> The Anonymous Life > by Controller624 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Beautiful Winter's Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darkness veils the calm skin of Ponyville as the citizens enjoy their nightly rest; after all, cleaning up a winter storm is no easy task. Trees and boulders still carry residue but it will disappear the next day. A lone light pierced through the center of the town and showed what’s to be the library. You, Anonymous the Human, and Twilight Sparkle have returned home after a long day of work. “I wish you would have taken up my offer earlier” you spoke while holding the front door. “I’m sorry, Anon, you know I would have if it weren't for the celebration.” the purple pony leaned up and kissed your cheek. “Yeah, but I would have rather been sharing a bed with a gorgeous mare.” you jokingly smirked. “Oh? And just who do you mean by that? It couldn’t possibly be me.” Twilight turned to face you after setting down her bag. “I don’t know. Maybe somepony who can perform over a thousand spells by memory. Somepony that is more royal than just her teacher. Somepony who I would sacrifice my life for.” you slowly stepped up to your lover, closing the door. “And what else does this mare do?” Twilight chuckled. You wrapped your arms around her voluptuous hips “Well... this mare does a little trick with her horn that I really love.” Twilight locks eyes with you, your smiles widen “Sorry to tell you, sweetie, but i’m the only mare here. So you’ll have to deal with me.” she rears up on her back hoofs and rests her weight onto you. “I’ll take it” The lustful tone held her tightly to you. Twilight looked up to your eyes and felt a warmth in her chest. You two came closer and closer to each other. Your lips touched, causing a chain reaction of feelings. You could feel the smooth and delicious surface of her mouth and you wanted more. Your tongue slid between both rims. Her lips are nothing compared to the inside of her mouth; the warm, wet, walls, the soft, dancing muscle, and the tantalizing taste were more than enough to drive you crazy. Your hands rubbed themselves along her backside; from the circumference of her plump ass to the top of her soft shoulders. The two of you break for air. In that period you saw the angelic, hypnotizing eyes of the magnificent royal jewel against your chest. Twilight felt her lover’s warm puffs of breath on her face; you could feel her’s as well. Her heart raced and the feeling in her chest became hotter. Her mind was blank yet she instinctively buried her head in your chest. “I love you” She muffled. You placed the bridge of your lips onto her main. The sweet smell of shampoo was still there. “I love you too, babe” your hand holds her head “do you want to get to bed?” you felt a slight mumble of agreement. “Huh? All right, we’ll go to bed.” you picked up the tired pony and carried her up the stairs and into the bedroom. As you looked down to her, you could tell that she had dowsed off. The feeling of comfort while being cradled by you must have been too good for her. You lay her gorgeous, purple head gently onto her pillow. “Thank you, anony,” she mumbled “I love you.” You can’t help but watch as luna’s moonlight performs a sensual dance on her luscious face. “I love you too, Twi.” you replied, pulling up the covers over her shoulders. “Good night” you planted a kiss on her forehead and walked back down stairs; carefully, however, as to not wake her up. For the past few nights this week, you hadn’t had much ease getting to sleep and tonight was no different. You decided to sit in the chair next to the fire place. The heat from the flames warms your hands, more so your soul. Through the entire day you had to rough it in the freezing sea of snow while progressing toward a new spring. “God damn.” you grumbled to yourself. The feeling of pain gradually returned back to your fingers; this winter was the worst that you’ve ever seen. Even though this is your second winter in equestria, you can’t help but feel a massive change in behavior compared to back home. Eventually you’ve gotten comfortable and decided to do something that normally helps you sleep. You moved over to the window and cracked it an inch. The air was chilled; yet alluring. The night sky was an empty black void filled with small orbs of pure white and a large creamy scone shaped moon floating around. You looked about the outside world; how the moonlight landed on the trees and buildings that surround the library. How the shreds of dark luminescence faded through the leaves. Mares and colts shared tender moments together. “What would it be like to just live out of the city? Could it be more beautiful?” you pondered. Your eyes began to gain slight weight and you let out a sigh. “Maybe I should be getting to bed.” you said to yourself. Before you could move to the second step of the staircase, the front door quickly opened and closed. Turning around, you see Spike. “Oh! Uh, hey, anon.” he nervously stood “I didn’t think you would still be up.” “Why are you here this late, spike?” you asked, concern sailing through your tongue. The purple dragon had been moved out of the library for half-a-year now; however, he does come over from time to time, but that is only to help twilight with her experiments and tasks. “Did Rarity place you in the dog house?” you chuckled. “Not exactly,” spike began. “Rarity is gone for the week and it... doesn’t feel right to sleep in the bed without her.” You move to the couch “Okay, but, uh, where’s Sweetie? Did she go with Rarity?” He sat down with you “Nah, she’s at a sleepover with her friends. I got the whole boutique to myself.” “There’s no colts at this sleepover, I hope” you nudged him. “If there were, i’m sure Applejack and Big Mac would’ve set them straight before they set a foot on their property.” You both shared a good, hearty laugh. “Do you want a drink or anything?” you ask him, moving to the edge of your seat. “Not right now. If I need something, I know where it is” he said while raising his claw in protest. The both of you heard a stuttered clopping down the steps. “Anon, who are you talking to?” a tiered eyed and, slightly, disheveled haired twilight looked and saw that you were with spike. “Oh, hello, Spike. What brings you by this late?” she said while trotting over to hug him. “Nothing much. Rarity and Sweetie Bell are out and I’d feel better if I slept in a familiar place.” the grown dragon and the young princess released each other “If that's OK with you two, that is.” “I don’t see what’s wrong with that. What about you, babe?” you asked, placing your hand on her left shoulder. “It’s fine with me” she smiled “give us a little time and we’ll have the guest bed ready for you.” Twilight motioned toward the hallway near you and, as if on schedule, jabbed you in the leg as to say get going! You rolled your eyes and started walking. “Actually, the couch will be fine for tonight. Thank you” spike rejected “Are you sure, Spike? I mean, it’s no trouble at all” Twilight retorted, but spike intervened. “All right” she dropped her shoulders in surrender. Spike laid down on his back and turned to his side, his face dug into the upholstery. “Goodnight, guys” he said, curling his tail around his torso. “Goodnight, Spike.” she said. “Goodnight, little man” you followed while both you and twilight head up the stairs. The two of you stood at each other’s side of the bed. “I didn’t know that rarity was gone. Did she have a replacement today?” you asked. “Yeah, we had to assign the job to a local unicorn who, while not as good as Rarity, was good enough.” You removed your clothes as Twilight got under the covers. She hums in delight, teasing you. “What did I do to deserve such a well chiseled guy?” she remarked. You smiled. “Have you seen me in the light without my shirt on? I’m like a pig!” you came back while slipping into a pair of p.j. shorts. “No your not, you big oaf! You have a great body. Don’t talk about yourself like that!” she encouraged. “You're too good to me, kitten” you pulled the covers over your chest and leaned in to kiss her. “Don’t you forget it.” her voice turned lustful. Your lips were interlocked with hers. She was more adventurous than usual. she was the first to use her tongue. This took you by surprise; however you could care less who did it first. You heard a light giggling come from the surreal seductress. “What’s so funny?” you gently pulled away. “Your mustache keeps tickling my upper lip.” she continues to chuckle. “I could always shave it off.” you said, rubbing the plane of hair. “There’s no need for that. It makes you look cuter.” she begins to rub it as well “Though…” she moves her hoof under your chin “you could get rid of your ‘beard’ or whatever it is you called it.” you raised your chin and started scratching your throat. “Ha, yeah. It’s starting to itch like hell and is irritating like a bitch.” you say while over-exaggerating the scratching. Twilight was entertained by your silliness and kissed your cheek. “You are such a mess. Now go to bed; we have work to do tomorrow.” she shifts closer and holds you. “Sure thing mom!” you said in an obnoxious voice. A bright purple aura grasps your pillow from under your head. The pillow rises and quickly falls, hitting you on multiple places. “Hey! Stop! You know that it’s not far for you to use your magic!” you both boasted with laughter. “If you would stop playing and go to bed, I wouldn’t have to hit you!” she said in between chuckles. “Whatever you say, babe” placing the pillow back under your head. You place your left arm around her smooth waist and your right under her head. Silence claimed the room for a few seconds. “Hey, Twi?” you whispered. “What is it?” she replied, snuggling onto your arm. “You remember what I said when we got back?” she turned to look at you. “That you would have rather spent the day in bed than go work?” she quizzed “Well yes, but after that. When I said I would sacrifice my life for you.” you could see her face turn red. “Anon, you don’t mean that.” you griped her closer to you “My words are not hollow, twilight. I would and will put your life first. And if that means that I have to die to see you have a happy hour, then I will." Tears were welling on the side of her eyes. “Anon, you jerk. You're making me cry” she wrapped her arms around you and used you for her tears. “I’m sorry, kitten. I love you” You lifted her chin up to yours. “I love you too, anon” the two of you shared an embrace that infuriated the most innocent of angles and aroused the most competent of demons. Sleep is the only matter at this point. Nothing left but the bond of two lovers at night.