> When the Dragon Lord Calls... > by James Light > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Dragons Must Cum > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike frowned as he landed on the outskirts of the Dragonlands, absentmindedly scratching his vibrantly glowing scales as he scanned the rocky terrain around him. It had been years since he had last felt the pull of the Dragon Lord’s call, an innate magical sense in all dragons that brought with it a near-debilitating itch that could only be cured by coming to the Dragonlands and answering it. Yet even the passage of time couldn't erode his memory of this place, familiar spires of rock and pools of lava guiding him towards his goal. He sighed, bending over to pass underneath a stone overhang as he followed the tug of Ember’s call. The two dragons had been close friends ever since he had helped her rise to the position of Dragon Lord, distance not much of a hindrance to two dragons who could instantly send letters to the other at will. But, with him helping Twilight out with Princess stuff and Ember now the leader of an entire species, physically getting together had been much more of a challenge. In fact, since then, the two hadn't actually seen each other at all! He smiled to himself as he jumped up and over a towering stack of stones, using a mighty beat of his wings to launch himself off the ground. While he had told Ember about most of the changes his body had been subject to over the years in writing, she had never seen them with her own eyes and would no doubt be surprised to see the fit teenage dragon that had grown from the short baby he had been when they last met. He was quite proud of his chiseled form, taking the time every morning to check himself out in the mirror while stretching out the newly-grown appendages on his back. He turned around a somewhat familiar corner, expecting to see the auditorium-like expanse that was normally the dragon meetup place full to the brim with drakes from all over Equestria. Yet, surprisingly enough, not a single dragon could be found, the entire opening strangely devoid of life. Not even the Dragon Lord herself was visible, even though the tug at the back of his mind and led him here. “Huh? That’s strange, I-” “ohhh…” The fins on the side of his head perked up as they just caught the faintest of sounds in the wind, turning his head to the left in an attempt to zero in on where it had come from. “What in the hay-” “ahhh…” Spike lowered himself down into a crouching stance, slowly making his way over to a small, naturally formed wall of stone to his left that appeared to be where the mysterious voice was coming from. It seemed as though each step he made was accompanied by another gasp, now easily identifiable as a female's once he got within a few feet of the wall. His nostrils flared as he caught a heavy scent in the air, each lungful of the strange musk warming his body from the inside out and replacing the itching sensations that covered his scales with… something else. Going slow so as to not draw the attention of whatever was on the other side, Spike nudged aside a small boulder that, as it rolled away, revealed an entrance to a hidden cave dug into the side of the hill. Without the crude stone door in the way, the sounds and scents coming from inside the strange cavern flowed up to him unhindered. When another heated groan reached his ears, easily identifiable as the Dragon Lord's voice, he rushed down a series of coarse stone steps to find his apparently wounded friend. “Ember? Ember, are you okay? I-” He turned a corner, and immediately found himself frozen in place. It was Ember all right. The dragoness was flat on her back on a waist-high stone pedestal, which, of course, was not what had shocked Spike to the core. No, it was the pair of male dragons standing at either side of her prone form that forced most of the blood in his body to rush up into his cheeks. One, some large green dragon Spike vaguely remembered seeing the last time he had been called by the Dragon Lord, was rocking his hips between Ember’s legs, each thrust accompanied by a wet sounding squelch and another muffled gasp from the dragoness. Luckily for Spike, Ember’s legs were wrapped around the dragon’s waist and shielded his view of the carnal action, even if he knew exactly what was going on. He was afforded no such luxury on the other side, however, as even from several feet away he could see the bulge of the muscular male’s dragonhood shoved down Ember’s throat, hips sawing the thick black dick back and forth inside the dragoness’s mouth. Spike growled, ready to march on into the room and save his friend. “Hey! What in Equestria are you doing to her-” The black dragon pummeling Ember's face suddenly tilted his head back and roared, a thick blast of fire shooting out from his lips to illuminate the cave in an eerie glow as his thrusts came to a standstill. Spike watched dumbfounded as the outline of the dragon’s cock, now buried to the hilt down Ember’s spasming throat, began to visibly throb even through the light-blue scales running down the front of her body. Each time the drake’s length lurched inside its new fleshy home he shivered, no doubt pleased to be emptying the heavy balls that now swung into view between his legs straight into his Dragon Lord’s gullet. And, judging by the happy moans Ember was making, it appeared as though she was pleased with the situation as well. Only when the spasms subsided did the dragon pull away, dragging his spent cock from the warm confines of Ember’s mouth with a sigh. The impressive looking shaft flopped down over the dragon’s balls, bouncing beneath him as he turned and walked away from the offered dragoness on the pedestal with shaky legs. Ember weakly picked up her head, glancing down at the dragon still standing between her legs as he violently shook her body with each of his butt-bruising thrusts. The dragoness was a mess; lines of seed, some more dried out than others, ran across the normally pristine blue scales on her face, some even reaching up to the darker spines on her head and the tips of her twin horns. Even then she had a smirk on her face, wrapping her legs tighter around the male pounding her scaled vent into submission to help him thrust that much harder. “C-c’mon… is th-that all you g-got?” The green dragon snorted, a plume of smoke rocketing out of his nostrils to blast Ember in the face as he picked up the pace. He suddenly reached up and pushed the dragoness onto her back, holding her down as his thrusts started to become much more primal in their nature. “Oh f-fuck… that’s it… C’mon, harder! Ooohhh…” The dragon grabbed onto each of his Lord's thighs, slamming the dragoness down into his lap with each thrust of his hips. Loud slapping sounds of cum-laden balls meeting bubbly dragon-ass echoed off the walls of the stone cave, creating a lewd cacophony of groans, moans, gasps and slaps as the two rutted their brains out in the center of the room. “Fuck! FuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK!” With one last, full-length thrust the male repeated the same process his fellow dragon had done before, another blast of flame scorching the stone ceiling above the pair of writhing drakes as he began quivering in orgasm. While Ember’s legs did prevent Spike from seeing where the scaled lips of the Dragon Lord’s vent were surely stretched to their limit around the male’s thick pride, they provided no such block to the slowly expanding bulge that began to form in her stomach as she was pumped full of super-heated sperm. “Ohhh yeah… give it to me…” Ember sighed and closed her eyes as wave after wave of warm dragon cream washed her insides white, gasping each time an aftershock from her own, intense orgasm raced up her spine. She let her legs fall back to the sides of her current suitor, moaning as the much-larger-than-her dragon began to pull his mammoth shaft out from deep within her depths. Spike gasped as, with yet another loud schlorp, the male’s dragonhood slipped from Ember’s lips and unleashed a stream of freshly-brewed drake seed that puddled on the floor beneath him. Spike noticed that, scattered around and on the pedestal that Ember lay upon, there were many of the same puddles of seed, streaks of old and new dragon-batter that most certainly did not come from the two dragons he had already seen. As the green dragon dismounted from the pedestal and began to clumsily walk away, Spike watched the much-too-thick length dangle between his legs for a moment before turning his attention to the much-too-small dragoness on the pedestal. Thick globs of white seed prevented him from seeing the insides of her still open vent, her lips unable to close all the way from such an intense round of rutting. After a moments rest Ember sighed and wearily propped herself up with her arms, gazing around the room with a half-lidded stare and an almost devilish grin on her lips. “Alright, who's next?” Spike glanced around the corner, gasping as he saw, by his estimates, at least a dozen or so dragons passed out against the opposite wall. Each one smiled as they slept off what was surely one Tartarus of a post-orgasmic bout of exhaustion, no doubt re-experiencing their time with their Dragon Lord if the half-flaccid cocks between their legs that glistened with either spit or cum were any indication. “Spike? Is that you?” Spike nearly jumped out of his scales as he turned and saw Ember staring right at him, the impish grin she had on before morphing into a warmer smile as she saw her now grown-up friend for the first time in years. She scooched forward on her pedestal, wincing as she hung her legs over the side and sat up to look at the new arrival. “Wow, Spike… you certainly HAVE grown! Uh...” She glanced around her, chuckling at the devastation that had been wrought on both the pedestal and herself. "Heh, sorry about the mess! I'd get up to hug you, but... you know..." She finished her statement by flicking her tongue out and scooping up a glob of pre on her cheek, groaning to herself as she quickly swallowed the tasty morsel of seed. Spike blushed, rubbing the back of his head and turning away from the scene of debauchery before him. “Uhm, yeah… it’s still weird being taller than everypony in Ponyville…” He locked eyes with her for a moment before embarrassingly averting his gaze again as a drop of seed fell from her horns to the ground below. “I see you, uh… are doing well.” Ember giggled, stretching out her neck and getting a satisfying pop from the worn out muscles. “Well, you know… a dragoness has her needs! And, uh…” She smiled, nodding her head towards an area between Spike’s legs. “I wasn’t talking about how tall you are…” Glancing down his body, Spike gasped and did his best to cover up the foot-plus long shaft of dragon meat bobbing in the air between his legs, blushing as the tip snuck past his guard and gleefully pointed towards the dragoness before him. Ember simply chuckled and spread her legs, showing off the already battered pair of light-blue lips that continued to gradually release the dragon seed already deposited inside of her. Spike shivered as he watched a slow trickle of white run over the tight ring of flesh that was her tailhole before, after flowing around the scales of her tail itself, it dripped down to the floor to join the rest of its kind. “Well, don’t be bashful, Spike! It is why I called everydragon here, anyways. Being in heat really makes it hard to do anything productive around here!” She reached down to her vent, moaning as she dragged a talon over the wet scales of her crotch and spread her lips to show off her dark-blue insides to her friend. With her other claw she beckoned him over, licking her lips as she saw the thick pink dick he tried and failed to hide let loose a delicious looking line of pre in reply. “Now, how about you come over here and answer the call of your Dragon Lord…” Spike nervously swallowed the lump in his throat, watching the large green dragon from before make his way to the rest of his brethren before, with a grunt, he collapsed onto his side and fell unconscious. “Uhm… okay…” Ember reached behind her, fiddling with something on the other side of the pedestal as Spike made his way around the corner and walked into the room. She pulled out the Bloodstone Scepter, pointing it towards her friend before, once the glow emanating from his body had subsided, she carefully placed it back on the ground and laid flat on her back. She lifted her head to smile at Spike as he walked between her legs, giggling at his shocked gasp when she wrapped them around his waist and pulled him in closer. The thick spire of masculinity she had seen from afar was no less impressive up close, and she moaned as it skidded over the top of her vent and left a line of sticky pre across her belly. “Wow… certainly an impressive tool you got there, Spike.” She grabbed the shaft and held it against her body, loving the heat that radiated from the heavy rod of lust. Both dragons gasped as she thrust her hips up to grind her juicy vent across the underside of his cock, loving how her meaty lips hugged the contours of his shaft and left her own personal mark on his dick. Once she felt it had been adequately lubed by her own juices, she looked into Spike's bright-green eyes and gave him a cocky grin, pushing his hips back just enough to line the tapered tip of his dragonhood to the willingly-opened gates of her most sacred passage. “I certainly hope it's not too big for little ol’ me…” Spike gave her a weak smile in return, groaning as she dragged the sensitive head of his cock against the sopping wet lips of her vent. “Well, if you aren’t up for it, I could alway-” His breath hitched in his throat. His eyes shrunk to pinpricks. His heart stopped beating. Ember had suddenly pushed him forward with her legs, sinking his shaft balls deep inside her quivering passage in a single thrust. She hissed in pleasure as her well-fucked tunnel was once again forced to accommodate a massive draconic cock, rocking her hips against his to stir up her insides with his tool of pleasure. “Oh, fuck yeah!” She chuckled at the scrunched up look on Spike’s face, leaning forward to give him a teasing lick across the snout and moaning as his cock lurched inside of her in reply. “C’mon, Spike! Give it to me!” It took Spike a moment to regain his bearings, left panting from the single thrust he himself had not been the force behind. When he opened his eyes he saw the smiling face of Ember, gaze slowly trailing down her lithe form towards where they were connected at the hips. Something in his mind clicked as he saw the stretched out lips of his Lord's vent wrapped around his throbbing member. Something… feral. With a loud snort he once again locked eyes with her, giving her a wide, toothy grin as his hips began to pull back. “Your wish is my command, Dragon Lord.” With that his hips hammered home between Ember’s legs, a loud, resounding slap ringing in his ears as the low-hanging sack between his legs swung forward like a pendulum and slammed into the soft scales of her ass. She gasped, voice increasing in pitch as Spike, without a moment’s pause, pulled back out and did it again. And again. And again. The copious amounts of seed still trying to leak out of her womb proved to be plenty of lubricant for her friend, enabling him to fuck her raw on top of the cold, hard stone of the pedestal without anything to slow him down. “Oh! Oh! Oh fuck, Spiiike!” As his hips became a blur below his waist Spike leaned forward and, opening his maw up wide to show off the sharpened tips of his teeth, bit down on her exposed neck, not hard enough to draw blood but more than enough to hold her in place. The Dragon Lord was left defenseless, unable to do anything but writhe in bliss underneath him and thrust her hips up to meet his as the suddenly ferocious dragon between her legs violently stabbed her innards with his thick spear of lust. “Ssssshiiit-mmph!” Releasing his hold on her neck, Spike grabbed onto her head with his claws and mashed his lips against hers, tongue slipping between the gates of her lips to wrap around her own. His growls and her moans were silenced by each other's mouths, two dragons embracing in the most intimate way possible both above and below the waist, two friends rutting each others brains out like a pair of wild animals without a care in the world The slap slap slap of hips slamming into ass began to reach a crescendo, Spike pulling away from the kiss and gradually pointing his head towards the stone ceiling above as a growl began to build in his chest. Ember let out a high-pitched gasp each time his cock split her in two, the tapered tip of his breeding-tool reaching deep enough to kiss the entrance of her womb before pulling on her innermost folds as it left. Ember held herself against Spike, screeching out his name as she raked the scales on his back with her foot claws. “Fuuuuck… give it to me, Spike! Fill me to the brim!” Spike growled, the guttural sound morphing into a roar as green flames erupted from his mouth that bathed the room in green as he jackhammered his cock into Ember’s quivering passage. His cum-laden orbs pulled up towards his body, and after his dragonhood throbbed once, twice, three times, the sperm-silos unleashed their load deep into the Dragon Lord’s willing body in a veritable flood of seed. Ember hissed as her body convulsed, the first blast of fresh dragon cream battering her insides sending her over the edge as well. She wailed in bliss as, unlike the other dragons she had sampled that day, Spike continued to fuck her with all he had throughout his orgasm. Thick lines of seed splashed between his legs each time he nearly withdrew, only for more to splatter out around his balls as he sunk back inside. Before long most of the light-blue scales around Ember's crotch had been painted white with seed, dripping down the inside of her thighs to pool on the stone floor around the pedestal. "Ooooooh..." With one last growl Spike felt the last of his stores run dry, the animalistic sense to breed slowly draining from his body only to be replaced with the euphoric sensation that could only come from a good bout of rutting. He glanced at Ember, smiling as he saw the now-calm grin on her face as she slumbered, all that she had done that day apparently catching up with her and forcing her into unconsciousness. With one last spasm up his spine as his climax died off, Spike laid his head next to hers and joined her in the realm of dreams, dragonhood still buried to the hilt inside her passage as his seed slowly leaked out around it, marking the well-used Dragon Lord as his own. Garble strutted down the steps, confidence oozing from every pore in his body as he prepared to serve his Dragon Lord. “So, the Dragon Lord is calling, huh? Well make way, losers, Garble is here to save the da-” He rounded the corner, freezing in place as he saw Spike laying on top of Ember, painful-looking scratch marks running down the entirety of his back. From his position behind them, he could see thick globs of seed slowly drip down Spike's balls and the Dragon Lord’s thighs as the dragon sat buried to the hilt inside of his Lord. Garble growled.“Damn it!” Punching the stone wall as he left, Garble grumbled his way up the stairs before, with a snort, he launched himself into the air and flew away, once again beaten by that damn purple dragon... "Stupid Spike... I'll show him!"