> Charlotte's New Pet > by Gold4tune > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Two Sluts Are Better Than One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Chaarrrlotte~"   With the tired groaning and creaking of old wood, the large oaken front door of Charlotte’s homely Ponyville cottage swung inwards. A pair of shining, brown eyes peeked around the frame. "Charlotte~?” The door opened the rest of the way, spilling sunlight across the small, tiled corridor leading into the house proper, and revealing a tangled pile-up of various umbrellas, work boots and alchemy reagents strewn across the entryway. Sweet Cheeks pouted slightly, thrusting out his bottom lip. This mare! She could hardly be trusted with keeping her own balls drained, let alone clean up her belongings! On slender brown hooves, the girly stallion minced his way through the strewn-about items, carefully clopping this way and that to avoid the mess. He paused to call her name a third time, wondering just where his overly hung mistress could possibly have gotten to. Had she forgotten the instructions she gave him?  The effeminate stallion was wearing his most positively special get-up: pink latex thigh-highs, evening gloves, and onesie. He didn't wear this one for just any occasion! Charlotte could never resist pumping him extra full when he did, and his slim body could only take so much! But tonight was a special occasion, and dressing up was mandatory! Every piece of the cute sissy’s ensemble was complete droolworthy in its own right, but the real treat to tease Charlotte was the collar, proudly emblazoned with a symbol of ownership in the form of Charlotte’s Cutie Mark. The thick circlet fully engulfed Sweet Cheek’s slender swan’s neck, and the slim boy wore it with gusto!         Charlotte herself was standing in the center of the living room, arms crossed below her abundant chest in a clear stance of disapproval. The mare seemed to know just how scrumptious this made her bountiful cleavage look - leave it to her to look good while pouting! She was clad in her usual fishnet stockings, the thin bits of fabric straining to hold in her meaty thighs. It was a wonder they managed to survive as long as they had without bursting apart at the seams. Her thin, low-cut t-shirt hugged her plump form like a second skin, showing off her well-rounded figure. A half-hard, three foot long shaft was sticking out obscenely in front of her, already drooling a river of pre onto the floor. Her absolutely gargantuan balls were hanging almost down to her knees. The skin of her sack was stretched taught over the swollen, watermelon sized orbs, signifying that they hadn't been properly drained in far too long. Heaven forbid, it might have been as long as two whole hours! “Ohhhh, look who finally decided to show~” Charlotte laughed, the upper corner of her mouth curling into a sly smirk. She obviously had some severe punishments planned for a boy who’d kept her waiting for so long. “In the hour you’ve kept me waiting, I think these just about doubled in size!”" Standing in a pony-approximation of pigeon-toed, Charlotte folded her hands behind her back and leant forwards until she was eye-level with the prissy cutie. “Well, I hope you have room for gooey, hot ropes of ‘seconds’. Thirds, fourths, and fifths, too!” Sweet Cheeks felt his heart flutter. He smiled, making an effort to not look quite as nervous as he felt. After all, he knew just how enthusiastic Charlotte’s ‘punishments’ could get if he didn't obey her instructions to the letter - like a good cockpet should. Keeping his eyes fixated Charlotte's boy-breaking endowment, Sweet Cheeks dropped to his knees, shuffling forwards until he was only a few inches away from Charlotte's sack. He moaned as her potent, familiar musk settled over him like a thick fog, a full body shudder coursing through him. "I-I'm sorry," he whimpered as he planted a kiss on one of Charlotte's balls. He might have been tardy at times, to her displeasure, but his thick, full lips knew just how to defuse such a volatile situation. He reached up a hand and wrapped it around her other orb, massaging the swollen cum-factory as he started to lap at the other. "I hope you have a good reason for being late!" Charlotte responded tightly, but nonetheless she was already shifting to give her pet easier access to her crotch. With a little groan of pent-up tension, she spread apart her tree-trunk thick thighs, granting Sweet Cheeks just enough room to cosy up to her sack while her fat mare cock drooped over his slim back. Sweet Cheeks nodded eagerly, looking up at Charlotte past her swelling rod. "I do!" he said around a mouthful of musky ball. "I’ll go and fetch him right now! "         “Him?” Charlotte cocked an eyebrow, letting out a thoughtful hum. "Sweet Cheeks, have you brought me another pet?" She was unable to keep a small amount of surprise out of her voice. While her… proclivity... to pump bellies, wombs, and butts full was rather well known, surprisingly few could stomach enough to return for regular fillings. Especially one as well trained as Sweet Cheeks was.         "Mhm!" Sweet Cheeks replied, giving Charlotte's ball another worshipful lick. "I met him earlier today, and when I mentioned we, ah, knew each other, he jumped at the opportunity to meet you!"         Charlotte chuckled, stroking her chin in faux-thought. "So that’s what you’re up to, mm? You think two cuties like you are enough to handle me?" She motioned towards the door. "But if he's just as big a boyslut as you are, I suppose he's welcome to an audition," Charlotte waggled a finger in front of Sweet Cheeks flushed face. "But don't think you'll get off easy, mister! I have more than enough to make sure neither of you are going to walk home tonight!"         Gulping, Sweet Cheeks stood up. He shook his head and took a few wobbly steps, still half-dazed after inhaling such a thorough dose of intoxicating musk. When the pretty boy hopped back outside to go on his way, it was with a suitably naughty wiggle of those plump hips of his, and a raising of the tail she wouldn’t forget any time soon. He heard Charlotte groan in the back of her throat when he swatted it down on his naked rear, the the crotch of his latex one piece all but disappearing between his plush cheeks. It was risky to tease Charlotte too much in her current state - especially if he wanted to be able to walk later on this week - but more than worth it to hear that perverted mare behind him snorting and slavering like a horny old stallion at a strip club~         Charlotte shifted her weight from side to side, grumbling as she waited for her pet to return. Sweet Cheek's saliva was cooling on her balls, and if he didn't get them warmed up again soon, she would have to give him a thorough spanking!         "Come on," Charlotte heard Sweet Cheeks say, swiftly followed by the sound of two ponies trotting through her front door. "Remember, just like we rehearsed!" Sweet Cheeks added, his voice coming from just around the corner.         Charlotte bit back an excited gasp as she caught sight of the pony Sweet Cheeks was leading by a leather leash, a spare she had given him in case she ever lost his first one. At first glance, one could easily mistake the cutie for a mare, but the telltate signs were there if you knew what to do look for. And Charlotte had pounded more thick-hipped sissybois than most fillies had had hot dinners! His coat was yellow-gold, and his mane a striking brown-red.         He barely scraped the five foot mark, but something about the way he sauntered in behind Sweet Cheeks suggested to Charlotte he had the confidence to make up for it. With his slender neck, slim shoulders, and soft belly, he probably got mistaken for a filly more often than not! Thick thighs, and an ass so fat it was visible from the front - only accentuated by an impressive pair of birthing hips - completed the illusion. Charlotte chuckled deviously, it wouldn't be too long before she was using those hips as handholds.         He was clad in an outfit similar to to Sweet Cheeks, only replacing the latex for leather, and obviously he had worn it before. The chest piece was replaced with a bikini top and "barely there" thong, but the evening gloves and stockings remained the same. The shameless sissyboi's cock was almost out of place on his slim body, over a foot and a half of thick horsecock hanging down to his knees. His fat testes were impressive at the size of grapefruits, but definitely didn't hold a candle to Charlotte's own.. Nonetheless, he had a confident smile on his face, showing that he enjoyed the way he was being paraded around.         The pair of femboys stopped a few steps in front of her. In a smooth motion, the newcomer dropped into a well-executed curtsy . "Nice to meet you, Charlotte," the effeminate stallion said. "My name is Keyan. Sweet Cheeks mentioned how tough of a job it was to keep you properly drained by himself. I hope I can be of good service."         Charlotte let out a thoughtful hum as she exaggeratedly inspected her new charge. "You two must have enjoyed dressing each other up. I bet you two acted like little fillies at a sleepover!" Charlotte cooed, excitement thick in her voice as she stared at the two boys.   Even Keyan’s exaggerated overconfidence quavered a little bit when Charlotte suddenly went from a hands-free inspection to thrusting her chest against him, looping her grip around his narrow waist and drawing him into her embrace. "I'm impressed, Sweet Cheeks," Charlotte said as she ran her hands around Keyan's delicate chest , exploring it for the first time. "You've not only brought me someone who's as big a slut as you are, but he's just as cute too!" She possessively grabbed a handful of Keyan's plump booty, snaking a hand around to softly tease his leather-covered nipples. Just the thought of these two boysluts strutting down the street together, not a care in the world for the free show they were providing, made her shaft swell even harder.         Keyan shuddered and moaned, his cock rapidly hardening under Charlotte's ministrations. The femmy equine pressed his ass whorishly into the mare's hand, his plump, squishy rear overflowing it easily. "I - I aim to please~" It was meant to sound like a coy purr, but came out as a needy moan.         Charlotte chuckled knowingly. "What an adorable little cumdumpster you are! Sweet Cheeks really outdid himself...” “But you know... It’s one thing to be a cute, lippy little boyslut, but once I get my hands on you, heehee~ You’re acting all confident and cute, now, but that might only last riiight up until the contents of these bloat that,” she said, punctuating the statement by shaking her nuts out... and jabbing the sissy in his belly. “Lots of boys seem like perfect little cocksleeves up until their bellies really begin to creak and slosh, heehee~ Then suddenly it’s all “Oh, Miss Charlotte, I can’t possibly take another drop!” or “Oh, Miss Charlotte, my body weight is 90% semen~!” She winked at a blushing Sweet Cheeks, the stallion's own shaft hardening as he watched Keyan get shamelessly groped.                 Still smiling, Charlotte released her newest boytoy, pushing him in Sweet Cheeks' direction. The two femboys caught each other in their arms, looking positively adorable with their cocks trapped between their slim bellies. The feminine pair grinded their cocks together, making a mess of their perfectly groomed coats as they stared at Charlotte's member with the hunger of a mare in heat. Charlotte snapped a mental photograph, filing that mewling tangle of limbs away for later consideration. It wasn't everyday she got a new pet.                  "Come then, Keyan, Sweet Cheeks," Charlotte strutted over to an armchair. She plopped her plush rear onto the soft cushions, spreading her legs wide to show off her growing shaft and overfull balls. "I need to be drained."         Giving each other matching smirks, Keyan and Sweet Cheeks held themselves together for a few moments. It was totally natural for such cute boys to want to snuggle up, and they savoured the feel of the other's femmy body pressed against their own. But, Charlotte's cock had to be worshipped, and her balls drained. As much as these cuties wanted to play with each other, there was a much bigger job at hand! "I got the left?" Sweet Cheeks said, pressing his cheek against Keyan's. "And I have the right," Keyan replied, taking the opportunity to quickly grope Sweet Cheeks' ass. The pair sauntered over to Charlotte, their impressive hips swaying pendulously side to side. They moved like a pair of musk-drunk hussies - probably because they were - breathing laughter into each other’s necks, preening themselves like peacocks and, most alluringly, running fingertips up each other’s spines and down their rail-thin bellies. Charlotte smiled wide as the bootylicious pair knelt down in between her legs, their outfits creaking with the effort of containing the sheer amount of rump-flesh the pair had. Immediately, they plastered their mouths against their ball of choice, both dick-huffing ball-suckers soaking her nuts in saliva, slurping up every last inch of Charlotte’s nuts they could.         Keyan's eyes rolled back in his head as he got his first taste of Charlotte's musk. It was thick, powerful, and heady, ladylike, but with a very familiar underlying aroma of pure stud. And it was delicious. Keyan moaned as he ran his tongue over Charlotte's swollen orb, coating his mouth and throat with the thick taste. He brought his hands up, massaging the heavy orb, able to feel the sheer amount of seed they contained within.         Sweet Cheeks was just as busy burying his face in those warm, sloshing cum-tanks, but he still had time to spare a smile for Keyan's eagerness. He remembered his first time he’d slavered over Charlotte's meaty orbs, and how he had been affected in much the same way. What sissy wouldn’t end up like that after a few whiffs of a real, infinitely more virile dick?         "Such good boytoys," Charlotte cooed from above, running her hands through their manes as she pressed them deeper into her crotch. She hardly needed to: that warm, yet authoritative, tone to her voice covered both boys like a blanket, and soon had them mewling into her face-sized nuts with renewed vigor. It had been too long since she had two pets servicing her at the same time! "Get a good whiff, Keyan. Cause you're going to be spending a lot of time down there," she chuckled, squirming on her seat to get more comfortable. The pair of pets eagerly kept up their work, quickly covering her cum-factories in drool . But that wasn't the only thing they had to worship.         Charlotte's titanic rod slowly rose to full hardness above Keyan's and Sweet Cheeks' pretty little heads, throbbing and pulsing ominously as it drooled thick pre all over their manes and down their backs. Without needing to be told, both pets splayed the gloved fingers of their outermost hands along Charlotte’s thick thighs and then raised the other high over their heads, reaching for that throbbing shaft.  Their fingers closed around Charlotte’s colossal spunk-shooter, and the pair began to stroke her in tandem, staring up at Charlotte all the while. The pair shuddered under the shadow of  the three foot long shaft hanging intimidatingly above them. They stroked it tirelessly, fingers gliding faster and faster, , the fountain of pre coursing from its tip providing more than enough lube for their efforts. Charlotte's steady heartbeat was easily felt through her thick shaft, the veins along her cock throbbing angrily with each beat.         "Watch," Sweet Cheeks said as he shuffled backwards, bringing Charlotte's colossal flare to his mouth.         Keyan, still with his mouth stretched out around Charlotte’s colossal nut, looked on in awe as Sweet Cheeks managed to wrap his puffy lips around that impossibly thick shaft, his eye rolling back in his head as he swallowed mouthful after mouthful of salty pre. What looked like eggs travelled down his throat with each gulp, the boytoy's hands milking Charlotte for even more.         Slowly, Sweet Cheeks started to work his way downwards, swallowing inch after inch of throbbing cockmeat down his throat. His cheeks bulged outwards from its sheer girth, but he managed somehow to keep a steady pace. The entrance to his throat proved no barrier, and soon enough an obscene bulge appeared on the slut's neck. Giving Keyan a wink, he thrust himself forward, sliding  the first six inches into his throat in a single motion.         "Take a lesson, Keyan," Charlotte purred, running a surprisingly gentle hand through Sweet Cheek's mane. "Honeybuns here managed to take my cock to the root on his first night. Think you can do the same? "         Keyan groaned in response, his own shaft throbbing sympathetically under him for Sweet’s plight. His busy mouth working on keeping that sloshing semen-orb against his face pleasured, coaxing it into even higher production of even more steamy goo!         By now, Sweet Cheeks had reached Charlotte's girthy medial ring, and with a teasing wink to Keyan, he inhaled that too. Down and down he went until his muzzle was pressed against Charlotte's crotch. Giving Keyan another teasing look, his tongue extended along the underside of Charlotte’s pole. He should have barely been able to move it with all that pressure weighing down on it, but he seemed to have no trouble energetically wicking it back and forth against Charlotte’s sweaty, sloppy nutsack. Sweet Cheeks held himself there for several seconds, until his lungs burned. With a loud gasp, he pulled off of Charlotte's cock, sucking in huge lungfuls of air.         "That's a good pet," Charlotte cooed, scratching Sweet Cheeks' ear and under his chin. She gave Keyan a sidelong glance, "Your turn, sweetie," she said to Keyan, nodding towards her shaft. Gulping, Keyan reluctantly pulled off of Charlotte's musky ball, shuffling over until he was kneeling next to Sweet Cheeks, their sides pressing together. "Come on," he said, giving Keyan a reassuring grin. Blushing, Keyan sat in front of Charlotte's flare, the leaking tip drooling almost as much as the pouty mouth inches away. He leaned forward and gave the tip a few kisses, moaning as the near-addictive taste of Charlotte's pre coated his mouth. "That's a good boy," Charlotte cooed, her overfull balls throbbing at her pet's ministrations. Moaning, groaning, and gasping, Keyan somehow managed to wrap his lips around Charlotte's shaft. His eyes shot wide open as a waterfall of pre started to course down his throat. It was thick and salty, and covered his mouth and throat in a viscous layer of lubrication. Taking in a deep breath through his nostrils, Keyan tried to force himself down deeper, but he simply wasn't able to move more than an inch. Grunting, he tried again, and again, but he couldn't stuff any more of Charlotte's cock down his throat. "Here, let me help," Sweet Cheeks said as he placed a hand on the back of Keyan's head.         Keyan tried to mumble something, but it was hard to follow when any attempt at coherence was lost from the massive cock stuffed in his mouth. But the grateful look in his eyes told Sweet Cheeks all he needed to know.         "Alright, on three," Sweet Cheeks continued.         Keyan nodded his head. He shuffled on his knees and took a deep breath, readying himself for what was sure to be the accomplishment of a lifetime. "One… two… three!" Muscles flexing, accompanying Keyan's own efforts, Sweet Cheeks pushed his new co-pet downwards, burying over a foot of Charlotte's cock in Keyan's throat in one go. "Oooh! Just look at that slut! Milking me so well!" Charlotte exclaimed. She moved her hands to join Sweet Cheeks’, wrapping them around Keyan's head in a commanding grip and deftly pulling him down the final distance to fully hilt her cock down his spasming throat.  Keyan's eyes rolled back in his head. A full three feet of cock was buried down his throat, and he loved every last inch of it. He gurgled around the boy-breaking shaft, tears streaming from his eyes as every spare inch of space his body had was filled by thick, throbbing dickmeat. He could feel a reservoir of pre filling his gut, spreading tendrils of warmth through his entire body. He didn't resist as the pair pulled him backwards, dragging inch after inch of saliva covered dick out of him. When only the flare was left lodged inside him, Charlotte yanked Keyan back down, lifting her hips up to meet him halfway. Her swollen balls thumped against his chin and chest, Charlotte letting out an appreciative sound as Keyan tongued her balls. Keyan had no idea how long Charlotte used him. Treating him like little more than a fleshlight, ruthlessly fucking his throat over and over again. His arms fell limp by his side, the freshly broken-in pet far too preoccupied by the sensations rampaging through his musk-softened mind. He didn't know when or how it happened, but soon enough Keyan's cock was spurting its load all over Charlotte's floor. Keyan moaned around Charlotte's shaft, unable to do anything else but enjoy the brutal treatment. As he watched his comparatively weak, vastly smaller member gushing out its ‘cute’ load, Keyan’s eyes rolled back in his head. The corners of his mouth turned up in a braindead smile. The little slut was finally getting exactly what he deserved, and his inner Size Queen was paralyzed with happiness as he adoringly worshipped the biggest, heaviest and by far muskiest cock he had ever seen, ever played with. Keyan’s knees trembled and drool flowed freely from his mouth. Then it got bigger.         Suddenly, Charlotte's cock swelled even thicker, bulging Keyan's throat out obscenely as the mare let out a single, long groan. Some broken part of Keyan's mind realized what was happening, and he could do nothing but look forward to it.         The first rope of Charlotte's cum blasted out of her shaft with the force of a firehose, firing gallon upon gallon of seed directly into Keyan's belly. It lasted for what seemed like hours , his consciousness coming and going as the second rope of cum immediately followed on from the heels of the first. Very rapidly, Keyan's belly began to swell from the sheer amount of baby-batter being pumped into it, rounding outwards until he looked like a thoroughly pregnant mare. Charlotte cooed dirty things to Keyan as she held him hilted on her ejaculating shaft, running her hand possessively through his mane, clamping down on his head         Keyan lost track of how many ropes Charlotte emptied into him. He couldn’t even begin to imagine how Sweet Cheeks handled this hyper-studly, bottomless-blasting alpha bitch all by himself! Some time later, Charlotte's orgasm hardly slowing, she pulled Keyan off her shaft. The cum-drunk boyslut dropped limply to the floor, large, swollen belly jiggling and wobbling.         Immediately, Sweet Cheeks planted his mouth over Charlotte's tip, eagerly suckling at the second half of her monstrous orgasm. Keyan could only watch in a daze as Sweet Cheeks belly bloated like his, a permanent smile on Charlotte's gorgeous face. Eventually, he fell back next to Keyan, a dopey grin on his face as he rubbed his swollen belly.         Standing up, Charlotte looked down with no small amount of pride at her personal ball drainers. They moaned as they rubbed each other's bellies, eyes locked on Charlotte's still drooling shaft. "Good job, boys," she purred. "Looks like you both enjoyed your appetizers. Hope you’re ready for the main course."