> The after party > by Vobvivous > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > After the rodeo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was finally time, Braeburn's favourite event of the rodeo, the lasso. It was Braeburn's favourite event for two reasons; one, it was the last event of the day, and two, He got to see Big Macintosh wrangle his opponents with that rope of his. It was a poorly kept secret within the community that Braeburn had a thing for Big Mac, the wandering eyes making it all too apparent that the little golden pony wanted the Big red stallion. It seemed that the only pony who failed to see this was Big Mac himself, usually too preoccupied with work or helping others to pursue a relationship. Braeburn had always thought this strange, Big Mac could have anypony, the flowing locks of golden hair, the thighs that housed leg muscles capable of uprooting trees, and Braeburn's favourite feature, the large red apples hanging between Macintosh's legs. Braeburn knew that it was just a fantasy though. Why would the strong and virile hunk of a horse go for the weak excuse for a stallion when he had access to all the hot smokin flanks in Equestria? Braeburn sighed forlornly, his formerly good mood ruined. He turned from the action and cheers, and slowly walked to the barn next to the registration booth. At the sight of the barn Braeburn recalled why he liked the lasso, the events of the day coming to a close meant the famous after party hosted and catered by the Apple family would begin. The cider, the food, Big Mac, its was all so delicious. Braeburn pushed open the large double doors of the barn and was stunned in amazement, the apple family had really outdone themselves this time. The barn had been turned into a pop up bar fully fit with seating, games, decorations and most importantly, Apple family brand, hard cider. Braeburn seated himself at a table and waited for the ponies to start filing in when the final event of the day was finished. Braeburn heard the shouts and hollers of the crowd outside watching the event finish up, Braeburn however was busy thinking about his cousin , how he wished the stallion would grab Braeburn, mount the little sub and thrust his giant black co- Unfortunately that's as far as Braeburn's mind would take him as a loud bout of laughter filled his ears as ponies strolled into the barn, each with smiles reaching from ear to ear on their faces. What grabbed Braeburn's attention however was the subject of his fantasies walk in and take position behind the bar, ready to serve. Braeburn walked over to the bar where the red stallion greeted him. "Howdy, Brae" said the farmpony. Despite only having just competed Big Mac was behind the bar, working diligently taking orders. Braeburn could still see the thin layer of sweat on Mac, emitting smell of pure masculinity. Braeburn's let go a breath he didn't know he was holding as he lost himself in the scent. So lost that he forgot to respond to Mac's greeting. "You alright there, cuz?" asked a concerned Big Mac. The deep baritone of Mac's voice shook Braeburn from his daydream. Only now noticing the blue ribbon adorned with '1st' proudly attached to his cousins trusty yoke. "M'aright Big Mac, you did really good out there today!" replied that straw coloured earth pony. "Eeyup!" Braeburn and Mac chatted about their respective experience of the rodeo while Mac continued to serve ponies. Applejack was eyeing the conversation from afar when she thought she would do her brother a favour. "Hey Macintosh, I got the bar from here, go and spend some time with your favourite cousin" The way Applejack said favourite offered no excuse as to the meaning. "I kin see a billiard table free, why dont you boys go have a few games?" Applejack then shoved a mug of cider in both Mac and Braeburn's hooves and ushered the stallions to the empty table with a devious smirk on her face. Mac lifted himself into his hind hooves and rested his front half for extra stability, he lined up his stick, aiming at the spot between his cousins balls. *Crack* Mac's aim was good as he sent the black right between Braeburn's balls and into the hole behind them. "Gee Mac, didn't know you were so good at billiards, I'll go get us another round while you set em up" Braeburn walked himself over to the bar where Applejack was watching from, the smirk from before still present. "Howdy Braeburn! another round of drinks?" asked the perky Applejack "If ah didn't know any better I would think you were trying to get mah brother drunk" "AJ!, ah would neve-" started Braeburn "He gets pretty touchy-feely when he gets tipsy though" Applejack continued with a wink "Uhh, AJ, kin ah start a tab?" said Braeburn sheepishly The next few games had gone much like the first, completely dominated by the red stallion. Being competitive by nature Braeburn was starting to lose his composure. "AHH! again! how come you're so good at this Mac? I'll never beat ya at this rate." Braeburn said while setting up for the next game. Big Mac could understand his frustration, continually being overshadowed no matter how good or how hard he tried. Mac decided to throw Braeburn a bone. "Ah kin help ya get better if ya want?" asked the red giant. Braeburn nodded in thanks On Braeburn's next shot Mac took position behind his cousin. Braeburn could smell the cider on his breath as well as the rich musk coming from the larger male behind him. Mac reached around to help aim the cue and took hold of both of his cousins hooves. Mac exhaled down the back of his cousins neck causing the smaller stallion to moan involuntarily. This either went unnoticed or ignored by the red behemoth while he took a firmer grip of his cousins hooves and essentially took Braeburn's shot through his own hooves. Braeburn was in ecstasy, so wrapped up in lust that he failed to see that his shot had downed one of the balls. This a fact Mac had realised began to shuffle-walk his cousin over to the next shot. Braeburn was losing his mind, being puppeted by the larger stallion almost felt... right, like Mac was his master and he was his masters toy, his plaything. Braeburn felt something prod his hindquarters, he looked down in alarm to see the still limp sausage of his cousin make its home between his buttocks. It seemed that Mac had picked up on his quiet moans after all and was beginning to react like any hot blooded stallion would. Braeburn could feel the eyes of the other patrons on him and looked around to confirm his suspicions, everyone had their attention on the display, many not yet realising the extent of Mac's arousal. This was how Braeburn wanted to keep it. "Hey Mac?" inquired Braeburn "Yup?" "Do ya'll have a back room?" "Eeyup" came the answer he was hoping for. Both stallions walked as discreetly as they could to the storeroom. Applejack watching, already hatching a plan to get involved later. > In the backroom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The two stallions barely gave the door time to close before jumping into their activities. Jumping being a very correct description of what happened as Big Mac threw Braeburn on the ground, and lay over him before locking muzzles with the smaller male, taking the breath from his lungs with his exploring tongue. Braeburn's mind held no thoughts, thinking become impossible when he felt and tasted the larger stallions tongue making its home in his mouth. Macs tongue was not the only appendage he felt, the semi hard meat of Mac from outside had returned with a vengeance. Pressed hard between the two bodies Macs length began to snake its way up and up between the pair as blood continued to swell and engorge the black horsecock. Braeburn broke the kiss between his cousin to look between his and his cousins bellies. What greeted him was a hot throbbing tube of meat that only stopped a few inches from his muzzle. If Braeburn wasn't erect before, he certainly became so now. "Like what you see?" asked the red stallion with a hungry look in his eyes. Braeburn did nothing but whimper in restrained lust, he felt movement against his own stallionhood as the apple farmer above him thrust his hips. This sent the tumescent rod along Braeburns' front and over his muzzle. Mac's length so large that he was frotting the two lengths together while also bumping flare to nose with his cousin below him. A large bead of fluid appeared at the end of the large rod, and Braeburn stuck his tongue out to catch the precious liquid. Each thrust of the red pony now sent the head of his cock into his partners open mouth, and on each withdrawal would find it clean of the precum drooling from the end. Braeburn was paralysed by lust, the taste, warmth and scent of the fluid coating his tongue and mouth sent shivers down the his spine. Braeburn felt Mac move further up his dominated frame, the rod now no longer leaving his mouth on the backthrust. This did two more things to the yellow pony, Mac's swollen testicles were now rubbing up and down his turgid length, and Macintosh's cock was now lightly touching the back of his throat almost as if asking for entry. This was not a forceful rutting but more a show of affection. Mac, dominate and caring, and Braeburn, submissive and accommodating. The back and forth motions of Mac's thrusts continued for several more moments until Braeburn heard the quiet grunts of the pony above him. This grabbed his attention as it was the first vocalisation from the red pony since they began. The sounds were the sounds of a pony nearing climax. Braeburn looked up, and tapped his cousin above him trying to meet his eyes. Mac looked down to find those eyes and after a moment the smaller pony nodded, answering the unasked question. Macintosh understood this as permission to chase his oncoming orgasm. Instead of the next back stroke Mac slowly but forcefully pushed his way in further. Braeburns' eyes widened, feeling his airway being cut off by the pure masculinity of the pony above him. Mac moved slowly, not wanting to hurt his smaller partner. He could only feel warmth, and tightness, Braeburns throat was extremely tight, stretched wide over the girth of his throbbing horsecock. Mac pushed up to where his medial ring could feel the warmth of Braeburns' breathing, and felt the pony below him gag. This depth would have to suffice, he didn't want to kill his cousin on his cock. As Braeburn continued to gag over the thick log of stallion invading his neck, his hooves reached up by instinct the feel the bulge and throbbing his cousins cock produced. He felt Mac push farther and farther until his nose met with his cousins mid ring, before the stallion pulled back, readying for the next thrust. Braeburn almost felt... disappointment at the retreat of his partner, he wanted to feel those balls press up to his nose, to smell the raw stallion, to feel those balls churn with seed, ready to empty. His disappointment wasn't held for long as his cousin thrust back up to his previous limit plus an extra inch further. Braeburn could feel the tell tale signs of climax fast approaching within his partner and decided to take control. Braeburn swivelled his body from underneath his cousin to the other side, allowing Mac easier access to his mouth, all the while keeping his partners rod deeply embedded. Mac was fast approaching his climax, eyes screwed up in concentration he failed to notice the pony below him move his position. Mac readied his final thrust, and pushed with the same strength as the thrusts before it. Mac's eyes widened as he felt his ring and the last foot of horsecock find warmth in his cousins muzzle. Braeburn's change of position had done the trick, with the easier entrance of the new angle, Mac had inadvertently fed his cousin his entire length and begun his long slow release of sexual fluids into the smaller pony's, throat and stomach. Braeburn felt the large head flare at the entrance to his belly, his entire throat occupied by the maleness of his partner. This thought alone sent Braeburn to his own climax, despite not having any contact to his own stallionhood for several minutes. Braeburn's climax only lasted a few seconds, three ropes of semen launched itself and landed over Macintosh's face and mane. This went unnoticed by the red stallion who was well into his second minute of his own climax, long thick streams of hot goo found home in the stomach of Braeburn. The flared head of the stallion above not allowing any of the deposit to pass. The stomach of the smaller pony gained a definite roundness to it as it filled up well past its normal limit. Mac saw his cousins stomach swell to an uncomfortable degree so he slid out of his cousins throat, mid climax. Braeburn could now taste the semen still leaking from his cousins tip. Mac pulled fully out and landed the last shots of his orgasm over the snout and face of his partner, who promptly stuck out his tongue and tried to clean up the mess on his face. Pants filled the air of both ponies while they both found their bearings from their mind blowing orgasms. Eventually both ponies found their hooves followed by Big Macintosh speaking the first words in several minutes, "What now?" Braeburn looked down between his cousins legs to see the thick black rod, still erect. "Got any lube?" responded Braeburn with a smile. > The stallions will play > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Got any lube?" responded Braeburn with a smile "Eenope!" said the red pony Despite this admission, Mac took position behind his partner and swiped away the tail hiding his prize. Mac leaned in and gave the yellow pony a long drawn lick from the base of the pony's balls all the way to the dock of the tail. The trip back down however, only reached to the tight ring now glistening with juices. The protest from Braeburn of what he thought was going to be a painful entry, came out as a strained moan which only served to arouse Macintosh further. Mac continued pushing with his tongue, trying to leave as much saliva as possible for the upcoming penetration. Braeburn's cries of pleasure rang out across the storeroom as the tongue attached to his rear pushed through the resistance it offered. Big Mac pulled on his cousins tail, much to the whimpering delight of its owner. Mac took note of how Braeburn reacted to the rough treatment. When Mac saw Braeburn had emerged from his sheath, and his hole glistening with spit, he deemed his job satisfactory to begin the main event. Braeburns excitement grew as he felt the lips of his cousin leave his pucker, he knew what was coming next. He felt Mac's forelegs grip tightly around where his neck met his shoulders, followed by a very wet tip press against his recently vacated hole. Mac wanted to take this as slow as possible, his rimjob may have helped with lubrication but without the proper stuff this was going to be a very tight fit, and it he wasn't careful a very painful one. Mac touched base with Braeburns' hole and let it sit there, making it spread ever so slightly around his girth. Braeburn felt the tip carefully prodding, he just wanted to back onto the stallionhood, feel it stretch him wide. However, he wasn't the pony in charge so he was forced to wait and whimper with lust at his partners drawn out penetration. Mac heard the whimper below him and thought he had done too much too quick, so he began to back away. "Wh-what are ya doin Mac?" breathed Braeburn "I want you to stuff me full... please" It seems as though Mac had misinterpreted his cousins vocalisations for pain instead of pleasure. Mac moved in closer and made contact with Braeburn again. "Yesss, rut me, use me" hissed the smaller pony "Dont bother about bein gentle, I want it!" To say Mac was surprised at his cousins dirty talk would be an understatement, it also served the purpose of turning him on even more. Mac bit a mouthful of Braeburns' mane as he lined his meat up with his cousins small hole. He didn't thrust hard, instead wanting to make the penetration as comfortable as possible, there would be plenty of time for being rough later. Braeburn felt the throbbing monster invade the first few inches of his anal canal. He was no virgin back there, but the size of Macintosh and the absence of lube made it feel as if he were. The entrance was not forceful but more rather a long gentle push from Big Mac. He read the expressions of the pony below as he slid further in, making note of the places he passed that made Braeburns' face contort in pleasure. Macintosh, now about half his cock covered, slowly brought his length out of the tight hole. When only the head remained inside of Braeburn, Mac thrust inward, just as fast as its exit. Mac wanted to test the waters before he went swimming. Braeburn felt the titanic rod invade his depths, he was glad for the pony above him ignoring his demand to be rough as the stretching in his rear brought as much pain as it did pleasure. The cock was so thick it touched all the sensitive nerve endings inside of him, the monster lurched as it deposited a wad of precum into his guts, the first of many more to come. Mac felt as though he had given his cousin enough time to adjust to his girth, and so he widened his hips, still half buried in Braeburns' asshole, and thrust hard, with all the power in those tree quaking legs. Braeburn gasped in semi pain as he was forcefully penetrated. Speared on a cock thicker than his leg, his walls stretched so thin that he could feel his cousins pulse through his meat. Macintosh paid Braeburn's moans no mind this time however, as he violently thrust his stallionhood in and out of the smaller male. Each thrust moving the medial ring closer and closer to entry. Mac pushed his rod up to the ring, ready to jackhammer the little stallion below him into oblivion. "Bout time I stopped bein gentle now" whispered Big Mac into his preys ears. As he said this he jammed his thick ring into the smaller pony, so much cock had entered now that a bulge in Braeburns' abdomen had appeared, even through the vast amounts of cum still in his stomach from earlier. This seemed to be the final straw for the straw coloured pony who howled in pleasure as his semi flaccid member shot its second load of the night. His cousins medial ring crushing against his prostate, milking him every time the mid ring would pass in and out of his stretched wide asshole. Macintosh felt his cousins insides clamp down around his member as he howled in pleasure, Macs face turned into a predatory grin as he continued his fucking through the anal orgasm of his partner. The larger stallion wanted to feel his balls against his cousins, he wanted to see how far he could bulge out his partners stomach and most of all he wanted to fill his cousin with cum, to add to the already large amount he had fed him previously. Braeburn was coming down form the best orgasm of his life, all the while still receiving the now savage pounding for the stallion above him. Braeburn felt Mac grip his neck tighter as the stallion forced himself into his poorly stretched ass, all the way down to his giant balls. Braeburn felt the air in his lungs leave him, feeling like he was getting punched from the inside. Mac pulled out to the medial ring and slammed back home. Both stallions could feel a climax approaching fast. Braeburn had to breathe through his mouth to get air into his lungs now as Macintosh's thrusts grew in strength and speed. Macs' balls crashing into his own as he felt the head of the horsecock inside him swell wide and stretch his already brutalised guts further. Then he felt it, hot and thick, huge streams, rivers of cum flooded Braeburns insides. Braeburn himself painting the floor with more white as he experienced yet another mind blowing orgasm. Mac continued to pulse inside of his cousin, hilted in his asshole. Just like before, the thick flare of his head prevented any of the semen from escaping its target, continuing to fill and swell Braeburn with his seed. Unlike before, Mac saw no need to remove himself from this hole until he had finished. Macintosh's climax continued well into a third minute, pumping, swelling his cousin with cum, eventually though the rivers of cum died to a trickle, then to a drip, then stopped completely. The air was again filled with panting from both stallions, but gave way to dead silence as they heard the door to the storeroom open. "Just mah luck, the only privacy is already taken" said a VERY large brown earth pony "Aww, dont you worry none Troubleshoes, dont think they'll mind sharin', heavens I bet they'll even be willin to join in." responded a very hungry looking Applejack.