Ponyville High Pt 1

by Derpinator

First published

Human "Mane 6" during High School

A series my boyfriend and I have been working on
The mane 6 cast, but as humans, and in a High School. What challanges would they face.
I have some AMAZING ideas of where to take this, but first I want to make sure it's worth it.
If you think it's good/interesting and think I should make more, PLEASE let me know in the comments.
Thank Ya :D

Ponyville High Pt 1

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Ponyville High

“Ahh, nothing better than waking up on a beautiful, sunny day!”

Twilight Sparkle looked out her window while using her magic to brush her long, dark purple hair with pink streaks. As she looked into her mirror, she went up and down her thin, averaged-height body to make sure everything was properly in place. Her pale skin shone under the light of her library home. For a bookworm like her, it was paradise.

Twilight was more than excited to attend her first day back to high school. The best part of today is that she finally gets to see her favorite teacher, Miss Celestia, again. Miss Celestia is also the principal of her school and Twilight is on her “star pupil” list for magical excellence and academic achievements.

“Looks like I’m all set,” she said while looking in the mirror wearing her purple and grey sweater vest over a white blouse with a black knee-length skirt. “Now all I need to do is wake up Spike and then I’ll be on my way.”

Twilight made her way across her home until she came to a small wooden door, from which snoring could be heard on the other side.

“Lazy boy...”

Twilight entered the room and saw that the being under the covers was fast asleep; she observed as the sheets hovered up and down with each breath it took. Twilight gently shook her 13 year old friend, who proceeded to rise very slowly; his green hair stood straight up from his bed-head. “Morning already?” he exclaimed groggily. Even for a 13 year old, Spike looked young for his age, but had a mature mind, which Twilight admired. He had wide wondering green eyes and a boyish cute smile that could lighten anyone’s day.

While they were getting ready for the day (Spike wearing his favorite purple coat and some jeans) he said, “Thanks again," almost under his breath.

The adolescent's mother and father had left a couple of days earlier. Twilight, being Spike's long time companion since they were both young, was the go-to choice to watch after their son while they were traveling, which they did often. Spike loved Twilight and did not mind at all staying with her (except for "no sleeping in") and yet, he wished in the back of his mind his parents would quit traveling one day, for him...

“Oh, it’s no problem at all; you're welcomed anytime. You pretty much live here, anyway.”

Twilight checked her watch. “I need to go. I told Pinkie I’d walk with her to school today.” She hadn’t seen her pink-haired friend since the end of the last school year, and didn’t want to make a bad impression by being tardy.

“Before you go, tell Rarity I said hey for me."

Twilight rolled her eyes and nodded with a smile. Ever since Rarity and Spike first met, Twilight noticed her young friend always seemed just a little bit more cheerful when she was around.

Pinkie Pie was grabbing her new Double D's inside her pink-infested living quarters. "Ooohh I feel so booblicious,” she said with a huge smile and in her usual cheerful tone. “What do you think of them, Gummy?” Pinkie shoved her chest into the baby alligator’s face; Gummy bit on one of her breasts. Since he was a toothless alligator, this didn’t hurt her at all. “Hee-hee! I’m glad you like them!”

Pinkie heard a knock on the door and looked out her window and saw her friend standing outside. She then grabbed her book bag and headed out the door.

Twilight smiled in nostalgia. Her friend still seemed like the same, happy, crazy Pinkie Pie she had always known, except for one…or two BIG differences.

“Twilight! It’s been…like…FOREVER since I’ve seen you!” Pinkie said while squeezing her best friend. Twilight moved Pinkie's uncontrollably messy hair out of her own face. Her sporadic friend wore tight jeans and a low-cut pink top to expose her new-found glories. During the summer, her B-cup breasts exploded into Double-D’s almost overnight, and Pinkie couldn’t be happier…as always.

“Good God, Pinkie! How did you manage to grow those?!” Twilight noticed her friend's large, exposed cleavage.

“I have no idea, but I love them SOOOO much!! They are so much fun to jiggle and wiggle and..” she continued to a discouraged Twilight. Twilight had read magic book after magic book, and learned many spells along the way, but she could never find a spell that did what she always secretly wanted: breast augmentation.

“Nice…” she said with a sigh while looking down at her small A cups.

“Aww, it’s okay, Twilight. I’m sure you’ll find a guy who enjoys small boobies.”

“Yeah, I guess..”

Ponyville High, one of the few schools in the area, was started many years ago by the famous (or infamous to some) princess of the land, Celestia, for unclear reasons. When asked why she commited such an unpredictable act, she would simply respond that she wanted to find the "greatest elements" and mold them into something beautiful. For some, the vague response was not enough.

Walking down the busy halls, Pinkie and Twilight explored around the familiar school. Pinkie was leaping with excitment.

"Wow, it seems like nothing has changed,”

“Yeah, well, almost nothing,” Twilight eyed Pinkie’s chest and chuckled to herself.

As they kept walking, they heard a familiar voice shouting “Howdy!” behind them.

They turned around to the sight of a familiar tall, slender girl waving her favorite cowgirl hat.

Twilight smiled. "AJ!"

Applejack was one of Pinkie and Twilight's good friends (and happened to be Twilight's first friend when she first moved to Ponyville many years ago). She was wearing a traditional southern red and orange flannel shirt, which was tied beneath her D-cup breasts, exposing her flat tanned stomach (this was a result from years of working at her family’s farm, Sweet Apple Acres) and faded jean short-shorts. They also noticed their other two friends, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy walking behind her.

“Glad you guys finally decided to show up,” remarked Rainbow with a grin.

“Yeah, w-we were worried you guys wouldn’t make it,” whispered Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash was sporting her light blue hoodie with last year’s track t-shirt underneath and black gym shorts. She was twirling a red strand of her shoulder-length rainbow colored hair. She had wide, pink, confident eyes that shown with passion which, in itself, symbolized her lust for adventure and, more importantly, winning. She was a natural born athlete, having a slim, firm, body with muscular legs that allowed her to run at incredible speed for her size. Her most impressive feature was, by far, her wings, which were folded up at the moment. Like Twilight’s magic, many of the students at Ponyville High had a special talent, mostly consisting people who can either fly, perform magic, or both in some very special cases, such as Miss Celestia.

Fluttershy, on the other hand, was almost a polar opposite of Rainbow Dash. Timid and shy, Fluttershy’s big teal eyes were filled with innocence and compassion for others. Her hair, long, flowing and light pink, gave her an air that suggested grace. She was of the smallest stature of the group of friends. Her tiny nose blended perfectly with her cute face. Most people assumed she was relatively young, but in reality, she was one of the oldest in the group. Like Rainbow Dash, she also has wings, but hers are much less impressive, being about half the size. One could easily tell that she did not use them often, which was true due to her fear of heights that force her wings to paralyze with fear, bringing her back down to earth whenever previously airborne. Today, she was wearing a yellow, pink and green floral sundress with white sandals. She normally doesn’t feel comfortable in dresses, but this one she considered really pretty and, more importantly, it helped hide her C cup breasts, which she was very insecure about.

“Dashie!” Pinkie yelled as she jumped on her friend, and in the process squeezing her huge breasts in Rainbow’s face. “I’m SOOO happy to see you again! How was your summer? Mine was great! I went…”

“Pinkie, what the Hell happened!?” Rainbow managed to say while being smothered in Pinkie’s chest.

“That’s what I’m trying to tell you. I want to share ALL the fun things I did during summer break! I went partying, climbing, fishing, flying, fly-fishing and…”

“No, I meant your…umm...”

“Ohhhhhh. I really don’t know and don’t care. Isn’t it awesome!? Remember when we were younger and we used to compare? Well, I guess I win now!” she giggled

Rainbow managed to break free of her grasp, and glanced down at her own B-cups. “Yeah.. I guess you do,” she whispered to herself.

During this commotion, Twilight noticed someone was missing.

“Where’s Rarity?”

“I bet she’s going to be late for the first day…again…like last year.” Rainbow commented, rolling her eyes.

Just then, the bell rang.

The first class was different for the girls. Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack all had gym first period, while Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and Fluttershy had Calculus.

The gym teacher stepped onto the floor; an awkwardly tall, buff man, with very short brown hair. He turned and adjusted the banner above his main office, which read "MR. IRON WILL" in bold red letters

Everybody lined up. Just as Iron Will was about to tell the plans for that day, Rarity finally showed up, strutting through the big double-door entrance to the gym.

Out of all of the members of the group, Rarity was the one who cared the absolute most about how she looked, and it showed. She was indeed a very pretty girl. Her purple curly locks of hair laid perfectly on her shoulders. Her blue, seducing eyes were capable of making any boy (or occasionally girl) commit to her every whim and wish. While not coated in make-up, Rarity did use the most make-up out of everyone in the group. Everywhere she went, she had to look “fabulous,” and gym class was no exception. She came in wearing a diamond-encrusted, hand-made white dress, with black five-inch heels. She's a dress-maker and is damn-good at it, too. The dress hugged her figure perfectly. (It should also be noted that Rarity had what most girls would consider a “perfect body,” being short, skinny yet curvy and her B cup breasts fit her body type). Like Twilight, she is gifted in the ability to use magic, but not quite as skilled as her bookworm counterpart. However, she always put her friends first and had an undying sense of generosity within her perfect body.

Without a doubt, Iron Will was furious.

"I wonder what excuse she'll come up with this time," Applejack whispered to Rainbow Dash.

“You show up to class late, and don’t dress out?!” Iron Will asked in his booming voice.

“So terribly sorry,” said Rarity in her English accent. “Daddy was…”


Rarity gave a quiet “hmmph” and left for the girl’s locker room.

“Ahem,” he coughed, “today we will be playing dodge ball. You will all be separated into two teams and each team will have a team captain. First two people to raise their hand are team captains, GO!”

Immediately, two hands shot simultaneously into the air, almost before Iron Will finished his sentence.

“Dash! AJ! You are my team captains.”

“Yes!,” they both cheered at the same time. They looked each other straight in the eye, with huge grins on their faces. While being the best of friends, they were both quite athletic and competitive, which gave way to a friendly rivalry between them.

“May the best team win, Dash,” said Applejack with a grin.

“Whatever you say, Appleteeny” joked Rainbow Dash.

"Who are you callin' teeny? Rainbow Crash."

“Asshole Jack."

"Rain-boned Dash."

"Apple Jack-off!”

"Rainbow Dick!”


Rainbow Dash and Applejack chuckled to each other and shook the other’s hand for good luck.

End of Part 1…