Romantic Equestria: You Always Brighten Up My Day

by Sean Shamrock

First published

After buying an odd antique mirror at a yard sale strange things begin to happen around you. Including visits from magical horses

After buying an odd antique mirror at a yard sale strange things begin to happen around you including visits from magical horses. After what you thought was a nightmare becomes reality you start to question what is real. Until Pinkie Pie comes into your life and things go from strange to happy.

Cover Art Provided By: Neoncel

You Always Brighten Up My Day

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It was a beautiful Friday afternoon as you put your books away in your locker and head out the front of the school. You always loved the weekend partying, drinking, and video games was a normal weekend for you and your friends. On your way home you pass a telephone poll with a flyer stapled to it that reads “Big Yard Sale at thirteen Forty-Eight E. Clinton Rd, This weekend Only.” Curious at what they were selling you pull out your phone to check your bank account. Thankfully your paycheck came through early friday morning. Excited you rush to a nearby ATM to pull out some cash. As you wait in line you decide to watch your favorite cartoon to kill some time. After a good fifteen minutes you walk up to the machine and type in your pin and pull out fifty dollars. The machine spools out the green goodness as you slip it into your wallet and for East Clinton Road. You finally arrive at the lather large sized house and begin to browse. As you peruse through the antiques and knick-knacks you come across a retro game table. You search and find a box labeled “N64 Games five for ten.” You fish through the titles you soon remember a story you read on the internet about cursed cartridges at yard sales. In a ironic twist a fate you come across a game mentioned in one of the stories a Legend of Zelda cartridge. You shudder and quickly put the game back and browse the other tables.

As the day went one you quickly gained a small bag of neat items and other assorted junk. As you left the property a rather large mirror caught your eye. You walk up and get a closer look at the rather oddly shaped piece of furniture. It was almost as tall as you with a purple heart shaped frame. You look down at the price tag and gasp. “Twenty bucks seriously. That's a pretty good deal.” you thought to yourself as you search for the owner and shell out the twenty bucks as you pick up the surprisingly light mirror and carry it to your apartment. Once home you set your bags down and take your mirror into your room as you place it in the corner near your bed. You head downstairs to get some cleaning supplies and paint as you spend the rest of the day touching up the mirror your eye begin to feel heavy. Exhausted from the events of the day you take a shower and change into your boxers. Once changed you climb into your bed and quickly fall asleep.

You awaken in the middle of the night to the sound of soft voices near your bed. You sit up and look around your pitch black room. In the corner you spy a weird shadowy figure. You rub your eyes and squint as the figure turns to you as big blue orbs pierced through the shadows. Your heart begins to race as you remain in your bed frozen in fear. You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it. The blue orbs slowly approach your side of the bed as big white smile soon appears under the blue eyes. After a few seconds the smiling set of eyes are inches away from your face. The smell of bubblegum and candy soon fills your nostrils. Regaining feeling in your body you quickly reach into your drawer and pull out your emergency flashlight and aim at the pair of eyes as you turn it on. A medium sized pink horse is illuminated by the light.

“Hi there how are you?” The creature says as you drop the flashlight and run from your room screaming in terror. You quickly find a closet downstairs and hide.

“What the fuck is going on here. Either I’m having one fucked up dream or I bought some cursed object at that yard sale.” You think to yourself as you slow your breathing and peak through the crack in the sliding closet doors.

“Where did you go? If you wanted to play hide and seek you could’ve just asked I love games.” The pink horse said with a soft giggle as she searched every nook and cranny of the living room. You continue to keep quiet as your heartbeat begins to slow down to a normal pace.

“Ok if I can sneak back upstairs I can get back into my room, lock my door, and do something about that damned mirror. Unless it was one of the other items I bought instead of the mirror.” You think to yourself as you take a deep breath and slowly slide open the closet. You crouch to your knees and slowly make your way upstairs. “So, far so good.” You softly whisper as you sprint into your room, slam the door and lock it. You take a deep breath and stand up before stopping as once again the smell of bubblegum fills your nostrils. You slowly turn around as the horse lunges towards tackling you as you both fall into the mirror. Instead, of feeling the pain of shards of glass stabbing your back you feel the softness of a grassy field. You shake your head to find the same pink horse laying on your chest as her eyes spin in circles and stars swirl around her head.

You look around wondering where you are and why everything looks all cartoony including you yourself. “Where the hell am I?” You think to yourself as you push the horse off you and stand up. “Please tell me this is just a dream.” You say pinching and punching yourself in an attempt to wake up. “Buck me this is real.” you say with a slight panic in your voice as you cover your mouth. “What the bucking buck am I actually being bucking censored. This just keeps getting weirder and weirder.” You say to yourself as you look at the pink horse on the ground as something clicks in your head. “What a minute why does this place look so familiar? I know for a fact I’ve never been here before yet this place feels oddly...normal.” You continue to think to yourself as you get a flashback to when you were standing in line at the ATM. “Wait a minute I have seen this place before. This place resembles Ponyville from that cartoon I watch all the time. Either I got here because of that mirror or this is one of those cliche coma stories that plaster the internet.” You say to yourself as the pink horse wakes up and stands on her hooves. You soon remember who this pony before you is.

“P-Pinkie Pie?” You say as she shakes her head causing her eyes to return to normal.

“The one and only but how do you know my name?” She asks as she sits on her flank smiling at you.

“You probably won’t believe me if I told you.” You say as you check your phone to find the screen cracked beyond repair. “Oh for buck sake.” You say in an annoyed tone.

“You don’t know that.” she said with a huff. “I’m really good at figuring things out.” She goes onto say as you think back to a episode where this very town was attacked by annoying little parasites that multiplied every time they ate something.

“Alright calm down Pinkie. You see I’m from a planet called earth that's inhabited by bipedal apes like me called “Humans” and in this world there is a group of humans who watch a show called My Little Pony. In this show it follows the adventures of six friends.” You say before you are interrupted by Pinkie jumping up and down in excitement.

“Oh let me guess the six friends are me, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash. On top of that this group of humans that watch our show love us to death and often draw pictures, write stories, make videos, and there is even a group that creates lewd drawings, stories like this one, and videos and to put the icing on the cake. You are one of those group members. Well, how did I do huh...huh?” She says getting closer to you as she oozes with excitement.

“In the nutshell Pinkie yes that's an excellent summary.” You say as the two of you begin walking towards the center of town. As you two begin walking towards Twilight's house the ponies around you hide in terror. It was obvious that they were intimidated by your sheer size. Pinkie just kept smiling and trotting next to you as she kicks in Twilight's door.

“Hey Twilight come look what I found.” Pinkie says as Twilight comes downstairs.

“What did you find now Pinkie Pi…” Twilight stand still frozen in her tracks as she spots you standing next to the hyperactive pink pony. “What the hell is that thing and where did you find him?” Twilight asks as Pinkie sits down and rubs her chin with her hoof.

“Well, ya see yesterday I was walking through Ponyville when I found a mirror lying against an old shed in a field near Fluttershy’s house. I thought back to the incident were you went through a mirror to retrieve your crown. Well, since looked like fun so I charged head first into the mirror and broke tumbling backwards into a small puddle. Next, thing I knew I was in a dark room. This human's room to be precise.” She says pointing at you as you sheepishly grin and wave. “After I found the human I wanted to say hi. Then, out of nowhere he shines a light in my face and I’m all like HI how are you. Then, the human lets out a loud scream before running downstairs to play hide and seek with me. Then, I finally found and gave him a tackle hug but when I did we went through the mirror and ended up here and then I brought him her and then you asked where I found him and so I told you this story.” Pinkie says as she takes a deep breath and Twilight puts her hoof her face and shakes her head.

“Pinkie you can’t just go to other worlds like that it's very dangerous. He could be dangerous.” Twilight says pointing at you. Pinkie then goes on about what you told her about your world. Twilight looks at you and Pinkie and once again shakes her head. “Pinkie anyone can lie and say they're not dangerous. Heck anyone can lie and say anything if the person they're lying to believes them.” Twilight says scanning your body with her magic. “Hmmm, well I’m not getting any strange reading from him so I guess he is ok. “Now, Pinkie a human is a big responsibility you have to keep them fed and make sure they have lots of water.” Twilight says giving Pinkie the ok for you to stay in Ponyville.

“I’m not a dog Twilight.” you say pouting and crossing your arms causing Twilight to giggle.

“It was just a joke no need to get bent out of shape about it.” Twilight says waving goodbye before she heads back to reading her books. Pinkie grabs your hand and pulls you along.

“C’mon mister human I’m gonna show you around town, oh, oh, and then we can go to Sugarcube Corner and you can help me bake.” Pinkie says as she bounces through Ponyville as the inhabitants look at you with confused faces. As the day went on Pinkie introduced you to all of her friends before the two of you headed for Sugarcube Corner. “This is gonna be better then that time I went to that lake and made hundreds of clones of myself so I could be everywhere at once.” She said as you ducked under the small doorway.

“Thank god...err I mean Thank Celestia I wasn’t here for that I can barely handle one Pinkie let alone hundreds of her.” You thought to yourself as you sat Indian style on the kitchen floor. Pinkie gave you direction on what to do before letting you loose in the kitchen. Cooking in general has always been one of your most useful skills next to metal working and the uncanny ability to talk your way out of many compromising situations. After a few hours of baking with Pinkie you begin to laugh and have fun. Once you got ue to her Pinkie was actually an extremely adorable puff ball of energy. Soon night rolled around the two of you laid out on the floor exhausted from a day of baking.

“So, do you have a place to stay mister human?” Pinkie asked jumping onto your chest and looking into your eyes.

“Well that I’m essentially a six foot tall alien in a world inhabited by four foot five magical talking cartoon horses I’m gonna go with no.” You say in a sarcastic tone.

“Yay! That means you get to sleep upstairs in my room. It will be just like that one time I had Fluttershy over for a sleepover and we decided to have fun and we…” Pinkie stops talking before a blush comes over her face and quickly disappears. “Nevermind that let’s get you upstairs and settled in.” She says before zipping upstairs at lightning speeds.

“Well, I was...awkward. Ah well it’s best not to think about it too much.” You say to yourself as you climb the stairs and head into Pinkie’s room. “Where did that pony go.” You say before you see her bending over and looking into her closet. You soon notice her round bubble butt and proceed to stare before you shake your head. “Bro what the hell are you doing despite this being a magical world that's still a pony that’s wrong on so many levels.” You think to yourself as you break the line of site and clear your throat loudly scaring Pinkie half to death as she jumps shooting through the roof before crashing back down on her bed. You try your best to stifle your laughter but to no avail. Pinkie sits up as her eyes pin and circles as she wobbles back and forth before shaking her head and laughing.

“That was fun let's do that again.” Pinkie says as she gets off her bed giggling. “Ok your bed is right over here in this corner.” She said as she points out a rather large mattress and accompanying pillows and blankets. Feeling tired you decide to lay down and unwind. After a few minutes you fall fast asleep. A week or two passed before you started feeling comfortable in Equestria. Most of the things you were still earning but at least making friends was easy. However, in the two week s you’ve spent here you and Pinkie have become inseparable. Wherever you went she followed close behind and vice versa. Whenever Pinkie was bored you always stopped what you were doing and spent time with her. She was like the best friend you always wanted back home. As more days passed the bond between you Pinkie deepend. One day as you were baking a fresh batch of cupcakes Pinkie came home this time slowly and with her head tilted down her mane and tail were no longer poofy they were now straight and her overall mood was sadness.

“Pinkie what’s wrong.? Why do you look so sad?” You say in a concerned tone as you put down the cupcakes and walk over to her and sit next to her on the floor. She walks over and sits in your lap as she leans her head on your chest.

“Well, I went over to all my friends houses today and none of them wanted anything to do with me. All they did was make excuses for why they couldn’t come to Gummy's After Birthday Party. On top of that they would always run away every chance they got. So, I decided to follow and spy on them and I found out that they were throwing a party of their own without me.” She said as streams of tears came pouring out of her eyes. This was the first time you have even seen the normal energetic and bubbly party pony upset. You wanted to leave the store find her friends and get to the bottom of what's going on. Instead, you stayed there and put your hand over her head and hugged her tightly.

“Don’t cry Pinkie you still have me. Now, C’mon let's throw Gummy a awesome After Birthday party. You say with a warm smile as she hugs you back nuzzling you under your chin. “Now, let’s get the party started I’ll get the decorations ready.” You say as Pinkie climbs out of your lap and stands up. Pinkie breaks into a big smile as she jumps in the air her man and tail poofing back to normal as she tackles you to the ground kissing you. At first your brain tells you to push her off you and leave but you soon feel your heart rate increase and your stomach tingle. You run your hand down the side of her face and put effort into the kiss. After several minutes of passionate kissing Pinkie finally breaks the kiss and looks at you with a soft smile.

“How about we wait on Gummy’s party I have something special planned for you.” Pinkie said with half lidded eyes as she walked up the stairs lifting her tail exposing her marehood as her but swayed with every step. Astounded and awestruck by what just transpired you feel the blood rush to your shaft as it hardens. After a few minutes of fighting with your brain about whether this is right or wrong. Your brain finally gives up and lets you take over. You climb the stairs and enter Pinkie's room to find her lying face down on her bed with her rump in the air as she sways it back and forth. “C’mon mister human it’s right here waiting for you. You walk over to the bed and get down on your knees as you rub and massage Pinkie’s plump ass. Small moans escape her mouth as you spread her cheeks and bury your face into her marehood. You begin to lick and tongue her moist slit as her moans get louder and louder. Wanting to give your friend more pleasure you stick two fingers into her slit as you continue to lick faster as your entire mouth soon disappears inside her slit.

“Oh baby that's it right there. Oh please don't stop.” Pinkie says in between moans as her breathes draw closer. You begin to hum into her slit and finger faster as her moans turn into screams. “Oh yes more more I’m about to cum.” She screamed as you go faster causing her to shudder. “MMMM OH BUCK YES!” Pinkie screams loudly as a torrent of candy flavored juice runs down your throat. You drink every drop before wiping your mouth clean. “That was amazing not even Fluttershy is that skilled with her tongue and your fingers melted me like butter.” Pinkie says as she cuddled close to you. After that magical day things between you and Pinkie got serious. The more time you spent with her the more your heart soared. Being with Pinkie was better than any human woman in existence. At least to you that is after all you didn’t see her as a talking pony anymore. Now, she was everything you wanted and needed.

Eventually you talked to Pinkie’s friends to find why they were avoiding her that day. Turns out they were trying to throw her a surprise party to show appreciation to everything Pinkie does. Once she found this out she nearly exploded with happiness. After several months you were finally able to move into a house that better suited your needs. More importantly a house that was custom built with your tall ass in mind. Once settled Pinkie came by on a regular basis and would spend hours cuddling with you on the couch. One day as the two of you baked cookies in your kitchen you notice that once again Pinkie wasn’t her normal self. Sure her appearance looked normal but something was troubling her. Pinkie turns to you and puts the tray of cookies on the counter.

“Can I talk to you for a second.” She asks as she sits at the kitchen table.

“Of course Pinkie lay it on me.” You say with a warm smile as you take a seat.

“Well, I was wondering. Ever since you came here not once have you mentioned wanting to go home. Why is that?” Pinkie says as she looks into your eyes.

“Well, at first all I wanted was to go home but the more time i spent with you the happier I got. Ever since the day we had Gummy's after birthday party. All I ever wanted was to have you by my side. Pinkie I love you. You know how to take a great day and make it a million times better. Not only that but you constantly wanna make everyone happy and you try your hardest. On top of all that you're the cutest pony in all of Ponyville.” You say as you spill your guts to Pinkie. In a matter of minutes months of pent up feelings come pouring out. “So, no I don’t wanna go home. My home is here in Ponyville with you by my side.” You say as you put your hand over Pinkie's hoof. Causing her to blush heavily before breaking into tears of joy.

“I love you too.” Pinkie says as the two of you lean in for another kiss. You gently grab both sides of her face and kiss her deeply. The two of you fully lock lips as your tongues dance around each other in a waltz of red hot passion. Pinkie climbs across the table and sits in your lap grinding against your crotch. She wrap her hooves around your neck pulling you deeper into the kiss. After a few minutes she breaks he kiss as she continues to grind softly moaning. “Oh my looks like someone is really enjoying this.” Pinkie says as you sweep her off her feet and lay her on the floor of your living room. She rolls over on you as she unzips your pants with her teeth and begins to pull down your underwear. Your shaft swings out into attention as Pinkie’s eyes grow big. “Oh my is all that for me.” She says with a seductive giggle before she takes your head in her mouth as she gently sucks it while she strokes your shaft. “Mmm I want more.” she says as she takes your entire shaft into her mouth and after a few seconds she begins to bob her head up and down. You relax and moan in pleasure as you rub her head and run your fingers through her mane.
Pinkie continues to bob faster and faster as she moans heavily on your shaft causing pressure to build up at the base. “Pinkie I’m gonna cum.” You say in between grunts. Pinkie says nothing and hums harder as she continues sucking until your shaft explodes inside her mouth as he drinks every last drop before removing your shaft from her mouth with a wet pop.

“Yummy that tastes even better than frosting.” Pinkie says with a giggle. “Although I wouldn’t mind a little cream filling.” She says as she lays on her back spreading her hind legs wide. “Come and get me baby.” Pinkie says seductively as you crawl over to her and prod her marehood with the head of your shaft. Her moans become louder as you slowly push deeper until you finally bottom out inside her. She leans up and whispers into your ear. “Don’t hold back baby.” She lays her head on the ground as you grab her hind legs and begin to gently thrust and gradually pick up speed. Pinkie years had back and moans at a steady pace as your thrusts get faster and harder. “Oh Celestia this feels even better than your fingers. Mmmmm don’t stop give it to me harder.” Pinkie demands as her moans turn into screams as your thrust now hit her with your full force. You let go of her legs and lean forward and gently bite her neck as you pound harder, faster, and stronger than before.

Pinkie alternates between soft yelps and sharp moans as you ravage her just the way she wants it. Once again a familiar pressure builds up at your base as Pinkie feels your shaft twitch inside her. “C’mon baby that's it cream this pie. Do it.” After a few more powerful thrust your shaft explodes inside her as ropes of semen paint the inside of her marehood. “Oh yes that's it. Mmm there so much of it left.” She says as she sucks the access semen off. “One last thing before I finish. I know you’ve been staring at my bubbly plot ever since you moved in t\with me so here is your chance to get some.” She says lifting her rump in the air once again as you grab her cheeks and spread them as you slowly insert your shaft into her tight asshole. “You like that Pinkie” You say in a gritty tone. “Mmm spank me baby please.” She says as you push your shaft fully in and bottom out before giving her ass several smacks. You grab her left ass cheek with one hand as you pound her asshole and slap her right cheek repeatedly.

“Oh buck yes don’t you bucking stop.” She screams as you pound away. Pinkie moans louder and louder as the sound of flesh smacking flesh fills the room. “Yes, yes, yes, YES! OH RIGHT THERE!” Pinkie screams as she twitches and juice pours from her slit you continue to pound harder as you finger her slit faster. Pinkie soon lowers her head and lolls out her tongue at the amount of pleasure being given to her. “I...can’t take...much more of this...I’m g-gonna...c-cum again.” She says as you ignore her and go faster Suddenly as if it was timed perfectly your shaft explodes inside her ass as a massive amount of mare cum shoots out around your fingers. You pull your shaft out as Pinkie cuddles up next to you on the floor nuzzling your chin.

“I love you so much.” Pinkie says with a smile as the two of you get up and had for a shower.
I love you too Pinkie Pie.” You say back as you kiss her head and the two of you disappear into the steamy shower with the mare of your dreams.