> Mistakes were made > by mlpfunfictionwriter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Mistake number 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manehattan, the city where dreams come true. One way or another. Coco sat in her chair and slumped over her kitchen counter drowsily as she took another sip of coffee from her mug. She had been having a really hectic yet productive week, and sure the pay was going to be great in the end, but at what cost of her sanity? This was the third all nighter she'd pulled this week, and things showed no sign of getting any better if her day planner had anything to say about it. Coco groaned and looked down at the cause of her most recent project and scowled. It looked nice from an outward appearance, but she knew something had gone wrong in the stitching phase as she passed in and out of consciousness the night before. The dress had no chance of staying together if there was any sort of rigorous movement and she knew it. Buck, even a slight jog could cause the dress to fall apart at the seams. This dress did not receive the TLC that Rarity mentioned to her so often and it showed, at least to her. And it would to her customer after she wore it! Coco shrugged lazily. She just needed some more time to rework the dress, no big deal. She took another moment to examine the dress. The dress was top dollar; that much was certain just by looking at it. She had primarily used a cyan blue fabric for most of the dress to subtly draw the eyes of other ponies to it, along with a golden yellow trim along the edges of the dress. Its collars shimmered with an almost turquoise hue when the light toughed it right, and the white ruffled ends of the sleeves all made their contributions toward a most exquisite dress. It was made very clear to her that this dress she was making had to be perfect and as regal and beautiful as possible if it was going to be used for the event her client was to be attending. She yawned again and looked to her full body mirror as if to compare herself. She didn't like what she saw. She wore a light blue pair of silk booty shorts and a white short sleeve v-neck tee, but that was the least of her problems. Her hair was completely disheveled, and she swore she could see bags under her eyes, which she struggled to keep from drooping along with her ears. She pouted as she looked in the mirror. "Well Coco, you've done it now, haven't you?" she spoke glumly to the mirror. "You made your dreams come true, and now you can barely keep up with them." She sighed to herself. "Things couldn't get any worse if I wanted them to." She scoffed half heartedly with a slight smile. From the front door came a light knocking before opening, a familiar client stepping through. Violet alicorn, dark purple mane and tail, red eyes; it was definitely Belt Slasher, the one who had ordered the dress currently putting Coco through so much trouble. The alicorn was currently dressed in blue jean shorts and a light green blouse, and based on the bright smile on her face, she was significantly more wide awake than Coco was. Walking in, Belt looked around for the dressmaker. "Miss Pommel? Coco?" Coco jumped out of her seat and just barely saved herself from falling onto the ground in front of her client. She quickly composed herself and trotted briskly over to meet her new guest, throwing on the biggest, cheesiest grin she could to keep herself from looking distraught. "I-I'm so sorry! I wasn't expecting you for a couple more days, Miss Belt. Please forgive the state of my apartment. I know it's a mess, but this week has been utter chaos... and not the inspirational kind that Rarity is always trying to promote." Coco rattled on for a bit before huffing and deciding to be honest with the mare. Besides, honesty was always the best policy, and the alicorn looked like a reasonable pony. "Look, the thing is... I've just been running ragged all week, and I'm sorry to say that I don't think your dress is in the best condition right now. I'm going to need a little while longer. I'm really sorry for any inconvenience that might cause you." Belt blinked, then smiled and nodded. "I understand. Sorry for causing you all this stress. Any chance I could see the dress so far, though?" She glanced around, before her eyes settled back on Coco, specifically her lower half. She giggled upon seeing the mare's undies. "Oh, and if I may say so, you have cute booty shorts." Coco blinked. Booty shorts? She wasn't wearing any- OH MY CELESTIA I AM WEARING BOOTY SHORTS! "Excuse me!" Coco squeaked with a slight blush as she ran to a nearby closet to grab a robe to cover up her shameful appearance. How could she be so air headed! If word ever got out that she dressed like this, then nopony would ever take her seriously ever again! "I'm s-so very sorry Miss Belt! I promise you I normally dress with a much higher standard than this!" She stammered as she threw on a very extravagant silver colored robe. "Um, are you sure you want to see your dress? Like I said, it's really not in its best condition yet." "I'm just curious. Don't worry, I know it'll look much better for the final product, but I haven't gotten to see it yet and I'm interested in the direction it's going. Plus, you asked me to come in at some point to make sure it fit properly, remember?" She giggled, deciding to have a bit of fun. Subtly activating her magic, she started planting thoughts in Coco's mind. It wasn't quite mind control like she would sometimes use; rather, it was just altering a pony's current mindset to make them want to do something. In this case, she eased up Coco's nervousness and embarrassment, and removed her desire to cover up her underwear with a robe. Coco sighed involuntarily, as if some weight had been lifted off of her. She subconsciously touched her chest as if she was trying to determine what had just happened. One second there was this torrent of emotion and chaos, and then there wasn't. And Coco Pommel was okay with that. Not just okay, Coco felt like she was on top of the world. Like nothing could touch her. And then the feeling started to fade away softly, leaving her a much more confident mare than she was only a moment ago. This Coco had no need for a robe. So she shook it off and walked back up to the waiting alicorn who was patiently waiting for her. "Sorry about that. I guess I was having a moment there." She giggled a little before turning to the counter and picking up her client's dress. "Here you are. I hope you like what you see." Belt gasped and smiled at the dress. Even if it was incomplete, it still looked stunning, and very befitting of its creator's reputation. "It's fantastic, Coco! So sparkly..." She giggled, carefully taking it in her magic. "Is there a private place I can try it on?" Coco nodded. "Of course; my bathroom is past the kitchen and the first door on your left." She stepped aside and gestured for the alicorn to go ahead. "Thanks!" Smiling, Belt headed down to the room she was gestured to. Once in the bathroom, she quickly changed from her casual attire into the dress, and looked at herself in the mirror. The fitting was perfect as far as she could tell, not pinching or falling loose in any particular areas. Leaving her clothes folded up on the counter, she stepped back out into the main room to let Coco examine her. Coco's eyes widened as she watched the alicorn walk out of the bathroom in her new attire. She knew that dress was going to make anypony look stunning, but that alicorn was born to wear that dress. No. Destined to wear it! Coco couldn't help but smile in both pride and adoration of both her dress and the alicorn wearing it. "You look gorgeous, Miss Belt! And I mean absolutely divine in that dress!" Coco said as she put a hoof on Belt Slasher's shoulder. "But enough of what I think. What do you think about it?" "I love it, Coco!" Belt smiled, doing a slow twirl. "It feels great and it looks even better! This is just what I was hoping for! You're amazing!" Coco agreed in a humble fashion. "Thank you, miss Belt, but I'm just doing what I enjoy. I'm just glad that you really enjoy my work!" "It really is great!" Smiling, Belt took a few steps, managing to not strain the stitches too much. "I bet everypony will love it!" "Well, if you like it that much, then why don't you go take it for a test run? I won't mind. Just bring it back whenever you're ready to part with it, Miss Belt!" "Really? Thanks!" Belt headed for the door, opening it up and carefully stepping outside. "I'll be back in a minute or two!" Shutting the door, she stepped down onto the sidewalk, smiling as the sunlight glinted off the fabric. A few ponies looked her way with approving looks, some stallions whistling at her. Giggling, she took a few test steps, enjoying how it felt against her form. However, her steps were a fair bit more energetic than back in the apartment, and very quietly, a bit of loose stitching around the seams started to come undone. Nothing seemed off to her until it was too late, and she only noticed the extra breeze just a second before she heard an unwelcome snapping sound. She looked down just in time to see the entire left side of the dress pull apart along a single seam, and the cloth fell off of her body entirely. She froze midstep, blush already growing, as her zebra-print bra and blue panties patterned with pink butterflies were suddenly the only garments she had on. She squeaked as the approving looks from before suddenly became amused grins and loud laughter. Quickly grabbing the dress before it could blow away, she ran as fast as she could to the door, throwing it open and darting inside before shutting it quickly behind herself. "C-Coco, something w-went wrong!" Coco screamed then clamped her mouth shut. "My dress! Wha- What happened! You were only gone a few minutes!" Enough time for me to prank you by pouring itching powder into your casual clothes, mind you. Coco thought to herself, now very thankful the idea had slipped into her mind right as the alicorn left to go outside. "The stitching... it must have been loose!" Belt groaned, still blushing like crazy as she held up the dress. "Only one side opened, thankfully... I'm so sorry, I thought it fit fine!" Cocos jaw nearly hit the floor. And just like that, Coco remembered what it was like to feel small once again. "The stitching! Oh no! I knew there was something wrong with the dress but I couldn't remember what it was! This is all my fault!" Coco fell to her haunches as her eyes welled up with tears. So this is what career suicide felt like? Strange; she thought it would have been worse. "I-I'm so sorry, Miss Belt! I didn't mean for this to happen! Please, give me another chance! I swear I'll make it up to you..." Her brief anger evaporating, Belt sighed as she saw the pleading in Coco's eyes. She didn't want this to ruin the mare's career - tiny mistakes were just that, and she didn't want it to lead to a total catastrophe. "Alright Coco, please, calm down. I trust you; I'll give you another chance, and I won't tell anypony about this." At the same time, though, she wanted at least a little payback. She smiled, levitating the torn dress back to the counter, before grinning and starting her magic again. This time, she had some more things in mind. To start off, she planted the thought in Coco's mind that she should go change clothes - specifically, change into the most embarrassing underwear she owned. Coco felt that familiar comforting feeling in the back of her mind again. This time it was much more assertive; aggressive, even. Coco didn't want to fight the strange feelings coursing through her mind. She just wanted peace for once, so she finally chose to embrace it and buck whatever the consequences might be. Now one with herself once again, Coco decided that since she was relaxing in her home already, it wouldn't be a bad idea to get into some comfier underwear. "Miss Belt? I'll be right back. There's something I need to do upstairs." "Certainly, Coco." Belt giggled, knowing full well what needed to be done. "I'll wait right here for you!" "Thanks, I'll be right back!" And with that, Coco rushed up the stairs to her bedroom and nonchalantly picked through the contents of her drawers until she found what she was looking for. She slipped off her booty shorts and shuddered in the drafty apartment building. She looked at her prize for a moment as she held it up. It was a lime green pair of granny panties with a cotton spandex blend, made to easily if uncomfortably stretch way past the limits of other underwear. The word Friday was clearly embroidered in black stitching on the back of the white waistband, and a light blue bow hung off the front of it. White frills trailed along the leg holes and over the top of the waistband. On the rear it said Sewing Nerd in white cursive font, as if to finish with an extra helping of embarrassment. "These will be perfect," Coco muttered under her breath, before slipping the pair of panties on and pulling a pair of shorts up to cover her unmentionables before coming back down the stairs. "Alright, I'm back! Sorry for taking so long!" Belt giggled. "No problem!" While Coco had been changing, she too had gotten dressed, putting on the casual clothes that she didn't realize had itching powder in them. She tried to be inconspicuous as she scratched her flank, using a bit of magic to start making Coco's shorts get heavier. "Say, think you could come outside with me?" "Sure!" Coco nodded as she followed the alicorn outside, completely oblivious of the sagging in her shorts. Once they got outside, Belt grinned, and led her on a small walk down the sidewalk. The weight in Coco's shorts soon began to have the desired effect, and after walking only about ten or twenty feet, they plummeted to the ground, putting her underpants on full display. Coco fell forward as she tripped over her shorts and fell to the sidewalk, giving everypony who looked her way a really good view of her unmentionables. Coco laid there stunned for a few moments; the fall had knocked the wind out of her. As she caught her breath, she realized just exactly what was happening to her. The crowd of ponies who were initially focused on the alicorn who'd embarrassed herself just a few minutes ago now shifted their attention to the petite earth pony, whose flank and undies were now on full display. Coco was presenting her plot to just about everypony in the crowd, and despite the whistles and catcalls, she could also hear quite a good mix of laughter as well. A few mares blushed and tried to avert their eyes, while others weren't so merciful and chose to point and snicker at the poor pantsed mare lying on the sidewalk.The stallions mostly pointed and laughed at her expense, but Coco noticed a few of them eyeing her like a piece of meat begging to be wedgied. No. Not again. All through elementary and high school, and even college, Coco had been singled out for her love of the fashion business many times before, which earned her quite a decent amount of wedgies all through her life, being labeled as a nerd just for loving design and calculating budget and retail cost figures. She still remembered how often Suri would give her wedgies to pressure her into helping her make her designs. This couldn't happen to her again now that she was just starting to make a name for herself out in the big city. Maybe it wasn't that bad. After all, celebrities have wardrobe malfunctions all the time, and no one bats an eye because they make it look good. If she was wearing average underwear, then maybe she could pull it off. But what was she wearing... Oh no. CELESTIA WHY!!! And that's when she heard it. CLICK! CLICK! Coco quickly tried to pull up her shorts before any more pictures could be taken. Nonononono not pictures! She was going to be all over Equestria Daily now. Coco quickly got up and brushed herself off, pretending to be unphased. She wasn't fooling anypony. Belt had watched this all with a grin, but she didn't want the fun to stop yet. Activating her magic once more, she not only yanked Coco's shorts back down, but made them disappear as soon as they hit the ground. Then she grabbed the mare's nerdy panties in her magic and yanked up, hard, reaching her neck in a single tug. "Ah, ahhhh, OWWWW!" Coco screamed as she felt the familiar sensation of her nerdy underwear traveling northward yet again as the cotton fabric bunched up and buried itself deep into her nether region. She cringed in pain and tried to grab at her panties to keep them from getting any further up her plot. She failed. The pain of the wedgie was almost enough to distract her from noticing all the ponies who were now crowding around her, taking pictures and videos of her complete domination by the impressive alicorn. Coco looked back at her tormentor with a shocked and confused look on her face. "M-Miss Belt? Wh-what are you doing!? L-let go of my... my... j-just let go!" "Normally I would, buuut... consider this payback for the itching powder." She smirked, before flapping her wings and taking off a few feet into the air, Coco's panties still in her grip. She didn't go too high; only enough to start bouncing the fashion designer up and down like a yo-yo. "Hng!" Coco's eyes widened as she realized just how truly bucked she was, as her once comfortable pair of panties sliced deep into her plot. The pain was excruciating, and only grew as she felt the beginning of her cameltoe start to form as the lime green underwear slowly inched its way into her crotch. Coco felt like her underwear was only a few sharp pulls from tearing her in half. Not for the first time, Coco wanted to get her hooves on the guy who came up with the idea to turn something that was once so comfortable into a torture device and strangle him with a pillow. The searing pain rocketed up her body as she was bounced mercilessly. "Aaaaaaaaagh! Nooo- Ack! Please! I'll do- unf! Whatever you want! I'll even- oooh! Give you the dress for- argh! For free! Just- OWIE! Just let me down please!" Coco begged and begged, desperate for relief from the killer wedgie. This was worse than all the other times she'd gotten wedgies combined. She waved her hooves to try to gain some sort of balance but couldn't as she was marehandled so efficiently by her now stretched out panties. She didn't even noticed the severe cameltoe she was presenting to the crowd below or how most of her underwear had been completely devoured by her plot cheeks. Not that the crowd was complaining. They cheered and guffawed and clapped their hooves at the sight of her abused booty shaker. Coco wouldn't have cared if she'd even known. She just wanted the pain to stop. There was a flash of light, not unlike what she had previously seen as part of teleportation magic, and suddenly the pain stopped - or rather, began to dull down, as the discomfort and pain of the wedgie would still linger for some time. Instead of on the sidewalk, she was back in her apartment, lying on her couch, still in her underwear. Coco rubbed her plot with her hoof and looked around her apartment, but she couldn't spot the alicorn anywhere. Slowly, she reached for the remote and turned on her TV. She then curled herself into the fetal position and rocked herself back and forth, hoping to Celestia that she'd just had a really bad sleep wedgie or that Luna had been pranking her with another wedgie dream. After about half an hour or so, the door opened and Belt stepped in, humming to herself as she walked over to the mare on the couch. She used her magic to try and calm her down as best she could. "Feeling better?" "Oh no not again, please! I promise I'll never prank you again! I swear!" She took a few breaths before calming down. "I... I'm sorry. I'm good now. Yes. Much, thank you." Belt giggled. "I already made sure every photo and bit of video got deleted. Anypony who tries telling this story will just be seen as trying to spread rumors." She fetched a glass of water for the mare. "I just did all this for fun, not to ruin your career." "Y-you destroyed my lucky pair of undies," Coco said shakily as she rubbed her rump. "I really liked those..." She pouted. Rolling her eyes playfully, another flash of magic from Belt's horn snapped the underpants right back to their original size. "Better now, 'sewing nerd'?" She grinned. "Hmph! It's just not fair!" Coco crossed her arms and sat on her haunches. "I'm always getting wedgies. Always getting swirlies. It never ends! When do I get my day?! I've suffered so much ever since I was a filly and I'm still getting humiliated by ponies who think they can do whatever they want to me just because I'm smaller and weaker than them!" Frowning, Belt sat on the couch beside her. "I'm sorry about that, Coco... I didn't realize how bad it was for you, or how far I was going..." The alicorn looked down, feeling guilty. "I-if you want payback... on me, or on anypony else, I'll help you." Coco smiled. To Be Continued