> Pamphile: Alicorn of Harmony > by AkumaKami64 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Future Princess, Humble Badass > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "That. Is. AWESOME!" Rainbow cheered, hovering in pure amazement, practically squeeing at the epic tale, "Like the awesomest thing I ever heard!" Twilight blushed in embarrassment at the overenthusiastic Pegasus as she and the rest of the ponies that might become her friends walked through the Everfree, her mentor and the newly restore Luna with them as well, "I-I don't know about that," She said sheepishly, brushing a hoof through her now-flowing mane, trying to keep her wings tucked in. "You survived a rock slide, stared down a manticore, befriended a sea serpent, shrugged off some scary illusions like it was nothing, and all of that BEFORE taking on Nightmare Moon on your own?!" Rainbow recounted, "Where do they even make ponies like you!?" "Well that's a silly thing to ask," Pinkie Pie said with a grin as she pronked along, "Obviously they made her in the princess factory!" She declared like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Jokes and bluntness aside, they are right, dear," Rarity pointed out, looking thoughtful, "You're like something out of a fairy tale: A gallant pony riding into our lives from nowhere to save the day and save not only our beloved ruler but also save her sister from a terrible evil," She said dramatically with a wave of her hoof. "And in the end, yer turnin out ta be a new Alicorn and a future princess yerself," Applejack piped in. "G-gallant?! Me?" Twilight repeated in shock, blushing from the praise. She was just a little bookworm before today, none of these adjectives were things she would have put to herself! "Thine companions art most correct, Lady Twilight," Luna piped up as she looked at the group over her shoulder, her sister's wing light around her in a show of support and concern. Her tone and body language seemed demurred from a mix of exhaustion and sorrow. Despite that, she gave Twilight a small smile of utmost gratitude, "While thine humbleness speaks needless more volumes to the character of the newest to join the ranks of the Alicorns, it is most unneeded. Your deeds of this night deserve all the praise in the world," She said softly. Twilight stared at Luna for a moment in a moment, the entire group coming to a stop as the two ascended ponies stared at each other, and then Twilight glanced at her mentor, as if asking permission. The sun princess smiled softly and nodded her consent. Luna looked a bit confused when her sister removed her wing from her person, turning to face her savior fully as the violet mare approached her until they were face to face. Luna felt just a bit embarrassed in her smaller body, looking up at a pony that, Alicorn or no, was so many times her junior it was ridiculous to think about. "Princess Luna," Twilight started off kindly, yet just a tad formally, smiling down at the weakened immortal in a way that made Luna blush a tiny bit, "We both have a bit of rocky road ahead of us: I have to figure out being an Alicorn, and then a princess, while you have a thousand years of culture and history to reacquaint yourself with," She pointed out before giving her a bow of respect, "As we both have more than a little experience with each other's problem, I was wondering if you might consider me your first friend in this new era?" Luna looked at the figure of the bearer of the Elements of Harmony bowing to her...was that even the right term any more, bearer? Was she not the Princess of Harmony now, if not the Avatar? All those idle thoughts ran through Luna's head before she realized she was hugging Twilight Sparkle, crying softly into her coat, "I-I would be honored, Lady Twilight," She said tearfully, even as Twilight embraced her softly, "B-but please, do not bow to me. Never you," She requested, almost pleadingly. Twilight blinked at the request, but smiled all the same, "As you wish, Princess," She promised softly. The six other ponies watched it with various degrees of happiness and adoration. Fluttershy looked ready to faint, but from happiness overload instead of fear for once. Pinkie looked ready to throw a million parties a day to celebrate this wonderful occasion. Rarity smiled, but hers had a thoughtful, whimsical look. Applejack had a small smile, sympathizing with Princess Celestia as an elder sister and if anyone didn't know any better, they might think Rainbow Dash was developing a bit of hero worship for Twilight, given her wide, admiring grin. Celestia, meanwhile, was busy enjoying how happy and adorable her student and sister both looked right now. And stifled a giggle when Twilight's crown fell off her head and landed on Luna's back. Luna, now dried of tears, had no such reservations of a small laugh, "I have to get use to that, don't I?" Twilight asked with a small sigh, smiling all the same. "M-mayhaps, but I'm sure sister has perfected a few tricks for that," Luna assured with a chuckle as Twilight tried to pick it up with magic...and had the crown burst into the foliage above. "I got it!" Rainbow said instantly, racing up to grab the headpiece before it hit the ground- or before it even stopped rising, likely. All the mortal ponies starred at a bewildered Twilight in shock, "Umm, Twilight? Are, umm, you okay?" Fluttershy asked in concern. The wide eyed former-unicorn nodded, "Guess I don't know my own strength anymore," She mused, Celestia and Luna looking amused, as she felt the crown gently plopped back onto her head. "There you go, right back where it belongs," Rainbow Dash said with another grin as she floated nearby. Twilight smiled in thanks, before looking in slight annoyance at her crown, "This would be a lot easier if you were a part of the necklace too," She commented idly. Celestia herself could say she was shocked as Twilight's crown vanished in a flash of light, her royal yoke morphing slightly to have a larger Star of Magic in the center. Above it, like a crown or horn, was the Star of Loyalty. On the right side were the Star of Honesty followed by the Star of Generosity and the left had the Star of Kindness than the Star of Laughter. "...Okay, now yer just showing off, Sugarcube," Applejack said in surprise. "Umm, this isn't bad, right, Princess?" Twilight asked automatically, looking down in confusion and a bit of worry. "I do not believe so, my student, but the elements are a mystery to even myself and my sister," Celestia answered curiously, "Still, let us continue on, Ponyville is not much farther and we'll have plenty of time to discover what else this means for you, My Student," Celestia assured. "Oh, right and you were trained by the princess yourself," Rainbow Dash commented as they went on, "What's next? You were babysat by the Captain of the Royal Guard as a filly?" She said in jest. While everypony else chuckled at the joke, no one noticed the sheepish look on Twilight's face, or the amused one on Celestia: Best save some surprises for another day. "Princess Celestia! Thank goodness you're alright!" A guardpony called as they reached the edge of the forest, the stallion racing up to meet them with a bow. "I'm more than alright, my good stallion," Celestia assured with a smile as she looked to her sister than to Twilight, "Thanks to my student." At the comment, the soldier looked away from his princess and his eyes went wide at the two new Alicorns. One looked fairly young, dressed in black regalia over dark blue coat and a cyan mane. The other, a young adult mare, looked just like the Princess's personal student. Only now she had wings, a bejeweled royal yoke, with her mane and tail now etheral and flowing like the Princess's as stripes glowed softly and midnight hair sparkled like stars in the sky. His tongue caught in his throat, he did the only automatic thing his brain could register. He bowed, "Miladies," He greeted with a mix of awe and apology. "All tis well, good stallion," Luna said softly, "You expected us as much as we expected ourselves," She said to his confusion. "It's a long story," Twilight said sheepishly. "But first, we have one important thing to do!" Pinkie Pie spoke up quickly as she appeared between the two smaller Alicorns. "Party?" Twilight guessed with a raised eyebrow. Pinkie looked at her with wide eyes, "You are an amazing Princess already," She said in awe as she stood up on her hind legs, "SISTER REUNITED, DAY IS SAVED, ALICORNIFICATION, NEW FRIENDS PARTY!" She declared loudly to the town. The inhabitants, already cheerful at the return of the sun and the likeliness of their princess's safety, perked up at the all-too-familiar call of the Pinkie. The guards in town just blinked in confusion at the sudden commotion. "I'll be right back," Twilight said, muttering in concern as she charged her horn, "I have to go check on someone," She explained, getting a nod from Celestia in understanding before vanishing in an extra bright flash. "Wow nelly! I'm seeing spots!" Applejack said in alarm as she swayed on spot a bit, rubbing her eyes. "Poor dear must being dealing with quite the power boost," Rarity murmured with a few quick blinks. "Ohhh, pretty!" Pinkie called out, looking at a particularly nicely colored splotch in her vision. Luna raised an eyebrow at them before looking to Celestia, who just chuckled and shrugged While the Celebration began to form, Twilight reappeared back inside Golden Oaks Library...or, rather, on top of it. With a small frown, she teleported again, reappearing in the basement of all places, "This going to be like starting over from scratch, isn't it?" She asked to no one. To her surprise and interest, the Elements in her golden necklace glowed a bit, almost in sympathy, "Huh...wonder if they ever did that for the Princesses?" She mused to herself before walking up the stairs to the library. As she headed straight for the bedroom where she left Spike, she failed to notice a pony lying in the corner, having passed out from the party and only now coming to consciousness. Watching the Alicorn waltz out of the basement and into the bedroom, the earth pony blinked and sat up, "...Okay, no more of Pinkie's special punch," Berry Punch mused in bewilderment, deciding to calmly get up and leave before she had more hallucinations. "Spike? Spike are you up?" Twilight asked softly as she came up to the bed, finding the young reptile curled under the blanket, stirring a bit. He then proceeded to yawn in a manner he would refuse to acknowledge as cute, "Twi...? What happened? I miss the celebration?" He asked tiredly as he sat up sleepily. "Oh, no, I'm sure that'll be going on for a while," Twilight said with a vague chuckle. "Ah, kay. Just let me-" Spike paused and went wide eyed, "Missing Princess! Nightmare Moon! Eternal Night! What happened?!" He asked in alarm as his memories went back before blinking, "And what's with the hair? Did Celestia teach you that?" He asked, his brain starting to fully boot up. Twilight looked a bit sheepish, "Yeah, you see, about that...Well, after I put you to bed, I kind of...wentoffanddefeatedNightmareMoonaftefindingtheelmentsonmyownandbecameanalicorn," Twilight answered quickly. Spike squinted as he tried to process that, "Tough and deaf Nightmare Moon...what?" He asked, unable to make that out. Twilight sighed, "I went into the Everfree, defeated a few obstacles, got to the old castle, retrieved and awakened the Elements of Harmony, stopped Nightmare Moon, and saved Princess Celestia," Twilight listed off slowly and clearly, leaving him gapping. "...I fall asleep for a few hours, and you go off and save the world?!" Spike exclaimed in disbelief, his tiny arms up in shock. Twilight chuckled a bit, looking sheepish, "Kind of, yeah," She admitted, having nothing else she could say, "So...good night's sleep?" "Don't change the subject! I have soooo many questions now! Like...Like...what are those?" Spike asked blankly as he looked down, his eyes half lidded. Twilight looked down at the elements, "Oh, right. These are the Elements of Harmony. They...changed shape, among other things, once I turned them back from stone," She explained simply. "That raises even more questions, but that isn't what I meant," Spike said, pointing to her side. "Oh, right, the wings...," Twilight trailed off, having forgotten about them a bit. Just looking at them made the appendages twitch and flutter a bit. She turned her face completely straight and looked at Spike, "I forgot to mention: The Elements apparently turned me into an Alicorn," She elaborated. Spike stared at her evenly for several long minutes. Then he proceeded to fall off the bed, face down on the floor. "Spike! Are you okay?" She called in alarm, turning him over. He lay there, staring blankly at the ceiling, "Twilight, next time? Don't let me fall asleep. I don't think I'll be able to keep up the next time I miss out on this much stuff happening," He requested, sounding a bit annoyed yet also numbed to the situation. Twilight chuckled softly, "Trust me, I know the feeling," She assured, leaning down to give him a supportive nuzzle. Spike blinked before sighing heavily in contentment with a large smile on his face, "Ummm, Spike? You okay?" She asked awkwardly, not sure what that was about. "Yeah, you're mane is just really, really comfortable now," Spike said, almost sounding like he was ready to fall asleep again. Twilight giggled a bit, "I wonder if that's an Alicorn thing or just me," She mused, pulling back and prompting him to sit up with a sigh. "...A bucking Alicorn," Spike repeated, shaking his head, "Was this just a way to get out of making friends?" "Well...let's just say that certain revelations have caused me to reevaluate my original position on that subject and has led me to now fully and heartily throw my efforts into making friends," Twilight explained with a smile, a warm and bright one that could have humbled the sun. Technically, that might have already happened. "..." Spike blinked as he looked up in her eyes. It was Twilight alright, but there was definitely something different about her. She seemed...just a bit more relaxed now. Not entirely, yet it was like she finally understood something that allowed her a bit of inner peace with herself and the world, "So, any of the mares we met today going to be likely candidates?" He asked curiously. Twilight grinned a bit at that, "Don't worry, lover boy. Despite her name, seeing her probably won't be a rarity," She joked. "Hmm, not bad for a first joke," Spike complimented with brief applause- she actually wasn't sure if that was sarcasm or genuine, "Now, I think you said something about a party or something?" He remembered, straining his ears for a moment, "Sure sounds like one to me." "Well, let's go join in then. There's somepony I need to introduce you to anyway," Twilight said with a smile as she stood to the side to let him get on, "I'd levitate you up, but...my magic is a bit...sensitive at the moment," She said sheepishly. "I'll TRY not to fall asleep on your Mane of Sleepiness," Spike said as he hopped onto one of his usual spots: Twilight's back, "Riding an Alicorn. Hehe, not many get to say that, eh?" The baby dragon joked with a grin. Twilight sighed at the double meaning to that, "Spike, please don't phrase it like that. We'll get weird looks if you do, if not worse," She forewarned as she headed down the stairs. "This another one of those "when you're older" things you and Princess Celestia keep bringing up?" Spike asked with a raised eyebrow. "Very," Twilight answered with a small smile as they exited the door. As they expected, there was a celebration going on. Since it WAS the Summer Sun Festival, they already had everything they needed- plus a little bit more from Pinkie Pie, no doubt. Without hesitation, the pair headed to the crowd, towards the towering form of Princess Celestia herself. As they came closer and closer to the gathering, more and more ponies took notice of her, turning to stare with wide eyes of awe, wonder, and a bit of confusion. Twilight became a bit self-conscious as they started to whisper in speculation to each other, but bit her lip as she continued her walk up to her teach, who was already smiling welcomingly. Between the regalia that was the Elements of Harmony, her obvious Alicorn status, her flowing hair, and the look on Celestia's face...in their situation, Twilight would probably guess that this was Celestia's own daughter. Twilight briefly noted Luna had some kind of a necklace of flowers placed on her now. "...Did Celestia have a secret lost daughter or something?" This question, ironically, came from Spike, who was looking at Luna in bewilderment. The two sisters blinked before looking at each other, realizing their enhanced height difference could lead to certain impressions. Despite herself, Luna couldn't help giggling with a brief look of mischief at her sister, "Nay, young Drake, I am her sister," Luna answered simply. "Oh, umm,...sorry?" Spike said sheepishly, not sure who he should direct that at and hoping it applied to both. Celestia just shook her head in amusement, "I'm glad you arrived now, Twilight, I was just about to...reintroduce you," She said in fondness in amusement. Twilight tilted her head as Celestia addressed the crowd, one wing around Twilight as the ponies went silent, "Ponies of Ponyville, I would like the honor of introducing to you a very important mare on this day: My Student, The Bearer of Harmony, who saved my Sister and myself, and rose to the ranks of Alicorn. I give you, Lady Twilight Sparkle, Future Princess of Equestria," Celestia declared in pride. The shock that ran over the crowd was almost a palpable force as they took in the gravity of who this young mare was and what she accomplished. Spike's jaw dropped as he saw the ponies all starting to bow to Twilight, getting a clear view from her back. He suddenly felt the urge to get off- not to bow or anything, but it felt a bit...awkward, riding around on somepony that everypony else was bowing to. Twilight stared as well, a bit overwhelmed. She even saw the five ponies she was starting to consider as friends bowing to her. What did she do? What do you do when everypony is bowing to you? What would Princess Celestia- Twilight blinked as a thought occurred to her: She wasn't a princess yet. So...a few ponies glanced up and blinked as they saw the purple ascended bowing her head lightly in return to them with a warm smile on her face. She looked up as she saw most of their attention on her and spoke, "I am not a Princess yet, Good Ponies, so there is no reason to bow to me," She assured as she rose, the ponies following suit as well, slowly, "I did nothing more than what many other ponies would have done, if they simply knew how. That I figured it out, should be of little consequence," She said, pulling off her best Celestia-smile, "For many days still to come, I am still merely another pony...who happens to be an Alicorn, among other things," She joked lightly, getting a few laughs, "With that said, don't feel the need to stop celebrating because of me!" "We're celebrating because of you!" Someone in the back called, getting more laughs. Twilight suspected it was Rainbow Dash. Nonetheless, the celebration began to continue once more, even more so that they knew why and for whom they were celebrating. No pony noticed Pinkie Pie's momentary pout- she thought they were going to throw her in the air and do "Three Cheers for Twilight!" "...Thou taught her well," Luna whispered to Celestia. "Too well, apparently: I don't even remember teaching her that," Celestia noted with a surprised but pleased look. "Learned by watching you," Twilight murmured as she turned to the elder Alicorns. "Does thine humbleness know no bounds?" Luna asked in amusement. "More like...I'm still processing this a little," Twilight admitted nervously, "No offense, but it feels like I might be having a fevered dream from that would-be head-butt I did with Nightmare Moon," She explained, before turning to Spike, "Princess Luna, I'd like you to meet Spike, my "Number One Assistant". Spike, this is Princess Luna, Alicorn of the Moon," She introduced. To his credit, Spike put everything together rather quickly in his head. After a moment of staring at Luna, having a hard time visualizing her being Nightmare Moon, he stuck his claw out to her, "Welcome home, your highness," He greeted cheekily. Luna blinked at the knowing look in the young drake's eyes before taking the appendage and shaking it, "Thank you, it is most grand to be home to fair Equestria, Hatchling," She greeted with a small smile. Spike looked a bit grumpy at the 'hatchling' comment but shrugged it off, before jumping off to join the party. As he left, Luna turned back to Twilight with a blank expression, "Thee hast a dragon," She stated simply. "Well, yeah. I've been raising him since he was born...well, I had a lot of help from my family and Princess Celestia of course, but I've been trying to take my responsibilities to him as seriously as I can, since I hatched him," She explained. Luna's expression didn't change as she took a breath, "Ye hatched a dragon, and art raising him as if he were thine offspring or sibling," She reworded, getting a nod, "Twilight Sparkle, the dress maker was correct: Thou art like something out a fairy tale: and coming from a mare from a millennium ago, We believe that is saying much." Twilight scratched her head absently, looking to her teacher for aid, who had been staring at her since before Spike's introduction, "...You head-butted Nightmare Moon?" Celestia asked blankly, looking at her student with an unreadable expression. "W-well, more like I...faked her out, as the saying goes, teleporting at the last second," Twilight elaborated. "...You played chicken with Nightmare Moon," Celestia restated, getting a sheepish look, a sheepish smile, and a sheepish shrug, "...Where, exactly, did you get those, My Student?" She asked monotonely. "G-get what, Princess Celestia?" Twilight asked. "Your iron ovaries." > Preening and Many Meetings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ohhh, ohh yeah, that's the spot!" Twilight said with a shudder of delight, lying on a massage table as the two palace maids preened her wings expertly. One was midnight blue, a darker shade than even Luna, with a mane of the same color and the other was a shade of light green with a white and yellow stripped mane; both were, unsurprisingly, Pegasi. While the art of wing care was often a private or personal matter, there were those who were trained to care for the winged individuals that could not do it better than what was sufficient for their health. As such, several maids in Celestia's employ were well trained in the art and completely professional about it. "Your wings are so soft, so luscious, Milady," Midnight Leather said with an alluring smile, taking a moment to smell the wings, "Your magic almost has a musk of its own. Must be that New Alicorn smell," She joked lightly, using her own wings to massage Twilight's wing muscles and the back. Well, mostly professional. "Midnight, stop teasing her. You're supposed to be undoing her cramps, not making more with your teasing," Jade Glider scolded lightly, smiling none the less. Midnight chuckled airily, her wings soothing Twilight's back, "Apologies, Milady. I'm too used to Princess Celestia. She usually finds talks like this to be amusing and relaxing," She explained. "A problem I have nary a doubt will be remedied on its own due time," A regal and familiar voice greeted, catching their attention. "Princess Luna!" They all greeted in surprise as the newly-returned Alicorn walked into the room. "No, no, do not rise on my account," She insisted quickly, smiling at her savior, "You two may continue thine services, I merely desire to speak with Lady Twilight," She assured. "Yes, Your Majesty," The maids said with a bow, returning to their current attendee. "Princess Luna, wha-what can I do for you?" Twilight asked with a small blush as she remained on the bed, "...Also, did you get taller?" "Mayhaps a bit. My true size and form will return with my strength," Luna answered offhoofedly, "Sister is attending to the aftermath of the Nightmare Moon incident. She recommended that if I found rest unwelcoming, I should seek you out. I...twas hoping to trouble you for...what did Celestia call it? A tour?" Luna requested. Twilight blinked slowly, the skilled treatment on her back and new wings slowing her mind just a bit, "A tour...oh, right, Canterlot Castle wasn't even built back then," Twilight realized thoughtfully. "And you hast lived among these halls for several years now as an apprentice to my sister," Luna mused curiously, "After your preening, of course. I would feel eternally ashamed to ruin your first wing treatment." "All due respect, Princess, but I don't think I could leave just yet even if I wanted to," Twilight said sheepishly, grinning in delight to everyone's amusement. Luna smiled warmly, "Ahh, I remember Tia's first professional preening. A joy of hers that has diverged very little in the past centuries," She mused, smirking at the maids, who giggled, "I shall be calling upon thine services in the very near future, Maids." "Oh, what an honor. And just yesterday, we were only attending one Alicorn," Midnight said with a grin. Jade giggled in amusement, "Let's pray we have the energy for three." "Sorry to disappoint," Twilight spoke up, her eyes half lidded in serenity, "But I shall be taking a bit of a vacation to Ponyville while I relax and adjust to...this-" She paused to give a small flap of her wings, "-and other things. Canterlot's royal library is faaaar too tempting for me to stay away from if I'm living here." "Oh? So mine sister did not exaggerate in claiming your hunger for knowledge is as insatiable as an equibus?" Luna mused teasingly. Twilight blushed sheepishly, "I-I've been told similar things." Luna chuckled with the maids, "Still, I do have one burning question, Lady Twilight? Is there a reason you are still in possession of the elements?" Luna asked, glancing down at the royal yoke, the Elements of Harmony embedded in it. Twilight hummed, making a small noise of surprise before practically melting on the spot, "All done, Milady. Unless you which for...further service," Midnight Leather offered with an alluring smile. Blushing nervously, Twilight shook her head quickly, "N-no, thank you, Ms. Leather. Maybe another time," She said, standing slowly, feeling utterly refreshed as her ethereal mane waved in its own wind, "Whatever you are being paid, it isn't enough," Twilight said without thinking. "We live to serve, Milady," Jade said humbly, both of them bowing as she stepped off the table. "I'm not a princess yet- you don't have to bow to me," Twilight reminded with a smile over her shoulder before looking down at the still-small Alicorn, "Now, I believe you wanted a tour, Princess Luna?" "Just Luna for you, Lady Twilight," Luna requested. "Now who's being humble?" Twilight joked lightly as she led Luna to the door. "Umm, Lady Twilight? The Elements?" Luna reminded. "It's okay, just give them a moment," Twilight assured as they stepped out of the room. The moment they did, Luna blinked at a sudden flash of light, finding that Twilight was now wearing her Yoke of Harmony, Twilight giving it a bemused expression, "Princess Celestia and I found out the hard way that they are not fond of being too far from me," Twilight explained dryly as she started walking. "A most peculiar but useful quality in preventing theft," Luna commented, trotting after the former-unicorn, "Though, thine reputation should be enough." "Huh?" Twilight asked in confusion. "You shall see in time, if what my sister plans and speculates is true, Nightmare Slayer," Luna quipped with a smile. Meanwhile Celestia smiled to herself, outwardly benign as the various lords and barons and counts and dukes all reacted to the news, along with the administrative officials. Twilight didn't know it, but the young mare had been an interest of the upper class since the day she walked into the palace. A personally chosen student of Celestia was, truly, something that happened once a generation. Many a famous ancestor was connected to a student of Celestia. And now they had one that had that was a legend in her own right. "Princess Celestia," Fancy Pants spoke up over the murmuring crowd. After thousands of years, the nobility of Equestria was more mixed than when it began. Still, most of the ones present were unicorns as the capitol was still the traditional home of most unicorn nobles. The rest would arrive in the coming week, "Forgive me for being blunt, but are we to understand that Canterlot will be seeing the governance of four princesses in the coming future?" He inquired curiously. Celestia chuckled good natured at the question, "Not for a good time, Lord Fancy. My sister will need time to recuperate from her time cursed by the Nightmare and to readjust to the modern world," She started up, keeping the story clear that Luna had indeed been corrupted by the Nightmare forces, "Mi Amore Cadenza, for the time being, has retained her desire to be a Princess of Aide rather than a Princess of Rule. I understand she mobilized the royal guards the minute word reached Canterlot. If Nightmare Moon's coup had been more longer term, you would be speaking to her instead of me," She reminded gently, with no small amount of pride of her niece's ability to take the wheel if needed, "As for Twilight Sparkle, she still has much to learn and a great deal to relearn due to her ascension. For the time being, she is a Lady of the Realm. A Princess To Be, as it were," She elaborated with a smile. The nobles went through another round of murmurs, a bit gladdened there would be no overly drastic changes in the near future. While there were deeper questions many would wish to ask, they were too delicate to ask in this premature setting, if ever. Still, a Lady of the Realm? The title carried more weight than it was meant to, marking one as a trusted ally of the Crown, making one feasibly second only to the Princesses. And giving it to an Alicorn? Twilight Sparkle truly was a Princess in all but name now. "Princess," A voice grunted, drawing attention to the back as a large grey Pegasus stepped forward with a black mane and black markings upon his head. His green eyes paid little mind to the nobles as he locked gaze with the Princess, "Will her Ladyship be in need of security? Or is the Alicorn of Harmony secure enough in her power to not need us?" He asked with a small smirk. Celestia shook her head in amusement at the stallion's attitude, "General Jet Foot, I assure you, if Twilight Sparkle is in need of a guard, you'll be the second pony I seek recommendations from, right after the Royal Guard Captain," She assured, briefly scanning the room and confirming, yet again, that Shining Armor was not in attendance. Nor was Cadance, for that matter. Meanwhile "Sister certainly invested well in the castle's kitchen," Luna said, licking her teeth oddly as they walked through the halls, the occasional guard saluting them, "Though, this Jell-O concoction has a most unusual sensation to it, especially when in the mouth." Twilight giggled at that, "Well, that's the entrance, the kitchen, the dining hall, the ball room, the royal guest area and the way to Princess Celestia's room," Twilight mused, having decided that taking Luna to see her sister's room just seemed like something for the siblings to do, "That just leaves the dungeon-" "I think I shall visit that another time, thank you," Luna said dryly, having no desire to ruin the fun mood with the dreary dungeon. "-the garden-" "-the physicians don't want me venturing out while I may be susceptible to new diseases and allergies," Luna grumbled with a blush. "-the throne room-" "Isn't that occupied for court?" Luna reminded. "-and the barracks," Twilight listed off. "Ah, the gallant ponies at arms. Twas rather impressed that they were so willing to confront an Alicorn, outclassed though they were," Luna mused before looking confused, "What about the library?" Luna asked curiously. "I fear you may be trapped for another millennia if you venture in there with her," A voice called playfully, making Twilight's ears perk up as a smile came onto her face. Luna, not noticing Twilight's reaction, turned to see the new arrivals. There was a white stallion with a very coltish yet handsome look about him with a blue mane. And the uniform, different from those of the other soldiers complimented him well. There was also a very beautiful mare, her coat pink and her main curly with purple, magenta and yellow stripes. She was also wearing cloak of sorts, 'A noble, perhaps?' Luna mentally mused curiously, "Lady Twilight, are these acquaintances of yours?" She asked curiously. Twilight shook her head in amusement, "Princess Luna, this is Shining Armor, my brother," She introduced, getting a surprised look from Luna. "Your brother is in the Royal Guard? Truly, the surprises never end around you, Lady Twilight," Luna said, smiling at the young stallion. "Princess," he greeted with a bow of the head, "Pleasure to meet you." "The pleasure is all mine, Soldier," Luna assured with a regal smile. Twilight, meanwhile, glanced at a giddy Cadance, who mouthed something to her that made Twilight blink, 'She doesn't know? Luna doesn't know what? That Shining is the Guard Captain? Obviously, but- OHHHH! Luna doesn't know Cadance is an Alicorn!' Twilight realized in surprise. No one noticed, but the Star of Laughter glowed ever so softly. "And this-" Twilight spoke up again, "-is Cadance, my former foal sitter," She introduced, fighting down a grin. "Your brother and your foal sitter? Lady Sparkle, will you be introducing me to thine parents before this day is done?" Luna teased lightly, making Twilight gap at the unintended double meaning, Laughter shining brighter. "It's nice to finally meet you, Princess Luna," Cadance greeted with a warm smile that surprised Luna a bit. "Princess," Shining spoke up, "What I'm about to do is as a brother, not a soldier," He informed with a smirk. Luna blinked before smirking as well, "Carry on, do thine duties," She prompted. Twilight looked confused before she found herself in a headlock, Shining giving her a light noogie, "Ahhh, Shining, stop it!" "So, I let you go off for one night, and you come back with a pair a wings and the number of Alicorns doubled," Shining teased, pausing thoughtfully, "Huh, is this what the Princess's mane feels like? Hmm, she might not even need a pillow to sleep with this on her head," He mused absently. "Shame, guess that means there's only one Alicorn without an ethereal mane," Cadance said with a pout. Luna grinned a bit at that, "Rest assured, Ms. Cadance, my mane shall once more be like a veil of the bejeweled night when my strength returns." "Shiny, let me go!" Twilight yelled again, shoving him off to everypony's surprise, sending him toppling to the ground, "...Sorry, new strength coming in," Twilight apologized. Shining stared, stunned for a moment, before grinning, "Just don't dent the armor, Sis. It'd be hard explaining how and why my sister damaged it," He said with a chuckle. "Yes, I imagine the royal guard captain would have your flank for doing that to a future princess, sister or not," Luna joked, Shining biting his cheek to keep from laughing. "So, these are the Elements of Harmony," Cadance comment, stepping closer to get a good look at the yoke. Twilight tried to hold her head high, but just came off looking nervous, "They suit you, Twily," Cadance said supportively. "Thanks," Twilight said, rubbing her head with a blush. "But is it supposed to be glowing?" Shining asked, tapping the Star of Laughter curiously. Twilight sighed at that, "Unfortunately, the princesses made it clear that there is no book I could possibly find in the castle about the nature of the Elements. So, we have no idea," Twilight informed, eyeing the elements curiously, "I am VERY sure this thing is sentient though," She commented. At that, all the elements glowed softly, as if in confirmation. Twilight looked up to see her foal sitter and brother staring with wide eyes while Luna openly gaped, "I...I didn't realize Harmony was a conscious entity," Luna commented, stunned. "Well, be sure to take care of my Little Twily, kay Harmony?" Shining asked jokingly. "Shining, it's not going to respond to every thi-" Twilight started, going blank faced as the Stars of Magic and Loyalty glowed brightly, as if in determination. "...I didn't realize Harmony was talkative either," Luna quipped, over her surprise now. To her interest, the Stars of Kindness and Generosity glowed briefly; the light almost seemed to be aimed at her. "Well, at least I know Twilight is in good hooves, if what the Princess said about the Elements is true," Shining said with a teasing smirk, "That must be awkward, going to the bathroom with those." "Oh, like your Armor isn't?" Twilight retorted with a scowl. "My armor isn't alive," Shining retorted, getting a giggle from Cadance. "So...any idea how to break this to your parents?" Cadance asked smugly, watching as the siblings froze like statues. "...What manner of parents spawns a foal like Twilight Sparkle?" Luna muttered to herself in interest, "We may cut the tour short here, Twilight. I can sympathize in the desire to be among family and friends." "Are you sure, Luna?" Twilight asked, tilting her head. "Yes, yes. Now that I know the basic layout of the castle, I merely need to familiarize myself with my new dwellings," Luna said offhoofedly, waving off the concerns, "Though, Shining Armor, would you happen to know when I could arrange a meeting with the royal guard captain? While I trust in my sister's judgment, I do like knowing who has made it their duty to protect us, our home and our subjects," Luna requested. "Oh, the Captain is off duty at the moment, Princess's orders, but I'm sure he'd be happy to meet with you today, Princess," Shining said with a grin. "Oh? Where might I find him then?" Luna asked curiously. "Oh, about two hundred centimeters in front of you," Twilight answered with a sly smile. "...Centimeters?" Luna asked in confusion, glancing to her savior quizzically. "Captain Shining Armor of Her Majesty's Royal Guard, I think that is enough playing around," Cadance said with a impish smile. Luna blinked once, then twice, as she almost didn't process it before she went wide eyed and looked between the siblings several times before settling on Twilight, "Your Brother Is Captain Of The Royal Guards?!" She asked in disbelief. "Yep, got promoted about a year and a half ago," Twilight said with a smile. "...Is there anything else?" Luna asked in disbelief, "Art you going to say next that thine foal sitter is an archduchess?" She asked sarcastically. "...About that," Cadance said with a giggle. Luna looked around, only to gap as Cadance vanished her cloak and unfolded her wings, "Mi Amore Cadenza, Alicorn of Love, Princess in Aide, Adopted Niece of Celestia, and Proudest-Foal-Sitter-Of-All-Time," She reintroduced herself with an over the top bow, "At your service, Aunty," She said with a grin. *THUD* Twilight went wide eyed as Luna collapsed backwards, legs twitching. "Huh, that was how Shining reacted when he found out you became an Alicorn," Cadance commented idly. "That's not true!" Shining protested with a mock glare. "Yes, it is," Cadance said with a grin, "In fact, you fainted twice." "Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh!" Twilight said, looking to Luna in panic, "She passed out! What do I do, what do I do!? Should I raise her legs? No, no, that's for lacerations. Should I get Princess Celestia? How am I going to explain I made her sister comatose?!" "...And that, according to the Princess, was how you reacted when I passed out," Shining retorted smugly. "Oh, like you dislike a beautiful mare worrying over you," Cadance retorted with a blushing grin, "Besides, I only did it the first time. Second time, Aunty and I considered drawing on your face," She informed with a small, mischievous smile. They both went wide eyes as a large, powerful jet of water shot right by them, racing down the hall. They turned in shock to a very sheepish Twilight, a bit of water of her horn, "I...tried to summon a glass-worth of water to wake her up and kind of overpowered it?" She explained in embarrassment. As she did, a few droplets fell from her horn, landing on Luna's nose and startling her awake. The Alicorn of the Moon blinked as she stared up at her savior, standing over her smaller form, "...If thy desire to claim the more traditional reward for saving a princess, Lady Twilight, I must insist on being able to recuperate and prepare myself if either of us art to be satisfied," She requested calmly, Twilight looking very confused while Shining and Cadance bit their lips hard to suppress snickering, "Also, why is my back wet and cold?" Meanwhile "Attention, attention!" Mayor Mare called over the murmur filling the town hall, filled with a good number of ponies, "Now, I know we've all had a long night and longer morning. So, I'll just cut right to the chase so we can all go home and relax a bit," She assured, getting looks of relief or exhaustion, "First off, Princess Celestia has informed me that there will be no need to change the clocks. Despite the late start, the sunset and following sunrise will be on the same time as always," She explained, getting several sighs of relief. Setting clocks was annoying enough without anypony knowing what time to set it for. "So much fer the longest day of the year," Applejack joked, Big Mac chuckling in his throat. "Next, due to the extended night and other influences, we will be getting an unavoidable rain shower ahead of schedule," Mayor Mare continued, making Rainbow Dash groan. Unavoidable Rain Shower usually translated to a storm being too big for the average team to just clear away. Which meant this was going to be a keep the storm from getting too bad job, "Lastly, a bit of good news for us all: Lady Twilight Sparkle will be moving to Ponyville for an extended time to settle into her new, um, overall state...and, as noted by Princess Celestia, a much needed and well earned vacation," Mayor Mare read off, her voice curious at the end. "Yes!" Rainbow Dash cheered to herself as most of the ponies livened up a bit at the notion of the soon-to-be Princess living in their town, "I knew there was a reason she asked if I'd be willing to teach her about wings!" She said to herself with a hoof-pump. She was going to train a princess! The other weather Pegasi looked to their leader-in-all-but-name, sharing amused looks. The multicolored mare had been very talkative about a certain Alicorn. "Umm, Mayor?" Pinkie Pie called, raising her hoof high. "Yes, Pinkie?" Mayor asked curiously. The party pony cleared her throat as she stood on her chair, "I would just like to say that the usual mass-going-away party for all visitors has been cancelled! I am sorry," She said with a sigh, "A lot of the supplies went bad this morning or got used up for other parties. However, everyone who stays will be welcome at Lady Twilight Sparkle's "Welcome Back and House Warming" Party!" She cheered, instantly happy again. The visitors in the crowd looked curiously to Mayor Mare, who blinked and searched through her notes again, "Ahh, yes, she will be moving in tomorrow," She explained calmly. Pinkie Pie smiled with a hoof to her chest, "That's right, the party will be to-" Pinkie paused as she and everypony went wide eyed at that as well. "TOMORROW?!" While all the other ponies started to rush around in a hurry, Applejack sat calmly with her brother, "Ya know, if I hadn't met that mare before, I'd think she was expecting a royal welcome at the drop of a hat," Applejack mused. "Eeyup." "Yah, but don't worry, she's a real humble sort. Imagine she enjoys a few things that Rarity lady does, but she ain't got her nose in the sky like some nobles," Applejack continued. "Neope." "I reckon she didn't think we'd make a big deal out of it. Or maybe she didn't know we'd be informed at all," Applejack mused thoughtfully. "Eeyup." "Ya remember any of the stuff she like best?" She asked curiously. "Neope." "Oh hay. Hoping to give her a "house welcomin" gift all the same," She said with a frown. "Family's still in town," Big Mac reminded, rolling his straw in his mouth. "Hm, yer right! Maybe one of them remembers. Thanks, Big Bro," Applejack thanked with a smile and a pat on the back. "Welcome." "By the way? Applebloom know yet that the mare we greeted yesterday is a princess now?" She asked with a grin, which he returned with a smirk. "Neope." "Well, that's one thing to look forward to," Applejack said with a bit of teasing to her voice. "Eeyup." Meanwhile *THUMP* *THUMP-THUMP* "Great, some rats must be in the attic again." Twilight Velvet and Night Light were, a bit anxiously, trying to relax in their living room. Ever since the sunrise became undoubtedly late, they had become increasingly worried about their children. When the rumors start flowing that Celestia had been kidnapped or was otherwise missing, they worried even more so. While they, like most ponies of Equestria, loved the princess, they were more concerned with the fact that if anything happened to her, there was a good chance something happened to one or both of their offspring as well- what with Shining being the captain of her guard and Twilight her personal student. They were very proud parents, if that wasn't obvious. Still, when the sun finally did rise, they were a bit relieved. And some of their friends had overheard the guards talking about their orders from "Captain Armor", so they had some sense of peace at that- one of their children was alive and probably well by the sound of it; but no word from or about Twilight. Though, they did hear some strange rumors about two new Alicorns arriving with the Princess's return to the castle, along with something about her sister? It was all very strange and vague. "Honestly, I've always been more worried about Shiny than Twily," Night Light commented offhandedly. "Oh? How come?" Velvet asked curiously as they drank their tea- well, tea-coffee mix. They experimented when they were nervous- not like that! "Relying too much on that dome shield of his. I mean, I get it, his talent and all, but you'd think he'd at least make it have spikes or a stunning ability- you know, something that keeps someone from just pounding on it until it breaks," Night Light mused. "Well, it helps that he's stronger than the average unicorn," Velvet mused with a shrug, "Plus, he's more like Twilight than he likes to admit- that shield buys him a few seconds to think without actuallly freezing up," She pointed out with a giggle. "True. Though, the only thing that has ever made him freeze up is an angry Twilight and a beautiful mare talking to him," Night Light continued with a chuckle, remembering fond events- for him, at least, "So...any ideas about the story behind the Late Solstice?" He asked idly. "I don't know, but believe me, ever other writer from here to Las Pegasus is going to be using this night as a plot point or story opener for the next year or so," Velvet mused with a sigh, "I'd be thinking about that too if I could just know Twilight was fine." *THUMP-THUMP* *KNOCK* "Can't you let us wallow with our worry in peace?!" Twilight Velvet yelled overdramatically, getting a chuckle from her husband, whose ears twitched curiously as he glanced behind her. "Actually, Dear? I think that last one was the door," Night Light informed, getting a surprised look from her as she looked to it as well. *KNOCK-KNOCK* They both immediately bolted to the door, quickly opening it to see the elder half of their missing heart. "Shiny!" Twilight Velvet cried happily, wrapping her hooves around her son tearfully, who looked surprised but returned it with a smile as well. Night Light took a breath of relief as he looked to the mare his son was suppose-to-be-secretly-dating-but-it-was-obvious-as-sin-to-them. Quite honestly, Night Light was very happy to have Cadance as future daughter-in-law. Not because of her being a princess, but the fact that she was one of the only mares Twilight would instantly approve of. If the multiverse was real, he pitied the Shining Armor that was Twilight Sparkle's younger brother- the prospect of overprotective big-sister Twilight was as funny as it was alarming. Shaking his head of that, he smiled at the Alicorn of Love, "I see you've managed to keep this lughead alive through last night," He joked, getting a smirk from her. "Oh yes, he was quite helpless until I showed up," Cadance added in playfully. "Hey!" Shining said good naturedly, the four sharing a small laugh. "Shiny? Where's Twily?" Velvet asked softly as she released him, "She's not hurt or anything, is she?" Cadance and Shining blinked at that, "She's not here with you?" Shining asked curiously. Now the parents blinked, "Umm, no? Why would she be?" Night Light asked with a raised eyebrow. "She said she was going ahead of us, to surprise you herself," Cadance said with a frown, turning to her coltfriend, "Do you think she...?" Shining groaned as he face-hooved, "Teleported. And missed," He muttered in annoyance. Twilight Velvet was now very confused, "But...Twilight mastered that spell a long time ago," She reminded with a scowl of worry. "Her magic is...a bit on the fritz right now," Cadance informed vaguely, "But she's so accustomed to using it, she probably did it on instinct." "So...my Filly Twily could be lost anywhere in Canterlot or even off the side of the mountain?!" Twilight Velvet asked in worry, her imaginative brain conjuring all kinds of horrible fates that could have befallen her child. She was very much her daughter's mother. *THUMP!* "...Or she could be stuck upstairs somewhere and not willing to use magic at the moment," Shining summarized with a smirk as his mother deflated into a calm but sheepish demeanor. "...Oh, wow, if that's her, she's been up there a while...," Night Light realized awkwardly. "We should probably find her," Twilight Velvet said sheepishly as they all headed upstairs to find the missing member of the family. After several minutes of searching and calling her name, they deduced that Twilight was not, in fact, in the attic but in a closet…the closet of Shining Armor's old room, to be exact. "...I remember the last day I actually opened that," Shining Armor said in amusement, "I stuffed away every last out of place thing in there before heading off to the Guard." "...Soooo, who's going to let her out?" Night Light asked with a raised eyebrow as they stood in the door way, looking at the closet. "You two probably should," Cadance said with a small grin, "Get the surprise out of the way." The spouses shared a confused look before shrugging and heading up to the closet, Night Light opening it with his horn. Out of it spilled a few clothes, an old banjo, a few dirty magazines that Shining forgot about and one disheveled Twilight. She looked up at her parents with surprised eyes, a very much returned expression, "This, I can explain," She assured quickly. They didn't say anything, just glancing down to the yoke on her neck, "And those," She added calmly, her twitching wings catching their attention, "And these," She continued with a sigh as she stood up, giving them a full view of her flowing mane, "...I don't know how to explain that yet," She finished in resignation, letting them take in the image of their Alicorn daughter, hoping they didn't faint. > Early Amends, Epic Children > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her parents took it...fairly well. "Woop-Woop! Woop-Woop! Our daughter's an Alicorn~! Eat your hearts out, fathers everywhere!" Night Light cheered in pride as he somersaulted around the room...and into the kitchen. "Oh, my Silly-Filly-Twily!" Twilight Velvet gushed, hugging her daughter in what "seemed" like a headlock and petting her mane in a manner "similar" to a noogie, "We knew we had awesome kids, but seriously! You two don't need to compete like this!" She teased with a grin. More than fairly well. Cadence raised an eyebrow at this to Shining Armor who shrugged, "They reacted pretty much the same way when I became captain of the royal guard," He answered. "We aren't competing!" Twilight denounced as she wiggled out of the hold without accidentally knocking her mother over. "Riiiight," Night Light said with a smirk as he walked in with mugs of coffee for everypony, "It's not like you didn't become Princess Celestia's student right after your brother became a royal guard or that this isn't happening after he became captain...oh, wait, it is," He corrected smugly. "Though, I think they're close to tied now, considering who he is...friends with," Twilight Velvet said with a knowing smirk at the supposed-to-be-secret-couple, prompting a blush and diverted eyes. "Huh? What friend are you talking about?" Twilight asked with a tilted head, prompting her father to shake his head in amusement. "I don't know about that," Shining Armor said with a sly smirk as his sister glared. "Shiny, don't you dare," Twilight said with a seething look. "What? I was just going to tell them that you single hoofedly defeated another Alicorn to rescue Princess Celestia before you ascended," Shining answered with mock-innocence, getting a look that promised unholy revenge at a later date. *SLAM!* Twilight yelped as she looked to her mother, who had slammed a notepad on the living room table, her magic holding a quill. The smirk on her face and look in her eye made Twilight briefly want to go round two with Nightmare Moon, "Details. I neeeeeed details! My story crafting mind demands it!" She called for, almost hungrily. "...Daddy, Mommy is scaring me," Twilight said in a squeaky voice. "After Nightmare Moon?" Cadence asked with a raised eyebrow. "You want to trade places?!" Twilight hissed to her former foalsitter. Cadence took another look at Twilight Velvet, "On second thought, we never did get the full story," She answered carefully. 'Note to self, see if I can't find a way to have Shining and Cadence both thrown in the dungeons when I become a princess,' Twilight mentally grumbled to herself as she looked back to her mother, placated slightly and unwillingly by her father massaging her wither. "Light, you know that's not fair!" Velvet whined, hating how her determination melted into putty from his backrubs. It was cheating, Celestia Dammit! Wait, did that mean she could swear using her own daughter's name, and therefore her own?...That was a weird notion to consider. Where was she again? "Come on, Twily, I can only keep her calm like this for so long," Night Light prompted with a chuckle. He decided to leave out that after "so long" they were liable to start humping each other. Oh, right, milking her daughter for potential story material. Twilight looked between the four set of curious eyes, "...If I had known this would happen, I would have brought Spike along," She murmured in resignation. "Hey, that's right. Where is Short-Stuff?" Shining asked in realization, having not been able to spend a lot of time with the drake, being in the guard and all. "Oh, he's back at the palace, probably saying goodbye to some of the staff," Twilight answered offhoofedly. Meanwhile "Spike, what have I told you about stealing my maids while they're on the job?" Celestia asked in amusement at the drake riding the cleaning mare. Not like that! Peach Sweet grinned sheepishly while Spike, sitting on her back, held up his claws in protest, "Come on, Princess! This'll be my last time seeing everybody here for...Shells only knows how long," Spike pointed out with a pout. The maid giggled at that, "He is right, Your Highness. If Lady Twilight had waited another day, we would have thrown a small going away party for her and our little mascot," She joked, nuzzling Spike a bit, who blushed in embarrassment as her soft orange mane and beige coat brushed his purple scales. Celestia smiled at the scene. Spike was a bit of a minor celebrity among the castle employees. After all, a friendly baby dragon with a strangely high maturity and intellect? Whose fire, thanks to Celestia's mail spell, didn't accidentally burn anything? Not often a pony could say they met a creature like that. And as there was a bit of inter-group rivalry among the royal staff, the maids somehow roped Spike into being their officially unofficial mascot, to the outrage of the accountants and the blacksmiths. That Twilight didn't know anything about this made it all the more amusing. Poor mare had her nose far too deep in books until now. "I'm sure you'll be visiting often, but I suppose a bit of horseplay is fine all the same," Celestia mused, smirking at Peach's blush. "Your Highness!" She squeaked at the double meaning. "This another one of those 'when you're older moments'?" Spike asked dully. "VERY!" Peach answered, her face burning from embarrassment. "Don't worry, Spike. If Twilight doesn't give you an explanation one day, I'm sure some of the maids will give you an in-depth one," Celestia assured innocently. If she wasn't the princess, Peach would have yelled something. As it was, she just said nothing. "...So, Princess Celestia?" Spike asked, breaking the silence, "Since I play middle-drake for you and Twilight, you, um, mind returning the favor on occasion?" He asked hopefully. Peach stopped blushing, turning to stare wide eyed at Spike, '...Balls of Bronze, Spike, Balls of Bronze,' Peach privately mused. Celestia blinked at the request. It was rather strange to her, how simple and relatively normal that question sounded compared to any other she had heard in a long time. Like she lived in an apartment and somepony just asked her to grab their mail for them while she got hers. No potential ulterior motive, no groveling, just a friendly yet polite request. She rather liked that. "I think I can manage that, Spike, but do try to send your personal letters only when the sun is down," she requested, getting a thumbs up from the dragonling. "So, no chance you'll stay then?" Peach asked out of curiosity. "No," Spike said flatly, "I'm sorry, but I imagine leaving Twilight alone on a regular day for more than six hours and I can't help groaning over her going into freak-out mode over...things," Spike answered with a shudder. "You sound like you need a raise," Peach joked with a giggle. "Nah, I already make about ten-thousand bits a month," He answered with a flick of his claws. "Haha...Wait, what?" Peach asked with wide eyes as Celestia slowly walked back out of the room. "Yeah, I can't really get into it yet, being legally a baby, but the Princess pays me that for...well, partially as an allowance and partially for helping take care of Twilight," Spike answered with a grin. "...I barely make half of that," Peach said blankly. "Really?" Spike asked in surprise, looking up in the air, "Huh, guess a hundred-fifty a day would come up to that," He mused, stroking his chin. "You're a baby, how does that even work? I know you're smart but...," Peach asked curiously. "Secret," Spike said cheekily, "A guy's got to have some secrets." "I thought that was us mares," Peach said with a smirk. "Turnabout is fair play?" Spike offered with a shrug, "Now...are we going to get back to playing or do I need to find a new steed?" Meanwhile "And that's most of it," Twilight answered with a deep breath at the end of the tale. She tried to ignore the floating pages of papers, her mother's magic floating them around in different groups. What for only she knew. Character arcs? Timelines? Different book ideas? "You played chicken, with an Alicorn," Shining Armor noted blankly. "Is that the kind of things Auntie teaches you? Because I don't remember getting lessons like that," Cadence asked with amused yet surprised wide eyes. Twilight groaned at the familiar dialogue, "I'm not living that down, am I?" She asked with a sigh. "I don't know why you'd put it like that," her mother comment absently, still scribbling notes, "After all, it is easily Top Three of your Moments of Badassary." "Mom!" Twilight protested with a blush. "What? Would you just prefer Epic? Because Awesome is a little too soft for this, after all," Velvet mused, unphased by her daughter's reaction. Twilight facehooved at that, glancing down at the silent Yoke of Harmony. Good, she didn't need the Elements adding fuel to this fire- her mother might make the pseudo-Elements in her books a tragic love interest to the pseudo-Twilight! And that would be all kinds of awkward to read, let alone if anypony took it as the truth! "...You were taught by one Alicorn, foalsat by another and you're befriending the third one that you save," Night Light commented blankly as he took a sip of coffee, "You know this all makes you sound-" "Like a fairytale, I know," Twilight finished blankly. "I was going to say a Superheroine or Chosen One figure, but yes, that too," Night Light corrected in amusement. "Badass, heroic children. What more can a writing mother ask for?" Velvet asked with a pleased sigh. "Ignore her, she's on a start of a creative high," Night Light advised, "So...all of this happened over you having a revelation about the importance of friendship?" He asked curiously. Twilight turned thoughtful at that, having to put this into words, "That...feels like an oversimplification, to be honest. It...felt like finding my cutie mark all over again, as if I always KNEW the importance of Honesty, Generosity, Laughter, Kindness, Loyalty, and the Magic that Friendship can bring; But it took a moment where I was...truly worried for everyone, the whole world, for me to truly understand it all. And when I did...," Twilight paused with a soft smile, lighting up the room as her wings half unfolded, "I felt like I just found the oasis in the desert and knew this was something very important in my life, something I wanted to protect and share with the world," She finished softly. Everyone stared at her breathlessly, even as Velvet's magic kept writing down her daughter's words. Twilight blushed a bit under their gazes, clearing her throat, "S-still, I do have a bit of work to do on myself, I think. While I've embraced friendship, I can't say I've been that good at...it...before...," Twilight trailed off as her eyes slowly went wide. "Twily?" Shining asked in concern, waving a hoof in front of her face and getting no response. "Is...she having a vision or something? Is that an Alicorn thing?" Night Light asked curiously to the Love Alicorn. "It hasn't been for me," Cadence answered in concern. "Silly-Filly-Twily?" Twilight Velvet called with an apologetic smile, "Smartypants is missing." Twilight blinked and gasped, "Oh BUCK ME!" She yelled in urgency as the Element Stars all flickered frantically. "I wasn't serious!" her mother assured quickly. "NOT YOU! I GOT TO GO! IREALLYSCREWEDUPBYE!" Twilight called as she jumped over the couch and teleported in midair. "...What was that about?" Night Light asked slowly, getting shrugs all around. Meanwhile Moon Dancer was having very mixed feelings about the last twenty-four hours. On one hoof, she had a party with most of her friends. On the other, the pony she wanted most to be there didn't show up. But then she heard about said pony leaving Canterlot in a royal chariot. So, it was fairly possible said friend's teacher, the honest-to-Tartarus princess of them all, had given her an important job to do- like taking care of the Summer Sun Celebration. Finally, there was all the confusion of the sun not rising, rumors of the princess going missing, the royal guards running around to keep the situation under control, etc. She was just going to chalk it up as a bad day. Assuming what just happened was real, she might take this as karma paying up for said bad day. Still, it was a little hard to believe: Twilight Sparkle suddenly appearing out of thin air in the middle of her house, leaping towards her. The flowing mane, new wings, and royal yoke did nothing to help prove to her this was real. Not that she wasn't somewhat secretly enjoying the very real feeling of being pinned under an Alicorn-Twilight, staring at her with those deep, purple eyes. "...Be gentle?" Moon Dancer squeaked. Twilight blinked at that, "Huh?? Say what?" She asked in confusion. Now Moon Dancer blinked, "Wait, Twilight? Is...that really you?" She asked slowly. "Yeah, um...sorry about this," Twilight apologized awkwardly as she stepped off the unicorn, taking a moment to help her up. Moon Dancer took this moment to fully take in the ascended form of Twilight. "...I feel like I should be bowing or something," Moon Dancer commented with wide eyes. "I've...been getting that a bit as of late," Twilight admitted, scratching her head nervously. "Unless I'm misunderstanding something...you'll probably to get used to it soon...Princess?" Moon Dancer pointed out, slowly and questioningly. "Not yet, but eventually, yes," Twilight admitted with a sigh, "I think they said I'm a Lady of the Realm right now, but it's all been going a bit fast for me sometimes." Moon Dancer nodded, a bit numbly, "...What happened?" She asked finally. "It's...a long story," Twilight answered tiredly, "If it's all the same to you, I'd rather wait before telling this story again." Moon Dancer scrunched her eyebrows at that, "Then...why are you here? I mean, not that I don't want you here! Just...you sound like you'd rather be at home, if not in bed?" She asked curiously yet cautiously. Twilight bit her lip for a moment as she looked her similarly-styled friend in the eye...before engulfing her in a hug. A tight one, "I'm sorry!" Moon Dancer gasped for air as the hug loosened but didn't stop, allowing her to take those words in, "W-what? Sorry? For what?" Moon Dancer asked in shock and confusion. "For everything. Missing your party, giving you and the rest the cold shoulder so often, ignoring how much you wanted to be my friend and..." Twilight stopped to sigh as she released Moon Dancer, "'I'm sorry I haven't been a good friend." Moon Dancer didn't say anything, staring at Twilight with an slack-jawed expression. "I've...kind of had an epiphany recently, but it took me until just now for that to catch up with my memories and make me realize how I must have made my friends feel. I...want to make it up to you- and Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, Lyra and Minuette for that matter. I don't have a present yet, but-" Twilight went on until a hoof planted itself on her mouth firmly, silencing her. "Just...give me a moment here," Moon Dancer requested as she took deep breaths and retracted her hoof, "Twilight, you don't need to make it up to us. We...always knew the kind of pony you were, but we all still wanted to try and be your friend. We don't want you to apologize for being yourself, even if they'll all love that you're more interested in being friends now. I'll...admit, it hurt not having you at the party, but..." She paused, looking over Twilight's form again, "It's clear that you were busy." "If it helps, I kind of diverted a potential apocalypse among other things," Twilight cut in sheepishly. Moon Dancer blinked but chose to ignore that for now, "... And as for the present?" She asked rhetorically, smiling a tiny smile with teary eyes as she embraced Twilight this time, "I think this is enough of a present for me." "What, your friend becoming an Alicorn?" Twilight asked with a nervous laugh. "No. You wanting to be my friend," Moon Dancer corrected, holding back a sniff, "I've wanted that for a long time, Milady," She added on playfully. "Just...Twilight, Dancer," Twilight requested with a chuckle. "No promises," Moon Dancer teased weakly. Meanwhile "So...you actually did it," Luna commented with a smirk as she sat in her new bedroom. "I told the old coot I'd make castle on a mountain side and that is exactly what I did," Celestia said proudly. "Yes, well, I doth not imagine Star Swirl expected thou to hold onto that argument for so many centuries," Luna mused teasingly. "It was the principle of proving that it was possible, even if it took the united efforts of the three tribes," Celestia answered with a mask of professionalism. "Aye, of course that be the only reasoning for such an endeavor," Luna commented playfully and knowingly. "And I did it all without any chaos magic or any offshoot of the same," Celestia contented with a touch of smugness. "Speaking of which, I am pleasantly shocked that Discord twas not able to regain his freedom with the elements incapacitate for a millennium," Luna pointed out, looking over her shoulder to the window. "I feared the same, but after the first three centuries with no reaction at all? I've come to suspect our old foe may be dead rather than imprisoned," Celestia mused grimly. "Tis that why thou would put him up in the garden like that?" Luna asked with a head tilt. "Dead or alive in there, I thought it too dangerous to even attempt at breaking it and risk...just about anything happening, honestly," Celestia explained before shrugging, "And...well...dead or alive, it seemed to be adding insult to injury just to chuck him away in some dark dungeon." "Agreed," Luna responded softly, reminded of her own long banishment, before smirking playfully, "Still, I almost pity him if he does escape again, having to contest with us AND The Alicorn of Harmony herself," Luna joked. "Let us just hope it doesn't come to that," Celestia said, feeling one part amused and one part grim at that thought. "So...you simply must tell me how you came across this absolute diamond in the rough, Sister," Luna requested, changing the subject with a smirk. "Do you mean when I took under my wing? Or when we first saw each other?" Celestia asked with a mysterious smile. "...I get the strangest feeling that Lady Twilight's story can pass into legend with nary a detail needed to be altered to enhance her image," Luna commented with a sigh, "Well, do not dally! On with the story, I am used to learning shocking details about my savior. Speaking of which, before ye begin, it occurs to mineself that thou has something else to explain to me," Luna recalled with a thoughtful scowl. "Cadenza?" Celestia guessed with a smirk. "Aye, her and how you apparently have a unicorn nephew despite my being broodless," Luna elaborated. Celestia chuckled at that, "Sister, you have much to catch up on." "Yes, including a new treat that Lady Twilight and the Ponyville mare known as Pinkie Pie insist I try in the near future," Luna mused. "Oh? And what is that?" Celestia inquired with a head tilt. "Sister? What exactly is a Dough-Nut?" Luna asked in reply. "......" "Tia?" Luna asked in concern after Celestia was silent for a time. "We're going to the kitchen. Now." > Donuts and Party Planning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Things had gone pretty well after the meeting with Moon Dancer. They met up with Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, and Minuette for the dual purpose of reconnecting with them and filling everypony in on what happened. The initial reactions to seeing her as an Alicorn had been...interesting. Lemon Hearts fainted on the spot and Twinkleshine needed to be poked several times to stop gaping. To Twilight's lessening nervousness, both bowed upon recovering and congratulated her. Minuette... "Oh, this dream again?" The blue mare asked with a grin as she pulled out a hat made from folded newspaper, "Commodore Minty Fresh reporting for duty, Princess Bookworm!" For the other three mares, it was a tense few seconds before Twilight started snickering, only barely resisting the urge to burst out laughing while the Star of Laughter blared uncontrollably. She needed that, she really did. Which led to the start of the current conversation after arriving at Donut Joe's shop, "Wait...this isn't a dream and you're a real Alicorn?" Minuette asked in vague surprise. "As opposed to a Chocolate Alicorn?" Twilight mock asked, getting confused looks as Laughter dimmed a bit, "...Sorry, my funny bone is a bit underdeveloped." "What tipped you off it wasn't a dream?" Moon Dancer asked curiously. "Even though it would be very much like Twilight, my "Princess Twilight Dreams" usually don't have me sitting around listening to a great adventure instead of living one," Minuette explained with a shrug. "I still don't know what to think of you dreaming about me as a princess," Twilight commented with a raised eyebrow, Moon Dancer looking away at that. "Just that I always thought you'd make a great one!" Minuette said with a wide smile. "...Really?" Twilight inquired, flattered yet skeptical. "Of course! Sure, you didn't always get along with everypony great, but you're the smartest mare I've ever met!" Minuette assured cheerfully, "It's just so easy to imagine the stern no-nonsense Twilight giving out orders with a commanding and wise presence to save the day!" She went on, Moon Dancer getting a lost look, before Minuette looked a bit sheepish, "...even if the enemy was usually something like an army of chocolate-fudge monsters or a Candy-Cane Dragon." "...Can I borrow your dreams please?" Twinkleshine asked, the ends of her mouth twitching upward. "Speaking of which, don't you and Princess Luna need your own guards now?" Moon Dancer asked with a head tilt. "For now, Princess Luna has a division of the Solar Guard while they work on forming a new Lunar Guard," Twilight answered idly as she moved her tongue in her mouth to dislodge a particularly stubborn piece of donut from the back of her teeth, "As for me? Its been less than twenty-four hours, I'm not even sure my title is official on paper yet." "Well, that and someone would have to be stupid or brave to attack the Nightmare Slayer," Minuette pointed out with a grin. Twilight gave her a flat stare, "There's no getting rid of that nickname, is there?" "Considering it's true, no, not really," Moon Dancer answered, the others joining her in a giggle. "Not like I actually killed her," Twilight muttered under her breath. "Slayer, Banisher, Cleanser," Minuette listed off with a grin. "They all sound good to me. Now, what's this about you moving?" she questioned, all of them leaning in. Twilight looked sheepish now. "Well, between getting use to being...this-," she paused, motioning to all of herself. "-along with learning about the Elements, Princess Celestia thought it'd be best for me to take and I quote "A long overdue vacation" to get myself settled. Aaaaaaand I've finally admitted that my book addiction MIGHT be a problem," she answered with a nervous grin. "One step at a time, Twilight," Twinkleshine quipped, holding Twilight's hoof in mock comfort, eliciting more snickers from the group. "Haha," Twilight returned flatly despite a playful eye roll as she retracted her hoof. "So...where are you going?" Moon Dancer asked, trying not to sound too saddened. "Ponyville," Twilight chirped simply. "..." Moon Dancer blinked as she processed that. "So...you'd only be a few hours from Canterlot...?" she realized with a smile. "Mhmm," Twilight answered with a nod. "I've got to learn how to be a Princess too. The capital and a small town will give me plenty of insight to all ends of the spectrum of ponies. Not to mention I have no real desire to move too far from my family," Twilight opined, not noticing how Moon Dancer lit up. But the others did. "What a coincidence! Lyra has been visiting there a lot! I think she might be moving there!" Lemon Hearts declared. "Weird, I never see her there on the train," Minuette commented thoughtfully, getting curious looks. "I have to make business trips every couple of weeks," she explained with a shrug. "Anyway, now for the juicy details!" Twinkleshine declared, leaning in eagerly. "What details?" Twilight asked with a head tilt. "I already told you everything." "Not everything," Lemon Hearts agreed with a giggle. "What's Princess Luna like now that she's now longer..." "Nightmarish?" Minuette supplied cheekily. "Minu, that's not...wait, no, that is a real word. Right?" Twinkleshine questioned uncertainly to Twilight. "Yes, it is," Twilight confirmed with a sip of her drink. "As for Luna-" "Oh, no title?" Minuette teased with a smirk as Lemon Heart nudged her in the side. "She kind of insisted on that, even if she keeps calling me Lady Twilight," Twilight answered with a sigh. "Well, she is from an older time," Moon Dancer mused idly. "I'm not an expert, but everything I've heard of the ancient days makes me think she probably takes her debt very seriously." "She did said something about a more traditional reward for saving a princess after she recovered," Twilight recalled, rubbing her chin as her friends blushed with wide eyes, and Moon Dancer looking like she was choking on air. "Hm? You girls alright?" Twilight inquired in concern. "W-we're fine, ju-just noticing the elements putting on a show!" Twinkleshine explained away quickly. "What?" Twilight asked to no one, looking down to see Laughter was once again lighting on and off rapidly. "What's so funny?" Twilight asked in confusion to the entity in her necklace. "P-probably just a spirit inside joke," Moon Dancer said as she calmed down from various mental images that she didn't exactly want gone. "So, what IS she like? Is she as beautiful as Celestia?" "I heard she was at least as tall!" Minuette declared with a grin. "Oh, she was, as Nightmare Moon," Twilight answered hesitantly as she tried to find the words. "She's in a...recovering state, as Princess Celestia put it. So, I don't know what she really looks like. Right now, she's actually about normal size for a mare, even a bit on the small side," Twilight answered with a smile. "But she is beautiful all the same, but...don't tell her I said so, she's rather cute in this form." "...Did you happen to be standing over her in a heroic yet comforting pose after Harmony-blasting her evilness out of her?" Twinkleshine asked curiously, getting snorts and giggles from her friends. "No, and why is everypony asking that? Mom asked that, Cadence asked that, now you girls?" Twilight asked with a scowl. "Just that every artistic depiction of that event will probably be some variant of that rather than the truth," Twinkleshine answered in amusement. "Bucking imaginative liars," Twilight grumbled to herself. "S-so, Twilight, you're probably going to get your own estate or something, right?" Moon Dancer asked with a nervous grin. "Maybe, eventually? Like I said, this whole thing is less than a day old," Twilight reminded uncertainly. "Honestly, I just want to enjoy the rest of the day before moving out to Ponyville tomorrow." "But if you're not getting your own estate, where are you living?" Lemon Heart inquired with a head tilt. "The local librar-" Twilight stopped with a hiss of regret as she saw their blank yet amused faces. "What was that about your book addiction?" Minuette teased with a grin. "Sue me, I need something to ween me off instead of stopping cold turkey," Twilight muttered with a mock glare as they all laughed at her, a smile creeping onto her face. This was nice. Meanwhile "Well, I certainly see why you enjoy these confections, Sister," Luna remarked as she licked frosting from her lips while they walked through the halls. "Even if they are a tad messy." "You haven't even tried glazed yet," Celestia noted with a chuckle. "Still, I'm glad you're adjusting well." "You may thank Lady Twilight for that," Luna answered with a fond smile. "Speaking of which, what are thine plans for our future Triarch...wait, is Cadenza counted, technically?" Luna questioned thoughtfully. "Nay, she has opted to be only a Princess in Aide for now. As for Twilight, I have no plans," Celestia answered truthfully. "Come now sister, I know you better than that," Luna remarked with a knowing smirk which fell at Celestia's look. "I had plans, but her unexpected ascension makes most of them rather pointless," Celestia confessed. "I believe now should be a time for rest and patience as Twilight comes to understand her new state." "Hmm, a valid point. Thine student is massively over-qualified, and an ascension is an event that makes one reevaluate future endeavors if nothing else does," Luna accepted as a silence grew between them. "...Tia?" "Yes, Sister?" Celestia asked comfortingly. "What happened? After I was banished?" Luna questioned softly. "I know thee well enough that you would not allow my existence to be lost to myth without good reason." Celestia said nothing for a moment as she choose her words carefully. "There was a civil war, Luna," she answered with a sigh. "..." Luna said nothing, watching her co-ruler with concern. "You weren't overtaken by Nightmare Moon too long before I used...," Celestia took a breath as she fought back a thousand years of fresh sorrow. "That was both a blessing and curse in itself. You, or rather She had not committed much to earn much dhatred in the eyes of most ponies. While I understand now how you felt, Luna, you'd be surprised how many ponies were up in arms when they thought...they thought I had betrayed my own sister on a path to tyranny," Celestia paused as she fought back tears. A few leaked out as the small figure of her sister nuzzled against her. "It's alright now, Sister. Thou need not say more," Luna assured with her own shaky voice. "No...no, I think we both need to hear this," Celestia assured as she collected herself. "Some were loyal to you, others just saw me as a traitor. In the end, the war was mercifully short in time and bloodshed. But that brief time inspired many of my more...fanatical supporters to fan the fears of what you had become, thus resulting in Nightmare Night. I couldn't squash their fears but I could...wane them," Celestia said with a bittersweet smile that was more sweet than bitter. "Thus the night dedicated to fear of you became a Night to dress up, playfully scare one another, and give out candy." Luna chuckled despite herself. "I do appreciate that, even if some do fear me. Not that I can cast blame, given how fresh my return is," Luna acknowledged solemnly before scowling. "Whatever did happen to the rebels?" Celestia's smile lost all bitterness now. "That was one of my more...brilliant schemes. I never had the heart for more harsh punishments like you, Sister, buuuut I wasn't foalish enough to leave the Lunatics without some form of punishment. Technically, they were all banished from Equestria," Celestia explained with a hint of mischief. "...And in actuality?" Luna asked with a small grin. "I promised their princess would return in a thousand years. They promised to bend the knee if you came to them," Celestia explained warmly. "There are several "colonies" that I will need you to visit once your strength is returned." "...Tis fortunate Nightmare Moon reappeared right where she was originally sealed. T'would have been most unfortunate for her to have learned of those," Luna mused with slightly wide eyes, her happiness obvious all the same. "Where art we heading again?" she inquired curiously. Celestia smiled widened in mischief, happy to have this to cheer up both of their moods. "Your room, of course," she answered as they stopped in front of a blue door with Luna's cutie mark on it. "...My room?" Luna repeated in shock as Celestia opened the door, allowing the night princess to enter with a gasp. "This...this is...," Luna stammered as she saw the room covered in shades of blue with a moon shaped bed. "My room..." she finished in awe. Celestia nodded contently. "A perfect replica of the one at our old castle. It is a bit smaller though, but that's what I get for putting bedrooms in towards the end with limited square hoof space," she mused, half to herself. Luna barely registered the words and didn't care regardless, moving forward in a daze to crawl on top of the bed and snuggle into the very familiar blankets. "This is...," she took a breath, suddenly feeling stronger than had since her return to sanity. "Home." "It is, Luna," Celestia promised gently, glancing towards the balcony. "And while we're not exactly room neighbors, my room is on top of the other tower if you ever want to visit. Or get lost. Took me five decades to stop using paths in the old castle," she mumbled. "Lady Twilight was more than willing to rend onto me a map of the castle and its main facilities," Luna assured absently. Celestia's eye twitch. Oh how she wanted to ask for a map nearly a thousand years ago when Canterlot was built, but it wouldn't look becoming for a Princess to not know her own castle, or that's what she told herself. Luna's millennial absence gave her every excuse to have one. "Well, I'll leave you to rest so that we can test if you're strong enough to lower the moon later," Celestia stated warmly as she closed the door. Luna horn lit up before fading away as she pouted. She had intended to give her sister a surprise hug via teleportation, but magic was still coming back to her. Worst part about the post-cleansing of Nightmare Moon was, while possessed, Luna had JUST gotten used to being Celestia's size. Now she was stuck in a smaller form until her powers were restored. It was almost like having to relearn to walk, only less embarrassing. Externally, internally it was infuriatingly so. Meanwhile "Mayor Mare, I mean absolutely no disrespect, but are you sure these instructions are correct?" Rarity asked curiously. The elected leader of Ponyville barely looked up from her clipboard as she answered the question. "Miss Rarity, you know as well as I do that there are a thousand and one instructions I am handing out," she reminded frantically. "Thank buck Pinkie Pie is always overstocked..." "No, I am referring to the ones you received. I mean, surely this is not a place befitting an Alicorn, let alone...I believe you said her title is now Lady Twilight?" Rarity guessed at the title with a delicately raised brow, looking towards the Golden Oaks Library, which was literally a building constructed inside a living tree. One of the more inventive and creative make of Earth Pony architects, albeit rare. "For now, yes, that is her title to my knowledge. And also yes, this is the place both Princess Celestia and Lady Twilight herself requested," Mayor Mare confirmed. "Oh, I hope Fluttershy can get that choir of birds rounded up..." "Very well, I shall work my wonders," Rarity accepted as she went inside, intending to get some decoration and design ideas. "Rarity!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed in a surprise hug, making the alabaster unicorn jump in her skin. "I'm soooo glad you're here! Mayor Mare said I need to cobablerate with you on Twilight's second Welcome To Ponyville party!" the pink mare declared happily. "Oh. Well, I guess that would be wise," Rarity admitted, taking a moment to process the idea of working with Pinkie Pie. Looking around, she saw that the party pony had already started: Purple banners flanked by yellow ones, along with bundles of pink balloons. "I see you've gotten ahead of me." "Yeah, sorry, I didn't know we'd be helping each other until about twenty minutes ago," Pinkie Pie explained with a grin. "What do you think?" "In honesty? I believe you're on the right track but have the wrong idea: This isn't a party-party, Pinkie. It's suppose to be more...actually, less "energy" and more soothing, welcoming to be blunt. Less pop and more calm," Rarity recommended thoughtfully. "So...does that mean we need to start over?" Pinkie Pie asked in concern. "Heavens no! But I believe the yellow banners should be lavender, like her coat. And they should mostly be outside. That way there's less mess inside for our new royal guest after all is said and done. And the balloons I feel should be more a color more liken to the strip in her mane and tail," Rarity paused, looking to Pinkie Pie curiously, who was taking notes. She wasn't sure where she'd even gotten the clipboard from. "Ahuh, ahuh. Question. Since they're already here, can I mix a few of these pink balloons in with the new ones?" Pinkie Pie suggested. "Nooooooo…….yes, actually, definitely yes. Just enough to catch the eye, not enough to distract," Rarity answered before giving a head tilt. "Not that I'm not honored to help in welcoming our future princess, but do you truly need my help, Pinkie? While beauty is more my forte, I admit your parties are never ill in design." "Ohh, yes, defintiely!" Pinkie Pie assured with a grin. "Twilight's from the BIIIIIIG city. Like, the biggest of big cities. And while I've thrown welcome parties for a few from Canterlot, this is SPECIAL! Not even because she's an awesome Alicorn hero, but because she's MOVING here! A "Moving to" Welcome party has to be MUCH more personal than a "Visiting" Welcome party! Buuuuut I don't know enough about Twilight or Canterlot to make it really, REALLY super-duper special, so I thought you'd have some good pointers since you LOOOOOVE the idea of Canterlot," she explained, all in one rapid breath. "That is...both flattering and sound in reasoning," Rarity admitted with wide eyes before refocusing herself. "Ahem, well then. White Bows: While white is normally a bit too bright, I believe it would work well with this setting and a subtle nod to both Canterlot and Princess Celestia, her home and mentor respectively." "Food served outside or in?" Pinkie Pie shot off. "Out, but we should get something to leave inside. A cake, a gift basket. Would wine send the wrong message?...Almost definitely now that I say it out loud," Rarity murmured. "Okay, food outside, gift inside. No. Cheese. Evvvvver," Pinkie Pie mumbled as she wrote down. The fashionista opened her mouth before pausing in confusion. "Why?" "She hates overly cheesy things, this much I have learned," Pinkie Pie rattled off almost absently. "Is Spike coming here too? We should get him some gems." "Spike? You mean the adorable little drake?" Rarity recalled with a small smile. "Well, I'm unsure to their relationship, but a gift to him as well wouldn't go unappreciated even if he doesn't show. Hmm, on that note, a touch of green, just a bit, to tie it all together..." she mused thoughtfully. "...Okay, Rarity, half-off topic question? Do Unicorns have some kind of horn-ring to help them train their magic? And if they do, is it rude to give it as a gift?" Pinkie Pie questioned curiously. "No, that's just an urban legend sprouted off by a fashion trend a generation or two ago," Rarity answered before looking thoughtful herself. "Hypothetically, it would be rude to give it to an adult as a gift, but maybe not so as a gift for a foal?" she wondered before shaking her head. "We're getting off topic...Oh, and no confetti in the house." "I only promise to try," Pinkie Pie agreed with a surprising amount of seriousness. "Also...we should probably ask Rainbow or Fluttershy for any gifts to give for wing-care." "...We may want to hold off on that until she starts practicing flying, but that is a valid concern. Not something you think about when you imagine becoming an Alicorn," Rarity mused thoughtfully. "Until you're kissing the ground," Pinkie Pie said with a giggle, getting an odd look. "Its what I've heard the weather pegasi call it when beginners crash, hehe. Also, should we include some stars?" "...I don't believe so. The sparkling in her mane seems to be an Alicorn feature," Rarity answered with a scrunched brow "But her name is SPARKLE and her cutie mark is a star?" Pinkie Pie countered as Rarity looked indecisive. "Put it down as a Maybe for later?" Rarity accepted that with a nod, surprised by how pleasant a coworker she found the hyperactive earth pony to be. Then again, Pinkie Pie could be just as passionate about parties as she could be about fashion. Designing a royal welcome party was the perfect setting for them to work with one another. And a pony like Twilight Sparkle deserved for things to be perfect. > Warm Welcome and Comfy Clouds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When one was moving away, it was often a tearful event for the rest of the family. For various reasons, it wasn't so with Twilight's family; partially because this was more of a vacation rather than moving away, but mostly because Ponyville was literally the closest settlement to Canterlot that wasn't at the base of the mountain. Not to mention, Twilight was eventually going to get control of her magic again and thus could probably teleport between the two locations if she really wanted to. "Bye Mom! Bye Dad!" Twilight called as she waved out the window of the train as it pulled away, her parents returning the farewell. "Have fun, Twily-Willy! Be safe!" Twilight Velvet called back loudly. "Try not to save the world too many times!" Night Light called teasingly. "Don't let Cadence and Shiny get married without telling me!" Twilight returned, ducking her head back in as the train began to pull away. She grinned at the nearly empty compartment. While she wasn't exactly spoiled on the royal treatment, she did enjoy the idea of having a private compartment, for the peace and quiet. For herself, and for Spike. "Goodbye Canterlot, and maids spoon feeding me gems," Spike said in feigned lamentation. "Oh, they did that once for you," Twilight retorted with an amused snort. "Yeah, that you know of," Spike retorted, snickering as the Element of Laughter gleamed around Twilight's neck. "You ever get tired of those?" "Well, it's not like I can't take them off, Spike," Twilight mused, levitating off the Yoke of Harmony with ease, setting it on a spare seat. "I just can't be more than a couple dozen steps from them without Harmony just reappearing on me." "I bet that'd be uncomfortable to sleep with," Spike said as he reclined in his seat, claws behind his head in relaxation. "Still, it'll be nice to unwind and relax in a small town. Speaking of which, what's the plan once we get there?" Spike inquired with a raised eyebrow. "Nothing special. The Mayor welcomes us, we move into the library, and get settled in. Nothing to fuss about," Twilight said with an optimistic smile. "Huh, I feel like we're forgetting something," Spike murmured, stroking his chin. "We did pack everything, right?" "Yes, I checked and tripled checked the list of things to bring with us, we quadrupled checked making that list," Twilight assured with a nod. "And we did get all the bags, right?" Spike asked with a furrowed brow. "Umm," Twilight paused, looking over her shoulder at the neatly stacked set of six bags in another seat. "Yeah, all six of them? It wasn't like we moved everything from Canterlot, just some essentials. And some reading material I need to go over, but that's to prepare for being a Princess," Twilight mused, wondering what her scaly assistant was getting at. "Did you forget some toy or bag of gems for treats?" "No, I know I stuffed them into the bag with your toothbrush," Spike denied. "I'll remember to be careful when I brush tonight," Twilight deadpanned. "Did you say goodbye to everyone?" "Yeah, what about you?" Spike returned. "Of course! I said goodbye to Moondancer and the others before I packed. And the Princesses saw us off from the castle," Twilight recalled, tilting her head. "What are we forgetting then?" Spike sighed. "I'm sure it'll smack us in the face when we get there." Later "WELCOME TO PONYVILLE, LADY TWILIGHT!" "Ah, right, we forgot that you're famous now," Spike said as they exited the train, greeted by a crowd of ponies, all excited to see her. Complete with balloons and streamers, all with colors of her mane and coat. "Lady Twilight Sparkle, Nightmare Slayer, it's an honor to have you staying in our humble town," Mayor Mare greeted with a smile, resisting the urge to bow to the Alicorn. Twilight's cheeks colored slightly even as she smiled. "Thank you, but you didn't need to do all this for me," she said in embarrassment. "Really, My Lady, you simply must learn to be just a bit less humble," Rarity said as she stepped forth. "Rarity! I'm guessing you had a hoof in all of this," Twilight said with a smile. "Hi, Rarity," Spike greeted with a shy look. "Why hello, Good Drake," Rarity greeted with a smile. "I'm sorry, but I don't think we were properly introduced last time. Spike, yes?" "Yeah, that's me. Good old Spike," he said with a boyish smile. Twilight was privately amused and amazed at the effects Rarity had on Spike, who had lived a life around beautiful mares doting on him in a castle. Harmony made that thought less private, the Element of Laughter lighting up slightly. "Normally, I would give you a grand tour of the town," Mayor Mare started again tactfully. "But I believe you already took a tour yourself just before the Summer Sun Festival." "We'd just like to start settling in at the library, yes," Twilight confirmed politely. "Then please, follow us," Rarity requested. And so they did, making their way to the Golden Oak Library, where a small set for a party had been set up with tables, food, and drinks. "Wow. You cleaned up the Summer Sun Festival and got this all ready, that fast?" Spike asked in surprise. "How many Party supplies does Pinkie Pie have?" Twilight wondered in amazement. "LOTS!" Pinkie answered, her head popping out from behind Twilight's back. "WAH!" Twilight exclaimed, teleporting on instinct, vanishing in a bright flash. "Oooooh! Sparkly!" Pinkie Pie said, starting at all the spots in her eyes, having gotten that at point blank. "Oh dear? Where did she go?" Rarity asked in alarm as the crowd of ponies looked around in surprise. "Don't worry everypony!" Spike spoke up, raising his voice as much as he could. "Twilight is still adjusting to her Alicorn magic! She just overpowered her teleporting spell." "But where did she go?" Mayor Mare asked curiously as they looked around. "Well, she might have wound up in somepony's house by accident, but she should still be in town," Spike mused uncertainly. "I think. She should be back in a few minutes anyway." Meanwhile Technically speaking, Twilight was not in town. She was over it, above it. "Oh Celestia, I have got to get this under control," Twilight said, rubbing her horn while glaring down at the Yoke of Harmony. "You know, I'm pretty sure you could help me a bit with this," Twilight accused, tapping at Magic. For once, Harmony did not react at all. Twilight sighed, looking down at the town from the small cloud. "Huh. So this is what it feels like, walking on clouds. And without a spell either!" Twilight marveled from her seat. "It's even comfier than I imagined." "Ummm, Princess?" Twilight frozen, looking directly down. Jut between her legs, there was a mane of prismatic hair, a blue coated mare tilting her head to look up at Twilight in amusement. "Rainbow Dash?! Oh no, I'm so sorry!" "I mean, I'd appreciate getting a drink of cider with you first, but if you really want to fool around in the clouds, I'm game," Rainbow said with a small blush and a grin. "...Huh?" Twilight blinked. "I'm sorry, I teleported up by accident. I didn't realize you were taking a nap up here." "Hey, I'm not exactly complaining if you want to use me as a cushion, Princess," Rainbow said with a smirk. "Lady, I'm not a Princess yet," Twilight corrected automatically. "And you are... surprisingly comfy." "And you are very tense. I can feel your flanks clenched on my backside," Rainbow mused before remembering. "Oh. Right. You don't know how to fly yet, do you?" "Nope. And I'm pretty sure if I teleport right now, I'll end up taking you with me," Twilight informed. "Again, I'm so sorry I interrupted your nap." "Lady, there is a short list of people who can disturb my naps at any time, for any reason. You're on that list. Same as the Princess, and Daring Do," Rainbow informed before pausing in thought. "And Fluttershy." Twilight rose an eyebrow. "Why Fluttershy?" "Have you met her? If she disturbs a pony's nap, it's probably important," Rainbow pointed out. "That is a good point," Twilight accepted. "You...really aren't getting uncomfortable down there?" "I have a good cloud below me, and an Alicorn princess-hero of awesomeness above me. This is one of the coolest kinds of heaven," Rainbow answered with a grin. Kindness, Honesty, and Generosity blinked as Twilight smiled down at the mare. "Thanks, I think. But I should probably get back down there before they get worried. Are you...?" "Yeah, I've never been teleported before, so I'm just going to dip out," Rainbow said as she plunged through the bottom of the cloud, effortlessly taking flight once in the open air and circling down to the Library. "...I think I prefer sitting on Rainbow than this cloud," Twilight said with mild disappointment. Filling that away for now, she carefully charged her magic and aimed herself back down where she could see Rarity and Spike among the crowd and with another flash, she reappeared. Just a bit too far above the ground still. "Whoops!" Twilight said, catching herself with a levitation spell, placing her back on the safety of solid ground. She chuckled as her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Sorry about the delay, everypony." "That's quite alright, Lady Twilight," Rarity said, giving Pinkie a disapproving look. "Perhaps Pinkie Pie will be more careful when approaching your royal person." "But I liked the sparkly spots in my eyes!" Pinkie Pie said with a grin, "It was like guessing the shape of a cloud, but in color and with a dull needle ache in my eyes!" "Should I laugh or be concerned?" Twilight asked uncertainly. "That is the appropriate initial reaction to her, My Lady. We learn not to question it," Rarity informed, Mayor Mare nodding sagely. With no further delay, they reached the library proper, and the ponies looked ready to dive into the refreshment and treats prepared for the celebration. "Don't worry, we've already hired ponies to clean up the mess after the party," Mayor Mare whispered discretely to Twilight before addressing the rest of the ponies. "Ponies of Ponyville, I am proud to present our newest and most noble of residents, Her Ladyship Twilight Sparkle!" The crowd cheered at that, waving and hollering at the bashful mare. Still, she rallied herself and spread her wings high while raising her head. It was a gesture Celestia sometimes did to call for silence and attention. Despite Twilight's smaller form, it still worked as the crowd gained control over itself. Mostly. "Yay! Go Twilight! Wahoo!" Rainbow Dash cried out as one last adoration. "Ahem, yes," Twilight said, pulling out her inner Celestia. "My good ponies, thank you all for this wonderful welcome. It warms my heart to know such kind and generous souls live here, and in good Equestria." She paused, and saw her words seemed to have hit home. "Now, before I ramble on, I'm sure you've all waited on me enough. This is all of your own hooves, so please drink, eat, and enjoy!" she finished, raising her hoof. The ponies were all too happy to follow that decree as they all start to freely mingle. "I'm going to go put my things away before I get mobbed," Twilight whispered to Mayor Mare. "It's not every day they meet a legend, My Lady," Mayor Mare said with a chuckle. Twilgiht smiled as she entered the library, Spike racing in after her, and took a deep breath. "Well, I think that went well," Twilight said. "Meh," Spike shrugged as Twilight concentrated and managed to teleport all their luggage. "Maybe dial the Celestia-ness back a tiny bit next time?" "It only has one setting," Twilight retorted in jest, looking around the library. It paled to the Canterlot Library, yes, but it would be enough to keep her from going through withdraw. Spike raised an eyebrow as he saw the Elements glimmer, specifically laughter. "Do I want to know?" Twilight blushed sheepishly, turning her attention to the table at the center where there was a gift basket, along with a few other presents. "They really didn't have to do all this." "Twilight, they have a Festival for Princess Celestia," Spike reminded playfully. Twilight decided to not argue with that as she looked over the items. "A few wrapped foods, including cupcakes and an apple pie, a coupon for one free dress, a hoof-made gift care basket that a bunch of fillies made," Twilight said, holding up the card with a smile. Inside was a doodle of her blasting what was probably supposed to be Nightmare Moon with a beam of purple. Somepony had tried to mix other colors in, but it just made it more of a mess. Doodles of other ponies cheering her on were all over it, along with a bold message. "THANK YOU FOR SAVING THE SUN!" All of Harmony beams softly, and Twilight felt equally touched. It was less of an ego-stroke and more it made her happy to know the good she had done and could do in the future. "Hey, they sent snacks for me too!" Spike said, finding a small bag of gems with his name of it. "Think Rarity sent them?" "I think it was probably Fluttershy," Twilight answered. "Come on, it'd be rude if we didn't join the party for a bit." Meanwhile "So, Aunty, to what do I owe the pleasure of this summons?" Cadence asked with a smile as she came before the throne. "I would rather inquire as to the pleasure of your delay," Celestia said playfully. Cadence blushed only slightly. "You are well aware of what might or might not happen if you send Captain Armor to escort me anywhere, Aunt Celestia." "Indeed I do," Celestia said knowingly, the guards around the room trying desperately to remain stoic. "Now that things are settling down, I thought we should talk about what happened?" "About which part? You sending Twilight against Nightmare Moon, or her coming back an Alicorn?" Cadence asked with a raised eyebrow. Celestia stood from her throne and descended to her niece with a look of understanding. "I take it you disapprove of the former?" "Just about as much as Shining does. She is, after all, my little sister in all but name," Cadence answered. "For now at least." "For now," Celestia agreed before turning to the guards. "Give us the room please, all of you." The guards all saluted and dutifully left the throne room to guard the entrances. "Speak freely, Cadence, we are just two mares now," Celestia encouraged. "Did you know Twilight was going to become an Alicorn?" Cadence asked. "I can buy it being a coincidence that your student was my favorite filly to foalsit. But this?" "That was a coincidence," Celestia swore with a warm chuckle. "The day I met her, I thought that surely this couldn't the same filly Cadence told me about? But I will admit this incident with my sister was...somewhat expected on my part." Cadence raised an eyebrow. "I know that tone, Aunty. That's the tone you use when something you did worked out better than you planned. Possibly too good." "I wouldn't go that far, but yes," Celestia admitted thoughtfully. "Did you notice that the Elements of Harmony look like Twilight's cutie mark?" "Yes, especially Ma...gic. Oh, hayfeathers," Cadence said, glancing to her own Cutie Mark. "So, you knew that she'd...?" "Become an Alicorn? No. I had hoped she would one day, but seriously not this soon!" Celestia said, still sounding amazed. "I was under the belief that Twilight would need others to help understand the Magic of Friendship, and they would become the new bearers of the Elements, along with herself. However, it seemed that Twilight is the overachiever as always." "That she is," Cadence said with a fond smile. "It's so strange though. She's still the same Twilight I knew, but she seems..." "Alicornhood is reached via a sense of enlightenment, Cadence," Celestia explained softly. "Some get this over years from life, others gain it from gaining a deep understanding of some concept they are related to. But sometimes, all one needs is an epiphany. A spark, if you will," she finished with a wink. Cadence nodded softly. "So...being who I am, I can't help noticing several, shall we say, connections forming around Twilight. One of which involving a certain other Alicorn of a blue variety?" Cadence changed topic with a teasing tone. "Who may have implied rewarding Twilight very personally?" "Implied?" Celestia returned with a smirk. "I was under the impression that Luna outright invited her to lay with her." "Why must you be better at teasing?" Cadence asked with a pout. "Age is the greatest teacher, and Twilight will assure you I am the best teacher in the entire world," Celestia said with a giggle. "Speaking of which, have you had much time to get to know your newest Aunt, Cadence?" "Not particularly. I was assuming she was still recovering from..." Cadence paused to find the proper word. "Being small?" Celestia answered with a giggle. "You've been driving her mad, being your baby sister again?" Cadence predicted. "I'll have you know that Lulu enjoys my pampering," Celestia said with mock indignation. "But in all seriousness, I was hoping you could spend some time with her. She needs help adjusting to the modern era and I...am not always suited for that. Partially because I still just want to enjoy having her back more than anything," Celestia explained with a defeated look. "I can definitely help with that," Cadence assured. "And she'll appreciate being able to learn more about Twilight," Celestia added on conspiratorially. Cadence cocked an eyebrow. "Are you asking me to be a wingmare to my aunt, and help her romance my future sister-in-law?" Celestia rolled her eyes. "Yes, I'm sure that was the plotline to a few of those novels you think I don't know about?" Cadence's eyes dilated, looked back and forth cautiously. "I would be more than happy to help Princess Luna acclimate to the current world!" Cadence agreed quickly. "Good. Whatever you do, do not agree or approve of any idea that involves her going off Questing," Celestia said sternly to the Alicorn of Love's confusion. "Let's just say Luna can be adventurous." Cadence raised a single eyebrow. "Not that way, Cadenza!" Cadence just giggled. Meanwhile The last quarter of the day was starting to fade away when the party finally settled down. By this point, Twilight was fairly confident she would have plenty of friends in this town. She already knew so many ponies! The Cakes, Filthy Rich, Amethyst Star, Cheerilee, Bulk Biceps, Nurse Redheart, a...pony that was either mute or was playing music in her headphones too loudly. That said, she was more than happy to slink away once the party was starting to disperse. Princess of Friendship or not, her stamina for public interactions did not come close to her mana supply, before or after... "Alicornization? Alicornification?" Twilight said thoughtfully as she tapped her chin. "You're overthinking it," Spike said with a loud yawn. "Alicornation. You know, because you became a princess and everything." "Huh. You know, that actually makes sense," Twilight accepted, levitating him onto her back. "Tired?" "Extremely. I ate something with enough sugar to crash the entire castle staff. Alicorns included," Spike drawled as he rubbed his eyes. Twilight smiled as she headed upstairs. "We can save the major unpacking for tomorrow morning.' "Yeah, your mane is making that a definite thing," Spike said, nearly falling asleep against the flowing mane. Twilight remained silent as she headed upstairs and brought out Spike's bed. Some had likened it to a dog bed, and Twilight couldn't blame the comparison. But dog beds weren't normally enchanted to be fireproof, or immune to small slash attacks. She placed him gently into his bed and pulled the covers over him, giving his head a brief nuzzle. Being the analytical mare she was, she noticed that her problems controlling her magic didn't act up with handling Spike or tucking him in. Interesting...and it made her happy, of course. With Spike lulling into slumber, Twilight headed out to the balcony with whimsical curiosity. She idly slipped off the Yoke of Harmony, and sat it against the trunk of the tree that made up Golden Oaks before turning to look out on Ponyville. The day was growing late, but the sunset was still well away, giving Twilight a chance to look over this quaint yet quirky town as ponies returned to their normal lives. She glanced to the side, spying Canterlot, mountain and city both. "Close enough to see, too far to say goodnight to any pony." "You think coming here was a good idea?" Twilight asked out loud. Harmony beamed, Loyalty and Honesty the most. "Yeah, I do too," Twilight agreed softly, not even needing to look behind her to know Harmony's answer. "I still don't...understand any of this really. What being the Alicorn of Harmony really means? How to be a Lady of the Realm, let alone a Princess of Equestria? Why you seem to be stuck to me?" Magic's light danced while Kindness sputtered reassuringly. Twilight hummed. "Before Nightmare Moon, I would have been panicking about all these uncertainties. But for some reason I'm not." Harmony fell into a questioning stillness Twilight turned to smile at the Elements of Harmony. "I guess having a friend like you around helps calms the nerves." Harmony glowed brightly in appreciation. "Just let me take you off when I practice flying, okay" Twilight requested. "Unless YOU want to be landing face first in the ground with me." Laughter pulsed brightly, as if winking at Twilight. Twilight rolled her eyes but decided not to argue with the entity, for play or otherwise. She had a lot of questions still. Why was Harmony so "talkative" now, for lack of a better word? Why was Harmony so clingy, refusing to part with her for more than a few steps? She wasn't certain Harmony would even explain if they had a mouth to speak. She got the impression the entity liked being a bit mysterious. Like Princess Celestia. 'Who rubbed on who there?' Twilight privately wondered. Regardless of why or what the next day would bring, Twilight was content to face it and take everything one hoofstep at a time. Besides, she had a lot of wonderful ponies to get to know and share this adventure with. And, of course, drag her friends in Canterlot into it. "Mmm, Lady Rarity, I'll save you..." Spike's murmurs came faintly to her twitching ear. And enjoy the front row seat she had to the amusing show that would be Spike's first crush.