> Lullay Moon Princess > by Queen Sanguine Dreams > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a rural village, far in the frozen north past the Crystal Empire, sat a lone colt. He was not cold, as his fur was thick and he was dressed for such weather in the first place. This colt had no name. This colt was a Thestral; A bat winged pegasus with slit pupils and inch long fangs. His ears were fluffy like the rest of his body, and the cold gave him little bother. What he was interested in, was the night sky. To be specific, the large orb of the moon that shone like the sun on their snow covered village. This light allowed the nocturnal Thestrals to go about their night with casual ease. What troubled this colt, is he had not learned what his special talent was. He had stayed up all day just thinking about it. He wasn't good at trapping, nor gathering. He wasn't a grand storyteller, nor a good skinner. He held a cup of rapidly cooling hot chocolate in his hooves, sitting on a balcony and staring at the shining stars of the night. He couldn't stay awake for much longer, so he decided to go inside and take a nap. Maybe he could find his talent while he slept. In one last bid to fate, he silently asked the moon itself for guidance. ***** Princess Luna, Co-Ruler of Equestria and Guardian of the Moon and Night, was dreamwalking. It was her duty to ensure her subjects slumbered peacefully. She was also responsible for control of the moon's orbit around Equis. She took more joy in helping her subjects find restful sleep, however. On this night, she found something out of the ordinary. A new door into the dreamscape had appeared. Normally this would be no cause for concern; foals were born all the time, and she had seen many doors fade with time. What set this door apart, however, was that it called to her. She had never seen a door like this before. Grey and blue in coloration; bat wings on the door's center. There was also no cutie mark. Curious... Luna entered the dreamer's mind, looking for its host. She found a colt staring up at a distorted recreation of her moon. Most dreams took on a hazed quality to them; unfocused or non existant wherever the dreamer wasn't looking. Luna stood next to this colt, observing him. The colt was tall as her shin. Grey in coat, dark grey with a stripe of blue running down his mane and tail. His pupils were slit with yellow coloration and his mouth held fangs. He did not seem to be a monster, though Luna decided it wouldn't hurt to ask. "Pardon, dreamer," Luna softly began, "Dost thou have a name?" The colt's focus shifted slowly to Luna, as if he was underwater. "No." He stated simply. The moon was gone now. Luna and the dreamer stood on snowy ground that wisped like fog in an ethereal breeze. Luna was curious. Every foal was named, so why was this one exempt? Did they not have parents to name him? "Dreamer, We must inquire." "Okay." "Why dost thou have no name to call thy own?" "No cutie mark." Luna's brow furrowed in thought. Surely this foal would be named regardless of a cutie mark... "Dost thou wish a name?" Luna suddenly asked. The colt's eyes sparkled with hope as he smiled to Luna, his fangs causing her some mild unease. "I would wish that very much!" Luna thought a moment before her horn lit up with a soft blue. She blinked once as her spell ended. "Very well. We will arrive in three night's time. Inform thy elders." She stated, and left the colt's dream. ***** The colt jolted awake, nearly spilling his chilled Cocoa. He wasn't too concerned about the beverage as he lept over the small counter and rushed out into the freezing winds of his mountain village. He had to tell the Elders immediately! An alicorn was coming to the town, and they had to be ready. He burst through the town hall door, fighting the wind as he ran to the other side of the door amd forced it shut before any more cold could be let in. The room was more like a large dining hall than a beurocratic office. Skinned rugs covered the floor and the walls were decorated with crude paintings depicting the history of the village. There were no candles to light the inside, as the thestrals had no need for them. If you can see in the dark, why buy a light? The elders of the village sat next to a large fire in the center of the hall. They had blankets of fur over them to fight back the chills they were prone to in their increased age. They noticed the colt come into the hall, and patiently waited as his muffled hoofsteps drew closer. "What brings you here, colt?" Asked a mare with a soft and kind voice, leaning forward in her chair to get a better look at the newcomer. The colt hurried in, nervous at the attention of so many but determined to deliver his news. "Elders, I have a message from an alicorn that appeared in my dreams!" He eagerly chirped, his voice higher pitched than a 'regular' equine his age. The elder mare sat back in her chair, giving amused looks to her fellows. "Oh? And what would this message be, young one?" "She said to expect her arrival in three days. She's going to name me!" He shook with barely contained excitement. The elder was amused, but decided to humor the colt. "Very well, we will prepare for this Alicorn. But, on the chance that you are lying, you must offer three days of service to everybatty in the village if you are wrong." The colt locked up with nervousness at the decision, but shook his head clear of doubts and smiled. "I'm sure she'll come! Thank you Elders!" He quickly bowed, and bolted out of the room in excited anticipation. "Are we sure this was more than a dream?" A bearded elder asked, his voice raspy from lack of use. "Even if this turns to be nothing more than an excited colt telling stories, it will provide a good occasion to gather our people and rejoice in a feast all the same." The elder mare smiled, content with her decision. ***** Three Days Later ***** Princess Luna was accompanied by four strong Pegasus of the Solar Guard. Their armor enchanted their coats to a pure white, contrasting the deep blue and blacks of the Princess and her winter gear. The guards were not bothered by the altitude or the weather, having dealt with far worse conditions that a breezy mountaintop. Not that they would allow any discomfort to be seen by the Princess of the Night anyway. Luna looked at the town she had found with her spell, using the mind of the colt to reveal the area around his sleeping form. It would cause him no harm, and she doubted the colt would be able to point to his village on a map. The ponies she had seen in the nights since were gathering in the town center, having spotted her approach. The pegasai gently landed her chariot in the snow, the cloud construction of the device not breaking the snow. Looking around at the wrapped faces of the Thestrals, she hopped down from her chariot to a crunch of snow underhoof. A small thestral scurried up to her, his eyes visible through a thin slit of animal hide. "It's you!" He cheered, relieved and excited at her arrival. "Yes. We would discuss matters indoors, away from the harsh bite of winter's storm." She extended a wing to scoop up the colt, placing him on her withers as she followed the others inside of the main hall. The Moon Princess followed the thestrals, closing the door with the grip of her magic. They had prepared for her coming; a wide array of many meats were on display, accompanied with fruits and vegetables. "Pardon," a soft voice asked below Luna. She looked down to see a slightly shaking mare that was draped with blankets and furs. "Would you tell us your name?" Luna held a hoof to her chest, "We are Princess Luna, Sister to Princess Celestia and Co-Ruler of Equestria, Goddess of the Moon and Stars." She recieved wide eyed stares, and the room became uncomfortably quiet for a moment. Luna was worried she had offended them in some way, but was interrupted by cheering and stomping of hooves in applause. She lowered her hoof to the floor and bowed the way her Sister had when in ceremony. "Please, enjoy the feast we have prepared, Princess Luna." The elderly mare offered, a hoof pointing to a large seat in the center of the room. It was a pedestal made of stone; no back to rest against yet surrounded by exotic fruits and meats. "We would hope not to insult,"Luna quietly mentioned to the mare, "but we cannot eat meat." The elder seemed happier for learning this, to Luna's guarded suprise. "Really? Well then, that works out fir everyba- er... Everypony then." The princess was curious about the choice of wording, but dismissed this as the colt from before came galloping into Luna, bouncing off of her foreleg. "Be careful, we are sturdier than most!" Luna chuckled, patting the colt on the head as he regained his senses. "Princess Luna! You offered to name me, remember?" He chirped eagerly. "Now now, colt. It's rude to bother guests. Especially royal ones!" The elder lightly scolded. "It is if no concern, elder," Luna began, "We did agree to bestow a name upon this one." Luna looked into the eyes of the colt. He was eager, determined and focused. He his his anxiety well, but he was more curious than frightened. "We will dub thee, Lunar Aegis." Luna finally decreed. "What does that mean?" Aegis asked. "Shield of the Moon." Luna replied simply. The other thestrals in attendance heard this over their conversations, and looked to Aegis with pride. "You... You mean that I'm your protector?" He asked. "Should you choose it, Aegis. We would not force-" "Yes!" Aegis cheered, happily flapping his wings to fly up to Luna, hugging her muzzle. This caused concern from the elders and those gathered before the Princess giggled, lifting Aegis with her magic and setting him on her back. "It is alright, Elder. No offense has occured." Luna reassured them. Cheers of celebration began again, and Luna ordered her guards to enjoy the festivities, much to their reluctance. Hours passed, and Luna learned much about the thestrals and their way of life. They were omnivourous due to the harsh climate they called home. Their fur alone was enough for the warner seasons, but they relied on the fur of what they killed to survive the harsh winters. As a parting gift, Luna bestowed the village with a single dragon scale. Set alight, the scale would burn with dragon fire and allow the village to send the moon princess letters. Delighted with the gift, and with the sun beginning to rise, Luna departed the village. She waved goodbye, and heard the voice of Aegis call after her. "I'll send you letters, Princess Luna!" Luna smiled at the colt as the chariot was flown away from their town. She thought the thestrals to e an interesting kind of pony. They feared nothing they could see, they survived in the kind of climates that would make their subjects cower at the mentioning of, and were generous. Looking away from the village, she ponders their inclusion to Equestria. > Chapter 1: Shadows in the Light > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Castle of the Two Sisters. The place of which Princesses Celestia and Luna rule all of Equestria. A castle hidden the the forest of the Everfree. Crafted by the sisters themselves to memorialise their defeat of Discord, and to signify their protection of all the ponies of Equestria. Walls, battlements and towers of stone lined its perimeter; a large castle of stone and marble, its center. Houses and shops lined the wall and filled the empty spaces between the fortifications, but the two Sisters relied more on the Solar guard to keep the peace of their subjects. This is what was troubling Luna as her weary guard slowed and landed the chariot to the castle's entrance. The Solar Guard were exhausted. Up night and day at times, when it was stretched thin. Celestia was certain that it was all that was needed, but Luna was the more experienced soldier of the two. She had lead armies against the forces of Discord, and the mad sorcerer known as Sombra. Celestia handled the management of the kingdom, and metaphorically fought the aristoponies with a broom like pests. Luna herself wished no part in this, but she could at least offer her sister a solution to the Solar Guard's plight. "Tia!" Luna called as she landed, Celestia walking towards her with weary concern on her face. "How fares thy day?" "Luna, good to see you too," Celestia smiled, before bopping Luna on the nose with a decorated hoof. "You flew off into the night without warning! I was worried about you." Rubbing her nose, Luna protested, "We art not a foal, Tia. We take care of ourselves quite easily." Celestia gave a tired sigh. "I know, Lulu. I still have a right to be concerned about my sister, don't I?" Luna draped a wing over her taller sister, walking by her side as they entered the castle proper. "You do indeed, Tia. We were out on a mission of great importance to us!" "Oh? What mission is this?," Celestia smirked, "Have you gone to 'secure the chocolate pies of the moon' from the bakery again?" She teased. Luna stared blankly at her sister, not rising to the bait. "We have discovered a new species of ponies in the frozen north, and made contact." She smugly retorted, her head held high. Celestia was suprised. "Really? This is wonderful news, Luna!" She turned to stand in front of Luna. They were now standing in the dining hall of the castle as servants floated about, setting trays and glassware for the coming meal. "What were they like?" Luna and Celestia took seats opposite another, their silverware and plates decorated thematically to their position. Celestia's was golden with white accents, and Luna's was dark purple with silver accents. "They call themselves 'Thestrals'. They are a hybrid in appearance of bat and pegasus. Generally grey coats, with some variation on mane and tail coloring. Their eyes hold slit pupils, colored yellow with others having rare colorations in defiance of the norm. They have wings like a bat, exempting the claws, and fangs." Celestia lifted the lid from her food, floating them to the side to look at their breakfast. She was listening eagerly to her sister's tale, but her spirits sank when she saw her meal. "Sister, had a famine befallen the land whilst We were away?!" Luna blurted in alarm. Celestia lifted a single celery stalk from her plate in a yellow field of magic, looking crestfallen with her ears drooping down. "No, Lulu," she heaved a heavy sigh, "I'm on a diet again." Luna blinked. Twice. "S-sister... What dost thou mean? Thy are perfectly healthy for thy age!" Celestia's stomach grumbled in protest at the meal presented to it, and The sun goddess herself agreed. "This is true, Luna. However, I deal with the nobility. If it looked as if I was becoming fat, all mannor of gossip and hearsay would spring up. Can you imagine?" Her hoof hovered from left to right, posting imaginary words of a headline, "Celestia; FAT! Kingdom; doomed!?" Luna hid her laughter behind a hoof. "Tia, thou art taking this out of proportion. Well, many portions, should thou ask thy stomach." Luna lifted her own lid to a freshly baked chocolate moon pie, the subject of teasing earlier. Celestia's mood was broken as the confectionary treat's smell contacted with her treasonous nose. "No, Lulu no!" She protested, hiding her face with the lid of her own meal. "Don't tempt me!" She cried. Luna was unable to contain her laughter any longer, using her forehooves to hold herself up on the table and to keep her muzzle from squashing her dinner. "Very well, Tia. We shall tempt thee no longer!" She declared, floating her treat to her mouth and summarily devouring its deliciousness in one bite. Celestia peeked from her lid, whimpering at the loss of deliciousness before regaining her royal composure with exaggerated stuffyness. "Indeed, we art a princess! We must have greater force of will against such temptation!" Luna's brow arched. "Tia, dost thou mimic us?" She asked with amusement. "Nay!" Declared Celestia with a raised hoof, "We art completely serious! Cool thy jets, Lulu!" Both sisters broke into laughter at this, and spent the remainder of the meal discussing the happenings of the Day Court and Luna's experiences with the Thestrals. Eventually, Celestia had to lower the Sun in preparation for her sister's night. ***** Standing on a balcony overlooking the horizon, Luna raised the moon and directed its course over the heavens. Her sister Celestia stood nearby. "It never gets old watching you do that, Luna." She said wistfully, a wing around her younger sister. "We think it would get old after the first century, Sister." Luna replied somberly. Celestia looked with concern to Luna. "Why would you say that, Luna? I think of your night as the highlight of my day." "Even if thou remains asleep through it." Luna pouted. "Hey," Celestia cooed, "Don't let your thoughts drag you down, Lulu. You know as much as anypony how much I adore and love you." She lifted Luna's chin with her wing. "Don't let doubt and worry make you think otherwise, alright?" She smiled reassuringly. Luna sniffled. "We sought out the Thestrals because they could assist us, sister. They would remain awake to watch over our night, and allow thy guards rest." Her gaze met Celestia's as she continued. "Would thou allow them to join us? They survive in horrid conditions, yet are unaware of a better life here." Celestia thought for a while, cosidering the toll of her suster's request. "Lulu... I know you mean well." She began, to Luna's increased distress set by the tone. "Consider how our little ponies would react, after they just learned how to deal with their own kind? If we rush this, we'll have another war on our hooves just from distrust alone. We have to let the scars of our ponies fade before we ask this of them. I know your intent was pure, but this is too soon for them." Luna sighed in resignation. "We understand, sister." She then left Celestia's embrace and walked into her room, Celestia following. "We must guard our subjects this night. Goodnight, Tia." She softly smiled, and Celestia wished her a good night as well before leaving. Luna's horn lit with its telltale glow, as her eyes became solid white and glowed with power, entering the Dreamwalk. ***** Luna walked amongst the many doors of her people, signifying the entrance to their dreams. She found her mark, and stepped into Aegis' mind. It was the celebration they held last night, all the ponies happy and cheerful. Memories were much more vivid and constructed than those of pure dream. They held every detail, but faded with every viewing as time marched on. The colt spotted Luna and floated over to her, not bound by the laws of reality in the dreamscape. "Hello, Princess Luna!" He chirped. "Greetings, Aegis. How fares thy night?" "I was hoping to see you, actually. I was talking with some of my friends and they want to be your protectors, too!" Luna kept her expression blank, not revealing her dissapointment that she couldn't grant his request. "We ask thy forgiveness, Aegis. We cannot allow thee to enter our service." The colt was understandably saddened by this, and sunk to the floor. "W-why not? Did I do something wrong?" He asked. "Nay, tis no fault of thy own making. Our subjects are... ill prepared to recieve you. I fear it will take many seasons for them to accept thee." Luna replied evenly. "Can you ask them to visit us? We can get a feast ready again!" He hopefully offered. Luna barely hid a frown, "Nay. We do not wish to speak of this further, Aegis." "Aww... okay then." He pouted for a moment before an idea struck him. "Wait! What if you bring Princess Celestia here? Then she can convince other ponies to come!" Luna was annoyed by Aegis' persistance for a moment, before mulling over his suggestion. "Very well. We will offer sister to conduct day court in her stead." Luna was subsequently kicked out of Aegis' dream as he awoke with excitement plastered on his face. ***** "Are you sure, Luna?" Celestia asked over their next meal. "I don't think you've done Day Court before." "We art perfectly suited for the task, Tia." Luna replied, munching on a rather large carrot she had requested raw. Celestia's brow was raised at the display, but thought against pursuing the questionable meal further. "Very well, Luna. I'll visit the Thestrals." "Hushah!" Luna cheered, spraying bits of munched carrot on the table by accident. The sisters looked at the mess with a moment of joint horror before laughing it off. "Be prepared to deal with the endless requests by aristoponies for meaningless garbage, Lulu. It's a complete waste of time most days, to be honest." "Aye, we remember our own Night Court. Mostly drunkards and jesters." She grumbled. "I'm sure you'll be excellent, Luna." "We thank thee for the compliment, Tia." Luna smiled. ***** Princess Luna entered the Day Court. An expansive room of gleaming marble with many windows letting in her sister's light. The floor was decorated with a long red carpet, and dual banners of the sun and moon hung over the entryway to the court itself. The carpet lead up to a single large throne, giving Luna some pause. Wasn't there supposed to be -two- thrones? Luna shook her head. Small details like that didn't matter now, she had to remain awake and conduct court! She took a seat on the cushioned throne. She was wearing her standard regalia, not wanting to display the same level of jewelry and flair that her sister had. "Princess Ce- er... Luna, we are ready to recieve petitioners." A caller announced. "Let them enter." The ornate double doors swung open to allow a line of petitioners to progress. At the front was a very posh noblemare with her muzzle in the air, glaring with haughty contempt at the servants scurring past. Her view fell on Luna, and she looked as if she might have a heart attack. "Wh-what, who?!" She babbled, her monocle falling from her face. "Who are you?" She demanded. Luna kept her royal mask on, her face devoid of emotion as she answered in an even tone. "We art Princess Luna, Ruler of the Night. Who art thou?" The noble seemed even more flustered. "WellI want to speak with Celestia!" She cried. "I don't know you, so you're nopony!" The Solar Guards seemed to fear for this Noblemare's continued freedom, and decided to drag her from the Court. Luna heaved a sigh, calming herself and hoping for things to get better. "Now calling, Golden Delicious and Apple Smith!" Two earth ponies entered. One a bright green in coat, the other a golden yellow. Luna took no more note beyond that as the mare, Smith she assumed, began to speak. "H-hello yer highness!" She stammered. "Greetings, Apple Smith." The two ponies looked between each other nervously before addressing Luna. "Oh feathers. We're just gonna be honest wit' 'cha. We don't got no bits and we're wantin' to start us a farm." "Eeyup." Replied delicious. Luna's brow raised in interest. "Thy wish to work the fields?" "Yes'm!" Luna looked to the side in thought, before reaching a decision. "Very well. We offer thee the fields nearest the Everfree. A small town has begun to settle there, and we would ask thee to provide nourishment. You may work these lands and sell thy bounty on this condition." The two ponies stood awestruck by this, having expected to be thrown out. "Thank ya, yer excellence!" She cheered. Then a stray thought struck Luna, and she raised a hoof. "Hold a moment, Apple. We ask a question of thee." Smith halted her cheering and her mood sank to cautious suspicion. "An... What's that, yer highness?" She asked. "Does thou know our name?" Smith started sweating nervously, looking to Golden for help. "U-uhh, that's easy! Yer the Princess! Why else'd ya be on the throne?" Luna's eyes narrowed, causing the farmer to shrink in fright. "Very well. Thy leave is granted." Luna said finally with a dismissive wave of her hoof. "Thank ye, Princess!" "Eeyup!" The Apples bolted out of the room quickly after that, and the remainder of the court proceeded in similar fashion. Ponies would come in, notice Celestia wasn't there, and either try their luck with their request (not knowing who Luna was) or they would demand to see Celestia. It became even more distressing as the numbers of ponies walking in and seeing Luna, then walking out grew. Do these ponies not remember the sacrifices we gave? The deeds we have comitted for thy safety? Luna wondered. ***** The day was near its end, and Luna could dreamwalk in her sleep almost as well as awake. The only issue being ther own subconcious could interfere with the dreams of another. She lay in her bed, having fallen asleep from exhaustion in the middle of day court. Having seen this, the guards decided to close the court and carry Luna to bed. In her sleep, Luna ran over the events of the day. All the ponies pleading for useless titles or trinkets, or demanding special treatment. She turned them all away, and listened only to the genuine troubles of her subjects. She was glad to have helped the Apples, and several other ponies like the Dashes. They sought a way to control the weather on a larger scale, and set up the first weather team for a unique pegasus village in the sky named Cloudsdale. What troubled the Moon Princess however, was all the petitioners hadn't even known who she was. Not a single one. What's more, the throne held only her sister's. She clould understand such a thing, as Luna had not attended a court in so long. But her subjects forgetting her entirely? That sorrow cut deep. She had given a great deal to the ponies of Equestria. She and her sister defeated the reign of Discord, and saved an entire empire from the mad rule of King Sombra. What would cause them to forget so quickly? *Your sister!* a voice called into her mind. "Who dares trespass?!" called Luna, her voice echoing in her mind. She waited, and heard nothing further. > Chapter 2: Bump in the Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Your sister takes credit for your deeds!* the voice hissed. "Show thyself!" Luna turned around in her dream, surrounded by a void of darkness. *Your sister hides you, never mentions you, keeps you on a leash!* "'Tis a lie!" *You doubt the truth? You have no place on the throne! The ponies despise you; you are not Celestia!* "Nay, we art Luna, Princess of the Moon!" *Princess of nothing! Your subjects do not recognise you, they spurn your moon!* "Our subjects love us! Why dost thou speak such falsehoods?!" *It is the truth, Moon Princess! Seek the Hall of Heroes in your castle. You will find truth in my words!* "We challenge thee to show us, Voice!" ***** "Luna?" Celestia asked, shaking her sister awake. "Aah!" Luna yelled in shock, bolting upright from her bed. "Easy, Lulu. I'm here." Celestia cooed, wrapping her sister in a hug. Luna calmed down after a moment, nuzzling her sister. "We thank thee, sister. We became trapped in our own dreams." "What is troubling you, Luna?" Luna was about to answer, before a part of her gave pause. "Tis a silly thing, Sister. We are fine." Celestia wasn't convinced, but held her sister all the same. "You know you can always talk to me about anything, Lulu." "We know, Tia. We were simply exhausted by the Day Court. We think such matters are best left to you after all." She sighed. "I'd say you did very well for your first day. You don't know how many times I've wanted to brush off a few dozen stuck up nobles' silly ideas." "We gave land to a farming couple, and approved an experimental weather team. From that, the day was a waste." She pouted. "You got -two- whole things accomplished in a single day?" Celestia asked, causing Luna to wilt. "That's outstanding, Sister!" She squeezed Luna in a tight hug. "Truely?" Luna asked after her sister had ceased all efforts to crush her insides. "I would be happy with something once a week!" She exclaimed Luna paused for a moment, raising out of bed along with her sister. "Tia, I must ask..." She paused, "Why did thou remove our throne?" Celestia was again, caught off guard. She thought she would be able to handle any noble, but the questions that Luna was asking kept coming out of nowhere. "I had it removed. Ponies kept asking who was supposed to sit there, and I told them of you. After awhile, it took most of the court just to explain to everypony who you were and I couldn't get anything done." Luna nodded her head. "This makes sense to us." She looked to the sunset, before returning to her sister. "Do you wish to watch the moonrise?" Celestia yawned despite her best efforts, "It has been an exhausting day as well for me, Luna. I agree with you about the Thestrals, but ponies wouldn't be able to accept them so easily. You know how our ponies behave." She sighed. "This much is true. Farewell then, Tia. We shall watch over the night." "Good night, Lulu." ***** Instead of visiting the dreamscape, Luna had gone down to the Hall of Heroes. She still wished to prove the voice in her dreams to be a liar, and the only way to do that was play its game. The floor was constructed of granite, representing the difficulty of their tasks. The walls were gleaming marble, to contrast the harsh beginnings and their aspirations to a better future for Equestria as time continued. The walls themselves were decorated with murals and paintings depicting their fights against monsters, sorcerers and other evils in the dream of harmony. Or so Luna had thought. Walking down the hall, she noticed a lack of anything depicting her. All of it was dedicated to Celestia. Even the murals showed her single-hoofedly defeating villains and monsters that Luna was Certain she had saved her sister from. *I told you* "Aah!" Shrieked the moon princess, whipping around to face behind her. "Show thyself!" She hissed. *I'm here* a voice said in her ear. Luna raised a hoof to strike, and saw a large mural. Lowering her hoof, she looked upon its depiction of Celestia using the Elements of Harmony to encase Discord in stone. Luna's ears lowered, and looked to the left. Another mural, showing Celestia stopping the mad King Sombra, alone. "What is this?" Luna asked the empty air. "Why should I believe my sister would do this?!" She shouted suddenly. Nothing replied. ***** Troubled by this, Luna continued her watch through the night. She had left the Hall of Heroes, convinced that she was being deceived. As the night came to an end, a messenger trotted to Luna. "Princess Luna, a message for you." Luna levitated the scroll from the courier's mouth, as he dashed away. Dear Princess Luna We hope this letter finds you well. We've just finished cleaning up after Princess Celestia's visit, and hope you will be able to visit before the next winter comes. We especially appreciated the sights of last night, and hope to bestow our gratitude for your hard work in keeping us safe. Aegis sends his best wishes, as do we. Sincerely, Elder Moonlight The letter was short, but it brought a smile to the alicorn's face. She floated the scroll behind her ear, and trotted to her room to get some sleep. It matters not that our subjects shun the night. These thestrals enjoy our gift every night of their lives, and thank us for it. *How many ponies give Celestia 'thanks' every day?* the voice hissed. "Away with you, liar." Luna grumbled. *I say only the truth! You've seen the Hall, you've seen how the ponies despise you in court.* "Untrue, the Apples and Dashes enjoyed our decree." *Because you gave them what they wanted.* This gave Luna pause as she reached her room. She floated the scroll she had read over to her dresser, setting it down. "What do you want, voice?" *I want other ponies to appreciate you for who you are.* "And thou would claim to know us?" *I know you better than yourself, shunned sister of the moon. Bringer of darkness and nightmares.* "We do not bring nightmares!" Luna protested. *Ponies fall asleep, they have nightmares, and they run away. From you.* "Another lie! We save our subjects from their terror." *Try it when you sleep this day. You will know the truth.* Luna rolled her eyes, and decided that the voice wouldn't stop pestering her until she slept. ***** The dreamscape was different this time. More ponies were asleep than usual, and most slept during the night. In this case, it seemed that the two had bern reversed. Thousands of doors were shut, signifying a great many sleeping ponies. She noticed a door was rocking, a sure sign of a nightmare. Flying to it, she let herself inside to confront the horror of it's creation. A pegasus was flying away fom something, the dream rendering everything a thick fog. Luna followed, keeping out of sight until the monster could be found. After a while, Luna grew curious as nothing was happening. She landed in front of the pegasus, far enough away to avoid startling her out of her sleep. "Hold, Subject." Luna asked. The pegasus skidded to a halt, the floor dissapearing beneath her as her entire focus shifted to Luna. "Wh-who are you?" She asked nervously. "We are Princess Luna. Who are you?" "S-Slipstream!" She stammered. "Why dost thou flee, Slipstream?" "I was being chased!" "By what? A monster? A foul creature or beast?" Slipstream, a pure white pony save for blue eyes, rubbed her neck nervously. "Well... Actually it looked like you." She said while cringing. "What?" "Well, like you but bigger, with slit pupils and lots of pointy teeth?" Luna blinked. "You are terrified of us?" "Wh-um-w-no!" "Then why did thou flee?" Slipstream sighed. "Alright, fine. I guess honesty is a virtue and all. Yes, I was running away from you." "Why?" "Because... Well when you let the moon come out, then it isn't safe anymore! All the bad poniesand monsters come out at night." "We do not see how this is our fault." "Well, if all the monsters come out when you say so, doesn't that make you Queen Spooky?" Luna mulled the idea around a moment. "If that is what you wish to believe. I will endeavor to free you of your fear of me, Slipstream." "Um... Thanks?" ***** Luna spent the rest of the night encountering pony after pony that had been terrified of her. Most had heard of her as hearsay from those nobles that had bern at the day court. She had assumed the nobles would be upset, but to paint her as an eater of foals? She awoke to Celestia brushing her mane. A stubborn knot had requested her attention, and caused her to yelp in pain. "You're awake!" Celestia said brightly. "Sister... We art having most peculiar dreams of late." "Oh?" "Ponies are frightened of us. They see us as a monster." Luna's head rested on the bed as her mood deteriorated. "Lulu, you're not a monster. Everypony knows you!" "Tia, not a single pony knew us in day court. Nor had they heard our tales." "Well... Im sure some ponies dont research history, right?" "Tia, we art serious. We studied the Hall of Heros last eve, and noticed ourselves absent of every piece of art." "Oh, thats right!" Celestia tapped a hoof on her own forehead. "A representative from Trottingham sent those to us as a gift! I was letting them all be on display for awhile before we put ours up again." *She lies!* Luna gulped. "Sister... Are thou being thruthful to us?" Celestia looked to her younger sister, seeing the doubt and suspicion in her eyes. "Luna... Why would I lie to you?" *She gains the admiration of all ponies, and you receive scraps!* "We..." She hesitates. "We must think on this matter, Tia." Celestia is concerned, but wishes her sister well and leaves the room. ***** *She uses your accomplishments to lever her own prestige over others! She could never have saved Equestria on her own.* "Voice, We will tell you once to cease lying to us, or we will destroy you." Luna looked into a mirror, before leaping backwards in alarm. *Destroy me? I'm you!* it taunted. An ink black alicorn with a mane and tail like black starry night stood in reflection to Luna. It was adorned with midnight armor and a crecent moon on its chestplate. It stood equal to Celestia in height, and smiled with sharpened teeth. "What are you, creature?!" Luna shouted. *I am you, Luna.* it replied in a mature form of Luna's own voice. "What do you want of us?" *To see the truth!* The figure shimmered in the mirror, revealing the Hall of Heroes. *What did Tia say about the hall?* Luna growled in annoyance at the mirror calling her sister Tia. "Twas a gift from Trottingham." *And why did this giver of gifts not include the other ruler of Equestria?* Luna thought a moment. "Our sister reached an agreement with Trottingham, not us." *So you dont suspect that said giver would be concerned if he left out half the Diarchy in his gift?" Luna was silent on this. *What about those ponies in sleep? How many fled at the sight of you? Silence. *What of the day court, where nopony knew who you were?* *What of the throne room, excluding you?* *What of the nobles, spurning your very existance?* "Enough! You will not turn us against our sister!" Luna shouted, spearing the mirror with a lance of magic. > Chapter 3: Goodnight, Sister Mine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia was growing increasingly worried about her sister, but there was nothing she could do. Luna would ask her about seemingly random things in the castle, pointing out small slights against her and blowing them out of proportion. It had been a week since she had visited the Thestrals, and had gotten worse only since. Though some points that Luna brought up gave the Sun Princess pause. Why where ponies afraid of Luna? She had done them no wrong. Her sister shielded her ponies from their nightmares, cared for her ponies when they left this world and welcomed them into it. Her ponies... Oh no. Celestia lept from her seat in the day court, ignoring the protests of yet another rambling noblemare. She had to get to Luna. She had to explain that this was just a huge misunderstanding! She loved her sister, she adored every moment spent with her. To think that Luna had been distressed this entire time and she took no notice! ***** Celestia quietly stepped closer to her sister's door. She could hear crying and frustrated yelling from the other side. She opened the door quietly as she could. There lay Luna. She was sobbing uncontrollably on the floor, her mirror a smouldering wreck of glass with a scorch mark behind it. "Lulu?" Celestia hesitantly called. "Do not speak to us!" Luna yelled, tears streaming from her face as she whirled around to face Celestia. "Luna! What's wrong?" "Thou knowest in full what is wrong!" "Wh-what do you mean?" "Thou playest the fool! Admit to your deeds!" "Luna, I don't know what you mean!" "Liar!" She screamed, slamming the door in Celestia's face with the purple aura of her magic. Celestia was stunned, and searching her mind for some way to fix this. Her thoughts were interrupted by a haunting scream from her sisters room. I... I did this. So many tiny things, needling her and tearing at her... With shaking steps, Celestia walked away from her sisters room. She wandered through the castle to the Hall of Heroes, placing a hoof on one of the murals. How did I not see this... How did I not know this would hurt my Luna? Her thoughts were interrupted by a shadow creeping over her hoof. She looked above her and saw that the sun was eclipsed. Luna, what are you doing?! Celestia broke into a gallop to Luna's room, and burst down the door. Luna was gone. There was a scorch mark on the floor and the window was open. Looking through, she saw her sister madly laughing with the eclipse behind her. Celestia leapt out of the window and took flight to confront her Sister. ***** *Now our subjects will enjoy our night! They will love us!* "Yes Luna, Our night will last forever!" The posessed Luna cackled, her mind taken over by her darker self. "Luna!" Luna turned, flapping her wings to see Celestia nearing her. "You are too late, sister!" "Stop this!" "We have been spurned too long, Tia! No more will ponies fear our night! No longer will they be forced to grovel at your hooves!" "Luna, what are you saying? Listen to yourself!" "I am not Luna! From now on, I will be known as Nightmare Moon!" She cackled ***** No... Was this some corruption from Sombra? From Discord? What could have caused this to happen to my sister?! "Luna, I know you're in there! Listen to me!" "Silence, foal!" Nightmare Moon yelled, sending a blast of bright purple magic past Celestia. Celestia surrounded herself with a glowing yellow shield. "Luna! Please!" "I'll not stay in your shadow, sister!" The Nightmare replied with a rictus grin. "Now die!" *Wait, No! Do not harm our sister!* The beam of energy glanced off of Celestia's shield, and she tried to tackle Nightmare Moon. The Nightmare responded with a shield of her own, and the two tried to shatter the other's with repeated clashes and blasts of magic. Celestia was holding back, not wanting to injure her sister. Nightmare Moon gave no quarter. A large beam of sizzling energy shot past Celestia, desintigrating her shield and forcing her to dodge out of the way. Up and over her sister's beam, diving down to the valley and away from more volleys of hatred. She swooped upwards, suprising Nightmare and directing a blast into her. It did little more than stun her, as Luna was always the leader of their armies, and she chose to lead from the front. Smoke cleared from the blast, and the sisters directed their magic right into the other, causing a sphere of unstable magic between them. A shockwave buffeted them both as the power of the dueling goddesses clashed, Celestia fighting tears of sorrow for fighting her beloved sister, and Nightmare Moon screaming in rage for the perceived wrongs done to her. Eventually the orb shifted towards Celestia, her magic giving out compared to the hatred and raw power of her sister. The feedback that finally struck her sent her flying into the castle, a cloud of smoke trailing behind her as she crashed through the stone walls into the chamber of the Elements of Harmony. The end of the Hall of Heroes. Celestia struck the platform holding the Elements, and saw in her daze the element of magic falling next to her, chipping on the floor and spinning to a stop. Has it come to this? The Elements against my own Sister? A shadow interrupted her thoughts, as Nightmare Moon crashed through a mural heading straight for Celestia. In a desperate move, Celestia gripped the Elements in her magic and cast with all of her will. Please give me another chance. A sphere of prismatic light condensed on the Princess of the Sun, and as this orb passed Nightmare Moon she saw the crying face of her sister, begging her to stop. The Elements pulsed, repelling Nightmare Moon back through the window, flung towards the moon. Celestia saw her sister vanish into nothing, and looked to the moon. With a flash, she saw the sillouette of her sister, trapped. No... Not like this! Please, Luna! No! No, no, no! Tears flowed like a river from the elder sister's face as the Solar Guard poured into the chambers, and Celestia was overcome with grief. The guards shook her, asking something. Celestia couldn't hear them. She didn't care. She had just banished her own sister. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** 999 years, 11 months and 29 days later **** Celestia stood for the last time outside of Canterlot, looking to the sky and her sister's moon. No matter how many nights she had to raise and lower it herself, she would never claim ownership of it. Her sister was coming back today, after all. But there was one last thing she had to do before her sister returned. Sing her a Lullaby. ***** Fate has been cruel and order unkind How can I have sent you away? The blame was my own; the punishment, yours The harmony's silent today But into the stillness I'll bring you a song And I will your company keep Till your tired eyes and my lullabies Have carried you softly to sleep Once did a pony who shone like the sun Look out on her kingdom and sigh She smiled and said, "Surely, there is no pony So lovely and so well beloved as I" So great was her reign and so brilliant her glory That long was the shadow she cast Which fell dark upon the young sister she loved And grew only darker as days and nights passed Soon did that pony take notice that others Did not give her sister her due And neither had she loved her as she deserved She watched as her sister's unhappiness grew But such is the way of the limelight, it sweetly Takes hold of the mind of its host And that foolish pony did nothing to stop The destruction of one who had needed her most Lullay moon princess, goodnight sister mine And rest now in moonlight's embrace Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth Through cloud, and through sky, and through space Carry the peace and the coolness of night And carry my sorrow in kind Luna, you're loved so much more than you know May troubles be far from your mind And forgive me for being so blind The years now before us Fearful and unknown I never imagined I'd face them on my own May these thousand winters Swiftly pass, I pray I love you; I miss you All these miles away May all your dreams be sweet tonight Safe upon your bed of moonlight And know not of sadness, pain, or care And when I dream, I'll fly away and meet you there Sleep... Sleep... Sleep... ***** "A thousand Winters, sister. A thousand summers without your light, so much brighter than my own." Celestia looked up to the moon that held her sister, four stars like points of a compass steadily approaching it. "Tonight, I hope to see you shine again, Luna." The stars struck the moon, and Luna's sillouette vanished. "I will make certain that you are loved, Sister."