A small introduction to Madness for ponies

by NevadaMadness

First published

What happens when the Madness world accidentally invades Equestria?!?

A project gone wrong, somethings are sent to Equestria. Wait... Is that me or do they look like animated figures just like ponies?!?
To know who the characters are, it would be best to watch the whole 'Madness Combat Series', but I shall try my best to introduce them. Additionally, all characters are MDKrinkel's and I own nothing. I am merely making a fanfiction. Also watch MDKrinkel's videos, they are the best.
Feedback on how it could be made better would be much appreciated.
(Going under rework with a logical plot which won't back fire on me [:D] and Madness Combat Quote Wallpaper By EpicBlargman)

It was in Nevada where the chaos was started. After the Auditor died from Hank and the duo, Deimos and Sanford, the old Agency against Hank was divided into many sub agencies with differing goals. One of these agencies was the Scientific Agency, it was made to create new weapons to defend and possibly kill Hank. And true to its name, this agency was fixed on scientifically building a portal to another dimension. They started to create, the Portal O.O.H or the Portal Out Of Here. If only they knew the chaos they would cause upon that dimension… I mean if they knew they would find friendship (and that a majority of them would die creating it), they probably wouldn’t have made the Portal O.O.H.

How Everyone Made a Grave Mistake

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A few grunts were walking to the Scientific Agency carrying tools for some A.T.P. engineers' project. Along the way, they passed a dark cloud, seemingly just floating around. Shrugging they decided this was just another effect of the end of the world, not knowing that was the Auditor. The grunts continued forward and entered a box house called the Scientific Agency. At the entrance, it was guarded by two agents each with an Uzi.

The Auditor knew about the creation of the portal O.O.H. He was the one who first wanted it to be created as “Why rule one world if you can rule others?” was his motto. He was surprised when the enemy gang defeated him through a series of unfortunate events. At least he could escape with the portal and try to conquer the next world. If only he knew the power of friendship, he might have stayed in Nevada.

Unknown to the Auditor and Scientific Agency, Tricky, the Clown, was watching them. Tricky was the former right hand of the Auditor before he went rouge. He was one of the last beings in this world with a working improbable drive, which was remade after Jesus shot it. Something happened after his “fusion” and violent combustion with the Auditor, apparently his love for discoing was increased by tenfold and his anger apparently stayed the same. When Tricky saw that the Auditor lived and was a small black cloud, Tricky put on a fake mustache and started following the Auditor around. While he would rather be dancing or playing music in a Disco, he’d rather have revenge on the Auditor and perhaps Hank and the noob duo.

Walking through the entrance of the Scientific Agency with his brilliant disguise, he congratulated himself on the disguise as no one saw through his disguise yet. If the Auditor was camping around this agency, Tricky wanted to know why the Auditor was doing so. If Tricky knew that Equestria had random tacky sing-a-longs, he probably would have just stayed in his DJ building and danced.

In the surveillance room of the Scientific Agency, A.T.P. soldat 852 was looking in to the cameras with A.T.P. engineer 003. 003 was the head engineer and was “friends” with the A.T.P. soldats 852 and 153 who in reality were his body guards. 852 was a happy minded pizza loving fool. He once made friends with what he called the official zombie with a pizza before the zombie ran off stealing his pizza. 153 followed a simple rule, “Shoot first ask questions after.” and was genuine friends with 852.

Watching the Clown enter the agency, 852 was completely oblivious to the mustache clown, but 003 saw through the disguise and acted.

“Idiot 852, don’t you see ‘The Clown’?” sighed 003 as he pressed the alert button.

“I don’t see anyone but the important looking green guy with the mustache.” honestly replied 852 as he ate pepperoni pizza and leaned back on his chair.

‘Of course he and the A.T.P. soldat guarding the entrance don’t know.’ sarcastically thought 003 as he spoke out instructions into the command room. “Follow me to the experiment room” ordered 003 to 852 and 153 as he walked out of the room allowing low-level grunts to take his place surveilling, “We need to protect the teleporter just in case The Clown is after it.”

“Yes Sir!” replied 003 as he pondered ‘When did Tricky get into the building?’ While leaving, he hand signaling his friend A.T.P. soldat 153 to bring his pizza and cards to the experiment room. If the A.T.P. trio knew what the future held in the name of friendship, 003 would rage quit, 852 would have brought his horse brush, and 153 would have brought meat with him.

Outside the Scientific Agency, Deimos, Sanford, and Hank were in a helicopter above the clouds. Happily, Deimos survived with a lot of appliances of bandages at the final battle between the Madness world versus the Auditor.

Hank is a psychopath and Sanford and Deimos are a duo team. Sanford wields a retrievable hook and any weapon he could get his hands on while Deimos likes wielding his custom made pistol and Uzi. Hank was larger than normal due to his revival in a machine that boosts people's stats which also deformed his right hand red and muscle-like while giving his hand more power. He wields any weapon with supreme skill and power. Sanford has a bandanna and one of the only people to have a face, his duo Deimos has a hat and a trench coat. Hank has red tinted glasses and a black assault outfit.

“I think I saw The Clown enter the agency!” yelled Sanford over the sound of the helicopter as he looked with his binoculars at the agency through a part in the clouds.

“Give me that!” Deimos exclaimed as he snatched the binoculars and started looking at the building while still driving the helicopter.

“We’ll wait until I say go, don’t answer back.” ordered big Hank as he was still larger than a human from his former battle with the Auditor. “We’ll breach in from the top with a bomb.”

While waiting for Hank’s command, Deimos lit up a cigarette and Sanford started cleaning his pistol. If the gang knew the perils of friendship, the duo would have stayed at home while Hank would have brought more ammo.

In the Experiment room was Jesus. Jesus was a regular human being who has been transformed to a supernatural human due to the Halo upon his head. He decided that he would purify Nevada, forcing it to become a better world. However a certain individual called Hank stopped him. During the end, Jesus could see that the Auditor was wrong and Hank was right even if he was a psychopath, thus he turned against the Auditor. It was his final battle against the Auditor when he died, not even harming the Auditor. He was revived when some A.T.P. engineer put the halo on the dead Jesus’s head. He was currently the boss of the Scientific Agency and in creating the Portal O.O.H. He was tired of all the fighting and just wanted a way out of this world to start anew as a kind scientist.

Currently, he was busy working on the portal which was 90% complete. He was in the mist of enhancing some wires with more magical energy when the agency alert turned on. Looking at the red lights than back at the portal, he continued to work on the portal while A.T.P. soldats and engineers started entering and exiting the room to re-enforce the agency.

Jesus knew that he was creating the portal to a peaceful world, he only hoped for the new world’s sake that they would accept him. If only he knew who would enter the portal to the world of friendship, he would have blown everyone up with him instead of…

Two agents of Scientific Agency who were guarding the door heard the alarm and turned around to face the important looking green guy with the mustache to warn him of the danger when they were rudely cut in half. Taking off his mustache, Tricky was wearing the iron slab equipping his usual weapons which were a street sign and a M16. The iron slab was his own idea and he wore it once he became a zombie. He was the only intelligent zombie and able to control himself due to the improbable drive. Hearing the alarms sounding, Tricky shrugged as he started walking up the stairs, slaying all the weak grunts with sadistic glee. ‘I’m happy the agents in the Scientific Agency saw through my master disguise’ Tricky thought as he sliced another A.T.P. soldat while walking up the stairs.

--- Meanwhile in Ponyville ---
Pinkie Pie, the reality warping mind boggling pink pony, felt something with her pinkie sense. Pinkie checked herself and identified it as nothing but ABUNCH OF NEW PONIES(?!?) COMING! 'Wait' she thought as she reviewed her body's actions once more, 'was it animated raymans!?!' Sadly, Pinkie didn't know what rayman looked like or ironically what an animation was. But, smiling proudly with pink pride in a way only Pinkie can do, she bounced off defying physics. She already had plans to create a new party for these new "humans".

Meanwhile, at Twilight's tree house, which was home Spike the baby dragon and Twilight the student of Celestia and local librarian (dork). Twilight was a strong unicorn who studied magic in the field of friendship and was the only student of the Sun Goddess, Celestia. She felt something, as if it was defying the world as she knew it, and as she predicted, Pinkie appeared next to her as if she instantly teleported.

"Hello Twilight!" Pinkie cheered loudly, next to (guess who?) Twilight in an overly cheerful mannern "I think Aliens are coming to Equestria and I need your help on predicting where they are going to appear!!!"

Twilight, learning to not react to Pinkie’s appearing, brushed herself off and started a long lecture on how one cannot look in the future and how aliens simply do not pop out of nowhere as Spike’s comic books display them. Pinkie huffed as Twilight started her lecture. If Pinkie knew that she would gain friendships and give parties to most of the new aliens, she might not have left in the beginning of Twilight’s 3 hour lecture. If Twilight only knew that the aliens were actually coming without the power of friendship, she might have gathered her friends instead of directing her lecture to poor Spike. Spike would have continued reading his comic book no matter what.

--- Back in Nevada ---
Tricky finished shooting Bob the Grunt before moving on to top floor. Killing the dumb grunts and agents mixed with A.T.P. soldats and engineers was no challenge to him, even without the reality warping improbable drive, he still could solo them alone.

On the other hand, Jesus and his A.T.P engineers were rushing to complete the machine while the A.T.P. Soldats were getting ready for a final stand. A.T.P. soldat 153 and 852 were playing cards next to 003 who was rushing to install the last new features with other engineers. One A.T.P. engineer was installing a bomb on the door to blow up the intruder now identified as Tricky. Hopefully, Tricky wouldn't burst through the door, sending the bomb their way.

The two replacement grunts in the surveillance room, looked at each other and hid in a locker as they had nothing to gain by dying like the other grunts. They watched Tricky pass and continue upwards.

The A.T.P. soldats were tense, waiting for the intruder to come. Seconds went by then minutes then the Clown opened up the door politely, saying "Hello!", only for the door to blow up on his face. The A.T.P. soldats and engineers cheered and started to finish the 98% done machine only for red words to appear over the Clown's body.


The A.T.P. soldats seeing the red text, aligned their various weapons at the dead Clown while a few grunts, survivors of the slaughter, came into the room to point their pistols at the Clown.

The auditor silently entered the room behind Tricky disguised as the bomb smoke as he hoped that the portal would finish and that Tricky would be stopped. He would help the Scientific Facility defend, but he didn’t want them to know he was there and with almost no power.

Next to Jesus, the A.T.P. engineers started to frantically finish now the 99% done machine. Suddenly a burst of light erupted on the Clown's dead body as he reappeared hovering over it. The Clown started to twitch wildly as words appeared next to him "IMPROBABLE DRIVE HAS BEEN ENGAGED, THE CLOWN IS ENRAGED! All the soldiers aiming at the Clown opened fire. The Clown dodged the bullets and started to slowly walk forward killing the soldats and engineers in front of the portal.

At this moment, the ceiling collapsed on the soldats and engineers behind the portal. Appearing from the smoke, Deimos and Sanford hugged each other in fear as they saw both Jesus and Tricky while Hank got into battle stance with a large riot shield and pistol.

The Clown, still twitching and completely annoyed from his death, in a split second broke the floor and fell downward. The remaining 10 A.T.P. soldats started to form a circle for protection aiming towards the newcomers, while the grunts started to move towards the hole. Suddenly, Tricky, the Clown, burst through the floor, killing 2 A.T.P. soldats and the grunts opened fire on the Clown, only for him to dodge out of the way.

Five A.T.P. soldats opened fire on Hank, Deimos, and Sanford while the other 3 opened fire on Tricky. Sanford and Deimos jumped behind cover returning fire as Hank started blocking the bullets with a large riot shield.

Jesus knowing the end was near started to overpower the Portal O.O.H. with his magic from the Halo. He hoped that with nothing would go wrong and the A.T.P. soldats and engineers would protect him long enough for that.

The Clown, only taking a moment of satisfaction in his twisted mind, appeared next to the Hank in a burst of speed, thanks to the Improbable Drive, and stabbed at Hank with only revenge in his mind. Hank parried and started backing off letting the duo team Deimos and Sanford to provide cover for him against the A.T.P. soldats.

At that moment, the portal went out of control with power, killing all lower beings but 003, 852, and 153. Silly People, they now doomed the powers of Nevada to go to a colorful world of rainbows which is highly in contrast to the gray and dark wastes of Nevada. And thus with a burst of bright light, everyone in the experiment room of the Scientific Facility were placed into a world of ponies.

Poking his head out of the locker, one of the two remaining grunts of the Scientific Facility wondered where everyone went on the cameras. “You think it is safe to go out yet?” he asked his fellow surviving grunt. “Nope!” was the reply. And so they hid...