A Little Time Travel

by TipTopEquestrians

First published

It was a average day in Ponyville, Celestia sun was shining. And 6 mares were out on a picnic, until one of twilight's spells went wrong.

It was a average day in Ponyville, Celestias sun was shining. And 6 mares were out on a picnic, until one of twilight's spells went wrong. They get sent to a different time. Will they be able to get to there right time, or will they be stuck in the future forever?

A spell gone wrong

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"Rainbow dash would you please!" Rarity scoffed grabbing Rainbow out of the air. "Be polite and sit like a lady!" she scolded. Rainbow rolled her eyes, scoffing, sitting far away from the pristine unicorn as possible.

"Hi girls! I'm so happy you could make it!" Twilight yelled excitingly waving her hoof at her friends trotting towards her. She invited her friends to have a picnic, but she also had something else she needed to do and she needed the help of her friends.

Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie trotted up to her smiling and waving back. Rarity and Rainbow Dash made it before them; and had already taken a seat.

"Howdy Twilight I heard y'all wanted to have a nice picnic with us," Applejack smiled, taking a seat next to her friend.

"Yeah twilight! I heard you wanted to have one with us! And it's a good thing I brought my party cannon!" Pinkie yelled pulling out her party cannon and with a big BANG spraying confetti everywhere.

"Yes darling but i have a question what are we doing here?" questioned Rarity looking at the dark forest in front of them.

"Yeah Twi, I mean I understand you wanted to have a nice quiet picnic. But why did it have to be this close to the Everfree Forest?" Rainbow Dash asked confusingly, getting up and grabbing a apple from the picnic basket; walking back to her spot. Slumping down, taking a large bite of the apple and humming in satisfaction.

"Well....I did want to have a picnic, but I also have a new spell I'm working on. And I don't want to be close to town incase something goes wrong," she explained setting down the picnic blanket along with the sandwiches and drinks.

Twilight Sparkle had been working on teleporting more objects than one, she always has a hard time with it. She either ends up with a splitting headache or feeling light headed and nauseous, but she has been practicing with smaller objects and she now thinks it's time to move onto ponies. She thought who better than her friends to try it out? So she asked them, she new that they wouldn't mind helping her with this!

"OK girls! Ive been practicing this spell for a while now, and i only used it on smaller objects. So when i got the hang of that i decided that it was time to move to larger objects! Let's get started, I'm going to try and teleport us over to that she tree over there," Twilight began, pointing a hoof to a large oak tree in the middle of the field.

Everypony looked at her getting ready and nodding to let her know she could start. She than lit up her horn, focusing all her magic into it making it glow even brighter. She gritted her teeth from the strain and focused more on her friends. Her friends than started to glow a light violet purple as she consecrated, all of them glowing as bright as the sun. Then a huge flash of light burst, lighting up the whole field


"Ugh what happened?" Rainbow groaned looking around at everypony, she than noticed that they were in the same place before. That means twilights spell didn't work, but why did she just feel like she wacked her head a million times off a table?

"Girls! Is everypony ok," Twilight exclaimed weakly, worry apperant in her voice.

"Were all fine darling....i think......," Rarity reassured putting a hoof to her head.

Twilight looked around her surroundings and noticed that they were at the same place they started at. She looked down sadly, she failed and never even got them to move and inch.

"Twilight... you ok sugarcube?" Applejack questioned worry edging her voice. Twilight looked up and smiled,

"Yes I'm ok girls, thank you for worrying about me. It shows that you really care, and it feels nice to have friends like you," she confessed going in for a group hug.

"Well thats what friends are for!" Fluttershy said hugging Twilight. All six Elements then let go and looked around,

"Well that failed... but we can eat now!" Rainbow squealed her belly rumbling in the prosess.

"She's right girls, the spell didn't work... I guess we can just enjoy our nice picnic now," Twilight sighed but smiled afterwards, grabbing a dandylion sandwich and biting into it. They all ate in peace, happy to be able to fill their growling stomachs.

Twilight thought to herself. Why didn't the spell work? She was always able to move other objects; shouldn't she at least be able to move a couple more ponies with her? She will have to practice more and get used to teleporting more objects than usual. But for now she's going to enjoy her time with her best friends!
After they finished they decided to relax, enjoy the quiet, and let their food digest. Rarity brought her tanning cream and started tanning.

Rainbow was taking a nap, Pinkie was bouncing in one place...........wait no, now she's staring at a rock? Fluttershy was talking to a mouse that wanted some food, Applejack was also taking a nap; her brown stetson pulled over her eyes. While Twilight read a book silently, enjoying every word printed on the pages. Their quiet relaxing didn't last very long, the group startled by a scream. The voice deep like a stallion. Turning their heads upwards toward the sky; they see a dark blue dot followed by a rainbow streak. Going upwards, high in the sky.

"Whooohoooo!!!!" They heard as the rainbow streak decended; picking up speed. Then a huge boom sounded out when the sound barrier broke and the sky lit up into a bunch of rainbows.