Romantic Equestria: Everyone Deserves a Second Chance

by Sean Shamrock

First published

What happens when a human plagued by memories of the past meets a pony with a jaded past?

You were a normal everyday human with friends and an amazing family. However one day a tornado hits your town and you soon find yourself cast into a world of magical talking ponies. What else could possibly happen?

Cover Art provided by Sigmana

Sometimes Goodbye is a Second Chance

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It was a gray stormy day as you sit in your room bored out of your mind. It was a normal Tuesday night and as usual nothing interesting was happening. You stand up and stretch and yawn as you put your hoodie on and decide to go for a walk. After all walking in a storm is quiet relaxing as it is dangerous. However, you had a habit of doing dangerous things. Like the time you and your friends took turns tasering each other to test everyone's pain tolerance. You grab your shoulder and shudder as you remember that horrid day. As you walk down the street the rain steadily pours down with soft booms of thunder behind it. As your feet splash in the small puddles of water you take down your hood to let the cold rain splash your face. The cooling sensation sends waves of pleasure through your body. You continue walking for another hour before you decide to take a rest on a nearby stump.

As the rain gets heavier you decide to make your way home before the storm gets worse. As your street grows closer you hear the sound of a freight train roaring towards you. Out of confusion you look behind you to see a massive tornado rocketing towards you. In a panic you begin to sprint down the street as the tornado destroyed everything in its path. Within a few minutes the tornado soon engulfs you as you're sucked up and spun around at rapid speeds. A piece of wood slams into your head knocking you unconscious as the tornado flings you out at lightning speed. Your body soon crashes through the roof of a nearby building.

You slowly open your eyes as your sight becomes blurred. “What is that thing Twilight?” You hear someone say in a childlike voice. As you squint and try to focus your vision you soon pass out once again. You hear one last thing before blacking out.

“I don’t know Spike but whatever it is it looks hurt. We need to do what we can to try to help it.” The unknown voice says as you hear the sound of clopping getting softer. As your eyes open again you rub them and squint as your vision finally clears. You look around the room and see books everywhere.

“Where am I?” You say in a groggy tone. “Oh god why does my head hurt so much?” You say rubbing your head.

“Well, I’m no doctor but judging from that nasty bruise on your head I’d say you were knocked out by blunt force trauma.” The voice says as you once again hear the clopping of hooves on wooden stairs. You turn to see a purple creature that resembles a small horse with big orb like eyes, a horn, and a small purple dragon by her side. The two of you stare at each other for a few seconds before you scream at the top of your lungs as you try to make a mad dash for the nearest window. As you try to dive through the window like Scott Pilgrim a light purple aura envelops your body as your lifted back to the bed. “Now, hold on a minute. Is that anyway to treat the pony who helped you out? If it wasn’t for me you would’ve died from internal hemorrhaging.”

“Wait if you're not a doctor how the hell did you know how to do all that?” You ask confused.

“Well, it’s simple I read a book that explained everything about your species.” She says floating an encyclopedia to you and setting it on your lap. “You're a human from a world where horses are subservient to humans along with some more disturbing facts about your species. On top of that humans are a very violent and destructive species responsible for war, genocides, and other heinous acts. However, humans also have a softer side to them. Some even devote their life to peace. So that now leaves me with two questions. Which side of humanity are you on and how did you get here?” She says sitting on a nearby stool.

“Before I tell you I also have two questions for you. Who the hell are you and how are you talking?” You say in a stern confused tone.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle and your in the world of Equestria a Parallel version of your world where there are no humans and the land is ran by two princesses that also control the day and night. On top of all that every creature in this world can comprehend and speak fluent English along with other languages. Now, it’s your turn to answer my questions.” Twilight says standing up and pacing back and forth.

“Ok first of all I’m on the peaceful side of humanity there isn’t a bad bone in my body.” You say in a soft tone. “As for how I got here all I can remember is getting sucked into a tornado and next thing I knew I woke up in this bed talking to a magic pony.” You say shaking your head in disbelief.

“Very well I believe you. However, convincing the other inhabitants of this land will not be as easy. Most ponies will not be as calm and kind as I was. For this reason until we figure out what to do with you I want you to stay there and live in the library. There are five other ponies that live here in Ponyville. I can guarantee that they will be just as kind to you.” Twilight says walking down the steps and into her kitchen.

You sit there perplexed as you run all this new found information in your head. You decide to get some more sleep. In the morning you will go out and see what Ponyville has to offer. After all you don’t know how long you’ll be stuck here so why not have some fun. The weeks following your arrival are bittersweet and physically draining. In the time you have lived here Twilight's friends have warmed up to you and now treat you like a fellow pony. The citizens took a little more work but slowly they began to warm up to you. Days turn into weeks and a couple of months later you finally had your own custom tailored house and a job working construction. Memories of your old home back on earth still plague you as you slowly gave up on your hopes of ever making it home. Twilight tried everything she could but all of her tests failed. As of now there was no way for you to return home.

One day as you walk home from one of the shops in the square you notice a light blue pony with a white mane with an accompanying silver streak, and a purple cape and matching wizard hat decked out in stars sitting on a bench with a sad distraught look on her face. Curious about the plight that plagues the mare you walk over to the bench. Upon further inspection you notice tears running down the ponies cheek and drip off her chin into a small puddle below her. Concerned you take a seat next to her and set your bags down beside you.

“Miss is everything ok?” You ask reaching over to her. The mare looks at you with a look of surprise on her face.

“No I’m not okay you idiot. My whole day has been terrible.” She says taking of her hat and cape throwing them to ground before getting up and walking away. You get up off the bench and pick up the hat and cape and chase after the blue mare.

“Miss wait just one second.” You say as the mare stops and turns to you eyes still full of tears. “Look I don’t know what exactly happened to you but if there is one thing learned back home it's that talking to someone can make things better. So, to about you take your hat and cape and we go back to my place and have a nice long conversation over tea or coffee your choice.” You say handing her the accessories with a warm smile on your face. After a few seconds a small smile comes across her face as she takes the hat and cape putting them on.

“At this point I’m open to anything that gets me away from these wretched ponies.” She says glaring at some nearby ponies walking by. “I’m Trixie by the way.” She says sticking out her hoof so you can shake it.

“Wait Trixie as in The Great and Powerful Trixie?” You say with a bit of excitement in your voice. Trixie looks at you with a surprised expression on her face.

“The one and only, but how does a human like you now about me?” She asks as the two of you walk back to your house.

“Well, for the past month or so I’ve been living with Twilight and she has told me a lot about you. I gotta say you have quite the rep sheet here. An Ursa Minor and Trying to destroy Ponyville with a evil amulet.” She sinks her head in shame. “To be honest I don’t care about any of that what captured my attention was that your a magician. I’ve loved magic acts since I was a little kid. I still enjoy it to this day.” You say acting like small child causing Trixie to smile slightly and giggle. “Wait did she just giggle?” You think to yourself as the two of you finally reach your house. “Well, Miss Trixie welcome to my humble abode.” You say in a pseudo fancy voice you learned from the weeks you spent helping Rarity in her boutique. Trixie looks around with her mouth agape.

“It’s so big.” She says as you give her the tour of your home.

“Well, I I’m a six foot two human I had to have my house built a certain way.” You say with a chuckle as the tour concludes. “Now, if you want you can take a seat on the couch while I prepare our tea.” You say walking into your kitchen. You grab a kettle and fill it with water before placing it on your stove and turning it on high. While the water boils you grab two cups and some tea bags. “What kinda tea would you like Trixie?” You ask looking into the living room.
“What are my options?” She asks walking into the kitchen.

“Well, it have Peppermint, Black Tea, Green Tea, Earl Grey, Chamomile, and Tangerine.” You say standing to the side so she could see the collection.

“Hmmm...Peppermint sounds lovely.” She says floating the box down to the counter with her magic. You take two bags and put them in her mug and put two in yours. Just as, you set the mugs down the kettle goes off as you pick it up and pour the hot water into the mugs before stirring in sugar. After a few minutes the tea cools as you remove the bags and put a peppermint stick in each mug before bringing them into the living room.

“Here we go Trixie.” You say setting the mug in front of her. “Now, let’s start from the beginning, because I frankly I’m sure you had good reasons to do what you did. I refuse to believe that anyone is hundred percent evil.” You say with a warm smile as you drink your tea.

“Well, It all started when I was a little filly, See my parents were only around every once and awhile do to their professions. However, even when they were home they never payed any attention to me. So, listen cope I would use my magic to perform for other ponies. The applause and cheers I got made me so happy that I stuck with it which led to me getting my cutie mark. Ever since I’ve always wanted to be better than all the ponies in Equestria. I wanted to become the pony that everypony envied. After Twilight humiliated me during the Ursa Minor incident all I wanted was to make her and everypony in Ponyville suffer. That’s when I found that evil amulet in a small curio shop. After that failed I just...gave up.” She says sinking her head as a small trails of tears ran down her cheeks.

“Sounds to me like all you wanted was somepony to care about you. I understand how you feel you're not that different from one of my best friends back on earth. The way I see it the gossip about you is false. Everypony is probably either scared or they simply don’t understand what you went through when you were younger.” You say as you wipe away her tears with a napkin revealing a small pink blush running across her face.

“Thank you for everything..” She says with a soft smile as the moonlight cascades through the window illuminating her face. You blush slightly at the site of how beautiful she really is. After a few moments of silence the two of you break eye contact and go back to your tea as both of your faces are now burning red.

“Listen Trixie I got a great idea, how about tomorrow we head over to Twilight's and explain to her everything you told me. I’m sure she can help you start a new image here in Ponyville, and the best part is you can restart your career as “The Great and Powerful Trixie.” You say shake your hands in a magical way.

“Do you really think that will work, I mean Twilight was the one who thwarted all my previous plans?” She says as she finishes her tea letting out a soft sigh of pleasure.
“Trixie I lived with Twilight for a long time I’m positive she will help. Now, would you like me to walk you back to your trailer?” You ask as you stand up to stretch.

“Actually I was wondering if I could stay here with you tonight?” She says as the pink blush from before returns. You yawn and look at the clock on the wall.

“I don’t see why not I’ll go grab some pillows and a blanket for you.” You say as you head to your hall closet. After a few minutes you come back into the living room to find trixie fast asleep on the couch. With a warm smile you walk over and throw a blanket over her and place a pillow under her head. “Goodnight Trixie.” You say as you head upstairs and slide into your bed. After a few minutes you decide to read a book for an hour or two before turning off your light and falling asleep. The next morning you wake up to the warm sun and the soft sounds of birds chirping. You sit up and stretch before heading to your bathroom. Once at the mirror you brush your teeth and get dressed before heading downstairs. Once in the living room you're greeted to the sight of Trixie still fast asleep on the couch. You walk over and gently nudge her until she wakes up. “C’mon Trixie time to get up. We gotta get to Twilight's early if we wanna catch her when she isn’t busy.” You say as Trixie gets off the couch stretching.

“Do you have a bathroom I could freshen up in?” She asks in a groggy tone.

“Ya down the hall and it's the third door on the left. While you're doing that I’ll make us some coffee.” You say pointing to the kitchen.

“Your an Angel.” she says walking down the hall with a smile.

“Haha you obviously haven't seen my horns.” You say softly with a chuckle.

“What was that?” Trixie says from the bathroom as she brushes her mane.

“Oh n-nothing just had to remind myself where I left the coffee grounds.” You say as you prepare the coffee. After a few minutes Trixie comes out of the bathroom without her cape and hat.

“I’m ready to go.” She says as she takes a seat at the table and drinks her coffee. “Did you put soy milk in here?” She says with a surprised look on her face.

“Ya, soy, and almond milk are all I have, See some humans have this condition were we can’t drink normal milk or eat anything dairy without it messing up our stomachs. Some of us even get really sick if the drink or eat anything dairy.” You say joining Trixie at the table. “So, listen Trixie I rolled this around in my head for a while last night and I was thinking; How about instead of having to stay in that cramped trailer you live here with me? I have guest room in the back and I think the change of scenery will make starting a new life easier on you. This offer also comes free of charge I’m not about to make you pay to live here.” You say sliding her a spare key to your house.

“Really you would do that for me?” She says with stars in her eyes and a smile on her face.

“Of course after all Trixie everypony deserves a second chance especially if they're trying to make amends for past transgressions.” You say as you put the empty cups in the sink. “Now, let’s go Twilight should be wide awake by now.” You say as the two of you leave the house and head towards Twilight’s Library. Along the way ponies stop and look at you before laughing or whispering to each other. Diamond Tiara and Silver soon cross your paths before walking up to you.

“Well, isn’t this a sight to behold. The giant ape is friends with the loser who nearly destroyed Ponyville twice.” They say before laughing. You take a deep breath and lean down and look at them.

“Listen here you two just because someone did something wrong in the past doesn’t make them a bad pony. Now, trot along home like good fillies before I football punt both of you to the moon.” You with a wide smile on your face.

“You wouldn’t dare.” Diamond says studdering a little bit.

“Oh really wanna test that thought.” You say grinning like a psycho scaring the two fillies away.

“You weren’t really gonna hurt them where you?” Trixie says with a worried look on her face.

“Celestia no, I could never bring myself to harm innocent ponies. Sometimes intimidation can work in your favor” You say with a wink Before the two of you make your way to Twilight’s. After several minutes you arrive on her front mat and knock on her door.

Twilight opens the door and smiles. “Oh what can I do for you.” She says as her horn glows purple and lifts some books in the library.

“Well, Trixie, and I were wondering if you could help us with a little favor. Ya see I ran into Trixie yesterday and she was crying on a bench in Ponyville. So, being the caring person I am I invited her back to my place for tea. We got to talking and she was wondering if you have time to help reform her.” You say as Trixie steps out from behind you giving twilight a nervous smile.

“Well, normally Princess Celestia will ask me to reform someone but I can make a special exception in her case.” Twilight says inviting the two of you inside. After an hour or two of talking Trixie finally came clean with Twilight. During this time you sat in the back and listened to there conversation. Surely enough you were right. After hearing Trixie's story Twilight sent a letter to Celestia letting her know that she is doing a friend a favor and reforming a citizen of Ponyville.

“Ok, Trixie here is the deal I want you to come here everyday at noon so I can help you change. I assume you have a place to stay until then?” Twilight asks handing Trixie several books for her to read in her free time.

“Actually yes he offered to let me stay in his guest room free of charge.” She says looking at you with a smile as you blush heavily.

“I see Rarity has really rubbed off on you.” Twilight says giggling as he two unicorns get up and walk over to you. “I’m surprised at how well you’ve adapted here.” Twilight says with a smile.

“Well, on I found that there was a less than five percent chance that I would be able to return home. I decided to stay and get comfortable. I miss my friends and family a lot. Some nights there all I think about but sometimes you just have to take what life throws at you and continue moving forward. Despite how much of setback that may be. I’m ready to start a new life here.” You say with heartfelt smile.

“You really thought a lot about this didn’t you?” Twilight says as you head to the door.

“Well, before my days off I was in that big house all by myself so I’ve had a lot of time to think. Anyway, we should head out. We don’t wanna hold you up all day. Besides, I gotta help Trixie move her stuff into my place. See you later Twilight.” You say as Twilight smiles and waves goodbye.

“So, shall we head over to your place and grab your stuff?” You ask Trixie as she walks besides you with her head lowered. “What's wrong Trixie?” You ask as the two of you stop walking.

“I’ve been thinking. After hearing you talk about how you were when you were alone brought back memories of me doing the same thing. I was so tired of being alone after every show. Sure Snips and Snails kept me company but there were more annoying than comforting. What I’m trying to say is you're the first person that ever showed me any true compassion and at first I thought it was just pity. Then, last night happened at something sparked inside me.” Trixie looks into your eyes as she begins to cry. You kneel and hug her tightly as she buries her head in your shoulder and cries.

“Hey no need to cry Trixie. I’m your best friend and I’ll always be here for you no matter what. How about we postpone the move. I’ll take you back to our place and make some peppermint tea and we can read some of those books Twilight gave you.” You say as you pick her up and carry her home. Once inside you set her down on the couch and make the tea. After a few minutes you take a seat next to her as the two of you begin to read. As days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. The relationship between you and Trixie deepened to the point were you two started dating. After three months with Twilight Trixie was finally ready to start her new life. Slowly but surely the new Trixie began to make friends with everyone in Ponyville. Soon after her show started up again and she performed all over Equestria. Of course she always brought you with her for comfort and as an assistant. The two of you would spend every night in each other's embrace drinking tea and reading books. After a long tour the two of you finally returned to Ponyville for some much needed rest and relaxation. Trixie plops down on the couch as you hang up your coat and sit next to her. She crawls over and laws in your lap as you pet her mane.

“I’m so glad to be back my body is so sore from performing.” Trixie says as she sighs at your warm touch.

“Darling if you're that sore why don't I clear off the coffee table and give you a massage.” You say with a warm smile.

:Really you mean it?” She says with an excited smile on her face.

“Well, Aloe and Lotus told me that my hands can provide multiple pressure point presses compared to a hoof means that a massage from me feels ten times better, or that's at least what Aloe and Lotus told me.” You say with a chuckle as you begin to clear off the table. “Now, C'mon Trixie hop up on the table and relax.” You say as you roll up your sleeves and crack your knuckles. Trixie lays her head on a pillow. Once comfortable you begin to work on her back and neck. As your fingers gently apply pressure across her body Trixie lets out soft moans.

“They were right fingers feel a lot better then hooves.” Trixie says with a smile as you begin to work on her legs and hooves.

“Whats even better is that your the only pony that gets a massage like this. Think of it as a reward for all the hard work you do on and off the stage.” You say as you continue making your way up and down her legs. She blushes heavily after hearing you say that sentence.

“W-what do I do off stage that deserves this kind of reward.” Trixie asks as the blush on her face deepens.

“Well, before I met you that day on the bench my life was pretty lonely. I mean sure I was friends with everyone in ponyville but that only lasted until I got home. Once I was alone with my memories of home I became sad. After a while my smile became a facade I hid behind to mask my sadness. However, once I met you and saw how much help you needed I stopped feeling sad. Those feelings turned to determination and compassion.” You say as you gently flip Trixie over and massage her stomach and her front legs. “After a while you began to fill that hole in my heart. So, this a reward for changing yourself and a thank you for always being there for me and giving my life meaning again.” Tears began to roll down Trixie’s cheeks as she lunged forward and hugged you tightly as her lips met yours. Taken back by the sudden movement you relax and close your eyes and lean into the kiss. Your tongue danced around her mouth as her tongue rubbed every inch of your mouth. She breaks the kiss and looks into your eyes panting.

“I Love You.” She says as the two of you dive back into another kiss. After a few minutes you break apart as you pick her up and carry her upstairs. Once in your bedroom Trixie lays on your bed with half lidded eyes and a mischievous smile. You climb over her as the two of you begin to make out. Your hand slowly rubs her body up and down as she moans into your mouth. You break the kiss once again. Trixie looks at you with a mischievous smile.

“I think it’s time I show what tricks I have hidden up my sleeves.” She says ass she disappears and knocks you onto your back and with a flash of her horn she removes your clothes and throws them on the floor. “Now, lets see what that magic wand of yours can do.” She says before taking your entire shaft into her mouth in one go. Your head almost explodes from pure pleasure as she bobs up and down at the perfect pace. You lay back and look up at the ceiling as you moan in pleasure. She takes your shaft out of her mouth with an audible pop. “Do you like it.” She says licking up and down and sucking on the head before taking it back into her mouth as she bobs and sucks at a faster past. You soon feel pressure build up in the base as you rub her mane. Not wanting to make her feel left out you grab her horn and begin to stroke it. The added sensation cause Trixie to go into hyper mode as sucks faster. You continue to stroke her horn until you feel her tremble. After a few second her juices begin to run down her leg. She takes you out of her mouth and begins to stroke your nether rod. “C’mon baby hit me with your best shot.” She says stroking faster as your shaft explodes sending ropes of semen into her mouth and onto her face.

“Holy shit that was awesome.” You say as Trixie continues to suck determined to drink every ounce of renaming cum she can. Once done she removes you from her mouth as you hand her a towel to wipe herself off with. After she is clean she gets on all fours and sticks her plot into the air as she swishes her tail. “Come and get the main course big boy.” She says as you get on your knees and align yourself with her marehood and slowly slide yourself in. She lets out a loud moan as you begin to gently pound her moist slit. “Oh yes faster baby faster.” Trixie says as you grab both sides of her plot and begin to pound harder. “Oh Celestia yes that's it r-right t-there.” You continue to go to town on your lovely mare as she lolls out her tongue and continues her feral moans. Wanting to give her even more pleasure you decide to stick two fingers in her asshole. The added sensation causes her to scream loudly as you finger fuck her ass. “Baby I can’t take it. If this keeps up I’m going to explode.” She says in between loud moans. You wrap your arms around her and lift her up holding her close to your chest as you thrust up words still fingering her ass.

“Oh, yes right there, I’m about cum.” You double your efforts upon hearing this as a familiar pressure builds up in the base of your shaft. You continue thrusting as you feel a warm liquid coat your shaft. ‘OH FUCK YES, YES, YES!!!” Trixie screams as she cums all over your shaft. After a few more thrusts you finally explode inside her as ropes of semen cover the inside of her marehood as it milks you for every drop you have. You pull out and the two of you lay on the bed panting heavily.

“Dear...Celestia...that was...amazing.” Trixie says in between breaths as you roll over pull her on top of you.

“Were not done yet baby. There is still one hole left.” You say as the head of your shaft prods her asshole.

“Oh my yes. Let’s go for the home run.” She says as she lifts herself up and eases her asshole slowly down onto your cock. She whines and moans before finally bottoming out. She places her hooves on your chest as she begins to ride you. As she moans loudly her ass slaps against your pelvis adding some extra audible pleasure. “Oh this is even better than imagined.” Trixie says as she rides faster and faster. You squeeze her ass and thrust upwards giving her extra power and bounce. “Oh baby yes that's it.” You continue to thrust before you begin to feel your body tingle. After a few more powerful thrusts you blow your final load into her ass. Trixie moans out as loud as possible as she falls forward onto your chest and pants heavily as the two of you occasionally kiss. After a few minutes of rest the two of you get up and head to the shower. After a nice steamy relaxing shower the two of you relax on your bed.

“Darling would it be ok if I slept with you in your bed tonight.” Trixie says cuddling up close to you.

“It’s our bed now sweetie so yes.” You say cuddling her back as she lays her head on your chest. “I Love You Trixie.” You say with smile.

“I Love you to.” She says as she closes her eyes and the two of you drift off to sleep.