> Pinkie Pie has an Existential Crisis on a Bus Ride > by Deathscar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Pinkie Pie has an Existential Crisis on a Bus Ride > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie boarded the bus with glee. She bounced up each step and greeted the bus driver a cheerful ‘Good Morning!’ The weekend had finally arrived, and after a week of tests and homework, a trip to Sugercube Cafe felt like the perfect way to unwind. After paying her fare, Pinkie found a seat near the back of the bus. She sat her bag on her lap, looking at the worn upholstery covering the chair. Holes had found their way into the old seat. Pinkie could only imagine how bright the faded red would have looked when the bus was first sent into service. But now, each seat sat battered and broken, waiting to be eventually decommissioned and crushed. Pinkie rested her head against the glass window, her eyes gazing out to the world that sped by. Is that all the seats have to look forward to? Being sat on, forgotten and then recycled? A sigh escaped her lips. She plugged her earphones into the portable music player before placing them into her ears. Soft, piano music filled her ears, inciting a combination of sadness and longing in her heart. Pinkie Pie had a playlist for every emotion she wanted to feel. She loved music, earphones especially. A good tune could bring out any emotion she was feeling, or wanted to feel. And the privacy earphones offered ensured she could deal with her emotions privately, in case nobody was present to help her. Even though the playlist that had the most plays was titled ‘Super Duper Smile Time! :)’, Pinkie never shied away from a day to listen to ‘Angry Angry Roar!’ Or ‘You can do this, Pinkie. Chin up.’ Thinking about the seats, Pinkie realized just how lucky she was. I could have been anything! An ant, a bunny… Not that there’s anything wrong with being a bunny! Her mind frantically rebutted. Sorry Fluttershy! She apologized several times to her animal loving friend. But here I am. Pinkie Pie. Thinking my own thoughts. Moving my own limbs. She tapped her fingers against the hard glass several times, smiling as the rapid ‘clink clanks’ reached her ears. I really should consider myself lucky. The song had slowed down, reaching one of Pinkie’s favorite parts. The notes had increased an octave, but maintained its calm, soothing nature. It reminded Pinkie of seeing a lost friend, or finding a small toy you had not seen since childhood, but had been stowed away in your cupboard all this time. A wistful feeling washed over her, reducing the size of her smile but doubling its sincerity. The more she thought about the moment she was in, the less words she was able to form about just how amazing the world was. I’m in a moving hunk of metal, made up of thousands of parts. Listening to music made from an instrument of hundreds of strings. Transferred to this by my computer. And I don’t even want to think how that works. She giggled softly, staring at the white music player in her hand. It was barely the size of her hand. She was even sure she could crush it if she wanted to. Yet this one device contained any emotion she needed to feel or understand. All stored within its small form. The bus bounced slightly as it drove over several speed bumps. It turned right, moving into the downtown district. Shops whizzed by Pinkie’s eyes. She tried her best to make out several signs she hadn’t seen before. Or those that had disappeared since last week. One in particular caught her attention. A sign of bright blue that had been carved out of wood, hanging atop a small shop. It read ‘Star Bursts’ Candy Shoppe’. I should visit that soon. They might have Super Potion Strawberry Explosions! In the next second, the shop was gone from sight as the bus turned right once more. Pinkie’s thoughts wandered back on topic. I wonder if the people that made all the parts to the bus knew what they had made. Maybe if even one of them didn’t manage to make what they did...I wouldn’t be sitting here. She imagined the gears that turned as the bus moved. The wheels that spun underneath, running over rock and other foreign objects without faltering. Maybe one day I’ll get to make something this super fantastically amazing too! Hot ice-cream? Oh! Biscuits with ice-cream in them! Wonder if my friends would be willing to give it a try. Oh who am I kidding, they would! Pinkie’s thoughts froze as the bus grinded to a stop at a traffic light. In the distance, she saw one of the landmarks of her town. A beautiful building carved of shining marble. Two pillars twisted around each other like vines, flanking the staircase that led up to the main structure. It was a grand sight that took Pinkie’s breath away no matter how many times she passed it. In the morning sun, it almost seemed to glow. She could see a stream of people walking past the ornate wooden doors and into the main hall. Often, she thought of what it must be like inside. Some of her friends had told her about the tall, vertigo-causing ceiling. How it seemed to stretch into the skies above. There were benches that sat facing several colored windows, where sunlight would turn into rainbows, falling down onto the marble floor. She also faintly recalled hearing her friends mention that the building was a place of worship. Though she never made it past that, as she would always be occupied wondering if Rainbow Dash’s hair would have the same effect as the glass in the stories. Seldom did she care what activities people engaged in, or what they enjoyed in their free time. The only thing she did care about was how nice they were. And if they were even a little bit nice, Pinkie would take joy in making friends with them. Except of course, if they were three evil sisters that hypnotized people into fighting with their singing. That’s an exception. The bus continued on its journey, leaving the alabaster building behind. Pinkie sighed and listened to the wonderful music in her ears, hearing the piano pick up its pace. She started to imagine a scene to the tune. Sunlight! Fields of green! The notes picked up their pace, forming a beautiful melody. One that evoked images of waking up to a beautiful, sunny morning. With plans of her friends to look forward to. She opened her eyes once more, watching the scenery fly by and her mind wandered away once more. She thought about her friends. Specifically about Applejack. About how, when they were younger, something bad had happened to her. The country girl had stopped coming to school, and Pinkie grew worried. Rarity and Rainbow had tried explaining what had happened, about how their friend had ‘lost’ people close to her. And then I said ‘Let’s help her find them!’ Pinkie covered her eyes with her hand. It happened such a long time ago, but the memory burned fresh in her mind. Every time it came up, she berated herself for saying such an insensitive line. She knew she had not known any better, but that never helped ease the embarrassment. Though, it did bring up a good topic that she thought about during moments when she was alone. Pinkie glanced down at her palms, clenching and unclenching her fists several times. Still here. But where do we go when we’re not? Oddly, morality was a topic that fascinated her ever since that incident. She had never discussed this with anyone as it was a topic she considered a ‘downer’. They wouldn’t understand anyway. Plus, it’ll make them all sad and...saddy. Many times, Pinkie had tried to wrap her head around the fact that she was alive. That she was here with her friends. And for a few months after learning what had happened to Applejack’s parents, thought about what she was supposed to do with her presence in this world. She eventually decided that she felt her best when she was happy, smiling, dancing and singing. And so, chose to spread this same joy to as many people as she could. Occasionally she would still feel sadness setting in, but learned not to hate or fight it. Instead, she would put on one of her playlist, sit with Gummy and enjoy the balloons that had been painted on her ceiling. Which I should really get to painting more. She smiled and closed her eyes, hearing the piano gradually soften. It drew a sense of longing from Pinkie, who always enjoyed moments like this. It gives me a chance to organize things in my head! Something I’m sure Twilight does all the time! I wonder if she’s going to get blueberry, boysenberry or follow Sunset again. “Pinkie!” The bus driver shouted in a hoarse tone. Pinkie darted her head upwards, realizing the bus had halted at her stop. “Whoopsie daisy! Coming!” shouted Pinkie as she swiped her bag and ran for the door. “Have a good day, Mr Lyder!” she parted with a grin. Pinkie hopped down the steps and bounded for the ice-cream shop with only one thought in her mind. Should I get chocolate or rainbow sprinkles with my sundae?