> D(ick)uplication > by Fonypan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Pleasure Has Been Doubled! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I’m heading out now!” Pound Cake heard his sister, Pumpkin call from the counter while he just finished up sweeping up in the back room of Sugarcube Corner. Since their parents were both currently out on a week long trip in Las Pegasus to celebrate their anniversary, it was up to the both of them to run tasks behind the register, take order requests, and clean up after closing time which was being wrapped up now. Pound glanced at his watch which he wore on his left forehoof. It currently read 9:33PM. Where could his sister possibly want to go when it was getting this late? Since she was eighteen just like him, there were only two possible answers: going out with marefriends to a club, or seeing her earth pony coltfriend, Rocky Quake. Pound took a mental guess that it was the coltfriend this time. “Where you heading off to?” Pound asked as he stepped out off the entrance to the back room and into the main lobby after he put the broom and dustpan away. “Over to Rocky’s. Duh,” Pumpkin replied as she slipped on her saddlebag. ‘Score one for me,’ Pound internally cheered, although he lacked the enthusiasm for it. “Well hopefully you don’t plan to stay all night. Mom and Dad are returning home sometime tomorrow morning, and they expect both of us to be present when they arrive here.” Pumpkin emitted a ‘phift’ as she gave an annoyed roll of her eyes. “I don’t know why they make some kind of curfew for us when they already know we’re no longer foals. I’m sure they won’t mind if one of us is running a few minutes or an hour late at least.” “This is more on the lines of our responsibilities for the family business than our social lives,” Pound stated. “We’re going to need all the hooves present to keep up with business.” “Oh please. With Auntie Pinkie Pie’s seemingly endless energy, we’re always one step ahead of business. It has been that way long before we were old enough to help run the bakery.” Pound had to admit Pumpkin did have a point there; but he knew sooner or later, time would wear down the hyperactive party pony and their parents as well. Then they will have to take on a full responsibility of running Sugarcube Corner themselves. Pound just had to accept the fact that his sister was just living the years of her early youthful life to the fullest before settling down for any real commitment. “Alright, fine. But you should probably leave a note somewhere before you leave so Mom and Dad won’t have to worry too much, okay?” Pumpkin just replied with a groan before she used her magic to pull out the notepad used for taking orders from the counter drawer, along with a pen. She briefly wrote something down on the paper before ripping it off from the pad and placing it down flat, facing up on the counter. “That should do it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be off now. You know, Pound, you should loosen up a bit and have more fun with yourself or others. Work isn’t everything you know.” With that, Pumpkin ignited her horn before teleporting away leaving Pound to himself, and his thoughts. Once again, his sister has made a valid point. He admitted to himself that he can take his part in the family business a bit too seriously without taking even a moment to relax. He has a few friends from school, but hasn’t had the time to hangout with them since he heads to work soon after school lets out. It’s no wonder why he has a low social status among the citizens of Ponyville, along with the inability to seek out a dating life. Still though: business was business. With a sigh, Pound makes last minute inspections of the interiour of the establishment before heading upstairs to his room to do some more pondering; or something else entirely. With work comes stress as anypony knows, and the Cake Twins are definitely no strangers to it. With demanding customers to occasional mishaps with the oven or other baking machines in the kitchen: it can take quite a toll on them and the business itself. They can never figure out why Pinkie remains happy and optimistic throughout such events, but it does help relieve some of the tension; not all of it though. Pound’s main preference to tackle this tension was by simply wanking himself off. He knew it was a low-life and disgusting way to handle stress, but frankly it was the only thing that made him relax mostly. He assured himself that most single stallions like him do the same thing, and by twin-sense: he was well aware the only reason Pumpkin went over to see Rocky was to be impaled by his dick. He hoped that she had the sense for him to use protection. Celestia- damn his soul if he allowed his sibling to go out and get impregnated by mistake. When Pound made it to his room, he casually closed and locked the door behind him before trotting over to his bed before laying down flat on his back so his sheath would be fully exposed to the air. To get himself plumped up, Pound fantasized about the mares he was into kissing, snuggling and touching every part of his body. The characterizations he fancied only happened to be a couple: alicorns, and double eyelashes. Perhaps the alicorn category was a little too high standard for him since they were all members of high hierarchy, and he was just a middle-class individual. There was no way in Tartarus that forming any kind of intimate relationship would work out in the long run. Still, that didn’t stop him from imagining it. Princess Celestia, Luna, Twilight Sparkle. Whoever. Pound wondered how each of them would get it on with him and what it would be like to be inside every one of them. Such thoughts as these didn’t need much effort to extend his member from its hiding place, along with his wings spreading out and growing stiff behind him. With spire now at full attention, he firmly placed both of his forehooves on either side before proceeding to begin stroking it up and down at a steady and slow pace. “Mmm,” Pound sighed contently with a small smile now on his muzzle. As he continued to focus on his fantasies, his strokes gradually increased in speed as he felt his balls beginning to tighten. “Yes! Give it to me, your highnesses,” Pound practically moaned out as his strokes were now on full speed with his testicles slapping hard, and quite audibly against the sides of his forehooves whenever he brought them down. Pre-cum was already dribbling from the tip of the head, but Pound held back the best he could. However his orgasm was inevitably approaching, and fast. He preparedly aimed his penis a bit diagonally toward his chest so he wouldn't make a total mess when he climaxed. He intended to only make a mess of his mid-torso or lower abdomen like he always did during his masturbation sessions. Unfortunately, this time will be quite different, and unexpected. As his official semen release was just shooting up the penile urethra, a sudden knock was made on the door to his room. In utter surprise, he jerked his head up while simultaneously loosening his grip on his dick. As a result, the tip of his phallus was now aimed directly at his head as it shot out a mild rope of cum, which of course got him right between the eyes. “Gah! Shit!” he cursed as he frantically fumbled his forehooves, looking for something to wipe his own spunk from his face before it got in his eyes. He really didn’t want to use his blankets, but there was no other option since somepony was just outside his room. But who? “Pound? Are you alright in there?” a female voice asked from the other side of the door. Upon recognizing who’s voice it was, he felt his heart skip a beat or two. It belonged to Princess Flurry Heart: Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armour’s daughter! Out of all the alicorn princesses he admired, Pound felt he had the biggest crush on her, and definitely in his opinion; one of the most beautiful mares he has ever seen. Not to mention she was in his and Pumpkin’s age group. “Y-Yeah!” Pound replied while continuing to wipe himself off. “Be right there.” “Are you hurt? It sounded like you may have injured yourself.” “Just bumped my head is all,” Pound lied. “I’m fine. Don’t worry. Just give me a moment to get….dressed.” On the other side of the door, Flurry raised a brow. Of all the times she visited Ponyville with her parents, along with stopping by Sugarcube Corner, she never saw Pound, Pumpkin, or any basic pony resident wear clothing. If they were in a sophisticated and high-class city like Canterlot, then yeah; clothing would be a necessity. “Well, okay then,” Flurry said finally. “I could always come back some other time when you’re fully ready.” “No! Wait! I’m on my way now,” Pound called. Flurry then heard frantic hoofsteps clomping toward the door before it opened to reveal Pound forcefully looking cool and collected. Looking over his entire body, she didn’t see a single piece of clothing on him. “I take it you changed your mind on getting dressed then?” Flurry asked while trying not to sound suspicious. “Oh..uh...yeah! Who needs clothes, right? I mean we don’t even wear them. Isn’t that silly? Heh heh.” ‘Smooth choice of words, man. I bet she now thinks you’re acting like a complete lunatic,’ Pound scolded himself. Flurry backed up a bit to confirm Pound’s theory of being a bit out of it. “Yeah. I suppose it is. Look… maybe I picked the wrong time to come and visit. You seem tired, and I don’t want to keep you up. I could come back tomorrow when you are more refreshed and clear-minded from sleep.” Flurry said before preparing to teleport out. “Hold on, please,” Pound pleaded before taking a deep breath to help calm his nerves. “Okay I’m good. It’s just been a long day for me, and I have a lot on my mind right now that’s all. If it isn’t too much to ask; I could actually need somepony to talk to.” Flurry seemed to relax her posture now that Pound looked more settled and speaking normally, rather than rambling nonsense and stuttering. “Alright then. What do you wish to get off your chest?” she asked. “Well before we get on any topics, should we go downstairs?” Pound offered. “I’m sure I can fix you up some tea if you wish.” Flurry tapped a hoof to her chin as she thought about the proposal for a bit. “As cordial as that sounds, I’ll pass for tonight since you and Pumpkin have already cleaned and put away everything. I was thinking maybe I could come into your room, if that’s alright with you that is.” Pound’s eyes went wide as a mild blush formed along his cheeks. He couldn’t have heard her right, and wished he was correct on that; but her statement was clear as crystal. “Um. It’s not really that… presentable, Your Highness.” Flurry just rolled her eyes and marched right past Pound without a hint of care. “Now I know how my Aunt Twilight feels when ponies give her this kind of attention when she’s just on a basic visit to town. I’m only known as Flurry Heart, or Flurry on such occasions. Such formality is not necessary, even though I respect the gesture.” “Of course. I guess I sort of forgot,” Pound said sheepishly while rubbing the back of his head. He didn’t know what was more embarrassing: expressing unneeded formalness to somepony he considered a friend; or fantasizing about being fondled by her Aunt and Aunties just a few moments ago. “So what made you decide to come over at this hour?” “I was just getting bored at home,” Flurry replied before seating herself down on the bottom end of Pound’s bed. She then gestured for him to sit beside her, which he somewhat felt uncomfortable with, but sucked it up. “Mother and Father are way too busy dealing with the nobles of our kingdom for most of the day. After that, they are exhausted to the point of going to bed together, leaving me with only few to almost nothing to do for me when I’m still packed with energy” “You mean that your parents don’t give you enough royal tasks?” “Oh believe me, they give me plenty.” Pound was now completely perplexed. “But you just said--,” “Okay… perhaps I wasn’t specific enough,” Flurry pardoned before clearing her throat. “What I meant was; they don’t give me anything exciting to do. It’s all traditional and superficial junk that was acceptable thousands of years ago. Now I know my parents have told me that our subjects have been lost in time for centuries, and are still unaware of how ways have changed in culture; but I just can’t help think that we should try and ease our citizens into modern life like here in Ponyville.” “Have you tried to talk to your parents about this idea?” “Yes, but unfortunately they completely respect and accept the Crystal Pony culture as it was, and still is. You also wouldn’t believe that they’re now selecting suitors for me to marry.” “No way,” Pound breathed in disbelief. “Yes way,” Flurry said with an irritated, but solemn sigh. “According to the texts: the son or daughter of the current Crystal Kingdom rulers must find and eligible spouse for their heir on the eighteenth year of their life.” “Oh. That’s really a bummer to hear,” Pound said, unsure of what to really say to positively assure Flurry. He really was kind of awkward in consolation after all. “But have you taken a little bit of an interest in one of the suitors, maybe?” “Yeah, if it weren't for all their equally snobby and sophisticated ego’s. I could have all of them if I wanted to,” Flurry proudly stated, but her tone and delivery was tainted with bitter sarcasm. A nerve definately had been struck. “Maybe then I’ll have the right to shove my horn into each one of their well-bleached and cosmetically sculpted flankholes to really give them a ride of a lifetime!” “Whoa,” Pound only managed to say before scooting away a bit from the triggered alicorn. His soul should’ve jumped out of his body to come and slap him in the face for asking such a stupid question. He was also in awe that somepony of Flurry’s status would use such vulgarity. It was then that Flurry realized what she just said, and quickly calmed herself down. She blushed a bit to express her shame and embarrassment from her little episode. “Sorry about that,” she said softly while looking down at the floor. “I’ve just been holding back on some of my frustrations as of late. I didn’t expect it would be here, and in front of you.” Pound smiled and gently placed a hoof on her shoulder, prompting her to look up into his eyes. “It’s all good. It was dumb of me to ask that question.” ‘You don’t say,’ his thoughts remarked harshly. “No,” Flurry dismissed passively. “I’m glad you did. I’d thought nopony would say something to help me release some of that tension.” “Uh… you’re welcome then?” Pound said, unsure if she was actually being serious or not. Flurry giggled at Pound’s confused reaction. To tell the truth, she found it rather adorable of him. “I tell ya, if any of those suitors were like you,” she said in what seemed to be a sultry tone of voice. “I would definitely be more into them.” It was then that Flurry gasped and shoved a hoof over her mouth. Her pupils then shrunk to pinpricks, and a deep rosy blush instantaneously appeared and masked her cheeks and between her eyes. She couldn’t believe she just said something like that, and was too scared to see Pound’s face. What she did hear however was an audible *pomf* of Pound’s wings. “You would?” Pound then asked as if he heard correctly. “W-Well...I um. Maybe. I mean...uh,” “Flurry?” Pound asked, knocking the alicorn out of her stuttered rambling. “Are you trying to say...you're into me or something?” Perhaps his choice of words seemed a bit terse, but he wasn’t oblivious to the fact after what Flurry just said to him, and how she conveyed them out of her mouth. As for Flurry herself, she knew she cornered herself in an inescapable position. She had no other choice but to fess up now. “Yes; ever since you became a young colt,” Flurry began while hanging her head a bit. “I know that we didn’t get to see each other much since my parents’ visits are quite infrequent to Ponyville, but for some odd reason; it feels like I’ve seen you nearly every single day throughout all these years. I hope you don’t think I’m being weird or anything” “No. Of course not,” Pound reassured. “You know if it makes you feel more comfortable: I’ve had the same kind of feeling of already knowing you as well.” Flurry’s ears perked up as she looked back into Pound’s eyes with a look of surprise and excitement. “You mean to tell me that you’ve really liked me all this time, but never really expressed it?” “When you put it that way, it makes me sound like some kind a jerk,” Pound stated with a sheepish look. “Truth is, yeah; I’ve always found you rather beautiful, even as a filly. Of course we were both too young to think about showing personal affection for one another, and that we only had a limited amount of time to play. Even now I’m enjoying your company; and I must say I’m quite fascinated by your rebellious personality. I can’t even think of one princess, or royal family who didn’t agree with their family’s traditions and codes. You’re quite unique, I must say.” After Pound’s speech, Flurry gazed at him with an unreadable expression for a bit. She didn’t look offended, uncomfortable, or scared. A blush was still present on her face, so perhaps she was flattered in some way, but Pound wasn’t completely certain. Soon though, her silence was making him a bit anxious. “I’m sorry. Perhaps I chose the wrong words,” Pound said, shrinking back a bit and casting his glance to the side. “I’ll-OHMF!” Pound was cut off when the weight of Flurry’s body collided with him as she suddenly tackled him to the bed. The force knocked him flat onto his back on the mattress. Before he could utter one word, his mouth was assaulted by her in a series of intense but affectionately, passionate kisses. He wanted to protest for this sudden forwardness of Flurry, but for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to do so. Since Flurry was indeed the daughter of the Princess of Love, she really knew how to unconsensually submit a mate without having him fight her off. When she finished swallowing his mouth so to speak, she looked down into his bewildered, but not terrified eyes and asked amorously, “You really think I’m unique?” “Y-Yes,” Pound managed to say while swallowing a nervous, and excited gulp. “Well then,” she said as she gently caressed a hoof down the left side of his face, and all the way down to his stomach where she drew spiraled paths. With her other hoof, she delicately traced the base of one of Pound’s wings. These actions were making his member rapidly grow out of its shaft, along with him stifling moans of pleasure. “...how about I show you my appreciation for such a thoughtful compliment.” Flurry lit up her horn as she began to cast her spell. Pound had no idea what she was going to do with it, but he knew exactly what was going to happen: Flurry and him were gonna rut in his room above Sugarcube Corner! This fact both excited and scared him a little because one, a majestic and gorgeously sexy alicorn princess wanted his D; but at the same time, he didn’t own any condoms, and he’d rather not be a father at this age. Plus, either his or her parents would have his head for impregnating a mare he wasn’t even married to. Before he could voice his concerns, Flurry already finished up her spell. “Well...what do you think?” she asked, gesturing for him to look at his groin. When he did so, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Standing up at full attention, and at the point of maximum stiffness were two of his own phallus’ with their bases one inch apart from each other. His testicles however were luckily still in a pair of two. “W-Wha?” was all the brown-maned pegasus stallion managed to utter. “I know, right,” Flurry said, obviously taking pride in her own magical crafting work. “I’ve been doing some reading on what spells can increase euphoria during mating sessions between two ponies. Mostly all of them looked pretty good, but I was more fascinated by this one of course. I should probably tell you the side effect of this spell dramatically decreases your stamina level. One little touch on either of these shafts, and you’ll finish way before getting started.” “What can be done then,” Pound asked. Fear now more present than sexual eagerness. Flurry gave an assuring grin. “Easy, there’s a supporting spell that will allow your testes to continuously expand to accompany your semen build up. You will only cum when I command the spell to allow you to. Whaddya say? Wanna serve this princess like a good little colt?” Flurry asked teasingly while giving her flank and tail a cute shake and sway. Seeing this made Pound’s dual cocks twitch more aggressively. However, good thing his mind was still clear enough for him to speak. “Of course I would; but I don’t own any kind of protection. I don’t wish to get you pregnant, and Celestia knows if one of us is a carrying an STI or STD. I’m not willing to take that kind of risk and neither should you.” “Anti-pregnancy spell. Wasn’t that hard to learn either,” Flurry stated smugly. ‘Should’ve guessed’,” Pound thought with an amused smile and shake of the head. “Alright then. I don’t know where we should even start though.” “I think we should begin with me finding out what you taste like,” Flurry replied while stroking her hoof on one of Pound’s members’, making him shudder and stifle a surprised gasp. She wasn’t kidding that his sensitivity to sexual pleasure had been increased. Pre-cum had already began leaking from the tip of aforementioned penis. “Already giving me a sample, eh? Well aren't you a gentlecolt,” Flurry said with now half-lidded eyes and a lust-filled tone of voice. Before she began proceeding to lick the pre-cum off, Flurry lit up her horn to initiate the spell that would prevent Pound from cumming way too early. She started off by gently and slowly moving the edge of her warm and moist tongue upward against the tip, already getting a musky, but delectably salty taste of Pound’s love goo. She then clasped her entire mouth around the entire length of the medial ring and began to gently suck on it. She was basically treating the phallus as a baby bottle: greedily suckling on it in the reason of extracting warm and nutritious milk--- but in this case, Pound’s cum. She also made sure not to neglect the other one by simply caressing it. Pound felt as higher in sexual pleasure than everypony else. This had to be ten times as better than using his own hooves to get himself off. Actually, he should multiply a hundred into the equation since having two peiners brought him to a whole new level of pleasure nirvana unlike nopony before him! Sure having the feeling of his balls growing heavy due to Flurry delaying his orgasm felt a bit uncomfortable, but he had faith in her in knowing what she was doing. Before he knew it, Flurry was able to fit his entire length into her mouth. She then gently bobbed her head back and forth getting a full feeling of the throbbing cock pulsating in her maw. Becoming daring, she took the other penis she had been caressing and began to work her way down its length. Pound groaned in total bliss at this action. He had the urge to help push Flurry’s head down while instinctively bucking his hips; but he still was in the right mind enough to resist that urge in the worry of hurting Flurry and ruining the entire moment. It was only best that he stay completely submissive and let her do the work for now until it was his turn. Either by a miracle or an amazing gift of having a flexible jawline, Flurry managed to take his second spire in fully without choking. She then began bobbing her head in a steady rhythm that gradually increased in speed. As a bonus, she took both of her forehooves and pressed the two wankers together firmly against each other before she began stroking both of them in sync with her head movements on opposing sides of the shafts. When her head moved down, her hooves moved up; when she began pulling away, the hooves went back down all the way to the bases. “F-Flurry?” Pound managed to squeak out between his series of quite audible moans and breaths. “Mmhm,” Flurry responded while looking up into his eyes with her still seductively lidded viewing orbs. “Can I cum now? P-Please.” His testicles had already become large enough to droop down onto his mattress, and he had to admit the cramping of their weight was getting a bit excruciating to bear with. Without any need for persuasion or further begging, Flurry toned down the spell enough to let his semen empty out, but restrained it a bit so it wouldn’t come out in rapid-fire strings. She just wished for it to come out in a steady stream that she could easily get in her mouth and swallow gleefully. Once she got her fill, she restored the spell to its full effect and released both of his wangs to feel the now absent warmth of the princess’s gullet. Pound whined in disappointment, but he was relieved that his testicles weren't aching as much anymore. There was still a fair amount of cum to be released, but Flurry wished to save it for later. She had a plan in mind, and was going to see it accomplished without a hitch. “How was that?” Flurry asked when she finished wiping her lips off. “That was possibly the bestest blow and hoofjob that I’ve ever experienced in my life,” Pound replied with a slightly dazed smile and tone. Flurry grinned mischievously and leaned forward to embrace him in another session of Prench kissing. This time, Pound was consensual to allow her full access to his mouth. He had to admit it felt a little weird to taste his own juices, but it didn’t taste too bad when it combined with Flurry’s saliva. As they continued making out, Flurry gently took Pound by both his shoulders and positioned him on top of her while she took the liberty of placing herself in Pound’s recent position. “Now it’s your turn to see I taste like,” Flurry cooed as she spread out her legs to grant Pound a full view of her already glistening marehood. Such a sight turned Pound on again and brought his cocks back up to full attention. He already wanted to insert both of his shafts into that inviting lovehole, but Flurry already insisted on what she wanted so he had to put some restraint on himself once more. Leaning his muzzle in closer to her opening, he already caught scent of her sweet scented arousal, and it had already influenced him to already begin dragging the tip of his tongue vertically along the edge of her slit. “Mhmm~ that’s nice,” Flurry breathed in approval. Knowing that he was doing good so far, Pound proceeded to inch his tongue in further and further while performing random circular motions. Since her vaginal tunnel seemed quite constricted, he didn’t have much maneuvering room, but it gave them the impression that she was going to feel great! “Oh yes~! Just like that~!” Flurry moaned as she started to gently buck her hips rhythmically against Pound’s face, helping him along with going in deeper. When he reached the limit of how far he could go in, Pound steadily increased the speed of how his tongue moved in her, either by darting it back and forth, or rotating it in a counter and clockwise rotation lick. Pound knew now he was driving Flurry to climaxing since he could feel her walls beginning to get tighter, along with her nectar flowing into his mouth at a more rapid pace. He decided now would be the best time to begin sucking on her clit with his upper lip in order to finish her off. As he did so, Flurry’s moans quickly escalated into screams of pure ecstasy and pleasure. Her hips began bucking more frantically and she placed one forehoof behind Pound’s head, and the other gripping the mattress to support herself. “OH YES, POUND! YES! FINISH ME OFF! I’M CUMMING! OH SWEET AUNTIE CELESTIA, I’M CUMMING!” Flurry shrieked as her orgasm finally arrived. She continued to buck her hips to ride her climax out. Pound did his best to not miss a drop, but due to his lack of experience, tiny amounts of her cum dribbled down his chin and on to his bed. Some even managed to get on the top of his muzzle as well. When her orgasm finally passed, Flurry relaxed every muscle in her body and went limp for a bit with only a blissful smile plastered on her face. “Where'd you learn to have such great mouth work?” Flurry asked once she could get her breath back. “I’ve been doing my research from various sources,” Pound replied and returned Flurry the privilege of tasting her own honey mixed with his saliva. It’s true he had been looking into how to properly pleasure a mate during sex; but he had to do it behind his own family's back in fear of facing disapproval from them and to keep a clean image of himself as a hardworking a dedicated young stallion. It should also be mentioned he uses some of his salary money for subscriptions to the Playcolt porn magazine series. When Flurry finally got her strength back, she got up and asked, “You ready for the grand finale?” “You know it,” Pound replied with an eager grin. “Splendid! But before we begin, do you have any kind of moisturizing lotion anywhere?” Pound cocked a confused brow at this request, but thought it was best not to think about it too much for what Flurry wanted to do with it. “Uh, yeah. There’s a bottle right there on the desk to the left of the mirror,” Pound replied while pointing to the location with his right forehoof. Sure enough, Flurry saw and picked up the slender white bottle with her magic before levitating it over. She then pressed the nozzle down a few times to squirt out the jelly onto one of her forehooves before she put the bottle back and started to delicately spread the lotion out on the tip of the selected forehoof. “So what do you plan to do with that?” Pound asked. He considered his question to be rhetorical since he knew lotion was great lubricating a desired area; but what threw him off was what needed to be lubricated since his phallus’ were already moistened by Flurry sucking them off, and that Flurry’s own cunt was soaked from his own skilled mouth-fucking. Instead of giving Pound a verbal answer, she gave him a mischievous smile and lowered the moistened forehoof toward her nether region, but instead of putting it to her vagina, she went lower to where her puckered asshole was and began applying the lotion there. Pound could’ve sworn his eyeballs nearly popped out of his head along with his lower jaw hitting the ground. He didn’t find the sight appalling at all to his own surprise. Instead, his peckers and wings popped to full attention. He knew what the princess was going for, but was concerned at the fact of having both of his shafts inside that extremely tight hole. Yes it would be very tantalizing at first thought, but the logic of damaging Flurry’s rectal system prevailed. “Flurry. I’m not sure if…” As if reading Pound’s mind, Flurry interrupted with, “I’m not wishing to have both of those inside me. Tartarus, that would be painful. I’m only wishing for one of them inside of my plot. The other will go into my vagina. What, you never thought to wonder what it would be like to make love to a mare by stimulating two of her holes at one time with only his penis?” “I… never thought it was possible to begin with,” Pound excused. “Well it is. All any stallion would need is a unicorn marefriend who would have enough magical potential and skill to master the spell needed to give him a second phallus,” Flurry put plainly, but her smugness was still very present in her delivery. “Ah,” Pound said, but nothing more. He was taken a bit back by this newfound fact, but it didn’t bug him. He only wondered if hopefully he was the first stallion to have this experience. “Let’s get down to it, shall we?” Flurry asked and positioned herself to where Pound could simply mount her. She wished for Pound to be in charge this time for what she had in mind. Pound was longing for this moment, but was perplexed as to why Flurry scooted herself close to the end of his bed where only he would only have enough room to place his hind hooves. “Why put yourself all the way there instead of being able to lay on the pillow?” Pound asked. “Believe me, Poundy. You would definitely feel more comfortable this way.” Flurry sultrily replied. This was the first time she addressed him a pet name, so she must be really eager to get on with it. Not wishing to delay any further, Pound climbed up onto the bed behind Flurry and carefully helped his shafts align with the designated holes. It proved to be a little tricky at first since he had to have his hips at a certain angle in order for a straight and snug fit. Every time the tip of one of Pound’s spires brushed one of her holes and then slipped out, Flurry let out tiny grunts of delight and agitation. She actually thought Pound was on-purposely teasing her. She was one mare who could not tolerate being teased for even a bit. “Ready?” Pound asked when he finally managed to successfully get the correct positioning. “I’ve been ready for a while now,” Flurry snorted. She didn’t mean to sound bitchy, but the anticipation of waiting to have her two pleasure tubes stuffed irritated her to nearly the brink. “Alright, alright,” Pound eased and began to gently push himself in. It was then that Flurry lit up her horn once again to perform her prolonging spell. The doubled feeling of having her ass and vagina filled at once; and the sensation of having two of his dicks squeezed at the same time made both Pound and Flurry emit a shuddered gasp at the same time. Pound soon felt the resistance of Flurry’s hymen. Flurry then nodded and braced herself when Pound wordlessly indicated if it was okay to push further. When he did so, Flurry let out a yelp, and Pound noticed that a tear began to flow from one of her eyes. “I’m sorry! Should I stop?” Pound worriedly asked as he ceased his progression. “No...no. I’m fine. Keep going,” Flurry assured even though her tone didn’t provide much support for her words. She didn’t know that losing her virginity would be this painful. “Just be gentle, okay?” “Okay,” Pound nodded and cautiously continued his plunge inward. Flurry stifled her groans from the current discomfort she was currently feeling for the moment, but she had to endure it the best way she could. She wanted this after all, and wouldn’t let anything get in the way of that: not even for the pain and blood. Thankfully soon enough, Pound managed to bottom her out in both of her openings and stood still to allow both of them to adjust to the feeling of being connected like this. “Go ahead,” Flurry said to grant Pound approval to begin humping her. Pound nodded and gently began pulling himself out, but before both of his tips could even be clear of the openings, Pound pushed them back in the same pace. As he felt Flurry relax a bit more, he gradually increased the speed of his thrusts, even as his testicles steadily swelled and began to droop lower and lower. Both Pound and Flurry’s moans began to fill the room along with the sound of slapping flesh as his thrusts continued to increase in speed. To Pound, the sensation of having both his dicks being squeezed in two different firm, moist, and, warm holes was way beyond the points of what most normal stallions would experience during sex. It’s as if he died and went to Equinetopia, over and over and over again. For Flurry, she never felt so stuffed. It wasn’t a bad thing at all. Matter of fact, it was incredible! She would pat herself on the back if she could; but she knew that after this was over, she would immediately just want to lay down and fall into a deep, peaceful slumber with Pound cuddling up to her. “Can I *ngh* cum now, Flurry?” Pound asked. His scrotum was currently large enough to slap the entire area of Flurry’s stomach region. He figured if he asked again, Flurry would immediately grant him the request like she did last time. Unfortunately for him, this time was going to be different. “Not just yet,” Flurry replied. “I know *aah~* how I want to *gah~* finish.” “But they're so...heavy,” Pound insisted. “I don’t think you’ll be able to *ohh~* take so much of it inside you.” “I know what I’m doing. Just keep going *hm~* please.” Pound didn’t argue further even though he wanted to. The weight of his ever expanding balls made them feel like gravity would eventually cause them to snap clear off of him in mid-swing. On a positive note, they provided an increased sense of intense pleasure whenever they collided with Flurry’s stomach, and his own flank. Yes, it is possible for your own testicles to slap your ass if they are drooped down a foot or slightly more. As time continued on, Pound’s gonads had become big enough to now only slap the foot of his bed. This is where he figured out why Flurry had wanted him to be on the near edge of the bed: she wanted his balls to get as large as possible; but why is what concerned him. He hoped that she knew what she was doing like she said before. Due to the ever increasing weight, Pound began to desperately flap his erected wings to help him still have momentum for his thrusting which had now evolved into full-blown and desperate, rapid pistoning. Flurry was practically singing like an angel at this very moment, and she flapped her own stiffened wings in perfect beat with his. Pound himself was letting out a choir of loud moans and grunts, but they had a mix of pleasure and pain in them. Sure pain was an acceptable factor in sexual encounters like whipping or spanking, but Pound wasn’t sure if he was into those kinds of common kinks. It wasn’t long before his sack had gained the mass for it to nearly reach the floor. If it did, he wouldn’t be able to have the momentum needed to pound her pussy and ass. No pun intended. Not only that though, but he was beginning to feel exhausted. He felt as if he would drop before he could finish. “F-Flurry. P-Please,” Pound wheezed as the pace of his pistoning began to slow down a bit. “Just a little more,” Flurry assured. “You’re very close now.” Pound was close alright, but not what you’d have in mind. He felt the tips of the small hairs on the bottom of his scrotum already begin to brush along the surface of the hardwood floor. “Flurry~,” “Just….about….NOW!” Flurry yelled before she suddenly pulled herself off Pound’s cocks to his surprise. She then spun around to face him before she put out her spell to deny his orgasm, and replaced it with one that would hold him in place so he wouldn’t collapse. “GAHHHH!” Pound screamed as his cum erupted in intense, torrent streams from both of his phalluses. Despite no longer being inside of Flurry, Pound continued to hump the air to ride out his ejaculation. Flurry wore a serene smile on her face with her eyes closed as she enjoyed herself being showered by Pound’s love. She made sure it got every inch of her body from her horn, to her tail. This is what she had in mind all along, but wished for it to be a surprise by being as vague as possible, or lying somewhat. It had to be a couple to a few minutes before Pound’s balls were completely drained and relieved of the weight from all that accumulating semen within him. It’s a good thing that they shrunk back to normal size instead of remaining stretched out from the strain. Pound felt Flurry’s spell gently set him down on the bed which to his surprise felt all warm, wet, and sticky. When he opened his eyes, his vision was a bit blurry at first since the blood to his head still needed time to properly flow in. When the sensation finally passed, he discovered that his entire bed and half of his bedroom floor was completely coated over from his own semen. When he looked at Flurry, the world around him seemed to slow down a bit when she lustfully looked back at him with only one eye present. The other was hidden behind a curtain of her thick, semen-drenched mane. She had successfully completed her desire of soaking herself in every drop of his cum. It gave her now dampened coat a bit more of a shine to it, and it dripped from her horn in long, stretchy drops. Pound was thankful that it wasn’t thick enough to completely block her magic. “Um. Are you okay, Flurry?” Pound asked once he managed to get his breathing normal again. It was another one of his dumb questions since she already looked well… if a bit wet and sticky. “I’ve never been better,” Flurry said with a sigh of pure contentment. “You were a good sport I must say.” She then beckoned him with a forehoof to lay down next to her. He didn’t really hesitate to do so, but he was unsure a bit if he wanted to lay in his own filth. But he complied just to assure her that he wasn’t being disgusted by what she was into. He did love her after all, and wished to continue showing it by respecting her wishes. “So?” Flurry began. “What did you think of that kink?” “It was….definitely intriguing if I may say so,” Pound replied, making sure he actually meant it instead of sounding bland. “I don’t know anypony else who would want to try it out.” Flurry chuckled. “I guess I’m the only one so far. Would you know...maybe..um…. want to do something like this again some time?” Pound was astonished that Flurry would want to have sex with him again whenever she could. How could any stallion refuse an offer like that, especially when it came from a princess? “I would like that a lot,” Pound replied and gave her a gentle peck on the lips. “Perhaps we could try another one of those pleasure spells you’ve been looking up?” “You bet,” Flurry confirmed. “But for right now, it is alright if I spend the rest of the night here with you? I’m quite tired from the fun we’ve been having, and I can’t really parade around the castle looking like this.” Pound nodded. “Of course. I just hope your parents won’t flip out in the discovery of your absence.” “They’ll be fine,” Flurry assured. “They’re already aware of my rebellious nature, but how careful I am as well. I’ll go back to them….but right after a show you a good time in the shower tomorrow morning; and once I get a taste of what you’ll fix us for breakfast. Sound good?” “That sounds more great to me then good,” Pound replied with a grin, making Flurry laugh before she brought him into a goodnight smooch before she snuggled up to his neck and fell fast asleep with a smile on her muzzle. Pound took in the adorable sight and smiled himself before he turned out the light and rested himself on top of her still musky, but soft head before he fell asleep as well. He did what his sister advised by loosening up and having fun. He still wasn’t sure if losing his virginity tonight was what she was referring to, but he didn’t care. What mattered most was that he was happy in having the company of somepony else outside of his own family. He still had two penises however, but that didn’t bother him in the least bit. It was his and Flurry’s little secret. He didn’t know if she’ll return his genitals to normal anytime soon, but to him: having two pleasure rods made him feel more confident in himself, and life. He just hoped his parents won’t start asking too many questions if they see Flurry tomorrow. Celestia-forbid if they catch Pound and her snuggling together on a messy bed with peculiar odor coming from it.