> Pah Bormah of Equis > by Uncle Smiles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Father's Return > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long before anything existed there was only one, The First. A God. This Entity had no physical or mental form, forced to exist alone in the cold emptiness of Space until he had enough. He had the power and there was nothing to stop him from creating life or a planet even. So with his decision made, he made the first planet, Numinix. An uninhabitable planet but was a start. He planned on making an entire universe, filled with planet, stars, suns and life. With all this power, he still yearned for something, a home to call his own. And that brings us to Equis. Equis, The Planet of Possibilities and Magic. Home to creatures of legend such as the Minotaur, The Griffin, Unicorns, Pegasi and more. But how is any of this possible? Where did these beings came from? The answer is that they came from The First. Rah Jun or God King is what the people of old called him but all now him by his true title as The First. He ruled, he fought, he lost, he gained, he as done it all. Boredom quickly overtook The First and he decided to make the creatures ponies see today. Artifacts that date during his rule were found but always hidden away from the populace. Slowly any history about him was soon forgotten until he was just a myth, a story to tell children to behave. But that's not what you'll be seeing. A Battle between two foes. One wishes to take all the magic in the land, the other want to protect it. The forest now was a wasteland, a casualty from the battle. They both had exchanged blows to one another. After many hours have fighting, they came to an impasse. Lord Tirek, a centaur from another land had grown with power and magic, causing him to grow to the size of a colossus. His opponent was the recently crowned Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle. She had grown in power and magic as well but this is because her fellow princesses had decided to siphon their magic onto the one that could defeat this monster. But throughout this entire battle, none have remembered The First. A being so powerful, his powers rival both Twilight Sparkle and Lord Tirek in their full power. He has been gone long enough, this battle has to come to an end and he'll deal with Tirek the way it was supposed to long ago. “It appears we are at an impasse. How about a trade, Princess Twilight? Their release for all the Alicorn magic in Equestria.” Lord Tirek declared as he revealed seven bubble containing her friends and the traitor. She gasps at this, this wasn't supposed to happen. “What's it going to be, Princess?” Tirek said, waiting to hear the word he's waiting for. “Don't do it, Twilight!” A Cyan pegasus yelled at the Princess. Her clothes weathered from the fight before her capture. Her mane was a rainbow and covered in dust and grime. “We aren't worth it!” another pegasus, this one was buttery yellow pegasus with a pink mane and her name was Fluttershy.. Her clothes are in the same state as her friend. “Oh, but you are, Fluttershy. You're the pony that taught me that friendship is magic. I had magic and friendship, and now I don't have either.” A Mismatched being was there as well, his name was Discord. “Enough! I want an answer, and I want it now!” Tirek demanded his answer. An impatient little Brat. Nothing was said, seen or heard for minutes before Tirek started shrinking the bubbles of his captive, limiting Twilight's time. “I will give you my magic, in exchange for my friends.” Twilight said, causing Tirek to erupt in joyous laughter for his victory. “As you wish.” Tirek said before snapping his fingers. The bubble lowered onto the ground before popping, letting her friends free, except one. “All of my friends.” Twilight said, earning a surprised look from everyone, even the Tirek himself. “After the way he has betrayed you, you still call him a 'friend'?” Tirek said with curiosity. “Release him!” Sparkle demanded. “If that's what you want.” Without a care, Tirek did as she said and released Discord. “Thank you, Twilight.” He said before turning to look at Fluttershy. “I'm sorry.” “I know.” The pegasus said. “Your turn.” Tirek said as he opened his maw and began to suck the magic out of Twilight, earning screams of pain from the Alicorn as he did before fully absorbing all her magic and.growing even more. “Yes!” He declared with victorious roar into the heavens. “Twilight, what were you thinking?!” A drake of fifteen years yelled at his adopted sister. “Tirek tricked me into believing that he could offer me something more valuable than friendship. But there is nothing worth more. I see that now. He lied when he said that this medallion was given as a sign of gratitude and loyalty. But when I say that it is a sign of our true friendship, I am telling the truth.” Discord said as he handed over an amulet to Twilight, causing it to shine in a lavender light. Everyone saw this and looked at Twilight. “You think that might be the last one we need?” Applejack, an orange coat and blonde maned Earth Pony farm mare said. “We have to get to the chest.” Twilight said before they all broke into a full sprint towards the last known sanctuary. Unknown to all though, he comes this way to right their wrong. One should teach their children not to enrage The First. Tirek has won, the magic is finally his and his alone. He reveled in his victory by blasting anything and everything he sees. “I've won! Nothing can stop me!” Tirek yelled to the heavens before firing a beam at the sky, creating a vortex of clouds. All of a sudden, he froze on the spot. Sweat was now visible on his forehead and he looked around frantically searching. This meant one thing. He remembered. “Well, well, well.” A Voice emitted throughout the land. This voice was one of power and wisdom but now it has an extra, anger. “Looks like those two Brats didn't follow my advice, pitiful. Here I thought that I could teach those two how to properly rule and they go against my back.” The voice said as a tail lowered from the Vortex in the sky. Before Tirek could even comprehend what was going on, the tail wrapped around his neck. While the centaur thrashed around, a being of ultimate power lowered itself from the Vortex with its arms crossed and a disapproving look. “Saanvodkiin.” Tirek muttered. The First looked at him as he tightened his grip on his neck, making Tirek choke. Saanvodkiin, The First, Rah Jun, Master and ruler of Equis. This mighty being had descended to right the wrongs of his two daughters. “M-My lo-ord.” Tirek tried to say but choked every second. “Do not act like you've done nothing!” Saanvodkiin boomed as his tail never loosened his grip. “You have committed Atrocities across the world, left your post during the Riot, broke down the door to Tartarus and have injured Cerberus!  I had hoped that with the two brats punishment that it would show you the error.” He said, voice booming with every word. His mighty wings were fully spread and Tirek knew what this meant. “But I did what you wanted. The annihilation of magic-ack!” Tirek was cut off by the tail tightening again before loosening a little. “I only wished to show the error of their so called Harmony, not this!” Saanvodkiin said as he gestured the now ruined forest and crumbled mountains. Tirek felt the tail pull him off the ground. “For your crimes, the punishment is death.” The First declared as he embedded a large nail in Tireks chest. Tirek let out a series of hacks and coughs while blood poured out through his chest. Before anything else could be said, Tirek saw his hand shrivel up before being blown away by the wind. “No, No please! Noo!” Was his last words as his body shriveled up and turned to dust, leaving a ball sphere of pure magic on the tip of his nail. Not a moment later Saanvodkiin had felt a strong yet pathetic strike against him. He turned around and came face to face with the six mares that were now super powered. “One more time, girls!” Twilight Sparkle commanded before they all fired another rianbow beam at Saanvodkiin, hitting him but to no effect. “Pathetic.” The First said before swatting them away like flies then crushed the Sphere in his hand. The magic that was now released coursed through his body before arriving at his eyes, making his eyes emit a crimson hue before firing a beam into the skies. The clouds that blocked the sun were moved away, letting the sun shine again and allowing the six mares to see the magic was being returned to the ponies of Equestria. Once he stopped firing into the sky, he snapped his head towards Twilight Sparkle before firing another beam. Twilight and her friends feared the worst but the pain never came. Opening their eyes they were met with a large portal to Tireks cage and the three captured Princesses. Without warning, Princess Celestia, Luna and Cadenza walked out of the portal with smiles. They walked up to Twilight, oblivious of the Rah Jun behind them. “I knew you could do it, Twilight. I expected nothing less from my former student.” Celestia congratulated her. Twilight didn't say a word and only pointed behind them. Celestia turned around curious to see what her former student speechless about until she came face to foot with him. Celestia moved her head upwards until her neck started to hurt and saw the face of the last thing she wanted to see. The angered look of her Father. “Sulzalzil, you are in so much trouble.” He said, voice booming before moving his angry gaze towards her sister. “You as well, Lulniel.” He said before anyone could ask. They were gone, all three of them just vanished. > To Remember a Time in a Utopia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silence, nothing was said after witnessing the colossus and the two princesses vanish in thin air. Twilight was the most conflicted on the situation. “What was that!?” At last the silence was shattered by the tomboyish voice of Rainbow Dash. “A dragon.” The bubbly voice of the enthusiastic pink mare, Pinkie Pie. She wore a large shirt with the word Hi on the front and jeans. “Where do you think that brute took the princesses?” The elegant voice of Ponyville's own Seamstress, Rarity Belle. She wore a long white dress that was now smudged with dirt. She had a few bracelets and a diamond necklace but those were lost in the fight. While the rest asked themselves what had they just witnessed, Twilight stood there, staring at the horizon with the strange feeling that she had seen the Colossal Drake before. ‘Where have I seen him before?’ She asked herself but sighed as she realized that her library was blown to smithereens along with any possible books containing information on the Colossus. While the girls think on what had they witnessed while trying to come up with a solution, the young Drake stood still as he saw something that would render anyone speechless. The tree of Harmony had fired a rainbow beam towards Ponyville, causing the town in question to shine in a prismatic aura. Spike ran back to town, wanting to help any who might be in danger but also prove that he is also a great help for the girls. He doesn't show it but he always felt left out, ever since his life became hectic back when they first moved to Ponyville. The young drake arrived at the outskirts of town and was greeted by a new addition to the town. Gazing upwards until seeing the peek of it, Spike knew full well that it was real. A crystal palace had sprouted from the ground. But looking at the newly made palace, he felt something off. He ran inside, going through the halls as if it wasn't the first time and finally arrived at the throne room. When he opened those large doors, he was greeted not by a large throne room but a whole different place, a city even. He walked in, feeling at home with each step he took before realizing the door slammed shut. He looked back and saw that the door had vanished. He looked in front of him and walked up to a large railing, giant compared to the drake. Not even a few minutes to think why everything was giant to him and felt a strong familiarity to this place, he heard loud stomps behind him. He looked back and saw a colossal dragon, though it didn't look like any dragon he had seen. It was bipedal, like him and wore what appeared to be causal clothing and by one glance at the chest he knew it was a she. Blushing at what he had done, he noticed another bipedal dragon behind the dragoness. This one was shirtless, almost at least. A few strands of what could be the remains of a shirt were around his arms, all four of them. The Dragon wore jeans and by the way he spoke he kept apologizing to the angry dragoness in front of him. They spoke in a strange language that Spike hasn't heard of before. They both walked over him, not noticing the ant size drake before taking flight. That's when Spike saw it, the utopian city below and above. The city was divided in different islands, none looked like lower class homes. Then he looked down, seeing the endless abyss that separates him and the main island but he didn't need to be down there to see the city and from where he stood he saw another island, larger than the main island city itself and there he saw it, the palace. “Spike?” He stared at the palace, feeling a strong sense of familiarity. “Spike.” Wherever he was, he did not want to leave. This place was home to dragons like him only much bigger. “Spike!” With that, Spike was back in the new castle, more specifically the throne room and Twilight was kneeling beside him with a worried look. “Thank Celestia you're alright.” Twilight exclaimed as she held her little drake. “What happened?” Spike asked as he pulled away. He looked over Twilight's shoulder and saw the two princesses and a strange bipedal Dragon wearing strange clothing and holding a sword. He stood there in silence as did the both Luna and Celestia. Twilight's friends looked at the dragon with much skepticism while Spike felt differently. He shook his head as Twilight's voice slowly faded into his ears. “And then we found you here on the floor, out cold and muttering in some weird gibberish.” Twilight finished explaining what had transpired. Spike nodded, not wanting her to see that he hasn't paid attention. It had been a difficult time for the Rah Jun, his two little ones were recently captured by a former prison warden gone insane. His anger was only doubled when they arrived back in his kingdom for, apparently allowing non Dovah into the kingdom sparked a small rebellion. After getting a small explanation of what had happened in Equis while away, he managed to calm down and came back to Equis with both his daughters but before they did, The First had to change his form and size. Once they had arrived, Saanvodkiin was greeted with hostility by the six mares that blasted him earlier but Luna or as her father named her, Lulniel, had explained to calm down. Discord knew who this being was, he was his King and former Mentor in the arts of Chaos both tamed and untamed. Not wanting to face him yet, he vanished, leaving Fluttershy to wonder. They had seen a new addition to the small town, a large crystal palace. While Twilight and her friends stared in awe, the First was unimpressed but felt someone in the palace and went to check, making the rest of the girls including the three recently freed princesses. Cadance, the Princess of Love, knows the situation between her two aunts and the dragon. While they were held in the cell, Cadance noticed that both her aunts were anxious for a few reasons but only got one and it was that they were afraid of someone finding both of them in that situation. As confused as she may be, she knew that she'll get answers soon. When they had arrived inside the palace, The First was already in the throne room and when the girls arrived, they saw him looking down at an unconscious Spike on the ground. Twilight, being the responsible sister to the drake, ran up to Spike while shoving the First away. To many this could be an insult to the Great one but for Saanvodkiin, it meant that she cares for the drake and that's all he needed to know before moving away. As he turned to look at the unconscious form of Spike, Saanvodkiin felt guilt for what he had done eons ago but the moment of guilt left as soon as he opened his eyes. Spike looked around while Twilight explained what had occurred while he was out cold but Spike paid no attention and stared directly at the First. Saanvodkiin was taken out of his thoughts by a hand being placed on his shoulder. He looked back before moving his gaze downwards, he saw Sulzalzil looking at him. “You had no choice, we all had no choice.” She whispered. She expected a loud retort or a growl but instead felt his giant hand on hers. “I know but I wish it were different.” The First said before turning around and began to walk out of the room after letting go of his daughter's hand. Before the doors fully closed, he saw the face of Spike just as it slammed shut. “If only.” He whispered before continuing his trek out of the palace. As Celestia watched her father leave in sadness, she couldn't help but feel saddened herself. She did not show it but she was also happy that her father had returned home. Celestia and her sister waiting patiently for his return, her fantasy of being a big happy family again was the only thoughts she had while Luna was still banished. “Princess?” Celestia was taken out of her thoughts and looked to the owner of the voice, seeing the element of kindness looking at her. “Do you know who that dragon is?” She asked, wondering about Celestia's father. Seeing no way out of this, she let out a sigh. “I believe it is time for an explanation.” She declared, gaining everyone's attention, including Cadance and Spike. As Celestia walked towards the center of the throne room, her sister waved her hand and made a few chairs for everyone to sit on. The chairs were made from the floors. Sitting between her sister and niece, she thought on where to start. She was taken out of her thoughts for the second time. “So are you going to tell us who that wa- Ow!” Rainbow Dash was cut off by a strong punch on the arm from the mare next to her, Applejack. “Be  patient, Dash.” Applejack said while crossing her arms. She wore a half buttoned checkered shirt that only covered up to her midriff and very short jeans along with her hat. “Says the mare who asked for sex the first date.” Dash commented while rubbing her sore arm. Dash saw the reaction of Applejack just before she lowered her hat to cover her face. “While I’d love to know how you two are still together, this is more important.” Rarity mentioned to the two mares. “Thank you, Miss Rarity.”Luna said before waving her hand again, causing the locks of the doors and windows to turn. “Now, none of this leaves this room.” Luna said as she smirked at her handiwork. “Where do I begin? I guess from the beginning would do. He is known as the First for one reason. Long ago before anything existed…” With that Celestia began her story telling. > If only... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One does not get over their greatest mistakes easily, especially if the mistake had affected many lives. Though none remember it but it will forever be engraved into the mind of the First. Saanvodkiin, after leaving his daughters had taken flight into the skies and headed West, far to the West. He flew over Minotaur country but did not stop, instead he continued towards the West until finally reaching the lands no one would dare pass through by air or by land. Legends has it that whomever walk through these lands must relight the sacred Bonfires. Those of pure hearts will succeed while those of blacken hearts will be cursed to traverse the land in an endless search with no end and they will be known as Undead. Spotting an area to land, Saanvodkiin flew down and landed, shaking the ground under his feet. Looking left, seeing a wall of sand before looking right, seeing another wall of sand before it moved away by some force. He chose right, knowing that the other direction would loop him around. After traversing the sand he found the first bonfire, never lit in eons until now. Placing his hand on the hilt of the burnt sword, the fire sparked before completely engulfing the sword in its flame. Through normal circumstances one must find all eight in this land but Saanvodkiin knew that he didn't need to do such thing, he was the one that made these lands cursed and for good reason. The ground shook and crumbled around the lord. Taking a step back, the sword in the fire turned left as the ground started to split open, revealing a large broken tower. After thirty minutes, Saanvodkiin opened his eyes and was greeted with the sight of an old kingdom in ruins. This was his kingdom, the city of Dovah. Through mortal eyes one would see a derelict civilization of old but through his eyes, he saw his failure. The city was one of beauty to the eyes of mortals and to those who lived in it. Walking on the crumbled streets, The First was saddened to see his old kingdom in a state of decay. He could still hear the panicked screams of that day. Hundreds if not thousands have died to protect others while some were not so lucky to have someone to protect them. It all started with a simple flu. In fact this flu wasn't discovered until it had already infected hundreds. The symptoms were a clue to it being different, increase of aggression, high blood pressure, nausea and violent coughs. From a small disease to a virus, contaminating more and more by the day before a scientist had made a notable yet horrifying discovery. It wasn't a virus, it was a parasite and the evidence were solid. Days after that discovery Dovah’s began dying from sudden heart failure. This caused an alarm to blare at Saanvodkiin, he knew something was going to happen but what he did not expect was for the dead to reanimate by the parasites. Then it happened, it was like an apocalypse of the dead but worse. These dead corpses were sentient because of the parasite but could only do as the parasite says. Even to this day those who lived mourn the loss of friends and family. In fact, some think that the First had nobody to mourn but none of them knew. Saanvodkiin came to face the largest standing building, the citadel but continued on. As he walked down the mossy stone streets, he felt his guilt rise up. He couldn't save everyone and it costed him three things his two daughter and his newborn son. “If only.” Was all he said as he continued on. “And that's all there is to know.” Celestia said, finishing her story and purposely leaving out a few things. During her storytelling, she could see Spike looking at where her father once stood. ‘Is he remembering?’ Celestia couldn't help but worry about him. “So that guy, God of all and beyond is your dad?” Rainbow asked, shocked by the revelation. Bringing her thoughts to the back her mind, Celestia nodded. “Yes, though we may be of different species, he is our father.” Celestia said, hoping to have cleared that up before standing up from her crystalline chair. “As much as I would like to stay here and chat with you girls, we have to back to Canterlot and restore order before something else happens.” Celestia said as her younger sister stood up as well. “We do hope you enjoy your new home, Twilight.” Luna said with smile before walking out the door. “Yes and do be careful, you may not be my student but I still worry for you.” Celestia said before giving Twilight a hug. Celestia then left the room and soon as she closed the doors, her smile faltered. “Do you think..?” Luna said, not finishing the sentence. “I just hope he'll understand, father only wanted the best for him.” Celestia said before both sisters began walking through the halls. “But are we sure he wouldn't think otherwise?” Luna asked as they rounded a corner and saw the main doors. “No, we're not.” Was her elder sister's answer. Spike still couldn't comprehend what he saw, who he saw and what he felt towards the dragon. He looked and felt familiar but Spike couldn't remember. He excused himself from the group before leaving the throne room and began traversing his new home. While it was amazing to see a castle made of crystal, it didn't match the beauty of the floating Palace Spike had seen in his vision. After several minutes of room searching, Spike had found a bedroom and laid down on the bed, exhausted and wanting to sleep. As he closed his eyes, he said one word in a different language than he is accustomed to. “Bormah.” Though he knew he said this, his tired mind didn't react and instead welcomed the sweet embrace of sleep. A tower crumbles behind the First as he walked away from the scene. It seemed that some infected Dovah had survived the tides of time in the form of mutants. But even with their new found strength and abilities, they were still no match for Saanvodkiin and his blade. Through decapitating and mutilating he crossed the infected district. Through the blood of countless foes he made it to his destination and found the remains of his former General. His name long forgotten to all but Saanvodkiin and he kept it a secret, it was tradition for the former General for their names to be forgotten and The First kept it from the public. He was an honorable Dovah but Saanvodkiin did not return to mourn for his fallen friend. In the hands of the former general was a book with symbol of fire. He took the book of the generals skeletal hands and dusted the cover before opening it. Closing his eyes, he nodded in silence before opening them again and looked at the remains. Standing on one knee, he placed his right hand on the skull of his friend. “Praan Ko Drem, Wuth Fahdon.” Saanvodkiin said before the skull lit in blue flames. The fire soon consumed the remains and with that done, he stood up before turning around and began to walk again with the book in hand. > Guidance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One might say that reading a book for the entirety of the night is bad for one's health, that sleep is a necessary thing. The First does not sleep or rest until the current task at hand is done. The contents of the book he read could be described as Gibberish writing of a mad man, they're not and it certainly wasn't writing through insanity. What he saw were ancient phrases, lost historical events and artifact locations. Saanvodkiin had used this book to write certain things, a journal of sorts and to read it one must be of royal blood of Dovah. Sadly his two daughters do not contain the royal blood of the Dovah.  This of course had caused troubles throughout the kingdom, keeping his daughters a secret was something he thought necessary. Has he flipped through the pages of the journal, a picture fell out of one of the pages. Picking it up, he saw what the picture was one taken with of him with his two daughters, Lulniel and Sulzalzil back when they were both just younglings. He frowned before remembering what had happened afterwards. Saanvodkiin had been sitting atop a mountain overviewing the large lush forest that had regrown in a matter of hours. Privacy and solitude was what he wanted but then he felt it, a strong surge of power coming from the small town. He recognizes this power, it was that of the dovah that lives in that small town. Poor child doesn't realize his true potential. Saanvodkiin closed his eyes after closing the journal and placing it on the grass next to him. Taking deep breaths, he began to meditate and doing so had caused the sky to form the Aurora. An entire castle for herself, Twilight still couldn't wrap her head around it. The majority of her day was spent exploring her new home and memorizing the hallways but even then she still had a hard time believing this castle belonged to her. Once night came, Twilight had already found the castle observatory and with squeal of delight she saw what was the observatory. A large telescope was positioned on the floor, shelves stuffed with book of astronomy, a work desk, a large white board and a beautiful view of the night sky. As excited as she might've been, she did catch a small glimpse of something in the sky. She hurried towards the nearest window and couldn't believe her eyes. The sky projected a beautiful light show. Twilight knew what this was but didn't understand how an Aurora could appear above Ponyville. Eyes glued to the sky, she knew that tonight was going to be a busy night and with a single thought in mind, she bolted towards the nearest book shelf. Morning came around rather quickly for Twilight but she didn't care, she had spent the entire night looking for any possible explanation involving the Aurora. Books were scattered across the floor, the brand new white board was now written on with notes and Twilight was still sitting in her desk but not for work reasons, she had fallen asleep at one point during the night and drool could be seen on the desk. “Twilight!” Rarity's voice echoed through the halls, waking up Twilight in the process. The mare sat up and looked around the room for the source of the voice. Standing up from her chair, she then started to walk towards the large doors that led back into the hallway. She opened the doors slightly and peeked out, seeing the empty hallway. Discomfort greeted Twilight from the sight of her new home. She took a deep breath and slipped through the door before closing it behind her. “Twilight, where are you~!?” Her ears perked up at the voice that echoed behind her, this voice was none other than Pinkie’s. She turned around and started walking down the hall, hoping to find her friends. “Coming!” Twilight yelled as she sped up. Spike’s morning could not have been better, waking up without any hurry, making the perfect pancakes and best of all, nopony had barged in yelling for help. It was almost a dream come true. But visions have been plaguing his mind, one moment he could see the city in the sky and the next he would see what he could only describe as a depiction of Tartarus on Equis. He wanted it to stop, for the visions to stop and now he stood atop a hill just outside of the town of Ponyville. A lone tree was planted atop the hill and Spike used this for shade. In deep thought, the boy couldn't have noticed the sound of wings beating above him. Only when the maker of the beating wings landed beside him and only then Spike was taken out of his thoughts. “What are you doing out here, young one?” The deep voice of the same dragon he saw yesterday greeted his ears. Spike turned slightly right and saw Saanvodkiin standing a few meters away. “What?” Spike asked, never registering the question the First had already asked. The First looked down at the seated child before speaking. “What are you doing here, young one?” Saanvodkiin asked the teen Drake. Spike scratched the back of his head in habit. “Just wanted to be alone for a little bit, I don't see anything wrong with that.” Spike answered as if he was in trouble but Saanvodkiin did not care for how he answered. “There is more to your reason, isn't there?” Saanvodkiin asked the young Drake. Spike shuffled a little in his position. “Yeah, there is.” Spike answered as he hung his head slightly. Though his gaze was towards the floor, Spike could see that Saanvodkiin sat cross legged next to him. “I may not know what is troubling you but meditating can help clear one's mind and even be at peace.” The First said, his hands laid atop his knees. Spike stared quietly at the First before mimicking his position and crossing his legs. “Now, inhale then count to four, exhale then count to four.” Saanvodkiin advised the young Drake and he did just that. Spike could feel a new level of calm as he took deep breaths. His thoughts were cleared from the memories of the visions he saw. After what felt like hours but only minutes, Spike had opened his eyes and saw that the First had disappeared. Confused, the drake looked around as he still sat cross legged on the grass. Spike was left confused, where did the First go? Was he ever here? Or was it all a figment of Spikes imagination? The answer is simple, yet at the same time it isn't. Saanvodkiin flew through the skies in an attempt to clear his mind, his little encounter with the young Dovah had only sparked ancient memories from times of old. 'Soon. Soon you will know the truth, then maybe just maybe our family will be whole again.’ He thought as he his wings gave a mighty flap. The winds were powerful but not enough to stop The mighty Dovah Lord. Narrowing his eyes onto the horizon, Saanvodkiin closed his wings and began to fall out of the sky, gaining momentum for what he was about to do. He pierced through the clouds with impossible speed before piercing through the other side. The ground came into view, he was above the forest again. Before he could even reach the trees, he opened his wings and with the momentum he had gained, the action had allowed him not only to glide but break the sound barrier with ease. With a mighty thunderclap, he flew and had already passed the forest and the town of Ponyville. His destination, Canterlot. To see his two daughters and to be introduced to the new deity of this world or as the ponies call them, Alicorns. Saanvodkiin had already seen Twilight Sparkle but has not seen or heard about a fourth and this cannot stand. > A Talk with a Spirit and Royalty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot. Crown jewel of Equestria and home to both Celestia and Luna. Ponies from all over the country come to Canterlot to make requests to Celestia while others come to find success in life. Today though, both sisters had the day off to relax. Both sisters were happily enjoying the warm water of their hot baths. Celestia was happily sitting near the edge of the bath while Luna completely submerged herself underwater. Cadence had been asked to retrieve something from Celestia’s bedroom to further explain about her father. Cadence hadn't stopped asking questions even after she was initially introduced. Celestia felt a tap on her shoulder, looking to her left she saw Luna. “How long must she take to find a simple journal?” Luna asked, growing impatient from the wait. Celestia sighed. “Luna, this is my personal journal. I have to keep it hidden in case somepony tried to take it.” Celestia answered, earning a questioning look from her sister. Without warning, both sisters were blinded by a pink flash before seeing Cadence holding the item in question. It was a small red leather journal with a dragon's claw mark on the cover. Looking at her niece, Celestia saw Cadence with a few burnt marks and her mane singed. “Lasers!? Really!?” Cadence exclaimed, outraged by what he went through. Celestia could only chuckle nervously while Luna erupted into a fit of laughter. “I guess it slipped my mind.” Celestia muttered, twiddling her thumbs. Cadence groaned loudly before tossing the book at her aunt, whom then caught it in her magical grasp. Opening the journal and flipping through pages, Celestia looked for a specific page before finally stopping. “So? Are you two going to tell me anything about him?” Cadence said as she walked into the bath after disrobing. She let out a blissful sigh as she lowered herself into the water. “Well, you know that he's our father.” Luna said, breaking the ice. “And that he's even more powerful than any of us.” Celestia added afterwards. Luna nodded slightly to her sister. “But don't you ever wonder why we're just princesses? Why we're not known as The Queens of Night and Day?” Celestia asked her niece. The latter only scrubbed her mane, cleaning the ashes off her mane. “Now you mention it, yeah. I mean, I've wondered about that when I was still a princess in training and never thought of it since I started dating Shining but why are you only a princess?” Cadence said, answering the question with another question. “The answer to that is quite simple. Becoming a Queen not only needs a suitor to marry, but also the blessing of the current ruler, The King. Our Father is the true sovereign of Equestria, Equis and beyond.” Celestia explained. Cadence gave a wide eyed stare. Luna had gotten out of the bath through the explanation and was drying herself with a towel. “W-what do mean and beyond?” Cadence finally said, stuttering at the beginning of her sentence. Celestia chuckled lightly. “It means just that. To put in a simple manner and to avoid any further explanations, our father is a God. A God of what you may ask, everything.” Luna said as a blue aura like whirling circled around her, slowly dressing her in her long sleeveless dress. “How? I mean, how can someone be so powerful?” Cadence asked. Celestia couldn't help but smile at her niece's amazement. “It's not that simple, in order to understand his power, you need to understand the universe itself.” Celestia said. Cadence was speechless, her aunts are the children of a being with unmatched power. Celestia took the silence as a means to end her bath and slowly got out as well. Luna saw the look on Cadence before turning towards her fully dressed sister. Raising a brow, Luna looked at her only getting a shrug from her sister as she walked passed her. Celestia opened the door slightly, enough for her to slip through and not allow the two guards outside to peek inside. Celestia saw the two guards sitting on the floor playing cards. One of them sighed as she placed her cards down, revealing her hand. Her partner had a smirk before his face turned to one of shock. “I never win shit…” The Guardsmare said before looking at both hands. “Oh I guess I won. Neat!” She exclaimed with a smile on her face. Celestia didn't bother them, opting to walk by silently. Celestia headed towards the gardens, her favorite place in the entire palace besides the bakery. The sounds of hoofsteps echoed through the hall, Celestial noted the lack of Guards patrolling the halls and made a mental note to notify Shining Armor about it. Walking under an archway, leading Celestia towards the hall of murals. Though she did not look at the murals, she couldn't help but smile as she passed by them. Passing under another archway, Celestia had only taken one step into the next hall before being lifted off the ground. Blinking in surprise, Celestia saw the state of the hall. Everything not nailed down to the floor had been lifted off the ground and left suspended in the air. “Sorry, I guess a little bit of chaos leaked out.” She heard a familiar voice before being dropped onto the floor. Landing on her hooves, Celestia could only wince at the sounds of fragile furniture shattering onto the ground. “Discord, I told you not to mess with gravity.” Celestia said, crossing her arms under her breasts. The shattered pieces of glass soon flew off the ground and began piecing themselves together into a familiar Draconequus. Once the final piece was in place, he had snapped his taloned fingers in a familiar fashion before his body was enveloped in an orange glow. Once the glow subsided, he was revealed wearing his usual attire. The Chaos Spirit’s attire consisted of a tan vest, a white dress shirt, a solid color slim tie in Mint Green and a pair of slim fit flat front pants in branch brown. “Again, I'm sorry but it's not-” Discord started but stopped as Celestia raised her hand. “No excuses, Discord.” Celestia said, lowering her hand. Discord lowered himself onto the ground. “Come on, I didn't harm anyone. It was a harmless change of gravity.” The spirit whined. Celestia knew that was true but that didn't change what he had done but… “Alright, I won't punish you this time but don't think I'll give you another chance.” Celestia said with a small glare, earning a mock salute from Discord before walking passed him. “So… do you have anything planned today?” Discord asked as he caught up with the Alicorn. “I was heading to the gardens.” Celestia answered before looking at the Chaos spirit to her right. “Care to join me?” She asked. “I'd be delighted to.” Discord answered with a nod. Both of them walked the halls, conversing with one another about their day so far. Celestia had asked several times if Discord had talked with her father only for him to avoid the question with another. After arriving at the Gardens, Celestia had enough of Discord avoiding her one question but stayed silent for now. The two of them had walked around the garden, admiring the work of the gardeners. Once they had arrived at the roses, Discord picked as single rose before placing on Celestia’s ear, earning a blush from the latter. They enjoyed each other's company, though they don't show it around in public. After almost an hour of admiring the Gardens, the pair had sat on a bench under a sakura tree. One of the gardeners, a stallion from Neighpon, had planted this tree as a gift to Celestia. After moments of silence, Celestia looked at Discord. “Discord, be honest with me. Have you talked with my father yet?” Celestia asked the chaos spirit with her. The latter sighed before shaking his head and burying it in his mismatched hands. “No. To be honest, I don't think I can face him. I betrayed his trust.” Discord said, sadness in his tone. Celestia scooted closer to him before placing a hand on his shoulder. “You weren't in control, you didn't know it could've caused it.” She said in a comforting manner. Discord could only chuckle lightly. A memory of The Great City of Skuldafn. “I knew what I was getting into but that didn't stop me, it didn't stop the killing nor the destruction.” Discord said as echoes of the voices he had once heard, repeating the same words. Traitor. “YOU weren't in control, like I said. I know you, Discord and you wouldn't hurt anyone without a reason.” Celestia tried once more, comforting him, trying to tell him that it wasn't his fault. “Yet I made an unkillable parasite, dooming the city. Celestia, I know you're trying to say it wasn't but it was, you know it, He knows it...I know it.” Discord stated, looking up at the leaves above. Celestia only wrapped her arms around him as soon as she say the single tear drop. “You were always nice to me.” Celestia heard him mutter. Pulling back slightly, she saw Discord hadn't moved his gaze. “I never asked you why.” A little smile formed on Celestia. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, an answer Discord was never used to. A blush formed on the Chaos spirit's face as he looked at the princess next to him. “Right.” He said with the blush on his cheeks. The smile left Celestia face, she frowned slightly. “When the chance arises, talk to him. I know he won't hurt you, even if you've done what had been done long ago. You know why he wanted to personally teach you, correct?” Celestia said, finishing with a question. Discord’s shoulders sagged as he remembered. “He said that I was special.” He answered, looking back at the alicorn princess next to him. Celestia smiled at him. “I was there remember. That's when we first met.” She said with a loving smile. Discord nodded.   He opened his mouth to speak but stopped, hearing a loud thunderclap. Discord stood up and walked out from under the tree, seeing nothing in the sky but the sun. That's when he felt it, the familiar presence he felt before. It was Saanvodkiin, no doubt about that. Discord looked back at Celestia, seeing her standing up from the bench. “Speak of the devil and he shall come.” Discord muttered as The First came into view. The sounds of his wing flapping were heard. Discord was nervous, those around him were quite sure of this. After seeing Saanvodkiin land in the courtyard, he and Celestia were walking towards the courtyard in a hurry. Both of them worried about the same thing, the guards. The Guards were never notified of The First neither was Shining Armor. Arriving at the large doors that led out to the courtyard, Discord placed his lion hand on the wood of the door. He felt a hand on his shoulder. No encouragement was needed and Discord pushed the doors open, seeing the guards surrounding Saanvodkiin. The latter stood in silence before his gaze landed on The Chaos Spirit. Saanvodkiin raised a brow before flicking his wrist, causing the guards to be flung away by an invisible force. Saanvodkiin walked towards the couple in front of him, his glare was cold as death's sweet embrace. He looked down at them, his towering figure frightened Discord to no end. “I should kill you where you stand for what you've done.” The First growled as he unsheathed his blade and pointed it at the Chaos spirit. Discord did nothing, he waited for the worst. He opened his eyes, seeing the hilt of the sword pointing at him. “But I believe in second chances to those who deserve it.” The First said. His hardened glare changed into a calm look. “I believe this is yours.” He said, referring to the sword. Discord took hold of the hilt before The First let go. The sword was heavier than he remembers. “I have come here for… an explanation. Sulzalzil, why are there two more alicorns?” It was with that single question that Celestia had swallowed a bit of fear. “Um, it's a-a long s-story.” She answered, looking up at her father. The First crouched down. “I have time.” He said before straightening back up. “Let's head inside first, I'm sure you are tired from your flight.” Celestia said before opening the large doors in a golden aura. Her father nodded. Once both Discord and Celestia were inside, Saanvodkiin looked back at the unconscious guards before shaking his head in disapproval and heading inside as the doors closed behind him. > An invitation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The First had heard many things in his everlasting life. Be it lies, truths, laughter and misery, he had heard all and witnessed all, but what he had just heard made him raise a brow at the mare in front of him. That mare was Celestia, his daughter. He stood in the center of the Canterlot Palace’s throne room. His height dwarfed all in the room, intimidating the guards around. With his arms crossed and his tail laid on the floor, he could only sigh. “Please, father, you must understa-” “Do not bother, I understand completely - but that doesn't make it any better. You've allowed two mortals to ascend without their consent. Do they not know of their immortality? They will be forced to live on as their loved ones perish, unable to retrieve their mortality.” The First said, explaining to his daughter her grave mistake. “It won't be long until they realize this, time may continue to move and age others but they'll both realize that while others age, they will not.” He finished with a scowl. Celestia heard this, her ears folded atop her head. She hung her head in sadness as tears formed. “I-It was the only w-way.” Celestia stuttered in her words. The First saw this and knelt down, before raising his daughters chin with his large claw. “I may not be happy with your choice, but you did it for the safety of others. When they do find out of their everlasting lives, be ready.” The First said, wiping her tears away gently. This showed the affection of Father and Daughter to all in the room, and while the guards stood in shock, Discord smiled with sympathy. “I've missed you so much, father.” Said Celestia between quiet sobs as she rested her head on the nail that lifted her gaze. “And I have missed you too, both of you.” Saanvodkiin said. After a day since the initial arrival, they finally had their reunion - though it may not have been what they both wanted, they were a family once again, and that was what counted for the both of them. As the minutes went by in silence, only the sound of the First’s tail was heard as it moved from left to right and vice versa. It was not until his tail rested beside his foot when Celestia finally calmed down. Her sobs were replaced with hiccups. His height decreased in front of everypony’s eyes. Magic, one could say, but that is not the case. The First, having shrunk his height, now stood at seven feet. Even at his smaller height, he towered over those around him. He looked down at Celestia. “Where is your sister? I must discuss something with the two of you.” Spike had taken a liking to the advice that the ancient Dovah had given him. With his mediation, Spike had a calming aura that only he could feel. Spike had spent the majority of the morning sitting cross legged under the shade of the tree. It was not until his stomach rumbled that he realized the time, and he wasted no time in returning back to the castle. As he walked through Ponyville, Spike waved and greeted the residents that walked by. Some greeted him back while others waved. After minutes of walking, he finally arrived at the newly formed crystal palace. It saddened him to see this, knowing his old home was shattered by the demonic centaur. Taking a deep breath, he headed inside. After entering, the door closed behind him with a slam that echoed through the empty halls. It was silent walking through the halls, it gave Spike an eerie feeling. Seeing the large doors to the throne room, Spike quickened his pace before arriving in front of the doors. Hearing some faint chatter through the door, Spike took hold of the handle and pushed. With a loud and slow creak, the doors opened and allowed the teen drake to enter. The sight of his friends greeted his eyes as they continued to talk before Twilight’s gaze landed on him. “Oh hey Spike, where have you been?” She asked. The answer was not immediately given, causing the young princess to start worrying, before Spike pounded his chest and let out a burp that echoed through the large room. “Spike please, have some manners!” Rarity said, covering her nose. Applejack only shook her head with a chuckle while both Rainbow and Pinkie burst into laughter. Spike looked down at his hand and saw a rolled up letter. Opening it, Spike began to read the contents of the letter. “What does it say?” Twilight asked. Spike looked at his step sister. “It says that we've been chosen to act as representatives of Equestria to head to a place called Skull- Skuld- Skuldafn?” Spike said. “It also says something else but I can't really understand it.” Silence filled the room as the girls looked at one another. This lasted for more than a minute before they all nodded. “We'll go.” Twilight said, answering for her friends. With a nod, Spike took out a pen he keeps in his pocket and began to write before taking a deep breath and incinerating the letter. “So when did it say we leave?” Pinkie asked. “A week from now.” Spike said as he put away the pen back into his pocket. “So, what were you girls talking about?” Spike said, wanting to join their earlier conversation. “Are you sure it is wise to send them?” The voice of the youngest daughter, Luna, broke the silence between the group. The First sat on the edge of the palace gardens that overlook the forest down below. Celestia sat by his side while Luna sat on his palm. “We can always go ourselves.” Luna said to her father. Saanvodkiin heard this and shook his head. “No, it must be them, and them alone. If they represent your so called Harmony…” The First said as he his gaze moved onto Luna once more. “Then they must represent your kingdom.” “But what if they're hated by the Dovah? You know how your people act towards outsiders.” Luna added with worry. The hand she sat on moved up to meet the gaze of Saanvodkiin. She stared at her father's crimson red eyes. The gaze of father eased her worries and gave the calming feeling that she remembered from her youth. Laying down, Luna felt more comfortable on the palm of her father's giant hand than any bed ever made. “You worry too much, my dear.” Saanvodkiin said in a soothing tone. “He's right, Luna.” Said Celestia, gaining her sister's attention. “Father will take good care of Twilight and her friends while visiting Skuldafn.” By the time Celestia finished speaking, Luna had already fallen asleep. With quiet snores, Luna slept despite her sister's annoyance. Saanvodkiin couldn't help but smile at the sight of this. > One Week Later > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saanvodkiin stood atop the large grassy mountain that bordered between Equestria and the land of the Unknown. Behind him were multiple pillar-like mountains, casting a shadow over where he stood while gazing upon the large land of Equestria. It had been a week since he had sent the letter of invitation, though it was an uneventful week, disregarding the recent activity of the Non-Dovah’s of this world. The mere thought of their race brought disgust to the First. The Non-Dovah's are a race built on greed and ruled by egotistical megalomaniacs, making them pests to the Dovah race. He stood there, arms crossed and eyes closed, waiting and expecting something to occur. Snapping his eyes open, he heard the distant wings get closer and closer. He looked towards the source and saw a non-Dovah flying towards him, the look of intimidation it held only earned a scoff from the First as he unfurled his arms. “You!” Yelled the Non-Dovah. It stopped flying forwards but stayed in the air, more intimidation that caused the First to shake his head silence. “I've heard that you may be enough of a challenge to face me!” the egotistical Dragon continued. The First simply growled at the non-Dovah before suddenly being engulfed in the clouds that surrounded the both of them. The Dragon reeled back in shock before forming a grin. “I see. You'd rather hide than to face me!” Laughed the flying Dragon before it turned its sights towards the city of Canterlot. “I guess I'll have to find my own source of entertainment.” Chuckled the Dragon - unbeknownst to him, however, a large shadow began to be cast over the dragon and the land below it. Finally noticing the sudden lack of brightness, the once egotistical dragon turned back towards the First and was greeted with a surprise of the frightening kind. Where the First once stood, now stood the mightiest Dovah in his primal form. The mighty Dovah growled as his gaze landed at the small dragon in the air. The First unfurled his wings, casting an even larger shadow with his impressive wingspan. “Waan hi waarth hin laas, lif nu ahrk neh daal.” Spoke the voice of the First. His voice boomed with every word he spoke, adding towards his intimidating size. The non-dovah was in a state of shock and terror. “Kos Vod!” This got a reaction from the stunned Dragon. Quickly turning around, the dragon began to frantically fly away without delay, leaving the mighty Dovah to revert back to normal. Once the attire worn before his change appeared around him, The First unfurled his wings and took off in breakneck speed towards Canterlot. ~Ω~ Silence, something that Twilight had come to be accustomed with inside her new castle. It was something Twilight enjoyed the most, along with reading, as there would be nothing to interrupt her from her learnings. Though the thought of reading another book from her new library seems pleasant, Twilight only wished to continue her rest on her queen sized bed. It has been an eventful week for Twilight and her friends, the thought of travelling to a foreign land as representatives of Equestria had them stressed with thoughts of failure or embarrassment towards their home. This of course had them distracted during their daily chores and duties such as Twilight being unable to sleep well, worried that she would have a nightmare while the other mares suffered differently. But as luck would have it, the night prior was spent in relaxation and destressing during a trip to the local spa. This allowed Twilight and her friends to finally get a full night's rest. But like all things, it had to come to an end whether it be a quiet end, or a rather loud and door slamming way - and the latter was what woke the sleeping princess. Slowly opening her eyes and blocking the light of the sun with a raised hand, Twilight found the one responsible, Spike. The young Drake was fully dressed in his traveling attire and holding large backpack over his shoulder. Twilight stared at him for a minute or two before finally speaking. “Why did you wake me up?” She whined, dropping her head back onto her pillows. “Because we leave in three hours and you still haven't packed.” Said the teenaged Drake with annoyed expression and crossed arms. This got an immediate reaction from the lavender mare only seconds after those words left his mouth. “What!?” Yelled the princess, springing back into seated position before looking at the large clock on the wall. “Oh no, I've overslept!” She exclaimed, jumping out from her bed only to be hit by a cold breeze from the open door. Looking down at herself while shivering, she had realized that she had chosen to sleep in the nude. With a blush, Twilight had covered herself while Spike was stunned at her decision. “You have clothes to sleep with, Twi!” Exclaimed the young Drake with his own blush once he looked away. His words went on deaf ears as the sound of magic being used greeted his ears. Spike looked back at Twilight only to see her fully dressed now, wearing a pair of blue skinny jeans and lavender shirt that had her cutie mark on the front and back. “I'll be waiting in the throne room.” Spike informed her before leaving the room without another word. Once the door was shut, Twilight quickly discarded her favourite shirt due to how tight it felt for her newly developed breasts that was caused by her ascension to Alicornhood. Though, oddly, her body only began to change throughout the last week, despite the fact that she had ascended nearly a year ago. She had noticed her change and thought nothing of it before it began to annoy her. Most of her clothes no longer fit her now and with a snap of her fingers, she was naked once more with her skinny jeans and shirt discarded onto the floor. She looked around her room before spotting a mirror along with her reflection. Looking into the mirror, she compared herself to what she had looked like before her body began to change. Her once average sized breasts had grown slightly, giving her breasts that would cause stallions to double take and stare. Her rump was also affected, as well as her thighs, giving her a more curvaceous look and her once skinny frame now looked as if it belonged on a super model. Many mares would be overjoyed to have a body such as Twilight’s - but not Twilight herself. Her newly developed body only provided unwanted attention and stares from Stallions and mares alike, something she simply wasn’t accustomed to. She looked back at her discarded clothes as her horn began to emit the signature lavender hue of her magic. Her clothes were soon engulfed in the aura as well, making the fabrics grow a few sizes before the aura dissipated. Once Twilight saw that her clothes had grown large enough, she began to put them on, and as she did, she smiled at the success of the growth spell. Once she was fully dressed, she left her room and walked down the large corridor. As Twilight quickly strolled down the corridor, Spike was busy with personal matters. After he left Twilight in her room, informing her that he’s be waiting at the crystal throne room and as he promised, he sat cross legged on the crystalline floor with his eyes closed and his breathing slowed to a steady pace. As he took another deep breath, he couldn't help but chuckle at the memory of the others finding him in the middle of his meditation. It did annoy the young drake once he recalled how easily Rainbow Dash had joked about his position but merely shook his head before hearing the large doors open. Quickly opening his eyes, he saw Twilight walk through the now opened door. “Come on, Spike. We need to get the rest of the girls before heading to Canterlot.” Said the lavender princess. Spike merely rolled his eyes before simply gesturing behind him. There sitting on their respective thrones were the three of the Elements of Harmony, while the remaining two were standing at the far end of the room, each of them waiting for Twilight. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were engaged a hacky sack competition with Pinkie looking less tired than Rainbow. Fluttershy was in the midst of a conversation with Rarity whilst the latter was busy painting her nails. Lastly was the farming mare, Applejack, who simply rested on her throne and occasionally letting out a loud snore, her hat covering her resting eyes. “We've been waiting for you for at least an hour.” Spike said, letting Twilight feel slightly guilty for making her friends wait for so long. “Sorry.” Muttered the slightly embarrassed princess. The young Drake simply stood up from the crystalline floor. “Sorry for making you all wait for an hour.” Twilight said, gaining the attention of all her friends while waking up Applejack as well. “Did ah miss anythin’?” Asked the farmer mare with a loud yawn. Her words went on deaf ears before looking behind her throne, seeing the mare she and her friends were waiting for. “Oh hey there, sugarcube. Didn't think you'd be the one to oversleep.” “Yeah, sorry about that.” Twilight said, accompanied by a nervous laugh and smile. As if hearing her voice, the rest of her friends turned to face the young princess. “So is everypony ready to go?” Spike asked the group, earning a series of nods. Each mare grabbed their respected luggage, consisting of either one large suitcase or a backpack, before beginning their trek towards the train station that was, for the sake of time, just a short walk away. But as they walked their way towards the train station, Twilight’s mind began to wonder. Drifting from thought to thought, never settling on a single one. It was not until the single thought of Saanvodkiin that her mind settled. Thinking of The First, even after a week since his initial arrival, still brings a set of odd feelings that even Twilight could not understand. ~Ω~ “Strike!” Yelled a commanding voice, the sound of swords clashing soon followed. “Again!” Yelled the authoritative voice to which was followed by the swords clashing once more. Celestia could only smile at the sight she was bestowed upon. After an uneventful week at the palace, Celestia had been had finally convinced Discord to properly train to use the sword her father had given to him. The sight of Discord not using his magic to cheat had shown Celestia that he was truly committed - and knowing this, she smiled. Her smile faltered however as the familiar yet surprising sounds of large flapping wings greeted her ears. Looking up into the skies, she was greeted with the sight of her father suddenly appearing. “Father, I didn't expect to see you so soon.” Celestia said just as her father hovered in front of her. “The others haven't even arrived yet.” Added the alabaster princess. Her father, The First, simply landed on the balcony in which his daughter stood on before turning to her. “An unexpected visit, I will admit, but I merely wish to converse with my eldest daughter.” Saanvodkiin answered in a calming tone only familiar to his daughters. “Truly you jest.” Celestia replied with a bit of surprise in her tone. Her surprise was not unfounded, throughout the entirety of the last week, not once had he spoken to another soul - much less his own daughters. Celestia felt a cold chill crawl up as she saw the shift in her father's expression, but much to her surprise, he merely sighed. “No, I speak the truth and nothing but.” Was The First’s reply. He walked closer towards Celestia while the latter stayed silent. Celestia felt the odd feeling of giddiness at the thought of a pleasant talk with her father. Not as a princess with a king, but as a daughter conversing with her father. “Yes.” Came the sudden answer from the alabaster alicorn. “A little chat session sounds lovely.” She added with a bright smile that brought a small but noticeable smile onto the First. The latter now stood beside her, leaning onto the railing. At that moment, both were had chatted to one another. Even to Celestia’s slight discomfort of the entirety of her current situation, she was nonetheless happy to have created a happy moment with her father. ~Ω~ From the echoing whistle to the screeching of the train’s brakes, it was clear to those aboard that they had arrived at their destination, the City of Canterlot. Soon after its complete stop, stallions and mares quickly hurried out the doors of the various cars on the train. Twilight and her friends were the last ones to exit from the train, held up by the masses of ponies trying to exit. “Finally, we’re out of there.” Sighed the athletic Rainbow Dash as her wings fully stretched open. “Oh, that feels so much better.” Rainbow said just after hearing the satisfying pops from both her shoulders and wings. Behind the cyan pegasus was Fluttershy holding both her bag and Rainbow’s. “Dash, you forgot your bag.” Fluttering informed, holding out the large bag in question. Hearing this caused the athletic mare to chuckle nervously before taking hold of her bag. Soon came the loud yawn from a formerly sleeping Applejack, looking as tired as when she boarded the train. “Why are you so tired today?” Asked the fashionista of the group, Rarity as she walked passed the tired mare. “You're not overworking yourself again, are you?” She asked with a raised brow. “Oh she's been working alright.” Dash said with an added chuckle at the end. “Isn't that right, Jackie?” “Shut up.” Replied the tired mare meanwhile Rarity couldn't help but groan at her athletic friend. Suddenly shooting out from the train, a pink blur ran laps around the small group before stopping just beside Applejack, much to her surprise. “I don't know about either of you but I feel like I could go for miles.” Said the very hyperactive mare, in her hand was an empty bottle of Rainbow Dash’s energy drinks. The latter groaned at the sight. “Pinkie I told you not to touch my stuff.” Rainbow said in an annoyed tone. Pinkie seemed as if to not have heard her and by the noticeable vibration her entire body was emitting, Pinkie wouldn't have listened to her anyway as her expression was that of pure joy. “Next time I'm keeping my bag in a safe beside me.” muttered the disgruntled athlete. Soon after Rainbow had spoken both Twilight and Spike walked out the train, each holding their one bag or suitcase. The two were in the midst of a long conversation, mostly regarding on what they envision Skuldafn to be like but once they saw their friends waiting, the conversation was but to a complete stop and forgotten of immediately. “Let's get going, girls.” Twilight said before taking the lead. Each mare nodded and followed suit with Spike not far behind. Though the walk was long, their destination was clear in their sights, and while they walked, a few of Canterlot’s residents had taken notice of the group before bowing to show their respects to both the Element bearers and the young princess. While Twilight was not used to the attention she was getting, it seemed that Rainbow and Rarity didn't mind - but the same couldn’t be said for Fluttershy. The usually shy mare had showed no emotion, a skill she had picked up in her studies to overcome her shyness. She wore a figurative mask that bore no emotion, as to hide her shyness, but under it all, it was obvious that she was extremely uncomfortable with all the attention the group was receiving. After several minutes of walking down the many lanes towards the palace, the group had finally arrived at the guarded gates of the palace, and were henceforth let in without a word. Once on the palace grounds however, many servants and guards had greeted the Element Bearers - much to Spike’s annoyance. “Ah, you've arrived.” Spoke a deep voice from above. Twilight was the first to look up and was greeted with the sight of Saanvodkiin hovering down towards them. “Unexpectedly early as well.” He said with raised brow that brought the feeling of nervousness back to Twilight while her friends were simply stunned to see the very being that created everything in existence. “It's… um well… ” Struggled the young princess to utter a single sentence. Spike took a step forward before speaking. “She doesn't like to be tardy.” Spike said before glancing back at Twilight. “Even if it is a minute late.” He muttered mostly to himself. “I see.” Answered back the First before turning to address the group as a whole. “Despite your unexpected arrival at this time, everything is in order and ready for your departure.” Informed the Ancient Being. “Excuse me… sir.” Twilight finally spoke though slowly to avoid stuttering. “If you don't mind telling, where is Skuldafn?” Asked the young princess. “You shall know soon enough.” The First replied before turning to look at the group once more. “Come. My eldest daughter awaits your arrival.” Saanvodkiin said before simply snapping his fingers, causing each mare to emit a bright glow that soon engulfed them and disappeared once the light vanished, leaving only The First and the young Drake, Spike. “Hey, what about me?” Asked Spike, his tone showing a bit envy for not being taken along with his friends. “I have a much better task for you, young one.” Said the First as he waited for Spike to stand beside him. After a minute or two of silence, the young drake did just that and stood tall beside the Ancient Being as both were taken away from the very ground they stood on. Being blinded by a bright light brought both a daze and a rush of nausea to the young Drake, as he was unfamiliar to the sudden action, what with this form of teleportation feeling different from any pony’s. But once both ill feelings subsided and his sight restored, he couldn't help but be mistaken for still being blinded until he saw the Ancient Being standing beside him. Spike slowly turned and scanned the immediate vicinity and as far as the eye could see was simply white. There was simply nothing, no ground, no sky, nothing. “Where are we?” Spike finally asked after his initial shock and heard his own question through the echoes. Saanvodkiin looked down at the young Drake with a calming smile. “We currently stand in between the Planes of Existence. The Void.” The First said, gesturing the area around them. “Here nothing exists, yet everything does at the same time.” As a part of his explanation, a large throne, bigger than the one in Canterlot, erected from the very ground beneath their feet. Spike was utterly surprised, shocked even, at the sight of the sudden appearance of the throne - while Saanvodkiin simply sat on it. “The laws that binds your world together do not exist here, only the laws you think of.” With those words, Saanvodkiin stood up from the newly formed throne as it sunk back onto the white void below. The ground rippled like water before it became the white surface it was minutes ago. “This task, if you wish to take it, will put you in charge of creating the vessel in which you and your friends will use to travel to Skuldafn.” Saanvodkiin said, looking down at Spike. “Wait, back up a second.” Spike said, taking a step back in added surprise. “You want me to make what?” He asked. “A vessel in which you will use to travel to Skuldafn.” The First answered again without any delay. “How am I supposed to do that by myself let alone without tools and the knowledge to do so?” Spike asked, baffled at the task he is able to take. His answer came in the form of Saanvodkiin offering his hand to the Drake. Confused as to what to do, Spike hesitantly placed his hand atop of The First’s and was greeted with an odd feeling. This odd feeling was accompanied by a dim green glow that emitted from their hands. That's when he felt it, the once odd feeling becoming stronger and stronger until it overwhelmed any other feelings inside of him. It caused no pain or even any strain. The glow soon vanished and allowed Spike to see that it had left a strange mark on the back of his hand. It looked similar to a tattoo but different at the same time. “What the?” Said the young Drake in confusion after pulling his hand back. The mark depicted a well drawn closed eye “That is the Sigil of Wahlaan, one of the many sigils I have crafted over the countless years. This one allows the bearer to use the void to create whatever it they think of.” spoke The First, informing Spike as to what had occurred. “Look onto the horizon and simply think of something you wish was reality.” Spike looked out onto the white nothingness of the Void before his gaze landed onto the sigil on his hand. Spike then looked back at the First, seeing him waiting patiently for Spike. After swallowing his nerves, he instinctively raised the Sigil bearing hand and began to think. Saanvodkiin stood and watched the young Drake as he slowly began to struggle in willing something into creation. After minutes of simply trying to no avail, Spike lowered his hand and sighed in defeat. “I can't. Whatever it is you think I can do, I can't.” Spike said in defeat, turning to look at the First. Saanvodkiin heard this but did not reply as his attention was not at the young Drake but what was rising from the void behind him. A large red gem, floating upwards from the void before falling back down onto the ground and shattering, catching the attention of Spike. The latter turned and looked at the shattered pieces of the gem before walking up to them and examined them. Spike picked up a large chunk of the shattered gem before taking a large bite with ease. “It's… a Ruby red diamond?” Spike said after tasting the gem. “Is it not what you thought of?” Asked The First as he walked up to the young Drake. “It was but…” Spike stopped as he looked at the sigil on his hand, seeing the once closed eye fully open with a bright emerald green pupil at the center. “As I said before, the Sigil will allow to use the void, and you did.” Saanvodkiin said, picking a shattered piece of the Ruby Red Diamond. “Now, do you wish to take the task?” Asked The First as he handed the shard to Spike. The latter simply put it away in one of his pockets as he began to think. “You aren't being forced to take this task and you're allowed to return.” “No, I want to do it.” Spike said after minutes of silence and thoughts. “I want to show everypony that I can really be helpful.” He muttered under his breath but unbeknownst to him, Saanvodkiin had heard. “Then make the vessel.” Were the last words spoken to Spike before he closed his eyes and dove deep into his inner thoughts. Unlike his first attempt, this time Spike knew that he could do this, and with that in mind, he began to create. The ground shook beneath Spike’s feet and a loud humming resonated from below. From the very surface of the void rose the very vessel in which Spike had thought of. A sleek, wooden-hulled airship, propelled upwards by two large propellers. Its sails had a unique design, sweeping low and flush to the deck to avoid a forewind, but still open and ready to be pushed by a tailwind. The vessel itself was decorated by ornate golden plates on the sides, and had finely-crafted filigree along the cabins and hallways. It wasn't the largest airship produced, not by a long shot, but it was certainly big enough to perform the role given to it - namely, in this event, bringing Spike and his friends on their journey. Standing behind the now stunned Drake, Saanvodkiin smiled at the sight of Spike’s creation. Unbeknownst to Spike, the First felt proud of his accomplishment. “You've done it.” Spoke the First, looking at the exhausted Drake. “Better than any ship I've ever seen.” Saanvodkiin said in astonishment. It was true, there had been many things he had seen (most were created by his hands), but compared to the airship above, it was breathtaking sight. “Really?” Spike asked, his ragged breaths slowly turned back into a steady rhythm. “You don't think it's… childish?” Spike asked once more, adding the last word after a short pause. “Something as finely crafted as this vessel is not childish.” Came the reply of the Ancient Being as he placed a hand onto the side of the ship. “It is unique, it is a one of a kind.” “Thanks, it's actually based on a sketch I drew a few days ago.” Spike said, slightly embarrassed from the praise he received. “I like to draw whenever Twilight isn't out on some weird quest for friendship.” Spike said, scratching the back of his head with a nervous laugh. This earned him a calming smile from Saanvodkiin. “Come, let us take this vessel out from the Void and into your world.” The First said, lowering a hand for the young Drake to take hold of. Spike, taking hold of the First’s hand, was lifted off the ground and placed onto the deck of his newly created ship. “But I don't know how to fly an airship.” Spike said, looking up to now larger Saanvodkiin. “You will not have to pilot the vessel.” The Ancient Being replied as his giant had hovered above the ship before shining the very same green light as before. “For it shall pilot itself.” As he said this, the sails opened slightly enough to be pushed by an invisible wind. The ship began to slowly move forward, much to Spike’s surprise. “Now let us return to Canterlot.” Saanvodkiin said as the familiar light engulfed him, Spike and the airship before vanishing without a single trace of ever being there.