> The Kindest Man I Know... > by ByTheNightSky > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you ever had a dream that relived a portion of your past? One that reminds you of happiness but also great sadness? I was having that right now. Thankfully, Celestia blessed me with a ray of light that cut through the curtains and landed on my face, rising me from slumber. Rubbing the crust from my eyes, the dream was long gone with the beautiful smell of coffee and breakfast replacing it in my mind. Removing the lavender sheets, I walked into the bathroom for the morning routine. You know, brush your teeth, wash your face, take a leek (not necessarily in that order). When I was done, I noticed my chin and cheeks were getting scraggly. "I need a shave." I mused to my self. "Darling! Breakfast is ready!" Never has that voice been so beautiful, and my stomach agreed with a gurgle. I pulled on some discarded pants and an old shirt and made my way downstairs. The smells of a good morning were so present, I could taste them on my tongue. I walked into the kitchen to see my loving wife put the last finishing touches on all three plates of French morning goodness, and our equally as loving six year old sitting at the table waiting for mommy to finish. "Good morning my gems." I said as I gave Rarity as fresh kiss on her cheek, causing her to smile. "Hello love." She warmly replied. My little tot was more enthusiastic. "Daddy!" She cried, jumping from her chair. I grabbed her and hefted her to my chest, where she threw her tiny arms around my neck for a hug. I gave her a kiss on the cheek as well before letting her down. She giggled when I let her go. "Your face is tickle-y again." "Guess I could use another shave." I chuckled, not only at my little girl's comment, but also at the fact that Rarity's ears turned towards me and her tail raised slightly. Have you ever had a woman shave your face? I'm talking straight razor, cut you in one very wrong move as you stare into each other's eyes kinda shave. I don't know what it is, but it's erotic as hell. I think Radiant happened because of that. But I digress, this is not one of those kinds of stories. Anyways! Radiant went back to her seat as I took mine and we both waited for Rarity to take her seat before we dug in. The French toast was fabulous and I made sure to complement her on it as well. She thanked me with a syrupy kiss with Radiant giggling at our antics. I shared stories of work from the previous night. I worked as head bar tender for the 'Record Scratch Club.' While we could easily live off of Rarity's pay alone, I wanted to work. Not because we wanted expensive things constantly, nor because 'I was the man of the house and I had to provide'. I wanted to. I felt a need to, a need that was instilled in me long ago. That and since Vinyl owed me a favor, I was hired almost instantly. Back to my story, it basically consisted about the random antics of the usual drunks, even one consisting about our friend and miss 'fastest flyer' Rainbow Dash. Both my girls laughed as I put on my performance of a drunk Rainbow with the punchline... "I'm only twenty percent drunk..." before acting like I passed out. Rarity laughed loudly, and Radiant was giggling because of mommy. She cut herself short as she looked at her wrist. "Oh my! I'm sorry dear, I need to clean up. I have a big order of dresses and need a head start. "It's okay honey. I'll clean up. Go ahead and get started." Rarity got up with her tea she was drinking and gave me a loving kiss on the lips. "That is why I love you." She left my lips and sauntered out the door. "The only reason? I replied as the joke came to mind. "Basically! She laughed back to me. I chuckled as well. Then I looked across the table to Radiant, who was smiling away at me. "Want to help me clean up?" "Sure!" We set out on the lengthy process of cleaning up. Rarity cooked well, but man did she make a mess! It was good fun though. We were laughing and giggling respectively. Especially with Radiant's soap beard. But.... then there was the noise. Ding,Ding!"Oh hello. I'm sorry but we're not..."Kisssh! It's sounded like she dropped her tea. "Rarity? Are you alright?" I asked in concern. When she didn't answer, I moved with urgency to the main entrance as it was where the noise seemed to originate from. It was there I saw why she dropped her tea. A stallion was standing at the entrance, breathing heavy, with a gun pointed at my wife. At my love. He pointed it to me as I came in. I instantly put my hands up, not trying to provoke him, but I needed to get to Rarity. I needed her behind me. He then spoke. "Look I don't want to hurt anyone. I just want all the gems you have. I know you have alot." The way he spoke.... it seemed like he was unsure of himself. As if this was his first robbery. He had the face. The face of someone with something to lose. I should know. I tried speaking calmly, but with certainty. "Okay, okay. We'll get you the gems. Just don't hurt my family. Rarity, could you please?" I motioned for the fabric room that held them. She nodded, and backed away slowly, hands still raised. He followed her with the gun, but I moved forward purposely, gaining his attention back. I tried to get him to talk, to relax. "What's your name? You didn't bother to hide your face nor cutie mark." He looked at me with wide eyes before speaking. "Awry Wager." "Well met. I'm Thomas." I looked at him, not noing how to proceed. I went for a leap of faith. "So what's your story Awry?" "My story?" "Those who steal like you are either have nothing left to lose, or feel like there's no other option. You look like somepony with something to lose. Do you have family?" "T-that's none of your business!" He stuttered, emphasizing with shaking the gun. I took a breath. "I'm trying to understand why Awry. You look young so you should have a whole life ahead. Maybe we could talk and find you some help?" I was thinking on my feet at this point. Anything for him not to shoot my family. He gave out a long sigh. "So... family? "Yeah. Yeah, I've got a beautiful mare and two fillys. Best things in my life..." "And yet here you are holding me hostage while my wife collects her expensive gems for you. What lead to this Awry? What happened." He let out a heavy sigh, as if the thought exasperated him. "My wife is ill. Her condition is too weak for magical treatment, not that we could afford it. Not only that, I was cut from my job because of my gambling problem, and my wife and I are going hungry just so our girls can eat." He let out another sigh, and wiped his now wet eyes. "Why am I telling you all this?" "Maybe you needed to talk to someone who understands how you feel." I replied. He looked at me puzzled. "How do you know anything about what I'm going through?" He sounded more upset. I needed to diffuse this. "While I don't know your exact situation, I've been through this." His face darkened. I knew what he was thinking, and I had to elaborate. "Before I was transported to Equestria, I was originally a thief. You see, my mother died giving birth to my brother. Then after a few years of alcohol and substance abuse, my father abandoned us. We didn't go to the orphanage, nor could we trust to live off the kindness of strangers. So, I stole." His face softened at that sentence."I had to, to make sure we both survived. But....everyone's luck runs up eventually." I looked up from my feet as I stopped retelling my story to see his hand had lowered. Good. I continued. "I got caught. To be honest, I wasn't worried about my life. I was worried about my brother. He couldn't survive on his own. I begged, I pleaded to the man to let me go. And, in a way, he did." "What did he do?" He asked softly. I smiled while saying, "He took us in." Awry's face went from soft to shocked. "But I thought you said..." I chuckled from the memory. "He really didn't give me, or my brother, a choice. You see, his wife had a condition that caused her to be infertile. They had always wanted two kids." I let out a heavy sigh. "Anthony and Nicole Kell. They gave us everything, but not for free. Anthony taught me the value of hard work, encouraged my pursuit of art and cooking, and taught me discipline. Nicole was loving. She cared for us just like we were her own. She made sure we knew how to treat a woman and taught me respect." I let out a shaky sigh, wiping away the memory that had liquefied on my face. I looked back to my captor, and continued. "I mourned them greatly when they died. Lost Mom to cancer, and Dad to age. But, I had a deep learning curve hit me at their deaths." I wiped my eyes again, and saw Awry getting red eyed at my story. The gun was on the ground, dropped during my story, though I didn't notice when that happened. I took a breath and continued. "Sometimes, you have to take a leap of faith on strangers. And I want to continue that. Wait here." All I got was a nod as I went back upstairs for a quick moment. I entered into our bedroom and went to the dresser. I pulled out the sock drawer and toke out a sock that jingled. I reached in and pulled out four golden coins with one thousand stamped onto the coin face. I walked down the steps and started talking to Awry. "Here. These are for you. I don't know how much you need but I know this can help." When he saw the numbers on the bits, his whole demeanor changed. "F-four thousand?! B-but...... I was trying to... rob you... I-I can't take this!" He stammered out. "I know. We all do stupid things when we're desperate enough. In fact, I might even be able to get you a job pertaining to your talent." I replied, taking note of the two ace cards with a glove gripping a corner of both cards on the back of his hands. He noticed my look. "Yeah, know all the games, just can't play them well." Vinyl was looking for a few dealers for the poker boards she was going to set up. I looked back to his face. "Here's what I want you to do. Go home, take your girls out if you can, and we'll meet tomorrow in Moondew park to see how much your wife's treatment will cost and get you an interview. Think that will work?" I said, setting the bits in his hand. His eyes welled again as he threw his arms around me, embracing me. Tears flowed, either in joy or relief I'll never know. "Yes! Yes, thank you!" He cried openly. After a few minutes he left as I waved him on, saying my goodbyes. I closed the door and turned around to see my loves with red, puffy eyes. I hugged them deeply, and they returned my hug in full force. Rarity and I shared a deep kiss. When she parted she stated, "Your are the..." ---------------------------------------------------------(Shift in view)----------------------------------------------------------------------- Awry walked into his home, his entire being completely changed when he left. He saw his two fillies playing with their dolls as his wife sat in the reclining chair, watching them. "Hello my fillies! I'm home!" He said in a cheery demeanor. His young ones rushed him with hugs as his wife struggled to get out of the chair to embrace him. He bounded to her, grabbing her hip and back to pull her to him. He brought her close, kissing her deeply, happily. When they parted, Delicate said, "What do I owe the pleasure for this warm embrace dear?" "Everything is going to be alright. I promise." Awry's said while he revealed his hand that held four thousand bits. His wife gasped loudly. "Honey! How did you get that?!" "He gave it to me. He also will pay for your surgery and might get me a job." "Who dear?" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The kindest man I know." "The kindest man I know."