> Straight from the Tap > by Ankaru > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin stood in his usual place behind the counter at his bar, aptly named For the Love of Cider. His usual customers were in, some playing pool, others gazing into the eyes of their lovers, most quietly drinking cider while reading their daily papers. He was glad that changelings and ponies were able to get along now. Many even had open relationships or marriages. He liked to believe he had played a part in that. Kevin smiled and waved at everyone who came in through the doors. Everyone was welcome here, regardless of race. Even the humans, though they tended to avoid the major gathering places. He didn't blame them. Not after the war. He frowned slightly, then shook his head clear and went back to wiping out mugs. It wouldn't do to think of such things, he thought to himself. A quiet shuffling and a squeak of the chair in front of his counter was the only indication of the customer behind him. As he turned, Kevin’s insect like eyes widened with surprise as he saw the young purple and green dragon in front of him. “What can I get for you, my friend? I never seen your kind in here, but I’m certain I can find something to suit you. You are...Spike, yes?” The dragon nodded and sighed in an almost depressed manner. “Yeah, yeah I am. The great Twilight Sparkle’s dragon assistant. I'll take whatever is on tap, barkeep.” “The name’s Kevin. I remember you being at my award ceremony for unifying the changelings and the ponies. What brings you here?” Kevin placed a mug of cider on the table along with a few muffins. Spike glanced at the muffins warily until he was told they were on the house, upon which he eagerly gulped them down, followed by the cider. “Thanks, uh, Kevin. I was just sad because a certain mare, Rarity, keeps saying no to my advances. Says I'm not what she is looking for in a guy. Can you believe that? Me? Who wouldn't want a dragon for a lover?” Spike’s hands flew up into the air to emphasize his disbelief. “Seems like you have a lot to talk about, friend. How ‘bout you tell me all about it, and I keep pouring these drinks?” Kevin was already filling up another mug. “Thanks but no thanks. I don’t have much money on me and I’d like to be able to get a ride home. Plus, Twilight would kill me if I spent my allowance already.” Despite his protests, Kevin still set the second mug down and stared into the dragon’s eyes. “I can see you are hurt. I may be a changeling, and I know you probably still don't trust me, but please believe I only have your best interests at heart. Money is nice, but I make enough as it is. Go ahead. My treat.” Kevin smiled a toothy grin that was quite contagious. Spike nodded and drank the second offer of cider down. “Ok, I guess I'll tell you. But I do want to pay you for the drinks…” Spike tilted his head and thought for a moment, then shook his head and continued. “Well, I’ve been trying to get Rarity to love me all these years, but she always has excuses. Even still she says she is too busy or looking at another guy, or whatever. Sure, I'm still a baby by dragon standards, but come on! I’m taller than every pony here. I’m an adult! I deserve to be happy too…” “I see...maybe I can help you. I am a changeling after all. Love is my business.” The changeling took the mug and filled it again, not caring about any tab despite the dragon’s insistence on payment. “I suppose so. Being married and all, you would know a thing or two about love.” Spike mentioned casually in reference to a picture on the back wall of the barkeep standing next to a smiling pure white stallion, one of Princess Celestia’s Royal Guards. Spike frowned at Kevin’s pained look and quickly apologized. “Sorry if I said anything wrong. I was just curious, that’s all.” “Oh, it's alright. It has been...three years now. Since he passed. It was supposed to be a simple recon mission, but I got the letter from his commander in the mail not long after.” Kevin sighed and looked away, rubbing his eyes. “It's been tough, but I know I must move on. If I can help you...I think he would be proud. This is the first time since then that I've offered such help. I've never seen such a case of heartache from one so young. I think it would do you good.” Spike thought momentarily, and blushed a darker purple as he imagined what such help would entail. “You uh, wouldn't be able to turn into Rarity, would you? Heh, I mean, only if it's ok.” “Ah, that is a no, actually. I can't transform into another pony. Or anything, really. If I try, the form retains my colors, my eyes and my fangs. I've been told it is quite creepy.” It was Kevin’s turn to blush. A changeling not being able to properly change was rare, so it was hidden from most others to avoid ridicule. “So unless you want Rarity to look like a changeling with her hair and cutie mark, I'd think you'd be better off with normal.” “I don't know. I’m just not into guys. No offense.” “None taken. How about you give it some thought and we can take a walk to clear your head after the bar closes?” Kevin waited with yet another mug of cider, placing it on the counter at Spike’s hesitant nod. It was a long time until closing. Spike filled the time with recalling all of his adventures when he and Twilight left Canterlot. Kevin was impressed, though sure that many of his tales were altered a bit. After closing time, Kevin offered to walk Spike home. He agreed, and together they ambled down the nearly empty streets of Canterlot. They were passing through a public park when Spike asked to sit on a bench for a bit. “That cider must have been a little too much for me, I think.” Spike sat with Kevin in silence for a few minutes before Kevin excused himself for a moment. “I'll only be a minute. Wait here and don't look back.” Less than a minute later, Spike was treated to a strange yet interesting sight. Kevin had taken the form of Rarity, but as he had said, ‘she’ had black fur, insect like eyes and rather pretty fangs. Stranger still was the dress: smooth white silk with simplistic flower designs flowing all over. Spike chuckled and shook his head. “I get what you are trying to do, and thank you. But that definitely isn't Rarity. What’s with the dress, anyways?” “I like being pretty sometimes so I carry it with me…” Kevin said as he transformed back. He sheepishly sat back on the bench and stared down at the ground. “Just figured I'd try to cheer you up.” Spike said nothing. He looked at the changeling, who was trying so hard to help. He smiled and leaned over slightly, enough to peck his friend on the cheek. “You are sweet. Thank you. Maybe I can give...whatever this is a try.” Kevin looked up with mild surprise, only to meet the dragon’s scaly lips. The changeling’s breath caught in his throat as he realized that Spike was making the first move. He was both glad and secretly flustered. After all, he had wanted to be the one to start things off. Oh well, he thought as he embraced the dragon and dragged him backwards onto the bench. Their lips parted so they could catch their breath. Kevin could feel his maleness coming out from his sheath, clearly showing itself through the thin cloth of the dress. Spike could feel it poke into his stomach, and he couldn’t help but lift up the skirt to...to what? Look? Spike had no idea how to really pleasure another male besides himself. He stared in wonder at the throbbing shaft and gulped. He didn't feel like he was ready to take that in him. Kevin was blushing fiercely and rearranged himself so that both back legs were to one side of Spike. “Y-you can treat me like a mare if you want. Take me, make me scream, anything you want!” Spike wasn’t sure about it, but he shrugged and took his own member in his hands, stroking it gently, making sure it was fully lubricated with his precum. He was a little put out by the size difference between them, but he shoved aside those thoughts to give in to more primal desire. Spike parted Kevin's legs so he could see what he was aiming at in the soft light of the moon. The darkness of the changeling’s shell wasn't helping, so he shrugged and guessed. After the first few thrusts he finally found the hole he was searching for, causing Kevin to gasp in pain and pleasure. Spike had thought all his time pleasuring himself would be enough, but he clearly wasn't prepared for how tight and warm it was. Kevin adjusted himself so his lover’s thrusts wouldn't be too awkward for him. Spike settled into a rhythm of gently pushing further into Kevin's tight passage, pausing now and then to avoid ending it too soon. He was pressed down against Kevin, grinding slowly upwards. “I-if you want, you can finish.” Kevin panted softly into Spike’s ear. His only response was a nod as the dragon picked up the pace, pushing his member all the way to the base. Spike’s mind went to Rarity, and all the nights he had imagined being in the same situation with her. He went faster and faster, slamming into Kevin, groans and pants filling the night. Spike felt the pressure building quickly and without thinking, he cried Rarity’s name and released the flood, hot dragon spunk filling Kevin and spilling out onto the back end of the dress that was laid down underneath them. Kevin felt his own member twitching and lifted up his dress, seeing his throbbing changeling cock dripping with his own sperm. He wondered when he had came, but his thoughts were stopped by another kiss from Spike, this time full of tongue that slithered everywhere through his mouth. “I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call out for…” Spike started the moment the kiss broke, but he was stopped by a gentle hoof to his mouth. “No need to apologize, my purple friend. Think of this as practice for when you finally get your mare.” Kevin smiled warmly up at Spike as they slowly got up and sat back on the bench to catch their breath. “There's no need to now. Rarity may be pretty and all, but I'll never have her. I don't think I will need to look anymore, though. Because I've found my mare…” Spike gave Kevin another soft kiss and stood up to stretch. “Now, let's finish this walk home. I'll be sure to be back soon.” Kevin had no words to express his emotions. On the one hoof, he was saddened that Spike thought he couldn't get the mare of his dreams. On the other, he was quite happy that the dragon thought of him as his mare. Either way, he was glad to be of service. He followed Spike down the moonlit path, both of them basking in the afterglow of their short time together.