> Reunited In Strength > by Grasshopper Keller > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Reunited In Strength > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You had just passed through your workout for your legs as part of making sure that you were strong enough to run around if you need to. And the gymnasium that you worked out in always had the best options for your workout. As it stands, you're an instructor for a self- defense class with many years of martial arts in your background. And given that much detail about yourself, you always felt the need to encourage both yourself and your clients to go beyond what they are capable of doing. The sweat that was pouring from your face was really showing the other weightlifters and runners that you had put up a great effort. And some of the people, including some of the cute girls that you always see at the treadmills there, had given you the thumbs up with both thumbs up. This really made you happy. You unfurl a towel from your little bag and begin to wipe off the sweat from your head. When that was done, you begin to wipe off the same sweat from the rest of your upper body. You were more than tempted to take off the rest of your workout clothes and finish what you had started, but you had to remember that you were in a public place. And such a thing is considered a crime. Besides, there were showers to consider. But even at that, you were always known (back at Canterlot High School) as being kind of rowdy with your activities. But now that you are older, you're a lot wiser from the experiences that you've had from back then as a teen. And as you moved to the bench press contraption and dumbbells, you smile to yourself from when you had remembered how you always spotted a certain girl during P.E. classes in school. And oh how you had this big crush on her. Then, your memories start flooding back while you lift up on of the dumbbells. She was the hottest girl that you could look at; being the captain of nearly every sports team certainly kept her in shape. But you? You were quite a portly looking guy. But instead of being all isolated like most kids of that size would feel, you were always taking your shape in stride. And certain people actually liked you for who you were deep down, not for the shape of your body. But when you left the school, after your graduation, you were really slimming down. And the resulting comments against your weight were really falling down. As you lift the same device that you needed to lift, you then hear a small chuckle that sounded kind of girly. This pushes you to move on with making the weights on the ends heavier, thus pushing yourself a lot more than what you're normally used to. "There you go, big man! That's how you do it!" That voice! You knew that voice from anywhere, but... "It can't be!" you hiss out as you place the bar back to the hooks. You then lift yourself up from the bench and move your head to where you heard the voice. Sure enough, it was. "Rainbow Dash?" you softly say to her. "Yup! That's me alright!" Rainbow Dash, the woman that you had a small crush on, is right before you. "Holy shit!" you exclaim just as lowly as before. You then notice how she really changed since your first encounter with her. Her spectrum-colored hair was a lot longer, styled in a cool ponytail. Her face was still as beautiful to look at as before, and the cyan skin had still remained flawless. How that was, you never wanted to know. Upon further inspection, you see that the rest of her body was still sculpted to keep her slim. But along with that, her chest and bottom are sticking out, unlike from when you first met her. And with a healthy amount of fat on the right places, no doubt. This was a far cry from what you looked like in the past. "Hey man, you okay?" she asks you while your mouth still gapes at her. "Oh, man! It really is you! I can hardly believe what I'm seeing," you say to her after shaking your head to stop thinking about her body. "Well, you can actually start believing it now, buddy!" Rainbow chuckles at your response. "But how exactly do you know me, huh?" she asks you while raising an eyebrow at you. "I'm Jason Portsmuzzle, the really fat sophomore dude who spotted you during gym class," you explain yourself to her. Now it was Rainbow's turn to look surprised. The gears in her head start to turn as she recalls the memories. "Oh, my gosh!" Rainbow exclaims. "You were also that kid that made fun of his own weight during the other classes so that the other students would get a laugh from you!" she remembers from the past while pointing at you. She then does something that is quite out of her character: She bolts from her stance and throws her arms around you in a big hug. This surprises you a lot, but you reply by giving her the same hug to her. As her chest pressed to yours, you feel how soft her mounds are, despite how you were wearing a thick sweat shirt. The both of you had laughed a little loudly while she nearly screams out, "It's so great to see you, Jase!" "I am so happy that you're here," you cheerfully laugh while holding her for that moment. And just like that, the both of you part from each other, much to your fleeting disappointment. "Need someone to spot you this time?" she then asks you with a mischievous grin on her face. "Just don't let me overexert my boundaries, okay?" you reply to her with a worried look as you take your position at the bench press. From what you always knew, she was always a bit of a prankster, along with being one of those people that always made you feel like you were on the spot with some embarrassing story. "Don't worry, dude! I won't let you down," Rainbow assures you as she moves to your right side as you lift the big handle that had a few dumbbells attached to the ends. "Thanks," you grunted to her as you start your presses. You begin by counting up from one set, while Rainbow starts encouraging you. "Alright, come on, Jason! You can do this! That's one down, and just twenty-nine to go!" she cheers you on. The heaviness of the weights, as you count up to fifteen after hearing those words from Rainbow, start to make you feel like your trying to push away something heavier than what you're actually lifting up. And as you keep going, the memories of having that crush on the girl, who was now spotting your progress for you, flooded back like a tidal wave. And her proximity to you was not helping you one bit. But still, you felt the need to impress her flowing into your system. You were now at twenty-five presses, just five more to go. And already you feel your arms getting ready to give out, thus ending the sweat-inducing exercises for the week. "Come on, Jason! You got this, buddy! I believe in you! Come on! Just five more to go! Let's do this!" she shouts out to you while she somehow got her hands to lightly slap on your pecs. This is really the motivation that you needed to push yourself to your limit, and you loved it. "26..... 27....." The grunts from your exertions get louder with every push. "28....!" "RRRGGGHHH!!!" you loudly growl as your chest starts feeling the soreness as well. "29!!! You're almost there!" A final lift goes up with so much struggling on your part as the sweat from your face returns with a swarming vengeance. "Aaaannnnnd.... 30!" (Clank!) "Woo-hoo! I did it! Whew!" you cheer with a wipe of your brow while you laid there on the cushioned bench. "YES!!" she cheers as well, giving a little victory dance for your triumph against the workout. "All thirty presses! That! Was! Awesome!!" she also says while throwing her arms around you again. But as you try to hug her back, a big surprise comes at you with a big kiss being pressed to your lips. And to add more to the thrill, it was Rainbow Dash kissing you! As she presses her lips even more into yours, you feel her passion from her bit of giggling. And that was also as much of a surprise to you as well. She parts herself away from you, once again to your now deepened disappointment. "'Sorry about that, dude! I just got so excited," she explains to you with a small blush on her face. "To quote you...." you pant from the heat that accompanied your own, "That! Was awesome!" you say to her with another pant. Rainbow smiles sheepishly at your parroted words to her, helping her out with feeling like the woman that you really knew her to be. "But now I need to shower off my sweat! You just held me while I've been stinking of the sweat," you tell her with your hand pointing to the direction of the shower room near the both of you. "Yeah, that was kind of disgusting of me to do, wasn't it?" she chuckles at you with the same grin. "Would you like to join me at my place for some pizza after I get out of the showers?" you ask her as you lift up your bag. "Yeah! I'd like that! Thanks, Jason!" she thanked you while accepting your invitation. "You're welcome, Rainbow," you nod your head to her. "Gotta wash up now," you point to the same direction once again. "You do that," she nods back. A few minutes later, you step out of the shower room with your regular clothes on, after switching from your gym clothes before you took your shower. Feeling satisfied with your cleanliness, you and Rainbow head to the car that you had in the parking lot for a few hours now and start driving up to your apartment. Once you get there, you both step out of the car and head to the comfort of your flat. Upon opening the door with your key unlocking the lock, you enter your very small abode and pick up the fliers from the dining table for a good pizza to order a delivery from. "Good thing you got that shower, 'cause I would not have wanted to ride with you if you hadn't cleaned up," she remarks to you as she gets comfortable on your couch. "Oh, har-diddy-har," you sarcastically remarked to her as you pick up your cell phone from your pocket to dial the number. You then hear the click, along with a monotone voice that asks what you want delivered to your place. After placing your order, the person on the other end tells you that it will take about half of an hour to be made and delivered to you. After thanking the drone that you conversed with, you put your phone on the small coffee table and sit next to her. You hand out a bottled water that you got from the same table. "Water?" you say to her, knowing that she might be thirsty. "Thanks, man. You're the best," Rainbow smiles at you as she takes the bottle from your hand. She takes the cap off with a twist and places the lid on the same table near you. And after that was done, she lays her back on the cushion and begins to take in a few gulps of the water. By the time that you hear her swallowing her fourth big gulp, she exhales from how great it felt to have that water in her body. "Aaahh! That felt really great! Thanks again!" she smiles again. "You're welcome," you reply back to her. And then, as you both relax yourselves on the couch, you take a small trip to the recent memory of how the same woman, who was already sitting next you at the moment, had kissed you. At that moment, you remembered how the word 'awesome' was an understatement. Certain fears came up from the rejection that you did not want to hear. But despite that, you had to ask her. "Hey, Rainbow?" you call to her at your side. "Yeah? What's up?" Rainbow replies. "Uh.... I just wanted to ask.... why did you kiss me back there?" you ask her, knowing that the same feeling that you had from the gym was about to burden you again. "I thought that it was obvious, dude!" she proudly says to you. But all that you could do was silently ask her what she meant with your eyebrow raised up. Rainbow rolls her eyes and exhales. "Look: I knew that you had this crush on me ever since you were a sophomore," she begins to explain to you. "Why else would you stick around to spot me during gym class? Simple: You fell for my awesomeness! And to tell the truth," she stops herself to take a small breath in and out. "I had a crush on you too." And at that second when those words spoken to you, all you could say was, "You did?" "Yeah! I mean, fat or fit, I'd have taken you out on a few dates! Heck, I'd even let you be my boyfriend!" she states just as confidently. And that... was the straw that broke your back. Instead of words, you decide to scoot over to her and hold her in your arms. And just as quickly, you begin to kiss her lips. Rainbow doesn't protest against your actions at all. Instead, she snakes her arms around you, allowing you to get closer to her body. And as your bodies intertwined with each other, you sneak your tongue to her lips, asking her silently to enter her mouth. She opens her mouth and allows your tongue to go into her mouth. But as you entered, your invader is quickly attacked by her defending muscle in a battle for dominance of the mouth. Feeling the slicks of her saliva mixed with yours suddenly warms up the lower regions, resulting in a bulge that even Rainbow feels from her position. The both of you part for air after a heavy make out session with the hottest girl that you knew from high school. The same athlete and lead guitarist noticed the same reaction from your lower area and smiles as mischievously as before. "Looks like you want to take it further, huh?" she teases you with a chuckle. "I'd be a much worse liar than your friend, Applejack, if I said 'no'," you reply to her with a small grin on your face. "Ain't that the truth," she rolls her eyes at that reply. *ding-dong!* "Looks like we'll have to wait until we get some food in our bellies," you say to her after hearing the bell ring. "You said it!" she exclaims with a small push against your body. You take the hint and remove yourself from her. The door is then opened to reveal the delivery guy who had your exact order ready for you. After paying the bits for the food, you place the food on the table and open the boxes to show your pizza pies. Moments later, you and Rainbow had already eaten an entire pizza by yourselves. And now, the both of you were full. "Man, I never felt so good about eating a whole pie in my whole life," Rainbow exhales from the bloated feeling. "Neither have I," you reply to her. And with your hand touching hers, she allows it to wrap around hers. "Did you, um.... want me to be your boyfriend, Rainbow?" you ask her while feeling the bliss of the food leaving your mind. "Duh! Of course I do," she scoffs at you playfully. "Plus, you kind of owe me for making out with me," she smirks at you with a wicked grin. "Now there's the Rainbow that I knew from CHS!" you laugh in your declaration. Rainbow laughs with you as you both get closer to each other. "I promise you, Rainbow Dash, that I am going to stay the best boyfriend to you, if you'll let me," you vow to her before allowing yourself to get closer. "And I won't allow anything... but your happiness... to be what keeps us going." *smooch* "Cool," Rainbow sighs. "Now take off your pants, Jason! I wanna see what ya got!" she commands you to do. Almost immediately, you obey her by unbuttoning your pants before unzipping them. You don't take too much of her time, so you effectively remove it all except for your boxers and undershirt. Your gaze then goes to Rainbow, who looks at your underpants with hunger in her eyes. "Ooh! All of it, sexy man~!" she growls at you again. You decided to delay doing so by taking your hand to Rainbow to help her up from the couch. When she gives you a confused look, you playfully roll your eyes and say: "Let's get to my bedroom before we proceed." Nodding eagerly, Rainbow takes your hand and takes you to your room. Given that it's her first time in your place, you had to give her kudos for finding it so well. But then again, you had posted a bumper sticker on your door that had the Wonderbolts symbol on it a few months ago. So it was pretty obvious to any person that would see it. As soon as you get to the edge of the bed, Rainbow decides to remove all but her white panties with a rainbow-colored lightning bolt imprinted on it. You gaze upon the breasts that stand out very beautifully and notice how they jiggle a little bit. "Triple C-Cup?" you ask her as you slowly massage the left side with your right hand. "Mmm-hmm... Wow, that feels good," she replies with her face twisting up to show a more lustful look. "Want to get to the main event?" you ask her with a certain husk in your voice. "I was hoping that you'd say that," Rainbow nodded. She then takes off her panties to allow you a full view of her sacred prize. "But, I think that we should touch each other to get you harder and me wetter," she then suggests to you. You take off your boxers in front of her, showing her what truly made you a man. The same shaft that she sees is much bigger than she cared to think about. "Ooh~! Now I can't wait for the main event!" she chuckles in marvel at your length. "Warm up before the exercise?" you say to her with your grin going up. "We're already warmed up! Just stick it in me already!" Rainbow whines to you. You push her to the bed and playfully pin her down on her back. "*gasp* You... you pinned me!" she gasps. "Oh, you know you want it," you tease her back. "Give it to me, Jason!" Rainbow pleads to you. Nodding to her, you align the tip of your shaft until it meets the wet entrance of her front caverns. As soon as it met her small hole, the natural juices from her dripping honeypot leak out to glide your entire manhood into her awaiting womanhood. It only takes ten seconds for your whole shaft to enter her tight walls as she gives a slight moan. After feeling the tightness around yourself, you look down to where you were at the hilt and realize that she is not bleeding at all. "You've done this before, haven't you?" you chuckle to her, not caring who she did it with in the past. "I once experimented with my best friends back at CHS," she slyly confesses to you. "That's really hot," you nod as your shaft feels even harder than before. "I know, right? Now how about you fuck my brains out, huh?" "Alright, but you asked for it!" And just like that, you begin to move into her faster than a jackhammer. And every surge of the pleasure begins to flow into your being, transforming you into an lust-driven animal that only desired the taste of Rainbow's lips as you kept pumping your length into her vaginal walls with the same force and speed. "Yeah? You like that?" you begin to taunt her as you feel the pressure of your incoming orgasm about to hit you. "OhmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshOHMYGOSH!!! I'm-- Ah, Fuck!-- I'm getting close!!" Rainbow screams out from the twitches that you also feel from her body. "More, Jason! Gimme your cum! Please!" she begs once again while panting wildly as she moans out your name. "Oh, shit! I'm gon--RRRRGGGGHHH!!" "GGGGGAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" ..... The both of you had hit the final climax after twenty minutes, six positions, and an unknown amount of orgasms. The same sweat that both you and Rainbow had poured out during your sexual marathon adventure was even bigger in the amount than every time that you would hit the gym. And the whole exercise was so exhausting, but you felt that it was really worth it. Why? Because Rainbow Dash was with you in the bedroom. Bedroom.... bedding! "Oh, sweet Goddesses!" you shout out loud while you notice how Rainbow was resting herself on you. "What is it, Jason?" Rainbow asks when she notices your face. "We both need to wash up!" you say to her with a panic in your voice. "The stink will more than likely be smelled by my neighbors above and below this flat," you explain as you lift her up with you. "And these sheets need to be taken to the laundromat!" "Okay, okay, Jason! How about this?" Rainbow begins to say to you. "First, we get that shower and wash up! Secondly, we take our fresh clothes and put them on! And finally, we take everything stained in our sweat and we put them in your laundry basket! How does that sound to you?" she smirks at you. "And you wonder why I loved fucking your brains out earlier," you sniped at her. "Because that is a great idea!" "Let's leave that for after the second date, okay?" she smirked at you. After taking that shower together, you and Rainbow both put in your dirty clothes and bedding into the large laundry basket, ready for its transportation to the nearby laundromat. After closing the door of your car trunk, you breath in the air of the outside world and see that the sun is still up in the sky. You grab the keys from your pocket and turn on the engine with a click of the button from your device. "I love you, Rainbow," you smile at her as you start moving the gears to reverse from your spot in the parking lot. "I love you, Jason," she smiles back. You give each other a big kiss before you punch the gas and move out to the place that you needed to go to for your laundry to be done. (Somewhere within Downtown Canterlot City....) "The circle is now complete.... and all of the members of the Anonymous Club, from back at my time at Canterlot High School, have reunited with their new loving partners. But now.... I wonder if any of the other former members, including myself, will be able to find the same love with the people that we've loved for a while?" a mysterious and deep voice, male in tone, spoke from an alleyway. "Only time.... will tell us."