
by EvilMastermind

First published

Silicon Blondmane Melody, president of AliCO, one of the most innovative and successful companies in Equestria, has finally completed plans to make equestria, technically superior. But not without at least protecting everything that he loves.

NOTE: This takes place after season 4 but BEFORE season 5, the story will take place where the Mane Six have not been into any adventures or met any characters who premiered in season 5.
Silicon Melody leaves Manehattan for a business trip in Ponyville, to promote his plans of an advance technological age. He also will face new challenges that will remain to be solved, ponies to protect from the dark underworld of crime, and to also experience a rare form of friendship, exclusively in the small crazy town of ponyville. However, deep down in Equestria, a new, darker form, will soon rise up and take back what it always wanted for so long.

In the heart of The City of Greed

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The cream white stallion took a sip of his hot coffee from his mug, while scribing his signature with his blue ball point pen on the never ending stacks of contracts and petitions.

Having other companies trying to make deals with him on paper, he sometimes stops and takes a glimpse of a couple of letters from his sister Octavia. Silicon Blondemane Melody enjoyed seeing how her once a week performances around Equestria were going.

He always was a busy stallion, as endless piles of paperwork are always filling up his desk every morning. He usually stays in the company of his work from 8am to 9pm doing paperwork and checking on how his machines and prototype devices were in development to release in markets soon.

AliCO. One of the most successful, and innovative companies in the world, renowned for its state of the art technologies and medicines. Medicines that once seemed impossible could be used to cure such certain diseases as AIDS or cancer.

AliCO, formed by his father Tech savvy, Silicon has a vision that one day Equestria will know the great innovation and advanced technology and medicine that will change the world forever, marking a giant milestone on technology, society and health for future years to come.

Tech Savvy had worked for two decades to make his dream come true and now his company has become a forefront on the development of technology and health.

Such examples are the development of steam powered trains as the company's first creation.

The bullet trains of the Manehattan subway that surf along underground rails connected to stations of convenient restaurants, theatres, nightclubs, parks, hospitals, malls and some on the busiest streets of Manehattan. And more stations are still in construction in order to provide further accessibility to the expansive metropolitan city.

The cure for cancer was deemed almost impossible by professional doctors then, but after the vigorous research by the most professional scientists and doctors who worked for AliCO now, it was finally done.

When they presented the cure in a form of a syringe, with a 6ml dose injected into the ponys bloodstream, it can cure the sick ridden victims of the cancer in a matter of minutes. With the discovery of the cure, the company has been bathed in the glory of global awards and fame.

Tech savvys son, Silicon Blondemane Melody, the new president of AliCO, has taken over his father's company to continue his legacy.

Now with Silicon in control, he wished to show the world about how AliCO can further grow in what it does best. With plans on releasing mobile entertainment devices and new modes of transportation.

One idea, building an automobile. Even an idea where automatic weapons could be constructed to sell to the royal guards. With such in place in case of any large attacks from enemies who are idiotic enough to declare war, and try to lay siege on a city or town.

The new head had high hopes that with his position he can really have the will and determination to make Equestria technically superior someday.

Silicon decided to stop writing for a moment and decide to look outside of the grand metropolitan city of Manehattan.

He had a clear view of the horde of ponies and some zebras walking back and forth through the crowded street. Either to shop, eat, work, or all at the same time with some tourists gawking at its breathtaking sky towers. With the Equestrian State Building towering over all others, only AliCOs headquarters just ten foot shorter than the big brother of Manehattan’s buildings.

He could see the lady of Liberty on her own peaceful island, away from the bustling, noisy, polluted city which the statue should be grateful for, to enjoy its solitary state away from it.

Such glistening beauty and architecture will lure anypony thinking that they can earn so much wealth and a potential promise in attracting a good companion with such money, if they just work very hard every day. That, is not always so easy of course.

The city is the home to wondrous architecture, rich diverse history and culture. The heart of the business world, money, fame, nightclubs, fashion, and of course all of it very modernistic.

But all of these things known by so many ponies also camouflages the dark side of it, the dirty and cruel truth of the city.

Fierce competition between many businesses is always present. Everyday, company heads, and even small time store managers are not afraid to get their hooves dirty. They would find the right time and a good opening from other rivals to use the city and each other for their own dirty profits.

Some may employ the use of blackmail on their rivals to force them to grant them whatever they want. They even may feed lies to the law enforcements, or have their rivals become bankrupt.

Each, stir up some big controversies on each other through the headlines of newspapers, all to have ponies turn their heads away in disgust on any particular business targeted.

This is why some journalists and ponies who have had experience in the business world also call Manehattan, The City of Greed.

Manehattan is also home to waves of crime in the more poorer neighborhoods. Theft, racketeering, blackmail, assault, prostitution, rape and many more criminal sins are committed every day of the week.

Gangs were formed in each neighborhood, some only committing nonviolent crimes such as robbery, theft and vandalism. While others go as far as rape, murder, arson, torture and many more deplorable crimes.

The police cannot always respond to every crime reported in the city. So for more than a decade, crime was off the charts.

A clicking sound of the door is heard, snapping Silicon out of his moment at viewing out the window.

He set his crystal green eyes on a grey stoic mare who entered his office. He saw she has black plaited hair, and a buttoned up black business suit with a red tie. He also saw her with a thick black binder on her right hoof.

"Mister Melody," said the grey mare as she hands the binder onto Silicon's desk.

"Here are the registration forms you were suppose to be given yesterday sir."

"You know you can just call me Silicon, Grey Leaf." Said Silicon as he flicked some of his bright blonde hair that was covering his left eyebrow up and start looking through the forms inside the binder.

"My apologies, Mr Melody." Grey Leaf sarcastically apologised, who of course must always call her boss formally.

Grey Leaf continued, "Oh yes, there are some good news that you will be very pleased to hear."
The sudden annunciation of pleasant news caught the white stallions ear. He perked up and met eye to eye with her.

In Silicon’s show of interest Grey Leaf added, "It seems that we are beginning to make a big fortune today sir. With the success of the bullet trains and the cure for cancer and AIDS. Each are giving us a boost on our financial records. It seems that we have enough money to sell hundreds of millions of the devices and automobiles that you have been working on for three years, Mr Melody."

Silicons lips curved up to show his satisfied and excited mood that he was now in, after hearing the wonderful news.

"Excellent!" Exclaimed Silicon, giving Grey Leaf a frightful shock at the sudden burst of excitement Silicon released.HE realized her sudden fright and gave her a smile of apology and a glare of embarrassment. "Hehe, um, my apologies."

"That is...quite alright" said Grey leaf as her heart rate slowly falls down to normal.

She went back to a more formal tone. "Ahem, well it is very fortunate news indeed.”

She hesitated for a bit. “However, it is also an opportunity to change Equestria as we know it sir."

She said it with a tone of concern that Silicon's plans could take him to a new age, an age where it is more likely that not just Manehattan, but more likely all of Equestria will be changed in the future.

She asked with worry, "Are you entirely sure that with this, we are all ready for such a massive change?"

"Grey Leaf, you make it sound like it's a bad thing," replied Silicon, also with a hint of concern in his tone, as to why she would have some misgivings about this great news he was just given.

Grey Leaf became apologetic. "I really did not mean to sir."

As she looked out of the large glass panel windows on her right she distanced herself from him to think clearly, without his gaze overshadowing her thoughts. "It's just that i'm not to sure about all of this. I respect your father's ambition of presenting his brand new idea of technology, i do!"

Grey leaf then turned her head to the white stallion with a continued troubled look that matched her voiced words to him, and worry on what she felt he might think of what she said.

Silicon lifted himself off of his chair and walked around his desk to come closer to her, so they could meet face to face.

Grey Leaf could now see his whole form. An average height for a stallion, well toned firm build, showing a sign of the many workouts he have done daily, and his cutie mark on his flank showed a large grey cog with a lightning bolt striking from the top of the cog.

He laid a hoof on her as a sign of his pity and comfort for the mares worry of the future.

"Grey Leaf," Silicon said warmly, with a note of pity. "It's alright if you have a different view of all the work we have done, that's what makes you a pony."

He let go of her shoulder and laid it on the floor "If you want to state your view, feel free to do that my dear."

Grey Leafs worrisome expression had now settled slowly to a more calm and relieved one.

She took a deep breath and exhaled. "I'm sorry about that sir." Grey Leaf apologised again, but her tone was more of relief and happiness.

With a more easy going calmness to her, she divulged her true feelings. "Well, um, I just always loved Equestria as it is now, everything we have now is something that doesn't need further change as we have everything we want now in this world. Well, um, of course, except for the crime."

She managed a chuckle from that, but after she cleared her throat awkwardly as to say that it must be very unamusing to mention, then make light of that last part.

With a bit of personal merth over her troubled mind, he chuckled a bit himself. "Hehehe, I understand what your talking about Grey Leaf."

He continued with a sense of pleased conviction in his words. "It is likely that a lot will change for Equestria. But if that does happen, I promise that at least the changes will be positive.”

He pointed out with a hint of favour over his accomplishments to suggest to her he was in his rights to do as he is. “I mean we found the cure for cancer and AIDS two years ago Grey Leaf. And the bullet trains are there as well for quicker transport of course. Both are quite good changes, I would think."

Silicon managed another chuckle "And don't forget what my dad did with the steam trains. Without that! You probably would never reach your fantasy expo at Van Hoover in time."

"Hee hee, I guess you're right." Grey Leaf giggled now with a nod of acknowledgement "Im sorry for um, being so worrisome and concerned about all that sir."

"Aww it's absolutely fine Grey Leaf." Silicon said warmly, patting the mare's shoulder. "How about you take off now dear? It's almost lunch anyways."

"Oh my really?” said Grey Leaf with a quizzical look. “Gosh time is going pretty fast. Well I am famished anyways sir."

"Grey Leaf, call me Silicon." Sean's tone was final but then curved his lips up to show that he wasn't serious.

"Oh um yes si- I I mean Silicon hehehe" Grey Leaf stammered, her cheeks were glowing red and radiating heat off of her cheeks.

She turned around to head out of his office, but not until she turned fully to him first. "Have a good day sir," said the mare with a tone, like that of a child would have after a good day at a friends birthday party.

"You too Grey Leaf." Silicon farewelled to her as she closed the door slowly and politely, so as herself or anypony else’s noise from outside his office to be of any further distraction to Silicon.

He looked through the forms some more. But not without looking out of his window again to have another view of the city.

It is to give a reminder to himself of where he is now, even with all of the friendly and nice ponies he has met in his life, including Grey Leaf and other friends, that he still lives in a city of greed.

A lovely sibling and two jokers.

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The sun started setting. With only rays of sunlight visible from the horizon, the night lights of Manehattan lit up as the sky grew darker. The white unicorn stallion kept walking through a dark, grim street, wearing a pair of clear glasses. The only sources of light are four street lights and a neon sign with a wooden sign on the entrance door called The Woozy Pony. It showed Manehattans filthy truth, camouflaged by the city's high-rise buildings, on rise fashion and the propaganda of fabulously dressed ponies and night-life. It is only for ponies to be allured to the center of Manehattan city, and for visits to the statue of liberty as well.

At Silicon's right was a dirty, garbage bag filled alley, with two ponies wearing beanies and hoodies trade bags of bits for a large duffel bag. Possibly drugs, or something even worse. When they exchanged eyes to Silicon, they immediately split and start walking back to their safe haven,hoping that they were not caught.

Of course, he already knew, and could do nothing about it immediately.

He paced quickly to his home, as he felt trickles of water falling down from the sky, running down on his fur. A few streets more to his place before the city will be drenched.

He arrived just in time to a highrise, 20 foot story apartment, with an architectural style of modernism. Each story having at least two large glass paneled windows, with a big lofty penthouse. Silicon trotted to the Front large gate entrance. At the other side of the gate is an elegant entrance yard. Having a beautiful, welcoming garden, with rose and lily shrubs and small patches of neatly trimmed grass, all protected by a huge metal gate.

Just behind the gate was a gray earth pony standing guard, wearing a cap with an emblem of some kind of a logo of a security company. Both Silicon and the security guard locked eyes and smiled.

"Hey Crimson, hows work?" Silicon greeted him, giving the gray stallion a waving hoof.

"Hehe, not so bad." Crimson replied, opening the gate with a press of a button on the side of the gate, slowly sliding open the gate. "You?"

"It sucked, had to surf my signature on a hundred or more contracts for hours." Silicon stepped inside the entrance yard and stopped next to the security guard. "I wish you can take my job for at least a week. You get to have an easier job. Just stand there, and make sure nopony is stupid enough to jump over the gate."

"Hehehe, until somepony climbs over with a knife starts charging at you ready to shank ya." The two shared a good chuckle and the grey pony pressed the button again and the gate automatically shuts.

"Please, I know judo, tae kwon do, krav maga, jiu jitsu and a whole lot more to protect myself against a guy with a knife." The guard rolled his eyes and shaked his head.

"Sigh, sweet Celestia, few even know that you know any martial arts. Gosh, you got the wealth, the business, and the skills to survive in this city. Few ponies are that fortunate."

Silicon's smile disappeared and bowed his head. He rubbed his shoulder uncomfortably."Well, yeah... I guess. But I don't have a lot of good friends you know? I know some who just want my money, I guess I kind of understand that." The guards smile disappeared as well and stared at him confused.

"You think so? I don't think its true, surely you must have got some pals to at least try to hang out with ya or at least buy ya a drink you know?"

"Pah! Yeah, they'll buy a billionaire a drink." Silicon laughed. Crimson still looked at him with a confused look but then shared a smile. "Well, I think I should get inside right now, it's about to rain any minute now."

"Awww and you didn't get me a raincoat or an umbrella?" moaned Crimson, with a tone that showed that he is not serious.

"Hehe, just head inside the apartment and get you one quickly!" chuckled Silicon, punching Crimsons shoulder lightly. "Good night Crimson."

"Don't let the jellyfish sting ya, I know how much your afraid of them." Crimson chuckled while Silicon started shivering of the thought of the marine animal.

"Please Crimson, please." Silicon then turned around and went inside the apartment, before hearing a chuckle from the guard. Siliconn chuckled as well, shaking off the warning anyways, as Crimson was always playing jokes with him. Its rare for him to actually be serious with the warnings if he is in a good mood.

Silicon entered the elevator, and insert his hoof into a hoofprint scanner on top of the buttons of the apartment floors. The machine started scanning his hoof, inspecting it to be one registered to enter.

Some ponies that are important to Silicon, like his sister or his parents, are allowed access to the machine though, and be allowed entrance to the penthouse.

The machine finished scanning, and it turned green. The elevator sends Silicon up to his penthouse in just a matter of seconds. While the elevator took him up, the unicorn rubbed his forehead and gave a hefty, tireful sigh. His eyes feeling a little sleepy, ready for his eyelids to close his vision, ready to start another day. Silicon hummed happily at the thought, thinking that this is what he wants to do first. No need for dinner, as he wasn't hungry anyways.

The elevator doors slide open and the stallion stepped inside his luxurious, modernistic looking penthouse. He stepped inside the living room and slouched on his couch, ready to close his eyes to let his brain relax, escape the stress from working 13 hours on a desk with paperwork and managing the multi-million dollops company. He was ready to sleep soundly and peacefully, no distractions are around the white stallion to destroy his moment of rest. Nothing at al-
“MISS SCRATCH! Get that jellyfish away from Silicon now!”

Silicon felt a thousand goosebumps of fear rise up from his fur, eyes wide in fear and legs curled up almost into a ball, hearing the name of his very fear itself.
“JELLYFISH!?” yelped Silicon in terror and confusion. He looked behind him and his snout pressed on a fish bowl, inside it is a blue small jellyfish, small one, but its tentacles were long enough to wrap around a ponys hoof.

"AHHH!" Silicon shrieked in terror, almost as painstakingly high pitch as a filly watching a horror movie alone. Then the pony holding the “fish bowl” stepped back and bellowed with laughter, obviously amused at Silicons sudden fright. Crimson was not actually joking with the warning.

Silicon's heart rate was abnormally high, breathing heavily of seeing the sea creature, his biggest fear of encountering again, almost turning him off from swimming in beaches. His breathing slowly went down as he looked up at the bellowing pony.

A mare. Her fur is white and her mane electric blue, also spiky as well, as if she was into some kind of crazy band or fashion trend of some sort. She was holding the fish bowl tight on her chest while laughing at the stallions terrified expression. Even the pair of dark purple shades covering her eyes, cannot hide her amusement of seeing Silicon's sudden fright and hearing his high-pitched shriek.

"Dammit Vinyl!" Silicon yelled at her, his face contorted with anger. He got himself up and continued looking at her with an angry glare, the white mare only snorted in reply.

"Ya shoulda seen the look on your face!" Said Vinyl, breathing heavily from her laughter, her chest hurting from her bellowing. Another mare stepped in from the kitchen. She was a young, elegant mare, with a ash grey coat, bright purple eyes and a white collar with a bow tie as her only piece of clothing. She was staring at the heavily breathing pony, with a shaking head of disapproval.
“Vinyl!” yelled Octavia, snapping Vinyls attention to the grey mare. “I told you to put that jellyfish in the guests bedroom! You could’ve gave my brother a heart attack! Or wet himself and the couch!”

"Hey!" Yelled Silicon. Vinyl rolled her eyes at Octavia, scoffing at Octavia's nagging.
"Come on Tavi," groaned Vinyl, still holding the bowl with the jellyfish floating around inside. "I was just having a little fun! It always make my day scaring him."

"Using ponies fear on them is NOT the best laugh for anypony!" Silicon objected, still shivering at the sight of the jellyfish. "WHERE did you even find it!?"

"What? Afraid that a jellofish is gonna sting youuuuu?" said Vinyl teasingly, with a tone that a mother would ask a baby who is a good one.

"Jellyfish! And a box shaped one can kill you in 2 to 5 minutes!"

"Hehehe, you always crack me up dude." Vinyl managed to chuckle, as she put the fish bowl on top of a small bookshelf behind her "I mean come on, you NEVER see these things in Manehattan! Well except in aquariums of course, which I got it from actually, but you get my point. So why pee yourself from them?"

"A long story Vinyl dear," Sighed Octavia as she walked and laid down on the couch "but we shouldn't be discussing about my brother's fear of the sea creature." she turned her gaze to Silicon, who was sweating slightly, still looking at the jellyfish on top of the small bookshelf. "How was work Silicon?"

The white stallion shook away his attention of the sea creature and turned his head to Octavia. He cleared his throat and wiped some sweat off of his brow.

"Uhhh, busy!" said Silicon,rubbing the back of his head, still trying to recover from the shock of seeing the jellyfish."Reaaaal busy, I was real tired until I had my lunch."

"Really?" questioned Octavia as she gave him an interested look, however the sibling can see that she is just trying to be nice to him. "Anything interesting happened during work?"

"Aside from reading your letters and having a quick view outside my window, no." Siliconn answered his sister as he gazed at Vinyl, rummaging through the fridge for something sweet. She was lucky enough to find a can of grape soda to gulp on. Silicon never had a full fridge, as he spends most of his nights going out to five star restaurants and occasionally fast food joints to eat. Of course, without the heat of ponies asking him for a photo or how much they like his company.

He was always a bad cook too, as every time he tries to cook something, even noodles, it always ended up burnt, mushy or sometimes on fire. It was a good excuse to go out to eat every night. The only time he ever ate inside his home was when Octavia or his mother decides to cook for him and others.

And Silicon wondered why he has a carton of eggs in the fridge, if he was such a bad cook. He did love eggs anyways.

"Pfft, since when do you ever have anything interesting in your office?" mocked Vinyl, as she continued gulping down the soft drink until its half empty, having time to breath before she continues gulping the sweet fizzy drink. "What is the only cool thing to you big guy? Staring at graphs and pie charts? Oh yeah, Pie." She started searching through the fridge again, hoping to find some cold, sweet pie to chew on, not caring what flavor it is, as long as it is pie.

"Noooo no no no." Silicon shook his head, waiting for Vinyl to find out there is no pie in the fridge, only milk, jars of jam, mayonnaise and some vegetables and eggs. " I do have a bit of fun! In my free time at work I do a bit of drawing on blank paper, just making ideas of what to build next. I watch out at the city and take in the view of the metropolis, its beautiful towering buildings, the thousands of ponies swarming around the city center, traveling to work, to a restaurant, a mall or even all at the same time! Little specks of ponies and zebras just wandering about. I also take a view of the world outside the city, the forests just at the west have thousands of shades of-"

"Laaaaaaaame!" Vinyl shuts the fridge door closed and went back to gulping on his grape soda. "Told you there is nothing cool about you." Silicon rolled his eyes and sighed, dropping again on another couch next to Octavia.

"Oh don't listen to her dear." said Octavia, agreeing with Silicon's reaction to Vinyls stubbornness. " I think that is a very interesting thing you do in your free time at the office." Octavia cleared her throat, as if she was going to tell her brother some news or something else. " But you know, I think you should have spend some time outside the office. I think you are stressed out from the work."

The white stallion managed to chuckle "Thanks sis, but I'm fine. I'm not stressed."

"You are honey." Octavia's tone was a little more serious, but not serious enough to make her brother sit up-straight. "I've seen you before every time you come back from work, you have those tired eyes and you always rub your head when you enter inside the elevator whenever I am with you. Also you drop on the couch almost tiredly like you need a nap. Come on I really do think it's time for you to have at least one vacation per year."

Octavia was now looking at him frowning, gazing at him with stern eyes, almost comparable to Tech Savvy, their father. Usually Silicon would have an amused smirk of Octavia's attempt of being serious, but now he doesn't have that smirk now. Instead, taken back by the seriousness of Octavia's concern of his stress, and even actually agreeing to having a rest from his job.

Silicon gave a long, restless sigh and looked up the ceiling lazily, letting his head hang on the top edge of the sofa. "Only if I have the time for that. Which will be a while to find the time"

Octavia gave a nod and a warm smile to the white unicorn. "Well as long as you can find the time for a vacation." She gave Silicon a wink, and laid back on the couch lazily as well.

"Hey, can ya tell me why you have no bread but have jars of jelly and mayo inside?" questioned Vinyl, scavenging for more food in the fridge.

"Crackers are on the second cupboard on your left." Silicon laughed.

The arrangement

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Silicons eyelids slowly opened themselves with the growing rays of light beaming through the window and on Silicons eyes. Without hurry, Silicon, slowly sat up on his bed and rubbed his watery strained eyes. Before he could lazily drag himself off of his bed, the alarm clock
screeched out it’s morning wake up call, loud enough to always snap Silicon out of his dream.
However, he of course, already woke up in time before the alarm could scream at him to wake up, for another busy, hard working day at the office.
He slammed his hoof on his alarm to shut it up, before the loud buzzing drive him insane. He gave a rough grunt and looked at the time on the alarm.
"Good morning Silicon Melody," greeted a calm serene female voice on the alarm "The time is 7:20 AM.".
"I can bloody read it on the alarm, thanks." groaned Silicon, as he gave a long, deep yawn and stretched his back all the way up, relieving the tension and pain that his back is enduring. He licked his dry lips, adding a bit of moisture on it.
After some time finishing his workout routine of lifting weights, pull ups and other exercises, Silicon wiped the sweat off of his face and body with a towel, now already drenched in his sweat.
The city is dangerous, so keeping yourself well built, focused and knowing how to fight back is always important to survive in the most dangerous streets of Manehattan. Even a lowlife thug can become a life and death situation, even worse if the thug had a bunch of friends with him to beat you to a pulp before they snip your wallet.
The nasty truth hidden under the carpet of deceiving looks.
The elevator doors opened. He stepped out of the elevator and went outside. The familiar, memorable Manehattan smell of wretched manure, dumped garbage and pollution filled up his nose. He didn't gag, he didn't barf out his morning breakfast of donuts and coffee from a cafe, or even waved away the putrid stench off of his face. Instead, he only exhaled, like the city smell was actually oxygen, and walked towards the gate.
Crimson smiled as Silicon walked towards the gate, and he pressed the button for the gate to open.
"Did the jellyfish sting ya while you were sleepin’?" chuckled Crimson, with a toothy amused grin on his face, knowing what the answer will be from Silicon.
"You’re an ass Crimson." he said, as he walked outside, with Crimson behind him giving Silicon a laugh in reply.

He tapped his pencil on his wooden desk, already bored of the work laid in front of him. Documents and charts and statistics laid scattered around, waiting for the stallion's eyes to inspect them and do anything what a businesspony would do with them. But instead his eyes only rested on his number 2 pencil, inspecting every chew mark that he made a week or so ago. He sighed and looked out again, the magnificent view of Manehattan laid outside before him. Behind the window panels are the towering buildings, the colony of carriages on the roads racing around the streets endlessly. The specks of ant sized ponies and zebras, still trotting around the city.
"Deja vu" Silicon thought, as he chewed on his pencil. "I just realized, that everyday, it’s me in the office, doing the same thing, and looking out at the sam-"
The doors burst open and Grey Leaf, walked briskly to him with a stack of papers on her hoof.
"Grey Leaf?" said Silicon as he gazed at her. "What’s the news?"
"Well, there are some good news and small bad news." Grey Leaf cleared her throat. Silicon looks down on the papers and starts reading it as she gives out the news "First, it looks like that there have been some large amount of favorability from some other cities have been favourable of your plans for a big step of the advancement of technology."
The news brought a smile on the stallion’s face. Finally, a step to the future! He needs to tell his family about it as well, his friends, and even-
A word from Grey Leafs news had just pierced through Silicons realization.
"Some, cities?" Silicon realized. Grey leaf nodded "This is the part where I tell you the bad news." she continued. The stallion only reclined back waiting for her to give it out.
"It looks like not all the towns have made discussions about the new technology that we will deliver. Well, actually, only one town sir."
"And what might that town be Grey Leaf?" Silicon questioned.
"Ponyville." she said, pointing to a an envelope on Silicons desk. "Mayor Mare, the mayor of Ponyville, actually wants to talk about your plans Silicon." This surprised him. The mayor wants to arrange a meeting with Silicon about the plans that can change the future? He opened the envelope and started reading the Mayor's letter.
"Well that’s surprising," said Silicon, as he dropped the letter on his desk. "I guess we can arrange a meeting, have her here in the meeting room. Simple enough."
"More like you have to see her, in, I guess her own hall."
"Really?" Silicon raised an eyebrow. Even more strange. "Why?"
"The princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, wasn’t yet notified of the request of you having a meeting with the Mayor and her. The Mayor would need her permission if she can arrange a meeting in Manehattan. Princess Twilight is always involved in these kind of matters." Grey Leaf gave him a warm smile "Your plans are capable of changing Equestria."
Silicon couldn’t deny that. The recent news of Princess Twilight, becoming a new princess of Equestria, spread like wildfire when it was first reported from Ponyville. Four months ago Manehattan was lucky enough during Tireks spree of suffocating the magic and strength of everypony from other towns and cities, before Tirek was defeated by the Elements of Harmony. It wouldn't matter anyway, if the Elements of Harmony can still defeat Tirek with 2 million extra essences of the ponies magic and strength from Manehattan.
"Ahem, sir?"
"Huh?" Silicon snapped out of his thought. "Oh yes ahem, well uhh... If that is what she wants, then so be it. I will meet with her at Ponyville."
"Great!" Grey Leaf gave another warm smile to her boss. "We'll, send Mayor Mare a letter and you're off to Ponyville." She turned around and trotted out of his office before she turned her head to him and say "I am sure that the princess will love you, she is the princess of friendship." She closed the doors behind her.
"She will love me." Silicon thought. One can only hope.