Romantic Equestria: The Color Pink

by Sean Shamrock

First published

Life has a funny way of changing. Sometimes these changes can lead to rather unexpected adventures.

Your life had always been terrible you lived day to day in constant sadness and anger at the changing world around you. In a capitalistic country your life has a price tag but you decided to nullify society's view of your life. After an attempted suicide your life soon takes a rapid turn for the better...or so you hope.

Story Contains: Heavy themes that some may find disturbing, Sex, anal play, and a lot of story

We are Made from Broken Parts

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“Twilight are you sure about this. Remember what happened the last time you messed with portals?” Spike said in a worried tone as he hid behind a small couch. “What if you accidently summon a monster that destroys all of Ponyville...or worse.” Spike continued as Twilight giggled softly petting his head.

“Spike no need to worry everything will be fine. All I have to do is remember what the books Trixie gave me said and everything will be fine.” Twilight said as she put the finishing touches on her summoning circle.

“By the way Twilight, how did Trixie get ahold of books on portals and summoning?” Spike asked as he pointed to the large stack of books on Twilight's table.

“She had bought them from a trader she met while on tour with her coltfriend.” Twilight said as she took a deep breath and steadied her balance. “Ok Spike begin phase 1.” Twilight commanded as Spike grabbed the top book from the stack and read it outloud.

Meanwhile, in another world…

The shined through your window as the chirping of birds could be heard outside your window. You opened your eyes and let out a deep sigh as you sat up in bed. It was a beautiful Friday morning as you stumbled through your small apartment. Your life had always been nice and you used to be a generous happy person. However, after you dropped out of high school and moved out of your parents house and into your current apartment, life seemed to spiral out of control at an alarming rate. The past four months have been hard for you. You had already been through six jobs, all of which failed miserably, after that it was your family dying one after another due to disease and some rather unfortunate accidents, and to put the icing on the cake apartments in the surrounding neighborhoods had been bought and demolished to make room for shopping centers, hotels, vehicle dealerships, and other symbols of corrupt the capitalism that plagued the pseudo free country you lived in.

During your childhood you had been blissfully numb to the atrocities occurring around you but as you got older the harsh grip of reality soon wrapped around you and began squeezing the emotion and compassion out of you. As you got in the shower you leaned against the tile and began to softly cry. You didn’t deserve anything that had happened to you. You were an upstanding member of society and an all around good person and yet fate had reduced you to a shell of what you used to be. You wanted answers but sadly fate was always conveniently mute when you asked for answers. You climbed out of the shower and walked over to the mirror and stared back at the bearded figure staring back at you. Dark bags had formed under your eyes and your skin had gone from a deep tan to a ghostly pale. You walked out of the bathroom and headed for your closet as you changed into your normal ensemble of blue jeans, sneakers, and a thin purple zip up hoodie.

After you had changed into your clothes a knock could be heard at your door. You turn to see a note slide under your door before you hear a car door close and drive away. You walk over to the note and pick it up. It was from the owner of your apartment building you knew whatever was waiting for you on this piece of paper wasn’t good. You open the envelope and read the letter as your heart sinks.

You crumpled up the letter and threw it in your trash can as you walked into the kitchen and sunk into the kitchen chair. You knew this day was destined to happen yet it still hit you like a freight train and left feeling broken and helpless. You stand up and look out the window the once beautiful had now conveniently turned to a grey thunderstorm. Distraught you decided to go for a walk and decide what to do next. You grabbed your keys and headed out the door and began your walk of shame.

The rain crashed against your skin as thunder boomed around you and lightning flashed illuminating the grey clouds. As you looked around your city the rain had perfectly contrasted the overall mood of the citizens. Wanting to drown your sorrows you took what little money you had left and bought a bottle of whiskey and headed for your favorite spot where you liked to go and be alone. As you left the convenience store the weather had gotten heavier as you continued your trek. After roughly thirty minutes of walking you turned a corner and climbed the tall ladder to your favorite spot a nice square of metal on to of a bridge that overlooked the bay.

The one thing that seemed to bring you solace was the fact that no matter how much the world around was falling apart, Mother Nature always found a way to remain immaculate and beautiful. You open the bottle and begin to take long gulps. You winced as your throat burned from the large amounts of whisky you were ingesting. Within a few minutes the bottle was empty and you found yourself standing up on the square platform. Your vision blurred as you wobbled back and forth as people began to notice the rather dangerous predicament you put yourself in.

People screamed in terror as they frantically called 911 to try and get you help. In a moment of clarity you realised if there was ever a time to leave it was now. You stuck your arms out and fell backwards off the platform. The wind rushing past your ears as you descended to the ground was soothing and you felt like you had finally achieved peace. Just before hitting the ground a wormhole appeared and sucked you into right as you collided with the ground. People screamed as they looked around confused. You had hit the ground but there was no body nor was there any blood.

Your vision fades in and out as you make out six pastel blurrs. “I did it!” You heard in a excited tone as the purple blur jumped up and down.

“What is it?” Rainbow Dash said keeping her distance as Applejack pokes you with her hoof.

“I don’t know but whatever it is Twilight I think you might of hurt it. I’m no doctor but I don’t think the blood pooling around it’s head is a good thing.” Applejack continued to say as everyone backs away from you except Fluttershy and Twilight.

“Oh no, no, no, no, no, no this is bad. Fluttershy help me sit it up against the wall.” Twilight said as her and Fluttershy lean you against the wall. Fluttershy pulled medical supplies out of her saddlebag and began working on your head wound.

“Darling are you ever gonna tell us what it is?” Rarity said as she took a seat far away from you. Applejack gets closer and inspects your body.

“Looks to me like a large hairless ape.” She said as she took notice of your hands.

“Well, Applejack that's actually incorrect.” Twilight Said pulling out one of the books Trixie gave her. “According to this book he is a human. A bipedal race of creatures with varying heights, weights, hair, and eye colors, personalities, and so much more. They are highly intelligent much like us ponies and while some are horribly mean and violent there also breeds of this race that don’t have a single bad bone in there body. On top of that I have hands on experience with these creatures thanks to the Sunset Shimmer incident when I went through that mirror.” Twilight said as she scanned you with her horn.

“This one appears to be a young human male.” Twilight said as she continues her studies. “Oh my this particular human is in terrible mental shape.” Twilight said with a frown. “I’m gonna try this new spell I learned from these books. Now, It could either be very inventive or extremely dangerous. If anyone wants to opt out you can.” Twilight said as Rarity rushed to the door.

“I’d love to stay and help darling but I have some orders to fill.” Rarity said with a nervous laugh before she ran off.

“Alright Twilight what's this new spell do?” Rainbow Dash asked as the five remaining ponies gathered around you.

“Well, thanks to Fluttershy we stopped the bleeding unfortunately he is unconscious and will need a few days of rest. However, his mental state is quite troubling. This spell will materialize all memories two months prior to arriving here. If it works we can see what kind of person he was and judge from there whether to send him back or to keep him here and see how he reacts to this world. Think of it as a harmless little experiment.” Twilight said with a smirk as she pulled a book from the pile on the table. She flipped through the book and once she found the spell she glanced at the directions before steadying her mind and concentrating. Her horn light up with an intense glow as she zapped your head as your memories were splayed on the wall before them like a movie projector.

As your memories played out like a indie film the girls were astounded by twilight's new trick. The girls spent hours watching the memories and to their surprise your memories where unlike any they had ever seen. The girls all sat around the room as they watched the events unfurl before them. Hungry Pinkie ran into the kitchen and began popping popcorn and after a few minutes returned with a big bowl before she slammed her face into it eating the whole bowl in a couple bites. Your memories soon began to take a turn for the worse as it started playing memories from your teenage years.

“Dear Celestia this is depressing.” Rainbow said as she layed on her back and let out a groan of boredom.

“Rainbow will you pipe down where suppose to be helping Twilight with her research.” Applejack said glaring at Rainbow. Rainbow sits up and snarls back as Pinkie sits down with a bucket of popcorn.

“I knew that humans could be evil but I never thought they could do this to one of their own.” Fluttershy said in a soft tone. “This poor human has been through so much.” She said as she looked back at you. As the day went on the memories only got worse as the tone in the room dove further into sadness.

“Wait why is he climbing that ladder the sign clearly said no trespassing.” Twilight said as the memory continued. “He is just standing there smiling what has him so hap...oh no oh please Celestia don’t tell he is gonna do what I think he is gonna do.” Twilight said knowing exactly where this memory is headed.

“Twilight what's wro…” Fluttershy said as her eyes widened at the site of you falling backwards off the platform with a large smile plastered on your face. Fluttershy let out a scared squeak as she covered her eyes and looked away as you collided with the wormhole and the memory ended. Twilight stopped the spell as everyone looked over to you with a look of concern on her face. The room fell silent as the girls soon realized what they just witnessed. The girls look back you with a surprised look on there faces.

“Did he seriously jump? Just like that no second thought or moment of hesitation?” Rainbow Dash asked with a look of shock on her face.

“Oh come on Rainbow you saw what he was going through. Personally I’m surprised he lasted as long as he did.” Rarity said pointing to you. “After all most people would crack under the pressure he was under.” She continued as Applejack cut in on the conversation.

“She’s right Rainbow. He powered through most of it but everypony has their breaking point. It seems that losing his home was the straw that broke the horse's back.” Applejack said as she stood up and stretched.

“So, ummm...w-what's next Twilight?” Fluttershy asked as she stood by your side. “If he needs a place to recover he can stay at my cottage. After all I have all sorts of remedies and medicines to help him get better.” Fluttershy continued to say with a small smile on her face. “After all it is my duty to care for a living things plus having company would be a nice change of pace for me.” She continued to say as Rainbow and Fluttershy float you to your feet.

“Whoa he is a lot taller then I thought.” Rainbow said as she looks you up and down. “Alright Fluttershy let’s get him to your home. See you later Twilight.” Rainbow said as the two pegasi fly away. Applejack walks over and puts her hoof on Twilight's shoulder.

“You ok sugarcube?” She asked in a soft tone as Twilight let out a deep sigh.

“No I’m worried here I was thinking this was gonna be easy.” She said with a tear in her eye.

“What in tarnation are you talking about Twilight. You saved his life what was so hard about that?” Applejack said taking a seat at the desk with Twilight.

“No it’s not that. In his world everything was against him including his own family, not to mention the bullying and prejudice he suffered in his life. He will face the same thing here in Ponyville, and I’m worried he will try to kill himself again and this time I wouldn’t be able to help him.” Twilight said feeling helpless and scared.

“Sugarcube if you hadn’t of made that portal he would’ve died anyway and since it's gonna take a few days for him to help we can spread the word around Ponyville and even ask Celestia to help. If we try our best then maybe we can help him start over.” Applejack said as she put on her saddle bags and headed for the door. “Just think it through ok I’m gonna get a head start at Sweet Apple Acres.” She said as she left the treehouse and headed home.

“Oh I know I’ll go plan a welcome to Ponyville party for him.” Pinkie said as she rocketed out of the treehouse.

“Spike take a letter.” Twilight said in a soft tone as she listed off a message for Celestia. After finishing the scroll Spike sent it out as Twilight went upstairs to lie down.

“Ok Rainbow now gently lay him out on the couch and I’ll go get pillows and a blanket.” Fluttershy said as Rainbow dropped you down onto the couch and rubbed her wings.

“Man he is a strain on the wings.” She said as she opened the front door, “Ok Fluttershy I’m leaving have fun taking care of him.” Rainbow said as she flew off and headed for her home in cloudsdale. Fluttershy came out and covered you up as she went into the kitchen and worked on remedies to help you heal. She sings softly as she works causing a beautiful melody to envelope the room. You wake once more as your vision finally returns and the soft singing soon fills your ears. The melody soothes you and you soon wonder if your attempts were successful and you were finally in a better place.

You sit up and groan as the singing stops and Fluttershy turns around and sees you. She trots on over to your side. “Oh thank goodness you're awake I was so worried about you.” Fluttershy said with a warm smile. “After Twilight brought you here we were positive you would be out for a while. Especially after that nasty fall you had.” She continued to say as she fluffed your pillow for you.

“What the hell is going on here? The last thing I remember is a storm and then the next thing I knew I was falling then everything went black” You said rubbing the back of your head and wincing in pain once your hand had touched the lump under the bandages.

“Oh please be careful your head still hasn't healed. As for where you are well you will find out in due time but for now you need your rest. So, just lie down and relax while I work on your medicine.” Fluttershy said as she went back to her counter and continued to work as you lay there and look up at the ceiling.

“What is going on here and why can I only remember falling off that bridge.” You think to yourself as you look over at Fluttershy. “She looks just like the ponies back in my world yet she has yellow skin, pink mane, wings, and can speak. I need answers but I’m in no condition to move let alone venture out into an unknown world. Is any of this even real or is it all just a dream.?” You continued to think as your mind raced with the possible explanations for what's happening. Your thoughts were soon interrupted as the yellow pegasus came back to your side.

“Here drink this it will help with the pain.” Fluttershy said as you took the cup and downed the liquid in one gulp. As the liquid ran down your throat a soothing mint sensation enveloped your throat as you smiled and let out a sigh of delight. Fluttershy smiled as she sat on the couch with you as you adjusted and made room for her. You were cautious of this mysterious let friendly pony. However, now had been awhile since someone showed you any form of compassion so you decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

“Thank you for taking care of me miss.” You said with a smile as Fluttershy blushes slightly.

“My names Fluttershy and think nothing of it. I’m the caretaker of Ponyville. I care for all living things no matter what species they are which is why Twilight entrusted me with your recovery.” Fluttershy says with another smile. Her soft voice was unbelievably adorable and you couldn’t sense any malice or ulterior motives behind her actions. She was taking care of you because she generally cared for you. It had been since you were shown compassion on this level and you were beginning to like it here. After all you have only been here a few hours and you already love it more than your world and the disgusting capitalist cesspool that was America. Here in Ponyville you already felt like you were free and you could start over here. You quickly realized you were thinking too far in advance and quickly scrapped those ideas. For now you wanted to live in the moment.

As the night went on you and Fluttershy kept talking about your lives although for the most part it was Fluttershy who talked about her life as you listened closely. You would’ve liked to contribute more to the conversation but due to your head injury you couldn’t remember anything that Fluttershy didn’t already know. Fluttershy was kind, charming, adorable, and she could hold a conversation hours and frankly you liked that about her. She made you feel wanted like you're always welcome here no matter what. Fluttershy hopped down off the couch and stretched out before heading upstairs. “Good night human have a good night’s rest.” She said with a smile before heading into her room. You lie down as you replay everything that's happened tonight and for the first time in your life a smile rips across your face.

“I wonder what tomorrow has in store for me?” You said to yourself as you closed your eyes and soon fell asleep. The next morning you awoke to the site of Fluttershy and two other ponies. One with a blonde mane and orange fur and another with a dark purple fur and a two toned mane. You sat up and rubbed your eyes as your vision cleared.

“Good morning human how are you feeling today.” Twilight said as Fluttershy poured her and Applejack a cup of tea. As you rubbed your head you winced in pain.

“Well, my vision is back to normal and my headache is gone but the bump on my head still hurts.” You said sitting Indian style on the floor. Fluttershy comes over to you with a cup of specially brewed tea.

“Here this should help with the pain.” She said in a soft tone as she handed you the cup. You take the cup and smile as you take a drink of it.

“Delicious as ever Fluttershy Thank you.” You said as a blush formed on Fluttershy’s cheeks. “Oh I’ve been meaning to ask you girls your names.” You continued as you set the empty cup near your side. “After all I get the feeling I’m gonna be here a while so might as well try and make friends.” You aid as you chuckled softly coaxing a smile out of the three girls.

“I’m Twilight and this is my friend Applejack. What’s your name?” Twilight asked with a smile as you thought for a few seconds before frowning. “Is something wrong?” Twilight asked noticing your distress.

“It’s odd I can’t remember my name. In fact I can’t remember anything except jumping from that bridge.” You said as you run your hand up your face covering one side of your face. Fluttershy floats beside you putting her hoof on your shoulder.

“Oh dear sounds like you have amnesia due to the sudden head trauma you suffered.” Twilight said in a saddened tone. Twilight was never one to take things personally but seeing as her spell was the cause of your amnesia she began to feel guilty.

“Ya know I’m ok with this.” You said causing Twilight to shot her head as she gave you a look of confusion. “I don’t remember much but from what I remember I jumped with my own free will, like I knew I was gonna die and I was ok with that. However, I’m feeling something that was absent when I jumped.” You said with a smile on your face.

“What are you talking about?” Twilight said the look of confusion still glued to her face.

“Happiness, true happiness after all for a human to make the decision I made they would have to be in a pretty terrible place and I just don’t feel it. Now, maybe it’s head wound messing with my head or maybe I’m just lying to myself but either way I feel happy.” You said as a look of shock and guilt came across Twilight's face. “What's wrong Twilight?” You asked in a concerned tone.

It was at that moment Twilight knew what had happened and the very realization of that made her sick to her stomach. Twilight knew that by viewing your memories she had removed them from your mind. She knew the dangers of the spell and acted on pure curiosity without even considering the consequences. In her mind she knew that she was the cause of your amnesia. A tear ran down Twilight's cheek as she ran out of the cottage as Applejack called out her name before chasing out after her.

Twilight ran through the town and into her library as she cried more. Applejack entered the Library and searched for Twilight. Sniffling and crying could be heard from a room adjacent to the kitchen. Applejack approached the wooden door and knocked on it.

“What’s wrong Twilight? You ran like a bat outta hell.” Applejack asked as Twilight opened the door holding a book as tears streamed down her cheeks.

“It’s all my fault. None of this would’ve happened if I had read the spell carefully.” Twilight said as her and Applejack sat at the table. “The spell that let us view his memories I ignored the rules and the consequence was since I used the spell longer than I was supposed to and I ended up erasing all his memories.” Twilight said as she pointe out the rules in the spell's description.

“What? How is that even possible your spells have never backfired before why would they start now?” Applejack asked as a look of fear came across Twilight's face. She frantically looked at all the books Trixie gave her and found a disturbing realization.

“Oh no this isn’t good. The books Trixie sent me are black magic books. Black magic spells always have some kind of catch to them. I can’t believe I didn't double check the books before using them.” Twilight said chastising herself for her costly mistake.

“Twi you don’t need to beat yourself up over it. It was mistake everyone makes them. I’m sure if we search through the books I’m sure we could find someway to reverse it, heck we may even find a way to send him home.” Applejack said grabbing more of the black magic books.

“No we can’t send him back you saw the memories and you saw happy he was at Fluttershy’s. We can’t take that away from him or else he would just end up jumping again and this time there wouldn’t be a portal to save him.” Twilight said as You and Fluttershy knock on the door. Applejack hops down and answers the door. Once she sees you two she lets you inside.

“Twilight what's wrong why did you bolt out of the house like that?” You ask taking a seat in the corner of the room. Twilight sinks her head decides to confess.
“The fall isn’t why you have amnesia. After you crashed into my house and passed out I got curious and used a spell to see the memories two weeks prior to your attempted suicide. Well, we all watched them but we took too long and as a consequence all of your memories were erased. I lied to you and told you it was from your head room cause I was ashamed of myself and I felt guilty. I’m sorry for what I did.” Twilight said as she begins to cry before she gasps as you take her in your arms and hug her tightly.

“Thank you Twilight.” You said softly as she breaks the hug confused.

“I don’t understand why aren’t you mad? I erased every single memory you ever had including what you knew about yourself.” Twilight said as you stood up and paced around the library.

“Exactly you did what I tried to do. Now, I’m a blank slate the old me is gone meaning I can start over and rebuild my life from the ground up with new friends, memories, and a new life. See Twilight that’s why some people commit suicide because they hate themselves and who they have become. You have achieved what I tried to do only thanks to you things can be different. Now, if you’ll excuse me me and Fluttershy have some animals to tend to.” You said as you give Twilight a hug as she wraps her hooves around you. You break the hug and head out the door with Fluttershy.

“While I’ll be looks like all that worry was for nothing huh Twilight.” Applejack said with a soft chuckle. “So, what are you gonna do now that all that is over?” She asked as she stood up and put walked towards the bookshelf as Twilight locked the black magic books away in a chest.

“Well, there is only one thing left to do. Send a letter to Princess Celestia and inform her of the possibility of adding a new member to Ponyville. I’ve been meaning to ask how did the citizens react when you told them about the human?” Twilight asked as she pulled out a scroll and ink. As he dipped her quill in the ink she began to write her letter.

You and Fluttershy walked through town as the two of you got the supplies needed to help Fluttershy’s animals. In the short time you’ve been with her Fluttershy has told you so much about her and the many adventures her and her friends have been on. Like a child being told a bedtime story you sat there and listened to every word she said. Even though you couldn’t remember anything about your life you still felt a deep connection with Fluttershy. As the day went on, the two of you toiled in the yard feeding the chickens, caring for the birds, and even built a new birdhouse for the new baby birds.

As you continued your work Fluttershy came out of the cottage with some fresh lemonade. Thirsty from the heat beating town on your now pale skin you grabbed a glass and thanked her. As days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months your notoriety around Ponyville soon became the talk of every pony in the town. Every time you went into town your day was filled with smiles and friendly conversation. Even the Princess herself warmed up to after meeting you a few times causing even more ponies to trust you. Your life has improved ten fold and every time you see Twilight you thank her for everything she did.

As you walked through the front door of your cottage Fluttershy came down the stairs with a smile as she hugged you tightly. Thanks to Fluttershy and her friends you’re missing memories were soon replaced with ones filled with friends, love, and compassion. This new world had it’s ups and downs but you didn’t care here you were able to go so much farther in your life and given opportunities you could only dream of. Best of all you got to come home everyday to a beautiful pony that cared about you more then anyone or anything else. For several days now Fluttershy had been dropping subtle hints showing that she was ready to take the next step. The thought of dating Fluttershy came into your thoughts several times but you felt it wasn’t time yet. You decided to ask her tomorrow ver a nice dinner.

Fluttershy I’m home.” You said as you walked into the kitchen with wine and a bag full of groceries. After a few minutes of silence you let out a sigh of relief. “Gret she isn’t home now I can work on this dinner for her.” You said as you put the bottle of wine in a bucket of ice as you began to chop up the vegetables.

“You really think he likes me?” Fluttershy said as her and Rarity relaxed at the spa like they did once every other week.

“Of course darling I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He looks at you like your all he needs and wants. It’s quiet romantic if you ask me.” Rarity said as Aloe and Vera put a mud mask on Rarity.

“Oh I hope so I mean I’ve been dropping little hints here and there but I don’t think he noticed. Maybe I should do something big for him.” Fluttershy said as she relaxed in the hot tub and let out a sigh of delight. As the two girls relaxed at the spa you were hard at work making the house look nice while your soup cooked on the stove.

“Angel care to give me hand with these rose petals buddy.” You asked as a small white rabbit hopped over to you and grabbed the extra basket and hopped around the room. Angel could be rude sometimes but most of the time he was a pretty well behaved rabbit. Fluttershy waved goodbye to rarity as she rushed home eager to surprise you with something special. As she approached the cottage she noticed that the windows were all dark except for some flickering lights in the windows. As she pushed open the door she gasped at the sight before her.

Candles and rose petals littered the room as you stand there waiting patiently in a casual suit that Rarity had made you some months back for a gala that your graciously invited to. Fluttershy stared in awe as she walked slowly into the kitchen. “What is all this?” Fluttershy asked as she noticed the wine and bowls at the table.

“Well, I’ve noticed that over the past few days you have been dropping hints left and right so I figured that I’d make us a night romantic dinner to show you that I accept your feelings for me and I’m ready to take the next step.” You said with a smile as Fluttershy jumps into your arms kissing you deeply on the lips. The two of you shared the kiss for a few seconds before breaking away. “There will be time for that latter my love for now let’s eat.” You said as the two of you took a seat at the table. You poured wine into the glasses as the two of you ate and conversed.

“Oh my this lovely, how did know I liked roses?” Fluttershy asked blushing softly. You smile and put your hand on her hoof.

“Fluttershy in the time I’ve been around you everything you’ve ever told me I’ve kept locked away in my mind. Ever since I accepted my fate and took up residence here in Ponyville my mind has been flooded with so many beautiful memories but the most beautiful thing about is that you're in everyone. Fluttershy everyone here has been so kind to me but I just can’t fight my feelings for you. You managed to captivate and entrance me to the point where I can’t spend a single second without you. You are what my old life was missing and despite all the good memories I still have the memory of me jumping from that bridge. In fact, I when I see that memory I quickly realize I’m not that person anymore instead I realize that I live in Ponyville with my now amazing marefriend Fluttershy and unlike earth people here care for me and look out for me just like I do for them.” You said with a smile as tears form in Fluttershy’s eyes and she smiles back.

“I’m so happy to know I mean that much to you. See I was worried that you weren't getting the hints or that you weren’t interested me at all.” Fluttershy said as you scoop her out her chair and held her close. A deep blush runs across her cheeks as you set her down on the couch. “Oh my shouldn’t w-we b-be doing this...on a bed.” She said squeaking out the last part of the sentence.

“Fluttershy my love anywhere with you is perfect bed, floor, couch, table, shower it doesn’t matter so long as you're in my embrace.” You said as Fluttershy blushed before wrapping her hooves around your neck and pulling you into a deep kiss. The two of you shared the long embrace as your hands explored every curve of her body as you coaxed out small moans from the yellow pegasus. Your tongues dance around each other like the most beautiful of slow dances. More moans are coaxed out of Fluttershy before she breaks the kiss and softly.

“I love you so much.” Fluttershy said as you grin and begin to gently bite her neck. “O-oh my y-yes.” She stutters out as soft squeaks now mix with her moans as your ears melt at the very melody before you. Wanting more you begin to work your way down her body making sure to kiss every inch before reaching the warm surprise waiting for you. “I-its all yours...that is if you want it.” Fluttershy said as her blush intensified as your fingers run up and down her slit. She moans softly as your fingers dance around her lips and gently rub the nub above her lips. After a few seconds of playing you use your fingers to spread her lips and dive in. The sudden feeling of your warm wet tongue slipping inside her makes her moan loudly as you begin to you're your fingers around her nub once again.

“Wow Fluttershy you taste amazing like the sweetest white wine.” You say as her blush remains and she emits a soft giggle before a sharp moan erupted from her mouth. You work your tongue faster as you begin to swirl it around inside her like a tornado.

Her hind legs tighten around your head and gently squeeze you. “Oh my gosh I’m gonna cum.” Fluttershy said covering her mouth at the words that just came out of her mouth. Realizing how much you liked hearing that Fluttershy smiled and moaned louder. “Oh that's it big boy eat me more.” She said in between moans causing your shaft to instantly harden and nearly rip through your pants. “Oh my y-yes your tongue feels magical deeper.” She continued to moan as she tightened her grip on your head before shaking and convulsing. “Oh baby yes please don’t waste a single drop.” She said as juice erupts from her marehood and into your mouth. Like a man trapped in the desert you drank every drop before standing up on your knees and whipping your mouth.

Fluttershy gets off the couch and pushes you onto her back. You lie there taken back by the new forceful Fluttershy. You liked seeing this new side of her she was wild and rough yet still shy and docile. It was the perfect balance of sexy and adorable. “Let's see what you have waiting for me down here.” She said as she undid your belt with her teeth and unzipped your pants as she pulled down your pants and underwear causing your erect shaft to flip out and rest against her muzzle. She inhales her scent deeply and sighs before she swallows your shaft and begins bobbing her head up and down slowly.

You throw your head back and moan asher velvety tongue wraps around your shaft as she bobs faster. You run your hand through her mane and hold her head as she smiles and takes you deeper into her throat as she moans and slurps. Your mind goes numb as the amount of pleasure given to you soon becomes unbearable. “Fluttershy I’m gonna cum.” You moan as Fluttershy takes you out of her mouth with an audible pop before sandwiching your shaft between her hooves as she worked them up and down as fast as she could.

“Do it baby cum all over my face.” Fluttershy said in a surly tone. After a few more minutes of stroking your shaft twitched as it sprayed hot seed all over Fluttershys face. Fluttershy sucks on your shaft more draining every drop of seamen you have before swallowing it and panting heavily.

“Dear Celestia Fluttershy I’ve never seen this side of you. I love it.” You said as Fluttershy leaned forward onto the couch before she lifted her flank into the air as her tail flicked revealing her winking marehood.

“Take me my love mount me and make me yours.” Fluttershy said as you grabbed her flanks and gently pushed your shaft into her warm slit. Fluttershy let out mall moans as you gently thrusted into her. “Oh Celestia yes, you're just the right size.” She moaned and bit her lip as you sped up and continued massaging her flanks. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoed throughout the room only to be overshadowed by Fluttershy’s feral moans. Wanting to add a little fuel to fire your grabbed her tail and gently pulled causing Fluttershy to scream out loud.

“More give it to me harder please.” She pleaded as you doubled your effort and began to pound hard. “OH YES RIGHT THERE, OH DON’T STOP!” Fluttershy screamed out as you held her close to your chest and made out as you thrusted upwards causing Fluttershy’s flank to jiggle every time you bottomed out inside her. Feeling adventurous you stuck your finger inside her ass and begin to work it around as she broke the kiss moaning loudly as she bit your shoulder gently.

“Let’s try something harder.” You say as you switch between Fluttershy's mare hood and ass making sure both holes received your shaft. She bites your shoulder harder drawing blood.

“Oh I can’t take it anymore I’m gonna lose it.” She squeaked out as you went for the home stretch and stuck to thrusting into her slit. She lets out a loud squeaky scream as her juices wash over your shaft. Feeling the warm liquid engulf your shaft you give three more thrusts before your shaft explodes inside her. The two of you lie on the floor cuddled up close as you both gently make out.

“Oh my that was amazing. I Love you.” Fluttershy said nuzzling under your chin as held her close.

“I love you too Fluttershy.” You replied as the two of you soon fell asleep. After several months had passed your relationship with Fluttershy deepend to the point where the time had come to seal the deal. The grand galloping Gala was coming up and you had plans to propose to her when her friends were around. Some of your friends seemed to think that you were moving a little fast but you didn’t care you would travel to Tartarus and back for Fluttershy and you knew in your heart that this was you wanted. With the Gala just right around the corner you decided to pay rarity a visit. and get yourself a nice new suit.

As you walked through the door to the boutique Rarity comes out from behind the counter. “Good morning Darling, I take it you're here for a new suit.” Rarity asked in her iconic sing song voice that you’ve grown to love.

“Yes indeed Miss Rarity, just like the last suit only I’d like something that encompasses Fluttershy added to it.” You ask handing her a bag of bits to which she turns down.

“Darling you should know by now that my friends never have to pay me. Although the thought is much appreciated.” She said with a smile as she added small bits of pink to your suit to match Fluttershy’s mane. “Oh I’ve been meaning to ask darling how are you and Fluttershy?” She asked as she worked on your suit.

“Pretty good in fact after this I’m going to pick up a hoofband.” Rarity stopped as her eyes widened and a smile came across her face.

“Darling are you really gonna propose to her?” Rarity asked excited.

“Ya I plan on proposing at the Gala.” Rarity lets out a loud squeal before fainting onto a chair and getting back up.

“Darling that's is the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard. If only I had a stallion as sweet as you.” Rarity said before rushing back your suit. After picking up your suit you left the boutique and picked up the wedding band and accompanying ring made special just for you. The week went on as the night of the Gala had finally arrived. You and your six friends met up at the gate and headed inside. Once inside you stayed close to Fluttershy as you conversed with the princess and some of the Canterlot's most elite citizens.

The night went on as you and your friends met up in the garden. “What's this all about Sugarcube?” Applejack asked as you dropped down on one knee in front of Fluttershy as the girls covered their mouths.

“Fluttershy it seems like only yesterday I came here to this world. In the time I’ve spent here I’ve made friends, got a job, made a name for myself, and most importantly I met a mare that means the world to me. I know it’s only been eleven months but I’m ready to start the next chapter of my life with you.” You said as you open the box. “Fluttershy will you marry me?” You ask me as your friends all give out a collective “Awww” and tears formed in Fluttershy's eyes. She hugs you tightly pulling you into a kiss.

“Of course I will.” She said as her friends cheered and you carried her back into the party.
After drinks and dancing Fluttershy whispered something into your ear as you carried her into the deepest corner of the garden. “Darling you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this. She said as she undid your belt and unzipped your pants before working your shaft out and took you into her mouth and begins to slowly bob on your shaft.

“Dear Celestia I love you.” You said as she smiled and worked her head faster as you rubbed her head and periodically looked out for wandering eyes. Fluttershy kept going before she began to deepthroat fast. You pace yourself as your shaft explodes sending ropes of cum down her throat. Fluttershy cleanly drink it all before whipping her mouth.

“Now let’s go back and finish having fun with our friends.” She said with a wink as you two headed inside to finish off the night.