> Annoyances > by The Full Tour > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > This Is The Price You Pay For The Loss Of Control > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Annoyances Grrrp. Princess Twilight Sparkle turned her head to the side, muttering indistinctly. She shuffled her position on her bed, her frame creaking slightly. Bllrrp. Her muzzle twitched, lips parting ever-so-slightly. They closed, and Twilight’s cheeks puffed a little, and her throat made visible movements as she swallowed on an empty mouth. Grrrrgggbblp. Her eyelids fluttered, her eyes moving beneath them. Twilight’s brow furrowed slightly as she shifted on her bed again, blankets sliding over her body. Brgggprr. Twilight's eyes shot open, staring up at the darkened ceiling. She sighed, turning her head to the side to glance at her clock mounted on the wall. 3:36 AM. Groaning, Twilight pushed herself into the sitting position, squinting out into the darkness of her room. Shadows danced in the pale moonlight, twisting and contorting to form ephemeral images throughout the parts of her bedroom she could see. Sighing sleepily, Twilight propped herself up nice and proper against the headboard, her downy pillows nestled deep into the small of her back. Twilight settled her hooves on the top of her large belly, pushing down into the pudge through the thin, silky fabric of her pale purple onesie. Her stomach gave another loud groan, this one putting to shame the previous ones that had roused Twilight from her deep sleep. "Ugh..." Twilight mumbled, jostling her ballooned belly. A sustained gurgle arose in response, her middle giving a brief shudder. “Quiet down in there, Trixie; I’m trying to sleep.” "Please! Trixie is sorry!” Trixie groveled, her head bowed low, belly practically plastered against the ground from the amount of effort she was kowtowing with. “Trixie will leave! Trixie will leave and never return, she promises!” “You’ve made this promise twice before,” Twilight said cooly, looking over the cowering form of Trixie with both a great sadness and a mild disgust. “The first time you came to town, you were merely a victim of your own ego. The second time, a powerful magical artifact that ran off your rage. And now…” she shook her head. “Trixie, you have no excuse this time.” "Please," Trixie whimpered. “Show Trixie some mercy! She is a pathetic mess, but she only hopes for forgiveness!” “Self-depreciation won’t serve you here,” Twilight said cooly. “I’m sorry Trixie, I tried. I really did. I gave you so many chances… but I can’t allow you to do this any longer. You’re a threat to me, my friends, and my town. I can’t in good consciousness let you go again just to have you come back to do what could very well be permanent damage.” She looked down at Trixie’s groveling form, her eyes traveling from her padded, plump flanks to the little bit of paunch on her belly. “Besides… I am quite hungry.” She licked her lips, grinning malevolently at the cowering mare before her. Trixie looked up, eyes wide in fear. Twilight groaned, jostling her belly some more. It gurgled and growled, glorped and groaned, all the while shifting ever so slowly as if the surface of a distant gas giant. And it will be, Twilight thought, smirking slightly to herself. As if to emphasize this, she let loose a loud belch, small flecks of spittle flying from her mouth. “Mm! Excuse me,” she said, rubbing her belly again. Realizing that she was quite alone (save for her belly), Twilight laughed softly. “Well, if that’s all—“ A loud groan emanated from her lower midsection, and Twilight’s face contorted slightly as a sharp pressure made itself known to her. Twilight pushed down on her belly, and it shifted slightly; the pressure subsided. Settling back down into bed, Twilight rolled on her side and pulled her blankets back up over her engorged form. Closing her eyes, one hoof still teasing her belly, she smiled as sleepiness nearly overtook her. Nearly. “Ngh!” Twilight sat straight up, her belly giving another loud rumble. Holding a side of her titanic bulk with either hoof, she gave a long exhale. “Trixie, behave! Please, I need you to wait until morning, I can’t—“ Another loud rumble, and the pressure came back in full force. Twilight’s eyes widened, her wings jostling. “Fine, you win; I’ll just hop up to the bathroom to deal with you, if you can just wait another—“ The next rumble was even louder, and a small hiss escaped from below her as a tiny amount of gas slithered from between her asscheeks. Twilight felt as though a ten-ton weight had just slipped from her chest and dropped hard into her pelvic region. “O-Okay,” she said uneasily. “I guess you can’t wait.” Groaning, she looked around her room frantically as she surveyed her options. She was far too heavy to fly, and much too bloated to walk. She supposed she could try teleporting… but she had roughly twice the amount of weight and surface area she usually did. Even for such a small distance, it would still be foolish to risk it. At least while I have other options, anyway. Twilight looked to her left, where her nightstand stood. Aside from various late-night readings and notes, there was one object of particular use to her at this very moment; a souvenir, of sorts. “Perfect,” she said under her breath, levitating Trixie’s hat from the table. Grunting, Twilight hoisted herself up, standing shakily on her mattress. Her extra weight nearly sent her toppling off balance, her hooves sinking deep into her bed. Her horn sparked, and the aura around Trixie’s star-spangled hat shone with a brief intensity before fading away once more. The hat drifted through the air, past Twilight, and settled right behind her. Glancing back, Twilight made sure the hat was in the correct position before hiking her tail up. With a loud grunt, Twilight’s asscheeks spread, revealing her tight purple pucker. Her anus opened slightly, a tiny puff of gas escaping, before closing shut once more. Twilight frowned, her brow furrowed, and pushed. Her stomach contracted slightly, a low groan emanating from it. “Come on, Trixie…” Twilight hissed under her breath, and she gave another strenuous push. She slapped her bountiful belly with a hoof, digging it deep into her paunch. A heavy pressure was threatening to tear her lower half apart—it was almost as if she were trying to pass a boulder! Twilight grunted, her eyes rolling back slightly as she began to sweat, her legs wobbling under the weight of her enormous gut. After what seemed like an eternity of groaning and squatting, some progress was made. Twilight sighed softly as some of the pressure relented, the tip of the massive brown log poking from her purple pucker. She whined, her jaw dropping open as she squeezed her eyes shut tightly, and have a massive push. The log shot forward by what felt like a foot (but what merely turned out to be just under four inches upon later examination), Twilight heaving a huge sigh as the pressure inside her gut relented ever-so-slightly. “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon,” she muttered to herself, her legs wobbling as slowly but surely, the monolithic turd crept forward. Her asshole spread wide, it slid (jerkily at first), down towards the brim of the hat, and then passed it, without a single break. Still moving as one solid object, the titanic shit, speckled with bits of blue fur and flecks of bone shards, pushed forward down into the hat. Thank Celestia I had the foresight to put that spacial expansion spell on the inside of her hat, Twilight thought to herself smugly, humming softly. Otherwise this would get real messy, real quick. I had a feeling that this was going to be a big one, anyway. Everything seemed to be going smoothly, another second or two passing as the shit log continued its journey out of Twilight and into the hat it had once worn. However, a small, involuntary clench from Twilight put a stop to this; for a brief moment, her anal ring closed, cutting off the impressive excrement from its whole as it slipped soundlessly into Trixie’s hat. “Oh dear,” Twilight mumbled, giving a little grunt as she strained to push the remainder of the log from within her. It peaked out for a moment, but soon slipped right back into her rectum. The alicorn gave a snort of displeasure. Moving her hoof down, Twilight gripped her right asscheek. Biting her lip, she pulled the pudgy expanse to the side, her pucker relaxing slightly as she wiggled around a bit to get more comfortable in her new position. Frrppt. Sighing happily, a small expulsion of gas from her was the harbinger of the rest of the turd managing its escape. It slid at a snail’s pace from her rectum, pushing her asshole open wide as it slithered out. Twilight groaned as the log grew larger and larger, her anus expanding further than she’d ever stretched it before… Uh-oh. Twilight’s eyes widened as the pleasurable feeling of emptying herself began to be overridden by the intense stretching her ponut was being put through. She glanced backwards, catching a view of her ass in the mirror, and gasped at what she saw. Her anus was pulled vertically to an almost comical degree, the culprit being a long, off-white object that Twilight deduced was Trixie’s femur. Furrowing her brow, she slowly began to contract her anus once more. At first, it seemed as if nothing happened other than a soft quivering of the stretched flesh, but after a moment, Twilight could clearly see the bone beginning to bend. A high pitched, drawn out creaking filled the room as the Princess’s purple ponut filmed with small beads of sweat, the body of the bone beginning to protrude outward from Twilight’s ass. The curved bone wobbled and strained, the creaking growing higher in pitch and intensity, sweat pouring down Twilight’s face— SNAP! Twilight moaned as Trixie’s femur splintered, small white shards of bone spraying the mirror. The two broken halves slipped from Twilight’s heaving asshole, dropping into the floating hat beneath Twilight’s plushy flanks unceremoniously. A deep rumble grew in Twilight’s gut, and the alicorn had barely a moment to clutch her stomach as a veritable tidal wave of shit gushed from her ass, albeit a lot more solid than tidal waves generally are. Thick, rib-riddled logs positively poured from her anus, a shit-stained vertebra or two popping from her pucker every now and then. Hisses and squeaks were common as small pockets of gas escaped from their tomb of shit as Twilight filled Trixie’s hat with the remains of its former owner. Sighing, Twilight groggily looked down at her belly. It had certainly decreased in size—considerably. Yet judging by the strong pressure hovering just at the end of her bowels, it wasn’t over yet. Twilight shifted upon the bed, the alicorn jostling upon the mattress as she spread her legs apart, bracing her hooves on her hefty asscheeks, spreading the lilac expanses apart. Her hindlegs trembled, beads of sweat creeping from her forehead down her face as Twilight strained to stay upright. At last, her gut gave a heave, constricting in upon itself with a monumental effort. Twilight’s eyes rolling back as she felt her anus and rectum struggle in tandem to pass the final part of the showpony. “Ahhhh…” Twilight sighed as Trixie’s skull plopped into the hat with a reverberating and quite satisfying pop as it escaped from her insides. Twilight collapsed forward onto the bed, her horn still glowing as the hat remained unmoved in its levitated position, the princess’s chest heaving up and down as she lay awash in the satisfaction of her disposal. Smirking, Twilight flipped the hat upside down, careful to make sure that her aura had fully entrapped the item. Gently, she lowered it down onto her bedside table, the bleach-white horn (and undoubtably, the contents of the hat) keeping it upright. Twilight tittered as several solid chunks of shit oozed slowly from the empty orifices. “Goodnight, Trixie,” she said with a small smile and a deep yawn, the purple pony snuggling underneath her blankets and closing her eyes as her stomach gave a quiet, placated gurgle.