A Happy Childhood

by LeSilverPegasus

First published

Sunset and Adagio reminice their childhood.

Sunset meets Adagio at school, but a flow of memories get triggered just by seeing each other. This can only end in reminiscing of the past.

A recollection

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Sunset Shimmer and her friends were getting ready to walk home after long day of school and band practice. They had just locked up the room and getting ready to go home when Sunset heard sounds of muttering.

"I'll catch up with you guys later." Sunset said to her friends. Her friends waved goodbye as Sunset followed the sounds of the muttering and found the source in a matter of minutes.

"I hate this place, why didn't I go back with Aria and Sonata when I had the chance?" Adagio Dazzle muttered as she sat in a secluded corner of the school.

"Adagio?" Sunset asked as the girl glared up at her Why did she have to be my childhood best friend and my teenagehood worst enemy? Adagio wondered to herself.

"Something up?" Sunset asked, only to be grabbed by Adagio and kissed wildly all over the face.

"I missed you. Sunny. I missed you so much." Adagio sobbed to her childhood friend.

Adagio's first friends weren't her sisters. No, never. All Aria did was complain and Sonata's disgusting cheeriness was plain 'Yeuch'! Sunset had been her first friend, ever since Sunset's parents moved into the house by the coast where Adagio lived, the two became fast friends. Adagio and Sunset were babies when they first met. When Sunset was asleep when Adagio came in. So, Adagio put Sunset on top of her mane. When Sunset woke up, she and Adagio were giggling away at Adagio's little 'prank'. Over the course of a few years, everyday after school, Sunset would meet Adagio at the shoreline and they would go for a swim. After swimming, they would sit on the beach and talk until their parents called them in for dinner. Adagio and Sunset had happy childhoods but they went their separate ways after high school. Sunset went on to enrol at Princess Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns and Adagio on the other hand, went on to uphold her family legacy along with her sisters. They would write to each other but as time passed, they lost contact with each other. Then one day, Adagio, Aria and Sonata went to Canterlot, to sow unhappiness among the citizens. Adagio suddenly remembered this was where Sunset lived. Adagio went to the castle and saw her best friend. When Sunset saw Adagio, Adagio looked so different. She no longer looked like a pony but more like a monstrous hippocampus. Before either of them could say a word to each other, Aria came in and started yelling at Adagio while Sunset cowered in the corner. Just then Princess Celestia came in, the two sirens fled as Sunset looked on, screaming for her friend to come back while being dragged away by Celestia. But something inside Sunset had changed. Sunset realized that having no friends was better than having a friend who you could never do anything with. Then, one day, the news were broken to Sunset.

"Banished? No, it can't be. IT CAN'T BE!" Sunset cried when she heard her friend had been banished. Never would Sunset be able to make another friend until the day Celestia showed her the mirror.

" Look into the mirror, Sunset, tell me, what do you see?" Celestia asked.

"I see a being, as powerful as you." Sunset told her teacher. I see my best friend. Sunset thought as the image of her and Adagio slowly melted away before her eyes. After months, Sunset began her quest to find her friend. Knowing which world she was banished to, Sunset prepared for the trip.

Step 1. Get info.
Sunset devoured all the books she could find in the Canterlot library pertaining to the mirror. The books in the Forbidden Section proved to be very helpful.
Step 2. Get caught.
Sunset made it very blatant that she wanted to know more about the mirror and Celestia was oblivious to the fact until she picked up the scent Sunset had been trying to lead her to and arrested Sunset.
Step 3. Blow this popsicle stand.
Sunset overpowered the guards with ease and made it through the mirror. Once Sunset entered the other dimension, her first thought was to find her best friend. Needless to say, she never did find her friend. All thoughts of finding Adagio lost, Sunset ended up carving herself a feared reputation at Canterlot High but, her three year reign was ended by Twilight and her friends.

"You don't know what I've been through." Sunset sobbed to her friends during a sleepover. Rainbow Dash replied with a blunt,

"Yeah, we don't know what it's like to ruin everyone's life and turn into a raging she-demon." After hearing that, Sunset left the sleepover, didn't turn up at school the next day and refused to speak to Rainbow for a week.

"I missed you too, 'Dagi." Sunset said, having returned from memory lane and hugged Adagio tightly and never wanted to let go.

"Hey, remember that time you went to my tenth birthday party and ate too much chocolate cake and ended up going 'Bleargh!' all over Royal Blue and then she made a mane-clip that read: Adagio Dazzle tossed her cookies here." Sunset said sitting on the floor next to Adagio.

"You ate the same amount of cake as me, how come you didn't end up vomiting?" Adagio asked.

"I have no idea but when I met Royal again at CSGU, she told me her hair still smelled like chocolate cake. She was also still wearing the mane-clip. She hasn't taken it off since the party." Sunset added with a grin.

"Remember that time when you and I went to Aria's sixth birthday party and you and I ended up winning the aquatic seven-hoof race?" Adagio asked Sunset with a grin.

"Has Aria forgiven us yet? It was her favourite game and we were eight and everyone else was like, what, six?" Sunset asked Adagio.

"Oh. Yeah, she's 'forgiven' us" Adagio said. Sunset and Adagio were sitting on the floor, talking about random stuff that happened when they were kids. Just reminiscing about it brought joy to their hearts.

"Excuse me ladies, but I believe it should be time for you to be heading back home?" Vice-Principal Luna asked the girls. The two got up, their faces a crimson shade of red. They walked out of the school arm-in-arm as Vice-Principal Luna watched them leave.