[TRADE] Tricking the Trickster

by DuskShadowBrony

First published

DISCLAIMER: DO NOT CLICK IF YOU DO NOT LIKE DIAPER FICS. Discord attempts to play a prank on Celestia. It backfires, causing him to get caught in his own trap.

ALERT: Diaper fic. If you do not like these kinds of things and are reading this, it means you ignored my disclaimer, and made the choice to click on something you did not like, and are about to blame me for your actions by downvoting this fic. Go ahead, I'm not your mother, I'm not going to tell you what or what not to do.

On the other hoof, if you like these kinds of things and are here for that, welcome, and enjoy the ride!

My half of an art trade with http://www.furaffinity.net/user/plinkiepoi
Go check her out, she's a really talented artist.

A certain fun-loving prankster has his joke backfire, and soon finds himself at the mercy of Celestia. A full day of pampering and making sure that the baby fits his role properly. Diaper and silliness are involved.

This is the only chapter.

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It was a quiet day in Canterlot Castle. Unfortunately, Discord was bored, and had snuck out of Fluttershy’s house, and was presently watching Celestia go about her day. He wasn’t planning to cause too much trouble, just a little bit of mischief to pass time. He chuckled, disguised as part of the tapestry, a tiny little detail in the massive design. It had been quite some time since he hid himself, and he was not discovered just yet. He had to wait when Celestia was all alone… His opportunity opened up when Celestia encouraged the Royal Guards in the throne room to take a break.

“I’m more than capable of handling myself.” She insisted. “Go on, get some rest.”

Discord waited until they had left, before dropping out of the banner, summoning some magic in his claws. “Surprise, my dear Celestia!” he crowed, flinging the magic in her direction. For a moment, he was sure it would strike, but she whipped around, pulling a mirror from her mane, deflecting his spell. His breath caught in his throat, he recognized that mirror from one of Twilight’s books he ate way back then. It was one of Starswirled’s artifacts, an enchanted lens that reflected more or less any magic. He found his own spell twisting around him.

“Yes, you’re right. Surprise. You really think I didn’t notice you there?” she smirked a little. “You’re not exactly as stealthy as you think anymore.”

The spell took its effect, causing a colorful, poofy diaper to appear around Discord’s rump. “Oh dear.” He tried to get it off, then remembered that he made the spell negate mana, as well as prevent those in the diaper from removing it themselves. He had intended to use that against Celestia. “Hmph.” He folded his arms, attempting to retain his dignity.

“Wow, that’s an interesting little spell.” Celestia patted the garment, causing it to crinkle. “What gave you the idea for this?”

“Well, seeing as you’re a PRINCESS and all…” Discord tried to keep a light mocking tone in his voice. “Princesses are supposed to be pampered.”

“Ah, but you’re just a little trickster, no better than a child. So how about I treat you like one?”
Discord was starting to regret his decisions for the day. “Oh, come on, Celestia, I was just bored.”

“Luckily for you, so am I.” she conjured up a large pacifier, popping it into Discord’s mouth, using a spell to keep it in place. “I’ve finished my work for the day, and I was just deciding what to do. Thanks for helping me with my decision.”

“Mmph.” Discord responded, the pacifier blocking his speech. Celestia found this amusing, giggling.

“Oh, I’m going to have fun with this.” She picked Discord up in her magic, setting him down next to a storage closet in the back of the throne room. “I should still have some things here... Ah, here we go.” She started sliding out various things meant for foals, a high chair, some toys, there was even a changing table in there. “We usually use these when we have a foal over at the castle. That hasn’t happened in some time. Ah well, you’ll do just fine.” She enlarged the furniture and accessories with her magic, setting Discord in the highchair, fastening the safety buckles. “First, I know you’ve been up there all morning, so you must be hungry. Hmm…”

Discord attempted to undo the safety buckles, which Celestia swiftly noticed. Although not a mother, she had foal-sat before, and gathered a few motherly reflexes from that. “Mmph!” he protested as Celestia slipped mittens onto his paw and claw. He fumbled with the buckle, without much effect.

“There we go, can’t have you falling out and hurting yourself, you clumsy little baby.” She pat his head, before going back in the storage closet, looking through feeding items.

Discord, for the first time as long as he could remember, was embarrassed. Not only was he trapped by his own spell, Celestia was doing all in her ability to humiliate him. She was doing a pretty good job of it, too.

“Found it, these will work.” Celestia levitated a few items in her magic, a bottle, a packet of formula mix, and a few jars of foal food. “Now Twilight tells me that you absolutely HATE spinach.”

Discord then noted she had only taken out creamed spinach jars. He shook his head, trying to say something. Thankfully for him, Celestia removed the pacifier. “Celestia, please, it was simply a joke, I wasn’t going to go very far with it.”

“Well, I’m having fun, so I’d say this is a good joke. Besides, this was your idea.”

Discord attempted to find a way to counter her logic, but didn’t get a chance, as Celestia popped a large spoonful of the sloppy gooey food into his mouth. His first instinct was to spit, but Celestia gave him a surprisingly stern look.

“Now now, eat your food like a good boy. If you finish… two jars, I’ll let you wash it down with a bottle. Otherwise, it’s just more of this.”

Discord WAS hungry. Celestia wasn’t exactly accurate about him being there all morning, he had actually placed himself there last night. He hadn’t eaten dinner or breakfast, and now it was lunchtime. The lengths he would go for a joke. It was evident that Celestia was not about to feed him much else. He swallowed the mush reluctantly. Almost immediately after, Celestia gave him another spoonful. Caught off-guard by the overfilled spoon, he ended up spilling some onto himself.

“Aww, what a messy little baby.” Celestia sang in a playful tone, ‘accidentally’ missing the next spoon, getting it all over his snout and front. “Whoopsies.” She waved the now-empty utensil around. “Did I do that?”

“This is no longer-“

“Ah ah.” She plopped in more mush, cutting off his reply. “Two jars.”

Somehow, Discord managed to get through the awful taste and texture, finishing up two jars as agreed. Celestia held the bottle for him to drink. It was awkward at first, to get any proper amount of liquid out, but about halfway through, he managed. The plain taste of the formula washed out the bitter spinach flavor from his mouth.

“Good baby.” She pat his back. Of course, he didn’t burp, he wasn’t actually a baby, but it did serve to make him even more embarrassed than he already was. “Now wait for Mommy to finish her lunch.” She cooed, wiping his muzzle and front clean. She then went into a hidden storage near her throne, dining on some cake hidden there. Discord had nothing to do but wait, trying to bite off the mittens. Celestia responded by putting his pacifier back in.

A few minutes later, Celestia had finished up. “Let’s see, now you said you were bored, right? So let’s play.” She undid the safety buckles, lifting him out with magic, placing him in an enlarged playpen. “Be a good boy, now.” She cooed, putting a few toys in there. She had made sure to pick the most babyish of toys, not even using wood blocks, just safety foam ones instead.
Discord folded his arms, to show that he was not about to indulge in this.

“Of course, you can just sit here and do nothing.” Celestia took a seat next to the playpen, watching him like a parent would supervise their child. “It’s amusing enough to just see you like this.”

Discord rolled his eyes. The mittens were some slippery cloth, which made gripping anything more or less impossible. He ended up dropping or fumbling most of the toys he tried to pick up. Celestia giggled at his attempts.

“Aww, is the wittle baby-waby too clumsy-wumsy to hold things on his own?” she used the most babyish tone she could, ticking him with her wing. Discord couldn’t help but laugh. Calling himself ticklish would be a huge understatement. Celestia kept at it, until Discord felt a certain feeling down below. He tried to stop Celestia, and for a moment, she did. “Ahh~ I know that face, I’ve seen it on little ones before.” She sang, before doubling her efforts with both her wings.

It only took a few seconds of this before Discord couldn’t help it, starting to wet the diaper. He blushed red this time, the warm feeling spreading across the diaper. A yellow tinge appeared on the edge of the garment, slowly making its way around.

“Ah, what a little baby.” Celestia levitated him up and gave him a snout boop, before patting the diaper. It gave a rather audible wet squish. “Hmm, I think that can definitely wait before it needs a change.”

Unfortunately for Discord, that was his doing, too. The diaper was quite thick and bulky, he had planned on Celestia having to wear it for a while. It seemed absolutely every part of his plan was backfiring. It seemed that despite being random, his trickery was becoming predictable.

“Still bored? I know, let’s go for a walk!” She plopped Discord into a stroller, fastening the buckles in place. “Don’t worry, as long as you behave, I’ll keep it to the castle only. But one hoof out of line, mister, and we’ll take a tour of Canterlot.”

Discord knew it, he was trapped. She had him by a leash. He nodded his head, allowing her to wheel him out of the throne room. The two guards outside looked surprised at first, before regaining their composure. However, their mouths were twitching as they tried to hold back laughter. Discord crossed his arms, grumbling behind the pacifier. At least the diaper had absorbed his wetting by now, he felt dry. And there was some degree of comfort to the soft fluff of the garment. As promised, Celestia avoided heading outside, only going around the castle corridors. However, he attracted a lot of stares, smirks, and giggles.

“What a cute little baby!” one of the female Royal Guards sang, ticking Discord under the chin with her hoof. “Awww, he’s pouting.”

Discord was tempted to push her away, but he remembered Celestia’s words. He restrained himself, letting the Royal Guard have her fun. However, her actions drew more attention, and soon, the other off-duty guards, as well as a few castle servants were around him. At this point, he was aware of a different kind of pressure building up in the lower part of his stomach. Not in front of everyone like this… But Celestia, once again, took notice.

“Aww, the baby is having tummy troubles.” She announced to everyone who was listening. She began massaging his stomach, humming. Discord started struggling as much he could, which wasn’t much at all. “No, no, baby, Mommy’s just trying to help.”

Eventually, it was too hard to resist, and Discord started messing the diaper. The noise and smell was clear for anyone in the nearby vicinity what happened. Discord hung his head, trying to avoid the looks of the other ponies. The diaper was quite uncomfortable now, a warm, squishy mess pressing against his rump.

“Sorry, everypony, but it looks like I have to clean him up.” Celestia told them all. “My little baby has really given the diaper a good workout.” She wheeled the stroller away, smiling down at Discord. “Let’s get you changed.”

Discord’s heart jumped for a moment. The moment that diaper was off, he would get his magic and abilities back. In that opportunity, he could turn his little trick back to his side. Maybe he would be able to have some fun after all.

Celestia wheeled the stroller into the throne room again. Discord’s chance was getting closer… until Celestia took out a magic restriction ring. “Ah, did you really think I’d make such a mistake?” she shook her head, slipping it onto one of his arms, laying him on the changing table. “Now hold still…” Celestia took some time to use a magic scanning spell on his diaper. “Ah, got your little trick down pat.” She removed his diaper, starting to wipe him up. Discord tried to stop her, but her response was to fasten the safety straps on the changing table.

‘Huh. Baby furniture sure do have a lot of safety straps’ Discord thought to himself.

Celestia took her time to clean Discord, successfully attempting to embarrass him again. She applied a new diaper, enchanting it with the same locking spells Discord put on the original one. “Wow, baby made quite a mess.” She smiled, tossing away the old diaper. “Oh, you want to know how long I’m going to keep this up, right? Remember? I’m free for the day. Tomorrow morning, I’ve got things scheduled, too bad. I guess we’ll have to end our little fun then.”

Discord was set into a baby bouncer, the toys giving silly little clatters and rattles. And… yep, the safety straps were locked in place. That was getting repetitive. Celestia switched on the bouncer. “Now be a patient good boy and wait here, okay? I’ll be right back.” She exited the throne room, closing the door behind her.

Discord bounced up and down for a while, trying to find a way out. If he could just get one of the mittens stuck somewhere, he could probably remove it. But the bouncer was made to be completely baby-safe, so there was nothing to hook it onto. He tried rocking the bouncer, but the bouncer’s chair could rock, too, so that also failed. He took some time to think. His tail, although it could pick things up, could not get good enough of a grip to unbuckle himself but maybe… he hit the switch with his tail to turn the bouncer off, then knock the rocker’s safety pin into place. Normally, that would be used to transport the bouncer, but he would be using it to escape. Discord rocked the bouncer again, tipping it over. Now he was able to crawl his way out! He got to his feet… just as Celestia re-entered.

“Five minutes, forty-two seconds, not bad.” She was looking down at a watch. “I was just outside the whole time, you know, I could hear it all.” Celestia levitated Discord back into the stroller, strapping him in. “Well, since you misbehaved, looks like we’re going to show you off to the city.”
Discord was unable to do much, now that he was trapped again, as Celestia wheeled him back out of the throne room, down the entrance hall, and out the front doors. It was infinitely more embarrassing than the castle, as the citizens of Canterlot were not trained to be as professional as Royal Guards or castle servants. Some were outright laughing. Discord tried to hide his face, although nobody really looked anything like him, so it wasn’t helping. Celestia paraded him around for half an hour or so before speaking up again.

“All right, I think you’ve learned your lesson.” She smiled, bringing him back to the castle. By now, it was about time to set the sun. Not only was Discord hungry, he felt the need to relieve himself again. He knew there was no logical point in resistance, so he just let go, wetting the diaper for the second time that day. “Aww, did the baby wet all on his own? Good boy.” Celestia pat his head, hearing the soft hiss. He was brought back to the throne room. “I think it’s time for dinner.”

Discord was set back into the highchair, the foal food brought out again. There was no bottle this time, just a few jars of spinach-flavored mush.

“Now, you were a bad boy, so no bottle for you this time.” Celestia lightly scolded. “Open up.” She offered a spoonful. Discord was not hungry enough this time, so he pushed the spoonful away. “Now now, you already misbehaved, little one, I’m giving you one more chance.” Celestia held the glop to Discord again. He slapped the spoon out of Celestia’s magic this time. Celestia sighed, levitating Discord out. “Now, I really didn’t want to do this, but…” she suddenly laid him across her lap, giving him a few quick swats to his padded bum. It’s not like it hurt, but it was the shock enough of it to stop Discord from struggling further. “Will you behave and eat up like a good boy now?” she looked at Discord in the eye. He gave a small nod, Celestia giving him a smile in return. “Good boy.”

Discord let Celestia feed him the rather nasty-textured food, without further complaint, even when Celestia deliberately spilled onto him. Even without considering the texture, the flavor itself was awful. After what seemed like forever, it was over, and Celestia was cleaning him up.

“Go on, play.” Celestia set him back into the playpen. “I’ll watch you over while I have my dinner.” She was eating healthy this time, a mix of colorful apple chunks. Discord played with the toys, only to not further ‘misbehave’. “You are so cute like this, I wonder what you were like when you really were a baby?” Celestia rubbed his head. “I’m sure you were a lot less stubborn that you are right now.”

An hour or two later, Celestia looked up at the clock. “It seems it’s time to switch with my sister. Don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll take good care of you. And I’ll be back in the morning.” As she said this, the throne room doors opened, and Luna trotted in.

“Wow, I thought everypony was joking.” Luna leaned over into the playpen, booping Discord on the snout. “He really is in diapers!”

“Mm-hmm, isn’t he cute? Come now, it’s time to set the sun and rise the moon. I’m confident little Discord will behave while we take our few minutes to do that.”

Discord certainly did not want to behave, but he knew better to test Celestia’s patience. He sat there, watching the two sisters work. As he did, he felt dinner make its way through him. He groaned, closing his eyes and messing his diaper.

“Aww, looks like I start with changing time.” Luna and Celestia were right next to him. They had finished up their task while he was getting rid of his dinner. It occurred to him that they must have been watching him pretty much the entire time.

“Have fun. Good night, sister.” Celestia gave her sister a hug before heading out.

“Let’s get you cleaned up, then?” Luna laid him on the changing table. “And no tricks, Tia already gave me the full briefing while you were using your diaper for its purpose.” She untaped the old diaper, wiping Discord’s flanks. She was slightly clumsier than Celestia was, but got the job done. “Hmm, that should do it, I think.” Luna adjusted the new diaper’s cuffs. “Yes, that looks right. Now it’s getting late, so we should probably get you to bed, hmm?” she laid him down in a crib, turning on the mobile.

Discord felt sleepy, seeing the mobile glitter. There was a sleep spell on there, it was meant to help foals fall asleep. Oh well, at least he would pass off the night quickly when asleep. He allowed himself to drift off.


He opened his eyes, in a giant nursery.

“You forgot, I can enter dreams.” Luna was there with him. “We can have lots of fun here, watch.” She nodded at a pile of plushes and they came to life, doing a silly little jig. “Now come on, let’s have some fun.”

Discord found himself levitated up and put into a swing. Luna started to push him, the swing moving Discord through the air. It seems his powers would not work, even in the dream, as Luna’s dreamwalker abilities reigned over all other.

“Now, I can get far more creative, so be on good behavior, okay?” Luna smiled at him. “As long as you’re on best behavior, both of us can just relax.” She continued pushing on the swing for some time, before lifting him back out, checking his diaper.

The surprise diaper-check made Discord struggle a bit.

“Stay still dear, I’m just checking.” Luna set him back down. “Good, still clean.”

A ball was brought over, and Luna rolled it to him. Discord rolled it back, to keep Luna satisfied. After a while, though, the overly simple game got to him. “This is boring and ridiculous-“ he was cut off as a bottle popped into his mouth, out of nowhere.

“I think some little baby is hungry.” Luna held the bottle with her magic, not letting it budge. “Drink up, little one.”

Discord drank from the bottle, as Luna would not have it any other way. However, the moment he finished, he felt pressure in his bladder.

“Whoops, did I do that?” Luna asked innocently. “Well, I did ask nicely for you to behave.”

Discord found he couldn’t hold it, starting to soak the diaper, much to Luna’s amusement. When he was finished, the diaper was significantly more weighty and yellow. It was also much thicker, as it had swollen up to absorb all the moisture.

“We’ll change you after we play more, okay? Don’t worry, you won’t get a rash or anything, it’s just a dream.” Luna pat the garment, the diaper giving a crinkle and squish. “If you behave, I’ll change you even sooner.”

He was put back into the swing. The swing caused the diaper to compress, reminding Discord what happened with each little squish. Luna giggled, watching Discord squirm. She was obviously testing his patience as she pushed him in silence. It took all Discord had to not voice his complaint. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Luna spoke up.

“Here you go.”

Discord found himself getting lifted out of the swing, laid down on a changing table. Luna hummed, undoing his old diaper, getting a fresh one on him in a jiffy.

“Ah, that’s much easier to do in a dream.” Luna smiled, putting a pacifier in Discord’s mouth. Unsurprisingly, Discord could not remove it on his own. He was lifted up once more and brought to a sandbox. “Try making a sand castle.” She suggested, taking a seat outside to watch.

Well, at least he could use his paw and claw again. Discord started on Luna’s request, keeping up a good act for Luna. In his head, though, he was plotting a way to get the sisters back. Of course, nothing that would hurt them, just a harmless prank. Well, he had to admit that they did pretty well in catching him in his own trap.

“Aww, thanks for the compliment.” Luna gave his head a light pat. “It’s really easy to hear what’s going on in your head in a dream. As for your revenge scheme, I’ll be informing Tia of this, so we can make necessary preparations. You’re free to try, though, after all this.”

Discord folded his arms, grumbling behind the pacifier.

The rest of the dream, Discord submitted, letting Luna handle everything, and playing as Luna wanted him to. He woke up in the morning to see Celestia once more, as she was changing him.
“You were a pretty heavy wetter in your sleep. What a big baby you are.” She cooed, taking her time to clean him up. “I think we have time for some breakfast, and playtime or a quick walk before I have to go back to my day duties.”

Well… just a little longer and it would all be over. Still, he couldn’t help but think it was nice to be catered to and cared for all the time. It was like the time Fluttershy took care of him that time he got a cold, only more of his needs were taken care of. Hmm, after this fiasco, perhaps he could fake being sick again for Fluttershy to tend to him.

“Here we are.” Discord was once again in the high chair, his pacifier being removed. “Will you behave?” she asked him, looking at him sternly. He nodded, making Celestia give a smile. “Good, then you don’t need that spinach foal food. I’ll let you have applesauce instead.” She took out the jars of the sweet mash. “As long as you behave, remember.” She waved the spoon at him.

Discord allowed Celestia to feed him. Both sisters were actually making sure they were taking good care of him. It wasn’t all that bad, although it could do without the diapers and attention from others. This was almost like a little break from all his mischief. He always spent a few days planning pranks, then another day or two executing them. He felt like he was on vacation, of some sort.

“Aren’t you a good boy today.” Celestia praised him, cleaning up his muzzle. “In fact, since you were so good, we won’t go for a walk. We can just play here, if you keep being good.” She took out one of those rocker ponies, setting Discord on top.

Discord rocked the silly toy back and forth for a while, earning himself an approving nod from Celestia.

“Hey, catch!” the white Alicorn lobbed a rubber ball towards him. Discord, by instinct, grabbed it so it wouldn’t end up hitting him. Not that it would hurt, anyhow. But the action of grabbing it caused him to lose his balance, and with a poof, he landed on his pillow-like backside. Celestia giggled at this. “Come on, toss it back.”

Discord did so, Celestia catching the ball in her magic, putting a spin on it before returning it to Discord. He had to reach a little this time, bouncing it back. Celestia spun it even more this time, forcing Discord to move after it. It was then he realized just how thick his diaper was. He fell over as he tried to walk.

“Sorry, you have to crawl.” Celestia chuckled. “Go on.”

Humoring her, Discord crawled after the ball, getting a ‘daww’ from Celestia, rolling the ball to Celestia once more. His tummy gurgled at this point, and he gave a short sigh.

“Need help?” Celestia moved over.

Discord shook his head. He wasn’t going to go through that embarrassment again. He messed his diaper once more, squirming a bit as the warm mess spread around in his diaper. When he finished his business, he looked up at Celestia.

“Oh, right, you want a change.” She pat the back of the diaper, causing the mess to squish more. “Sorry, but you’re going to have to wait a bit, that diaper was made to hold more than that. Don’t be too concerned, I won’t let you get a rash. But diapers are meant for wetties and messies, and you only messed.”

Discord restrained an eye-roll, not wanting it to fall under misbehaving. Looks like Celestia was going to milk as much as she could out of the last few hours.

“Come on, let’s get back to playtime.” Celestia urged, taking out a toy train set. “Try and make something out of this.”

It was really hard to do this, as the mittens made gripping the track parts difficult. However, after some time, Discord managed to get a track build that fit his personality, with many twists, turns, and somehow, even a loop. He had forgotten about the state of his diaper at this point, until he shifted his weight around, causing the now-cold mess to squish once more. He cringed a little at this, and Celestia took sympathy.

“Well, since you played so quietly, I’ll change you now. After a test run.” She set the train on the tracks, flicking it on. Discord watched the toy inch along the tracks, issuing little puffs of steam. The magnetic grips on the wheels helped it move around on the more crazy parts of the track. Discord did his best to keep the weight off the diaper, he knew Celestia was messing with him to try and see if he would break his good actions. He wasn’t going let her get the better of him now. Eventually, the slow-moving toy made its round.

Discord was set on the changing table once more, Celestia opening up his diaper, starting to clean.

“Too bad, we only have another hour or so before I have to work.” Celestia gave a small sigh. “Ah well, it’s been fun so far, you’ve certainly cured my boredom.” It took her some time to finish up, and she hummed a popular nursery song while she worked. “There, the messy baby is all clean.” She declared, putting what Discord hoped, was the last diaper on him. She put him back in the baby bouncer, turning it on. She watched him this time, so he couldn’t escape.

However… it wasn’t all that bad. I mean, his diaper was clean now, and all he had to do was just sit there. The machine even bounced him, so he didn’t have to put any effort into it.

“Seems like some big baby is enjoying himself, isn’t he?” Celestia saw the relaxed look on his face. “You’ve been such a good boy this morning. Not so bad if you behave, is it?”

Well, she was right. As long as he behaved, if the diapers were out of the equation, it really was not bad, just like she said. After all, the reason why he was brought out in front of the other ponies was because he did things that Celestia asked him not to.

“Hey.” Luna walked into the throne room, yawning. “How are things?”

“Oh, not sleeping yet, sister?” Celestia asked. “Everything is fine here, the baby was on his best behavior.”

“I just wanted to make sure that everything was fine before I headed to bed.” Luna answered, booping Discord. “You’re right, he’s being such a good boy. Maybe he deserves a reward.”

“Good idea!” Celestia answered. “How about some ice cream for him? We can take turns feeding him!”

“Sounds like fun, I’ll get some sleep after that.” Luna went into a fridge near the thrones, taking out a tub of vanilla ice cream.

Discord expected the sisters to make a huge mess of it- and he was right. They were giving him one final test of his patience. Basically none of the ice cream ended up in his mouth, most of it was deliberately spread on his muzzle and front. It wasn’t the cold that was the problem, but the fact that it was really sticky.

“What a messy baby!” Celestia giggled when they were done. “Let’s clean him up but first…” she took out a camera and snapped a quick photo. “There we go, perfect! THAT goes in the royal photo album.”

The two sisters slowly and steadily cleaned Discord up with wet towels, eventually getting all the dessert off him.

“Well, time for me to be off.” Luna waved. “Good night, Tia.”

“Good night, Luna.” Celestia watched her sister exit the throne room. “Ah, wait, there’s something I wanted to talk with you. It’ll be quick, we can talk on the way.” She turned to Discord. “Continue being a good boy, okay?”

While Celestia was gone, Discord glanced at a half-dry pool of ice cream on the high chair. Hmm… He pressed the mitten to it, giving a small tug. At first, there was no results, the ice cream not sticking enough. But after the third attempt, the mitten started to slide off. He kept trying, working the glove-like accessory off. A few moments later, he had finally removed it.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here?”

It was Celestia! She had come back in the few minutes he was distracted!

“It looks like I have to free up my schedule for you.” She sighed, putting the garment back on with her magic. “But that’s okay. Anypony would understand prioritizing the care of a cute little baby.” Celestia giggled, picking him up. “Now let’s go show everyone how much you’ve grown.”

Well, Discord knew how he was spending the rest of the week. Not that he had much choice. Celestia and Luna would take care of everything as usual. He couldn’t help but think it wouldn’t be all that bad… and if he kept up his ‘misbehavior’, he could continue having the two sisters cater to his every need… The perfect revenge. He hid a smirk as he suckled his pacifier.