Of Mares and Manure

by SomePone

First published

With the toilets out of use in Twilight's castle, she and her friends, Rainbow Dash and Applejack, will have to find some other way to relieve their bowels. - Warning: this is a scat fetish fic with graphic depictions of pooping and mature behavior

With the toilets out of use in Twilight's castle, she and her friends, Rainbow Dash and Applejack, will have to find some other way to relieve their bowels. This predicament leads to deep secrets coming out and dirty, kinky, scatological situations. Warning: this is a scat fetish fic with graphic depictions of ponies pooping and engaging in mature behavior. Don't click it if you aren't interested.

The Chapter With All the Shit

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Twilight Sparkle hummed gently to herself as she dusted off the books in her library. With Spike out of town, as Shining Armor had agreed to take him along to a comic book convention he was going to over the weekend, she had decided to get some work of her own done, and so far it had been a very productive evening.


Her head shot up straight. “What was that?!”

She took off in the direction of the sound, running through the corridors of her crystalline palace until stopping in front of one of the many bedroom doors. This was definitely the place. Through the door her ears could detect a frantic commotion. She knew they liked to get a little crazy sometimes, but something told her that this was going to be a doozy. She knocked on the door.

“You can come in,” came a nervous voice with a southern accent from the other side of the door.

Twilight took a deep breath in preparation for whatever she was about to find. Slowly, she opened the door to reveal an orange earth pony and a rainbow maned pegasus standing sheepishly in front of a massive hole in the floor. Her eyes gazed through the hole to room below, where she saw the bed which had once stood in the bedroom. Atop the bed were the remains of an ornate chandelier, which had previously hung overtop it. Hundreds of crystal prisms, once a part of the glamorous light fixture, dotted the floor below. She looked up to see a much smaller hole in the ceiling where the chandelier was once attached.

“Wha . . . what happened?” Twilight asked in shock.

“Umm . . .” Rainbow Dash stammered, but she couldn’t get any words out.

“You see,” Applejack began, “Rainbow and I were experimenting around with some new things, and one of us (she glanced at Rainbow Dash) suggested trying to do it in that there chandelier. Well, it couldn’t really support our weight and . . . gee, I’m awfully sorry, Twi.”

Twilight just stood in place, stunned. When she had offered to let Applejack and Rainbow Dash use the spare bedroom in her castle for their “naughty time” she had never imagined that anything like this would happen. She merely believed she was offering a friendly service. The two ponies had quite the predicament when she first learned of their fling. They both assured her that it wasn’t really a serious relationship, merely a “friends with benefits” type deal. Nevertheless, the two ponies were having a tough time finding places to meet and engage in their risqué behavior. Applejack, of course, was incapable of flying up to Rainbow Dash’s cloud house, and Sweet Apple Acres was out of the question with the rest of the Apple family packed into that quaint country home. The last thing the earth pony needed was Applebloom asking questions about the loud moaning coming from the other side of her bedroom wall. The pair had tried sneaking off and hiding in some of the more secluded parts of town, but it wasn’t long before someone had inevitably stumbled across them in the act. Awkward though it was, the two mares were ultimately relieved to discover that it was just Twilight, and that she was very understanding of their situation. After hearing the story of their conundrum she even offered to let the pair use one of the guest bedrooms in her castle whenever they felt the urge to engage in a bit of lovemaking.

She never thought it would turn out like this, though. Twilight perked her ears up. “What’s that sound?”

“Well, you see, sugarcube . . .” Applejack started as Twilight peered cautiously back into the hole, only to notice a stream of water flowing across the floor of the room below, pooling beneath the bed. “I think when everything crashed through it took out the main water line in the castle.”

Twilight trembled in place. This was bad. “I have to shut the water off right now. Wait here.” The alicorn took off running down the hall, to the lower part of the structure, and into another room, where she found a valve with a large knob. She twisted it all the way, shutting off all the water in the castle. In the bedroom above, Applejack and Rainbow Dash watched as the flow of water ceased.

A moment later Twilight had returned, looking exasperated. She looked down into the hole and concentrated with her magic. Her horn emitted a purple glow as she targeted her magic, and the water slowly began to evaporate. The other two ponies watched in amazement as the pool of water shrank under Twilight’s magical direction, and every last drop of moisture disappeared from the room below.

Once the lower room was dry, Twilight turned back to her friends. “That’s about all I can do for now. I’ll have to wait until morning to bring in someone to repair that floor, as well as the pipe. Until then there’s no running water anywhere in the castle.” She let out a sigh.

“I’m really sorry about what happened, sugarcube.” Applejack put a hoof around Twilight to console her.

“Yeah, I’m sorry too,” added Rainbow Dash. “I should have used more common sense, but I was just so excited at the time I wasn’t thinking.”

“What do you plan to do now?” Twilight asked. She knew Applejack couldn’t just go home. The earth pony had told her family that she was out of town making a delivery and wouldn’t be back until the next day. “If you want you can still spend the night here in one of the other bedrooms. I just ask that you stay out of the chandeliers.” She forced a smile after that last sentence, a little joke to try to lighten the atmosphere.

“Don’t worry, Twi,” Applejack responded. “I think we’re about done with our ‘activities’ for the night.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash added. “This whole mess really killed the mood. I don’t even feel like doing it anymore.”

“How about if we do something else together then?” Twilight asked. “I have plenty of board games around here. Do you feel up to playing?”

The other two ponies looked at one another, and then Rainbow Dash spoke. “Sure, that sounds like fun.”

--- --- ---

The three ponies sat on the polished stone floor of the castle library with a board between them. They had spent the past couple hours engrossed in a game of Monopony, but at last it looked like things were finally coming to a close.

“Hah, I won,” Rainbow Dash announced, to which Applejack gave a slight grumble. “It’s about time too. I don’t think I can hold this in for another minute. I’ll be right back. Just going to run to the little filly’s room for a moment.” She stood up and took off at a trot.

Now that Twilight thought about it, Rainbow Dash did look like she had been squirming and fidgeting a lot for the last several minutes of the game. She must have really had to go. Twilight called after her quickly. “Rainbow Dash, wait! All the water is shut off, remember? The toilets aren’t working.”

“What?!” Rainbow Dash asked in shock. She ran back toward Twilight and started flailing her front hooves. “Why didn’t you tell me? I have to go right now. I don’t think I can hold it any longer.”

“I didn’t think I really needed to point that out,” Twilight explained. “Don’t worry though. I brought these for when this time came.” She walked over to a shelf with three cups on it and held one out to the anxious pegasus. “You can pee in here if you need to.”

Rainbow Dash grew even more distressed. “I don’t think that cup is going to cut it, Twilight. I, um, have to do the other thing.”

“Ohhh.” A sudden look of deep understanding crossed Twilight’s face. She stammered a bit while struggling to think of a solution. Her eyes darted around the room, but she spotted nothing useful for this predicament. She hadn’t expected a situation of such urgency to come up.

“Come on, Twilight, it’s going to blow any minute now.” Rainbow Dash was practically pleading as she spoke.

“OK, just wait here and I’ll be right back. I promise. Don’t worry, Rainbow. I have a plan.”

“Please hurry,” Rainbow Dash begged as she watched the alicorn run from the room. She looked around anxiously. Applejack gave her a sympathetic look, but said nothing.

Rainbow Dash clenched her muscles, trying her hardest to keep the contents of her bowels contained. It was a struggle that was growing harder by the second. A multitude of thoughts were racing through her mind. Why had she tried to wait until the end of the game instead of just asking to take a break when the urge first hit her? Why didn’t she remember that the lack of running water meant the toilets were out of order? Why had she eaten such a big meal earlier in the day? Why didn’t she just go before leaving her house? Why had she acted so foolishly in the first place and knocked the bedroom floor in? She mulled over these questions, all of which could have prevented her current predicament. What she thought about most, however, was the intense pressure that was growing within her body. It felt like she was trying to hold a bowling ball with nothing but the walls of her sphincter. She winced as the heavy load thrust itself against her inner wall, her thoughts pleading for relief from this burden.

A few moments passed and she felt a sudden spasm as the muscles of her anus tried to open, but she managed to force it shut. No, she refused have an accident. Not now. She had to wait for Twilight. Where was that pony, and what was taking her so long?

Seconds later she felt her anal cavity trying to expand again, this time with more force. The poop inside of her wanted out badly, but she concentrated hard, and with all of her effort she was able to force the hole closed again. She knew she wouldn’t be able to last much longer though. Her strength could give out at any second.

Her ears perked up at the faint sound of hooves in the distance. As the rapidly moving hooves approached the sound grew louder. Twilight was coming. She was just down the hall. Rainbow Dash focused every last ounce of her strength on keeping that load within her. Her waste was pounding hard against her back door, but she had to keep it in. She just had to hold out a little longer.

Twilight appeared suddenly in the doorway. A pail was suspended midair in front of her within a magical purple aura. “Hang on, Rainbow. I’ve got something for you.”

“Hurry up! Please hurry!” Rainbow Dash begged as the pressure within her grew. Twilight was almost there. She wanted to run toward the alicorn, to grab that pail and squat over it, but she didn’t dare move for fear of losing control of her bowels. It would only be a few more seconds until Twilight reached her.

Suddenly, and without warning, Rainbow Dash’s instinct took hold and she crouched over, lifting her tail high into the air. “Oh no,” she whimpered, knowing what was coming next, but powerless to stop it.

“Rainbow, wait!” Twilight called to her as she ran.

But it was too late. A fresh wave of desperation overtook Rainbow Dash and her muscles lost out. It seemed to happen all at once. The ring of her anus shot open uncontrollably as an unstoppable log forced its way out. Against her will, a great mass of smooth, brown horse apples burst forth from the gaping cavity. Rainbow Dash’s eyes grew wide in shock. All she could think about was how she failed to hold it in, and that she was pooping herself in front of her friends. She hadn’t had an accident since she was a little filly, but here she was, standing in the library of a princess, with a long rope of feces sliding rapidly out of her backside. The odor hit her nostrils and she wrinkled her nose, but that was all she could do. She simply squatted in place, unable to stop it.

The first bits of her mess broke free and fell to the floor with a plop. Twilight’s crystalline tiles were splattered with the brown material as it landed in a pile beneath her. “Ahh,” Rainbow Dash sighed as she was simultaneously struck with feelings of both relief and embarrassment. For several moments she remained squatting, her face blushing red as the pile beneath her grew. Her body trembled at the feel of her rushing poop, until finally the last of her waste fell free, and her blue sphincter squeezed shut once more. The room had grown heavy with the fetid stench of manure. She lifted herself out of her squatting position and stood still, facing the ground in shame. It felt wonderful to be free of that burden, but she worried that she would never be able to live down the shame of what she had just done.

“Rainbow Dash.” Twilight spoke in a calm voice. “Are you okay?”

Rainbow Dash said nothing, but continued to stare at the floor.

“Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said again, “I’m not angry. It wasn’t your fault. Please don’t feel bad.”

Rainbow Dash looked up, but didn’t let her eyes make contact with Twilight’s. She spoke softly, struggling to get the words out. “I made a mess of your floor. You were right here, but I couldn’t even hold my poop for a few seconds.”

Twilight sighed. “Rainbow, I’m telling you that you didn’t do anything wrong. Your mess is fine. You didn’t ruin anything. Look, I’ll prove it to you.” She walked across the room to a window. “See this curtain, Rainbow?” Rainbow Dash turned to see Twilight standing beside a stunning silk curtain hanging against an enormously tall castle window. Its golden threads shimmered in the light of the room. “I want you to wipe your butt on this curtain.”

A look of startled confusion crossed Rainbow Dash’s face. “You want me to what?”

“You heard me. Now that you have pooped on my floor, which was a complete accident that you have no need to feel shame over, I want you to clean your bottom with this piece of cloth.”

“You’re not making any sense, Twilight. I already made one mess tonight.” She wrinkled her nose. “A very smelly mess. Why do you want me to dirty more of your home?”

“To prove a point,” Twilight stated in response. “Rainbow, please, I am asking you to wipe yourself up over here.”

Rainbow Dash hesitantly took a step toward the window, then paused. Twilight gestured for her to proceed, and she slowly approached the magnificent curtain.

“Are you sure about this?” Rainbow Dash asked once more, unsure of her actions or what the whole point of this was. Was Twilight just trying to humiliate her further? Because it sure felt like it.

“Yes, I am very sure of it.” Twilight could sense the apprehension in Rainbow Dash’s voice and replied in a calming tone, hoping to put her friend’s mind at ease. “Please do what I asked you.”

Slowly, Rainbow Dash turned her posterior toward the shimmering fabric. She raised her tail to expose her soiled anus, and then pressed it against the cloth. The smooth texture of the silk felt soft and comforting against her hindquarters, but the situation was just too awkward to truly enjoy it, so she proceeded to silently wipe the brown from her behind until she was clean. With that finished she glanced at the curtain. It continued to hang majestically from the side of the window, just as before, but with an extra smudge near the floor level. She turned away from the tarnished spot with a look of embarrassment and disgust, and remained silent, unsure of what to say next.

Sensing Rainbow Dash’s feelings, Twilight decided to speak up again. “Do you need to pee as well?”

Rainbow Dash wasn’t expecting that question, but responded by nodding in the affirmative. “I’ll go get one of those cups so that I can go. Or should I use the bucket?”

“That won’t be necessary,” Twilight answered. “You can go right where you are.”

Rainbow Dash gave her a confused look again.

“Actually,” Twilight continued, “I have an even better idea. Why don’t you go pee on that pile of books over there?”

“What!?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“This is all a part of the point that I am trying to make to you, Rainbow. I want you to trust me. I want you to pee on that pile of books. Or any of these bookshelves, really.”

Rainbow Dash was more confused than ever. “Why are you asking me to ruin your books? I don’t understand.”

“You will, I promise,” Twilight assured her. “But right now I really need you to relieve yourself on those books.”

Rainbow Dash cautiously approached the mound of several dozen unsorted volumes, all waiting on the floor for their owner to return them to their spots on the shelf. “You are sure about this?”

“Rainbow, pee on those books right now.” Twilight spoke sternly, though not meanly, to try to drive the point home that she was serious.

The confused pegasus shrugged. If this is what Twilight really wanted then so be it. Rainbow Dash spread her hind legs apart and tried to relax. Her face scrunched up awkwardly as she attempted to empty her bladder. She wasn’t used to having an audience as she urinated, nor was she used to urinating anyplace other than in a toilet. It took a moment of concentration, but at last she felt the first bits of liquid pass through her urethra. The pee dribbled slowly from her hind quarters, landing in a series of steady drops onto the books below. The droplets were quickly absorbed into dry book covers. She was still too tense to fully relax, though. Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and imagined that she was at home in her bathroom, away from the eyes of her two friends and certainly not in the process of defacing Twilight’s book collection. This seemed to work, because after a few seconds of focus she was at last able to loosen her bladder and open the floodgates. The tiny drizzle burst forth into a heavy current of golden liquid. The urine rolled across the heavy tomes as it was slowly absorbed into their bindings. The dry pages grew damp with moisture, and very little of the fluid reached the floor without being soaked up. Rainbow Dash blushed. She could feel her friends’ eyes on her as she relieved herself. After a moment of this she at last felt the stream die down, and then finally stop. She gave her muscles a little squeeze to push out the last few drops that remained in her, and then turned to look at Twilight’s books. They lay, still piled on the floor, but now soggy with the former contents of her bladder. Once more, Rainbow Dash simply stood quietly in the uncomfortable moment, not knowing what she should be doing next.

“Thank you very much,” Twilight said to her. “Now, I want you to watch this very carefully.”

Rainbow Dash stood quizzically, still not sure what the point of all this was, but she had a feeling that she was about to find out. She watched as Twilight concentrated first on the silk curtain. She lowered her head so that her horn was pointed directly at the brown smudge, and then an aura of purple light appeared. The deep glow enveloped the cloth, and she saw the dirty spot slowly fade until nothing remained but the golden shimmer of the fabric. Her eyes grew wide in astonishment at the feat she had just witnessed, but Twilight was not done yet.

Twilight next approached the pile of books and emitted another magical glow from her horn. Slowly, the moisture dissipated until all that was remained was dryness. Miraculously, the books were unharmed, restored to their former state without a touch of water damage. Rainbow Dash’s mouth was agape. She never ceased to be amazed by her friend’s magical ability.

Twilight next approached the pile of feces in the middle of the floor, the mess that had started this entire business. She stood proudly in front of the filth, and even gave it a little sniff before smiling for her grand finale. Once again her horn gave off its signature glow, and the mass of fecal material gradually shrank until all she saw was the sparkling, bare floor.

Twilight turned back to face the astonished pegasus. “You see, Rainbow. I don’t want you to be upset about a little accident because it is easy to clean up. Your pride may hurt a little, but I assure you that not a word of what happened will leave this room, and we certainly think no less of you. And there is nothing that you can dirty that I can’t clean up.”

“I had no idea you could do that,” Rainbow Dash replied in amazement. “I mean, cleaning is one thing, but you actually fixed those books. That’s pretty awesome.”

Twilight smiled. “Cleaning up water and dirt is pretty advanced stuff, but actually restoring destroyed items is very high level magic. I wouldn’t have been able to do it a few years ago, but now it’s no problem at all, so I don’t mind that you left a bit of a mess in my library.”

“But it’s gross,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Perhaps,” Twilight replied. “What’s a little grossness, though when you can fix it easily? Again, I’m not upset with you at all. In fact, I’m glad that I was able to make this point to you.”

“So why didn’t you just use your magic to fix the pipe earlier?”

“That’s a much bigger job, Rainbow. It’s better left to skilled hooves. I’ll have a plumber come by tomorrow. And don’t worry about paying for it. Now that I’m a princess I have access to funds from the royal treasury in Canterlot.”

That was a relief to Rainbow Dash as well. She’d been trying not to think about it, since Twilight hadn’t brought it up, but in the back of her mind she had been worrying that she and Applejack were going to have to foot the bill for the castle repairs. “Well, that’s a relief, right AJ?”

Applejack gave no response.

“AJ?” Rainbow Dash turned to look at Applejack, who stood awkwardly in the corner of the room with an uncomfortable look on her face. “Applejack, are you alright?”

“I . . . um,” she stammered. “I’m just fine.”

Rainbow Dash paced around her friend, studying her unusual posture and expression, but every time she moved Applejack turned her body to keep her front side facing forward, not allowing a glimpse of herself from any other angle. Rainbow Dash stopped. “Are you sure?” she asked. “You’re acting sort of weird.”

“No, really. I’m quite alright.”

“Ooookay,” Rainbow Dash replied skeptically. She was about to turn back to Twilight when she suddenly noticed a slight movement out of the corner of her eye. She thought she had imagined it at first, but when she looked at the floor her suspicions were confirmed. Something had just dripped from Applejack’s hindquarters. The splotch of clear liquid below her was miniscule, but unmistakable. Rainbow Dash’s eyes went wide.

Applejack froze in place. She knew what had just happened. She had felt the moisture building up around her privates, and had felt a portion of it drip to the floor. She was also aware that Rainbow Dash had spotted it. There was no point in trying to hide it now. She might as well just come clean.

Applejack turned so that her posterior was now facing Rainbow Dash. “The truth is, Rainbow, that I’m really horny right now.” With that admission, she turned and raised her tail to show Rainbow Dash the state of her mare parts. Her vulva was soaking wet. Feminine nectar drained from her orifice.

Rainbow Dash’s mouth hung agape. She could not remember ever seeing Applejack so aroused without even making physical contact. Though the pegasus may have been embarrassed from her accident mere minutes earlier, this tantalizing sight was causing a new set of feelings to develop within her. Feelings of arousal and desire. But there was still one major question about that beautiful dripping sight. Why?

“You are horny?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Applejack blushed. “You see . . .” She hesitated. This was so embarrassing. She took a deep breath and then blurted her words out as quickly as she could. “I’m turned on by scat.”

Rainbow Dash cocked her head. “What?”

“I . . . I have a scat fetish. I’ve never told you about it because I was worried that you’d think I’m weird.” The more she talked the easier it was to confess her feelings. “In fact, I’ve never told anyone about it. But seeing you poop, and seeing you dirty the room up, it was just so hot. It’s what I’ve always wanted to see. And you are already so sexy as it is. It was the perfect combination of my biggest turn on with the mare I love to see the most.” That last part came off as almost romantic, and she smiled. Had it been anyone else, Applejack wouldn’t have dared to share these feelings, but she knew from experience that Rainbow Dash was pretty open minded, especially on matters of sexuality. Nevertheless, Rainbow Dash was unsure of how to respond to this revelation.

“You too?” They were interrupted suddenly by Twilight, who rushed over to the pair.

“Too what?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Applejack,” Twilight answered, turning to the orange mare. “You are into scat too?”

“I guess I am,” Applejack answered. “I don’t understand it myself, but for some reason I get very excited when I think about another mare pooping.” She paused, and then realized what it was exactly that Twilight had said. “Wait a minute. Are you saying that you have a scat fetish as well?”

“I am.” Twilight grinned. She seemed to not mind how awkward or personal this topic was. In fact, she sounded practically giddy. “I don’t know why, but everything about it turns me on. The look of it, the smell of it, the very idea of how dirty and nasty it is. I never thought I’d meet another pony who was into this sort of thing, though. This is so interesting.”

“Hold on,” Rainbow Dash interrupted. “Are you guys saying that you both get sexual pleasure from poop?”

Twilight nodded vigorously while Applejack merely smiled sheepishly.

“That’s really weird.” She laughed as she said it. “I mean, whatever floats your boat, but really? Poop?” She started laughing even harder. Applejack was just relieved that she hadn’t reacted with disgust or anger. Then Rainbow Dash had a thought and she stopped laughing. “Twilight, you didn’t ask me to get poop and pee all over the room just for your own sexual purposes, did you?”

“Oh, no no no,” Twilight assured her. “I’m very sorry that you had your accident, and I really tried to get that bucket to you in time. I asked you to do all that afterward so that you would understand that I don’t mind my castle being covered in poop. I guess I failed to mention that I actually like the thought of it being covered in poop, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy watching you. However, that wasn’t the main reason for my request at all.”

Rainbow Dash was a little relieved to hear that. Although she didn’t mind her friends having this unusual fetish, and she actually found it to be a rather interesting one the more she thought about it, she didn’t like the idea of being put in a humiliating position just for their pleasure.

Applejack turned to Twilight and spoke again. “So you are able to clean up any manure or urine stains if they happen?”

“That’s right,” Twilight answered. “Would you like to try it? You can poop anywhere in the castle, if you’d like.”

Applejack beamed. This was her big chance. She was never able to play with her scat at home. Not with her family around constantly. Sure, she could take a dump out in the orchard occasionally while working, but that sort of thing wasn’t really so unusual for farm ponies. As such, the act had become almost mundane. Here, however, was an opportunity to let loose and do whatever she wanted. Twilight, a pony with the same fetish as her, was offering her the chance to live out her fantasies. “Yes,” she answered. “Yes, I’d like to.”

Twilight smiled in delight. This was going to be an exciting evening.

“And I know the perfect spot,” Applejack continued. With that she took off, racing out of the library and down the hall.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash quickly followed her, through the corridors and up a flight of stairs. They traversed the elaborate architecture of the castle at a rapid pace until at last Applejack passed through a door and came to a stop.

“Here,” Applejack announced. “This is the spot.” She stood near the center of the throne room, directly in front of the great map of Equestria. Seven thrones, one for each of the ponies, as well as a smaller throne for Spike, surrounded it.

“On the map?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Isn’t that a little distasteful?”

Twilight hopped with glee. “That’s perfect! So kinky. So naughty.” She gave a sly grin.

“I’m glad you approve,” Applejack said. “I was a little worried that I might be pushing it. This being my first real chance to indulge myself, I wanted to go all out.”

“Please do,” Twilight replied expectantly. “I can’t wait to see your droppings all over the map.” Her own sexual excitement was building up in anticipation of the moment. Twilight could sense a tingling in her private parts just thinking about what was about to happen.

“Alright then, here goes.” Applejack hopped onto the map in the center of the room in one quick motion. Her hooves landed on the smooth, flat stone of the table, since the map itself was not an actual solid feature, but rather an ethereal image projected onto the surface by the magic of the Tree of Harmony. Hills and valleys, rivers and lakes all surrounded her, untouched by her corporeal legs.

Applejack lifted her tail high in preparation for the moment. Both Twilight and Rainbow Dash stared into her nether regions to see that moisture still seeped from her marehood. Twilight gazed between the earth pony’s legs. Applejack wasn’t the only one living out a fantasy at that moment. Twilight was enjoying every minute of her friends (both of them) defecating in her home.

Rainbow Dash stared into Applejack’s moist cavern as well, and felt her arousal growing. Hours earlier she was playing with that same hole near a bedroom ceiling, before an unfortunate occurrence had brought that fun to an abrupt end, but now she desired to pick up right where she left off. It was just the context of the view that left her feeling a little uncertain. Applejack was about to do something that she had never thought of as sexy. She had been taught since fillyhood that poop is something dirty and disgusting. Nevertheless, seeing that sexy mare posing atop their table with her most intimate parts exposed and dripping wet, Rainbow Dash wasn’t sure that anything could spoil the moment. Instead, she even felt a strange curiosity about what was about to happen. She was about to witness one of the most private acts of the mare she admired. She couldn’t help but feel a little “nervouscited,” as Pinkie would say.

This was the moment. Twilight leaned in close, watching eagerly, while Rainbow Dash stood a few steps behind with more conflicted feelings. Applejack squatted low over the map, directly above Ponyville, and relaxed. A whiff of gas escaped from her behind and Twilight inhaled deeply. Then the show began.

Applejack’s anus moved slowly. It pulsated at first, and then gradually opened up to reveal her rectum within. The eyes of her two friends fixated on its dark interior, which became clearer by the moment as the hole steadily grew. Applejack gave her muscles a push. Seconds later a presence appeared within the gaping cavity, something solid and brown that stretched the hole tightly. As its tip approached the exterior of her body a powerful smell developed in the room. Twilight sniffed the air once again and smiled lustfully. Applejack grunted and the turd slowly pushed its way through opening. Her soft anus stretched around the fecal mass, which squeezed gently through the muscle.

Twilight’s arousal grew stronger with every inch that the heavy log slid forth from its orifice. Rainbow Dash could see from behind that Twilight’s sex was becoming wet. Not only that, but she was starting to have curious feelings of her own as well. Rainbow Dash never would have expected this, but she was starting to suspect that she might actually be enjoying this. It felt so naughty and taboo to be watching her friend and occasional lover in the act of defecation.

The turd soon reached its end though, and Twilight gasped in excitement as the solid waste fell to the table with a splat right in the middle of Ponyville. Applejack turned her head back toward Twilight, who was clearly in a world of her own pleasure. “Hey sugarcube, I’ve got something that’s really going to blow you away.”

Applejack hopped off the table, leaving her droppings in place, and landed directly on Twilight’s throne. “I still have a bit left in me here. I’ll leave you a little gift, Twi.”

“Yes!” Twilight exclaimed. “Do it, Applejack.”

Applejack nodded and then squatted atop the alicorn’s throne. In order to get a better view Twilight brought her muzzle within inches of Applejack’s body, lowering her face to eye level with Applejack’s bottom, which rested directly over the seat. Since Applejack was facing forward, Twilight could only see from her front. However, at the low angle from which she sat she was able to make out the earth pony’s anus above the white throne.

Cautiously, Rainbow Dash approached the scene. She wasn’t entirely certain yet that she wanted to be into this, but some nagging feeling within her was drawing her nearer, and after that last show she was curious to see more. She crawled into the narrow space between the table and the throne, placing herself right next to Twilight. Their cheeks touched as they peered into the dark space between the seat and Applejack’s bottom.

Once again the portal to her anal cavity started to expand. The smell of fecal matter, already heavy in the room, grew stronger as a second batch of horse apples poked its way out of her exit hole. Twilight couldn’t stand it any longer. As this new rope of manure, thinner and softer than the first, closed the gap between Applejack’s tailpipe and the seat below, Twilight reached between her legs with one hoof. She rubbed herself slowly, enjoying the self-stimulation while her friend pooped on her chair right in front of her face. The long turd made contact with the seat and coiled against the stone. It wasn’t long before this smaller poop broke off from its source, though, and when that happened Twilight couldn’t help but start hoofing herself faster.

Rainbow Dash gazed attentively at the manure on Twilight’s seat. She even sniffed the air a bit to take in its aroma. This made no sense. Why did she find something so disgusting to be so interesting all of a sudden? Was it because her friends were both enjoying it so much around her? She turned to see Twilight masturbating furiously next to her, and finally admitted to herself that Applejack was right. There is something highly erotic about a mare pooping.

“Hey, AJ,” Rainbow Dash spoke up hesitantly. “Do you by chance have to go anymore?” She blushed as she asked.

“Nope,” Applejack answered. “That just about cleaned me out.”

“Oh. I was just thinking, if you did . . .” She paused awkwardly. “My seat is right over there.”

Applejack smirked. “Looks like we’re starting to rub off on you a bit. I’m really sorry that I don’t have any more poop for you, but maybe you’ll enjoy this.” Applejack bounded across the table and landed on Rainbow Dash’s throne. With Applejack out of the way, Twilight immediately hovered her face over the smelly mush that was left on her seat and dug her hoof into herself harder.

Applejack sat with her bottom against Rainbow Dash’s throne, the lightning bolt shape engraved deep into the back of the seat. Rainbow Dash wasn’t sure what to expect at first, but when Applejack spread her hind legs apart and relaxed it became clear. At first there was only silence, but then a faint pattering sound arose as a trickle of fluid escaped from between the orange pony’s legs. Her urine flow quickly grew in intensity and spattered against the white stone. The yellow stream descended rapidly from Applejack’s folds and covered the seat in liquid before running over the edge in a small waterfall of pee. Watching her sexual partner defile her throne finally sent Rainbow Dash over the edge. She could no longer ignore the feelings that Applejack’s entire scat and piss display were giving her. She was enjoying this. It was dirty and gross, but also kinky and fun, and she wanted more. She wanted to take Applejack right then and there, but it seemed that Applejack had other ideas.

Without warning, Applejack jumped from the throne and took off across the room as her bladder continued to empty. She ran to and fro, circling the table and hopping from place to place, all the while leaving a liquid trail in her wake. She laughed, enjoying her moment of letting loose. She never stopped in any one place, but made sure that every corner of the room was sprayed her golden stream. This went on for a while longer until there wasn’t a single section of the room that didn’t have at least a few dribbles of pee, and she finally stood still when her flow came to its end. She felt so alive and full of lust, and she could tell that the others were as well. Even Rainbow Dash, who had been so apprehensive before, appeared to be growing hornier by the second.

Applejack looked back in the direction of the map. “I see you really did enjoy that,” she said to Twilight, who was now sprawled atop the table, playing with her private parts and moaning softly beside the country pony’s smelly log. She was practically inhaling the mess as she masturbated furiously. “You know, sugarcube, there’s still a bit of mess clinging to my behind here. If you want to you can lick me clean.”

Twilight’s eyes grew huge and without hesitation she rushed toward Applejack’s posterior. Her face stopped inches from the puckered orange crater, and she examined the bits of brown matter stuck to it. With a deep whiff she inhaled the aroma of Applejack’s sphincter. Her mouth opened wide, drool already forming at her lips, and she extended her moist tongue. As her tongue slowly approached the ring of muscle a drop of saliva fell to the floor. She hadn’t made contact yet, but she could practically taste it already.

“Um, girls,” Rainbow Dash interrupted. “Do you think maybe we ought to move this to the bedroom?”

Twilight paused at this distraction, taking a moment to let the words register in her head. “Yes, definitely.” She agreed. “And since the regular guest room is out of commission, let’s use mine.” She patted Applejack’s flank. “And then we can finish where I left off.” She gave the other two an enticing wink, and then slowly made her way out of the room. She walked seductively, accentuating the movements of her buttocks as she went.

Rainbow Dash had been expecting her to suggest one of the other guest bedrooms, but this was even better. She quickly trotted after Twilight, her eyes following that cute purple ass. Even though Applejack was the current object of her affection, she had always thought that Twilight was a fine specimen of a mare herself.

Before leaving the throne room, Applejack decided to spice things up a little more for Twilight. It was true that there were a few tiny pieces of manure still clinging to her bottom, but no more than after a normal bowel movement. However, an idea crossed her mind that would really make things more interesting. She hopped back onto the map table and examined the stinky log that she had left there earlier. She then lowered her rear end and sat down directly upon it. The warm manure squished beneath her bottom, smearing itself against her rump and filling the crack between her flanks. The soft mess seemed to massage her sensitive anus, and she rocked back and forth over it several times. She then stood back up and noted that the space between her butt cheeks was heavily coated with a layer of brown sloppy muck. Twilight was sure going to have a fun time cleaning that up with her tongue. She took one last glance at the remains of her poop smeared over the table, and then hurried after the other two as they made their way into Twilight’s bedroom.

Upon entering the room, Twilight crawled onto her bed and spread out her body. She gazed down at Applejack and spoke seductively. “Come join me. I’m ready to lick your butthole clean.” She rubbed her tongue across her lips teasingly.

That was all Applejack needed to hear. She leapt onto the bed, landing softly atop the deep blue bedspread that was adorned with stars and crescent moons. She spread her legs wide and lifted her tail, presenting her messy anus to the enthusiastic alicorn. It was fully coated in the brown slop, with heavy chunks clinging here and there over the moist layer of scat. The odor filled the room.

Twilight’s eyes went wide at the sight. This wasn’t what Applejack’s sphincter had looked like a moment ago at all. It was much messier, and that pleased her greatly. This is what Twilight wanted. To taste that brown muck. To lap it up with her mouth and feel its texture against her lips. She rolled over with her back against the bed so that she was facing straight up, belly in the air, and then wiggled her head between Applejack’s hind legs. Applejack lowered her hindquarters in a semi-squatting position to accommodate her, and Twilight gazed up into the meaty ring. She opened her mouth wide. This was the moment she had been waiting for, and she wasn’t going to be distracted again. Carefully, she extended her tongue, and then dragged it across Applejack’s dirty anus. The body above her quivered in response. It was exactly as she had imagined it. She swirled her tongue around, taking in the texture of the fleshy circle of muscle. What struck her the most, however, was the powerful flavor against her taste buds. She knew what to expect, as she had tasted her own poo in the past while indulging her sexual fantasies, but this was the first time she had ever experienced another pony’s scat, and it was beyond stimulating.

Applejack moaned in pleasure as Twilight’s moist tongue spread across every square inch of her hindquarters. This was the first time that she ever had the chance to engage in her fetish with another pony, and like Twilight she was loving every minute of it. Every so often Twilight would slide her tongue across her dripping marehood, which would send bursts of pleasure surging through the athletic work pony. Twilight seemed to know just when to touch her moist clit. The warmth of Twilight’s tongue reminded her of just how real this was. Another pony, one of her best friends, was licking poop from her flank at that very moment. Few things could be so perfect. Her body spasmed as the tongue slid through her vaginal folds once again, penetrating even deeper into her love canal. If this kept up much longer she was going to come soon, and hard.

Twilight continued her oral journey across Applejack’s hindquarters. She wanted this to be as pleasurable for her friend as possible, so she never focused on one spot for too long. Her mouth was now loaded with the taste of manure, and she noticed that parts of Applejack’s soft, orange posterior were already nearly free of filth. Still, she kept up with her mouthwork, rolling her tongue across one point after another and consuming that thick, brown muck wherever she found it. She let her tongue slide through Applejack’s moist vulva once again, lapping up her fluids. Applejack’s delicious vaginal juices fused with the taste of scat, and she swallowed, letting the concoction roll down her throat.

Suddenly, Twilight was taken by surprise by a sudden sensation in her own nether regions. Rainbow Dash had decided that she had had enough of merely watching this carnal spectacle, and that it was time to join in. She couldn’t explain it, but watching her friends engage in their scatplay left her highly aroused, and she pounced onto the bed, burying her muzzle deep between Twilight’s outstretched legs. Her mouth worked quickly, pressing itsewlf into Twilight’s most sensitive spots and greedily devouring her feminine nectar. She wrapped her lips tightly around Twilight’s moist clit, as though giving it a deep kiss, and then wiggled her tongue against it through her lips. Rainbow Dash followed this up with a heavy lick across her purple slit, and then slid her tongue deep into Twilight’s purple vagina.

Twilight gasped. No wonder Applejack was so sensually enamored with Rainbow Dash. That pegasus was a master with her mouth. Every touch of Rainbow Dash’s lips and every flick of her tongue felt perfect between her legs, and the pegasus showed no signs of slowing down. There was no question that Rainbow Dash knew exactly how to pleasure a mare. As Twilight continued to lick Applejack, she reached across her upturned belly and pressed her hooves against Rainbow Dash’s colorful mane, holding her friend’s head close against her excited marehood.

Rainbow Dash felt Twilight’s hooves pressing against her and started working her mouth even faster. She reached forward and rubbed her hoof against Twilight’s soft nipples. Then Rainbow Dash did something she had never done before. Just below Twilight’s leaking vulva, exposed by her limp tail, lay another hole, round and muscular, and complete with its own subtle, but unique, stink. She lowered her head slightly and turned her attention to that other orifice. She sniffed it carefully, and the smell reminded her of everything that had happened that night. Thoughts of her own embarrassing episode came rushing back to her, followed by images of Applejack and all her kinky acts in the throne room, and then finally a reminder that at that very moment the mare she was eating out was busy licking scat from the behind of the pony she lusted after the most. She pressed her nostrils against that puckered ring of purple muscle to smell it once more, inhaling deeply this time. She knew what she wanted, and this was the moment for it. Without sparing another moment, she opened her mouth once again and pressed her tongue hard into Twilight’s tailhole.

Twilight gasped once more. She knew it was coming as soon as she felt Rainbow Dash’s nostrils against her, but nothing could have prepared her for the feeling of her friend’s moist tongue squirming and writhing within her. It was a new level of pleasure that she never could have imagined, completely different from the earlier feeling of having her clit sucked. It gave her a new sense of vitality in her own endeavors, and she picked up the pace with Applejack. Most of the mess was gone from the Applejack’s hindquarters, and so she focused her efforts exclusively on her orange marehood.

Rainbow Dash wiggled her tongue harder as she tried to penetrate further into Twilight’s anus. It was soft and warm, but tight. It had an unusually strong taste, unlike any body part that she had ever put her mouth on before. She loved every moment of it though, and continued to probe deeper into the tight chamber. Every moment it felt like the rectum was trying to push her out, but she insisted on going forward until at last the canal seemed to succumb to the fact that there was a presence in it, and the muscles finally loosened. This allowed Rainbow Dash the space she needed to work, and she pressed her tongue forward, sliding it back and forth, up and down, and all across the inner surface of Twilight’s exit hole.

Her tongue wasn’t the only thing moving around in there, though. All of this activity going on at the tip of Twilight’s small bowel had started to get things moving. Rainbow Dash felt a sudden presence against the tips of her taste buds, accompanied by a pungent flavor. Her tongue drew back in surprise. She certainly hadn’t been expecting that, but after the initial shock she pressed inward again. She had no more reservations about what came out of that hole. Her friends had sold her on it. She was into scat.

The object within Twilight’s rectum moved steadily forward. It was a small stool, no larger than a marble, but the mere knowledge that it was there turned Rainbow Dash on even more than she already was. With a bit of effort she managed to wrap her tongue around the nugget of poop and pull it out, directly into her eager mouth. She really had no idea what to expect from it, and the taste was overwhelming, forcing her to gag as the morsel rolled around behind her lips. She refused to spit it out though. If Twilight could handle it, then so could she. She instead focused her attention on the taste, trying to analyze it. It was unlike anything she had ever had in her mouth before, and it was so potent. Her face scrunched as she struggled to suppress her gag reflex, and the more she contemplated the taste, trying to get a genuine sense of what that she was experiencing, the easier it became. Eventually she became comfortable rolling the small bit of waste around her tongue, and she let the flavor fill her mouth.

This tiny dropping was just the beginning, though. It wasn’t long before things started moving again. Just as Rainbow Dash had started to bite down on the small turd, mashing it between her teeth to heighten the taste in her mouth, a whiff of stinky gas escaped from Twilight’s rear end. She peered down to see that the Twilight’s hole was starting to open again. Little by little the purple anus widened, and Rainbow Dash quickly swallowed her mouthful as a second, much larger helping of manure appeared. As she watched, a brown, pebbly mass began to poke through the gaping anus. Not satisfied with simply watching, she immediately pressed her lips against Twilight’s hindquarters once more and opened her mouth wide to give the immense turd a direct passage to her mouth. The log moved slowly at first. She felt it gradually pass her lips, then her teeth, and eventually over the tip of her tongue. The taste in her mouth intensified, and she thought of how she was being filled with the contents of Twilight’s own body. Once the pebble-like tip of Twilight’s waste cleared her sphincter and it transitioned into a smoother consistency, its pace picked up rapidly. The taste grew immeasurably as the manure filled every crevice of Rainbow Dash’s oral chamber. The bowel movement was much too large, and traveling far too quickly to swallow it all. Within moments her mouth was filled to capacity by the advancing poop. Showing no signs of stopping, the long, slick rope of feces, no longer capable of entering her mouth, slid across Rainbow Dash’s face and fell to the top of the bed in a thick, smelly coil. The stench in the room grew immensely with the appearance of this new mess, which stained the side of Rainbow Dash’s face as it advanced. Rainbow Dash, however, had focused the entirety of her attention to the massive portion of soft, warm horseapples in her mouth. She tried to roll it around with her tongue, but there was just too much of it, so she bit down and started to chew. As her jaws worked, breaking apart the thick mush between her teeth, fresh flavors were released against her taste buds. It was a powerful, disgusting taste, and she loved it.

Applejack, reveling in her own state of ecstasy as Twilight’s tongue continued to slide across her excitedly, noticed the growing odor in the room and glanced back to see Rainbow Dash gobbling up a mouthful of shit. It was a remarkable sight, and her arousal took off like a rocket. Already nearing her peak from Twilight’s amazing tongue work, this new image sent her over the edge. She cried out in a loud moan of pleasure and focused her eyes on Rainbow Dash. This was it. Her body spasmed as she prepared for orgasm, and then a torrent of marecum burst forth from between her legs, spraying across Twilight’s features. She collapsed forward in the bed, panting with relief.

Twilight smiled with glee and licked her face, noting the taste of Applejack’s fresh ejaculate. That was fun, but it was time to turn her full attention to Rainbow Dash. Although the pegasus seemed to be having the time of her life, things on Twilight’s end were slowing down. Rainbow dash had grown less vigorous against her. She would still rub her muzzle against the purple vulva from time to time, but the licking and sucking had severely slowed down. Not that Twilight could blame her with a mouthful of pony poop, but she needed to get things going again.

“Are you enjoying your snack?” Twilight asked enticingly.

Rainbow Dash beamed. “Ith rea’y gud,” she said through her mouthful.

“I know how to make it even better.” Twilight turned herself around so that she was facing Rainbow Dash directly, both of their lips stained brown with feces. The two ponies gazed into each other’s eyes with lust, while Rainbow Dash continued to grind her foul meal between her teeth. Twilight noticed the splotch of poop staining the side of her face and gave it a wet lick. Rainbow Dash smiled, revealing her filthy, stained teeth.

Twilight couldn’t hold back any longer. She reached her hooves around Rainbow Dash and pulled her into a deep embrace. Rainbow Dash quickly swallowed what was left in her mouth and then returned the hug. Their cheeks rubbed together as they held each other tight. Twilight then lifted her head and started to give Rainbow Dash a series of tiny pecks on her neck, leaving behind a number of faint, brown stains. Rainbow Dash twisted her head around to give her access. Twilight slowly worked her way up Rainbow Dash’s face, leaving her kisses and the occasional lick behind. She could smell the foul odor of manure on Rainbow Dash’s breath as she approached her lips, and it turned her on more. Rainbow Dash closed her eyes in anticipation before Twilight finally locked her mouth against her own.

The two ponies held each other silently in their passionate kiss for several moments, their lips working forcefully against one another. Their torsos pressed together, and Rainbow Dash took comfort in the warmth of Twilight’s body against her own. She could feel Twilight’s heart racing through her chest. Her hoof slid through Twilight’s mane as she caressed the unicorn, and Twilight reached around to stroke Rainbow Dash’s soft buttocks. Rainbow Dash let her tongue slide forward and taste the inside of Twilight’s mouth, exposing her to the lingering flavor of Applejack’s poop. In much the same way, Twilight tasted her own poop on Rainbow Dash’s tongue. The entire moment was incredible as their lips exchanged saliva laced with the remains of their moment of coprophagia. Not once, though, did they break off their kiss. Instead they simply held each other tight, savoring each other’s oral mucous while fondling one another’s most intimate parts.

Rainbow Dash felt a sudden warmth against her body, only to realize that Twilight had begun peeing on her. She looked down to see Twilight’s golden liquid draining against her abdomen, dampening her blue fur. She wrapped her legs around Twilight and pressed her marehood in between the alicorn’s thighs. At last, Twilight broke off the kiss as she gasped in pleasure at the feeling of Rainbow Dash’s vulva against her own. Rainbow Dash also started moaning as she rubbed herself against Twilight’s leaking privates. She positioned herself so that Twilight’s stream sprayed directly against her sensitive slit, and she could feel the rushing fluid stimulating her privates. The bed grew warm and soggy as the urine was absorbed into the sheets. Rainbow Dash felt the covers under her growing wetter against her bottom, and the awareness that she was sitting a puddle of her friend’s piss just excited her more. At last, Twilight’s stream came to a halt, but the dampness remained, and the two mares lowered themselves against the sodden cloth.

As Rainbow Dash took in the dampness beneath her, her arousal grew to even new heights, but then Twilight did something that would take her experience to a whole new level. Beside the two mares lay a thick log of stinky manure, the remains of Twilight’s waste that Rainbow Dash had been unable to get into her mouth. The powerful odor filled their nostrils as they caressed one another mere inches away from the pile. It was such a waste to let it simply lay there, so Twilight lifted the turd with her hoof and briefly pulled herself away from her partner. Rainbow Dash was momentarily startled. She had been so lost in the ecstasy of Twilight’s clit rubbing against her own that when the feeling stopped she looked down. She was instantly delighted by what she saw, though. Twilight was positioning the hefty turd between her thighs, staining her hooves brown as she worked, and then carefully she inserted it into her vaginal opening. The soft waste was too mushy to truly work as a sex toy, but it served its purpose for the time being since she was able to get it inside her with a bit of work. She let out a soft moan as it parted her lower lips and slid into her body. This was only the start, though. She grabbed Rainbow Dash by the rump and pulled her forward, positioning the pegasus’ dripping marehood so that it aligned with the other end of the slimy log. Rainbow Dash gasped as it made contact with her clitoris, and she let Twilight take control of her body. Twilight held the turd steady with one hoof and directed her forward with the other, leaning in for a quick kiss before moaning again. Slowly, she eased the foul object into Rainbow Dash’s vagina. Rainbow Dash felt the soft, gooey texture slide along her mucosa. Nothing had ever felt like this inside her before. It wasn’t long before the soft log broke apart between them, but their orifices remained packed with the squishy substance. They continued to grind their vulvas together, mashing the feces around within their bodies. The excreta sloshing around between Rainbow Dash’s vaginal walls left her with an intense feeling of fullness, and she started to moan along with Twilight.

Gradually, the two ponies picked up speed as they made love on the bed. Applejack merely sat to the side, playing with herself as she watched. Certainly, Twilight had never imagined at the start of the evening that she would end up in a round of scatological lesbian intercourse with Rainbow Dash by the end of the night, but all she could think about at that moment was how this was the best sex she had ever had in her life.

“Oh!” Twilight exclaimed. “Harder, Rainbow Dash. Fuck me harder.”

Rainbow Dash obliged, pounding her juicy slit against Twilight’s. Bits of poop mashed between their genitalia, creating a dark slurry of shit and vaginal lubricant. Her moaning grew louder as the gooey concoction was ground between their female parts. She was really on the edge now. Somehow, this disgusting act was turning her on more than the simple act of sex ever had. But she refused to cum first. She could tell that Twilight was struggling to hold it in, and she doubled her efforts. Twilight cried out loudly in response, and Rainbow Dash knew that it was working. At the same time though, Rainbow Dash felt herself growing nearer and nearer to orgasm. She wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer.

Just then, Rainbow Dash felt an explosion of wetness against her vulva as Twilight’s body quivered in her grasp. She held their embrace tight as Twilight came all over her. Rainbow Dash couldn’t hold back any longer. She felt her body peak in a moment of unequaled bliss, and a raging torrent of liquid arousal shot out of her vagina, bathing Twilight in her feminine nectar. For one brief moment the two mares lay convulsing together on the soiled bed as their orgasms erupted against one another, and then the moment passed. Rainbow Dash rolled flat on her back, struggling to catch her breath, and Twilight did the same. For several minutes they simply relaxed on the damp sheets, until at last Twilight spoke.

“Thank you, Rainbow. That was incredible.”

“No, Twilight. Thank you. Thank you so much for opening me up to this awesome fetish.”

Applejack looked up, having just finished masturbating. “We should do this again sometime.”

“Absolutely,” Twilight agreed.

“I should break the water pipe more often,” Rainbow Dash quipped, and they all giggled.

“Seriously though,” Twilight answered. “Please don’t.”