> Lesson 37, Multitasking > by Silver_Wing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Lesson 37, Multitasking > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They had been walking for almost half an hour now. Meadow Dawn, a lime green Unicorn with a soft yellow mane, made her way down the streets of Canterlot cautiously. She placed each hoof carefully and deliberately. She was blindfolded, and being led along silently by a thin leash of string. On the other end of her leash, guiding her to their unknown destination, was Stalwart Shield. A white earth pony, and member of the Canterlot Royal Guard. The two had become quick friends when they had first met. He had been charming and friendly, and she had been childish and innocent. As time went on, they soon became lovers and now much, much more. This wasn't the first time Stalwart had led her about Canterlot like this in the late hours of the night. Dawn would always wear the same wide rimmed hat to conceal the leather blindfold she wore from any they may come across. And despite its purpose as a leash, the string attached to her collar was thin and semi-transparent. This too was to avoid any looks other ponies may give should someone see them. Dawn could no longer remember who had first brought up the idea of doing something like this. It all began so casually. A cute nickname here, the title of Master jokingly thrown about there. Then, gradually as time went on, she found herself changing ever so slightly in a way she had not at first understood. She began wearing thin chokers that Stalwart had bought for her, then eventually, full on collars embroidered with her name. Leashes became an item of unparalleled arousal, and the mere thought of him talking her for a walk like this set a fire ablaze within the heart of her marehood. But it wasn't just physical activities like this that she found to arouse her now. His praise at her actions, both in bed and in life were something that nearly drove her mad with joy. The title of 'Pet' had come to fill her with pride, and his title of 'Master' was always said in adoration and love. His pleasure was something she strove to grant with ever growing skill and precision, and his every word had become more law to her than even the Princess Celestia's. "We're nearly there now, my pet." Stalwart whispered into her ear. Dawn jumped slightly at his closeness. Blindfolded like she was, she hadn't seen him fall in line beside her. She quickly relaxed and nodded her understanding. She would have spoken, but so long as she had one of his collars on, she was not allowed to unless given his express permission. Those were the rules of their 'Pet time.' "I have something special planned for you tonight," Stalwart continued, "Something I am sure will linger in your mind and body for days to come." Dawn swallowed, both from nervousness and from anticipation. She had no idea what to expect, and the mystery of the scenario excited her to no small ends. They walked for another few minutes before Dawn felt her Master lead her off the cobblestone road and onto a gravel path. She was forced to slow down to keep her footing in the shifting terrain, but she did her best to keep pace. "Stop." She heard Stalwart say softly. She did as ordered and a shiver ran up her spine as she felt a breeze race over her in the darkness. From somewhere ahead of her, she heard a metallic click, then a grating creaking like that of a heavy metal door. "Walk forwards, carefully." Stalwart said. Dawn followed the order, and blindly felt her way along until her hoof felt a hard concrete floor. She entered what she assumed was a room of some sort and crept forwards slowly as she awaited her Masters command to stop. She had taken almost a dozen steps before Stalwart called to her to stay put. She did so, and listened with growing nervous excitement as she heard the heavy door creak, then close with a resounding bang. Dawn could hear Stalwart coming up behind her and tensed as she felt him place a hoof on her flank. He slowly slid it the length of her spine, before knocking her hat off with a flick. "I think it's about time you learned to be more attentive, my Pet." Stalwart whispered into her ear. Dawn wasn't sure what he meant by that. She had always done everything he asked of her, and had always done her absolute best to make his every need, want, and desire a reality. So what could she have done wrong? Her mind started to race as she searched desperately for the answer, but try as she might, nothing came to mind. "You may ask one question now, my Pet." Stalwart said. He placed a tender kiss on her lips, then added, "But only one. So think carefully before you speak." Dawn opened her mouth almost instantly, then shut it just as fast. She had to be certain what she asked wouldn't be a waste of this opportunity. After a moment, Dawn cleared her throat and spoke softly. "W-what do you mean by, be more attentive?" She caught a slight chuckle from Stalwart, then another from farther away. She strained her ears in the direction of the second chuckle, but she could no longer hear it. 'An echo maybe?' she thought, but she couldn't be sure. Dawn felt one of Stalwarts hooves press gently against her nose, then slide upwards until in rested against her blindfold. Slowly, he slid the piece of leather from her eyes and smiled down at her lovingly. Now that she was no longer blindfolded, Dawn stole a quick glance around the room and found herself to be in the middle of what looked like an abandoned warehouse of some sort. It was dimly lit by a great many candles, and there was a hole in the ceiling high above. "What I mean is," Stalwart said as he stepped to the side, "That it's time you learned to multitask my Pet." As Stalwart moved, Dawn was shocked to find two Pegasus standing at the far side of the warehouse. They looked identical to one another. Both were black with dark purple manes, accented with a deep golden streak. It took her a moment to recognize them, and when she finally did, she gasped in surprise. They were Skyros, and Soryks! Two of Stalwart's fellow guards ponies. But why were they here? "W-what's going on Stal-" Dawn caught herself and swallowed hard as her stomach knotted with growing concern, "M-Master?" "That's two questions my Pet," Stalwart said shaking his head, "I recall only giving you permission to ask one." Dawn dropped her head a little as a whimper escaped her. She hated screwing up, especially in front of him of all ponies. "Don't give me that look," Stalwart mused, "I'll forgive you, this time." Dawn felt her heart leap up at his words, and her childish smile nearly lit up the room. Her joy was quickly replaced with concern however, as she noticed that Skyros and Soryks were now coming towards her. As she watched them approach, her eyes grew wide as she realized that they both had rather impressive erections hanging down proudly between their legs. "As I said," Stalwart said softly as he admired her fearful emerald eyes, "It's time for you to learn to multitask. Now go. Make me proud." As Stalwart trotted away from her towards a set of cushions nearby, Dawn realized with a start what was about to happen. By multitask, Stalwart had meant that she was going to have sex with more than one pony at once. But why wasn't he one of them? She would do anything for him, even this, but why wasn't he going to be a part of it? Dawn shuffled her feet nervously, her eyes glued to Stalwart as he settled in for the show. She was so lost in her own thoughts, that she almost didn't notice how close the two Pegasus were until they were flanking her from either side. "We could hardly believe our ears, Mrs. Shield, when Stalwart asked us to come do this tonight." Soryks said. "We figured he was just pulling our feathers," Skyros added, "But he was serious." Dawn took an involuntary step back and looked quickly from Soryks to Skyros and back. They both held shared grins and their eyes wandered across her form hungrily. "Pet," Stalwart called to her sternly. "These two are your tutors for this lesson, and I will not accept a failing grade. Do you understand?" Dawn froze in her place and looked back to Stalwart nervously. She would not disappoint him, she couldn't bear it if she did. His word was her law, and his desire was her greatest pleasure. So if this is what he wanted her to do, then she would give it her all. Taking a deep breath, Dawn nodded to show her understanding and took a step towards the two Pegasus. "Good girl," Stalwart praised, "As for you two..." Skyros and Soryks looked over at him intently. "You'll find my Pet is very accommodating," Stalwart said, "She can handle it rough, she can handle it deep, and if given free reign, she's quite the treat." Dawn couldn't help but blush at her Master's praise and looked down at her hooves shyly. "That being said," Stalwart continued, "As we previously discussed, take some care with her. She is special to me." Dawn's blush nearly tripled in an instant and she had to use all her strength to keep herself from squealing at his words. She knew she was special to him, but until this point, he had only ever said it to her, in private. But to hear him tell another, to say that she was special to him, forced a smile onto her face that she could not shake. Skyros and Soryks nodded in unison, then began circling around Dawn like a pair of hungry dogs. Skyros trailed a feathery wing across Dawn's side as he circled her, and grinned as he watched her muscles tense at his touch. "So what do you want first, Bro?" He asked. Soryks smirked and stopped behind Dawn. "What do you think?" He said. "Yeah, kinda figured as much," Skyros said, "Guess I'll try out here then." Dawn glanced behind herself with a squeak as she felt Soryks nose abruptly slide past her tail and press against her delicate lower lips. She tensed hard and moaned softly as she felt a wet tongue begin lapping at her moist marehood. "She's right primed," Soryks chuckled, "This is gonna be good." "Gonna need you to look this way, Mrs. Shield," Skyros chuckled, "You got other things to pay attention to than my brother." Dawn looked ahead and swallowed nervously as she found Skyros to be standing before her. She watched as he rose up to his hind legs and her eyes wandered low to the fleshy shaft that now jutted out towards her like a lance. She'd never done anything like this with anyone other than Stalwart before. She know how to do just about everything by now, thanks to her Master's thorough training, but even so, she found herself nervous. Carefully, and slowly, Dawn leaned forwards and took the tip of Skyros's cock into her mouth. Being so close to him, she could smell him clearly and half smiled as she caught the faint scent of cherries. Stalwart knew she loved that smell and she guessed he made Skyros and Soryks bathe with cherry scented soap before they arrived, specially for her. Skyros meanwhile, moaned hard at the feeling of Dawn's wet mouth suckling on his tip and placed a fore hoof against the back of her head to urge her on eagerly. Dawn understood full well that he wanted more, but she had to be thorough. She would prove that all her Master's lessons were ingrained in her mind and do the job to perfection. Sucking hard, Dawn pulled back and popped Skyros's cockhead out of her mouth wetly. Her lips followed after the engorged tip and she quickly got to work licking, sucking, and caressing the thick shaft beneath. A dick this big would need a good amount of lubricant smeared along it to slide down her throat easily, so Dawn would need to lick it all over before she tried anything too extreme. Dawn had nearly forgotten about Soryks being behind her. He had stopped licking at her marehood after he had spoken, but with an abrupt and forceful thrust, she was made painfully aware of his presence once more. Soryks had mounted Dawn while she had been busy tending to Skyros, and with one well aimed thrust, had embedded himself as deep into her sopping marehood as she could take him. Dawn's shriek of surprise at being stretched wide so abruptly was muffled by the cockhead that was once again in her mouth, and she nearly forced it into her throat as her body recoiled reflexively. Pulling back and coughing a few times, Dawn glanced back at Soryks and moaned hard. He wasted no time and was already thrusting away like a machine. Dawn could feel her back knees starting to tremble at the intense sensations and shook her head for a moment as she tried to catch her breath. She wasn't used to someone going so fast so soon, so she was having a great deal of trouble keeping her composure. Soryks wasn't as thick, or as long as Stalwart was, but she could still feel her insides stretching and shifting from his rapid assault. He was stirring her up so fast, almost violently, but she could take it. This is what her Master wanted from her tonight after all. "Don't go forgetting about me now that my Brother's joined in!" Skyros said, pulling her face back to his now throbbing erection, "Come on now, let's see if you can't get me off before him, eh?" Dawn took a breath to steady herself and nodded, before taking him once again into her practiced mouth. "Skyros, Soryks," Stalwart called over to them, "Do me a favor and be sure to have her swallow your first 'gifts'. We had a light dinner, and she should have a full stomach for what's to come." Dawn glanced at Stalwart pleadingly as she continued to caress Skyros's shaft with her tongue. He knew she disliked the taste of a Stallions 'Gift.' It was always so thick and salty, not to mention it smelled terrible, but she tolerated it for him. Stalwart smiled at her and settled back into a more comfortable position without another word. Dawn sighed, and began to mentally prepare herself to receive Skyros's and Soryks's gifts. It didn't take Dawn long to work Skyros's cock enough for her to start swallowing it into her throat. Stalwart had trained her heavily in this regard. Sucking on the tip was well and fine, but to really make a Stallion feel it, you had to take it deep. The deeper the better really, and in her case, deeper also meant she'd taste less when the eventual outcome of such vigorous contact happened. "Y-you really do know what you're doing!" Skyros gasped out as Dawn slithered her neck about as she throated him. "That's nothing!" Soryks moaned, "Just wait till you try her here. I have never felt a mare this tight before!" He glanced over at Stalwart curiously. "I figured she'd be a bit more... You know, broken in?" he said, "You got some secret Stalwart? Or you not as big as the Guard legends say?" Stalwart laughed. "Oh I'm plenty big," he said with a grin, "But what you're feeling there, is the wonder of a Unicorn." Soryks and Skyros exchanged a confused glanced with one another, then looked back to Stalwart questioningly. "Magic," Stalwart smirked, "My Pet has quite the knack for all sorts of spells. Like the one you're enjoying right now. After every time, she casts a little spell to keep herself nice and tight." "I need to get myself a Unicorn then!" Soryks laughed, "I had no idea they had a spell like that!" "Most don't," Stalwart said, "But my little Pet is special." Despite her current position between two primed Pegasai, Dawn smiled at her Master's words. That was twice now that he had called her special in front of somepony else, and there was no way she could fail him now. She would give this night everything she had and more, and not stop until both Skyros and Soryks were bone dry. Thrusting her hips backwards to meet Soryks's thrusts, Dawn started taking Skyros even deeper into her throat. "I think she's getting into it," Soryks mused, "Just look at her little hips go!" Skyros laughed. "You think that's impressive? You should feel this tongue!" he exclaimed, "I don't know what she's doing, but you have no idea how good this feels." Dawn grinned at the compliment, but she was far from done. She withdrew Skyros from her throat slowly, then began trailing heated kisses down the length of his shaft. As her lips began playing at his base, Dawn focused on her horn, and as it began to glow a faint green Skyros gasped out in surprise. Glancing down in pleasured confusion, Skyros found a green glow to be encasing his hefty ball sack. Dawn's magic was kneading it gently, adding strange new jolts of pleasure to her every motion. Dawn knew to be very gentle with this part of a Stallion, and she teased it expertly as she trailed heated kisses back towards his tip. Skyros moaned as Dawn returned to sucking on him, and thrust his hips abruptly out of reflex. Dawn had been expecting that sort of a reaction however, and thrust her head down to meet him. She swallowed Skyros's full length right to the hilt in one gulp, and grinned around the base of his shaft as she felt him start to tremble against her. With a breathless moan of sheer pleasure, Skyros tightened his grip on the back of Dawn's head and came hard straight down her throat. With him as deep as he was, Dawn couldn't taste his cum at all, which was something she was rather pleased about. Not wanting to slack on her duties however, Dawn sucked in time with the heavy throb of Skyros's firing cock. After every thick wad of his sticky mess fired down the barrel of his shaft, Dawn swallowed hard around him, furthering his pleasure and the length of his orgasm. "Wow bro, really?" Soryks laughed, "You're coming already?" "S-shut it Soryks!" Skyros gasped out shakily, "I'd like to see you m-manage better!" Soryks smirked at his brothers’ words, and after a few deeper thrusts into Dawn's well worked snatch, pulled out. Dawn moaned at the abrupt change, then glanced back a little confused. Soryks trotted up beside his still cumming brother and gave him a hard shove to the side. Skyros yelped as he was sent tumbling to the ground, his still spasming rod spraying out a steady stream of white in a high arc. Dawn fought not to gag as the thick rod that had been her mouth and throat abruptly pulled out, then grimaced as a salty, slightly bitter fluid followed after it. She felt a wet splat strike the side of her face and shoulder and closed her eyes as she fought not to sigh. The taste of cum was one thing, but she'd never been a fan of having it plastered to her body, especially her face. The smell lingered for what seemed like ages, but she knew better than to react to such an event. Closing her eyes and swallowing the remaining cum in her mouth to settle her sense of taste, Dawn squeaked as she found another, slightly wetter cock thrust into her mouth. Opening her eyes with a start, she found Soryks to now be in Skyros's place, and he was sliding his full length into her with little hesitation. Dawn did her best to take him, but couldn't help scrunch her nose and flatten her ears back at the new taste she was experiencing. Soryks cock was well lubricated, so it slid into her throat smoothly. The fact it was lubricated with her own pussy juices however, put a heavy damper on her eagerness to perform. She could smell herself strongly on him, and taste her own tang heavily. "Soryks you mule!" Skyros barked angrily, his still erect cock finally ceasing to unload, "What's the big idea!?" "What?" Soryks mused, "You said you wanted to see how I'd manage, so here I am. Now stop you whining and get back to it. I got her nice and juicy for ya." Dawn glanced to Skyros and found a slight grin returning to her lips. Her nethers were tingling unbearably now, after having Soryks inside her so roughly. She hadn't said anything earlier, but she was beginning to get close to cumming herself until he pulled out. Skyros muttered under his breath as he took up his new position behind Dawn and half smirked as her found her to be wiggling her hips in anticipation. "You seeing this Stalwart?" he called out, "Looks like your Pet here's feeling a wee bit eager." Dawn froze at his words and glanced worriedly towards her Master as she continued to suck on Soryks. There was nothing wrong with her enjoying herself while acting out her Master's wishes, but depending on Stalwart's mood, she typically had to show indifference when in a situation of total obedience. Unless he ordered her not to hold back, which he hadn't. "Is she now?" Stalwart said. He seemed rather amused by this new information and chuckled darkly for a moment. Skyros thrust into her abruptly, and Dawn gasped around Soryks cock in surprise. "Now we're getting somewhere!" Soryks moaned, "Do her harder Skyros, I wanna see just how deep I can get inside her pretty little mouth." Skyros grinned and began thrusting hard into Dawn's wet, eager opening. It didn't take long for Dawn to feel the swelling, tingling pleasure of orgasm begin building deep within the pit of her stomach, and as she crested the razors edge of climax, a heated moan escaped her lips. "Pet!" Stalwart's voice cut in sternly, "You are not allowed to cum unless I am the one that makes you! Is that clear?" His words crashed over her like a bucket of ice water had been dumped on her back. His word was law, but she was so close! She wanted so much to feel that sweet release of carnal pleasure coursing through her very being, but she couldn't. She could not disobey her Master, no matter how unfair his command seemed. Slamming a hoof down to help her focus, Dawn clenched her back legs together tightly and focused her every ounce of willpower on stopping herself from cumming. "Gah!" Skyros moaned out, "Way to go and tighten up Dawn, wow! Keep that up and you might just suck my dick clean off!" Dawn ignored his words and focused wholly on anything but the intense sensations still threatening to burst within her. It felt to her like she had a great dam deep inside herself. One that was holding back all the waters of the world, and even the slightest change would cause it to collapse. "H-hope you're ready for your second course Dawn, 'cause here it comes!" Soryks moaned abruptly. Dawn's eyes went wide as she found the shaft in her throat swell and begin to pulse, and nearly lost her internal battle from surprise. "She's trying so hard!" Skyros laughed as he found her trembling around him, "Come on Soryks, see what you can do to help her out." Dawn tried to shake her head in a pleading no, but the two Pegasai invading her deepest areas refused to listen. Skyros began thrusting into her as fast as he could, and Soryks withdrew his spasming rod until just the tip remained in Dawn's mouth. Dawn's glanced down at the cock in her mouth as it shifted, and for a split second, all her focus turned to the sticky fluid now washing over her tongue. That change in focus, coupled with Skyros's unrelenting and deep thrusts, sent her over the edge. She inhaled sharply and closed her eyes tightly as she came. "Oh yeah," Skyros moaned out, "Now that's what I call tight! Hope you're ready for another load Mrs. Shield, cause you're about to get one!" Dawn whimpered in pleasured dismay as she came even harder around Skyros's freshly cumming cock. She could feel his burning seed spraying deep inside her, staining her white with his cum. Meanwhile, she was still being forced to swallow one thick mouthful of Soryks's seed after another as he continued to cum straight into her mouth. All thought faded away as she lost herself in her own pleasure, and she mindlessly sucked and bucked her hips until her lovers finally pulled out of her. Drawing a shaky breath, Dawn dropped to her knees and gasped for much needed air. Strands of thick cum oozed out of her mouth, and even more stained the backs of her legs. "Tisk tisk tisk," Stalwart sighed, shaking his head in disappointment, "To so blatantly ignore your Master's orders. Did I not expressly state that you were not allowed to cum unless I was the one that made you?" Dawn fought not to whimper at her Master's words. She swallowed the last of the cum that still clung to her lips and struggled to rise to her feet. "I-I'm sorry Mas-" Dawn started, but Stalwart raised a hoof to silence her. "Skyros, Soryks," Stalwart said, "It seems that my Pet is not as well trained as I had led you to believe, and for that I apologize." Dawn dropped her head in shame at her Master's comment and fought to resist the tears she could now feel threatening to well in her eyes. She knew she was better than this! How could she have disobeyed her Master's order so easily!? Sure, Skyros felt great inside her, but he was nothing compared to her Master. It should have been easy for her to resist, so why had she failed!? "In hopes of rectifying this shame," Stalwart continued, "Why don't you show her how to truly multitask? If you thought her easily pleasured marehood was tight, I am most certain you'll find her ass even more so." Dawn tensed at that, but she refused to show any signs of surprise. She had to avoid doing anything not directly told to her from this point out. She had failed her Master severely, and she could not risk doing so a second time. "You know, I've never actually found a mare willing to take if from behind like that Stalwart," Soryks grinned, "You really are a lucky one, you know that?" Dawn didn't look up, but she strained her ears desperately to catch her Master's reply, but none came. Stalwart held his tongue, and simply watched his Pet coldly as Skyros and Soryks came up behind her in unison. "So..." Skyros said, "Front, or back?" Soryks sighed. "Much as I wanna burry myself in her green ass, I'll let you try it out first," he said, "I did cut you short earlier after all. And of the two of us, you are more lubed up." Skyros laughed and looked down at his shaft. His thick cum covered it from tip to root, and the candle light glistened along it like it was polished. "Alright, then you better get into position," he said, "I'm already raring to go." "Oh I am too Bro, I am too." Soryks said. He trotted a few feet away from where Dawn was and laid down on his back. "Alright Mrs. Shield," he called, "Be a good girl and hop on." Dawn snapped to attention at his words, and with a brilliant flash of green, teleported directly above him. "Why didn’t you just slide under her?" Skyros groaned as he found himself momentarily blinded by Dawn's flash of magic. "And lay down in the pool of cum you left under her? Yeah, no thanks." Soryks snorted. "Fair enough," Skyros said, his vision gradually clearing, "I'll try not to spill too much onto you if I can." "It'd be appreciated," Soryks said, "Seeing as I'm bottom after all." Sensing Skyros coming up behind her, Dawn lowered herself gently onto Soryks protruding erection. She slipped his tip into her without a sound and slid down onto him a few inches. Skyros eyed her round rump hungrily and used a fore hoof to push her tail aside. He pressed the tip of his slippery cock against her tight little hole and smirked. "You ready for this?" he asked, "I mean, you don't mind if I plow it in there right?" Dawn swallowed and shook her head quickly. "Say it." Stalwart ordered. "I am ready!" Dawn said quickly, "I do not mind if you plow it into my ass! Please, do whatever you wish to me!" Skyros roared with laughter. "Now that's the type of mare a guy can fall for!" he said, "Oh I am going to enjoy this!" With a hard thrust, Skyros pressed his cockhead hard against Dawn's tight asshole, and abruptly slipped past his intended target. With the force of his thrust, combined with the slick surface of his cum covered dick, he slipped down and plunged himself straight into Dawn's straining marehood, right alongside his brothers already embedded shaft. Dawn gasped out sharply in pain at the sudden addition of a second fully erect cock inside her already filled hole and cringed. "Come on bro, careful!" Soryks barked from beneath them. "Shoot, sorry Dawn!" Skyros apologized quickly. He started to pull out, but felt a strange tingling build on his back that prevented him from pulling out. Glancing over his shoulder, he found a magical green glow keeping him in place, and he looked back to Dawn in confusion. "P-please..." Dawn whimpered out, "D-do whatever you wish to me. I'm r-ready." Using her magic, she carefully pulled Skyros back into her and inhaled sharply as she was stretched wide to hold them both. "A-are you sure?" Skyros asked worriedly. He shot a glance towards Stalwart for confirmation. Stalwart was sitting up now, but at Dawn's words, he settled back into a more relaxed position and nodded for Skyros to continue. "Hey, you heard it from her own lips," Soryks answered, "She said to go for it, so let's go for it!" He thrust his hips upwards and Dawn bit her bottom lip to restrain another whimper of pain. Skyros moaned at the shifting contact and shrugged halfheartedly, before thrusting into her as well. Dawn breathed in deep, ragged breaths as she adjusted to the two stallions invading her desperately straining cavity. She felt like they were splitting her open, but she would not allow herself to fail her Master's task. While it had hurt a fair deal at first due to the abrupt penetration, the pain of having two throbbing cocks inside her at once quickly melded into the sweet pleasure she was used too. Dawn had always been surprisingly capable when it came to accepting large objects. Stalwart himself was very well endowed, so he had gotten her well used to such sizes with toys of growing thickness and length. While it was true that she used magic to tighten herself back up again after a night of heated passions, she always loosened up again a little easier the next time. In fact, she had been stretched wide so much over the years that the sensations of being spread to the max had grown into something that aroused her greatly. Gradually, Skyros and Soryks fell into a steady rhythm of thrust and withdrawal. When one would go in, the other would be coming out, though never fully. They both made sure to always keep at least their tips inside her, and as they felt her loosen up around them, their pace only quickened. "W-wow!" Skyros moaned out as he savored the strange sensations, "This is incredible!" "Agreed!" Soryks panted, "I ain't gonna forget this one anytime soon at all!" Dawn smiled at their words and began thrusting backward to great them, furthering the depth they slid into her. She moaned as she was stretched that little bit more and did her best to match their pace. The three of them kept that same rhythm going for nearly ten minutes without pause. They were all panting heavily, and the soft slap of wet fur on fur resounded in the empty building like the ticking of some great clock. "N-no!" Soryks moaned out, "G-gonna loose it any second now!" "M-me too!" Skyros gasped, "Here we go!" Dawn bit her bottom lip in anticipation and moaned sharply as both Skyros and Soryks thrust into her in unison, burying themselves as deep inside her shared hole as they could manage. She arched her back far as she felt a great liquid heat burst inside her depths and begin sloshing about. To keep herself from moaning any more than she already had, Dawn took a deep breath and held it as her two lovers continued to unload within her. She could feel their cum filling her rapidly and come gushing out of her tightly clenching lower lips. In a matter of seconds, their heated seed was running down her back legs and dripping onto Soryks waist, and the floor beneath in thick, wet globs. Finally feeling the spasming tools inside her begin to relax, Dawn let out a heavy breath and did her best to remain still. The muscles in her legs burned from exhaustion, but she didn’t have permission to rest yet, so she had to stay where she was until told otherwise. With a shared sigh of contentment, Skyros and Soryks withdrew themselves from Dawn's sopping snatch and got to their feet. "That... Was great." Skyros sighed again. "Oh yeah," Soryks agreed, "But next time... You take bottom. I'm a mess." Skyros laughed at his brother and sat down to catch his breath. Dawn still hadn't moved an inch. She simply stood there, back legs spread with tail raised. Thick white cum still oozed out of her and was beginning to pool beneath her. Despite the copious amount of fluid still sloshing about inside her, there was something oddly provocative about her current situation. Here she was, with her body being violated by two Pegasai she hardly knew, all while under the direct supervision of her Master. All eyes were on her, and her alone. Every breath, every moan, every twitch of a muscle, all of it was seen and judged. She was their sole focus, and their pleasure was hers. Something about that set a fire ablaze within her nethers unlike anything she had ever felt before. "Would you look at that," Soryks commented, "It's been what, five minutes now, and our cum's still coming out of her." "We did let out a lot, you and me." Skyros chuckled. Dawn's eyes fell to the slowly growing pool beneath her at their words. She couldn't help but sigh contently at the thought of just how much they had unloaded inside of her. God they came a lot. They'd clearly been saving up for a while, probably since Stalwart had first asked them to do this to her. Stalwart always let out a lot when he came too, but not nearly this much. Then again, she was usually draining his stores once or twice a day at least. So maybe this amount was actually normal for a Pegasus, and she had simply gotten used to her tapped source of male nectar. She couldn't be sure, but she wasn't about to ask. "Shame we didn't bring a camera though," Soryks mused, "Think of it. The 'White Dawn.' Bet pics like that would sell like crazy, eh?" Dawn tensed a little at their words, then found herself grinning for reasons she could not wholly explain. The thought of pictures of her like this in the hooves of complete and total strangers, thinking who knows what about her. It was terrifyingly arousing to no ends. "Maybe we'll try that next time," Stalwart mused from his seat, "But not quite yet. My Pet is still in need of more training first." "I don't know about that one Stalwart," Soryks said, "She seems pretty well trained to me. I mean look at her." He grinned. "Hey Pet, why don't you shake that ass a little for us." Dawn's head jerked up and she did as ordered. She wiggled her rump about and flicked her tail this way and that. Still more of their cum forced its way out of her at her movements, but she paid it no attention. Her sole focus was on their desires alone, and what they desired now, was a show. "If your wish is to simply observe, then you'd be better off going to the Prancing Pony in Canterlots red light district," Stalwart stated, "Tonight is for training purposes only. You two haven't reached your limits already have you?" Soryks laughed. "Alright alright," he said, "We were just taking a bit of a breather is all. Don't wanna break your Pet the first time you loan her out." "I assure you she is quite fine, and very much able to continue," Stalwart said, "Just look at her. She clearly needs more... Attention." Though she was still wiggling her butt around for them, Stalwart knew her body language all too well. The thought of being photographed in her current state, coupled with the fact she knew that they were staring at her revealed hind end, was driving her wild. She was almost getting drunk off the excitement and could barely stop herself from salivating in anticipation of what was sure to come next. "I know," Stalwart said, a sly grin creeping across his face, "Why don't you two show her something only skilled Pegasus like yourselves can do." "You mean...?" Soryks asked as his own grin grew. Stalwart nodded. "Isn't she scared of heights though?" Skyros asked. "Very much so," Stalwart said, "But she can consider this her punishment for disobeying me earlier." Dawn glanced at Stalwart questioningly. She wasn’t sure what he meant by his Pegasus comment, or how her fear of heights played into it, but her movements slowed considerably as she tried to piece it together. Stalwart climbed off his seat and trotted over to her smugly. Dawn lowered her head at his approach and froze obediently. She stole a glance between his legs and spotted his massive erection hanging like a great spear and half hoped he would have his way with her next. But she knew better than to expect something like that. He likely wouldn't grant her the pleasure of his cock until the night was over. It would be her reward for a job well done. His love, deep inside her, filling her to the brim and stretching her around him like she was made solely for him. She would meld around him like a second skin and ride him until they had become one. She grinned again at the thought and nearly brought herself to the edge as she imagined him inside her, churning her up in that perfect way only he could. "Pet," Stalwart cooed, catching her attention, "Now is not the time to be daydreaming." Dawn blinked and swallowed nervously as she returned to the moment at hand. A heavy blush crept over her face and she lowered her gaze from her Master's perfect organ. "You'll be wearing this again now, my Pet." Stalwart smirked. He picked up the blindfold from the floor and slid it over her head once again. Dawn tensed as her vision slowly faded, and glanced into her Master's eyes at the last second. He winked at her, then all was black. Her adrenaline nearly tripled as she found herself unable to see. Her every other sense strained itself to the limits to try and compensate. Her ears perked up, he fur bristled ever so slightly, and her nose sniffed tentatively with a primal sense of caution. "Now then," Stalwart mused, "Show her the moon." Dawn tensed, unsure what to expect, then jumped as she found Stalwart right next to her ear. "Now remember Pet, you can't cum unless I'm the one who makes you." He whispered darkly. Dawn swallowed nervously and nodded. She wasn't certain if she could obey this time. The sight of his free hanging cock had driven her nearly mad with desire, and now that she was blindfolded on top of it, her marehood was practically screaming for release. "Guess I'll take back again." Skyros said as he came up behind her. "No way Bro, you missed your chance," Soryks snorted, "Move over." "Fine..." Skyros sighed. Dawn could hear them moving around her, then squeaked as she felt a rather thick, hot pressure force itself into her ass. "Ooh yeah," Soryks cooed, "Now that's right nice and tight!" Dawn inhaled sharply as she felt Soryks slide himself halfway into her tightly clenching asshole and soon found herself panting for breath as he finally settled. She could feel her insides stretching and shifting to accommodate Soryks's length and felt her stomach gurgling in protest, but she forced herself to remain still and take him. Much to her confusion, Dawn felt Soryks wrap his arms under her forelegs and pull her upright, into a standing position. She couldn't help but moan as their shift in position changed his angle and depth inside of her. While it was always uncomfortable at first, Dawn loved it from behind. Being stretched wide, and there of all places, was a guilty pleasure of hers. She knew it was wrong, but it felt so good. As she grinned to herself at the sensation of having a throbbing cock buried deep in her ass, Dawn was doubly shocked to find another thick tool abruptly thrust itself into her front hole. She found her breath stolen away as Skyros thrust himself to the hilt into her burning marehood in one quick go. He slammed against the entrance to her womb, and at the force of his thrust a wet squelch sounded, almost like the signal of a race that was to begin. An incomprehensible wave of pleasure cascaded through Dawn at the sensation of have two thick, hard and long cocks inside her. Stalwart had used toys with her on countless occasions, but there was just something phenomenal about having real, flesh and blood cocks buried so deep inside her like this. "Did you just cum a little?" Soryks laughed. He slid himself into her ass a little deeper and grinned as Dawn shook her head frantically in response. "Then I guess we'll have to try harder, eh Bro?" He added. "Sounds fun," Skyros said, "Let's do it!" Dawn shook her head, but held her tongue. Having two inside her at once was too much for her willpower to resist. She had managed when they were both in her front due to having just gotten off, but now... After having had them watch her, comment on taking pictures of her, and now being blindfolded like this, she was losing her battle and swiftly. Abruptly, a blast of wind lashed out around her and Dawn reflexively clung to Skyros in surprise. "That's probably a good idea," Skyros laughed, "You'll wanna hang on real tight from here on out!" Dawn grew very confused. She felt Soryks grip under her arms tighten, then felt the two cocks inside her slide even deeper into her. A second pair of arms gripped at her waist tightly, and very soon it felt like she was moving, rising upwards somehow. Then sensation built and built, until finally, a nearly weightless bobbing like sensation overtook her. Dawn was wholly lost. She felt like she was floating on water. Rising up and down smoothly and rhythmically. With each upwards bob, she could feel her lovers’ tools withdrawing slightly, before shifting in deeper as she descended. It almost felt like their dicks were lifting her upwards, with the help of their arms. "I know he put the blindfold on you for a reason," Soryks whispered into her ear, causing her to tense in surprise, "but I think you should know where you are right now. You may enjoy the mental image." Dawn swallowed nervously at his words. What did he mean? She wasn't certain she wanted to find out, but she couldn't refuse him. She was under his command and could only do what she was told. "Right now, little Pet," Soryks said slowly, "You're flying in the air above Canterlot." Dawn tensed in fright. Her entire body went rigid and she found a heavy knot form in the pit of her stomach as her fear gripped her like a vice. "Relax," Soryks continued, "You're perfectly safe with us. Just don't look down. If you did, you'd see the Royal Palace as nothing more than a tiny spec, far far below." Dawn could barely breathe. She was terrified of heights, and the mere thought of how high up she must be right now nearly caused her to faint on the spot. In fact, she likely would have fainted, if it wasn't for a rather forceful thrust deep into her ass to change her focus. She gasped out at the addition of so much more inside her already straining ass and panted weakly as she found Skyros to follow suite in her front. "N-no..." Dawn panted out weakly, "B-back to the ground, p-please...!" It took all she had to get those few words out. Her fear of the great height she was at forced her mind to go blank and her body to fall limp. "Ah ah ah," Soryks teased, "We're the ones giving the orders here, not you little Mrs. Pet." Dawn whimpered and simply hung there lifelessly as she felt her lovers quicken their paces. She was terrified, yet through the veil of fear that surrounded her on all sides, a searing, white hot pleasure was swelling up inside her. Without warning, Dawn gasped out in pleasured surprise as she felt Skyros thrust hard against her womb once again and begin spraying his sticky seed right into her. "S-so hot!" Dawn gasped out. Soryks smirked against the back of her neck and thrust himself as deep inside her as he could. An instant later, he too came and began draining his latest load deep inside her ass. "N-not you too!" Dawn panted breathlessly. "Girl," Soryks moaned out, "This is our third time! You zoned right out didn't you?" "Wha?" Dawn panted weakly, "T-third!?" She couldn't believe it. There was no way she had zoned out for that long. A few seconds maybe, but not enough to have missed two more of their orgasms. "That's right, third," Soryks laughed, "And you've been cumming near nonstop yourself! You must really enjoy having this done to you at the peak of the world!" Dawn tensed at his words and shook her head frantically. There was no way she had come as well. She would have noticed. As she turned her attention to her nethers and the ministrations of the two cumming Pegasai still thrusting wildly into her, she felt the unmistakable swell of her own orgasm rising to meet her like the tide. "N-no!" Dawn gurgled out weakly, but it was too late. Her entire body convulsed and spasmed in place as she was rocked with the most unbelievable orgasm. The fear she felt in the pit of her stomach from being so high up had masked her building climax until it was right on top of her. With her focus so drained, Dawn was forced to endure the full force of all her restrained efforts. She trembled atop her lovers cocks and drooled mindlessly as she drown in her pleasure. The next several minutes were little more than a pleasurable haze to Dawn. She had suffered through an intense orgasm, and that, coupled with her fear of heights, made the rest of her lovers climaxes a blissful blur. Before long, Dawn found herself to be laying on her side, back on the ground. Her nethers tingled unbearably and her vision was still blocked by her blindfold, but she breathed a heavy sigh of relief at the feel of solid ground. "Pet?" Stalwart's Stern voice called from beside her, "Have you returned to your senses?" Dawn jumped with a start and nodded quickly. "Y-yes Master!" she squeaked. "Good." He said. Dawn gasped as she felt Stalwart's unmistakably thick cockhead press against her well worked pussy and force its way into her. She bit her bottom lip hard and moaned deeply as she was stretched wide to accommodate him. Soryks and Skyros had loosened her up nicely, but Stalwart was still bigger than they had been, even when they were both inside her at once. She loved this feeling though. The feeling of having her insides stretched to their limits and held wide by him, her loving Master. This very feeling was the sole reason she had sought out a spell to tighten herself back up in the first place. She loved the feel of Stalwart making love to her, but the feel of her insides being forced into his exact shape was something she could not get enough of. She knew Stalwart loved the feel of her tightness as well, but this was one of the few things that she had done more for herself than for him. Trembling in her place on the ground, Dawn found herself drooling once again as her Master filled her completely with his thick shaft. "You have disobeyed me twice tonight, my Pet," Stalwart stated as he settled within her, "Whatever will I do with such a disobedient Pet, hmm?" Dawn's heart tensed at his words. She had done her absolute best, but he was right. She had disobeyed him, and for that, she had to be punished. Stalwart leaned over her and bit the tip of her ear softly. "In light of your exceptional performance in the rest of your duties however," he whispered heatedly, "I will forgive you, this time." Her heart fluttered within her breast like a flock of loosed birds. Despite her disobedience, she had pleased her Master in the end, and now he was giving her the reward she longed for. A smile beamed from Dawn's face at that, but before she could do anything more, Stalwart withdrew himself until only his tip remained inside her, then thrust hard into her once again. Dawn moaned aloud at his thrust and rocked her hips against him lovingly. This is what she was waiting for this whole time, ever since they first set foot onto Canterlots darkened streets. The feeling of having him inside her like this, this is what everything was leading too. Every order, every lesson, every moment lead to this. Her Master, filling her with his love and praise. There was nothing better than this in her mind, and nothing more that she could ever dream of. She loved her Master more than anything, and the more he loved her, the farther into his hooves she fell. "Guess the rumors about you were true after all," Soryks laughed, "You Earth Ponies really get the big ones, don't you?" Stalwart chuckled as he continued to plow into his pets quivering passage. "What can I say," he grinned, "My Cutie Mark's a tower for a reason." Dawn moaned beneath him loudly and gasped out as she found herself cumming hard once again. "Well now, that didn't take long," Skyros commented, "She really does like them big." "You have no idea," Stalwart said, "The bigger the better for her." "Mmm, yes..." Dawn moaned out, "Bigger is best..." "I think she's lost it Stalwart." Soryks said. "I don't think so," Stalwart grinned, "You're still able to continue, aren't you Pet?" Dawn nodded weakly, but remained silent. "Then get to your hooves and let me mount you properly." Stalwart ordered. Dawn whimpered a little, and with great effort, started to get to her feet. Her knees felt like they were made of jelly, and the fact Stalwart had remained deeply embedded within her the entire time made repositioning very difficult. With a pleasured sigh, Dawn finally got to her feet and dropped her head tiredly as Stalwart climbed over her. His weight was immense, but she held her form. Stalwart wasted no time, and almost as soon as he had settled above her, he was thrusting like crazy. He held nothing back, and slammed his engorged cock against her deepest areas again and again. Dawn drooled happily as she was plowed into and found herself cumming constantly as her Master had his way with her. Now that it was him inside her, she could cum all she wanted too, and she did. His every thrust into her sent jolts of electric pleasure cascading throughout her entire being and she loved every mind numbing moment of it. It didn't take him long to bring himself to the edge, and with a deep, guttural moan, Stalwart released his own load deep inside his Pet's hungry little snatch. Dawn's front legs gave out at the increase in his thickness and the addition of his heated seed, but she held her hind end aloft for him to continue his ministrations unhindered. Stalwart grinned his Pet's effort and thrust into her even harder, greatly enjoying the tightness of their new angle. Thick wads of his cum came gushing out of Dawn's lower lips, and the last of her once dry legs became thoroughly splattered with his seed. With a deep sigh of contentment, Stalwart withdrew himself from his Pet and grinned at his work. Dawn lay there, motionless. Her hind end was still raised, and though her chest lay in a pool of his seed, a heavily blushed grin was clear on her lips. "She's definitely lost it now," Soryks laughed, "Good show." Stalwart grinned at him and sat back. He reached a hoof over and pulled Dawn's blindfold off once again. "Now now my pet, you can't rest yet," he cooed, "You must thank these two for helping you with this lesson. And as a proper hostess, you owe it to them to show some appreciation by cleaning them before we leave." Dawn could barely move. Semen oozed from every hole and her every muscle burned from over use, but she could not disobey her Master. Not after he had just rewarded her so wondrously. She rose to her feet shakily and nodded tiredly. "Y-yes Master..." she whispered, before beginning a slow, but determined walk towards the two Pegasai that were eagerly awaiting her final act of appreciation. After all was said and done, Skyros and Soryks thanked Stalwart for his invitation and departed. Dawn had been given permission to rest and had passed out almost as soon as the words had left her Master's lips. Stalwart gathered their things and carried his precious Pet back to their home after that. She had made him very proud, and done far better than he had expected. For that, he would treat her to her favorite meal, a hot bath, and a thorough massage. She had earned it after all. Dawn sighed contently as she settled into her bath. She slid herself back in the water and snuggled up against Stalwarts chest lovingly. "That," she said grinning, "Was a fun lesson." Stalwart chuckled at her words and hugged her closer to him. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said smiling, "Though I must say. I'm a little surprised you didn't use the safe word." "Why would I?" Dawn said with a shrug, "I knew they wouldn't hurt me, not with you around." Stalwart laughed. "You're right. I'd never let anything happen to you. Guess that kinda takes the fun out of some lessons though..." Dawn looked up at him and kissed him. "Oh I don't think so," she said with a smile, "I know I had a lot of fun. Didn't you?" "Always," Stalwart said, "And your performance was quite impressive. I may just have to get myself a camera after all." Dawn blushed brightly and lowered her head in slight embarrassment. "So long as you’re the only one that gets to see them." she nearly whispered. Stalwart laughed and nuzzled her lovingly. "Of course my dear," he whispered assuringly, "You're mine after all. I'm the only one who gets to keep you, in picture form or otherwise." Dawn smiled widely at his words and kissed him deeply. "You say that," she said, "Yet you have me flown over all of Canterlot while two Pegasai have their way with me. Who’s to say some night owl didn't see us and take a picture?" "You never left the warehouse my dear," Stalwart said proudly, "That was just something I told Soryks to say to you to get you worked up." "Seriously!?" Dawn gasped, "You jerk!" "Hey, you enjoyed it didn't you?" Stalwart said smugly, "You sure looked like you did." Dawn lowered herself into the water and blew bubbles angrily for a moment, before she finally started to laugh. "I suppose I did," she said after some thought, "But you really scared me with that stunt." "Sorry," He said, "But I heard from Silver that nothing beats making love amongst the clouds, so I thought you might like to try it." "Silver huh?" Dawn smirked, "Figures." She gave a long stretch and groaned contently as she settled back against her lover. "Feeling better now?" Stalwart asked. "Mmhmm," Dawn nodded, "Much. A nice hot bath is definitely needed after something like that. I'm surprised those two came as much as they did though," she chuckled for a moment, then added, "They had almost as much stamina as you do too." She eyed him in a playfully suspicious way and waited intently for his reply. Stalwart laughed, then shrugged. "That obvious eh?" he said. Dawn nodded. "What did you do?" she asked. "I may have given them some of that tea you make for me on special occasions," he admitted, "So they'd be able to keep up with you." "You didn't..." Dawn sighed. "Yup," Stalwart said proudly "I most certainly did. You wouldn't learn anything if you exhaust your partners in the first few minutes." "Dammit Stalwart," Dawn sighed, "It's a good thing I love you..." With a laugh, Stalwart hugged her tightly, and much to Dawn's surprise, thrust himself into her without warning. "Oh you jerk!" Dawn moaned out happily, "I just got clean you know." "What can I say," Stalwart shrugged, "I just can’t help myself when I'm around such a beautiful mare." He thrust into her again and she moaned his name long and low, almost as if she were purring. "Mmm," Dawn moaned as she wiggled herself atop him. "You seemed to manage just fine earlier, when you had other Stallions taking advantage of me." "You were my Pet then," Stalwart grinned, "Now you're my lover and equal. And I just can't resist such a charming smile." Dawn raised a hoof and bonked him playfully. "You goof," she sighed, "...Just be quick alright? I do have things to in come the morning." Stalwart grinned and kissed her on the head. He loved her more than anything else in the world, and whether she was playing the Pet, living as his Equal, or being his Master, he would never let her go.