> My Little Pony: The Phantom Hero > by cyberlord4444 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Location: ???-???] [Time: ????] Sunset Shimmer sat in her cell, wondering where it had all gone wrong. 5 years ago, this world's Twilight Sparkle had inadvertently revealed the existence of magic to the whole world during the Friendship Games incident. What had followed was a mad scramble by the entire world to figure out how to harness it. She and Twilight had even helped out, giving as much data as they could to DARPA in exchange for scholarships to MIT. All in all, it looked like the world was moving towards a brighter future, until it all crashed down. 2 years after the discovery of magic, an unknown group had found a way to use magic as a weapon, and supplied it to the highest bidders, such as governments, private mercenary groups, and terrorists. The world dissolved into chaos as various groups took control of various 3rd world countries, and the UN deployed various task forces to stop them. As the dust settled, several Middle Eastern countries and most of Africa belonged to dictators to entrenched to remove. This was followed by various skirmishes by numerous PFs hired by both sides, trying to take control of various regions. Even now, the fighting had spread, as evident by the fact that one of those PFs had kidnapped Sunset for reasons unknown, although none of the possibilities she could come up with were pleasant. As she contemplated her fate, she heard something from outside her cell. She crawled towards the door and placed her ear on it, and heard what sounded like scraping. However, it suddenly stopped as she heard footsteps take its place. After a minute, the footsteps stopped, followed by muffled voices, followed by a soft thud before the scraping resumed. After a few seconds it was replaced by a click and the door swung open as Sunset scrambled to get out of the way. As she looked back, she saw what she hoped was her rescuer. He was dressed in a military looking uniform, with a shotgun and pistol on his hip and a rifle on his back. His left arm looked mechanical, probably a prosthetic, and was holding what appeared to be a high-tech set of binoculars to his face. When he lowered it, his face was revealed to be that of a veteran, grizzled and somewhat old and covered with scars, the most notable of which was an eye patch covering his right eye and an embedded piece of metal over it. "Come on," he said, reaching out a hand, "let's get you out of here." Sunset took his hand and tried to stand up, but the injuries she had received during her capture made it impossible. The stranger simply swung her up on his shoulders and proceeded to walk out. Sunset was surprised to see that they were in what appeared to be an industrial complex, but put it aside as something slightly more important sprang to her mind, "Who are you?" "I was hired to rescue you, you can call me Boss." "So, you're one of those mercenaries huh?" "I'd like to think I'm a cut above the average merc, but basically yes." "I think I can believe that," Sunset replied, as they had passed several unconscious mercenaries along the way. After a few minutes, they arrived outside, where a black and red helicopter was waiting, hovering a few feet above the ground. After Boss had placed Sunset within the chopper and boarded himself, he talked to the pilot, "Radio ahead to Mother Base, tell the medics to stand by." As the pilot replied, Sunset felt the exhaustion of the past few hours catch up with her, and passed out. After a few hours, or a few minutes, Sunset felt someone shake her awake. She cracked open her eyes to see that she was still on the chopper with Boss. "Wake up, we're here." "Where's here?" Boss looked out the currently open door and grinned, "Home." Sunset craned her neck to try and see what he was talking about. They were heading towards an oil platform in the middle of the ocean, it was the only thing visible in any direction she could see. "How'd you manage to get yourself one of those?" Boss shrugged, "No one was using it at the time, and the previous owner owed me a favor." "Must have been a pretty big favor." "His daughter got kidnapped, I rescued her, it's kind of my specialty." "Can't argue with your track record," Sunset chuckled. They both shared a laugh as the chopper touched down. Waiting for them were a small squad of soldiers, a medical team with a stretcher, and an old friend. "Rarity!" "Sunset! I do hope those ruffians didn't do anything too, distasteful, before we could get you out." "I'm fine," Sunset said as an orderly helped her onto the stretcher, "just a bit beaten up." "Well, thank you so much for rescuing her." "Just doing my job, you paid me to get her out, and I did." "Wait, how could you possibly afford to hire him?" Sunset asked. "Well, you know how my, ahem counterpart, has a knack for finding gems? Well, I was able to figure out how to do it. You are looking at the owner of a rather successful diamond mine." "If you don't mind," one of the orderlies interrupted, "we need to get her to sickbay." "Oh, my apologies, we'll talk again when you're feeling better." As Sunset was wheeled off, she looked back at the mysterious man who had rescued her. Sure, he rescued her because he was paid to do so, but she couldn't help but think that there was more to him than just that. The only question, was what? > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Location: Sick Bay-Mother Base] [Time: ????] Sunset was sleeping, her injuries had been treated by a combination of traditional, for Earth, and somewhat experimental magical methods. Luckily there wasn't anything too serious so surgery wasn't necessary, but the doctor in charge had still ordered a few days of bed rest. Her dreams were troubled, but luckily for her she wouldn't have to suffer them for long, as someone had other ideas. Sunset groaned as something started licking her face. She cracked open one of eyes to see that a small white puppy with an eyepatch was licking her, then immediately closed it just before her eye got licked. "DD, down," someone said, and she immediately felt the licking stop and felt the puppy leap off the bed. Now that she was sure she wouldn't get slobber in her eyes, she opened them to see Boss at the doorway with the puppy nuzzling his leg. "Sorry about DD, he's rather... energetic." "That's one word for it," Sunset said as she sat up and wiped the drool off her face, "so, docs say I can go home yet?" "The docs do, but there's something I'd like to talk to you about first," Boss said as he picked up DD. "What is it?" "An opportunity," Boss said before walking out of the room. Sunset got dressed as she wondered what he meant. Her old clothes were unfortunately too damaged to keep, but luckily there was a set of fatigues laid out for her. As she dressed, she noticed a patch on the left shoulder of the coat, a diamond with a dog's head and the words 'Diamond Dogs'. Although her memories of the trip were fuzzy, she thought she remembered the same symbol on the side of the rig. After she slung the coat on, she walked outside. Luckily there were maps posted so she didn't get lost, much. As she exited the building, she noticed that Boss was looking through his binoculars at something in the distance. After double checking that yes, there was that symbol on the side of the rig, she looked in the direction that he was facing. It appeared to be construction of some sort. Boss noticed her and handed her the binoculars, which she accepted eagerly. Peering through them, she saw that it was another platform, as well as what appeared to be some sort of bridge that led to the one she was currently standing on. "Impressive isn't it," Boss said, slightly startling Sunset, "when it's finished, it'll be the home of our R&D Department." Sunset wondered why a mercenary group would need an R&D department, but pushed it to the back of her mind as there were more pertinent questions, "You said you had an opportunity for me?" Boss nodded, "Tell me, what do you think is worth fighting for?" Sunset shrugged, "I don't know, depends on the person I guess." "For me, fighting is a means to stop conflicts. That group that's been supplying terrorists? I'm putting together a group to find out who they are, and I'd like you to be a part of it." "Why me? I'm no fighter, or did you forget that I needed rescuing?" "I never said anything about you needing to fight. I have a knack for finding talented people, and you'd be perfect in a support position." Sunset considered what he said. While the prospect of finding out who had abused what was basically her life's work was appealing, she didn't know if she was prepared to become a gun for hire. "Mind if I sleep on it?" "Consider it an open invitation," Boss said, "there's a supply ship coming in a few days, you and your friend are free to take it to the mainland if you wish." "I'm still not sure why he asked me to join him," Sunset said to Rarity. The two of them were currently in the room Rarity was staying in while they were waiting for the boat. "To be honest, he said something similar to me." "Really?" "Well, he didn't offer me a job, but he did say that I'd do well in intel, whatever he meant by that." Sunset chuckled, "Well, back at CHS you practically ran the rumor mill, makes plenty of sense that you'd be good at gathering information." "Sunset, I'll have you know that I've never engaged in rumors, merely harmless gossip." "Whatever you say Rares." "Anyway, I think it might not be a bad idea." "Rarity, how is me becoming a mercenary a good idea?" "Well, I wouldn't be suggesting it if it was any other outfit, but these fine gentlemen are cut from a rather different cloth. I've been here for a week and they've been nothing but accommodating, they even let me in the observation room during your rescue." Sunset didn't reply, instead looking out the window at the setting sun. It was true that they did seem different then what she expected from a common mercenary band, in fact there hadn't been a single fatality during her rescue, although some of them probably needed a bath after being stuffed into a dumpster. On top of that, she too was curious about who had perverted the magic that she held so dear to her heart. It was a lot to think about, luckily she had time. The only question, was it enough time? [4 days later] [Command Platform-Mother Base] [0900] Sunset watched as a freighter approached. It was bringing supplies for the nearly completed R&D Platform, and would take her and Rarity away soon after. "So, made your decision?" Sunset started and turned around to see that Boss had walked up to her silently, "Don't do that!" "Sorry, force of habit. Anyway, the Oregon's here, will you be staying, or leaving?" Sunset frowned slightly. She had thought it over for her entire stay, but was unable to decide one way or the other, or at least she couldn't until now. "Before I decide, there's something I need to know." "Go ahead." "You told me about your mission, but not about your organization. I need to know what you stand for." Boss nodded, "Mercenaries don't have a cause of their own. They're hired by those who treat them as nothing more than disposable troops, nothing more than tools. But here, they have a chance to have a cause, and be free from those who would exploit them. We're more than comrades, we're family. We're dogs of war, but also diamonds in the rough. We're not just mercs, not just a simple PF, we're Diamond Dogs, and we take care of our own." Sunset processed the information for a minute before she noticed something, "You've been practicing that speech in the mirror haven't you?" "A little bit, how was it? It felt a bit rushed." "No it was fine, and every word of it was true?" "Ask anyone around here." Sunset sighed, having come to a decision, "Then I guess I'm a Diamond Dog too, Boss." Boss grinned, holding out a hand, "Glad to hear it." Sunset grabbed his hand and shook it, "Don't make me regret it." "You won't. By the way, Boss is just what I'm known as to the average Joe." "So, what do your fellow Dogs call you?" "Sometimes boss, cause I am their boss, but I much prefer if you think of me as Snake, Mythic Snake." > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [The Oregon-Seychelles] [1100] "Well, I must say that Mr Snake is as good at decorating as he is at rescuing," Rarity said. Sunset just sighed. The two of them were currently cruising on the Oregon towards Rarity's mine. Rarity had hammered out a contract for them to act as security, so they also had a squad of Diamond Dogs from the combat unit on board, and all of them had accommodations that would make a 5 star hotel take notes, and of course Rarity had been entranced from the word go. "I'm glad you're having fun Rarity, but I have to get going." "Apologies darling, go on ahead, I heard that they have a pool." Sunset just chuckled as they went their separate ways, Rarity to take full advantage of the Oregon's amenities, and Sunset to begin her on the job training as part of Diamond Dog's support team. Nestled within the armored hull of the Oregon was a mobile command center similar to the one back at Mother Base, that was mainly used for operations that weren't as high a priority. Right now it was staffed with new recruits as setting up Rarity's new guards, the perfect assignment for it. As Sunset entered the MCC, there were a few other trainees familiarizing themselves with their stations. Sunset took a breath before approaching the duty officer, "Excuse me, I was told to report here?" "Hmm, oh yes, you must be Sunset," he said before extending his hand, "I'm Sunburst, pleasure to be working with you." "The pleasure's all mine," Sunset said as she shook it, "I just hope I can do this." "Nonsense, the Boss picked you out personally, and he's never wrong about these things. Now, let's get you trained up, we'll start with how to use one of these consoles." As Sunset was learning the basics of her new position, Snake was in his cabin with Shipwreck, the captain of the Oregon. "So captain, how's she doing?" "She's a bonnie lass alright, I don't know where you fished 'er from, but she's the finest vessel I've e're had the honor to capin'." "She's a heavily modified container vessel, let's just hope the crew and her get used to each other before we need to use her for combat." Shipwreck sighed, "Aye, she be a real scrapper, but no sense takin' her to a dance until she's ready, we're more than happy to continue our supply runs until she's settled. That said, she's eager to prove herself, I kin feel it." "She'll have her chance, and the crew as well, once they're ready. You'll be hunting Somalian pirates before you know it, but let's focus on the mission at hand first, alright?" Shipwreck nodded, "Aye Boss, we'll do ya proud, I'll be on the bridge if you need me." After Shipwreck left, Snake opened the drawer of his desk and withdrew the file he was reading. "The Oregon isn't the only lass that'll prove her mettle, isn't she Sunset?" In the section marked 'Aptitude', one point was circled. Support: S++ [1 Week Later] [Coast of Southern Africa] Sunset was in the control room overseeing the team getting settled in. Once they were in place they would switch to their own command post located in the mine itself, but for now the Mobile Command was doing the job just fine. Sunset herself had taken to it like a fish to water, mastering the various aspects quickly, cementing herself as the leader among the rookies. "This is Gem-Leader, we're at the mine, beginning our preliminary survey." "Roger Gem-Leader," Sunset replied as she examined a topographical map of the area, "there's a bit of a hill to the south-east, might make a good lookout point." "Understood Command, sending Gem-4 through 6 to establish an observation post. Recommend we build an observation tower on it." "Roger Gem-Leader, I'll inform Construction Division of your recommendation." As Gem Team began to examine the area of the mine, Sunburst walked up to her station with a cup of coffee in each hand. "Looks like you've got things well in hand," he said as he handed her a cup. "Not like it's that hard a job," Sunset said before taking a sip, "just preliminary work to set up a guard unit." Before Sunburst could reply, the radio crackled to life. "Command, this is Gem-4, we have incoming choppers." "This is Gem-Leader, I see them too." "Can you make out any markings?" Sunset asked as she glanced at the radar. "Not yet, they're still... DOWN DOWN!" Sunset's eye's widened as she heard and explosion over the radio, "Gem-4, respond." "This is Gem-5, goddamn chopper just shot missiles at us. Gem-4 is down, as are several others." "Can you shoot it down?" "Negative command, they took out Gem-11, and she had our only rocket launcher, GODDAMN IT MOVE!" "Gem-5 respond, what's your status?." "Fucking FUBAR, one of those choppers is a goddamn Apache or something, it's spewing rockets and gattling fire like it's the Fourth of fucking July. We have 3 more choppers dropping an entire strike team, and I think I see a tank coming in. There are only half a dozen of us left, and we're pinned down, we need backup right FUCKING NOW!" "Understood, standby." "A full combat squad has been dispatched from Mother Base," said Coco Pommel, another recruit, "but they won't be there for at least 2 days, they won't be able to last that long." Sunset's heart felt heavy as the rest of Command panicked, Sunburst included. Those were probably rebels hoping to seize Rarity's currently unprotected diamond mine to fund their operations. And to make matters worse, the other times they had done this, they only considered a mine captured when the only ones in it were rebels, or dead, and Rarity was there to help facilitate the Dogs' integration. However, before she could start to cry, a voice cut through the tumult, not particularly loudly, but effective none the less. "PIPE DOWN!" Everyone gathered turned to the entrance to see Mythic Snake, "Report." Sunset snapped to attention, "Gem Unit has suffered severe casualties, there are at least 3 squads of rebels moving in to take the mine with air and armor support." Snake just chuckled as he pulled a cigar out of his pocket, "Is that all?" As he lit the cigar and took a puff, they all silently questioned his sanity. However, before they could voice their opinion, he started barking orders. "Tell the remnants of Gem Unit to hole up and keep the soldiers from entering the mine as long as they can. Have the armory prep my B kit, and have the chopper spun up, I'm going in." As he turned and left, the activity in the command center returned to its previous level, although instead of panic, it was one of purpose. Sunset grinned as she cracked her knuckles and brought up every map of the area she could get her hands on. 'If he's going to go in there, she thought to herself, 'I'm gonna give him the best Celestia-damn Support he's ever gotten. Time to prove that he chose me for the right reason.' > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snake was on the deck as he double-checked his B kit. He had several preset kits for various situations, B was for general combat. He had his standard knock-out pistol, as well as a shotgun for anti-personnel work, and a rocket launcher for vehicles. Plus he had his secondary equipment, including one particular item that got some weird looks when he requested it. As the chopper rose up the elevator to the hanger, Snake ducked slightly from the propwash. "Ready to go?" asked the pilot. "When you are Lightning Dust," Snake replied as he climbed aboard. As the chopper climbed into the air, Snake's iDroid beeped. Bringing it out, Snake saw that the support team had designated several possible landing points. Snake selected one, Dust shooting him a thumbs up when she received his selection via her HUD. Snake then started playing some music over his headphones as he looked at the map, planning his attack. This was gonna be fun. One of the rebels attacking Rarity's mine was patrolling the perimeter. Resistance was higher than originally expected, normally they ran when the tank pulled up. These guys were rather panicked for a few minutes, but then they went to the entrance and barricaded themselves in, but not before laying out a small minefield of C4. Two guys had already been shot trying to clear it, and it was positioned exactly where the tank needed to be to get a clear shot on the door. However, their commander was rather skilled, and immediately ordered half them to scour for an alternate entrance, while the rest of them were on look out for anyone coming up. He grinned, hoping that the rich looking lady wouldn't be killed right away, they could have some real fun with her. Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he something move. He turned to look, but saw nothing but a rather large cardboard box. He shrugged and turned away, but then he thought he heard something. Turning back, he saw nothing but the cardboard box. He decided to examine it, even if it was nothing, there might be something of value in the box. He grinned, imagining the praise he would get if it was full of precious materials, or perhaps dynamite or something to blow down the door. Who knows, maybe if he was lucky, he would lead the next raid. As he reached to open it, something exploded out of it. 'A deamon' he thought to himself, before everything went black. Snake grinned as he put his pistol away, 'Man, cardboard box truly is the last word in stealth tech'. Snake gave him a once-over with his scope, "It's your lucky day, Mr B Assault." Snake pulled an odd fabric device with a strap off the back of his waist and attached it to the rebel's combat harness. With a pull of a toggle, it expanded into a balloon, shooting up into the air, bringing a now screaming rebel with it as his inventory spell put a new one in place. After a few seconds, he received a confirmation that the built in teleportation spell had brought him safely to Mother Base's brig. Snake chuckled, teleportation was one of the first things they tried to do with magic, but they never realized that their failures were because of magical interference at ground level. Once the subject hit 10,000' however, it got a lot easier. Snake gave his map another look. So far he had neutralized about half of the infantry, with everyone above C grade safely aboard Mother Base. There they would be given the choice of either joining Diamond Dogs, or being sent to Guantanamo Bay. The rest of them were treated to a quick knife in the back of the neck, no sense wasting ammo and/or drawing attention. While Snake did feel exhilaration at combat, he still didn't like having to kill if he didn't have to, and privately hoped he never did. After checking that radio chatter didn't indicate he'd been detected, he shouldered the rocket launcher. While he was proud of the fact that he had gone undetected so far during a daytime mission, the time for subtlety was over. He shot the rocket at the chopper, causing it to crash and burn, before triggering the C4 he'd planted on the tank. As expected, the troops immediately went into a total panic. As the heavy equipment was neutralized, Snake called in Dust to mop up using the chopper's autocannons. Seeing that the tide had turned in their favor, the remnants of Gem Unit charged out, taking care of the rebels who had taken cover. As the last of the rebels surrendered, Snake pulled out a cigar and lit it, "I love it when a plan comes together." > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Mother Base] [1000] Snake sighed as he exited the chopper, for some reason he never felt completely comfortable when he was away from Mother Base. Of course, that feeling soon ended as he noticed something. He quickly motioned to a maintenance worker, “Why is there a sword stuck in the deck?” “No clue,” he replied as they looked at the broadsword stuck halfway to its skull engraved cross-guard, “about 5 minutes ago, it just dropped out of the sky, along with these.” He gestured to the cart he was pushing, which had another sword and a strange device on it. “So, why is it still there?” “It’s stuck good, another of the boys has gone for a hoist, although if that doesn’t work we might have to use the cargo derrik.” “Let me have a go,” Snake said as he walked up to it. He took a few breaths before grabbing it with his mechanical hand and pulled. After a bit of resistance, it slid right out, “Doesn’t seem so stuck to me.” However, just then, the other items on the cart rose in the air as the device sprouted a pair of plasma blades, before they shot towards the one in his hand and hovered beside it. Then, three voices emanated from them. “This is Sebastian of the Dark Angels, and Spartans Viktor and Alexandra of the UNSC. For those out there, if you are outnumbered and need help, or if your world and its inhabitants are in danger or you just want to hang out, call upon the protectors of Humanity’s future, from both the 41st Millennium and the 23rd century. Ave Imperator! For the Emperor and the UNSC! For Equestria!” Snake frowned as he released the one he was holding, “What the hell is this?” The blades then clattered to the floor before a portal opened up and spat out three heavily armored figures. All three landed on the pavement in a heap and groaned. The portal then closed with a pop. Then one of the figures spoke up, “Well that happened….” It said as it stood up, towering over Snake. The armor it wore looked both high tech and archaic at the same time, colored, with two massive shoulder pauldrons that had what looked like squad identification on the left one but the right one had what looked to be a winged sword on it. The massive helmet then turned to Snake and the figure stepped back in shock. “Who the hell are you?!” It then looked around in confusion. “Matter of fact, where the hell are we?” “Mother Base,” Snake said as he whipped out his shotgun and pointed it at his face, “now, you have 5 seconds to tell me what you’re doing here. And before you think about simply shooting me, I recommend taking a look up.” The figure looked at the shotgun before sighing and crushing the barrel with one hand. “I'm as stumped as you are, one minute, I was helping Applejack with harvesting apples with Viktor and Alex, next minute, we’re here!” He said, just as the other two figures stood up. One of them looked up and froze. “Um… Sasha?” A female voice emanated from the pointed helmet. “You might want to look up…” “What is i-” The figure said as he looked up to see 2 dozen soldiers, along with turrets and missile launchers aiming at him and the other two. “Oh frag….” “You come into my home, heavily armed, and expect the welcome mat?” Snake smirked, “last chance, why are you here?” “I told you, I have no idea!” The figure said. “I'm not even from here! Wait…” it then took a closer look at Snake. “Okay, and I thought seeing a droid from Star Wars was surprising…” it muttered. “But this.. just takes the cake…” Snake stared at him for a minute before grabbing the swords, “It looks like you’re telling the truth, but you might want to be more careful with these, they could have hurt somebody, falling from the sky like that.” The figures looked at the weapons in shock. “Those… those are our tokens!” The first figure said. “How…” it then seemed to realize something. “Oh you have gotta… great, we’re in another Equestria…” it said, raising its hands in frustration. “Basically, you just called us from a different Equestria with these blades.” Snake looked at the blades before placing them on the cart the deckhand had abandoned, “I thought she looked familiar,” he said to himself before turning to them, “perhaps we should continue this inside?” “Aye, that would be a good idea.” The third figure spoke up for the first time and then chuckled. “And to be fair, we would’ve reacted the same way you did.” The first figure then spoke up. “The name’s Sebastian, or Sasha for short, and these two are Viktor and Alexandra.” He said, gesturing to the other two. “Call me Snake, Mythic Snake,” Snake said as he led them into the main building. “Sorry about surprising you with our entrance, we’re still a bit new to this whole “Displaced” scenario.” Alex said. Snake then noticed that her right arm didn't match the armor that was on the left arm, the armor on her right arm looked a lot more heavier and her hand ended in a clawed gauntlet. She noticed him looking at her arm and shifted it out of sight. “Displaced huh?” Snake said as they arrived at an office, “sounds like a story.” “It's what we get for buying those prop weapons from that Merchant…” Viktor muttered. “One minute, you’re at a Comic-con, next thing you know, you’re thrust head first into a civil war where some loony is trying to take over a country that we’ve never even heard of and the inhabitants are freaking horses!” “I’m dealing with an unknown party who’s got no qualms about selling magi-tech weapons to terrorists, so I think we’re about even there,” Snake said as he pulled out a folder, “by the way, correct me if I’m wrong, but is this girl familiar to you?” The three looked at him, their confused looks hidden beneath their helmets. “Um… what girl?” Viktor asked. He then took a look at the file and froze. A past memory surfaced and he blinked. “Yeah… I recognize her, Sunset Shimmer. But she was in a movie called Equestria Gi-” He then realized something. “Son of a…..” he swore. “I knew the name Equestria was familiar, but I didn't realize it until now! MLP… crap…” “Yeah, my niece was completely into that, couldn’t go for a visit without her shoving a new DVD in my face and asking me to watch it with her,” Snake chuckled. “I wasn't really into the show that much, mostly the fanfics.” Sebastian said. Both Alex and Viktor chorused their agreement. “So we're in the Equestria Girls universe?” “Somewhat far ahead, but yes,” Snake said as he put the file away, “Sunset’s working for me, for one thing.” “Huh, and I thought the universe we got dropped in was different from the Canon universe…” Sebastian muttered. “For one, a pony named Flame Tail is trying to take over Equestria, and the ponies have more advanced guns and even vehicles…” “Sounds bad.” Alex snorted. “He doesn't even care about civvies getting caught in the crossfire. We had to stop at least 4 waves of soldiers from taking over Ponyville!” An arc of energy fizzled on her gauntlet. Snake crossed his fingers, “Does Ponyville have defenses?” “We have a squad of HK-50 droids helping defend the town. But if they fail, we have reinforcements awaiting our call.” Viktor said. “Then there's us. We have the ability to summon any weapon from Halo or Warhammer 40,000, which means we can keep the enemy guessing on which weapon we will have next.” “A good start, but what about watchtowers, guard posts, gun emplacements, walls, anything like that?” “Unfortunately, no. But attacks there are rare. The main fighting is near the Stalliongrad border and the surrounding towns.” Viktor said. “Tell me, how many times has it been attacked?” “At least three times, that's the official count.” Alex said. “Sounds like enough times to warrant at least some defenses. I could probably sell you some surplus gear I pick up, gun turrets, mortars, everything you need to keep the place safe.” “If any major threat is detected, the Air force usually launches a flight of “Gryphon” VTOL jet fighters.” Sebastian replied, “But Twilight has asked the Princesses if turrets can be built on the outskirts of Ponyville.” “Sounds like a start, but turrets won’t do much good if they go where they aren’t,” Snake said, “better get some earthworks built up too.” “Not every pony is gonna be happy about that.” Viktor said. “But we’ll see what exactly we can get done.” And maybe find out more about this “Eliteslayer” while we're at it… he thought. “Still want some gear from me?” “We’ll pass for now.” “Fair enough,” Snake said, “so, about this Displaced thing?” “A Displaced is someone who's sent to Equestria as the character they cosplayed as, there are many ways a but the most common is someone buying something from a being called the Merchant.” Viktor explained. “We’re.. also newly Displaced. A few days actually.” “About 2 months for me, but I only met Sunset 2 weeks ago.” “Anyways, the way Displaced get around the Multiverse is through a Token. Basically their calling card and a way for them to help others. That's how we ended up here. You somehow activated our tokens and they pulled us here.” Alex explained. “Accidentally I assure you,” Snake said, “so, how do you go about it?” “Just pick something that relates to you or the character you have now become, say a message and send it into the Void.” Snake thought for a minute before reaching into a drawer and pulling out a cassette player and pressing record, “I’m Big Boss, if you know who that is my reputation should speak for itself. If you need a hand, play side B.” “Not bad.” Alex said, the other two nodding in agreement. Her gauntlet then glowed before a small portal opened in front of them. “This portal will transport it to the Void. After that, it’ll be turned into hundreds of copies.” “Here’s hoping I don’t get summoned by any wackjobs,” Snake said as he tossed it in. “Heh, same here.” Sebastian chuckled. “So how did you end up in this Equestria?” “Home on leave during a convention, I was a NAVY SEAL before all this. My brother invited me and gave me this costume, except my niece took the eyepatch for her’s, I believe she called it ‘Future Twilight’. Anyway, I figured that an eyepatch would be easy to find, just my luck that I had to buy it from that bastard.” Sebastian busted out laughing. “Oh man, I remember that, a lot of fans called it “Solid Sparkle.” He then turned serious. “We also had an encounter with the Merchant, he was dressed as a Rogue Trader. Hell, he’s the reason I'm now an Astartes!” “Mine was dressed as Vulgrim, but it sounds like the same guy.” “A word of warning, you might start meeting foes from the game universe that you dressed up as. I know first hand what that's like…” “Thanks for the heads up, although I have mixed thoughts about meeting Sahelanthropus.” “Sal what the wha?” Alex asked in confusion. “It’s a Metal Gear, multi-story robot that shoots nukes, very hard to bring down. In the game you keep it as a trophy when you beat it, but I’m thinking I’ll fix it up.” “None of us really played Metal Gear, we’ve seen gameplay of it, but that's it.” Viktor said. “We mostly stuck to games like Halo and Soul Caliber. Although Sasha does a tabletop miniatures game called Warhammer 40,000 also.” “I’d say check it out, but…” “Yeah, we know.” Viktor said before an armored human shimmered to life on his shoulder. “Viktor? Where… where are we?” It asked in a female voice. “Another Equestria Kyra.” The Spartan answered. “An AI huh?” Snake said, “Spartans get all the best toys.” “Speaking of which, there's another Spartan in our Equestria, but… he’s a mystery. He shows up out of nowhere, has the same abilities as Viktor and Alex, but he also has armor abilities, he even created solid Holograms that can damage foes…” Sebastian said. “And I don't think that's all he’s able to do… and from he said to us, it seems he was Displaced before…” “Someone to watch, regardless of his alignment,” Snake said. “From what I've seen, he helped defend three fillies and Applejack from a Tyranid attack. That shows he’ll defend the ponies allied with Celestia and Luna. But you are right, we will keep a close eye on him.” Viktor said. “As fun as it’s been, sounds like you should head back.“ Snake said. “Agreed. Oh yes, one more thing, you’ve heard of Nyx right?” “Not really, as I said, my niece was the pony enthusiast.” “Long story short, she’s Nightmare Moon reborn as a filly, but she became Twi’s daughter after a series of events.” Sebastian then looked at Alex. “Alex, let’s get back home.” She nodded and stretched her right hand out. As she did so, Snake heard the faint whine of servos before a portal then opened. She then turned to him. “It was nice meeting you sir.” she said. “Likewise,” Snake said, giving them a two fingered salute. The three returned the salute in their own ways, Alex and Viktor giving a full military salute while Sebastian crashed his arm across his chest armor before the three entered the portal and vanished. The portal then closed with a silent pop and disappeared. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Mother Base-Command Platform] [Dusk] Snake looked over 9 coffins, the remains of the lost members of Gem Team. Draping each one was a black flag with the Diamond Dogs logo in silver. He sighed before turning to address the rest of Diamond Dogs, who were standing at attention, with the 3 surviving members in front. "Today, we mourn the passing of 9 brothers and sisters, but we do not miss them. We do not miss them because as long as they are remembered, they remain with us. Who among you has the strength to carry their memory with us?" Everyone gathered shouted an affirmation. "Then let us carry them into battle with us, until the last battle has been waged," Snake said before turning to face the caskets again, "it has been an honor, you were true Diamond Dogs." Snake saluted, followed swiftly by everyone else, save for one who started playing a trumpet. As the notes played, Snake used his free hand to press a button. With a clatter, the caskets lowered into the deck before a metal cover slid over them, sealing shut as the last note rang out. [The Next Day] Sunset sat in the mess hall poking at her lunch. While she hadn't met any of the people who had died, the fact that they had ate at her. Based on how quiet the mess was, she wasn't the only one. So deep in thought was she that she didn't even notice someone else walk up to the table. "Mind if I join you?" Sunset started, then turned to see a fire-haired woman standing next to her, tray in hand, "No problem." She sat down before speaking again, "Sorry I haven't had a chance to yet, but thanks for saving our asses." "Excuse me?" "With the minefield thing. I thought that we were finished with that tank shelling us, but when you pointed out that spot to lay the C4, I think Fleetfoot actually cried." Sunset sat confused for a second before snapping her fingers, "Oh yeah, Gem-5 right?" Gem-5 chuckled, "Well if that's how you know me it's no wonder you don't know me, name's Spitfire, pleased to meet you, Command." "I guess I deserved that, name's Sunset," Sunset said before digging into her mac & cheese, for some reason she was feeling hungry again. "Anyway, I didn't just come here to say thanks," Spitfire said before placing something on the table, "the others and I thought you should have this." Sunset looked at the object, it was a steel pin in the shape of the DD logo, with a small diamond set in the eye and the name 'Stormfeather' instead of 'Diamond Dogs', "What's this?" "Stormy's Diamond," Spitfire said, "you know that they were cremated right? Well, some of the ashes of each one were turned into diamonds, Boss let us decide who got them." Sunset's eyes widened, "No way, I don't deserve this." "If it weren't for you, all of Gem team would have bought it," Spitfire said as her eyes turned towards a pin on her own jacket, with the name 'White Lightning', "I owe you my life, we all do." Sunset bowed her head, "But I couldn't save everyone." "You saved everyone you could, I was there, and the only reason I'm alive is cause White pushed me clear," Spitfire said before standing up, "at least think about it." Sunset made a noncommittal grunt before Spitfire walked off. Sunset stared at the pin, while the feeling in her stomach made her wonder if someone else gave her another by dropping it in her mac & cheese when she wasn't looking. Snake was in the control room, overseeing the launch of their first tactical satellite. In addition to being an eye in the sky, it also served as a focus for their teleportation network, ensuring that things Fultoned out were more likely to land safely on Mother Base, and that Mother Base could send resupply kits and similar resources to teams in the field. Unfortunately they currently couldn't send people to mission zones with it, yet. Hearing the door open, Snake turned to see Sunset walk in and take her station, determined look in her eye, and a gleaming Diamond on her chest, "Solar panels successfully deployed, video feed incoming." "Excellent," Snake said as it came up on the main monitor. "I think this might be the compound that the rebels who attacked us staged out of," Coco said as she used her console to zoom in on a compound that was bustling with armed troops. Coco then brought up a detail shot of one of the jeeps, which had the same logo that was on the uniforms of the rebels who attacked Rarity's mine. "Contact whoever's in charge of that region and set up a contract," Snake said as he studied the images, "I'd prefer to get paid when we avenge our family." "Yes sir!" > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snake looked at his new arm. While his usual arm was red, this new one was yellow and had metal fingertips. He grinned as he flexed the fingers, "Looks great doc." Doctor Hooves grinned in return, "It was no problem at all, you said you needed an arm for combat, and this stun arm concept was relatively simple to make." "Nice, how's the other gear coming?" "We're having a bit of trouble with the shields, but the grenade launcher should be ready for testing by the end of the day." "Excellent," Snake said before a beep came from his iDroid. Flicking it on, he saw an odd message, 'Displaced Request' "Everything alright sir?" "Yeah, just something that I need to take care of," Snake said as he exited the building. Once he was outside, he got an alert to activate his Fulton, which he did, "Let's see what I'm getting into." [POV Change] Francis sat by a wooden crate in the treehouse, hat tipped down to block the sunlight from hitting his eyes. He listened to yet another meeting between the Cutie Mark Crusaders regarding what to do with a filly’s Cutie Mark. “Obviously it’s about scuba diving!” Scootaloo said. “Nuh ah! It’s bathing!” Sweetie Belle said. “Maybe it reflects her clean nature?” The girls began to chitter and chatter about a bubbly Cutie Mark. Francis didn’t mind it as much as he did when he first met them. He still thought the girls had cooties, but at the very least he didn’t mind hanging out with them. However, his instincts as a cat kicked in and he began to stretch. This suddenly caused something to fall from the crate and knock his hat off. Francis investigated the object. He raised his eyebrow. The strange, silver, blocky object was something he never saw before. He knew what it was though. A cassette player. “Huh… They still make these?” Francis asked as the ponies stopped and looked at the player. “Whatcha got there, Ajax?” Scootaloo asked. “It’s some sort of… player thingy?” Francis said. He pressed one of his claws on the play button. With a click, a voice emanated from it, “I’m Big Boss, if you know who that is my reputation should speak for itself. If you need a hand, play side B.” “Big Boss? Huh?” Francis asked. “What?” Sweetie Belle asked. “I dunno. Some dude named Big Boss told me that if I need a hand, I’d play side B.” He said. “... What are hands?” Scootaloo asked. Francis just looked at Scootaloo with a scowl before popping open the tape. He knew not of who Big Boss was, but the name seemed to imply that he was big and that he was a boss. A boss in the sense of those old retro video games. It’d be cool to have a boss fight on his side. He took out the tape and flipped it over to side B. Closing the cassette, he hit play once more. After a while, there was silence. “... Nothing happened.” Apple Bloom said. Just then… “Apple Bloom!” The group could hear Applejack’s shout. The four ran to the window where they saw Applejack standing next to an olive colored metallic box with a parachute attached to it. “What in the hay happened? This thingy popped outta the sky and landed in the middle of the farm!” She said. “Huh?” Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. “How did that get there?” She asked. “One way to find out!” Francis jumped out of the window and spun around before landing on his boots. He brushed the rim of his hat and readied his hand on his rapier. Big Boss said if he needed a hand he’d play Side B, but considering that he’s a Boss, it was not gonna be an easy feat. “Fear me, if you dare…” He muttered as he drew his rapier, slowly approaching the crate. Just before he reached, it collapsed open on its own, revealing a large figure in a military uniform with an eyepatch, a piece of metal embedded in his forehead and a strange looking yellow gauntlet on his left arm. “Knew there was a reason we don’t do this,” he said as he stood up, “damn cramped in those things.” Francis yelped and jumped back, rapier pulled out and pointing towards the figure with the gauntlet. His chest rose and fell as he panted. “Hmm? Oh, you must be the local Displaced, good to met ‘ya, call me Big Boss,” he said as he reached out with his left hand, which on closer inspection was actually a prosthetic arm with odd metal fingertips. “I’m…” Francis has no idea what to go with. Francis? Ajax? Just Puss? Well, if he’s going with a moniker, Francis should too. “I’m Puss! In Boots!” He triumphantly declared as he shook the arm. “Yeah, I can tell,” said Boss. “... Yeah, it’s pretty obvious isn’t it?” Francis sheepishly chuckled. Just then, the CMC arrived by Francis’ side and marvelled at the big man. “Woah! He’s cool!” Scootaloo said. “Wait, you said something about a… Displaced? What’s that?” Francis asked. “Guess I’m the first one you’ve met. Anyway, you weren’t always a cat, or lived in Equestria, right?” “N-no… I just put on these boots at my house and suddenly… poof! I’m here. A cat on top of that too.” Francis said. “That makes you a Displaced, I wasn’t always sporting the pirate look myself,” Boss said, scratching his eye beside the patch. “So… you turned into this Big Boss dude?” Francis asked. Boss nodded, “One moment I’m dressed as him, the next I am him.” “Woah! Rarity would love to hear this! Magical clothes that turn you into something else?” Sweetie Belle said. Francis sighed. “Or cursed in my case…” He remembered what Twilight said regarding Misthaven Magic. “Nothing personal, Sweetie,” Boss said as he adjusted his arm, “but these things come with some major drawbacks.” Francis nodded. Sweetie Belle simply frowned before raising an eyebrow. “Hey, how did you know my name?” She asked. Francis looked to Sweetie Belle. “Well, isn’t Sweetie like some sort of affectionate nickname used in, like, the 80’s?” Francis asked. “Also my nickname for my niece,” Boss said, before leaning down to Francis, “we need to have a private chat later.” “Actually, you mind having that private chat now? I gotta go redo the apple orchids and I don’t want any more flying crates in my area!” Applejack said. Francis looked to the CMC and tipped his hat. “I guess this is where I’ll head for now, Sweetie.” He said. Sweetie Belle blushed while Apple Bloom looked away with a frown. Francis looked to Big Boss. “Hmm… How’s a big scary forest sound for private?” He asked. “Sounds good, but I’ll wait to judge if it’s scary for myself.” “Alright, but I warn you, it could be veeeery scary!” Francis said. Francis led Big Boss to the Everfree Forest. It had been a week since he first appeared in this forest and confronted the Crow. Even though they became friends, he still shuddered as he imagined his sharp warning about being his next victim. “W-well… Here we are…” Francis said. “Still waiting for the scary part,” said Boss, “anyway, you watch any cartoons back home?” “Of course! I’ve watched a lot of cartoon shows! Saturday morning cartoons are the best!” Francis said. “Well congratulations, you’re in one,” said Boss, “welcome to the world of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.” “Well, this does feel like I’m in a cartoon,” he turned around to look at his orange tabby body, “but… My Little Pony… That’s an old cartoon, right?” Francis recalled on one of his walks on the wikipedia looking up the article for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and noticing how it ran until its tenth season in 2021. “Not when I got Displaced, guess time runs a bit differently in different universes.” “So… Other universes are real? And… they’re not like virtual ones?” Francis asked. “Tron, great movie. And yes, as if landing in a world populated by ponies transformed into a talking Spanish sword fighting cat didn’t already give it away.” “Well, you sort of have a point.” Francis laughed. Just as Francis finished laughing, a hissing sound came from the forest. “Look what we found…” A gruff voice echoed through the forest. It was too gruff for it to be the Crow. No. Francis drew his blade. “Who’s there!?” Francis asked. The two then saw a two headed tiger, though the second head was that of a ram’s. “Just Ahahahahaus.” The ram bleated. “W-well… F-fear us i-if you d-d-dare…” Francis kept his blade ready, though the tiger just chuckled as a snake’s head slithered towards Ross and hissed out a ‘Boo’. Francis fell over screaming as he held his rapier. “You know,” Boss said as he pulled out a cigar, “I was expecting more.” The Chimera simply looked to Boss. “More?” The tiger raised her eyebrow. “We’re more than you can handle…” The snake said. “And we’ll show you!” The ram then proceeded to charge at Big Boss as the tiger and snake yelped at their sister’s impulse. Boss rolled out of the way as he drew his pistol, his cigar already clenched in his teeth. “Please, I’ve faced bigger than you.” Francis saw just how stoic and badass Boss was and he gulped. If he could be brave, then so should he. “Well, you’ve never faced a Chimera!” The tiger roared as it pounced to the Boss, however, Francis ran underneath the Chimera and slashed at its belly, causing it to fall over in pain. It got up as the snake stared at Francis. Francis was ready to fight, though he soon became entranced by the eyes of the snake. The Chimera limped towards Francis. “I don’t think so,” said Boss, shooting the snake head. In an instant, it fell to the ground, snoring. Francis snapped out of his trance and yowled, running towards the chimera and leaping into the air. It slashed against the tiger’s head, slicing it vertically across the eye as he landed on the ram’s head. The Chimera then roared as it bucked about to try and get him off. “Boooossss! I’m holding it off as long as I can!” Francis shouted. “Lead it over to me,” said Boss, putting his pistol away and flexing the fingers of his mechanical hand, which started crackling with electricity. Francis obliged as he steered the bucking ram towards Boss. The Chimera flung Francis off just as the Chimera closed in on Boss. Just before it could maul him, he brought his hand into the cut Francis had made previously, discharging 50,000 volts directly into the Chimera’s nervous system. The beast roared before it fell to the ground. Despite the massive voltage onto the Chimera, the worst Boss seemed to do was knock it out, complete with having little swirls on them. “Woah, you’re right…” Francis got up. “We are in a cartoon!” He said. Boss simply wiped his bloody hand on his fatigues and lit his cigar, “Glad the stun arm worked, wasn’t sure if it would for something this size. Didn’t want to piss off Fluttershy by killing it.” “Woah… Nice… W-wait, Fluttershy? Like… you know Fluttershy?” Francis asked. “Like I said, cartoon. My niece made me watch every episode, twice.” “Ah. Right…” Francis scratched his ear while sticking his tongue out. “You’re new, you’ll learn. What say we head back.” “Sure!” Francis said. Francis and Boss left the forest, though that’s when Francis looked at something in the horizon. “Huh?” Francis looked at what appeared to be a crystallized tree off in the distance. “Never seen that before…” Francis said. He turned to Big Boss. “Hey, you saw the show, right? This thing ever popped up in here?” He asked. Boss nodded, “Guess we’re season 5 or later.” “Hmmm… Hey, you wanna check it out?” Francis asked Big Boss. “Why not.” With that, the two went over to the castle, just as Francis spotted Starlight Glimmer, the pink pony he saw at Fluttershy’s walking with a white maned, blue-coated pony with a robe and wizard hat. Francis stopped for a while and eyed the wizard. “Huh?” Francis asked. Just then, he saw the purple winged unicorn emerge from the tree-like crystal. “Take care, Starlight!” Twilight said before she turned her attention to Francis. “Oh, it’s you. How’s it going?” She asked. “Hey, question… Are you hiring a wizard to help with these boots?” Francis asked. “Huh? I… Oh, you mean Trixie?” Twilight chuckled. “Nah, she’s just a close friend of Starlight’s.” Twilight said. She then eyed Boss. “And… who’s this?” She asked. “Call me Boss,” said Boss, “pleasure to meet you.” “Erm… Nice to meet you, Boss… I’m Twilight Sparkle.” She said. “Mind if we come in?” “Certainly!” Twilight said. She led the two Displaced into her castle. As they entered the castle, Twilight spoke up. “So, you might be surprised by this, but I actually know the species of your kind, Boss. There’s another world full of them that’s directly tied to Equestria.” Twilight said as they walked in the hallway. “Huh? Interesting!” Francis said. “Is there a cool story tied to it?” Francis asked. “As a matter of fact, yes there is. I first got there when I had to retrieve an artifact from a pony who stole it…” “Yeah, I know her,” said Boss, “although I don’t think it’s the exact same one.” Twilight blinked a little. “So… you’re from that world then? But… not exactly the same…” Twilight then muttered. “So alternate universes do exist!” Twilight then smiled. “Pretty much, both me and Puss are from them.” “This is great! This is going to be great for my studies!” She then eyed Boss’ form. “Hey, you mind if I examined you? I never seen any human in Equestria before!” Twilight said. “Just a quick one, I’ve got stuff to do back home.” “Alright! Follow me!” Twilight said. The group entered the main room where a large crystal table stood with six crystal chairs and one tiny chair next to one of them. Twilight turned around as her horn glowed. A purple aura emitted from Boss’ body as Twilight’s eyes widened and her mouth grinning. “Um… Twilight? You okay?” Francis asked. “Never better!” She then looked to Francis’ boots and the same purple aura filled them as well. “Yes! It makes sense! Your body and those boots share the same energy. If my theory proves correct, this energy allows you to traverse across space and time, though while preserving your human form.” Twilight said. “So… how come I’m a cat?” Francis asked. “It’s just a theory. Perhaps the boots transported you here but also cursed you to be a cat.” Twilight said. “And that arm… I never seen anything like this before!” Twilight said as she eyed the prosthetic arm. “Not too shabby huh?” said Boss, “uses a combination of magic and technology to work.” “M-magic?!” Twilight’s eyes lit up like the night sky as she grinned even tighter. “C-could you show me?” She asked. “It’s mostly internal, although this version does also double as a taser,” Boss said as his fingertips crackled. “Sweet!” She said. “Yeah, he used it to take out a Chimera! It was awesome!” Francis said. “H-huh? W-wow… That’s cool!” Twilight said. “Although if you want a sample you can study,” Boss said as he pulled out his pistol, “Diamond Dogs standard issue Windurger No.2 Silent Pistol with tranquilizer ammunition.” “Diamond Dogs… Like, as in the Diamond Dogs up in the mountains?” Twilight asked as she levitated the pistol. “Different Diamond Dogs,” said Boss as he tapped a patch on his sleeve. “Ah, interesting. Perhaps these Dogs are from that other universe.” She smiled and stowed away the tranquilizer pistol. “Wow… You’re pretty cool, Boss.” Francis said. “That I am. Anyway, I guess I should help you make your Token.” “My… what?” Francis asked. “Basically your calling card,” said Boss, “you know, like my cassette player, you used it and here I am.” “Oh, cool! So I can pop up in other places too?” Francis asked. “If you’re summoned, yes. So, step 1, pick something that represents you.” Francis took off his hat and showed it to the Boss. “Looks good. Step 2, give it a message, something that represents you.” “Easy! Fear me, if you dare!” He said. “Alright, last step is to cast it into the void. I think this’ll work,” Boss said as he pulled a fabric pouch from his waist. Francis allowed Big Boss to fashion what seemed to be a balloon onto the hat. As the hat fitted onto the harness that the balloon was attached to, it took off at an alarming speed, flying out of Twilight’s castle. Twilight herself couldn’t believe what just happened as she blinked constantly. “Fulton Air Recovery System, modified with teleportation Magi-Tech,” Boss said as he passed one to her, “can’t tell you how useful they are.” “Woah…” Twilight and Francis both said in awe. “Anyway, I should get back,” Boss said, “call me if you need anything.” “Okay. Thank you.” Francis smiled to Boss. “For future reference, you can send Displaced back by saying ‘our contract is complete’, but I’ll make my own way home, see ya.” With that, Boss triggered another Fulton on his belt, and shot up and out of sight. Francis smiled. He remembered the battle with the Chimera and how Big Boss took it on. He smiled. “Yeah… I’ll be as brave as him!” He said. With that, Francis ran off as Twilight took the tranquilizer pistol and Fulton device to study them. [POV Change] After landing back on Mother Base via supply crate, and stretching out the kinks in his spine, Snake looked to see that Sunset was walking towards him, "So, trying out a new deployment method?" "No, Displaced business, I'm sure you read the briefing." "Yeah I did. Anyway, the local government has a standing bounty on these guys, and it actually went up while you were gone." "Excellent, tell all combat teams to prep their gear, when the sun next rises, we hunt." > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Oregon-Coast of Africa-Briefing Room] [1800] Snake looked around at everyone assembled. There were several members of various combat units, all ready to embark, as well as a few members of the support unit. Unlike his video game counterpart, Snake had no problems on taking a whole squad with him for the bigger missions. "Alright," Snake said as a holographic map blinked into existence, "thanks to Intel, we have blueprints for the abandoned military base they're using. Based on satellite surveillance, the best time to move in is during the midnight shift change. Over here's their motor pool, Gem Unit will infiltrate and neutralize or commandeer the armor." As he spoke, a large warehouse-like building glowed red before a copy of Gem Unit's emblem, a diamond with a lightning bolt on top, moved on top of it and turned it green. "You can count on us," said Spitfire. "While you're doing that, Granite, Chert and Marble Units will assemble here, here and here," points well outside of the base lit up in green, "as I move into position to the command building here." As the building in question turned red and Snake's personal symbol, an ouroboros around a dog's head, popped up over it, Snake continued, "Once Gem Unit has finished their work, Granite, Chert and Marble Units will close in from the outside under cover of Pequod, Bounty and Hispaniola as Gem Unit uses the armor they commandeered to attack from the inside." The holograms of Granite, Marble and Chert Units converged on the base along with a trio of holographic helicopters as several tanks with Gem Unit's logo came out of the warehouse. "During the confusion, I'll infiltrate the command building and neutralize the command elements. With luck, we'll take over before they even know what happened. One last thing, according to our last communication with the local government, they recently captured several civilians who are currently being held for ransom, so check your targets. Any questions?" The gathered members shook their heads, "Good, grab your kit, wheel's up in 30." [Rebel Base] [2355] Spitfire and the rest of Gem Unit crept up on the garage that held the motor pool. Upon reaching it, they came across a complication. "Boss," Spitfire said into her communicator, "there's a bunch of guards here, no way we'll be able to get close without someone noticing." "That's a problem," said Snake, "tanks don't do too well in close quarters, but if they get to them they can lock you out and use them on the others. Get into position to take down as many as you can in one salvo, we'll proceed as planned." "Understood," said Spitfire, "let's rock and roll." [0000] Snake was in his box, outside the door of of the command building when he heard it open. Peaking through the crack, he saw a guard exiting the building. With a practiced motion, he erupted out of the box, grabbed him, and pulled him into a shadowy corner. "Talk," Snake said, holding a knife to his neck. "Mo ti yoo so fun o ohun ti o fẹ, o kan jẹ ki emi lọ," the guard whimpered. "Dang it," Snake said, choking him out. The guard was speaking Yoruba, and while he picked up an interpreter from the Mine incident, that only gave him the ability to interigate those who spoke Swahili and Amharic. Just then, another guard walked up the path, and noticed them. Snake just sighed as everything slowed down as he aimed his Wu S. Level 2 at him and shot him in the face. "You'd better speak Swahili," Snake said as he dragged him into the corner and kicked him awake, "speak." "Inē minimi negeri inegirachiḫwalehu; wisha," the new captive replied. "Wrong answer," Snake said, knocking him out, the linguistic template copied from the interpreter translating instantly, "at least I understand Amharic." Snake then activated his radio, "All Units report readiness." "Marble in position." "Chert in position." "Granite in position." "Pequod standing by." "Bounty standing by." "Hispaniola standing by." "Gem Unit ready." "Oroboros in position," Snake said, readying his AM-MRS-4, "all units, move in."