A Placeholder

by Emberspirit

First published

Rainbow Dash has gotten news, news that she probably needs a favor from someone to help her deal with it.

Rainbow Dash has received some news that may or may not have been good news. To handle said news she had a plan to handle it like there was no news in the first place.

Well not all plans hold together well.

For Captain Unstoppable's MacDash Writing Contest 2.0

A Placeholder

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Bright and shining, the sun is at high noon, giving light and warmth to all the ponies set outside to do various chores and activities. Specifically in one place in particular, Ponyville, the current home of the Elements of Harmony. One of said elements is napping on a cloud, a mare pegasus with a light cyan coat, slightly matted from sweat from the hard work of her job. Prismatic mane, long and unkempt, not one to worry about looks. On her flank adorns a cloud with a rainbow thunderbolt striking. Opening her light rose eyes, she gathers her surroundings, she turns towards an edge and peers down towards the land below and views she's above Sweet Apple Acres. She shrugs and just lies back down and about to go back napping till... "Rainbow Dash!"

A feminine voice at a high volume close to her got her attention in the way where fireworks went off next to her. She jumps and eyes at the source, gray coat and feathers bordering on bluish gray, on her flank a set of bubbles of varying sizes. A very pale light green mane almost bordering blond, bangs styled forward out of her eyes and let down on the back. Around the top of her average sized barrel, are saddle bags stuffed with envelopes and scrolls sticking out from the flaps. The odd aspect about her is her eyes, shimming in a brownish hue to a green hue depending on how they shine in the light. Eyes askew from each other but one is focused on her, a very bright and happy smile on her face. Rainbow Dash breaths out the air she held in. "Derpy, please, what did I tell you last time?" Dash deadpans.

Which Derpy could only chirp. "To not interrupt your nap times loudly. But I have a letter for you!" Which she promptly gives it to her, and quickly flies off waving good bye while barely just missing a flock of birds in her flight path.

Dash could only shake her hear and chuckle. "Don't ever change Derpy." Looking at the letter with curiosity, she gets excited as she recognizes the logo of the seal on the envelope. A horseshoe in front of a rainbow. "A letter from Dad!?!? Awesome! This week can't get any better!" She opens the the envelope with zeal. The letter is unfolded and she reads the contents inside. The bright and happy smile starts to straighten out as she went halfway through the letter, then at the end, she felt dread and worried. "This week can't get any worse..."


"Wow... what did I get myself into..." voices Rainbow Dash as she's pacing around a cloud home living room above Ponyville.

"Well, you said a lie, your dad believed you for some reason, and that's how you got into whatever this mess is." A deep, feminine, and slightly raspy voice snarks. A mare, with a grayish lilac coat with a light cerulean mane and messy tail with white highlights that looks like it's been swept by the wind. She is laying on her belly on a cushioned table in the middle of the living room as she's laying her head on her forelegs, on her flank adorn a yellow star that has a blue and white contrail. The home in question is a small and cozy with 2 rooms, kitchen and living room combined with the bedroom being separated.

As the letter she got from her Dad is on a table in it's opened state in the center of her pacing. Rainbow ignores the snark and kept her rant going. "But I had to Cloudchaser, I mean he keeps advertising me available to random pegasi stallions who thinks that are awesome as me... AND nopony is awesome as me!"


Dear Rainbow Dash,

Hey there Dashie, I'm very excited and proud of the achievements you wrote down on your recent letter. I know the Wonderbolts were impressed with the performance you did for them, you're my little champ after all. But besides that I got great news, the big wig's in my company gave me some vacation time from the workplace and I decided I should visit my little champ's home and see the awesome stuff Ponyville has to offer! Sadly, your mother can't make it since she had to fill in for somepony else, but don't worry I'm bringing the camera just for her. Also, I expect to meet this coltfriend you spoke about awhile back, I have to make sure he's 100 percent as cool as my little champ! I should be there in a 3 days by the time I wrote the letter. Can't wait to see you!


Bow Hothoof


Again she checks the date her father wrote on the letter. "That was yesterday and he's coming here tomorrow!?!?"

Cloudchaser, still laying there and listening to her problems, decides to help her since she won't be leaving anytime soon. "Well, tell him you broke up with him."

Then Dash's pacing continues as she automatically shoots down the suggestion. "I can't just say I broke up with my 'coltfriend', he'll just start trying to set me up all over again." She starts hovering now, feeling the anxiety fly away a little bit, having a slight calm mind about the situation.

Cloudchaser sighs then being a voice of reason. "Then tell the tru-"

Rainbow Dash interrupt. "Don't be Applejack, I know in the long run it'll be bad but I know what I'm doing!" Cloudchaser just shakes her head in disbelief. "Alright, can't just say he's on vacation either, my dad was already suspicious when I told him I had one. He'll know by then I was lying. So I'm settled with getting one who can play the part..."

She lies down on her cloud floor and tries to look through her memory of stallions she can think of in her mind. "He needs to be able to handle the lie smoothly, has the patience to deal with someone like my dad, and of course he's gotta be awesome. I would get Soarin, but he's too much of a playboy and my dad already knows him as one from all the publicity he's getting, that's not gonna end well. Nobody from the weather patrol really fits the bill, they're cool and all, just not enough."

Then the door bursts open as a white coated pegasus stallion walks in. Dirty blond mane and tail cut short and very well kept and clean with a body-build not typical of the average stallion as he's a lot bigger with muscles bulging and rippling. His red eyes glancing towards Cloudchaser and he smiles. "HEY CLOUDCHASER! ARE YOU READY FOR OUR SESSION TODAY?" That's when he notices Rainbow Dash and his smile gets wider. "RAINBOW DASH! YOU HERE FOR ONE TOO?"

Dash remembers the unexplained relationship between the two and could only blink and just turns to Cloudchaser. "I'm not interrupting anything am I?"

Cloudchaser rolls her eyes. "No not really, just a massage session, nothing less... nothing more. Bulk you can get started, and no, Dash is not here for one." Bulk with smile still wide trots over and sets up around the table to get ready with Cloudchaser. As he sets up, Cloudchaser gives out a suggestion. "How about Bulk? You can borrow him for the time being. I don't mind." Bulk not knowing what's going on just decides to flex his forelegs and gives out a toothy grin, trying to show off for whatever Cloudchaser is suggesting.

Dash could only shake her head but in her mind she questions on why she's giving her permission in the first place. "Knowing Bulk, by the end of the day he'll probably just yell the truth to him at one point. You and I both know he's not very good at lying." Cloudchaser nods her head in agreement and just sets her head ready for the massage, while Bulk resumes his own agenda.

Cloudchaser with a hint of curiosity, asks the question that's been bugging her since her arrival. "So why come to me exactly? Not that I mind, I appreciate you came to me and everything. But why not with the other Elements of Harmony, cause you know... let's not mince words here, you're closer to them."

Dash could only chuckle. "You already know why not Applejack, Twilight would try to be book smart and would do calculations or some stuff and it would take forever to get her out of it, Fluttershy would just want me to tell the truth, Rarity would just take it out of proportion and would just talk about 'feelings' and stuff, and Pinkie Pie... I'd rather not. I trust you, fellow Wonderbolt trainee, a fellow co-worker for the weather, and someone I've known since I've been here."

A pang of happiness spreads a little in Cloudchaser's heart as she locks eyes with Dash and replies. "Thanks Dash, I appreciate it... really."

With a sigh, Cloudchaser lays one-side of her head down onto the table. "Well, maybe you should look outside the box. Since none of the pegasi here don't meet to your standards, find a unicorn or earth pony instead. "

Dash scoffs and waves off the suggestion. "Well sure, I mean, he's gotta be awesome at whatever he does and be cool. But there's nopony I know like that."

Cloudchaser only slightly shrugs since she is relaxing to Bulk's touch. "Well, what about that Applejack's brother, Big Mac. He seems pretty capable. He's on par, if not, stronger then Bulk Biceps... no offense." She nonchalantly apologizes as she turns towards the pony question.

Bulk waves the comment off. "WELL HE IS! MY GOAL IN LIFE RIGHT NOW IS TO OUTLIFT HIM!!"

Dash was about to the shoot the suggestion down again until she thought about. He's a pretty fit stallion, really strong too as Cloudchaser mentioned, but also quite a galloper as she remembered the time with the Flam-Flim brothers. He's a dedicated worker to the family farm, always and dutifully did his job unless something health related gets in the way; at least, that's all what Applejack and Applebloom says. But the main question that also needs to apply to current situation. Can he lie? They are known to most of the community as honest Apples.

She glances at Cloudchaser. "Eh, I'll put him in the maybe pile, help me think more."

Cloudchaser just rolls her eyes, but smiles underneath her guise, happy that at least one suggestion actually had to make her think about it then dismiss it outright.


Usually both the word 'slow' and the name 'Rainbow Dash' don't usually appear in the same sentence. As the sun is still bright and sunny but showing a small sign of the sun starting to set, Rainbow Dash is slowly taking her time going in the direction of her cloud home. Dash showing fatigue and feeling downtrodden of not being able to come to a conclusion on her problem with her dad. Cloudchaser naming off every known stallion she knew in Ponyville and the Wonderbolts Academy which Rainbow Dash shoots down and just gives her explanation on why not. Afterwards, in the most caring way possible that Cloudchaser did for Rainbow Dash. 'Dash... you've made your choice long ago, I think we're done here. Go home.' Cloudchaser waved her off and just relaxed to the massage Bulk serviced.

And all Rainbow Dash thought is. 'What the heck did she mean by that?'

A loud impact echoes below her, with all the thoughts clouding her mind she is mildly paying attention around her unlike usual heighten awareness of her surroundings. Rainbow Dash looks below to glance at a stallion with a brilliant red coat with a heavy build not typical of a earth stallion, a brilliant orange mane matted down with sweat, a matching tail cropped short, a cutie mark consisted of half cut green apple, showing the inside. Around his thick neck is his signature brown yoke, resting comfortably. A pony recognized as the only stallion in the Apple family, Big Macintosh. Dash lays on a nearby cloud and is quietly observing him with rapt interest, since his name came up during her brainstorming with Cloudchaser. Seeing the stallion moving tree to tree, working hard like any other day she's glances at him throughout the time of knowing he existed, is quite a show she would not admit that she kinda admires.

A cry of a hawk interrupts her attention, she becomes surprised on how much time has passed as the sun is about to reach dusk, the sun border-lining the horizon. She turns her attention back to Big Mac. He's sitting near one of the hills around the farm with his yoke off of him. He's sitting down near a tree, just glancing at the setting sun, relaxing. At the Apple family home nearby, she sees smoke bellow out of the chimney, seeing 3 figures of various sizes in the kitchen section of the house. At this moment she decides that without any better choices that were given, she went with the one that is the best choice for the time being. She glances over at the house for a moment and noticing the figures hustling and bustling in the kitchen, the hint that dinner is about to be get ready. She has a good amount of time to explain her situation and try to "bargain" into helping her out before he has to go in.

She zooms to her destination and lands abruptly, startling Big Mac in the process, well... if just a raised eyebrow counts. He's staring at her direction as she makes her way towards the stallion. "Hey there Big Mac, need a favor." Big Mac still staring, gave her a nod to keep going. Rainbow Dash makes her best doe eyes (a gift from Rarity) and asks him. "Can you pretend to be my coltfriend tomorrow? You're the only one I think that can me help out." Big Mac blinks, slowly pulls a sprig of wheat from somewhere and lightly chews the end of the pulled stem.

Big Mac uncharacteristically voices out in a bemused way. "You want me to what?".

Dash decides since there's time, she starts to explain her story of her father and reasoning of why to him. Big Mac, digesting all the info given to him, is sitting there silently looking at the half set sun with stars beginning to show. Rainbow Dash, who is sweating at this point, is anxiously awaiting any positive response. She herself is eyeing both the view and Mac, laying next to him in a respectable distance. "Eeyup." Is abruptly echoed through the hills as he spits out the sprig of wheat.

Rainbow Dash got up to argue a point. "Look I'll eve- wait, so you'll do it!?!"

He gave a nod, and repeats. "Eeyup."

She did a somersault in the air and cheers, but is interrupted as Big Mac put up a hoof to quiet her. "There's a problem. You do know what tomorrow is."

Rainbow Dash waves it off. "Psh! Yea I know! Applejack wouldn't stop blabbing about it, the Apple family yearly reunion is tomorrow. Why bring it up?"

Big Mac raises an eyebrow. Dash pieces it together and came to the conclusion. "Ponyfeathers! That means you're going to busy tomorrow! Then why did you agree if you're not gonna help me out!?!"

Big Mac shook his head, calming her down. "I didn't say that, just that there's a problem. But we can work around it if you listen for a spell. These past reunions I had the relatives pressure me into getting together with a mare already, I'm tired of it honestly. So if you come to the reunion as my marefriend, it'll shake them off for the time being and they'll be none the wiser. So what I'm proposing is that I'm going to invite both you and your father and we'll take down two birds with one stone. You follow?"

Dash a little aghast right now, had one thing in her mind and had to voice it out. "Wow... that's the most you've said I have ever heard out of you." Big Mac gave her a deadpanned stare, and was about to get her back on track but Dash stops him. "Yea yea I gotcha. I'm one hundred and twenty percent sure this'll work."

Again with a raised eyebrow. "Oh? One hundred and twenty percent you say. What about Applejack? She's the element of honesty not by name only, she gonna be angry with us if she figures it out."

Dash mulls it over for a bit. "IF being the key word. But IF she figures it out I think I can coax her into playing along with us."

Big Mac gives a nod. "Sounds good, be here 2 PM sharp. It'll start before then but that's just greetings and what not, pretty sure you'll want some time with your father before we get the ball rollin'?" Then he brings out a hoof out to shake, as to final the agreement.

She agrees and was about to return it then suddenly got a thought that crosses her mind. Pretending to be a couple, gotta play the role. She floats past the hoof and starts to hug him affectionately as possible (which doubles as awkwardly as possible). Both forelegs wrapped around his big neck.

Big Mac, not one to miss cues, understands what's going on and returns the hug with gentle but firm hug (but also awkward). Both staying there for awhile, embracing each other in the awkward silence, but "I could get used to this." is whispered out loud. Big Mac ears perks and broke the embrace to look at her weirdly. "I-I-I mean for tomorrow, I could get used to this for tomorrow. Ya know, to make it seem legit."

Big Mac could only agree. A thought passes by his mind and thought it might as well be an occasion to bring out some celebratory necessities. He turns towards the tree they're sitting next to and taps on various places on the trunk of the tree. Rainbow Dash could only stare. "Uh, what are you doing?" Though as soon as she said that, Big Mac found what he is tapping for, knocks moderately into the spot, part of the bark fell out, and reveals a secret spot. Inside were a few inconspicuous bottles with corks taking place on the top. The bottles were placed on what seems to be a piece of ice, since vapor is slowly pouring out to the outside. It's quite safe to say that Rainbow Dash is a little shocked.

"Was looking for this." He answers nonchalantly. He brings out two bottles and a corkscrew from within, then shuts the wall in perfectly, as if there wasn't a secret spot there in the first place. He hoofs one towards Rainbow Dash, which she took cautiously.

She eyes her bottle suspiciously. "Eh... what's this?"

Big Mac smirks. "Cider."

Rainbow Dash eyes bug out and tries to feverishly but carefully open her bottle as to not spill any of the precious liquid. "What!?! I thought you keep these in barrels only?"

Macintosh smiles, then with a practiced motion, opens his bottle with the corkscrew. He takes a long swig as he hoofs her the tool, to which she graciously accepts.

As she's using the corkscrew, she's reminded of her requirements for pretend coltfriend material, she had to bring this up since this could be a pressure issue tomorrow. "So you don't mind lying to your family about this? I pegged you like your sister, being honest and all."

Macintosh chuckles and grins towards Dash. "Why Dash, I have no idea what you are implying. As far as I know we're in a 'relationship', that we agree that's only temporary. Nothing dishonest about that." Mac said casually.

Dash grins back. "Right right, sorry. Just wanted to see your view on it and all. Glad to see we're on the same picture about this."

Macintosh and Dash were drinking in both the view of the almost night sky and the cider as they sat comfortable near each other. Just content with the present, but Dash still had a nagging question on her mind. "So the cider. I mean I appreciate it, don't get me wrong, but why?"

Big Mac starts to chuckle then bellows out to a full laugh, though Dash is getting a bit irked at the action and the non-gratification of getting a straight answer, she is about the retort but Big Mac beat her to the punch as his laughter dies down. "Think of it as a benefit for 'dating' an apple." He gives her a wink, extends his bottle to hers as a toast.

She follows up with the toast with a smile of her own. The distinct sound of two bottles colliding together reverberates through, along with sounds of a masculine and some-what feminine laugh.