The Special Treatment

by Toon_Crazy

First published

After Applejack constantly ditching Rarity and being exhausted from the latest harvest, Rarity drags Applejack to the local spa to give her friend a long overdue rest... and makeover.

After Applejack constantly ditching Rarity and being exhausted from the latest harvest, Rarity drags Applejack to the local spa to give her friend a long overdue rest... and makeover.

Contains Breast, Butt, Lips expansion. Voice change.

Thanks to Citrus Recluse, Marshmallow Horse, and CarlieKoopa for motivating me to return to writing

The Special Treatment

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“Oh come on, Applejack!” Rarity cried out, struggling to pull her friend into the door, which she kept open with her foot in. “We’ve made it this far!”

Applejack, cross-armed and standing still, was unmoved by Rarity’s best efforts, literally. She pitied her friend and sighed. “Ah haven’t moved an inch, ya know?”

Rarity gave one last tug with all her remaining, (if little) upper body strength. And unsurprisingly… failed. She finally decided to let go of Applejack’s arm, panted for a while and wiped her sweat off her forehead. “Why are you so afraid of spas?” she managed to utter.

Applejack took a glance at the building and instantly turns away, frowning. She muses for a good while, trying to find a perfectly rational explana- “Because it just ain’t in mah nature,” she blurts out.

Rarity crossed her own arms. “Why is it that whenever I invite you to do something fun with me, you always decide to flake out at the last second?”

“Welll… Ah have things to- y’know… do.”

“Applejack, first off, you’re a bad liar. Second, Apple Bloom and Big Mac said you were done with the harvest you all were doing for the past week.”

Applejack’s face scrunched up and looked off to the distance.

“Besides, Applejack, this is for your own good.” With that, Rarity managed to catch Applejack off guard and pull her right through the door into the spa.

“Lemme go!” Applejack said, struggling to reach the door handle.

“You’ve been working so hard that you NEED to relax a bit,” she explained, as she slowly got closer and closer to the counter. “And I thought the spa would be perfect for you.”

They finally reached the counter, where Rarity, with one hand, rang the bell. “Don’t you worry, Applejack. This is nothing more than a simple spa treatment for you.”

“Simple?” Applejack asked, stopping her resistance.


Before she could finish, a young woman emerged from the back room behind the counter with a stack of spa robes which she laid softly on the counter. She then averted her attention on the two of them. “How may I help you two?” she said in a cheerful mood.

“My name is Rarity, which you probably are already aware of given my frequent trips to this fine establishment,” she said haughtily to the lady, waiting for her to acknowledgement. The woman, after a long period of silence, just responded with a wide smile. Rarity dismissed that and continued. “I called in earlier for a special spa treatment for my worn out friend here.”

Applejack’s eyes went wide. “‘Special?’”

The woman quickly glanced at the appointment book before looking back up. “Oh yes! Your appointments are down that way.” She pointed to the hallway to the left and said in a giddy way. “We hope you enjoy your special treatment, Miss Applejack.”

Applejack became nervous as she was being led down the hall by Rarity and asked, “Wait on a sec! What does she mean by special treatment?”

Rarity smiled. “You’ll see!” she said in a teasing way as she dragged her friend further down the hallway.

They soon came up to a door that said on it, ‘Body Treatment’. Rarity knocked on the door, and the door opened, which she then pulled Applejack in.

Another young woman with a slim body and blue hair peeked around the door and smiled gleefully. “Hello, Rarity! Back again for the usual treatment? Oh! Who is that there?”

“Why, hello, Aloe,” Rarity said to her, “Not today, I’m afraid. This,” she pulled Applejack into the limelight, “is my friend, Applejack! I signed her up for one of the special treatments you have here!”

“Oh? The special treatment?” Aloe giggles as she eyes Applejack mischievously. “I take it this is a surprise?”

Rarity nodded for confirmation.

“Ahhh, I see,” Aloe said, as if she understood everything. She glanced at Applejack again and smiled playfully. “Well then, you’ll be in for a treat!”

“Ok!” Applejack said, getting more nervous and even more annoyed, “What the hay are ya two talking about?”

“Oh, please don’t worry,” Aloe said in a calm yet creepy way, “we’ll take good care of you.”

Applejack started to take a few steps back. She bumped into something and quickly turned around to see.

“Oh dear, apologies,” said the woman, who was also slim but had pink hair.

“Ah, Lotus,” Aloe called out. “We have a special treatment today.”

“Oh? For her?” Lotus asked, eyeing Applejack.


“Hmm…” Lotus said as she circled around Applejack, scanning her from top to bottom. “This is a bit uncommon for us. We never have too many women this… ‘fit’, undergoing this treatment.” Lotus turned her attention toward Aloe and Rarity. “Usually we give this treatment to slender women.”

“Aw,” Aloe cooed to Lotus, “It could be fun. And it would be something new for us.”

Lotus considered it.


Rarity then chimed in. “It would mean a lot to me since she’s been so worn out lately.”

Lotus exhaled and said. “Alright, we’ll do our best, Miss Rarity.”

Rarity and Aloe jumped up and down while clapping in glee.

“Boy, this is awfully weird,” Applejack said, still a stranger to the much more feminine world.

“You’ll get used to it in no time,” Lotus said hold of her right hand.

Aloe then took a hold of her left hand. “Once we get started, you’ll be so happy and relaxed.”

“You’ll feel like,” they both said together, “a new person.” They giggled wildly as they led her to the end of the room where the white massage table was, next to a movable tray with several bottles and creams on top, as well a sink by the wall.

“Have fun, Applejack!” Rarity said, waving her hand as she walked backwards towards the door.

“Wait, you’re not doing this too? Ah thought you wanted to spend time with me.”

“Oh, uh- I’ll just be waiting by the lobby. I already had a massage yesterday. Besides, I’m sure we’ll spend a lot of time together later,” Rarity said, in a mysteriously mischievous tone.

“Alright then,” Aloe said, taking the towel off the table before handing it to Applejack. “Please switch out of your regular clothes and into this towel please.” As soon as she handed Applejack the towel, Aloe and Lotus turned their back for Applejack to undress. They waited for a bit, but after a while they could tell Applejack hadn’t even begun to change given the lack of noise.

“We could find you a room to change into,” Aloe said.

“No, no, it’s fine,” Applejack hesitated before biting the bullet and beginning to get undressed. She decided she’d rather get it all done quickly than waste any more time being here.

She quickly undresses, including taking her hat off, and changes into her appropriate spa attire.

They turn around and grin. “Now then,” Aloe said, clapping her hands together happily, “The special treatment is a bit different than most of our treatments we give here at the spa. There are multiple phases to this treatment, so if you would please lie down on the table, we will begin with the first phase.”

Applejack nodded and promptly got onto the table before laying on her back.

“One more thing before we begin,” Lotus said as she picked up a bottle behind her and squirted some ointment in her hand, as did Aloe’s, “We’ll be rubbing this ointment on you. It’s necessary for the treatment.”

Before Applejack could ask what the ointment was for, she felt their soft hands rub against her body. The gel gave her body a warm, happy feeling, allowing her mind to drift off. As they rubbed her body more and more, she drifted even further. She was so relaxed that she didn’t notice that they had somehow flipped her over, removed her towel and was rubbing the ointment on her behind.

As soon as they were done, they went over to the sink to wash their hands off. At this point, Applejack slowly was coming out of her euphoric state as the warm feeling started to leave her. Realizing that Applejack would now be paying attention to them, Lotus calmly said, “Now, we’ll start with your transformation.”

“Transformation?” Applejack uttered, still mostly in her relaxed state.

Aloe and Lotus ignored the question and instead said, “We will relieve some of the tension on yourself by massaging some of the pressure points, starting with your legs and then in your hip area.”

Aloe opened a jar and they both took a big scoop of cream into their hands. As soon as their soft hands touched her skin again, the warm and tender feeling was brought back to Applejack as she was soon back in her own world again.

As soon as Applejack was relaxed, they then proceeded to massage the pressure point areas and also run her hands across and around her legs.

With each touch, Applejack softly moaned and uttered, “Oh yes… that’s the spot…” Her aching pain in her legs started to fade away with each tender rub.

Aloe smiled and moved up to her hip area. She removed the towel once more and carefully rubbed and massaged her hips. Meanwhile, Lotus focused on the waist. When they were done, Aloe and Lotus took a step back and took a good look at the areas she worked on. Her muscularly legs now slender and her thighs were rounder, her muscles looking more like fat. They then looked at Applejack’s hips and were happy to see that Applejack’s hips were now wider than her own shoulders. Exaggerated childbearing hips, if they had to describe it. Her curves were helped by the fact that her waist had shrunk rather significantly, as if she had an invisible corset on.

Lotus then moved onto massaging her pressure points in her arms while Aloe with her hands. With simple strokes at her arms and hand points, Lotus managed to make Applejack’s arms skinner, her hands more delicate.

“There we go,” Lotus said to her, “We’ll now move onto the next stage which involves the neck and a little facial.”

“Mhm…” Applejack managed. Her neck did ache from all the work and a little facial doesn’t sound like a lot.

They went to work on her neck and face. Lotus applied the facial cream on Applejack’s face while Aloe applied a different cream on her neck. At first she rubbed around her neck, before she lingered on Applejack’s Adam’s apple, stroking it a couple of times. Soon Aloe felt the bulge shrink away after a few strokes.

“How are you feeling?” she asked kindly.

“Ah feel great…,” Applejack said in a delicate and higher pitched voice. She didn’t notice how different her voice was or how different her body was. She was too wrapped up the sense of joy and relaxing feeling of the massage to notice.

Aloe giggled at her new voice.

“Don’t open your eyes, please,” Lotus asked, applying the cream.

Applejack’s face was covered in the white cream, except for her lips. It looked as if Lotus was done but instead, Lotus decided to rub and push into Applejack’s cheeks. Applejack, was unaware of Lotus’ ‘sculpting’. Lotus then grabbed a red lipstick and began to apply it carefully over Applejack lips.

Applejack could feel her lips tingle a bit, but then again she rarely ever put lipstick on so maybe that was normal.

“Alright,” Aloe said to Applejack, “We’re almost done. We just have two more spots to attend to. I’ll be rubbing your chest. Meanwhile, Lotus will be tending to your rear.”

“W- wah?” Applejack said in confusion, her lips feeling numb for some reason.

“We’ll tell you when everything is finished,” Aloe said, ignoring Applejack’s comment, “and when you can wipe of the cream off of your face.”

Applejack nodded anyway, forgetting what Aloe said earlier.

Lotus was the first one. She turned Applejack over to rest on her front while. Lotus took off the towel covering her rear and squeezed Applejack’s butt with the oil in her hands. She continued to rub and massage her rear with the oil, before she ended with one last squeeze of both cheeks.

“Your turn,” Lotus said, as she went to wash her hands.

Aloe stepped in, and flipped Applejack back in her previous state. She saw Applejack’s rather small breasts and pitied her but also noticed freckles on them. “Awwww,” she cooed softly, “they look so cute.” She filled her hand with the same oil sand said. “They’re going to be so much more noticeable when we’re done.”

She too squeezed and rubbed her breasts over and over. Over time, she could feel more and more flesh in her hand with each rub and squeeze.

While her breasts were being massaged, Applejack also didn’t notice that she was rising off the table somewhat.

“Looks like the oil is working,” Lotus said.

“It’s working over here too,” Aloe added, giving one last squeeze on her breasts.

They watched Applejack as she rose off the table by a couple of inches while her breasts inflated to the size of medicine balls. They continued to watch her grow a bit more before it finally stopped.

“All done!” Aloe said cheerfully to Applejack, waking her up from her blissful state, “Now, follow me so we can wash that cream off your face.”

“Oh, okay then,” Applejack said, still unaware of her higher pitched voice and her bodily changes.

Aloe gave Applejack a hand and lifted her off the table. Applejack felt an immense amount of weight on her chest.

“Why do mah bweasts feel so heavy?” she asked, still closing her eyes. “And mah wips feel weawwy numb for some weason.”

“Oh, you’ll see soon enough,” Aloe reassured, getting Applejack onto her feet.

Applejack struggled to keep her balance. Her body felt like jelly and yet heavy for some reason. As Aloe led her to the sink, Applejack felt her chest and rear jiggle with each step.

They stopped and Aloe said, “Alright, you can wash the facial off your face here.” She then turned the knob and Applejack could hear water pouring in front of her.

“There’s a mirror in front of you two but there’s a much bigger one to your right if you want to see your new look.”

Applejack, holding her hands out to fill them with water, asked, “New wook?” She began washing her face off and the facial mask began to melt away. She had some water in her eyes but she was able to see the small mirror in front of her. It was blurry but she could see her blurred face and blonde hair. She took a towel nearby to wipe her face and any water in her eyes. She blinked for a while and saw someone in the mirror.

She saw a blonde with an extremely fakeness to her face. Was that someone in front of her? She squinted at the stranger and it seemed like she was mimicking her every move.

Then her heart began to race. “Is that…" she squinted harder, "ME?!?!” She then covered her mouth. “Why do Ah sound diffewent?” She asked, finally noticing her high pitched voice, as well as her lips feeling extremely swollen. She slowly moved her hands away to see her swollen lips.

“MAH WIPS!!!” She cried out in shock, jolting a bit, which made her chest jump up and down. She took a glance at them but remembered that there was a larger mirror close by.

She turned to the larger mirror in the room and slowly ran towards it. During that, she noticed how her chest and rear were bouncing around.
When she got to the mirror, she looked into it and saw a complete stranger.

She saw that her cheekbones were much more defined and protruding than before. And worse, her lips looked as if they were stung by a bee… multiple times. She touched her lips with her finger just to check if they were ‘real’. And unfortunately, they were. Her lips were replaced with round swollen lips.

She then down at herself and saw two large round globes of flesh just hanging where her breasts used to be. She looked back and forth between the mirror and the chest.

Her lower half wasn’t much better. She had a comedic hourglass figure, with her waist pinched in and wide hips wider than her shoulders. Her legs too looked slender while her thighs were rounder. She turned her body slightly to the side to see her posterior looking huge and round. It looked as if someone could place a wineglass on one of two cheeks perfectly.


“I’m deeply sorry, ma’am!” the girl behind the counter of the spa said to Applejack, “If we’d have known you didn’t want this and that your friend tricked you into this change, we would have never gone through with it. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.”

Applejack was now at the main entrance of the spa with Rarity. Applejack was now fully dressed in her clothing. Which was to say, she was wearing the same clothes but now looked like it was about to tear open with the mildest of movements. Her short sleeve white shirt couldn’t button up to cover her massive cleavage and because of her large breasts taking up a lot of space, her midriff was exposed. As for her rear, her blue denim skirt, which previously reached her thighs, was now trying its hardest to cover her rear. The skirt rode up her butt and there was enough flesh at the top that it created a noticeable cleavage.

Rarity then said to Applejack, in a reasonable and polite way, “Don’t be so down, Applejack. This isn’t the worst possible thing.”

Applejack exploded at her, shouting, “NOT THE WORST POSSIBLE THING?! AH WOOK AND SOUND WIDICUWOUS!” She stomped her feet on the ground, sending her butt and breasts jiggling about.

“Please calm down, miss,” the girl behind the counter calmly asked, “The change is only temporary. We never make the changes here permanent in order to avoid lawsuit against us.”

Applejack sighed a breath of relief before chuckling a bit. “Whew, for a second there Ah thought Ah’d be stuck with these big bosoms, enormous rear, and these widicuwous wisping wips.”

“It’s only for a week,” the lady said.

Applejack’s right eye began to twitch.

“A- a- week?” She repeated in a deflated tone.

“YAY!” Rarity suddenly hugged Applejack, having difficulty to meet her hands together due to Applejack’s enormous, though soft and squishy, breasts. “Now we can make up for all those times you ditched me.”

“A- a- week?” Applejack repeated again in the same deflated tone.

“We can go shopping together, like for new clothes since I’m afraid none of your clothes would fit anymore.” She said, noticing how tight those clothes probably are on her.

“A- a- week?”

“Just you and me. All day. Shopping for clothes and doing the most feminine of things.”

Applejack slowly turned to Rarity.

“This was all part of your pwan, Wawity” she said with a thousand-yard stare.


Applejack then looked off to the distance with the same thousand-yard stare.

Suddenly a tearing sound was heard.

“Oh dear,” Rarity said, letting go of Applejack, “I think your skirt just ripped opened.”

“… that... wasn’t part of the plan, FYI,” she said with a scrunched face.