Angel Bunny

by The Vagabond

First published

Friendship is worth holding on to, no matter what. But what if others want to take it away?

Fluttershy and Angel have been best friends for years now. Though they may be the most unorthodox pair, no one can deny how close they are. But now, Rainbow Dash is fed up with it and wants to help Fluttershy. After all, one can only stand by their friend for so long. Where exactly does the breaking point lie?
And just what exactly is wrong with being friends with a bunny anyhow?

-This is my first fic so please be fair in your criticisms. I'm sure there will be errors. Also, give thanks to the artist if you liked the pic I used.

*Inspired by a famous movie, but there are other little references abound.*

Angel Bunny

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It was a warm sunny day; not unlike any other spring in Ponyville. Birds were chirping, bees were buzzing about the newly bloomed flowers, and

– CRASH! –

The door to the cottage nearly flew off of its hinges as it burst open. Out rushed a timid yellow pegasus near the brink of tears looking back. “I’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorryI’msorry! I forgot that I was supposed to prepare your special meal today! What with Discord returning and everything, I nearly lost track of time. I promise I’ll head to the marketplace right now and get the ingredients.” She shut the door and took off down the path towards the town square. Spinach, lettuce, an orange, a pineapple slice, and, of course, THE cherry, I must remember the cherry this time. The yellow pegasus trotted along the path repeating the list in her head, a look of determination across her face.

When Fluttershy entered the marketplace her eyes locked onto the first cherry stand she saw.

I won’t let the seller get to me this time. Alright, prepare yourself Fluttershy…should he try to raise the price of bits, just remember ‘If the price isn’t right, make them want to bite’…. “No wait, that doesn’t sound right…” While walking and muttering over the phrase she didn’t happen to see the cyan mare backstroking in the air near her –CRASH-

“Hey, watch it! I’m flying here, I’m fl - wait, Fluttershy? Oh my gosh! I’m sorry I didn’t hear you.”

“oh- OH no Rainbow Dash, I’M sorry I was distracted and didn’t see you. I should’ve been paying more attention, especially in the busy square.”

“That’s okay. I was trying out a new technique; flying low on the town and focusing solely on the sound of other ponies. Trying to 'swim' through them as it were. Who knew that your hooves were as soft as your voice, even on the cobblestone?”

“Oh….um…thank you?” The yellow mare crouched down and blushed.

“Hehe, don’t worry about it. With those light feet of yours, you could become like, some sort of…um…what’s it called again? A Ninpa? No that’s not right….eh whatever. Anyways, what are you doing today?

“Oh, today is Angel’s big day and I wanted to gather the ingredients for his special salad.” At this she smiled brightly.

“Oh, that’s today? I hadn’t realized. Sorry.”

“That’s fine Rainbow Dash. I wasn’t planning to throw a party or….oh no!” In that instant a pink blur shot through the town square, picked up into the air, spinning for what seemed like a full minute and –CRASH-- landed right on top of Rainbow Dash.


Rainbow Dash sighed and bucked the pink pony off of her, dusted her wings and started hovering again. “Hello, Pink-”



“Huh? Oh hi, Dashie, I didn’t see you there.” Rainbow Dash let that comment off with a small groan. “But seriously, is there a party in the works because my front left hoof started bucking and then my tail got flat and then…”

“Pinkieeeeee! Caaaaaalm……doooooown. Fluttershy’s not throwing a party, she’ just shopping. Right?”

“Oh actually, Pinkie… that you mention it……if it’s okay with you…..could you….maybe……gather our friends later today? Oh, and have them bring their pets too. I would like to have them over…that is……if they’re not too busy…ooh, I hope that doesn't”

“Sure thing, Fluttershy! It’s always good to have your best pony friends by you. I’ll gather the others right now!”

“Oh no, not right-” and with that the pink pony was a mere dust cloud. "-now."

“Hey Flutters, are you sure about this?”

“What do you mean Rainbow Dash?”

“Well you just said earlier that you didn’t want a party but yet you took up Pinkie Pie’s request. And, also, normally you wouldn’t have us all gather at your place, what with all the new animals and……..everything else…” the last of her words trailing off. But not soft enough for the yellow pegasus to miss.

“It’s fine Rainbow Dash. Today is a special day, and I sort of wanted all of you there. If only to help me watch the other animals for a day while I watch and make sure Angel has his best day ever.”

“I don’t mean to be rude Fluttershy, but don’t you think you’ve let this go on far enough. I mean, you practically let that rabbit run your life. Even to this day you still-”



“Angel is a bunny.”

Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but facehoof at this comment. When was she gonna learn?

“Oh! I almost lost track of time! Sorry Rainbow Dash, but I have to go and finish the list if I want to prep Angel's meal before you guys come over. I hope Pinkie doesn't move as fast as she usually does.”

As the yellow mare ran to another stall, Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but sigh. She flew upwards and perched herself on a cloud overlooking the marketplace; also overlooking the shy mare. Not only is she keeping on with his birthdays, but now she wants us all to attend. I can understand being sentimental and all, but I can’t see why she won’t move on. It’s been a few months already. She’s had her “mourning period” as Twilight put it, but now she insists on keeping up the habits she had with him. She’s even had me and Pinkie run errands for her while she “stayed by his side. Her eyes began to water as a thought ran through her mind. NO! I can’t do that. I can’t just turn my back on her. But, I can’t stand to see her like this anymore. I need to- I- I need to go see Twilight.

Very few sounds were heard in the great tree library. The breeze from the second story window, the soft boiling of the kitchen’s tea kettle, the closing of a book before a new one was brought over. And all just before –KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK-

Shoot! “Coming!” The lavender pony rising from her seat at the desk and heading towards the door. This better be good. I was just getting to Foalkien's next book. “Hello, and wel—Rainbow Dash? Why didn’t you just come in?”

“Actually, I kind of wanted to speak to you in private. This is kind of an important thing. Is Spike here?”

“Oh-um right now he's out doing some shopping. Please come in though. Now, is this for some aerodynamics, or maybe even an atmospheric conundrum? Because you know, the last couple of days haven’t been-“ She stopped as soon as she saw the cyan pony’s long face. “Is something wrong?”

“Yeah. It’s about Fluttershy. I think she’s finally going off the deep end. She doesn’t seem like herself anymore. Did you hear that she wanted to throw a party today?“

“I know. Pinkie already dropped by earlier and- wait. Now that I think about it, why today?” She started flipping through her journal that kept important dates.

“It's not exactly for today; it's tomorrow. It’s Angel’s birthday tomorrow.”

“Shoot, I didn’t think of it earlier. But what’s wrong with Fluttershy trying to gather us all together anyways. Don’t you think she deserves to have a good time by now? With all of her friends by her side?”

“Well of course! She of all ponies deserves just that. It's just what else is happening with her that I don't like. Have you seen the looks she's been getting from other ponies since the last couple of months? I bet they think she's nuttier than Lyra now! And worse, I've been by her side ever since to make sure that she was okay, so now I'm getting the weird looks too."

"I won't lie, I've noticed them too. But that doesn't necessarily mean that she IS crazy. She's just going through part of that phase of acceptance."

"Twilight! She thinks she SEES him again! She talks to him like he's out in the open; in front of everypony else. Sure some ponies are nice about it to her face, but they talk about her behind her back. And have you seen what some of the younger fillies and colts do behind her back? If she even heard what they've been saying she'll - she'll think she was at flight school all over again!"

The lavender unicorn held her head down. "I'm sorry, Dash. I hadn't realized how bad it was getting. Well, what do you suppose we do about her?"

"Twilight………I’m ending this. This charade, this false sense of understanding…I want you to call Princess Celestia.“

The lavender mare’s ears perked up and eyes widened at the hearing of these words. “Wait, you don't mean-but Dash, you’ve been the most helpful of ponies by her side through all of this! This was only a back-up plan Celestia made, knowing how close those two were from my letters; how Discord affected her. You know what this would mean. You know how it would reflect on you-"

“I’m tired Twilight! I’m tired of defending her. I’m tired of having the wrong conversations. I’m tired of having to even make-up conversations with the other ponyfolk about her. I’m tired Twilight……I’m tired.” She slumped down, hung her head and tried to hold back a few tears, all to no avail.

“Dash, are you sure? There’s no going back once a call like this is made.”

Sniff…”Yeah, Twilight”…sniff…..sniff….”just”…sniff-“just make her comfortable at least”….sniff….”let Celestia know please…”..snifffff

Twilight jumped off of her seat and embraced her friend. “I’m sorry you had to make this decision Dash”…sniff…..”but okay….”…sniff…. "It will take a couple of days so, luckily, she'll still have her party," Twilight said, pulling away with a weak smile. "We can at least make these days her own."...sniff...

"...'m sure"...sniff..."I'm sure she'd like that."

A week later……

“Nurse, are there any appointments for today?”

“Just the one, Doctor. She’s a new patient. Her friends said that she's normally very friendly, but we haven't really had any luck with her co-operating here. Apparently her specialty lies with caring for animals."

“Oh lovely, I bet she’s a dream to deal with.”

“Of course, Doctor."

“Alright, send her to my office in about a half-hour.”

“Will do, Doctor.”

Doctor Sanderson watched as the new pony stepped through the door to his office. She had a certain flair to her steps, nearly ----floatily?----no that’s not right. That wasn’t even a word. “Good afternoon um...Miss Fluttershy. Please, sit.” The doctor motioning a hoof to a couch on one side of the room.

The yellow Pegasus reluctantly sat down, nervous due to the stallion in white leering over her frame on the chair. “Is this……um…okay?”

“Oh course, my dear. There’s no need to be frightened.” The beige doctor noticed how the yellow Pegasus flinched as the pony in white left behind her. “Don’t worry about Wilson, my dear. He actually has a very gentile disposition. Now, tell me about why you’re here.”

The yellow pony hesitated…..”Oh well, some ponies think that……. there’s this white bunny I see…he was-no, IS my friend. But…..I guess now he…isn’t here anymore. But…I keep………I keep repeating that he’s just lost! He’s my friend and I’d never abandon him. I don’t even know what I’d do without him!...sniff...I just wish he didn’t get sucked into that...that…..thing!”

“I see. Does this rabbit have a name?”


“Well that’s a fairly straightforward-“

“No…um…he’s a bunny. Angel Bunny.”

“Oh...Angel. Well, a fine name if I do say so myself. Tell me, how close were you to Angel?”

“Well, I met him shortly after I came to Ponyville from Cloudsdale. We were both younger. He was…well…he orphan unfortunately, and I decided that I’d take him with me to the cottage I had just bought, and…um…what are you writing?”

“Oh don’t worry my dear” the doctor chuckled. “Just the basics of your story; please, continue.”

“Oh…..well…okay, I guess. Anyways……um…..oh, I guess that’s about it. He’s been living with me ever since.”

“I was told that something happened. You and your friends are the Elements of Harmony if I’m correct?”


“And you guys had a run in with a creature- a draconequus named Discord, right?”

“Yes,” she whispered meekly.

“What happened with Angel then?”

“He, disappeared,” she uttered barely above a whisper.

“Excuse me what was that?”

“He - disappeared.”

“Did you say ‘disappeared’, miss?”


“Well in the papers here, it says your friends saw the rabbit-“


“….saw the bunny get absorbed in what Twilight described as 'something resembling a black hole’, is that not correct?”


“Did you not see it happen, Miss Fluttershy?”

“I- I- I wasn’t exactly…..myself.”

“Hmmm….well in any case, Angel was taken out of this world. Do you agree with that?”

Fluttershy was quiet for a short time, carefully inspecting the ground. She finally managed to straighten herself and mutter, “No……well…….maybe yes, too…..I don’t know.”

“Could you elaborate on this thought, please?”

“Well…..he’s not gone, but…..he’s not exactly here too…or…at least…..that’s what he says. But I assure you, he’s very much with me.”

“Is he here right now?”

At this, all the little pony could muster was a small, “No….”

The doctor noticed that the yellow mare was losing focus. It was time try a different approach.

“I’m sorry to change the subject but, what are your hobbies Miss Fluttershy?”

“Well there’s taking care of the young fillies, a small bit of crocheting, music, and-

“Oh? And how are you with music Ms. Fluttershy?

“Oh I’m quite fond of it," she said smiling for the first time in days. "I led the Ponyville Bird-Choir, and I used to be able to dance. That was one of my favorite things."

“What do you mean 'was'? Is there no love for it anymore?

“Oh no it’s there. I just- I don’t seem to- to have the time for it anymore.” Just as fast as she had started to smile, it quickly faded.

“How is that?”

“Oh what with taking care of my animal friends and sometimes helping out all of Equestria… don’t like talking about that…”

“What do you mean?”

“Well….no……..I can’t…”

“Why not?”

“It’s just that……” *sigh* I started to frequent Ponyville. I would have a drink or two, and throw a couple bits into the music box. Angel always loved the crooners. It's one of the only ways I could get him to relax at home. But- all the other faces of Ponyville…..visitors too …well……they’d turn towards me…and they'd smile. They’d say, ‘We don’t know your name, miss but, you’re a very nice mare.’ And we would warm ourselves…in all of these moments. You know, we entered as strangers, and soon we have friends." The doctor noticed she had stopped looking at him but, noticing she had relaxed, didn't dare interrupt her. "And they’d come over to the cottage...they'd eat with us, drink with us, and talk to us. They'd tell us about the terrible things they've done…… and the big wonderful things they'll do. Their hopes and their regrets……their loves……and their hates. All very large, because nopony ever brought anything small. And then…..I'd introduce them to Angel... and he's bigger and grander than anything they offer me. And……and when they leave……..they leave impressed. The same people seldom come back, but that’s……that's envy, Doctor. There's a little bit of envy in the best of us. That’s too bad...isn’t it?"

Doctor Sanderson finished the notes on his tablet and smiled at Fluttershy. "Thank you, Miss Fluttershy. You were wonderful. That will be all for tonight." He then rose from his seat, opened the door, and called to his assistant, “Nurse, would you kindly take Miss Fluttershy back to her room?"

"Certainly, Doctor." She turned to the yellow mare, "Right this way, please."

"Oh, and Nurse. You’re free to clock out afterwards. Go home…..go to your loved ones for tonight.” He smiled at his own words.

The nurse smiled; confused, but grateful for a small reprieve from her busy workweek, “Of course, Doctor. First, would there be anything else that you’ll need?”

“No Nurse, I think we’ll be fine tonight.”

“Very well then. Good night, Doctor” She headed out the door, yet stopped just right outside. “Are you sure there’s nothing, Doctor?”

He chuckled, “Please, it’ll be alright.”

A few nights later......

Fluttershy was lying down on her bed, knowing that sleep was eluding her, yet she didn’t have anything else to do. Thoughts of Angel ran through her mind; the time they met, when they moved in together, Angel cuddled up next to her in bed, his screaming through her ears to come with him- she jumped up from her bed. "Wait! That’s not something I remem-OH!" She couldn’t believe her eyes. In the window of the door she clearly saw the white bunny’s face motioning her towards the door. It unlocked with a small click then slid slightly ajar. Fluttershy opened it up wider and gasped, both in fear and joy. There, on the floor, the white bunny put a finger to his lips and bounded into her room. Out of nowhere he pulled out a file and began work on the lone window in Fluttershy’s room. “Oh Angel, don’t! I don’t think I can-“

“HEY, FLUTTERSHY!” A familiar, sweet voice called from outside. “IS HE THERE YET?”

Fluttershy had to angle herself in order to see out of the window, but when she did, she recognized a familiar pink mare. “Pinkie?! You too?!” she muttered, somewhat to herself.


“Oh, fine I gue-“



“WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE?! WE’RE BUSTING YOU OU—“ At that moment, the sirens to the complex went off and spotlights started flashing on. “Ponyfeathers……HANG TIGHT FLUTTERSHY! WE’RE GONNA HAVE TO GO WITH PLAN B!” Pinkie pulled something out of her satchel and was gone in an instant. Angel, meanwhile, was nearly complete with the bars when there was a loud bang on the door. Both him and Fluttershy were startled, the latter jumping nearly 3 feet in the air.


Angel signaled for Fluttershy to push the bed against the door quickly.

"But how? They'r bolt-" as she looked down, she noticed each of the screws were taken out of the leg posts of the bed. She forgot how quickly the bunny could work. With as much might as she could muster, she pushed the bed towards the door........a mere three inches. Angel rolled his eyes and with a mighty kick, flung the bed against the door just as the guard was about to open it.

The guard happened to be looking through the window in the door at the time and it hit him right in the muzzle, knocking him backwards against the wall. He lied there dazed; half from the contact of the door and half from his brain trying to catch up with what his eyes saw. Did she fling the bed or- NO. Concentrate Taub. Rising to his feet he struggled with the new blockade against the door.

By this time Angel had already filed through the bars and was looking at a watch, tapping his foot impatiently. Fluttershy started panicking, "What's wrong, Angel? Why are we just standing here? He won't be long with that door."

A rope descended in front of the window, followed by a cheerful Pinkie Pie. "Hi ~ Fluttershy~!" Angel lifted his watch to Pinkie with a look of ire on his face. "Oops! Sorry. I was kind of enjoying swinging on the rope for a bit. It was like being in a Daring Do book, you know? Come on, Fluttershy. Let's blow this popsicle stand. OOH! And we can get REAL popsicles when we get back to Ponyvi-"

"MOVE PINKIE!" came the unexpected yell from Fluttershy. The trio shot up the rope to the roof of the hospital, gasping for air.

"Well, here we are! Now for my next move-"

"Come on, Pinkie! I think I can fly us out of here."

"No way, Jose. They have unicorn guards with magic strong enough to ensnare anyone within five miles of this place. We're lucky they haven't even put up a magic shield yet. Now where was I? Oh yeah!" The pink mare inhaled deeply, then pronounced to the heavens above, "A-EEBITTY-EEBITTY-EBBITTY-EBBITTY-THAT'S ALL FOLKS!"

Fluttershy just stared at her friend. ".............What?"

Within minutes the scenery was enveloping around them in darkness. Pinkie Pie broke the silence. "Alright, get ready to jump before it closes on us! I hear it really smarts."

The three of them braced themselves on each other and as one, jumped right as the darkness enveloped underneath them.

Fluttershy stood in the middle of complete blackness, dumbfounded at whatever it was her friends did. "Pinkie......what have.....I"

Pinkie just smiled back, tongue hanging out a bit. "Don't worry about it Fluttershy. I'm a pro at this. Alright, Angel. Are you sure you've got the coordinates right? We only get one chance at this."

The white rabbit...


Oh sorry....bunny smiled and pulled out a compass. The pointy circular one. As soon as he had the logistics ready, he pointed towards the direction they needed to go.

"Okay everypony, stand back. I'm about to be awesome." Pinkie pointed her fore-hooves forward and started struggling. "Oh wow, this one is a doozy!"

Fluttershy stared in disbelief at what happened before her eyes. In-between Pinkies hooves, a light was starting to shine, growing bigger and bigger.

"Now when I say jump..." Angel and Fluttershy braced themselves, waiting on the pink pony's command. "JUMP!" They launched themselves first and were soon followed by Pinkie, gasping for breath.

Recollecting her thoughts, Fluttershy looked around at her surroundings with awe. "We're....we're at my cottage. How-"

"Think nothing"-gasp-"of it Fluttershy."-gasp-"Alright, Angel"-gasp-”did we manage"-gasp-"on time?"

Outside the door they heard a familiar raspy voice. "ALRIGHT PINKS I'M HERE. WHAT'S THIS AWESOME THING YOU WERE GONNA SHOW ME?"

"Fluttershy"-gasp-"could you"-gasp-"get the door?"

Fluttershy slowly crept up to the door and inched the top portion ever so slightly. Rainbow Dash heard the creak of the wood and looked towards the source. "Hello?" A small "eep" escaped and the door slammed shut. Noises could be heard from inside the cottage. "Well what are you waiting for? Go on!" The door opened wider this time, albeit as slow as ever. Rainbow Dash recognized the familiar yellow pegasus and her eyes went wide in disbelief. "FLUTTERSHY?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! I THOUGHT-" She paused and her eyes widened further when she spotted a small white rabbit hop past Fluttershy's legs and waved. "................" and with that the cyan pegasus fainted.

"Oh dear! Rainbow!" Fluttershy yelped in worry.

"Wow! I guess we do have a lot of explaining to do. Remind me also to have Twilight write an urgent letter to the Princess. Well, I'll bring Dashie inside. I don't think the dirt is as comfortable as your sofa."

"Pinkie....could you um.....explain what exactly has happened?"

"Well, do you want the long version or the short version." She placed Rainbow Dash on the main sofa in Fluttershy's living room. "I'll warn you though, we'll have to make some serious popcorn for the long version," Pinkie smiled. "OOH! And we can bring the others by too. I'm sure they'll want to know this all happened. I'll have to tell AJ to bring a couple pies too." She clapped her hooves together with glee.

"Um.....the short version will be fine for now."


Fluttershy's eyes just rolled around for a couple seconds before she crashed onto the ground in front of Rainbow Dash...



"But I wasn't done with my story yet!"

- I SAID FIN (Sorry Pinks :(