> Rhythm of the Heat > by Jack-Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Arc I: Welcome to the Savannah > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contrary to the equestrian-mythology surrounding the zebra and their native homeland of Zebrica - a name admittedly not among the inspired - zebras do not live in a jungle. No, their homeland is that of a savanna, a tropical grassland. In some places trees are common, but in most, they are thinly scattered if present at all. Here, in the Northern Savannah, trees are rare...as are clouds. The lonely acacia that Compass Rose currently found herself in was the only one visible to the mare and there was not a cloud in sight. Sure, many shrubs abounded, however, a shrub would not protect her from the lions at the base of the tree. Yes, lions, five to be specific. The pegasus mare’s expedition had started further south in the colony of Mareton, a quaint little port compared to the bustling metropolis of Canterlot, or the hub of activity that was her former home of Cloudsdale. Now, stuck up in the tree, she wondered if she had been too hasty in picking out her guide and porters. Only one of them had actually been a zebra and in hindsight, he looked a little too metropolitan, a bit too used to life in an equestrian city. Still she frowned, her imagination coming up with all sorts of terrifying things that could’ve happened to the others. When the lions attacked their small group, they had been preparing for their evening march, and thus none of them were prepared to run for her lives, let alone fight. When they had been beset, everyone broke and ran. She had never realized how unnerving silence could be. Even weighed down with water, rations and a slew of adventuring supplies, she was a little surprised that the lions had bothered to track her. Since they arrived, she had been considering her course of action, in between doling out painful beatings to the few cats that had tried their paws at climbing up after her. Honestly, half the things she had been told she needed had become more of a hindrance than it could’ve ever made up for - these khaki bardings for example. All they did for her was to make her hot and sweaty! However, before she was forced to make a decision whether to try and wait them out, or shed her things and make a ‘run’ for it, her eyes caught sight of something moving toward her tree. After a moment, it became apparent that four somethings were cutting through the tall grass toward her. Very quickly she began to fret. Five lions were frightening enough, but nine!? That would be just her luck...eaten by lions. She seriously started considering ditching her everything and making a break for it. Even without the weight she knew she wasn’t the fastest flier, but she had to be better than some cats...right? That’s what she had thought before they had found her...but now~ If she tried to flee and couldn’t find another tree to rest in, or a cloud to hide upon, and they found her. There was no way that she could fight nine lions, dumb luck would get her in the end. The four trails continued to cut their way toward her tree until they neared the lions, before the one nearest the big cats suddenly stopped and a figure leapt up out of the grass. Much to the mare’s surprise, it was not a lion, but a zebra stallion; he wore a large, tribal mask and a woven belt at his waist that was covered in small clay jars and cloth pouches. He promptly swatted at the rear of the nearest lion with his staff, before disappearing into the grass on its other side. With a roar of pain, the lion spun about to face its assailant, but the zebra was already gone. The mare gasped loudly at the audacity of the stallion and leaned forward upon the branch, trying to find out where he had gone to? From another of the trails that had been cut, a second zebra leapt out. This stallion had his face bared with an unruly mane, but was covered in belts carrying more jars and pouches. With a single hoof, he launched one of the jars at the base of the tree, where it shattered, causing a sickly green smoke to billow up and spread in a large cloud. The mare fluttered up to the top of the tree, trying to flee the foul looking, green smoke, but nevertheless tried to keep an eye on the action below. The lions, confused and blinded by the sudden swirling cloud of smoke spun about, desperately searching for their assailants, but the smoke thrower was now gone as well. Then, with a loud, whinnying cry, the first staff wielding zebra leapt forth again, this time joined by another masked zebra. He appeared to be exceptionally large for their kind and bore no weapons or potions. Taking advantage of the lions’ loss of sight, the large stallion spun and bucked one of the lions like an earth pony, knocking it senseless. His companion struck another lion in the gut with his staff, causing the beast to double up. The two stallions once again managed to disappear before the rest of the beasts could react, serving to confound the mare as much as the cats. The mare not so quietly rooted for the zebras, and not just because they were her potential saviors, but because she was genuinely enthralled by their bravery and skill. The ability to simply vanish into the grass like that was a kind of magic she had never seen before! While she cheered, Rose suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder, causing her to quickly turn away from the fight. When she did, a cheeky, young zebra stallion grinned at her from a branch over in the tree. The mare leapt from the branch with a yelp, her wings flaring, catching the air and allowing her to land not so gracefully on the next branch over. With a grace and skill that seemed almost supernatural, the stallion, whom she would note had stripes so thick as to make him seem almost entirely black, stepped quickly down until he stood beside her once more. Holding a hoof to his lips, he gestured for her to be quiet, then motioned for her to follow as he started leaping down the branches as if it were no great task. Glancing briefly at the remaining lions, she decided that her odds were better with her uncanny saviors, than with the hungry cats. Heeding the stallion’s prompting, Rose unfurled her wings, to glide gently to the ground and take off quietly after him. Only, once on the ground, the pegasus quickly found herself running vaguely in the direction she had seen him dart off in, after losing him once more in the grass. She was quickly joined by the jar thrower, who took her by the shoulders, spun her about and gave her rear a swat, sending her in another direction. The mare yelped once again, this time from being marehandled by an unseen stallion, but otherwise quieted herself and continued running. After a minute, she was once again joined by the nearly black stallion that had bounded effortlessly through the tree, now galloping only a few hoof lengths away from her and gave another cocky grin. However, after the rough treatment she had received from the other stallion, she was not about to give him the chance and when he neared her, she snapped her jaws at him warningly and swatted at him with her wingtip. She still ran in the same general direction, but was damn sure to keep a decent distance between them. The young stallion reeled back in surprise at her treatment, taking on a hurt look. With a sigh, he resumed running quietly. It wasn’t long before she was greeted by the sight of the jar thrower galloping up next to her on her other side, notably keeping his distance from her. In quick succession, they were joined by the masked warriors, the staff wielder before her and the big, bare hooved stallion behind her. After a long while of running, the staff wielder shouted for them to stop, the four of them skidding to a stop all at once. The mare flared her wings open and dug in her rear hooves, to grind to a halt. Her breast rose and fell deeply, but slowly; it was apparent that she was tired, but by no means winded. A little of that adrenaline still in her system, she glanced about a little nervously at the stallions, wary of their plans for the mare they had rescued. Did they save her, only to have their way with her? Or did they mean to make her their slave? The staff wielder slid his mask off to let it rest on his back by a strap. Without his mask, she could see that his coat was much cleaner than the others, and while he was clearly older than the nearly black stallion, his features were softer, more handsome - and that was saying something. His stripes seemed wavy with an even pattern, where the others’ stripes seemed to do whatever they pleased on their owners’ bodies. Planting his staff in the dirt, he took a step toward the mare. “You have been hurt.” He declared in a thick, zebrican accent, “Show Xolani where,” The staff wielder gestured to the jar thrower, “he will treat you.” Compass Rose marveled for a moment by the fact that the zebra seemed to know Equestrian. He did not look like a savage, but it still surprised her to hear that he knew her language. Slowly, his words were processed through the shock. She hadn’t been hurt...she thought, momentarily forgetting what she looked like beneath her barding. Then, she followed the gesture to the zebra that had slapped her. “I’m not hurt and he’s not coming anywhere near me!” She proclaimed with a little bit of a hiss to her voice and flared her wings defensively. When Compass Rose bristled and tried to make herself look imposing by flaring her wings, she revealed her mottled coloring to the assembled zebra. The mare’s granite-grey feathers looked like there was a terrible accident on the day all the other ponies were getting their pastel paint jobs, leaving her with rough, rust-colored smattering. Furthermore, it was hard to tell where her coat ended and silver colored eyes began, except when she glanced about and revealed more of the whites of her eyes. The stallion introduced as Xolani knelt before her and bowed his head low, “Xolani apologizes for striking you. Xolani wished to see you away from danger swiftly.” He looked up at her worriedly, “You are covered in blood...” The pegasus took a deep, patient breath and relaxed her wings. “That’s just the color of my coat…” She revealed as if such was common for her; honestly, she looked tired, as if she were ashamed of her own colors, and made to return to the other subject. “You didn’t have to smack my rump, Xolani, I would’ve kept running.” “Xolani sees the error of his ways.” The stallion declared in third-person once again, lifting his head, “Would you find it in your heart to forgive him~?” “I suppose I can, seeing as you pulled my rear out of the proverbial fire back there.” She nodded, bringing her hoof to her chest, “My name is Compass Rose.” “It is good to meet you, Compass Rose.” The staff wielder cocked his head at her curiously, “You have a very odd color.” “I think she’s kind of pretty, Zephania.” The nearly black stallion spoke up in a smooth, quiet voice, “And look at her wings! I’ve never seen anything but birds and dragons with wings.” He fixed his gaze on her feathered appendages admiringly. The mare suddenly felt rather self-conscious and perhaps even a little vulnerable, surrounded by four stallions, each of which easily in better shape than she was and much better fighters. Though she had heard the names of two of the stallions, the fact that none of them had returned the gesture and one of them had just called her pretty, put her on edge. Once again, her worries made themselves known. “I...um…” She started trepidatiously, her wings shifting nervously at her sides. “You’re making her nervous, Uzoma.” The zebra behind her spoke up in a rich, rumbling voice, “Give her some space.” At the larger stallion’s command, the near black zebra nodded to her respectfully and backed off a few steps, Xolani too scooched back a little from where he still knelt. “I...uh, thank you~?” She ventured hopefully, “I mean, thank you again for saving me from those lions.” She offered with a quick bow of her head, not willing to risk lifting her rump in front of what she was starting to think was a rough and tumble bachelor-herd of lion harassers. “It was nothing.” Zephania reassured her with a charming smile, “If you would like, we will show you to our camp so that you may rest. No harm shall befall you while we are near.” “I…” She hesitated, looking around at the bachelor-herd, before realizing that she could use a rest and quite literally didn’t have any place safe to do so, and so she nodded hesitantly. “I would very much appreciate that.” She nodded with something of a forced smile, a little wary of putting herself in another compromising position. “Then we should be on our way.” Zephania declared with a respectful nod, “If you would like, Zuberi can carry your things for you.” He gestured to the large stallion behind her, before then gesturing to the others in turn, “Before we go further, these two are Uzoma and Xolani. My name is Zephania.” Rose smiled slightly without even realizing it. “It’s nice to meet all of you.” She offered them, before shaking her head softly, “Thank you for the offer, but I’m quite capable of carrying my own things.” She assured them confidently, clearly trying not to rely on others. “You sure? I could probably carry you, if you want a rest.” The large stallion known as Zuberi offered with a chuckle. The mare blushed, quickly shaking her head. “No, I’m fine, thank you!” She squeaked cutely despite herself, trying not to imagine the hunk of a stallion carrying her. “You are even prettier when you blush~” Uzoma suddenly spoke up with a smile, “A pretty mare with pretty wings and a pretty name~” He offered her a hoof, “Surely the spirits must have blessed us with your company.” “Maybe you should try harder, Uzoma...” Zuberi commented with a snort. The mare tentatively offered the dark-zebra by the name of Uzoma her hoof, figuring if he tried anything that she could still take off and give him a quick kick. That was, until Zuberi spoke, causing her to try - and fail - to withhold a snicker of amusement. Uzoma was pretty transparent in his flirting~ “If only I were a well spoken stallion,” Uzoma sighed, gently taking her hoof in his own, “...I would offer you far greater praise.” He gave her hoof a quick kiss, pointedly ignoring her mirth. She regarded the stallion with a sheepish smile and a faint blush, not wanting to lead him on, but she found herself without the heart to dismiss the attention of the stallion. “Um, thank you~?” “No.” Uzoma shook his head gently, “Thank you.” The young zebra suddenly found his mane caught in Zuberi’s hoof, the larger stallion pulling him away and trotting along lazily, “Come along before you hurt yourself, Uzoma~” Compass Rose watched the large zebra drag away his smaller, black companion, a small grin and a small amount of confusion plastered over her face, but figured it was mostly in good humor and thus didn’t intervene. What she was witnessing was both amusing and refreshing for her, the self-importance and stuck-up pride of the stallions she was used to was absent. Princess knows that her last stallion would never have tolerated being marehandled like that! She wasn’t quite sure what the pampered-prick would’ve actually done about it, besides whine, but she was sure he wouldn’t have taken it in stride as Uzoma seemed to. With nothing more to say, the stallions formed up in a semicircle in front of her, leading her forth through the tall grasses. The young mare tried her best not to stare, but she found herself occasionally stealing glances despite herself. With everything calming down and a chance to take another look, it became evident that each of the stallions bore some kind of black symbol on their hips, similar to a cutie mark, that wove itself between their stripes. Zuberi’s took on an oblong shape that seemed almost like a shield. Beside him, Uzoma’s almost resembled a messy checkered pattern that faded into the rest of his coat toward its edges. Off to her other side, it almost appeared as though Xolani’s stripes gave themselves the image of waving grass with a circle peeking up over the image. Ahead of her, she was graced with two simple vertical bars upon Zephania’s hip. Her first instinct was to try and figure out what these marks meant, just as she would unconsciously upon meeting anypony...only none of them gave her any real hint toward their meaning. Pondering their meaning, the mare largely zoned out on her hooves. ~ ~ ~ It took almost an hour before the sight of a single yurt poked up over the tall grass, the sun was setting in the background. A few minutes more and they found themselves in a small clearing that held the yurt. “Welcome to our home.” Zephania stopped and waved a hoof at the sturdy canvas and wood building. “A little village of misfits and outcasts.” Uzoma spoke up with a chuckle. “So, you’re a...um, bachelor herd?” The pegasus mare asked, her trepidation returning somewhat at the thought of being surrounded by stallions - they were not the best place for a mare that did not want to become pregnant, to be. “I suppose you could call us that.” Zuberi replied with a nod; with his mask off, the stallion’s face seemed harder and blockier than the others. “We are bachelors, yes.” Zephania admitted, “Though our goal as a group is not to find ourselves wives. We are simply trying to survive.” “Isn’t that how bachelor herds work?” She inquired simply. “In most cases yes. But those herds are formed with a set goal. We joined together by chance.” Zephania explained, “As Uzoma said, we are each misfits. Outcasts.” “I never thought I’d find a bachelor herd before an actual tribe.” She mused aloud. Now that she was no longer running for her life, the fatigue of the whole ordeal was starting to catch up with her and she started to feel it in her legs, and in her slowing thoughts. “Most tribes that we know of in the area live at least a few days away.” Zuberi replied with a shrug. “The nearest is back the way we came.” Zephania gestured with his staff. “Xolani thinks that perhaps we should escort the mare to where she can rest.” The jar covered zebra spoke up, reminding his companions of the mare’s ordeal. “I wouldn’t mind a quick rest.” Compass Rose admitted a little tiredly. “Here, allow me to help you with your things.” Uzoma stepped up and offered her a hoof with a charming smile. “I’m not carrying much.” She reassured the stallion, hoping that he would not get too pushy, so long as she kept him at arm’s reach. “If you insist.” He nodded respectfully and took a step back. “Come, I will show you where you may rest.” Zephania waved for her to follow, with his staff and started trotting toward the wooden door of the yurt, his companions close behind him. Now that Compass Rose knew they were a bachelor herd, she started having second thoughts, especially about being trapped inside. While not normally claustrophobic, she was like all pegasi in the sense that she was aware she was more vulnerable inside, where flight was not a viable means of escape. Nevertheless, after a brief glance upwards and noting that there were no clouds in sight, she realized that she had little choice. Unless that is she was going to sleep outside, where the lions could get at her easily. She honestly didn’t care for either idea, but the idea that she might be eaten by lions was less appealing than being assailed by a few stallions. After all, she wasn’t some weak mare that couldn’t defend herself - just not against lions, she noted to herself - and thus, she followed Zephania. The stallions trotted through the wooden door one at a time and when she entered after them, she was greeted by the sight of a small room, about eight feet across. It had been divided into four sections, each with a bedroll and a few personal belongings scattered about. In the center of the room, beneath a hole in the ceiling, was a fire pit. The stallions each went to one of the bedrolls, removing their masks and jars and what-not, and set them to the side. After leaning his staff against the wall, Zephania turned to her once more. “You may take my bed. I will take first watch and switch with Zuberi when he takes over.” The mare doffed her streamlined saddlebags next to the door and shook her head softly, “I can’t take your bed from you, not after you’ve offered me a place to sleep.” “If you insist.” Zephania shrugged, “Though I think a bedroll would be more comfortable. Please, make yourself at home.” He glanced around at his companions with a chuckle, “I’m sure the four of you will find something to talk about before you sleep.” She nodded gently, trying to cover the fact that the chuckling stallion did nothing to allay her fears at being all alone with four strong, capable, and admittedly handsome zebra stallions. As Zephania trotted to the door to take his watch, he stopped next to Compass Rose and stared into her eyes for a moment, before placing a hoof on her shoulder, “Be at ease. Our people hold a great respect for mares.” That said, he turned and trotted out into the fading light. Compass Rose still wasn’t completely sure she liked the idea, but if she had one failing it was that - like most ponies - she was perhaps a little too trusting. Watching him go, she decided that she would trust them. Removing her pith and barding, revealed that her clothes also doubled as a makeshift sleeping roll itself. If nothing else, it would keep her off the ground, if not keep her comfortable. It also revealed that her coat was indeed a pale-grey, mottled with speckles of a faded rusty color, just as her wings were; and her mane, a short cropped parchment color. While she had cut it to keep her cool, she was now pondering if that was in error, if for no other reason than all the insects that buzzed around the grasslands. Laying down, she started rooting through her saddlebags, revealing several canteens and a watertight notebook of considerable thickness, before she withdrew no less than a dozen red fruits. Now to a pony, the common McIntosh Apple might be pedestrian enough, but she was hoping that for the zebras of the grasslands - where no apple trees could be found - that they would be a well-received gift. Looking up from her saddlebags to the stallions she could see, she held one up in her hoof, in offering… “I’m not sure what you were planning for dinner, but I would be happy to share my remaining apples with you~” Compass Rose offered with a smile. Uzoma stared at the fruit with a look of surprise, “They look delicious!” “Xolani was going to make grass soup again...” The jar throwing zebra declared in protest. “No.” Zuberi and Uzoma chimed in unison, causing Xolani to lower his head dejectedly. “Xolani makes good grass soup...” The shaman’s ears folded back with a hurt look at their rejection. “It’s grass. Soup. Xolani...” Uzoma deadpanned, “You can’t make grass good.” “And it would be dishonorable to deny the gifts of a mare.” Zuberi reminded their comrade. “Um, Xolani…?” Compass Rose called out to the stallion, “If you like cooking, I could show you how to make applesauce.” Xolani’s ears perked back up then and he grinned, “Xolani is always looking for new recipes.” “And yet it’s still grass soup every night~” Uzoma muttered just loudly enough for the mare to hear. She tried her best not to smirk at the other stallion’s comment. “Well, it’s pretty simple if you have the apples. Do you have a pot with a cover and a paring knife, or two?” “Xolani has everything needed for cooking and brewing.” Xolani nodded sagely and turned to retrieve a few things from his alcove. “How much grass will this sauce require?” Uzoma leaned into whisper to Compass Rose, “We still don’t know why he’s so obsessed with grass.” This time she couldn’t help but chuckle quietly, “None, Xolani, but a little nutmeg or cinnamon is a nice touch. Do any of you collect honey?” “Xolani has never heard of cinnamon, but he has nutmeg.” He returned to the center area around the pit with a pot, two small bronze knives and a little jar that the scent of nutmeg drifted out of, “But Xolani has not been able to gather honey. Uzoma was too scared to climb up to collect it from the hive.” He shot a glare at the dark stallion. “I am not risking death by bees for you!” The young stallion stated defensively. “I’m sorry, please don’t fight…” She lifted her other hoof placatingly, trying to calm the two stallions; the two turned to look at her, before looking away bashfully. “Xolani apologizes for being rude in your presence, winged mare.” Xolani bowed his head respectfully. “We should have had better manners in front of such a lovely guest.” Uzoma admitted sheepishly. In his alcove between the two, Zuberi shook his head with a weary sigh, “It is like Zephania and I live with colts~” Compass Rose looked between the two formerly arguing stallions in shock, “No, it’s not like that!” She exclaimed before sighing, “I grew up with three brothers. I just don’t want to see you fighting…” “It is disgraceful for warriors and shamans to show such anger in the presence of a mare.” Zuberi explained, casting a reproachful look to each of the stallions, “Mares deserve more honor and respect than that. They are right to apologize.” “I see…” She remarked, then looked to the two as if she had an idea, “I really want to see how you are naturally. How about you four just pretend that I’m another stallion?” She suggested hopefully. “It cannot be done.” Zuberi replied with a shake of his head. “To treat a mare as anything but her true self is dishonorable.” Xolani agreed. “And you’re too pretty to pretend you’re a stallion.” Uzoma chimed in with a charming smile. “Do zebra mares fight? Because I can.” The pegasus announced. “No.” Zuberi replied, “To allow them to fight if they do not need to, to allow them to be endangered as such is the height of dishonor. Better that a stallion’s blood be shed than the mares of his tribe.” Compass Rose sighed defeatedly, before one last thought came to mind and she looked up to them with hope. “I came across the great sea to learn of your tribes and your ways. If you don’t act naturally, then how am I supposed to learn how you live?” Zuberi blinked, “You ask.” “I don’t simply wish to be told, I wish to see how you live.” She explained passionately, “Does that make sense?” “You are seeing it.” Zuberi cocked his head at her curiously with a furrowed brow. “No, I’m not. You told me that you don’t normally have a mare with you, so I’m asking that you act as if there were not a mare with you now.” She looked at the three with a pleading expression, her eyes wide and her chin drawing up ever so slightly, giving the three stallions perhaps the most adorable face they may have ever seen. The three of them shared a long, uneasy look, before Zuberi spoke again, “I am...not sure we are comfortable with that. The stallions of a tribe are supposed to show the tribe’s mare the utmost respect~” At that moment, Zephania clopped back in through the door and, taking a quick stride over to Uzoma, swatted him upside the head, “I told you to help Xolani gather his ingredients!” He spun and tossed a pebble from the floor at Xolani’s forehead, “Stop obsessing over grass!” Turning, he reached over and bopped Zuberi on the top of the head with his staff, “The mare made a request. Listen to her.” With a disgusted sigh, Zephania spun about once more and moved to trot out of the yurt. When he was gone the remaining stallions sat in stunned silence, before they turned their collective gaze to an equally shocked Compass Rose. The mare wasn’t sure how he had overheard their conversation, but she was impressed he had. “Well then...” Zuberi began slowly. Uzoma rubbed the back of his head where Zephania had swatted him, “That was, eh...” “Will you please try to act normally around me?” The pegasus asked sincerely, “I would appreciate the respect you show me, but I would like to see how a bachelor herd lives without mares...and don’t worry about me, like I said, three brothers. I’ve seen it all.” “I think you’ve seen all there is to us now as well.” Zuberi declared bemusedly. “I just want you four to feel comfortable around me, I am imposing after all, even if you do appreciate my company…” She trailed off briefly, “Just try to act naturally, please?” The three stallions shared another look, before turning to her and nodding in assent. “As you wish, Compass Rose.” Zuberi smiled warmly. “We will honor your request.” Uzoma nodded with a grin. “Thank you!” She exclaimed happily and smiling broadly, “Now, can I get you stallions to help me cook?” “Xolani is the only one who can cook.” Xolani puffed out his chest proudly. “Boiling grass is not cooking!” Uzoma cried out incredulously. “Well, maybe if Uzoma would get the proper ingredients for Xolani, Xolani could make his grass taste better.” The medicine stallion huffed. “You can’t make grass taste better! By my ancestors’ spirits, it’s grass!” Uzoma shouted desperately. “I think our guest finds you amusing.” Zuberi noted with an amused smirk, and both of the arguing stallions stopped to looked at her curiously. Compass Rose, now reassured somewhat that their bickering was not in fact ‘fighting’, but some sort of bonding ritual, had a hoof to her mouth and was giggling demurely at the two of them. “The winged mare thinks Xolani’s cooking style is worthy of laughter?” Xolani asked sadly, only for her to shake her head as she fought back the giggles, “Then she finds Uzoma’s looks worthy of laughter?” “Hey!” The dark zebra cried out indignantly. She shook her head once again. “No, I think the way you two show each other friendship is funny!” Rose proclaimed, before laughing a bit harder. “This is what we do, Compass Rose.” Zuberi nodded sagely, “This is who we are.” The mare took a deep breath and fought down her giggles. “Then thank you for letting me see who you are.” She smiled genuinely, putting on a happy face to try and keep from laughing again, “Now, making applesauce is really easy. All you have to do is peel the apples, core them and cook. May I see a knife for a moment?” Rose asked Xolani, holding out a hoof and he obliged, passing it handle first and watching eagerly, ready to learn. She nodded to the stallion and spun the knife in hoof, bringing it to the apple in the other and began cutting… “Now, an apple’s skin in rather thin, so once you’ve got the blade under it, things should move quickly enough.” She demonstrated quite skillfully. The stallions watched intently as the white of the apple was revealed. They had never seen a fruit like that before and were sure to remain quiet for her demonstration. “Now, the skin’s completely edible, it just doesn’t bake well,” She showed them, by taking a bite of the peel, before offering them some, a little fruit left over on it. They each took a small bite and savored it in their mouths for a moment. “It’s...not bad.” Zuberi declared with a nod. “It’s kind of sweet.” Uzoma mused. “It would make an excellent addition to Xolani’s grass stew.” Xolani rubbed his chin thoughtfully. She giggled playfully at that. “Didn’t Zephania tell you not to obsess over grass so much~?” She teased Xolani gently. “Zephania does not understand the importance of grass to Xolani’s brews and medicines!”’ He declared haughtily. “Someday you’ll have to explain it to me, when I have the time to write down some notes.” She smiled faintly as she neared completion on peeling her apple. “Well, you’ve seen a little of how we live,” Zuberi began with a hum, “Would you tell us about yourself, Compass Rose?” “Sure,” She nodded, “What would you like to know?” “What brings you to our homeland? I’m sure there are many interesting races in the world. Why zebras?” Zuberi asked curiously. “I guess, because you are so similar to us ponies, yet are in many ways nothing alike…?” She mused. “How so?” He prompted her, cocking his head. “Well…very few ponies are nomadic, most of us live in villages and cities. Some ponies never travel more than a day’s canter from where they were born.” She expanded. “But if all these ponies stay in one place all their lives, how do their lands support them with no chance to replenish?” Xolani gave her a very confused look. “Equestria is a fertile land and has bred some very capable farmers,” She shook her head then, “I unfortunately know nothing of farming, as few pegasi take up the profession.” “Pegasi?” Uzoma asked quizzically. “Farming?” Zuberi blinked again. Compass Rose chuckled self-consciously, before extending her wings and flapping them with an absent slowness. “I am a pegasus pony, those of us born with wings are pegasi.” She explained, before holding forward the now peeled apple, “Farming is… A farmer plants, tends and then harvests the plants that grow the food we eat. Like apples.” “So a farmer nurtures life, rather than allowing nature to handle everything?” Xolani asked slowly. The mare nodded simply. “In the orchards where they grow apple trees, there can be hundreds, even thousands of trees in neat and even rows, and each tree can grow hundreds of apples a season!” She exclaimed excitedly, earning awestruck stares that she did not seem to notice, “Alright, next, we core the apple.” Bringing the apple over the pot, she made four quick cuts, first lopping off either side, then slicing off the excess. This left a square core with a little fruit on it that she now dangled by a hoof, “Now which one of you boys wants the core?” She teased them with a little smile. Three hooves raised into the air, earning a gentle snicker. “Well, how am I supposed to choose between three handsome stallions...?” The three of them couldn’t help but puff up a little at her compliment. “I think it’s simple enough.” Zephania’s voice declared from the doorway, “Let each of them give you a kiss. The sweetest kiss gets the core.” Zephania smirked at her with a chuckle when she looked back at him with a blush. “I...a kiss?” Rose returned in surprise, before blinking away said surprise, “Then you go first.” She declared with a grin, suspecting that the stallion would not be able to go through with it. She was proven wrong, however, when he brought a hoof to her cheek and leaned in to place a tender kiss on her lips. Her eyes widened in surprise at the stallion’s boldness, but then she sighed quietly - he was a good kisser. But to keep her dignity she remained still and most certainly did not kiss him back, though she momentarily thought about it... Zephania held her there for a moment, before pulling back just far enough to stare into her eyes, “So who’s next?” He smirked. The mare looked back to them with a confident smile, there was nothing quite like a good kiss to make a mare more confident in herself. The stallions stopped and looked to each other thoughtfully for a moment. When they were through, Uzoma stood to his hooves with an eager grin. Trotting up to her, he sat himself down beside her and slowly slipped an arm around her, pressing his lips to hers gently, but hungrily. As good as Zephania’s kiss was, Uzoma’s was almost infectious! There was a part of her mind that had to force her tail to be still, lest it get her into trouble. Well, more trouble than teasing and kissing stallions might... With a reluctant sigh, Uzoma eventually broke the kiss and stepped back, only to be replaced by Zuberi. The larger, blockier stallion wrapped both of his arms around her and held her to himself, before kissing her. His kiss was firmer, though less passionate than Uzoma’s and he held his lips open invitingly. Compass Rose was not about to indulge him, and she promptly eased her head downward, to break the kiss and end up forehead-to-forehead with the stallion. “It’s too bad we’re not having a best hug competition…” She purred, before giving him the smallest peck on the cheek. Zuberi absolutely beamed at her statement, giving her a gentle squeeze before he released her. She then found herself being gently turned by the shoulder to face Xolani. He stared into her eyes for a moment, almost reverently. “Eyes like twin moons...” Xolani leaned in and gave her a very quick, chaste kiss. Compass Rose pulled back with a gentle sigh. “Well...you boys really know how to make a girl feel good…” She hummed in thought for a moment, “I don’t know...you two are both really good kissers…” She admitted, looking from Xolani to Zephania and back; all four stallions smiled happily at the thought that they had pleased the mare, though Xolani and Zephania puffed up in particular. “Perhaps...” Zephania reached out a hoof and began to gently caress her back between her wings, causing her wings to snap up as if spring loaded, smacking his arm and causing a little gasp from her. Uzoma, who had been directly behind her, almost fell back onto his rump with a startled cry, but caught himself. “Compass Rose?” Zephania rubbed his bruised arm tenderly as he regarded her with a worried expression. By that point, she had wheeled on him dropping the apple core on the ground. “Don’t touch me there!” She exclaimed loudly, a hot blush coloring her face. “B-but I was-” He started to stammer out, before he took notice of the way she was blushing, “Oh!” His eyes widened a bit and he immediately dropped into a bow, lowering his head to the floor. “Please forgive me, Compass Rose. I did not mean to overstep my bounds.” Each of the other stallions around her took a step back and cast their gazes to the ground, as though an act of submission. The angry mare quickly took notice of their reactions and calmed herself, realizing it was nothing more than a mistake. “Zephania, stop, please,” Compass Rose implored him, her blush increasing slightly as her voice fell a little, “The spot between a pegasus’ wings is an erogenous zone.” She whispered just loudly enough for each of the stallions to hear as she looked to the floor, her face feeling like it was on fire. Zephania slowly looked up from the floor, “I caused you great discomfort-” If her blush didn’t cover every inch of her face before, it did now. “No, it feels really good, too good~” She admitted sheepishly. “I touched you where you did not wish to be touched.” Zephania spoke softly, “I have shamed-” “No, Zephania, you didn’t know. It’s alright, I forgive you.” She reassured him, quietly interrupting him yet again. “Please, allow me to make it up to you.” He rose back to his full height, “Simply name whatever task or favor you wish.” Compass Rose really didn’t think that he would take nothing as a response, so she looked back to Uzoma briefly. “Think you two could get us some honey? Applesauce tastes better when sweet.” “It will be done.” Uzoma declared. He and Zephania bowed their heads deeply to her, before grabbing a jar from Xolani and disappearing out the door. Compass Rose shook her head and looked back to the two, before noting the fallen apple core. “Sorry, I think each of you deserve a hoof-delivered apple core after having to listen to me yell~” She smiled weakly and looked to Zuberi, “Can you help us peel, please?” “Of course.” He gave her a gentle smile and went to take one of the bronze knives, “You have nothing to apologize for. It is a stallion’s duty to please the tribe’s mares. You were caused displeasure, so it is only right to fix it for you.” “I’m not one of your tribe’s mares, you owe me nothing, Zuberi…” She reproached him gently, “And it wasn’t a big deal, it was an accident. I’m surprised it took this long, to be honest.” “You are a guest in our home. That means you are of our tribe, if only for a short while.” Zuberi explained, “Your needs, your desires? They are ours now.” “Careful, stallion, or you might not be able to get rid of me~” She waved a hoof at him dismissively, chuckling quietly to herself, as she went to peeling an apple herself. “I do not think this would be a bad thing.” Zuberi smiled and took an apple to peel. “Xolani agrees. A mare’s mere presence makes the grasslands more green.” Xolani gave her a sagely nod. “I wish all stallions thought that way~” She remarked with a quiet wistfulness. “Do pony stallions not give their mares honor and respect?” Zuberi furrowed his brow angrily at the thought. “Yes,” She nodded, then paused, “I mean most do…” She explained, “Trying to gain the attention of a stallion can be difficult for a mare,” She gestured to herself, “especially for a less than perfect mare.” “Please take no offense when I say this, Compass Rose,” Zuberi cleared his throat and snorted angrily, “But your homeland is a shameful place if a beautiful mare like yourself cannot obtain the affections of a stallion.” “Beautiful…?” She parrotted, freezing in her work on her apple. “Yes. Very.” Zuberi nodded in affirmation. Compass Rose blinked in surprise, before turning toward Xolani. “Xolani believes you to be a beautiful creature of the sky as well.” Xolani gave her a warm, reassuring smile. The mare smiled faintly and shook her head demurely. “Alright, get back to your apples, you two, before you make me cry…” She chuckled and returned to peeling her own apple. Xolani resumed his work with a smile, but Zuberi stared at her in concern. “Have we said something to make you sad, Compass Rose?” He asked worriedly. She smirked. “No, silly...I’m going to cry because you’re making me feel good.” She chuckled heartily, but quietly. Zuberi smiled at that, feeling a sense of pride for cheering up the pegasus mare, before going back to work. After a few moments, she had cored her apple before either of the stallions, given that she had many years of practice under her proverbial belt. She turned to the stallion nearest her. “Xolani?” She called out his name, and the stallion turned toward her. She cut off the stem, before placing the apple core between her lips and leaning toward him. He smiled softly and leaned in, taking it in his own teeth, his lips brushing against hers. Sitting there, he simply stared into her eyes, as though transfixed. She smirked gently, tapping against his lips and pulled back, only to lean into his ear. “You’re supposed to eat it now~” She tittered. Xolani suddenly snapped out of his little trance with a slight blush. He chewed on the core for a few moments, savoring the flavor, before he swallowed. “It is sweet.” He nodded, “Though not as sweet as your own lips~” The mare grinned happily, “Thank you, Xolani. You are quite the kisser yourself~” She complimented him, before looking to Zuberi, “If you can cut that one without cutting yourself, you’re next.” She winked at the other stallion, who immediately quickened his pace, wielding his knife with practiced ease, even on unfamiliar fruit. It took him only a minute longer to cut his way to the core with no injury to himself. Taking the core triumphantly, Zuberi took it...and promptly balanced it on his nose, giving Compass Rose a silly grin. She chuckled at his antics, before trotting over to him and held out her hoof. “Give it here, silly.” She snorted amusedly. He feigned a pout, before hoofing it over with a smile, “Your laugh is as beautiful as you are.” She plucked off the stem with her teeth, before taking the fruit in her lips, as she had for the other stallion and leaned in with a grin on her lips. He took the other half in his teeth and puckered his lips to kiss her as he did so. This time, she kissed him back, albeit briefly. She figured that the stallion deserved it this time, considering the fact that she was coming onto him this time and even still, he was being behaved. A well behaved stallion deserves a little positive reinforcement, no? She mused internally. Even still, she did pull back from him, before wrapping an arm around his neck, fishing for another of his giant hugs. After chewing and swallowing the core, he was all too happy to oblige, wrapping her in both arms and squeezing her gently. She giggled again, appreciating his large form and a part of her couldn’t help but be attracted to his stature, a part of her wondering if it was large too, before she silenced such lewd thoughts. While he held her, he leaned his head down to give her a quick nuzzle, before giving her a questioning look. Did she really want him to let go? She reluctantly released him signaling that she did indeed want to be. With a small sigh, he let her escape from his arms. It was around that moment that Zephania and Uzoma trotted back in, Uzoma carrying a jar presumably filled with honey. Both of them had triumphant looks on their faces. Compass Rose turned around with a surprised expression. “That was fast.” She nodded, moving to give Uzoma a quick nuzzle, before taking the jar from him. “What can I say?” Uzoma puffed out his chest, “No hive is a match for Uzoma!” Zephania rolled his eyes, “You were out of that tree and galloping away faster than an antelope~” Uzoma shot him a dirty look, “I didn’t see you climbing up there with those evil little demons.” The mare gently pulled him around by the chin, “Sounds like you’re fast to me~” She pressed her nose against his reassuringly. “The fastest and the best.” He stated proudly, giving her a peck on the lips. She pulled back with a grin still on her face, she honestly couldn’t help it with all the attention she was getting. “Well, let me get back to the apples, so that we can put this honey to good use.” Noticing that Xolani had finished coring his apple and started on the next, she placed the jar down next to the pot, “Zephania…?” She called out to him, before turning around, a cored apple held suggestively between her lips once more. Zephania smiled softly and sat on his rump before her. Taking her cheeks in both his hooves, he took the apple into his mouth, but almost seemed to forget about it as he held his lips tenderly against hers. This time she did kiss him back, though only briefly, as not to make any of the others jealous and then promptly withdrew. Though she was loath to admit it, there was a part of her that wanted him as her own and if he were a pony, she would’ve jumped at the chance. That said, there was a part of her that - without even realizing it - was already playing each of them to see which one was best. Zephania tentatively brushed a hoof affectionately over her shoulder, “What do you need us to do now?” She found herself wiping a smile off of her muzzle. “We’ve got the rest of the apples to peel and core, then it’s just a matter of cooking.” She explained the rather simple process. “Alright. Let me grab some knives...” Zephania trotted to his alcove, returning with a knife for himself and Uzoma. The four stallions and mare peeled the remainder of the apples in quick order, before she instructed the others to get the fire going to cook the apples. She then waved Uzoma over, a rather healthy core in her hoof, one that she had intentionally left extra fruit on for the patient stallion. As with the others, she placed it in her lips, teasingly fluttering her eyes at him. With an eager whinny, Uzoma took the core and pressed his lips to hers as if intent on devouring them as well. The mare gently placed a hoof on his barrel to let the stallion know to calm himself. He pulled back slowly with a sheepish grin, chewing on the apple core. She leaned into his ear, “Mares are like apple cores, best when slowly savored.” She whispered to him alone. “I will take note.” He whispered back after swallowing. She gave him a peck on the cheek - after all, good stallions need to be rewarded - she reminded herself, not in the least because she was now excited by the prospect of four stallions that all thought she was beautiful, and worth waiting on her every beck and command. When they had lit the fire and finished peeling their apples, each of the four stallions leaned in to give her a nuzzle. “What now?” Xolani asked expectantly as he took his place by the pot. “Now we need a cup of water, a liberal amount of honey, a dash of nutmeg and fifteen or twenty minutes to let it all cook.” Compass Rose responded cheerfully. Xolani was quick to follow her instructions, throwing the ingredients into the pot, covering it, and setting it over the fire. “There. Let us see if Xolani can make ‘applesauce’ as good as his grass soup.” “Hopefully better...” Uzoma muttered with a roll of his eyes. “I’m sure it’ll be great.” The mare declared happily, “You all did a great job preparing the apples!” “So what should we do while we wait?” Zephania asked curiously, looking around at the group. “There is still some honey left in Xolani’s jar.” Xolani held out the jar to Compass Rose suggestively. “Just a little,” She stuck her hoof into the jar for a taste, “applesauce is pretty sweet on its own.” Xolani nodded and took a taste of his own, before passing it to Zuberi. From there, it passed around the group until Zephania went to hoof it to Compass Rose again. But while he held it out, it slipped in his hooves and spilled a small amount of its honey on the mare’s flank before he righted it. The mare groaned quietly, before she stood and spun around, licking the little bit of honey off of her cutie mark. “I am sorry for my clumsiness.” Zephania nodded low, setting the jar down in front of her. She took a moment to smooth her coat back out, before turning back and shaking her head. “It’s alright, no harm done. Now if you got it in my feathers, then I might be cross.” “Understandable. They must be hard to clean.” Uzoma commented. Her feathers ruffled subtly as she went to sit back down. “Hard? No, just time consuming. If a pegasus cares about her feathers, she’ll preen her wings every day. Though you could get by doing it every few days, your wings won’t work as well.” “You work hard to maintain their function as well as their beauty.” Uzoma replied respectfully. She nodded simply, quite proud of her wings, as most pegasi are. “What is it like?” Zephania suddenly asked with an eager grin, “Being able to soar through the heavens?” She cocked her head at him, curiously, never actually having thought about it before. “It’s...I don’t know. I don’t usually think about flying, but when I’m not flying.” She revealed, “Being on the ground is,” She shrugged, “...Claustrophobic.” “You feel free when you are in the sky.” Zuberi nodded softly. “I suppose. When I’m in the air, I know that I’m safe. Faster than any lion and more nimble than any gryphon.” She declared wistfully. “Xolani hopes to see you in the air soon. You seem like you are happier up there.” The medicine stallion smiled, but did not look up as he watched the pot. “Hmm?” She asked, suddenly drawn back to the conversation in earnest, “It’s not that I’m unhappy on the ground…” She protested weakly. “You don’t sound convinced of that yourself.” Zuberi noted with a slight frown. Compass Rose frowned then, swallowing promptly, before looking to Zuberi. “I was born in Cloudsdale, a pegasi cloud-city. I lived most of my life in the sky, up until I boarded the ship that brought me here.” She explained, “I’ve never been to a place where there are no clouds anywhere to be found...a safe haven from whatever may decide to attack me. Those lions for instance, I would’ve just laughed at from upon a cloud, back in Equestria.” “Then this is your first extended visit to the ground, then?” Zephania asked in surprise, his eyes widening a little. “Not my first time, no. I lived briefly in Canterlot.” She admitted with a small shake her head, before frowning softly, “But they have frequent cloud cover, even if it is thin.” “Is there anything we can do to make you feel more comfortable down here?” Uzoma asked soothingly. “I would like you to feel safe with us.” “You could help keep an eye out for a cloud.” She continued to explain, “My first night on the coast, I managed to snag a cloud out at sea to sleep on. Ever since, I’ve been moving inland and there have been no clouds at all.” “There are few out here on the grasslands.” Uzoma nodded, “Though I will keep an eye out for you.” “Thank you.” She nodded to the nearly-black stallion, with a small smile. The stallions remained quiet after that, waiting patiently for the applesauce to cook. “I love the smell of cooking apples, don’t you?” She finally spoke after a few moments of silence, looking around at the stallions, trying to get a conversation going once again. “It is a delicious smell.” Xolani nodded with a hum. “Do you perhaps have any more Xolani could trade for? Xolani could make scented oils with these...” She shook her head. “I’m sorry, I only brought these as a gift to whatever tribe took me in. Though, if you ever head to the coast, there are a few trading ports from what I understand and where there are ponies, there are most certainly apples.” “Then Xolani shall have to make a journey in future days.” He nodded to himself, “Xolani believes he might trade things made with apples to some tribes. Those that will allow Xolani’s little tribe in...” He muttered. “I know it’s none of my business, and feel free to tell me no...but why would tribes not allow you four in?” She asked curiously. “Each of us is outcast from our respective tribes.” Zephania explained. “This closes entry to most of the nearby tribes to us...” “Would you mind if I asked why?” She asked tentatively, her ears folded partially back to make herself look sufficiently meek, knowing that she had no right to ask anything of them. The four stallions were silent for a while, looking between her and each other. Xolani was the first to speak up, “Xolani worships the stars. Xolani sees beauty and wisdom there...knowledge. Most call the stars evil.” He continued to watch the pot, occasionally opening it up to stir. “I see…” She spoke quietly, nodding in response, “Who, or what, do most zebras worship then?” “Most revere the ancestors, as well as spirits that guide us in all we do.” Xolani explained, “Many revere the sun and moon as well. Where the stars are evil, the moon is the guardian that holds them back.” “My people’s rulers are a pair of majestic sisters that control the moon and sun. They are wise and caring rulers that have protected our people for centuries beyond count, at least since Discord’s time, well more than a thousand years ago…” She explained, “Some of us worship them as living, well, goddesses.” Xolani paused in his stirring and all four of the stallions looked to her skeptically, “That is a lofty claim to make. Controlling the sun and moon.” Compass Rose looked down at her hooves, scraping at the dirt. “Do you remember a few months past when the sun and moon froze in the sky?” She asked, not looking up from the dirt floor, and the zebras shared an uneasy glance. “Dark times. Bad omens.” Xolani muttered. “Well, if the stories are true, Discord trapped the Princesses, rendering them unable to perform their royal duties and freezing the two in the sky.” Compass Rose spoke quietly once more. The four stallions were unsure how to take the revelation. So, with nothing to say, they remained quiet. After a moment, the mare broke the silence once more, “Thank you, Xolani.” “Hhmm?” Xolani glanced up from the pot, which was almost done cooking, “Why do you thank Xolani?” “You didn’t have to tell me why you were exiled.” She smiled back at him. “How could Xolani say no to a beautiful creature like Compass Rose?” Xolani smiled softly. She shrugged. “I just thought that some of you might not want to tell me…” “If you wish to know, it is no secret.” Zuberi spoke up, “None of us hold shame for what we were exiled for.” “If you wouldn’t mind, I am quite curious…” She revealed with a nod. Zuberi nodded and took a deep breath, “When ponies first encountered zebras, not all of their meetings were...peaceful. Many still hold resentment toward pony kind. Among them, a few tribes, like my own, came to know the winged ponies and horned ponies as demons for the havoc they could wreak in battle.” He paused to let her process the statement. “I-” Compass Rose exclaimed, only to fall silent and regard her hooves, “So, you were exiled because you wanted peace?” Her voice asked in a near whisper. “No.” He stated simply. “I don’t understand.” She admitted slowly, eyeing the stallion cautiously. “Many years ago, a horned stallion set up camp near my tribe. He had come to study local animals and plants.” Zuberi began, “Rather than drive him off, our chieftain ordered us to avoid him. My sister did not listen. I would learn that she had been visiting him in secret. One night, I caught them together. I drove him away and dragged her back to our home, commanding her to tell no one...but she had become pregnant.” Compass Rose looked surprised, her face forming a little ‘oh’ shape, but no words came forth, “Now, for zebras, it is not uncommon for a mare to become pregnant without bonding to a stallion. Some do not wish to be bonded, others simply cannot find a stallion who will take them permanently. As such, none questioned her condition. Then she gave birth...he bore his father’s horn. My sister and the foal were slain on the spot.” It seemed strange to see, but the pale-grey mare managed to go almost white, her eyes widening and filling with tears, of equal parts sadness and rage. Aside from her face going slack and her eyes widening, she froze, not even her mouth managed to work for a long moment. “I…” She finally mumbled, her eyes pacing back and forth across the floor frantically, before she stood and whipped around, “I need some air.” She declared, darting out of the yurt, leaving the door open behind her. “Compass Rose!” Zephania and Uzoma shot up and outside after her, “It is not safe to be out here alone!” By then, it was too late, the mare had taken aloft and was flying away at a fast pace. Zephania looked back at Uzoma, “I will get the others. We have to follow her, who knows what she might encounter when she lands? You run after her as fast as you can.” Uzoma nodded and dashed away into the grass, following after the mare as quickly as he could manage, and was soon joined by Zeburi and Zephania, while Xolani had elected to stay behind in case she returned. The trio spent an hour trying to follow the long gone pegasus, before heading back, deciding that they would continue searching in the morning. ~ ~ ~ Back in camp, after more than an hour of waiting alone, Xolani heard something thud into the side of the yurt, hard enough to shake its walls. Xolani froze, eying the wall suspiciously, before picking up one of his many small clay jars and slowly trotting for the door. Trotting out slowly, he scanned the area before turning to trot around the yurt. Leaning up against the wall was Compass Rose, her head hung low and panting for breath, she was so tired that she did not immediately take notice of his presence. “Compass Rose!” Xolani cried worriedly. He dropped his clay jar and galloped forward to wrap her in a hug, “You stupid, stupid filly! You should not worry Xolani and his tribe so.” The pegasus mare was too tired to actually be surprised at that point. “I know, I know, I’m sorry.” She groaned tiredly, and something about the way she said it made him think that she was quite used to saying it, as if it were a common occurrence. Xolani sighed and rubbed her lower back, careful to avoid her wings, “It’s alright now. Xolani has you~” He gave her a gentle squeeze. “I’m alright, I’m better now.” She reassured him, still with that exhausted voice. “Xolani knows...” He moved to support her, “Let Xolani get you to bed so you may rest.” “I’m out of shape.” She revealed plainly, “To be so tired after a mere hour’s flight…” She shook her head then. “You have been gone for almost two.” Xolani stated as he started to lead her back to the door. “Oh…” She murmured quietly, as if that changed things, leaning up against Xolani and enjoyed his warmth. He remained silent until they made it into the yurt, where he started to guide her toward his bedroll. “You can place me down on my barding.” She insisted. “No. Xolani’s bedding is far more comfortable.” “I’m not sleeping with you.” She declared forcefully, before realizing how cruel that sounded, “Any of you.” She added, before realizing that wasn’t any better, “...I’m going to shut my muzzle and my eyes.” She groaned, flopping down on her spot unceremoniously. Xolani was quiet for a moment, before going to his little alcove and retrieving a blanket; trotting back over, he gently placed it over her, before leaning down and kissing her forehead, “You have nothing to fear from Xolani. Xolani merely wished you to be comfortable, not to bed you.” With that, he slowly turned and made his way back to his own little bedroll. “I’m sorry, Xolani, I’m not the most tactful mare at the best of times, nor am I the wisest.” She snorted then, “Goodness knows my parents agree…” “Xolani understands. Xolani is not upset.” He reassured her gently, “Now rest.” “How was the applesauce?” She asked quietly. “We are saving it for when you can enjoy it with us.” He gave a soft smile. “Thank you~” She whispered with a contented smile. > Arc I: Chapter II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compass Rose awoke the next morning to the smell of warming applesauce and the sound of stallions moving about the yurt. She felt warmer than she had when she fell asleep. The mare groaned, rubbing her eyes. “Just how early do you boys wake up?” She grumbled quietly. “We rise with the sun.” Uzoma’s voice spoke up warmly, before placing a bowl and a wooden spoon before her nose. “But that was just a moment ago…” She groaned as she stretched out her other limbs under the blankets, not yet taking note of just how covered she was. “We like to beat the sun too, sometimes.” He chuckled and kissed her on the cheek. “To think my roommate said I got up too early…” She snorted in humor, “What’s all that on my back…?” She turned around to regard the blankets with sleepy eyes. “None of us wished you to be cold.” Zuberi spoke up from by the fire, “We gave you our blankets.” The pegasus mare chuckled loudly then, after a moment she looked up to Zuberi with a broad smile, “You boys do realize that as a pegasus I’m used to sleeping in the cold, right?” “Being used to it does not mean you have to endure it.” Zuberi replied softly, before a sad look entered his eyes and his face fell. “Come here,” She commanded, a gentle smile on her face, “all of you.” Zuberi brightened a little and scooted over to her, soon joined by the others, and they sat around her in a semicircle. The mare wiggled out from under her blankets and wrapped the four in a group hug. “Thank you, each of you.” She murmured, holding them tightly. They returned the favor, holding her tight and giving her a collective nuzzle as Zuberi spoke, “I am sorry I upset you so...” “It’s not your fault, I just can’t imagine anyone killing a foal and mother just because the child was cross-species.” She admitted sadly. “My tribe...” Zuberi took a deep breath, “It was not a good place.” “I am sorry I brought up that memory.” She murmured, before kissing him on the cheek and pressing her head against his sympathetically. “Do not be.” He squeezed her tight as the others released her, “I have made peace. They rest safely with the ancestors now...” “Still…” She murmured uncomfortably, “I can’t imagine it.” “You don’t have to. I pray you never know that kind of pain.” He nuzzled her neck gently. “I am sorry you have to.” She said, giving him a firm squeeze. “Like I said,” He leaned his head back to face her, but still held her, “I have made peace. It helps some that their killers will never do so again...” Rose’s ears suddenly stood on end and her eyes widened in realization, suddenly holding Zuberi by the shoulders, “My guides!” She gasped. Zuberi blinked at the sudden change of subject and glanced uncertainly to his fellow stallions, “Uh...” “When the lions attacked everyone panicked!” She exclaimed in explanation. “Why did you not mention your companions before?” Zephania cocked his head with a concerned frown. “I- I don’t know.” Rose admitted with a frown, looking thoughtfully at Zuberi’s chest as she searched her thoughts, “...With everything that happened, I guess I was in shock~” She murmured softly. Zephania looked thoughtful for a moment and shared a sad, knowing look with each of his fellows, before placing a hoof on her shoulder, “We will eat quickly, then go look for the others.” The mare hesitated a moment, returning to her own hooves. “Quickly.” She agreed with a somber nod, pretending that she hadn’t seen their expressions. “We really need to get you fed.” Uzoma smirked and prodded her flank with a hoof, to distract her, “You’re scrawny enough without us trying to starve you.” The mare swatted at the stallion’s hoof with her wing, shooting him an indignant glance. “Scrawny?” Rose replied with an incredulous look, her brow raised, “I will have you know I am one of the best distance fliers in my class!” She turned her hip at him, showing off her cutie mark of the same name, “See that? I’ve got a sense of direction like a bird. Blindfold me and I could still find my way back to the very same spot after an hour of flying, easy!” Uzoma, as well as Zephania who sat next to him, eyed her wiggling hip appreciatively, before Uzoma replied, “Do not be offended, Compass Rose.” He darted in and kissed her on the nose, “I like smaller mares~” He whispered conspiratorially with a teasing grin as she leaned back in surprise. The smaller mare hoofed him sharply in the shoulder, narrowing her eyes at him. “Hooves where I can see ‘em stallion.” She warned him, and through him, the others not to get any funny ideas. “I’m insulted.” He feigned a pout and held his hooves up innocently, “I would never force myself upon a mare.” “The last time my flank was stared at like that, was by a pack of pony-eating lions.” Rose remarked a little skeptically, yet backed off, only to glance mindfully at the others. The four stallions looked to her with expressions of honest hurt. “We do not mean to make you uncomfortable.” Zephania reassured her. “We were just teasing.” Uzoma gave her an apologetic frown. “We do find you attractive, yes, but more importantly, we want you to be happy, healthy, and comfortable.” Zuberi spoke up finally. Compass Rose sighed then, trying to fight back a smile at Zuberi’s caring words, while at the same time softly biting her lip. “I hope you will forgive me for being...uneasy in the midst of a bachelor herd of four-” She took a deep breath and hoped that she was not making the worst mistake of her life, “-of four flirty, handsome stallions.” Zuberi beamed proudly at her compliment, while Uzoma cast his gaze to the floor, “My deepest apologies, Compass Rose. It was not my intent to make you uncomfortable.” Off to either side, Zephania and Xolani shared a happier smile as they basked in the small amount of praise. The mare softly raised his chin with one of her forehooves. “I have had too few gentlestallions in my life.” Rose admitted quietly, explaining her unease to them in not so many words, offering them the chance to be. Uzoma smiled softly in return, “Then please count four more among them. Allow me a chance to prove myself. Give me any task you wish...” “You want a test~?” Rose repeated curiously, a little surprised that he seemed intent to prove himself to her; she smiled playfully, loosening up just a little, “Don’t look at my flank for the entire day. That should be proof enough that you are sincere.” “Very well.” Uzoma raised his head up, his eyes shut tight. “Xolani, would you grab me a cloth?” Before he could, the pegasus snorted amusedly and lightly flicked Uzoma’s nose with her wingtip. “That’s cheating.” “Your task was to not look at your flank. This is merely to prevent any mishaps.” Uzoma explained with an exaggerated expression of pride. “As well intentioned as your flirting might be, I want you to resist the temptation.” She declared gently, then leaned over and kissed him softly on the cheek, “I don’t wish to simply be eye candy.” Uzoma was silent for a moment, before cracking his eyes open and staring into her own pointedly, “I do honestly find you beautiful.” He replied softly, “Every part of you. I wish to know you better as well.” “Are all of you stallions trying to get under my tail!?” She laughed with good humor, before leaning in and nuzzling his cheek in a friendly manner, then assured him... “Don’t worry, I won’t wiggle my rump again, that wouldn’t be fair.” Uzoma chuckled and all four of them shared a look, before fixing their eyes back on her. “We want to woo you.” Zephania admitted with a soft smile. “But we will not force a mare to love us.” Uzoma spoke after him. “We would like a chance to stay with you, even if we never join you in bed.” Zuberi reassured her. “Xolani’s tribe holds nothing but respect for mares.” The medicine stallion bowed his head low. Rose laughed softly and waved her hoof dismissively at them. “Well, you better sort it out amongst yourselves.” Rose tittered, before honestly admitting, “I don’t think four stallions have wanted me ever, let alone at once. You can’t expect me to chose between you.” “Which is why we would not make you choose...” Zephania shook his head with a soft smile. Compass Rose stopped dead, her mirth momentarily forgotten; all she could do was blink in surprise. “We? As in you four?” The mare asked unsteadily, needing to be sure, “You mean you four want to share me? One mare?” They all four nodded in unison, causing her to stare back at them with a dumbfounded expression for a moment. Back in Equestria she had tried almost desperately to get the attention of even one stallion without success, and here, she had somehow got the attention of four, without trying. Thus, she did what any self-respecting mare would in said situation… She fainted. ~ ~ ~ It wasn’t long before she awoke once more to three sets of hooves gently shaking her and a familiar muscular presence supporting her from behind, while something sweet and apple-scented was held up to her nose. “Compass Rose?” Uzoma’s voice spoke up, “Are you alright?” “Celestia, are angels supposed to have stripes…?” She asked groggily. “I think she’s hallucinating.” Zephania’s voice replied, “Xolani, get your medicines.” “Hallucinating?” She blinked, looking around to see Zuberi hugging her from behind, “Can dead ponies hallucinate?” Xolani chuckled, “You are not dead, beautiful Rose.” “I’m not…?” She asked confusedly. “Not quite.” Zuberi leaned down and nuzzled her, “You had us worried for a moment.” “I don’t think I’ve ever had four stallions want me.” She reiterated with a sheepish blush on her cheeks. “Then there is no justice in this world.” Zephania proclaimed firmly, “A mare as beautiful as you deserves far more attention.” “We would like to make you happy, Compass Rose.” Uzoma spoke softly and started to gently stroke her belly where he had been shaking her in his attempts to wake her. “I…” She trailed off as she regarded his hoof with a slowly growing sense of pleasure, “I’m too young to have foals.” She murmured. “How old are you?” Zuberi asked curiously, just as he started to stroke her side in time with Uzoma’s belly rubs. “Nineteen.” She admitted honestly, with a blush. “Many zebra mares would already have a foal or two by now.” Xolani commented as he set the applesauce he’d been holding aside, “But you are not even in heat.” He started to stroke her mane affectionately. “I’m not a zebra and though some mares my age may have foals, I’m not ready to settle down like that.” She admitted, “And ponies can have foals outside of heat...though it is rare.” “Xolani can brew contraceptives if you wish.” He informed her, before moving to stroke her neck with his other hoof. Compass Rose blushed brightly then. “You-you-you can brew contraceptives?” She stammered quietly in awe, “I’ve heard that there are ponies who can, but I’ve never actually met one before.” “Xolani has all the herbs he needs.” He kissed the top of her head, “If you truly do not wish to be a mother...” Compass Rose shook her head getting herself back on track. “There’s a good chance I might someday, but I barely know you.” She remarked, frowning softly. This left her terribly split. Though a part of her was terribly frightened that she might lose them, she was not simply going to bear their foals like a baby-machine. At the same time, she had attracted not one, two, or even three stallions, but a quartet! -and she was not prepared to lose any of them. She honestly felt a little overwhelmed, and if they revealed to her that she was in fact dead, then it would be an afterlife worth dying for, she supposed… Zephania smiled softly and spoke directly into her ear, “We can wait until you are ready.” He kissed her ear, “Until then,” She suddenly felt his hoof stroking her neck, “you should eat, before we go searching for your companions.” Rose nodded, suddenly remembering and made to sit up. It was only a short moment later that Xolani was holding out a bowl of applesauce, prepared to feed her with a spoon. Absently looking around she noticed that none of them had food yet and so she gently prodding the stallions with her wings to go get some for themselves. “Go get your own, I’m not going anywhere~” Compass Rose urged them considerately, before tasting it herself; the honey added an interesting taste, but it was still scrumptious. She then pressed the bowl gently toward Xolani with her wing, “You can share mine.” She offered him a kind smile. Without disturbing her, Uzoma trotted over and brought each of them back a bowl, before settling into her side again. When he did, Xolani took a slow bite of Rose’s, before offering her another spoonful. All in all, Compass Rose was quite content being the center of their attention, though she seemed at a loss for how she had managed to end up in this situation. Still, she wasn’t complaining. “Xolani thinks he likes this applesauce. Almost as much as his grass soup.” The shaman hummed thoughtfully “Xolani, if you keep going on about grass soup again, I’m going to hurt you~” Zephania bumped him in the shoulder as he and Uzoma returned to snuggling Compass Rose, while Xolani alternated between feeding Compass Rose and himself from the same bowl. Compass Rose purred happily, nuzzling Uzoma and Zephania in turn, before leaning back to give Zuberi some attention. Zephania smiled softly and nuzzled her affectionately, before briefly returning to the applesauce, which they were all finding rather tasty. “It’s nice to have a mare around.” He pecked her on the cheek. “Especially one as beautiful as you.” Uzoma kissed her other cheek, causing her to coo at the attention of the two of them simultaneously. “Now, last night...you were asking about our stories. Would you still like to know?” “They’re not so...grim, are they?” Compass Rose asked hesitantly. “Not nearly as much as Zuberi’s.” Uzoma shook his head slowly. The pegasus nodded meekly. “Yes, please.” “Very well.” Uzoma took a deep breath to ready himself, “Have you ever asked the question, or at least heard it asked, ‘Is a zebra white with black stripes, or black with white stripes?’” Compass Rose stopped mid-bite and blinked at the stallion incredulously. “Is that a yes, or a no...?” “I always assumed you were black and white~” She admitted. “Which is the answer that most tribes will give you and then tell you it doesn’t matter.” Uzoma replied with a nod. “It matters?” She asked him with a curious - and admittedly cute - cock of her head. “To my tribe, the question was everything.” Uzoma gave a sad sigh, “To them, if the answer was white with black stripes it meant that we were inherently good souls, stained with the blackness of sin that we must overcome. If the answer was black with white stripes, then we were ultimately dark and evil souls, struggling to hide ourselves beneath a blanket of goodness.” He stopped and gestured to his near black fur. “What do you think they thought of me?” “So, they ran you out?” Compass Rose assumed sadly. “After my mother died, yes.” Uzoma responded with a slow nod, “According to the tribe’s shamans, from birth I was marked by a demon...or I am a demon.” Uzoma snorted and while she couldn’t be sure, Compass Rose seemed to catch a dark shadow in the corner of his eye. She quickly brushed that thought aside. “I don’t think you’re a demon.” She offered the stallion with a small smile. “Thank you, Compass Rose...” He nuzzled into her neck with a chuckle, “It is good to find a mare that thinks so.” She nuzzled into the top of his head, giving his ear a soft nibble, before mussing with his mane. “Do you have a story, Compass Rose?” Xolani asked as he held out another spoonful for her. The mare shrugged, “I suppose everyone does…” She said, before taking the offered bite of applesauce. “Would you be willing to share, now that Xolani and his friends have shared?” He took a bite for himself. “There isn’t much to say...after my last relationship...went to Tartarus, I went back home to Cloudsdale. But every time I left the house, it was as if everyone was snickering at me behind my back and it was slowly-” She shook her head, “I couldn’t stay, so I found the furthest place I could fly to and left. I knew my parents wouldn’t understand, so I slipped away in the night, leaving a note behind telling them that I was leaving.” Zephania and Uzoma watched her with sympathetic expressions, before setting their bowls aside and wrapping their arms around her snugly. Xolani narrowed his eyes suspiciously, his voice remaining smooth and calm, “Tell Xolani about this stallion.” Compass Rose shook her head defiantly. “Oh no, I know that look… He’s in the past. There’s no reason to talk about that...stallion.” She declared, almost appearing to have a hard time even calling him a ‘stallion’. “Compass Rose...” Xolani reached out a hoof to gently hold her chin and look into her eyes, “Please tell Xolani. He wishes to know of your struggles. To better know you, Xolani wishes to know what you have faced.” She looked hesitantly toward the other stallions, each of them bore a look a patient encouragement. They wanted to know as well, but it was clear that they would not force it. She let go a long sigh and lowered her head. “I thought that the goddesses had finally blessed me, he was a noblestallion after all!” She stopped to shake her head sadly, “But that stallion was noble in name only. He was vain, and self-centered, and only cared about himself. Barely cared for his mares at all, except that they made him look good and pleased him. And the quality of mare that attracted…” She sighed once again, “They weren’t much better than he.” Zephania and Uzoma gave her another comforting squeeze and Xolani continued his questioning with a gentle tone. “Did he ever hurt you, Compass Rose?” “Pegasi are hard to hurt.” She said evasively. Xolani took her head in his hooves and pressed his forehead to hers, “You are safe here with Xolani and his tribe, Compass Rose.” He reminded her comfortingly, “What did he do to you?” A small smile briefly came and went from her face at his tender affections. “When I called his favorite mare...and I knew it was true, because he made sure we all knew it…when I called her a thief, he hit me.” She shook her head, “It didn’t injure me, the hurt was a different kind.” Xolani took a deep breath and moved his hooves to join Zephania and Uzoma in embracing her, “You deserve so much better...” “I’ve never had a stallion treat me like this before.” She admitted, sniffling a little, “let alone four of you.” She chuckled self-consciously. Hearing her sniffles, Zuberi shifted himself to sit on his rump and embrace her from behind, “Please don’t cry.” “Xolani wishes he had a brew to make such bad things go away~” Xolani rubbed his hoof through her mane. “It’s hard not to, Zuberi, you four are better than I could’ve hoped for~” Compass Rose shook her head then and looked toward Xolani, “But if I forgot all the bad things, then how would I be able to appreciate the good things?” She asked him with a smile. “You are a very brave mare, Compass Rose.” Zephania declared, kissing her ear. A slight blush colored the mare’s cheeks. “Lucky perhaps~” She said modestly. She was instantly treated to a swarm of nuzzles from the stallions, causing her to giggle excitedly, before Zephania spoke again, “Now, let’s get ready to go. The sooner we find your friends, the better.” The mare sobered up and nodded, quickly finishing her breakfast. ~ ~ ~ When breakfast was over, the stallions went about packing everything within the yurt, under Zephania’s direction. With everything packed away, they quickly began tearing the whole structure down. With assurances that they had everything under control, Compass Rose briefly watched the stallions from the ground, before becoming somewhat bored and instead took to the air. They smiled after her for a moment, still fascinated with her ability and the natural grace of a pegasus, before returning to their work. It took almost no time at all to bring down the shelter and strap everything onto a sled that they hitched to Zuberi with some rope. Their task done, Zephania called up to Compass Rose for her to join them. Upon hearing her name, she flew down and landed nearby, trotting over to the stallion with a bounce in her step. Smiling, she gave him a quick nuzzle as she looked around to see the camp now packed up and largely bore by Zuberi, with smaller loads carried by the others. Zephania wrapped an arm around her with a grin and planted a tender kiss on her lips. “Now, let’s be off, shall we?” Compass Rose nodded softly, “I hope they’re alright.” She murmured. “Hhhmmm...” Zephania hesitated, before nuzzling her tenderly, earning a bashful smile from her, “Only one way to find out.” With that, he turned to start leading their little band away. Compass Rose shrugged weakly, her smile still on her face. “I suppose you’re right...” With Zephania in the lead, their journey passed in silence as the stallions kept a watchful eye on the grasslands around them. It didn’t take them more than a few hours to return to the vicinity of the tree they had rescued Rose from. From there, Rose took a moment to get her bearings and point out the direction she had come from - given the fact that the last leg of her flight had been in the air, trying to outrun the lions on her tail. Weighed down as she had been, had necessitated her stop in the tree, otherwise they would’ve kept up with her. It took them nearly as long to follow Rose’s trail as it had to find the tree they had found her in. The first sign that they had arrived at the ambush was the couple of vultures on the horizon. As soon as they spotted them, Zephania raised a hoof, to which Uzoma and Xolani stepped in front of Rose to hold her back as Zuberi and Zephania moved ahead. “Hey~” Rose protested, looking to her stallions with surprise, before noticing the two leaving, “Where are you going?” She split her attention between the two groups of them. “Why are you stopping?” “We’re just going to take a look ahead, Rose.” Zephania assured her, throwing a confident smile back at her. “There is no need for you to distress yourself.” Xolani urged her with a gentle smile of his own. Rose’s brow furrowed in confusion, “What are you talking about, Xolani?” She asked him, before taking notice of what they had, she then made to regard him frustratedly. The wild maned stallion placed a placating hoof on her shoulder, “Zephania just wishes to ensure the path is clear.” “Clear of what, Xolani~?” Rose asked him impatiently, hoping that he would actually give her an honest answer. “Lions.” Xolani answered readily enough, “Or other scavengers.” “If there are lions, we’d be safer together, than apart.” She reminded him, starting to suspect she knew the real reason they were keeping her back. “Each of us bears a wealth of experience driving off lions.” Xolani assured her. “You just relax. Zephania and Zuberi will be back soon.” Uzoma chimed in. The mare sighed and looked thoughtfully to the ground, resigning herself to the belief that the stallions were lying to her, even if they thought it was for a good reason, it didn’t change the fact. It didn’t take long for Zephania to return to them with a grim expression, “One of your companions was a zebra?” He asked her gently. Rose nodded. “My guide-” Understanding washed over her, “H-he’s- he’s dead...isn’t he~?” Zephania nodded with a sigh and looked to Xolani, “Would you join Zuberi in preparing funeral rites?” Xolani nodded and made to head that way, “I shall prepare the way for his soul...” Without speaking a word, Rose made to follow Xolani, the fact that she had led a stallion she barely knew to his death weighing on her. She was gently stopped by Zephania’s hoof on her shoulder then, “Are you certain you wish to see?” Rose looked up at him with a somber expression, “I’m the reason he’s dead, do I really have a choice?” She asked him quietly. “Did you force him to come with you?” “Are you not responsible for Uzoma, Zuberi and Xolani? Would you not feel the weight of their death upon your shoulders?” Rose asked him pointedly, in a conversational tone. “I would mourn them and try to do better.” Zephania hummed, “But I do not force them to follow me and I would not force them into danger. Their fates are their own, just as your companion’s was. This was not your fault.” “Pegasi-” She shook her head, “Ponies believe that if you convince someone to follow you, that you are responsible for them too.” “Not an uncommon idea.” Zephania hummed and turned to lead her forward. Much of the supplies that they had brought had simply been abandoned, dropped by fleeing porters. Unfortunately, her zebra guide had not been fast enough, or lucky enough. There honestly wasn’t much left of him, everything below the neck had been devoured, leaving little more than the ribs, hips and shoulders, with attached legs. Unfortunately for the mare, the stallion’s face had been untouched, leaving him easily recognizable. The mare quickly turned and began retching, clearly trying not to vomit at the sight. Zephania and Uzoma quickly moved to put their arms around her and comfort her as Xolani began to mutter what sounded like prayers over what was left of the stallion. “We’ll have to leave him as is.” Zuberi sighed as he cast his gaze over the grass, “We can’t risk the lions or some other predators still being in the area.” After a few moments to compose herself, being comforted by her stallions, Rose could finally speak. “No, we can’t just leave him like this.” “Would you rather face the lions again?” Zuberi asked her calmly. “They’re obviously done~” Rose pointed out, without looking at the carcass. “Doesn’t mean they’re not watching the area.” Zuberi pointed out in return, “They were willing to chase you after they had him. Could still be hungry.” “I can keep watch from above.” Rose assured him. “Rose, he’s not the first to fall like this and won’t be the last.” Zephania spoke gently, “He would understand and I will not risk my companions for a burial in a pride’s territory.” “Then follow pegasi rituals and burn the body. Then we can leave.” She urged him. “A pyre would still take time.” Zephania shook his head and turned to go. “One harsh truth of the Savannah is that sometimes the only way to offer the dead peace...is to move on.” Despite the sight that awaited her, Rose looked back at what was left of the zebra with her ears folded back. She felt horrible. He was dead, at least in part because of her and she couldn’t even give him a proper burial. Eventually, Xolani and Uzoma moved up to either side of her to offer her a comforting nuzzle, and tried to urge her onward, without success. “Rose, we need to go...” Uzoma reminded her worriedly. “I don’t even remember his name…” Rose muttered ashamed with herself. “Then you will learn it when we return to his home.” Xolani assured her with a soft kiss to her cheek, “And you will remember it.” “He moved to Mareton, was one of the few zebras living with them.” Rose explained, looking sadly to Xolani, “I don’t think he even had anyone to miss him…” “That is what we shall have to find out.” Xolani hummed and gave her a soft smile, “And if there is no one to miss him...then we shall do the missing.” “It doesn’t feel right...leaving him like this.” Rose mumbled, “Ponies don’t just-” She couldn’t bring herself to say abandon. “His soul is gone, Rose.” Xolani assured her, “He has no more care for his old shell. It is time for us to move on, or risk sharing his fate.” Rose had never had to make a decision like this before and the fact that she was now, tore her up inside, to the point where she looked up at the stallions with tears in her eyes. “I-if you had found me like this-?” Xolani sighed and wrapped an arm around her in a tight hug, “Xolani would try to honor your remains, but only if it were safe to do so. Now it is not.” “Pegasi do not leave their dead behind…” She explained to him, trying to calm herself in the face of such a stark difference. “We are not pegasi.” Xolani reminded her with a sigh and moved forward to join Zuberi and Zephania. A little surprised that Xolani would go on without her, Rose hesitated, still staring. Lifting a hoof as if to approach the pile of gore, she suddenly stomped frustratedly and looked away with ruffled wings, disgusted with herself. Wheeling about with clenched jaw, she took a deep breath. “Help me grab what is salvageable and then we leave.” Rose declared through grit teeth, hating the fact that this was the way things were. The assembled stallions stopped and looked back to her then, before sharing a look amongst themselves. After a quick nod from Zephania and Zuberi, the four moved to help her gather the scattered supplies. ~ ~ ~ “We’re heading to a pony settlement I’m familiar with, on the coast.” Zephania spoke conversationally, having fallen back beside Rose as they marched, “They are neighbors with a friendly tribe and I doubt they’ve moved again at this time of year.” “The zebras~?” Rose assumed glancing over at him, only really half-interested, her thoughts still on the dead zebra stallion, “Why are we stopping there?” “A number of reasons.” Zephania shrugged, “It’s a chance to catch our breath in safe territory, figure out what we need to continue our journey, and let you get to know a zebra tribe.” “Alright~” Rose murmured unenthusiastically. “Is there anything I can do to cheer you up, Rose?” Zephania smiled hopefully and nuzzled her neck, “It is not right for a mare such as you to go about depressed.” The mare sighed at his nuzzling, the stress being forced from her body, instinctively relaxing at the stallion’s touch, and so she leaned into his muzzle. “I-I’ve never seen...that.” She exclaimed, the image of his hollowed out trunk figuratively burned into the back of her eyes. “Would you like to talk about it?” Zephania pressed himself into her side, while Uzoma moved to sidle up against her other side. “Talk about what!?” She snapped at him, before just as quickly folding her ears back guiltily, a little moisture collecting in the corners of her eyes, “...Sorry.” Zephania seemed unfazed and kissed her cheek, while Uzoma brought a hoof up to wipe away her tears, “You have nothing to be sorry for.” The darker stallion assured her. “You didn’t deserve that.” Rose stated, reprimanding herself, “I-I just...I wonder if I had done more…?” “You couldn’t fight off an entire pride of lions, Rose.” Zephania shook his head and stopped to give her a hug, prompting the others to halt. “You don’t think six ponies and a zebra could’ve held them off?” Rose asked him, as if her pride had just taken a small hit. “If you’d stuck together, possibly.” Zephania shrugged, “But you didn’t. In that stallion’s final moments, all one more mare would have done was give the lions more meat.” Rose shuddered at the thought of what that kind of terror must’ve been like, just before he was killed. He was a stallion first and a zebra second, the fact that she had let harm come to him tore her up inside. She wished to protest Zephania’s words, but she suspected they were right. She doubted she could’ve saved him. Instead, she began to cry softly, refusing to make a noise as she did. “I should’ve kept them together, I should’ve never let them panic. I should’ve been a better leader!” She insisted through her sniffling. “Did those ponies panic and bolt before or after you did?” Zephania asked her evenly. “Before.” She admitted in a quiet voice. “Then there was nothing you could have done for them at that point.” “They should’ve never thought of bolting with me around~” She groused. “Did they present themselves as brave warriors? As loyal and trustworthy caretakers?” Zephania wondered, “What reason would they have had not to panic?” “I- They- I-” Rose stammered for her words for a moment, feeling obligated to shoulder the responsibility, “I should’ve done better.” She finally insisted in a somber tone, but she knew better, she was no leader of ponies. She was Compass Rose, a Wonderbolt washout that folded under pressure. “He deserved better.” Zephania merely nodded and gave her a squeeze, “Yes, he deserved to be able to go home at the end of the journey, but you could not have ensured that for him. Weep for a short time, but do not dwell on it for too long. Your tears will not bring him back.” “I failed...again.” Rose choked, butting her head up against his chest, honestly sounding as torn up about that as the fact that he was dead. “This was not your failure.” Zuberi insisted as he moved back to them, “You alone could not have stopped those lions. If you had been with him, you both would be dead. Instead, you survived. That does not sound like failure to me.” “It’s a mare’s job to keep stallions safe~” Rose sniffled, trying to clear her sinuses so that she could breathe properly. This drew confused expressions from all four stallions, before Zuberi continued, “That’s...not quite how it works for zebras.” “Well, it is for ponies.” Rose huffed, pulling back from Zephania, giving him a quick nuzzle of thanks, before wiping her eyes. “Among our people, stallions are the warriors.” Zephania explained with a small smile as he returned her nuzzle, “In truth, he likely expected to be protecting you.” “Wait.” Rose insisted abruptly, holding up a hoof, while blinking in confusion. “What kind of system is that?” Rose asked, completely astonished that any mare would let their stallion into harm’s way like he was describing. “A sensible one.” Zuberi replied simply, “A stallion is supposed to be his herd’s defender and provider.” “What!?” Rose gasped, taking an aggressive step toward him, “What kind of mare lets her stallion place himself in danger? Why if something happened to him...!” Rose was quickly starting to ramble, her incomprehension causing her apparent distress. “Rose... Rose, calm down.” Zephani declared sternly, before stepping forward to wrap her in another hug. “This is how stallions have always run their tribes-” “Whoa~!” Rose suddenly pushed him back with a flabbergasted expression. “Stallions run tribes?” She blinked, “What kind of backward mess have I gotten myself into!?” She asked no one in particular, rubbing desperately at her head, trying to understand. Zuberi frowned a little indignantly at that, “Backward mess...?” All around her, his companions were sharing varying looks of indignation. Rose looked up at Zuberi with a slightly disturbed expression. “Of course!” She exclaimed as if obvious, “If something happened to you, ignoring the trauma that would cause me for just a moment and the fact that I have four stallions now...most mares only have one in their herd. If you were my only stallion and I let you fight and you died then my whole herd would be without a stallion! None of us could bear anymore foals! I mean, can’t you see the lunacy of that system?” She asked him frantically, practically ranting at the sheer preposterousness of their system in her eyes. Off to the side, Xolani quirked an eyebrow at her, “Are there really so few stallions in Equestria? Would other mares be too selfish to share?” Rose’s near manic rant was at least momentarily sidetracked as she looked to Xolani with a patient, lecturing expression. “Cloudsdale was at the high-end at four to one. Some places I’ve heard of were at six to one and higher.” The pegasus nodded sagely, “You can always tell when an area has had a particularly lopsided generation by watching the mares emigrate.” “Are your stallions particularly fragile?” Uzoma wondered. “I mean...I don’t think so.” Rose mused, before shaking her head, “You’re missing the point. If each one of you were to come and challenge four herds in Equestria, there are at least four mares for each of you to fight on average. Even if a mare isn’t as strong as a stallion, there would be four of us to each one of you.” “So rather than allow a stallion to do the job nature designed him for, Equestrian mares shield him like some fragile foal?” Zuberi gave her a skeptical look. “You’re precious, damn it!” Rose shouted desperately, unable to comprehend why he could not understand, her wings flaring unconsciously as she stomped both forehooves in frustration, “Magic doesn’t give one iota how tough you are!” Her stallions winced at the sudden rise in volume, before Zephania gave her a stern look and took her by the shoulders. “Rose, calm yourself. Now.” “I-I’m sorry~” She stammered, promptly apologizing, her ears folding back and she was unable to make eye contact with him, flush with embarrassment at how easily she had lost control of her emotions. “I don’t- How can you not understand?” This time, it was Zuberi who drew her into another comforting hug. “It’s alright, Rose. All is forgiven.” He hummed soothingly, “The Savanna is not like your Equestria. Here, stallions are not as scarce and we are stronger than our mares. It is our job to protect the herd and our tribe from rivals and predators. To deny us that is to deny who we are.” “I do not know if that is something I will ever be able to fully understand, or even accept.” Rose admitted in a murmur. “You will learn in time.” Xolani spoke soothingly and reached over to stroke her mane affectionately. Rose leaned into his hoof with a wan smile, “I doubt it~” She chuckled drily. “There’s a tribe near one of the colonies?” Rose asked Zephania, grateful to the stallions for distracting her, “I wasn’t aware that any tribes lived near ponies. What’re they like?” “They’re a rather friendly tribe.” Zephania explained as he and Zuberi brought their hooves up to stroke her neck and back. “I only visited once, but I’m sure they’ll be very hospitable.” Compass Rose purred at their hooves and though she considered telling them to stop, she thought better of it and allowed them to do as they pleased. In all honesty, she didn’t realize how much she desired physical contact until she had it, so she leaned into Zuberi and gently bumped him with her shoulder to get moving. The sooner they had left this place, the better. “I’m pretty excited to meet a zebra herd.” She admitted conversationally, “What are zebra mares like?” “Very demanding.” Xolani spoke up as he and Zephania stood once more, urging her to trot with them, “Like angry lionesses in heat. Worse, they let stallions think they’re in charge.” “Don’t listen to Xolani, he’s just being dramatic.” Zuberi snorted amusedly as he turned to start leading the way with their sled, “Zebra mares are kind and wise. There are only a few tribes where another mare showing up would not be taken well, regardless of her race.” “So, which is it? Are stallions in charge, or do your mares just act like you’re in charge~?” She asked Zephania, after hearing two different versions from two different stallions, even as she nipped playfully at his neck - she wanted to trot with Zuberi for a little bit. Zephania failed to stifle a chuckle at the question, “That would depend on the tribe~” He admitted with a shrug, “To my knowledge, Chief Chidike has a firm hold of his tribe’s leadership. However, for every chieftain, there is a Medicine Mare. Some are more crafty and manipulative than others.” Compass Rose nodded slowly in comprehension. “So, is it often that zebra live near other tribes?” She asked curiously, rubbing her neck affectionately up against Zuberi’s. “Not often unless they’re a trading tribe.” Zephania explained as he and Zuberi leaned in to pepper her cheeks with kisses. The pegasus’ wings ruffled a little in excitement at being sandwiched between their affections and quickly made to nuzzle them fondly in return. After a moment, she glanced over her shoulder at Uzoma and Xolani with a playful smile. “How about you, Uzoma? What were the mares of your tribe like?” “Crafty and wise.” He declared with a slow nod, “They did not manipulate their stallions, but they held more say than in many tribes from what I understand.” “It seems so strange coming from Equestria, where nearly every mayor and governor was a mare…” Rose remarked, laying her neck over Zephania’s, as if testing the waters. Zephania only smiled and nuzzled back into her, “I suppose we’ll all be learning to live with something new and strange~” He declared with a playful smile. When Zephania didn’t seem to mind, she pulled him tight into her shoulder, rubbing her cheek just a little possessively against his, earning a soft nicker. As the trio set the pace, with Xolani and Uzoma close behind, the small column headed west with the rising sun to their backs. “Just stick with us and we’ll keep you safe!” Zuberi declared proudly. The mare pulled the two stallions close with her wings and smiled, “I know you will.” She rubbed her cheek against Zephania once more, before offering Zuberi a fond kiss to the cheek. “Safe and happy.” Zephania chuckled, offering her neck a nip. “Safe and full.” Xolani remarked jovially from behind, still proud of their culinary exploits. Rose snorted with a shrill nicker Zephania’s nip, “Hey~” She protested, throwing back her head and giving his back a thump with her wing. “Did I make you uncomfortable again, Rose?” Zephania asked her gently, lowering his head when she thumped him, and cocked his head with a soft expression. Rose snorted frustratedly at him, “Pony stallions court mares, before starting to chew on them~” She explained, flattered, but also uneasy at his forwardness. “Ah, my apologies, Rose.” Zephania bowed his head respectfully, “Zebra mares are far more open to such advances.” He explained, “Perhaps you would allow me to court you properly one on one when next we stop?” Rose blushed and blinked in surprise, taking a moment to figure out how to respond to that. “I, um…It’s usually the mare courting the stallion.” She admitted, more and more realizing just how out of her element she was, “I mean…I don’t mind~” She remarked, glancing over at the others, not sure just how this was supposed to work. Zephania quirked an eyebrow as they all regarded her curiously, “Really? Well, then this will be a treat. It works quite the other way for zebra, so you just relax and allow me to do all the work as I attempt to win your affections.” “This already feels awkward~” Rose chuckled at her predicament. “It won’t for long.” Uzoma assured her. “You’ll get into the swing of things eventually.” “I don’t know~” Rose remarked uncertainly, “Do you know the lengths some mares go to gain the attention of a stallion?” She asked him, before blushing once again at the thought of the extent she had tried a few times. “I can’t imagine.” Zuberi shook his head. “A mare like you should have to beat stallions off with sticks.” “Heh, I’d have beaten off a stallion for his attention~” Rose remarked with a chuckle, before her eyes went wide, realizing she was thinking aloud; her eyes bulged, ears folded back and her face went bright-red, more than it had ever before. What followed was the assembled stallions falling quiet as they realized just how hard a time she’d had of finding a stallion. Finally, Zephania bumped his flank to hers with a soft smile, earning a startled squeak from her, “Well, you don’t have to worry about that with us. Just relax and be yourself.” “I think I’m going to take a quick flight…” Rose remarked unsteadily. Zephania frowned and folded his ears back, “Is something wrong, Rose?” “I-I just can’t believe I said that.” She admitted. The stallions shared a silent look, before Uzoma spoke. “I didn’t hear anything, did you, Zephania?” “Not a thing.” Zephania shook his head innocently, “Something appears to have startled our poor Rose.” Rose couldn’t help but chuckle softly and she leaned into Zephania’s side with a small smile. “Thank you~” She murmured loud enough for them all to hear. “Think nothing of it, Rose.” Zephania offered her a gentle nuzzle and an affectionate smile. > Arc I: Chapter III > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That evening, Compass Rose watched attentively as the stallions put up the yurt with practiced ease, occasionally trotting about to follow one of them at a distance and observe. She found the whole thing a little fascinating, considering that everything cloudborn-built was technically less than solid, and if not for their magic, quite able to be blown around by the wind. In her time in Canterlot, there was no change in the majestic city of marble and gold, aside from a new layer of paint on a few of the older buildings, so she had never actually seen construction before. Now, this yurt - as she figured it - would likely stand until the wind was strong enough to pull it apart. It was ingenious, both rigid enough to survive the elements and still portable, quite unlike the pony tents that were little more than stretched canvass, held down with heavy stakes. It didn’t take long for the stallions to assign themselves duties. Zuberi was quick to take over setting up camp, while Xolani prepared to cook and Uzoma gathered materials for his fire. This left Rose and Zephania to themselves for a while. She soon found the eldest of the stallions standing at her side with a soft smile, “Would you like to take a walk with me?” He offered sweetly. “I want-” Rose began to decline, only to quickly realize what the stallion was actually asking her, and she promptly changed gears and nodded, “Sure.” She chirped, turning about to follow his lead. Zephania quirked an eyebrow at her with a curious grin, taking notice of the shift, “Is there something else you would like to do?” Rose quickly shook her head. “I can watch you put up the yurt some other time.” She assured him, before leaning into his side. “You like watching a stallion work then~?” He teased her playfully, before starting to lead her out onto the open grassland. Rose quickly leapt away from him, turning herself around to defend herself with wide, terrified eyes. “I’m not that kind of mare!” She quickly assured him, “I would never think of stallions like that!” Zephania blinked confusedly and raised a hoof placatingly. “I was merely teasing, Rose. Do you really think we would find such a thing offensive? What harm is there in being admired by a beautiful mare?” Rose blinked confusedly. “I- You- What~?” She stammered, now seemingly at a complete loss for what had just happened. “I was joking when I asked if you liked to watch stallions work.” Zephania blinked slowly, “Why did you react so?” “I-” Rose then took several deep breaths to steady herself, before relaxing and moving to nuzzle the stallion apologetically for her outburst, “There are some troglodyte mares that still hold to the belief that a stallion has only two uses...working and…” The mare swirled her hoof about, “You know...” Zephania nodded in understanding and went to nuzzle her reassuringly. “Your people are very strange.” “Huh?” Rose murmured, not entirely sure what exactly he meant by that. “For such thought to occur, your stallions must be very submissive to their mares.” Zephania hummed thoughtfully. “On the Savannah, while we respect our mares greatly as spiritual and cultural authorities, it is stallions that take the lead.” “Your people are strange.” Rose remarked with a small, playful grin, before shaking her head, “Maybe from a cultural perspective. Stallion leaders outside the Guard are rare.” The stallion snickered at that and bumped flanks with her, “I suppose we are to you.” Once more, he began to lead her out for a stroll, “So, your people do have stallion warriors?” “Warriors?” Rose cocked her head to one side, “Not really. They’re more like...peacekeepers.” She explained, “After Celestia, our eldest Princess, saw great success with her all-stallion Royal Guard, others made to follow their example. Mares just don’t strike stallions.” “I still find that so strange...” Zephania shook his head thoughtfully, before offering her a nuzzle, “So, what more would you like to know about my people?” “You’re not alone, Zephania, I don’t even know where to begin.” Rose admitted, looking to him with a curious, yet confused expression, “This is backward from everything I have ever known. A stallion courting a mare. I feel a little...wrong for not putting any effort into gaining your attention.” She shook her head. “Interesting...” Zephania mused quietly, “Well, if you stay on the Savanna, you’ll never have to worry about striving for attention again. Among our people, a mare may bed who she wishes, so long as they are willing.” “I mean, so long as the stallion and mare aren’t married, ponies are the same.” Rose shrugged, “It’s just that earning a stallion’s attention is difficult. With as many mares as there are, he can tell a mare no and still have several more prospects.” “Well, here on the Savannah, you are a rare, exotic beauty.” Zephania declared with an encouraging smile, earning a modest blush from the mare, “I can assure you, you’ll be turning stallions’ heads in every tribe we visit.” Rose’s blush only intensified at that thought, before looking at Zephania thoughtfully. “What about tribes like Zuberi’s…?” She asked him with a touch of worry. His expression became more somber and her nuzzled her comfortingly, “They are few and far between. We will not be visiting such tribes.” The mare sighed softly in relief, leaning into his nuzzle with a small smile. “What about you, Zephania?” She asked him softly, old habits apparently dying hard. “Mmmm, what about me?” He flicked his ears curiously and kissed her mane. “Well, you asked me to walk with you and you four are clearly you’re interested in me, but I’ve never been courted before…” She explained to him, falling back on what she was familiar with, trying to get the stallion to talk about himself. “Well, there’s not much to tell.” He shrugged nonchalantly, “I came from a small tribe a little farther south. When I was fifteen, my parents left to go live with some of my mother’s family and I struck out on my own.” “This is the first time I struck out on my own, I mean, truly on my own.” Rose revealed, “Until very recently, I lived my whole life in one of two cities.” “Well, now you are free~” Zephania lazily wrapped his neck over hers, “And you are most definitely not on your own anymore.” “A-are you claiming me~?” Rose asked him in a small voice. “Only if you wish to be claimed...” He hummed and kissed her cheek. “And what of your friends~?” She asked hesitantly. “They are interested, if you want them.” He smiled and kissed her ear. “I’ve never had four stallions interested in me, let alone at once.” She reminded him, that little bit of worry entering her voice, “I feel like a bad mare for even wanting the four of you, let alone actually going for you all.” “Is feeling attraction ever a bad thing?” He nickered and continued to kiss her cheek and ear, “No one could honestly call you a bad mare for being able to attract four stallions.” “I know plenty of ponies would think less of me for it.” Rose murmured. “And do those ponies really matter now?” “Zephania, do you think you could drop your entire culture in a moment and act like a pony stallion?” Rose asked him with a gentle skepticism and a wry expression. “Point taken,” He chuckled, “So, what can I do to make you more comfortable?” Rose snickered ironically. “Think you could be a little more self-centered~?” “Really?” He blinked confusedly. “It’s still a little disconcerting to have a stallion bending over backward for me…” She admitted with that wry grin returning. “I...honestly don’t know if I can.” He admitted hesitantly, “Not without coming across as a terrible stallion.” “How about just a little more forthcoming with what you want at the moment?” She offered in conciliation. “What I want,” He began with a soft smile, “is to learn as much about a beautiful young mare as I can and to make her enjoy her time with me.” “Alright.” Rose nodded thoughtfully, before giving him a bright smile, “Ask away.” “Well, first,” He gave her a smile to match her own, “You can tell me a bit about your own family.” Interestingly enough, Rose’s smile fell unconsciously. “Well, I have three brothers and one elder-sister… Both of us were pushed to join the Wonderbolts by our father, but neither of us managed it.” She murmured, waffling as she quietly hoped she could avoid this topic. “The Wonderbolts?” Zephania blinked curiously, before frowning when he noticed her discomfort, “Were they a neighboring tribe?” Rose shook her head. “No, they’re an expert air-team, master fliers.” “And they did not find either of you worthy of their ranks?” He furrowed his brow in disapproval, “Clearly they do not know an individual of quality when they see one.” “I’m not that good a flier~” Rose admitted humbly. “Well, never mind that.” Zephania waved his hoof dismissively, “Clearly you are a brave and adventurous mare, which seems a much more impressive quality to me.” Rose blushed and murmured her thanks, before offering the stallion a soft kiss to the cheek; he beamed at that and kissed her ear, “Worry not over the past, Rose. Your time here is a new beginning.” “I’ve never been with a stallion that was as sweet as you four~” Rose cooed, snuggling in under his jaw. “That is an honest shame.” Zephania frowned as he tucked her head under his, “Every mare deserves to have a stallion praise her.” The next thing Zephania knew, she was pulling him tight into her side with her wing, leaning into his side. He blinked in surprise, before nuzzling into her mane and looping a forelimb around her own to hold her close. “Are you sure I’m not dead~?” She asked him playfully. “Very sure~” Zephania nickered happily and nipped her ear, causing her to shiver softly. “I wouldn’t mind you being my angel~” She cooed happily. “I think I could fill that role~” He nodded and leaned in to peck her lips, “If you’ll fill that role for us~” Without a hesitation Rose practically leapt at him, desperately pressing her lips to his. The stallion was quick to retaliate, spinning to wrap his arms about her neck as he allowed her to control their kiss for the time being. The mare’s wings spread wide with a pomf of air and she kissed him slowly, and tenderly, savoring his patient nature. When she finally broke the kiss, it was only to press her forehead to his and bat her lashes at him as she smiled brightly, happily; her anxiety seemed to have melted away with their kiss and now she was simply happy. Her happiness only seemed to feed the stallion’s and he simply held her there, rubbing foreheads and feathering her lips with soft pecks. “The evening is yours, Rose~” He hummed quietly, “You get to decide where we go from here.” “How about a run?” She asked hopefully - her last stallion was not the kind of pony to run. Period. “If you think you can keep up~” Zephania pulled back with a playfully challenging expression. The mare nickered eagerly, rearing and kicking her hooves excitedly, a broad smile crossing her face. In the next instant, Zephania had darted in to nip her ear, before darting off with a laugh like a colt teasing a mare on the playground. The stallion quickly found that a pegasus was more than just a pretty pony with wings, when Rose nipped his rear, with an equally playful giggle as she made to not only keep up, but catch up. This only seemed to excite the stallion more and he put on an extra burst of speed to see just how far he could push her. His burst of speed did seem to challenge her, but she continued to slowly gain on him, until she had finally matched him. Now alongside the stallion, she bumped shoulders with him, grinning even as they ran hard. Zephania proceeded to lead the mare in a broad circle around the area of their camp, always keeping it just in sight to their left. The whole way, he would occasionally dart over and nip at her neck or tug her mane. Rose would retaliate with a firm bump of her shoulder or a swat from her wing, despite laughing as she did. All in all, she seemed to simply be enjoying running with him, even more so because he seemed to be enjoying himself. The two continued to run well into the night, even as the moon began to rise and Savannah began to cool. Rose kept going, because he had challenged her to keep up with him and seemed to be having fun with it, so she ran. Eventually, as the stars dotted the sky and the moon shone its pale light down on them, Zephania brought their race to an end. With a playful growl, Rose suddenly found him tackling her into the grass, before she knew what was going on, eliciting a startled squeak from her. Latching onto him with all four limbs, she pulled him tight against herself and rolled with his momentum, no stranger to rough housing. In the end, when they stopped, she found herself lying with the stallion on her belly, nuzzling into her neck with a deep nicker. Rose clutched him close to her chest, her elevated pulse more than loud enough for the stallion to hear with his ear to her neck, even over her deep breaths. “That was fun~” She remarked sounding a little out of breath, though she seemed to hide it well. “I’ve never had a mare keep up with me~” He purred quietly and gently pressed his ear to her chest to listen to her heart. “You’re one of the most athletic stallions I’ve ever met!” She laughed melodically, ruffling his mane giddily. “It is a matter of pride for zebra stallions to keep themselves in top condition.” He declared proudly, nuzzling into her hoof. “I guess so.” She chuckled softly, giving him a hug about his shoulders and laying her cheek against his head. “Would you like to return to camp yet~?” He asked sweetly, before kissing her chest, “Or would you like to stay like this for a while?” “I leave that decision to you, Zephania~” She purred lovingly to him, seeming quite content as she was. “I rather like it right here...” He hummed and snuggled warmly into her, before giving her a soft squeeze. Rose purred as she held him close, softly nuzzling into his mane, before she spoke up in a whisper, “For a moment there, I thought you meant to have your way with me.” She admitted meekly. “Never without asking, Rose.” He shook his head softly. “You will decide when I receive that honor.” “You are a strange people~” Rose purred warmly, “Most stallions would practically demand it.” “We are what you could expect from most zebra stallions.” Zephania shrugged, only to furrow his brow, “The more I hear, the less I like the sound of stallions in Equestria.” “Easy now, Zephania.” Rose urged him firmly, yet gently, “I- can I-” She took a deep breath, “Can I be your mare…?” She asked hesitantly, almost as if she expected him to rebuff her, even now. Zephania’s ears perked at that and he lay his chin on her chest with a warm smile, “Only if I may have the honor of being your stallion~” He returned with a charming smile. “D-do you mind if I court the others…?” She asked him hopefully, yet she still looked as if she expected to be slapped for it. “Who am I to keep my mare from seeking all the love she could need~?” He grinned and leaned up to peck her lips. Rose’s response was to pull his head into a passionate kiss, as she poured her gratitude and love over him, savoring this, her lips seeming to promise that it was but the first of many. Her new stallion merely allowed her to do as she would once more, squeezing her tight and parting his lips invitingly. Rose made to slowly lick at his lips, before languidly running a caressing hoof down his neck. Her licks were soon repaid as his tongue slipped out to caress her own for a few moments, before he pulled back and stood over her. “Now, we should get you something to eat, before we take our rest.” He declared, leaning down to bump noses with her. Rose gave his lips a soft, parting kiss, before nodding softly. “I am a bit hungry.” She declared as she rolled to her hooves. Zephania leaned gently into her side and draped his neck over hers once more, “Would you like to share my bed this night?” “I-” Rose stammered, with a deep blush, “What exactly are you asking me, Zephania?” “That you and I take a good night’s sleep while sharing the same bed.” He chuckled and pecked her cheek, “You are cute when you blush.” Rose smiled self-consciously, her ears folding slightly. “Alright.” She nodded slowly, before explaining sheepishly, “I ask because that is how ponies often proposition sex~” “That will not come until you ask.” Zephania assured her as he started back toward their camp. “It is the way I was raised…” She reminded him patiently, leaning into his side with a small, happy smile. When they finally made it back to the yurt, the others were waiting for them around the fire. Xolani had already doled out bowls of a thick, light green gruel, with what appeared to be little nuts chopped up and mixed in - clearly it was his grass soup they all kept going on about - which consisted of boiled grass, some seeds, and a touch of leftover honey. They were greeted cheerfully by the other three and found two steaming bowls waiting for them on one side of the fire. “Enjoy your run~?” Uzoma asked them with a knowing grin. “You have no idea!” Rose chirped animatedly, “I don’t think my last stallion even knew how to run~” She snickered, bumping Zephania’s hip affectionately, earning a playful nip to her ear in return as he went to sit. “Sounds like a lazy stallion.” Zuberi snorted dismissively, “My mother always said to avoid those too lazy to work for themselves. They will bring you nothing but trouble.” Compass Rose made to join the stallions, but rather than taking the spot they had left open for her, she wedged herself down between Xolani and Zephania, making herself comfortable in between them. Both stallions shared a knowing look, before Zephania grabbed her bowl and brought it back to her, while Xolani gave her a hopeful, expectant look. She gave Zephania a small kiss in thanks, before turning to give Xolani a nuzzle and peck to the cheek. Xolani beamed happily, before giving her a nuzzle in return, “Now eat. Xolani is sure you must be famished~” Compass Rose nodded softly and brought the bowl to her lips, chewing thoughtfully on the unique delicacy that the zebra stallion had concocted. Though the other stallions of the former bachelor herd - she had to remind herself that they technically couldn’t be a bachelor herd with her with them, a thought that made her blush a little - though they had expressed their annoyance with his cooking, she found herself unable to figure out why it irritated them so. Though it wasn’t what she was used to, she rather enjoyed the combination of flavors and briefly told him so, before going back to her food. Her enjoyment brought no end of happiness to Xolani and he took the opportunity to gloat at his fellow stallions, earning his several rolled eyes, before he gave her a kiss, “Thank you, Compass Rose. No one else appreciates Xolani’s cooking.” He shot the other stallions a hurt look. Zephania held up his hooves defensively, “Hey, I have never said anything against your cooking.” “I like your cooking.” Zuberi spoke up innocently, momentarily leaning over to bump Xolani on the shoulder. “You like everyone’s cooking...” Uzoma snorted with a pointed look at his larger friend. “Xolani, I’m sure that’s not true. Everyone liked it when you cooked the apple sauce.” Compass Rose offered, rubbing her chin against his cheek, “I think we just need to make sure to spice things up a little, that they aren’t eating the same thing all the time. Right, Uzoma?” “The applesauce was good...” Uzoma admitted almost begrudgingly. “More variety would be nice.” Zephania nodded with a reassuring smile. “I kind of like his grass soup.” Zuberi shrugged with a low hum. Xolani seemed to perk up at his companions’ words and he nuzzled Compass Rose with a more cheerful smile, she leaned against his cheek, happy that he was happy. “Since we’re heading to that port town, I’ll make sure to introduce you to some more foods from Equestria and we’ll see what the two of us can cook then~?” She suggested eagerly, offering the stallion a nuzzle. “Xolani would like that.” The shaman nodded and kissed her cheek in return, “What kinds of food do your people have?” “Since you like grass so much, I need to introduce you to hayfries~” Rose declared sweetly. “Hayfries?” Xolani cocked his head curiously, “Xolani has never tried to make ‘hayfries’.” “Oooh~” She squealed at the thought of introducing the stallions to the delight that is fried food, what pony didn’t like hayfries or haybacon? “You boys are in for a special treat then!” She exclaimed, giving Xolani a tight squeeze. Xolani grinned and returned the hug happily, “Xolani’s treat will be learning to cook with a beautiful mare~” Rose offered his cheek a kiss then, “I will be happy to teach you.” ~ ~ ~ As midnight came around, Compass Rose snuggled closely against her stallion, her wings twitching as she dreamt of soaring through the cloud filled skies of Equestria, far away from her problems. Flying was a liberating sensation of freedom, unshackled from the troubles that might weigh her down. It was somewhere in the midst of her flight filled dreams, the faintest of whispers seemed to dance across her ears like the wind through the grass on the Savannah. Within her fantasy, she began to glide, locking her wings and swiveling her head about to locate the source of the voice upon the wind that she couldn’t make out. The whisper, however, seemed to have no discernable source at first, before seeming to coalesce in front of her. The mare’s ears twitched in irritation as the sound reached her, but so far as she could see, there was nothing in front of her, not even clouds where someone could be hiding. Instinct took over at that point and she nosed up into a climb to try and get herself above the clouds that she had been enjoying flying through. The elusive whisper followed her closely and when she broke the cloud cover, she found herself staring into a swirling ball of wind that slowly seemed to form itself into the ethereal visage of a vaguely equine male. Compass Rose ground to a halt, hovering a fair distance away from the being that was forming before her, eyeing it skeptically. At the moment, she was unable to discern any sort of threat and found herself at a loss for what to do. The ethereal stallion seemed to smile for a moment, regarding her with a surprised, but rather fatherly expression. When she failed to do anything, the airy figure swooped close for a moment to regard her curiously, only for the mare to become spooked and make to jink around the figure coming at her. However, the figure stayed right with her, only to back up to a somewhat more respectable distance. Now more intrigued than frightened - since whatever it was cared enough to back off - Rose regarded the dream-figure with an equal curiosity, trying to fly circles around it. The windy phantom seemed perfectly content with that arrangement, twirling slowly in place to follow her as he took on a slightly more solid form. He seemed for all the world like a zebra stallion with a pair of thin, wispy wings. “Zebras don’t have wings, silly~” Rose finally snickered, blooping the stallion on the nose with a hoof. The stallion crossed his eyes at her hoof, drifting lazily back with her poke. However, rather than change, he stayed exactly as he was. Rose frowned and darted forward to poke his nose again in confusion - this was her dream after all and since she was lucid, she should be able to control it. This time, the stallion grinned amusedly and kissed her hoof, but still he remained as he was. Rose pulled her hoof back with a blush, regarding both it and the stallion queerly for a moment. She hadn’t thought it was that kind of dream - especially since this stallion really didn’t look anything like the stallions she was staying with - but at that, she came to the conclusion she must’ve been mistaken. Leaning forward, she then softly, but passionately kissed the stallion upon the nose. The phantasmal stallion blushed and there was a small gust of wind swirling around them, before the stallion was suddenly gone in a small puff of cloudy air. The mare blinked confusedly, not sure what had just happened, but the fact was she had kinda been looking forward to a little action, even if it was just a dream... ~ ~ ~ When Rose awoke, it was to the feel of Zephania holding her tight in his arms, lazily nuzzling into her mane. Rose purred at the sensation, still half awake, her tail flicking as she stirred from her rest with a smile. “Sleep well, Rose~?” Zephania chuckled into her ear, taking a deep whiff of her mane as he started to softly rub her belly. “There was this zebra flirting with me as I flew~” She giggled, offering the stallion a soft nuzzle. “Well that explains a few things.” He snickered and made to give her lips a soft kiss. Rose kissed him readily in return, before cracking her tired eyes open. “Huh~?” She murmured. “I can smell you and your tail is flicking~” He explained, before going to nibble her ear playfully, her other ear folding back and she blushed hotly as he did; yet her tail flicked softly once again. “Would you like me to take care of that~?” He asked sweetly, his hoof sliding suggestively lower. Rose chewed her lip a bit, hesitant to say yes or no. “It can wait if you’re not comfortable.” He assured her with a sweet nuzzle. “I-” Rose murmured, “I’ve never been with a considerate stallion…” “I will be here no matter your answer.” Zephania murmured with a smile, “Say no and we will get up, have breakfast and continue on however you like.” “It’s just I haven’t been...pleasured by a stallion in months.” Rose offered in a soft, explanatory voice, “I should be fine…” “Rose, don’t tell me what you will be fine with,” Zephania shook his head and pressed his muzzle to her ear, “tell me what you want.” “I don’t know what to do~” She admitted quietly. “What feels right?” “What my body wants and what I want are not the same…” Rose murmured. “Then what do you want?” “A kiss~” She admitted with a small smile. He rewarded her with exactly that, pressing his lips softly to hers, and she kissed him tenderly in return. The stallion simply held her there just like that, content to let her enjoy herself. When she pulled back from the kiss, her ears were pinned back and she was blushing madly. “You’re good at that.” “I do my best~” He prummed proudly and pecked her nose. “Zephania, I...I’m afraid to ask…” Rose whispered. “You never have to be afraid with me.” Zephania murmured and brought up his hoof to hold hers. “Make me feel sexy~” Rose whimpered. Her stallion grinned and his hooves began to roam up and down her belly and sides. “You are as a winged goddess, worthy of worship~” With a soft nicker, he started to nibble sensually on her neck. The winged goddess’ namesake spread open with a sweet whinny and she relaxed instantly beneath him, a smile pulling at her lips. Zephania smiled contentedly and continued to worship his goddess, sliding his hooves down to tentatively fondle one udder in each hoof, earning a low moan of pleasure. “I’ve never had a stallion do that~” “Oh, but they are so perfect~” He purred softly, “They’re like perfect symbols of what makes you a mare~” “I’m not complaining.” She panted. “Just let me know when my goddess desires more~” He nickered and gave each a tug. “I’ll tell you...if I want you to stop…” Rose closed her eyes, relaxing into his fondling. Zephania nuzzled into her mane and one of his hooves started to drift lower. In the next moment, she felt the tip lightly caress her slit, causing her to hiss pleasurably. The mare’s hooves were then caressing his neck, running them through his mane...and it was then that she was treated to the sound of a loud sneeze from the other side of the yurt. The mare opened her eyes, looking up from upon her back, to see the other three stallions going about their business as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on. Immediately, Rose’s hooves were upon Zephania’s head. “Zephania, stop. Let me up.” She asked him with a quiet urgency. Zephania blinked for a moment, but stood up with a concerned frown, “Did I do something wrong, Rose? Did I go too quickly?” Meanwhile, the sudden change in the atmosphere drew the curious gazes of the other stallions to them. By the time the others had turned toward the two, Rose was upon her hooves, shaking a little. “I-I-I need to be outside.” Rose declared, urgently making for the door and appearing a little shaken. “Let me keep you company.” Uzoma urged her gently, setting aside his breakfast to trot after her, while Zephania sat back, fearing he had done something wrong. Rose didn’t even seem to notice Uzoma as she tried to keep a little panic-attack in check, however, the promise of freedom outside the yurt-flap gave her the focus to power through it. She practically leapt from the yurt, before looking up at the sky with a deep sigh, just a few paces away. Still, as anxious as she was, she shifted uneasily upon her hooves, her tail twitched and her wings rustled; all hinting at her need, yet she had abandoned the yurt as if it were on fire. “Rose, by the spirits, what has you so frightened?” Uzoma asked gently, trotting up just a couple of paces off to her right. The pegasus’ ears folded back at the suddenness of his voice, as if not expecting it, only to perk back up. “Pegasi are claustrophobic...some of us more than others.” She replied with a small frown, not really looking at him. “That’s not what’s bothering you, Rose.” Uzoma frowned disapprovingly, “If it were, you would have panicked long before this.” “It doesn’t help.” Rose frowned more deeply at being caught. “We want you to be happy and comfortable with us, Rose...” Uzoma took a tentative step toward her and smiled comfortingly, “We can not make that happen unless you tell us when something bothers you.” “I’m not used to having good stallions in my life…” Rose admitted in a near inaudible whisper. “Were you expecting us to take advantage...?” He asked her gently - the mare’s ears pinned back guiltily and she couldn’t find something far away enough to hide her shame. “You need never fear us, Rose.” The stallion reached out and placed a comforting hoof upon her shoulder and when he spoke again there was a dark note to his voice, “Merely tell us who hurt you so and he will not stain the world with his presence for long.” “...Yes.” She admitted in a whisper to his question, still not able to bring herself to look at him. The next thing she felt was a chaste kiss upon her cheek, “How may I earn your trust?” The mare leaned into his kiss, a soft smile pulling at her lips; yet despite her apparent approval, she couldn’t seem to find her voice. When she remained silent, the dark stallion merely pulled her into a gentle one-armed hug and held her there. She pressed herself thankfully into his side, still finding it hard to believe that she had managed to catch the eye of this group of stallions single-hoofedly. “Keep being yourself~” She offered him in a whisper. “As you wish~” He nickered and kissed her cheek again, “Would you like to go back in now?” With a nod, Rose leaned into him, urging him to lead her back. Back in the yurt, Xolani and Zuberi waited with worried expressions, while Zephania sat off to the side, contemplating what he had done wrong. Offering Uzoma a parting peck, Rose made her way back to Zephania, nuzzling into him apologetically. Zephania perked up a little and returned the nuzzle in kind, “Are you alright, Rose?” He asked hopefully. She nodded softly, before speaking in a voice just loud enough for them all to hear. “I am better, and I’m sorry I freaked out there. I’ve never had a truly good stallion in my life, let alone four of you and...I felt a little vulnerable…” “I am sorry I made you uncomfortable.” Zephania kissed her neck as he and the others began to relax. “It wasn’t you, Zephania. Or any of you.” Rose declared looking up at them with a frown, “The stallions in my life before you, well...I wouldn’t have put it past them to take advantage of me like that.” Zuberi snorted at that and stomped a hoof, “Name them. Those stallions will breathe no more.” “I left Equestria to get away from them, Zuberi. Yet it seems even now I am not free of them…” Rose declared with a shudder. “And such stallions are allowed to roam free over there?” Zephania narrowed his eyes angrily, “No wonder so many come to live away from your ‘Equestria’.” “My last stallion was a noble, remember? Who would believe me over him...and his mares?” “What of his sire and his mare?” Xolani hummed, “Are your peoples’ leaders so corrupt as to ignore such things?” “He was adopted.” Rose shrugged, “Princess Celestia...she wouldn’t even see me.” “Well then, we shall simply have to make your life here a beautiful one.” Zephania declared proudly, “One to make you forget such things.” Rose gave his cheek a happy kiss then, before pressing her cheek to his. “That is more than I could’ve imagined.” “Perhaps it is fate that brought Xolani and his fellows to you~” The shaman hummed with a thoughtful smile, “A beautiful mare that we may gaze upon and worship for us, and four stallions for you to make up for the lack of attention you deserved.” “I-I’d rather be your companion than some pretty upon a shelf…” Rose offered with a sheepish smile. “Why, of course~” Xolani smiled playfully, “One need not be placed upon a shelf to be worshiped.” Rose nodded softly with a smile, before once again offering Zephania a nuzzle. “And I hope you can forgive me for worrying you?” Zephania nodded and wrapped her in a warm hug, “All is forgiven, my sweet, beautiful mare.” Rose leaned into his embrace a moment, before timidly offering his mane a gentle pull. “Come along, we should eat, so that we can get moving…” Zephania allowed her to take control and lead without complaint, “Rose, would you like to finish where we left off?” He whispered gently, “I do not wish to see a mare go wanting...” The mare shook her head in response. “I promise to let you know, alright~?” She assured him. “As you wish~” ~ ~ ~ The second day went by much like the first had, without any real incident. This time, when the others went to set up the camp, it was Uzoma’s turn to relax. He did so by trotting up to Rose and offering her a playful peck on the cheek. The mare blinked for a moment, before smiling and offering him one in return. “And what was that for~?” Rose asked him playfully. “For being beautiful~” Uzoma grinned and sidled up to her, before kissing her ear, “That was for being sweet.” “Ok, now you’re just trying to butter me up~” Rose tittered, giving his head a playful bump with her own. “That obvious?” He nickered playfully and bumped shoulders with her. “Mhmm~” Rose nodded with an equally playful grin. “I shall switch tactics then.” Uzoma declared with a wave of his hoof, “I wish to run with you as Zephania did. I am eager to see how you keep up for myself.” “We’re not going to run all night, are we?” Rose asked him with a teasing sigh. “Only if you want to~” He chuckled softly and nuzzled her neck. “I’m actually not in very good shape, Uzoma.” Rose laughed melodically at his affections. “I think we can fix that~” He hummed softly, “How would you like to run with me every night?” “Maybe not every night~” She kissed his cheek, with an amused snicker, “I take it you like to run?” “It is what I was born for.” He declared proudly, starting to hop from hoof to hoof in anticipation. “Like me and flying, huh?” She smiled, offering his lips a peck. “I suppose so~” He nodded with a hum and pecked her nose in return. “So, how do you want to do this?” Uzoma blinked and gave her a teasing smirk, “Well, I assume you still know how to run.” “Nope, I just fake it really well!” She laughed merrily. “Good enough for me~” Without another word, Uzoma suddenly bolted out into the grass. Rose hopped into the air and leapt forward after him, landing close by, only to break into a gallop a short distance away. The dark stallion laughed merrily at the sight and swerved to gallop alongside her. Unlike last time he had ran toward her - fleeing from the lions - she nickered and bumped shoulders with him, before running alongside him. Uzoma grinned wildly and put on a burst of speed, proving himself to be leaps ahead of Zephania in terms of speed. Yet, despite this, Rose somehow managed to keep up with him, though it was quite clear that the mare was pushing herself to the very limits of her abilities to do so. Grinning at the display of her own stamina, he slowed just a tad to make it easier on her and leaned over to nip her ear, earning a playful swat from her wing as she snorted irritably. The next Uzoma knew, Rose was giving him a hip-check. Uzoma snorted amusedly, before retaliating in kind. Recovering, Rose then hopped on her hooves, gliding a short distance with a happy whinny. “Hey, no fair!” He laughed giddily and put on another burst of speed to catch up. Rose leaned in and gave the stallion a firm kiss upon the corner of his lips, rubbing shoulders with him. ~ ~ ~ Compass Rose switched between trotting along with her stallions and occasionally taking to the air for short stints, seemingly perfectly happy making small talk with them as they marched. Nothing too particularly interesting seemed to occur along the way, though Xolani did occasionally wander off to start scratching at the ground, before picking something up to put in his pouches. After seeing him do so a few times, Rose used his departure as an excuse to take to the air. When the stallion began to dig at the earth, she made to hover next to him and inquire as to what he was doing. Xolani went on to explain to her that he was harvesting various herbs and tubers, which ones were good for medicines and which were simply for seasoning, and so on. Rose would occasionally pull up a plant or root, taking it to the stallion for approval as she tried to spot the things he was describing that she had previously just been ignoring. All in all, Rose’s time with Xolani was very different than her time with Uzoma and Zephania. The stallion struck her as a much more laid back individual, and though she didn’t think either of the two were dumb, Xolani certainly seemed to know much more about the world around her than they did; and to an extent, she saw that the other stallions seemed to silently acknowledge this too. However, for all of this, he didn’t seem to acknowledge himself as being particularly wise or intelligent. In fact, with the eager way he questioned her about her home and the enthusiasm he displayed when showing her a new herb, he seemed rather like a child, eager to learn all he could of the world around him. Inevitably the day came to an end and the group stopped once more for the night. This time, Rose insisted upon helping and being taught their roles, and tasks in the process. Extra hooves will make it go faster, she asserted and gently turned aside their offers to let them do all the work; and so, her stallions begrudgingly allowed her to do her part, teaching her all the intricacies of constructing a yurt and starting a fire. When evening came and Compass Rose found herself dreaming once again, she was standing in the middle of the Savannah. Nothing could be seen for miles around but the tall grass, waving gently in the wind, tickling her belly and sides. On the ground and without her stallions, the pegasus suddenly felt very exposed and immediately took to the air, pulling a few lengths upward so that she would be relatively safe from the big-cats of the grasslands. She really didn’t want another run in with that pride that they had saved her from. The next sound to reach her ears was a soft giggle, coming from directly below her. When she looked down, she found herself staring into a pair of brilliant green eyes, surrounded by a mare-ish face that seemed to dance in and out of focus with the swaying grass. Whatever those eyes belonged to, its lack of focus and giggling unnerved her, causing her to flap a little harder and gain a little more distance between herself and whatever it was. As much as it looked like a mare, something warned her that it most certainly wasn’t. Everything shifted from Rose’s perspective and she once more found herself on the ground, this time in the middle of a clearing and those green eyes peeking out from the grass directly across the circle. The figure slowly moved into the clearing, resolving itself into the form of an equine mare. She bore a motherly figure and a smile to match, though even with a solid form, countless stripes in varying shades of green made it hard to keep her in focus whenever she moved. The second mare stopped at the edge of the clearing, taking a seat and offering Compass Rose a comforting smile. With the figure sitting still, it was revealed that her stripes actually seemed to be moving, waving like the grass that currently swayed around them and the shadows that the grass cast. The pegasus narrowed her eyes suspiciously, taking a step mostly to one side, as she lowered her head. It was clear from the pegasus mare’s body language that she was on a hairline trigger, ready to bolt at the first sign of danger from...whatever it was before her. “What are you…?” Rose spoke quietly, suspicion coloring her voice as a slight hiss. “I...am their Mother.” An elderly voice seemed to radiate outward from the figure, echoing through the clearing. “I...am their home.” Compass Rose blinked uncertainly. “I don’t understand.” “You will soon.” The figure gave off a sweet, almost musical giggle, before sighing. The pegasus’ feathers ruffled slightly in indignance then. “What do you mean, their mother? Their home? Whose?” Rose pressed irritably. “Why, your stallions of course~” The grassy figure trilled, her warm, motherly smile never breaking. “What are you~?” Rose asked once again, now less frightened, but no less wary of whatever her dream was showing her. The mare smiled a little more broadly. “I believe I already told you~” Rose awoke then, already kicking angrily at the barding that had the audacity to try and cover her legs in her sleep. Once free of their confines, she glanced around at the poorly lit interior, only embers offering them any light at this point. One at a time, Rose made out the sleeping stallions; Zuberi, Zephania...Uzoma was a little tougher with his coloration. Then she noticed that Xolani was absent. “Xolani~?” The mare called for him in a low-voice that couldn’t really be called a whisper. She was greeted with silence, the only one bothering to stir being Zuberi, who merely yawned and rolled over in his sleep. Getting up from her bedding, Rose looked about once more to make sure she had not somehow overlooked Xolani somehow. Quietly getting to her hooves, the mare made to slip out of the yurt, naked to the world. Outside, she glanced about worriedly, hoping that he had just stepped out for a moment to relieve himself, but doubted that was the case. Instead, she found her nose being tickled by the gentle aroma of burning herbs and incense carried on the wind. The scent was soon followed by the quiet, almost melodic chanting of Xolani’s voice drifting in from the grass. She eventually noticed her stallion’s mane poking up out of the grass some distance from the yurt. Not wanting to draw any attention to herself, Rose did her best to traverse the few yards separating Xolani from the camp as stealthily as possible. She found him standing in the middle of a small space where he had flattened the grass. Two small bowls sat to either side of him, filled with smoldering herbs that had to be the source of the smell. Thin trails of smoke drifted up to trail around his form as he swayed in place, seeming to match the motion of the grass. Closer to him, his chanting seemed a little louder and while she could only make out a few words, it was clear that it was some kind of lullaby. The moment she stepped hoof into his clearing he spoke, not so much as perking his ears or looking back. “Welcome, Compass Rose...” “It’s very pretty~” She offered him, still hesitant to approach, worried about interrupting. “Xolani is singing the Savannah to its sleep...” He spoke softly, his chanting turning into a wordless hum as one of his hooves, patted a space beside him, motioning her forward. “Even the spirits require their rest.” The mare trotted over to his side and leaned against him. “Spirits? Not like Discord...right?” “Like who?” He hummed quietly, leaning into her side in return. “The spirit of chaos.” Rose explained, a note of worry coloring her voice at even speaking of him. Xolani hummed thoughtfully, before shaking his head, “Xolani does not deal with such things. The Wind, the Savannah, the Stars... Spirits such as these are who Xolani calls friends.” “That’s weird…” Rose murmured thoughtfully. Xolani chuckled and cracked an eye at her, “Xolani’s ways are weird~?” She quickly shook her head and offered him a reassuring kiss to the cheek. “No, Xolani. I just dreamed about a grassy mare~” Rose snickered, “She talked a lot, without saying anything…” “A grassy mare...?” Xolani quirked an eyebrow at her, before smirking softly, “Interesting~” “If you say so.” Rose shrugged, “Those green eyes of hers were a little creepy~” She then bumped heads with Xolani, smiling softly, “You want to hear interesting, you boys have me dreaming about flying zebras now!” “It makes sense now.” Xolani chuckled, “The spirits have been strangely quiet when Xolani tries to speak with them. Now he sees why.” He finally turned his head again, giving her a pointed look.“They chose to speak with another...” His mare snickered then, “Well, you can take them. The stallion wouldn’t even speak to me, and the mare was worse than some of those I met in Canterlot. Wouldn’t give me a straight answer if I asked them what color the sky is!” She snorted playfully. “Something tells Xolani that you are going to be stuck with them for a long while~” He chuckled playfully, “It is not often one draws the attention of the Savannah and her husband.” “Husband!?” Rose shrieked, her cheeks going a little pale. Xolani leaned back as though struck by a strong wind, before rubbing his ear with a pained expression, “That is what Xolani said~” “No wonder she leered at me like that~” Rose squeaked absently in shock. Rose’s shaman blinked, “The Grassy Mare leered?” He murmured confusedly. “I’m pretty sure I kissed her husband~” Rose admitted in a guilty murmur. Xolani’s brain seemed to shut down for a few moments. “You kissed an Elder Spirit...” The mare whimpered worriedly and nodded softly. “I thought it was one of those dreams...you know~?” When Xolani’s brain caught back up, he began to snort as he struggled to control the sudden onset of laughter. “What? You never dream of bedding a mare?” She returned slightly indignant at the stallion’s laughter. Xolani took a deep breath to try and calm himself, “Oh, Xolani has many times...” He reached up and booped her nose then, “But he thinks your dreams are going to become very interesting soon enough~” Rose only whimpered at that, worried about what the Grassy Mare might do to her after trying to seduce her husband - Rose knew what she would do. Xolani sighed and nuzzled her comfortingly, “Oh, do not worry, Xolani is certain they understand.” “I just hit on a married stallion, Xolani!” Rose exclaimed quietly. “Yes, and?” “And I’d show an uppity mare like that her teeth for trying to come onto my stallions!” “Really?” Xolani blinked in surprise, “Even if she were open and forthcoming about her desire?” “A mare’s supposed to speak to the Alpha Mare in a herd, before trying to court a stallion.” Rose explained patiently, not sure how he didn’t know that; were zebra stallions that isolated from the way their mares operated? “For courting, yes, but what of simple pleasure?” Xolani cocked his head curiously at her. “For zebra, a mare may bed whom she wishes so long as all are open about it, and those with herds do not breed outside them.” “I-” Rose blinked confusedly for a moment, “So...zebra are into the free-love scene?” She asked slowly in disbelief. “If that is what your people call it, yes.” He nodded slowly. “So another mare could just come in here and start sexing any of you and wouldn’t even need to ask my permission?” Rose asked with an incredulous frown, “I mean if we’re married?” “That depends on the particular tribe.” Xolani began, “In most, we would be required to ask your permission first and that is the custom we would follow. Mares however, including yourself, are allowed to seek pleasure wherever you will, so long as ours is the bed you return to and ours are the only foals you bear without some kind of negotiating.” “I would not take another stallion without my stallions knowing. That wouldn’t be very fair if I didn’t have to show you the same respect you give me.” Rose assured him, before giving his lips a soft kiss, as if to assure him she was his mare. Xolani smiled and nipped softly at her lip, “Xolani trusts you, Rose~” He assured her with a warm smile. “It’s more about being fair.” Rose giggled despite herself at his nibble. “If you say so.” Xolani chuckled and lay his neck over hers, “Would you like to meditate with Xolani?” “If that’s all you want.” Rose hummed, leaning into his neck. “Does Xolani’s mare want more?” He asked her with a curious smile. “I wouldn’t be opposed to giving you pleasure.” Rose offered with a smile, before kissing his lips. “Xolani is content to wait until his mare desires pleasure herself.” The shaman hummed and nuzzled her nose. “If you change your mind, don’t hesitate to ask.” She gave his lips another peck, before giving his mane a soft tug, “Think I could convince you to come back to bed~?” Rose asked him with a suggestive expression. Xolani nodded and went to retrieve his bowls with a soft smile, “Yes, Xolani thinks he could use a rest,” He shot her a flirty smile, “...and you look like the perfect pillow~” Rose nickered softly and moved with her stallion, keeping at his hip. “And I much prefer a stallion to a pile of blankets, to be honest.” “Then Xolani believes you have chosen the right herd~” He nickered in return as he put his things away in his cloak, before turning to lead her back to the yurt. “Well, time for my stallion to prove my decision right.” Rose chirped happily, “I look forward to it!” “As does Xolani.” Her stallion hummed proudly and gave her mane a soft tug to lead her along. > Arc I: Chapter IV > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rose had spent most of the day with Xolani, listening and learning more about his art, and the Savannah in general. The mare had already thrown some ideas at him for trying to make a few different versions of his grass soup to try and toss things up a little. When it came time to set up camp again, Rose helped relieve Zuberi of his burden, along with the others, allowing him to quickly shed the large weight he bore for the lot of them. When the others weren’t looking, she even offered him a kiss upon the cheek, that he returned with a happy nicker. Later that evening, after everything had been set up, the big stallion approached her outside and offered her a sweet hug, “Evening, Rose~” He boomed happily. “Good evening to you too, Zuberi!” Rose laughed merrily, snuggling into his embrace with a happy purr. “I trust you have been enjoying your stay with us?” He asked hopefully, nuzzling into her mane. Rose nodded into his neck in exchange. “Has anyone ever told you you give the best hugs~?” She purred into his mane. “Once or twice~” He nodded proudly, before pulling back to bump noses with her, “I came over to see if you would like to join me for some exercise today?” “What did you have in mind?” She asked him with an innocent smile. “I was thinking perhaps we could do some sparring.” He informed her with a hopeful smile. Rose frowned slightly then. “I didn’t bring my wingblades because I wasn’t that good with them.” She explained with a simple shrug. “It is no matter.” He shook his head dismissively, “We can spar with our hooves and you can see how our people fight.” “I mean...you’re not an earth pony, so I guess…?” Rose shrugged once more, appearing open enough to the idea. “Great!” Zuberi chirped happily, before releasing her and waving for her to follow as he turned away. The big stallion led her a short ways away from their camp to a spot where he appeared to have flattened out a small clearing, “Now, you say you have some fighting experience?” Rose nodded, “My sire was in the Wonderbolts, he was quite disappointed with my sister and I, when we failed to make the cut.” She took a deep breath, “I don’t think I’ve fought more than one or two stallions before...mares aren’t supposed to strike stallions and most trainers won’t mix genders…” He hummed, before taking up a ready stance, “Likewise, our people do not normally train our mares to fight anyway. It is the height of dishonor for a stallion to allow his mare into such danger in the first place.” “I’m not useless in a fight, Zuberi.” She huffed a little indignantly, stretching out her wings. “Perish the thought~” He chuckled, before starting to pull back, “Here, perhaps I can prove to you your stallions need no protection~” “You sure you want to give me more room to work with~?” Rose teased him with a knowing grin. “I want to see what you can do~” Zuberi shrugged with an eager smile. Her stallion smirked proudly at that and stepped back into a ready stance once more, before motioning for her to come at him. Rose stomped the ground, eying him hesitantly a moment. The one time she had fought an earth pony stallion, it had not been a pleasant experience for her - she walked away rather beaten from the experience, but she had learned her lesson. Rose suddenly lunged at Zuberi, the stallion ready for her...or that’s what he thought. Mid gallop, she pushed off with her wings and shot at him, faster than any gazelle could’ve hoped for. By the time he saw her intent, she had already struck him in the shoulder with her wing as she passed. Zuberi grunted in surprise and grit his teeth as she struck, but stood his ground and almost casually reached out to swat her flank before she was clear. He put no real power into the blow and smiled as he turned to watch her. Rather than try to chase her, however, the big bruiser stayed where he was and waited her out. She wanted to play the speed game? Fine, he would let her tire herself out and catch her when she finally slowed down. Rose neighed with a little hop as her flank stung from his slap, sending him the stink-eye as she took a second to decide on her course of action. Though the style of fighting she had been taught was positively devastating against earthbound styles, thanks to a pegasus’ speed, she was taught to fight armed, not in hoof-to-hoof. Though Zuberi was quite skilled, perhaps far more than she was, she was not about to disappoint the stallion. A look of grim determination came over her and she snorted decidedly. In the next moment, she leapt at him, striking quickly at the stallion with a forehoof. Only, rather than break away, she was moving closer to him, right on top of him in fact. More than that, she utilized all four of her front limbs to come at him from every angle, trying to overwhelm him with too many strikes for him to block all of them. Sure, none of them had the power that her first strike did, but these came one after another like a swarm of angry bees. Zuberi snorted amusedly when he realized she was doing what he wanted, without doing what he wanted and he kept up his staunch defense, maneuvering just enough to keep her off of him while he occasionally tried grab her. While it had momentarily surprised Zuberi to find her capable of keeping up with him, it only encouraged him to keep going, eager to see more of what his mare could do...and so they did. While he occasionally grunted with the impact of one of her strikes, he almost seemed to brush most of them off with little more than a proud smile each time. Her stallion was clearly built to endure punishment and that was how he fought. He gladly took every blow he didn’t feel was an immediate danger and just kept going. Yet as she continued to probe his defenses, the pegasus didn’t seem to be tiring as fast as he would expect. As the duel continued, Rose seemed to be slowly getting more and more comfortable with his fighting style, getting closer and closer as she did. Soon enough, she was getting too close to effectively lash out at him and in those moments, the mare’s wings would practically caress his shoulder, side, or back as she made to disengage and reposition. Each time reminding him just how close to him she could get, and yet how far she was from his reach. She was well aware how this fight could end if he managed to grapple her. It was only in these moments that Zuberi would offer any hesitation. Unsure of just how sturdy pegasus wings were, he did not wish to harm them by trying to retaliate. However, the whole time, he continued his patient stand and with every strike, he came painstakingly close to latching onto her. It was after about the fourth or fifth time getting in so close, Rose did not disengage. Instead of pulling away from him, she lost her footing and lay her wing over his back for stability, ending up against his side. Nickering in surprise, Zuberi promptly wrapped his arms around her waist and turned her around so he could bite down possessively on her neck as he inadvertently mounted her. Rose loosed something halfway between a whinny of surprise and a nicker of delight at her stallion’s roughness as her chest heaved slightly from their avid sparring session, and her cheeks flushed as he held her steady by the scruff of her neck. Zuberi nickered and held his ground firmly, starting to chew sensually upon her neck, at the base of her skull. This earned him a surprised, yet meek nicker from the mare who now held herself stock still in his arms. When she stilled herself, Zuberi’s grasp became more of a gentle hug and he nuzzled affectionately into her mane. “Would my mare like to keep ‘sparring’~?” He asked her sweetly and Rose didn’t say anything, but nodded obediently in his embrace, as if not really listening. Zuberi pressed his weight against her back and kissed her neck, her wings flaring in response as if spring-loaded. He stayed still where he was for a moment, as though giving her a chance to tell him to stop and when she did not... “I am surprised you gave in so easily.” He hummed curiously and she could feel his hot length starting to drop and brush her rump. Rose gasped softly and dared to look back at him, trying to hide her eagerness, yet despite trying to hide it, Zuberi could feel her tremble excitement. “Easily? You know how long we’ve been fighting?” She asked him with a chortle, pretending to ignore his excitement. “Long enough, I suppose~” He purred and gave her ear a sudden love-bite, her tail instinctively hiking, before he shifted just enough to make his excitement very hard to ignore. “I did ask you a question, though~” “I’m sorry, what was the question~?” She asked him in a playful note, pointedly ignoring his erection rubbing her groin. Zuberi bit her other ear then with a playful growl, “Do you want to keep sparring~?” Rose bit her lip for a moment, trying to decide what to say, before simply shaking her head softly, no. Her stallion nuzzled her ear then and whispered, “What would you like to do~?” Rose looked back at him with a small, worried frown, swallowing fearfully. “I haven’t had a stallion in a while…” She admitted quietly. Zuberi smiled softly and leaned in to nuzzle her, “Compass Rose, I want you to tell me exactly what you want right now...” Rose swallowed once more, a look of determination taking her. “Zuberi, I would like you.” She declared, nuzzling him and pressing her rump subtly back into him, “I feel like you would be the right stallion to-” She took a deep breath and smiled at him, “The right stallion to make me feel wanted. Lusted after~” Zuberi gave her neck a loving kiss then, “Then let me make this time special for you. I want you to decide how we do this~” Rose snorted softly at the stallion’s obliviousness, “Zuberi, I don’t want to chose right now.” “Very well~” He nickered playfully, before suddenly pulling back and pressing his crown to her labia, while biting down on her neck. Rose nickered eagerly, in a soft note and shivered in his arms, her clit blinking against his prodding glans. “Come on, Zuberi, I can sense how eager you are, now let me feel it~!” She encouraged him sweetly, yet impatiently. With a dominant snort, the big stallion gripped her hips firmly and began to steadily slide into her waiting pussy, his glans flaring as he took her. The mare’s nicker became a whinny and she leaned back into his advance with a broad smile on her face. “Yes~” She moaned needily, shuddering at the sensation of his welcome invasion. Zuberi slid home with a soft thump against her rear, his crown prodding her cervix as he started to grind against her, hot feminine juices drenching his member. She squeaked in surprise at just how deep he managed to work himself, before trailing off into a crooning note. “Zuberi~!” Her big stallion began to growl softly and chew sensually at her neck, before slowly pulling his hips back again, the mare’s insides clutching him longingly, not seeming to want to let him go. He groaned in pleasure at the way she squeezed him, before promptly thumping right back into her, only to start pulling back again. Without a word, Rose started to flap her wings ineffectualy, reveling in the stallion’s attention. Even as she started to flap, Zuberi shifted his arms to wrap them over her shoulders, pulling her back into each solid thrust as he set up a slow, but firm rhythm. Rose grunted lovingly at each solid meeting of their hips, a smile pulling at her lips. “You weren’t kidding...you have done this before~” “Had to practice for just the right mare~” He purred playfully, huffing softly with every hump. “You sure you’re not a prince? This is what I was expecting from my noblestallion~!” She growled, exclaiming her praise in a loud, enthusiastic voice. “I was a tribal champion~” He nickered and tugged firmly at her mane, “Does that count~?” “I don’t care if it doesn’t!” Rose tooted giddily, “You’re my stallion. Mine.” “And you’re my mare.” He nickered, before pulling on her mane again. “A-am I as good as a zebra~?” She stuttered hopefully. “Better~” He growled into her ear. “Do what you want with me!” Rose gasped at his next thrust. “Whatever I want~?” He hummed curiously, before stilling his hips. “Please! Please don’t stop, Zuberi~!” She squealed desperately at the denial of stimulation, trying to shake her rump beneath him. The next she knew, she was being lifted straight up as Zuberi slowly dropped and rolled into a sitting position, where she landed solidly in his lap. Rose grunted hard, her eyes going cross when his glans struck her cervix, all the air escaping her lungs in one long go. “Wasn’t expecting that…” She murmured in a whisper, barely able to speak. Rather than reply, Zuberi took a firm hold of her thighs and began to lift and drop her in his lap with a rhythm similar to the way he’d been mounting her. Rose tried to speak, she really did. She tried to get her mouth to cooperate, to no avail. All she produced was a deep rhythm of grunts and moans as she struggled to breathe. Still, though she was having a hard time breathing regularly, or speaking, let alone keeping her head up...as she lay her head back against her stallion’s neck and shoulders, she wore nothing but a big, dumb smile from ear to ear. Zuberi smiled proudly at the sight, before biting her neck again with a possessive growl and changed up the rhythm slightly, ending each drop by firmly stirring her hips against his. The first drop caught her by surprise, but by the second, she tried harder to speak to her stallion, but still all she could manage was a long, drunken, muted squeal. Finally showing a bit of mercy, Zuberi slowed down for a moment and whispered to her, “You wanted to say something~?” Rose mercilessly pulled on the stallion’s mane, “Fuck~!” She growled right at the edge of something big. Zuberi grinned and resumed his merciless pace, actually picking up some speed when he did. Rose screamed out her pleasure, though she didn’t last long, and very soon she was climaxing around his shaft with a sweet cry of ecstasy. Only a few moments later, he brought her down one last time and burst deep inside of her, flooding her womb with his seed as his flare plugged it in. Rose jerked and shuddered at the sensation, as she felt the zebra’s semen filling her in a way that no pony had ever done before. With a hard shudder, Zuberi lay back and gently embraced his mare, rubbing gently at her belly in the afterglow. “I-I-I feel like I’m going to pop~” Rose panted, grasping one of her stallion’s hooves, “I’ve never felt like this before, Zuberi.” “You’ve never felt the gift of a zebra stallion~” He nickered playfully and held her hoof tight, “Our seed is far more bountiful than any race I know.” “You trying to get me pregnant~?” She tittered curiously at the fact he was simply holding her there. “If you wish~” He nickered, before nuzzling her neck, “I just like cuddling~” “I’ve never just been cuddled by a waking stallion before.” Rose explained, rubbing his neck with her other hoof. “Well, you can have cuddles all the time with me~” He promised her sweetly. “Are zebras blessed with bountiful stamina too?” Rose asked him hopefully. “You have no idea~” “Well…?” She asked him in a sweet tone of voice, surprised he was not humping her already. “Thought you could use a moment to rest.” He chuckled, before one of his hooves drifted down to tease her clit. “I want to go again.” Rose insisted gently, purring at the feeling of his hoof at her marehood. “Are you certain?” He asked her just as gently, “You’re going to be awfully full for a mare that’s never had a zebra.” “We could pick a new position.” Rose suggested. “Well, perhaps you’d like to roll over and ride me~” He suggested with a playful nicker. Rose bit her lip softly, glancing back at him, “Are you sure you want me riding you? You seemed really into the humping...” “Rose, I had my fun~” He gave her cheek a sweet kiss, “Now it’s your turn~” “If you’re sure…” Rose nodded uncertainly, “Care to help me roll off of you?” “Why roll off~?” He purred, before bringing his hooves to her shoulders to help her sit up, “Just turn around in my lap.” With a grunt, Rose pulled her hind legs up with some assistance and spun herself about on his still flared cock, moaning at the sensation. Looking down she realized that his penis must’ve been near the extent of his range of motion. “Are you comfortable like this?” She asked him tenderly. “Plenty comfortable~” Zuberi growled, before lunging up to give her a hungry kiss. The mare exchanged a wet kiss with him, as she wrapped her stallion in a tight hug. Her hips seemed to automatically start rubbing against his, her juices already flowing just at the thought of having her stallion at her control, her muscles fondling his flared erection deep inside her. Zuberi growled hungrily and returned her hug, shifting his hips a little to grind against her while his tongue explored her mouth. Though the mare really liked the kiss, she also wanted to show him a good time since apparently he wanted it. Pulling back from the kiss, she placed both hooves upon his chest, urging him back. “Relax and enjoy, Zuberi~” Rose cooed, massaging the stallion’s chest with both hooves. Zuberi groaned loudly in pleasure and ground up into her. Parting from the kiss, he leaned in and gave her a brief nip, before laying back again. “When I mounted him...my previous stallion, it was one of the few things I did that he liked. I guess he felt like I was working for his pleasure, not the other way around…” She murmured, slowly starting to bounce atop his length. With a hungry growl, the big stallion moved his grip to her hips to start groping her possessively, “Your pleasure is all I care about, Rose.” He declared sweetly. “I know~” Rose leaned in to give him a quick kiss, before sitting back up; shaking her hips atop him, half grinding and half humping, “How is it?” She asked, huffing pleasantly. “This is perfection~” He groaned happily, “Seeing my mare enjoy herself...” “I still like you on top of me best, Love.” Rose smiled sincerely at him, “You make me feel secure...” She tried to explain. Zuberi leaned up to tug softly at her mane, only for the mare to urge him to return to laying on his back. “Please, Zuberi, I like this angle…” “We’ll stay this way as long as you wish~” He declared, before relaxing with a playful smile. “You will always have me however you need me.” Rose relaxed, her hooves slowly wandering lower, before accidentally pressing into a sensitive spot of his belly. Zuberi whinnied in surprise and failed to stop himself from humping up into her, causing her to gasp at the sudden roughness, her hooves holding them still. “What was that? are you alright?” Rose asked Zuberi worriedly. Zuberi nodded and panted softly, “You didn’t know about that little spot?” “What…?” Rose asked, looking down at his belly. “That spot you pressed.” He explained slowly, “It is where your rump presses into my belly when I mount you.” “Where?” She asked, hoping that he would show her. Zuberi took her hoof then and gently placed it over the spot, “It is a very special erogenous zone. When you press it, it feels like I am mounting you and I am urged to thrust.” Still remaining motionless, Rose softly caressed the spot experimentally, looking to see what it took to elicit a reaction from him. The soft caress earned a shudder from her stallion, but was apparently too gentle to earn another. “Feels good?” She asked him with a smile, continuing to stroke his belly, even as she began to move her hips about again. Zuberi groaned headily, before nodding drunkenly, “Very~” “Harder~?” She offered him, pressing against him ever so slightly harder; her stallion whinnied softly at that and humped once more, causing her to whinny and begin to ride him harder. “What happens...if I ground my hoof~?” She asked as she began to pant in exertion once again. “I might just lose it and roll you over again~” He warned her with a growl as he fought to control himself. “But you’re not going to, because you want me to keep going…” Rose returned his growl with one of her own, riding him ecstatically, slowly starting to increase the pressure she was applying. At that, Zuberi snorted and ground his teeth, gripping her hips almost painfully tight with his hooves. “Come on champion, you’re not going to lose your head a from a little pleasure~” Rose cooed, now grinding her hoof softly into his spot, “Relax and let go whenever, Love~” Losing himself in bliss, he snorted and kicked his legs, trying as hard as he could not to take over and ravage her, “I’m getting close, Rose...” She ground hard into the erogenous zone, thoroughly enjoying his nearly pony-sized package working her sex. “Zuberi, you’re magnificent~!” Rose crooned blissfully. Zuberi suddenly whinnied shrilly and shot up to latch onto her neck, pulling her down hard into his lap as he came a second time, again pumping his hot seed into her. Rose shuddered atop her stallion, her voice warbling as she hit a second climax of her own. “Can’t...keep humping...can you…?” She teased him mercilessly between breaths as she shook her rump atop his erupting rod. “Don’t tempt me...” Zuberi grunted, before slamming into her one last time with as he surrendered to the pleasure of pumping his hot seed into her. “Come on, Zuberi, you want to!” Rose urged him with a growl, grinding her hooves into his belly, trying to get him to do it, “Flip me over and do it!” Zuberi growled at the challenge and with a huff, began to jerkily lift her up and down, even while his seed flooded her past her normal capacity. “Pin me and ravage me~!” Egged on by her cheers, the big stallion suddenly rolled on top and braced his hindquarters to start humping her mercilessly. “I am going to breed you~” He growled drunkenly. “You can! You can! Fuck me, you can! Go, Zuberi! As long as you can! Don’t stop!” Rose cried out jubilantly in ecstasy, “Take me, Zuberi. Take your mare. Stuff her full of your seed until you wash her insides out!” Rose continued to encourage her stallion blissfully. Zuberi growled and bit at the base of her neck, “Mine.” The air was filled with the sound of slapping flesh as he pumped into her, the seed from his two climaxes starting to leak as he ravaged her. “Are you ready to bear your first?” Zuberi suddenly asked in a husky whisper. “Do it!” Rose cried shrilly, eager to feel him climax a third time. “Take it.” Zuberi growled, before slamming in for a final time, bursting yet again. “Bred~” With the stallion’s climax, Compass Rose wailed breathlessly at the nearly painful wave of pleasure that washed over her, as she was forced full to the point of leaking. All she could do at that point was to recline and accept his passion, all six of her limbs going limp. Zuberi snorted and spent the next few moments jerking his hips erratically, before finally stopping with a tired huff. Without another word, he slowly pulled out and sat back, earning a soft whine from the mare. Immediately, her marehood contracted, ejecting a great deal of his lust with an audible spurt and eliciting a shivering moan from her at the sensation. “I-I don’t ever think I’ve been fucked...like that before~” Rose stammered breathlessly. “And now you can have it all the time~” He smiled proudly, before gently lifting her rump to prevent further spilling, “We should try to keep some, in there~” “Why~?” Rose mumbled confusedly. “Better chance of it taking.” He hummed softly and kissed one of her legs. “If it’s going to take, it already has, and I’d rather not be sticky.” Rose slowly protested, unaware of zebra customs. “Ah, but I have made my claim~” Zuberi nickered and lowered her, only to use a hoof to playfully smear the leaking seed around her groin, causing her to purr softly, “Now it is time to display the results of our coupling to make the claim official.” Rose blinked even more confusedly at him. “I think you’re going to need to explain…” She grumbled warily. “When a stallion claims a mare, it is tradition that the first time they couple, they take a walk around the tribe to display the results of his claim.” He kissed her leg once more, “Her ravaged rump~” “But you’re not part of a tr-” Rose began, only to abruptly cut herself off and blush bright-red, her ears folding slightly back, “You mean to-to…” “To show you off to the others.” He nodded with a soft smirk. “Is that fair?” She asked him suddenly, “Bragging to your fellow stallions that I let you have me first?” “They would have done the same.” Zuberi shrugged, “And will do the same when you finally allow them to claim you, though they will likely do so before whatever tribe we visit.” “Please, Zuberi...must we?” Rose asked apprehensively, “I’ll-I’ll...suck your dick!” Zuberi frowned a little confusedly then, “You...truly do not wish to display the results of our love?” “It feels like being a prize…” Rose whimpered, “Being strut around in front of strangers!” Zuberi smiled softly then and shook his head, “That is not how our people see it, but... If you are truly uncomfortable, I will not force it upon you.” Rose took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment, before looking back to him. “Are you doing it because it means something to zebras, or are you just showing off to your fellow stallions? Bragging?” “We do it as a display of devotion and a celebration of the fact that a mare found us worthy to grant us such a gift.” Zuberi declared with a warm smile. “But why are you asking me to do it?” She insisted upon hearing his answer. “Because it feels more official that way.” He leaned over to offer her a kiss, “And nothing is sexier than the rump of a mare you just claimed~” “You’re not bragging?” She asked him one last time to be sure. “Not at all.” He shook his head solemnly. “Then help me up.” “Are you certain...?” Rose nodded. “If I am showing off like this, then you are giving each of your fellows the option to clean me when we get there.” “They will not likely take it.” He chuckled and offered her his hoof, “It is my mess to clean after all.” Rose stood to her shaky hooves, before placing one upon his chest. “They are my stallions too.” She insisted, thinking that she had made that clear, “I am all four of your’s mess.” Zuberi rolled his eyes and kissed her cheek, “Yes, you belong to all four of us. This particular mess, however, is mine. Though I will give them the option if it pleases you.” “It will.” Rose smiled happily, “After all, four tongues lapping at me~” Rose shivered as she sidled up to him backward, “Now, hold still, there is one more wifely duty I have to perform~” Bending down beneath his undercarriage, Rose took ahold of his still dangling masculinity and began to clean him, with her tongue. Zuberi hissed in pleasure and gave her rump a kiss, “‘Sparring’? Check. Fucking? Check.” He wrapped an arm loosely around her in a warm hug, “Time to cuddle when we return.” Hiking her tail for him as she finished, she kissed his crown, “I love you, Zuberi.” “I love you too, Rose.” He replied with a victorious grin, giving her rump a soft squeeze. ~ ~ ~ It was a short while later that Zuberi proudly led Rose to the entrance of their yurt, giving her mane the occasional playful tug, “Are you ready, Rose~?” “I feel like I’m about to be paraded like a trophy-wife all over again…” Rose whimpered softly. Zuberi nuzzled lovingly into her mane once more, “I can still clean you before we go in. That’s not what this is about and I don’t want to make you feel that way.” The pegasus whimpered a little in anxiety, shaking her head softly, only to swallow her nerves. “All will be fine~” He kissed her cheek, before gently leading her inside. Inside, the other stallions sat around the fire, chatting amicably as Xolani stirred some grass stew. When Rose and Zuberi strode in, they stopped to welcome them happily; however, when they noticed the powerful musk surrounding the two, they stopped and perked their ears in curious surprise. Rose became rather self-conscious at becoming the center of attention, her ears folding back guiltily, only for Zuberi to gently pull her forward to lay down. “The two of you have lain together, then?” Zephania asked her with a gentle smile; oddly enough, while he seemed slightly disappointed, he also seemed greatly pleased. Rose smiled faintly and leaned her head against Zuberi. “Yes.” She admitted slowly, “Zuberi gave me what none of the stallions I have ever lay with, have~” She cooed affectionately, earning a proud nuzzle from him. “I am glad for you, then.” Zephania smiled a little more brightly, “It is good to see you enjoy yourself with him.” His sentiment was quickly mirrored with happy nods from the others. Rose only smiled brighter at the distinct lack of jealousy she had been expecting, before becoming a little more daring. “May I be slightly more spoiled~?” She asked quietly. “You need only speak your desire~” Zephania nodded with a soft purr, while Zuberi started to nibble her ear. Rose couldn’t help but smile brighter and snuggle into his nibbling teeth. “I’d like it if we could start sharing a bed~?” She asked, looking around at the four of them. There was a brief moment where her stallions shared an even, expressionless look. This was immediately followed by a swarm of playful nuzzles and kisses from four sets of lips as her stallions rose to swarm her. Rose was giggling ecstatically for a moment as she found herself unable to figure out how to deal with four of them. Finally, she started kissing them, her tail flagging higher than it already had been. The next she knew, Zuberi had rolled onto his side and the others had gently moved her to rest on her back, leaning against him like a pillow. “Before I get all sticky, can I get you boys to clean me up~?” Rose purred demurely. “Mmm, but what if we’d like to see you messy and sticky all the time~” Uzoma asked playfully, even as Xolani went to fetch a rag. Catching Xolani moving away from her, Rose quickly replied, “I was hoping that you’d like to see my rump up close~” “Oh, Xolani will~” The shaman promised with a nicker, before returning with the rag. As he did, Zephania and Uzoma snuggled into her from either side, earning happy nuzzles from her as she basked in the presence of her stallions. Assured that she was apparently comfortable, Uzoma and Zephania began to playfully rub her belly, while Xolani used the rag and some water to wash her carefully, reverently even. Rose nickered suddenly at the strange sensation of being sponge-bathed, before giggling airily, relaxing to give him a better view. When the shaman had finished, he tossed the rag aside to wash it later, before delivering a soft kiss to each of her teats. “Oh, Xolani~” She called his name sweetly, even if she was a little confused by his attention. “Mmmm, yes, winged Rose~?” He purred sweetly, resting his chin on her belly to look up at her. Rose softly shook her head, “I just wasn’t expecting that, is all.” She assured him, making to softly stroke his mane, “We should get some brushes when we’re near this pony settlement~” “You wish Xolani to brush your mane~?” He hummed inquisitively, leaning happily into the attention. “We could take turns.” Rose declared sweetly, “I think you would look quite smashing running a brush through your mane once in awhile...especially with that long hair of yours~” Xolani pouted a little then, “But Xolani likes his mane like this...” “It was just a thought.” Rose murmured quietly, looking down at her belly. Xolani furrowed his brow then for a moment, “Would it make you happy to brush Xolani’s mane?” Rose looked up at him and nodded softly, “I would like to.” “Then Xolani will do this for you.” He nuzzled lovingly into her belly then. “Come snuggle with me~” She encouraged the stallion laying his head upon her belly. He didn’t need to be told twice. With a happy nicker, he slid up her belly to snuggle against her. This left her effectively enveloped in stallions on all sides and nickering even more happily. She hugged Xolani tight, snuggling into his neck with a sweet coo. > Arc I: Chapter V > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was around midday, the day after that Compass Rose spotted them, a rather large collection of yurts. The settlement’s only real activity was on the opposite side, where there appeared to be a quiet river with many zebra gathered to bathe and do laundry. The mare instinctually waggled her wings - an ancient pegasi instinct taking hold - before she realized that none of them likely saw her and even if they did, they probably wouldn’t understand. Instead, she turned around, swooping in low over her stallions and doing a backflip to burn off the extra velocity. Plopping down amongst them, she bounced eagerly. “They’re just ahead!” She chirped excitedly, “They’re not far off now!” “Good.” Zuberi huffed with a grin, “I can finally stop lugging this sled for a bit!” Compass Rose sidled up next to Zuberi, rubbing shoulders with him. “But I like my stallions sweaty~” She whispered to him in a coquettish voice. Zuberi shivered and shot her a lusty smile, “Oh, we’re both going to be sweating tonight, I promise you...” Compass Rose gave him a peck on the cheek and bounded in front of him, flicking his nose with her tail, momentarily teasing him with a glimpse of her marehood, before she skipped away toward Zephania. Zuberi growled and tried to snap at her tail, but the sled slowed him down just enough to give her an advantage. However, as soon as she neared Zephania, the stallion spun and wrapped his arms around her with a victorious grin. “Gotcha!” He cried, before blowing a raspberry into her neck. The mare leapt in his grasp with a startled shriek, before she spun her head around and gave him a playful, if somewhat sharp, bite upon the neck. Zephania gave a short grunt and moved to retaliate by nibbling sensually on her own neck, loosening his grip only to run a hoof down the length of her back. She purred loudly and pecked him on the cheek. “We’re about to meet po-zebras, behave yourself, Zephania, you’ll have plenty of time tonight.” She assured him, and nuzzled into him affectionately. “Mmmm, the wait will be agony.” He sighed with a playful look of defeat and nipped her withers one more time before he released her, “Are you excited to meet your first tribe?” “Very.” She nodded enthusiastically. “It will be nice to visit with a larger tribe for once.” Uzoma spoke up while trotting closer to the two, “We almost never visit others.” The other stallions all nodded and voiced their agreement. Grouping up around her, with Zephania at their head and Zuberi trailing behind as usual, they picked up their pace, eager to reach the tribe so that they could be done with travel for a while. When the troop made it just outside the camp’s edge, they were met by a pair of masked zebra, presumably acting as guards, who proceeded to exchange words with Zephania in zebrican. Rose felt only slightly apprehensive, before turning to Xolani. “What are they saying?” She whispered to him. “Zephania is informing them that we are travelers looking to spend some time among their tribe.” Xolani explained with his own whisper, “He is asking for permission to set up camp.” “I am going to have to show you those orchards at some point.” Rose remarked, gesturing toward the nearby green smudge on the horizon. “Perhaps sooner than you think.” Xolani hummed thoughtfully, “We shall need supplies if we wish to stay for long.” Rose appeared thoughtful for a moment before nuzzling him softly. It was about that moment that Zephania returned to them with a grin, “We have been welcomed in. They will direct us to a good spot further in where we may set up camp. They tell me we may even receive a visit from their chieftain in a few days to welcome us.” “They appeared busy from the air.” Rose remarked, wondering if Zephania had any insight. “Yes, apparently they have been working to set up a market like the one in Aura.” Zephania gestured off to where the town lay in the distance, “There is even talk of them settling here permanently, not something a zebra tribe normally does here in the north.” “It must be all the farms making plentiful food.” Rose mused aloud. “You may be right.” Zuberi rubbed his chin thoughtfully behind her, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a tribe this large. They would definitely need more food.” “They’re larger than other tribes, they have some kind of ‘market’ like the trading tribes...” Uzoma furrowed his brow at the tribe and cocked his head, “I wonder what else is different.” “What is a trading tribe?” Rose asked curiously. All four stallions blinked at her. “They are a tribe,” Zephania spoke slowly, “...that focuses on trade.” “Weird.” Rose remarked, trying to figure out what that would look like, before looking back to Zephania, “How much bigger is this tribe than normal?” “Easily twice the usual size, I would say.” Zephania mused. “Let us not question it too much for now.” Xolani declared with a shrug, “There will be time for that. For now, Xolani is simply glad not to be driven away.” “Why would some tribes drive you away?” Rose asked curiously. “Xolani’s beliefs, Uzoma’s color, four suspicious looking stallions coming out of nowhere...” Xolani merely shrugged once more, “Any number of reasons.” “That’s just stupid.” Rose snorted. “Agreed.” Zuberi nodded solemnly, mirrored by his fellow stallions. “Alright, there will be time for talk once we’ve set up our shelter.” Zephania chuckled and gently tugged on Compass Rose’s ear, “They’re waiting for us to follow.” Compass Rose leaned into the stallion on her other side and nickered softly, making to follow him. Once the business with their greeting had concluded, the small crowd that had briefly gathered to watch them, began to disperse. While the older mares and stallions, were obviously curious about them, they moved off to go back to their tasks, a few of the younger mares from the crowd remained where they were. Their eyes followed the group with an odd curiosity and, in some cases, what seemed to be hopefulness. Though Rose didn’t seem overly concerned, she leaned close to Zephania and made sure they knew she was subtly watching them. As they were led through the small, dusty paths through the yurts, they witnessed mares weaving baskets and in some cases nursing foals, while their stallions hauled supplies from one place to another, or sparred with growing colts. Rose looked around in wonder at the strange and wonderful lifestyle that this tribe seemed to have; her eyes stopped briefly upon a nursing pair, only for her to continue as though she hadn’t seen them. “You’re going to have to teach me zebrican.” Rose murmured to her stallions. “Oh, we will, Compass Rose.” Zephania smiled and nuzzled her mane lovingly, earning a happy purring from her. They passed a group of young mares who shot Compass Rose and her stallions a knowing look, before slowly scattering to take up their own tasks with suppressed giggles. The mare frowned and looked to Zephania. “I don’t know if I should be worried or reassured that you boys aren’t staring at those young mares...” She asked them in a hushed tone. Zephania hummed with a thoughtful look and stared after them for a moment. After what seemed to be a long while, he shook his head and gave Compass Rose a reassuring smile. “They are pretty, but we already have a beautiful mare right here~” Compass Rose giggled and bumped Zephania’s nose in response, before moving to lead her stallions through the yurt town with a happy strut. Zephania smirked after her as they followed the local stallions. When he was sure the locals were no longer looking, he darted in and nipped at her flank. The mare muffled a squeak, her rear bouncing a little in surprise and she whipped him in the face with her tail. If she didn’t know any better, she could almost hear her stallions giggling, before Zephania trotted up next to her and draped his neck over hers. “You’re lucky I love you, doing that around other people~” She hissed in a whisper and regarded him crossly. “You know you like it.” Zephania purred and gave her a gentle nuzzle. “Not around others.” She regarded him warningly, before smiling softly and leaning against him as she trotted ahead, regarding the zebra tribe curiously. “I won’t do it again.” He nodded softly and gave her a kiss on the cheek, “I promise.” A few minutes later, their guides stopped at an empty space a few rows into the camp. Exchanging a few more words with Zephania, they gave the little herd a small nod and trotted off into the camp. Zephania turned and motioned for his fellow stallions to spread out, and start setting up the yurt and supplies. Giving Compass Rose a soft nuzzle, he spoke quietly into her ears, “We’ve been given permission to explore the camp until tonight. We have to set up camp, but perhaps you should take this time to wander, see if you can get to know some of the locals.” “Do you think enough of them know Equestrian?” She asked Zephania with a hopeful expression. “Most of them should, considering how close they are to a pony settlement.” Zephania assured her with a small smile. Rose looked about thoughtfully, humming thoughtfully to herself. “Any suggestions as to where I should start? I don’t know who lives where...” “Well, our escorts gave me directions to the Medicine Mare’s shelter. Why don’t I take you to her and see if one of her assistants can show you around their camp?” Zephania offered with an encouraging smile. “What’s a Medicine Mare?” Rose asked curiously. “Now that,” Zephania chuckled, “is a complicated question to answer. Suffice it to say, she performs many practical and cultural duties for her tribe, and acts as a spiritual leader for them.” “Sounds a lot like an Alpha Mare in a herd.” Rose remarked with a slow nod of her head, “Alright. If I have to leave your side~” She teased with a playful smile. “Come now, Compass Rose,” Zephania nudged her playfully with his muzzle, “we can’t be by your side every moment of the day and this is a good moment for you to explore and learn.” “You can’t be~?” She teased in a sing-song voice, playfully protesting. “If only I could~” Zephania nickered in return, “Now, come along.” He nibbled on her ear and tugged it gently to urge her to follow after him. “Alright, alright~” She chuckled, giving him a bump with her shoulder. Once more, they were off, this time with no escort. The walk to the Medicine Mare’s yurt was much the same as the walk to their little camping spot, but lead deeper into the town. The farther in they went, the more foals they began to see, playing under the watchful eye of their mothers. As they trotted along, the older mares and stallions began to take more notice of them, or more specifically Compass Rose. They watched with silent interest, their expressions remaining friendly for the most part, before a group of foals took notice and stared up at her in awe, their little eyes fixed on her wings. She momentarily felt awkward, before shrugging it off and offered them a warm, sisterly smile. “Hello, little ones.” Compass Rose spoke to them in a soft, but chipper tone. A few of them gasped, before the lot of them, five fillies and two colts, dashed forward to surround her. They chattered excitedly in their odd language. A few of the fillies stroked at some of the red splotches on her coat and regarded their hooves, as though expecting the color to come away. Zephania was suppressing the urge to let out a laugh and gave her a cheeky smile, “Looks like these ones are too young to visit Aura and see ponies.” “It doesn’t come off~” She laughed merrily, before turning to her stallion, “What are they saying?” “Well, a few of the fillies seem to be jealous of your beautiful coloring, one of them wants to know if your spots help you like our stripes, and...” He let out a snicker, pointing to the two colts that had now moved to stand before her, puffing out their chests, “I believe those two are competing for your attention.” Compass Rose blushed a little. “They think I’m beautiful…?” She wondered, looking down at her own coat in surprise, she hadn’t even known her stallions long enough to let that idea sink in. “Yes, very beautiful.” He grinned and nuzzled her mane, “Our exotic beauty...” Zephania hummed. Turning to the colts with a proud expression, the stallion placed a hoof to his chest and snapped out a few words in his own tongue, and the colts suddenly seemed to deflate a little, looking less sure of themselves. Compass Rose sat on her rump, gently taking each of the young colts by their chins and placed a chaste kiss upon each of their foreheads. Their reaction was immediate and they puffed out their chests again with proud exclamations in their native tongue. The fillies let out little squees and moved to surround the colts, suddenly competing for their attention rather than Rose’s. “Congratulations.” Zephania whispered to her with a quiet snicker, “You just made those colts seem far more desirable to a potential herd.” Rose turned to Zephania with a small smile, reached up and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Zephania hummed and leaned in to make the kiss last a little longer, before nodding in the direction they had been going, “Let’s leave these little ‘stallions’ to their ‘mares’.” Rose tittered in response, a smile on her face and she leaned against her stallion. He led her along for another minute until they came to stand before a yurt slightly larger than most of the others, sitting in a small clearing in the town. The surface was covered in symbols marked in dull red and black paints, with a circular, distinctly moon-shaped symbol carved into a large pendant strapped above the entry flaps. An empty fire pit sat in the center of the clearing with a small pot hanging over it from a wooden frame. The mare turned to her stallion and pointed a hoof toward the symbols about the yurt’s door. “Zephania, can you explain to me what those symbols mean? That one in the center looks like Luna’s cutie-mark…” She asked him curiously. “Ah yes, your ‘Moon Princess’.” Zephania nodded with a hum, “That symbol marks the Medicine Mare and her tribe as moon worshipers. In fact, their name, Mwezi Wafuasi, roughly translates to ‘moon followers’. When they make prayers and offerings, it is to the spirit of the Moon itself. When they commune with their ancestors spirits, they will do so when the moon is at its highest, when they believe their ancestors are closest to the living world. Most tribes will follow the sun or moon, though many also follow the spirit of the Savannah itself, or a particularly strong spirit native to their ancestral grounds. Few, if any worship the stars as Xolani does.” He explained, reminding her that most considered the stars evil spirits held at bay by the moon, “As for the other symbols,” Zephania gestured to each one covering the yurt, “a Medicine Mare or stallion’s duties to their tribes are many. Each symbol marks one. Communion with the spirits...” He gestured to a wavy symbol in black, “Foretelling the weather,” A symbol reminiscent of a cloud. “Um, Zephania…?” Compass Rose spoke up hesitantly, “Are these zebras going to...dislike the fact that I can manipulate the weather?” “Most likely no.” Zephania replied almost absently, “In fact, they might just...” He trailed off with a thoughtful hum, “Well, best not to bring it up just yet either way.” He gave her a smile, earning a thoughtful expression and a shake of her head, before he gestured to a few more symbols, “Anyways, two of their most important roles are acting as midwives and performing fertility rites for mares that wish to bear foals.” The last two symbols seemed oddly shaped and slightly more complicated. When Compass Rose cocked her head just slightly to the left, what she thought she saw in the symbols caused her to blush. “T-those are bit more...intricate than the others.” She said, swallowing her shock. “Yes, I suppose they are.” Zephania nickered and kissed her cheek, “Zebra are a bit more open with such things than ponies it would seem.” “I don’t think you’d see such things in public amongst ponies, no.” She shook her head a little, her surprise turning to humor, giving him a quick kiss in return, “I think I might want to try that with you one of these days, Zephania…” She whispered conspiratorially to him with a grin, as she regarded the two fertility symbols, trailing a few pinions up the small of his back. “Perhaps we should save that one.” He murmured into her ear with a smile, “As their meaning suggest, that is an excellent position for conception.” Zephania purred and nibbled on her ear. She purred softly, suggestively. “Perhaps we will one day~” “One day.” Zephania agreed with a warm smile, “Now, let’s not keep our hosts waiting.” He flicked her rump with his tail and urged her forward, earning a giggle and a playful nip from her, before she moved to follow. Stepping up to the door frame, Zephania thunked his hoof against it three times. He was rewarded by a smooth, almost sultry mare’s voice calling forth from within in the zebra tongue. Zephania nodded to Compass Rose and pulled the flaps aside, ushering her in. When they were inside and the cover had slid back into place behind them, it was decidedly darker within the yurt than it had been in their own. The only light came from a few lamps hanging from the ceiling of the shelter. Little woven shades with more symbols etched into them covered the lamps, causing eerie patterns of light and shadow to dance about over numerous pots and jars scattered about the walls. A pair of stands to either side of the yurt held small bowls of smoldering plants letting off long trails of sweet smelling smoke that drifted up to gather in the roof, before snaking out through a small opening at the peak of the yurt. Another fire pit with a pot hanging over it stood in the center of the space. Standing directly across the fire pit from them was a young zebra mare a few years younger than Rose with stripes that clung to every curve. Despite her youth, she seemed to exude a wise and knowing aura. When Zephania led Rose in, the young zebra regarded Rose with her bright green eyes and a surprisingly motherly smile, before offering her a respectful bow of the head. This caused several golden hoops in her ears and a few bracelets on her forelegs to jingle. Rose made to bow politely to the mare, before glancing about for the Medicine Mare that they were supposed to meet, only for Zephania to gently bump her with his elbow and gesture to the mare before them. “Greetings, strangers~” The mare before them tittered knowingly, “I am Ekua, Medicine Mare to the Moon Followers and wife to Chidike, our noble chieftain.” Rose blinked in shock and whinnied rather inelegantly, “You? You can’t be much older than me!” Zephania shot her a reproachful look, only for Ekua to giggle softly with an almost sad smile. “Well, I was forced to take up the mantle a few years earlier than intended when my teacher passed on...but I assure you, I am fully capable.” Rose’s ears folded back slightly, “That was not my intent!” She quickly assured her. “Be at peace~” Ekua hummed softly and began to trot around to them, “Will you tell me your name?” “Compass Rose,” She introduced herself, before rubbing her cheek against Zephania, to which he returned the attention in kind, “and this is one of my stallions, Zephania.” “It is good to meet you, wise Ekua.” Zephania bowed his head respectfully. “I was hoping I might procure your services as a guide for Compass Rose.” He turned and gave her cheek a kiss, “Unfortunately I and my fellow stallions will be busy making camp, and cannot explore with her.” “Why, of course~” Ekua returned with a sweet smile, “I would be happy to show your mare around.” “They’re kicking me out of the yurt~” Rose playfully moaned in faux-dejection, only for her stallion to offer her a tender kiss. “Well, I’m sure we can find something to do outside the yurt~” Ekua tittered, “Unless you’d like to stay in my yurt~” She offered with a mischievous smile. “What?” Rose asked innocently, blinking in confusion. Ekua merely rolled her eyes, before stepping forward to bump shoulders with Rose with a giggle, “Come, I will show you around.” Zephania snickered knowingly and bumped Rose with his nose, “Go along, Rose.” Rose playfully pouted at her stallion before turning her back to him, subtly flashing him as she made to follow Ekua. Zephania nickered appreciatively at the sight, before Ekua sidled up to her with a knowing smile as she led Rose out, one that she returned with clearly playful innocence. Outside the yurt, Ekua tittered and offered her cheek a sisterly kiss, “Now, where would you like to go first?” The pony mare shrugged. “I’ve never been to a tribe before.” Rose admitted, “I’ve only been to the ground a few times in my life.” “Hhhmmm, a few pegasi from Aura mentioned the ‘cloud cities’ back in your homeland.” Ekua nodded thoughtfully, “It would be fascinating to visit one someday.” “That might be hard, being an earth pony.” Rose tittered. “I suppose only time will tell~” Ekua trilled, “Well, perhaps you would like to see our new market? Or visit my herd?” “You have a herd?” Rose asked with interest. “Yes, my husband’s herd.” Ekua nodded with a happy smile, “There are four other mares in our yurt, not including our children.” Rose debated a moment whether she should ask, before looking to Ekua curiously. “Are any of them yours?” Ekua smiled softly and shook her head, “Not yet. We are planning to try on my next heat.” “I think my stallions wish to next estrus.” Rose admitted looking uncertain at the concept. “But you are not so certain?” Ekua assumed with a knowing smile and Rose nodded with a soft hum in response. “Have you told them this?” “More or less.” Rose nodded, “I’m not so sure that this life I am choosing is right for foals.” “And what life would that be?” Ekua hummed curiously. “One roving the Savannah with a quartet of stunning stallions.” Rose shrugged with a guilty smile. “Do you trust your stallions to protect and provide?” The Medicine Mare asked her simply. “I don’t know them well enough.” Rose admitted. “Then get to know them.” Ekua shrugged with an encouraging smile, “Decide after you know them.” Rose gave her fellow mare a playful bump of her head. “What do you think I was doing, silly?” “Just making sure~” Ekua giggled and pecked her cheek, “You seem like a very strong and bright mare. It would be a shame to see you go your whole life without foals.” Rose flushed then, even less used to getting compliments from other mares. “I-I-I do plan on having foals at some point~” She assured Ekua, trying to change the subject. “Good.” Ekua chirped, “Besides, don’t think I didn’t notice the way you flashed Zephania back there. Some part of you wants it~” “Well, I mean, they are the best stallions I’ve ever met~” Rose admitted bashfully, blushing a little harder at being caught. “Well, some mares might put their own stallions forward as the best, but I see your point~” Ekua bumped shoulders with her in an affectionate manner. Rose glanced around for a moment as they walked, “You have a lovely home.” She offered sincerely. “Why thank you.” Ekua nodded with a proud grin, “Yes, we are quite proud of what we have made here for ourselves.” “My stallions seemed to think that your tribe was much larger than any of those they had ever seen before…” Rose mentioned. “Yes, here with our partnership with Aura, we have thrived~” Ekua prummed, “It was my husband’s last Medicine Mare that convinced him to keep our tribe here permanently.” “Oh, how did that happen?” Rose asked quite interested to be able to put her stallions’ speculation to rest. “Well, we used to pass this way regularly on our migration route.” Ekua began slowly, “When the ponies of Aura came, there was some tension at first, but that soon gave way and we began to trade regularly. Eventually my teacher convinced Chidike that settling was in the tribe’s best interests because of the plentiful food they produced.” “The apples.” Rose assumed. “The apples.” Ekua nodded. “So, why a market, if you live so close to Aura? Why not just use theirs?” Rose inquired. “Why travel all the way over there to trade our goods with one another?” Ekua smiled amusedly. Rose nodded then, “Yes, that does make more sense.” “Exactly.” Ekua nodded in agreement, “Though one or two have tried to go over and set up a stall, most stay here and we welcome any ponies that choose to visit.” “So do you get a lot of ponies coming over to visit?” Rose asked, and cocked her head slightly, “I was a little surprised you weren’t more...well, surprised at seeing a cloudborn.” “Our relations are common enough that it surprises none of our older members to see one of the pony races.” Ekua explained, “Now, would you like to see the market, or my herd?” She reminded the pegasus of her earlier offer. Rose smiled bashfully, “I would eventually like to meet your herd, but I feel as if it would be imposing…” She explained meekly, after all, for cloudborn, family meant more than simply being a cloudborn. “Not at all.” Ekua shook her head firmly, “There would likely only be a few of us there anyway. If that is your desire, we shall go that way.” Rose nodded softly with a happy smile. It took nearly twenty minutes of wandering for them to reach the center of camp. Along the way, they received pleasant greetings from many of the zebra they passed and more than a few admiring glances from the stallions. This alone caused Rose a little mixed feelings, on one hoof, she greatly desired the attention, but also felt uneasy at being unable to accept their attention. Ekua chatted animatedly with her guest the whole way, sharing little bits of information about her tribe, while trying to learn more of Rose’s own home. When they finally arrived, they were greeted by what appeared to be two individual yurts that had been joined together at one side. Waiting outside, relaxing in the sun was another mare about Ekua’s age with her mane woven into many short braids. The next notable thing about her was that her belly sported a noticeable bulge. When Rose and Ekua approached, she raised her head with a warm smile, “Hello, Ekua~” She turned her focus to Rose, “And who might this be?” “Greetings, Oluchi.” Ekua trotted forward and exchanged nuzzles with her, “This is Compass Rose. She’s a guest that I’m showing around.” “It’s nice to meet you, Oluchi.” Rose offered the pregnant mare a soft smile, leaning in to offer her a nuzzle if she wanted one, which she did. “Is your father home, Oluchi?” Ekua asked her sweetly. “Chidike is still meeting with some of his warriors.” Oluchi shook her head slowly, “Most of the herd is at the river, but Mother and Dumisani are inside cooking.” Rose blinked thoughtfully for a moment, looking between the two mares. “Um...just how old is your husband, Ekua~?” The pegasus asked hesitantly. Ekua blinked for a moment in surprise at the question, before tapping her hoof to her chin, “Oh, he’s about seventy three.” The young pegasus abruptly whinny-snorted in shock at that admission, shaking her head and blinking owlishly as she made to process that age-gap. Ekua whinnied softly in surprise at the outburst, before placing her hooves to Rose’s shoulders as Oluchi made to stand, “Rose, please calm yourself~” “I- I just- Whoa.” Rose stammered as she processed that, “Seventy-three...?” “That is correct.” Ekua giggled and kissed her cheek, “He is a very caring and attentive stallion for his age.” She shot Rose a playful smirk then, “And he can still satisfy a mare as well as any fresh young stallion~” The young pegasus blushed furiously, taking an uncomfortable step back, quite unused to hearing about such things. Her mouth moved to open, but her words escaped her, fleeing back into the blue sky. This earned a giggle from both zebra mares present. “Well, I would offer to let you have a taste, but with stallions of your own, I’m sure you don’t want for attention~” Ekua teased her playfully. At that, Rose took another half-step back, furiously shaking her head to loosen the crickets that had clearly burrowed into her head and were now speaking to her. “What…?” She asked with an awestruck expression. “Something wrong, Rose?” Oluchi asked her curiously, “You seem confused?” “W-w-what kind of mare just offers to let a stranger bed her stallion~?” Rose returned in a low and indeed confused voice. Ekua blinked for a moment, before realization dawned on her, “Oh! My apologies, Rose, I sometimes forget that ponies are not nearly so open as we zebra.” She placed a hoof on Rose’s shoulder again, “Rose, we take a very open approach to physical pleasure.” “All of this is going to take some getting used to.” Rose sighed, thinking back to her stallions for a moment. “Understandable, Rose.” Ekua offered her a comforting nuzzle, “Now, since most of the herd is at the river, would you like to stay and chat, or move on?” “I would like to learn more about my stallions’ culture,” Rose explained, looking to Ekua for guidance, “I suppose you would know best how to do that.” Ekua nodded and made to sit down with Oluchi, “Well, the best way to learn is to ask questions.” She patted the ground next to her, “Tell me what you wish to know.” Rose complied readily, making to join the two mares, offering them a friendly smile. “Well...this whole business with your gender roles being backwards is honestly throwing me for quite the loop.” She admitted, not entirely sure how else to broach the subject. Oluchi cocked her head confusedly for a moment, “Backwards?” Ekua, however, smiled knowingly, “Ah, you refer to the way our stallions protect us and take charge, rather than we mares?” “They’re courting me!” Rose exclaimed quietly, “I mean, until I met them I was hard pressed to even earn a stallion’s attention, let alone court any of them, and now I’ve got four! Courting me!” Ekua made to lean casually against her side and nodded sagely, “I noticed that some of your pony stallions do not appreciate their mares as they should. You will find that this is not a problem among our people. Despite their positions, our stallions are raised to treat mares with the utmost respect and appreciation.” “I mean- it’s not-” Rose shook her head and sighed, trying to defend her own people and finding herself having a hard time doing so earnestly, “I’m sure most of them just had their herds already and were content with what they had. I mean, it wouldn’t make sense for a stallion to be receptive to a mare’s courting he had no interest in taking into his herd.” “Oh, I met plenty of fine pony stallions.” Ekua shook her head, “They seemed like good people. They just have not been taught the way ours have. They do not seem to realize the needs of their mares, having been taught that they are the ones to be provided for.” “I wish I could disagree with you, Ekua,” Rose declared, looking rather uncomfortable, but she felt it needed to be said, “I found myself with one of those stallions not long ago…” She then forced herself to smile and assured them, “I’m positive that they’re not all so self-concerned as that.” “I would say it’s a moot point, now.” Oluchi snickered, “I’m sure those stallions of yours are going to ruin you for ponies.” Ekua nodded in agreement, before snuggling into Rose’s side, “Have you bedded all of them yet?” Rose blushed hotly, “I’ve only known them for a week~!” She exclaimed in a quiet, conspiratorial voice, honestly not much more familiar chatting with other mares and what was considered fair game for such gossip. “And you still haven’t taken any of them!?” Oluchi gasped playfully in disbelief. “You have more willpower than most mares I know.” Ekua giggled. “Well…” Rose looked away, her ears folding back guiltily. Ekua quirked an eyebrow at her, before pressing her nose to Rose’s ear with a conspiratorial smile, “Ah, but you have taken at least one~” Rose tried to protest, only for her voice to come out as a cute, quiet squeak. Both zebra mares squealed excitedly then, “You have~!” Ekua suddenly pulled her into a hug where they lay, “You have to tell us everything~!” “What~?” Rose squeaked at the sudden fillyish behavior. “Which one did you take? What was it like~?” Oluchi asked with a fillyish giggle. “Uh, Zuberi...” Rose revealed hesitantly. “Zuberi? And what’s he like?” Ekua nipped her ear encouragingly. “What’s Chidike like?” Rose suddenly turned the conversation back toward Ekua, not entirely comfortable with what was happening, because she wasn’t sure what was acceptable. Ekua rolled her eyes with a chuckle, “Well, he’s a very strong, well built stallion. He shows his age, but it doesn’t slow him down.” She whispered conspiratorially then, “And his penis is better than many younger stallions I met~” Rose squeaked softly in surprise, “Even at his age?” She asked in surprise. Ekua nodded slowly, “Mhmm~” “Zuberi’s almost as thick as the few ponies I’ve had, but long enough to tap bottom~” Rose admitted, blushing furiously, to the point where her rust coloring seemed to disappear. Ekua nickered thoughtfully, “And how did he perform~?” She asked eagerly. “W-what do you mean?” Rose asked hesitantly. “Was he rough? Was he gentle?” Ekua began to absently rub Rose’s belly, earning a curious glance. “Did he seem to have a prefered position?” Oluchi chimed in curiously. “H-he liked me on top…” Rose admitted, slowly starting to loosen up, “He was rough, but also tender as well. I’ve never had a stallion treat me like...well, a treasure.” “Mmmm, the best stallions show their mares how valued they are~” Ekua nickered and kissed her ear. Rose chuckled airily, “He showed me three times! I wasn’t expecting that volume!” She tittered conspiratorially. It was Oluchi’s turn to giggle, “Impressive~ There’s nothing quite like being pumped full of a strong stallion’s seed~” Rose’s ears flopped back, before grinning very guiltily. “I...um, found that spot on his belly, and slowly worked him up while riding him, so that-” She took a deep breath, “He flipped me over and worked me over again!” She nickered headily, smiling a little goofily remembering that fucking. Ekua shuddered at the thought, before giving her a squeeze, “You like having your partner in charge, then?” “It was pretty exciting being plowed like a field~” Rose nodded softly, but something told Ekua that there was more to that story than perhaps even Rose knew. Ekua quirked an eyebrow at her, “Hhhmmm, and~?” She pressed gently, “Something tells me you wanted something else...” “Huh~? What do you mean?” Rose cocked her head, looking to Ekua a little confused by what she meant. “Mmm, you liked getting what you wanted.” Ekua smiled knowingly, “You like to be in charge.” Rose then looked intensely uneasy, as if caught doing something she knew she wasn’t supposed to. “I liked pleasing him~” Ekua gave her a wry smile and brought a hoof to Rose’s chin, “Would you like to know a secret about what pleases a good stallion the most?” Rose looked hesitant, yet still nodded, eager to hear what the mare had to say. “Making sure their partner enjoys themselves to the fullest.” The Medicine Mare declared firmly, but gently, “If you want something from your stallions, do not be afraid to ask. If they love you, and as long as it will not hurt you, they will give it to you.” She took Rose by the cheeks then, “If you want to be on top and take charge, tell them.” Rose snorted softly in amusement, grinning at Ekua’s words, “I think this culture of yours is going to take me a long while to get used to~” She admitted honestly. “You’ll get there!” Ekua smiled sweetly, before suddenly giving Rose a peck on the lips and releasing her. Rose snorted once more - less softly this time - and blinked in confusion. “What was that for?” Ekua shrugged innocently, “You are cute and it seemed like the right thing to do.” The pegasus smiled modestly, “Thank you, Ekua. You’re rather pretty too.” “Don’t mention it~” Ekua tittered, before stretching out where she lay. Next to her, Oluchi rolled her eyes amusedly, “Would you two like some alone time?” Rose shook her head with a small smile, “No.” She declared before grinning deviously, “And you’re pretty too, Oluchi. I’m sorry for neglecting you.” Oluchi chuckled and shook her head, “Thank you, Rose, but don’t mind me.” She suddenly squeaked and turned to glare playfully at her belly, “What have I said about kicking?” “Are you close?” Rose assumed, glancing at the pregnant mare’s stomach. Oluchi nodded with a proud smile, “Ekua and her assistants give me a month at most.” As she spoke, the mare in question gave her an affectionate nuzzle. “My, you went into estrus late~” Rose remarked with a whistle. “Nope.” Oluchi shook her head with a pointed look at Ekua, “When I decided I wanted a foal, Ekua here gave me a fertility potion and I opened my yurt.” Rose looked blankly at the two zebras. “Ok, cloudborn here. You can do that? Put a mare into estrus?” “Not quite.” Ekua shook her head. “But I can increase her fertility outside of heat. Combine that with enough stallions trying and...” She gestured to Oluchi with a proud look. “Wait, opening your yurt isn’t a euphemism?” Rose asked even more surprised. “No.” Oluchi shook her head slowly, “Some of us wish for foals but do not wish for a herd. So, we place a fertility symbol over our door and tie it open. So long as the symbol is there, any stallion is welcome.” “Wow~” Rose remarked, not sure what else to say. “There is usually some kind of rule in place as to what is allowed while they visit.” Oluchi continued, “Though I hear it varies from tribe to tribe. Here, only one may enter at a time, unless invited. In one of our sister tribes, however, many may enter at once if they wish, so long as they are gentle.” Rose simply blinked at the mare a moment, “So you don’t even know the father?” “It could be any one of ten stallions.” Oluchi tittered, before smirking, “That I can recall...” “I literally can’t imagine that.” Rose stated somewhat blandly, her expression slightly absent. “You might get a similar feeling if you let all four of your stallions have you at once.” Oluchi tittered, before squeaking and glaring at her stomach again. While the mare was distracted, Rose blushed furiously once again, a very real question coming to mind - why had she not thought of that? And more importantly could she handle four of them at once? She had never even tried pleasing two at once before! It was about that moment that Ekua kissed her ear, “Now, I believe your stallions should be done by now. Would you like to go back to them, or stay a while longer?” Rose quickly snapped herself out of her stupor and looked to Ekua with a soft smile. “I don’t wish to overstay my welcome, but it has been a long time since I had any marefriends to talk to…” Ekua smiled and gave her an affectionate nuzzle, “You are welcome to stay as long as you like~” “Ekua, since it seems we are going to be staying at least a little while, do you think I could ask a favor of you?” Rose requested with a hopeful expression. “If it is within my power, you need merely name it~” Ekua nodded with a bright smile. “I would like help learning zebrican. I could help out while you taught me…?” Rose requested, offering her a little something in return. “I think that would be a wonderful idea!” Ekua nodded eagerly, “I am always pleased to pass on knowledge to those that seek it willingly~” Rose smiled brightly and offered Ekua a happy nuzzle. “Thank you~!” “So, would you like to start your lessons now, or wait until you and your stallions have had a chance to settle down?” Rose shook her head with that same smile. “Whenever you’d like.” “Well, how about-” Ekua stopped and glanced over Rose’s shoulder with a smile, “Ah, hello Zephania!” Rose turned her head around and leapt up to greet her stallion excitedly. “Ekua has agreed to help me learn zebrican!” Rose chirped excitedly. Zephania trotted forward and nuzzled her with a proud smile, “That is good news. Did you have fun with her?” He asked sweetly, before nodding respectfully to the Medicine Mare. Rose nodded simply then. “It was nice having a couple of mares to just talk with.” Zephania gave her a kiss, before turning to focus on Ekua and Oluchi, “Thank you for tending to my Rose while I could not.” This earned him a pair of respectful nods. “Make me sound like a little filly that needs watching after~” Rose playfully pouted, this being the second time he had spoken of her thusly. Zephania gave her an apologetic kiss, before turning to them once again and giving Oluchi an almost reverent look, “And may your little one grow fine and strong.” He offered respectfully, to which she nodded approvingly. Rose turned around to offer both of the mares a kiss upon the cheek. “It was good to meet you Oluchi, and you as well, Ekua. I look forward to studying under you.” Both mares kissed her from either side, before Ekua nickered playfully into her ear, “Mmm, well if you really want to be under us...” Rose once again snorted in humor and shook her head softly, “Someone’s taking things too literally~” She snickered. “Consider it an invitation if you’re ever interested~” Ekua kissed her cheek again, before pulling back. Rose smiled and nodded softly, before turning back around to rejoin her stallion, “Everything unpacked already?” Zephania nodded, before laying his neck over hers to lead her away, “I was going to head into town and see if I could trade work for supplies. I thought you might like to come.” “Sure.” Rose chirped, nodding as she leaned into his neck. With that, her stallion proceeded to lead her out of camp and off toward the town of Aura. > Arc I: Chapter VI > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was late in the evening, when the two of them made it to the outskirts of a rather quiet Aura. The small settlement’s only real activity was on the right side, where a number of ships were docked. Aside from that and the noise from a few of the taverns, the tiny, evening-shadow covered town was buttoned up for the day. Unlike many of the older settlements, Aura’s streets were still unpaved, gravel things, that only avoided ruts with exorbitant amounts of labor. Her many houses and shops rose up from the Savannah, built mostly from wood, which kept most of them under four stories tall. All around the south side of the town, to both the west and the east, were the orchards responsible for much of the livelihood of the locals. Much of the land to the north, from which they had come, were fields of grass and tended croplands. As they approached Zephania slowly glanced back out into the Savannah as though measuring the terrain around them, before turning back to examine the town, “I have been here before. But it was far smaller and they did not have those trees...” Rose looked toward the trees and then back to Zephania, before snickering softly. “That can’t be, those trees are far too old for you to remember being here. You’d have been a foal~” “No, I was only-” Zephania cut himself off with a shake of his head, “...Nevermind, I must be mistaken. I must be thinking of another town.” “I can understand your confusion, all earthbound towns do look pretty similar to those not from there…” Rose rubbed her neck against his, hoping to raise his spirits a little, since he looked so unnerved by Aura, “But those trees must be thirty years old, maybe a quarter-century if they were brought from Equestria.” “Indeed.” Zephania nodded in acknowledgement, before falling into a thoughtful silence. From there, the two trotted through the relatively empty streets in an amiable silence for a few moments, before Rose looked up to Zephania with a curious expression. “Um, Zephania…?” Zephania shook himself from his deep thoughts and pecked her cheek. “Hhhmm? Yes, Rose?” “I just remembered, in all the excitement of the past week, you never got a chance to tell me how you ended up on the Savannah...?” She looked up to him with curious eyes. “Oh? I didn’t?” Zephania furrowed his brow thoughtfully, before shrugging, “I have lived on my own upon the grass since I was fifteen summers. My parents were going to one of the few real cities Zebrica bears. I wished to wander rather than seclude myself within the city.” “That seems rather young to be on your own.” She remarked with a surprised blink. “It is not so young for a zebra stallion. On the grass, one must grow quickly. Especially if you wish to live on your own.” Zephania shrugged once more and lay his neck over hers. “So I guess you met Zuberi first?” “Yes.” Zephania nodded, “It was only a week after he fled with the bodies of his sister and her foal. I found him guarding their graves, refusing to move even to find food.” Rose’s mood became somber. “How did you finally get him to move?” She asked quietly. “I didn’t.” Zephania shook his head with a bemused expression, “No matter how much I spoke with him, tried to console him, to lure him away, he would not move. I wound up foraging for food to bring him for a week. That was when Xolani found us.” “So, it was Xolani that snapped him out of it?” “He helped Zuberi speak with their spirits.” Rose regarded him with a sour skepticism that made it clear she did not like the sound of that. “It was not some dark art.” Zephania reassured her, “Any Shaman or Medicine Mare that wishes to may speak with the spirits of those that have gone before, or aid others in doing so. It only becomes dark when one seeks to control them.” She frowned slightly. “I know.” Rose replied, reminded of her more recent interactions with the spirits of the Savannah; still, she could not shake Discord... “I still don’t like it.” She shook her head, and quickly changed the subject, “Why was it you didn’t want to follow your parents? Surely, that wasn’t the whole reason?” “I did not want to follow them because I did not wish to trap myself behind stone walls.” Zephania insisted, “We came from a proud tribe of wanderers. Where many tribes may find places to settle down for long periods of time, we were always on the move. The city did not seem right to me at the time.” “So, why did your family leave the tribe? Moreover, if you wanted to continue wandering, why did you not simply remain with the tribe?” She narrowed her eyes, keenly interested in his explanation. “Our Chieftain and Medicine Mare made it very clear to us that we were no longer welcome within the tribe.” Zephania lifted his head and turned his gaze away from her with a somber frown. Rose stopped them and gently turned his head back to meet her gaze with a tender hoof. “It’s alright, love, you have a new herd now.” She smiled at him sweetly, “And I think you’d have a hard time driving me off with a brandished club!” Zephania’s frown disappeared, replaced by a soft, but hesitant smile, “You truly wish to know why we were escorted out of our tribe at the point of our friends’ spears?” While his smile never left, something in the way he looked into her eyes almost screamed at her that she didn’t. The mare took a deep breath and nodded resolutely. “Zephania, I know you’re a good stallion, no matter what your old tribe thought.” Zephania shook his head with a soft sigh, “Very well then, Rose...” Zephania took a deep breath and took her by the shoulder, before pulling her toward a nearby alleyway, causing her to squeak in surprise. Leading her half-way down its length, he stopped and checked to ensure that they were completely alone, before taking her by the shoulders and looking her dead in the eye, “Rose, my parents and I- We were driven away because my mother-” He stopped and took another deep breath, “My mother is a shape stealer. A changeling.” Rose’s eyes shrunk and her blood ran cold as memories of the Invasion of Canterlot returned to her. “A changeling…?” She asked in a voice bordering on silent, before swallowing worriedly. “She is a good mare, Compass Rose, she has never hurt anyone.” Zephania continued on quickly, “The city she and my father traveled to was built by changelings and a tribe of zebras that had joined with them. Few actually know of the changelings there and when people encounter that which they do not know or understand...” He sighed and lowered his head, “Most consider changelings to be a form of demon.” Rose took a deep breath and swallowed her nerves. “Show me.” She commanded him. Her stallion looked back up into her eyes and blinked, “Show you?” “You.” She insisted, prodding his barrel with her hoof, “I want to see you. None of your magic, not your disguise, you.” “Rose, I am not a changeling.” Zephania explained with a tired sigh, “My father was a zebra and my mother maintained zebra form while pregnant. I am a zebra. I do have one or two tricks, but I cannot change my form.” The pegasus’ gaze became stern, forceful, “Have you ever used magic on me? And be honest, Zephania, even a cantrip?” “I don’t have any magic to use.” Zephania shook his head quickly. “You haven’t even used a spell to make yourself more attractive? Nothing?” She asked him critically. “Well, not for the express purpose of making myself attractive.” He shook his head, before looking around once more to ensure they were alone. “That would be one of the few tricks I have.” In the next moment, the color and pattern of his coat shifted until it was an exact match for Uzoma’s, though he retained his shape. “I can change my coat so long as it involves black and white.” His normally blue eyes then slowly shifted into the same dark hue as Uzoma’s. “And I can do pretty much whatever I please with my eyes.” Rose shivered, shaking her head. “Please don’t…” She asked him desperately, and then took a deep breath, but didn’t look back at him. Zephania sighed and lowered his gaze. “Sorry...” In the next instant, his blue eyes and wavy stripes had returned. “I was in Canterlot when the changelings invaded.” She revealed to him, a spike of dread coming from that memory. “I...do not know of such an invasion, but I can promise you that not all changelings are like that, just as not all ponies are like your last stallion.” As he spoke, he gently pulled her into a hug, “Just as I am not like him. All I wish is to care for you.” Rose was silent a moment as her stallion made to embrace her. Wary as she was, Zephania had given her no other reason to distrust him and the fact was, he had trusted her enough to reveal himself to her. In that moment she swore she could feel his love for her slowly burning way her anxiety. Taking a deep breath, she gingerly wrapped one of her arms around him to return his embrace. “So...you’re a color-changing zebra?” She asked him in a small voice, wanting to believe. “Yes, Rose.” Zephania chuckled and offered her a tentative nuzzle, “That is all I am.” “Do you feed on love?” She inquired, her wariness slowly changing to curiosity. He shook his head slowly and raised his head once more with a hopeful expression, “No. Though I can feel others’ emotions to an extent.” “You can feel emotions?” The mare looked back up at him warily, her curiosity getting the better of her. “That is correct. I can sense when you are happy,” He hummed and kissed her nose, “...when you’re afraid.” Rose’s ears flicked back momentarily in worry at the concept that her feelings were an open book to him, before dismissing it in favor of a small, playful grin. “You know, if you had told me you fed on love, you could’ve gotten laid more~” She teased him. “Is it too late to change my answer?” Zephania snickered and nibbled sensually at the base of her neck, causing her to purr pleasantly. He chuckled with a low purr at her reaction and his hooves trailed down to her rump, earning a nip from her. “Horny stud~” Rose snorted at his forwardness, “Do they know?” “Oh, the others have seen me with enough mares to know what a ‘horny stud’ I am~” He snorted softly and nipped her ear. Biting back a squeal, Rose softly butted heads with him, to get him to focus. “You know what I’m asking you, Zephania.” She retorted pointedly. Zephania then gave her a pleading look and a gentle squeeze. “No. I have never told the rest of our little herd and I would appreciate it if you did not either.” Compass Rose shook her head softly and pulled back just enough to look into his eyes, while still in his embrace. “If you don’t want me to tell them, then I expect you to.” Rose declared, the words of Ekua making her just a little more bold than normal, “I’m not going to lie to my lovers, and it wouldn’t be right to give you a special pass. If you want me to help you tell them, I will stand beside you, but you need to tell them to make this herd work.” “Do I really have to?” Zephania’s frown only grew, “Every time my secret has come out, my friends either drive me away, or insist on treating me like some kind of elder~” “How old are you?” She asked gently now that he had brought it up, she doubted that he could be too much older than she was. “Old enough to be each one of your-” “Nuhun.” Compass Rose stopped him with a hoof to his lips, “You know how old I am, it’s only fair.” Zephania sighed defeatedly, “Very well...I am sixty five summers.” “So it was Aura you were at all those years ago!” She chuckle-snorted, “You’re almost as old as my grandsire!” Rose tried to get ahold of herself, before shaking her head and offering him a quick kiss on the lips as a token of peace, lest he get offended, “I like older stallions,” She shook her tilted her head with a cheeky expression, “Not usually that old, but I think I can make an exception for you~” She offered him another, tender kiss on the lips. “Good to know I’m your type then...” Zephania accepted her kiss with a wry smile, “To be honest, I’ve always had a thing for younger mares.” He chuckled and pulled her in close for a warm hug. “I guess we’re just a perfect pair of lovers, aren’t we?” “You’re not just going to trade me in when I get to be your age, right?” She asked him worriedly, though she did her utmost to hide her worry. “Not a chance.” Zephania hummed and stroked her back with his hooves, laying his head on her shoulder. “You promise~?” She teased him, after all, she was a third his age. Zephania gave the base of her jaw a possessive bite, “You’ll always be young in my eyes~” Rose gave a soft squeal at the bite, before glancing back at him with a thoughtful expression, as if wondering something… “Coin for your thoughts?” “Possessive~?” She tittered, not seeming to mind, just curious where it was coming from. Zephania fell into thoughtful silence for a moment, before nodding slowly, “I suppose just a bit~” This caused the mare to frown ever so slightly, “Because of the way Zuberi...presented me?” She asked a little worriedly, hoping that her concerns were unfounded. He actually laughed and shook his head, “Zuberi is a part of this herd and thus no real ‘competition’.” Rose’s cheeks actually tinted a little, that was the first time they had ever referred to their relationship as a proper herd. Licking her dry lips she looked into his eyes, “Your words say that, but your teeth aren’t so sure…” Zephania chuckled with a knowing smile and gnawed gently at her jaw, “My teeth are perfectly capable of sharing...when he’s around~” The mare moaned softly, her wings ruffling slightly as she leaned into his muzzle. “You say that like you wish he weren’t~” She grinned at him. “Can you blame a stallion for being a little greedy~?” He asked with a guilty little grin and let his hooves wander up her back. “You sure this isn’t because of Zuberi~?” She asked him once more, less sure than she was before. “I will let you know if it’s Zuberi~” He promised her with an amused roll of his eyes. This time it was her turn to give him a little nip, just the slightest bit irritated by his eye-roll. She was actually worried that she had caused a split between them by going along with Zuberi’s request. “Rose, it’s not Zuberi.” “Then what is it?” She asked him a little sharply, before her ears folded back, “I-I’m worried…” “Rose, I’m just a naturally greedy stallion.” Zephania nuzzled soothingly into her neck. This caused the mare to snort loudly, before nickering humorously. “Zephania, I don’t think you’d know greedy if it bit your backside!” She nuzzled him affectionately, “If you were greedy, you’d never have given me the choice of when I raised tail for you...you would’ve just insisted.” “Greedy doesn’t mean savage.” Zephania snorted dismissively and returned her nuzzle, “Just because I’m greedy enough to want something doesn’t mean I’m barbaric enough to take it.” “Like I said, some pony stallions would expect a mare to put out if they wanted his attention~” She explained to him, her wry smile hinting to him that she had been that desperate at least once. “Well, never with us.” Zephania shook his head firmly and gave her a tight squeeze, earning a surprised squeak from the pegasus. “Would my stallion like to run through town like a couple of maniacs~?” She offered him with a playful giggle and an affectionate nuzzle. “Mmmm, I think I could handle a run~” He nodded and gave her neck a nip, before slowly releasing her. Rose leaned up against him, looking intently at him, “I asked you what you’d like to do~?” She reiterated at his teeth. “What would I like to do~?” The next she knew, he had his mouth on hers and was using his hooves to lift her by the rump, before leaning her back against the alley wall with his belly to hers, standing on his hind legs. Rose squealed in surprise into his kiss, not sure whether to be terrified of being caught, or turned on by his aggressive behavior. Ekua and her previous conversation was momentarily forgotten as she pressed back into his lips, his tenderness just as evident to her as his passion. As he held her there, he began rubbing his belly purposefully against hers, allowing her to feel his crown starting to poke forth, and Rose nickered in surprise into their kiss. Soon enough, he felt a little slickness upon his velvety sheath. Zephania quirked an eyebrow with a knowing smile, and pressed the slowly growing length of his shaft against her. Once again, her fear of being caught returned and she squealed softly; a part of her worried what would happen if they were caught, but another part of her was...well, excited enough to be slowly coating his growing member. Zephania nickered as he felt her excitement and broke the kiss as he adjusted his hips to line his crown up with her labia. “Zephania, if we get caught…” Rose whispered in warning to him, terribly torn at the moment. Zephania shrugged with a soft smirk, starting to part her labia with his crown, “Let them watch and be jealous~” Any protest the mare might’ve had died as she moaned needily at the pressure parting her lips. “We could get into so much trouble~!” Rose squealed; wrapping her wings and arms around him for more support - the latter of which were around his neck, the former around his back - she pulled him tight against herself as if to tease him by preventing him from moving anymore. “Just because you can read my mind doesn’t mean you can just take me whenever you please~” Rose growled playfully at him. “You really want me to stop?” He growled playfully in return and pressed his weight against her. Rose growled at him, “You said you wouldn’t use magic on me~” “No magic here~” Zephania purred as he began pushing steadily deeper into her flesh, filling her depths with his flaring cock. “You’ve done this before.” Rose moaned accusingly, clearly enjoying the smooth penetration. “Once or twice~” Zephania and his mare nickered as he finally sank up to his medial ring, “My first time was with the Medicine Mare of a tribe living at the base of a mountain. I was sixteen and she’d asked me to help her gather herbs and mosses in the mountains in return for the shelter I received... She liked it like this.” “Did she ask you to sex her, or did you just press her into the nearest wall~?” Rose teased him pointedly. “I was a horny young stallion that had never been with a mare and she kept flirting and flashing me...” Zephania blushed a little guiltily, “She didn’t protest and seemed encouraging.” “If she had asked you to stop?” Rose whispered, just the smallest worry gnawing at the back of her mind. “I like to think I would have stopped.” Zephania admitted, “And there are many times where I have stopped when a mare asked. But for three years, she never did.” “Well, I don’t mind what you were doing, Zephania,” She purred, giving him an encouraging squeeze, “I just- don’t assume I am your pleasure mare.” She explained with a brief misstep. Zephania frowned and shook his head softly, “I don’t want to use you... So what would you like to do, Rose, if I was at your mercy instead?” Rose made to pull his nose to her own, looking him in the eyes and kissed his nose, “You obviously haven’t felt it yet, but you have me wet~” She teased him mercilessly. At that, he bit her neck possessively and gave her a firm hump against the wall, “Rough or gentle~?" He nickered, grinding his hips up against hers. “I like strong stallions that know what they want and how to please a mare.” She nipped softly at his lip, “Do you know what you want~?” Zephania smiled softly and groped her rump, “What I want,” He nibbled sensually on her ear, “...is an answer~” “And if your mare neglected to answer~?” She teased him, very much enjoying both his length deep inside her and his ear-play. At that, Zephania snorted in a dominant manner and clamped his teeth down at the base of her neck. He then moved his forehooves to rest against the wall, ensuring that the only things holding her up were the way she held him and the way she rested against his cock. Rose blushed, somehow managing to be bashful, “It seems I am at your mercy~” “I will ask one more time.” He warned her with a hungry growl, “How rough would you like it~?” Rose caressed her stallion’s neck softly then, “Did Zuberi not tell you of our romp?” She wondered, nuzzling him sweetly. Zephania shook his head and nipped her collar. “He said nothing.” “What would you like to do, if I just surrendered to your mercy?” She asked him innocently enough. “Your stallion would eagerly claim you~” Zephania gave her a short, experimental thrust, tugging on her mane in return at the same time “Claim me?” She asked him breathlessly, wondering how far he wanted to take their game. Zephania grit his teeth and sighed, before pressing his muzzle to her ear. “I want to dominate you, Rose...” He admitted with a shuddering breath, “Be very careful what you offer me, because I will be tempted to take it.” He shuddered a little harder then with a guilty expression, “I want to fuck you senseless and do things that probably would make you feel used.” “I will tell you if you are taking things too far.” She assured him with a sincere smile. He pulled back to lock eyes with her, wearing a stern gaze, “Please...don’t hesitate if I do. I enjoy pleasing you...” Rose softly kissed his nose, and smiled warmly at him, “And I enjoy pleasing my stallions~” She offered him sweetly, “Will you have fun with me~?” She asked him a little submissively. “More than I think I ever have.” Zephania took a soft breath and was quiet for a long moment, “I will offer you one last chance to withdraw the offer of submission. I don’t think it’s what you are meant for, but I am so tempted...” “I trust you.” Was her reply. At that, Zephania took a deep, steadying breath and nodded softly. Without another word, he bit down on her collar, before suddenly taking up a quick and hard pace, thrusting up into her repeatedly. The small pegasus whinny-whined as her rump bounced up and down under his thrusting, her hot insides only seeming to get hotter as her depths squeezed his intruding rod. “W-would you like me...to fight back?” She asked breathlessly, “...have more fight than it looks. F-fought Zuberi to a draw...” Zephania didn’t reply, but the very suggestion seemed to arouse him further. He snorted and renewed his thrusting while giving her shoulder and neck a series of possessive nips, followed by one firm bite to the base of her neck. The mare squealed quietly in pleasure as her stallion took her, pulling him tightly into her once more, with a knowing laugh. The next he knew, she bit his ear almost hard enough to draw blood, growling in challenge and aggressively grinding against his rampaging masculinity. “I’m going to breed you~” He growled around her neck, before giving it a savage bite, while he continued to roughly thrust into her. The mare grunted deeply, very nearly actually submitting at the bite, before an almost cruel grin crossed her features. “Not if Zuberi already has~” She whispered into his ear. He gave a primal snort at that and bit her almost hard enough to draw blood, before switching to a slower, but even rougher pace as he glanced to an abandoned crate a short way down the alley. She shuddered with a passionate whine, but his reaction only served to excite her, not make her submit. “Come on, doesn’t your changeling blood give you some kind of advantage during lovemaking?” She jeered. “Lots of stamina.” Zephania growled and leaned up to roughly bite her ear instead, “I can go as long as I want before I let myself climax.” The mare bit his neck sharply then, “Good thing, because if you didn’t, I’ve got other stallions~” She continued goading him, before pulling on his mane. Her goading earned her a rough snort and he suddenly had his teeth on her neck at the base of her jaw, pinning her back against the wall. The mare grunted quietly at his roughness. “Frustrated~?” Rose teased him innocently, squeezing his rump as she pulled her hips hard against his. Zephania chuckled and gnawed on her neck, starting to follow up each thrust with a short bout of grinding. Rose found herself running out of options then. Pinned as she was, there wasn’t a lot she could do in terms of movement. With his teeth at her neck that pretty much ruled out any kind of nipping or pulling. She honestly doubted that she could do much with her wings, even if they weren’t stiff as a board. About the only recourse left to her was a sharp yank to his mane. That actually drew a heady nicker from him and he released her neck to whisper breathlessly, “Whinny for me~” Rose smirked victoriously at the sudden change in the stallion’s tactics. “I’m going to make you cum first~” Despite her competitive tone, Zephania could tell that she was nearing ever closer to her climax. Her stallion growled and gave her a punishing thrust, “Whinny.” He commanded. Rose loosed a strangled noise that was somewhere between a whinny and grunt, before defiantly biting his ear. At the same time, her wings wrapped possessively around his back, pulling her lover tight against her belly. Zephania nickered headily, biting her jaw, before he started to speed up his thrusting again. “Let go~” “Zephania~” She whined quietly around his ear as she ground in time him, even as she gnawed at his ear, trying to delay her own orgasm, “Please...” Zephania gripped her neck tightly with his teeth and thrust roughly into her one last time. “Here I cum...” Rose whinnied excitedly at his declaration. Grinding his flared crown against her deepest barrier, he unleashed a torrent of seed into her womb. The mare’s voice rose several octaves, becoming shrill as her folds boiled over around him. “Don’t stop~!” She implored him as she shuddered in his grasp. Zephania’s seed was already filling her to near bursting, but he was not one to deny his mare a request. Without waiting for his climax to die down, he resumed his thrusting, going at a rough and ragged pace. The feeling of her stallion working her through her orgasm, triggered her second, before the first had even ended and she squealed breathlessly, her eyes rolling back. After just a few more thrusts, his mare simply went limp in his arms, her neck flopping over his back. Her wings around him were about the only signs of life from her, aside from the pounding of her heart and the rippling of her vaginal muscles around his length. Zephania brought himself slowly to a halt, holding her up carefully with his hooves as he regained his ragged breath. The continued thrusting had prolonged his own orgasm and the evidence was a small trickle of leaking seed, despite the plug that was his flare deep in Rose’s depths. After a few long moments, Rose nuzzled weakly against her stallion’s withers, attempting to speak. However, nothing comprehensible graced his ears, only a string of drunken mumbling from the blissed out mare. Zephania chuckled affectionately and kissed her cheek, before nuzzling into her neck, “We can’t stay here all night, Rose. We do have supplies to grab...” Rather than speak, the mare then gave her stallion’s withers a firm bite, as if commanding him to be patient and to let her enjoy this. The stallion chuckled softly, before suddenly biting down on the meaty base of her neck, as though to remind her who was in charge, earning a loving moan from her. He did not, however, try to pull out or otherwise move her. “Zephania, where did you learn this~?” Rose finally murmured, between desperate pants for air. “The same Medicine Mare that took my virginity.” He informed her with a soft smile. “She took it~?” Rose wondered weakly, if he meant what she thought he did. “I gave.” He corrected himself. “How old was she~?” Rose asked him, only to start kissing the base of his neck and nuzzling into his mane there upon. “She was thirty three.” Zephania shrugged and returned her attention with some affectionate nibbles up her neck, as she mirrored his affections. “Next time, you should just ask me to fight back for you~” Rose whispered into his ear, before softly nibbling on it. “I’d rather not risk hurting you.” He shook his head and slowly started to pull out, the mare groaned, something between disappointment and acknowledgement as he did. “I’m not fragile.” She protested softly, “If that wasn’t enough proof, ask Zuberi. I’m not some vase you have to worry about shattering, Zephania.” “I’m not worried about you being fragile, Rose...” He shook his head softly, before his crown popped out and he started to set her down, “I’m worried I’d get carried away.” Rose gasped softly at the sensation of emptiness that only seemed to grow as her insides expelled his copious seed. Still, that didn’t stop her from pulling him into a tender embrace, still upon their hindlegs. “I’m telling you, you don’t need to worry,” Rose nuzzled into the side of his neck then, “but I am not about to push you into something you’re not comfortable with, Zephania.” She then pulled back just enough to kiss his nose fondly, “If you change your mind, I am your mare~” Zephania nuzzled lovingly into the same spot that he had repeatedly bitten, “And I am your stallion, Rose.” He murmured in return, before slowly releasing her from his embrace. Compass Rose gave his neck an affectionate nuzzle, before promptly diving underneath her stallion, taking his mostly hard, still flared phallus into her mouth and started gently sucking his length. Bathing his length with her tongue, she hummed a happy little tune, before taking him too deeply to do so. The mare didn’t seem to mind tasting their mixed fluids and eagerly worked him, happy to express how good a ride he had just given her. Zephania inhaled sharply in surprise, before chuckling and stroking her back, “After all that, you’re still eager to get me in your mouth?” Compass Rose pulled back, blinking her eyes tiredly at him. “Getting you clean~” She explained, not even waiting for his permission to continue cleaning him up. He hummed and rubbed a hoof over her flank, examining her cream stained marehood as it dripped with his seed. “Are you prepared to be claimed~?” “Zephania, ponies don’t claim each other like this…” Rose explained hesitantly, but did not say no to him. Leaning down, he began chewing sensually on her dock, while using a hoof to play with the mess that had been splashed about. “I will not force you to, Rose.” He assured her, even as he began to paint the outside of her marehood - as well as some of her rump - white with his contributions. Rose pulled back, her work complete, and she placed her head upon his rump. “You’re really going to do this~? Claim me in this...vulgar manner?” He could feel her trepidation and hesitance, yet she was not refusing him. “I want to say yes...” Zephania smiled softly back at her, giving her flank a kiss. “Is there anything I could do to make you more comfortable?” “I told you to take me…” Zephania slowly turned about to bring his face to hers, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, “I will make this up to you...” He reassured her with a smile, before giving her a deep kiss to show just how much he appreciated what she was doing. “You’re fighting off the stallions who think I’m a call-filly.” She remarked, leaning into her stallion. “That seems like a worthwhile battle to me.” Zephania remarked with a proud grin. “I will gladly set them straight.” He savored her presence for a long moment, before leaning in and licking Rose’s lips, “So, shall we press on?” Rose nodded softly and nuzzled noses with him happily. The mare’s legs were wobbly and in short order she was using him for support, her body language claiming him as hers. Zephania stood tall, proudly supporting his mare as he led her out onto the street, and as he did, he continued to shower her neck in nips and kisses. Though Compass Rose nickered sweetly and leaned into his attentions, she eventually nudged him back. “If you keep doing that, you’re going to have to take me again.” She warned him very seriously. “I don’t think I’d mind~” He smirked softly at her, before nipping her ear, “Pushing you up against another wall and claiming you again~” “It’s your decision, I am your mare after all.” She reminded him, smiling lovingly at him and leaning against him, “But you’ll have to do the shopping, carry me and the food, because you’ll be lucky if I can remember what we’re supposed to be getting after another round!” “In that case...” Zephania tapped his chin thoughtfully, “Perhaps after we have our ingredients.” He nodded more firmly then and kissed her cheek, “Let’s go show you off first ~” He purred and took her by the ear, gently pulling her toward the end of the alley and the street beyond Rose nickered softly at his ear pull, “Move.” She commanded him impatiently, with a broad smile. Zephania laughed merrily and picked up his pace, before pulling his ear out of her grip. “I’m going, I’m going. I wonder how I should take you once we’re done...” He purred as they rushed along, leaning in to whisper in her ear, “In another alley? Or perhaps in a pony tavern close to the sea?” “Are you willing to help preen my wings for the next two days?” She purred back. “I would have done that anyways.” Zephania snorted happily in return. “Take me down to the beach.” She suggested. About that time, they passed a stallion coming out of a nearby building. It took him a second as his brain processed the surprising smell that assailed his nose, before nickering as he scrutinized Compass Rose’s fit backside hungrily, apparently quite unperturbed by her cream-pie - if anything it seemed to entice him. Noticing the stallion, Zephania caught his eye with a nod, giving him a challenging smirk, just daring him to try anything. The earthbound stallion thought about it for half a second, before thinking better of it. Instead, he lowered his head ever so slightly and smirked knowingly. Swelling inwardly with the pride of having backed down his first potential challenger, Zephania merely nodded respectfully to the stallion and turned forward once more to lead Compass Rose on. Needless to say, Rose had taken notice and was blushing furiously. “I’m so embarrassed~” She murmured quietly. “It’s not too late to find somewhere to clean up if you want.” Zephania remarked in a whisper, “Only one pony has seen you.” Rose shook her head, “No, you want this, so I’m willing to oblige you.” She once again chewed on her lip. Zephania stopped and started nibbling her ear with a soft smile, “Think of it this way, Rose. You are a beautiful, desirable mare receiving all the attention she deserves while her stallion clings to her~ He has to hold you tight, or he might just lose you~ It’s all about you.” The pegasus mare whined softly, her ears folding back. “I never wanted this kind of attention…” Rose swallowed, nudging him to get him to keep moving. Zephania sighed and leaned in to give her a comforting nuzzle as he moved on. “You are too good of a mare, you know that? Learn to tell us no...” Rose smiled innocently at him then, “But if I say no to you, then you can say no to me~” She tittered and Zephania rolled his eyes amusedly and nipped her ear, before turning forward. “Besides, if you’re willing to face the discomfort of telling our herd, then the least I can do is face a little embarrassment for you.” A sudden, sharp gasp of surprise, from a mare on the opposite side of the street distracted Rose then. The pegasus flicked her tail at the mare in an irritated, dismissive gesture, and leaned her neck against his, declaring; this stallion’s mine! Once more, Zephania beamed proudly and shot the mare a brief, but flirty look as he chewed possessively on his mare’s ear, only for her to reach up and take his mane. Unlike with the stallion from before, Rose did seem to take some pleasure from this encounter - or at least from her stallion’s reaction. Taken by surprise at her sudden boldness, Zephania blinked, before winking at the other mare with a grin and obediently following Rose. As they went, he discretely flicked his tail to let the mare behind them get a look at his assets. Several more times ponies seemed surprised and a few more times they seemed envious. Once, a large pegasus stallion legitimately looked like he was about to have it out with her stallion, before she wrapped her neck around Zephania’s possessively and glared at him to back off. With great reluctance, the challenger realized his chances were effectively zero and did so. As the pegasus walked away, Zephania snorted dismissively after him, insisting to her that he could have handled the stallion. The mare rolled her eyes at him and pushed him back toward the marketplace; thankfully, they didn’t encounter any more ponies until they reached their destination. ~ ~ ~ Aura’s market was more of a commercial district than anything, a slew of stores and warehouses built near the town’s docks. Though it was nearly empty now, most of the townsponies either at home, or in one of the taverns, it was clear that there was a great deal of business that took place in what otherwise appeared to be a quiet town. Apparently between all the ships coming and going, and the local zebra tribe, there were more than enough people about to necessitate quite a bit of infrastructure. All of the streets around the market and docks were infact paved in stone and sported sewers and street lamps. Few of the stores were still open at this hour, but one of them was what appeared to be that of a grocer that had not fully shut down. A sky-blue unicorn-mare was putting away the last of an outdoor stall in front of her business. The mare with a mane and tail that matched her coat, turned to regard them with deep sapphire eyes, gesturing them inside as she closed up her white and yellow awning. Inside was a small, simple space, with a strong wooden counter and a slew of cabinets behind said counter. Nothing could be seen of what was on sale, all of it either put away already or otherwise not on display. The small mare running the shop had a small, knowing grin for the couple, seemingly impressed by the two. Perhaps it was the gall of the zebra stallion, strutting a mare around like he was? Regardless of the reasons behind it, she brought her hooves up to the countertop and gave them a smile. “Welcome to Buy’n’Large, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you two in Aura before.” The unicorn remarked evenly, “What can I do you for?” Zephania offered her a friendly smile while sticking close to Rose’s side, “That is because we have only just arrived. My name is Zephania and this is my mare, Compass Rose.” He began smoothly, “I came to town today because I am looking for work for myself and three fellow stallions.” “It’s nice to meet you, the name’s Polar.” The mare offered, before exchanging a wordless nod with Compass Rose, before looking back to Zephania. “Work?” The unicorn repeated thoughtfully, “I don’t know if I can hire all four of you, but if you’re hard workers, I might be able to swing three.” “We do not require much.” Zephania shook his head, “We are a single herd, so anything you could afford to pay would be shared.” He offered her a charming smile, “I am certain we could work something out.” “When can you start?” Polar asked with a pleased smile in return. “Whenever you need us.” Zephania assured her with a grin, “We could even start tomorrow.” Rose looked to her stallion, wondering why she had not heard of this before, but didn’t say anything. Polar nodded. “I think we’ll find something for you to do. Come on over first thing in the morning and we’ll see how things work out.” She nodded again. “As you wish.” Zephania nodded respectfully, “Until then, I wish you a pleasant evening, Miss Polar.” “The supplies, Zephania~?” Rose reminded him in a whisper, which caused Polar’s ears to perk. “I can’t get supplies until I get paid for doing something.” He reminded her with a soft chuckle. Rose sighed softly and rolled her eyes playfully, before taking a step toward Polar. “My stallion neglected to inform me of his poverty.” She shot him a teasing expression, before looking back to the other mare, “Do you think I might be so forward to ask for a single bag of grain and some carrots, please~?” Polar took a deep thoughtful breath, looking back and forth between the mare and stallion before her. “I am too damn nice for my own good…” She sighed before nodding softly, “You better be back in here first thing tomorrow. Gimme a second…” The unicorn declared, turning to head for the back room behind the counter. “Thank you~” Rose offered Polar sweetly. Zephania rolled his eyes amusedly and kissed Rose’s cheek, “We could have afforded to wait for the supplies you know.” Rose nuzzled him with a happy little grin. “You’re the one who complains about grass soup every night.” She reminded him, “This way I can make you happy~” “Uzoma is the one that complains~” Zephania chuckled and gave her mane a playful tug. Rose mewled softly and gave him a bump. “Not in public, Love~” Zephania smirked and wrapped an arm around her neck, “Oh, no one is around, Love~” He purred and gave her mane another tug. “Polar’s going to be back~” Rose whined, trying to keep her tail from flicking. “Let her see~” Her stallion purred and flicked her rump with his tail, “She can already tell~” Rose then nipped him firmly. “It’s rude.” However, before Zephania could respond, the unicorn mare appeared, carrying a five-pound bag of milled oats and a similarly sized bag of carrots in her aura. Without releasing Rose, Zephania offered Polar a half-flirty smile, “Thank you, Polar, you are a very generous mare.” Polar placed the two bags upon the counter before them, before crossing her hooves upon the counter and laying her head atop them with a smile. “Very trusting perhaps~” She shrugged, almost seeming to return the sentiment. “Is there anything I might do to repay your kindness?” He asked her sweetly, while nuzzling Rose’s mane. “Perhaps Rose and I might offer you a drink sometime?” Polar regarded the stallion thoughtfully for a moment, before her smile grew warm and friendly. “I think I’d like that~” She replied, shooting Rose a subtle glance, an unspoken conversation occurring between the two mares in a single blink. Zephania smiled curiously at the two, before cocking his head to Polar, “I have to ask, if I may be so bold, what does your name mean?” Polar merely smiled knowingly and began walking around the counter, revealing her cutie mark in the process, which happened to be a large iceberg. “Ice.” She declared, her smile becoming a flirty grin, “My special talent is making ice.” “And how does one with a name and mark such as yours come to live on the Savannah?” He hummed, giving her flank a look of subtle admiration. Polar laughed softly then. “I was born here.” She offered him a smile, “Have you ever had ice?” Zephania shook his head with an interested smile, “I cannot say that I have. I know of it, but have never tried it. Can I assume that it tastes refreshing?” Polar produced a bowl and a waterskin from behind the counter, pouring a little into the bottom, just enough for a rather hearty sip and then her horn began to glow. The bright, neon-blue of her aura encompassed the water and for nearly a second, nothing happened. “You tell me…” She then, hoofed him the bowl, except rather than slosh out, the water remained perfectly still within. “Have a taste.” “That’s impressive, not a single imperfection in the crystals?” Compass Rose exclaimed in awe. “It has been long since I witnessed the magic of a unicorn.” Zephania commented with an almost childish glee as he took the offering of ice, “Just as impressive as our shamans and Medicine Mares.” Bringing the bowl to his lips, he took a tentative lick to taste the frozen liquid. His grin only grew and he took another lick, “It is good. Refreshingly cool in a heated land.” “If you give the bowl a solid wrap, the ice will come free and you can chew on it.” Polar suggested, proud of her abilities. Zephania did just that, setting the bowl aside as he took the ice in his teeth. Taking a few nibbles, he offered Compass Rose one end of it, keeping the other end in his mouth. His mare smiled, glad to see her stallion being so considerate. Leaning in, she took a small portion in her teeth and exchanged a quick, but energetic kiss with the stallion, before biting off her piece of ice. She nuzzled him briefly and pulled back to chomp on her ice. Deciding to be a little bold, the stallion turned back to Polar and used his tongue to maneuver what was left of his ice so that he was offering Polar half of it with a hopeful smile. The unicorn hesitated, looking rather put on the spot at the moment. “You go ahead and enjoy it, it was a gift after all.” Polar insisted sheepishly, trying to suppress a swish of her tail. There was the briefest flash of disappointment in his eye as Zephania shrugged and sucked the ice back into his mouth, finishing it off with a few chomps, “It was worth a try.” Polar giggled at that, smiling proudly. “I’m glad you liked it.” She offered sincerely. Rose then nudged his shoulder softly, “We should get back to the others, I’ll see if Xolani and I can make something nice for you~” Zephania nickered at the thought and gave her mane a soft tug without thinking about it, “And I’ll clean you up when we get back~” Both mares in the room blushed at that, though Rose silently leaned against him, wishing that they could just not be there any longer. Polar on the other hoof, was trying to figure out how to get behind the counter without her tail flicking about like a school filly, trying to pick up her first colt. Zephania gave the unicorn a knowing smile, before slowly turning Rose about to go, giving her ear a sensual nibble when their rumps were to Polar, causing the pegasus tail to instinctually flash the other mare. As Zephania slowly led his mare to the door, he shot one last flirty smile back at Polar and briefly flashed her himself as he nuzzled Rose’s mane. Polar could only blush darker at that and wish that she had half as many stones as that stallion. If she had, she might’ve propositioned the mare for some time with her stallion right then and there. As it was, she was left feeling rather frustrated and eager to close up shop. Once outside, Rose finally composed herself and gave him a sharp nip. “You did that on purpose~!” She hissed, “Making me flash another mare like that…one that you were flirting with no less!” Immediately her stallion was nuzzling under her chin like a solded foal trying to appease their mother, “I meant no harm by it, my beautiful Rose. Can I make it up to you~?” The mare sighed then. “Zephania, have you ever lived with ponies before~?” Rose asked him, ignoring his question for the time being. “Never lived among them, no...” He shook his head slowly and kissed her neck. “What do you mean by that?” She wondered, cocking her head at the way he said it, more than what he said. “I have spent time with ponies before. Even bedded one or two pony mares.” He explained, “I’ve just never...lived with them.” Rose sighed again, realizing she had to be the one to tell him then, “Zephania, you put Polar on the spot back there.” She informed him, “In pony culture it is the Alpha Mare’s job to approve, or turn aside mares that want to court my stallion~” “That is...strange.” Zephania scrunched up his face thoughtfully, “Among zebra, the stallion will court whoever he pleases, so long as he does not bed them without his herd’s permission. So long as they acknowledge his ‘Alpha’ mare, they are accepted.” “I earnestly don’t know what to do about my stallion courting other mares…” Rose revealed honestly, a small, thoughtful frown upon her face. “Perhaps trust him?” Zephania kissed her neck again, “I would not take another without consulting you. Just as I trust you not to abuse your rights as a mare, please trust me not to overstep mine as a stallion.” Rose’s ears folded back then and her frown deepened. “That’s not fair. No matter what I do here, I feel like a bad mare.” She protested weakly. “My beautiful Rose...” Zephania murmured, bringing his head up to give her a soft kiss, “You are anything but a bad mare. How may I make you feel better?” “As Alpha Mare, it’s my job not only to keep my herd happy, but to keep them safe...even if that means from themselves…” Rose admitted with that deep frown entrenched upon her muzzle. “We are not pony stallions, Rose.” He reminded her gently, “We do not need to be protected as they do.” “No,” Rose acknowledged pointedly, before looking him in the eyes, the issue being brought to the fore, “...but I am.” “Then how may we reconcile our two cultures?” Zephania asked her with a soft smile. At his question, Rose’s thoughtful frown returned in full force as she tried to think how to do just that. “I want you to be able to enjoy all of the rights and freedoms of a zebra mare without being forced to feel like one.” He nuzzled lovingly into her mane then. His mare smiled thankfully then and returned the sentiment without hesitation, “And I want you to have your loving pony mare, without being smothered by her~” She offered him in a sweet, caring tone. “Then perhaps neither of us need change...” Zephania mused with a loving smile, taking a deep sniff of her mane, “We simply...talk things out when we feel uncomfortable. Find a compromise as things come up.” “I think that means we’re both going to have to change, Love~” Rose reminded him, giving him a soft, yet frisky nip to his neck beneath his mane. Her stallion nickered softly at the nip and gave her mane another tug, “I suppose we will~ It will be an interesting experience to say the least~” > Arc I: Chapter VII > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rose slept well that night, surrounded by her stallions and when morning came, she was well rested and in a fine mood. The fact that they had carrot-cakes for breakfast - not to be confused with carrot cake - certainly didn’t hurt. When her stallions informed her that they all had things to do, she playfully teased them, but nonetheless sent them on their way with kisses, before leaving to spend some mare-time with Ekua. When she made it to the double-yurt of Ekua’s herd, she was greeted by the sight of Ekua embracing an old, grizzled stallion, who almost looked as though he might be older than Zephania actually was. His barrel and muzzle bore several crisscrossed scars and he wore bronze bracers, clearly of fine pony make, engraved with several zebra glyphs. As the two embraced, he nibbled affectionately at Ekua’s ear and the younger mare nuzzled him happily in return. Rose couldn’t help but flush faintly as a small smile crossed her muzzle, thinking fondly about the tenderness that this stallion and her own seemed to share. However, given her slow, almost lazy approach, she felt no need to call out and interrupt the two. There was even a small part of her that thought about the aging stallion in a manner most unbecoming for a claimed mare. As she approached, Ekua and the older stallion finally parted. They exchanged one last nuzzle and a parting kiss, before the stallion turned and slowly trotted away. As he did, Ekua turned and smiled over to Compass Rose as though she’d been aware of her presence the whole time. “Hello, Compass Rose~” She called out sweetly, before trotting forward to meet her, the zebra’s many earrings and bracelets jingling the whole way. “Your husband?” Rose assumed, making to give her a friendly nuzzle in greeting. “That was Chidike, yes.” Ekua smiled proudly and gave her a slightly more than friendly kiss in return, “A handsome stallion, yes~?” Rose found herself nodding, it being that, or blushing again. “He is, and quite affectionate by the looks of things. I can see why you fell for him.” “Mmm, he is~” Ekua nodded, before turning to start leading her away, “But falling for him actually came after our wedding.” “You married a stallion you didn’t love?” Rose blinked in surprise, she had known desperation, but she had never considered marrying a stallion she didn’t love. Ekua chuckled softly and shrugged, “It is tradition for the Chieftain and his Medicine Mare to be wed. That is why inheriting my position is not hereditary.” “Huh.” Rose remarked, not sure what to make of that revelation, “So...you two could’ve been loveless…?” She asked warily. “I suppose we could have...” Ekua nodded thoughtfully, “Though Chidike is a good stallion either way. In some tribes, the marriage is more symbolic than functional. Our tribe has never done it as such, but he offered to let us try that if I did not want him.” Rose didn’t say anything as she thought about Ekua’s words and her respect for the old stallion only grew...that and an uncouth part of her that wondered what he was like~ “Now, I’m sure you didn’t come here just to hear about Chidike~” Ekua stuck her tongue out playfully with a knowing expression, before pecking Rose’s cheek, “Or maybe I’m wrong~?” Rose failed to withhold a blush from the mare’s teasing, earning a playful nip from the pegasus. “That’s not fair~” She protested weakly. “What~?” Ekua asked innocently, “There’s nothing wrong with being attracted to a virile old stallion~” “He’s your husband, Ekua.” Rose proclaimed pointedly, before changing subjects, “Besides, you know I’m trying to learn about the way you do things.” “Married, not dead~” Ekua tittered, before shaking her head, “But you have a point.” Clearing her throat, she turned to lead her forward once more, “Now, I have a few visits to make today and some supplies that need sorting, so we’ll be very busy. Pay close attention, because I want you to pick up some of the words I use as we go, to make our language lessons easier.” She gave Rose a playful smile, “I like to teach on the fly~” “Alright, I’ll try my best, but I’ve never learned another language before.” Rose assured her slowly, “What kind of visits? Can I help?” She offered hopefully. “I was hoping you would.” Ekua nodded slowly, “There is one young colt I need to check up on after I treated him for a snake bite, one mare with a broken leg, and,” Ekua hesitated for a moment, “...one stallion that was mauled defending a filly from a lion.” Rose winced at that, hesitantly looking to Ekua. “Has he been seen by a doctor from Aura?” She asked gently, hoping that the suggestion wouldn’t offend her. “Yes, Cherry Kiss was a great help in cleaning and mending his wounds.” Ekua nodded slowly, “Though I chose to take over once he was stable. I will however, consult her again if his condition worsens.” Rose smiled gratefully at hearing that there was a doctor in Aura who had taken a look at him. “How is he?” She asked tentatively. “He is doing surprisingly well.” Ekua chuckled with a wry smile, “Keeps trying to get up and about. I’ve had to fix bandages numerous times and I’ve had to restitch at least one wound.” “Have you tried bribing him?” Rose asked curiously. “Once or twice~” Ekua smirked playfully, “That’s the only reason you don’t see him limping around right now.” At that, Rose finally nickered. “Nothing like a little bribery from a cute mare to keep a stallion in line~” “It works surprisingly well in a number of cases~” Ekua tittered, “And you’re pretty cute yourself~” “The sun has roasted all your striped-brains~” Rose waved a hoof dismissively. “Oh, so now you think we are all hot~?” Ekua teased her with a soft peck to the lips as they neared her yurt. Rose pecked her back, “Roasted, like a nut~!” She snickered teasingly. “Oh, so you are saying you prefer nice hot nuts, then~?” Ekua waggled her eyebrows and held the door open for the pegasus. “You should stick to teasing me about being a greedy mare that has too many stallions for her own good.” She snickered, stepping inside, but not before offering Ekua a playful bump with her snout. “As if there’s such a thing as too many stallions~” Ekua giggled and nipped at her rump as she followed Rose inside, earning a squeak and a swat of her tail. “Easy now, you’re nearly as flirty as my stallions~” “Can you blame me~?” Ekua chuckled as she trotted in to begin searching through her supplies. “I haven’t met too many mares that were that interested in mares, let alone me.” Rose declared, casually walking about the yurt. “Spend enough time with the tribe and that will change.” Ekua hummed. Starting to gather some of her supplies into a big cloth bag, the Medicine Mare began pointing out each poultice and herb, naming them off for the other mare, though most of the meanings were lost on her. “So, where are we going first?” Rose asked as they finished. “We’re going to visit that snake bite victim.” Ekua hummed, “A few more days of rest and a fresh poultice and he should be right as rain.” “There a lot of dangerous snakes around?” Rose cocked her head curiously. “Not many.” Ekua shook her head and slung the bag over her shoulder, “Just enough that you should be careful.” “That’s good to know.” “Now you’ll have to be careful with this colt.” Ekua warned her gently as she headed for the door and Rose looked to the mare with a curious expression at that. “He’s almost thirteen.” The medicine mare explained, “He’s going to start courting mares soon and he can be a bit...frisky.” “I grew up with several brothers, I’ll be alright.” She assured Ekua with an understanding expression. “Your brothers were frisky with you?” Ekua raised an eyebrow at her with an intrigued expression. “Some of their friends were.” Rose shrugged. “Ah, but if I am remembering correctly, pony colts are not considered stallions when they are thirteen, like zebra colts.” Ekua shook her head, “He may be a bit more...insistent than your brothers’ friends were.” “Thank you for warning me, Ekua.” Rose nodded softly with a confident smile. “You can thank me if you make it out of there without him trying to grope you.” Ekua tittered, before slipping out. “Do mares not teach their colts to be gentlestallions?” Rose squished her nose at that. “They do, but we are a much more open society, remember?” Ekua reminded Rose as she led her along, “He won’t be used to more...reserved pony mares like yourself.” “Outright groping a mare is considered acceptable?” Rose exclaimed in surprise, taken aback by that. “Well, not just outright groping her.” Ekua shook her head, “It will be preceded by compliments, then nips and nuzzles that ponies might normally consider forward. How you react will decide whether he proceeds to groping.” “You mean, I’m going to have to turn down a colt…” Rose murmured, her brain trying to figure out how to even think through that concept after spending so long just trying to get the attention of a stallion. “Looks like.” Ekua nodded with a thoughtful hum, “Unless you decide to accept~” Ekua stuck her tongue out teasingly at the mare, her words earning her a sharp nip for her troubles. Tittering, the zebra bumped hips with her student, before trotting on ahead. It took only a few minutes for them to make it to their destination. They were met by a single mare, who looked to be somewhere in her thirties who was ushering several young colts and fillies out of her yurt to play, though there was no sign of a stallion or other mares. “Boitumelo is one of those mares that wanted foals without a herd.” Ekua explained, before trotting forward to greet the mare. Being the second time she had been exposed to a mare that had no herd, bearing foals from whatever stallion would have her, she was a little more ready for the strange idea. It was still no less strange for her, but it wasn’t so wrong as it had been the first time...just unusual. While Ekua was greeting the mare, Rose took a moment to wave to the foals who were heading out to play. The foals stopped and waved back cheerfully in return. When they did, she could count two colts and four fillies, and indeed none of them looked like they could belong to the same father, bearing completely different builds, eyes, and stripe patterns. Within a few moments, Ekua had finished speaking with Boitumelo. The older mare offered Rose a respectful nod, which Rose returned with a friendly smile, before the older mare took a seat off to the side. There, she picked up what appeared to be an unfinished woven basket and set to work rectifying that. “She says young Tichaona is waiting for us inside.” Ekua explained, before gesturing to the yurt. “Where was he bit?” Rose asked Ekua punctually as she made to join her, displaying an attentive side that the Medicine Mare had not seen from the pegasus before. “His left rear thigh.” Ekua informed her, before opening the door, “He stumbled upon it resting on a rock he liked to climb by the river.” She smirked a little, “He’s a strong young stallion. Fought through the pain long enough to kill it so it would not bother the other foals that go down there sometimes.” “How did he get back?” Rose wondered curiously, as if trying to paint a picture of what happened. “Luckily there were a few stallions nearby watching the foals. They heard his cries of pain and brought him to me.” Ekua explained as she led Rose inside. The yurt was nothing too extraordinary, save for the large number of beds for her foals. A few bags and jars of supplies lined the walls, and sweet smelling herbs burned in a bowl off to the side. Across the unlit fire pit from them lay a colt that looked to be almost thirteen, presumably Tichaona. He was a very well built colt for his age, looking stronger than those that had left. His mane had been cut short, keeping it close to his neck and scalp, and his eyes were a very dark green. Wrapped around his left thigh were what appeared to be bandages that Ekua must have traded for in Aura. The wound didn’t appear to inconvenience him too terribly at this point, but nevertheless, he lay upon his right side in his bed with the leg propped up on a small box for their examination. With the angle at which he lay, this of course gave them a perfect view of his near adult sized sheath and scrotum, which he didn’t seem too concerned about covering up. “Hello, Ekua!” Tichaona chirped happily when he saw the Medicine Mare, before catching a glimpse of Rose, “And who is this~?” He asked with a smile far more charming than any colt had a right to be. Rose smiled back at him with a teasing expression. “If you’re going to flirt with a mare, you should start by giving her your name.” She gently chastised him in a coaching tone. The colt playfully bopped himself on the forehead, “Of course! Forgive me, my name is Tichaona. May I have yours~?” Rose nodded softly then, “I am Compass Rose.” She revealed to him, “I will be helping your Medicine Mare for a while.” “Ah, what luck!” The colt beamed, “Not one, but two beautiful mares to care for me~” He declared sweetly, earning a titter from Ekua as she lead Rose around to him. Rose smiled softly at the compliment, softly tittering at how true Ekua’s words were. “So, Ekua here tells me that you fought off the snake with your bare hooves?” Tichaona smiled and nodded proudly, “I did what any stallion would do to protect his tribe.” “And you did it well~” Ekua cooed, taking a seat by his thigh and setting down her bag, beckoning Rose over to her. “I don’t know,” Rose hummed, “I’ve seen bigger stallions than you cry for their mares after being bit.” She nodded decisively, before grinning softly, “Now, honestly, how are you feeling?” Rose asked him, trying to coax an honest answer from him and earning an approving glance from Ekua in the process. Tichaona smiled a little more softly at that, “Well, the bite is still a little tender and my leg feels a little weak when I try to walk.” He perked up a little then, “But it’s getting better and with your caring hooves tending to me, I’m sure I’ll be up in no time!” Rose smiled encouragingly at his honestly, “Well, I’m no Medicine Mare like Ekua is, but maybe once she checks on those bandages, I can see if I can help your leg feel better with a little stretching.” She offered him considerately, before extending a wing, “I know it helped the last time I sprained a wing.” Tichaona nickered at the thought, only to wince slightly as Ekua began to slowly unwrap his bandages, “I don’t think I’d mind doing a little stretching with you~” He returned, once more shooting off that charming smile of his, “I must say, your wings are beautiful~” He declared sweetly. “Why thank you, Tichaona. You are a handsome young stallion yourself.” Rose offered him with a smile, “I bet as soon as you’re back on your hooves all the fillies will be swooning over such a brave stallion~” Tichaona puffed up a little at the praise, “Well, I think I would prefer a beautiful mare over a filly~” He admitted with a flirty smile, causing Ekua to roll her eyes a little in amusement. When she finished with the unwrapping, the wound was revealed to be two nicely healing punctures on top of some slight swelling and a little bit of discoloration, “Would you like to apply the poultice, Rose~?” Ekua asked her with a soft hum, before holding out a small jar to her. “I suppose I can try.” Rose nodded slowly, “How much should I use?” She asked, never having applied a poultice before. “Just enough to get a nice thick layer over the afflicted area.” Ekua instructed her, “After that, we’ll see how you do with bandages.” At that she nodded confidently. “Bandages I’ve done before.” Taking the jar from her, Rose poured out some of the thick liquid into the frog of her hoof, before making to gently spread out the healing-goop over his healing wound. Tichaona winced and groaned for a moment, before relaxing with a sigh, “Your hooves are wonderful~” He nickered pleasantly. “First aid was a requirement of flight camp.” Rose explained absently, before looking up to him with a kind smile, “I know there were a few ponies that were surprised I didn’t get a red cross for my cutie mark.” “Mmm, perhaps you should have been your tribe’s Medicine Mare~” He suggested playfully, as Ekua pulled out a roll of bandages. “Oh no, as much as I like caring for ponies, and zebras, there are much better ponies at medicine than I am.” Rose shook her head softly. “Well, a bit of practice and instruction is all you really need.” Ekua assured her, before hoofing over the bandages, “You’ll get there.” “I know I’d put myself in your hooves any time~” Tichaona nickered happily. “Why thank you, Tichaona.” Rose offered him a smile as she took the roll from Ekua, “Why don’t you tell us what happened, while I wrap your leg?” “Well, it’s actually not that great of a story~” He admitted with a small shrug, “There’s a rock by the river I like to climb and jump off of. This time, a snake decided it was a good place to sun itself. I heard a hiss and spun to buck at it without thinking. It was faster.” “Hmmm...what did you learn from your encounter with the snake~?” Rose enquired softly as she focused on wrapping him properly, revealing to Ekua that she actually had some experience doing this. “Don’t panic at the first sign of danger.” The young stallion chuckled. Rose shook her head softly, “You’re not wrong, but perhaps the lesson to be learned is not to let fear control you.” She offered with a caring smile, before tying off the bandage and patting his hip, “A brave stallion is not one without fear, but one who controls his fears.” Tichaona nodded solemnly at her words, “I understand. I will do my best to be a worthy stallion and control my fear.” “Good stallion~” Ekua hummed, before starting to rise, “You had a good idea, Rose, trying to stretch his leg. Think you could work on that while I speak with his mother?” “I think I can handle that.” Rose nodded. Ekua smiled thankfully, before slipping out and closing the door. “I guess it’s just you and me~” Tichaona once more flashed his charming smile. “Let’s see if we can’t get that leg loose enough to get you back on your hooves?” Rose offered, shifting around to sit behind his rump. When she did, he subtly shifted his tail to once more put his balls on display. She placed one hoof upon his hip and the other grasped his lower leg. “Now you let me know when it starts feeling tight~” She instructed him, slowly starting to pull his leg back. After a moment, he grunted softly, “About there...” “Alright, now take a deep breath, I’m going to push just enough so to stretch them.” She informed him, before pulling his leg just a bit further and held that stretch while massaging his hip firmly. Tichaona grit his teeth with a stoic expression as she stretched him, before smirking softly, “I don’t suppose you’d like me to return the favor when we’re done~?” “That is very kind of you to offer, but we have other pon- zebras, to help today.” Rose smiled at him. “Mmm, then maybe I could find some other way to repay you while you’re here~?” He suggested hopefully. Rose smiled knowingly at him as she released him from that stretch, only to press his leg forward and into the next. “Tichaona, would you like some advice about mares?” “A stallion always welcomes advice from a good mare.” He nodded with a soft smile. However, despite the more innocent gesture, she could see the crown of his penis just barely poking from his sheath. “Focus on one mare at a time, make her feel special. It works better than flirting with every mare you see.” She winked at him, pulling his leg all the way up to his barrel. Tichaona blinked for a moment, before nodding in understanding, “In that case...I would still like to make it up to you~” He replied with a more sincere, though still incredibly charming smile. Rose smiled deviously at him then. “You know how you can thank me? Once we get you stretched out, if we can get you outside. You’re too handsome to be hiding from the sun~” Tichaona merely smiled and nodded, before sitting up a little and cocking his head, “Though I had been hoping to give you a more personal thank you~” “I think seeing you smiling in the sun will be thanks enough.” Rose then leaned forward and offered him a chaste kiss behind the ear. Tichaona nickered happily and a few more inches slipped from his sheath as he returned the kiss with a tentative nibble to her neck, earning a chastising nip and a tut from the mare. “Easy now, ponies are more reserved than zebras~” Tichaona’s ears fell back at the nip, only for him to perk up a little at her words, “Oh, um...” This time he leaned forward to offer her a flirtatious nuzzle instead. “Show me how to treat a pony mare, then~?” He asked her sweetly, “I would be most grateful for instruction~” Rose released his stretch, to help him sit up. “I am a claimed mare, with multiple stallions...does this change your desire?” Tichaona blinked in surprise, before shaking his head and nuzzling her again, “Not unless it truly bothers you~” Rose appeared thoughtful a moment, before smiling. “Well, I still have others to help this morning.” She informed him sweetly, “However, if you think you’re up to it, come to my yurt this evening under your own power and show your courage by convincing my stallions to let me teach you. If you can do that, I will teach you anything your heart desires.” She affirmed with a kiss to his cheek. “Anything~?” He asked her curiously, his ears perking up. “If you can convince my stallions.” Rose nodded, making a show of taking notice of his erection - though she had not actually been oblivious to it before. Tichaona glanced down and shrugged a little sheepishly, “Heh, sorry~” “No you’re not~” Rose teased him in return, giving his cheek another peck, “Think you’re up to try walking now? Get you outside~?” “I think so.” He nodded eagerly and offered her his hoof, “Mind helping me up~?” Rose took his hoof with a tight grip - one as strong as many stallions Tichaona could think of - and easily helped him to his hooves. Put simply, the little pegasus was stronger than she appeared. “Ah, not just beautiful and tender, but strong as well!” Tichaona prummed and offered her cheek a chaste kiss, “Your stallions are lucky~” Rose blushed faintly and smiled earnestly at the young stallion. “There you go, that’s a much better example of flirting.” She rubbed her cheek against his then, “Any stallion can drop cliche lines about a mare’s beauty, but taking the time to start finding other attributes about her that you admire is the real secret to earning a mare’s heart, not just a little tail.” Rose nodded toward the closed door, “How about Ekua? What do you admire about your Medicine Mare?” Tichaona hummed thoughtfully for a moment, before smiling, “Well, she’s very intelligent and kind.” He declared, “She always has a moment to spare for someone in need.” “Just remember to use your newfound power for good, Tichaona. Don’t try and lay every mare in your tribe~” Rose somehow managed not to giggle at her declaration. Tichaona, however, couldn’t help but giggle, “I have a feeling that would be more trouble than fun.” He assured her, before trying to open the door. “Probably.” Rose nodded sagely. Outside, Ekua and Boitumelo looked up from where they sat with proud smiles. “Tichaona, you look so much better!” Boitumelo stood with a happy smile, before turning to Rose, “Oh, thank you for coming by to help Ekua with him!” Leaning in, she offered Rose’s opposite cheek a friendly kiss. Rose chuckled softly and offered the colt’s mother a quick nuzzle. “Ekua did all the real work, all I did was help stretch his leg.” Rose offered dismissively, “All Tichaona needs at this point is a little sun and he should start feeling right as rain~!” “Thank you, nevertheless.” Boitumelo then trotted to her son’s other side to offer him some support. “Thank you again, Rose.” Tachaona nuzzled her cheek affectionately, “I will remember what you said.” “I’m sure you’ll catch the eye of a fine young mare very soon.” Rose offered him a reassuring wink. “One can only hope~” He chirped, before bumping her shoulder with his nose, “Now go. I am sure Ekua still needs you.” Rose nodded and offered him another smile. “It was nice meeting both of you.” She offered, moving to rejoin Ekua. Ekua was quick to sidle up to her and start leading her on, “So, how did it go~?” She asked playfully when they were out of earshot. “Didn’t grope me once.” Rose declared with a proud grin, before shooting Ekua a knowing grin, “But I think the young colt has a soft spot for his Medicine Mare~” She then bumped her friend’s hip playfully. “Oh, that I already knew.” Ekua tittered and returned the bump, “But it seemed like he might be developing a similar soft spot for a certain pegasus newcomer~” “I suppose only time will tell~” Rose grinned, admitting that she had noticed the same thing. The mares’ next visit went by smoothly. They stopped to see a mare that had broken her leg nearly a week back and was well on her way to mending. With Rose’s help, it didn’t take too long for the Medicine Mare to check her splint and wrappings, as well as help her up for some exercise. In no time at all, they found themselves before the yurt of their final charge. It would have been a rather simple yurt, had it not been for a full lion pelt stretched out on a rack near the door, being brushed by a pretty young mare that nodded to them in greeting. Rose absently nodded to the mare in return, while staring at the pelt, “Wow, he took that down?” She asked rhetorically in awe. “He did.” Ekua nodded with a proud smile, “Gazini is one of our strongest warriors. The mare cleaning the pelt for him is his younger sister, Tumelo. She does not speak Equestrian, or she would have offered a more formal greeting.” She explained, while leading rose to the door. Once more, they were greeted with a rather basic looking yurt, with the addition of a short, bronze spear and a wooden mask carved to look like a lion off to one side. Within, resting on his right side and smiling up at them was a very fit looking stallion, with oddly jagged stripes and deep blue eyes. Much of the stallion appeared to be whole, however his left shoulder, foreleg, and a good portion of his barrel were completely covered in bandages. Though rose initially eyed his bandages with a small wince, she quickly made to smile at the stallion in return, following Ekua’s lead. “Hello, Gazini~” Ekua greeted him affectionately, “I trust you are doing well today?” “Better with every passing day!” He proclaimed proudly, “All thanks to the many talents of our gracious Medicine Mare~” He regarded Rose with a winning smile, “And who might this be? Another set of tender, caring hooves to tend to this broken stallion?” Rose waved a hoof dismissively at him, “Pssh, you broken? I think that lion is the one that’s broken~” She returned with a small smile, dipping her head bashfully, “My name is Compass Rose, Ekua here was kind enough to offer and teach me your language. So I’m helping how I can.” “Ah, a worthwhile trade.” Gazini nodded approvingly as Ekua lead Rose to take a seat next to him, “This way, I might have the pleasure of conversing with such an interesting mare in two tongues~ I must say, you have a very pretty name.” Rose smiled at the praise, “I’ll try not to be too boring~” She assured him. Gazini sniffed and shook his head dismissively, before sitting up to allow Ekua to begin slowly and painstakingly removing his bandages, “As if such a mare could be boring~ A pegasus learning language and medicine from our tribe’s very own Medicine Mare? Please, you must tell me more of yourself!” Rose blushed faintly then, “I wouldn’t know what to say.” She shrugged, “I just recently came to the Savannah from Equestria and everything is quite confusing to me.” “Well, let’s start simple.” Gazini chuckled softly, “What do you like to do for fun?” As he spoke, the first of his wounds along his leg were revealed; a set of long, neatly stitched gashes that could only have come from a predator’s claws. “Have you ever heard of a game called hoofball?” Rose asked with a small smile. “Once or twice.” He nodded with a curious smile, “I have heard ponies speak of it, but never learned to play myself.” “Even with Aura so close?” Rose asked in surprise now that she thought about it, “What do you do if not hoofball?” Gazini shrugged nonchalantly, “Spar, run, kill lions, flirt with beautiful mares~” He chuckled softly, “I never had any reason to learn to play hoofball. Perhaps you might change that...” Rose smiled brightly at that suggestion, “Once Ekua says you’re ready, I’d love to teach you. We could organize a five-on-five game with my stallions~!” She chirped eagerly. “Ah, you have stallions of your own, then?” He cocked his head with an inquisitive expression. Meanwhile, the extent of his injuries was being revealed little by little, including numerous gashes along his leg and side, as well as a clear bite mark on his shoulder. Rose nodded slowly, a fond smile coming to her muzzle. “They saved me from a pack of lions that had run me up a tree.” “They sound like brave stallions.” Gazini nodded approvingly, “Though, I must say, I am disappointed I did not find you first.” He added with a sad smile. “Oh~?” Rose asked him with a surprised expression. “Yes, what stallion wouldn’t desire to have such a mare that he might lavish with attention~?” He nodded solemnly. Rose’s eager, happy expression was promptly extinguished, quickly hidden behind a cheerful mask. “They have given me more than I ever imagined...” Both Gazini and Ekua frowned softly, before the stallion brought his good hoof to Rose’s cheek, “What is it that sours your mood, Rose? You cannot hide it from me. Have I said something to offend?” “No, not all!” Rose assured him quickly, trying to offer him a reassuring smile, placing her hoof on his. Gazini leaned forward to offer her a tentative nuzzle to her nose, which Ekua mirrored on her cheek, “You are among friends, Compass Rose. You need not put on a mask for us.” Rose frowned openly then, “I have met stallions less well than you.” She offered enigmatically, “Please, I tried to hide it because I do not wish to speak of before.” “Then do not let them trouble your thoughts...” Gazini offered her lips a chaste kiss, “They are far away and I cannot stand to see a mare saddened in my own yurt.” “Sorry~” Without even realizing it, Rose returned the stallion’s kiss upon the lips. Gazini smiled and wrapped his good arm around her neck to pull her close. At the same time, Ekua gently pressed a familiar clay jar into her hooves. “Spread this on his foreleg.” The medicine mare instructed her with a soothing voice, “I will take his side.” Rose’s ears folded back uncertainly, before looking up to him, “This might sting a little~” She warned him with an understanding smile that reassured him that his pride was safe with her. “I might need something to bite onto...” He replied with a serious expression, before nuzzling her ear. Rose looked uncertainly to Ekua, as if seeking advice in this situation. The Medicine Mare simply offered her an encouraging smile and flicked her ears up suggestively. The pegasus wasn’t so eager as to perk her ears up, but she did rub them against his nose in offering, before slowly making to spread the poultice across his wounds as gently as she could manage. Gazini hissed softly in pain, but rather than bite down on her ear, he held back and gently nibbled on one of them, while gauging her reaction. Rose whined softly in a mewling noise, as if unsure if she should be feeling good at having him nibbling at her, yet she didn’t flinch in her duty. Once more, Ekua offered her an encouraging smile as she tended to her own spread. However, sensing her unease, Gazini ceased his nibbling and instead began to gently kiss at her mane and neck. At her mentor’s reassurances, Rose’s mewlings ceased and she simply tried to concentrate on what she was doing, despite the fact that her tail seemed to have other plans. Noticing the way her tail was behaving, Gazini kept up his many kisses, right up until the moment they finished and Ekua took the jar from Rose. “My, your tender hooves make even the most painful ordeals seem pleasant~” Gazini nickered, offering Rose a gentle squeeze, before loosening his grip. Rose blushed and hesitated in moving away from him, “Thank you, Gazini.” She offered him with a small smile. “No,” He leaned in and gently kissed her forehead, “...thank you~” As he spoke, Ekua once more passed a roll of bandages to Rose. Receiving the roll, Rose leaned in close and began to wordlessly bandage his leg in a similar manner to how it had been, while Ekua wrapped his chest and side. As they worked, Gazini took to tenderly nuzzling at Rose’s neck and mane, and this time she unconsciously began to lean into his muzzle. By the time Rose and Ekua finished tying off his bandages, Gazini was starting to kiss and tentatively nibble at the side of her neck. Only for Rose to softly gasp - in pleasure - as she suddenly found herself with no other distractions from the sensual attention from the stallion. When she did not protest, Gazini gently wrapped an arm around her and nibbled his way up to her mane, earning a hesitant purr from her. At the sound of her purr, he gave her mane one gentle tug. Rose gasped softly once more, before glancing up at him hesitantly, “Gazini…” She murmured his name. “Rose~” He purred in return, caressing her side with his hoof and giving her mane another tug. “I just got together with my stallions~” Rose murmured uncomfortably, “S-some of them h-haven’t…” “Really, now?” Gazini murmured in surprise, before slowly releasing her and gave her ear a parting kiss, “It is alright, Rose~” He assured her, “I understand.” “I’m glad you understand.” Rose offered him with a peck to the lips and a smile, “You are quite the handsome stallion~” “Thank you, Rose~” He nickered happily, before bumping noses with her, “Why don’t you go to them now?” “You should go enjoy yourself~” Ekua’s voice suddenly purred into her other ear, before the Medicine Mare slid around her to nibble on Gazini’s neck. “I know I’m going to~” She purred and at that moment, there was a distinctive slapping sound just below them and Gazini gave her mane a soft tug. Rose nodded before glancing down at his erection, and smiling. “If you had found me first I would’ve let you plow me~” Rose whispered just loud enough for the stallion, before hopping away and briefly flashing him as she made for the door with a sweet laugh. “And perhaps you still will someday~” He nickered, before pulling Ekua into a deep kiss as the Medicine Mare wrapped her arms around him with a soft moan. “Per-haps~!” Rose trilled in a sing-song voice as she ducked out of the yurt with a bounce in her step. As she trotted off, Ekua moved to crouch between Gazini’s legs and started to sensually lap at his flesh, earning a pleased groan while he caressed her mane. > Arc I: Chapter VIII > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All that flirting from two different stallions - even if one was a colt - had put Rose in a very good mood indeed. So much so, that even having failed to find Xolani in the zebra marketplace didn’t seem to faze her. She did, however, find him on his way back to their yurt; or rather, just outside. The mare called out sweetly to him as she flapped hard, coming in for a landing. Touching down, she bounced and said bounce turned into a skip toward him, a bright smile upon her face. Xolani sprouted a smile that mirrored her own and he trotted forward to wrap her in a soft hug, “Ah, there is Xolani’s beautiful Rose~! Did you have a pleasant day with Ekua~?” Rose blushed as she nuzzled him with a nod, “Two other stallions flirted with me~” She whispered to him in a cheerful tone, before offering his ear a quick nibble, “One of them even fought a Lion~” She batted her eyelashes at him playfully. “Most impressive~” Xolani hummed approvingly, before tugging playfully on her mane in retaliation, “Xolani is not surprised you earned such attention.” “How does it feel to know your mare is stalked by both lioness and stallion~?” Rose giggled at his tugging, leaning her neck in against his with a contented purring. “Xolani feels lucky he and his fellows got to her first.” He nickered and wrapped his neck over hers, “But, Xolani is glad you enjoyed yourself today.” Rose nodded happily and made to sidle up to him, “It felt good helping people.” “Mmmm, perhaps you would like to learn more then?” He asked her curiously, before turning to lead her back away from the yurt, only to earn a soft, halting tug from her. “I was actually wondering if you wanted to go into Aura?” She asked hopefully, “There are a few things I’d like to get~” “That sounds like fun.” Xolani leaned in to kiss her cheek before nodding in Aura’s direction, “Now, Xolani has never been in a pony settlement before. You should lead the way.” “Let me grab my saddlebags, and you can drop yours off if you’d like.” Rose offered, otherwise nodding at his suggestion, before heading for their yurt. Xolani nodded and followed her patiently, sticking close beside her as she retrieved her things. “I’m a cloudborn-pegasus, Xolani, so I’m not much better off down here than you are, but I’ll try my best to show you around.” She smiled at him, before giving his a tug on the mane to follow, “We can spend the rest of the day teaching me a little about your world, and maybe I can teach you some more about mine~?” “Xolani would like that very much.” He nodded enthusiastically and nipped her ear. “Is there anything in particular you want to see while we’re out and about?” “Everything here is new to Xolani. Xolani has no preference as to what he sees and learns first.” The stallion shrugged with a broad smile. “Have you ever seen a sailing ship?” She asked him excitedly. “No.” Xolani shook his head, causing his frazzled mane to wave about, “Xolani has heard of them, but never seen one.” “Let’s start there!” Rose chirped and took off ahead of him at a decent clip, with a giggle. Xolani set off after her with a laugh of his own. He trailed behind her just enough to give her tail a nip, before pulling alongside her. Rose sidled up against him with a happy laugh as the two ran through the zebra village. It was rare that she would actually run, but there was something about her stallions that just made her want to run...and run they did, all the way into Aura. Running with Xolani through the steadily growing crowds of ponies, it finally got so thick that she was forced to drag him onto one of the little side streets and from there, they quickly spilled out onto the docks. What lay before them was a mighty galleass, a warship of both sail and oar, armed with cannons and fighting-stallions. Three large masts sprouted from the deck, though her sails were stowed at the moment, but her banners of Celestia’s Navy still flapped in the gentle breeze, identifying her as a warship. She was easily thrice the size of anything standing in Aura, and the construct seemed to glare at them. Xolani stood rooted in awe. “By the spirits,” He murmured, “Xolani has never seen anything so large.” Rose nodded. “You should see them with their sails unfurled.” She pointed toward the towering masts with a hoof, “They raise huge swathes of cloth from each mast and like a cloak in the wind, or one of my wings, they pull the ship along, majestic as a cloud upon water~” “It is like they are pulled by the Wind Father himself.” Xolani spoke absently, “As though the Mother’s mate blesses your craft.” “The Wind Father?” Rose looked to the stallion a little confusedly, not recalling hearing of him before. “The great spirit of the winds that grace the Savannah.” Xolani explained patiently, “Just as the Grass Mother acted as the caretaker of the first zebra to walk our ancestral home, he was as our father. Together, they guided and taught our predecessors.” “Oh, you mean the Grassy Mare’s husband...the spirit I kissed.” Rose remembered. Xolani couldn’t help but snicker softly at the thought, “Yes, that would be the stallion~” “I still hope she isn’t too mad~” Rose murmured. “You would know if she was~” He chuckled and nuzzled her mane reassuringly. Rose hummed happily at the attention, before wondering why it was that the zebra didn’t seem to have anything that ponies took for granted, like ships, or towns, or farms. Her thoughts were interrupted as Xolani wrapped his arm around her again and kissed her cheek. “Where should we go next, my love?” She purred and leaned into him affectionately, looking up at him with a happy expression. “Would you like to see the market?” “Hhhmmm...” Xolani tapped a hoof to his chin with a thoughtful expression, before nodding, “It would do well for Xolani to know what the market has available. He never knows when he’ll need more supplies.” Rose giggled at Xolani and rubbed cheeks with him. “There’s more than just supplies in the market, silly~” She teased him gently, before urging him to follow. Xolani hummed contentedly and followed her with a curious expression, “Xolani does not have much he wants outside of his work and his herd.” The mare laughed musically. “Then at least you’ll be cheap to court. My last stallion,” - She said the words with a sour undertone, but did not hesitate to continue - “now he would only accept the finest things life could offer him...and that included his mares.” “Clearly he was blind to the best thing in his life.” Xolani declared, nuzzling her mane for emphasis, “Stallions like he are often blinded by the sheen of their own finery. It is best to enjoy the simpler things in life. To revel in the company of those you love.” “I am glad he was blind, because if he were not, I wouldn’t have met any of you.” She offered Xolani not only her compliments, but a peck on the lips. “Xolani only wishes you had not been hurt as you were, before he found you.” Xolani smiled softly and pecked her back, caressing her cheek with a hoof, “You deserve better.” “You are better than what I had by leaps and bounds.” She assured him with another nuzzle under his chin, “But if you feel that bad about it, then let us have a good time this afternoon.” “Xolani can do that.” He nodded with an affectionate hum, before flicking her rump with his tail, “Now, show Xolani the way.” Rose squeaked in surprise and blushed, “As you wish~” She smiled deviously up at him and led him side-by-side into the nearby market. What graced Xolani was no less than two-dozen open air stalls and more permanent business with displays assembled under awnings, outside their shops to attract customers within. That and what seemed to be the entire population of Aura, plus a hundred more ponies that were fresh off the week long voyage from Equestria to the colony. The noise made it so that in order to speak to one another, they practically had to be sidled up against each other. There were ponies of all sorts wandering about, as well as a half-dozen Zebra. It was hard to tell, but there seemed to be just about everything under Celestia’s sun in the market; from weapons and armor, to jewelry, from textiles, to unprocessed grain, even fresh fish. Xolani simply stopped where they stood, taking it all in with an even expression, “Xolani was not expecting so much...” “So much?” Rose asked in confusion, looking between him and the market, “Aura is tiny, Xolani. I’ve been in rooms with more ponies.” “Not the ponies, Xolani has seen at least one tribe at least twice Aura’s size.” He gestured instead to the stalls. “But all of the goods. So much metal, so much finery...” Rose giggled a little and mussed with her stallion’s mane affectionately. “Love, maybe someday I’ll convince the lot of you to follow me home,” She caught herself, “to Equestria...and we can visit Manehattan, where the buildings are made of metal.” “That sounds wasteful and unnecessary to Xolani.” Xolani hummed with a thoughtful look, “What is wrong with a simple yurt? Or buildings like these?” He gestured to the town around him. “Why plunder the ground for more riches than you need?” Rose lay her neck over his and smiled. “I’ll take you to the Clydesdale Building, and we’ll ride to the top, where you can stand inside a cloud, then I think you might understand.” She hummed amusedly. “Perhaps Xolani will go for you,” Xolani shrugged, “but Xolani would like to keep his hooves firmly on the ground.” “Just imagine how strong a building made of metal would be!” Rose chirped, not realizing just how fragile something that large was, even made from metal… “And?” Xolani quirked an eyebrow at her. “Our yurt may not be strong as metal, but it is home. We could not wander as our hearts call us to do if we built like ponies.” “I grew up living on a cloud.” Rose tittered as she reminded him, “My home moved too!” “Yes, but Xolani cannot walk the clouds.” He reminded her, “It would seem to Xolani that pegasus ponies are the least wasteful of the lot.” “Thanks, I guess…?” Rose looked unsure if that was a compliment or not, so she shook her head and pushed him forward into the undulating sea of moving ponies. “Let’s do some browsing!” She chirped, ready to experience the market with him. Xolani moved with her, a bounce in his step and a curious gleam in his eye. As wasteful as he thought metal buildings were, the market’s broad selection intrigued him. As they trotted along, he seemed to focus more on the food stuffs and a few of the more modest trinkets and clothes. Eventually, the couple trotted up to the next permanent shop and they were greeted by the sight of all sorts of feminine interests; makeup, jewelry, formal and provocative clothing, and much more. The first items to draw his eye were a few pieces of jewelry done in a style reminiscent of the zebra tribes. His gaze then traveled to some of the more provocative clothing. Xolani’s eyes seemed to dance back and forth between one of the dresses and a set of ‘zebra’ jewelry, before settling on Rose. He looked her up and down carefully, as though imagining her in that particular attire. His mare, however, was too distracted looking at a few more the more suggestive pieces of clothing, more intrigued than interested to be honest. Earth ponies and unicorns had always baffled her a little, wearing clothes that seemed to serve no purpose in her eyes, practical or otherwise. However, immediately next to her - was an entire display of various different brushes for coat and mane. Xolani’s gaze immediately fixed on them and he gently prodded her side, before pointing to them, “You said you wished Xolani to brush your mane...he will return when he has earned some bits.” Rose spun about suddenly in surprise, before nodding. “I did say I was going to buy a set, didn’t I?” She nudged him closer to them, “Come, help me choose a pair. We want something you feel comfortable in your hooves, as well as mine.” Xolani stepped forward to examine the selection more closely. He took a moment to glance over them, before pointing to one faintly similar to what he remembered zebra combs being like, with many long prongs coming off of the handle like a fork. “You’re going to have extra careful with my mane with a comb like that. Pegasi manes are notorious for getting knots in them after flight.” “Which would you recommend, then?” He hummed curiously, returning his gaze to the selection. Rose shook her head. “It’s fine, I’m just warning you that you’re going to be spending a lot of time with your hooves in my mane after I go flying.” She grinned deviously at him, bumping him gently with a shoulder, “You wouldn’t mind that, would you~?” She teased him playfully. Xolani mirrored her grin and reached a hoof up to run through her mane, “Xolani thinks he could find worse ways to pass the time.” He leaned in to kiss her cheek, “And there are a lot of ways for your mane to become so messy.” He hummed suggestively. “Oh?” She smiled coyly back at him, “I don’t suppose you might know any of those ways, would you?” She teased him once more, this time her voice dropping in volume as she batted her eyelashes at him. “Xolani knows all of them~” He purred, his hoof trailing a little more sensually through her mane this time. “Maybe those brushes will see use sooner than you thought~” She purred, walking around him, sensually dragging her tail up his neck and across his nose as she did. Xolani shivered and nipped at her tail, before sliding up to wrap an arm possessively around her. “Excuse me?” She called out to the older mare that ran the store, offering him a loving smile as he embraced her. The mares quickly settled on the comb and brush that she wanted, and soon after a price that they could both agree on. A good price, Rose thought. With her purchases in hoof, she looked to Xolani to see if there was anything else he had his eyes on. She found his gaze briefly lingering on the dress and jewelry he’d liked, before he shook his head with a small sigh and turned back to her. She regarded him with a knowing expression, as if wondering just what he was thinking of, though she had a good idea. Xolani smiled softly and nuzzled her nose, “Someday, Xolani will buy you a beautiful gift...” “And on that day, I think you will have a beautiful bride.” Compass Rose nuzzled back against him with a happy smile of her own. Xolani beamed proudly, giving her a deep, but tender kiss as he imagined her in the attire he had bought her on their little herd’s wedding day. Rose purred happily at her stallion’s affection, allowing him his fantasy. Besides, she didn’t really mind, it was a pretty dress and though jewelry wasn’t her thing, she might dress up on special occasion...especially for her stallion. “Well then,” Xolani began as he reluctantly broke their kiss, his hoof trailing absently up and down her lower back, “now that we have our brushes, where would you like to go?” The shopkeeper smiled knowingly at the two lovers, in fact remembering her own love story - but that is neither here, nor there… “Should we stop in with the others while we’re here? Say hello?” Rose suggested. “That sounds like a good plan to Xolani.” He nodded with a grin, “Xolani wonders how they are doing with Polar.” “Working their tails off, I suspect.” She nodded, starting off toward Polar’s shop. “Or working her...” He replied with a quiet chuckle as he followed her along. Rose gasped softly then, “You don’t think they would...do you?” Xolani promptly shook his head and nuzzled her neck reassuringly, “Not without asking you, as a good stallion should.” Rose nodded softly in understanding, though part of her still a little worried about letting her stallions spend time with her. Xolani seemed to sense her worry and stopped her where they stood, wrapping an arm around her and nuzzling into her mane. “None could come between us and our Rose. Whoever we maybe befriend, the one that we will always belong to is you. Say the word and your stallions would never leave your side.” He nibbled her ear then, “Let alone your bed.” Rose gasped in surprise, before smiling sweetly. “No, I’m being silly. I love you and trust you all.” She reassured him, nuzzling his neck, before taking a deep breath of his scent to calm herself, “Besides, if you’re going to give me the freedom to lay with who I wish, it’s only fair to give you the same.” “Xolani is glad then.” Xolani nodded happily, leaning into her side to support her, “Do not be afraid to tell Xolani if and when you worry of such things.” “Thank you, Xolani. Now, let’s hurry, I’d like to spend the afternoon in the orchard!” Rose declared, pulling him along after her. “The orchard?” He cocked his head curiously, following eagerly. “Remember all the trees we passed on the way into town?” Rose asked and he nodded quickly, “Yeah, I’d like to spend the afternoon there. With you.” “That’s sounds nice to Xolani.” Xolani nodded once more, “What would you like to do there? Nap? Run?” “We could start with either,” Rose nodded, “I just want some time with you. A chance to talk, to cuddle~” “Xolani would be proud to guide and teach his mare.” Xolani pecked her cheek, “All we want is for our Rose to fit in a way that makes her comfortable.” “That’s the problem, I feel like a square peg in a round hole.” She frowned, looking up at him with an almost hopeful expression - it was going to be his job to make her fit. Xolani shook his head, before giving her a tender kiss. “Your problem, Rose, is that you think the hole is round, when the reality is that the hole was made to fit you perfectly.” “Then maybe I need someone who sees the forest for the trees…” Her hopeful expression only grew as she regarded him. “Perhaps so.” Xolani nodded sagely, “Given time, Xolani believes you will come to feel at home with us on the Savannah.” “Then perhaps as we lounge in the shade, you can tell me of of the Savannah, and then maybe I won’t feel quite so off balance.” Rose pressed her side against Xolani companionably. “Nothing would please Xolani more.” It only took the two a few minutes to traverse the busy marketplace, before arriving at Polar’s stall. During the day, with the sun out, the sign above her shop, below the second story windows read; Buy’n’large. From the look of things, they dealt in bulk groceries; grains, potatoes, fruits, fish, nuts...anything that was often bought in bulk in Aura. The only thing that surprised Rose a little, was the fact that she sold salt and sugar. Which reminded her, she should stop at the candy-shoppe that she noted was at the far side of the market that they were going to head through. As for Polar and the herd-stallions, they looked swamped at the moment, as if everyone decided to converge on her shop at once. Though the stallions looked to be working furiously, Polar seemed to take everything in stride. It did make sense, she was used to working the shop alone, or so Rose assumed. “Well, they seem to be having a good time.” Xolani chuckled amusedly, “Perhaps we should leave them be for now.” As he spoke, Zephania seemed to take notice of them and offered a quick wave and a smile, before going right back to work. Rose waved back to Zephania, before frowning a little disappointedly. “I suppose we should…” “Come, Xolani will do his best to satisfy you with his company.” The shaman teased her with a loving kiss to her cheek, “We can always return when it is close to closing time for them.” Rose shook her head, then gave Xolani a peck to the lips in return, “Your company is very much appreciated.” She then gave him a little nudge, starting off once more, “Come on, I have a treat in mind~” “Oh? Xolani likes treats.” Xolani hummed curiously as he trotted along with her, “Is it...a pastry?” He asked playfully, nuzzling her mane. “Better, you’ll see~” She teased him back with a nicker of anticipation. Xolani pestered her playfully the whole rest of the way, asking her if his treat was one thing or another. However, when they went into the shop for it, she didn’t even let him see what it was, before slipping it into her bags. This earned a curious expression from him as he sniffed inquisitively at her bags. Whatever she had bought, it was pungent and unfamiliar to him. At that point, he merely shrugged and continued his guessing game, now occasionally tugging her mane and flicking her with his tail in a childish attempt to get her to tell. Rose only seemed to feed off of his behavior, perfectly willing to tease him vocally in return, as she led him into one more shop where she bought a whole mess of little, wrapped candies. This piqued the zebra’s interest even more. Having spent his whole life outside of major pony settlements, he had never even heard of candy. Cruel as it was, she promised him he could have some if he was a good stallion until they arrived at their spot in the orchard. From there, Xolani straightened right up, obediently following her in a well behaved fashion. Rose led him deep into the rows of well tended to trees that made up Aura’s orchards, before finding a small hillock to sit upon, under one of the apple trees. Only the smallest of baby apples forming on the trees this soon after spring. Xolani took a seat first, leaning back against the tree, and motioned for her to take a seat in his lap. Rose, tittered and placed her saddlebags close at hoof, before sitting in his lap and reclining back into him with a contented purr. “Xolani has never seen so many trees in one place.” He remarked curiously as he wrapped his forelegs around her waist and held her tight. “We should try and return in the fall.” She hummed, comfortably, “You are a good stallion, Xolani. Better than I ever could’ve imagined.” “Xolani is proud to do well by his mare.” Xolani beamed and nuzzled into her mane, giving her neck a series of soft nips. The mare simply craned her neck about to allow him to work unhindered, a small smile on her muzzle as he did, while her hooves caressed his arms that wrapped around her waist. He let out a quiet nicker and worked diligently. Soft nips were followed by sensual licks and firmer little love bites that trailed up and down her throat. “Xolani…?” She softly called his name amid her bliss at the attention he was giving her. “Yes, Rose?” He hummed curiously and paused his work with a tender kiss to her collar. “Would my handsome stallion like to share that treat now?” She whispered to him. Xolani’s tongue drew up her neck teasingly, “Xolani already has a treat.” Rose purred loudly at his tongue, before chuckling. “I’m not going to tell you, no.” She raised a hoof up to stroke his neck affectionately, “I did lure you out here to have some one-on-one time with you,” She admitted, before bumping her saddlebag with a rear hoof, “but that wasn’t the only thing I had in mind, Love.” “Mmmm, Xolani supposes he could use a snack before dinner.” He punctuated the last word with a gentle, but possessive bite to her shoulder. The mare took a deep breath in surprise, before laughing pleasurably. “Have you ever had sugar before?” She asked him with a devious, knowing smile, already suspecting she knew the answer. “No.” Xolani shook his head softly with an inquisitive smile. “Is this what you bought?” “Some of what I bought was made with sugar…” She nodded, dragging her saddlebags closer, before reaching a hoof into them. After a moment of digging, she pulled out two wrapped candies, both of them were orange in color and he could only faintly smell something vaguely fruit like from them. “Now do you want your treat, or do you want your treat~?” She asked him with that devious smile returning. Xolani frowned and furrowed his brow, looking for all the world as though undergoing a furious internal debate; finally, he nodded firmly to himself. “Yes.” Smiling, Rose returned one to sit atop the saddlebags, while unwrapping the other with her hooves. Instantly he smelled something sweetly pungent, tropical - not that he knew what that was - and did his mind already note, sweet? Then his mare brought it up to her mouth and ate it! Except, she didn’t. She leaned forward and locked lips with the stallion. However, when her tongue entered his mouth, it carried over a powerfully sweet little morsel that she forced onto his tongue with her own. Xolani hummed in surprise, smiling into the kiss. Clearly, he was enjoying the taste immensely. Pressing a little more firmly into her mouth, his tongue wrestled with hers, keeping the candy between them. Her original idea was to simply erotically deliver the candy to him, however, when her stallion started to play with her tongue as much as the candy...she eagerly obliged, making sure to move it all around their two tongues as it quickly melted. Xolani held the kiss until the candy was gone, at which point he slowly pulled back and licked her lips instead. Rose giggled, and licked him back. “Want another?” She asked him sweetly. “Yes, please.” He chirped happily and licked her nose. This time, she returned the orange candy to her bag and after a moment of fishing, pulled out another; identical in all regards, but bright red. She once again unwrapped the candy and an equally sweet smell wafted to him, but otherwise as different to him as the color. This time, however, when she started to lift it to her mouth, he gently stopped her with one of his hooves. Taking the candy in his own hoof, he slowly lowered it until it started to brush along her nethers. “Xolani~” She giggled airily, but stopped his hoof short, regarding him quizzically. “Does something worry you, Rose?” He asked gently, keeping his hoof right where she’d stopped it. “Are you planning on putting that where I think you are?” She asked him, one of her brows rising as she did. “Not inside...” He shook his head, before purring teasingly, “But Xolani knows of nothing sweeter than his mare. What better way to improve his treat?” Rose smiled in response to his flattery, and gave him a quick peck. “Xolani, sugar inside a mare’s vagina will give her an infection.” She explained gently to him. “Oh.” Xolani’s eyes went wide and he started to move the candy back up, “Xolani would have cleaned up after, but better to be safe...” Rose gave him another quick kiss. “You can always taste me after~” She purred enticingly. “That will be Xolani’s real treat.” He growled softly and licked his lips, before offering her the candy. Once again, she took the candy in her mouth, before offering her stallion her lips. This time, her tongue brought what might have been slightly sweeter than the last candy, with a smooth, upbeat flavor. Again, she pressed the candy between the two of them, making sure it landed everywhere on her stallion’s tongue. Finally, just as with the last one, this candy too melted quickly under their mutual tongue games. Unlike with the last candy, Xolani continued to hold their kiss, exploring her mouth hungrily. Both of his hooves drifted down once more, starting to gently stroke at her mound. Once his hooves ventured that far south, she pulled back from his lips with a smile. “Starting to feel the sugar-buzz?” She giggled playfully. Xolani licked his lips and cocked his head, “Is that what this is?” His hooves drifted a little further back up, each one starting to massage one of her udders. “This strange energy?” “Mhmm.” Rose nodded, “You’re going to feel like a million-bits for about twenty minutes...” She informed him with a purr at his hooves upon her breast. “Then after?” His ears flicked curiously and he tweaked her teats playfully. “You’re going to feel like you made love to me all night, with no breaks.” She offered him a peck, “That’s what the other treat is for, food, so you don’t just fall asleep on me.” “Well, if that is how Xolani will feel...” He nibbled sensually on her ear, “Why not make it a reality?” “Because there’s one thing better than sex on a sugar-high…” She teased him with a twinkle in her eye. “Oh? And what could be better?” Before he could complete his meager sentence, Rose had leapt up. “Running!” She laughed, flicking her tail up at him teasingly. “Oh-ho, try and outrun Xolani!” Xolani declared challengingly, before shedding his cloak and his jar covered belts; he took to his hooves and quickly started after her. Rose intentionally let her stallion catch up, before picking up the pace, not actually trying to outrun him. As the two ran, she would nip at him, give him little love bites, tug on his mane, she even managed to loop over him with her wings and place a kiss upon his shocked face, as the two ran through the orchard. Xolani retaliated in kind, tugging on her mane or nipping at her tail every chance he got. All the while, he laughed delightedly and leapt about to come at her from either side. She too laughed riotously, simply ecstatic to see her stallion having so much fun as they ran aimlessly through the trees. Finally, as did all good things, the two tired themselves out, coming down from their buzz back at their tree. Though, admittedly, Rose looked a little less worn than Xolani - it was his first time after all. As they made it back to their spot, however, Xolani let out a hungry growl and used what was left of his energy to mount his mare as he followed her. While he made no move to penetrate her, she could already feel his rod rubbing against her nethers. Rose growled playfully at him, truth be told, with her blood up, she was a little anxious to feel him too. “Eat with me, Xolani, then you may devour your mare however you desire~” She offered him with just a hint of submissiveness at the edge of her command. Xolani nickered and slowly licked at her neck, before hopping down beside her. “Xolani can hardly wait. His mare is far better than any ‘sugar rush’.” She purred appreciatively as she bumped into him, desiring his closeness. “You looked like you were having fun.” She remarked, as she led him toward her saddlebags. “Xolani has never enjoyed running so much before.” Xolani chuckled and nibbled on her neck, “Xolani thinks he will try it with his mare more often now.” “Anytime.” Rose assured him with a smile, before procuring a double wrapped paper bag; opening it up, the powerful odor of cooked, lightly-salted, sunflower seeds washed over him. Within was at least a pound of black seeds that had already split from cooking. “Go ahead, you can have the first mouthful. My stallion is going to need all the energy he can get, I can tell…” She giggled, bringing the open bag close to his muzzle for him, even while glancing back at his partially erect cock. Xolani sniffed at the seeds with a curious smile, before slowly leaning in and taking a large mouthful, starting to chew them thoughtfully. As soon as Xolani had pulled back from the bag, Rose dove in greedily herself. Xolani munched slowly away at the seeds in his mouth, swallowing a little at a time with a pleased expression. After taking her second mouthful, Rose offered the bag to him once more. Xolani took one more mouthful and started to munch a little more quickly. He began to eye her greedily, clearly eager to move on to the next course of his meal. Rose caught his glances and snickered giddily, before swallowing down the last of her food, sealing up the bag and returned it to its original place within. “Xolani, there is just one more treat I had in mind for us...specifically for this moment.” She revealed to him, still rummaging through her bags for it. Her stallion gulped down his seeds and his ears perked up. His tail flicked about anxiously and he sidled up to her with an expectant look, silently urging her to hurry. Rose finally withdrew two white candies that smelled strongly through their wrappers. “Peppermint.” She revealed, “Some ponies say it’s a lesser aphrodisiac, clearing out the sinuses, to let you smell your mate better…” Xolani nickered and nuzzled her encouragingly, “Xolani can make aphrodisiacs if you like.” Rose snorted and shook her head with a smile. “That’s not the point.” Unwrapping the first, she hoofed the powerful smelling mint to her stallion, “It’s a candy...that just so happens to make sex more enjoyable.” “Mmmm~” Xolani took a deep sniff, before sensually licking the candy up out of her hoof, causing her to shiver softly. The stallion inhaled sharply as his sinuses suddenly opened and he growled lustfully as Rose’s scent flooded his nostrils. Rose by this point had opened hers and was chomping merrily on her candy, before noticing her stallion’s change in demeanor. She smiled lovingly and moved in to nuzzle the small of his neck behind his jaw, where he could do the same for her, and thus, get a deeper sniff of her sent. He shivered as he took in her smell and gave her a sensual nip. Bringing up a hoof, he slowly stroked up and down her neck, before running it through her mane. “Xolani, Love?” She called his name softly, clearly enjoying this as much as he, only for her stallion to feel the lashing of her tail upon his rump. “Yes, beautiful Rose?” He nickered curiously and leaned back to look her in the eye. Rose smiled warmly at her stallion and her tail once again flicked against his side, though she said nothing. Xolani growled knowingly, before slowly stepping back behind her, where he tenderly nuzzled under her tail and took a deep sniff. Rose’s tail had already flicked up and out of the way, revealing her marehood, already glistening and seemingly ready for him. A fact that was hinted at by the scent of her arousal filling his nose, and confirmed when her clit winked at him. Her silver eyes peered over her shoulder, regarding him eagerly, a small smile upon her muzzle. Xolani smiled back hungrily and started to tease her labia with the very tip of his tongue, causing her to whine quietly. Bringing up his forehooves, he held her firmly in place and kneaded her rump. “I’m ready whenever you are.” She informed him evenly, her smile encouraging and Xolani needed no further goading. With a gentle growl, he hopped up onto her back and kissed her neck as his length ground against her groin. “You ever mounted a pony mare before?” She asked him with a teasing growl. “Never.” He nibbled on her neck and shifted to line himself up, “You will be the first pony Xolani has ever been with.” Rose couldn’t help but giggle at the silliness of what she was about to say, yet, it felt strangely appropriate at the same time. “Then ease yourself into this port and let the cultural exchange begin, Love~” Xolani suddenly broke into a fit of snorting laughter, regarding her incredulously, “Really?” She frowned bashfully, aware that it was bad, but she had hoped that he would go along with it. “Shut up and ride me, Xolani.” She snorted disappointedly. “As you wish.” He snickered once more and promptly slid himself forward inch by inch, until his hips rested against hers. Rose gasped silently as his penis pressed into her sex, his flare stretching her in all the right ways, her long moan sounding a little as if he were slowly pressing the air out of her. Whence his hips pressed against hers, she ground her teeth, shivering beneath him as she did. “That’s a good stallion. Mmm, so smooth~” She purred, her eyes closed as she slowly shook her hips side to side, enjoying the feel of him. “Ah, Xolani almost forgot...” The stallion grunted and started to swirl his hips against her, before pointing to where his jar belts sat before them, “The red sealed jar. Do you wish for a preventative brew?” Rose promptly turned her head around and gave him a quick, feathering kiss. “I’m not in heat.” She purred, opting to forgo the safer option, in no small part because of the pleasure she felt. Xolani blinked in hopeful surprise, “Then, you are not worried about becoming with foal before your heat?” “I could think of worse things…” She shook her shoulders casually, a small smile on her face, “Hey, Xolani?” The stallion nickered happily with a toss of his head, before nuzzling under her chin, “Yes, Rose?” She giggled equally happily at his affection, guessing already what his reaction to her question might be. “When my heat comes around, do you happen to know any fertility potions?” She asked him almost innocently. Xolani grinned knowingly with a proud air, before pointing to his jars again, “Green seal.” He pointed out with a growl, before starting to chew on her neck. “Ohh~” She whinny-whined in pleasure, “None of you are going to be able to walk that week…” She warned him with a punchy-laugh, “Now, Xolani, show me how you please a mare!” She chirped in encouragement, already appreciating his tenderness, but wanting more. “Proudly.” Xolani declared, before starting to pull back. On his backstroke, he wriggled his hips and when he pushed back forward, he did so with a series of quick, halting thrusts angled in a manner meant to catch her g-spot. The mare’s squeal of pleasure was abruptly cut short as her breath caught. “What uh-are you doing b-ahh-ck there!?” Rose asked him incredulously, a few of his humps interrupting her words. “Xolani-” He took a breath of his own, while pulling back, “-is pleasuring his mare.” This time, on the forward stroke he slid along in one go, ending in a thump. “I’ve never even heard of a stallion doing that before!” She exclaimed proudly, smiling as she wiggled her hips against his. “Xolani is glad you like it,” He beamed and repeated the jerky maneuver, ending it with another slap of their hips. Rose panted heavily. “Xo-Xolani...i-if you do that again...I’m going to cum on the spot…” She warned him. Rose’s warning only served to encourage him and he repeated it for a third time. Her eyes went wide, before she forced her hips back into his, her sex going bat-shit around his length. “Xolani!” She screamed. Xolani whinnied at the increase of pressure, but never let up. With a determined nicker, he took firm, but gentle control of her hips and continued to expertly pleasure her. The mare grunted and groaned as her tunnel suckled his meat needily, her limited strength put into forcing herself back against his hips. “Xo-Xolani, p-please stop~” She whined as he continued to work her through her orgasm, threatening to give her a second before the first was even over. For once, her stallion seemed to ignore her request. In fact, his jerky thrusts seemed to become even faster and she found her most sensitive parts subject to near constant stimulation. Rose’s eyes crossed as he did. “Xo-Xo-Xo...potato~!” She whinnied as she came a second time. Rose’s forelegs gave out underneath her and Xolani was forced to use a forehoof to catch her, lowering her front half to the ground. Even as he lowered her with a huffing breath, Xolani slid himself forward one last time to rest within her as he waited for her to come around. The mare finally took a deep breath after a minute or two and stirred groggily, her eyes rolling about as she tried to remember where she was. “Are you ready for more, Rose?” Xolani asked with a soothing coo to his voice. While he did, he ground gently against her and nibbled her ear. “Did-did we- What happened?” She asked him groggily, confusedly, before growling pleasurably at his stimulation. “Xolani pleasured his mare.” Xolani chuckled with a proud grin, before leaning back behind her. “Time for another round.” He chuckled and before she could reply, he was already going full tilt with his earlier maneuver; their new position actually gave him a better angle to work. “Whoa, whoa...Xolani, Xolani, Xolani!” She beckoned him to stop what he was doing. Xolani slowed to a stop within her again to regard her innocently, “Yes, Rose?” Rose panted and slowly started to rise. “Xolani, it’s too much.” She complained gently. “Many apologies, Rose.” Xolani bowed his head to her in respect, “Xolani assumed that, like a zebra mare, you would like it if he continued like that...” Rose shook on unsteady hooves, not quite standing again, “I’m sorry, Xolani, I just can’t feel you like that~” She tried to explain as she caught her breath. Xolani stopped with his hips resting against hers and wrapped his arms tight around her, before nuzzling her mane lovingly, “I am right here with you.” “I know you are, but that’s just too much.” Xolani momentarily leaned in to nuzzle her ear, “But doesn’t it feel amazing?” He asked knowingly, “You could give in to the pleasure if you wanted...” There, he gave her neck a sensual lick. Rose took a few deep breaths, before explaining. “It feels so good, all I can feel is the pleasure. I can’t feel you.” “Xolani is the one bringing you this pleasure.” He reminded her with a gentle smile, “If that is what worries you, Xolani can find ways to reassure you of his presence.” The pegasus mare shook her head. “I need to feel that I am pleasuring you.” “You bring Xolani great pleasure.” He reassured her with a tender nuzzle to the side of her neck, “Truth be told, Xolani likes driving mares wild with pleasure.” Rose whined in uncertainty, squirming unconsciously in her indecision, before finally deciding. “Bite me, Xolani, bite me and use me.” She demanded of him. “As you wish, beautiful Rose.” Xolani purred and gently latched onto her neck, before adjusting his position to resume his assault on her g-spot. Rose shrieked in ecstasy despite herself, shuddering beneath her stallion. The level of pleasure she felt scared her, but the fact that her lover was claiming her, using her as he desired, elated something primal in her. She wasn’t a mare that would allow a stallion to dominate her most times - serve, yes, submit, no - but this was a different kind of domination, the stallion was demanding to serve her and when it came to his desires, she was not about to tell him no. Xolani whinnied around her neck and picked up his pace again, starting to go a little deeper after striking her spot each time. Feeling the mare beneath him losing her mind in ecstasy because of him drove him wild. He started doing everything he could to increase her pleasure. Sliding a forehoof around her waist, he started to massage her udder, while his other slid back to rub at her clit. “No, harder. Plow me, Xolani! Throw your forehooves over my shoulders and plow me into the ground!” Rose cried out in near-delirium and Xolani did just that, throwing his arms over her and bearing his weight onto her back as his hips slammed into hers. His mare nickered shrilly, shaking her rump back into his hips. Her stallion chuffed and his teeth chewed sensually on her neck as he started pressing down on her with his weight, ready to plow her as she’d ordered. “Breed me, Xolani, breed me~!” She squealed. Xolani whinnied and released her neck to grab her mane and give it a yank, pulling her back into a particularly powerful thrust. The pegasus’ wings flared with a loud pomf of air and her femininity flooded over, soaking him with her hot fluids as she came once more, with a breathless cry of orgasmic pleasure. Even that did not seem to be enough for the stallion plowing her rear. Using his forelegs, he slowly forced her own forelimbs to fold and press her barrel into the grass as he pounded her. His hot, ragged breath washed over her mane and neck as he yanked on her mane again, eliciting a whine, muffled by the ground pressing her jaw closed. “Almost...there...Rose.” Xolani grunted and his thrusts became longer, but more erratic. Rose’s vaginal muscles contracted around the stallion, as the mare used the last part of her body that she still had control over, as even her eyes rolled back in their sockets. It was either he came, or she was going to pass out with him still inside her, unable to give him release. Xolani grunted with a few more punishing thrusts, before pulling on her mane one last time as he drove himself in deep against her cervix and poured out his seed. With the feeling of his release, Rose released a deep sigh and she fell to the ground, her stallion falling down atop her. Xolani fell limp around her, breathing heavily as he lazily nuzzled into her neck. It would be several minutes before the mare started coming back around, murmuring in her sleep. As she did, Xolani slowly wrapped his hooves around her and rolled so that she was resting on top of him with her back against his belly. When her lover flipped them over, Rose finally came about, murmuring at first, before seeking him out for a lazy nuzzle. He gave her one, along with a tender kiss to her cheek, while stroking her belly in a soothing fashion. “Did-did you cum, Love?” Rose asked him groggily. “Yes.” Xolani prummed and brushed a hoof over where they were still joined, causing her to sigh softly. “I’m glad.” She murmured and lay her head back with a delighted smile. “Rest, love. When you are ready, Xolani will answer any questions you have for him.” He cooed and kissed her mane, while wrapping his arms around her belly to hold her tight. “Will you kiss me?” She murmured hopefully and the next she knew, Xolani’s lips were pressed to hers in a loving kiss, the two equines shared the tender embrace for a long time, before she finally broke away with a contented purr. “Never again, Xolani, never again.” She teased him, shaking her hips ever so slightly so that he would know what she was talking about. “From now on, Xolani will always do as you wish.” He assured her, “Xolani will be far more tender.” “I don’t know if I could cum that many times again.” She giggled a little drunkenly, “I think my brains would leak out my ears if I did!” She proclaimed as she snuggled into his chest, holding his arms tight against her chest. “Xolani thinks that sounds like a challenge.” He purred, “Perhaps when your heat comes, your stallions will see if they can break the record together.” The mare laughed loudly. “You just want to break me, don’t you?” She snorted, “Fuck me until I don’t know up from down and black from white~?” “Mmmm, maybe~” Xolani teased her with a soft nuzzle “To make you feel such pleasure that bliss will be all you know for days~” “I don’t know if I could handle that.” She admitted worriedly. “If you wanted to try, your stallions would pay close attention and stop before it went too far.” He reassured her. “Xolani, I need to feel my stallion’s pleasure.” She explained to him seriously, “I need to feel what I am doing pleases you.” “Xolani understands.” He nodded softly with his cheek against hers, “Xolani will keep that in mind from now on.” “I fucking love you.” Compass Rose growled appreciatively. “Xolani loves you as well,” He purred in return, before offering her another kiss. Compass Rose accepted the stallion’s lips with her own, as she leaned into their kiss with a utterly contented purr. Her shaman held their kiss for a few moments, before pulling back to nuzzle her nose, “Now get some rest, love. We’ll speak more when you awake.” “Are you going to sleep with me?” She asked him quietly. “It is Xolani’s duty to watch over his mare as she sleeps.” He replied softly, “Xolani is not as tired.” “Xolani, we’re safe here. Besides, I have good ears, nothing will sneak up on us.” She reassured him. “Xolani knows.” Xolani nodded with an affectionate smile, “Xolani just likes to watch you sleep.” He pecked at her nose, “You are cute when you sleep.” “You know just the right things to say, don’t you?” She pecked his nose in return and closed her eyes. “Of course~” Xolani chuckled quietly and lay his neck over her shoulder as he waited for her to drift off to sleep. ~ ~ ~ Rose slept for a little more than an hour, before waking to the feeling of Xolani’s arms around her and an empty feeling between her legs, where his masculinity had been when she fell asleep. With a little effort, she rolled herself about in his embrace and gave his lips a thankful peck. “Thank you, Love, I needed that.” She purred and then hugged his neck with both arms, and her own neck. “Xolani is glad he could help.” He replied with a proud smile, “Are you ready to learn?” “That depends,” She replied coyly, “...are you comfortable as my cushion?” “There is no greater feeling than to have a mare in your arms,” Xolani hummed, “Regardless of how she lays.” The mare pressed herself into his lips once again with an approving hum as she cuddled into his chest and once again melted in his embrace. Xolani nickered and held her tight as he waited for her to finish. When she finally broke the kiss, he regarded her intently, “Now, give Xolani your questions.” The pegasus made herself comfortable, her ears perked attentively. “Zephania and I spoke last night about some of my concerns about the standing of mares and stallions between our two cultures…” Rose mused quietly, before looking up at Xolani, “Do you want to get married~?” She asked, softly biting her lip. Xolani smiled broadly and gave her a brief, but firm kiss, “Yes~ Though, Xolani thinks pony and zebra marriage rites may be very different...” “Oh?” Rose regarded him most curiously then, “How do zebras marry?” Xolani smiled knowingly, “It involves a wordless ritual performed by the Spirit Mare, shortly before the stallion, or stallions mount the mare, or mares as the tribe watches. In some tribes there is also an exchange of vows.” Rose blinked several times, regarding Xolani with a flat expression. “No.” Xolani nodded slowly, his smile never fading, “It’s true. It has been zebra tradition since the first young Chieftain lead his tribe onto the Savannah.” “Xolani, I love you, each of you, but I am not mounting you in public.” She shook her head firmly. “What is wrong with public?” He asked with a small frown, “It is something all married zebra go through. Some even do it outside of rituals and marriage.” “So, you’re telling me that it’s perfectly acceptable to have sex in the middle of town?” Rose asked Xolani only slightly surprised given what she had seen of the Moon Worshipers thusfar. “It can sometimes be hard to find privacy in a tribe.” Xolani replied with a shrug, “We have learned not to mind being seen and some even like it. Sex is a perfectly natural thing, so why hide it?” “Ponies view it as a very personal act, one not to be shared.” She explained. “But...if you will not partake in the ritual-” Xolani frowned a little more, suddenly seeming more than a little hurt. “What of my people’s rituals?” She returned, trying to placate him, if only through understanding. Xolani pouted a little, “Xolani supposes he could look into them...” “I could tell you of them~” She suggested hopefully. “Later. Xolani would like to continue with your instruction.” He replied, pushing away his disappointment to offer her a tentative smile. Rose snuggled into his chest, looking up at him with a kind expression, “Please believe me when I tell you I am not going to forget who you are.” She explained to him in a gentle, reassuring tone. “Xolani believes you and understands,” He gave her a soft kiss, “Xolani was just looking forward to this was one tradition.” “Is there a reason besides wanting to mount me in public?” She asked him pointedly. “The tradition is supposed to be a final, binding claim made between those being married.” Xolani explained, “Whatever other partners those being married may occasionally go to for a little fun, none can override the claim made in that moment. The stallion can say this mare is mine and he is hers, sealing the claim publicly.” “Would you hear how pegasi marry?” She asked him hopefully; Xolani hummed thoughtfully, seeming unsure, before he simply nodded. “When we marry, we also do it publicly, but we give vows of loyalty and commitment. Then, before everyone, the pegasi to be wed tear out a feather and give it to their mates, braiding it into our manes. The magic in them making them feasibly eternal as our souls.” She smiled bashfully, “It is the same reason that I have kept every feather I have shed, because they are a part of my soul.” “That is beautiful.” Xolani murmured softly, “...But we have no feathers to give.” “I have thought of that.” Rose admitted, nodding slowly, “Would you and the others consent to giving me some of your mane? I could braid your hair into a knotted-chain and keep it in my mane, as a part of me.” “Xolani thinks he could do that.” He nodded with a smile and gently nuzzled her neck. “Something tells me you’re going to like the honeymoon~” She giggled, figuring that zebras likely didn’t have a honeymoon, if they mated in public as part of their marriage. “Honeymoon?” Xolani furrowed his brow curiously, “Xolani has not heard of this ritual.” “We take a month to do nothing but enjoy ourselves~” She purred suggestively. “Xolani could get used to this ritual~” “Do you still think the pony tradition is unreasonable?” Compass Rose asked him plainly, nuzzling softly into his neck with her cheek. “Well...” He took a deep breath and nuzzled under her chin, “Xolani would still prefer to end the ceremony with a public mounting, but he will live.” The pegasus took a deep breath. “How about during our honeymoon, after you take me, you show me off? Would that be an acceptable compromise?” She offered him with a kiss to the underside of his jaw. “Does Xolani have to wait for the honeymoon for that?” He purred before suddenly nibbling her neck and stroking her belly, “Zephania told Xolani about your fun last night...” Rose smiled sweetly. “No, Xolani, you don’t have to wait. As far as I am concerned, you are already my stallions.” She hummed, kissing him once more under the jaw, “Am I soiled enough for you?” “You are filled and stained with one full zebra load as well as four of your own orgasms.” He chuckled and nodded pointedly to her cum soaked rear and the wet grass beneath it, “Unless you want Xolani to stain your other holes as well, he will be satisfied.” Where Zephania had cleaned at least a little of his mess, Xolani actually ran a hoof over her soiled sex in a sensual manner, ensuring that the majority of her backside got a generous coating from the leaky remnants of the massive zebra load. This of course caused the mare to moan quietly in pleasure. “Just remember, if you expect me to walk through town like this, I expect you to clean me when we return home.” Rose insisted. “Xolani would be more than happy to.” He purred and nibbled on her neck again, “But the day is still young. We should explore some more.” He teased her, “Where should Xolani and his mare go first?” “Well, we did come to visit the tribe.” She reminded him, snuggling into his neck as he nibbled on her. “The tribe as well as Aura~” He reminded her, “Perhaps another stroll through the market is in order before we leave~” “Come on, Xolani! The market wasn’t anywhere as packed last night as it is right now!” Compass Rose complained with a blush that seemed to make her rust splattered colored coat uniform. “Yes, and?” Xolani smirked as he moved to retrieve his jar belts and refasten them. “You’re going to make it so that everyone in town sees me?” She ground her thighs together nervously. Xolani threw his cloak over his shoulders, before turning around and giving her a kiss, “Many were going to see you anyway, the rest would likely hear. It’s just a little stroll through the market.” He kissed her nose and brought a hoof up to caress her cheek, before helping her stand once more. Compass Rose looked away bashfully. “You better not ever say that I don’t love you…” “The thought would never cross Xolani’s mind.” He prummed and kissed her burning cheek, “Now, shall we?” He sidled up to her and nodded forward, ready to lead her by the shoulder. The mare chewed her lip, but said nothing as she made to follow her stallion back into town, Xolani leading her along with a purposeful stride. That said, the fact was she couldn’t lower her tail without making a mess of it and this fact was already making her uneasy, despite him nibbling her neck and kissing her mane reassuringly to calm her. Finally trotting into the market, Xolani took his time, pausing at every store and stall that caught his eye to browse. He kept a close eye out for any foals that might be in the area, however, planning on avoiding them at least. Most ponies were polite enough not to stare, though there were more than a few that did, and a few even that gasped and left their vicinity in shock. All things considered, she had gone from uncomfortable to positively mortified, blushing profusely and just earnestly wishing he’d get it over with. Noticing her reaction, he picked up his pace a bit, spending no more time than he had to looking around. Any stallions he caught staring were quickly shot a confident, challenging look that caused all of them to back down. Then, as he stopped to look around in one particular stall, an all black stallion mosied up to Compass Rose, giving her an eye... “Well, aren’t you a morsel~” Remarked the unwelcome stallion, with a lewd chuckle. Rose pressed against Xolani’s side wary of the stallion that looked like he was fresh off one of the ships in the harbor and hadn’t had a mare in...well, a long time. Having been keeping a close eye on her, Xolani nuzzled her and slowly turned the both of them about until he was between her and the stallion. “Greetings, friend. How may Xolani help you?” He asked the stallion evenly, with a soft smile and a dangerous gleam in his eye. The pony regarded the zebra with a scoff, “How about you buzz off and leave the young mare in the hooves of a real stallion?” “Xolani is afraid she has no interest.” Xolani replied calmly, before reaching for a jar on his belt, “However, Xolani can direct you to some very lovely mares who would love a stallion such as yourself. Would you like a drink while we talk?” He held the jar up invitingly; it was a simple clay affair with an odd zebra glyph carved on the side and some blue paint marking the seal. “The best brew you will find on the Savannah.” “I think I want this one.” The black stallion sneered, rudely shoving the clay jar away from him. “Oh, but Xolani,” - The zebra grinned devilishly and uncorked the bottle under the stallion’s nose - “thinks you do not...” As Xolani spoke, an odd black smoke drifted out of the jar and toward the stallion’s face; however, the rude pony happened to be breathing out when Xolani shoved it under his face and promptly kicked the jar from his hooves, sending it sailing across the room. Of course, the pony didn’t much care for the zebra’s tricks and promptly cuffed Xolani across the muzzle with the back of his hoof. This was not Xolani’s first fight, however, and he rolled his head with the strike, and the hoof he had been holding the jar in darted out to jab the stallion’s throat. The sailor-pony’s eyes bugged out, finding it hard for himself to breathe, he rearing back and lashed out desperately at the other stallion. Xolani simply caught the flailing hoof with a foreleg and rolled away, pushing Compass Rose in the opposite direction. However, the pony stallion was in no condition to continue fighting as he stumbled back, choking and desperately trying to breathe. Making it to his hooves once more, Xolani dashed forward and wrapped his arms around the stallion’s neck, putting him in a chokehold. The black coated stallion struggled to free himself without much success, given the fact that he was just barely getting the oxygen he needed. “Be still, or Xolani will make sure your breath does not return like it should.” He growled into the pony’s ear. “Xolani, no!” Compass Rose shouted at her stallion. Xolani looked up to Compass Rose and his gaze softened, before he glared back down at the stallion, “Leave. Now.” With that, he shoved the stallion back out of his arms and toward the exit. The black stallion stumbled over himself and nearly took down a display stand as he bumbled out of the shop, but cantered away with a barking cough. Clearly he had learned his lesson and wanted nothing more to do with the zebra stallion and his mare. Before Xolani could do much of anything, his mare had wrapped her arms around him lovingly; hugging and kissing his neck, all while fussing over him, grateful that he had not been hurt. Xolani beamed at the attention and assured her that he was alright, before gently pulling out of her grasp and looking to the shopkeeper. “Xolani apologizes for the disturbance. We will not bother you again.” With that, he took a deep breath and held it, trotting over to where his bottle had fallen. Much to his relief, only a little had spilled and he quickly corked and stowed it away, before backing up. “Sleeping potion. Xolani had hoped a whiff would drop him, before he became violent. The spill will dissipate in a few moments, so do not fear for your customers.” The stallion shopkeeper waved his hoof at the two. “Just get out.” He snorted frustratedly, but was glad that nothing had been broken. Xolani bowed his head respectfully and returned to Compass Rose’s side, before starting to lead her out, watching carefully to make sure the black stallion was gone, “Would you like to go home now? Xolani will understand.” Compass Rose was clinging to his side and nodded promptly, still looking quite shocked from the experience. “Very well.” Xolani cooed into her ear and kissed her mane comfortingly as he started to lead her out of the market. While Xolani did not purposefully slow himself down to show off, neither did he go any faster than he had to. He took the simplest path he could find through town toward the outskirts, while continuing to offer her comforting nuzzles and kisses. All in all, he did his best to make sure she would have time to calm down as they neared the edge of town. Unlike their encounter in the store, the ponies on the way home certainly were surprised to see Compass Rose’s display and a few did indeed stare, but none of them so much as flirted with her. The fact that she looked a little shell-shocked and was being fawned over by a stallion certainly had something to do with that. By the time the two had reached the outskirts of the town, Compass Rose seemed to have shaken off most of the shock and nuzzled shakily into Xolani. “Thank you for keeping me safe.” She offered him a firm kiss to the neck. “Xolani and his fellows will always keep you safe, Rose...” He nuzzled apologetically into her mane and murmured, “Xolani will understand if you never wish to do this for him again.” “I-” Rose silenced herself, shaking her head while taking a deep breath, “I feel like I need a bath.” “Yes, let’s get you clean.” Xolani nodded firmly, leading her away from the town, “From now on, do not let Xolani make you do anything you don’t wish to. If Xolani tries, cuff him.” The mare pressing her nose against his, looking him straight in the eyes. “I promised you, and Compass Rose is not a mare to go back on her promises.” She stated resolutely. “You promised to show off.” He replied softly, “You did not promise to go into busy markets where bad stallions like that would come for you...” “I promised to make you happy.” Rose reminded him pointedly, “Besides, never in a thousand years would I have imagined we would run into a stallion like that!” “Xolani is surprised to find such stallions among ponies.” He frowned disappointedly. “And putting his mare at risk does not make Xolani happy.” “You didn’t do it on purpose.” She gave his nose a reassuring peck, “I am not mad...with you.” She shrugged and pecked him again, “A little shaken, but not mad. That is not your fault, Xolani.” “Thank you, Rose.” Xolani smiled softly and nuzzled her neck, urging her along at a slightly quicker pace. “If Xolani ever asks again, he’ll go someplace far less crowded...” “Thank you, Love.” She gave him one more kiss and leaned into his side, before looking up at him worriedly, “The zebra aren’t going to stare, are they? I don’t know if I can take anymore staring…” Xolani actually managed an amused chuckle at that, “Rose, for Zebra, this is as normal as seeing two lovers kiss.” “Thank Celestia~” Rose sighed in relief. Indeed, Xolani’s words proved all too true. When he lead his mare into the little zebra town, they received no more than a few passing glances. The most attention they received all the way to the yurt was one curious colt stopping to briefly stare at Rose and sniff the air, before his friends dragged him back into whatever game they were playing. Though Rose blushed at his hesitation, she was relieved when he did not pursue her. She did, however, find it a little disconcerting how little attention they seemed to draw. After what had happened in Aura, she welcomed the little bit of discomfort she felt and the indifference they received. ~ ~ ~ After a brief stop at the yurt, Xolani wasted no time in leading his mare down to the river for a bath. There they found a great number of mares, foals, and young stallions there as well. The mares seemed to be busy doing small batches of laundry or bathing their foals, while the stallions divided their time between watching over them and enjoying a relaxing day at the water’s edge. A good ways down shore from them, beneath a tree, an older mare seemed to be greatly enjoying the...attention of one such stallion. Rose found it hard not to stare, but much to her surprise, not quite so hard as she would’ve found it just a few weeks prior. Taking ahold of her stallion’s mane, the pegasus gently urged her stallion to join her, knowing that he needed a washing almost as badly as she did. As they waded into one of the water, she looked for a point deep enough to come up to their barrels, but not deep enough to force them to tread water. When she found a good spot, she pressed her muzzle to his ear. “I need you to drop for me, so that I can clean you~” Rose whispered into her stallion’s ear, earning a nicker and a nuzzle to her cheek, before relaxing and allowing his penis to slowly droop from his sheath into the water. Rose leaned into him with a smile, nuzzling his cheek as both her hooves made to fondle his length and she began to clean him. “In Aura we might be arrested for doing this in front of foals~” “Ponies are strange.” Xolani snorted amusedly at the thought, “Xolani does not understand trying to hide such perfectly natural things.” Rose simply shrugged, not really understanding the motivations herself. Instead, she gently pulled on his length so that she could clean him all the way to his sheath. “Is it strange that I feel happy cleaning my stallion? My hooves fondling his masculinity…” Rose asked innocently. “No stranger than a stallion taking pleasure in bathing his mare.” Xolani shrugged nonchalantly, “There is nothing strange about enjoying taking care of your partner.” Rose purred happily and kissed his cheek as she released him, confident that she had done a thorough job. “Just try not to get my wings too wet, Love.” She requested as she unfurled them to stand straight up. With a pleased hum, Xolani waded around behind her and, rather than use his hooves to wash her, leaned in and began to lick at the mess he’d spread around her rump. Rose shuddered at his tongue-work. Though it was not his intent, she was finding it very hard not to get excited and was forced to bite her lip to keep from squealing. Instead, she lifted her tail high above his head, hoping that he would take notice of the effect he was having on her apparently quite sensitive body. Indeed, he noticed and took great pleasure in the bliss he was bringing to her. All too soon, however, his task was finished and he gave her marehood a soft parting kiss, before standing once more. Turning around with a smile, she was glad she had already extended her wings, for they were now stiff in excitement. She offered him another kiss with a deep growl as she tried to keep herself under control, but the hunger was there in her eyes. Xolani grinned knowingly and nuzzled under her chin, “Would you like Xolani to pleasure you again~?” Rose took a deep breath to calm herself and rubbed cheeks with him. “You just got my blood up is all, Xolani.” She assured him in a quiet voice, softly shaking her head, “Let’s just finish up.” She then gave him a chaste kiss upon the cheek. Xolani nodded in understanding, giving her a more chaste kiss, “Would you like Xolani to wash your mane?” “Please~” Rose nodded eagerly with a smile, easing herself into the water and turning her head so that her mane would be in easy reach for him. Taking a seat in the water, the shaman reached up and began to gently scrub her mane with skilled hooves, taking great pleasure in feeling up her neck as he did. “I will wash you next.” She declared with a happy purr. “Xolani would greatly enjoy that~” He nickered as he scrubbed, “And after, Xolani will brush your mane with the comb you bought.” “Maybe I could convince you to try having a brush through your mane~” Rose purred yet louder, grinning happily at the simple banter. “Xolani may be convinced~” Her stallion purred in return and softly pecked her cheek, “If only for his Rose~” In short order, Xolani finished his task and Rose pulled her head back up, her wet mane sticking to her neck. Happy as she was, she didn’t waste a moment to plant a kiss upon her lover’s lips, that he savored with a happy nicker. Quite simply, Rose was on cloud-nine. She had never had a stallion so attentive and so into her, that as she started washing Xolani’s mane, she found herself humming a happy little tune. Her last stallion had never been so much fun to spend time with, to bathe. As much as she was in fact washing Xolani, she was caressing and massaging him, just trying to make sure he enjoyed the treatment as much as she did. > Arc I: Chapter IX > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later that evening, Rose was lounging with her stallions, going back and forth sharing about their respective days. However, the rude stallion and Xolani’s fight with him were omitted from her retelling of the day with the shaman. She was especially interested in hearing from Uzoma and Zuberi, and their impressions on spending a day in Aura with the ponies. They relayed their experiences eagerly, having enjoyed a hard day’s work among them for Polar. As for the unicorn herself, they all seemed to take a liking to her, regarding her as not only an employer, but a friend as well. It had already become dark as they exchanged their stories when they heard a young voice at their door. “Hello? Compass Rose, it’s Tichaona...” Rose - who was currently surrounded and very nearly buried in the pile of her stallions - smiled guiltily. “Come in~” She called out to him, actually a little surprised he came. Each of her stallions perked up curiously as the yurt opened to reveal the young stallion, slowly limping inside. “I came as you asked...” He declared, before taking a deep breath to brace himself for her herd’s reaction. Her stallions, however, simply regarded him in surprise, before collectively looking to Rose for an explanation. Rose’s sheepish expression only became more so. “He was being flirty and said he wanted to learn, I told him I was yours and that he would have to convince you before I would even consider his request.” The mare explained quickly and concisely, as if afraid she had gone too far. Her stallions shared a thoughtful look at that, before turning to the colt. “Do you have any dishonorable intentions with her?” Zephania asked him simply. “No, Sir! Absolutely not!” Tichaona shook his head fiercely. “You will treat her with all of the respect a mare deserves?” Zuberi asked him pointedly. “Of course!” The young stallion nodded eagerly. “Then we see no reason you cannot have the time you seek with her.” Zephania shrugged, before quirking an eyebrow at her, “If she so desires, that is~” Rose was genuinely surprised at the reaction she received, even more so because he was a colt. “You said you want to learn~?” She replied looking to Tichaona. He nodded happily and took another deep breath, “I want you to teach me how to woo a mare... To make her feel special.” Rose simply blinked in surprise, before nodding slowly. “Well, if that’s the case, you might want to talk to these fine stallions, because they are very good at making me feel special.” She complimented her boys, giving them a quick round of nuzzles, before looking back at him, “But I would be happy to help you learn how to court a mare.” She offered him an encouraging smile. “I would like that very much!” He chirped and gingerly took a seat, as though waiting for her to begin instructing him. Rose instead smiled at him and motioned for him to join them in relaxing, to which he slowly made his way over to sit before her in the pile of stallions. Once within arms reach, she reached out and pulled him close, giving him a nuzzle. “When you’re courting a mare, relax. You’re trying to show her a good time, let her be herself. She’s going to follow your example.” Rose explained to him with a thoughtful purr. Tichaona nickered at the attention, while her other stallions relaxed and shuffled about to give him more room. “Relax, got it.” He nodded eagerly. “You want to woo her? Make her feel special? Engage her.” Rose declared, “Find something both of you can talk about, because you don’t want to be talking to her, but with her.” Tichaona hummed thoughtfully then, “Well...what do you like to do~?” He asked her sweetly. Rose smiled approvingly, before giggling sweetly, “I like to do many things, Tichaona~” She tittered, giving him a nuzzle, “Have you ever played hoofball with pony colts?” She offered as an example of a better question. Tichaona nodded eagerly at that, “Several times! It is good practice for working with fellow warriors.” He offered her a tentative peck on the lips, “Do you like to go swimming?” Though Rose looked engaged, she frowned slightly. “I’m not very good.” She shook her head, “Your river was pretty nice~” “Perhaps you would like lessons?” He suggested hopefully. “Maybe we could all go swimming once Ekua says you don’t need the bandage?” Rose suggested, before looking to her stallions, “Tichaona here killed a snake with his bare hooves~” “Really, now?” Xolani hummed, giving the young stallion a rather impressed look, “That is quite the feat.” “Indeed, it takes courage to dispatch a serpent by yourself.” Zephania nodded in agreement. Tichaona’s ears fell back and he smiled with a sheepish blush. “It was nothing, really.” “Take the praise, you deserve it.” Rose kissed the colt’s cheek. “Well...I suppose it was pretty impressive.” He perked up softly. “Maybe someday you’ll find a pegasus of your own trapped up in a tree in need of saving~” Rose tittered at her own expense. “Mmmm, maybe I will.” The young stallion nickered and kissed her cheek. Rose grinned at him knowingly then, “So, did you sneak out~?” His ears lay back once more with a sheepish smile, “Maybe~” At that, each of her stallions chuckled rather approvingly and bumped his shoulders; Rose simply shook her head. “You should be honest with your mother.” The mare urged him gently, in a move that surprised even herself. “You’re right.” Tichaona nodded softly, “I will tell her where I have been when I return home.” He promised her with a solemn expression and Rose kissed his lips approvingly at that, causing the young stallion to nicker, nuzzling thankfully under her chin for the attention. “So, do you sneak out often~?” Rose asked him in a conspiratorial tone. Tichaona’s ears fell once more and he smiled guiltily. “Every once in awhile~” The mare leaned her head against his. “I’d be more surprised if you didn’t.” Rose admitted, “Are you going out with your friends, or is there a special someone~?” “Yes.” He nodded with his own conspiratorial smile. “So why are you here and not with her?” Rose asked him with a little surprise. “Because she doesn’t want to do anything but experiment.” He perked his ears up with a determined expression, “She just wants to be friends and fool around. I want to know how to actually woo her, so that when I return from my pilgrimage, I might claim her.” “So you want to earn her affections…?” She questioned him, making sure that his heart was in the right place. The young stallion nodded quickly with a broad smile. “You remember the advice I gave you this afternoon?” “To make her feel special.” He nodded once more. Rose nodded proudly, before looking both to Tichaona and her stallions for answers, “What is this pilgrimage you mentioned?” Most of her stallions merely shrugged uncertainly, but Zuberi’s ears perked curiously as the colt explained, “When stallions come of age, we are sent out to try and bed four mares from four tribes, bringing back a token from each to prove ourselves. If you can convince them to come back, you gain much honor.” “Sounds like what my tribe did.” Zuberi hummed, “Though we only had to court one mare from another tribe.” Rose looked at Zuberi with interest, such a thing seemed a little odd to her, but not overly so. After all, mares were encouraged to find a stallion from a young age. Many mares wouldn’t consider a filly a fellow mare until she had bore a foal, so not too dissimilar. However, her stallion remained silent as Tichaona continued, “They say our chieftain returned from his with four mares and a stallion he’d claimed as one!” “Wait, what?” The pegasus regarded him skeptically, not sure she understood. “Um, what confuses you?” The colt cocked his head curiously. “He did what to a stallion?” Rose repeated. “Convinced him to submit to life as a mare.” Tichaona declared non-chalantly. The mare then looked to Xolani with a dumbfounded expression. “What does that even mean?” Her stallions shared a quick look, before Xolani explained, “It means that she now lives her life as though she were a mare.” “H-how…?” Rose stammered confusedly, “I don’t even understand what that means!” “What is so difficult to understand?” Zuberi quirked an eyebrow at her. “She was once a stallion, but now behaves like a mare.” Rose snorted disapprovingly, taking on a disapproving expression, yet despite her obvious opinion on the subject kept her mouth shut. She was not quite as closed minded as many ponies were. Taking note of her reaction, Zephania was quick to try and change the subject, “Well, perhaps we should return to the issue at hoof, Tichaona’s filly friend?” The mare nodded and looked back to the colt, “Have you told her how you feel? What you’d like?” “Well, not yet...” He admitted sheepishly, his ears folding back. “You know, most fillies admire a colt with the guts to confess their feelings.” Rose encouraged him with a smile, “Why don’t you tell us what she’s like, and maybe we can come up with some more ideas…” “Well, she’s strong, sweet, and has an adventurous spirit!” Tichaona replied readily, “She’s as brave as any stallion, but still likes to behave like a normal mare.” Rose smiled knowingly then, sharing a knowing glance with Zuberi, “Have you ever thought of sparring with her?” Tichaona blinked owlishly, “Sparring? With a mare?” Rose looked to Zuberi, as if instructing him to tell the colt about their first time. “Rose here proved to be an excellent fighter the first time I wooed her~” Zuberi explained. Tichaona frowned uncertainly, “I don’t know if that would work with a zebra filly.” “I’m not suggesting you neglect your mare, or make her fight, Tichaona.” Rose tried to reassure him, despite the fact that she found her own words more than a little silly, given that she was a pony, “If she is as strong and adventurous, and likes to behave as bravely as a stallion, why not ask her if she might like to~?” “I...guess that might work.” Tichaona replied thoughtfully to the nodding of Rose’s stallions. “You’re not going make her think any less of you if you ask her.” Rose smiled, “And if I’m right, you might just make her feel special.” “Well...” The young stallion swallowed hesitantly, before nodding firmly, “I’ll try it.” Earning the colt a nuzzle of approval from the mare in return. ~ ~ ~ Rose found herself vaguely aware that she was dreaming, when her dreams dragged her back to the night that she had gone out to find Xolani meditating...only this time was a little different. This time, Xolani had mounted her - as he had in the apple orchard - and proceeded to fuck her silly. All in all, a good dream. It was made better when her stallion had fallen asleep in her arms, rather than the other way around, the two of them snuggled up about the small fire. “The two of you look so happy together~” A familiar, motherly voice spoke up from the edge of their camp, causing Rose to start momentarily. “I’m dreaming again.” She sighed disappointedly, nuzzling the figment of her imagination that was her sleeping stallion. “Yes, but that makes your love and pleasure no less real~” Into the light of their fire strode the strange, ethereal figure that was the Grassy Mare, “In the physical world, you still sleep soundly with your stallions wrapped around you.” Rose nodded sagely, before looking up to the mare with a meek smile. “About kissing your husband…” The spirit tittered and shook her head, “Think nothing of it. I am not angry.” She smirked a little at the mare, “He is quite smitten with you, you know. A mare who can fly and is not confined within one of those strange pony towns~?” Rose blushed then, quite surprised. “That was not the impression I got last time~” “You will have to forgive my husband. As the embodiment of the wind, he can be a bit...unpredictable. He is wild and free. He does as he wishes.” She smiled sadly then, “There are rare moments when he cannot control his desires and he worries about frightening visitors.” Rose slowly worked her lips as she thought about what she was about to say… “How much did you see?” She asked the Grassy Mare, making reference to her bout of lovemaking with her stallion. “Enough to realize what was happening.” The spirit gave a motherly chuckle, “When I did, I averted my gaze. The moment was yours.” Rose smiled with a blush. “Thank you~” She offered in a small voice, “At first I thought your husband was just a random zebra I dreamed up. You know...the wings~” Rose languidly flapped hers for emphasis. “We thought as much~” The Grassy Mare smiled a little more warmly, “I take it you are enjoying your time among our children~?” “They are…” Rose frowned thoughtfully, “I have a lot to think about.” “Anything I may help you understand?” Rose looked to the Grassy Mare with a confused expression. “Why me?” She asked her pointedly. “Because you are different.” The Grassy Mare cocked her head with a thoughtful expression, “There is something about you that is not like the other ponies I have seen.” Rose frowned thoughtfully once again. “Yep, you are a mother. Able to answer a question, without answering the question.” The spirit gave off a lilting laugh at that, “My apologies, Rose, but I myself am not yet certain. Only time will tell.” “So why are you here now?” Rose asked, only to hug her stallion closer and eye the mare skeptically. “To learn.” The spirit shrugged, “To get a better feel for you.” Rose blinked in surprise, not sure what to say to that. “You seem to...fit here on the Savannah, Compass Rose. Far more than your kin.” “I don’t feel like I do~” Rose protested, snuggling into her stallion’s neck. “Perhaps not right now, but you will in time~” The spirit hummed thoughtfully. “Now, would you like me to leave you to your stallion~?” “It’s not really Xolani…” Rose murmured, still aware it was a dream. “Yes, but I thought I would ask considering the personal nature of the dream.” Rose shrugged, then nodded. She was curious, but didn’t know what to ask or do at this point. “Then I wish you a pleasant night, Rose~” The Grassy mare trilled, before turning away and starting to fade back into the grass. “You as well.” Rose cooed, laying down with her stallion once more, softly nibbling upon his neck. It was about then that a strange breeze washed over her and her stallion faded. Instead, a rather surprised looking spirit stallion coalesced before her, bearing the familiar visage of a pale zebra with wings. Rose momentarily looked down at where Xolani had been, before standing and looking at the spirit with a slightly cross expression. “I know this is a dream, but that didn’t make him any less my stallion.” She huffed indignantly. The new stallion’s ears folded back with a sheepish smile, “My apologies...” He offered in a wispy, yet somehow masculine voice, “But it was not my intention to remove your stallion.” Rose’s eyebrow rose on its own. “Ah, so the wind does speak~?” She teased him playfully after their last encounter. The spirit stallion chuckled and flapped his wings to begin hovering, “Yes, I have a voice~” “Do you have a name you prefer?” She wondered, slowly approaching him. The next she knew, he was flitting about with an absent smile, circling her curiously. “My names are as many and varied as my mare’s~” He declared, before swirling away to avoid discomforting her with his presence, “Call me what you will, it matters not to the wind~” Rose pondered a moment, before looking to him with a smile. “Amongst my people, the wind is revered and there are many names for it.” She tilted her head slightly to the side, “How about Zephyr?” The stallion stopped and tapped his chin for a moment, before nodding with a grin, “I like it.” He declared, before floating closer once more. “You strike me as a summer breeze~” She purred, regarding him a bit more curiously, “You came on a bit more menacing last time…” “I apologize once more~” He sighed with a small frown, “I did not mean to...menace.” “Maybe talking to the mares you’re smitten with, not just hovering about them~” Rose once again teased him with a playful smile. Zephyr stopped and flitted around to bring his nose close to hers with a smile, “Alright~ What do you wish to discuss~?” “Well, you didn’t mean to remove my stallion from my dream, what was your intention?” Rose asked him curiously. “I was searching for my wife~ Sometime we alter things without intending to in dreams~” He explained with an apologetic smile. “You just missed her.” Rose chuckled at the irony, considering she had left to give Rose time with her dream-stallion. “Ah, then I shall find her soon when we are done~” Zephyr hummed pleasedly. “I take it you were having a nice dream~?” Rose flushed ever so faintly and smiled at the memory, nodding. “I was~” Zephyr smiled knowingly and leaned in to offer her a soft, quick kiss, “Would you like to...continue it at some point~?” The mare’s ears turned back in apprehension, mirroring the rest of her expression. “A-are you…?” She stammered, surprised at his forwardness and unsure if he knew she was claimed. “I would like to some night.” He nodded with a soft smile, “If you were willing~” “I have stallions that would call me theirs.” Rose informed him, not actually wanting to turn him down, but she felt compelled to do so. “Do they own your dreams~?” He asked her with another quick kiss and leaned in close to sniff her mane. Rose took a half-step back, looking at him critically, her ears folded and her brow furrowed. “They do not own me, I am not an object to be possessed.” She huffed indignantly. “Then why worry so~?” He asked with a soothing voice, “You are free to experience pleasure when you desire it~” “I love them and I care about their feelings.” She proclaimed resolutely, “They give me all the pleasure I could ask for, and I am not about to just have a fling with a stallion, no matter how handsome he might be.” Zephyr grinned and nodded at that, “You know how open they are, yet you still refuse to exercise your freedom. I can approve of such loyalty. And thank you for the compliment~” Rose nodded softly, pleased that he understood, “I don’t refuse, I just don’t feel comfortable letting just any stallion mount me.” She explained gently, taking a half-step back forward, to return to being close to him, “Please don’t think I dislike you, Zephyr. Any other stallion smelling me like that would get a sharp bite to remind him his manners~!” “I didn’t suggest letting just any stallion mount you~” He pointed out, before leaning in as she came closer and he nuzzled her neck, only to receive a bump of her head and a soft snort. “You’re not my stallion~” She reminded him pointedly, but goodnaturedly. “Mmmm, perhaps~” He kissed her neck and began to turn away then, “I should be going. My wife can’t have gone too far~” As he spoke, he let his tail flick to give her a nice view of his rear. Rose had to concentrate to keep her tail from flicking at that, and force her eyes back up. “Don’t be a stranger~” She urged him hopeful that he would return. “Believe me...I will not~” Zephyr shot her a charming smirk, before slowly fading away into the grass around them, leaving her alone. “Use your nose, you’ll be sure to find her~!” Rose called out to him with a playful grin, doubting that the Grassy Mare had turned aside before getting a good look at Xolani and her fucking. ~ ~ ~ The next day found Rose spending more time in Ekua’s yurt in exchange for language lessons. This time, rather than go out to visit her patients, Ekua kept her right there. The Medicine Mare had Rose helping her to sort a new stock of herbs and medicines. -A small few of them, Rose would recognize as certain kinds of pony medications that had clearly been traded for, mostly pain medicine and ointments to help with burns or infection. The majority of the Medicine Mare’s stock, however, were still traditional zebra herbs.- The pegasus mare just didn’t seem herself today, a bit more awkward than usual, a bit distracted, distant even. There was clearly something on her mind. What Ekua didn’t know was Rose had almost not gone to visit her today, the events the day before shocked her. Zebra culture was just so opposite of everything she had ever learned was right, that she didn’t know what to think. The fact that her stallions had impressed upon her yet more odd habits of the zebras had left her with too many questions, concerns - things to think upon - and not enough time to do so. The fact was, she couldn’t get the image of Ekua and Gazini out of her head - and a part of her wished that it was she in her place. It was about an hour that Ekua stopped Rose in the middle of sorting a few things she had shown the pegasus with a curious expression, “Rose, you are putting my aphrodisiacs in with herbs meant for incontinence...” The pegasus looked down at what the Medicine Mare was looking at, before blushing profusely. “Sorry~” She quickly offered, making to switch the herbs back around to where they were supposed to be. Ekua chuckled and offered her a soft kiss on the cheek, “Rose what is bothering you this day?” The flush mare only became more sheepish then, shaking her head dismissively as she continued to work. Ekua frowned then and gently grabbed her shoulders to make the mare face her, “Rose, please do not lie to me. Something bothers you and I would like to fix it.” Rose’s ears folded back and she refused to make eye contact. “I don’t think you can.” She spoke softly. “Please allow me to try.” Ekua gave her a rather motherly smile, “Explain to me what bothers you and I am sure we can overcome it.” “You.” Rose murmured, then added in clarification, “Zebras.” Ekua frowned and cocked her head inquisitively, “Is this about your introduction to our...informal nature?” She asked the mare gently. Rose shrugged. “That’s part of it…” Ekua smiled softly then and stepped away to take a seat by her fire pit, “Please, come sit. I believe it is time for a lesson beyond language right now.” “Ekua, I think if I get anymore insight into zebra culture...one more odd quirk, I am going to explode.” Rose protested gently. “Then we will focus on what you have already been exposed to.” Ekua assured her, “Ask me your questions and I will do my best to explain and clarify. I will help you understand what we see as right, wrong, normal, and so on. Learning and understanding are the first steps toward overcoming such discomfort.” Rose frowned then, regarding Ekua intently for the first time in this conversation. “That’s not the problem.” She declared with an irritated snort, “The problem is everything your people stand for I was taught was wrong.” She shook her head, “I want to blame your...primitiveness-” Rose’s ears folded back knowing that was a poor choice of words, but in her exasperation she couldn’t think of a better one “-on your culture...free sex, stallion leaders…” She took a deep breath, only to sigh, “But I’m mare enough to know that’s not true.” Ekua did not seem fazed in the slightest at Rose’s declaration and regarded her non-judgmentally, “Then what is the truth, Compass Rose?” Rose seemed to shrink at the other mare’s question, her shoulders sagging. “I don’t know.” She admitted in a small voice, “That is my problem, I don’t know what to think anymore.” “Then ask yourself a few simple questions.” Ekua suggested, “First, do we seem like bad people to you?” “No!” Rose exclaimed quickly, defensively. “Does anyone appear to suffer under our ways?” “I mean there was that one mauled stallion…” Rose remarked weakly. Ekua chuckled softly, “But you know it was not we that caused it. Rose, please come sit.” She once more made her request. The pegasus slowly obliged her on trudging hooves that did not seem to want to move. “But it should not have been a stallion...what if he were hurt~? Killed?” “That is the risk all warriors must face, Rose, even my Chidike and your stallions.” Ekua smiled sadly, only for Rose to stop in her tracks with an angry nicker. “It’s not right!” She brayed loudly in protest, “No stallion should be put at risk like that!” “Would you force them to stay put, Rose?” Ekua asked her calmly, “Would you deny our stallions who they are? Stallions may be fewer than mares, but they are born stronger than us. It is in their very nature to fight and protect. They do so willingly and gladly. One might argue that it is Equestrians doing their stallions wrong by trying to breed this out of them.” Rose grit her teeth then and at that moment, Ekua saw the issue at the heart of Rose’s dilemma; Rose had been taught and believed that it was wrong to put her stallions in harm’s way. This meant that every fiber of her being told her that what her stallions wanted was wrong, dangerous even. Yet, even from a young age, every foal knew that stallions were the bigger, tougher of the sexes - coddled because of their precious nature, but still stronger nonetheless. A part of her was even willing to entertain the idea that maybe, just maybe the zebra were onto something. After all, which society had her last stallion come from? Her father? And which one had her lovers come from…? As Rose fought with herself over the issue, Ekua waited patiently and quietly, offering Rose time to think it over. Instead, what Ekua got was Rose finally plodding the rest of the way over to collapse upon one of the rugs surrounding the firepit, all the energy of the mare seeming to flee her all at once. With a soft sigh, Ekua moved over to lay down against Rose’s side and snuggled up against her. “I know it is hard, trying to learn and accept a new culture. You will find your way in time.” “I feel pulled,” Rose murmured defeatedly, “...between what what is expected of me from myself, and from all of you.” “I suppose the only way to settle it is to look inside yourself and ask what you want.” Ekua nuzzled her neck affectionately, “Do you wish to live your life bound by the expectations of your people? Or do you wish to be free?” “I don’t feel any better either way.” Rose admitted glumly, leaning into the mare’s nuzzling. “Are you certain there is nothing I can do to make you feel better?” Ekua hummed and gave Rose’s jaw a soft kiss. “I wish I knew what to do.” Rose declared with a sigh, “I worry about my stallions, I want to do right by them, but then I don’t feel right…” “If your stallions love you, anything you do will be right by them, so long as you do not try to hurt them.” Ekua assured her, nuzzling into her mane, “If you are afraid something you want will hurt them, then simply ask. They will be honest with you.” Rose sighed once again, glancing back at her. “I feel like a bad mare. Part of me wanted to comfort Gazini...give him what he wanted. Part of me still does.” “Then ask your stallions.” Ekua encouraged her, “If you wish for something, ask them.” She gave Rose’s ear a playful nip then, “I can promise you, you won’t regret it.” “I have still yet to give all of them that privilege.” Rose revealed to Ekua with a modest blush to her cheeks. “Still~?” Ekua smirked, “Well then, you get that finished and then ask them. If they are fine with it, I will bring you to Gazini again.” She gave Rose another nip, “And then to Chidike~” Rose’s ears folded back with a meager squeak. “Now wait just a minute, Ekua~!” “Oh, fine, Chidike can wait~” Ekua giggled and nibbled her ear teasingly. “You’re making me feel like a tramp.” Rose puffed up her cheeks. Ekua stopped nibbling and offered her an apologetic hug, “That was not my intention. You do not have to be a tramp to enjoy many partners.” Rose tittered melodically, “I think that is the meaning of the word, Ekua~” Ekua snickered in return and resumed nibbling her ear, “In that case, I see nothing wrong with being a tramp~” The pegasus snorted loudly in amusement, softly shaking her head in response. “Now, I believe we are done with what I had planned for today. Would you like to return to your stallions, or stay a while?” “You’re making it difficult to want to leave.” Rose snickered softly at the nibbles. “Then you could always stay~” Ekua tittered. “And if one of my stallions came to get me and found us like this~?” Rose wondered what Ekua’s thoughts were. “I would turn you over to your stallion, unless he wished to watch...or join~” Ekua purred. Rose merely laughed melodically at that, before catching her breath. “I figured it would be something like that~” “Would you like to stay then~?” Ekua hummed curiously, “Or is that stallion you mentioned waiting for you~?” The pegasus merely nodded. “Uzoma is back at the yurt, I would assume.” “Then go to him.” Ekua gave her a warm smile and a light peck on the lips, “I will see you again soon~” Rose bit her lip softly then, before nuzzling Ekua in return. “You could join us~” She offered tentatively. “Are you certain?” Ekua quirked an eyebrow curiously, “I would assume you would like your first time with him to be just the two of you.” “I just thought maybe he would like two mares to please...and I figured you’d be interested~?” Rose wondered aloud. Ekua smirked and kissed her once more, “I will come to your stallions with you, once you are ready to come to mine. Deal~?” “You have more than one?” Rose asked in surprise. “Chidike is my only husband, but I have a couple of regular lovers like Gazini~” She explained with a shrug. “Oh~” Rose nodded in understanding. Getting up with a stretch, she offered Ekua a friendly nuzzle. “Then I guess we will see.” “I wish you a pleasant day with your stallion, Rose~” Ekua returned the nuzzle in kind, before laying back and relaxing, “I look forward to your next visit.” “It could still be the three of us~” Rose offered her with a teasing voice and a playful smile. “Eventually, Rose, eventually~” Ekua snickered and blew her a kiss goodbye. > Arc I: Chapter X > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After breakfast, Rose’s stallions had gone to work with Polar, leaving Uzoma with the day off since his mare had gone off to spend some time with Ekua, with the promise to be back around lunchtime. Eventually, when Rose returned to their yurt, she found Uzoma heading toward it as well. He appeared to be approaching from the direction of the river and his activity there was evidenced by his still dripping mane and tail. Stalking up on him quietly, like a big cat, she leaned in and goosed his rump with a playful love-bite. Uzoma’s tail flicked then, playfully swatting her and he glanced back with a smirk, “I knew you were back there~” “Mhmm~” Rose teased him playfully, sidling up to him and giving his lips a quick kiss. Uzoma nickered and gave her lip a soft nibble in return, “How was your day with Ekua~?” His mare appeared thoughtful a moment, before offering him a small smile, “Eventful. How was yours?” She proclaimed, clearly not wanting to talk about it, “Feeling cleaner?” Uzoma quirked an eyebrow at her answer, but chose not to push; instead, he leaned in to nuzzle her ear, “Much cleaner~” “Well, I am all yours now, so,” Rose nuzzled him in return, “what would you like to do?” “Hhmmm...” He rubbed his neck against hers thoughtfully, “I would like to see how ponies live every day.” She was only slightly surprised at his declaration, nevertheless, she smiled at him. “If you’re sure...I’m not from Aura though, Uzoma.” Rose reminded him patiently. “Perhaps, but you know more of ponies than I.” He pointed out, moving to sidle up to her. “I grew up in a cloud city, Uzoma. You need to understand that living on the ground is new to me, as are the ponies that live here.” Rose explained to him patiently, only to offer him a smile, “But I will do my best if that is what you would like.” “Then we will be exploring something new together.” Uzoma purred and nibbled at her ear. “Which is exciting enough for me.” At his, his pegasus lover cooed sweetly and leaned into his side, rather enjoying his attention. She made no attempt to stop the swishing of her tail as it flicked up against his hip. Her stallion smiled knowingly and bumped her shoulder to get her moving. At the same time, he flicked his tail at her in return, trying to encourage her to keep it up. Rose made a quick detour into the yurt to get her saddlebags, before leading him into town, giving her the chance to show off what she knew about the ponies that lived on the ground - which was admittedly meager. Still, Uzoma was right, it was more than he knew, if only by a little. The two went down to the docks, where she could look at the ships that brought ponies to and fro. Uzoma had much the same reaction to the ships that Xolani did, seeming awed by the constructs. Having already eaten, Rose then dragged him into the candy shop that she had stopped at a few days earlier, though this time she brought her stallion along inside, encouraging him to pick out a few. Uzoma seemed almost as awed by the variety of sweets as he was by the ships. He initially seemed indecisive, but was soon drawn to various nut based treats. Chocolate covered peanuts, roasted almonds, and many others drew his attention as he began to go over them with a keen eye, picking only those he saw as the best. Compass Rose giggled at his antics, but also encouraged him, mentioning that she also liked the chocolate covered nuts, though she might have been teasing him considering that she did whisper that particular fact into his ear. Uzoma, however, took it for fact and they became the majority of his selection, as he was eager to share with his mare. After their purchase was complete, Rose and Uzoma wandered through town, taking their time and even making small talk with a few of the locals. Eventually, the two ended up in the shade covered park, where she encouraged him to take a seat and they could enjoy their snack amongst the many ponies that themselves made small talk with each other as they enjoyed their lunch breaks. As they rested, Uzoma insisted that she lay her head in his lap as he fed her from the treats they shared. His own reaction to the chocolate covered peanuts was to declare their creator blessed by the spirits. The attention this garnered was shaken off by Rose, as she merely giggled with him, enjoying his company and the fact that he was getting a proper date that he seemed to enjoy. All in all, Uzoma seemed to revel in the opportunity to pamper his mare, going so far as to offer her a backrub, before they started moving again. She politely declined, suggesting that perhaps they should take a walk through the orchard instead... Uzoma accepted eagerly, giving her a hungry kiss, before hopping up and bouncing in place with a challenging grin. With that, the two of them were off, dashing away like a pair of lightning bolts; Compass Rose easily matching the pace she had the previous time they had went running. This time, on the other hoof, she was not about to make it easy for her stallion to ‘catch’ her and she pulled out every trick she could to make it harder on him, including taking to the air for short stints. Uzoma welcomed the challenge and even when he couldn’t keep pace with her, he was right behind her, nipping playfully at her tail and rump. Though she teased him in return when she could, she was doing all she could to lead him on, until finally she let him catch her somewhere along the edge of the orchard. In an instant, her stallion was atop her, nipping possessively at her neck as he ground his sheath softly into her groin. Compass Rose nickered submissively and leaned into her stallion’s nibbles, her wings extended in anticipation, intentionally brushing down his sides. “Uzoma,” She cooed sweetly, “I’m yours, however you want me~” She offered herself to him without hesitation. “Mmmm, right here at the edge of the orchard~” The dark stallion growled thoughtfully, “Claiming you right here where anyone could come by...” He nipped at her ear and ground a little more firmly into her, the crown of his cock starting to protrude. Rose mewled needily in a soft voice, “I don’t want to get caught.” She informed him, but did not seem to be trying to discourage him, but rather simply making sure he understood. “Don’t be so ashamed of displaying our love~” He replied in a soft, affectionate growl, and rubbed his growing length up and down her slit. Stifling a squeal, she shook her head softly. “I’m not ashamed, but this is special. I am your mare and no one else’s.” “That’s right~” Uzoma grinned and latched onto the base of her neck, “You are mine~” He growled around her flesh and pressed the crown of his erection into her sex, his glans flaring as her flesh gripped his member. The mare was forced to bite her lip to stop the blissful squeal from turning into a blissful scream as she shuddered beneath him, a smile pulling at her muzzle. “I love you, my lovely Rose.” Uzoma growled hungrily and pressed himself to the hilt within her. Compass Rose whinny-whined nigh-breathlessly as his cock seemed to press the breath from her lungs, her hot folds surrounding him and massaging his stallionhood deep within her, trying to pleasure him as much as he pleased her. “I love you too, Uzoma~!” She offered him delightfully. Uzoma paused for a moment and looked into her eyes with an affectionate smile, before leaning forward to give her cheek a kiss and growled in her ear, “Mine.” Gripping her hips tightly in his hooves for purchase, he gave her a firm hump and latched onto her neck again. Rose grunted deeply at his hips meeting hers, only to purr lustfully. “I’m your mare, take me as you please~” “Of course.” Uzoma grinned, and without further warning, he took her mane in his mouth and gave it a sharp tug, pulling her back into his next thrust; this earned him a shrill whinny that she couldn’t completely muffle. “I prefer the neck…” She informed him, her voice sounding almost as needy as her insides that began to coat his shaft in hot feminine juices. Uzoma gave her neck a quick bite with his next thrust, “Do you like this Rose?” He punctuated the question with another bite and a thrust, “Having your stallion in charge?” Another bite, another thrust, “Knowing how much he enjoys you?” “Yes! Yes, I love making you happy! I love pleasing you!” She moaned deeply, needily; her insides suckling at his flesh madly, becoming yet hotter and wetter. “Enjoy my body, Uzoma~!” Uzoma grinned devilishly and nipped up and down her neck, “I figured you liked making us happy.” He chuckled and sped up his pounding, “But do you like being dominated like this?” He wondered curiously. “If it makes you happy, yes!” She barked, throwing her head about in pleasure, grinding back into his thrusts as best as she could manage, given his hold on her rump. “Not what I asked.” While Uzoma never ceased humping, he smirked and bit her neck reproachfully, “Your stallion enjoys your body, no matter how he gets it.” He nipped her shoulder and ground into her firmly with his next thrust. “I asked if you liked being dominated.” “I like to make you happy,” Compass Rose whined, wishing he would continue his former workover of thrusting into her swiftly, “As long as you are happy, I don’t care either way~” “Mine...” Uzoma growled approvingly and pulled on her mane once more, “Let me hear you whinny again.” Uzoma’s mare did as she was bade, whinnying excitedly at her stallion’s eagerness. “Uzoma~” She whined as she neared her climax. With a loud whinny of his own, Uzoma began to climax, though he continued to thrust at a slower pace; the feeling causing the young mare to seize up beneath him. “Uzoma~!” She cried shrilly, just before his hips were positively soaked with her fem-cum. Uzoma slid home within her one last time, with a dominant snort, as he waited for his climax to end. “I love you, Rose.” He panted into her ear, before promptly tugging on it with a purr. “I love you-I love you...Uzoma!” Compass Rose exclaimed, weakly panting, a blissful little whine to her voice at his tugging on her ear. “I can’t wait to see your full belly someday~” Her stallion’s hooves came down around her waist to stroke lovingly at her belly, “My lovely Rose.” “Mmmm- Maybe come spring~” Compass Rose purred, just a little out of it, her insides softly massaging her stallion’s rod deep inside her. Uzoma chuckled and nuzzled her more tenderly, “What would you like to do after this? We still have much of the day to ourselves.” “Again?” She turned her head about, regarding him hopefully, a small smile tugging at her lips. “Maybe later.” He gave her ear another soft tug, “Even I need a break between rounds~ Would you like to take another stroll through town?” Compass Rose looked momentarily disappointed, before becoming deviously playful. “Want to show me off, do we…?” “How else will they know you’re mine?” Uzoma grinned and nipped at her shoulder. “Maybe you’re mine?” Compass Rose teased him, tightening down on his member with her vaginal muscles. “Mmm...” Uzoma nuzzled up her neck, only to give her mane another tug, “Mine~” Compass Rose purred happily, allowing her stallion to pull on her mane as he would. “Yes, I think I would just like to relax and take a walk with my mare for a while.” He decided with a soft hum, before starting to slide out of her. “Uzoma...your mare still wants to play~” Compass Rose whimpered quietly at the feeling of him pulling out of her. “And we will.” He reassured her with a tender lick to her neck, “Mmmm, would you like to put on a proper show later~?” Rose frowned softly, “You know I only do it for you.” She reminded him gently. “It was just a thought.” Uzoma shrugged and nuzzled into her mane, finally popping his crown out of her and unleashing a steady flow of his seed, “I thought you might have some fun showing off for one of your friends, but it is not important to me.” Rose whined nearly dramatically, only, Uzoma got the impression that she truly missed the feeling of him inside. “Ekua?” Rose asked after a moment to compose herself, somewhat surprised. “Or Polar.” He hummed and kissed her neck and hopped down off her back to lean against her side. Rose frowned then. “Ponies would likely consider such a gesture rude. Especially since she doesn’t have a stallion.” She informed him, slowly turning about and rubbing coats with him, only to lean down to start cleaning up his messy tool. Uzoma nickered at the attention and gave her flank a soft nibble, “I have never been cleaned by such a heavenly tongue~” “I could do more than just clean you, if you wished~?” Rose suggested, kissing at his seminal duct. Her stallion’s cock twitched, but he placed a halting hoof upon her mane. “Later. Then you can have as much as you want~” He assured her with a nicker. A devious thought came to mind as she found herself nose to crown with his member, “And if I decided to just latch on regardless?” Rose hummed curiously, softly licking at his length to ‘clean’ him. Uzoma nickered and glanced down at her curiously, “If you are so hungry for it, perhaps you would like me to mount your muzzle~” Rose frowned and her ears pinned back, clearly not liking the idea. Instead, she dutifully went back to cleaning him up. When she did, her stallion smiled softly and stroked her mane lovingly, “You are a good mare, Rose~” Rose nickered softly, but it seemed thin on enthusiasm; Uzoma furrowed his brow and nuzzled her rump then, “Please smile for me, Rose...” His mare removed herself from his groin then to spin about and sidle up on his opposite side, a small smile upon her face - not the broad smile she had before - leaning up, she gave his cheek a peck. “Love you~” She offered simply. “I love you as well, Rose~” He declared with a reassuring nuzzle. “You please me to no end, do you know that?” Rose looked ready to bite back a comment, before thinking better of it and looking up at him with a concerned expression. “Do I~?” She asked him frankly with a wry expression. Uzoma’s reply came in the form of his hoof on her mane, pulling her into a hungry, passionate kiss. He was then surprised when Rose took a step into him, aggressively pressing into the kiss in return. After his initial moment of surprise, Uzoma purred into the kiss, before pulling back to nip her nose. “You please me more than I could ever have dreamed and later I am going to screw you until you can’t walk~” Rose bit her lip and took a deep breath, before looking decidedly into his eyes. “If you don’t want to mount me again, I want to pleasure you.” She declared firmly, “I want you to whine for me.” “Mmm, then we are at an impasse...” Uzoma hummed and gave her a softer kiss, “I want to rest, but you want to please me. So how about a compromise~?” He purred suggestively and leaned in to nip her ear. His mare blinked and tilted her head curiously, awaiting his idea. “You get to make me whine...and I get to paint your muzzle before I show you off~” Rose merely frowned then. “I’m not walking around with cum on my face.” She huffed indignantly. Uzoma scrunched up his face with a playful smile and licked her cheek, “I think you’d look cute like that~” His mare regarded him critically for a moment, before speaking. “I’d think you’d be too busy to care as I swallowed your lust.” Her stallion pouted playfully then, “Fine, no muzzle painting~” At his reaction, she snorted abruptly. “You know, never mind.” Uzoma frowned and immediately went to nuzzle under her chin. “I’m sorry...” “We should head back, I should get dinner ready for when everyone gets back.” She huffed, basically ignoring his nuzzle. Uzoma’s ears lay back and he wrapped his arms around her with a barely audible whimper. “Please don’t be mad, I was just trying to tease...” Rose sighed, leaning her head against his. “It’s fine, Uzoma. I’m not mad…” She proclaimed thoughtfully, “I just-” Uzoma’s ears perked some and he glanced up at her. “Just what? Clearly it’s not fine.” “I wanted something you didn’t, you told me so.” Rose explained, “It’s my job to overcome this fillyish disappointment.” “No.” Uzoma declared and she suddenly found his nose pressed to hers. “It is my job to take care of my mare. If you are disappointed, I’m not doing my job. I am going to fix this.” He gave her a quick kiss then. “Give me a command. Any command. The first thing that would make you happy right now.” “Stop,” Rose asked of him, her ears folded back self-consciously, “you’re making me feel guilty~” Uzoma’s own ears folded once more and he nuzzled into her neck, “Just...tell me what you desire.” “I want you to be happy. To know I made you happy. To make you happier than happy~” Rose tried to explain to him. “Rose, I love you more than I have ever loved another in my life. Happier than happy is what I am right now to have you.” Uzoma murmured and began to nibble up her neck. “I want to return the favor.” The pegasus laughed sweetly then, nuzzling him in return. “Listen to us, going around in circles~” Uzoma couldn’t help but chuckle in return, “Why don’t we go for a walk~?” He asked her sweetly, “Later, we can find a secluded place here in the orchard or by the river and we will please each other silly~” Rose smiled then, “You know what would please me?” She asked him sweetly, “Being cuddled by my stallion, having a chance to fondle and grope every hoofful of your body~” Uzoma suddenly had his mane in her teeth. With a soft smile, he pulled her over to a nearby tree and took a seat beneath it. The pegasus followed him, only to latch onto his neck and urge him to lay upon his side as did she. Her stallion nickered at her suddenly more aggressive display and wrapped his arms tight around her then, “Not worried about anyone stumbling on us, then~?” “What, when we’re cuddling?” Rose asked in surprise, only to shake her head, “No, I am confident you will drive off any unwanted courters.” The mare too wrapped her arms around him as she snuggled into him and lay her neck over his, only for her hooves to start at his rump. Uzoma nickered and squeezed her own rump in return. “Mmmm, the stallions perhaps~” He hummed thoughtfully, “There’s a sense of pride for a stallion, showing off to mares.” “Just so long as they don’t touch. My stallions won’t just mount any mare, she has to be herd material...worthy of bearing your foals~!” Rose proclaimed, before latching onto his neck possessively. “Mmm, yes~” Uzoma purred and nipped her ear in return, before falling into a thoughtful silence, “What of good friends? Mares that simply wish to stud?” He asked her curiously, trying to gauge her comfort with such things compared to a zebra mare. “Then she better ask me for the privilege of the best stallions on the Savannah, so far as I am concerned.” She purred, a hoof wandering back to weigh his scrotum appreciatively. Uzoma nickered appreciatively and began to stroke her wing shoulders, “I have to admit, that idea turns me on. Some pretty, worthwhile young mare coming to you and asking for permission to breed with me~?” “Why, because I would say; yes? Or because I would insist you breed me first?” She asked him, giving his balls a sensual squeeze. Uzoma hissed softly in pleasure and gave her mane a soft tug, “Yes~” Very slowly, Rose rolled the two of them, giving him the chance to stop her if he wanted to, until Uzoma was upon his back. Once there, she began to gently rub her firm belly into his groin. Her stallion groaned and gently rubbed his groin up against her, “Oh, I am far too greedy a stallion~” “I shudder to think what that means of me~” “The greatest mare alive~” He proclaimed with a grin. “Here your stallion is, talking about breeding other mares with you and you just keep pleasing him.” He ran his hoof lovingly through her mane, “How did I manage to win your heart~?” Rose chuckled softly. “It’s not entirely selfless. If I fuck you senseless, you won’t have the energy to mount other mares~” She revealed, grinding her marehood up against the opening to his sheath. Uzoma nickered and once more his crown began to peak from his sheath, “You sure~? I have more energy than the average stallion~” “You’re the one that wanted to rest.” She reminded him, “I was the one that wanted you to stay inside of me once you were done.” She declared, pressing her sopping labia back into his emerging glans. Uzoma groaned and began to nip possessively at her neck, “Does the idea really turn you on that much~? Warming my flesh~” Rose simply pressed her nose to his with a smile. His cock began to grow straight up into her awaiting sex then and he growled, “So if I simply mounted you one day to take a nap with my rod hilted in you~?” Rose too growled as her muscles stroked his shaft lovingly, “I would totally take advantage of you.” “Fucking your stallion while he slept?” He nipped her lip playfully, “Naughty filly~” “If you could manage to sleep~” She purred, giving his length a milking squeeze. “And if I did the same to you sometime~?” He asked, cocking his head curiously. “What, letting me nap with you inside me?” She asked him with a curious blink, “I wish you would every time~” “I was referring more to fucking each other while the other slept.” He clarified. “If I’m asleep, please wake me first...but if I fall asleep on you? Go for it.” Rose shrugged with a smile, her vagina heating up and working him more just at the thought of it. Uzoma grinned then and bit her neck, “You like the idea of me fucking you after you’ve fallen asleep~” He nickered and ground up into her, his cock having reached full length inside of her. “I’d never let you go if it were practical.” Rose smiled honestly at him. Uzoma grinned and gave her mane a playful tug, “If you ever pass out on me, expect to wake thoroughly soiled~” At his words, her muscles milked him hard, her voice singing her pleasure softly at his mane tug. Uzoma groaned hungrily and took her hips in his hooves. With a soft snort, he began to shift her up and down in his lap, only to stop with a curious expression when she resisted him. “How long do you think you can go like this without humping?” She asked him in a sweet, yet teasing voice; concentrating on her muscles, to stimulate him without actually having to move her hips at all. Uzoma nickered and gave her hips a soft squeeze. “Depends on how much you actively please me~” He returned with a soft shrug, “I could stay like this all day if we didn’t try to pleasure each other~ At this rate? Perhaps an hour or so~” Closing her eyes, Rose lay herself down upon his belly and concentrated upon her muscles, doing her best to intensify the way they massaged and milked his rod deep inside her hot folds. At first, Uzoma was able to remain still and appreciate her skill. However, after a few long minutes of such pleasurable torture growing in intensity, he was unable to stop himself from thrusting hard up into her. The mare’s hiss quickly turned into a soft chuckle. “An hour~?” She teased him playfully, grinding back into his crown. “You’re not playing fair~” He nickered playfully and gave her shoulder a nip that caused her to shiver. “Then tell me to stop~” She challenged him with a sweet, lilting voice, while rubbing her head against his neck. “Not a chance~” Uzoma growled and began to smoothly grind his hips up into hers. With his grinding, Rose’s purr nearly turned into a soft growl, before she started nibbling the side of his neck softly. “You like~?” She hummed into his ear, greatly enjoying their second coupling. “I like~” Uzoma nodded contentedly, before pressing his muzzle into her mane. His mare merely cradled his head, pressing his nose into her neck to ensure that he got a deep breath of her scent as she continued to work him over with nothing but her muscles. However, he could feel her trembling in his arms as her own pleasure grew. “I love you, my Rose~” Her stallion nickered and gave her another squeeze, pulling her tight against him. “And I love you, Uzoma.” She cooed sweetly, “Would you like more?” “I think I like it just like this~” Uzoma shook his head softly, causing Rose to shudder at his declaration and her muscles to give him a hard milking, then she started gnawing gently upon his ear. “Relax, Love~” He murmured soothingly, “Let me feel your pleasure~ Do what makes you feel good~” A high-pitched whine escaped her then and she started slowly gyrating in his lap. “Uzoma, ponies don’t get as long as you~” She cooed into his ear, only to start giving him less modest nibbles upon his earlobe. “Mmmm, I take it you prefer ours then~?” Uzoma asked her with a soft groan and a chuckle. Rose bit his ear almost to the point it hurt and ground his flared head right into her cervix with a deep groan of pleasure that sounded like it almost hurt. He smiled knowingly then, “Yeah, you do~” “My last stallion would’ve never given me this.” Rose growled, going back to gyrating languidly in his lap, “He couldn’t have given me this.” She smiled between nibbles, “You are an all around better stallion than him...and a better fuck~” “Then let your life with us be your revenge~” Uzoma nickered and gave her mane a few soft tugs. “Avenge me of him.” Rose encouraged him, kissing his ear, “Stir me up, Love~” “Gladly~” With that, Uzoma began to gently stir his hips, sensually grinding up into the mare he loved. Rose cooed longingly and worked in concert with him, shaking her hips in time with him. “You going to do this to me come spring? Hog me from all the others, slowly blowing my mind?” “Mmmm, I don’t think I could be so greedy~” “Oh~?” Rose teased him in faux-disappointment - only half wanting him to do so, the other half of her wanted all four of them to sate her need come spring. Uzoma shook his head and leaned back to nibble her lip, “Of course not~ Your stallions will have to pass you around to give all of us a chance~” He declared playfully. Rose laughed melodically then, nuzzling into his nose, “That sounds fun.” She admitted in a small, yet husky voice, before moaning sweetly in enjoyment. “Would you like to go to the market after we relax~?” Uzoma asked her sweetly then, “Perhaps visit the beach~?” “H-how about you just parade me around the zebra-town?” Rose asked him, a slight bit of apprehension in her voice. Uzoma blinked and pressed his nose to hers then, “Did something happen last time?” Rose nodded her head softly, pecking Uzoma’s lips. “Bad stallion, Xolani had to beat him up…” Uzoma frowned then and nuzzled her neck comfortingly, while grinding her once more, “I will not make you show off to the ponies again...” He assured her. “Thank you, Love.” Rose gave him a quick kiss, “Come on now, I want you to throb~” She growled alluringly and almost as if on command, her stallion’s rod throbbed hard and he gave her a more hungry kiss, causing her to growl deeply. “Now, Uzoma, I want you to close your eyes and imagine that I’m breeding you~” Uzoma closed his eyes and lay his head back with a deep groan, allowing his mare to ride him as his flesh continued to throb. Rose moaned sweetly at the sensation of his hard cock twitching in her firm grip as she continued to gyrate upon his lap. Leaning down, she pressed her nose into the base of his jaw and started sensually chewing upon him, trying to coax him to even greater pleasure. Her stallion began to swell within her and arched his back with a deep groan; one of his hooves drifting up lazily to stroke her rump once more. Sensing his approaching climax, her sex only became wetter, pouring more of her hot juices over his length as she ground harder into his lap. Uzoma hissed and his hips jerked softly beneath her, “Rose...I’m close.” “I am too~” His mare groaned around her bite to his jaw. At her declaration, Uzoma threw back his head with a quiet whinny and his flared cock burst inside of her, filling her yet again. Rose’s own whinny was not so reserved, squealing her pleasure with a fierce nip to his neck, before nuzzling nose-to-nose with him. “Let go, Uzoma, give me everything~” She urged him with an affectionate coo, continuing to ungulate atop his rod, trying to milk him completely. By the time he was finished, Uzoma had produced even more than his first load and fell limp beneath her with a soft groan, which she mirrored, relaxing atop him. Feeling both tired and full, Rose snuggled into his belly, softly kissing up his neck as she caught her breath. > Arc I: Chapter XI > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day found Rose once more spending her time with Ekua, as the Medicine Mare tried to teach her a few of the basics of the zebrican language while sorting her supplies. The pegasus found learning a new language somewhat difficult, though unbeknownst to her, zebrican was a much easier study than say...Cry - the language of the gryphons. Still, she put herself to the lesson with dedication, trying her best despite the difficulty she had. Ekua, for her part, seemed rather proud of the progress Rose was making with her. However, all too soon, the day had to come to an end. When they made to say their goodbyes, Ekua stopped her with a hopeful smile. “Rose, before you go, I was wondering if you and your stallions would join my husband and our herd for dinner this evening?” Rose’s ears turned back a little worriedly, “We’re not, um...we didn’t do anything wrong…?” She asked hopefully, worried that maybe they had somehow insulted their hosts - after all, the chieftain hadn’t wanted to meet them up till that point. “Oh, no! Not at all.” Ekua leaned in to give her a comforting nuzzle, “Chidike has been wanting to meet you all since you arrived. However, he has been very busy until today. He is simply curious about the newcomers visiting our tribe.” “Oh,” Rose said in relief, returning her friend’s nuzzle gratefully, “Should we wear something special? I’ve never met with a chieftain before…” Ekua tittered and shook her head, “All will be well. It is just a meal, Rose, no need to go to the expense.” Rose nodded with a bright smile then. “Alright. I would be happy to accept.” The pegasus offered her friend a quick kiss to the cheek, “Though they work until late in Aura…” “That will be no problem.” Ekua pecked her nose in return, “Simply bring your stallions by when you are ready. I will have something for us to eat then.” “Then I will see you this evening~!” Rose chirped happily, her excitement making her seem more a filly than she was. “I look forward to it, Rose~” Ekua tittered at her friend’s excitement, before waving her out the door, “Now, go on~! I’m sure that you’re the first thing your stallions want to see when they finish working~!” With a little hop in her step, the pegasus turned and trotted out, inadvertently flashing Ekua as her tail flicked at the thought of her stallions returning home. Ekua merely smiled appreciatively at the sight, before slowly licking her lips, as though appreciating a nice meal. ~ ~ ~ Once her stallions had returned home, Rose helped them wash up, revealing to them the invitation Ekua had given her. While she did, she inquired as to how their day went; as much trying to distract herself as genuinely wanting to know. Her stallions seemed to take the announcement in stride, Zephania going so far as to admit he’d been expecting to have to meet the chief at some point anyway. As for her inquiry into their day, it seemed to have gone well enough for each of them, her stallions having enjoyed the hard work they did for Polar. There was a slight nagging at the back of her mind that when spring came around, she would have to keep her stallions far away from the unicorn mare. A part of her had caught onto the fact that her stallions found the mare attractive and the more she came to learn about zebra culture, the more she was beginning to worry that come spring they might not hesitate to...sate her desires. However, Zephania seemed to catch onto her fear and, as the others dried off, Rose suddenly found herself being picked up and pulled into a tight hug by the half-breed, “Have I told you lately how beautiful you are~?” He asked her sweetly. Rose blushed profusely at the suddenness of his embrace, before snuggling into him. “Thank you, Zephania~” She whispered to him, now realizing that he must’ve felt her concerns, kissing him fondly behind his ear. “You are more than welcome, my Rose of the Savannah~” Zephania kissed her ear in return, before suddenly spinning her away, right into the warm, cuddly embrace of Zuberi; the abruptness caused her to squeak in surprise. “I hope our wonderful had a pleasant day while we were unable to tend her~” The big stallion hummed as he gave her a squeeze of his own. Rose then bit down on his ear, just hard enough to get his attention and to make her point. “Hey now, no flat spins.” She spoke loudly enough for them all to hear, then rubbed her head against his neck, “You need to be gentle with your mare~” “But Zephania’s the one that spun you~!” Zuberi protested with a playful frown. “Then drag Zephania over here, and I’ll bite him!” She tittered playfully, giving Zuberi neck a bump with her head. As it turned out, he would not need to. The next she knew, Zephania was right there, presenting his ear to her muzzle. Instead his pegasus nipped his neck just sharply enough to make her displeasure known. “One of a pegasus’ greatest fears is the flat spin. Even on the ground, it is disconcerting.” Zephania’s ears fell back and he made to nuzzle under her chin, “It will not happen again, Love~” Without a word, his mare then began to nibble on his flat ears in forgiveness, only to pull him into the hug she shared with Zuberi. Soon enough, she found herself the center of one big stallion pile as Xolani and Uzoma leapt in, to shower her with little kisses and nuzzles of their own. In no time at all, they had her laughing airily at the attention. “Boys~” Rose called out to them, trying to get her voice back under control, “We’ve been invited to dine with the chieftain~” She reminded them, not really stopping herself from nuzzling them in return. “When are they expecting us?” Uzoma nickered curiously, before worming his way into her hug with Zuberi. “I told Ekua that you work in Aura, but I imagine the sooner we join them the better.” Rose nodded, giving the stallion a peck. “Then we should not waste time.” Xolani gave her ear a quick nibble, before slowly pulling back with the rest of her stallions. “Agreed.” Rose nodded with a shy smile, “Though it is difficult to pull myself away from all of you, even if it is just for dinner~” Turning about and motioning with her head, the mare made to lead them. “Come on. I’ve never met with a chieftain before.” “Do not worry, Rose, you will have all of us once more tonight~” Zephania purred, before sidling up against her, “If you get nervous, just focus on me. I will do most of the talking.” Rose gave him a bump with her hip, only to softly shake her head. “I think I’ll be alright. Chidike looked like a nice, old stallion.” Zuberi sidled up to her other side then and kissed her ear, “Probably still best to let Zephania take the lead. Zebra are used to a stallion being in charge and Zephania always made the decisions when we were traveling together.” “Bu- I…?” Rose trembled, looking to Zuberi with a crestfallen expression, her mouth flapping, trying to form words that just wouldn’t come; her stallions then watched her shrink with her ears plastered against her head. All four of them frowned at that and Zephania was quick to nuzzle under her chin, “Rose, please do not be upset...” “B-but I’m Alpha Mare…” She murmured weakly. “And as such, you play a very important role in our herd.” Zephania assure her, before gently pulling her into a soft kiss, “This is not me trying to exclude you from our talks. Simply put, lead stallions are more used to dealing with other lead stallions.” There was a moment where Rose was quiet as she thought over his words, before pulling back with a decisive expression. “Alpha Stallions.” She declared, “Your culture is used to Alpha Stallions.” She shook her head with a small frown, only to ask Zephania plainly, “Why do you boys want me?” Zephania blinked for a moment in surprise at the question, “Well, because you are strong, beautiful, free spirited, you have a good heart...” He began to list off her qualities matter-of-factly, before leaning in to bump noses with her, “Shall I go on?” “I am a pegasus, Zephania.” She reminded him, before glancing at the others, “I am not a zebra. I am not going to act like one.” Rose sighed then. Next she knew, Zephania and Zuberi each had an arm around her. “And none of us expect you to.” Zuberi hummed into her ear. “If Xolani and his fellows wished for a zebra, we would have found one.” Xolani declared with a dismissive wave as he stepped into view, “But we desire you.” “In pony culture, it is an Alpha Mare and a Lead Stallion.” Rose remarked, once again looking toward the older stallion to see how he was going to react. What she received was a playful kiss on the nose, “Let’s split the difference.” Zephania suggested, “No Lead Mare or Lead Stallion. Only an Alpha Mare and her Alpha Stallion~” Rose’s ears folded back a little at that. “I’ve never heard of such a thing.” She admitted uncertainly. “Perhaps we shall be the first.” Zephania chirped encouragingly and nibbled on her lip, “I have a feeling we will have to make many such compromises.” Rose snorted softly at his nibbling, before bumping his nose to try and encourage him to stop. “It’s not exactly what I wanted…” She admitted, letting her cheeks flush a little at her admitted greed, but did not protest further. “Mmmm, you liked the idea of doing things the pony way with four stallions at your beck and call~?” Zephania teased her gently with a kiss to her cheek. The mare’s flush intensified slightly and her ears stood at attention. “That’s not it at all!” She squeaked defensively. “Mmmm, then what is it~?” Zuberi nickered into her ear as her stallions regarded her curiously. Rose took a sharp breath as if caught, her ears pinning to her skull and the way she closed her eyes only reinforced that image. “I-I-I’m not a follower~” She admitted softly, “I’ve...just been stomped on my whole life.” She explained quietly, reminding them what she had told them and at the same time, hinted at more that had gone unsaid. Zephania took a seat then, before taking one of her hooves in his own and nuzzling her ear. “Do not follow me, then. Lead with me.” Rose opened her eyes, a few tears having formed in the corners, and her ears stood tentatively. “I want to prove them wrong, I’m useful.” She declared in a small voice, “I-I can be a good Alpha Mare.” “I know you can.” Zephania pulled back slightly to start kissing away her tears, “I think things might be better with Chidike if I took the lead, but if this is what you need to prove your worth to yourself, I will step back for now.” The mare looked uncertain for a moment, before tentatively nuzzling noses with him. “I’m- thank you, Zephania.” She offered his nose a soft kiss, “I don’t want you to stop being who you are, and I need my stallions’ support...so please...if you could stand by me~?” Zephania’s only reply was to press his lips to hers for a firm, but gentle kiss. The others shared a quick look then, before Uzoma stepped forward to nibble her ear, “Consider it so~” After a moment to express her gratitude through their kiss, Rose pulled back with a smile. “Let’s not keep Chidike waiting.” She suggested, standing shoulder to shoulder with Zephania. Her stallion gave her a proud smile and nuzzled her mane, before slowly striding forward to lead her out of the yurt, closely followed by their herdmates. For the most part, Rose simply walked in silence, leaning affectionately up against her stallions, but especially Zephania. The walk to the chieftain’s yurt was quiet enough, with only a few other zebra out and about around that time. Those they passed offered them a cursory greeting, before moving on their way. In no time at all, they stood before Chidike’s double yurt, where Ekua waited outside for them with a smile. Rose broke away from her herd, trotting up to meet the medicine mare with a fond smile and a dignified air, before offering her a small nuzzle in greetings. “Thank you for having us, Ekua~” “And thank you for coming~” Ekua returned the nuzzle with an equally dignified grace, before extending the same offer to her stallions, who accepted with respectful smiles. Having never introduced her stallions to another mare before, Rose felt a little apprehensive, only to crush those feelings beneath her hoof and remain outwardly neutral. Zephania, however, seemed to sense her apprehension and was quick to nuzzle comfortingly under her chin, while the rest of her stallions pulled back from Ekua one by one after their nuzzle. Ekua tittered with an approving smile then, “You have good and loyal stallions, Rose.” This earned Zephania a happy smile from the pegasus, “They are.” Rose offered him a quick peck, before turning back to Ekua, “Shall we head inside for introductions?” “Of course~” Ekua nodded and slowly turned to open the door for her. Waiting for them inside sitting in a semi-circle around one side of a large fire were Chidike and no less than five other mares who seemed to range in age from their thirties to their sixties. “Please, take a seat~! I will introduce you all as I prepare the food~” She insisted. Rose blinked in surprise at the positive harem the elder chieftain seemed to have, before offering him her best smile despite her surprise and led her stallions in to sit about his fire. As they took their seats, she regarded those assembled, looking for the mare-stallion Tichaona had mentioned. “Thank you for having me and my herd, Chidike.” Once there, Rose bowed her head to him, “I am Compass Rose, and these are my fiancés, Zephania, Zuberi, Xolani and Uzoma~” Chidike smiled broadly at the introduction and motioned for her to lift her head, “Come, do not be so formal, there is no need for bowing here. Ekua has told me much about you, and it is about time I met you and your stallions. I must say, you seem to live up to Ekua’s praise. It must take a great mare to earn the care of not one, or even two, but four fit looking warriors as I see before me.” As Chidike spoke, his wives seemed to giggle quietly without him noticing, the oldest of them even rolling her eyes and mouthing to Rose; He likes to talk~ Rose loosened up a little at Chidike’s insistence. “I’ve never met a chieftain before.” She explained, “Not even...one of my own kin’s.” “Well, you can say so no longer!” Chidike declared, “I am honored to be the first Chief you meet here upon the Savannah. I shall have to do my best to ensure you and yours enjoy your time here among my people!” He looked up to Ekua, then, who was bringing over a tray of bowls filled with with a rich smelling soup. “Ah, and it looks like we’ll be starting that with one of Ekua’s delicious meals! I must say, I love all of my wives, but Ekua has to be my favorite cook.” Ekua rolled her eyes amusedly, but his eldest wife seemed to pout playfully, only for Chidike to wrap an arm around her and chew softly on her ear, “Oh, don’t be like that~ You can’t be my favorite sculptor and my favorite cook~!” The older mare tittered softly at that, while Ekua handed out the bowls, each one seeming to be hoof made with intricate designs covering them. “Sethunya made most of our pottery herself.” Ekua explained, “Though, she mostly likes to make little clay figures. She’s even done some work with stone.” “I figured given that Chidike had complimented her as a sculptor~” Rose tittered. Ekua chuckled in return, before gesturing to each of her fellow wives, “Well, along with Sethunya here, we also have Dumisani, Olayinka, Titilayo, and Amarichi.” Every one of them offered Rose a smile and a brief greeting as Ekua introduced them and when they did, Rose would note a slightly more muscular build to Amarichi - the mare-stallion, perhaps? “It’s nice to meet all of you.” Rose nodded to them, “I, um...don’t think I’ve ever met a stallion with so many wives all to himself.” She looked closely at the zebra in question, before glancing to Chidike, “Is it true that you have a mare-stallion?” Chidike and his wives regarded her for a moment in surprise, before Amarichi blushed, nodded, and raised her hoof. “That was, perhaps a bit more blunt than necessary.” Zephania whispered softly to her. Rose’s ears folded as she blushed and looked to Zephania incredulously, “So you’re more open about everything but this?” She stage whispered. “I-It’s alright.” Amarichi spoke up meekly and when she did, her voice proved to be a touch deeper than a normal mare’s as well, “It was just a bit of a surprise, that’s all.” “Amarichi was the second mare I bedded on my pilgrimage.” Chidike declared proudly with a small nod, “Yes, truly I must be blessed to have found so many that would come back and stick around to care for a worn out old stallion like myself~!” He declared, before suddenly drawing his closest three wives into a tight hug, earning happy squeals from each of them. “Convincing her to become my mare was perhaps one of my more interesting adventures~” Rose smiled softly at his affection toward his mares, gladdened to see that there were more stallions out there that cared for their mares, only to suddenly find herself nuzzled from all sides by her own stallions. Though she didn’t squeal like Chidike’s wives, she did purr happily, leaning into their nuzzles as best she could. Finally calming them down a little, she looked back to the mare-stallion with a small smile. “I’m sorry for being so forward, Amarichi. I’m new to the Savannah and zebra culture still surprises me often.” Rose admitted, “I’ve never met a mare-stallion before.” “That’s alright, Rose.” Amarachi gave her a warm smile, “I know ponies don’t normally do such things. I’m just surprised you knew. For most zebra, it’s old news, not worth talking about anymore.” Rose laughed softly then, shooting a look at Chidike, “Your husband’s reputation is apparently the stuff of legends~” This drew a chuckle from the old stallion’s wives and he gave a modest bow of his head. When they settled down, Chidike sighed happily and offered Ekua a nuzzle when she joined him and her fellow wives, before focusing on Rose and Zephania… “Now, please, eat and make yourselves feel welcome within my yurt!” “Thank you for the food~!” Rose chirped, bringing the bowl up to her lips to eagerly sample Ekua’s cooking. She and her stallions were rewarded with the rich, earthy taste of cooked roots and oats mixed with some unidentified spice that seemed to cling to the back of her tongue. Cocking her head to one side, she worked the flavor over, trying to place it to no avail. “What is that~?” She wondered, half-asking Ekua as she licked her lips thoughtfully. “Family secret~” Ekua trilled playfully. “Oh~” Rose pouted playfully, “I’ve never tasted that spice before…” “Perhaps I will teach you what it is some day~” Ekua offered her with an equally playful smirk, earning a chuckle from all of the stallions present. The group fell into relative silence as they ate, Rose savoring the rich flavor of the soup. As the group enjoyed Ekua’s meal, little was exchanged, save for some small talk. By the time they had finished, the lot of them lay relaxing around the fire, each herd forming their own respective equine-pile - Chidike at the center of his and Rose at the center of hers. Chidike was the first to finally speak up with a curious sigh, “So, what brings you to the Savannah, Compass Rose?” He inquired with a friendly smile, only to immediately realize he had asked the wrong question. The pegasus’ ears tilted back, though she tried to fight it. “I needed a change of scenery.” She declared glumly, “When my fiance broke off our engagement, I found myself unwelcome in my tribe.” Chidike regarded her thoughtfully for a moment, before each of the zebra present frowned in disapproval while her stallions renewed their nuzzles, “Your tribe sought to determine your value by that of your mate?” Rose could only frown deeper and became more sheepish in appearance, self-conscious about the status of her ex. “I sought to marry...above my station.” She revealed with a sour expression. “Above your station?” Chidike blinked and glanced around at her stallions for a moment, “So...are your people blind or...touched?” He asked slowly, earning a giggle from his mares. “They must be one or the other to consider you a lower station.” “That was our first thought as well.” Zephania replied with an amused snort. Rose looked briefly to Zephania with a frown that told him she couldn’t blame him for finding humor in the situation, yet she couldn’t, only to look back to Chidike. “I failed to please a my stallion.” The pegasus explained, “He took umbrage with my accusation that his Alpha Mare was a thief.” “Sounds like a very unworthy stallion, consorting with such a mare.” Ekua snorted derisively, “I worry for a tribe that accepts such behavior from its stallions.” “If it were one of my sons, he would not be part of our tribe for much longer.” Chidike nodded solemnly, along with two of his mares, suggesting the sons in question were theirs. “If only.” The pegasus sighed and shook her head, “In the time it took to fly from Canterlot back to Cloudsdale, the rumors had beaten me home. By the next morning, there were ponies that wouldn’t make eye-contact with me and it only got worse from there…” Chidike’s expression softened a little then, “Your old tribe did not deserve you, Rose. Whatever may have happened, remember that your story does not end there, but rather in the arms of four good stallions.” This at least caused Rose to smile. “Yes, they are~” She replied by affectionately nuzzling each of her lovers. “So, are you considering staying with the tribe?” Chidike turned his head slightly to take in both her and Zephania. “Not permanently…” Rose replied, looking to Zephania for confirmation. Her stallion kissed her cheek and nodded to confirm, “Our plan was to stay in the area for a while and then move on. Rose was hoping to explore as much of the Savannah as she could and we are going to help her.” Chidike nodded with a soft smile, “That seems like a worthy endeavor. It is always good to see and learn as much as you can.” The older stallion’s praise earned a small smile and a faint blush from the mare, an effect of rarely receiving any praise from the stallions in her life up until that point. “Yes, our Rose is a bright and adventurous mare~” Xolani proclaimed proudly, before giving her ear a loving nibble, which earned approving coos and ‘aws’ from Chidike’s mares, and a brighter flush from her. “You’re all too kind~” Rose murmured not entirely comfortable with such public flirting, though she was loathe to tell him to stop. “Not at all, Rose.” Chidike shook his head firmly, before grinning, “Well, with your story out of the way, your stallions say you wish to learn. How may we help you with this?” “Um, Ekua’s been helping me learn your language…” Rose replied, finding it exceedingly hard to concentrate with her stallion chewing sensually upon her ear. “Ah, so she has told me herself.” Chidike nodded with a small hum; all the while, he and his herd seemed to behave as though Xolani weren’t gnawing on his mare, “But surely you must wish for more.” “More?” Rose asked in surprise and instantly, she was right back in the orchard being mounted by Xolani again, and unable to stop it, her tail flicked of its own accord. Behind her, Zuberi took notice and tightened his hug around her, before making to gently nibble her other ear as well. “Of course.” Chidike nodded matter-of-factly, “There is more to a culture than language. What would you like to know? Would you like to know about our art? Our jewelry? Our food? I could direct you to any number of zebra that could teach you. Would you like to know which tribes spend the most time where, for future visits?” The pegasus went to speak, only for her voice to crack and come out in a squeak, causing her to blush furiously, fighting to keep her wings from cramping beneath her stallions as they lay atop her. Rather than try and say so, she merely nodded in response to his question. Chidike grinned knowingly then, and his mares all giggled and winked playfully at the pegasus, “Perhaps you would like to hold off such lessons until after your stallions have satisfied you?” “Stop, stop~!” Rose hissed desperately at her stallions, as she wished she could vanish. As if a switch had been flipped, her stallions went from sensual nibbles, to soft, comforting nuzzles from all four of them. With a sigh of relief, she looked back to the chieftain with a sheepish smile. “Seeing as I plan on living with zebras, I think speaking the mother tongue of my stallions should be my first priority.” She nodded softly, “But yes, I would like to learn all these things given time. Maybe food next~?” She offered, shooting Xolani a playful grin. “Xolani thought you liked his cooking.” He offered her a playful pout in return. Rose kissed his cheek in return, “A mare needs to know how to please her stallions~” She reminded sweetly, earning a pleased nicker from each of them. “We could always teach you a few tricks for that~!” Dumisani offered up, earning giggles and squeals from her fellow wives, before Chidike bit her neck with a playful, possessive growl. Once again, Rose blushed, not meaning it in quite that manner. “I...I don’t think I need help there.” Rose stated, yet looked to her stallions for reassurance. She was immediately showered in reassuring kisses and nips, all along her neck and ears. “Mmm, oh, I am sure you are more than a worthy lover to satisfy four stallions~” Dumisani assured her as Chidike moved to lay atop her, “But a mare could always use some new tricks~” Rose looked like she had more to say, but chose not to, instead remaining thoughtfully silent. “Well, the night is yours, Rose, you are our guests.” Chidike declared as he snuggled down atop his mare, “Would you like to stay a while and continue to relax, or do you wish to get some rest?” “I am quite content in your company, so long as you would have us.” Rose offered the older stallion a sincere smile. “You and yours are more than welcome!” Chidike declared happily, before starting to nibble at Dumisani’s neck. “Our yurt is yours for the night, if you so wish~” Titilayo nodded in agreement as she snuggled into Dumisani’s side. “You wouldn’t want us all night…” Rose tittered, suspecting that her stallions would want some attention at some point in the evening. “Worried about getting your stallions to yourself~?” Sethunya guessed as she made to drape herself over her herd’s pile, “Don’t worry, dear, we won’t try to move in on your fun uninvited.” Rose once again flushed, “I-it’s not that.” She assured them. Slightly amused at the exchange, Uzoma and Zuberi both gave her neck a soft nip. “You stay for as long as you like, Rose. Feel free to drag your stallions off for some fun whenever you wish.” Ekua assured her friend, before rolling her eyes at her fellow wives over their continued obliviousness to cultural issues. Though Ekua’s words eased her mind, that only got the pegasus thinking. Looking back at her stallions, her eyes seemed to wonder if they wanted to have some fun with the other mares, knowing that their culture was more open to the idea. If they were interested, however, they didn’t seem to show it. Instead, all four of them seemed content to lay pile atop her, occasionally nibbling or licking at her. “Can you free my wings~?” Rose whispered to her stallions, actually needing to stretch them at this point. Both Xolani and Zephania - the closest to her sides - were quick to shift their positions to allow her wings their freedom, earning a wing-hug in thanks. “So, um, Chidike…” She started, hesitantly, “How did you end up with six mares? Most stallions only take three or four.” Chidike shared a soft look with his gathered wives then, “I suppose I just never thought about limiting myself. I mean, I have never seen myself as a greedy stallion, I didn’t go looking to make such a large herd, it just...happened.” “Of course not!” Rose squeaked, looking just a little frightened that she had offended her host, “I didn’t mean to imply that you were greedy!” The mare swallowed nervously then, before taking a deep breath, “I was just...I mean...curious to the how you ended up with so many? Not implying that you’re greedy at all…” She squeaked still not sure that she was not offending him. Chidike laughed happily and shook his head, “I did not think that was what you meant.” He assured her as her stallions nibbled her neck and wings comfortingly, “As for the how... Well, those are long stories perhaps best saved for a longer day. Suffice it to say that their stories are as unique as they are~” His wives all d’awwed at that, before each of them exchanged a loving kiss with him. With her stallions making an effort to preen her wings, Rose found it very hard to concentrate and nearly melted atop her bed of stallions, her tail flicking lazily behind her as she became totally relaxed. Still laying atop her, Zuberi nickered as he felt her tail flicking, “Would you like to play~?” He asked her with an affectionate whisper, before shifting his hips into mounting position just in case. Meanwhile, Chidike’s herd watched Rose’s stallions preen her curiously, having never witnessed such a thing before. Rose’s response was an absent purring as she pressed herself into Zuberi’s arms, questionably able to even discern his words as her stallions pampered her. Zuberi briefly waved for his fellow stallions to pause their ministrations then to let her think, only to earn a soft, disappointed whine from her, “Would you like me to mount you, Rose~?” The big stallion asked her once more now that she wasn’t distracted. No longer distracted, she felt the fact that he had dropped from his sheath, but was still a bit too relaxed to care terribly about their company. “If you need to~” She offered him sweetly, while trying to convince the others to continue with lazy twitches of her wings. “Not what I asked~” Zuberi gave her neck a soft, playful nip, “Yes or no~?” Twisting her head about, Rose gave his lips a soft kiss. “Do as you wish~” She gave him her leave, trusting her stallion not to do anything untoward. At her insistence, her other stallions resumed preening and nibbling, while Zuberi suddenly bit down on her neck and pulled his hips to line his hardening cock up with her labia. Instinctively, her tail flicked aside as she felt his hot crown up against her groin. Immediately, she sobered up and remembered they were in company...yet she had given him her blessing. In a heartbeat she debated telling him to stop, but decided against it. Instead, Rose merely bit her lip softly and schooled her expression back to as it had been - relaxed - though she was anything but. She was all sorts of anxious, excited and fearful, all at once. However, rather than press forward, she then felt Zuberi pull his crown back again and he released her neck, “You can’t fool us...” He whispered with a loving kiss to her ear. “I am not going to do something my mare doesn’t want.” “I wasn’t aware I was trying to.” Rose returned equally softly, cooing then, “I am yours, always~” “Be truthful with us, Rose.” Zephania suddenly commanded her, gently turning her to face him with his hoof, “Do you want Zuberi to stop?” “Yes...and no.” Rose admitted with a blush returning, “I left it to you for a reason~” “Are you comfortable doing this?” Zuberi asked her plainly, before nuzzling into her mane. “I can be, for you~” Rose replied, her ears part-way folded back, feeling guilty for even saying that much. At that, Zuberi simply relaxed atop her once more, allowing his rod to rest against her rump as he waited for his erection to go away, “We would be poor stallions indeed if we pushed you into something uncomfortable.” His mare looked simultaneously relieved and disappointed. “I would though, if you wanted~” She assured him sweetly. “We know you would~” He nickered, resuming his nibbles and preening, prompting the others to do so as well. Rose too nickered, joyfully, at the resuming of their affections, earning kisses all around. Meanwhile, across from them, while Chidike and his wives had remained silent at the exchange, they all smiled approvingly at the display of concern for her comfort. “It is good to see younger stallions taking such good care of such a beautiful mare.” The older stallion declared, “It makes my heart glad.” At the older stallion’s declaration that she was beautiful, Rose appeared momentarily shocked, a flush upon her cheeks, before trying to hide her face in her stallion’s shoulder. “I think you’re all touched~” She murmured dismissively. “Would you like to know a secret, dear~?” Sethunya called to her, “All the best stallions are~!” This declaration sent her fellow wives into a fit of giggles as Chidike turned his attention on her, giving her neck a playful bite. “If falling for a beautiful mare makes Xolani and his fellows touched, then Xolani does not wish to be sane~” Her shaman proclaimed with a loving nip to her neck. Rose whinnied softly, giddily at his proclamation, quickly twisting to nuzzle his neck affectionately in return. Her stallions found their mare smiling carefree as she did her best to share her happiness with all of them. If anything, seeing her become so relaxed made her stallions even happier. With a giddy nicker, Uzoma, who had been laying under her, raised a hoof to pull his mare into a soft kiss. “Oh, just look how adorable they are together!” Amarichi practically squealed like a filly at the sight, while snuggling with Olayinka. Though Rose was unaccustomed to being so publicly affectionate, Uzoma’s kiss was not something she was about to break. In fact, at the mare-stallion’s words, she let herself go; kissing her stallion with a slow, deliberate passion, allowing them to watch. A part of her revelling in the idea that she was making her stallions look good. ~ ~ ~ A few days later, after their usual day of work at her store, Polar had asked if she could speak with their herd for a very important matter. Zephania had, of course, been quick to invite her to their yurt to see Rose as well. So it was that she and the stallions approached the entrance to their little abode, where Rose was relaxing with Zuberi. They returned to their slender pegasus mare mounted atop his back, her forehooves pressing deep into the muscles of his broad shoulders, her wings flapping every now and again in frustration over a particularly tight knot therein. Meanwhile, the big stallion groaned appreciatively at her rather skilled hooves, practically melting beneath her. Zephania smiled knowingly as his little group approached and called out to his mare, “Good evening, Rose! We return with a guest.” His mare growled and ground her hoof into the particularly stubborn knot, before sighing as it finally abated. Giving Zuberi’s neck a quick kiss, she then looked back to them with a smile and a curious expression. “Hello again, Compass Rose.” Polar nodded respectfully to her, before smiling toward the prone stallion, “You as well, Zuberi. I hope you are well~?” Zuberi offered her a warm smile and a lazy wave of his hoof in greeting, “I am doing wonderful, Polar. I hope my fellows managed to get some work done for you without me~” He declared with a teasing grin at the other stallions, prompting Uzoma to stick his tongue out at him. “You are all quite helpful.” Polar nodded thankfully to the stallions she was following. As for Rose, she made herself comfortable lounging over Zuberi’s back from the side, offering his neck a quick rub of her cheek as she waved over her other lovers. Each of her stallions nodded thankfully to Polar, before trotting over to Rose, Zephania actually giving Polar’s cheek a friendly peck as he trotted off. “So, you had something to discuss with us?” He asked her as he went to Rose’s side. “Yes.” Polar nodded, “It’s about a few of my friends, they’re long overdue…” “Overdue?” As Zephania and the others settled in around Rose and Zuberi, he casually waved Polar over to his side, “Come, sit with us while we speak.” Polar trotted over, hesitating a moment, before making to sit before them. “They left nearly a month ago, to trade with one of the nearby tribes.” She explained. “When were they supposed to return?” Zephania asked her gently. “It’s only the next tribe over, they shouldn’t have been gone more than a couple weeks.” Polar revealed with a small, worried frown, “I’m worried. It was just the three of them that went to trade, Burnished Bronze, Grassy and Tin Cup.” Rose looked to her stallions with an equally concerned expression. “You don’t think those lions might’ve went after them first...do you?” Zephania frowned thoughtfully, “I can’t be sure, but...if they stayed on a fairly direct path between the tribes and there were three of them to keep watch, I doubt lions would have taken them before they reached their destination.” “I hope lions didn’t get ahold of them…” Polar frowned deeply at the thought of her friends being eaten. In an instant, Zephania had stepped forward to offer her a comforting hug, “I am certain your friends are well, Polar.” He cooed gently. “I take it you wish us to search for them?” “I just can’t shake the feeling-” Polar cut herself off, unable to think about the possibility that something bad had happened any longer, leaning thankfully into his embrace, “If you wouldn’t mind…?” “I don’t mind.” Rose quickly offered. “We would all be happy to look for your friends, Polar.” Zuberi nodded firmly. “We’ll have them back safe in no time!” Uzoma chirped confidently. “Thank you!” Polar exclaimed in relief, squeezing Zephania yet tighter. Zephania chuckled softly and offered her mane a nuzzle, “Now, with that settled, would you like to relax her with us for a while? You can tell us a bit more about your friends while we do.” “We’ll get dinner started~” Rose declared, urging Xolani to join her by softly tugging on the stallion’s ear, “I bought us a frying pan, come, I’ll teach you~” Polar looked hesitant at the stallion’s affections, before noticing that the other mare seemed to go about her duties without hesitation herself. With a small smile, the unicorn mare nodded thankfully to the stallion, accepting his invitation. As Xolani followed Rose into the yurt to prepare dinner, Zephania gently pulled Polar forward to lay down between himself and Zuberi. “Now, why don’t we start with what your friends look like?” He prompted her gently as the big stallion wrapped her in one of his famous hugs. Polar looked at best uncertain about being in Zuberi’s embrace, knowing that these three were Rose’s stallions and the reputation zebra stallions had for being promiscuous. “Well...Bronze is a big mare. A red earth pony, with a rusty coat like Rose’s mottling, and a bright red mane and tail, with green eyes.” As she spoke, Zephania and Zuberi loosened their hold on her in case she wished to leave, while Uzoma chose to relax on his side a short distance away. “And what of Grassy and Tin Cup?” Zuberi hummed, offering her forehead what was meant to be a chaste, reassuring kiss. With a deep, steadying breath, Polar chewed thoughtfully, but did not leave Zuberi and Zephania’s side. “Tin Cup is a humble pegasus stallion, an off-white stained a light blue. About the only notable thing about him is how long he keeps his mane. More than a few mares in town are jealous of that…” She paused a moment in thought, “Grassy is one of the Apples here in town, but he doesn’t work the orchards,” She shook her head, the faintest twinkle of fondness in the corner of her eye, “He wants to be a trader. He’s better at it anyways… A good haggler.” Zephania smiled knowingly then, “I take it we are interested in Grassy?” Polar flushed slightly, looking at Zephania with a little surprise, before smiling softly. “Thought about it~” She admitted sheepishly. “Then you’ll have to be sure to give him a kiss when we bring him back to you!” Zuberi chuckled good-naturedly. “I might just.” She nodded with a thoughtful smile at that. > Arc I: Chapter XII > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rose’s stallions escorted her over the savannah at a steady pace, chatting with her all the while, eager to teach their mare as much of zebra culture as they could. By the time they left the Mwezi Wafuasi, she had opted to ditch her barding, finding it more hot and sweaty than it was really worth. It was after four days of travel that Rose spotted the collection of a few dozen yurts that made up the Kuchomwa as she scouted for her earthbound zebra stallions. This village vaguely reminded her of the tribe they had recently visited, only in miniature, with the tents arranged in series of circles with a bonfire at the center. Numerous equine figures milled about, presumably working at some important tasks. Once again, the mare instinctually waggled her wings, ancient pegasi instinct taking hold, before turning around and swooping in low over her stallions. The mare transitioned flawlessly from flight into a brisk trot up alongside Zuberi. “We can’t be more than an hour out now.” Zuberi nickered at her presence and leaned in to nibble her withers, “Do you think this Burnished Bronze and her friends will be here?” He wondered thoughtfully. Rose leaned into her stallion’s side, very much enjoying his company. “Why would they have remained?” She wondered, looking up to Zuberi skeptically, “It doesn’t make much sense to me.” Zephania simply shrugged as he moved back to her other side, “Why are they not already back?” He asked her pointedly. “Whatever the answer, it’s nice to visit with a larger tribe again.” Uzoma spoke up while trotting closer to the two; the other stallions all nodded and voiced their agreement. “I just hope they are well, wherever they are.” Rose murmured thoughtfully. “I am sure we will find them well...” Zephania encouraged her with a loving nuzzle, that was soon mirrored by Zuberi. Their mare crooned softly in appreciation, trying to rub against both of them at the same time, before pulling them close with her wings. Grouping up around her with Zephania and Zuberi at their head, Uzoma and Xolani trailed behind. The five picked up their pace, eager to reach the tribe so that they could be done with travel for a while. When they had made it close enough that they could clearly make out individual zebras moving around the camp, a few of the distant figures stopped and gestured in the little group’s direction. Shortly after, a set of what appeared to be four stallions with masks and spears began trotting out to meet them. Rose looked to her stallions with a slight bit of hesitation. “Um, should we be concerned? The last tribe only sent two stallions~” She asked quietly, this was not quite how the last tribe had greeted them. “No.” Zuberi shook his head and nuzzled her cheek reassuringly. “The savannah can be a dangerous place, they’re just making sure we’re well intentioned. Let Zephania do the talking and all will be well.” The mare frowned at being relegated to the proverbial ‘back-seat’, but was forced to admit she didn’t know the language well enough to take the lead at this point. That was the moment she swore to redouble her efforts in learning their language. The two groups met about fifty yards away from the edge of the camp, a small crowd forming outside one of the nearby yurts, but most of the zebras they could see paid them no mind. The four that had come out to meet them seemed unremarkable when compared to her stallions, with their masks tilted up to rest atop their heads and their spears held tight, but pointed away. Zephania stepped up and exchanged a few words with the leader of the four. It was clear that they weren’t speaking Equestrian and if she was listening correctly, it almost seemed like they weren’t even speaking the same dialect. While they talked, the other three examined Rose’s group almost suspiciously and their leader eventually tilted his head to look behind Zephania at the mare with an even expression. After a moment, the lead stallion nodded slowly and turned about, waving for the five of them to follow him and his companions back to the village. Zephania sighed softly with a relieved smile and turned to give Rose a kiss. “We will be welcomed, though it seems to be a reluctant welcome. These warriors will show us to a spot where we can set up our yurt, and tonight the Chieftain and Medicine Mare will speak with us. They say other ponies came through, but are no longer here.” She gave Zephania a quick peck and glanced at the retreating stallions. “I can guess why they don’t get many guests~” Rose whispered conspiratorially to her herd. “You can, can you?” Zephania hummed thoughtfully, “Most tribes I know would give a somewhat more enthusiastic welcome...” “Let us not question it for now.” Xolani declared with a shrug, “There will be a time for that. For now, Xolani is simply glad not to be driven away.” Rose turned to the stallion on her other side and gave him a sympathetic nuzzle under his chin. “Mmm, thank you, Rose.” He smiled and nuzzled her mane gratefully. “Alright, there’ll be time for that once we’ve set up our shelter.” Zephania chuckled and gently tugged on Rose’s ear, “They’re waiting for us to follow.” Rose giggled and bumped Zephania in response. “There’s no need to get jealous, Zephania~” She then gave him a peck on the cheek, before moving to lead her stallions toward the yurt town. “How could I be jealous, when we have you all to ourselves~?” Zephania nickered and bumped shoulders with her. Rose smiled softly then and leaned against him as she trotted along, regarding the zebra tribe curiously as they approached. Once the business with their ‘greeting’ had concluded, most of the small crowd watching them had dispersed. A few of the younger mares from the crowd remained where they were, their eyes following them with an odd curiosity and, in some cases, what seemed to be apprehension. The older mares and stallions on the other hoof, while obviously curious, continued to go about their tasks. It was here that they got a good glimpse of the marks on their rumps. While the Mwezi Wafuasi had each bore some kind of circular or crescent symbol, each of these zebra bore ragged lines and teardrops that seemed indicative of a flame. “Am I the only one who feels...ignored?” Rose whispered, “I would’ve thought this tribe would be more interested in a pony arriving in their midst than the last.” “Remember, they had a small group of ponies visited them recently.” Zephania explained, “If it was Burnished Bronze’s band, they may have become used to the sight. However, that’s not what has me curious...” He admitted with a subtle frown. They passed a group of young mares who shot Rose a decidedly nervous look, before slowly scattering to take up their own tasks when a nearby stallion waved at them with a soft glare. “These mares are taking orders from their stallions.” “I would think it would take more than-” Rose began to retort, only to become painfully aware of her stallion’s point, “I...don’t remember stallions ordering around their mares in the Mwezi Wafuasi.” “That’s because they didn’t.” Zuberi murmured pointedly, taking notice as well, “Stallions and mares are supposed to be equals.” “This isn’t right.” Rose frowned softly, disturbed on several levels. Zephania hummed with a thoughtful look and stared around them for a moment, taking note of other mares moving about and doing chores at their stallions’ bidding. After what seemed to be a long while, he shook his head and gave Rose a reassuring smile. “It’s probably just their tribal custom. Remember how strange our ways first seemed to you?” “If you say so…” She murmured, not looking at all sold with the idea. “Don’t worry about them for now, Rose.” Uzoma chimed in, leaning in to nuzzle her rump with a charming smile, “Just think about how glad Polar will be when we find her friends.” A specter of a smile crossed her face, but it did not remain,“It’s like being back in Canterlot. Surrounded, yet alone~” She remarked uneasily, the frown from before only growing. “Relax, Rose.” Xolani remarked from behind her, “Xolani is sure that it won’t last long. Once they are used to you, they will be much friendlier.” The mare sighed; it was a quiet, dejected sound that loudly proclaimed her skepticism. This earned her a kiss to the ear from Zuberi, “I’m sure we can stave off that loneliness once the yurt is up~” His words earned her stallions the first genuine smile since entering the tribe, small as it was. Without a word, she leaned up against his side, rubbing thankfully into his neck. A few minutes later, their guides stopped at an empty space a few rows into the camp. Exchanging a few more words with Zephania, they gave the little herd a small nod and trotted off into the camp. Zephania turned and motioned for his fellow stallions to spread out, and start setting up the yurt and supplies. Giving Rose a soft nuzzle, he spoke quietly into her ears, “We’ve been given permission to explore the camp until tonight. We have to set up camp, but perhaps you should take this time to wander, see if you can get to know some of the locals.” She sidled back against him, reluctant to leave his side. “I think I might just stay here~” She murmured, turning warily toward the yurt town and the zebras that made it abundantly clear that they didn’t want anything to do with them. “Come now, Rose,” Zephania nudged her playfully with his muzzle, “they won’t get comfortable around you unless you try to be comfortable around them. We can’t be by your side every moment of the day and this is a good moment for you to explore and learn.” “They don’t like us.” She murmured back, appearing defensive. “I’ll tell you what. Our escorts gave me directions to the Medicine Mare’s shelter. Why don’t I take you to her and see if one of her assistants can show you around their camp?” Zephania offered with a tentative smile. “I-” She started, looking like she wanted to protest. “Remember, we need to make friends here.” He reminded her, “The better we do, the more information we’ll get out of them.” Zephania nibbled on her ear and tugged it gently to urge her to follow after him. “Alright~” She chuckled, playfully-indignant. Zephania chose to be quick on their trip to the Medicine Mare’s yurt, not wanting to tarry anywhere longer than necessary. Much as with the Mwezi Wafuasi  they began to see more foals the deeper they went. When it came to the mares watching them, they seemed somehow both more content and more forlorn than the other mares being ordered around. As they trotted along, the older mares and stallions began to take more notice of them, or more specifically Rose. Where the mares continued to regard her either nervously or dismissively, many of the stallions seemed to be appraising her. While the mare had long wished for more attention, particularly from stallions, the way that they regarded her only made her uneasy. Yet, she remained strong, more for her stallions than anything else. Had Zephania not been at her side, she would’ve fled back to their yurt long ago. When they finally reached the Medicine Mare’s yurt, it appeared much the same as Ekua’s, bearing many of the same symbols, though the moon had been replaced with a stylized sun. Rose glanced briefly to Zephania, before knocking on her yurt as she had seen him do, earning a soft smile from him. “Enter~” A warm, motherly voice called out to them from inside in Equestrian. The fact that she was greeted in her native tongue caused Rose to hesitate a moment, before folding her ears back and ducking inside, with Zephania right next to her. Inside, the space seemed to be arranged much like Ekua’s, but with less of the shelves Ekua had managed to set up, with more jars and jugs instead. Moving about the yurt, moving the few of the jugs about was a mare that must have been somewhere in her forties. She stood a few inches taller than Rose, with deep green eyes and thick wavy stripes that perfectly accentuated every line and curve of her body. When she took notice that they had entered, she looked over her shoulder at the pair with half-lidded eyes and a small, tired smile that seemed to speak of many hard days at work. “Hello, my name is Compass Rose, and this is my stallion, Zephania.” Rose offered promptly in greeting, putting on a confident smile that was without substance. “Ah, it is good to meet you, Compass Rose, Zephania...” The older mare nodded, her smile growing a bit. She nodded respectfully to each of them in turn, her gaze lingering on Rose just a tad longer as she turned to face them. “I am Aberash, Medicine Mare of the Kuchomwa.” Zephania was the first to reply, “It is an honor to meet you, Aberash.” He bowed his head respectfully, briefly placing a hoof over his chest, “We came here hoping that you would be willing to educate Rose and show her your tribe, while I and my fellow stallions make our camp.” Rose felt the smallest inkling of irritation that Zephania had spoken for her, but chose not to voice it. “I’ve been trying to learn your language.” Rose explained. “It would be my honor to teach a fellow mare the tongues of the Kuchomwa and our sister tribes.” Aberash hummed. Turning, she slowly made her way around the fire pit toward Rose, the lights and shadows from the lamps dancing over her stripes in an almost alluring fashion, while a few stray wisps of smoke whirled about her neck and mane. Upon her rump rested a series of lines and a teardrop the evoked the image of a large bonfire. “Thank you very much, Aberash.” Rose said, trying to prevent a blush from coloring her cheeks, or her eyes lingering upon the mare’s flanks. “Yes, thank you very much.” Zephani nodded thankfully, “I will come back when we are done with our tasks. Until then,” He leaned in and kissed Rose’ ear, “...have fun.” Rose hummed quietly in acknowledgement. “Don’t make me wait too long~” She offered her stallion a sweet, if suggestive smile. “I won’t~” Zephania shook his head and gave her an encouraging smile, before turning and slowly making his way out of the yurt. When he was gone, Aberash stepped ever closer and brought a hoof to gently hold Rose’s chin, “Now, my child,” She leaned in until her nose was almost touching Rose’s with a curious smile, “where would you like to start~?” Rose’s ears folded back in discomfort, her eyes flicking down to the unwanted hoof upon her chin. When she did, Aberash frowned sadly and lowered her hoof, “I did not mean to discomfort you.” “Pegasi are prone to claustrophobia, even the smallest things can set it off.” Rose explained, shifting nervously upon her hooves. Aberash nodded respectfully, “My apologies. I will try to be more sensitive~” She gave a slow, sultry laugh, accompanied by another tired, but hopeful smile. “How would you like to begin your lesson?” Rose shrugged not sure how to start. “You look tired, would you rather rest? I could come back another day.” “No, no. It has merely been a long time since I simply had a chance to sit down and talk with a visitor.” Aberash explained and began to circle the pegasus mare, brushing against her sides all the while, with the mare’s proximity, Rose couldn’t help but blush faintly, “This is a chance to relax for me~” The pegasus followed the zebra as she walked around her, becoming obviously uneasy when she ended up directly behind her, though she said nothing about it. “Everyone seems on edge.” Rose remarked, tracking the mare as she walked around her, not quite sure what to make of it. Aberash paused briefly, before continuing to circle, “Life...has been hard out here.” She explained simply, “Our tribe has not fared as well as some...” This caused Rose to turn toward the circling mare with a worried expression, “There are those who could help.” She offered, smiling to the older mare. Aberash actually stopped at that, before looking away, “Thank you, but...we will endure.” She assured the younger mare. Rose took a half-step forward, her features taking on a respectful trepidation. “I know what it’s like to live with a prideful tribe~” She assured the Medicine Mare, offering her another, smaller smile. Aberash turned back to her with a softer, thankful smile, “Thank you for your concern, Compass Rose~” Rose nodded softly in response, realizing that she wasn’t about to make any headway - they did not want help. Aberash started moving again and her trail lead her back up Rose’s other side, “Now, I believe you wanted language lessons~” “I would.” Rose affirmed with another, more eager nod, “I find the language rather beautiful.” “I am glad you appreciate it.” Aberash stopped and slid her hoof gently up the younger mare’s shin, “There are many zebra tongues and our culture varies between every tribe that wanders the grass.” She regarded Rose thoughtfully, “Where to begin...?” “Um, Aberash~?” Rose looked hesitantly from her, to her hoof and back. “Do you truly not enjoy my touch, child?” Aberash asked with a small frown, sliding slowly away from the other mare’s body to stand before her. Rose did not say no, but looked at her warily. “I’m not used to being flirted with, much less by a mare.” “A beautiful young thing like you not used to flirting~?” Aberash asked innocently with a disbelieving look, “Especially from mares? Pony mares deny each other bodily pleasure?” Rose blushed meekly then, still not used to such treatment, “I am not considered particularly desirable, amongst ponies.” She revealed with a small frown. “Now that is hard to believe~” Aberash chuckled and offered her a motherly nuzzle, before following it with a not-so-motherly kiss to the cheek. Though her stallions had gotten her used to the idea of being shared, Rose still found the concept of fooling about with those outside the herd a little strange. Not unwelcome, just strange. While not usually much of a mare’s mare, she had to admit that this mare was attractive. Before she could decide, her ears flipped back and her blush spread. Aberash smiled knowingly at that and nuzzled under her chin, “I could always start with a different kind of lesson~” She offered with a tentative kiss to Rose’s throat. At this, the pegasus playfully pushed her head away with a soft chuckle. “I don’t need a lesson in that.” Aberash chuckled and bumped noses with her, “You say you don’t have much experience with mares~” “I said I’m not used to being flirted with.” Rose corrected her. Aberash giggled then and kissed her nose, “Then what would you like to learn~?” “I understand that there are different dialects among the tribes...” Rose noted, trying not to concentrate on the mare’s closeness. “Most differences in dialect are minor. A different pronunciation here, a shortened word there...” Aberash explained with a nod, before starting to circle her again, “Put them all together and they may make it seem like a different language. With a keen ear and a sharp mind, one zebra may speak with another tribe without ever having to learn the tongue. But to know the difference is to know the history, how the tongue and the tribe as a whole were shaped~” By this point, she was breathing softly into the pegasus mare’s ear. Rose shivered slightly at the feeling of breath on her ear. “Um, Aberash, you’re a little close…” She remarked, hoping that she didn’t come off as rude. “My apologies, Rose~” One of Aberash’s hooves came up to brush Rose’s shoulder as she stepped back. “You are married to the chieftain?” Rose assumed, hoping to distract her. Aberash hesitated, before nodding with a soft smile, “We even have a daughter.” “Congratulations,” Rose smiled softly in understanding, all too familiar with the uncomfortable smile of one putting on a show, but chose to continue politely, “I’m sure if she takes after her mother, she is a very desirable mare.” Aberash nodded proudly then, “She is only a little younger than you, I think, if I judge you properly. She has seen sixteen summers and already her father has had to break up fights between a pair of prospective mates.” The pegasus’ smile became a wistful one at that revelation. “She is very popular~” She noted almost absently. “She is.” Aberash smiled even more proudly, “I will take you to meet her when we are done here if you like.” She offered hopefully. Rose nodded, deep in thought. “I’m not sure what we’d talk about.” She admitted, “I’m a few seasons older than her and I never was all that popular… Well, not until I ended up on the Savannah.” “Then I suppose it is only here on the Savannah that we appreciate true beauty.” Aberash hummed and Rose loosed a disbelieving huff, before she could step closer to the pegasus. The older mare leaned in and took her by the chin once more, “Do you truly doubt my words?” She smiled knowingly, “You who now profess a herd of four strong stallions?” “My own kin think me an undesirable combination of bland and strange...and I can’t help but notice the Savannah’s lack of ponies. That simply makes me something of a novelty.” The pegasus mare shrugged, her wings ruffling in discontent. “I know my stallions find me attractive, but there are times I wonder why they do so.” “Your kin are foolish.” Aberash shook her head with an almost disgusted sigh, “I have met a few ponies in recent months, Compass Rose and I can tell you, you are no mere novelty.” She looked into the younger mare’s eyes with her own lidded with an almost motherly smile. “Your stallions are attracted to you, because they can see all of your wonderful qualities, as well as your beautiful form~” Rose’s expression made her skepticism of her assessment clear, yet she did not protest her words. “Did you flirt with them too?” “No.” Aberash started to shake her head, but stopped and thought for a moment, “Well, one, but he turned me down.” She shrugged sadly. “It still surprises me that mated mares are allowed to...fool around with other stallions.” Rose admitted. “We believe that love and pleasure are meant to be shared.” Aberash shrugged and took a seat beside her, “I was not in season and I had contraceptives on hoof if I was worried.” Aberash explained, “And if I bore his foal, then...” She shrugged and gave a smile, “It is not unheard of for mares to bear foals for stallions they are not mated to. In some cases, mares will do so purposefully, longing for a foal, but not for a mate. In such cases, they will normally place a carved fertility symbol above the entrance to their home, signifying that any and all stallions are welcome until her heat is over.” “But for a mated mare to bear another stallion’s foal?” Rose regarded her skeptically. Aberash blinked at her confusedly, “I would not do so on purpose.” “What if you bore his foal?” Rose wondered. Aberash appeared thoughtful for a moment, “Then I would raise it, apologize to my stallion and be more careful in the future.” Rose nodded slowly, “A pony stallion might leave his mare for that.” She remarked thoughtfully. “So would a zebra if it was intentional.” Aberash nodded, “But so long as it was an accident...” The older mare shrugged once more. Rose regarded Aberash pointedly, “Even if it was an accident.” She insisted. “So I gathered.” After a moment of silence, Rose decided to change subjects. “So you met Grassy and Tin Cup?” Aberash blinked in surprise and hesitated for a moment, before nodding, “Briefly. They did not stay long.” “Oh, my friend Polar suggested we speak to them before we continued our journey.” Rose fibbed, carefully adding a little truth to her lie, “My stallions are showing me the Savannah~!” Aberash’s smile started to return and she cocked her head, “Ah, so you are having something of an adventure~?” Rose nodded eagerly, “I want to see as many tribes as I can.” “That sounds rather exciting~” Aberash hummed softly, “When are you planning to settle down?” “I’m not, yet.” Rose informed her, “I guess when we find the right place, or if I end up bearing foal.” “You should consider finding someplace soon.” Aberash took on a motherly tone and wrapped a foreleg around one of Rose’s, “Come lay down and I will brew us some tea.” “Thank you, I would love some tea right about now.” Rose smiled warmly, “I don’t think I want foals just yet. Maybe come spring…” Her wings ruffled unconsciously as she thought about which one she would prefer to be the father. “Good filly~” Aberash steadily walked her around to the other side of the fire pit where a thick woven blanket was laid across the floor. She settled the young mare down and gave her a kiss on the forehead, before turning to search for her ingredients. The pegasus snickered softly then. “I’m not really a filly anymore, Aberash~” She reminded the mare patiently, as a filly would to her mother. “I’m surprised, considering most mares your age wish to start a family~” Aberash replied playfully as she poured water from a jar into the pot, “Well, I suppose you should be sure your stallions use preventative brews next time if you are truly worried.” Setting aside the water jug, Aberash dug out a set of flint and steel. “I was the first time…” Rose trailed off blushing, “Y-you know what it’s like with a zebra stallion~” “Oh, do I~” Aberash commented with a motherly chuckle. A few clacks from the flint and sparks had lit within the fire pit, slowly growing brighter. “Now, I’ve only seen your Zephania, but one of my assistants came to me with a description of the rest. Do you know which you would like to sire your foals in which order?” Her grin returned to a sultry state then, “Or are you going to use another traditional zebra method~?” “Traditional… What do you mean? Let them all take me…?” Rose quirked her head a little, confusedly. Aberash nodded, her smile growing, “I assume you’ve experienced a zebra stallion’s, eh, volume by now, have you not?” Rose nodded, smiling faintly at the memory. “Then you might be interested to know why our stallions bear such a gift.” Aberash hummed and tossed a small pouch of herbs into the pot as the fire started to grow, “It is because, long ago, rivals would mount one another’s mares shortly after each other, each hoping to wash the other’s seed away with sheer volume. Now, a popular method in herds with multiple stallions and mares that can’t decide, is to let all of them take her and see whose seed is the most stubborn of the lot.” As she spoke, Aberash slowly moved over to lay against Rose’s back. “Have you ever lay with a stallion? A pony stallion?” She quickly clarified. “No.” Aberash shook her head and slowly slipped her arms around Rose’s waist, “As I said before, the one time I tried he turned me down.” “I was surprised my first time, zebras seem to lack the girth of a pony.” The pegasus chuckled once, “Well, except for Zuberi, he’s about the same…” “Really now?” Aberash scrunched up her face thoughtfully, “Now I really wish I hadn’t let him get away.” She chuckled and laid her cheek against Rose’s. “How did you flirt with him?” She asked curiously, “Will you show me?” “Oh, I flirted with him much the same way I did with you.” Aberash explained quietly. “Soft touches...” Her hooves drew up Rose’s belly and chest, “Soft, sensual words...” She breathed lightly into Rose’s ear, “But, he was pining after another member of his little trading caravan. Too bad for the poor boy, she seemed to have a thing for zebra stallions.” The pegasus snickered quietly, trying to hide it behind a hoof. “Aberash, can I give you a piece of advice about pony stallions, without coming across as presumptuous?” “Well, you are a pony and I am going to need a little help if I ever want to feel a pony cock, so...” Aberash chuckled and suddenly tickled at the younger mare’s belly with her hooves, “Go right ahead.” “Will you lend me your neck?” She asked, somehow managing not to laugh, merely smiling goofily. “As you wish.” Aberash leaned over her curiously, stretching out her neck for Rose. “You weren’t being exciting enough for him.” Rose offered, moving to the small behind her ears and giving her a peck and a lick there, “A soft touch is fine once he’s in your bed, but if you want him to want you, you need to be spicy.” She nibbled on the tip of the zebra’s ear and then moved back to the small behind her ear and gave her a little teasing nip, “Pony stallions love being nipped on the neck, it’s how we show interest.” She then gave the older mare a little tug on the mane, “Or you can do that, if you really like him and don’t mind playing rough~” Aberash shuddered and hummed quietly at each and every touch, her forehooves exploring Rose’s barrel, “Thank you, Compass Rose. You’re a wonderful teacher.” With a soft sigh, she slid her head back behind Rose and the next thing the younger mare knew, Aberash was tugging gently at the mane at the top of her head. Rose growled quietly. “I’ve never been with a mare that wanted me…” She revealed, “The only time-” She froze mid sentence, cutting herself off. Aberash stopped her tugging and nuzzled concernedly into her mane, “What happened, Compass Rose?” Her grip on the pegasus turned into a comforting squeeze, “You are safe here and I can always call for your stallions if you need comfort.” The pegasus shook her head slowly. “I left my last herd.” She explained with a quiet voice, “The stallion was...unkind and his mares were selfish nags.” A small growl entered her voice in remembering her time with that herd, before looking back at Aberash, “You ever lay with a partner that didn’t really care?” Aberash was silent for a long moment, glancing over to where the pot with the tea was starting to warm up. “Once...” “Then you know what it’s like.” She spoke quietly, before pulling Aberash’s chin back to her with a gentle hoof, “You will be my first mare.” She offered her a seductive blink of her eyes, letting her decide if she still wanted to continue. “Then let’s make sure it’s special...” Aberash gave her an almost motherly smile in return and leaned in to give her a firm, but gentle kiss, the zebra’s forehooves wandering down to the younger mare’s udders. The pegasus whined quietly into their kiss and wrapped one of her own arms around the zebra’s neck, embracing the sensual exchange, but wishing that she could get more involved. Thus, she twisted on her side, bringing her belly to belly with the frisky zebra. Her arms moved to caress neck and back, while one of her rear hooves moved to fondle her udders and the other to her nethers, slowly stimulating her soft, motherly flesh. Aberash moaned deeply into the young mare’s mouth. She slid one arm up to ruffle Rose’s mane with a hoof and hold her tightly into the kiss, while her other hoof slid slowly down the length of her spine. Aberash’s hindlegs worked to intertwine with Rose’s and she used that to pull her closer until there was nothing between them. Still eager to tease the older mare, Rose rubbed one of her thighs against her marehood. Meanwhile, she worked to stroke her back in return, only to give Aberash’s mane a playful pull with the other. Aberash groaned at the younger mare’s attentions. Suddenly, she let out a growl and rolled Rose onto her back, pressing her own leg into the pegasus’ nethers as the heat from the growing fire in the pit washed over them. The hoof that had been wandering Rose’s back now slowly wandered her barrel. Before she could get too used to it, Rose growled and returned the gesture, rolling the other way and getting the zebra on her back. “Pegasi are aggressive lovers.” Rose said almost warningly and leaned in to start sensually chewing on Aberash’s neck. The older mare shuddered and gave her a lecherous smile, “Good. I was worried I might hurt you.” Rolling one more time so that they moved closer to the fire again, Aberash placed both hooves on Rose’s shoulders to pin her as she sat back. Shifting her hips, she ground her nethers against her lover’s while arching her back with a low, purposeful moan. The pegasus’ breathing hitched, but rather than the lidded, pleasured moan the zebra was expecting, Rose’s eyes went wide with panic. “Stop, let me up! Let me go!” She squealed, beginning to struggle against the mare’s hooves pinning her down, feeling the room closing in on her and the need to fly overtaking her. Aberash almost immediately moved her hooves and rolled away from the fire, twisting so that Rose lay over her, with the zebra’s hind legs wrapped around her waist. “Compass Rose, calm down, you are safe here.” Aberash cooed in her motherly tone, lightly stroking the mare’s shoulders and sides for a few moments, before the pegasus seemed to start calming down. The older mare nuzzled Rose softly and kissed her cheek, “I am sorry. When you said you were aggressive,” She rubbed cheeks with the mottled pegasus apologetically. “I did not think you would mind a little rough play.” Rose quickly started to regain her composure, if not her breath, before shaking her head. “It was the pinning…” She explained, a wary edge to her voice, “It felt like the room was swallowing me.” “I am sorry, I should have realized,” Aberash chastised herself, before stroking a hoof along one of Rose’s wings, “...a creature of the air must fear being trapped above all else.” A hollow, pale expression washed over the mare before she nodded slowly. “Yes.” She whispered in a weak voice. “Then I will not make such a mistake again.” Aberash reassured her, slowly unwrapping her hind legs. “If you like, we can simply lay here and enjoy the tea when it is finished, waiting for your stallions. Or, if you will let me redeem myself...” She leaned in and tugged Rose’s mane suggestively, “I will show you all the pleasures one mare may know with another.” The tug on her mane was all it took to remind Rose where they were, and she released a sigh of building expectation, before her eyes looked into the zebra’s with a curious expression. “Why me?” She asked simply enough, yet she looked intent on getting the answer, even while her wings were being stroked so sensually. Aberash was silent for a moment and preceded her answer with a tender kiss, “Because you seem special to me, Compass Rose. As soon as I saw you, I knew you to be a mare deserving of far more than she has been given.” She pecked the pegasus’ nose. The pegasus snorted. “My stallions said the same.” She remarked dispassionately, “I have been blessed with four stallions, what more could I possibly deserve!?” She sighed forlornly, her voice dipping lower, “A mare that couldn’t even keep one stallion…” “He must have been a foolish stallion.” Aberash dismissed the very idea of him with a small wave of her hoof, “What you deserve is many good friends,” She licked Rose’s cheek, “...and enough happy memories to wash away all of the bad.” “I don’t know if I’ve ever said this to a mare before,” Rose offered her a nervous nuzzle upon the nose, “...but I think you’re beautiful.” Aberash grinned merrily and leaned into her nuzzle, “Thank you, Compass Rose. Old mares like me have to work hard to match you younger fillies.” Rose leaned in to whisper into the older mare’s ear. “I think your more rounded build is far more winsome than mine… That’s the real reason why I entertain the idea of having foals.” “You hope that your pregnancy will permanently round you out?” Aberash asked curiously, nibbling on her ear, “You shouldn’t have foals until you want them.” Aberash giggled in a low tone, “Don’t be jealous of my...perfect foal-bearing hips.” Her voice became a low purr, “Some of us appreciate a more slender figure.” She drew her hooves lightly down Rose’s sides to her hips. The pegasus purred quietly. “I think I would like to have my stallion’s foals, almost as much as they would.” Her thigh once again rubbed against the zebra’s marehood, “Do you mind if I ask a personal question?” “Mmmm, ask away...” Aberash groaned lustfully at the touch on her nethers. “Why did you stop at one foal?” She asked gently, still somewhat worried that she might offend the older mare. “I-” Aberash’s smile faded somewhat and she stared pointedly past Rose at the roof of her yurt, “A...Medicine Mare’s life is busy. I didn’t have the time to raise more than one.” “Oh…” Rose murmured, her fears being proved just, she stopped rubbing at her groin and instead offered her the softest of kisses upon the lips, “I’m sorry for asking.” “It is not your fault, Compass Rose.” Aberash smiled faintly and returned the kiss, “This is what new friends do. They share each other’s lives. They know what makes one sad,” She nuzzled under Rose’s chin, “and work to fix it.” Rose nuzzled Aberash back and looked her in the eyes, with a hungry expression. “May I taste you?” She whispered to her in a lusty voice. “I was beginning to think you wouldn’t ask.” Aberash mirrored her smile and gave Rose’s cheek another lick, “I am yours to sample.” “I thought about just diving in, but I thought that anticipation would make it all the sweeter.” She grinned a little self-consciously then and gave her partner a peck on the cheek, “Also, you are quite distracting~” Lowering herself down Aberash’s belly, she stopped briefly as she rubbed her snout along, to give her little kisses, before continuing. She paused ever so briefly to offer a passing lick to one of her black teats, before moving to cradle one of the mare’s legs in her arms and slowly, arduously dropping nips down the inside of her thigh. The whole while, she looked up into the zebra’s eyes with a knowing smile, Aberash shivering and squirming beneath Rose. Biting her lip to stifle a loud moan, Abarash arched her back to press her slit forward, she hooked her free hind leg lightly around Rose’s neck. Finally, the pegasus made it to her elder’s marehood and she slowly gave her a teasing kiss upon the lips. “You know…” Rose spoke up from the zebra’s groin with a devious glint in her eye, “There’s nothing to keep anyone from trotting into the busy Medicine Mare’s yurt right now~” She reminded Aberash, only to draw her tongue up her slit in a torturously slow fashion. Aberash’s breathing hitched and she loosed a small cry, thumping the blanket beneath them, “Let them.” She growled lustfully. “Ooh~” Rose said in a high-pitch, “There’s a part of you that wants someone to come in? A stallion perhaps?” She teased, licking quickly at her slit this time, “Maybe you’d like it if Zephania forgot something and came back?” She licked Aberash once more, “Or maybe Zuberi and his big stallionhood~?” Aberash whinnied and laid her head back, pressing her pussy into Rose’s muzzle needily, “You are a cruel, teasing filly.” She huffed, forcing out a breathless chuckle. Rose stopped and regarded the zebra mare with an innocent expression. “We could go ask them, if you wanted…?” “That would mean stopping.” Aberash hooked both of her legs around the pegasus’ neck, urging her on, “You’re too good for me to wait on some stallions.” She growled playfully. “How about this evening?” Rose suggested, offering her winking clit a kiss. “I think I might like that.” Aberash nodded with a shiver, “After I see my mate off to bed.” “Then, I think maybe just a taste of tonight is in store.” Rose hummed, bringing her muzzle to the zebra’s dark genitals and lapped shallowly at her outer-lips, tasting her more thoroughly. “Ooooh~” Aberash moaned loudly, “Your tongue must have been blessed by the ancestors.” The hooves crossed behind Rose’s neck slowly moved apart to rub at the younger mare’s sides. Rose grinned, knowing that was just the warm-up. Without a hesitation, she pressed her broad, muscular tongue deep into Aberash’s marehood, before moving to suck on her winking clit. Aberash’s eyes went wide and she loosed a shrill whinny, as her vaginal walls worked to try and pull her young lover’s tongue even farther, as though it were a cock. The spotted mare pressed her muzzle as completely into her elder’s groin as she could manage, offering another inch of tongue that then sought out her g-spot, rubbing forward and back as she did. Aberash choked out another cry and her hind legs shot back up to wrap around Rose’s neck, while the older mare’s forehooves came down to rub at her mane, “Compass Rose...” She gasped, fixing her eye on the young mare, “I’m...” Rose looked back at her, her eyes telling her it was alright, to let it out; her tongue once again pressed into her g-spot and hummed quietly into her sex. Aberash squealed not so quietly in response, throwing her head back with a whinny of bliss as she reached her climax, washing Rose’s muzzle with her fluids. The pegasus pulled her tongue back and tenderly lead her elder down from her orgasm, while licking her clean. Aberash huffed slowly and quietly, regaining her breath. Once she had, she gave Rose no warning, before grabbing her by the shoulders and dragging her up and into a deep kiss. Rose hummed happily, though somewhat confusedly at how little effort it had taken to get the mare to climax. She was simply pleased that her partner had enjoyed the attention, none of her former herdmates ever gave her that much. “Thank you, Compass Rose.” Aberash purred, wrapping her in a tender embrace, “You have no idea how much I needed that.” “I thought you said you were mated?” Rose asked her queerly, quite certain that her stallions had not only said, but proven, how attentive zebra stallions were. Aberash froze and blinked, taking a moment to realize what the two of them had said, “I am...” She reassured the younger mare with a slow and even tone. This only served to confuse the mare more, before she dropped her voice into a conspiratorially low whisper. “Is your stallion tepid?” “No, no, of course not!” Aberash assured her somewhat defensively, “But...having a tribal chief for a mate means having a busy mate.” “All the more reason I’m surprised he’s not attending to your needs, I would think with his job, he would need release as much, if not more than you! Stallions being what they are…” Rose mused. “Compass Rose, are we here to discuss my stallion’s drive...?” She nuzzled the young mare and brought a leg up suggestively between Rose’s legs, “Or to make each other feel good?” Rose purred, but still managed to stay on task - something she realized she likely wouldn’t have been able to do, if she hadn’t been fucked so thoroughly as of late. “I came to learn of your tribe.” She reminded Aberash. “And I am still able and willing to answer your questions.” Aberash smiled and ran her hooves through Rose’s mane. “Are you and your mate not important members of your tribe?” The pegasus reminded, pressing herself gently against her belly and neck, enjoying the feeling of her coat. “Yes, we are.” Aberash nodded as she snuggled cozily into the young mare’s body, “Our sex lives, however, are not important to our tribe as a whole.” “But they are to you.” Rose pointed out, before smiling softly, “Or if I am being too nosy, I can stop.” “I will answer any question but those.” Aberash gave a wry smile and booped her nose against Rose’s, “You are a very silly, inquisitive, little filly.” “I am very far from home.” Rose reminded rather simply, with an almost detached lack of emotion one way or another that should’ve followed such a statement. “Do you not miss your home, Compass Rose?” Aberash asked with a hint of worry, noting the lack of emotion, “What about your family? Surely you miss them.” “A little…” A frown briefly pulled at her muzzle, “But I was living away from them for a few years now, so I am not terribly homesick. To be honest, I don’t think I’ve had a home for a very long time now.” “You could always make a home.” Aberash suggested with a smile, “Here on the Savannah, with your stallions. Settled down, have their foals...” She gave a playful nicker, “Perhaps even birth enough to start a tribe. By the ancestors, four stallions, I worry for your poor hips!” Aberash teased her gently. “They are gentle enough.” The pegasus assured her partner, before smiling fondly, “I have thought about it, when I lay half-asleep, how nice it would be to have a proper home somewhere atop a foothill, or a low mountain for both our sakes. Maybe near the sea? We could start an orchard and sell apples for our living…” Her eyes lit up and she regarded Aberash pointedly, “Please tell me you’ve had at least one apple in your life?” Aberash nodded and licked her lips, “Once. The last group of pony traders we encountered had a crate. It was a goodwill gift to encourage a trade agreement. You see, they had a talented young mare that could work wonders with bronze, which several tribes have ready access to.” Rose nodded and smiled conspiratorially. “My poor stallions had never had apples until I came along.” She tittered, “They loved each bite of the applesauce we made.” “Applesauce?” Aberash asked with an almost childish curiosity, “We did not make anything with our apples. My mate simply gave some to as many in our warriors as he could.” “That’s a shame.” Rose noted, “You make applesauce by peeling and cooking the apples in a pot, and then crushing them down. A little sugar or honey, and a little spices and it’s to die for!” “Mmmm, maybe someday we will get our hooves on more apples.” Aberash wondered hopefully, “It was a nice change from our usual meals.” “Did I misunderstand, or did you imply that you have another pony mare in your tribe?” The pegasus inquired curiously. Aberash fell quiet for a moment, her grip becoming almost imperceptibly tighter around Rose, “Did I say that...?” “No~” Rose let the word hang confusedly, “You just said something about the last stallion you went after liked a mare that liked zebras,” She shrugged, “I guessed.” Rose blinked even more confusedly at Aberash, “What’s wrong? Is she hurt?” “Oh...” Aberash nuzzled under Rose’s chin with a soft smile, “You don’t need to worry about her. Her company left days ago. Let us speak of other things.” “Were they continuing on to the next tribe? I’d really like to meet her!” Rose declared, a little disgusted with herself at how easy she found it to lie to the Medicine Mare. “That...seemed to be their destination, yes.” Aberash nodded slowly, “Once their business was done, they did not say much.” “You’ll have to tell Zephania which tribe they were going to visit.” Rose smiled, quickly continuing, “Have you ever visited the Mwezi Wafuasi?” She asked, trying to deflect any mounting suspicions. Aberash shook her head once more and seemed to relax a little, “I cannot say that I have, though the name is familiar.” “We just spent a week with them, camped by the coast. Their medicine mare started teaching me the language.” She reiterated the last part. “Good, so we at least have a good base to teach you more~” Aberash hummed with a pleased little smile. “Now...I do believe our tea is ready.” She nodded to the steam drifting up from the pot over the fire, “I will get us a drink.” Standing, Aberash slowly trotted over to a box from which she pulled a small bowl. Dipping it into the pot, she lay next to Rose and blew on the drink some to cool it, before offering it to her with both hooves. “Here, this will help take your mind off of things.” “Thank you.” She offered sincerely, “I’m not familiar with this blend…” “It is a special brew.” Aberash smiled softly, “My own mother would make some for me whenever I was scared or worried. We would share a bowl and she would reassure me that the monsters were not real and all would be well. I do the same for my daughter now and again...” Rose chuckled quietly, trying not to read into the mare’s words too much. “The few times I actually caught a glimpse of our Princess, she was sipping at a teacup.” “Then even royalty knows the value of a good brew.” Aberash nuzzled into Rose’s cheek. The pegasus smiled a little despite herself. “Do you think we could practice the language a little now?” “I would be proud to.” Aberash nodded and kissed her cheek this time, “Let’s start with something simple...” > Arc I: Chapter XIII > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After sharing a drink and studying a bit of the zebrican tongue for a few minutes. Aberash led Rose out into the yurt town, the tribe not being much larger than thirty yurts. After the week they had spent with the Moon Worshipers, the place felt small. Yet despite this, the mare did not feel very welcome, like she had in the last tribe. When it came to the stallions, most either regarded her with suspicion or openly leered at her, while the mares of the tribe did their best to simply ignore her. The two wandered for an hour or so, with Aberash making sure to keep Rose occupied. She chatted animatedly, trying to keep the pegasus distracted and teach her some more of the language as they went. By the time they were finished, the sun was starting to sink on the horizon and they stood before Rose’s yurt. Xolani stood off to the side with his back to them, staring intently out into the grasslands past the other yurts. Her other stallions were nowhere in sight, presumably inside the shelter. Rose smiled at the sight of her stallion and hopped into the air, gliding over to him. “Xolani!” She exclaimed, just before pouncing on him with a high-pitched giggle. Xolani cried out with a happy laugh and spun about in her grasp to wrap her in a tight hug, “Rose, Xolani missed you! Did you enjoy your tour?” He glanced over her shoulder at the trailing mare, “Is this Aberash? The one Zephania named this tribe’s Medicine Mare?” Rose nodded into his neck and then pulled him about to face her. “Xolani, this is Aberash. Aberash, this is one of my stallions, Xolani.” The mare gestured between the two with a wing. “Ah, it is good to meet you, Aberash.” Xolani nodded respectfully and offered her his hoof. “And it is good to meet one of this sweet mare’s stallions.” Aberash took his hoof with a smile, “Compass Rose told me about you.” Releasing his hoof, she leaned in to peck Rose’s cheek, “Unfortunately, I can’t stay to meet the rest. I have some chores I must attend. Until then, I hope to meet you at the fire tonight. And then,” She purred and nipped Rose’s ear, “perhaps I will return a little later~” Rose giggled once again, nodding softly. “Until tonight.” Aberash nuzzled her with a chuckle and turned to go, “Perhaps you will meet my daughter as well. I did not get to introduce you like I wished.” With a light flick of her tail Aberash trotted off, disappearing in the collection of nearby yurts. Xolani held Rose close to his side and remained silent as he watched Aberash go. When she was gone however, he suddenly spun about, slowly moving her with him to stride into the yurt. The mare nuzzled him, reassuring him that she was following and that he needn’t rush her. Inside, he gently pulled her down to his bed roll, “This tribe does not feel right to Xolani.” “I’m pretty sure Aberash lied to me.” Rose revealed, looking to him while making herself comfortable. “Mmmm, Xolani would not be surprised.” The stallion rubbed his chin thoughtfully, “They do not sing songs or tell stories, the stallions do not fawn over their mares, and the mares- Many of them should be round with foal, but they almost seem to avoid their stallions.” “Aberash appears to be my mother’s age, but only has one child and she is nearly my age.” Rose continued, gently urging her stallion to join her, silently hoping that he would lay atop her. He was quick to take the hint and slid over to rest on her back, causing her to shiver, before relaxing beneath him. His weight reassured her and eased her nerves. As he straddled her, Zuberi and Zephania filed in, the former going to lay by her side, while the latter went to sit across the fire. “Welcome back~” Rose purred, exchanging a nuzzle Zuberi affectionately without disturbing Xolani, “I think Aberash lied to me.” Rose reiterated for Zephania. “About?” Zephania asked with a hum as he stared into the fire. “About Burnished Bronze’s party.” Rose sighed, “I didn’t press her, but I know a lie when I hear one. Lying is practically a second language in Canterlot.” “I was beginning to suspect she might.” Zephania sighed, “I’m not sure exactly what’s going on, yet,” He continued finally looking up with a small smile, “...but we’re going to find out.” “Secrets do not stay that way long with me and Zephania around.” A somewhat haughty sounding Uzoma spoke up, sliding into the yurt next to Rose. “Welcome back, Uzoma~!” She chirped, happy to see all of her stallions back in their yurt, “She claimed that Burnished Bronze’s group left for the next tribe, but Polar didn’t mention anything about them going deeper into the Savannah. And whenever they came up, she really wanted to change the subject.” “Well, you may be right, about her hiding something.” Uzoma nodded slowly, “I followed you, and Aberash was purposefully avoiding a specific section of the camp, directly across from ours. When I stopped to investigate, I noticed a few more warriors hanging about than the rest of the camp. They seemed to be acting aloof, but it was clear they were watching to keep strangers away. I briefly managed to sneak past a few of them and the only interesting thing in that area of the camp,” He took a slow breath, “...was a yurt with fertility symbols hanging from the entrance.” “Y-you don’t think…?” Rose hesitated, her ears folding. “I cannot be sure.” Uzoma shook his head with a small frown. “Did you get close enough to smell the yurt?” She asked him pointedly. “I wasn’t able to get close enough...” Uzoma shook his head almost shamefully, “There were too many warriors nearby.” “Aberash told me the last trade company to pass through these parts, there was a mare that wanted to bed a few of the stallions.” She looked to Zephania pointedly, “Have you seen any tracks leaving the camp?” “Yes.” Zephania nodded slowly. “But not enough for a company...” “How many?” She asked worriedly. “Only one or two in any given direction.” He declared gently, “And they all come right back.” “I don’t like the sound of this…” Rose murmured. “Neither do I.” Zephania assured her, “So tomorrow, we’re going to do a little more digging while you spend time with Aberash.” Rose nodded in understanding. “We’ve been invited to some sort of party tonight. A fire at the center of the camp.” “Then we’ll use it as a chance to get to know their chief.” Zuberi spoke up. “Um...boys~?” Rose twiddled her forehooves worriedly, “I might’ve offered Aberash to come back with us after...and may have implied you would be interested in giving her some attention.” Her stallions nickered amusedly then and Xolani nipped her ear playfully. “Just as well. We may be able to get information out of her~” “That’s the idea~” Rose smiled giddily at his nip and her tail flicked, before looking to the others, “Sorry I didn’t ask first.” “No need to apologize, Rose.” Zuberi chuckled and kissed her cheek, “We are happy to entertain guests, though usually under better circumstances.” “Can we all snuggle until it’s time to leave~?” She asked hopefully, before suddenly finding herself pony-piled by all four of her stallions. ~ ~ ~ Making their way through the yurts, Rose’s herd could see the bright glow from the bonfire in the middle of camp long before they reached it. The laughter of stallions and the beating of drums could be heard accompanying the crackle of the flames. When they finally made it to the edge of the clearing, the sight that greeted them was an enormous blaze with groups of stallions and their mares clustered about all over the clearing. Occasionally, one of the stallions would leap up to start dancing about the blaze, often dragging an uncomfortable looking mare with them. Sitting directly across the clearing from them, was Abidemi with a proud smirk on his lips as he watched the proceedings. Lying against his sides were a pair of young mares that couldn’t have even been Rose’s age, wearing cool, stoic expressions, while occasionally shooting furtive glances at one another. Rose thought it an odd gathering, but not terribly so, merely a unique expression of celebration of one of the earthbound races. She didn’t share the convictions of superiority that some of her kin did, but at the same time, she was forced at this moment to find the zebra to be quite...quaint. As they approached, Rose and her stallions began to draw the attention of those around then. While the drum players never stopped, she earned more than a few grins from the stallions, while the mares cast nervous, almost sympathetic looks her way. A few stallions even shot similar grins Uzoma’s way. When Abidemi caught sight of them, he raised an eyebrow, but remained silent. He didn’t even move from his place, merely throwing an arm over one of the young mares at his side in a lazy manner. Rose looked about the circle of gathered zebras, searching for a place for her herd to join the circle. She didn’t have to wait long for a spot as Abidemi waved them over, motioning them to a place close to him and his mares. She casually trotted over to the place where he motioned for them, leading her stallions as she continued looking about the crowd. “You must be the lovely Compass Rose.” Abidemi spoke up with a small grin, not bothering to hide a spark of lust in his eye as he looked her up and down, “My Medicine Mare told me of you. Please,” He patted the ground before him, “sit.” “It’s nice to meet you, Abidemi.” Rose offered him, putting on her Canterlot mask to keep him from reading her expression too easily. “Good to meet you as well~” The chieftain hummed, before looking to her stallions, “And you good stallions too.” As he spoke, Rose’s stallions each nodded respectfully in turn, while casting a curious eye around the circle. “Let me introduce you to my stallions,” Rose smiled fondly back at them, gesturing to each in turn, “Zephania, Zuberi, Uzoma and Xolani. We are touring the Savannah, visiting as many tribes as we can!” “Ah, sightseeing then.” Abidemi hummed with a little smirk, “Well, I am glad you managed to come to our little corner of the Savannah on your trip.” “We’re glad to be here.” Zephania replied with a small smile, “It has been a while since we spent any length of time with a proper tribe.” “Full time wanderers, then?” Abidemi wondered, earning a quick nod from Zephania. “I’m an amature expeditationary!” Rose chirped with an innocent smile. “An adventurous spirit, then~” Abidemi chuckled and made to nibble one of his mares’ ears. She shuddered when he did, but it didn’t appear to be a very positive reaction. “So, is this bonfire to mark a special occasion? Some sort of holiday?” Rose enquired, hoping that she could get the stallion distracted from the mare that clearly didn’t want his attention. “Oh, not really.” Abidemi chuckled once more, briefly diverting his attention away from the young mare, who shot Rose a nervous look, “The Kuchomwa have always been a very wild, carefree tribe. We simply felt like having a bonfire.” “As a pegasus, I can sympathize with that.” Rose replied conversationally, “Some of us spend our entire lives never coming to the ground.” “Really, now?” Abidemi cocked his head with a rather intrigued expression. She nodded, “I spent most of my life in Cloudsdale, living high above Equestria, until I came of age. I spent a little time in the capital looking for a stallion, before I realized Canterlot wasn’t the place for me. So I left Equestria and…” Rose gestured about as if saying, now I’m here. “You make it sound so simple.” Abidemi quirked an eyebrow, “It couldn’t have been easy to leave your home behind.” “Once I was a mare, Cloudsdale wasn’t a home for me anymore, and Equestria was almost as alien to me as the Savannah.” Rose explained with a nonchalant shrug. “Then perhaps you will find your home here on the Savannah~” Abidemi offered suggestively, “You would certainly be welcome here in my tribe.” As he spoke, he cast a cursory glance to her stallions, as though to include them. “That is a gracious offer, but we cannot stay forever.” Zephania replied with a cool smile, “We have many places to go, and many new things to see.” “I appreciate the offer, Abidemi.” Rose smiled, “We will have to see where the winds carry us~” “Well, I hope the breeze lingers here for a while~” Abidemi replied and cast an eye over her form as he returned to nibbling at his young mare’s ear. “If you don’t mind me asking, where is your herd?” Rose inquired, “I had hoped to meet them.” Abidemi’s mares seemed to grow more nervous at the question, though the stallion merely smiled, “Ah, Aberash had a few chores to attend to with our daughter. She apologizes for not attending.” “I imagine being a tribe’s medicine mare is quite the demanding job.” Rose offered him an understanding smile. “Quite.” Abidemi nodded slowly. “Well, don’t let me stop your festivities, I’ve heard about zebra-drummers and am excited to see such a celebration!” “Feel free to take part~!” Abidemi chuckled, before suddenly furrowing his brow in confusion, “Weren’t there four stallions in your little group?” “Of course, I-” Rose turned around to look, before noticing Uzoma missing, “Huh, I guess he drank too much before coming out…” She chuckled, before turning back around to offer Abidemi a casual smile. “He did mention needing to relieve himself earlier.” Zephania nodded casually, “He has a habit of slipping away without disturbing the group.” “I see...” Abidemi shrugged then and his smile returned, “Well, feel free to participate. I’m sure the lot of you will not lack for willing dance partners~” “Come, Rose,” Zuberi stood then and offered the mare his hoof, “dance with your stallions~” Rose took his hoof and stood, smiling brightly. “Gladly.” The next she knew, she was being swept out into the center of the circle as her stallions danced and leapt around her. Rose leapt and bounded in kind, and she whooped in joy. What all the zebras then bore witness to was the pegasus flaring her wings, not for flying, but as a display, introducing them into her dancing. It was as if this mare had been taught by the ostrich and had incorporated their wing-play into her own dance. Rose suddenly found all eyes upon her. Many of the stallions watching and dancing stared at her with open lust, while a few bore softer looks of admiration like those her own herd threw her way. She even received a few admiring looks from the mares, those who had appeared uncomfortable thus far relaxing some as they watched. Yet Rose seemed largely oblivious to the attention she was garnering, focusing on her stallions. As she danced with them, she slowly fell into the spirit of the celebration and the dance with her stallions slowly took on a more openly sensual tone, not so much flirting with them, as honoring them and their masculinity. Her stallions readily adopted the change and began to honor her in kind. Spinning about her, they began to deliver quick kisses and soft caresses that seemed to give the impression that they were worshiping her through their dance. Though none of them knew it, Rose was connecting with something from the ancient past of the pegasi as she danced with them, her inhibitions slowly fading and her flirtations returned in response to her stallions’. The next she knew, four new zebra leapt into their wild dance, three mares and one slightly older stallion. Slipping in when they saw an opening, each mare briefly nuzzled one of her stallions, before stepping into the center to give her a respectful bow as they danced. There was a moment, but a brief flash of something violent, a repressed warrior’s spirit, at the moment of interruption...then, it was gone. Beating her wings, she controlled the dance like she controlled a storm, conducting the mares and leading them in flirting with her stallions. The mares followed willingly, submitting to Rose’s will, while each of them seemed to pick a favorite. As for the older stallion, he danced around the edge of the little gathering with Rose’s stallions, seeming to offer each of them a respectful, stallionly greeting. With that done, he bowed his head to Zephania, as though asking for permission. When Zephania nodded and the dance continued to whirl around them, the old stallion slipped into the center and bowed, as his mares had. However, when he intruded upon her dance, the mare seemed not to welcome him, but to challenge him. She was not overtly hostile, but she was aggressive - just who did he think he was he to intrude on her stallions’ dance? In reply, he took on a proud, masculine posture in his dance, displaying his own strength and physique. Meanwhile, at her aggressive posture, his mares began to join Rose’s stallions in their flirtations, as though asking for her favor. At his posturing, Rose began to nip him roughly, bumping into and shouldering him, testing him. He rose to her challenge with a gusto, nipping and shouldering her in return, refusing to back down. Finally placated, she gave the stallion a headbutt into formation with her stallions, letting them decide if he was worthy of her; if he was, he was part of their dance as much as she was. What followed was another series of aggressive posturings as he exchanged bites and soft blows with her stallions. One by one, he earned her stallions’ approval, before joining them in their worshipful dance. Rose found it odd, including another stallion, but seeing that he had earned her stallions’ approval, she also teased and flirted with him as well as her own stallions. With their four new additions, the dance seemed to grow wilder and more intense. The next Rose knew, all four stallions were beginning to drop from their sheaths, while the mares began swishing and lifting tail to both them and Rose. As the spectacle unfolded, half of those present began to watch eagerly, while the other half became swept up in the revelry, turning Rose’s group into the center of a figurative storm of bodies. All around them, stallions and mares danced wildly, some even mounting each other right then and there. Rose glanced at what she had wrought, with a little surprise and a bit of concern. This was not her, this was not the act of a pony, let alone one of her pedigree. Yet, she had done this. As she gazed upon the frenzy of dancing limbs and rising moans, her stallions and their guests took notice of her discomfort; their nuzzles became more comforting and encouraging, and she leaned into their affections despite herself. When she did, her stallions gently nudged her toward the stallion that had joined them, before he softly nibbled at her neck. The mare almost bit at him, quite unused to the idea of letting another stallion flirt with her. In return, the stallion backed off slightly, before tentatively continuing his flirtations, tugging softly at her mane this time. Rose loosed a soft nicker despite herself, before roughly bumping him in play. The stallion nickered eagerly in return and bumped her back, before starting to nibble his way down her neck. This time she didn’t warn him off with a bite, but hesitantly allowed him to continue. Onward he went, trailing his way down her back as he brushed against her sides. The mare tentatively nipped his neck as he worked, her wings standing tall. Next she knew, he was nibbling experimentally along the length of one wing as he stepped past. Rose’s breath caught then and she pressed her snout into his neck, “Careful~” She murmured, “D-don’t disturb the feathers~” “As you wish~” He cooed and began nibbling more tenderly, causing Rose to moan softly. The stallion hummed softly in response and began moving under her wing toward her rear, when he did, the mare playfully draped her tail over his head and between his ears. He whickered eagerly at that and gently pressed his nose to her rump to take a deep whiff; the pegasus was clearly excited, her feminine spice filling his nose as she stood there receptively. Growling excitedly, he delivered a long, slow lick up her labia, before giving her rump a soft nibble; earning a not so reserved goose in response. He snorted deeply at that and she could hear a loud slap, as he tried to spin about to stand behind her, only for the mare to hop weightlessly on her hooves and briefly latch onto his thigh from the front. When she did, he snorted once more and instead hopped up to mount her from the front, where he nipped playfully at her shoulders. Holding onto his hind-leg with one arm, Rose began to stroke his belly, her hoof caressing his erogenous zone, even as she twisted her head to nibble playfully on his dock. As she played with him, his penis slapped up against his belly once more and he used his grip on her shoulders to try and spin her around beneath him, only for her to latch onto his dock with a playful growl. He loosed a masculine growl in return and bit at her rump, before shifting as though to stand over her face. The mare nickered pleasantly at his teeth, only jumping slightly at his roughness. Releasing his tail, the mare leaned down to kiss his taint, as if asking for his patience. He nickered softly and managed to hold himself still. Twisting her head around, she nuzzled into his sheath, giving it a soft kiss. He wickered in pleasure at the gesture and gently thrust forward to rub his groin over her muzzle, only for her to roll with it and nuzzle his testes, bouncing one then the other. The mare tittered softly and amused herself with his balls for a moment, before he then tried to grind them gently against her nose. Finally, her amusement at its end, she flipped her tail across his face. When she did, he snorted and pulled back his hips, seeming to try and line up with her muzzle, only to earn a soft nip to the inside of his thigh. At that, he instead tried to twist her around beneath him again. The mare then tried to leap out from beneath him with a playful chortle, only for him to yank her right back and give her neck a playful, possessive bite. However, when he did, the mare twisted and threw her shoulder into a tackle, returning the bite in kind. Momentarily taken by surprise, he whinnied and wrapped his arms around her to try and wrestle her to the ground, only for the mare to have already gotten the upperhoof and take him to the ground first. However, once there, she held onto him, snuggling into his chest, seemingly content to be held for the moment. He stopped and blinked in confusion at that, but did not protest, offering her a hug, even as his mares and her stallions began plowing each other. Rose leaned into his neck, then affectionately nibbling his neck as her hot, slick juices began to drip onto his hard shaft. With a nicker at the sensation, he leaned up to give her mane a tug and tried to roll her over, only for the mare to pin him with a playful growl. Growling deeply, he gave her neck a rough bite in retaliation. Rose hissed softly at his bite, nuzzling into his neck placatingly, though she continued to insist on laying atop him. Gnawing playfully at her neck, the stallion lay still then, allowing her to do whatever she wished. Cooing pleasantly at his gnawing, she began to wriggle her rump atop his length, no longer feeling the need to pin him and so embraced him, while he ground against her in return. The moment he began to grind against her, she nickered eagerly and began to move in concert with his hips, before he suddenly pulled back to offer her a kiss. Rose pecked him playfully with a teasing grin, encouraging him to continue, which he gladly did, hungrily diving his tongue into her mouth. Dancing with his tongue, he soon found her labia riding further and further up his length. As she did, he grabbed her hips and gently encouraged her up to his crown. Going with his encouragement, she suckled hard on his tongue and ground her slick groin into his glans, winking around him, trying to tease him further. Whinnying hungrily, her lover began to steadily pull her down onto his shaft, only for her to stop and gyrate her hips at his glans. When she did, he began to flare and gave a loud snort, before thrusting up into her instead. Rose nickered pleasantly into their kiss and grinned, continuing to gyrate her hips as he thrust, that seeming to be exactly what she wanted. Growling victoriously, he began to steadily thrust up into her from where he lay, only for Rose to abruptly drop her hips. He whinnied lustfully as her hips met his own and he held the position, grinding firmly against her. Pulling back from the kiss, she nuzzled him, with flared wings. “Like pegasus~?” “I think I do~” He purred deeply. “Bounce me.” She commanded and without a moment of hesitation, he began to lift her and drop her right back down with his hooves. Nipping his nose she shook her head, pulling his hooves away. “Use your hips.” With a grin, he began to thrust firmly up against her, earning a loud, enthusiastic nicker. “Good stallion~!” Rose began to ride him then, meeting his thrusts with drops of her hips, flapping her wings for leverage, as he threw his head back with a blissful whinny. Around them, Rose’s stallions threw them approving grins as they plowed the other mares, and the rest of the gathering seemed to have their eyes intently upon her as well, the stallions devouring the fiery pegasus with their eyes. Somewhere in all of the excitement, Rose had forgotten her inhibitions and was now riding the cock of another stallion, with nothing but excitement and bliss, grinning broadly at his reaction. Deep inside her, she could feel him throbbing as their hips slapped together and he leaned up to chew sensually on her throat, causing her wings to become steadily stiffer. Rose herself, seemed to slowly lose herself to the pleasure, as easily as she might if he were one of her own stallions. As they lost themselves to their pleasure, he brought his forehooves up to caress her back and experimentally massaged her wing-shoulders. Almost immediately, the stallion felt her melt, her sex heating up as she came to a lesser-climax, only to start riding him harder and faster. Seeming to take the escalation as a challenge, he suddenly threw his weight forward, meaning to reverse their positions. Instead, he found his face buried in her shoulder as he rested upon his rump. Rose flapped her wings as she repositioned herself to continue, not even seeming to care that he was trying to take over, only wanting to keep fucking. She felt him throb hard at that as he made one last attempt to change position, yet again throwing himself forward, receiving a soft, reproachful nip. “Not on my back.” She whispered into his ear, awkwardly bouncing herself along with her hooves to his shoulders. “Does it bother your wings?” He asked her gently. She nodded softly, but added with a moan, “Claustrophobic.” He gave her a soft kiss then, “Not on your back then. But I need to mount you~” He purred headily. “Need~?” She challenged him, nibbling playfully at his ear. “I want to see those wings stiffen beneath me as I pull your mane and fuck you silly~” He growled hungrily. “And I want to see you groan with need as you follow my rhythm.” She grinned, nipping playfully at his nose. He snorted and bit her neck in reply, “So fierce...I would negotiate the right to stud you if I thought your stallions would accept.” Despite herself, her sex gave him a little squeeze then; as if rewarding him, she leaned in and whispered into his ear. “Shoulders soft, withers and neck stiff~” Grinning as he felt her body’s reaction, he had one hoof softly massage her shoulder, while the other firmly kneaded her withers, earning a playful nip to his withers to correct him. Snorting in understanding, he gave her neck an almost savage bite, causing her to cry out in pain; yet despite her cry, she did not stop riding him and her wings went stiff as rebar. Grinning as he tested her instructions, he released her neck to chew on her shoulders. The mare did indeed loosen up a little, though nowhere to the extent that she had, when he had his hooves upon her wing-shoulders. With that confirmed, he bit down on her neck once more and began humping rapidly up into her. The mare’s body went stiffer and she stopped bouncing in his lap, to instead gyrate her hips as she moaned happily. In a few more thrusts, he suddenly pulled her tight against his lap and burst deep inside her with a primal whinny. Rose ground into his hips with a similarly base whinny, to the point where his crown and sheath hurt a little at the pressure she was putting on him as she flooded over his length. When she did, he wrapped her in a tight hug and fell back to relax with her for a while. “Giving up?” She taunted him huskily. “Catching my breath~” He chuckled, “We’re not done quite yet.” Rose laughed suddenly and nipped his neck. “I never even got your name~” She snorted, “What the Tartarus is wrong with me tonight? Have I gone mad?” “Possibly~” He snickered, “My name is Olabode.” “Compass Rose.” She kissed his nose softly then, “What does your name mean?” “Wealth returns.” Rose grinned and kissed his nose softly, “Well, Olabode, let’s see how you perform while winded~” She snickered, trying to wiggle out of his grip. He held her tight instead and latched onto the crook of her neck with a possessive growl, causing her to moan softly. Pressing into his ear, she whispered, “I’ll make it worth your while, letting me up~” He hummed thoughtfully, before slowly releasing her. Kissing his ear, she pulled herself off of his cock, some of his contributions leaking out onto his chest then. Rather than stepping off of him, she moved forward until she was standing over his head and lowered her soiled loins to his nose. He snorted as their combined scents washed over him, and leaned in to readily lick her well used sex, her clit winking for his attention. However, rather than continue, once he got a good taste, he rolled to his hooves out from under her. Grabbing her hips before she could react, he pulled her back under him. However, unlike last time, though she nickered in surprise at being marehandled, she merely dug her hooves in and steadied herself. When she did, he grabbed her mane in his teeth and gave it a good yank as he lined his crown up with her labia, Rose whinnying loudly at his roughness and her wings extending with a pomf of air, quite thoroughly erect. Nickering excitedly, he thrust forward and hilted with one smooth stroke, and a slap of their hips. Olabode suddenly realized just how strong and athletic the mare really was, when he found his flare held firm in her depths as he dragged out a now ragged whinny of pleasure from her. At that, he leaned in to growl in her ear, “I’m going to plow you until your stallions have to carry you home.” Easing up on his member only meant that her muscles began to milk him passionately. “Don’t make a mare a promise your hips can’t keep~” Rose growled challengingly, and he merely snorted in reply and gave her one more hump. “You’ve got a nice cock, Olabode. Remember ponies are used to girth, not length.” Was the last bit of advice she offered him, before he set to plowing her. Her voice rose pleasurably over the din, wings going stiff on either side of the stallion as she braced herself with spread legs. ~ ~ ~ Rose was both tired, but also still wound from the tribal ‘party', as she lay with their combined herds - still minus Uzoma. Once the lot of them had worked their lust out, Olabode had cleaned Rose up, as had her stallions for his mares. Now the lot of them were laying in a zebrapile. As they did, Olabode began to nuzzle and nibble her mane, “I must thank you for the wonderful time.” Rose smiled fondly and purred affectionately at the attention, “Is what we did alright?” She asked, now that her stallions were not otherwise occupied. Zephania chuckled and leaned over to offer her a loving nuzzle from the other side, “Very alright. In some tribes, even expected~” “In some more than others...” Olabode nodded with a wry smile. Rose finally nuzzled Olabode back, “Hmm…?” Olabode merely shook his head and pecked her lips, “Nothing to worry about. Will you folk be staying a while?” Rose shrugged, rubbing noses with him, “A few days, maybe more.” Expecting her Zephania to give a more accurate answer. “Two, maybe three at most while we work on finding our friends’ trail.” Zephania chimed in right on time. “Ah. Well, I would not stay too long.” Oalbode urged them with a friendly smile, “ Wouldn’t want them to get too far ahead now.” “I’ve never heard a stallion give me that line before…” Rose put on a faux pout. Olabode chuckled and nipped her lips with a growl, as Zephania went back to grooming one of the other mares, “Believe me, if the choice was mine, I would have you and your stallions stay with my herd a long while~” “You could always come with...” Rose whispered, “We could start our own little tribe~” If she didn’t know any better, it almost seemed like something sad flickered behind his eyes as he shook his head with a soft smile, “No. My place is here, watching over my family.” Rose kissed his cheek tenderly, “I understand.” “Thank you, Rose~” He nickered at her kiss and looked around at his occupied mares, “Now, late as it is, I should probably get my mares home.” Rose pouted playfully then, “If you must~” She pecked his cheek and offered him a thankful nuzzle. “I must, unfortunately.” He nodded and stood with a sad sigh, giving her neck a playful nip as he nodded for each of his mares to rise. “Don’t be a stranger~” Rose purred, shivering at his teeth. “Never~” He purred in return, before playfully pulling each of his mares away from their goodbyes with Rose’s stallions. Rose approached Xolani, nuzzling him and sidling up against him affectionately, looking to see that he had a good time himself. “Well, they were a nice herd.” Xolani declared with a loving nicker as he made to wrap his arms around her, earning a soft nicker from his mare, who in turn nibbled him thankfully. Rose hadn’t been looking for what had transpired, indeed, when it had begun, she was a little apprehensive. Now that she had partaken, however, she was happy her stallions had not only allowed Olabode to approach her, but encouraged her to enjoy herself. Still, there was an odd nagging sensation at the back of her mind that something...strange had happened back there. She would’ve died of embarrassment over starting an orgy like that just a few months prior, and yet, even recognizing that she had started it, she chose to continue. “Well, with our new friends departing, shall we return to our own yurt?” Zephania asked her curiously. The mare glanced at her lead stallion and nodded, giving Xolani’s mane a soft pull back toward the yurt, looking to lead them back. “Good night everybody~” She called out to those few still left about the fire and her stallions quickly rose to follow. It was fairly late when Rose’s herd made it back to their yurt, filing inside one by one. Zephania stopped briefly outside to check behind them. However, when he turned back around, he found himself being pulled into a passionate kiss from his mare; graciously accepting, he relaxed for a long moment, simply enjoying her presence. As they kissed, she could still taste traces of another mare upon his lips and tongue, which she actually found a little attractive. Her stallion held onto their kiss for a long, lustful moment, before pulling back to nibble at her lip. Cooing at his masculine behavior, Rose stepped in and wrapped her wings affectionately around his neck, while nuzzling his nose. “Did you enjoy Olabode~?” He asked with a purr. “Almost as good as you boys,” She replied in kind, “...but I get to keep you.” “And we, you~” Zuberi nickered, stepping up behind her. Without even thinking about it, the mare’s tail hiked, prompting him to snort and lean in for an appreciative sniff. Realizing what was happening, she shivered, wondering if her stallion was going to make a move on her. Instead, he simply stepped forward and lay his head on her back, to nibble at her spine. At his nibbling, she moaned softly and began to rub her neck up and down his own, her eyes fluttering in pleasure. “Still need attention?” He asked with a chuckle as Zephania leaned in to chew on her neck. Rose tittered softly. “You’re the one chewing on me.” She reminded him, shivering harder with the two of them. “Mmmm, true.” Zephania snickered and both stallions slowly backed off, “You will need your rest for the night.” “Just because we need our rest doesn’t mean you have to stop.” She smiled sweetly, “I’m rather fond of the idea of falling asleep in a sensual pile~” “Say no more~” Zuberi purred and urged her forward into the yurt, alongside his fellow stallions. Rose leaned into her stallion’s side, rubbing her cheek against his neck as she followed without hesitation. Together, the three of them returned to the yurt, closing the door behind them as they headed for bed. The mare lay herself down first, making herself comfortable for her stallions to pile about her. In short order, she found herself pinned beneath Zuberi, as the others snuggled into either side and began nibbling sensually at her neck. Soon enough, her wings went stiff, brushing up against Zuberi’s ribs. Her stallions immediately shifted position then, allowing her to stretch them out. “You three are merciless~” She chuckled softly. “Only the best for our wonderful mare.” Zephania chuckled in turn as he offered her a kiss. Just as he did, the door opened and Uzoma stepped inside, “I’m ba- Are you starting without me?” Rose’s ears perked up and her eyes snapped to the door, “Yes.” She chirped innocently, “Now get over here!” “If any of you are interested, I found Aberash and followed her.” Uzoma hummed and trotted over to give her ear a kiss, one she eagerly returned. “I missed you.” Rose cooed, gently taking Uzoma by the mane and pulling him into the pile. “And I, you~” Uzoma nickered in return, joining the others in gnawing at her neck. “I thought it odd that she would not attend the gathering.” He explained, “Do you remember that strange yurt I mentioned before, with the fertility symbols?” “Yeah~” Rose moaned delightfully, making it less than clear whether she was responding to him, or just really enjoying the treatment; before nosing Uzoma back, toward her wing-shoulder. “That is where Aberash went, along with one other mare.” Uzoma informed her with a frown, “Several stallions came and went during the celebration, appearing to have achieved satisfaction. However, when Aberash and the other mare left, neither appeared to have participated in such acts.” This seemed to sober the mare up enough to distract her, splitting her attention, “Are you certain?” Her other stallions now seemed interested as well and eased up on Rose as they turned their ears to listen. “Very certain.” Uzoma nodded slowly. “We need to figure out what’s going on.” Rose hummed thoughtfully, “What happened to inviting her back?” “I felt it best to return quickly, lest I draw unwanted attention.” Uzoma explained quietly as he nibbled up and down one of her ears, earning a passionate moan from her. “Would one of you mind fetching her now~?” Rose asked sweetly. “I shall fetch her with great haste.” Uzoma nodded and kissed her cheek, before turning to go. Only for her to latch onto his ear, “Oh, no. I haven’t had you all evening.” She growled in protest, “Mine.” Uzoma nickered amusedly and Xolani made to stand instead, “Xolani shall fetch her in your stead.” “Hurry back~” Rose cooed, wrapping her arms around Uzoma’s neck and starting to nibble on him. “As you command.” Xolani called back as he trotted out the door. “Zuberi, will you massage my wing-shoulders, please~?” “Of course~” He prummed and leaned back to start working her wing-shoulders with his hooves, “Now you just relax and let yourself drift away in our embrace.” “Yes, Love.” Rose cooed tiredly. “You are in capable hooves.” Zephania cooed in reply, before sitting up to massage her main shoulders just ahead of Zuberi. Rose nuzzled his belly softly and he leaned down to nuzzle her in return, silently urging her to rest. She kissed his belly then, before laying her head down obediently. With that, her stallions settled into their tasks, easing her into sleep. > Arc I: Chapter XIV > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning after, Rose found Aberash in with her pile of stallions, the older mare dozing soundly. Her mussed up mane, along with the musky scent in the air, hinted at what happened while Rose was out. The fact that she had somehow slept through it surprised her. The smallest pang of jealousy caused her to nose Xolani, trying to wake him gently. He woke promptly with a small yawn and gave her a loving nuzzle, which caused her to smile. “You have fun?” She asked him quietly. “Xolani had a pleasant time with Aberash.” He nodded with a warm smile, before offering her a kiss. Rose glanced down at the sleeping mare, before looking to her stallion with a conspiratorial expression. “How was she~?” “She was delicious.” Xolani nickered softly and lay his neck over Rose’s. His mare chuckled softly and basked in his affection for a few moments, her jealousy assuaged. “We should start breakfast soon.” Rose whispered softly, her tone of voice telling him to take his time. “Soon.” He agreed with a soft nod, “Shall we cook together?” Rose smiled. “I was thinking carrot-cakes.” She suggested, knowing how big a hit they were with them. “Xolani approves of this choice~” He declared with a bright smile. After a few minutes of just enjoying each other’s company, Rose and Xolani worked together to make carrot-cakes for breakfast. Rose assumed that Aberash would like them as much as her stallions and this did prove to be the case, the older mare showing clear delight at the sweet little treats. Following that, Rose saw to it that both Aberash and herself were thoroughly cleaned after the night before, the older mare taking clear enjoyment in the act. Once that was done, it took some doing, but the pegasus managed to cajole the Medicine Mare into showing her around the tribe for the day. The two setting out about the same time as the stallions, Zephania leading his fellows off on some unspecified errand. When they had parted ways, Aberash took her time, slowly showing Rose anything she could think of to show off her tribe’s culture. Within the next few hours, Rose witnessed a number of activities from stallions trotting on beds of hot coals, to mares dancing and twirling with flaming sticks for their stallions’ delight. The young pegasus seemed rather surprised at how many differences she was picking up between the Mwezi Wafuasi and the Kuchomwa, though the two didn’t live that far apart. This inevitably lead to Rose asking Aberash about the tribe’s past. It was then that she discovered the Kuchomwa knew surprisingly little about their past and their origins as a tribe. Beyond their most recent history, the most they knew was that they had come from farther south after some great clash of tribes many generations before. The fact that they knew so little shocked the pegasus - who could remember the tales of pre-unification that predated the Princesses by centuries, and even Equestrian history was fairly accurate back to the time of Discord more than a millennium back. The only thing that seemed to make sense to her was that whatever had driven them from the south must’ve been cataclysmic, at least as terrible as the windigos. It was during their wandering and chatting that one of the burlier looking warriors trotting over the coals casually crossed one of the burning beds to approach Rose with a confident grin. The pegasus mare looked toward the approaching stallion with curiosity and soon found him standing nose to nose with her. “Well aren’t you a pretty thing~” He nickered softly, his grin suddenly becoming far more suggestive. Rose blushed softly in surprise, her ears folding backward a little at the suddenness. “Thank you~” She offered uncomfortably, while Aberash backed off uncertainly. “I saw you having fun with Olabode last night~” He hummed and planted a bold kiss on her cheek, “He was just a simple warrior. Why don’t I show you what a Champion can do~?” “I’m sorry, I’m not about to sleep around without my stallions’ blessing.” Rose gently turned him down, still admittedly feeling a little unsettled at how easily she had given in to Olabode’s advances. He furrowed his brow in disbelief then and pressed in a little closer, puffing out his chest right against hers. “I’m sure they won’t mind~ You don’t even have to tell them~” Rose’s brows furrowed and she glared indignantly at him, standing firm to the stallion invading her space. “I don’t know how your tribe does things, but a pegasus does not keep secrets from her stallions.” “So let them know if they want.” He shrugged with another confident grin, causing her to frown. “I’ll make you a deal, if my stallions say yes, then we’ll talk.” Rose retorted curtly. The stallion rolled his eyes then with a dismissive snort, before turning away with what sounded like a muffled swear in zebrican. Rose’s ears perked up, trying in vain to catch what he was saying. She was more than a little surprised about what just happened and the fact that the stallion seemed so put off with her. She had yet to see a zebra so insistent so...entitled. Meanwhile, Aberash stared at her in shock as the stallion trotted away. “You...turned him down?” Rose turned back to her with a determined expression, her feathers ruffled. “I didn’t like the way he suggested I keep secrets from my stallions.” “That was Munashe...our tribal Champion.” Aberash replied, looking a little pale, “No one turns him down.” “Does he always treat mares like that?” Rose asked incredulously, “I mean I might expect that from a pony stallion, but Munashe is the first zebra stallion I’ve seen with that particular attitude.” “Well...” The older mare swallowed and composed herself, “As I said, he is our Champion. He defends us and helps my husband to provide for the tribe. It is well within his right to expect attention from our mares-” “It’s his right?” Rose bristled - though many pony stallions expected sex in exchange for attention, Rose had never met any stallion who considered sex some sort of right. Aberash winced and raised her forehooves in a placating gesture, “It is our way. We of the Kuchomwa are devoted to the stallions that defend us and provide for us.” “So you’re expected to just lift tail for him any time he wants?” Rose asked in disbelief, her voice slowly starting to rise from conversational to something a little louder. “Rose, please...” Aberash glanced nervously at some of the zebra passing by, “Calm yourself. We are happy to devote ourselves to our stallions. Typically, Munashe would only go for unclaimed mares, but you are an exotic beauty that has caught many stallions’ eyes.” “So, an unclaimed mare of your tribe is supposed to give herself to any stallion that wants her, regardless of if she wants him?” Rose asked more quietly, but could not, remove the edge from her voice. “You do not understand...” Aberash shook her head slowly, letting her ears fall back, “We are happy with our place. Most mares find a husband quickly anyway.” “Find, or are taken, Aberash?” Rose asked her pointedly, lightly stomping a hoof in irritation. Aberash hesitated for an uncomfortably long moment, before replying, “Find.” Rose sighed deeply then; she had no way to prove it, but she was starting to have a sneaking suspicion that stallions like Munashe were the norm, not the exception, and mares were not finding husbands. Aberash took a deep breath and leaned in for a tentative nuzzle, “May we move on now, Rose~?” Rose looked to Aberash as if to ask why she wanted to leave, but instead merely nodded and acquiesced, giving the older mare a stressed nuzzle in return. Aberash, said nothing more on the matter as they trotted along, leading Rose toward the center of the tribe with a thoughtful, slightly worried expression. They continued in silence for a while, the older mare leading the younger through the center of the village, where they passed a double yurt decorated ornately enough it could only belong the the Chieftain. While passing by, out trotted a pair of young mares chatting amicably with one another, one of whom was the spitting image of Aberash. Rose hesitated then, “Uh...Aberash~?” Aberash stopped and followed Rose’s gaze, before her eyes went wide as they darted between the young mare in question and the yurt she’d emerged from, “Abeni!” The young mare stopped and looked to Aberash in surprise, just before the older mare rushed over, a stream of zebrican babbling from her lips. From what Rose could understand of it, Abeni was Aberash’s daughter, and she definitely wasn’t supposed to be there. Though at the speed with which Aberash spoke, she was lucky she caught that much. Rose looked thoroughly uncomfortable at the scene in front of her, feeling rather like she was witnessing something that she wasn’t supposed to; as such, the mare politely turned her ears away and took a step backward to give them a moment. The other mare with Abeni seemed to notice her and gave her an apologetic look as Aberash ushered away a sheepish looking Abeni. Once the she was gone, Aberash sat down with a sigh and exchanged a few quiet words with the other young-mare, who nodded with what seemed to be a thankful expression, before disappearing into the yurt. When Aberash looked back to Rose, the young pegasus mare turned back to her elder and was looking at her with a skeptical expression. “Your daughter?” Aberash’s ears folded back when she realized Rose had witnessed the whole thing and she trotted back over with a very sheepish expression. “Yes. I am...sorry you had to witness that.” “Isn’t that your yurt?” Rose asked gingerly, gesturing toward the one Abeni had just come from. “My husband’s yurt, yes...” Aberash nodded, rubbing one hoof against her other leg uncomfortably, “My daughter was supposed to be tending to a few sick foals on the other side of the village.” “Aberash, I get the distinct impression that Abeni isn’t supposed to be here.” Rose declared, leaving her statement for the other mare to correct if that was not the case. “As I said, she has duties elsewhere.” Aberash assured her. “That’s not what I meant.” Rose sighed. Aberash sighed as well and rubbed her neck with one hoof, “Abeni is also my best assistant as a Medicine Mare, she’s supposed to spend her time studying at my yurt if she’s not working.” “Sure.” Rose murmured, still no closer to understanding what she had witnessed, but also damn sure that Aberash was not being entirely truthful - the fact that Aberash corrected her on the yurt’s ownership first and foremost. Aberash donned a forced smile and wrapped an arm around the pegasus, “Rose, everything is perfectly fine. There is nothing for you to worry your pretty head over.” “The last time I heard that, was right before my last stallion threw me out on the street.” Rose huffed, gently removing Aberash’s arm, “I know it’s none of my business what happens in your family, or your tribe, but if you need any help, you can count on me, Aberash.” Rose smiled confidently to her, “Ekua- I mean the Medicine Mare of the Mwezi Wafuasi, seemed to appreciate my assistance, and it’s the least I can do for the language lessons.” Aberash smiled softly and nodded thankfully, “I will keep that in mind, Compass Rose. Thank you for your generous offer. So...how long will you and your stallions be staying before you move on to find your fellow ponies?” “A few days.” Rose shrugged, “We can’t stay too long if we want to catch up to them.” “I understand.” Aberash nodded slowly, “I wish you the best of luck when you leave to find them. Until then...” She leaned in to offer her a tentative nuzzle. Rose snorted softly in amusement, “You wouldn’t last a week in Canterlot, Aberash~” Grinning like the Cheshire Cat, she pressed her snout to her ear, “Is that your way of asking for our hospitality~?” She teased. Aberash blushed and nuzzled her with a warm smile in return, “I...may have been wondering if I was welcome again~” “So long as it doesn’t cause you problems, Aberash.” Rose nuzzled her neck in a friendly manner. “No! No...” Aberash shook her head firmly and gave Rose’s neck a kiss, “You have brought nothing but happiness for me, Compass Rose.” “What now…?” Rose asked curiously. “For now?” Aberash sighed and gave her a soft kiss, “It might be best if I return to my duties.” Rose stretched out her wings then, “I guess a short flight’s in order...” She shrugged. Aberash stared at her wings for a moment then and released her with a wistful smile, “It must be nice to have wings~” Rose nodded softly, “Want me to do a stunt for you?” She asked eagerly. Aberash grinned and nodded eagerly, “I think I would like that.” The pegasus grinned and bolted, her wings flared open with a pomf of air and she shot up into the sky… ~ ~ ~ Rose had swooped down, tackling Uzoma off his hooves and landing on his belly, meaning to take advantage of her stallion. Leaning in, she had him pinned and was gnawing playfully on his neck as she straddled him. Her stallion was nickering excitedly and she could feel his hard cock against her belly. It was as he made to return her flirtations that she noticed a familiar green mare standing nearby, watching with a knowing smirk. “Celestia damn it.” Rose huffed, noting who it was watching her, “It has to be a dream, doesn’t it?” “A very good dream, I’d say~” The Grassy Mare replied with a soft titter. “You should try that with him in the waking world. I’m sure he’d love it~” “Pouncing on him from out of the blue?” Rose asked skeptically. “Taking charge~” The spirit replied confidently. Rose blushed guiltily at that, “I want to keep my stallions, thank you.” She shook her head, before fixing the mare with a pointed expression, “I thought you didn’t watch intimate moments in dreams?” She reminded the spirit of their first encounter with a raised brow. “Why, Compass Rose, I just arrived.” The Grassy Mare replied innocently, “And I have a very valid reason for being here.” “Long enough to oogle my stallion~” Rose accused the mare, only just keeping a growl from her lips. “Rose, if I wanted to ‘oogle’, I would be perfectly capable of watching you within the waking world.” The spirit replied with a skeptical expression. The young pegasus blushed furiously then, “Well if you’re after a piece of my stallions, I’d appreciate it if you asked me first~!” Rose declared imperiously, trying to distract from the idea that the Grassy Mare had been watching them every time they had gotten it on. The spirit giggled at Rose’s blush, “I will be sure to keep that in mind, but that is not why I am here.” “Then why are you here?” Rose asked patiently, wondering if she was going to be able to get the reason out of her in less than twenty questions. “Oh, that would be simple.” The spirit replied with a shrug, “I believe you and yours are in danger. As I have watched over you, I have felt a dark presence here in the tribe.” Rose whinnied a battle-cry, her wings flaring in surprise as she took to her hooves. “What? Where?” The Grassy Mare raised a placating hoof and maintained her calm demeanor, “Calm yourself, Rose. If I knew exactly where, I would tell you, but it hides from me.” The mare snorted angrily, “I don’t like this…” “Neither do I.” The spirit shook her head, “I warn you so that you may keep a closer eye out for me and watch to see who or what this presence may have attached itself to.” “Who?” Rose asked worriedly. “Yes, who. Spirits, particularly malevolent ones, will often attach themselves to individuals.” The Grassy Mare explained, “For us, it is a way to experience the delights of mortality.” “I-” Rose hesitated, admittedly a little frightened of both her and Zephyr now. “You need not fear I or my husband, Rose.” The spirit declared with a soothing tone, “There are rules to be followed, courtesies to be observed. We cannot and will not bond ourselves to you without permission.” “But there are those who would…?” Rose asked hesitantly. “Who would, but in the vast majority of cases cannot.” The Grassy Mare nodded slowly, “Those with the strength to force themselves upon an unwilling host are very very few and far between.” “But you think this one is?” She asked warily. “No.” “You said who first.” “I did.” After a moment of simply watching the spirit, Rose broke her silence. “I find your choice in words disconcerting.” “Unfortunately, often enough those spirits I mentioned find willing hosts.” “Who would willingly host something so...dark?” Rose asked worriedly. “That is what worries me as well, Compass Rose.” The Grassy Mare’s response only served to make Rose’s frown deepen in concern. “Now I’m not sure if I want to sleep here.” “You would do well to be cautious.” The Grassy Mare nodded slowly, “But something here in this tribe is wrong.” “I think- I think the Medicine Mare is hiding something. No, I practically know it, I just don’t know what it is yet.” Rose sighed. The Grassy Mare hummed thoughtfully for a moment, “It would make sense if she knew something.” “Do you think she is the source of the problem?” “I do not know enough to say.” The elder spirit shrugged, “She could be victim or the guilty party for all I know.” Once again, Rose sighed. “I will leave you to think on this Rose. For now, rest assured that I will be watching over you as best I can.” Though Rose nodded to the Grassy Mare, her mind had already begun to stir and she soon found herself awake and looking for someone to reassure her. She found herself once more in the middle of a pile of her sleeping stallions, plus Aberash, all curled affectionately around her. As she stirred, Zephania cracked one drowsy eye open and pecked her lips with a loving smile. Immediately, she latched onto him, letting her worry flow out, hanging onto him for protection and reassurance. “Bad dream~?” Zephania murmured, wrapping her in a tight hug as the others snuggled in around her. Rose shook her head and pressed lips to his ear, “Grassy Mare.” She whispered to him, “Now I’m afraid~” “I see...” He hummed thoughtfully, before kissing her ear in return, “Well, whatever it is, your herd is right here for you.” “I feel like I’m drowning and I don’t know what to do, Zephania…” She whimpered. “Just hold onto your stallions.” He declared with a warm, sleepy smile and a kiss to her forehead, “We’ll keep each other afloat.” “I hope so...I can’t lose you.” Rose murmured, pressing her head into his neck and did as he suggested, holding him close. “And you won’t, Rose...” Zephania shook his head and hugged her a little tighter, “You won’t lose any of us.” Rose sighed in relief, Zephania’s words giving her exactly what she needed to ease her back to a dreamless sleep. > Arc I: Chapter XV > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rose spent most of the following day with Aberash, still trying to weasel out what was going on, only returning to her stallions as the sun began to settle low in the sky. Still, despite her efforts, she was no closer than before. When she returned, she found Uzoma staring out into the grasslands, his expression now stern and attentive as he stared straight ahead, “Rose, I need you to follow me.” He waved for her to join him at his side as he spoke. “Is everything alright, Uzoma?” She asked quietly, leaning up against his side to follow. “That is what we are going to find out.” He replied evenly as he led her out into the grass, motioning for her to keep low, as though trying to avoid being seen. It took a few minutes to reach their destination, before Uzoma stopped and gestured to two freshly moved, oval piles of earth, “What do those look like to you?” He asked her calmly. Rose blinked curiously at the disturbed earth a few times, trying to meet out a meaning, before shrugging. “I don’t know.” She shook her head and looked to him confusedly, “I didn’t think that zebras dug holes for any reason.” “This far from the mountains, there are only two reasons to do so,” Uzoma explained slowly, his eyes still fixed on the piles, “Graves and finding useful roots...” He glanced at her from the corner of his eye, “Those are far too big to have been dug for roots.” She squared her jaw looking as if she was going to be ill, “Y-you think they’re in there…?” Rose inquired, referencing the travellers. Uzoma hummed thoughtfully. “Possible, but there are only two graves.” He declared, giving her a pointed look. “So one of them- The third has to be here.” She declared. “If these are the ponies’ graves.” Uzoma nodded slowly. “Well,” Zephania’s voice washed quietly over her from behind, “according to the few warriors I could convince to speak with me, they haven’t lost anyone recently.” “If they’re not digging for food, then they must be graves…” The pegasus trailed off then, slowly approaching the mounds of dirt, “I’ve never actually seen a grave before.” She murmured. Stepping forward from behind, Zephania placed a hoof on her shoulder, “I believe it’s time to have another talk with Aberash.” Turning her head back to Zephania, she fixed the stallion with an icy glare - though her words made it clear it was not intended for him. “Have you ever heard of a zebra stallion using a fertility yurt?” Zephania bore a grim expression. “Only mares use them to entice stallions...” He gave her a soft kiss and motioned for them to follow him back toward the yurt. Rose looked back in the direction of the two graves convinced that she now knew who they contained, and her wings rustled. “I swear I’ll kill them.” She growled in a deep, angry voice. “Compass Rose,” Zephania stepped closer and gently wrapped an arm around her, “I need you to remain calm for me.” He urged her, laying his neck against hers. “If they murdered those two stallions, I swear I will kill them.” Rose stated in a positively frigid tone. “The crime will not go unanswered...” Zephania reassured her with a cool tone, “But we cannot just rush in. We do not match the numbers of a whole tribe.” He slowly pulled back to look her in the eyes, her piercing steely-grey eyes. “Numbers don’t mean a damn when the sky becomes your enemy.” She hissed back in a positively predatory manner. “There are no clouds to be seen.” Uzoma noted carefully. “But I have a plan.” Zephania reassured her, “I think you and Uzoma need to pay Aberash an early visit.” He flashed her a confident smile, “Do you trust me, Rose?” Rose sighed then, “Uzoma will have to do the talking,” She replied, letting Zephania see the wrath in her eyes, before glancing toward her other stallion with a malicious grin, “I don’t need clouds to fight.” “That’s fine.” Zephania nodded, “I just need the two of you to get as much information out of her as you can, before we decide how to proceed. While you’re out, Zuberi and I will try to pack up as many supplies as we can. We may have to leave the yurt itself if we wish to leave quickly.” Rose nodded simply in understanding. “Good.” Zephania grinned and gave her a firm kiss. “Good luck, Rose.” The mare hesitantly kissed him back, not really in the mood, but at the same time, she was not about to snub any of her stallions. “You stay safe.” He gave her a reassuring nod and a farewell, before rushing off, as Uzoma ushered her away from the graves, “Now,” He spoke softly as they made their way into the cool, evening air, “stay close by me and do as I say until we get there.” “You lead and I’ll do my best to follow.” Rose assured him. With that, they were off, moving quietly back into the village and through the yurts, careful to avoid the other zebras. If there were any guards about, they must have all been watching the other side of camp. Thus it was that they found themselves in the clearing of Aberash’s yurt. Leading her slowly up to the wall of the structure, they leaned against it and could hear two voices in zebrican. The first was that of a male, gruff and almost as deep as Zuberi’s, speaking loud and heatedly. Uzoma pressed his ear to the cloth wall and motioned Cover Art closer. “My warriors tell me the big one was asking questions.” Uzoma whispered alongside the voice, “I know you’ve spent time with them and their mare. Has she been as...curious as he was?” The next voice to speak as Uzoma translated was Aberash’s, only unlike before, she sounded almost meek, submissive even, “No, Abidemi. She has been sweet and polite. She doesn’t suspect anything.” “She thinks me a fool.” Rose whispered. Uzoma shushed her, before continuing his translation from the male’s end, “You’re not telling me the truth, Aberash.” The voice on the other side of the wall became low and dangerous, “What did she say? What did she ask?” Aberash was quick to reply, “Nothing. She didn’t say anything. She is no threat to you.” “I don’t like this, Uzoma.” Rose whispered to him, sounding agitated. Uzoma placed a hoof on her shoulder reassuringly and went on with his work, “Mare, if I find out that you’re lying to me...” The stallion in the yurt practically snarled and the sound of pottery shattering echoed through the night. Aberash’s voice was shaking when Uzoma next translated for her, “My mother made that jar...” Uzoma snorted angrily as he translated one last line for the stallion inside, “It won’t be the last thing I break if you turn on me.” Uzoma then pushed Rose further away from the yurt’s entrance as the sound of hooves thudded heavily through the yurt, until the entry flap was thrown open and out stomped Abidemi; Rose grit her teeth and bristled at his appearance. When the stallion had marched away, Uzoma tugged on her foreleg and slid forward to slip quietly into the yurt. Inside, the sight that greeted them was much the same as the one that had greeted Rose on her first visit. Only this time, Aberash was kneeling before the shattered remains of a colorful clay jar and the herbs that appeared to have been its contents. Her once tidy mane was disheveled, as though someone had been pulling on it. She took a slow, deep breath, clearly trying to fight back tears as she gathered up the shards of her mother’s jar. “Hello, Aberash,” Rose called quietly from the threshold of her yurt, “I have a question for you.” Aberash’s gaze shot up to the pair of intruders, her eyes wide in shock, “C-Compass Rose? Y-you’re back early. We weren’t supposed to meet again until tomorrow.” “I saw the graves, Aberash.” Rose hissed softly, narrowing her eyes at the older mare, “Who were they?” “The graves...” Aberash looked down to avoid Rose’s gaze, “They- I-” She shut her eyes and shook her head with a pained grimace, “They were from the trading party.” The pegasus’ little ember of rage was no longer so little, as she loosed a steady breath that sounded much like a stallion’s snort of irritation - a very angry stallion - and almost immediately, Uzoma’s arms were around her, holding her tightly. “No, Rose!” He commanded with a hiss, “Control yourself and think.” Aberash swallowed and finally looked up to meet Rose’s gaze, “My mate, Abidemi drove them off, but those two returned. I tried-” Aberash choked back a sob, “I tried to make him spare them...to let her go.” “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill him.” The pegasus practically snarled in rage, only barely keeping her voice low. Aberash remained pointedly silent, lowering her gaze back to the shattered jar, and Rose’s lip twitched in loathing. “He’s your stallion, the father of your filly and you don’t even care if he dies?” Aberash raised her gaze just enough to meet Rose’s, a dark look in her eye, “You don’t know what happens in this tribe when visitors are gone... My daughter Abeni is the only good thing to ever come from him.” The pegasus suddenly understood and her wrath suddenly turned into something different, something dangerous. “I am going to kill him.” Rose stated calmly, matter-of-factly, “And anyone that gets in my way will join him. Keep them back.” The pegasus looked to Uzoma with an expression that commanded him to let her go. “Rose, if you try now, you will call down every warrior in the tribe. We cannot keep them all back and escape when you are done. If you try to call upon the weather, can you control how many homes are hit? Think of the foals, there are still innocents here.” Uzoma reminded her quickly, tightening his grip on her, “We need to make sure we finish our task, then we may come back and deal with him. Trust us, Rose. This is our homeland, our people, our culture. We know how to deal with stallions like him.” “Are you done?” Rose blinked back at him impatiently. “Only if you’re ready to listen to me and do as I say.” Uzoma shot back. “Uzoma, I might not be very smart. I might not be the fastest flyer, or anywhere near Wonderbolt material,” Rose admitted with a deep sigh and a grinding of teeth, “...but these are my people that have been wronged, my people that have been murdered. Abidemi will learn this lesson by my hooves, in my way.” She looked back at her stallion with a steely expression, “Now are you going to trust me?” Uzoma was silent for a moment, before sighing and kissing her cheek, “Can you promise me you won’t cause more damage than necessary?” The pegasus snorted. “You have no idea how pegasi fight, do you?” She grinned and pecked him back. “No, but I know how zebra chieftains and their warriors fight and I know that you can command the weather.” He gave her a serious look, “I cannot imagine anything but carnage if you put the two together.” “Uzoma, he made this personal when he killed my kin and abused his mare. I’m doing this the old fashioned way, with my hooves.” Rose snickered. Uzoma rolled his eyes with a rough growl, “Fine. Let me fetch the others first. Maybe then you will be less likely to get yourself killed.” He kissed her cheek again and let her go. Giving her neck one last nuzzle, he turned and trotted out of the yurt, leaving her alone with Aberash. The older mare took a deep breath to calm herself and stood to her hooves, “I am sorry, Compass Rose.” “You lied to my face, Aberash.” Rose fixed Aberash with a lazy glare, “I hate liars.” Aberash flinched as though struck and lowered her gaze back to the floor, “I never wanted to be a part of this...to be Abidemi’s mate, to witness the things he’s done.” She looked up once more with a meek expression. “W-we’ve been trying to help her. I, my daughter, and some other mares. We try to distract the stallions, make sure she’s clean and comfortable as she can be.” Aberash took a long, shuddering breath, “I tried to let her go, but when I did-” She grimaced and looked away. “You had your chance to be one of the good mares, and you fucked it up.” Rose growled, grinding her teeth before adding, “Just like my sister.” “I’m sorry.” Aberash’s voice was barely above a whisper as she took a hesitant step around the fire pit, “Let me-let me help you.” “I’ll let my stallions decide if that’s a good idea.” The pegasus snorted dismissively. Aberash remained silent for the rest of the time that they waited for Rose’s stallions. It wasn’t long before they filed into the yurt, each of them bearing their masks, while Zephania carried his staff and Xolani wore his belts of jars and pouches. Zuberi and Uzoma each took a place by the door, watching it carefully while Zephania and Xolani moved to kiss Rose’s cheeks from either side. She promptly returned their affections with brusque nuzzles. Zephania was the first to speak up, giving her a stern look. “Rose, what is this madness Uzoma tells me? You wish to fight Abidemi, in the middle of his own tribe?” “That’s about the sum of it.” The pegasus nodded grimly. “I’ve seen you spar with Zuberi before, Rose.” Zephania quirked an eyebrow at her with a cool gaze. “You can only manage to win half the time. How can you be certain you’ll beat a Chieftain?” “Because of two things, I’m certain he’s never fought a pegasus, and I want this stallion to hurt.” Rose glanced to Zuberi then, “You know how much harder it is not to hurt your sparring partner, Zephania?” “I do, and so does Zuberi.” All four of her stallions shared a skeptical look, before Zephania sighed, “Compass Rose, have you thought about what is going to happen if you manage to defeat Abidemi?” “Nope, still working out the staying alive part.” She admitted frankly, “Thinking about after is your job.” “Then allow me to do your thinking for you.” Zephania sighed in frustration, “By zebra laws and traditions, if you defeat Abidemi without being killed, you will be the new chieftain with all of the worries that entails. Including having to deal with trying to control all of the stallions that have been allowed to act as beasts under his rule.” He poked her chest pointedly, “Are you prepared to run a tribe while worrying about the possibility of one of his followers plunging a spear into your back? Into one of your friends backs?” “Why not make her chieftain?” Rose pointed to Aberash. Aberash had just enough dignity not to ‘eep’ when Rose declared her intentions. Zephania and the other stallions stared at Rose in a deadpan. “Culture and law states that the Medicine Mare and the Chieftain may not be one and the same.” Zephania pointed out. Rose wheeled upon the stallion and poked him in the chest. “Their culture also allows their stallions to use their mares.” She growled, “Things are about to change.” “But they can’t just change overnight.” Zephania snapped, “You put Aberash in charge and no matter what happens with Abidemi’s stallions, you’ll be giving her a death sentence!” This time, the older mare did ‘eep’, “That is, unless we stay and protect her...and even then there’s no guarantee!” Zephania stopped and took a deep breath to calm himself. “What of the other mares?” Rose asked him pointedly, trying not to yell at her stallion after being brow-beaten, “You expect me to just leave them? Abandon them?” “Leave them? Yes. Abandon them? No.” Zephania replied in a lower voice, “What we need right now is support.” He explained. “We either need to get back to the pony colonies, or better yet, find a sympathetic tribe. Someone with the numbers and the strength to keep his stallions in line, until your changes can be made. We can’t save them all right now, Rose. If you try, you will likely die and then there will be no one to help them.” He gently took her by the shoulders then with a pleading expression, “This tribe is sick, Rose. You can’t just sit someone new at the top and magically expect it to become better. We need to escape and find help. It’s not as if we’re going to leave that poor mare, we can free her and then find the nearest tribe for safe haven and bring back as many warriors as we can convince to follow us.” “Pretty it up as you will, use whatever words you want, you’re asking me to leave other suffering mares behind. You know how hard it is for me to even think about leaving them?” Rose grit her teeth, seeing the right answer and hating it, “What do you think Abidemi will do to them when his prize escapes his hooves? To her?” She asked, pointing to Aberash, to give her stallions a face to those they wanted to leave behind. “I would personally welcome Aberash to come with us.” Zephania nodded, looking to Aberash, whose eyes had gone wide once more. “The others will likely not suffer more than they already do. Believe me when I say I do not like this, Rose. However, I will not stand by and let our herd to die without actually accomplishing anything and we will die if we do this without help.” He gave her a very stern, very worried look then, “For you, it might be worse than death.” At Zephania’s suggestion, Rose’s expression soured subtly. “She lied to me- us. Covered for Abidemi and his crimes.” She reminded them, making her feelings toward Aberash clear. “She also covered for you against Abidemi.” Uzoma replied softly, staring back at Aberash, “Scared, abused mares sometimes do things they don’t want to.” “Too many tribes hold a harsh view on how to deal with liars. I will not punish a frightened mare.” Zuberi declared firmly, “I have seen enough innocent blood for one life...” “I’m not suggesting we hurt her, Zuberi.” Rose frowned, before glaring at Aberash, “Don’t forget what she’s done. Had their scheme not been so feeble, Aberash’s lies would’ve hidden the truth and Burnished Bronze would be doomed!” “We’re not forgetting.” Zephania shook his head slowly, “We’re showing a little understanding and offering a second chance.” “Xolani suggests allowing her to work for forgiveness.” Xolani hummed, stepping forward to take one of Aberash’s hooves, while the mare stood in awe. “The mare we wish to rescue will likely need much attention while we move and after her experience...Xolani thinks it will be best to have as many mares nearby as possible.” For her part, Rose just stood there in awe, even by pony terms they were being unusually forgiving. “I think she’s a victim here as much as anyone.” Zephania spoke softly and gave Rose an encouraging nuzzle. “I’ll ask you if you still feel that way after we get Burnished Bronze to safety.” Rose retorted skeptically, bumping him to keep him on track. “Very well.” Zephania nuzzled into her mane soothingly, “Now, here is what I suggest. Me and Zuberi will go to the side of camp closest to Abidemi, with a pair of Xolani’s smoke pots and raise as big of a ruckus as we can to draw away his warriors. Xolani and Aberash will go to fetch her daughter and then head toward the end of camp where you and Uzoma will have snuck in and released the imprisoned mare. Take another of Xolani’s smoke pots just in case you need a distraction of your own.” Rose shook her head. “Let me be the distraction. I will go to the fire pit, keep all the zebra’s attentions and when the time comes, I can squelch the fire and escape through the smoke.” She preened at the sound of her own plan, “They won’t even know what’s going on until it’s too late…” “No, we need a mare to be there when the mare is rescued.” Zephania insisted, “We don’t have time to wait until after Xolani and Aberash retrieve her daughter and it will be best to have a pony mare there for her.” “Aberash, is there any way you could give some sort of token to one of my stallions to get your daughter to follow?” Rose looked to her curiously. “Oh! Yes!” Aberash removed her hoof from Xolani’s grip and dashed to a pile of her belongings. A moment later, she came back holding a small pouch decorated with colored beads and threads mimicking many of the symbols etched onto the yurt. It hung from a string which she held out to Xolani, “This was my mother’s medicine pouch. It is said that wearing one will grant you the strength and wisdom of your ancestors.” “She should trust them,” Rose gestured to Aberash with a hoof, “they’ve been taking care of her.” “Alright. Then Xolani will retrieve Aberash’s daughter and Aberash will go with Uzoma. If you’re intent on performing this distraction yourself, what do you need us to do?” Zephania asked, cocking an eyebrow and gesturing to himself and Zuberi. “How quickly can you tear down camp?” Rose asked simply. “Not quickly enough.” Zephania shook his head grimly, “We packed a few bags and they’re waiting just outside.” “If the two of you split the load, you should be able to make good time. I suppose there’s only two things we need then...a rendezvous location and a signal.” Rose looked to Zephania, hoping he had an idea. “We can meet at our last campsite.” Zuberi suggested. “Me and Zephania will follow Aberash and Uzoma a ways and help them get past any guards. Once they’re in, we will leave.” “As for the matter of a signal, I cannot think of one that would not draw attention to one team or another.” Zephania shook his head with a sigh, “The best I would suggest is a time limit. Fifteen minutes before you start your distraction so that everyone can get into position and ensure that their attention is on you for three. That should be more than enough time for everyone to make it out into the grass. We will all break for the old campsite and when we make it, we will wait there for a full day. Anyone who is not there after that, we will have to come back and search for.” The pegasus frowned, she wanted some sort of signal to know when to distract the zebras, but without it, she had to hope her timing was impeccable; too early and the zebras would be put on alert before they had a chance to flee, too late and they might be caught… “Xolani?” She turned to him, “Is there anyway you can whip together something that when added to a fire causes a lot of smoke? Or sparks?” “You must ask Xolani?” The stallion in question, gestured to two small pouches on his belts while feigning a wounded look, “None is greater than Xolani the shaman.” Rose grinned pridefully. “Then make two as small as you can. I want to hide them in my wings.” “As our winged beauty decrees.” Xolani nodded and turned back to Aberash, slipping the pouch she’d given him over his neck, “Would you help Xolani in his task?” He asked her with a grin. Aberash took a steadying breath and nodded determinedly, “I will help you as best I can and show you my ingredients.” Taking his hoof, she pulled him over to a set of containers and the two of them went to work, giving him directions to her daughter all the while. Rose had a sudden look of inspiration and hoof pumped, before turning to the zebra mare. “Aberash, can I take a fragment of your mother’s broken jar?” She grinned deviously, “Abidemi’s cruelty will be his undoing…” Aberash looked back at her and nodded with a grim grin of her own, “Do what you must. I am sure my mother would be proud to see her work used, even when shattered.” Rose nodded and moved to the pile of broken ceramic and selected a piece that she deemed of decent quality to fly and scooped it up. Quickly trotting over to Uzuma, she hoofed it to him. “Here is your signal. When you are ready to move the mare, throw it toward the fire. When it lands, I will know it is time.” “This shard shall fly like a bird.” Uzoma assured her, giving her cheek a peck and taking the broken pottery piece, “Though perhaps not quite like you.” He offered with a grin. Rose gave him a quick, but sweet kiss on the lips in return. “Sweet cheeks.” She whispered to him, before turning back around to everyone else. “Does everyone understand what we’re doing?” She was greeted with a chorus of nods and affirmatives, before Xolani finished tying a pair of small pouches and hoofed them up to her. She took them and quickly stashed them in her wings. “When the distraction goes off, don’t doddle.” “We will move swiftly.” Zephania reassured her, leaning in to give her a kiss of his own, “Stay safe. Don’t make us have to rescue you a second time.” Zephania smiled softly and turned to slip out of the yurt, followed by Zuberi, but not before the big stallion gave her a quick squeeze. Rose gave him a quick peck on the cheek before they parted and she smiled reassuringly. Aberash and Uzoma were the next to file out, Aberash stopping briefly to speak with the pegasus. “Thank you, Compass Rose.” “What should I say if the stallion asks where mine are? What is he most likely to believe?” Rose asked her, ignoring her thanks, her inner-thoughts clouded regarding what she currently thought of the other mare. Aberash looked away with a sad sigh. “Tell him what we were planning before this.” She shrugged, “I went to visit your yurt and you left early...to let your stallions have some fun without you.” “You expect him to believe that?” Rose asked her critically, not entirely sure she bought it, “You don’t think he might think you are conspiring with them?” “He doesn’t really think I would turn on him.” Aberash snorted derisively, “He thinks I’m too weak...but he also knows how I seek the attention he won’t give.” She explained in a somewhat small voice. “Here’s your chance to show him how strong you are.” Rose grinned deviously, then motioned toward the door with her head, “Time to move.” Aberash smiled softly and without warning, she darted in to kiss Rose’s cheek, before dashing out after Uzoma, closely followed by Xolani. By the time Rose made it out, the rest of the group was already dispersing into the night. She paused outside the yurt and took a deep breath to steel herself; she never expected she might be in a situation like this when she left home, but now that the moment was here, she wasn’t going to turn away from it. > Arc I: Chapter XVI > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Rose approached the village center, the scene was much the same as on their first night, though Abidemi now only had one mare and the fire wasn’t quite so large. When he saw the mare approaching, he grinned and waved her over. Rose schooled her expression and moved to approach him with a friendly smile, something she had picked up in her time in Canterlot. “Good evening, Abidemi.” “Come, come, sit with me~!” He urged her with a deep chuckle, “I simply must have the company of such an exotic creature.” He slowly cast his gaze about the clearing, his expression never changing, “Though...I can’t help but wonder where your stallions are right now. Did I somehow offend them that they choose not to attend my fire?” Rose was standing in front of him by this point and she quickly thought of what she would want her stallions to do to her, during her next heat, causing her to blush. “Um, you see, it’s that-” She bit her lip and leaned in a little closer, conspiratorially, “Aberash came to the yurt...looking for the attention of a stallion, so I left them to their fun.” Abidemi slowly nodded in understanding. “I know how my Medicine Mare can be. I must apologize,” He grinned in an almost friendly manner, “...for her stealing all of your stallions’ attention.” Reaching out his free hoof, he slowly stroked her chin, “Perhaps I can make it up to you for her?” It took all of the mare’s will not to bite his hoof as he caressed her chin. Instead, she took his hoof in hers and glanced to the mare at his side. “As much as I appreciate the offer, what would your filly think of me moving in and taking your affection from her?” She shook her head, “I couldn’t do that to such a young-mare~” Even as she spoke, the mare wrapped in Abidemi’s arm gave her an almost fearful look, one of her hooves shaking ever so slightly, trying to warn the pegasus off with a look. “Oh, I’m sure she won’t mind.” Abidemi purred, his voice dripping with a lustful tone, “Perhaps you’d even like her to join us?” He suggested, pulling her hoof down to give it a kiss - oh, how she was going to look forward to kicking his teeth in! “That is tempting…” Rose purred quietly, bringing her other forehoof up to her chin as though considering it, though it was really to keep her from knocking his teeth out now, “Perhaps I might take you up on that offer later this evening.” “Oh, but why wait?” Abidemi hummed with a knowing smile, “Seeing Aberash take your stallions like that must have left you so frustrated.” He started to slowly pull her ever closer, “Why don’t you let me demonstrate what I can give you?” With a slow breath, the stallion started to bring his lips closer to her face. Rose gently brought a hoof to his lips to stop him, a reproachful, yet suggestive look in her eyes. “Patience, Abidemi.” She spoke softly to him, “I would like to get to know you first. What exploits do you claim as chieftain of the Kuchomwa?” “Why, I am the strongest, most virile warrior you will find in our tribe~” He growled lustfully, “I am known to be quite generous as well. Allow me to show you more of my tribe’s hospitality.” He grinned with a devious glint in his eye, “I will show you a meal that will leave you filled to bursting...and rest always comes easier to the tired.” Rose tittered amusedly at what he thought was subtlety. “And what of battle? How many curse the name Abidemi as the one who defeated them?” “Numerous stallions now lay as food for the scavengers thanks to my spear~” He declared proudly, “I and my warriors have even bested lions.” “You remind me of a stallion I once kept company with.” Rose frowned, pulling her hoof back from him, “Only I don’t think he ever lifted a spear himself…” Abidemi’s grin faded, but that glint in his eye remained, “Really now? And just-” He was cut off by a sharp clank and a cry of pain from one of the stallions by the fire, “What the...?” The chieftain stood and looked past her to where the disturbance had come from. The pegasus’ wings flared, her stance dropping as she was surprised by the suddenness of the interruption, her entire frame swiveling to see if that was the signal - she sincerely hoped it was. “What in Tartarus was that?” She cursed, feigning surprise. When she turned, she was rewarded with the sight of a very confused looking stallion rubbing the back of his head with one hoof and holding up a broken pottery shard with the other. Without so much as waiting, she whipped both of Xolani’s packages into the fire and hopped into the air, pounding all her downward thrust directly at the fire. In those next moments, chaos reigned as one of the pouches exploded into a shower of sparks, while the other loosed a billowing cloud of smoke. Each flap of her wings spread the cloud farther and farther until it enveloped every mare and stallion there, causing them to scatter in confusion, while Abidemi could be heard shouting angrily in zebrican for his stallions to grab her. The mare continued to gain altitude and she turned in the direction of their previous camp, her head on a swivel, hoping to see any of her herdmates making their escape. Toward one edge of the camp, she could clearly make out Xolani’s form, dragging a young mare behind him into the grasslands. Halfway around the camp’s perimeter, Uzoma and a weary, stumbling earth pony mare supported a suspiciously still Aberash between them while they made their own escape. Zuberi and Zephania were nowhere to be seen. Rose bit her lower lip and kept her gaze on the horizon, hoping that everything had gone according to plan and her other two stallions were merely far enough ahead of them that she could not see them. With a sigh, she angled her wings and made to swoop in alongside the trio moving away from the camp. Uzoma looked up to her with a clear expression of hope and relief, “Rose! Thank my angry ancestors!” He shrugged and pulled Aberash away from the earth pony mare, taking all of her weight himself, “Aberash is hurt. A pair of stallions entered the yurt while we were freeing Bronze and the foolish mare tried to fight.” He lowered her to the ground before her, revealing a deep gash on her forehead. “Can you get her to Xolani? I know he’ll be able to help her!” “I made that spear...” The new voice came from the other mare. She was a young, bronze coated mare, with a deep red mane and dark green eyes, and adorning her flank was the image of a hammer striking a short bronze blade. A scowl covered her face, hiding anything else she may have been thinking or feeling at the time. The pegasus frowned deeply, her expression clearly torn between carrying Aberash and leaving the trio. After a few seconds she ground her teeth and looked at Uzoma decidedly. “Get her on your back and keep running straight.” Rose commanded him, “With her on my back I could never hope to catch Xolani. This way, I should be able to. Just keep running.” “What about her?” Uzoma nodded pointedly to the bronze mare, who was currently looking away while her rump slumped to the ground, with her tail tucked tightly about her, “She’s in no condition to keep up with either of us at any speed.” Rose approached the mare, gently taking her cheeks in her hooves and pulling her gaze around to her sharp silver eyes. “I know you’re tired and hurting, but those stallions are going to come after you. Your only chance is to run as fast as you can, for as long as you can.” She impressed upon the earth pony, “I promise to carry you once I catch back up, so don’t worry about exhausting yourself. Can you do that?” The mare’s scowl softened a bit and she nodded slowly. “Yeah. Yeah, I can do that.” Her voice was rough and tomboyish, matching the athletic figure she seemed to strike, even slumped and weary as she was. “Burnished Bronze...” She declared, offering Rose a shaky hoof. “Compass Rose.” She snorted at the hilarity of the mare’s introduction at such a time, taking her hoof in both of her own, “I mean it, run until you collapse. I swear, I will find you three quickly.” She then pulled the mare to her hooves, “Now, run!” Nodding shakily, Burnished Bronze stood and brushed past her, breaking into a faltering run. Uzoma, who had dragged Aberash onto his back while they spoke, stopped and turned to Rose, offering her a determined nod. “If she starts to flag, bite her. Don’t let her stop until she falls on her face, hear me, stallion?” He nodded once more silently, turning about and dashing to quickly catch up with the running mare. Rose took a deep breath and once again hopped into the air, angling herself toward the direction she had last seen Xolani running. It took only a few moments to judge the trio’s relative speed and then she then started flying uncharastically fast, putting everything into catching up with her other stallion as fast as she could manage.  It only took her a few minutes to make it back to Xolani and Aberash’s daughter. Truly, there were none that could compete with those of the wing in the air. “Xolani!” Rose called out to her stallion, practically crash landing into him, though she did slow herself to a more modest pace just before plopping onto his back. To his credit, Xolani did not fall, though he did stumble a bit, “Compass Rose!?” He cried sharply, craning his head to look back at her as he felt her heart beat like a hummingbird’s wings. “What is wrong? Did something happen to the others?” She nodded weakly and pointed a hoof in the direction that should put them on an intercept course, “Go.” She commanded him weakly, trying to catch her breath. Without a word, Xolani took Abeni by the shoulder and pulled her onto the new course. Finally catching her breath a little, Rose managed to speak. “Aberash was wounded.” Abeni let out a sharp gasp and looked back at Rose with fearful eyes, “Mother!?” Turning forward again, she dashed ahead of Xolani, only for him to cry after her and pick up his pace to keep with her. “Keep running.” Rose instructed Xolani. Extending her wings she used his speed to take to the air with minimal effort, though she scarcely climbed more than a few feet. Dashing madly in the direction Uzoma had taken the other mares, it wasn’t long before Rose spotted the trio somewhere off to their right. At the moment, it was clear that Burnished Bronze was starting to waver, only for Uzoma to slow just enough to lean in and bite at her shoulder, earning a whinny and another burst of speed. The pegasus whinnied as she swooped in front of Xolani, pointing them directly toward where she saw the three, as she sped off ahead to meet up with them. With another short burst of speed, she alighted in front of the trio, flapping her wings hard to lower her tired self to her hooves a little shakily. Uzoma skidded to a stop before her, holding out a hoof to stop Burnished Bronze. Almost as soon as the mare in question had, she crumpled to the ground, gasping for breath. The dark stallion slowly lowered Aberash’s limp form to the ground, and when Abeni and Xolani made it to them, the young mare cried out in fright, dragging the shaman to her side. Aberash’s face had been nearly covered in blood by this point and Abeni seemed to go pale at the sight. “Rose, Xolani needs something to bind this.” The stallion snapped, while pulling a number of pouches and jars off of his belts, “Zuberi and Zephania have most of Xolani’s supplies, but Xolani should be able to help her.” “You don’t carry bandages?” Rose asked in disbelief. “They’re in Xolani’s supplies!” He snapped defensively, before quickly opening several of his pouches, and mixing their contents into an improvised poultice, while Abeni set about cleaning the wound. “I don’t know what you expect me to do, Xolani. I’m not exactly carrying a med-kit here…” Rose replied in kind, “Doesn’t even carry a roll of bandages…” She grumbled softly. “Xolani is a shaman, not a Medicine Stallion!” He huffed and promptly dumped the pouches and jars from one of his belts, using that to start binding her wound once he’d applied the poultice. “Rose, takeover binding this. Xolani will see if he can make something to wake her.” Rose nodded, taking the woven belt in her teeth and using her wings to manipulate it. “It’s not as bad as it looks, Abeni.” The pegasus assured her as she worked, “Facial wounds just bleed a lot.” Abeni nodded shakily in understanding, as she worked to help Xolani with his medicines. “I-I know. M-mother taught me much of the healing arts.” “Uzoma, what happened back there? When did she go unconscious?” Rose asked matter-of-factly. “As I said, she tried to help me fight a pair of stallions.” Uzoma replied quickly, “Foolish mare rushed forward and received a grazing blow from one of their spears. She remained standing until the other hit her with his hoof and she crumpled. I dealt with them, sent the signal and we ran.” Rose turned to Xolani, “Spears don’t usually cause a concussion, but this isn’t a usual case...we’re going to have to assume she has one, until we can get her in front of a fire and look at her pupils.” Xolani nodded in agreement, before finishing up his mixture. Abeni took over putting the finishing touches on the makeshift bandages now covering Aberash’s skull, while Xolani waved a small jar under her nose. Within the next few moments, Aberash’s eyes shot wide and she woke with a gasp. “Easy, Aberash, you’re safe.” Rose spoke soothingly to the older mare. Aberash smiled thankfully at that, but did not immediately speak. “Xolani and Abeni can handle things from here.” Rose’s stallion offered gently, “You should see to Burnished Bronze.” Rose nodded in response. “Take a minute to check her over, but I don’t want to linger.” “Agreed, we should get back to the others as soon as we can.” Uzoma spoke up, while scanning the grasslands around them. Turning about, Rose trotted over the earth pony mare. “You made a good pace.” She assured her, nuzzling her gently, “How’re you holding up?” “I’m-I’m alive.” The young mare gasped out, trying to sit back up, “Ca-can’t break me.” She huffed through gritted teeth, her hindlegs wobbling as she rose, trying to force them back under her. Rose lay her wing across the mare’s back, applying a gentle pressure. “Easy now, there’s no need to rush. You’ve got a few minutes to rest yet.” She cooed. “I-” Burnished Bronze shuddered under her wing and fell back to her belly, “I’m so tired.” She choked out, her scowl finally breaking as she curled up, before she managed to hide her face in her hooves, her expression slipped from anger into pain and no small measure of shame. The pegasus pressed herself tightly against her fellow pony and held her close as she hurt, rubbing her cheek with her own, in the most comforting manner she could manage. Burnished Bronze shuddered against her and took a deep, gasping breath, “I just wanted a quick romp,” She whimpered quietly, “...not-” “You’re safe now, Burnished Bronze, I’ll protect you.” Rose whispered soothingly, nuzzling her softly behind the ears. “Thank you. Thank you.” Burnished Bronze rolled to face Rose and buried her face in the pegasus’ neck; with one last quaking breath, she finally broke down, weeping quietly into the pegasus’ mane. “Let it all out, let it all out.” Rose hummed, hugging the sobbing mare, hiding her face behind a wing. While Rose was comforting the hurting mare, cradling her protectively, she took little notice of the others. It wasn’t for lack of caring, but rather she decided that the mare in her embrace needed her more than the others. “We can’t stay here any longer.” Uzoma spoke up, reminding them of their current danger, “If their trackers are any good, they may have already found our trail, we need to leave.” Rose nuzzled Burnished Bronze gently once more. “We need to get moving again, would you like me to carry you for a little while?” Burnished Bronze nodded weakly, “Please...” Sniffling softly and wiping her eyes against Rose’s neck, she started to stand, her legs trembling less than they had before. The pegasus took ahold of her mane and guided her onto her back, so that she could carry her. Her actions were mirrored by Xolani, who quickly checked Aberash over one more time, before dragging her onto his back, much to her surprise. With their two passengers secure, Uzoma waved for them to follow him and set out through the grass. Contrary to the pegasus’ lithe appearance compared even to the zebras, she was actually much stronger than she appeared and was able to keep up with Xolani without much difficulty. As she followed him, she moved in close to his side and gave him a little nuzzle, with a small smile, happy that the situation was over with. “Xolani is glad you are alright.” He smiled back and kissed her forehead. “You were very brave back in the camp.” Rose shook her head. “No, I was angry.” “We all were,” Xolani hummed, nuzzling her cheek, “but do not underestimate the value of your bravery. It takes strength to act as you did.” “I’m just glad I could help, otherwise I might’ve felt useless.” Rose smiled wanly. “You are anything but useless, Rose.” Uzoma called back over his shoulder. “I think I know at least one mare that thinks so.” He smiled and nodded to the mare on her back. When Rose looked back, she found that Burnished Bronze had fallen asleep on her back, a peaceful look on her face as she nuzzled into Rose with a quiet murmur. Rose, still not quite used to being the center of so much praise, simply sighed and smiled faintly, then looked over to Aberash. “I’m sorry for the way I treated you before.” The pegasus spoke to her solemnly, “Don’t get me wrong, I’m still pissed that you lied to me, but...you did good.” Aberash shook her head softly, “I only did what I should have done at the start.” She stare pointedly at the ground, avoiding Rose’s gaze. “Aberash.” Rose demanded the mare’s attention, and she looked back up slowly to the pegasus, “I said, you did right by me.” She insisted. Aberash grew a soft smile at her words and bowed her head respectfully, “Thank you, Compass Rose.” “I don’t know what you’ve planned, if anything, but if you wanted,” Rose twitched her nose in thought, “...I would be happy to talk to my stallions about letting you join the herd.” She offered, blushing suddenly, before adding quickly, “Only if you wanted to of course!” Aberash’s smile grew warmer and she reached out a hoof from Xolani’s back to take Rose by the chin and give her a kiss. The pegasus returned her kiss without hesitation, though she kept it soft and chaste for the time being. Her way of saying, thank you and I accept you. Xolani and Uzoma looked to one another with knowing smiles, remaining silent and letting the two have their moment. There was no way they were going to interrupt or tell them no. Abeni, meanwhile, blushed as she watched her mother kiss a mare only a few years older than she was. Looking pointedly away from them, she continued on her way, speeding up to trot by Uzoma. Aberash savored Rose’s lips for a moment, before pulling back and turning to nuzzle the sleeping Burnished Bronze. “We’ll make this up to her...somehow.” ~ ~ ~ Eventually, Aberash declared herself as feeling well enough to walk, insisting on Xolani letting her down from his back. If Abidemi’s warriors were tracking them, then they were far enough behind that Rose and her companions hadn’t spotted them. The morning sun was breaking over the horizon by the time they made it to the clearing where their old camp had been set. Much to their relief, Zuberi and Zephania were waiting there for them beneath the tree their yurt had once sat under, with five full woven saddlebags sitting between them at the base of the tree. Rose waved to her stallions with a bright smile of relief on her face, but did not call out to them, lest she wake the sleeping mare on her back. A part of her was glad that their yurt had to be left behind, because the scent of the mare’s heat was still strong, even though it was now past. Days of being used and being withheld from a proper bath made the smell...potent. If she were forced to stay in the same room as all of the pegasus’ stallions before she had a chance to bathe, they might have been driven mad with lust. As it was, she was already planning to camp downwind of her stallions, for their sake. Her stallions smiled broadly in relief and rushed to meet them at the edge of the clearing. Taking note of the sleeping mare, they were careful not to make too much noise while exchanging greetings with the rest of the party. They each gave Rose a tender kiss and bumped hooves with their fellow stallions, before introducing themselves to Abeni. It wasn’t long though, before the sleeping mare’s scent hit them and they stopped in their tracks, looking first to one another and then to Rose nervously. She glanced quickly at the mare on her back, before looking back to her stallions. “I’m going to lay with her, I trust you not to unless she propositions you.” The pegasus seemed rather relaxed, all things considered. After all, she believed her stallions to be good natured and calmly returned their gazes, looking for reassurance. The all nodded with steadfast expressions, as though their response should have been obvious. “Zuberi and I will set up a fire.” Zephania informed her with a nuzzle, “We’ll bring you some blankets once you’ve settled in.” Turning to Xolani and Aberash, he nodded to the tree, “Looks like Aberash could use a little more attention. Your supplies are in your bag.” Xolani nodded thankfully, leading Aberash and Abeni over to the tree where they laid down so that he could work. “Uzuma…?” Rose called the stallion’s name with a small voice, knowing what she was about to ask him was borderline cruel, “Do you think you could lay on my other side...please?” She looked to him with a hopeful expression. The young stallion stopped and shifted nervously on his hooves, before slowly nodding and stepping over to stand next to her. “May I ask why you want me there right now?” He asked with a small chuckle. “Abidemi was a little...grabby, and I could use the presence of one of my stallions to help me rest a little.” She explained, giving him an understanding bloop of her nose, “I’m sorry, I know it can’t be easy…” Uzoma scowled at the idea of Abidemi touching his mare and quickly leaned in to give her a nuzzle. “Say no more, Rose, I understand.” His nuzzle turned into a kiss, “For you, it’s worth it. Just forget about that stallion for now.” “With you at my side, that shouldn’t be a problem~” She trilled at his kiss and offered him one of her own, “I love you, Uzoma.” “I love you too, Rose.” Uzoma gently tugged on one of her ears, “Let’s go lay down downwind of the others.” Rose purred and readily followed her stallion, eager to get some rest after being up for so long without sleep. She had never been a ‘party mare’ and thus had pulled very few all nighters in her life, so when she did, it hit her hard. After leading her to a good spot near the edge of the clearing that was still offered shade by the large tree above them, Uzoma helped her to remove Burnished Bronze from her back. “I’m worried about her.” Rose mused aloud, “I’m worried that she might never forgive stallions for what these bastards did to her...or worse yet, she might never forgive zebra stallions.” “There will be time to worry about that when she awakes.” Uzoma reminded her with a soft kiss to her ear, ”For now, lay down and make sure she’s comfortable.” Rose momentarily moved in and wrapped her arms around him, moving her mouth to his ear. “I don’t care what your tribe thought, you’re a good stallion. I’m proud to be your mare.” She rubbed her cheek against his lovingly. Uzoma wrapped his own arm around her with a squeeze, holding her tight. “Thank you, Rose. That means alot to me.” He hummed and gave her a small smile, before urging her to lay down by gently pressing a hoof against her back. She gave him a parting peck and lay herself down next to Burnished Bronze with a smile, tapping to the spot next to her and giving him an expectant look. Uzoma quickly moved to obey, snuggling in against her side and laying his head over her neck. On her opposite side, Burnished Bronze stirred briefly in her sleep, pressing tighter into Rose’s side with a sleepy whimper. The winged mare then draped a wing over each of her sleeping partners and held them close, purring contentedly. She was asleep before her head even touched the ground. > Arc I: Chapter XVII > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Rose next awoke, it was to Burnished Bronze stirring fitfully under her wing, whining fearfully in her sleep. The tired pegasus pulled her closer and kissed her cheek, before she began absently humming a lullaby. Burnished Bronze calmed down a bit, before rolling onto her side in her sleep and wrapping an arm around the pegasus. At her back, Uzoma briefly stirred as well, nuzzling into the back of her neck and muttering something in zebrican that sounded like it was supposed to be reassuring. When she looked about, she could tell that a significant portion of the day had been allowed to pass, with the sun already having passed its apex. At some point during her sleep, a couple of thick woven blankets had been draped over her and her companions. Upwind from her and her two sleeping companions, the rest of the group had made a small campfire, tended by Xolani and Aberash. Abeni lay at the base of the tree talking with Zuberi, while Zephania seemed to be off elsewhere. As much as she didn’t want to, she instinctively knew that she needed to rise and do something before the day was out. If nothing else, they should move by twilight, so that there wasn’t a campfire to spot them by as they lounged so close to the zebra tribe. Leaning over, she nuzzled the sleeping mare firmly, “Burnished Bronze, wake up.” Rose murmured into her ear, before giving her cheek another nuzzle. Burnished Bronze slowly lifted her head, only to yawn loudly in the pegasus’ ear. “Eh? Wha- Where?” She slowly turned her head about, blinking bleary eyes. “You’re safe. We rescued you from the tribe, remember?” Rose asked her slowly. “From the-” As the other mare’s mind finally caught up to her waking body, her eyes widened a little and she wrapped both arms tightly around Rose, “Thank you!” “Hey, hey, it’s alright now.” She cooed in a calming voice, “How are you feeling?” “Tired.” Burnished Bronze sighed with a frown, before looking away to avoid Rose’s gaze, “Sore.” Rose nuzzled her tenderly, “Is there anything I can do~?” She whispered sympathetically. Burnished Bronze shook her head, before slowly turning back to face her, “You’ve already done so much and you don’t even know me...” A small, skeptical smile came over Rose then. “We all risked our lives to rescue you, don’t look so surprised.” She offered the mare a bloop on the nose and a small, wary smile, “Besides, you’re not alone, not quite.” Burnished Bronze remained silent for a moment in thought. Wordlessly, she gave Rose another squeeze and delivered a soft kiss to her cheek. “I mean it, you’re not alone, Burnished Bronze.” “How do I ever thank you?” Burnished Bronze asked with a look of almost immeasurable gratitude, “They were going to...they were-” She buried her face in Rose’s neck again, “I don’t understand.” Rose wrapped her neck around the other mare’s and nuzzled her neck in the soothing manner that her mother had done to her a long time ago. “Neither do I.” She hummed and quickly decided to distract her, “You know how you can start? Telling me about yourself over br-” She chuckled self-consciously then, “It’s not really breakfast at this point, now is it?” Burnished Bronze finally leaned back a bit and looked about, before shaking her head in an almost solemn manner. “No. No it is not.” She offered Rose a hesitant smile, “I guess we’ll just have to eat twice as much to make up for it.” Rose snickered and nodded. “Let me just wake Uzoma up.” “Uzoma?” Burnished Bronze lifted her head slowly to look over Rose at the sleeping stallion. When she saw him, her eyes went wide and she lowered her head back behind Rose’s, “That one scares me.” She whispered with an almost deadly serious tone. Rose looked to her stallion confusedly and then back to Burnished Bronze, blinking, her face contorted in evident confusion. “Burnished Bronze, Uzoma was the stallion that helped free you.” “I know.” Burnished Bronze nodded slowly, “You didn’t see what he did to those stallions, though.” As she spoke, she glanced suspiciously around the pegasus at the stallion, who was, at that moment sleeping like a foal with a soft smile. “I doubt he did anything to them that I wouldn’t.” Rose’s mouth pulled back in a skeptical grin. “I imagined a thousand different ways to kill those bastards while they had me.” Burnished Bronze replied with a shaky breath, before looking Rose dead in the eye, “None of them compare. He. Scares. Me.” Rose sighed. “Burnished Bronze, he is a loving, caring stallion and I know that if you give him a chance, you’ll see that too.” She offered the mare a hopeful smile, “Would you let me show you what I mean?” “I’m sure lions care about their prides, or timberwolves care about their packs.” Burnished Bronze hummed thoughtfully, “That doesn’t make them any less terrifying up close.” “They killed your companions and kept you like-” Rose shook her head, taking a deep breath to calm herself, “What did he do?” “I know what they did.” Burnished Bronze nodded with a small frown, “I know they killed Grassy and Tin Cup.” She sighed defeatedly and shook her head, “I don’t want to talk about it. I’d rather forget the whole damn thing.” “Will you at least give him a chance? He did rescue you.” “Yeah.” She nodded slowly, still eyeing him suspiciously, “I guess.” Rose smiled happily and turned around to her stallion, prodding his cheek gently twice. “Uzoma, wake up.” She whispered into his ear. Uzoma stirred briefly, but didn’t wake. He yawned and smacked his lips and when he did, if Rose hadn’t known any better, she could’ve swore she caught a glimpse of a fang. The mare blinked in surprise, but when she did, there was nothing there and was thus convinced that her sleepy eyes were playing tricks with her. Leaning back into his ear, she breathed across it sensually, “There’s a kiss in it for you, if you wake up for me, sleepyhead~” The stallion’s ears immediately flicked up and he slowly blinked his eyes open with another yawn, “Hhmm? What? Kiss?” “Good morning, Love.” Rose tittered, giving him a peck on the lips, as promised. “Mmmm, past morning.” He chuckled with a soft smile and pressed tiredly into the kiss. “It is,” Rose nodded, “but good afternoon hardly sounds like a way to greet your stallion.” She chuckled and then turned around toward the other mare, “I imagine there was scarcely time to be introduced last night?” Uzoma nodded and looked over at Burnished Bronze, “I never did give you my name.” He extended one of his hooves to her with a gentle smile, “I’m Uzoma. It is good to meet you under better terms than before.” Burnished Bronze stared at his hoof for a moment as though he was offering a poisonous snake, before hesitantly reaching one of her own hooves to take it. “Burnished Bronze.” Uzoma gave her hoof a gentle shake, before releasing it, “You have a pretty name, Burnished Bronze. Almost as pretty as our Rose.” He nuzzled the mare in question with a proud smile. Rose laughed melodiously. “Uzoma, love, comparing mares’ beauty will never end well for you.” She turned to Burnished Bronze with a flattering smile, “Especially when they are attractive.” Burnished Bronze nodded with a small smile, “Thank you.” She gave a barely noticeable blush at Rose’s declaration. “Both of you.” “My apologies.” Uzoma bowed his head low, feigning a look of shame, “But when faced with mares of equal beauty, a stallion often feels it his duty to prefer his mate.” “Then maybe you should curry her favor by helping Xolani get some food cooking.” Rose gave him another peck on the cheek this time, “I’d like to be moving before sundown.” “I will make sure he makes something good.” Uzoma nodded determinedly, shrugging off their blankets to stand, only to sigh somewhat sadly as he looked over to where his fellow stallion sat working with Aberash. “Looks like he’s already working on some grass soup...” He shook his head and started trudging forward. Rose giggled and turned back to Burnished Bronze. “Xolani,” - she pointed toward the stallion in question - “has something of a fixation with his grass soup. It’s actually better than it sounds, but I can see how it would get old.” “He seems nice.” Burnished Bronze nodded slowly, looking after Uzoma for a moment. “He still scares me, but he’s nice. Xolani is ok from what I saw last night.” She forced a smile then, “And grass soup will be a nice change from nothing but bread.” “I imagine that seeing someone kill another would be rather disconcerting, especially after the way you were treated.” Rose acknowledged sympathetically. “Yeah.” Burnished Bronze swallowed with with a quiet voice, “I...” She stared down at her hooves, “I don’t know what to do, now.” She closed her eyes and lay her head against Rose’s neck with a sad grimace, “My friends are dead and I don’t have any family back in Aura.” “But you do have friends in Aura.” Rose offered her reassuringly. Burnished Bronze gave a wry smile, “I didn’t think I had that many.” “Polar was the one who approached us, she seemed pretty worried about you.” Rose offered her with a sincere smile. “Polar...” Burnished Bronze smiled softly at that, “She’s a good mare.” Rose nodded at that and nuzzled her softly, “Think about what you want to do when we get back to Aura. We’re going to try and help the mares of that tribe and punish Abidemi for everything he’s done. You’re free to join us if you want to when we eventually leave to deal with him. Until then, I’m here for you and I’m sure that the others are too.” She lay her neck across Burnish Bronze’s in a consoling fashion. “Thank you for the offer.” Burnished Bronze closed her eyes with a sigh, “You can call me Bronze, by the way. My name’s too long.” She paused for a moment, before adding, “Or Burny. My friends always teased me with that name, but I didn’t mind.” “I think it’s a pretty name, but so is Bronze.” Rose smiled faintly, “You can call me Rose if you’d like, my stallions do.” “Ok.” Bronze nodded softly, “You call me Bronze, I’ll call you Rose.” She opened her eyes with a soft, almost nervous smile, “Maybe we should get up...” Giving the pegasus’ cheek a peck, Bronze started to stand, her legs wobbling slightly under her. Rose took to her hooves next to her fellow mare, her shoulder close by, should the mare desire some help walking, or even just her closeness. Bronze leaned into her gratefully and when she did, Rose finally got a clearer picture at the mare’s figure than she had last night. Not only did Bronze have a more clearly defined musculature, but she was clearly a few inches taller than the pegasus as well with somewhat broader, almost stallionish shoulders. “I mean this in the most flattering way possible, but Bronze, you are a big mare! I mean, broad and heavily built…” She grinned at the irony, “I’ve known full-grown pegasus stallions smaller!” For the first time since their meeting, Bronze actually giggled, “I’m a blacksmith. Like my Papa. It comes with the territory.” She lifted a foreleg to flex playfully and when she did, Rose caught a glimpse of her hoof, which seemed to shine like the metal she was named for through a set of trimmed fetlocks. “You like?” Bronze continued with a somewhat teasing grin. Rose shook her head, “If I were large like that, I wouldn’t be able to fly.” She jabbed back playfully, “I think I’d like to see you hoof wrestle one of my stallions, Zuberi. He’s pretty big, for a zebra.” “Maybe later...” Bronze’s grin faded slightly, “I used to do that with some of the zebras near home. They liked my size.” She gave a soft chuckle. “Had one or two even ask me to join their herd. Strong mares make strong foals, I guess.” While she seemed to intend for her comment to be a happy memory, the last traces of her smile faded at the last part and she fell silent. Rose urged her forward. “Would you tell me a little about them? Your zebra friends back home?” She hoped that talking about them would remind her that not all zebras were...messed up, like the tribe they just rescued her from. She grinned then and giggled conspiratorially, “Ever thought about taking up a cute one on the offer?” “Nah. I never had the time. I was always busy at my shop.” Bronze’s smile started to return, “Maybe when I had gotten older... Well,” She gave Rose a wry smirk, “...there was this one zebra in the Mwezi Wafuasi that I had something of a crush on.” Bronze shrugged a little sheepishly against the pegasus, “Her name was Bolanle.” “Her?” Rose blinked in surprise at the revelation. “Yeah, her.” Bronze gave Rose a skeptical look and bumped flanks with her, “There something wrong with having a crush on a mare?” “No…” Rose shook her head, regaining her wits, “I guess I’ve just never met the right mare to send me head over horseshoes.” She shrugged. Bronze snorted with a smile as they made it to the fire. “You’ve never met Bolanle. She was smart, she had the prettiest blue eyes.” The mare sighed sadly, “Her mane was almost pure black unlike the rest of her tribe and her stripes ran over all the right places.” “Dare I ask, but...was?” Rose asked hesitantly, worried that she was walking into yet another tragedy for the mare. “Still is as far as I know.” Bronze shrugged once more. “But about a month ago she fell head over hooves for a warrior from another tribe visiting the area and I haven’t seen her since, though I did occasionally get messages from her. She was one of my best friends.” Her smile grew a little more at the memory. Even Rose had to smile at that. “Well, that’s good to hear.” She chirped. “Don’t get me wrong, I liked plenty of the stallions, but most of them wanted foals at the time, so...” Bronze shrugged and sat down at the fire, “I guess I was drawn to the one zebra I liked that didn’t want foals from me.” She gave a wry chuckle. “I think that most stallions want foals.” Rose shrugged, “Or at least want to make them.” “All stallions want to know the pride of being a father.” Xolani chimed in with a soft smile. He and the other stallions currently in camp had arranged themselves upwind from the two of them across the fire. Aberash currently sat between him and Burnished Bronze, while Abeni separated Zuberi and Rose. When Xolani spoke, Burnished Bronze was once more reminded of the three stallions’ presence. She smiled nervously and leaned into Rose again, trying to hide the uncomfortable shifting of her rear. Rose leaned against the nervous mare, hoping to reassure her. “Burnished Bronze, these are two of my other stallions. Xolani,” - she gestured to the stallion that had spoken to them first and then to the hulking stallion - “and Zuberi.” She then gestured to the mare, “This is Burnished Bronze.” Both of Rose’s stallions nodded respectfully and allowed her to be the first to speak, “Uh, hey there.” Bronze offered Xolani a tentative smile, “I remember you from last night. You helped Aberash. Thank you for that.” She switched her smile to the mare in question - whose improvised bandages had been replaced with fresh ones from Xolani’s bags - and bowed her head, “And thank you for taking care of me when...well-” Her smile started to fade once more and she turned to stare into the fire. Rose took notice of the mare’s souring mood and nuzzled her, bumping her jaw gently, and shot a pleading look to Aberash, hoping that she would have something to say to cheer Bronze up. Aberash, flattening her mane against her bandages, leaned in to nuzzle Bronze from the other side, “Smile for us, child. Those dark moments are behind you. You are among friends now.” “Xolani and his comrades are here for you, Burnished Bronze.” Xolani spoke up with a reassuring smile. “As long as we’re around, you will be safe.” Zuberi hummed with a proud nod, “None will touch you. All who try will be punished.” As the three of them spoke, Bronze’s mood seemed to lighten a bit, though she remained quiet as she leaned against Rose. “How about some hot food for your belly?” Rose suggested cheerfully, trying to distract her further. “That sounds really good about now.” Bronze nodded and raised her head with an eager look at the small pot on the fire, “Someone said something about grass soup?” “Yes, Xolani’s specialty.” The wild maned stallion nodded eagerly and pulled a bowl out from a bag sitting behind him. Dipping it into the pot, he scooped out a generous portion before hoofing it across the fire to Burnished Bronze. She took it with a thankful smile and before he could warn her that it was still hot, she had raised it to her lips and was chugging it down as though it was the last meal she would ever have. Rose gently rubbed her back with a chuckle. “Bronze, take your time, there’s plenty.” Rose instructed her gently, before looking up to Xolani, “Where did Zephania run off to?” “Zephania declared that he would be creating a false trail for Abidemi’s warriors. For a small while at least, they will be headed northeast from here.” Xolani explained plainly. “He should have woken me up so that I could do it. It would have been done by now.” Uzoma commented with a prideful humm. “You seemed busy.” Abeni spoke up for the first time that Rose had heard that day, and when she was calm, her voice was much like her mother’s, but softer and sweeter. “He didn’t want to drag you away.” She cast a knowing look to Rose. Rose blinked confusedly, “Northeast? I thought the desert was to the northeast? The...the, um, the Muudi Desert?” “It is, but I doubt they will follow the trail that far.” Xolani shook his head slowly, “Even if they do not realize that they have been duped, I doubt they will wish to follow us into a desert.” “After I eat, I’m going to go help him.” Rose declared. “No need to.” The stallion in question called out, slipping into the clearing from the grass by the tree, “I’m all finished.” Zephania trotted slowly toward the fire, his mask hanging off the back of his head with his staff slung across his back, “It should buy us a day or two of headway.” Rose’s eyes sparkled brightly upon seeing the last of her stallions back in camp. “Zephania, welcome back!” She chirped happily, but there was something about the look of her eyes that screamed; I was worried. “Thank you, Rose. I am glad the rest of you remained well.” Zephania smiled softly and stepped in to give his mare a nuzzle, before looking to Burnished Bronze, who had finished her bowl, “And how are you holding up? I trust our little herd has been treating you well?” Bronze wiped her mouth with a hoof, before nodding slowly, “Um, yeah, they’ve all been very good to me. Thank you, uh, Zephania.” Bronze gave him the briefest of smiles, before her face suddenly seemed to burn and she once more fixed her gaze on the fire, though with the color of her coat, only Aberash and Rose were close enough to really tell. Rose decided not to say anything - at least not yet, there would be time for mare talk later - she instead looked to Zephania with an eager expression. “We didn’t decide on it last night, but I’m thinking we should head toward Aura.” Rose suggested, “There are ponies and zebras nearby, and it would allow us some safety while we recover and plan our next move.” “That would make the most sense.” Zephania nodded in agreement, “I’m certain they will want to deal with Abidemi swiftly.” “The ponies of Aura will definitely be willing to lend a hoof, too.” Bronze commented with a small scowl, “Tin Cup and Grassy were well liked and respected. Tin was a merchant that started out in cooking ware, before teaming up with me and Grassy... Grassy was a talented farmer that had just enough money to back us up to start out.” “I’m worried about the sentiment this might create between the two races.” Rose murmured deep in thought. “I doubt this will cause friction.” Zephania shook his head firmly. “Not if they’re standing together.” “The problem is zebras are fractured, Zephania. Ponies will be more wary because you’re not one people, like ponies are.” Rose shook her head softly. “So you think they would turn upon those they already call friends?” Zephania asked pointedly. “I think that though ponies once were three tribes, we’ve been united long enough that seeing the zebra as a collection of tribes will be more difficult for some.” Rose explained to him, “There may be those who wonder which are the exceptions and whom are the rule, in zebra society…” “Then that is a problem we will have to deal with as it arises.” Zephania replied calmly and Rose nodded sagely in agreement; she hadn’t thought it needed to be solved right now, though she still felt it was worth mentioning. “Whatever happens, I am sure the ponies of Aura will be convinced to see reason. When other tribes learn of this, they will do everything they can to prove that they are different from the Kuchomwa.” > Arc I: Chapter XVIII [End of Arc I] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While none of Rose’s stallions broached the subject with her directly, the way Xolani and Aberash monitored Burnished Bronze on their way back to Aura, made it clear that they were sure she was now with foal. Rose too thought it was likely, but she knew that more than anything else, Bronze needed someone to be there for her and since she seemed hesitant to get close to any of the zebras - Rose’s stallions doubly so - Rose took it upon herself. Bronze, for her part, welcomed her company, staying close to the pegasus’ side at all times. Whenever Rose moved to interact with one of her stallions, Bronze would simply hang back a little bit, still uneasy about interacting with them. All in all, it seemed to amuse the zebra to no end watching the big mare cuddle into Rose’s side, towering over the pegasus that it seemed she was actually deferring to. None of them commented though, not wishing to insult either mare. Instead, the lot of them chose to focus on the relief they felt upon entering the familiar town, the stallions grinning and sharing victorious hoofbumps. Rose leaned into Bronze’s side, giving her new friend an affectionate nuzzle as a welcome home, one that was readily returned as the big mare led them on. In almost no time at all, they made it to her home on the outskirts of the town; it was actually two buildings side by side. One was a two story tall structure that looked just big enough to house a living area on one floor and a bedroom on the other. The second was all one story, with two large wooden doors taking up half of the front and a long covered window taking up the other half. If the sign above the window was any indication, this was Bronze’s forge. “This is yours?” Rose asked Bronze, sounding rather impressed. Bronze nodded with a sheepish smile, “Yeah. My Pa helped me work up enough to get it built. Then, when he and Ma moved back to Equestria, he left me all of his supplies.” “Wow, it’s a nice little place.” She trilled, a small, proud smile on her face. “Thanks.” Bronze placed a kiss on her mare’s cheek and stepped forward, opening the door to her house with no trouble. As her stallions approached the little house, Rose turned about to address them. “Alright now, have any of you been in a house before?” All of the zebra stopped and blinked, looking to one another uncertainly, before Zephania raised his hoof. “Alright, your first time can be a little disconcerting. If you feel panicked, or claustrophobic, don’t hesitate to cling to one of us. It’s perfectly safe.” She reassured the zebras with a confident smile. “They’re big stallions and mares, Rose.” Bronze snickered with a roll of her eyes, “I’m sure they’ll be fine.” Without further ado, Bronze trotted inside, waving them after her. The assembled zebra filed in one by one with confident smiles, each of them giving Rose a kiss as they passed. “We have been in buildings before~” Uzoma chuckled as he trotted by. Rose rolled her eyes. “Right, it’s only the pegasus that has a problem with walls she can’t fly through…” She grumbled quietly, before following her herd inside. Inside, they faced a single long room, separated into two sections. The first portion they found themselves striding into was clearly the living area. It boasted a sturdy wooden coffee table and a wood framed sofa, with a few wicker chairs scattered about. A few of the walls sported shelves lined with books and oddly shaped metal trinkets. Hanging about the room were framed pictures of Burnished Bronze at varying ages with an earthbound stallion and a pegasus mare. One wall even held a zebra mask and a pair of bronze tipped spears. The second portion of the room was the smallest and held what was clearly a kitchen with a table barely big enough to possibly hold the current company. As the collected zebras milled about the center of the room, clearly curious but polite enough not to touch anything, Bronze moved about the edges of the room lighting a series of oil lamps. Rose approached the picture curiously, before her eyes went wide. “You’re half-pegasus?” “Yup.” Bronze shot a small grin back over her shoulder as she lit another lamp, “Wouldn’t expect it because of my size, but yeah.” “You’re right, caught me off guard.” Rose nodded with a surprised expression. Bronze chuckled as she moved to light the last lamp in the corner closest to Rose. “Her name’s Silver Skies. Blacksmith like Pa.” She shot Rose a proud smile. “They met on the job after coming to Aura. I was born eleven months later.” “They look very happy together.” Rose offered in return with a small smile of her own. “They are.” Bronze nodded and trotted over to lean against Rose, “Though I think I drove them nuts sometimes.” The big mare gave a sheepish chuckle. “I think all children do…” Rose chuckled guiltily. “I think they probably thought my friend Bolanle was a bad influence on me.” Bronze giggled slightly and turned Rose slowly about to face the rest of the herd. The zebras had all shucked their saddlebags into a couple of the chairs at the coffee table. Xolani sat on the sofa chatting with Abeni and Aberash, while Uzoma and Zephania admired the hanging mask and spears. Zuberi sat back in one of the chairs, eliciting an ominous creak that no one seemed to notice. The pegasus smiled proudly, looking about her herd, and none of them appeared to be the slightest bit anxious; in fact, many of them seemed downright relaxed. Rose then turned to Bronze with a smile still on her face. “Bronze, to thank you for taking us in, I would like to make dinner for you.” Rose proclaimed. “I should still be thanking you.” Bronze’s smile faded a little and she pressed her forehead into Rose’s neck; in almost an instant, something seemed to change in the bronzy mare and she seemed fragile leaning against Rose’s side. “Without you, I never would have seen this place again...” Rose looped a wing around Bronze, pulling her close, and then smiled. “Well, if you really feel that way, how about we cook dinner then? How about that?” “I’m a terrible cook.” Bronze snorted with a weak smile, “I burn oatmeal.” “Would you like to learn?” Rose offered her with a smile and a tender nuzzle. “If Bolanle and Grassy couldn’t teach me, I doubt I’m capable of learning.” Bronze chuckled, her mood picking up bit, “I only survived living alone for four years because I always had one friend or another over who could cook.” “It’s your choice, I’m willing to try if you’re interested.” Rose offered Bronze a peck on the lips. Bronze blinked in surprise and there was a subtle blush in her already bronzy coat, “I...suppose I could give it one more shot~” In short order, the mares had congregated in the kitchen, banishing the stallions to the main living area, to let them work. It was then that they discovered just how bare Bronze’s cupboards were without a friend to cook for her. All she had, aside from some spices and sweeteners, were some apples and some bags of cooked oats. “Well...um, this limits things.” Rose mused with a sheepish expression on her face, glancing skeptically at Bronze, “It’s looking like dessert for dinner.” Bronze chuckled sheepishly and nodded slowly, “Yeah, I don’t usually keep much around the house.” “I’m sure we can work with this and some tubers I’ve collected.” Aberash assured them with a motherly smile. Rose snorted and gave Aberash a playful bump, “You don’t mix tubers with apples~” “So tubers and oats for dinner, apples for dessert!” Abeni piped up with a smile. “Tubers and oats?” Rose’s nose scrunched up comically, “I think we should celebrate with something sweet, what do you think?” She asked looking to Bronze. “Do I look like a picky eater?” Bronze smirked and gestured to her body with a hoof. “I’m asking your preference~” Rose nipped playfully at her. “I haven’t had a proper meal in a week. I say cook it all.” Bronze declared with a sagely expression. Rose looked to the two zebra mares with a big grin on her face, “You heard the mare, all of it.” Aberash and her daughter grinned in return, “I think we can handle that~” “You two work on the tubers, we’ll take the apples, and we can split the oats between us as needed.” Rose declared, reaching in to take ahold of the basket of apples with her teeth. With a nod of agreement, Aberash went to retrieve her own supplies, while Bronze and Abeni each grabbed some of the oats. “Abeni, are you ready to try the best knife you’ve ever had?” The pegasus asked, offering the young mare a steel knife handle first. Abeni blinked curiously as she gingerly took the knife, “Is it better than bronze?” “You’ll see~” Rose smiled knowingly. Abeni quirked her head at that, before shrugging and turning to help her mother, who had returned to lay a selection of tubers on the counter. Only a few moments later, the young mare was staring in awe as the knife in her hoof neatly and cleanly peeled her tubers better than any bronze knife ever had. Rose tittered softly and nuzzled Bronze, before leading her through prepping the apples. Bronze hesitated for a moment, before nuzzling her thankfully and setting to peel them. “I can’t imagine having so little in my pantry…” Rose murmured as she worked. “Big family, or just rich?” Bronze wondered curiously. “You have no idea~” Rose groaned theatrically. Aberash chuckled softly, “I imagine you’ve lived a far different life, whatever the case.” “It won’t be long until this outing will be the longest I’ve ever lived on the ground.” Rose revealed, ruffling her wings. “You...did not live on the ground?” Abeni asked with an owlish blink. “Nope.” The pegasus shook her head with a chirp, “I am cloudborn, lived most of my life in Cloudsdale.” She added, “...A pegasus cloud city.” “You build cities...on clouds?” Aberash murmured in awe. “From clouds.” Rose nodded, “A pegasus can walk on clouds as if they were ground.” Abeni stared at her own hooves curiously for a moment, “Could...could others do so as well?” “I don’t know,” Rose shrugged, looking to the daughter, “maybe with unicorn magic?” She paused a moment in thought, “I think I remember something about some mares from Ponyville visiting a while back to cheer on one of their friends…?” “Magic...” Aberash murmured thoughtfully, “The Savannah abounds with spirits of air. Maybe the right potion, or talisman?” “Why would you want to?” Bronze commented with a playful smirk, “Keep your hooves on the ground and let the pretty little birdies have their clouds~” This earned Bronze a teasing nip that happened to be just a hair on the side of stimulating, causing her to flinch in surprise, before steadying herself with a softer smile. “I will have to work on this.” Aberash declared with a determined expression, not seeming to notice, “To walk the clouds of the sky, to escape the worries of the world below...” “Yeah, don’t let the rainbow factory fool you, we have our fair share of troubles in the clouds too.” Rose remarked casually, nuzzling Bronze in a friendly manner after nipping her. Abeni’s owlish expression returned in full force, “Rainbow...factories?” “I mean it’s technically a weather factory, but everyone in Cloudsdale calls it the rainbow factory, because of the way it spills out rainbows.” Rose educated the zebras working alongside her. “Your people are...strange.” Aberash declared, “Controlling the weather is not natural.” “It’s the way things work in Equestria, the weather needs pegasi.” Rose waved her wing dismissively, as if it were elementary, “Probably has something to do with all the magical disasters Equestria’s had…” “Have you thought of trying to find a permanent fix?” Abeni wondered, “What about working with spirits?” “There’s one spirit that lives in Equestria and he would be the first one I’d suspect of breaking it in the first place!” Rose snorted softly. “Equestria does not sound like a pleasant place to live.” Abeni commented, earning a chuckle from Bronze. Rose quickly waved her wing dismissively, either missing or possibly ignoring Bronze’s laugh, “No, no, the Princesses have done an excellent job making Equestria a beautiful place to live!” “If you say so.” Abeni shrugged, “Needing to work for weather in a land with only one angry spirit does not sound beautiful.” “Trust me, you’re better off here~” Bronze snorted amusedly. Rose glared at Bronze, but she found herself unable to protest, despite her love for Equestria, “Discord isn’t a problem, the Elements of Harmony trapped him in stone.” Aberash blinked slowly, “A spirit trapped in stone...” The little mare shook her head slowly, “Bronze is correct. I do not wish to visit Equestria.” Rose blinked, “Why? He’s dangerous.” “It is strange and unnatural.” Abeni replied evenly. “Is it so strange to defend yourself from a dangerous being?” Rose asked pointedly. “We have other ways of dealing with bad spirits.” Aberash explained, “And no spirit is ever trapped in some corporeal form.” “He didn’t give the Elements much choice…” Rose protested. “I shall take your word for it.” Aberash hummed softly. “Are zebras always so defensive of spirits~?” Rose stage whispered to Bronze. “The spirits are more important to them than the Princesses are to Equestrians.” Bronze explained with a shrug, earning a nod from the other mares. “That’s strange.” Rose blinked in disbelief, looking to the zebras, “You’re strange~” She remarked playfully. “We don’t control the weather and trap spirits in stone.” Aberash retorted with a playful smirk. “No, you live on the ground in yurts and work with spirits to manipulate magic.” Rose reminded with a playful grin. “Yes, like a normal mare.” Abeni snickered. “Normal for a zebra~” Rose snickered in turn, bumping Abeni playfully with her snout. “I suppose that means only zebra are normal~” Abeni sighed with a sagely nod as she returned the gesture. “And earth ponies.” Bronze remarked casually. “Keep telling yourselves that, even the earth ponies are looking at you funny.” Rose teased, before trying to deepen her voice to sound more like Bronze, “What do you mean you don’t farm and build houses out of stone, and wood?” “I don’t sound like that.” Bronze declared evenly, earning a giggle from the zebras. “Of course not, Bronze~” Rose cheekily patted her head, earning a playful nip from the big mare that caused her to squeak in surprise. “So, what were your parents like~?” Bronze wondered. The pegasus shifted uncomfortably, “I didn’t grow up in a herd, or tribe. I was the child of one mare and one stallion.” Abeni blinked a few times, clearly trying to process the declaration, “Your mother would not share?” “It’s quite common for ponies not to form herds, about half of the families I knew were not herds.” Rose explained, smiling softly, “I actually think it was Father that had eyes for none other…” This drew a quiet round of d’aws from the other mares, and Rose rolled her eyes. “They must have cared for you greatly.” Aberash hummed softly. The pegasus took a deep breath and a frown painted her face as she regarded the young mare. “You would think so...” Rose shook her head. “Rocky relationship?” Bronze wondered with a quirked eyebrow. “All the way to the bottom.” Rose sighed, focusing on her work, clearly not wanting to talk about it. “Ouch.” Bronze frowned as she and the zebra resumed their own work. ~ ~ ~ That evening after everyone had ate their fill, Rose and Zephania slipped out, leaving the others to their celebration. The others, meanwhile, did their best to distract Bronze with good food and conversation. In short order, the big mare seemed to forget about losing her companions, for the moment, and allowed herself to revel in her freedom. Rose and Zephania, however, had the task of delivering the news to the mare who sent them out on their quest. Going on nighttime, Polar’s last customer was departing just as the two arrived. Looking up from what she was writing, her ears perked and she looked to the two anxiously, clearly both hopeful that they had succeeded, but also fearful of the absence of the others. Zephania stepped over to her with a gentle, comforting smile, “Polar, we come bearing some good news, but it comes with a great cost...” The unicorn mare perked up momentarily, only for her ears to fold back in apprehension; Rose nipped her stallion softly and offered her fellow mare a hopeful smile. “We just got back from Bronze’s…” Polar perked up, “Bronze is back?” Earning a nod from Rose. Zephania winced briefly at his mare’s nip, before returning his attention to Polar, “Yes, she is doing well, and I’m sure she would appreciate a visit from a friend, if you wish to come over.” Polar appeared bashful a moment, before speaking hesitantly, “I-I wouldn’t want to impose.” “Believe me, Polar, it’s not an imposition.” Zephania trotted forward to place a gentle hoof on her shoulder, “I believe she’ll need some good friends for a while.” Suddenly, the mare’s attitude changed to worried once again, looking to the stallion with concern, “Why? What happened?” “Their visit with the tribe they encountered did not end well...” Polar paled a little, “What happened?” She reiterated firmly. “I will allow Bronze to tell you of her own ordeal, if she so wishes,” He spoke gently, “...but your friends, Grassy and Tin Cup...” Just as the mare looked ready to snap at the stallion for not answering, Rose stepped forward and wrapped an arm around Polar, laying her head against the back of her neck. The unicorn was dumbfounded as she finally came to the realization they were not coming back. A tear slid down her cheek and she collapsed as her legs gave out. “What happened?” She murmured a third time, with a haunted expression. “The tribe, calling themselves the Kuchomwa, took Bronze captive.” Zephania explained slowly, moving to offer her a hug, “When Grassy and Tin Cup tried to save her, they were slain.” The unicorn mare seemed to lose all touch with reality as she succumb to shock, staring past the two embracing her, somewhere very distant as silent tears slid down her cheeks. “I know you have suffered a great loss, but Bronze is still here. She will likely need a good friend such as you, before all is said and done.” After a few minutes of softly shaking, crying quietly, she nuzzled the two thankfully. “I’d like to see her.” Polar whispered. “I’m sure she’d like to see you as well.” Zephania nuzzled her with a comforting smile. Pulling back and wiping her red eyes, she nodded to them. “Just gimme a minute to close up.” Polar sniffled, earning a soft nuzzle from Rose, “I want to stop at Dumpling’s and borrow her cart, I’m sure Bronze could use some comfort food right about now.” “I’m sure she’ll appreciate the gesture.” Zephania gave her cheek a soft kiss, “Would you like us to come with you?” Polar blushed softly, “I wouldn’t mind the company, if you’re offering.” Rose glanced knowingly to Zephania and nodded. “I don’t mind.” Zephania offered both mares a quick kiss then, “Good. Do you need any help closing up, Polar?” “If you want to lend a hoof.” Polar nodded, quickly turning to start closing up, with the intent to hide her blush. If Zephania noticed, he said nothing, merely trotted along beside her to help with whatever she required. Rose on the other hoof did, silently wondering if she could trust the mare not to do anything untoward with her stallion, before shaking that pesky thought out. In relatively short order, the three of them had stopped, picked up a familiar looking dumpling-cart and returned to Bronze’s. Rose led both Polar and Zephania inside, extra mindful of getting her hooves clean. “Bronze, we’re back~!” Rose called out gently. Bronze immediately trotted out of the kitchen, where she’d been chatting with Aberash, only to freeze when she saw Polar, her smile slowly fading. It took all the willpower the aquamarine mare had not to frown at that reaction, though she did start to wonder if she had overstepped. Rose too noticed their reactions and quickly began to wonder if she had made a mistake. “H-hey, Polar,” Bronze did her best to put on a smile, but found herself unable to meet Polar’s gaze, “...I’m back.” “I’m glad.” Polar admitted, if a bit awkwardly, “I was worried when you didn’t return-” “I figured.” Bronze murmured, before swallowing softly, her ears pinning back, “I-I- Grassy and Tin, they- I-” “I know, Zephania told me.” Polar nodded, stepping up to offer Bronze a comforting nuzzle. Bronze shuddered and sniffed at her touch, closing her eyes tight, “I-I’m sorry...” “Shh~” Polar wrapped Bronze in a hug, before Rose too trotted forward and offered her own from the side. Bronze promptly wrapped the unicorn in a tight hug and buried her face in her neck with a quiet whimper. Meanwhile, Zephania held back, letting the mares have their moment. Polar nuzzled her friend quietly crying into her mane, while Rose held her tight, laying her head on Bronze’s withers for her support. “Forgive me, Polar.” Bronze pleaded quietly, giving her a squeeze. “It’s all my fault, I got myself caught.” “Caught?” Polar asked confusedly, nuzzling Bronze encouragingly. “The tribe we visited-” Bronze shuddered and took a deep breath, “-they...captured me...used me.” She murmured. “They foalnapped you?” Polar offered hesitatingly; Bronze merely nodded, further words dieing in her throat. “I’m sure you did everything you could to try and escape.” “It wasn’t your fault, Bronze.” Rose spoke up, softly nuzzling her back, “You couldn’t have known their motives.” “Their actions were monstrous.” Zephania snorted softly, “No sane zebra would do what they did. As soon as the Mwezi Wafuasi learn of this, I know there will be war.” “I know.” Bronze nodded shakily, “I know most zebra are good people, I know...I know I couldn’t have known. I still feel- If I hadn’t...” Once more, she closed her eyes and trembled against Polar. “I just wanted a quick romp.” She whimpered. This time, she actually received a soft nip from Rose. “Bronze, stop.” The young pegasus commanded her gently, “It was their intention to foalnap you from the moment they laid eyes on you, that’s just the kind of monster Abidemi is.” Bronze flinched at the nip, but did not outright object, “That doesn’t make it feel better.” Polar pulled back from the hug, holding Bronze by the shoulders. “We’re going to avenge Grassy and Tin.” She declared, looking for any hesitation from the larger mare. Bronze smiled softly and gently punched her shoulder, “You know it, Polar.” Despite a small wince from the smaller unicorn, she bumped noses with Bronze. “Then you have nothing to seek forgiveness for.” Bronze drew her into a tight hug again, “Thank you.” “Come on, we’re celebrating your freedom tonight. We can mourn tomorrow~” Rose gently urged Bronze, looking to Polar for help that came in the form of a firm snout-bump. Bronze chuckled and pulled back with a nod, “I think I might be up for a small party.” “Good. Just tell me what you need from the rest of us.” Zephania declared with a grin, “My fellow stallions and I are at your disposal, good mares.” Polar turned around to look at Zephania, “Can you cook?” “A little, but you’ll want Xolani.” He offered with a sagely expression. It was then that Xolani’s head poked out of the kitchen, his ears perked up with an eager smile, “You require Xolani’s service?” “Two gorgeous stallions at my service, yes please~” Polar tittered teasingly at Rose, bumping Zephania to join her outside. Both stallions chuckled amusedly and made to follow, each offering Rose a loving kiss before they went. Taking but a moment to watch them go, Rose turned to Bronze, urging her back inside to make herself comfortable. After a moment of hesitation, Bronze smiled and sidled up to Rose, gladly following her lead. > Bonus Chapter: Aberash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The tribe was still abuzz in the aftermath of the party, but it was a lot quieter than it had been just an hour prior. The whinnies and cries of mares still sounded occasionally as the party continued, unofficially back in the yurts of their stallions’, but it was no longer in her ear. Now that the quiet had returned, it was an unwelcome friend. For with it, came the ability to think and that was the last thing she wanted to do right now. Aberash sighed, emotionally exhausted from the evening. Even with Abeni’s help, tending to the pony mare had been nerve wracking. Some part of her, deep down knew what was happening to her was wrong - hence why she was helping the poor dear...but at the same time, all she could do was rationalize away what was going on. That because it was her husband, the Chieftain, who had seen to her punishment, that it was all just somehow. She hoped that if she just repeated that enough, her conscience would quiet itself. However, her alone time was interrupted by a familiar voice only a few yards from her yurt, “Aberash, may Xolani have a moment with you?” Rose’s shaman called after her. The mare blinked as she was brought out of her introspection, finally taking notice of the fact that her hooves had brought her back to her own yurt. Turning, she saw Rose’s stallion, Xolani calling for her and her heart beat a little harder. He was an attractive stallion, and her first impression of him made her think he was more of a gentlestallion than most of her tribe. At the same time, she knew he was dangerous... But flirting with a dangerous stallion can be fun. “Xolani?” She called his name in surprise, offering the stallion a smile and a nod, turning to face him, “I think I can spare a moment.” As she faced him, the stallion stopped a few paces away, the moonlight emphasizing his white stripes and wild mane, giving him a slightly more rugged look. He opened his mouth as though to speak, before stopping himself, meeting her gaze with a thoughtful expression. The way his big, blue-grey eyes caught hers, before slowly looking her over, it was as though he could read her every worry and trouble...and in that moment, Aberash feared he saw right through her. “Xolani~?” Aberash spoke his name slowly, trying to play her unease off on the way he was acting. This time, when she spoke, his expression melted into a warm, comforting smile. He stepped forward without warning and gently, but insistently wrapped his neck around hers. Aberash started with a quiet eep, before smiling and pressed her neck against his in return. “Is that all,” She tittered playfully and pecked his cheek, “...smitten with an older mare, are we~?” “Not that much older.” Xolani chuckled with a soothing voice and pulled back to peck her nose, “Come, join Xolani back at camp. We shall provide a night of comfort.” “We?” Aberash enquired in mild surprise, bumping noses with him. “Yes, we.” The shaman nickered and leaned in to offer her mane a tug, “There are three more stallions in Xolani’s herd, remember~?” Aberash couldn’t stop the nicker from clawing its way free. It had been so long since she had known the touch of a considerate stallion, and here she was being offered the attention of four. Not trusting her own voice, she stepped into him and nuzzled the wild looking stallion’s neck without consideration for modesty, admittedly a little too eager for a married mare. Loosing a masculine snort at her display, Xolani turned to sidle up against her, once more wrapping his neck around hers in a possessive gesture, quietly urging her along. Nodding, she pecked his cheek and fell into step with him. “Were you but a few years younger, you could be my colt.” Aberash whispered into his ear. Xolani snorted and nipped playfully at her neck, “No ‘colts’ for you this night. Only stallions~” “Were there not the promise of four stallions awaiting, I’d tell you not to wait.” She purred, leaning into his flirtations. The wild stallion smirked and nibbled at her ear, “The wait makes it all the more worthwhile.” ~ ~ ~ Aberash soon bore witness to the surprisingly sensual, yet adorable tangle of limbs, that was Rose sleeping, wrapped up in the embrace of three of her loving stallions. As they entered, each stallion raised his head to offer her a welcoming smile. She could neither help the pang of envy she felt for the young pegasus, nor the flick of her tail. “Hel-lo~” She offered, her voice breaking into a squeak as the fantasy of becoming the center of Rose’s stallions’ attention became a reality. “Welcome, Aberash.” Zephania replied with a charming smile, rising along with Uzoma, to greet her, while Zuberi remained as Rose’s blanket for a moment. As they rose, Xolani nipped encouragingly at her jaw, “Rose has given her permission. Xolani and his fellows are yours for the night. Take your pick.” What had started as a modest blush, barely worth mentioning, bloomed into an intense warmth across Aberash’s cheeks. “Pick~?” She repeated, before understanding washed over her, “Ah. Which one of you gets me for the night.” She nodded, looking Zephania and Uzoma over, having already had a good look at Xolani, not to mention leaning against him the whole way back. Xolani snickered as she took in Zephania’s athletic form and Uzoma’s more wiry frame, “Which of us gets you first.” Aberash’s careful consideration of each of their traits was promptly thrown out the proverbial window, as she blinked in disbelief, looking between Xolani and Zephania for confirmation that it was no joke. Both stallions simply grinned and offered a slow nod. “Do I have to~?” She asked in a quiet, yet playful tone, trying to get them to laugh, as if that might buy her a few moments more to decide. “I doubt you want all of us at once.” Zuberi remarked from where his bulky frame covered Rose, “Not if you want to last.” She blinked - they had taken that a little too seriously. “H-has...she?” Aberash asked a little worriedly for the young mare. “Not yet.” Xolani hummed and nuzzled her mane, “And if she does, it shall be her choice.” The mare took a deep breath in relief, she had entertained two stallions at once during her more adventurous youth, so she could see how a mare might handle three, but four? That seemed a little much for even the most adventurous mare. “I...I’ve never had to pick.” She admitted meekly, unsure how to do so without hurting anyone’s feelings, and honestly, she wanted to have all four at some point before she passed out. Xolani snorted playfully and bumped shoulders with her, “Let your imagination run free. Pick the first stallion you see atop that beautiful-” Before he had even finished, Aberash had turned and offered Xolani a bold, flirtatious nip where his mane met neck. Whickering at the sudden gesture, Xolani hopped up to wrap his arms around her neck, gently tugging her toward one of the blankets arranged around the yurt, while Zephania and Uzoma returned to Rose’s sides with amused smirks. “Wait, where are you going?” Aberash asked the two confusedly, hesitating for but a moment before following Xolani’s direction. “We’re going to let you have your fun.” Zephania chuckled with a knowing grin, “From what we’ve seen, Xolani’s attention is best when savored, one on one.” “You- You don’t-” Aberash was speechless, surprised at their patience. Blinking away her confusion, she decided that if she was going to entertain him, she had best get his blood pumping. Twisting slightly, she nipped again at his neck, this time giving his mane a playful tug, trying to work him up. Xolani loosed a sensual growl and gave her a gentle push down in return, “Lay down for Xolani, and let him show you bliss.” “Only if you lay down with me~” She offered boldly in challenge, suspecting only with this herd could she get away with something so headstrong. “As you wish.” Xolani murmured affectionately into her ear and pressed against her side, letting her feel his well kept physique once more. Nuzzling into his neck, she kissed him, before making to turn herself about alongside of him, only for him to stop her with a gentle hoof to her chest, “Ah-ah-ah~’ Xolani slowly shook his head, “On your back.” Turning to kiss him reassuringly, she nuzzled his shoulder, “I can do both~” Aberash offered sweetly. “This night is about you alone.” Xolani murmured just for her, “Allow Xolani to focus on you, while you simply enjoy.” Aberash whined at the edge of hearing, shuffling on her hooves, “Please, grant me this?” She asked meekly, yet lowered herself to her belly obediently. Xolani frowned and pressed his muzzle into her ear, “Have you never been allowed to just...enjoy yourself?” Aberash went to reply, before closing her muzzle, her ears folding guiltily. “Do not feel you need to please Xolani. This night is special. Do what you have never had the chance to.” “Then do not think of it as pleasing you, but enjoying being beneath you.” She whispered sweetly. At that, Xolani nodded in understanding and nuzzled her shoulder, gently pushing her to continue. Smiling hopefully, Aberash rolled herself over onto her back as desired, pulling her hooves close and Xolani quickly moved to straddle her prone form. Placing his forhooves on her thighs, he took a moment to admire her groin and teats, while she was given a perfect view of his obsidian shaft dropping from a sizable sheath. Reaching up with her own forehooves, she gently urged him down, to lay atop her; her eyes fixed on his handsome length with a hungry expression. Lowering himself obediently, she found his musky sheath and testes headed right for her snout, as he leaned forward to offer one of her teats an almost foalish suckle. Aberash moaned softly in memory, of what it had been like to have a foal of her own - it had been far too long since Abeni had needed her mother in such a way. Remembering his words, she pressed her snout upward, nuzzling his sheath appreciatively and taking a heady sniff of his pleasurable musk, as her groin began to weep in expectation. At the feel of her nose, Xolani gently ground the perfect orbs of his scrotum against it, before switching to her other nipple and giving it the same treatment. Switching to his testes, the mare purred, nuzzling and kissing the source of his seed, as her tail gave a little flick. Her stallion’s attention was drawn to the quick motion and he leaned forward to nuzzle at her damp labia, her moan only partially muffled by his groin as she pressed her snout more firmly into him. Down at her groin, Xolani reciprocated the attention by slipping his tongue into her folds, to dance along her labia. What started as a soft, muffled moan, quickly turned into a sharper, near squeal of pleasure. Nuzzling into his sheath, she kissed him fiercely, using him to further mute her blissful noises. Xolani didn’t make her attempts at quiet easy, his expert tongue quickly seeking the older mare’s g-spot to assail it, causing her to cry into his groin as she shuddered. His attack didn’t last long, however, and he withdrew his tongue with a wet slurp, to latch onto her winking clit like a foal at the teat. Writhing beneath him at the stimulation, Aberash pawed at his rump, as if trying to get him to roll off of her. Xolani had different plans and kept her pinned, while sucking and nipping mercilessly at her pearl. “Xo-Xolani~!” Aberash finally called his name, nuzzling, kissing and licking his groin, all trying to get his attention. It took a few moments, but the wild stallion eventually slowed down, his ears perked to listen. “M-mercy on an old mare~” She panted breathlessly. Xolani popped off of her clit to nuzzle playfully at her breasts, “Does she truly desire mercy?” “It’s too much.” She replied simply. “Do you wish to try something else?” He asked warmly, before returning to his foalish suckling at one teat, causing her to gasp softly. Aberash glanced worriedly to the other stallions in the room, “It’s not often I get so much attention.” She admitted quietly. This brought a soft frown to each stallion’s lips, before Xolani rose and turned himself about to nuzzle affectionately at Aberash’s nose. The mare nuzzled him back, offering his lips a soft, hopeful peck, her hooves reaching down to softly caress his shaft. Xolani pressed his lips to hers in a hungry, but gentle kiss as she felt his cock throb. His tongue only lightly caressed her lips, silently asking permission to enter. Aberash nickered softly in amusement and opened her lips to him, inviting him in with her tongue dancing over his. With a quiet nicker of his own, Xolani slipped his tongue into her mouth, skillfully wrestling her own, as he shifted his hips to grind the length of his shaft up and down her labia. Though it was clear she was out of practice, Aberash did her best to turn the stallion on, as she contested his control of her tongue; while at the same time, she pumped his member, aiming him for her slick entrance. When she resisted his dominance of her mouth, Xolani growled playfully and allowed her to line his crown up with her labia, before gently pressing forward, spearing her neglected pussy with his long cock. Pulling back with a shudder, Aberash stared drunkenly into his eyes as she panted, “So...gentle~” She murmured, not quite sure how else to express her joy at his unusual technique, other than to wrap her arms around him. “Would you prefer otherwise?” The shaman chuckled and began to slowly rock back and forth, pulling back just enough each time to let her feel his medial ring tease her labia. She shook her head and kissed his lips, “No, this is wonderful.” “As you wish, my sweet, beautiful mare~” Xolani nickered, before starting to experiment with different angles as he slowly pumped her sex. “What’re you doing down there~?” Aberash chuckled, nuzzling him suspiciously, not that she was complaining. Xolani simply smiled and nipped her lip, before she got her answer as a jolt of pleasure tore through her with his next thrust, having found her g-spot with his flare. Aberash gasped suddenly, looking to him with surprise. The stallion grinned deviously in return and set into a smooth, steady rhythm, grinding into that same spot with every thrust. Once again she found herself at the center of mind-blowing pleasure and feeling rather overwhelmed. Reaching back a hoof, Aberash rubbed at his belly, pressing intentionally into his erogenous zone, to try and get him deeper. Xolani whicker-snorted in surprise at her touch and started pounding into her with a masculine growl, before leaning down to nibble on her neck. Aberash gasped in surprise - that had not been the intended outcome - however, she could hardly complain as she moaned needily beneath him, her sex coating him with her excitement. The escalation of pleasure only continued when, regaining a measure of his control, Xolani resumed angling his thrusts at that little buzzer of bliss inside of her. “What do you get out of this?” She asked breathlessly, shuddering as his flare once again rubbed her in all the right places. “Your pleasure.” Xolani purred charmingly as she felt him throb, before his teeth tugged playfully at her mane. Aberash whickered at the tug, her loins cumming just a little around his rampaging flare. “So pleasured~” She sighed in acknowledgement. Feeling her lesser climax, Xolani began to grind into her hips with each thrust, “You just let Xolani know when you’re ready for his seed.” “Xolani, dear, whenever. However.” She panted, kissing his neck repeatedly. Her lover promptly leaned in to claim her lips once more, pressing his flare firmly against her cervix, where he burst and filled her with the natural bounty of a zebra stallion. She grunted at the sensation, before groaning as her tunnel spasmed around him, milking his member for all it was worth, as she coated his length in her own abundant fem-cum. A few moments later, Xolani offered her a loving kiss and began to pull out as his flow tapered off. “My, Xolani...does your Rose receive this treatment often?” Aberash chuckled, pecking him affectionately. “As often as she asks~” Xolani laughed warmly as his cock popped free, leaving her leaking his seed. “Do you boys know how long it’s been since I was washed out by another stud?” She laughed, hoping the idea turned them on, rather than stoking their jealousy. That got her a playful nip from Xolani, before he rolled over to lay beside her, while the others regarded her with expectant, knowing smirks. Flashes of ebony beneath their bellies told of their arousal. Rolling to her own belly, filled the yurt with the sound of expelled seed, as her marehood clamped down, trying to keep some in. While at the same time, she crawled over to lap casually at Xolani’s sticky glans, with an inviting expression to the waiting stallions, prompting the shaman to pet lovingly at her mane with one hoof. “The choice is still yours.” Zephania reminded her gently, “Who do you desire next?” “You know, a crazy part of me says all three of you.” She admitted, continuing to clean Xolani. The remaining stallions shared a thoughtful look, before Zuberi suddenly rose to approach with a hungry grin, giving her a good look at his long, thick cock as it swayed beneath him. Meanwhile Zephania and Uzoma replaced him atop Rose, snuggling up around the pegasus. Aberash grinned at his excitement - Compass Rose hadn’t merely been bragging about Zuberi’s endowment - giving Xolani’s glans a long, broad lick, with a sensual purr. Xolani shivered with a contented nicker at her gesture, before leaning forward to give her an encouraging nudge to her shoulder, gently urging her to meet the approaching stallion. Pecking Xolani’s cheek, Aberash looked to Zuberi, “You.” She barked as loudly as she thought she could get away with and Zuberi actually stopped in surprise, to regard her curiously, wondering what the shout was about. “You as fast as you are big?” She asked innocently enough. Giving the stallion just a second to figure out what she meant, the mare darted out the door of the yurt with a broad grin and leaking loins, her tail flagging high. The big stallion stood stunned for a moment, before galloping out after her with a devious grin, followed by the amused laughter of his comrades. Aberash ran free as the wind, throwing her head back and whinnying in enjoyment. It had been years- no - well more than a decade since she’s had such unbridled fun with a lover. Galloping out onto the grass just outside the village, Zuberi nipped at her rump the whole way, before latching onto her tail as they made it a few yards out. She was in good shape of course, but compared to him, she was no comparison. Whinnying more sharply in surprise, she bucked, not trying to hurt him, just trying to get him to flinch and let her go long enough to continue the chase. However, the big stallion was having none of that and grabbed onto her rump, starting to drag her beneath him. The older mare struggled against his powerful hooves and strong arms. It was so base, so primal, being marehandled into a mounting. Her heart pounded in her ears as she did everything she could to resist him, but the simple matter of the fact was, there was no resisting a stallion like Zuberi. If he wanted her, then she was going to be beneath him. Exhilarating wasn’t a strong enough word. It only got better as she felt his muscular chest come to rest against her back, grinding his engorged rod against her labia, while his teeth went to chew on her neck. At this point she couldn’t help herself, she whinnied joyously at being dominated. There was something so right about it. She knew in her heart that he was a good stallion who would stop if she asked him, but why would she ever do something so foalish? If her stallion didn’t want her, she would give herself to one who did! As she exulted in the attention the big stallion lavished upon her, Zuberi suddenly rose to place his forehooves on her shoulders, letting the older mare feel his weight, while he lined his throbbing cock up. A moment later, he pushed forward, filling her marehood in a way no stallion had in years as he flared. “Ameqran! Zuberi, you’re...hung~” Aberash groaned, a little too distracted to comment on his hooves standing on her shoulders. Letting out a masculine snort at her praise, Zuberi gave her a firm, hilted thrust, before starting to pound against her rump. His rhythm was hard and powerful, but not abusive. She could feel the care the massive stallion put into trying to please her with every thrust, causing her to groan deeply. “You know, Rose...brags about you.” She revealed, “Why are you not her lead stallion?” Zuberi growled and she could feel him throb at the thought, before he leaned down to nibble her ear, “It takes more than strength to lead a herd...” “She loves you, you have her devotion. What else do you need?” She wondered, shivering around his length. “A wise, cool head.” Zuberi hummed, slowing his hips for longer, smoother thrusts, giving her just a short bump of the hips with each push. “Zephania is a better leader than I.” “I wish my husband were half as good as you~” Aberash purred quietly for him alone, knowing those words were dangerous, but at the moment, all she cared about was the stallion on her back. Zuberi fell silent at that and his hips stilled, before he nuzzled into her ear with a whisper, “Be ours instead. I can tell Xolani fancies you, and your husband neglects you...” Aberash’s ears folded back at his nuzzling, “If only.” She murmured dejectedly, wiggling her rump needily into his lap, “There are people here who need their Medicine Mare. Who need me.” “Well, if you change your mind,” He rumbled quietly and resumed his slow, firm pace, “...when you change your mind, you will be welcome.” “Your confidence is almost as hot as your stallionhood~” Aberash laughed headily, admittedly amused. Zuberi simply snorted in reply, latching possessively onto her neck, while starting to pound mercilessly at her rump. “You’re gonna start a war.” She gasped, “Stealing a tribe’s Medicine Mare from them. Abidemi will never take it sitting down.” “Do you enjoy the thought?” He growled sensually, “Stallions willing to start a war over you~?” Aberash whinnied sweetly, her sex coating his length in a wave of boiling mare-cum, as she came to a lesser orgasm just thinking of the idea. She was a little ashamed to admit that she envisioned Zuberi beating her husband. “Why don’t you challenge him and take me?” She suggested with a drunken wicker. “Ask me to and I might.” He nickered deeply, pulling her into his next thrust. “Why be a lead stallion, when you could be a chieftain?” She growled headily, grunting as her rump bounced beneath him. Zuberi whinnied and she could feel him throbbing on the edge of orgasm at the thought. “Such a temptress.” “Abidemi is not a good husband or a stallion.” She panted. “Then don’t think of him right now,” Zuberi huffed into her ear, his thrusts becoming ever more erratic, “...only which of us you think will get you pregnant.” Aberash whinnied loudly at the thought - having one more filly had been a dream of hers for a long while now. Her marehood gripped his scepter and have it a loving squeeze, trying to pull him deeper as her juices poured forth in ecstasy. Though she wasn’t in heat, Zuberi’s hindbrain could only think one thing: breed her. A few moments later, the burly stallion released her shoulders to instead wrap her in a tight hug, while unleashing a torrent of hot seed into her womb. “Wash out Xolani, you wonderful stud!” Aberash whinnied drunkenly, splanshing his hips in her own orgasm, “Show ‘em all who the best stud is!” Zuberi whicker-snorted breathlessly as he held her tight and she could feel herself starting to leak once more as the tide started to ebb. Shuddering, she tried leaning back into him, “I’m leaking~” She giggled drunkenly, “You feel that, Zuberi? You’ve got me leaking~ Ameqran, you should be a chieftain...” “I was a champion, once.” Zuberi chuckled breathlessly and nuzzled into her mane, “When you’ve caught your breath, we’ll head back.” “Assuming I can walk straight!” She chuckled likewise and leaned into his nuzzle, “You’re telling me your little Rose actually entertains that elephant-trunk of yours regularly~?” “Routinely.” He purred and started to pull out with a wet squelch. Aberash groaned as the empty sensation in her groin grew, until he finally popped out of her, a steady stream of cum squirting out of her sodden marehood. “You really got excited thinking you were washing out your friend~” She remarked amusedly, turning her head to look at the flow. “Friendly competition~” Zuberi nickered and slid off her back, before nuzzling her neck. “Want me to clean-” Aberash began, only to shake her head and rub noses with him, “May I~?” She gestured back toward his hindquarters. “If you wish to.” Zuberi smirked, “Though I think Rose likes her stallions smelling of fresh sex~” “My apologies to Rose, but it’s been...you know, I don’t think I’ve ever had a stallion so well endowed.” Aberash declared thoughtfully as she trailed her way down his side, nuzzling down his ribs, only to give him a playful nip at his last. Zuberi shivered and nuzzled at her dock, before spreading his legs to emphasize his slick, hanging pillar. “I’m a little impressed I managed that.” She whistled. Leaning in beneath him, she gave his broad head a peck, before swirling her tongue around his flare, causing his fifth leg to twitch and leak a few last drops of cum. Above her, Zuberi groaned quietly in pleasure and raised a hoof to pet approvingly at her rump. Being a bit daring, she stretched her jaw and took his slick shaft in a hoof, pressing his filling glans into her maw, before moaning around his member. The big stallion hissed in surprise and his hips twitched, forcing himself to remain still as he throbbed in her mouth. It was stupid, but something compelled her to reach forward and stroke his thigh soothingly, only to tap at it. “You...want more?” He asked uncertainly, even as his hips pressed forward an inch. Aberash moaned as he filled her maw further, offering him another soothing swirl of her hoof to his thigh. When she did, Zuberi took a deep breath and carefully moved to stand over her, properly mounting her face as he continued to press forward. The mare’s tail hiked, flicking up into his face, as she obediently stood beneath such a scion of masculinity, starting to bathe his member with her tongue. With a deep groan, he pressed ever deeper until his sheath tickled her nose, while he nibbled at her rump. Aberash nearly gagged as he pressed into her throat, his member visibly distending her as he slid deeper. Finally nose to groin, with a deep blush on her cheeks, she swallowed around him and nuzzled his velvety sheath, her hooves submissively upon the ground. Zuberi loosed a primal snort then and slid back halfway, only to rock smoothly back into her throat, the mare making a strained noise around him, yet she still remained obediently beneath him. With a slight wiggle of his hips, he set to fucking the Medicine Mare’s muzzle with short, smooth motions, his balls slapping gently against her chin. Moaning drunkenly, she nuzzled into his sheath with each meeting, pursing her lips and suckling hard on his meat each time he pulled back. The giant above her groaned in appreciation, before hugging her rump and offering her dock a tender kiss, the mare casually flicking her tail. When he noticed, Zuberi promptly leaned over the curve of her rump to nip softly at her soiled clit, the mare immediately jumping forward and into his groin. She felt him throb hard then and start rocking a little faster, while still taking care to be gentle. Pressing her nose firmly into his sheath, the drunken mare swallowed, and Zuberi ground his sheath into her with a feral whinny, before letting his bounty pour out directly down her throat. Holding himself there for a few long moments, Zuberi finally withdrew slowly, audibly popping free of her mouth as a few stray strands of seed connected her muzzle. The next sound to grace his ears was that of breathless panting, as she hung her head, desperate to catch her breath. He then gently pressed his sizable balls to her muzzle, ensuring she took in his potent musk with every breath. Wickering tiredly in surprise, she nevertheless offered his scrotum a soft nuzzle and a quick kiss. Nickering in approval, Zuberi stepped carefully off of her to let her stand and breathe, earning a soft, affectionate nip to his hip. He spun with a deep snort in reply to nip playfully at her neck, and she slipped her head submissively beneath his without hesitation. The big stallion turned with an approving smile, to lead her back into camp without a word. ~ ~ ~ Returning to the yurt, the stallions were greeted with the sight of Aberash sidled up submissively against Zuberi with a goofy grin, having eyes only for him at the moment. Zephania and Uzoma had been relaxing on their backs close to the door, while Xolani had taken their place laying over the unconscious Rose. Each now bore a knowing grin at the sight of the disheveled mare, with their arousal on full display. Taking note of his fellows, Zuberi gently nudged the older mare their way, directing her attention to them. Immediately heeding his lead, Aberash grinned and trotted over to Zephania, nuzzling him first. “Have you ever seen Zuberi go at a mare~?” She asked drunkenly, before noticing his erection, her expression changing from exhilaration to anticipation, “Is that for me~?” She purred, kissing sweetly at his lips. “All for you~” Zephania nodded with a charming purr, before his cock slapped at his belly, and he offered a more tender kiss, “And yes, it’s quite a spectacle when he gets going.” “Gets going...that’s a pretty gentle description for it.” Aberash chuckle-snorted, crawling into Zephania’s lap to reach over and offer Uzoma a soft nibble, “It-it was like being the wood to the fire.” She chuckled at the memory, her tenderized sex still leaking a little, and it felt wonderful. As she crawled over him, Zephania’s own impressive spear rubbed against her belly and he sat up to fondle her rump with his hooves. At the same time, Uzoma wrapped an arm around her neck and pulled her into a sensual kiss, where the mare lured his tongue into her mouth, while she melted into Zephania’s lap and hooves. She still tasted faintly of stallion, though barely, considering Zuberi had shot his load down her throat and not into her mouth. Uzoma didn’t seem to mind, however, and savored the kiss for a few long moments, before breaking it to gently push her down toward his groin. Meanwhile, Zephania had slipped out from under her to grasp her rump from behind and playfully gnaw on it, causing her to whinny excitedly, even as she leaned into Uzoma’s neck and nuzzled him flirtatiously. “Why don’t you lay down and let Aberash treat you~” She suggested sweetly. “I think I’d like that~” The dark stallion growled and slowly lay back once more, while petting her mane with a hoof. Hiking her tail for Zephania, Abarash nickered and shook her rump, “You going to taste me~?” She teased him, as she stepped forward between Uzoma’s hindlegs, to offer his length a lick from base to crown, earning a deep nicker and a throb. “Mmmm, but that just wouldn’t be fair.” Zephania purred as he moved to stand over her, one hoof rubbing his crown up and down her soiled labia, “I’m supposed to wash Zuberi out with my seed, not my tongue~” “Silly stallions, it’s not the seed on a mare’s rump that gets her with foal~” Aberash tittered, but did not protest, sloppily kissing Uzoma’s sheath and getting a pleased groan, along with a slap of his cock on his belly. “No, but it is what keeps you smelling of stallion~” He growled and began to slowly press forward, forcing a little more of Xolani and Zuberi’s seed out with a wet squelch as his flaring cock filled her. Aberash whinnied sweetly beneath him, her stretched and abused sex trying its best to grip its third stallion of the night. He didn’t stop until he had filled her up, at which point, he wrapped his arms around her waist to gently fondle her udders. At the same time, Uzoma began to gently grind his sheath into her nose. “Oh~” Aberash moaned tenderly, kissing Uzoma’s eager groin, “Talk about the opposite of Zuberi.” The mare then licked at the prone stallion beneath her, looking up into his eyes to assure him that she had not forgotten about his pleasure. Placated for the moment, Uzoma relaxed and resumed affectionately petting her mane, while Zephania began to slowly rock against her hips. “You a mute stallion?” She purred, wiggling her rump for Zephania, while slathering Uzoma’s cock, as she worked her way up its length. “Why speak, when I can show you how I feel~” Zephania growled and began to nibble at her spine, while tweaking her udders. Aberash gasped softly, shivering beneath him, “I-I’m not used to quiet stallions.” Finally making her way up to his glans, she gave Uzoma a quick lick, before taking him into her mouth with a gentle suckle, prompting his crown to flare. The stallion whickered drunkenly at the attention and gripped her mane with both hooves, while he steadily leaked pre-cum into her mouth. Back at her hips, Zephania began snorting and nickering lustfully, using his grip on her udders to pull her into firm, but gentle thrusts. Nickering around Uzoma, Aberash began to swirl her tongue about the stallion’s glans, before she picked up her hooves one at a time and settled down atop him; caressing his hips and groin, as she polished his flare. With an approving coo, he pressed down gently on the back of her head, encouraging her to take more, while Zephania gently rocked her forward with his thrusting hips. Instead, she braced her hooves carefully upon Uzoma’s sheath in such a way that each thrust of Zephania’s felt like Uzoma was thrusting into her, even while she continued to only work the first few inches of his obsidian pole. “Great ancestors,” Uzoma swore breathlessly, letting his head fall back with a grin, “...you’re as good as Rose.” Admittedly a little prideful of her abilities, Aberash actually threatened to pull off him, tugging faintly at his flare with her lips. Groaning in protest, Uzoma held her mane tight, “Please...more~” Placated for the moment, Aberash began softly bobbing her head in time with Zephania, pressing Uzoma’s seminal duct into her meaty tongue. “Fuck, too good.” Uzoma hissed, “I’m close...” Aberash’s sex throbbed once, giving Zephania a faint squeeze; clearly turned on by the idea, but nowhere near as close to cumming as the stallion in her hooves, more interested in savoring Zephania’s gentle sex, after her and Zuberi’s bestial romp. Giving her a gentle grind, Zephania throbbed in turn, before leaning forward to whisper, “Drink him up~” Loosing a muted wicker around Uzoma’s member, Aberash winked around Zephania’s shaft and nodded. Switching tactics, she held her muzzle still, to go back to swirling around Uzoma’s glans, while pumping his sheath in a firm rhythm. It was as if she was putting on a show for the lead stallion, which earned her a deeply aroused growl from Zephania. Meanwhile, it looked like Uzoma was about to burst, sitting up with his muzzle scrunched up in ecstasy. Humming softly, Aberash then began to nurse his member encouraging him to relax and release. She was soon rewarded with his generous flow of cream, which she struggled to dutifully drain, as he threw his head back with a quiet whinny. At the same time, Zephania could feel the mare’s satisfaction through her muscular folds cradling his masculinity. “How would you like to cum?” Zephania whispered playfully to her, “Shall I drive you wild, like Xolani? Dominate you like Zuberi?” As he spoke, one of his hooves slid from her udder to tease her clit. Unable to speak while she drank up every last drop of Uzoma, she brought back a hoof to pat his, wordlessly trying to assure him that she loved his style as much as theirs. Nickering happily at the gesture, he gave her clit a gentle twist, while Uzoma’s stream began to taper off. “Slow, Zephania!” Aberash gasped, suddenly pulling off of Uzoma, who hissed in surprise at the abrupt withdraw, only to collapse backward with a goofy smile. “Take your time~” She requested, panting as she offered Uzoma’s glistening member an apologetic lick, before throwing Zephania smile that made him realize she hadn’t had this kind of treatment in a long time, if ever. Zephania in turn nickered soothingly and leaned in to kiss her neck, while easing up with his hoof. “How long’s it been since you mounted a mother mare? Ever?” Aberash managed to inquire conversationally, though a giddy smile assured the stallion she was loving it. “Once,” Zephania purred and nibbled at her ear, “...when I was very young.” “Which do you prefer? Tight fillies, or motherly mares?” She purred in kind at his teeth. “Mmmm, never been able to decide.” He growled and pressed his flare into her cervix. “I only wish your herd had been here for my heat~” She moaned longingly. “Naughty mare.” Zephania purred and nipped playfully at her ear. “My husband gave me Abeni and has showed no interest since.” She whispered in explanation. “Perhaps we can change that.” He hummed and began to thrust a little faster, giving her mane a little tug. “How?” She asked with a soft gasp, leaning back into him, to urge him to remain gentle, though her folds gripped him needily. “What stallion won’t wish to reclaim his mare once she’s been so thoroughly bred?” He asked with an encouraging growl. “He likes fillyish mares,” She snorted, “I’m too old for his tastes.” Zephania snorted in disapproval, and bit possessively at his neck, “Then that is his loss.” Aberash spread her forehooves, ever so subtly lowering herself as she bowed her head submissively, and pressed back into his next thrust. Her lover nuzzled softly into her mane, acknowledging the gesture, while his thrusts became more tender and smooth. That was all it took to get Aberash to nicker lovingly to Zephania, and her marehood to urge him deeper. From that moment on, he worked to grind into her cervix with every thrust, never pulling back very far as he hugged her close in a possessive embrace. “Zephania...please~” She whimpered sweetly, longing for release. “Take your next foal.” He whispered tenderly to her, before making his final thrust, adding his own thick seed to the soup forming inside her womb. Aberash whinnied shrilly in ecstasy, the thought of being bred by such a tender, caring stallion pushing her to an even greater orgasm than she’d had all night - not explosive, like the ones that Zuberi and Xolani had given her - but like being carried away by a river, whose arms were Zephania. As her head sagged and her whinny trailed off, the mare passed out beneath him. The only thing keeping her upright were her locked legs.