> Two Friends Get Drunk And Have Sex > by ForgottenDreams > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > One Too Many > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Ssso there I am just sitting there absolutely covered in spagetti, and with...without missing a beat I's say. I guess dinner is on me! Bwaaaa ha, ha, ha," Trixie laughs as she falls back. Her face completely red from being intoxicated. The bottle in her hoof was her fourth bottle of Berry Punch's Royal Merlot Reserve. An extravagant name by any means, but worth every bit, and alcohol. "Pffffft Hahaha that is funny too way," Starlight snorts as she sloshes her own bottle it was only her second, but she was already more buzzed than Trixie. The girls try to clank their bottles together, but completely miss each other; falling to their sides they laugh at their clumsiness. They had spent most of the day with Twilight, and friends, but had decided to go back to Trixie's for some alone time. Almost immediately getting inside Trixie had started drinking to which Starlight happily chimed in. They reminisce over their past adventures, lovers, and other embarrassing moments within their hard lives. "Hey, hey Trixie come here I's got a secret to tell you," (hiccup) Starlight whispers as she tries to get to an upright position. Failing miserably she falls back down onto her back. Trixie crawls on top of Starlight giggling as she feels the mare's soft flesh under her. Once she gets up to eye level Trixie hiccups before leaning in close to Starlight's face. " I've got a crush on you ahahaha," "You're drunk," "And your ssssexy," Starlight tries to flutter her eyes sexily, but in her drunken state she looks like she just got knocked out. " Listen youvvvv'e had a little too much wine," "No I haven't" *hiccup* " If anything I think I need more. Hey, Hey! I've got this idea! Can I try it? I pr...omise you'll like it," Before Trixie could respond Starlight takes a swig of her wine bottle then kisses Trixie sharing the drink between them. Trixie's eyes go wide as she feels her friend's soft lips on hers. The intoxicating flavor of wine, and Starlight's spit makes Trixie's already fuzzy head go overboard. She wraps her hooves around Starlight's neck. Their tongues passionately play with each other as wine pours out around their lips. Soft moans escape their lips as they enjoy the other's flavor. As they enjoy tasting the one another Trixie forces herself to break the kiss. Panting heavily Trixie looks down at her one, and only friend. A strange new feeling was stirring deep within her, and she was too drunk to notice. "Hey why'd ya stop!?" Starlight looks up at Trixie. "Because we're frrriends Lightstar not lov...ers. Its not...right to do thiss drunk," "Starlight," "What?" "My name you called me Lightstar," "Pffffft hahaha," they both laugh hard as they make fun of just how drunk they were. " Hey! What are you doing there miss grabby hooves," "Huh?" Trixie looks down at her hooves which were groping Starlight's boobs at this very moment. Trixie gives them a soft squeeze before removing her hooves. "Ssssorry I think I've had a little too much wine too," *Hiccup* "Don't be! That felt soooo good hey let me see how yours feel," with that Starlight grabs hold of Trixie's boobs. Giving them a soft squeeze she giggles at their firmness. "Oooooooooooo," Trixie tilts her head back as Starlight continues to fondle her boobs. Electricity was shooting throughout her body making her hungry for more. Trixie shifts her body sliding herself down Starlight's body. They giggle as their boobs grind against each other. Trixie continues to slide down until she was at Starlight's crotch. Taking a hoof she moves her tail to the side revealing her pussy. Trixie's eyes glisten as she stares at her friend's pussy. She leans in taking an inhale of her scent, and with a slow exhale she blows hot air on her flower. Starlight's body spasms from the sensation. "Your pussy is just...wow. I wonder how you taste?" Trixie sticks her tongue, and runs it along her slit. The tastes is fantastic! Like a filly in a candy store Trixie looses all inhibitions. She sticks her tongue in deeper, lapping at Starlight's juices. Starlight's breathing becomes heavy as Trixie sticks her muzzle deep into her, enticing her most sensitive spots. Trixie's horn begins to glow as her aura wraps around Starlight's clit, a surge of magical electricity pulsates through it. "TRIXIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Starlight screams as her friend continues to use her magic to stimulate her clitoris Juices are now overflowing from her pussy coating Trixie's face. Starlight's horn erupts with magic as her body is overwhelmed by the stimulus. Her magic cascades down her body, and enwraps the two mares in its warm embrace. They both moan as Starlight's magic fills them with warmth. A faint tickling sensation glides over their skin as the magic charges their bodies. It enhances all of their senses to the extreme. Starlight pulls her hips away from Trixie's muzzle which causes the mare to moan out her displeasure. Starlight than pulls her up to eye level, and with a gentle hoof she brings her into a passionate kiss. Fireworks go off in their heads as their tongues twist, twirl, and dance with each other. Their bodies grind against one another as waves of ecstasy course through their bodies. The aura of magic shines brightly around them as it burns with vibrant hues of: reds, greens, yellows, and blues. A myriad of colors reflect off of the juices freely falling from their flowers. It moves as if it has a mind of its own as it moves in accordance to their emotions. A sudden jolt of electricity snaps the mares to attention as Starlight's magic grows ever stronger around them. The mares are pressed against each other as the aura of magic begins to violently intensify. It writhes as it starts to take shape. Several colorful tendrils begin to form. They slither in the air like dancing snakes. They wrap themselves around the mares legs spreading them nice, and wide. Two tendrils twice as thick as a stallion hood crawl towards the presented pussies. The mares coo as they are penetrated by the magic. An intense heat radiates within their walls as the magical tendrils make their walls unbearably sensitive. As the tendrils begin to pump into the mares more wrap around them. From their boobs, to their mouths, to their horns, even their assholes the tendrils care, and caress the mares in all of their deepest darkest desires. They moan as Starlight's magic pistons them. Faster, and faster it goes as it isn't bound by the laws of mass. Trixie, and Starlight cum again, and again they are continuously rutted by the rainbow colored magic. They soon pass out either from the alcohol, or from the sex it is a mystery. Starlight Glimmer wakes up to the annoying sounds of children playing outside. The ferocious pounding in her head tells her all she needs to know. She tries to get up, but a warm body has her in a tight grip especially around her boobs. The sounds of soft snores beat against her ears. Though it is extremely painful to concentrate Starlight focuses her magic into her horn gently lifting the hooves wrapped around her. with her body now free she tries to get up, but her body feels as if it was made of lead. Groaning she turns over expecting to see some random stallion laying next to her. However what she sees makes her cringe. Her best friend was laying next to her with a faint smile on her face. Starlight's face expresses one of true horror as she is transfixed at the sight of Trixie covered in cum, but not just any pony's cum, but her cum. The night of passion they had shared floods back to her causing her heart to sink. "Starlight you oaf what have you done!?" Trixie begins to stir leaving Starlight frozen in place. Trixie slowly opens her eyes she smiles as she sees her friend. "Good morning Star. Did you sleep well?" "I um...well I hehe," "I'll take that as a yes," "Hey um Trixie what exactly do you remember from last night?" "Last night? Not much I remember us going back to my place for drinks than something about a colorful stallion rutting me. I think you were there too. Why? Did something else happen last night?" "Um I'm not sure I remember the drinking, and the stallion, but anything special? Can't say for sure, but um. Maybe?" "Maybe huh? Well that's a shame. Looks like neither of us can really remember. Oh well...hey are you up for another drinking party? Maybe we will meet that stallion again," Trixie winks at Starlight. If she was toying with her, or being serious Starlight couldn't tell, but what she does know is that this could work. Maybe she could tell her best friend how she really feels about her without the aid of alcohol. One day perhaps. "Haha Yeah sounds good," Starlight smiles at Trixie. "Great! How about tonight?" The End