The Protector. If I cut you loose, will you straighten out your life or will you have to come face to face with The Protector again?" He asked Forester.

The stallion looked up at Shining "I'll be the best behaving stallion you've ever seen, please let me leave, I just want to see my family!" He said with blood and tears running down his face.

Shining nodded "Cut him loose, I think he's learned what you're capable of." He told Aiden.

Aiden cut the bindings off of the pony, he did this in the calmest way, no words were spoken.

Shining looked at the pony "Now, get out of here before we kill you." He told the pony, resulting in the stallion running out of the metal warehouse as fast as possible.

Shining chuckled "You're to good at this!" He said to Aiden, who was currently cleaning the tools.

Aiden looked back at Shining "What can I say? I was born an asshole." He set the last tool down as he said that.

Shining chuckled before remembering something "Oh yeah, are you and Twily gonna join us at the gala?" He asked the tall and strong human.

Aiden turned around "Yeah, Twilight won't let me forget, everyday I've heard about how she needs to get a new camera so she can get some pictures." He told the white stallion.

Shining nodded "Alrighty. Oh, and before I forget" he levetated a check to Aiden "there's your payment, you're full ten thousand." He said before heading for the door "Peace out Aiden!"

Aiden threw up a peace sign "Peace!" He said before hearing the door close.

Twilight and Aiden had gotten married fairly quick, her parents fell in love with the idea of their daughter marrying The Protector. Everypony in her family went to the wedding, some went just to meet The Protector, that's why it was such a success. Twilight and Aiden loved each other and that wasn't changing anytime soon, their marriage hadn't hit any bumps at all.

Aiden walked through the door to the library, it was currently one in the morning. When Aiden is assigned to torture a pony then it's usually a late night, Twilight knew he was working but she didn't really like to hear about the gruesome details.

Aiden sighed as he walked up the stairs, he was fairly tired and just wanted to fall face first into a pillow, but this was halted by the sound of Twilight gagging in the bathroom. Aiden quickly walked in there and crouched down beside her "Hey, what's wrong with you?" He asked soothingly while rubbing her back.

Twilight looked at him for a moment "I-I wanted to be sure before I told y-you, but I-I'm pretty s-sure it's true now." She said before letting another round of puke hit the toilet.

Aiden wore a look of confusion "What's true?" He asked her.

Twilight looked up again with a smile "I-I'm pregnant." She smiled as lovingly as she could.

Aiden stroked her mane "Y-you're pregnant?" He asked with excitement starting to rise out of him.

Twilight nodded "You're gonna be a dad!" She said a little to excited, this caused her to dive back into the toilet bowl.

Aiden sat on the bathroom floor with a face full of pride "I'm gonna be a dad... I'm gonna be the best dad in Equestria, I'll make sure I'll be there for every important moment." He said with excitement.

"Oh yeah, you're pregnant alright." The doctor said as he moved the tool on Twilight's stomach "So far it's looking like a healthy foal. It'll be a little while before we say the gender but I can tell you it's gonna be a pony." He said before removing the tool.

Twilight smiled at Aiden "you hear that? It's gonna be a pony!" She said with excitement.

Aiden nodded "She'll look just like her mom." He set on a gender almost immediately.

Twilight looked at him "Her?" She asked him.

Aiden chuckled "I just have a feeling, it's like I'm already connected. Which I'm not connected like you, you're the mother and mothers have a special bond with their child." He said while rubbing her cheek.

Twilight leaned into his hand with comfort.

"I don't mean to interrupt but we should go over the costs of child birth." The doctor bumped back into the picture.

Aiden smiled "Don't worry, I'll pay for everything. I don't really care about the amount since I'm fairly sure I have it, but I will pay at the time of birth."

The doctor nodded "If money isn't an issue then I suppose we are through here. Congratulations you two on the child!" He said before exiting the room.

"When will we tell them?" Twilight asked Aiden while they rode in the chariot

Aiden shrugged "I suppose when we get a chance to sit with them." He said while watching the castle come into view.

Twilight smiled "It's so weird to think that you're famous now! I think you're actually one of the main attractions this year." She said while leaning on his shoulder.

Aiden chuckled "Yeah, I still haven't quite gotten used to that." He said before the chariot landed.

"There he is!" Some pony yelled from the crowd.

Aiden helped Twilight step out of of the chariot before getting blinded by the camera flashes.

Aiden was sporting the classic tuxedo while Twilight was wearing a beautiful lavender dress.

The two walked down the path that the royalty staff had created for the main guests of the gala. Everypony asked many questions that couldn't be understood from the tons that were thrown at them, so they ignored them.

Once the two made it into the castle it was a sudden change to a calmer and classy atmosphere.

Aiden looked around "I don't really know anypony Twi..." He said, unsure of the crowd.

Twilight giggled "You may not know anypony, but everypony knows you!" She said before standing on her back legs and resting her front legs on his shoulders "Everypony you do know will eventually show up though, but right now it's just you and me in this crowd" she said before kissing him.

The kiss was cut short due to a flash of a camera capturing their moment "Awesome! This will make for great media under the romantic section for celebrities!" The mare said before walking off to somewhere else.

"Celebrity?" Aiden processed what the mare said.

Twilight giggled "Right now you're the biggest one!" She said before getting down from his shoulders.

They both looked to the call of somepony familiar "Aiden, Twilight! Glad to see you two." Shining Armor walked up to them with Cadence beside him.

Twilight and Shining hugged as a greeting while Aiden nodded at Cadence as a greeting, Shining gave Aiden a hoof/fist bump as a greeting.

Cadence smiled at the two "So, how have you two been?" She asked curiously.

Twilight smiled "We've been better than ever! Our marriage is the best decision we've made."

Aiden looked down at his wife "But that might become the second best decision pretty soon." He wore a smile filled with love.

Shining looked at them "What's gonna be number one then?" He asked, slightly confused.

Twilight looked at Aiden before looking back at them "I'm pregnant!" She announced to them.

Shining and Cadence wore a look of joy "Congrats!" Cadence said before hugging the two with Shining.

Twilight smiled "Thanks, normally I'd be worried but I have Aiden, and everypony knows he will take care of everything when it comes to family." She said before leaning onto him.

Aiden smiled down at her before stroking her hair.

Shining realized something "Oh! We hate to cut this short but me and Cadence need to go and sit with the other royal guard executives." He said before leaving with his wife.

Aiden smiled "They seemed happy, I guess that means your family really does like me." He said before looking down at her.

Twilight nodded before getting her attention drawn to something else.

"Hello you two!" Celestia greeted the two.

Twilight hugged her mentor "Hey Celestia!" She was more than excited to see her.

Aiden gave his half sister a hug "Hey Cel." He said with his usual calm tone.

Celestia smiled calmly "This years Gala is a success so far, many of the guest are enjoying the new additions. Many have even showed excitement for the new rewards we'll have." She sparked a conversation.

Aiden raised an eyebrow "Awards?" He asked with genuine curiosity.

Celestia nodded "Yes, we will be giving them to ponies that have done remarkable things this year, it's also gonna be live on the radio. We feel we should give them as a thanks, we will even have a reward for the best hero, but the other hero's will get awards. I believe you are on the list, Aiden." She informed them.

Aiden smiled "I'll be happy to see all of the good souls be recognized." He expressed his feelings.

Celestia smiled "I hope to see you two soon, but for now I must greet the rest of the guests." She said before leaving.

Twilight pulled on Aiden's arm "let's go sit down at our table, we can wait for the others to arrive. I believe we are all gonna be sitting at the same table." She informed him.

Aiden nodded before following her to their destination.

They got to their table and sat down at it, Aiden took this chance to relax, he slouched down in the chair before resting his head back on it.

Thirty Minutes Later

"Wake up Aiden." Twilight nudged her husband to wake him up.

Aiden opened his eyes to see the table not empty anymore, the rest of the elements showed up.

Rainbow snickered at him "Wow, about time you woke up!" She said with her usual tone.

Aiden sat up straight "I'm getting old, I'm almost twenty-three. I need my sleep." He said before looking at Twilight.

Twilight smiled "They're about to give out the rewards, I'm willing to bet you're gonna get best hero." She said with confidence.

Aiden smiled "Well, if I do then I want you guys to get it with me. I wouldn't be sitting here if it weren't for you guys." He paused and realized "I wouldn't be sitting with my pregnant wife if it weren't for you guys." He said with gratitude.

The girls looked at Twilight "You're pregnant!?!" they said in unison.

Twilight smiled "Yes, yes I am. Me and Aiden are starting a family together." She said while holding his hand.

Applejack spoke first "Are y'all financially stable for a family?" She asked them.

Aiden rolled his neck "Well... If my paychecks keep coming in like they do then I'd say a million bits a year is pretty good for a family." He announced his yearly income.

They all looked at him surprised, including Twilight "How much are you getting paid from those jobs?" Twilight asked him.

Aiden smiled "It varies, the highest amount I've gotten is fifty thousand, but on average it's ten to twenty thousand." He told her.

Before she could respond the speakers booked "Welcome to our annual Gala and thanks so much for coming, this year we will be presenting rewards to those who earned it this year."

Aiden looked around and saw tables filled with many famous ponies, this reminded him of the Oscars from his planet.

Our first category will be for the ponies that have donated the most to charities...

Twenty Minutes Later

"Now for our most anticipated categories, we will start with the youngest hero in Equestria."

After a few more minutes a more relevant category came up.

"The next category is hero that made the biggest impact" a few seconds went by "and that goes to The Elements Of Harmony" they announced.

Aiden smiled wide as he watched the girls get excited and run up to the stage.

They accepted their awards before giving a small speech, Twilight spoke for them all "We are so thankful to be receiving this reward, we appreciate everything. We live in a time where you can be successful by doing good deeds. Thank you everypony." She said before they left the stage.

The girls went back to their seats with wide smiles.

Rainbow teased Aiden "Maybe next year!" She said with a laugh.

"Now for our most anticipated category, Hero Of The Year. There were a few ponies but we had a vote by some of the public and the royal family, they made it very clear who they felt like deserved this reward." A few seconds went by "And the reward goes to, The Protector." They announced this and it followed a cheer from the crowd.

Aiden stood up and walked to the stage to claim his award, this award appeared very special since it was made of diamond. Aiden took the reward before giving a small speech "Not too long ago I was living in the everfree, but I was found by the elements, they persuaded me to reveal myself. I feel like I've never fully done that, many know me as The Protector, but my real name is Aiden, my recent marriage to the love of my life made me Aiden Sparkle. I'm grateful for everything, I now am starting my own family, soon I'll be a father and I'll do that to the best of my abilities. I'll always be The Protector, nothing will hurt Equestria without getting through me." He said before leaving the stage with cheers being thrown his way.

Aiden sat down at his table with his reward "Hey Rainbow." He said to get her attention.

Rainbow looked at him.

Aiden smiled "maybe next year." He said before holding up his reward.

Rainbow shook her head with a laugh.

Twilight got closer to Aiden "I love you" she said before kissing him.

Aiden kissed her back "I love you too"

Ending- Fuel The Fire

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"I'm happy, really I am. I've come to terms with the death of those close to me, I know they rest in peace. What's left to fuel the fire? I have a family, a young foal, a beautiful wife, and loyal friends. What more could a man ask for? Hell, a second protector is coming to the line up. Trust me when I say that this has been one hell of a ride, I would get onto the ride again if I could. Ya know the princess offered to start up an organization that she would want me to own, Protection Inc. So... The Protector is protecting the basics, but other than that I'm pretty much retired. I can be home for my family all day, I get to experience my child growing up, what's even better is that Twilight is pregnant again, we're planning to stop after three. We figured we'd go ahead and get all of the baby making out of the way while we live wealthy, we can provide for our family pretty easily." Aiden told the interviewer that was getting information for a article to go up world wide.

The interviewer nodded "What would make you come out of retirement?" She asked the extremely fit human.

Aiden chuckled "I don't know, I guess to bring the inspiration back. I used to want vengeance, I wanted to know why these things happened, why did my dad die? Why did my best friend die? Why did I die? I know why now, it was to fuel the fire, ponies often think The Protector is just me doing my civil duty, but no. Not many of my enemies lived, not because I was a dick, it was due to the fact that I was scared, I was scared that if I let them go then they would kill the next chance they got, so if I killed them, then who could they kill? Discord was one of the few that lived, it was because that was the moment the fire died, I got the answer I was looking for. I saw my original parents and what happened to them, I saw me in an orphanage and me being bullied, I saw the man I loved and called dad get his brains blown out right in front of me. Why did these things happen? To make The Protector, it was all about The Protector, it happened to save so many lives, if it never happened then your crime rates would still be through the roof, Discord could have taken over, Equestria wouldn't be striving right now." He told her.

The mare nodded while whispering a silent 'wow' "I imagine being The Protector is beyond just saving lives, could you explain how you stay in such good shape for this line of work?" She asked him.

Aiden smiled "Well, dedication is key, I am very well aware of the fact that you must be able to fit the part, me not being in shape is like me wearing a condom during sex, it doesn't work. For me to be an extraordinary helper then I must be in out of this world shape, that's why I can sprint miles upon miles, I can do as many pull ups as you want me to, it's not about how much you can lift, it's about how much longer can I go than you." He told her.

The interviewer smiled "Okay, one last question. This question is a highly asked question by the ponies of Equestria, Why do you protect us? You answered part of that already but why ponies?" She asked the human.

Aiden sighed "Ponies versus humans on my birth planet are way different, many humans were very corrupt. My own kind would try and kill me for trying to make the world a better place. Ponies are grateful, and I'm thankful that you're thankful, since ponies have so much innocence and can't handle or comprehend the mental abuse that humans can, I basically act as a way out for ponies. Ponies will often go to the asylum for murdering in self defense, many of the guards that are in war nine times out of ten come back with ptsd, but me on the other hand, I have gone numb to these things, I can murder somepony that deserves it and be perfectly fine, I don't really feel guilt for my actions. I have seen and experienced things that your brain couldn't imagine, I have seen my own kind get disemboweled, I have even been the one to disembowel someone. So to make it short, it's because I want to hide the hideous truths of the world, if I don't hide the truth, then you'll be numb and corrupt as well. Again, I'm protecting you." He answered her.

The mare exhaled "Well, it was a pleasure interviewing you Mr. Protector, we have learned so much about you tonight. Thank you for your time." She thanked Aiden.

Aiden smiled "No problem." He said before standing up and taking his leave.

Let's take some one on one time, I'm The Protector, there's no changing that. However I am happy now, I have a family, I have fulfilled my dreams of helping the world. I don't know if you'll ever hear from me again, but just know I'm happy you could be along for the ride, I feel connected to you guys now. It's sad, I know. All stories have an ending and this is mine, fortunately I made it out alive, and if I ever speak with you guys again then I hope I make it out alive again. Oh yeah, if you ever have a loved one mad at you then take this quote from me as a way to make things better, "I can not change the way you feel, but I can make you feel guilt for feeling that way." -Aiden Sparkle. There's my goodbye gift, now stop being so sad, you never know, something may fuel the fire. Goodbye. - Your friend, The Protector.

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