Knowing Kindness

by Scoopy

First published

Second-person lovemaking short featuring Fluttershy

Your longtime girlfriend, Fluttershy, was always quiet. Passionate, but quiet.

So it comes to a big surprise to you when, a week after your 3rd anniversary of being together, a short time after the biggest date of your life ended (you're now engaged to her!), she calls out to you, rather loudly, to head to her room.

You'll soon be engaged to her in a different way...

Second-person humanized explicit story featuring you and Fluttershy. Written in the same style as Generosity's Gift.

Another virtue of pleasure

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"Fluttershy?" You asked quietly, putting down the towel on a clothes rack on the door. You had just finished getting clothed, just some shorts and a t-shirt, after your shower when you heard your girlfriend call out your name. "Did you call me?"

You knocked on the door to her room. There was no response for a while, until you heard a soft voice answer.

"Y-yes... in here..."

Her voice came out flustered, as if nervous. You sigh inwardly. She had been acting a bit strange the entire week, you couldn't exactly play it. You slowly open the door.

The lights to her room were dim, you can barely make out most of it, the bright light of the hallway leading there made it hard for your eyes to adjust. Once you did however, what you saw make your open hang open. You saw Fluttershy, wearing nothing but lingerie, laying on the bed. Her legs were flexed, showing her nicely toned legs, which led straight up to her green panties, complimenting her curves well. Though she had a relatively small chest, you thought no less of her for it, and the bra she wore really disguised that fact.

Fluttershy had noticed your stares. Her expression was one of cute delight.

"D-do you like w-what you see?" she asked shyly. You were dumbstruck, you never could've imagined she would do something like this. You could never this of her like that...

But as you took another look at her, approaching the bed, you found yourself hard to not stare at her. She was so beautiful... you've never seen her like this. Your body was certainly reacting, though you tried to hide it to not alarm Fluttershy.

Too late, she took a quick look down, She giggled. "I'll take that as a yes then." She gave a grin at you, surprising you further.

"Yes..." you said dumbly, only repeating what she already knew. She giggled again, as she notioned to you to come to her.

As you did, she sat up, not looking at you, finding the carpet more interesting now. You saw down next to her, still trying to recover from what she did. What she... teasing you? Is she trying to say something...?

As you thought about it for a short while, it suddenly became clear. Her strange behavior suddenly had reason. Just over a week ago was when 3 years had passed since your relationship with her began, and today was when you two too also got engaged (you can still hardly believe it!) and ever since then, she had been looking at you a bit differently than before, in the past few hours after the date even more than ever.

There was a sort of... want in her eyes, whenever she looked at you. Now you understand why, she wanted you, but she was too shy to say it to you. You weren't sure exactly how to tell her that it was fine with you.

Sitting down next to her, you waited for her to say something. Apparently that confidence she had earlier was gone, she was quite jittery and was moving her leg around.

You decide to be a bit forward, but not too forward, just in case. You didn't want her to be uncomfortable.

"Fluttershy?" you began to ask her, inching closer to her. She responded by being more jittery, she was almost shaking anxiously, somehow both licking her lips and biting them as you approached. You had to relax her, and you had a good idea of how to do it.

"Soooo..." Fluttershy said nervously. You placed on a hand on your shoulder, and she almost yelped in surprise.

She called out your name nervously, asking with an anxious voice what were you doing.

You run your hands through her hair, relaxing her a bit. She gave a soft sigh at your touch.

"Fluttershy... do you... want something from me?" It sounded dumb already, but small words, little by little. You were always patient with Fluttershy.

She immediately turned looked at you, her eyes wide. You noticed that once again, she had that look of want in her eyes.

"N-no..." she replied quickly, too quickly, looking around away. She suddenly found her bedsheets very interesting. Looks like you're going to have to handle it yourself.

Slowly as to not startle her, you gently cup your hand on her cheek, slowly to make her face you. Looking at her, you realize to yourself that you love her. She didn't even need to try, just being with her brought memories of great times. Every since you two met she's done everything to make you happy.

Now, you wanted to make her happy, in a way that only you two could.

You slowly moved forward, while Fluttershy looked alarmed for a moment, only looking at your lips as you gently place them against her own. Her eyes widen more than they have before, even if you've kissed her several times before. You could never get over how soft and sweet her lips were. Her body relaxed and closed her eyes, her hands moving towards your back and holding you, as she began to kiss you back.

As the kiss continued, you felt her lips open a bit, and you felt a certain wet muscle lick across your own lips. She had never done this before, now you were sure what her intentions were. You noted that she was looking at you through your kiss with pleading eyes. You grant her entrance, and you feel her shyly move her tongue into your mouth, you resist the urge to kiss her back fiercely, her slowly exploring tongue tantalizingly sending feelings like lightning up and down your spine. She began to hold you closer, and as the kiss went on, she began to explore more freely, more confidently. You let her explore, her want of you getting quite satisfied as she breaks the kiss, leaving you two panting, Fluttershy particularly gasping for air.

She could barely talk through her flushed face. She tried to though, so cute to you. "U-ummmm.... that was..." She licked her lips. "Nice..."

You smiled at her. It was the first time you've both ever kissed this deeply, you were sure she was a little overwhelmed. You were very happy though, you wanted to share this with your girlfriend of three years.

You and Fluttershy had never really done much, but none of that ever mattered to you. It wasn't why you fell in love with her in the first place.

Looking at Fluttershy once again, just to tell her of your agreement, you noticed something. There was that look of desire on her face again, but this time you noticed something. It looked primal. Hungry. You shrunk back a bit from the intensity of her stare.

"Fluttershy..." you started to say, asking her if anything was wrong, but you were cut off by a fierce kiss by her, nearly knocking you into the bed, lying on top of you, wasting no time by nearing shoving her tongue your mouth again, eagerly exploring and feeling every bit she could find. You could only hold her tightly as you let her give in to her urges. You slowly let yourself give in to your own, breaking the kiss to start kissing her neck, you feel her return the favor with much more enthusiasm, you feel her hungrily suckle on your neck, causing you to groan into her ear, making her shiver. You tried to take back control, but she wouldn't let you, not this girl, she promptly started to give you trails of kisses all over your chest. You tried to give her kisses back, but the feel of her soft lips against your skin was too much, even as you were on top of her you felt helpless to her touch, that touch that you've longed for so long but never told her out of fear.

Fear was the last thing on your mind as you decided to pay her back a bit, she shouldn't get to have all the fun.

You pull back to look at her beautiful face again. She was still red as you expected, her green eyes taking on a look of hopefulness. Her lips went into a smile.

You lead forward and kiss her again, this time making it short and sweet, you had other places you wanted to kiss. As you trail your kisses under her chin and down her neck downwards, you feel your pink-haired girlfriend move her arms onto her back... she was loosening her bra.

Any doubt you had earlier, which still existed if only a little bit, because of her shyness, was completely erased now. You help her loosen it more, until the strap was entirely loose and only the cup was on its own. You slowly start to remove it, pressing your lips to the circumference of the small cup, lowering more as you pushed it down until it was off. You paused for a moment, taking it your girlfriend's beautiful little breasts. They were rather small, but you didn't care. All you wanted to do please your girlfriend. To make her as happy as she has made you. You wanted to look at her gorgeous, cute face again, but you decided you didn't need to.

Slowly and gently, you give the tip of her nipple a soft lick with the tip of your tongue. Immediately you feel her shiver, the feeling off her warm tongue is new to her. You chuckle to yourself, thinking it might be one she'll get used to. She gives a happy sigh afterwards, a sign that she's find with this. You start to tease her, moving the tip of your tongue around her areola, trying to get her used to the feeling. She gave a little squeak, her chest inched forwards towards your mouth. She wanted more.

So did you.

Giving the her hard nipple another lick, this time with your entire tongue, you took it into your mouth, lightly sucking on it at first. Her sighs turned into moans as you eagerly suckled on her little nub, reaching with your hand and massaging the other one, feeling Fluttershy grasp your hand as you did so, wanting to hold you. After a short while, urged on by her moans, you move towards her other nip, sucking on it, tracing your tongue on the tip. She loved it, her moans of pleasure grew louder. You were surprised at how sensitive she was there, but you wanted to please her more, despite how delicious her chest was.

Stopping your suckling, you leave a kiss to her nip as you trail your kisses lower, despite a small whine from Fluttershy. You think to yourself that she'll get a lot more pleasure soon...

Gently as you move downwards you pucker your lips to grasp and nibble softly on her skin. As you hear her give a cute "ooo", you can't help but smile, her "ooo"s becoming a little louder as your reached her tummy, nibbling everywhere affectionately. She sighed happily and even giggled a bit, she was ticklish!

"Like it?" you said, still nibbling and kissing.

She couldn't reply over her giggles. To give her a chance, you slowed down, letting her recover a bit. "Y-yes!" she said, a little loudly. "But... you should g-go... more down..."

Even though you already knew this was what she's been wanting, it still surprised you a little bit. You felt your heartbeat start to race as you continued your way down, a little too quickly reaching her panties, your lips meeting the green fabric and wondering what exactly to do, even if you already know. Thinking was one thing, but actually doing it?

"Oh dear..." she began, in an odd voice, almost startling you. You didn't expect her to say anything. Her tone sounded strangely... seductive, just like when you saw her posed in bed when you entered her room. "There's something blocking the way..."

You couldn't say anything. Even if you wanted this, you found yourself having trouble going through it. How ironic before you thought Fluttershy would have trouble going through with this but now it's you.

"Yes... yes there is..." you reply to her, trying to hide the nervous tone in your voice. Fluttershy didn't notice, instead she kept on.

"Maybe..." she said huskily, which made you shiver. Was this a dream? "Maybe you should do something about it then..."

You tensed up. This was the moment of truth. Though you just had a little fun with her with no problem, for some reason going further has got you tense.

Fluttershy seemed to notice this, and she reached down, gently grasping your hand and squeezed it to reassure you. It did the trick. You gave a deep breath as you grasped her panties and pulled them down, Fluttershy elevating herself a little to make it easier, until she was exposed to you. You gazed at it, her cute little slit, as you felt Fluttershy shake a little in anticipation. "G-go... go on..." she whispered, her earlier sultriness gone. Despite your own nervousness, you still had had to smile inwardly at her. You were amazed she was letting you do this to her, you felt so honored, especially since you've wanted this yourself.

You gently lean forwards and give her entrance a little kiss, feeling how warm and wet she was. This, coupled with couple her body giving a quick jerk and a sigh, urged you on. You flicked your tongue out, circling around her folds, but not yet putting it in, teasing her a bit. She likes it, her legs folding around your back while her hands grasp the back of your head and she starting to moan softly at your touch, wanting more. After a short while, you could take no more teasing. You give another quick kiss at her sex, before you pressed your lips to it and softly suckled on her folds, your tongue exploring eagerly at her depths, lapping, caressing, lust for your lover overtaking you as you felt yourself being overwhelmed by the need to pleasure her. To feel her, to taste her. She tasted so sweet, almost like a honey, each suckle and flick of your tongue sent more and more of her delicious juices into your mouth, her moans getting louder and louder, her grasp on your head pulling you in further into her crotch, which only served to spur you on more.

After a while, wanting to make your lover orgasm, you bring your index finger to her sex, just under your mouth, and gently insert it, her wet insides easily allow you to slip it inside with no trouble. She gives another moan, before you insert it deeper. You feel Fluttershy's chest start raise more and more as the pleasure you're giving her starts to overwhelm her. She bites her lip and her hips jerk upwards. Her breaths turn into pants as you rub her clit with your thumb, which does the trick. Her passage tightens slightly around your tongue, her whole body jerks and twitches, her legs grip you tightly and her hands feel like vices on your back as she orgasms, more of that sweet nectar gushes into your mouth as the loudness of her moans reaches a peak. You want to pleasure her more, but soon it subsides and she gives soft sighs, the intensity of her orgasm giving her a dazed and very satisfied expression on her beet red face. She lays back on the bed, as you wipe her juices from your face, still enjoying the taste. You could get used to going down on her, it was so nice...

"Wa... wooow...." she sighs out, stretching herself a little. "That was... really wonderful..."

You smiled. "Did you like it Fluttershy?" You already knew the answer, but you wanted to hear it from her.

She give a soft little moan, her eyes still closed happily. She only nodded, until she notioned for you to come closer.

You go above her. Your hard-on brushes up against her through your boxers, she immediately notes it. "Looks like someone wants to come out..." she replies.

"Uhh..." Until now you've been ignoring on your own arousal, prioritizing Fluttershy's over yours. But as she mentioned it, you noticed that you were so hard that it hurt...

She looked seductively at you. "Why don't you let him out...?"

Dang you Fluttershy. She wouldn't dock your confidence though, not this time.

"Maybe I should..." you reply. You feel her use her body to push your boxer down, until they were off, smiling when she feels your erection brush against her skin, just above her crotch. She shifts her weight slightly, and suddenly the tip of member meets her moist and warm cunny, causing you both to moan.

"F-Fluttershy... are you sure?" You ask her carefully.

She just smiles at you. "I've been sure since the past week." She wiggles her hips a bit, and you feel her folds clench against your flare, oh she was so wet... "Please..."

Saying nothing else, you lean forward and kiss her, gently guiding yourself in her, her warm wetness engulfing you as you grunt from her tightness. She looks into your eyes as you did, smiling lovingly at you. "K-keep going..." she said softly through a moan, her breath hot against your face. After a few a moments, your entire member is inside her. You could feel her inner walls tighten around you slightly as you reached her cervix. She was tight, but you just being inside was already enough to make you moan, bits of pre stirred from your tip and mixed with own juices. Making sure she was okay, you give a slow thrust, her passage clenching around you, as if they didn't want you to leave so soon.

Fluttershy kissed you deeply as you slowly but surely found a rhythm inside her.

Each thrust you took gave you intense pleasure and sent shivers up and down your spine, stirring you on to give more vicious thrusts as you started to lose yourself in the feeling. Fluttershy for her part, already lost herself, her hands gripped the bed shirt hard as she bit her lip to (unsuccessfully) stifle her moans. As your rhythm sped up, so did her moans, her cries of pleasure only matched by the soft smacking sound of her moving her hips to match your thrusts. You lean forward and kiss her as much as you could, cupping your hands around her face and giving her a deep kiss. She suddenly moans loudly into your mouth, her walls tightening against your member as she orgasms. The look of utter bliss on her face makes you smile with joy as you already felt yourself getting close to the edge as well, the earlier foreplay with her taking its toll on your sexual stamina. You slow down your rhythm to give yourself and Fluttershy a little breathing room.

"Fluttershy..." you managed to breathe out. It was difficult to make words come out from the constant shivers of pleasure her wonderfully inviting depths were giving you through her orgasm. Her legs were wrapped tightly around your body, and her arms were pulling you towards her. "I-I'm getting close..." You warn her, wanting to be careful of not finishing inside her. You didn't think she would be on the pill, it isn't like her to do something like that. But then again you didn't expect her to do this with you to begin with...

Her blissful expression and moans stopped for a moment as she opened her eyes and looked at you, a happy and quite satisfied look on her face. With a content sigh she loosened her grip on you. Looking at her, you slow to a stop and gently pull out of her. Both of you whined from the loss of contact, but you really couldn't complain. You had just made the love of your life feel amazing, and you were happy about that.

Fluttershy's soft voice breaks you out of your thoughts. "Aww... looks like someone still demands attention." She giggled. Her normally well-groomed pink hair was now messy and unkempt, with several hairs out of place. Glancing at the wall mirror, your hair was messed. It looked at though you had just run a marathon (if you could). You hear the bed creak a little as Fluttershy shifted her position in the bed, getting on her knees. You freeze as you feel her hand start to gently stroke your still erect member. You groaned at her touch, her juices combined with her incredibly soft hands giving you an almost maddening pleasurable sensation that felt almost as good as her depths.

She looks at you with a cheeky, yet warm smile on her face as she suddenly starts quickening her pace, shifting her position again until she's right under you, your member right above her breasts. Her smile becomes even warmer and more loving, her eyes shining with anticipation in what she was going to do for you.

You barely get to enjoy how almost heavenly her silken hands feel against you before it's all too much. You groan out loudly as you cum, shooting your seed against her breasts, her grip around you tightening slightly as she rubbed, making you shoot more of seed onto her. Eventually your orgasm subsided, and Fluttershy sat up next to you.

"Fluttershy..." you started to say once you caught your breath. You have so many things you wanted to say to her, like how beautiful and perfect she was, how kind of her to give you this, how cute she looked when she slept, how much she means to you... "T-thank you," was all you could say, overwhelmed by your feelings. Looking at her, you see her torso was splattered with your cum, most of it around her nipples. "And um, sorry." You mumbled, despite everything you can't help but feel a bit embarrassed.

Her expression changed to one of cute anger as she stared you down from your apology. "Don't you be sorry for anything mister!" Her gaze softened, as she scooted closer to you. The bed creaked again from her movements. "I love you very much. I don't regret any of this. I was a little scared at first..." She looks away for a moment, before turning to you, a determined expression on her features. "But I knew this is what I wanted. Right when a year passed and you got me that gift and told me those amazing words..." You can see her fight a tear. You had basically just told her that you want to be with her always and that you could see yourself marrying her. You didn't think it was that big of a deal, it was just how you felt about her. But you can see now that to Fluttershy, those words meant the world to her, if she went to these lengths. "I wasn't sure if you wanted it either..." She smiled again. You can never get tired of it. "But it just felt right. And so I want to thank you, love, for this." She held up the engagement ring.

Your heart leaped for joy at the reminder. This beautifully adorable woman is your future wife!

She continued, "For everything. I love you so much!" She abruptly almost leaps forward and, wrapping her arms around your neck, kisses you deeply, not letting you respond to her.

Not like you could anyway, she had said everything that needed to be said.