> Pinkamena's revenge > by 21latenighter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Pinkie's return > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The guards were horrified when they went into the cellar of the cakes shop where Pinkie Pie had been apprehended earlier that day. There was fresh blood all around the floor and a single table where a fresh kill had been made. The body, even though stripped of it's wings, and entrails was undoubtedly Rainbow dash. The stomach, or where it was supposed to be was spread open and empty of it's contents. The ribcage was broken and split apart. The only part of the corpse that was recognizable was her hair, and even that was questionable, as it was stained red with her own blood. The trial of Pinkamena Diane Pie was a quick one, not even lasting two hours, with Princess Celestia having all the evidence she wanted and more. Pinkamena plead guilty to all the charges given to her, murder, torture, and kidnapping. The royal jury sentenced her to ten years in the most secure prison in equestria, other than the moon. Pinkamena laughed as the guards carried her away to her new home. The next ten years past by quickly enough for Pinkamena, even being let out a couple months early for good behavior. She returned to Ponyville to the shop that she once called home. The shop had been condemned by Celestia herself. Pinkamena looked around the dusty shop. Cakes and other pastries were still on the shelves, now rotten and decayed. She smiled as she looked down into the old basement. "It looks like I have work to do, but who should I find to play with, so many ponies, wait......, I know the perfect one", Pinkamena said as she smiled sinisterly and began down the stairs to start some "renovations". > Playtime > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia was walking down the western corridor of the castle. She had just lowered the sun, and was exhausted from all of her activities for the day. A noise behind her caught her ear, but she blew it off as the changing of the guard, it was about that time. The moon was making it's way up into the sky, and the stars were beginning to twinkle and shine. A noise came from her right side, this time it got her full attention. She turned towards the noise to see a small rock skidding across the floor. As she looked at the rock, another rock hit her from behind, knocking her out. She awoke in a room, and a musty basement smell invaded her senses. She tried to move, but found that she was strapped down to a table by her legs and torso. She tried to use her magic to undo the straps, but the pony that had strapped her down had put a magic stopping collar on her. "Where..., Where am I", Celestia spoke as she looked around the room she was trapped in. There was a single lightbulb dangling above her, and with a clicking noise, the light sprung to life, revealing a cold, yellow light that light the area, but just barely. "Well, well, the Princess is finally awake, talk about taking a royal nap", came a voice from the shadows in front of Celestia. "Who are you", Celestia said as she looked into the shadows for the owner of the mysterious voice. "Oh, you mean that you don't remember me, that won't make our playtime very fun", said the pony as they left the shadow. "You would think that after ten years that somepony would of burned this dress or something, guess they thought I would still wear it", Pinkamena said as she walked out in her infamous cutie mark dress, complete with Pegasus wings and unicorn horn necklace. "Pinkie Pie, you don't have to do this, don't you know who I am", Celestia said, her eyes locked onto Pinkamena. "You are the pony who locked me up for ten years and I have to do this, because it has been ten years since anypony has had any of my special cupcakes", Pinkamena said, smiling at Princess Celestia. "No..., No..., HELP, SOMEPONY HELP ME", Celestia screamed. "Now stop that, no pony can hear you silly, this place has been abandoned for years, but I will gag you if I have to", Pinkamena said, with a playful look on her face. Then she walked over to the wall behind the table where Celestia was helplessly tied to, and began to work a chain system of some kind, as Celestia began to hear a chinking sound. She began to feel a pain in her wings that she had ignored before, like there were hooks in her wings. The pain began to sharpen as Pinkamena worked the chain, and Celestia could feel her wings beginning to stretch out behind her. She began to scream out in pain, but the chinking sound of the chain continued. "It should be stopping any minute now", Pinkamena said aloud as she pulled the chain slower. Celestia then felt the joints at the bottom of her wing begin to pop, then all of a sudden she felt a violent pain as the wings popped out of place. The pain was followed by a loud popping sound, at which Pinkamena stopped the chain system. "There we go, now that your wings are out it makes it much easier, now lets see here", Pinkamena said as walked across the floor to the middle of the right wall. "Aha, there you are", Pinkamena said as she hit a button on the floor. "The technology has changed so much in ten years, so I had to upgrade to the latest and greatest". A loud release of air was heard as the wall began to lower to reveal an array of various "toys". There were different kinds of saws, knives and a few buttons on a portion of the new section of wall. "My old box is nothing like this", Pinkamena sang as she grabbed a large hacksaw from the top of the wall section. "Please Pinkie, I will do anything you want, just let me go", Celestia Pleaded with Pinkamena. "Hmmmm...., now where have I heard that said before........, oh, that's right. Dashie said that when we had our playtime together", Pinkamena joked as she placed the hacksaw onto the base of Celestia's wing. She then began to slide the saw forward slowly, the blade biting deep into Celestia's wing. The flesh began to rip and tear away from the body, and blood began to ooze from the cut. She brought the saw back just as slow, the blade biting ever deeper as it started to cut bone. She slid it forward once more and the last bit of flesh sliced off of her back. Blood shot out from the wound and covered Pinkamena's face, and a sickening smile came across her lips. Her left wing now hung behind her on the hooks that held them tight. Pinkamena then went to the right wing. The pain, now excruciating, caused Celestia to let out a scream, but Pinkamena didn't seem to care as she started on the right wing. This time she worked fast, sawing through the wing in ten seconds. The blade sang as it tore through Celestia's right wing, and blood flew across the room from the saw. The right wing fell off like the left, and then Pinkamena turned her attention to Celestia's horn. "Please pinkie, let me go", Celestia said through fits of pain. "But we are having so much fun Princess, why should we stop now", Pinkamena laughed as she returned to the wall to replace the hacksaw. She then grabbed a Circular saw from the middle of the section. "The horns never come off very easy with the hacksaw, but with this they just fly off", Pinkamena said, gesturing to the saw in her hoofs. She turned the saw on, and life poured into the blade. It began to spin faster and faster until there a high pitch humming sound coming off of it. She closed the distance between the blade and Celestia's horn, the blade meeting the appendage. Sparks of magic began to fly as the saw zipped through her horn. The pain was too much for her to handle, and Celestia then passed out. "Wakee, Wakee, rise and shine sleepy head", Pinkamena sang, giving Celestia a shot of adrenaline to wake her back up to the harsh reality. "No, I am back, please let me leave", Celestia cried, as the drug woke her up. "What do you mean silly, we're almost done", Pinkamena said as she walked back to the wall to grab a scalpel. She returned and began to cut around Celestia's cutie marks. She began to scream as Pinkamena worked the scalpel underneath of her cutie marks until she removed them off of her flanks. After the skin was removed, Pinkamena then reached her hoof into the fresh wound, and brought it back with a piece of flesh and blood. She then took the flesh and stick it into her mouth, chewing on it for a little bit, before swallowing. "Want to try some, I never tried alicorn before, but I can say that it was worth the wait", Pinkamena said, licking her lips. She went back to the wall and grabbed a syringe full of a greenish clear liquid. "This will make you feel great so you can watch the harvest", Pinkamena said, letting out some of the liquid, and lightly tapping it. she walked over to the table where the now dehorned, and dewinged Celestia laid trapped. "This will only hurt for a second", she said as she pushed the needle into Celestia's neck, just above her shoulder. Her eyes began to glaze over as the medicine took effect. Pinkamena set down the syringe on the table and picked up the scalpel. "It's my favorite time, harvest time", Pinkamena said, smiling ear to ear. She then took the scalpel and pushed the blade into the chest of Celestia, and started to bring the blade down when the door to the cellar exploded. Twilight sparkle and Princess Luna charged down the stairs. Twilight covered the Princess While Luna shot a bolt of magic out of her horn at Pinkamena. The bolt hit it's mark, sending her flying. Pinkamena landed on the far side of the room, while Twilight used her magic to undo the straps holding Celestia. The two then began to run back up the stairs. "Do you think one bolt of magic is enough to keep me down", Pinkamena laughed insanely as she got back up. "Then so be it Pinkamena", Luna said as she came back down the stairs. "Gotcha", Pinkamena said as Luna stepped a tripwire and all at once the lights went out, and a muffled scream was heard. The light came back on and now Luna was strapped down to the table, and Pinkamena was towering over her with the scalpel, ready to stap her through the chest. "Get my sister out of here Twilight, don't come back for me", Luna screamed as Pinkamena began to lower the scalpel into her chest. The room got eerily dark, and a sort of screaming sound began to echo from everywhere. Pinkamena dropped the scalpel and began to back up, and it was then that Luna saw them, spirits that had died in that very room. They started to move towards Pinkamena, and she backed up farther and farther. "NO, NO, STAY BACK, ALL OF YOU", Pinkamena screamed. "It is our turn to play with you Pinkamena", said the specter of Rainbow dash, as they all closed in on her. The group then held Pinkamena in the air, choking the life out of her. Pinkamena's body went limp and dropped to the floor, but her spirit remained in the clutches of the specters. They began to all pull at her spirit, and she cried out as her spirit began to split. The spirit shattered into millions of pieces, then they turned towards the other living in the room. Luna went pale, as she watched the specter of Rainbow Dash approach her. "It is done, done, and now we can finally rest, rest, rest", The specter said as the group faded as dust in the wind. Luna undone her straps and ran up the cellar, to where Twilight Sparkle and Celestia were. Celestia had lost a lot of blood, and probably wouldn't live for the next five minutes, so Luna drew close to tell her sister goodbye. "Sister, can you hear me sister", Luna softly said to her sister. "Yes Luna, please come closer", Celestia whispered. "I am going to die, but promise me, promise me that you will take care of equestria", Celestia spoke through the blood that was coming out of her mouth. She faltered, and then her body went limp, never to know life again. A soft and gentle rain began, as if the world was crying for the loss of it's ruler. her body began to sparkle and vanish, until she was completely gone.