Sexy Words

by Charyb

First published

Sexy short stories written as captions for sexy pony artwork.

Sexy short stories written as captions for sexy pony artwork.

No links, but Derpibooru ID numbers and artist information are included as sources.

Cover artwork drawn by kevinsano.

Creamy Filling [Twilight Sparkle] [Pinkie Pie] [Anthro] [Futa] [Cum Inflation]

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Derpibooru ID number: 972580
Artist: Phurie

Streetch, snip, snap. Twilight watched with quiet interest as the final straps of Pinkie’s outfit failed to contain her. The pudgy pink pony was expanding in earnest now, her belly so swollen and bloated with cum it could be seen from behind. It was just like watching a water balloon fill from the tap; every tense, every twitch of her heavy, pendulous balls reflected in the gallons of thick, creamy cum pumping into her friend’s burgeoning form.

And that was barely half of the full proceeds. Pinkie had always had a positively prodigious metabolism, digesting cakes and burning through calories so fast she could nearly plump up in real time. A good thing, too, Twilight thought smiling, eying Pinkie’s ever-thickening rear. If she couldn’t, she might have popped by now.

But a good scientist left no limit untested, no boundary unbroken. She simply had to see just how much Pinkie could take, considering just how much she had left to give... “Hope you enjoyed your appetizer, Pinkie~” She sighed and bucked her hips, curling her fingers in Pinkie’s mane as the next wave of orgasm broke over her. Spurt after spurt of piping hot seed, made with love, flowed down Pinkie’s throat in an endless stream.

Pinkie’s grip tightened, too, arms wrapped around Twilight’s thighs in a loving hug. She could barely speak now, lips sealed tight by the swell of Twilight’s medial ring, but her eagerness for more showed in every drop she swallowed. A slow, rubbery, stretching sound filled the air as her cum-filled tummy reached earth, more and more pinkie pudge swelling over the floor by the second.

They weren’t done yet. Not by a long shot.

Narcissism [Rarity] [Anthro] [Futa] [Masturbation] [Self Domination]

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Derpibooru ID number: 1013594
Artist: kevinsano

“Nngh!” Rarity tensed as a glob of thick precum collided with her dresser. Her tail, moving with nearly a mind of its own, tightened itself quickly around her shaft. Not yet. The floodgates were straining, the pressure of her building orgasm mounting ever higher. Her hips bucked impotently, breasts bobbing and wobbling in her pulled-down top. Every last nerve felt on fire, begging to be touched, stroked, caressed. She wanted release. Needed release. But she couldn’t have it just yet. She needed permission, first.

“Oh, poor thing,” the Rarity in her reflection sighed. The mirror, held aloft by her magic, showed only her desperate, needy face. But in her mind’s eye, it showed something very different: a confident, dominant Rarity; a mistress, a goddess, looking down on her like a lost puppy. The mirror Rarity glanced down to her cock, twitching and throbbing as her tail teased it with feather-light touches. “You want it so badly, don’t you, dear?”

“Yes, Mistress!” Rarity gasped. She squirmed atop her bed, arms kept dutifully at her side. Oh, how she wanted to touch herself, to run her hands over every last inch of her warm, supple flesh. But she was a good pet, and good pets obeyed Mistress’s orders. “I want it! I want it so much, I’ll do anything!”

Anything?” Mistress grinned, tasting the word on her lips. Rarity’s tail sped up, and a groan escaped as its airy touch danced over the sensitive skin of her cock. “I’ll hold you to that, then. Mistress has so many interesting plans for you, and all her future pets. In fact, I might ask you to find me some.”

Rarity whimpered, barely cognizant of her Mistress’s musings. “Yes, Mistress, more pets. My friends, even! The whole town of Ponyville! Whatever Mistress wants!” She just needed one thing now, and only one thing...

“Good pet,” the reflected Rarity purred. “You may cum.”

Rarity’s eyes rolled back into her head, her world gone white as the orgasm hit. A rope of gooey cum splattered against her mirror, caking the glass with her arousal. Whatever Mistress wants, the refrain repeated in her head, all other thought leaving her head as spurt upon spurt of hot seed splattered over her room. Whatever Mistress wants.

Her narcissism truly knew no limits...

Envy [Luna] [Celestia] [Human] [Big Breasts]

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Derpibooru ID number: 1072671
Artist: lvl

Small had never been the right word to describe Luna. She was a princess, a goddess made flesh, standing six-foot-six with the figure to match, and radiant by every definition. She was bigger, she was stronger, she was curvier than anybody in the whole kingdom... save one, of course.

Smaller was the word for Luna, as her big sister’s even bigger form had always eclipsed her own. No gaze could escape the gravitational pull of Celestia’s massive, milky tits, mounted on the body of a seven foot goddess. Past apples, beyond grapefruit, and even straining comparison with melons, no one could look away from Celestia’s hefty udders.

Not even Luna.

“Leaving so soon, sis?” Celestia purred as Luna stepped out of the pool. Her breasts, twin flotation devices that they were, bobbed happily in front of her. A little rubber ducky collided with a palm-filling pink nipple, bouncing easily off the greater object. “Come on, why don’t you stay and have some fun with big sister~”

“We...” Luna’s face burned with a hot blush, her gaze still locked to her sister’s chest. She certainly felt something toward her sister, though whether envy or lust, not even she knew. “We suppose we could swim just a while longer...”

“Mm, that’s the spirit!” Celestia chuckled, her every motion reflected in the ponderous swaying of her bust. Her eyes caught on Luna’s flaming red cheeks, her smile spreading even wider. “Now, since we’re spending more time together, why don’t we celebrate with a big hug?”

All Taken Care Of [Twilight Sparkle] [Human] [Masturbation] [Double Penetration]

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Derpibooru ID number: 1129936
Artist: kevinsano

“Hah, hah... Oh, yes!” Twilight moaned happily, her face beaming with supreme satisfaction. She’d never felt so blissfully, perfectly, totally taken care of. Every last inch of skin buzzed with a pleasant magic glow, conducting and magnifying every spark of pleasure tenfold over. Strong, purposeful hands teased and toyed with her abundant breasts, fingers sinking deep into creamy white flesh. The spell seemed to know her body better than she knew herself, pinching and tweaking and molding the sensitive pink nubs of her nipples as they worked her like modeling clay. “Mm...”

And that was hardly the only show at this theater! Twin cocks - warm, pulsing, and real - alternated thrusts with pinpoint frequency. In and out, they filled her up in delightful seesaw motion, each cock’s retreat leaving her brain barely a second of peaceful rest before the other pistoned in. She squirmed and writhed, moaned and screamed, her senses near overloaded by the coordinated assault on her every last pleasure center. The magical cuffs suspending her in mid-air, one bound at each wrist and ankle, held her tight. The spell would go slower, faster, whatever pace she liked... but not stop. She was going nowhere until she’d had her fill, and she wouldn’t have had it any other way.

“Nngh!” Twilight grunted, complete thoughts shrouded beneath a haze of pleasure. The magic brightened in response, raising the book to a comfortable reading height without compromising her position. Princess Good Vibes’ D.P. Delight spell had many variations: more hands, magic tongues, cocks that flared at the head and bulged at the base... So many options for her to try out!

What sort of scholar would she be if she didn’t try them all?

Oops! [Marble Pie] [Anthro] [Maid] [Tentacles]

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Derpibooru ID number: 1129419
Artist: zwitterkitsune

A little time off the farm never hurt. Every member of the Pie family took some, when they wanted it. Maud had pursued Rock Science, Pinkie lived with the Cakes, and Marble... well, Marble cleaned. She didn’t want to be a burden on the lovely zebra who had taken her in, so she’d bought herself a duster and a frilly little uniform, and gone right to work. Every day, as her kindly host went out to collect ingredients, Marble dutifully dusted the shelves, swishing her duster this way and that until nary a speck of dust remained on a single potion bottle.

She didn’t mind the job. In fact, she loved it. It felt so naughty and daring, wearing her skimpy little maid outfit as she dusted all by her lonesome. The fabric hugged her curves tight, all the way down to her tail, where it went no further. Why, if anyone were to walk in while she was dusting, it would be hard not to get an eyeful of thick gray thighs, honed by years on the farm and heavy Pie family cooking. How scandalous that would be! Why, just the thought of it left her so hot and bothered that sometimes she could barely focus on her work...

Crash! A little red blush spread over her cheeks as a bottle fell to the floor. Oh, dear! Not the No Worries brew! Her breath came fast and ragged as she worried over what to do, how to clean it, how to explain to Zecora... then she breathed slower, and slower still as the potion’s glowing blue fumes worked their magic on her. No worries. None at all. Crunch, tinkle, crack. More bottles fell as she swept her duster lazily over the shelves. Oh dear, what a tragedy.

The fumes were rising, Arousal Draughts and Sensitivity Serums seeping in through exposed skin. Professional for a maid it was not, but Marble just couldn’t help feeling warm, needy, and wet. Nipples harder than rocks poked through the thin fabric of her uniform. She would need some alone time for certain, once she was done here. “Mm-hmm~”

She cooed with delight, enjoying herself so much that she nearly wanted to knock something over on purpose. Her accidents were more than enough fun on their own. Soon, she’d reached the shelves of stranger mixes, and knocked most of those potions over as well. Thick, bubbling sounds filled the cottage as they mixed together in strange ways, the floor barely visible through all the magic.

A slimy green tentacle wriggled up through the bubbling puddles, slithering eagerly up its creator’s leg, and tugging at her lacy panties. Marble smiled lazily at the invitation, enjoying its enthusiastic touch. She turned around slowly to meet it, a sly little grin spread across her face. “Mm-hmm?”

Leave a Message [OC] [Anthro] [Futa] [Cum Inflation]

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Derpibooru ID number: 997265
Artist: Stunnerpone

(Characters used with permission.)

“Helen, ngh... Hellen Lockheart’s office.” Georgia grunted into the telephone. “This is her, um... her... Oh!” She lost the words halfway through her mother’s latest orgasm, train of thought caught in a flood of creamy semen.

“Ah~” A breathy moan escaped her lips, eyes rolling back in her head as she reveled in the sensation of it all. Pump after pump after pump of thick, gooey cum, filling her to the brim and then further still. The next button on her blouse strained to heroically to contain her before it failed, too, popping off into a dark corner of the office. She could feel her stomach creeping over the carpet, her legs sinking ever deeper into her bloated waterbed of a belly, her mother’s plump, overfull balls cradled cozily by her plush cheeks...

“Keep going, dear.” Hellen smiled, running her fingers through Georgia’s lush brown mane. She sighed as the orgasm ran its course and the flow tapered off. “Good secretaries must be able to multitask.”

“R-right.” Georgia gave one last shudder of pleasure, the motion rippling through her belly in cum-sloshing waves. She held the receiver back up to her ear. “Sorry for the interruption. This is her secretary speaking. I’m afraid Mrs. Lockheart is-” Another grunt. Her mother was already thrusting away again, rocking her back and forth as their hips collided. “-cu-currently... mph...”

Oh, it was too distracting! She wriggled helplessly, too full of mom’s love to buy some time against the fat, flaring intruder buried inside her. All she could do was finish this call, and await the inevitable. “o-occupied right now... and she can’t be interrupted...”

Her mother was pumping faster now, fingers curling tightly in her mane. Hefty seedpods the size of grapefruits rumbled ominously at her rear, already churning with their next load. It was the calm before the storm; an unspoken warning of the filling to come, whether she was ready for it or not. The next orgasm was on its way, and it was going to be big.

She grinned. “Mrs. Lockheart will return your call as soon as possible...”

Wasted Talent [Trixie] [Fluttershy] [Anthro] [Futa] [Cum Inflation]

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Derpibooru ID number: 970741
Artist: Phurie

“Adequate, I suppose...” Trixie yawned and reclined languidly back in her seat, already bored. Meanwhile, her fleshy pegasus partner had more than enough to keep her hands, mouth, and stomach full. Her cheeks bulged with Trixie’s beyond massive endowment, jaw stretched to its limit as more cock shoved its way in than could possibly fit. Her cheeks bulged magnificently as Trixie’s head flared, and a thin trickle of Trixie’s abundant precum leaked from her lips.

“Ugh, of course the Great and Powerful Trixie had to be saddled with such an incompetent partner!” Trixie glanced off to the side, where Twilight Sparkle had already blown her pudgy pink partner up like a bonafide cum balloon. “They must have known they wouldn’t win without some sort of handicap.”

“Mm.” Fluttershy nodded sympathetically. She bobbed her head up and down on Trixie’s shaft, receiving another mouth-filling spurt of salty precum for her troubles. “Mm mmph!”

“What was that, Butterpie?” She glanced down into the vast butter-yellow canyon of Fluttershy’s cleavage, the mammoth milky udders obscuring her vision of all things below. Her knees, she could feel, were pressing into a warm, sloshing pudge about the size of a beach ball... which wasn’t nearly big enough! Two massive orgasms already, and still her partner’s own rack was bigger than her stomach! “No talking. Focus on your duties. Get nice and full for Trixie’s sake.”

She bucked her hips, thrusting up through the warm, all-encompassing embrace of Fluttershy’s breasts and into her mouth, until her flared tip was pressed against the back of her partner’s throat. “Nngh!” she stifled a groan. “Oh, yes! Okay!” she gasped, grabbing onto the back of Fluttershy’s head. “This is where we catch up!”

Her balls, still sloshing with a lake’s worth of unspent seed, were plump and ready. Already, Fluttershy was drooling with thick, cloudy globs of wasted excess, but in Trixie’s mind it hardly mattered. What her partner lost from her lack of skill, the Great and Productive Trixie could more than make up for in sheer volume. She jerked as the tide of orgasm broke over her. “Here it comes!”

Royal Duties [Twilight Sparkle] [Anthro] [Futa] [Excessive Cum] [Femboy]

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Derpibooru ID number: 1103148
Artist: kevinsano

“Ooh, yes... That’s the stuff.” Twilight lounged in her throne, wings stretched to their full breadth as she sped up her efforts. Nyloned hands roamed every last inch of her foot-long length, thick as her own arm and drooling with potent, virile seed. “Needed this!”

Being a princess was such hard work! Not the act of ruling itself, of course. She could handle policy and meet with diplomats in her sleep. What did need her full attention was her new alicorn biology; constantly horny, always lusting. Since ancient times, Equestria’s princesses had been the kingdom’s last resort in birthing the next generation of ponies, with the equipment and libido to match. They were symbols of fertility and virility both, and Twilight was no exception now that she had ascended. A lesser pony might have already succumbed to her almighty needs, but Twilight Sparkle never allowed herself to slack on her duties! She simply had to... multitask.

Her Agricultural Adviser, a feminine little stallion with hips wider than average mare’s blushed. “Princess Sparkle?” he asked. “Did you hear the figures I relayed you on this year’s harvests? Should I, um...” He shifted uneasily in place, his fat, full-bodied rear jiggling ever so slightly. Oh, she liked that. A blob of thick precum, more than most stallions blew in a single load, oozed to the floor, and she grinned as his face went full scarlet. “Should I r-repeat that?”

“Mm, no, don’t worry.” Twilight’s horn glowed bright, teleporting a spare stocking all the way up from her dresser drawer. She slid it expertly over the royal scepter without missing a beat, leaving a patch of sensitive cockflesh free for her to tease. “A hundred thousand bits in apples, twice that in wheat, and five times that in hay. What about - aah~” She drifted off into blissful silence, the bright purple nylon of her stocking darkening quickly as her hands sped up. “What about next year’s forecasts?”

“I... I...” The poor stallion’s eyes went wide as Twilight’s cock-stocking filled itself like a water balloon, dropping to the floor and squishing with excess. “I seem to have forgotten them, Princess Sparkle,” he squeaked shamefully, covering the bulge in his crotch with his hands. “Forgive me.”

“Not a problem,” Twilight sighed, a smile on her face. This was to be expected. Not all of her advisers were used to the sight of the bountiful Princess of Friendship, and some of them required a little training to acclimate. She shot him a wink, free hand drifting to tease a plump nipple. “Why don’t you tell me all about it... tonight?”