> The New arrivals > by Artistic Fox Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Chelsea Starr. I was once a human being who lived in the world of CHS. I suffered a terrible past that I can not forget. I now live in a place called Equestria after I committed suicide in my last life. I lived in a castle with my very good friend and princess, and mentor Twilight Sparkle. She put me in under her wing after she saved me from me killing myself. I don't deserve this chance to have amazing friends who will always be there for you kind of like family. I sighed as I looked through Twilight's library. "Time traveling spells! Yes, here they are!" I squealed. Finally I could go back into the past and erase my once horrible life. I levitated the pile of books down onto the floor, and laid them about in the air. Looking at every spell to see which one would be the easiest spell to learn. I heard a knock on the door, as the door creaked open revealing my savior, Twilight Sparkle. Now I know this sounds silly, but she did saved my life. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't even be alive. I turned around and saw my alicorn friend and princess Twilight Sparkle. Of course I already knew who she was, because they’re a t.v. show back on Earth. I smiled as Twilight Sparkle walked in and gave me a warm hug. "Hey Chelsea what are you doing in the library at this time? You do know it's like three in the morning right?"'She said giggling. "Oh sorry princess, I was just looking at time travel spells." Twilight frowned. "Chelsea you know you must not time travel. It’s against the space and time continuum theory. Besides why in Equestria would you do that? And please don't use my title we are friends Chelsea, and I don't like it when my friends use my title with my name it’s... weird." She said I noded my head and sighed. "I'm sorry Twilight I'm just haunted by my past. I... I hate it. I never did anything wrong. It's just, I was always left out, always alone, and always picked on." . "You're not alone anymore. You have amazing friends now, plus I think I know someone who may be able to help you.” She paused, “You have been under my wing for a few months since your arrival in Equestria Chelsea Starr but, now I think it's time to face your fears and relive your high school life. Or at least whatever year they are now. I want you to experience the life you could of had with friends. I believe this is why you keep having nightmares.” Twilight said. I shooked my head frantically. "Twilight no, no way, you knew I was bullied in high school I didn't even make any friends because of the bullying! " I said, but Twilight just gave me another hug. "Trust me Chelsea you'll be fine my friends over there will help you, and I know your nightmares will come to an end. Now go get ready I messaged Sunset Shimmer earlier letting her know to meet you first thing in the morning." Twilight said nuzzling me affectionately. I sighed. I just wanted to stay here , but I understand Princess Twilight she's just worried about me. After all my past is all I ever thought about it still amazes me that She saved my life. I yawned. Twilight was right it was pretty late . “I should go to bed.” I thought to myself. As I began walking to my room I heard a cough from behind. I turned around and saw Spike. “You’ll love CHS I think Twilight is right this will help you overcome your fears.” I slightly smiled, “I know that Twilight is trying to help, but I am really terrified that I am about to relive my nightmare once again. I turned and started once again on my way to my room. I had walked for another minute or so before arriving. I opened my door and walked inside closing the door behind me. I lit up my horn and used it as a flash light. I climbed into bed and shut my eyes thinking, “ I still can’t believed this all happened, and now I’m about to meet Sunset Shimmer in person. But what if she doesn't like me? What if none of Twilight's friends over there like me?” I worried about these thoughts as my mind started to fall into a deep sleep. > The Boy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up with a big yawn the next morning. I pulled out my saddle bag. They were the color white with my cutie mark on the side. I didn’t know what I would need, so I just packed a few books on magic. I finished packing and put the bag on my back. I walked towards my room door and opened it walking out I turned to look at the now vacant room and sighed while shutting the door. I walked down the long and confusing hallways of the castle. I remembered when I first arrived here I couldn't even find my own bedroom. I arrived in the laboratory where Twilight Sparkle was waiting for me with the portal. It was already turned on. My other friends were also present, and sending me off with a good luck in high school party thrown by the party pony herself Pinkie Pie. I smiled but my friends all looked sad. I know this was my first huge assignment, but I will miss my friends more than anything. My eyes teared up and my friends all collided in me in a big group hug. “Ah Twilight. Are ya sure she's ready for a journey like this all alone?” Applejack stated. Twilight smiled as she wrote down a quick message to Sunset Shimmer. “Yes Applejack she's ready. I know she's only been here for three months, but she really needs Sunset’s help, and she volunteered to do whatever she can to ease her pain and fears.” Twilight said. “What’s going to happen if she can’t heal Twilight. We have done everything we could, but she still feels miserable all the time.” Rainbow Dash said as she flew in circles out of boredom. “Trust me Sunset Shimmer will snap her out of this what I call a curse.” Twilight said . Everyone gasped. “A curse? Twilight what do you mean i’m under a curse?” I said a little taken aback. “Yes Chelsea a curse. Well it could be a curse. I noticed you have really strong dark vibes. If this curse isn't broken then who knows what could happen to you.“ Twilight said with a slight twinge of fear showing on her face. “Are you coming with me Twilight?” I asked hoping she would since she’s like a mother to me. “No, I will check in on you occasionally in the journal, and you’ll soon understand why I can no longer go into that world.” Twilight said giving me a final hug. All of my friends said their last farewells while I stared at the portal knowing that on the other side my nightmare awaits. I sighed, and I said goodbye then I ran through the portal, and my nightmare was about to begin, or that's what I thought. As i jumped through the portal I began to spin. I span so violently that I could barely think. It was as if I was in a free fall. My vision began to blur, and I closed my eyes as tightly as I could. Suddenly I stopped spinning, and everything was still. I groaned. My head was killing me. I opened my eyes to the blaring sunlight that welcomed my presence. I then realized I was no longer a alicorn. I was a human teenage girl. I faced the statue mirror as I was looking back at my reflection of myself. I couldn't believe that I was a human again not to mention skinny as a stick unlike my past self back on Earth. My skin tone was lime green similar to my ponyself. I also had long dark brown hair that reached to my back but it wasn't to long. It also had streaks of Caramel highlights running down my hair. I was also short maybe around 5’ 1”, and I also wore glasses. I was wearing a royal blue t- shirt with my what looked liked my cutie mark, and I was also wearing something that seemed rather familiar. I gasped as I realized that I was wearing my favorite Abercrombie white clothed jacket. I also had pants and shoes which was pretty obvious. After I finished looking at my reflection I turned around and noticed that I was standing in front of Canterlot High. I took a deep breath and sighed. I walked up the steps to the school, and I noticed a familiar face. “You must be Chelsea Starr right? My name's Sunset Shimmer. I hope we can be good friends, and I promise I won’t let anything harm you while you’re here. We will break this curse somehow. Come on there are some people I want you to meet. I think you may already know them.” Sunset said and laughed. I was wondering what she was talking about, but when we entered the music room I then realized what Sunset was talking about. “T… Twilight?” I asked confused. The girl that welcomed me first did a nervous laugh, and I looked at her. Sure enough her look resembled princess Twilight. And the other girls also looked the same except they’re all human beings instead of ponies. “Hello, yeah that’s me. Twilight” “Hey Sunset,” said the one that resembled Pinkie Pie, “I was wondering when you would show up with the new girl.” “Yeah, I was just telling her who I was. Now I’m sure she already knows who all you are right, Chelsea?” said Shimer “uh yea sure.” I said still kind of overwhelmed about the curse. “So Chelsea dear, not to be rude or anything, and I know you just arrived here and all, but do you mind telling us a little bit about yourself, and your past so we can help you?” Rarity said as she brushed a few braids out of her face. I was about to tell them, but the bell rang. “Oh, We still got to get you over to Principal Celestia to sign you up for your classes.” Said Sunset. I noded to Sunset and said, “well I guess I’ll see you guys later. Bye” Everyone started walking out of the room, and going their separate ways. I started my way out the door with Sunset. As we walked through the school hallways I began to think about my friends back in ponyville. On how I missed them, and how will the CHS version of them will see me. A friend, or a nobody. I continued thinking about this not paying attention to what in front of me. “CRASH!!!” I had ran into someone knocking us both to the ground. “Oh, sorry about that.” I said to stranger. The stranger was male. He had a head full of hot pink hair. His skin was the color tone of a reddish orange with a snowy white oval that started around his mouth, and continued towards his chest. He had emerald green eyes, his arms were orange, and his hands were charcoal black. His legs were also orange, but from the calf down his skin has a charcoal black. He wore a strawberry red T-shirt with a paint padlet, and brush in the middle. He wore navy blue jeans, and had red and black Nike shoes on. He looked to be 14 or 15 years old. He replied saying, “No, don’t be sorry. I should have been watching on where I was going.” He quickly got up and reached out his hand to help me up. “Thank’s.” I said as he pulled me to my feet. When I got to my feet I realized he was much smaller than me. He looked no taller than 4’10”. “Don’t mention it.” He said with a smile. “Anyway I got to get to the principal's. Do you know the way. I’m new here, and I’m lost at the moment.” “Oh really, I’m new here too.” “That’s great, my names Fox.” Fox said to me. “What Yours?” “My name’s Chelsea.” “Chelsea, that’s a nice name.” Fox said. “Anywho, do you happen to know where the principal's office is?” “No, I don’t, but my friend is showing me the way.” I said. “Mind if I tag along?” Fox asked. “Not at all.” Sunset chimed in. “Sorry Fox, I totally forgot about you.” “No problem, We met up in the end didn’t we.” Fox said to Sunset. “Wait, hold on a second. You to know each other. How?” I asked curiously. “We met up in front of the school. She walked in with me, but she had to go and pick up another student. Who I’m guessing was you.” Fox said. “Yeah, I guessing you too already introduced each other.” Asked Sunset. “Yes.” I said “Yep.” Fox said. “Great, so let’s talk and walk before principal Celestia waits too long. “ Sunset Shimmer said. As we all began walking to Principal Celestia's office, I already knew who Sunset Shimmer was but I had no clue who this Fox guy is. So I decided to talk to Fox while Sunset just walked and listened . “So kind of strange that you're also a new kid as well that's arriving on the same day.” I said. Fox just smiled and replied, “I think it was destiny that brought us together, ah I guess this is it then.” Fox said as the principal’s door opened revealing a woman in her md 40’s . She had long rainbow colored hair, she wore a plain yellow long sleeve tee shirt , and plum colored pants along with white heels. The woman greeted us with a smile, and welcomed us into her office. “ Hello you must be Chelsea Star, and Fox. It's always nice to see fresh new faces here at CHS.” She Paused. “Now Chelsea you're enrolled in the same classes as miss Shimmer since of the help you’ll be receiving from her. As long it's nothing serious we hope that you will be okay in no time, and I know for certain that miss Shimmer and her friends will take good care of you. Just please be easy on the magic. We do not want another outbreak of evil entities or creatures roaming about again. The last outbreak scared some parents.” Principal Celestia said. She looked like she was talking to Sunset Shimmer about the friendship Games. “I understand, Principal Celestia. I promise that I’ll do my best to keep it at bay.” Sunset said as she smiled a little. Principal Celestia laughed , and handed Fox and I our schedules. “ Well, it was nice meeting you girls I hope in the future we will become good friends you and I.” Fox said with an eerie smile leaving the room. I stood there puzzled for a few seconds wondering why he smiled like that. “Chelsea? You coming?” Sunset said as she brought me back to reality. “Huh, oh yeah, sorry.” I said as I ran after Sunset Shimmer, and closing the door behind me. Principal Celestia sat down in her chair. She looked down at a phone on her desk, and picked it up, dialing vice principal Luna number. Who was currently out on vacation. It rang for a few seconds. “Hello,” said vice principal Luna. “I’m sorry sister, but I have a feeling that…”. Principal Celestia started. “I know, I had a vision too, maybe we should become a magic school instead.” said Luna.